tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN June 23, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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cnn will follow this story. as developments warrant, we'll bring them to you as we have them. stay with us throughout the day for continuing coverage of edward snowden's whereabouts. thanks so much for watching "state of the union." i'm candy crowley. fareed zakaria gps is next. this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. it's been a busy week on the world stage from the iranian elections to the g-8 meeting, talking with the taliban, president obama's call for nuclear reductions and russia's rejection of the idea and much more. we have an all-star gps panel, anne-marie slaughter, richard haass and bret stephens. also a pivotal week in the economy. we will look at ben bernanke's announcement and the market reaction with harvard historian
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neil ferguson squlmpt. everyone is talking about the 3-d printing but that's yesterday's news. i'll show you printing atoms and molecules. that's the next big thing. first, here's my take. in the debate over u.s. intervention in syria, there's a striking mismatch between ends and means. proponents of intervention want to defeat a ruthless and powerful regime, rescue a country from civil war and usher in a new democratic political order. but these people say at the same time that they want to achieve all this with the most limited methods. the worst thing the united states could do right now is to put boots on the ground in syria, says senator john mccain. we're often told that the goal of this intervention is to stop the killing. but sending more arms into the mix will actually increase the violence. that's fine, say the interventionists, because the real goal is to oust assad. but as we learned in iraq, ousting the dictator is only the beginning of the task. the actual goal here is the
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creation of a democratic syria in which all sects can live in peace. now, the united states tried that in iraq with an almost decade-long invasion and occupation, spending over a trillion dollars, and it hasn't quite worked. but now we're going to achieve a better outcome in syria? and just with a no-fly zone? in the mid-1980s, the scholar, samuel huntington, pondered why the united states, the world's dominant power which had won two world wars, deterred the soviet union, maintained global peace, was so bad at smaller, military interventions. since world war ii he noted the u.s. had engaged in a series of conflicts around the world but in many every case the outcome fd had been inconclusive, muddled or worse. huntington's answer was we rarely entered conflicts actually trying to win. instead, he reasoned, u.s. military intervention had usually been sparked by a crisis which then put pressure on
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washington to do something about it, but americans rarely saw the problem as one that justified getting fully militarily committed so we would join the fight but in incremental ways and hope these incremental ways would change the outcome. it rarely does. instances where we have succeeded, the 1990 persian gulf war, grenada and panama were ones where we did fight to win, used massive force and achieved a quick, early knockout. in syria, the interventionists have lofty ends, but no one wants to use the means necessary to achieve them, so we are now giving arms to the opposition and hoping it will bring the regime to the negotiating table. but as huntington observed, military forces are not primarily instruments of communication to convey signals to an enemy, they are, instead, instruments of coercion to compel him to alter his behavior. this reminds one of the strategy of the johnson administration in
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vietnam. use force to pressure the enemy to negotiate. but the enemy is fighting to win, not to play a negotiating game. the chance that our current efforts in syria will be enough to achieve even our objectives is small. eventually the contradictions in u.s. policy will emerge and the obama administration will face calls from people like john mccain for further escalation. they should resist them. and it's possible that they will. the scholar, daniel dressner argues in his blog on that the new move is simply the next iteration of the unspoken, brutely policy towards syria that's been going on for the past two years. the goal is to ensnare iran and hezbollah into a retracted civil war with as minimal process possible. that's exactly what the last two years have accomplished in an
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appalling poll of lives lost. if this interpretation is correct, then the white house might be playing a clever game, but it is a macvel january, rather than a humanitarian game. for more on this, you can read my column in this week's "washington post." for a link, go to our website. let's get started. let us go straight to our foreign policy panel of pros. anne-marie slaughter and richard haass were both directors of policy planning at the state department. richard is now the president of the council on foreign relations. anne-marie will soon be the president of the new america foundation. bret stephens is not the president of a think tank yet, but he is the foreign affairs columnist and deputy editor at the "wall street journal." anne-marie, obama goes to berlin again. from 250,000 people it goes down to 10,000. is there more to it than just the fact that he was the great
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white hope, so to speak, and now is an actual president? is there more to the damp reception? >> well, the damp reception was also 100 degrees fahrenheit, so that did have something to do with it. it is incredibly hot. but, you know, honestly i think people have realized that obama is still pursuing u.s. interests. and particularly on issues that the europeans cared about enormously, like closing guantanamo. he hasn't delivered on some of those. the drone strikes, that's something that's very sensitive. so some of it really is recognizing he may be an american president they like a lot better than other american presidents, but he's still an american president and he's still pursuing american terests that in germany anyway are often quite controversial. >> what do you think? >> pretty much that. the reality in some ways is not nearly as exciting as the promise, because reality has responsibilities and the president had to make some tough choices. all of this was done against the backdrop of the nsa revelations.
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the europeans didn't like the fact in some cases they were being watched and listened to and read. >> but you know this from dealing with your counterparts, if the european -- if european governments had the ability technologically, they have much more intrusive intelligence operations than we do. they don't have an aclu. >> that's also the balance in their societies often has been less supportive or protective of individual privacy to the extent the united states is. they have been a little bit more intrusive. some of them, by the way, do have fairly extensive intelligence operations like the brits. all these stories coming out about things they may have done in terms of monitoring people at the various g-8 summits. the principal message of the president was about arms control and call for further reductions in u.s./soviet warheads. >> you're dating yourself. u.s./russian warheads. >> he's dating himself. this is no longer quite so exciting for people.
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he actually also gave short solicit to the real challenges, which are north korea and iran. >> and the most exciting thing that actually is happening between europe and the united states is the possibility of a transatlantic free trade agreement. which to its credit the administration is moving forward with, and i hope they come up with some good agreement on the line of a new transatlantic nafta. but it really felt like warmed-over food. >> you mean the nuclear deal particularly? >> well, we just had a nuclear deal two or three years ago with the new star treaty. you saw the body language between putin and president obama in northern ireland at the g-8 summit. it wasn't exactly friendly. putin instantly dismissed the idea of bilateral cuts. the issue isn't the need to reduce nuclear web orngs it's to confront proliferations in north korea and iran. >> i disagree here. i think this is something obama cares a lot about and it was
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predictable that he was going to re-raise it once he was re-elected. it's going to be really hard. the language with putin was clear. but he has a vision and it's a vision shared by henry kissinger and bill schultz and bill perry toward moving us toward -- he recognizes the united states and russia have to do their part so it wasn't nearly as powerful as visionary as prague, but i think it wasn't cold war. >> but nuclear weapons have kept the peace. you have had no war largely because they have been deterred. do you really want to get down to a world before 1945 when we had 400 years of warfare? >> i'm with henry kissinger and george schultz on this and they're as realist as you are on that. but what they say and i think is absolutely right, if you get to a world with 30 nations that have nuclear weapons, you do not want to be in that world and they believe we can't stop it. >> we've got to come back and talk about the iranian election.
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was this an absolutely pivotal moment where we have a chance to talk to iran. if we get to it, we'll talk about talking to the taliban as well when we come back. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek 100. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm... it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good.
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bret stephens to talk about the world. iran. what struck me as interesting about this election, it's a managed election, there's a slate of people. you know, chosen by the supreme leader. but the most liberal guy gets five times the vote of the hard liner, he gets more votes than everybody else put together. doesn't that suggest that perhaps the iranian regime will recognize that this is where the iranian people are and this is an opportunity for them to repair relations with the world? because he said that all through the campaign and he said it right after he got elected. >> if the regime respected the will of the iranian people, you wouldn't have had mahmoud ahmadinejad in a second term in office. there's -- iranians at the street level want as liberal a president as they can and that's exactly what they expressed. whether they're getting that is another question entirely. we tend to look at rowhani as oath word used to describe him
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is a moderate or centrist. he was encouraging the brutal crackdown on students in tehran in 1999. so talking about crushing those protests monumentally i think was the word that he used. there was an interesting book that appeared not long ago from a spokesman when he was the negotiator who said that rowhani's strategy was to play for time with the west, appear to make concessions in order to continue to build the nuclear infrastructure. the key pointing is that the real leader in iran has been in power for 24 years, that doesn't change, and he ultimately makes the decisions on the nuclear portfol portfolio. >> isn't it worth giving it a try? >> absolutely. bret is skeptical but we ought to put forward an offer that doesn't humiliate iran. that allows them to do certain things, clear limits and clear linkage between what they're
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allowed to do and transpair aens and that whar rewards are. we have a much better chance if it's put out in public because the same 50% of the public who made this electoral choice, we want them to know what their government is being offered. we want their government to be it has a reasonable way for iran to rejoin the international community. >> and it strikes me, anne-marie, that the iranian people and even maybe the government aren't quite sure what they get if they do the things we want them to. we've been very clear what we want them to do, to get rid of any traces of weaponization, get enrichment down, so that's all the things they have to get up. what do they get in reward? what sanctions would be lifted? we don't have a package where if i were an iranian politician that you could sell and say this is what we get out of all of this. >> part of the problem there is that our politics are so difficult, it took us so long to get those sanctions in place that, we can't just lift them and then if the iranians don't live up to their part of the deal, we can't put them back on,
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so it's a complicated offer that we have to be able to make. and i agree with richard, i think we have to make a sort of transparent here is the terms of the whole deal, if we can. but richard said something important. i think we should not talk about this as liberal versus conservative. this is iranian politics of the most of the real liberals -- all of them were not allowed to run. this guy says i am reasonable and pragmatic, which means that his first press conference he said to the iranian people, this is the voice of reason and pragmatism against extremism and essentially a essentially mahmoud ahmadinejad r rhetoric. he's every bit as much going to pursue iran's interests. >> one more person to talk, to the taliban. should we be trying to talk to the taliban as part of this political settlement in afghanistan? the issue is the taliban set up an office and karzai, the president of afghanistan got
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upset. >> only if we want to demonstrate to any potential ally in the future never ever to take the side of the united states because ultimately we will tire of the war we are fighting on your behalf and sell you down the river as we did with the south vietnamese. there are many things not to like about hamid karzai, corruption, et cetera, et cetera, but he is not the taliban. we should think carefully about what it means for the united states to be negotiating with an embassy purporting to represent all of afghanistan and leaving karzai to one side. the danger is we'll find ourselves in a middle east where we have no clients and no allies if we continue to pursue these negotiations. you might say, look, we want as quick a face-saving exit from afghanistan as possible and whatever happens afterwards frankly we don't care. maybe that's an argument to be made. but that argument should be made frankly rather than pretending that there is a peace deal to be made with a group that wants to seize total power again in afghanistan. >> you just came back from
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china. we can have a debate about afghanistan. my guess is we will again. but you're just back from china, korea. do you think that these efforts the administration has been making to reset relations with china are going somewhere? >> something is changing in china a little bit. the summit out in california was a good investment, if you will, in the future. years from now we'll look back and see whether it made a difference. but china itself is changing. as their economy slows, they know they have got to focus more on the internal. they now no longer resist the american pivot towards asia. they're more worried about japan than they are us and beginning to see north korea differently. north korea is no longer a strategic asset. it's a strategic liability and become a real problem for the chinese. you get the sense for the first time in a while they are revisiting foreign policy in some basic ways that opens up therefore, possibly, not definitely, possibly some room for maneuver. they call it a win-win relationship. it's worth continuing to explore it from our end.
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>> are you willing to give obama that briefly? >> i'll give him the nsa wire tap story. but look -- >> you support him on that but not on china? >> look, china policy, first of all, i don't think is a right-left issue. i think the reality is that you have a china that is on the one hand confident about its future but also insecure. it is growing militarily, it has been threatening regional allies of ours, we have to be wary of that. >> ten seconds, anything to add? >> anything to add? we should be focusing on what's happening from brazil. what's happening from brazil is what happened in turkey, what happened in iran and across -- >> people -- >> these of huge people protests. they are not revolutions in brazil but they are pushing back against managed democracy. they're saying we have to be heard and we resist this sort of constantly being managed and being heard only in elections. that's a huge force. >> around the world in 15 minutes with very, very smart people. thank you all very much. we will be back.
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japanese prime minister's moment. under his leadership. the land of the rising sun seemed ready to rise again, ready to break out after 20 years of stagnation. the stock market rose 40% in his first five months in office. businesses in japan were talking about expansion for the first time in decades and tokyo's property market was stirring to life. it is all part of our bold break with the failed policies of the past. past japanese politicians had danced around the country's problems. now here was someone to take them on. but a funny thing happened on the way to the coronation. japan's stock market began falling sharply, businesses pulled back and serious observers wondered if this was one more false start in tokyo. so what's going on? well, in launching his term in office, prime minister abe had announced that he would fire three arrows to revive the japanese economy. the first was a more expansionist monetary policy, buying tens of millions of
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dollars of japanese bonds each month to try to move from deflation to inflation, taking a cue from federal policies under ben bernanke. the second was stimulation. these two arrows were designed to shock the economy out of its stasis. then came the announcement of the third arrow and it turned out to be a rubber dart. it announced a series of tiny reforms and some attempts by government to boost certain industries. what was missing is what japan desperately needs, real reforms that open up the economy and make it friendly for business. monitoring and fiscal stimulus are great, but the path to sustained growth is to get the economy to be more competitive and more productive. for instance, the economist magazine points out that unless a japanese company is actually going out of business, it cannot fire any of its workers. japanese economists have long
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argued that this makes firms highly unwilling to hire new workers or raise anyone's wages. the world economic forum's global competitiveness index measures 144 countries on their flexibility of hiring and firing. japan comes in at a staggering 134. japan has many storied companies, but it needs reforms to make it easier to start new businesses. among 31 high income countries, japan ranks 26th in the ease of starting a business in the world banks doing business report. japan also needs to open up its many protected industries to competition, which will create new energy and growth in these sectors. japanese agriculture, for example, gets massive subsidies. by some measure, three times those in the european union and six times those in the united states. reforms are hard to do in democratic countries, as we've seen from greece to italy. but there's still hope.
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the economists reports that insiders in abe's party say that they have been cautious because japan faces an impending election for its upper house of parliament. once that's done and the signs are the ldp will do well, the prime minister will announce a new raft of reforms. shinzo abe has the opportunity to go down as his country's margaret thatcher, a leader who administered tough medicine to the country and revived its economy and its spirits. but to succeed at that task, he has to load up a powerful third arrow in his bow, aim carefully and fire. up next, ben bernanke speaks and world markets go crazy. we'll talk to neil ferguson about that and why the u.s. needs to reform as well. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. i'm candy crowly in washington. we are following the edward snowden story. wikileaks says the nsa leaker has arrived in russia. he left overnight on a flight from hong kong. the u.s. had urged hong kong to extradite snowden back to the u.s. joining us on the phone is cnn's crime and justice correspondent, joe johns. joe, hong kong says they simply -- the u.s. didn't provide the appropriate paperwork. >> reporter: well, candy, a doj
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official tells cnn that their extradition request met all the requirements of the agreement. they say they, hong kong, came back to the u.s. with a few questions on late friday and they say they were in the process of answering those questions. they think they were meeting all those requirements. they're saying this raises concerns for them and they'll continue to discuss this with hong kong. the official also said the u.s. had a provisional arrest warrant. i did ask why there was no interpol red notice, which is basically an international wanted poster. the official said my understanding is when you have a provisional warrant like they did and you know where the person is, that's not the route to go down. so that's the story from the u.s. right now, but it will get more interesting as days go ahead, candy. >> joe, just to clarify, did they ask the government in hong
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kong to in fact arrest snowden? >> reporter: yeah, they say they had a provisional arrest warrant and hong kong asked additional questions, apparently about the arrest warrant. but they didn't get the answers from what we can tell. >> joe johns, thanks so much for that. cnn will continue to follow all of the day's events with regard to ed snowden and any other breaking news. right now back to "fareed zakaria gps." the incoming data support the view that the economy is tiebl sustain at a reasonable cruising speed. we will ease the pressure on the accelerator by gradually reducing the pace of purchases. >> and with that automotive analogy, fed chairman ben bernanke drove the markets down. we'll delve into what happened with niall ferguson. he is a professor at the harvard university and the harvard business school. he has a brand new book out, "the grease degeneration, how
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institutions debay and mes die." pleasure to have you back. >> pleasure to be back. >> so why are markets reacting so strongly to what ben bernanke says? this has been happening now for weeks. >> weeks, even years. after all the idea that central banks are the only game in town has been doing the rounds for a while. remember when alan greenspan was god? in those days we passed everything he said. but the stakes are higher in our post-depression, post-crisis economy. and every single thing that ben bernanke says, and the same applies to his counterpart in europe, is parsed for any sign that there's going to be a significant change of policy. the economy has been living not just on zero interest rates but on concert easing, which is mum bow jumbo term to describe
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large-scale purchases of baubds, $85 billion a month, to keep interest rates low. >> was this a market overreaction to something he had been saying or could it have been a very clever effort by bernanke to pop some of these asset bubbles that are building up? you know, let some of the air out of some of these bubbles. >> i think this was a perfectly consistent statement to make. he's been pretty consistent in staying that of course there will come a time at some future meeting when the data will be strong enough to justify a dialing down of the asset purchases, transition to a more normal, more conventional monetary policy. for him to say otherwise would be bizarre. for him to say, oh, no, no, we're never going to stop doing conservative easing, oh, no, we're going to do this forever and interest rates will never go up. but of course he's not going to say that, and as people adjust to the quantitative easing, there is going to be volatility,
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there are going to be huge up days, huge down days. his every phrase, his every word has the potential to cost literally billions if not trillions of dollars as asset prices fluctuate. >> do you think it will matter whether ben bernanke himself is actually running the policy when it comes time to begin withdrawing this monetary stimulus? because you heard president obama. again, people were reading between tea leaves of tea leaves it struck me. he didn't say anything but many people interpreted it to mean that he was thinking of appointing somebody other than ben bernanke. how crucial has bernanke himself been? >> i think he has been crucial. i think we were very fortunate that we had somebody in the job who had studied the great depression because we were in a great depression situation in 2008-2009. i think he must be given credit and a substantial amount of credit for having averted a second great depression. so i must admit my preference
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would be a couple more years of ben, but it looks like we may not get that and it may be that the president's affirmative action for women is going to get janet yellin into the job. >> you don't say that -- she's perfectly qualified. >> she's highly qualified. my feeling is that anybody new at this point, whether it's janet yellin or the equally attractive tim geithner, who's attractive as a fed chairman, it's a new face. it's going to be a new style. and that introduces, i think, another source of volatility. so my inclination would be a couple more years of professor bernanke would not hurt. >> you said in a "wall street journal" piece that you just started a consulting company and you've opened a business in england and the united states and you were struck by the fact that it was easier to do business in britain. >> any kind of business would have been easier to start in the u.k. than in the u.s., i suspect. but my experience really surprised me. to find that it's easier to start a business in old england
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than in new england, i wasn't ready for. it was the beginning of my work that produce haded the great -- the idea that u.s. doesn't have the best rule of law is a expensive complex system which is quite opaque and full of risks for any entrepreneur. it has more cplex regulation for a small business than most european countries, oddly enough, and indeed one of the things that most amazes me which i look at the register of regulations, regulations that pour out 3,000 or 4,000 a year from 63 different federal agencies, we've created a jungle of red tape in the united states. there has not been a president with one exception who has not presided over rapid growth in regulatory complexity since world war ii and that one exception, you guessed it, was ronald reagan. under reagan, the federal register shrank in size by 30%. he had 30% fewer pages at the
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end of his presidency. a unique achievement. by the way, in that same period the economy grew in real terms by 30%. we need to ask why are we not as a dynamic economy as we were back in the 1980s. i think if you ask any small business, any small business, they will tell you it's not that we don't have enough stimulus, they will stay the problem is we are surrounded by an extraordinary forest of red tape. and it gets more burdensome every year. what's more, by creating these incredibly complex systems of regulation, whether it's environmental or financial, whatever, we actually advantage the big corporations. the more complex the system, the more the regulations are bewildering in their length, the more the big guys benefit because they have the lawyers. they have the compliance departments. they can figure it out. but the little guy who's trying to get started just looks at this and thinks, wow, this is so bewildering, let's just take health care. the new health care reform has all kinds of implications.
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guess what massachusetts already has that mandatory insurance requirement. try to sort out a system of insurance for small business took ages, it was really difficult. i think this is a problem people will be encountering all over the country next year and of course it discourages people from hiring new workers. why are we not growing in terms of employment? why there are still 12 million unemployed, 8 million plus people who want to be working full time and are working part-time is because small businesses are staying small. they are not becoming larger which they would do if this economy were real. >> from an am demic to a businessman. >> niall ferguson, pleasure to have you on. >> my mayors. up next, you've heard about printing guns and printing food. how about printing add oms and molecules? fascinating stuff from m.i.t. after the break. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations
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it may be science fiction, but one m.i.t. professor says the real thing is coming, and soon. neil gershenfeld is the director of m.i.t. center for bits and atoms. he teaches one of the university's most popular classes called "how to make almost anything." and he says the next digital revolution is right around the corner. how would you like to design almost anything you wanted and produce it on demand? so you say the next big digital revolution is in fabrication? >> yes. >> explain what that sgleenz what's emerging now is a science of digital fabrication that lets you turn data into things so we can program the physical world. and what it's leading, to the science is how to make the star trek replicator, and the impact is that anybody can make anything. >> digital fabrication is already used for more than manufacturing prototypes or machine parts. nasa recently awarded $125,000 grant for the development of a
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3-d printer that would create food from powders and oils. there are medical applications like the production of custom-made prosthetic limbs, and believe it or not, scientists are even developing the technology to print human organs. the machines that come to mind are 3-d printers that layer through kind of a process layer by layer build up something that looks like a physical object but there are many, many different. >> i've used every 3-d printer from the beginning but that's the least useful machines. it's like in the 1950s telling the chef the future of your kitchen is microwave oven. they're good but it doesn't replace the rest of the kitchen. >> if the 3-d kitchen is the microwa microwave, what are some of the other appliances? there are high-powered lasers that can cut shapes allowing two-dimensional shapes to fit together to make three-dimensional structures.
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there are machines that can cut wax for making molds and casting parts. there are cutters where high-pressure water pushes abrasive sand to cut materials. there are also milling machines that can manufacture other fabrication machines. >> we're transitioning now to a stage where not only can the machine make something, but the machine can actually make its own parts. >> nadia peak, a ph.d. student at m.i.t. developed this machine. controlled by a computer, it makes these inexpensive circuit boards. the circuit boards can in turn be used to control the machine. it can produce the parts it needs to run itself. explain the implications and the ramifications of this because it strikes me that it seems to suggest that you in a sense have the -- a complete transformation of manufacturing. let's say i'm on an oil rig somewhere. i would have five of these machines that would just manufacture every spare part i ever needed, things like that. >> you could certainly do that, but that's only a little piece
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of the impact. the impact is much broader. >> today 3-d printers deposit materials in layers. in the future, machines will deposit or assemble digital materials. this means tiny building blocks would be designed to fut together perfectly, analogous to leg owes snapping together. just as pixels come together, these materials will come together as what are essentially 3-d pixels which makes um physical objects. >> where the research is heading is again the star trek replicator when builds from the mall coupolecules on up. and that may be 20 years away. >> while we wait for the star trek replicator, students at m.i.t. are finding plenty of ways to put it to good use. >> i started a class call "how to make almost anything" and it was overwhelmed with students. >> the most popular class at
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m.i.t.? >> we're swamped with it. and what they did was projects. a student made a device where you scream into it. it muscles your scream but records it and at a convenient time later it lets it back in again. another student made a dress that twends your personal space if somebody comes to close. >> the variety of student projects demonstrated what he believes to be the killer app of digital application. >> the students were showing answering a question i didn't ask which is what is the stuff good for. and the answer is not to make what you can buy in stores but to make what you can't buy in stores. it's to personalize fabrication. >> the m.i.t. students want the only thick pupils. a lab in boston's sout end provides free access to local teens, and entrepreneurs in the community. >> we set up a community lab that was between the research tools on campus and the star trek replicator in the future.
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it was $50,000 worth of machines and that was the whole project. >> but gershenfeld's project soon got a whole lot bigger when m.i.t. and the national science foundation were asked to set up a fab lab in ghana, and that was just the beginning. >> they started doubling. there are about 200 now. they have been doubling about every year and a half. they're above the arctic circle, in rural villages, in ji laul baud and afghanistan, in shanty towns. the labs get used for education, learning skills. they get used for creating businesses. they get used for play, they get used to make art. then we link them globally with video and online content. >> around the world people are benefitting from these fab labs and the potential for this technology seems limitless. as with many emerging technologies, there are downsides. last month a texas-based company successfully fired a bullet from a gun that was entirely made from a 3-d printer. some lawmakers have rushed to
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ban these guns, and the state department ordered that the online blueprints be removed. before they were, the blueprints were downloaded more than 100,000 times. so should we worry? >> one thing that people have pointed out about digital fabrication is you can make guns. you can make the keys to unlock any police cell in the world. you know, the power to use this in kind of disruptive ways is pretty intense. what do you say about it? >> any remotely well equipped workshop can make gun parts. in fact if i gave you a choice between a gun made in a weak piece of plastic versus a gun made out of a piece of metal, you'd pick the piece of metal. >> you don't worry about the -- i mean you're giving individuals enormous power that perhaps they didn't have before. >> any technology in all of history has always been used for good stuff and bad stuff. it is at a cuss.
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it's a real reinvention of if anybody can make anything, how do you organize society. >> big, big stuff. neil gershenfeld, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> and we will be back. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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[ woman ] hop on over! uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm... it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good.
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it surgeo it turns out the agreement for the original hotline was signed 50 years ago this week which brings me to my question from the gps challenge. what were the original communication devices for the u.s./soviet hotline. a, red rotary phones, b fax machines, c teletype machines, d morse code machines. stay tuned, we'll tell you the correct answer. go to for more of the gps challenge, lots of insight and analysis. you can follow us on twitter and facebook or go to itunes/fareed if you miss a spoe. this week's book of the week is peter reed'stalibanista. in. this is the one book to read on afghanistan now. many of you have expressed interest in last week's story on
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why u.s. sports may not be adequately prepared for a new era of shipping. i wanted to recommend a source for us that was very important. the north american port analysis by casey conway, the chief u.s. economist for call yerz international. it's chalkful of information including whether the port nearest you will be ready by fwichbt. now for the last look. take a look at these stark images of refugees around the world. from syria, the sudan, afghanistan, iraq. across the globe some 45 million people have been forced from their homes by political conflict or violence. that's the highest in 18 years according to the u.n. for this grim world, there is perhaps a bit of good news on the horizon. the u.n. high commissioner for refugees currently has two options for emergency shelter. a tent or a tent. anyone who's ever slept in a
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tent knows it's far from optimal for long-term stays. along comes the ikea foundation, the charitable arm of the furniture giant. armed with its wealth of experience, mass producing big items that pack up small, it allied with the refugee housing unit and came up with a hard-sided shelter, powered by solar, that even the tallest somalis can stand up in. it packs up flat and expected to cost about $1,000. 56 of these prototypes are en route to refugee champs in ethiopia, lebanon and northern iraq for testing. just don't lose the instruction manual or the little wrench that comes in the box. the correct answer to our gps challenge question was c, teletype machines were the medium for the hotline to make sure there was no mutually assured destruction. they were used repeatedly during the cold war to make sure actions or nonactions were understood during the six-day war in 1967, the india-pakistan conflict of 1971 and on and on.
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the first message sent by the u.s. was a little less important. it read the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. stay tuned for "reliable sources." he has put himself at the epicenter of the nsa leak story, granting interviews, making a video, painting a picture of an anguished american trying to do the right thing. but ed snowden has just arrived in moscow and that changes the media narrative dramatically, indelicately. he's leaving hong kong soon after authorities charged him with espionage. we have not seen him. we have seen pictures of the moscow airport. we presume he's gotten off the plane. let's go to cnn correspondent phil black in moscow. phil, we don't know this for a fact but i presume ed snowden ul
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