tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 25, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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snowden's trail. newsroom continues right now with brooke baldwin. >> wolf blitzer, thank you so much. good to be with you on this tuesday. i'm brooke baldwin. where do we begin today? with the world's most wanted man edward snowden who's in russia. he landed in horussia after flyg from hong kong. passengers reportedly spotted him on the flight but somehow he never made it to terminal f as the others did. it's not clear where he went after landing but russia's foreign minister insisted -- and i'm quoting him here, snowden did not cross the russian border. and then it's confirmed he never flew out of moscow. >> narrator: snowden is still in transit area as a special
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passenger. our special services never worked with snowden and are not working with him today. >> putin went on to say, quote, mr. snowden is a free man. the faster he chooses his ultimate destination point, the better for us and for him. also another thing, how long he was planning to expose the government, it may explain why he took a pay cut to work at booz allen hamilton. he told the south congress congress nooup in south china this. my position with booz allen hamilton granted me a list of machines all over the word the nsa hacked. that is why i accepted the position about three months ago and the paper further reported this, quote, asked if he went to booz allen hamilton to gathgt evidence of suh valance, correct
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on booz. bob, first to the basics, so we're all on the same page. when we're talking about where mr. snowden is -- okay. we're being told we don't have bob. okay. we're going to switch gears. we'll bring bob bair back. we want know whether this special ops team can go in and grab him in this transit zone and move forward, but we'll switch gears. it is day two of the testimony o george zimmer money as both sides try to recover from an explosive and somewhat first day that included expletives, and, oh, yes, that knock-knock joke. testimony is focusing on george zimmerman's role as a neighborhood watch penn. sergeant anthony raimondo is the
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officer who was on site after the shots were fired. let's go straight to sanford outside the courthouse where we have martin savidge standing by. martin, let's begin with this testimony from this police officer. tell me what he told the court. >> yeah. very graphic and very grim basic testimony that was coming from one of these officers. he was the first responder, one of the first responders on scene. and he talks about first and foremost seeing the body of trayvon martin. this is the first time the jury has seen pictures with the trial under way of seeing the 17-year-old sprawled on the ground after he was fatally shot by george zimmerman. that obviously had a stunning impact on them. and on top of that, there was the testimony. there was the frantic effort by the officer and another to apply cpr to the 17-year-old and it was very powerful as he
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describes the last breath the teenager had taken. listen. >> after you rolled the teenager onto his back, did you try to get a pulse? >> yes, sir, did. >> how did do you that. >> same carotid pulse. >> did you get one. >> no. >> what did do you next. >> tried breathing for mr. trayvon martin. >> do you have training in cpr? >> yes, i do. >> what was your role in the cpr tests on trayvon martin? >> i was doing breaths, sir. >> at one point that officer said he sort of shouted out to the crowd that gathered there, did anyone have a plastic bag and vaseline. that's because he knew trayvon had that wound to his chest and cpr wouldn't work unless that was clothe. little did they know he was shot in the heart. his mother sat stoically.
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you can imagine for the family how emotional and difficult that would have been to hear. >> that was my next question. just being in the courtroom, looking at the parents, seeing their visceral reaction to the testimony and also just remind our viewers, martin, that zimmerman's parents are not in the courtroom. they have been subpoenas as it is with florida law. if you are scheduled testify, you cannot sit there and listen to other testimony, correct? >> right. that was the emotional issue that came up yesterday. you should point out george zimmerman is saying he ma shot trayvon martin in self-defense. you're right. the parents were there. they wanted to support their son on the first day and the judge said, look, because they could potentially be witnesses, they cannot leave the proceedings. they have to leave. they were ordered out of the courtroom. they were not happy. they wanted to show their support for their son. >> martin savidge in sanford, florida. thank you very much. i want to take you back to where we began with the search
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for edward snowden and what the united states will do now. remember, he's been charged with espionage and more charges could be added on top of that. there he is. bob bair is here to answer some of that. first we now know, bob, according on the president, vladimir putin, he has not left the borders of russia. he's in the borders of moscow. he's in the area of the transit zone. can you describe exactly what that is, first? >> well, it's still russian territory. the russians have complete control over this. he got off a plane from hong kong. they wouldn't have let him pass immigration. he's back in the v.i.p. area. that's russian control. i would imagine russian security has talked to him and maybe the kgb as well. i know russia would deny that but frankly he has a lot to tell
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and i think they're questioning them. i think putin is going to plate for all it's worth. he doesn't like the president, he doesn't like the united states. he's a former kgb officer. he's furious more than a year ago we caught almost illegals. russians in this office. exposed them, humiliated them, and he's never forgotten it. this is speculation but we think he's getting back at us and is going to play it for all it's worth. >> at the same time they want to track him down and have edward snowden face the justice system in the u.s. and because i wanted to talk to you, bob, in the world of infiltration, as farr as i can tell -- and you're the expert -- because he's eyou go in, swoop bring them back home. might this work in this case? >> not in russia.
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they've got security all over this person. they're going to let him gogo when they want to, when it serves their political interest. i can't tell you when that's going to be. but there's no way to do a rendition or to grab this guy in russia at all. it's just not possible. >> what is possible? >> possible is the president gets on the phone with putin and cuts a deal. we want this guy back. we want to know how much damage he did around the world. we don't know what was in the laptops he took out, the thumb drives, where else he's stowed information. we just don't know at this point. the national security agency really wants to find out and see how far we've been set pack, and it could be major, major damage. >> secretary of state john kerry spoke again today to cnn talking specifically about what the u.s. is asking for from russia. here's what he told us. >> we're not looking for a confrontation. we're not ordering anybody. we're simply requesting under a very normal procedure transfer.
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several times in the last two years they were requesting that we did without any clamor. >> what is the likelihood, bob baer, that the u.s. ever gets ed snowden home to face charges at this point? >> i think we will eventually one day, but right now he's more or less got defector status. i mean it's not the same case as us catching the seven russians. they were officers serving here at the behest of moscow, but he's put himself in the hands of first china and now russia and it may be up to him. there's no extradition treaty that would cover this. >> bob baer in irvine, california. thanks so much for joining us. another story, after nearly a sentence the supreme court pulled the plug on supervision of nine southern states whose
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records on race relations were deem add threat to the voting rights, so under the landmark voting rights act, nine states require advance approval by the justice department. not anymore. these are the states in yellow. chief justice john roberts summarized his words. here they are. our country has changed. attorney general eric holder said, yes, they have, but not enough. >> these problems have not been consigned to history. they continue to exist. their effects are real. they're of today, not yesterday, and they corrode the foundations of our democracy. >> joining me now from washington is eleanor holmes norton. she is the non-voting delegate to congress, representing the district of columbia. congresswoman, nice to have you back on the show. i know you believe the high court got it wrong today, but let me ask you this. aren't there ways of enforcing
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the voting right act to name one lawsuits without subjecting the united states to this intrusive federal oversight? >> yeah. you're speaking of section 2 of the voting rights act which applies nationwide. so you can bring a suit, and after the elections are all other, of course, you may win it. the reason that we have section 5 and the formula that comes with it is that what a southern and some other states have tended to do is to make changes in laws shortly before elections. if they keep doing that and you have to go in after the fact, of course, you never catch up. so what the court did was to make the pre clearance section d section 4. >> no. the pre clearance that -- we all fought for section 5, which is the preclearance section where certain states have to preclooer all their laws. we thought they'd have to do
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that. in fact, what they struck down was the formula. what that is a pitch in my judgment. we can fix the form last. they didn't say it was unconstitutional and cow not be fixed. they said the formula relied on old data, and they implied that if it had been better data, then perhaps some of these states would no longer be include but that, of course, belies the facts. these are the very states we found time after time were continuing to use the -- to block the rights of the minorities in the south. >> right. they're saying specifically it needs to be contemporary data and something congress can do and can find, but i want to just play this because this is the lawyer who argued the winning side of the state. he like who i just quoted chief justice roberts seems to believe that this 1965 enforcement standard is out of date. >> the american south long ago laid down the burden of racial
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disfranchisement and has integrated african-americans and minorities fully into its public life. >> i think i hear you laughing. what is your reaction to, that congresswoman? >> if that's the case, why do we have so many statutes that have been thrown out vrks to be blocked, and have to be pre cleared? yes, the south has to be changed and guess why it's changed? >> why. >> it's changed because of the voting rights act which the courts have now said it must be revived, if it's to be useful to us. i thnk we can do that. my challenge is this. i remember when we authorized this act in 2006. i've never seen anything like it before or since. >> how come? >> every member of the leadership stood on the steps of the capital with every member of congress behind them saying we have together enacted this law, so i challenge my republican
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colleagues, mr. boehner who were on the steps that day to fix this formula so that we can do what they said they wanted to do, and that is to make sure that every person regardless of color or ethic background has the right to vote. >> what about -- and i think i know your aunswer, but i have t ask. look, we're elected president obama and we re-elected him. why is this necessary in the united states in 2013? >> we had vote err turnout. we had it in no small part because we had the first black man running for president. but the fact is voter turnout is not the only basis to judge whether or not the southern states and other states are engaging in practices to keep people from voting. i mean what are we to do about the alaskan natives, for
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example, that found that their voting place had been changed before an election so that the only way you could get there is by sea or by air. voting after the fact won't deal with that, and yet that was done with this formula in place in alaska. well, it's a challenge to us. could have been worse. section 5, the preclearance section, could have been found unconstitutional. this is a majority that wants to do that but instead it's given us the chance to fix the formula. that's what we should do now. >> sounds like you accept the challenge, congresswoman. congresswoman eleanor holmes. thank you so much. and more in our news hour including this -- as paula deen loses millions, her fans and her sons defend her against charges of racism. >> sit's not in my vocabulary. it's definitely not in my brother's vocabulary.
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it's not in my mother's vocabulary. first paris. now michael jackson's oldest son getting ready to testify. thousands of prisoners getting ready to leave their cells because of this potentially dangerous airborne fungus. the feds on the hunt in a possible airport heist. the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. paula deen, she may be sitting on millions and millions of dollar, $17 million to be precise in profits last year, but how much will her admission to using the "n" word cost her culinary empire. now qvc is reviewing its relationship and smithfield foods cutting its tice. there's a facebook page with 375,000 likes and it's reported
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that her cookbook has surged on amazon. her son speaking exclusively with chris cuomo on "new day." support has been pouring in for his brother. bobbie and jamie deen insist race cyst remarks against their mother are character assassination that started out as extortion. here they were. >> my mother would never teach bobby and i that. we care very mucher our environment. i'm raising two buys right now. this is ridiculous, completely absu absurd, to think there's an environmental of racism in our business. we have strong educated men and women of character that have been with us 5, 10, 15, 20 years. to think that they would allow themselves to be in this
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position is simply baloney. it's ridiculous. >> we were raised in a family with love and of faith in a house where god lived, and neither one of our parents ever taught us to be bigoted toward any other person for any reason, and this is so saddening to me because our mother is one of the most compassionate good-hearted empathetic people that you'd ever meet, and these accusations are very hurtful to her and it's very sad, and, frankly, i'm disgusted by the entire thing because it began as extortion and it has become character assassination, and our mother's not the picture that's being painted. >> let me tell you a story, chris. when i was a young man in 1975
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before i had my tonsils taken out, henry aaron was my first sports hero growing up. in 1974 he broke babe ruth's home run record by hitting 1,700 home runs. before i had my tonsils taken out, my parents gave me hank aaron pajamas and when they gave me the pajamas, they told me the story of what he overcame and the challenges he overcame. this is a lesson that my mom and dad taught me when i was 7 years old and it's a lesson that i've carried throughout my life of inclusion to treat everyone fairly and by their own merit and for no circumstances should you judge anybody by that. >> any chance anybody would come forward and say i've heard the same thing, i've heard that in the restaurant, on the show, those types of glaegsofgations.
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>> i can't imagine. >> on the other hand, chris, do you think people are going to come ow and try to get their piece now? we have so much local support here, so many friends that have come out and spoken for our family. it's much like as many people would compliment you, times ten would complain about. we've been in the service for 25 years. sopeople have enjoyed it but there's always going to be somebody vocal. what are the chances somebody else coming out behind this? i'd say pretty good. it's just part of the price you pay when you have, you know, a high-profile business or television shows or whatever that mom might do. >> coming up next hour we'll have much more fallout on the
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paula deen situation and ask if she can ever recover. developing right now, police officers in los angeles on alert today after someone opened fire on veteran detectives outside a police station. one investigator calls this attack extremely unusual. right now the shooter is still at large. we'll take you live to los angeles next. [ female announcer ] now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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in central los angeles today, an all out search for someone who ambushed. they were about to drive through the gate at the wilshire police station when someone came up behind them and just started shooting. >> one officer was injured on his head with either a graze wound from his bullet or fragments from the vehicle when the bullets struck the vehicle. the other officer received an injury to his hand. both were treated at the hospital and are back at command trying to help us identify three possible suspects. >> i want to go to los angeles
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to stephanie elam. talk about two brazen people who attacked police officers outside a police station. >> reporter: it's amazing the officers are already back here and taken a look at the suspects rounded up so far. we know about three so far that they've pulled into the command station to try to get handle on who the shooter may be, but imagine sitting in your police vehicle and having gunshots come from behind you at around 4:30 in the morning our time. that is what happened to them. they were able to return fire. not sure whether or not the suspect was wound bud this person did get away on foot. they didn't see him get away in a car. that's why they've cordoned off a wide perimeter here, about 25 blocks, so they called narrow where he could be. they've got officers walking through the streets, four canine teams and about all together, 200 officers here, brooke. >> and, stephanie, what are people in the community saying?
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>> reporter: obviously people have been frustrated because the area that's cordoned off is so huge, so a lot of people are having a rough time getting to work. keep in mind this affected a morning commute for a lot of people getting to the city, to get to where they needed to to go for work but also very concerned about where they need to be. they're being asked to stay locked down in their homes while the search continues. obviously talking to commander andrew smith of the los angeles police department, he pointed out obviously the person to do something like this is somebody they want to find fast. take a listen. >> anybody willing do this, tame on two armed officers outside a police station is obviously a dangerous person. we want do everything we can to get this person in custody so we can keep our community safe. >> reporter: the other thing they're looking to do, they're going through the surveillance video from around the police station and surrounding businesses and homes hoping toi
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looked like. coming up, we got a first look at the evidence including clothes and the infamous iced tea can. this as the officer who was first on the scene in responding to the shooting that night. trayvon's father walked out of the courtroom. we'll explain that to you neck. "i'm part of an american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced
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distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart" they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. try align.
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it is now day two of testimony in the long awaited murder trial testimony of george zim german. testimony now from the first people who arrived on the scene. there is a crime technician who's taken the stand, diane smith. you'll hear from here. let me bring in vinnie poll ta noe. great to have you on. >> great to be here. >> this is the first time we're
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seeing some of the evidence, some of the pictures, but before we hear why that's significant, guys, let's just hear the sound. >> officer smith, do you recognize the exhibit? >> yes, i do. >> was that the gun and holster you received from officer tim smith in connection with this case? >> yes, it is. >> all right. and do you recognize the packaging, the case number, et cetera? >> yes, i do. >> would you hold up the firearm for the jury, please. >> all right. and the red piece that you're holding in your left hand, is that a gun lock to secure the firearm? >> yes, that is correct. >> was that given to you when you received that from officer smith or was that something
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added later for courtroom security? >> it's been added later. >> all right. if you would then, please hold up the holster containing that exhibit. thank you. >> your honor, i'm sorry to interrupt. may we have the exhibit number, please? >> i believe it's 154. >> it is. >> thank you. >> officer smith, did you wear glov when you handled that firearm? >> yes, i did. >> and why did you wear gloves the. >> to preserve any evidence. >> did you process the firearm in any way? >> yes, i did. >> and how did do you that? >> for which processing method? >> well, that's what i'm asking you. >> okay? >> in what ways did you process it? >> i processed it for touch dna
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and fingerprint purposes. >> when you say touch gna, what does that mean. >> it's not like touch dna for physical blood. it's something you may not see. >> how do you process an item for touch gna? >> use aster aisle swab with distilled water, put that on the tip of the stare aisle swab, swab the area for a few minutes, package it, and secure it. >> all right. and did you do that with the firearm in this case? >> yes, i did. >> and can you show the jury what areas of the firearm you processed for dna? >> yes, i can. >> i processed the grip, which is on the backside, the trigger, and the back part of the slide here. >> all right. and then what did you do with those swabs?
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>> i submitted them into evidence. >> okay. so this was happening as you've seen moments ago. again, the crime scene technician walking them through it. >> you're talking about, first of all, bringing that gun into the courtroom. >> there it snies everyone knows what happened with that gun. that's the gun that killed trayvon martin. that's powerful in and of itself. now we're talking about the dna, significant for two things. you still have to prove everything. the other was the story. trayvon martin was reaching for the gun in that struggle, and that's when george zimmerman grabbed it and shot trayvon martin. so what will those results say about any of trayvon martin's dna is on that gun. what we know already, there was none. >> what about before the crime
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scene tech niche an who was on the stand? it was the patrol sergeant who was on the screen and on a hulk projector screen was shown the body of trayvon martin himself. tough obviously for the family in the courtroom. what happened then? >> that's important true, and for trayvon martin's mom and dad, they had to leave. they couldn't take it. that's very common uobviously. what this does is you take opening statements about a story and you're making it very, very real for this jury. two things. you saw the picture of trayvon martin, and they followed that up with the gun that was used to shoot and kill trayvon martin. so it has -- there's t ee's the evidentiary part of it and the strategy as well. >> how do you mean? >> you've got to make it real. there's a real victim. there's not a story you're telling inside a courtroom and you're detached from it. no, no. here's
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here's what happen and here's the gun that did it, ladies and gentlemen. this is a big day for the prosecution. >> anything else that impressed you or you were impressed by? >> i don't think it's surprising. a lot of people got used to the jodi arias case. we're in florida now. this is a normal pacing of a trial. things are moving much more quickly. this is case that will wrap up in weeks, not months, and we're seeing witnesses get on and off the stand in a day. not months like jodi arias. >> weeks in this case. >> yes. >> tune in after dark, "vinnie politan & company." thank you so much. i appreciate it. this very day four years ago, michael jackson died, and very, very shortly his oldest son prince will be testifying in the family's wrongful death trial.
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we'll take you to los angeles where for what we expect him to reveal. that is next. "i'm part of an american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday.
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exactly four years ago today breaking news that absolutely stunned the world. >> today at home on the west side of l.a. something happened. michael jackson's heart stopped. he stopped breathing. medics were called, efforts were made. but despite those efforts jackson died. >> at the time jackson was preparing for this mega cop certificate run. now the family is sueing the concert promoter for wrongful death. the court has already heard from jackson's 15-year-old daughter paris and now it's her older brother's turn, 16-year-old prince. alan, do we know when prince jackson might be testifying? >> well, there is a medical
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ethesis for when the doctor is through. it's most likely in the morning if they finish with this doctor that's on the stand now. we'll see the 16-year-old take the oath and then answer questions about his dad's life and his last days. it should be dramatic testimony because this young man was very close, even in age 12, involved in what his father was doing, aware of his father's business, aware of his father's concerns. we're going to hear about it in court. >> what about his younger sister paris. she's still in the hospital recover interesting the apparent suicide attempt. part has been played schl there more to be played in court, is there not? >> right. we've only seen a very small snippet of her several hours of testimony and it was almost no context to it. it was basically seeing her in that situation. and we will see a much fuller
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version of her deposition should the aeg live lawyers choose to show it. they have given every indication they are in fact. in fact, kind of expect when prince is on the stand they may bring it up, part of it to show that his testimony is inconsistent with his sister's wreck lekds. it's a strategy we may see. i might note she is under psychiatric care, this is after her suicide attempt weeks ago. i don't think the doctors would like to know that she's in the hospital and the televisions will show her testifying. that's dangerous thing. >> not helpful at all. a lan duke, thank you so much. coming up, a heist at the jfk airport. the fbi confirms it is
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investigating a $1.2 million chunk of change here that sort of disappeared from the swiss air flight. where it was headed and what the fbi has to say about this. do not miss this. l, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back.
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landed at jfk, the money was gone, poof. mary snow has more. obviously the fbi is investigating this. do they know if the money disappeared before it left zurich of after it got to jfk? >> that's the big question, brooke. what we do know is this. fbi says it was being transported on a cargo container on a passenger flight, flight 17 on swiss international airlines. it arrived at jfk's airport saturday afternoon. the $1.2 million was made up of 12 122 22 pounds. it was -- when it was delivered to a federal reserve fa sill in east rutherford, new jersey, on monday, according to this
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federal law enforcement source, that's when the shortfall was discovered. they have no comment only this and swiss international airports would only confirm that an investigation is going on. >> okay. jfk no stranger to heist. we've all seen "good fellows." mary snow from new york. thank you. coming up, men's wearhouse speaking up on why they fired george zimmer, or he's the "i guarantee it" guy. we have what they say right after the break.
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and now some of the hottest stories in a flash rapidfire, roll it. once again in california. those in risk of contracting valley fever have to be moved out of two state fevers there. it's a fungus that thrives in the dry central valley. the federal judge has given the state seven days to begin that prison transfer process. several thousand inmates are affected by this. and all records related to the nfl player, new england patriots' aaron hernandez, have been sealed by the court. police have searched a lot of time at hernandez's property
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over the death of oden lloyd. he is said to have been a friend of hernandez. lloyd's body was found last monday in an industrial park not far from hernandez's home. and you probably know the face, certainly the beard, and you definitely know this tag line. >> i li >> you'll like the way you look, i guarantee it. >> george zimmer will not be guaranteeing that anymore though. the board is explaining why they fired the co-founder and chairman last week. the board says the company wanted to go prieshd and take on a lot of debt and they said no. home prices are booming. this is the latest report out there. the latest case schilling index price in 20 cities rose 12 ppt 1% compared to april. folks, that's the biggest jump we've seen in seven years. >> meantime, the government says
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new home sales were up 29% in may over a year ago. the last time sales were this high was july of '08 right before the financial crisis. and look at the green there. because of all this potentially, we're up 111 points. so up triple digits now. still under that 15,000 mark with an hour left of trading to come. coming up, disturbing story with graphic detail. a mother attacked in her own home while her daughter stood there. it's tough to watch while being beaten. she admits the video is difficult to watch and she wants you to see it, and we'll tell you why.
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now for some of the top videos of the day, hit play. have you seen this? a statue at the manchester museum seems to rotate all by itself. look at this. the time lapse camera caught the images. >> that's srjly strange. you don't see that every day, do you. >> are you disturbed by this? >> am i disturbed by this? probably not as much as i should be. >> some people thinks the statue moves because of the vibrations cause by foot traffic. other people think it's cursed. check out this reaction from this little guy when his dad misses a foul ball. the ball comes in, bounces off his shoulder, and the little boy not pleased. good effort from dad there who made a flying leap for the ball.
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better luck next time. in orlando, a store manager giving an interview to a local reporter about a string of robberies in his supermarket actually recognizes one of the alenled thieves and takes the law into his own hand. >> give me one second. this is the guy that stole the other thing. come with me. this is the guy that stole the other day. come with me. you're going on the floor. you're going to the floor. tell my brother to call the police. adam kerr. i got your face when you take the meat, when you take the eggs. don't worry. >> this isn't even the fit time the manager has taken down a suspect. last week he held another man until police arrived. and a rescue under way in iowa. a race against time to save an elderly man's life. he's stuck in his truck as floodwaters rise around him. rescuers pulled him to a boat and managed to bring him to
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safety. crews say more than 50% of the town of loudoun is currently under water and that's today's "hit play." we are in hour two. i'm brooke baldwin. top of the hour we began with dramatic testimony unfolding today in this courtroom in sanford, florida, on day two of the long awaited george zimmerman trial. testimony has shifted to the night trayvon martin was shot and the first people who were on that scene. right now the court is in just a short recess, but before that, a crime scene technician took the stand and she showed evidence, including a gun from that night. >> is that a composite exhibit? that is, it contains multii. items? >> that's correct. >> tare the items listed on the package itself? >> it is. >> what items?
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>>. [ inaudible kwgts bag of skittles -- >> all right. is this the lighter that was originally in that package? >> yes, it is. >> and the photo button. is that the same? >> yes, it is. >> all right. the package of skittles? >> yes, it is. >> and the headphones. >> yes, it is. >> all right. >> earlier this afternoon sergeant anthony raimondo also took the stand. he was a patrol sergeant the night trayvon martin was shot. the officer says he arrived on the scene within five minutes after getting the call that shots were fired. >> did you hear anything when you were performing cpr on
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trayvon martin? >> yes, sir. >> what was that? >> bubbling sounds, sir. >> and what did those bubbling sounds indicate to you? >> it meant that either air was getting into or escaping from the chest in a manner that it was not supposed to, sir. >> all right. and what did do you upon hearing those bubbling sounds from trayvon martin's chest? >> i called out to the crowd that was gathering nearby and i asked for saran wrap and vaseline, sir. >> and what would be the purpose of saran wrap and vaseline? >> i was going to try to seal the chest wound, sir. >> did anybody respond to your request? >> yes, sir. >> let's go to sanford now to cnn's martin savidge outside the courthouse. martin, let's again with the testimony. that was the officer who first arrived on the scene and talking to some of the experts, martin, it seems like from the perspective of the state, you have these six jurors, these
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female stories, and they know the story that's now becoming real. >> that's right. brooke. that's the extent of it. we've heard naples. we've seen george zimmerman going in and out. trayvon martin is a name. of course, the reporters who have followed the story, they've seen ims of him. for the jury, this is the first time they've seen him in a trial setting and in this case it was the body of a teenager and the pictures were very disturbing, including one that shows the bullet hole, the wound that ended up taking his life. that very powerful testimony we talk bd from the first responder as he tried to revive the young boy and everything he said really captured the attention of the courtroom. here's some more. >> did you see any movement from vai von martin's body as you approached him? >> no, sir, i did not. >> did you hear any sounds coming from trayvon martin when you approached him? >> no, sir, i did not. >> did you attempt to see tray
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if trayvon martin was still alive. >> i did. >> how did do you that? >> i attempted to take his pulse. >> where, sir? >> on his neck. >> did you have any training in that. >> yes, sir. >> all right. >> with the assistance of someone i rolled him on his back from the west to east or eadsiest to say i rolled him from his shoulder onto his back. >> the life-saving attempts would not work because it was later found out he was shot in the heart by george zimmerman, he says, in self-defense because the teen attached him. >> i did not see trayvon's father but sybrina fulton, i did see her. she was very straightforward, stoic, listening to. this you can only imagine the pain inside. >> can't imagine.
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can't imagine. you have the crime technician on the stand. i know court's in recess right now. but, martin, talk about the pieces of evidence. you know, if you've been following the case, you've heard about the skittles bag, the iced tea, the headphones, and now here they are again in court. >> they are. again, you're right. this strikes that human cord. it's kind of like the inventory that's taken of this teenager's life of what is found, the simple items in his pockets. and you mentioned the soft drink. you talk about the headphones, the picture button. you talk about a red cigarette lighter. all of these things. of course, very powerful because you know the teenager is never going to be alive again. the question is was his death self-defense as george zimmerman is maintaining or is it perhaps murder as the state's trying to imply. so that was the state basically showing the evidence, the chain of command, how it was carefully protected. that is going to come into greater play further on down in this trial. >> okay.
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martin savidge, thank you so much. in sanford, florida, we'll be following in the coming days and weeks as the trial plays out nchl the meantime tonight, tune in to cnn "self-defense or murder: the george zimmerman trial." the case is broken down. again, that's one hour tonight at 10:00 on cnn. again, edward snowden, arguably the most wanted man. right now he's in no man's land in russia. right now he's in the tran zit zone at the airport in moscow, according to the russian president himself, vladimir putin. that's where snowden landed after flying from hong kong, the city he initially escaped to. passengers report lid spotted him on the flight sunday, but somehow snowden never made it to terminal f as the others had. so where has he been? where has he spent his time ever since he arrived in the airport?
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russia's president isn't being spefg but putin told this to reporters today, quote, mr. snowden is a free man. the faster he chooses his destination point, the better for us, the better for him. also i can tell you in the past half hour, the white house has asked the white house, pell snowden. they agree with president putin. they do not want this to impact the bilateral relations. while we do not have an extradition treaty with ryu is that there's nonetheless to ex-pell mr. snowden based on the status of his travel documents and the pending charges against him. let's go to cnn's john defterios at the moscow airport. john, since you're there at the airport, presumably under the same roof as ed snowden, talk to us about the lay of the land there and this transit area. where is that? >> reporter: yeah. in fact, brooke, we're right in
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the transit zone. there's kind of three areas to it. you talked about section f where mr. snowden did not show up. we're in the heart of it, e, where it loops around to d. he has not been spotted. that's not a surprise. the russian secret service from hong kong into russia, they didn't want him circulating here. there's a discussion that he went into the hotel. we talked to the management. they say he's never checked in, nor has anybody else that has supported him. what has happened in the 16 hours that we've been on the ground is that president putin broke that code of silence. this was being handled by the foreign minister but as the intrigue escalated here, president putin thought it important that he lay down his version of events. let's listen to what he had to say. >> translator: snowden is still in the transit area as a transit passenger. our special services never worked with snowden and are not
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working with him today. >> reporter: so president putin making those comments. interesting, brooke, while he was at a bilateral visit to finland. again, the u.s. asking for the russian government to push him out on a plane to washington. that's still not clear at this juncture. one other thing we do know here earlier in the day that mr. snowden did not board the plane for havana that was going to be leaving at 2:00 from moscow. that was flight 150. there was belief that he was going to be on the flight the day before, an empty seat. we watched all the passengers go onboard and watched the plane pull out and he was not on that flight. >> john defterios, i know you're watching and people in cuba are watching as well. thanks so much. in washington today, after nearly a half a century, the u.s. supreme court pulled the plug on the supervision of nine southern stateses who votes
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rights. it changes to voting laws in the affected states required advance approval by the department of justice, but not anymore. chief justice john robert today summarized his opinion in these four telling words. read them with me. our country has changed. attorney general, though, eric holder says, yes, it has, but not enough. >> these problems have not been consigned to history. they continue to exist. their effect are real. they are of today, not yesterday. and they corrode the foundations of our democracy. >> i want to bring in gloria borger, our chief political analyst. gloria, practically speaking, there's section 2, people are talking about 4 and 5. practically speaking, what does this do to the voting rights act which really was the lynchpin of the civil rights legislation? >> you know, it goes to the central provision of this voting rights act which says that these -- that this group of states,
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you know, that this law is outmoded essentially and that these group of states who had to go to the justice department for permission to essentially move a voting booth no longer have to do that. and that's what eric holder is talking about. what justice roberts said is, look, the problem is not the idea that these states might have to go to the feds. the problem is that the standard is completely outmoded and outdated and so what the chief justice is saying is you don't necessarily have to throw away the formula. you have to fix the formula to bring it up to date because you have to acknowledge, he believes, that there's been progress on voting rights in this country over the last 40 years. so he says fix it. >> okay. so but separate from fixing the form lal where you still have the justice deparent -- obviously they're still there. it can still go out, sue states,
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sue counties, whoever might infringe on minority voting, correct? >> right. but that's after the fact. it's not preventing the problem. it's after the fact. you know, there's another door that roberts left open and that is to the congress and he said to the congress, okay, you can, if you want, fix the formula, rewrite this. the problem is, of course, as you and i and everybody knows that congress can't agree on what day it is, much less fixing a formula over something as controversial as this. you know, every time they've reauthorized this act, it's been overwhelming. the votes have been overwhelming. nobody wanted to vote against it, right? of course, now when they're going to have to get into the nitty-gritty details, it's going to be a lot more complex and a lot more difficult, but he did throw the ball back in congress's court. >> well, i talked to congresswoman eleanor holmes
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norton last hour. she said we'll see if the colleagues do as well. >> right. and it will be a political football. watch it in the midterm elections. >> no doubt. no doubt. gloria, thank you so much. >> sure. coming up next, a violent home invasion caught on camera. just a warning. this is tough to watch. but a mom wants you to see this. look alt this. in fact, you hear her screams. she says she didn't fight back to protect her young daughter who watched helplessly. the young daughter on the left side of the screen sitting on the sofa didn't move. did mom do the right thing? we'll talk to an expert coming up. distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. i know. sorry. i can't get enough. you're about to watch a surveillance camera shooting a video of a brutal attack. a victim and her 3-year-old daughter sif citting in the living room watching cartoons. the intruder broke in and attacked her while her daughter watched helplessly. just, again, the images are tough to watch. >> reporter: an alarm company was installed a security system at the victim's home this
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afternoon, a totally acceptable react about this. a woman was attacked. or her little girl was in the room watching her mother struggling with a stranger who kicked his way inside. during the assault she made a conscious decision to take whatever the intruder dished out. >> i knew that if i started screaming my daughter would, too, and i was afraid he would get her. i took it and cried the entire time. >> the nanny cam on the mantle captured the whole thing, brutal kicks and punches that sent her flying. then he slams her to the floor and drags her away. you can heard the dread in her voice. oh, no, she says before he shoves her down the stairs. it is -- >> i was in room with about
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seven officers and we were all just speechless. it was like an out of body experience. >> reporter: as hard as it is to watch, they need to watch. >> they need to help us get him off the streets. he's not just a burglar. you know, he's violent. >> absolutely horrible. john clee camp from our affiliate news 12 reporting. i want to bring in mike brooks. i'm gripping my chair. i'm furious for this man. the fact that she refuses to fight back and he has her in a choke hold. did she do the right thing? >> she said she didn't fight back because she was afraid for her daughter, brook. self-defense experts say if you think you're in fear, fight back. it could be the last thing you ever do. she decided to go ahead and do it her way. that worked. but you look at the vicious blows he was driving her, giving her, hitting her, and then throwing her down the stairs.
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she's very lucky. i guarantee one thing. this isn't the first time this guy has done this kind of thing and it most likely will not be the last if we don't get him off the street. >> what do you think of the nanny cams? >> i think it's great. if i could have a camera on every corner and in every house in the united states -- yeah, there's privacy issues, but this camera, if she did not have the camera, would we be any closer to catching the guy? absolutely not. now she has an alarm system going in. she says he kicked hit way in. that's something else in my neighborhood in atlanta, a lot of people are reinforcing doors. there's a lot of things you can do to make your house safer. they say you're never going to make your house burkley proof or robbery proof but it makes it a harder target. >> when you watch it and see a little girl sitting on the sofa and thank god he never approached her, never laid a finger on her, for whatever
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reason, thank goodness for her. but did the mother do the right thing. the motherly instinct would be stay away from my child. >> there's nothing etched in stone when it comes to pernt protection. a lot of people will fight back. it may have well been the last thing she could do. she decided to let him do what he had to do so he would leave. and i tell you, her decision, it seemed like it was the right one in this particular case, brooke. >> unbelievable. >> it really was unbelievable. was talking to an atlanta detective downstairs when i went to get lunch after i was looking on this. i told hick about it and he was going to take a look. he said it's incredible she survived. >> thank goodness. just in now, we're learning that one of the world's biggest music stars is in trouble with the law again. this guy. this time, though, this involves a hit-and-run. we're live in lapgs talking chris brown coming up next, plus paula deen's sons spoke
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exclusively to cnn about the charges of racism against their move. we'll tell you how they respond to deen's own words. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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just in to cnn, singer chris brown in trouble again. this time it involves a hit-and-run. let's go straight to los angeles. mark, what do you know? >> singer chris brown is in the news again and not for the reasons he wants to be. he's been charged with two misdemeanor counts, one for hit and run and one for driving without a license, and this is all according to the lacd attorney's office. of course brown is on felony probation for assaulting his then girlfriend rihanna back in 2009. he's set to be arraigned on these new charges on july 15th, and he faces up to a year in jail if convicted. now, we've reached out to reps for chris brown for comment but in the meantime he's been tissue on social media. he's been tweeting like crazy.
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he says it's not a hit and run when you get out and exchange information. this is totally riddick does. he claims he has a valid license and gave the right info. she saw cameras and wanted to make a scene. it's a case of he said/she said. we'll see. >> it's amazing what takes place in this day and age on twitter. coming up next, paula deen under fie for admitting she has used the "n" word in her lifetime. her sons coming to her defense talking exclusively with us on cnn. they have stinging criticism for anyone who is questioning their mother. i'm disgusted by the entire thing because it began as extortion and it has become character assassination. >> next, we'll share more on that exclusive interview, plus we'll have candid conversation about what makes a racist in 2013. don't miss this. be heard
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we're near the bottom of the hour. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. extortion and character assassination. that's what paula deen's sons are calling these accusations flying against their mother here in a fallout over her admission that she used the "n" word in her past. today they spoke exclusively on cnn's "new day." here they were. >> my mother would never teach bobby and i anything other than -- we're obviously a product of our environment. we care very much about our community. i'm raising two boys right now. this is ridiculous. it's completely absurd to think that there's an environment of racism in our business, and it's really disrespectful to the people that we work with. we have strong educated men and women of character that have been with us for five, tell, n,
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fifteen, twenty years. to think they would allow themselves to be in this position is simply baloney. it's ridiculous. bobby and i are here today not to stem the tide for any endorsements but to speak out for ore mother in character, that ore mother is truly a wonderful person inclusive of a lot of people and spend as lot of time and energy to help those people that are challenged. 25 years ago when we started our business, we've had nothing and now we've given the opportunity to help nonprofits across the whole country and it mean as tremendous amount to us and to do good things in our life and the power we've been given to us through our media career is important to us and, you know, we're just here to say that this environment of racism that's been spoken about could not be further from the truth. >> joining me now from new york, peter, author of "can we do
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that?" peter shankman. nice to see you, sir. let's begin with this, piggy backing off what we heard. here you have these two sons supporting their mother in the exclusive on cnn, and you know with that paula deen will be speaking out tomorrow morning for the first time publicly since this whole thing broke on the "today" show. what do you make of all this? what does she need to say? >> well, you're looking at like almost three separate stories here. the first story is two children sticking up for their mom. you know, it doesn't matter what your mom did. it's your mom. you're going to speak up fehr her. that was very well spoken. they made good points. the problem is they're defending her. it wasn't like it was heard through a friend of a friend of a friend. it was in her deposition. it's hard to refute. it's what she said. so the best situation for her right now, let her come on tomorrow morning, tell her story, and let her disappear for a while.
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look at anyone who's ever made a comeback. eliot spitzer, tiger woods. different scenarios. granted. it's one thing to sleep with someone outside your marriage, it's another thing to talk. it's a very different story. america has a very short attention span. we do love a revitalization story. let her go away for a few years. do some volunteer work at a poverty center and then let her come back. mark my words. that will come back. >> here's the "but." she's the face of what she's cooking. she has this restaurant that's doing incredibly well in savannah and she has an upcoming book going gang busters in presales on amazon. obviously she was yanked from food network. i know you say she should dui g away. will food network give her her
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job back? >> no. they don't care about her fans. they have to answer to the advertisers. the advertisers say, whoa, we don't want anything do with that. they pay the bills and can shut off the lights. everyone stepped back when tiger woods went to sex therapy. american consumers and the american public has a very short attention span. she can go, come back and say i learned my lesson and redeem herself. perhaps food network won't bring her back. perhaps it's the cooking channel. she has this core fan base and we are a society that's willing to give if enough time can pass. >> we can wait a little while and i can come back and you can say i told you so as you called it right here. peter shankman, thank you so much. let's pivot from the p.r. angle and brick ng in mark.
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good to see you. >> good to see you. >> it was paula deen. she was basically asked if every in the course of her lifetime she ever used the "n" word. she answered that she had. i read quotes of the deposition that, yeah, she likely used it when she was held up at gunpoint in the '80s, probably used it maybe since then but it was a very long time ago. still, if it's been a long time, let's say three decades, mark, if she's telling the truth, do you consider her racist? >> i'm really reluctant go around calling people racist or not racist. my gut tells me if you used the "n" word a long time ago and throughout life, you probably still use it. she said the one time she used it is when she was held up at gunpoint is a little suspicious to me. >> how come? >> you're not racist. if a blackm man held you up, yo wouldn't use the "n" word. i would say a really bad person
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stuck me up. it's a different thing when you have that kind of in the chamber ready to go. that scares me a lot. but also it wasn't just that. it was the stories that people told and the lack of contrition in her initial apology that made me question. don't know what's in paula deen's heart. i can't say. i'm not ready to buy it. >> you have these two sons of hers coming on and this one sanjaymy told the story to obviously counteract of what of what the country is thinking about her in the mid-' 70s when he told the story about hank aaron. >> let mel tell you a story. in 1975 before i had my tonsils taken out, hank aaron was my idol growing up. before i had my tonsils taken out, i was 7 years old, very
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nervous. my parents gave me hank aaron pajamas, and when they gave me these pajamas, my mom and dad told me the challenges that the hammer faced in pursuant of this record and they told me the challenges and what he's overcome despite his color. this is a lesson my mom and told me when i was 7 years old and a lesson i've carried throughout life. i treat everyone fairly and by their own merit. under no circumstances should you judge somebody for any other reason. >> let's take mark at his own word and paula deen at her own word in 2013. can we move on from this? can we accept that, yep, she used it, she hasn't in a while, and it's okay? >> here's the thing. whether or not i take her at her words is almost immaterial. she has a right to have a tv show and say what she wants. she has a right to thing what she wants.
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even though she's racist, i don't think we should take everyone's job because they're racist. that would be the entire network. >> do you think the food network overreacted? >> no, i don't think they overreacted. they have a right to say we have a customer base that doesn't like this. i think paula deen will land on her feet. she's very successful, very talented. a big chung will hire her and a big chunk of the nation will believe her or doesn't care. paula deen will be fine. i think the bigger question is how we think about race, who we're willing to call a racist, and what we think constitutes racism. i think it's very complex and interesting, but thing if the long term paula deen is going to be fine. >> you agree with paul shankman. mark, thank you so much. >> thank you, host. russia's president putin acknowledges snowden is holed up
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in the moscow's airport. hear how this ordeal could impact relations between u.s. and china. christiane amanpour joins me live next. [ female announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+.
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it seems like edward snowden has now reheated cold war tensions, pitting the united states against both china and russia. these two countries are lashing out at the white house for accusations that hong kong allowed the nsa leaker to get away and that russia will not hand him over. russia insists it has nothing to do with snowden. president vladimir putin revealed snowden is in moscow in a transit zone there at the airport, but his earlier lack of cooperation triggered this from senator john mccain. >> look. we've got to start dealing with vladimir putin in a realistic fashion for what he is.
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he's an old californkgb colonel continues to stick his thumb in our eyes. >> the senator responding to was -- you didn't hear the end of the sound bite, a super bowl ring stealer. putin, by the way, denies that. let's go to chief international correspondent cristian amanpour with what we just heard. wit as pretty feisty interview with senator mccabe. sticking a finger in the eye, does senator mccain have a point about putin? >> this is a powerful point because americans are angry with russia in general and they're furious with them over the syrian issue, stopping any movement of the syrian council that would help with the opposition on that, but beyond that they're very angry that
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snowden was allowed to leave china. and they do have an extradition treaty with china and hong kong, but they have none with russia. they say putin is doing this deliberately and russia is doing this deliberately. we do know the relationship between the united states and russia is not a good one. they have confirmed, yes, snowden is in the transit area. they've said he's not entered into the russian federation and they say he's not committed a crime according to law on russian soil, so they have no reason to arrest him or deport him or whatever. they say as soon as snowden find as destination and somewhere to go, the better for all of us that he goes, but, again, they're saying at this point they have no reason to arrest him. adding to that, putin says he hopes it wouldn't damage cordial or some other business-like ties with the united states.
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but clearly the u.s. is going to have to work overtime politically to try to convince the russians to give him back. and as former representative james jane harmon says they do not have leverage with them. that's her assessment. putin says, look, let your fbi director talk to our counterpart and work it out between themselves. >> we'll see how that goes. cristian amanpour, thank you so much. and you remember the irs targeting so-called conservative groups. we have an update on that. it turns out there wither a wide range of groups that may have been flagged. a wide range. jake tapper joins me on that. it has many democrats saying, i told you so.
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there is a pursuit we all share. a better life for your family, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you.
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uproar surrounding the irs and conservative tax groups. well, things have gotten a little bit muddy because the irs review has found that wide range -- and i'm quoting -- wide range conservatives have had their applicatio applications. jake tapper with me from washington. mr. tapper, late out for me. >> hi, brooke. >> this new information, who does it come from?
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what does it say about the irs handling all the tax-exempt k t requests? >> you're right about it being muddying up. the 30-day investigation he was asked to investigate by president obama led to his learning that there were other names other than tea party that were used for this immediate scrutiny for the groups in the irs that were tasked with finding out whether or not groups should have tax-exempt status. and in addition to tea party and patriot there were other key words such as key address and target. so it appears it was not just a targeting on certain groups but groups in general. congressman levin wants to know how come the irs inspector general who put out the first report that caused all this controversy, how come he didn't go into that? we don't know the answer to
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that. we still don't know what the acting director of the irs is saying, so i would say that while some on the right may have run too quickly possibly with the charges, it should not be an excuse, therefore, for some on the left to run too quickly and use this information to say that there was no scandal and no controversy worth having at all. we still need to find out all the details, and we don't have them right now. >> i know you'll be talking about this, so, folk, stay right here. "the lead with jake tapper" begins in ten minutes. we will see you, sir, in ten minutes. thanks, jake, so much. >> thank you, brooke. also today marks four years to the day since the death of michael jacksoning and it could also be the day that his oldest son testified in his family's wrongful death lawsuit. what prince jackson could reveal next. ♪
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the world lost a huge talent exactly four years ago today. >> today at home on the west side of l.a. something happened. michael jackson's heart stopped, he stopped breathing. medics were called, efforts were made but despite those effort, jackson died. >> at the time jackson was preparing for a very ambitious
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concert run. now his family is suing the concert promoter for wrongful death. the court has already heard from jackson's 15-year-old daughter, paris. now it is the turn of her older brother, 16-year-old prince jackson. do we know when prince jackson might be testifying? >> i expected tomorrow morning, first thing in court, perhaps about 9:30 or 10:00, here in los angeles. prince jackson will walk up, take the oath, begin testifying, answering questions from his own lawyers about his father's last days, his lives, his hopes, his dreams, his relationship with his children. it should be very dramatic testimony. prince is not just there for the emotional effect, though. he was a witness to meetings that his father had, telephone conversations. and he also will tell us about his father'ses did trust of the producers and how his father was upset, angry, sad, crying at times after he would have meetings or coming back from
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rehearsal. there will be a lot of information he'll be asked about. and he'll under go cross-examination by aeg live lawyers who will try to shake his story. >> alan, thank you so much. coming up, good news for the housing market. it's something that hasn't happened before, having a tremendous impact on the stock market today. that's next. i save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, written by people just like you. find out why more than two million members
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today. look at the big board, up triple digits. investors responding to positive economic reports, such as strong news about the housing market today. let's go straight to cnn personal finance and business correspondent zane asher in new york. good to see you. >> home prices up 12%. that, by the way, is the largest gain since 2006. now san francisco reigned supreme showing the largest increase, 24% in april compared to a year ago. right behind it las vegas, atlanta and where you are all up more than 20%. here in new york dealing with the opposite end of the spectrum, home prices up just 3%. the areas hardest hit in the recession are posting the largest gains, areas like detroit. generally speaking home prices are up for strong demand, number
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one, thanks to more and more people having jobs and also low supply. there really is a short anage o new homes available for sale. lastly, low interest rates which makes mortgages more affordable and more attractive. new home sales up 2% in may. when people buy new homes, they tend to buy appliances and furniture as well. definitely good news for spending. zain asher, thank you very much. >> and roll that tape. $1.2 million cash, missing, presumed stolen here. authorities say it was supposed to be in a secure shipping container aboard a swiss air flight from zurich but when the plane arrived saturday at j.f.k. international airport, the money
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was gone. it's not sure if the money disappeared before the plane left zurich or after it arrived in new york. >> and have you heard that inmates most at risk of contracting this valley fever have to be moved out of two state prisons. it's a potentially deadly fungus that thrives in dry soil. a federal judge has given the jail seven days to start the process. several thousand inmates are affected. >> and police have spent a lot of time searching the property of aaron des in the death of odin lloyd. his body was found in an industrial park not far from hernandez's home. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me
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today. we always put interviews up on the brooke blog. go to in the meantime let's take to you washington to my colleague jake tapper. "the lead" starts right now. here's a little russian language lesson for you. the word is nyit. i'm jake tapper and this is "the lead." the world lead, edward snowden appears to be in the middle of a long layover in moscow. if you were expecting russia to extradite him, you don't know vladimir putin. >> the money lead. she admitted to using the "n" word. now she's lost endorsements and money deals. some say she got a law deal. >> and the national lead. today the supreme court made some major changes to
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