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tv   New Day  CNN  June 26, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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news anchor michaela pereira. we now know the nsa leaker is in russia. vladimir putin will do nothing to hand him over saying u.s. requests to return edward snowden are like sheering a piglet, too much squeal, not enough wool. what? we'll go to moscow live. >> look at this video. this is a woman on board a u.s. airways flight who refused to turn off her cell phone during taxiing. the police came in and dragged her off the plane. the story behind the video. we'll have that coming up. a pretty terrifying story out of new hampshire as we begin the summer. a group of boy scouts struck by lightning. 23 of them rushed to the hospital. our dr. sanjay gupta will be here to talk about what we should do and what you at home should do if you are caught in the storm we are talking about what should be a very important day. the justices deciding two big
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cases involving same-sex marriage. they could go as far as making it legal. crowds are gathering outside as people are jockeying for a front row seat to history. joe johns is live outside the supreme court this morning. a lot of buildup and weight for these decisions. >> reporter: that's certainly true. just about under 100 people camped out here. some all night long to get a front row seat to history. it all comes down to this as the supreme court has left some of its biggest decisions to the very end of the term. two hot button cases that could change life in america expected to be decided at the supreme court. in one case, whether the federal government can take away benefits from married couple under the defense of marriage act because they are the same sex. if it was okay for voters in california to decide that marriage should be between a man and a woman because of
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proposition 8. two gay and lesbian couples brought the case. >> i think america is ready for that. i think america does have this founding principle around fairness and equality that we believe in too. >> reporter: court watchers are wondering whether the last case the court decided, overturning a key part of the voting rights act, is a hint about how the justices will rule today. >> the decision on voting flights some way was viewed by the majority as supporting state's rights. that certainly works to the advantage of states like california in the proposition 8 case. >> reporter: the voting rights ruling could change life in america as well thanks to the supreme court ruling, all or parts of 15 states, mostly in the south, no longer have to ask the federal government for approval before they make changes to voting laws that could effect minorities. other parts of the law were left standing. >> it is still unlawful to engage in practices designed to discourage minority voting. >> reporter: that voting rights
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case was not a surprise. a court warned that it might do this. the big focus on same-sex marriage. >> a very busy morning ahead for you. we'll talk to you soon. thank you. the eyes of a nation and millions more are all focused on a south africa hospital this rng month, the family of nelson mandela is gathering there at the former leader's bedside. the government says he is still in critical condition but the vigils have already gun. robyn curnow is live in pretoria. what is the mood? >> reporter: it has caught a sombre, sad mood here. a sense of calm, many south africans waiting expecting the inevitable, particularly if you see headlines like this. meddiva, his clan name, on life support. isn't that the most powerful headline. "the final struggle." we are unclear on the exact
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details of his medical condition except the fact that he is still critical, doesn't seem to be getting better. beyond that, south africans don't have a lot of information. a lot of them coming here quietly leaving flowers or letters, hand written notes from children, balloons at the side of this entrance. paying their respects in a quiet, calm way. also, critically, i must add, there has been an increase in security outside this hospital. this road we are standing on has blocked off at both entrances barricading by police vehicles, an increase in the number of policemen guarding the entrance to this hospital. so there is a shift in activity as well. all in all, though, south africans just waiting and hoping for good news but expecting bad news. >> thank you, very much. george zimmerman -- was george zimmerman on a mission to clear out those he saw as suspicious from his florida
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neighborhood by whatever necessary. that is the prosecution's theory. their proof, emergency calls made months before his death as dramatic pictures stunned the courtroom yesterday. george howl is live with are month. every day seems to bring more dramatic details. what's the latest? >> reporter: absolutely. it was a very emotional day in the courtroom tuesday with some key turning points for the defense. some of the images are disturbing. the parents of trayvon martin had to leave the courtroom, leaving jurors and the public to see this, the lifeless body of their 17-year-old son, some images too graphic for tv. they were shown during the second of sergeant anthony rolando, who tried to perform
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cpr. >> were you able to get a pulse? >> no, sir. >> reporter: the state called on police crime state technician, diane smith. they saw the evidence she collected, like george zimmerman's handgun, clothing, skittles and the fruit drink martin was carrying. she told prosecutors she couldn't find any blood on the sidewalk where zimmerman said the teen slammed his head. during cross-examination, her answer left room for the defense. >> when you were walking down the sidewalk with the flashlight, the idea was to see if there was obvious blood? >> reporter: yes. >> and it was raining? >> that's correct. >> reporter: in fact, the defense was able to turn the table on several of the state's witnessings like wendy dorable, who trained zimmerman with neighborhood watch guidelines. >> he seemed like he really wanted to make changes in his community to make it better. >> reporter: saline bahador told prosecutors she heard what sounded like running from left to right the night of the
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shooting. mark amara further challenged her credibility. >> what does that say on the front page right there? read that. >> prosecute the color of 17-year-old trayvon martin. sign the petition. >> reporter: so this case is moving at a rapid clip. the witness we hear from this morning will be the tenth witness we have heard from so far. also, remember, we have yet to hear from witness number 8, the person, the girlfriend, who was on the phone with trayvon martin the night of the shooting. what she has to say could really challenge george zimmerman's account of what happened. >> day three set to begin very shortly. george, thank you. brand new, a chaotic night in texas. this is the scene inside the texas capital hours ago. a fill buster, one ibuster, one
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confusing and dramatic. designed to squash or advance the most stringent abortion regulations. it came down to a matter of minutes. nick has the latest. good morning. >> it was a crazy night. no one knew which way it was going to go. at the very end, it came down to a missed deadline and a marathon filibuster. wendy davis, state senator, taking the floor for more than 10 hours in an attempt to stop this abortion bill, which would be one of the strictest abortion bills in the united states banning most abortions after 20 weeks. also, imposing some very strict guidelines and restrictions on abortion clinics an the doctors that work on them. in the end, republicans were able to stop wendy davis filibuster on the term of technicalities but it wasn't enough to push the vote from going through. the vote happened but it did happen and missed the deadline. it happened three minutes after
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midnight. the vote was officially declared dead by the lieutenant governor and republicans very upset. >> a filibuster is just to eat up time, to stop the amount of time. she was sitting there in sneakers on her feet for 11 hours. there were debates about whether or not she touched the lectern. the rules are so strict you have to stand, no support. people want to defeat your ability. was she really successful? is this bill dead or is there another procedure that can come into play? >> texas governor, rick perry, has the authority to call lawmakers back to another special session. they will have to go over this all over again. this could restart it all up again, chris. it doesn't seem very likely that this time around, democrats will have enough strength or power to stop the bill if it happens to be proposed in a special session. >> thank you very much. very interesting demonstration of politics. at one point, one of her colleagues gave her a back brace to help her stand up.
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>> i read one plays that democrats may win this battle but it looks like republicans may win this war in terms of that bill. severe weather in the middle of the country has left at least one person dead. a tornado touching down in iowa leaving a trail of damage there. as millions of people are facing another day of sweltering temperatures. live from the weather center. >> a lot of people don't think of heat as a weather event. it is actually the deadliest of all weather events. this weekend, a drastic heat wave. philadelphia seeing the warm temperatures we saw yesterday. this is the story, a huge dome of high pressure building in. we already know it is hot, arizona, california. once you get above 115, you start soaring close to 130, that
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happens once in every ten years. that's what's expected to happen this weekend. very dangerous. lake havasu, a popular vacation spot, 126. phoenix looking for 118 degrees this weekend. this is what's really going on. high pressure building into the area, typically we see west to east movement. we are kind of in between this in the monsoon alsey son. that's when we start to see the moisture come from the east. that will relieve the temperatures. a lot of people make the mistake, they drink too much water. you need to drink electrolytes in addition to the water. >> more than water? >> yes. >> you are so much more than giving us the water. story we have been following all week. new developments this morning. we now know exactly where nsa leaker, edward snowden, is. he is hold up in the transit area of am moscow airport.
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vladimir is saying russia won't hand the fugitive over. cnn's phil black, is joining us. we now know where snowden is. that's right. we have all suspected that snowden has been in transit at this moscow airport. vladimir putin is the first russian official to confirm, that's where you will find him. he has said russia will not intervene to help the united states take it back or take advantage of the situation by trying to extract more top secret information from him. take a look. >> reporter: raveings and rubbish, that's how vladimir putin described any suggestion his country is helping edward snowden. speaking on a visit to finland saying snowden's arrival in moscow was unexpected. despite the wealth of knowledge snowden claims to have about u.s. intelligence operations
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around the world, he says russia's only security service has not spoken to him since his arrival. >> translator: mr. snowden is a free man. the sooner he chooses his final destination, the better for us and himself. >> reporter: putin seemed to rule out any chance russia will help return snowden to the united states. >> translator: we can hand over foreign citizens with countries in which we have an appropriate agreement on the extradition with criminals. we don't have such an agreement with the united states. >> reporter: the united states argues there is still a clear, legal basis for russia to expel snowden. >> we are not booking for a confrontation or ordering anybody. we are simply requesting under a very normal procedure for the transfer of somebody just as we transferred to russia seven people in the last two years that they requested that we did without any clamor, without any
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ra rancore, without any argument. >> reporter: russian officials tell cnn passengers can only remain in transit at the airport for 24 hours. for snowden, that window has long passed. russia seems ready to work with snowden to make his own decision on where he goes next. vladimir putin says he doesn't want this situation to harm the businesslike relationship between the united states and russia. in his own colorful way, he said he would like to not be dealing with this problem at all. this is a direct quote from the russian president. it is like sheering a pig, too much squealing, not a lot of wool. >> that's one of the strangest lines i have heard in a long time. it's a head-scratcher. >> it teams like he is trying to get rid of this. >> a lot of news here. let's get to michaela pereira. making news right now, there
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is a stand-up underway. that's awful. let me try that again. there is a standoff underway in los angeles. a guy suspected of ordering two los angeles police officers in an intense gun battle believed to be holed up inside a home. an lapd gang officer was shot in the cheek last night. another, a county probation officer, was hit in the leg. bee both expected to survive. democratic congressman, ed markey, wins massachusetts special election. back in 2010, scott brown upset democratic attorney general martha copley to fill the remainder of late democratic senator, ted kennedy's term. a developing story out of the canadian arctic, 20 tour istds, including two americanings now stuck on baffin
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island, canada's largest island. they were on an expedition when an ice shelf broke free. the canadian air force says there are no medical emergencies. they are expected to be rescued alive. after a three-year serve, a marine is reunited with the dog that saved his life. lance corporal brad o'keefe was badly injured and sent home to upstate new york. earl injured but he went back into service. o'keefe's sister deserved a whole lot of credit for reuniting the two. she set up a facebook page and found he was working stateside. that trooper decided that earl and o'keefe belonged together. it was up to the trooper to decide if he wanted to part with his partner. he said that was the right thing to do. >> a beautiful black lab, my goodness. >> specially when you think about the dedication of service for these guys.
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so many that come home. >> that companionship helps. we are going to take a break. patriot's tight end, aaron hernandez, still not a suspect. why the drumbeat is getting louder. new developments that could link him to a murder the great plane robbery. what happened to more than $1 million in cash that was supposed to be on a swiss air can cargo jet when it landed at new york jfk's airport. that's what the fed wants to know and we do too. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting
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to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ who's looking for a nutritious and affordable alternative to eating lunch out. yes i am. you know the average lunch out is over $7.00 per meal? i know. let me show you something... okay. walmart has a bunch of quick lunch options. a meal like this is less than $4.25 per serving. for real? yeah! if you swap out lunch just 3 times per week, you could save over 475 bucks a year. yeah? yeah! a small change equals big savings. get lean cuisine meals backed by the low price guarantee. walmart.
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by the low price guarantee. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in!
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this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. welcome back to "new day." it is money time. christine romans is here. we had a little rally yesterday. futures are solidly higher. a 101-point gain on the dow. investors taking comfort in solid housing data.
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one big mover, barnes & noble, 17%, after reporting a big loss at its nook ereader division. that bucks the trend. the controversy surrounding paula dean is not hurting her book sales. her new testament cookbook is now number 24 on the amazon best seller list. the book doesn't come out until the fall. advanced orders, people lining up to buy this. the book was listed at 1592 two days ago. >> more pink slips for sesame street. it is cutting about 10% of its staff, 30 employees. they also cut jobs last year. two weeks ago, they won six daytime emmy awards. >> you see them win these awards but the bottom line still has to be reached. >> not the characters. >> no, no, no. you will see your favorite characters. >> don't take away my big bird.
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he went political in 2012. two high maintenance. >> it keeps my kids quiet. >> we have toddlers, so sesame street is important. >> i would cut down on his feathers. trim the feathers back. >> big bird's hair stylist got fired. new developments around the death of a man found near the home of nfl player, aaron hernandez. a judge has sealed all documents in the case. the patriot's tide end is meeting with the defense attorney. they are still not calling hernandez a suspect. susan candiotti is live in north massachusetts. >> reporter: a judge imposing a document lockdown in the ongoing murder investigation, pulling down the curtain lower in this mysterious case. a judge ordering all records kept under wraps in the murder investigation touching new england patriot's tight end aaron hernandez. a notice pinned outside the
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clerk's office, impounded by the court. >> the usual reason this occurs, is that the court and the judge have made a determination that a potential defendant might be deprived of a fair trial if the evidence is released prematurely. >> in this case, there may be concern over one focus. football player, aaron hernandez. murder victim, odin lloyd, was a friend of hernandez. his body was found less than a mile from the football player's luxury home. they have searched his house twice removing more than a dozen bags of undisclosed items. what was taken could have been made public but the list is now under seal. sealing documents is perfectly legal but some experts call it surprising because of so much public interest. >> i think a feeling among the public that, you know, something shady may be going on behind closed doors. now, we don't have any evidence that that's happening. i think a lot of people feel that way.
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>> on tuesday, hernandez got a visit from his criminal defense team, including jamie sultan, well-known in boston for high-profile cases. >> it would indicate to me that they take this investigation very seriously. this obviously is a career-ending event for mr. hernandez if he is ultimately charged with a crime. >> police are not calling hernandez a suspect and a law enforcement source tells cnn no arrest warrant has been issued. >> defense attorneys have issued a statement saying hernandez is being subjected to a flood of misinformation and rumor in the media but thanking the district attorney for is professionalism. the d.a. issued a statement saying, thanks for the compliment. there is no resolution in this case for aaron hernandez nor for the victim or family of the victim, odin lloyd. chris and kate? >> as uncomfortable as it is, it is about getting justice for
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that family. >> that often does get lost, specially when another person is so high-profile and so well-known. it is something we still must focus on. >> still ahead on "new day." how did more than $1 million in cash disappear from a plane after it landed here in new york. don't ask cuomo. the latest just ahead. another case of air rage. a woman dragged off a plane after she refused to turn off her cell phone of all things. we are live with details.
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welcome back to "new day." i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan with our news anchor, michaela pereira. it is wednesday, june 26th. coming up in this half hour, how more than $1 million
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vanished off a plane. how, oh how, oh how. we'll break down the mid-air mystery and get some answers man down. that white sox player, might want to think about that. oops! it hit the mound and dropped the ball. >> how was your knee? that's my head. we are all good. that's the conversation you have. at least they are getting paid to play. let's get to micayla. i have eyes on both of you. let's take a look at the headlines. the supreme court in the spotlight expected to issue historic decisions on same-sex marriage. the two cases challenge the federal defensive marriage act and california's prop 8. on tuesday, the high court threw out portions of the 1965 voting act allowing nine states to change their voting laws without prior approval from the federal government. confusion and anger in texas over a vote on sweeping abortion restrictions. it happened but it happened too late. missing a midnight deadline.
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how to pass. the new restrictions would oppose almost all abortion clinics in the state. wendy davis almost killed the vote. single-handedly, she staged a grueling 11-hour filibuster. the world is watching south africa as nelson mandel that remains in critical condition. droves of people leaving hand-written messages. there are reports emerging that some family members held a emergency meeting to discuss delicate matters, widely believed to mean preparations for mandela's death. president obama is getting ready to leave for an african tour that will take him to senegal, south africa and tanz nia. this is his second trip to africa. the most dramatic testimony in the wrongful death trial of michael jackson's concert
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promoter could come today. his 16-year-old son, prince, is expected to testify about their private lives and some of the last conversations he had with his father. michael apparently talked to his son about the people he didn't trust and predicted his own death. it turns out puppy love is a lot like baby love. the bond formed between a dog and its owner is really a lot like the bond between parent and baby. they studied a phenomenal called the secure base effect where infants get steady care and security. researchers tested how 20 adult dogs acted around their owners and strangers and determined those bonds were indeed similar. >> this explains a lot. >> you have seen this too. >> walking around new york city, a woman and her baby. that's so cute. it is a little dog. i'm not judging. i would like to know your thoughts on that. should dogs be in strollers? >> i don't get it. does that mean the dog looks at the person as a parent or does it mean the human?
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>> it is a two-way relationship. they tested the dogs and saw the benefits to the dog. they tested the adult because we have heard before that people's blood pressure goes down and their cholesterol improves. i think it is a two-way street. >> do you have a dog? >> i have a dog. i have dogs, have kids. i feel like i'm more attached to the kid than the dog. >> you likely are. you are not equating the dog love to the child. >> that's all i'm saying. did we explain it to you, mr. drummond? >> i need time. you guys talk very fast, you get a lot of information. i'm a guy. you have to sink it in. that's what men do. we listen. >> we are laughing at you. this always comes back to a man/woman difference. >> i'm just saying, you think quick. i'm complimenting. >> it doesn't feel like a compliment. it feels like a slap in the face.
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>> hold on. somebody is talking to me. >> exactly. what was that? move on. >> this next story is not just who done it. seriously, how? $1.2 million vanished tuesday from a commercial flight between switzerland and new york. the money was part of a multimillion-dollar shipment to a u.s. bank. mary snow is looking into it. >> reporter: more than $1 million disappears from a swiss international airlines flight. what's unclear is when the 1.2 million all in $100 bills actually vanished. was it before passenger flight 17 left zurich on saturday or after it arrived in new york? a federal law enforcement official said the cash was part of the bigger shipment. ruffle, $50 million coming through jfk international airport. the money belongs to a u.s. bank says a law enforcement source shipped in a cargo container headed to a federal reserve
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facility. the source was discovered from the shipment arrived monday. former federal agent, robert strange, said huge cash shipments aren't unusual. >> reporter: is it common so much cash would be on a passenger flight? >> sure. when you look under the belly of most commercial airplanes, you are going to find many things you can't believe they are there. you are transferring money, assets, whether it is gold bars, jewelry, other valuable items, all around the world. that's done mostly in passenger aircraft. >> reporter: the federal reserve declined comment. swit international airlines would only say an investigation is under way. it brought back memories from the heist at jfk from the scene of the movie "goodfellows." thieves made off with ruffle $8 million in cash and jewelry. at the time, it was the biggest heist in history.
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the amount pales in comparison to one earlier in belgium. eight heavily armed men burst through a fence on to a brussels air force tarmac in two vehicles, stole $50 million worth of diamonds from a plane bound for zurich switzerland. months later, more than 30 people were arrested. mary snow, cnn new york. >> and me complaining i lost my bag over the weekend. think of that. when you are the guy in charge of getting that cargo on to the belly of the plane. >> i had no idea planes had that much room. >> i'm guessing, there are a lot of people thinking, i've got some ideas now. coming up on "new day," a terrifying narrow miss for two dozen boy scouts. struck by lightning. we are talking about dr. sanjay gupta about what to do. what a-rod tweets, brian cash man, yankees general manager, explodes. we will tell you what has him so
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man in our bleacher report coming up. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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(girl) w(guy) dive shop.y? (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine. (girl) we shouldn't have done that. (guy) no. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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welcome back to "new day." a quick check of news around the world. in india, rescue operations are underway as the rescue climbs. nic robertson is there. >> reporter: thousands of people still stuck on the mountainside. names of those accounted for on the walls. coming to find out where their missing loved ones are. her whole family here. at the bottom, several mobile phone numbers. five phone numbers to contact for the missing and the help here goes on. people here handing out food to the pilgrims that make it down off the mountains. on tuesday, the news, a helicopter went down, losing the flight crew and approximately another 15 people on board. back to you, kate. thanks so much. in lebanon, at least 12 soldiers have been killed in fighting with suni gunmen.
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mohamm mohammed jamjoom has more. >> reporter: 1700 killed and over 100 wounded when two intense days of clashes broke out between the lebanese army and followers of a cleric. for many, an eery reminder of what lebanon experienced. many in lebanon fear this is another example of how the conflict in syria is spreading here. back to you, kate. mohammed, kate. egypt is seeing rare and deadly sectarian violence. critics are pointing their fingers at president mohamed morsi and his party. here is more in cairo. >> kate, egypt is batoning down the hatches. opposition groups will be out in full force against president mohamed morsi. the u.s. embassy will be closed that day.
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one of the main focal points of the demonstration. i can tell you, the egyptian street is buzzing with anticipation. we are expecting hundreds of thousands, if not a million, people to turn out. this will be the greatest challenge to his press den sichlt cy. we are expecting the president to give a speech later. the army said they won't allow the country to slip into chaos. >> ian lee in cairo. thanks so much. alex rodriguez, the big new york yankee, he has had his share of controversy around him. brian cashman, one of the big shots in management. he has had his problems. i have never heard of them having problems with each other. let's bring in andy with the bleacher report to take us through this. this is unusual, even for the yankees. >> this is very unusual. a rod has been rehabbing down in florida from off-season hip surgery. yesterday, he announced that he was ready to get back on the field. here is the tweet from a-rod. it reads, visit from dr. kelly over the weekend who gave me the
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best news. the green light to play games again. yankees gm, brian cashman, didn't appreciate the announcement. in an interview, he responded saying, you know what, when the yankees want to announce something, we will. alex should just shut the blank up. that's it. i'm going to call alex now. clearly, the relationship between threes two guys, not very good. >> it is all about the control, who controls that message coming out of yankee stadium. >> when you think about the fact that you have big personalities, big egos, a plan and a p.r. move that the g.m. wants to control and those two things are not meeting. i can kind of see his perspective. >> this relationship is becoming a little strained over the last few years. a-rod's production has been on the decline.
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the yankees still owe him over $100 million over the next few years. >> take this from the corrupt pro baseball to pure college baseball. world series wrapping up. ucla beat mississippi state 8-0. they claim their first-ever world series title. the guy they did it with, pitching and defense. the pitching staff for the bruins allowed four runs in five games. that's a world series record as they started using metal bats. >> i wanted y'all to check out this blooper from last night. it cob t it could be the blooper of the year. the white sox were one out away from beating the mets. they got a routine pop-up. gordon beckham trips over the pitcher into the third baseman. the mets tie the game on this play. >> i see that happening maybe in little league but i don't see
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that happening. i blame the pitcher. i don't know if you want to show it again or not. he is sitting there in the middle of the play. get out of the way if you are not going to make a play. >> how did he know he was going to get blindsided from behind him? he is pointing up. someone else get it. who is going to get it. >> beckham did own up to it. he didn't try to make excuses. he flat-out said, i'm an idiot. he was bailed out. the white sox won in a walkoff. >> thank you very much. let's get straight over to ingrid peterson. >> big changes. we are looking at that lull in the line of storms that continues to bring heavy rain. it means a cooldown in the northeast where we have been seeing warm temperatures. you will see a pretty big drop,
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more averagelike temperatures. where it cools down, it means it is going to warm up somewhere else. this is that huge pattern change, headlines with record-breaking temperatures expected this weekend. it happens once in every ten years where you see temperatures above 115. that's what we are watching. lake havasu, 126 degrees expected this weekend. look at that 129 in death valley. even in phoenix, we are talking about 118. a little bit of trivia for you guys. what do you think is the hottest temperature ever recorded? >> ever? >> 126 was on. 130. >> close. 129. >> 137. >> closest. 134. it is almost the 100-year anniversary. that was death valley. >> aptly named. >> 129 this weekend. >> i've experienced 114. i thought i was going to end. you can't breath. >> thanks very much, indra, good
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trivia. coming up on "new day." the supreme court will determine the fate of same-sex marriage in america. what their decision could mean for millions of americans. a wild scene after a passenger allegedly refused to turn off that cell phone. is that the whole story? >> how about the person with the cell phone taking the video. see what i'm saying? ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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the newly resurrected hostess company has announced twinkies will be back on the shelf. fin finally, some good news for paula dean. apple's new operation system allows series to get a male somebody sounding voice. every time you ask him a question, he asks his wife and it is back. >> you can listen to your laughter and tell by your laugher it. >> i like both. with that, we begin our 30-minutes of commercial free news. let's start with our political gut check. new york city mayoral
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candidate, anthony weiner, a politician widely popular is now gaining popularity in the polls. first, the president still struggling to get is had hands on the nsa leaker hold-up in the moscow airport. let's get more on all things washington and political with john king. john, a lot going on this morning. first, on the snowden case. we talk about this over an over. we now finally know where he is. putin says he is not technically in russia. he is in the airport. no matter where he is and how this ends up, there has to be some lasting impact on u.s./russia relations, because it has gotten nasty publicly. >> no question about that. here is the big question. he is in the russian airport, waiting, waiting and waiting. there is no question. the relationship between the two leaders, president putin and president obama, that is kind.
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hey, we have worked with you on past law enforcement cases. they are trying to make it less personal and more practical. so far, the russians are still saying no. here is the key here. what if the pressure on ecuador works. if he is sitting in the airport for two, three, four more days and he has no place to go. as we watched the relationship between putin and obama. watch whether somebody, and ecuador is the first case, gives him asylum. >> the longer it goes, the worst it can loos for russia. >> he called us a piglet, john. how weak does this make the u.s. look when this guy is like sheering a piglet. >> we have no reason to believe it would be any different if george w. bush or john doe were president. this isn't all about president obama. he is president at the moment.
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he did promise to restore america's standing in the world. he promised a reset in russian relations that started with president medvedev. putin and obama have a very hostile, sour relationship. you could see it in the pictures. putin looking off to the side. there is no question, the two of them, it is a toxic relationship right now. this is one of the examples of why that matters. >> let's talk about a mayoral race. it sure is an interesting one. here in new york city, anthony weiner, everyone knows that name very well, taking his first lead over christine quinn, who had long-time been the leading candidate in the democratic race. how is weiner doing it? >> you just answered your own question. everybody knows that name. in a crowded field, name recognition matters. when a congressman runs statewide, they have problems. when they run city-wide, they have problems. people know the name but are not
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familiar with their work. every democratic voter knows who anthony weiner is. it is a plus with some voters, a negative with others. in a crowded field, this is why you have surprises. this puts a lot of pressure on christine quinn and the other candidates. can she strike a deal? that primary is in september. will she go negative? will others go negative? >> i like your optimism. is this about new york city or a little bit of a window into maybe cultural evolution going on that we forgive these type of since and see them differently? >> how you handle these things is critical. gary hart said years later, bill clinton survived a personal scandal. he didn't have to be on the ballot. his public standing went up. maybe he had a good economy. maybe it is how he handled it. anthony weiner has been out
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front on this. it was not pretty at first. his point now is to go to the debates, to talk to the media, to not duck this. the american people and i'm sure the people of new york are forgiving souls. the question is, this is not over. what you rise up like this, you make your sfself a target. john king, good to see you. good morning. waiting for it. a quick roundup of the stories you will be talking about today. micayla? >> jump in. it is from "the new york times." the fd. a is using its new powers over cigarettes. >> in the "l.a. times," a jesus statue that is going to stay on a sliver of federal land in montana. a judge ruled that the statue does not cross the line between church and straight. from the "philadelphia
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inquirer," more hurricane sandy relief on the way to new jersey. fema gives the hard-hit state an additional $83 billion to help rebuild. let's go to christine romans. crazy time on wall street. the dow has swung more than 100 points in 16 of the last 18 sessions in june. yesterday, a 101-point gain. very strong housing news yesterday. futures higher for today. you haven't heard the last on george zimmer. men's warehouse saying why it fired the company's founder. very unusual. detailed statement. the company said zimmer was power hungry. he refused to support the board and demanded the board submit to hig his demands remember the carnival "triumph" stranded. the man who led them for 34 years, will stay on as chairman.
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mickey arsson is out. indra petersons is here with what you need to know about the weather. more showers in the ohio valley. heavy rain expected tlutd the area. it may be good news for the northeast. cooler weather. building into the southwest. this is something that happens once in every ten years. record-breaking heat. we are talking about days over 115 degrees. you have excessive heat warnings. which are at the top of the hour, which means it is time for the top news. we will hopefully have the same rights as everyone else and be able to marry the person we love. the supreme court set to announce the fate of same-sex
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marriage within hours. a family, trayvon martin's father walks out of court after dramatic testimony in the trial of george zimmerman a woman being dragged off a plane because she wouldn't turn off her cell phone. what really happened. your "new day" starts right now. what you need to know. >> the voice of the people in the capital gallery tonight could not be silenced. >> what you just have to see. good morning, everybody. welcome back to "new day." i'm kate bolduan. >> i'm chris cuomo with our news
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anchor, michaela pereira. we are in the middle of 30 minutes of commercial-free news. chaos overnight in texas over a controversial abortion bill. lawmakers unable to tell they have voted on it. how did things get so out of control? a group of boy scouts recovering after their shelter was struck by lightning. what should you do in a similar situation? >> dr. sanjay gupta is here with help. how about a flash mob proposal. we will show you an r ad tell y about it. we start with supreme court decision on same-sex marriage. it will rule on legal challenges to the federal defensive marriage act and california's controversial pop position 8. a crowd is gathering in washington outside the supreme court building waiting for those decisions to be handed down. that's where cnn's joe johns is right now. >> reporter: some people have
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been camped out here all night long waiting to get a seat to hear the same-sex marriage rulings. this is about two cases before the united states supreme court. first one is the defense of marriage act, whether the federal government can take away benefits from same-sex couples and the second case, proposition 8, about whether the state of california, can take away the right of same-sex couples to marry. we say we are hoping for a decision here. there is always a chance the court could punt on one of these cases. nonetheless, the two couples in the proposition 8 case have been here since monday going to the court. i saw them. they walked right in front of me just yesterday. unfortunately, at least for them, yesterday, they got to hear a case on the voting rights act. chris? >> all right, joe. that's good to know what's going on. it is going to be a big day when the decisions come. we have to figure out what they mean. >> it is going to be a big day. we know. let's bring in cnn's senior
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legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. we have to talk about today. joe laid out the two big cases before the court. when you heard arguments on these cases, did the justices tip their hand which way they are leaning. >> a little bit. in the proposition 8 case, which looked like it was going to be the big case, they looked like they were trying to find a way out. i think everybody knows that same-sex marriage is going to come to california regardless of what the supreme court does. proposition 8 is going to be overturned by the voters if it gets to that. the really big case today i think is the defense of marriage act case. that's a case with enormous
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practical significance for thousands of married same-sex couples all over the country in the 12 states and the district of columbia that have it. if that case stands, these people are going to be penalized unlike any other married couples. if it is overturned, they are going to be treated under federal law like everybody else. that's the case that i think looks like the case today. with both cases, it seems to be you are suggesting that the court could make the same point. the federal government will not make the law for all. let this be state by state. fair? >> right. that is an argument. the state's rights argument that often appeals to anthony kennedy who is so often the swing vote in these cases. i don't think anyone doubts that the four democratic appointees to the court, will vote for same-sex marriage rights. the question is, will they get a
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fifth vote? anthony kennedy has been pro gay rights in the past. he has been someone who says the federal government shouldn't tell the states what to do. that combination suggests that kennedy might be a fifth vote to overturn the defense of marriage act, because it interferes with gay rights and also interferes with state's right to determine what marriage is in their state. >> no matter what the justices decide, when they decide, we will have some answers. at the same time, specially as it relates to the defense of marriage act, what the justices rule on today, could create a lot of confusion across the country with regard to states who allow same-sex marriage and states that don't. looking ahead, you put your finger on the big legal controversy to come. think about this. what about a couple, two men who were married in massachusetts,
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who moved to alabama. they have a child. they want to get divorced. do they get divorced in alabama. what happens to custody of their children. cases like that are springing up all over the country. that's the next frontier for the gay rights struggle, is what happens in the states that don't have same-sex marriage. this is the united states. people move. people get divorced. all of those controversies are starting to work their way through the core. sooner, rather than later, they will wind up here at the supreme court. >> that's the expectation we will be hearing about in three hours. another interesting story we have been following this morning. chaos in the texas state capital where senators there went late into the night to vote on a controversial abortion bill. state senator, wendy davis, tried to prevent the vote with a filibuster that went on for 11
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hours. she was ordered to stop. the lawmakers didn't begin voting on the measure until after the midnight deadline had passed. pretty confusing, isn't it? nick valencia is live trying to explain all of this. hi, nick. >> good morning, kate. no one knew which way it was going to go. it was a crazy night. in the en, it came down to a missed deadline and a marathon filibuster. >> chanting in the middle of the night. >> we will suspend the roll call vote until we can get order. >> chaos on the texas senate floor. >> i am in town to speak for an extended period of time on the bill. >> democrat, wendy davis, took the senate floor at 11:18. the goal, filibuster for some 13 hours, until midnight when the special session of the legislation would expire. it would ban most abortions after 20 weeks of presidency and impose strict standards on abortion clinics.
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critics say it would clothes nearly every abortion clinics. protesters filled the halls. hour after hour, davis spoke and spoke, under strict rules of order. three violations and the filibuster would come to an end. one by one, those violations came. >> it's my understanding all questions have to be with regard to the body of the bill. >> she was cited for straying off topic. strike two. a fellow senator helping her with a back brace. then, after nearly 11 hours on the senate floor. >> i'm going through this bill ana analysis, because i have something to say. democrats tried to run out the clock with procedural questions and the visitor's gallery erupted. then, republicans gathered at the front of the chamber and started to vote on the abortion bill. the roll call took place just after midnight. democrats challenged the results
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saying they did not participate in the vote. it came too late. >> each side claimed victory until several hours later at about 3:00 a.m. local time. the lieutenant governor took the floor one last time to announce the bill had failed and the legislative session was officially over. >> although the bill failed to meet the deadline, texas governor, rick perry, has the authority to call lawmakers back for another 30-day special session. if it does, it seems unlikely democrats will be able to fight off the bill again. kate? >> this fight clearly not over yet. nick valencia, thanks. why not spend the time trying to compromise and figure the bill in the first place. >> or bring it back up in a special session. >> let's go to south africa. people anxiously praying for nelson mandela. he is in critical condition.
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let's bring in cnn's robyn curnow. >> hey, there, chris. i've been standing outside this hospital for the last 19 days. the only recent information was on sunday night saying mandela was still on the critical list. what's also changing here, behind me, a lot more people seem to be congregating around the entrance to the hospital, more and more media many could go many could go to camp out. newspapers talk about mandela's final battle. crucially, we understand that mandela's wife has been receiving counseling and support from the archbishop of cape town. he released the contents of a prayer he said with her last night. i'm going to read it to you. some of it, he said, grant mandela eternal healing and
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relief from pain and suffering. krau crucially, they said, grant him a quiet night and a peaceful, perfect end. >> thank you very much for the latest. we are watching, hoping for good news but not looking great right now. thank you very much. this rmorning, president obama and his family leave in under two hours for their three nation african tour, senegal, south africa and tanzania are on the list. this trip preplanned taking on a bigger significance in light of the condition of nelson mandela. >> reporter: the first extended trip to the african continent for the president. they will be visiting senegal, south africa and tanzania.
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an important emerging region in the world. there will be a lot of talk about the economic opportunities in south africa. expect to hear officials focus on things like trade, about investment opportunities. aides say the president will talk about how private sector has been pushing the country to get more engaged in that region. the president will also talk about building stronger democracies, about the role that young people could play in the future of africa. as you pointed out, the last time the president went to sub-sahara africa was in 2009. everybody concerned about the health of nelson mandela. this is someone whom the president considers to be one of his heroes. aides say they are closely monitoring the situation, staying in touch with the mandela family. kate? >> we will be hanging over that trip the whole time wondering how he is doing. dan lothian, great to see you.
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thanks so much. we are barely into summertime and it couldn't be hotter. a large portion of the country is dealing with high temperatures. any relief in sight? i can't answer it but indra petersons can. you can see the lull moves east at the same time this much larger pressure builds in. while we cool off, the southwest looks like they are looking for a heat wave. we are talking about record temperatures likely. slowing warming up. look at these temperatures, 110, 115, that's normal. no,it is not. you start seeing 120, 129, death valley, phoenix, 118 like this, that is a dangerous situation. i want some perspective. 700 deaths a year from heat waves like this. the majority of them are from california, arizona, and texas. this is a very serious
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situation. you do not want to underestimate the power of the heat wave. it starts to cool the moisture from the gulf. it will get that humidity back and bring those temperatures back. that's what it is going to take to get the relief from the fire danger. this weekend, one in every ten years, we see something this bad. very, very dangerous. >> take care, everybody. we are mid-week, start planning for a hot weekend. a lot of news developing this hour. let's get straight to micayla for the latest. making head likes, police in columbia have arrested four people accused of killing a dea agent during an attempted robbery. the u.s. ask that they be extradited. this has not formerly happened.
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special agent james terry watson was on temporary duty in bogota while he died. two more suspects on the loose. the house oversight committee holds another irs hearing. they want to know if a virginia networks security company acted inappropriately to obtain contracts worth $500 million from the irs. they say a friendship was used to secure the contracts an oklahoma team who vanished was seen in a pickup truck headed to the amazon jungle e we jungle. he was hiking and went ahead of the group and disappeared. a police agent specializing in kidnapping is on the case call it a case of mom versus monster. a california woman has filed a lawsuit claiming the makers of monster energy drink are
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responsible for the death of her teenage son. 19-year-old alex morris died last year after going into cardiac arrest. his mother says he was addicted to the heavily calf nated drink. this comes on the heels of a similar case. this might seem udderly ridiculous. the farmer says, sure, they are comfortable. they sleep better and produce more milk plus water beds are easier to clean and maintain. 12 other farmers agree and say their cows prefer water beds. >> do you see that low okay tore? >> that said goshen, indiana. you know where i am from? goshen, indiana. >> best milk ever produced, goshen, indiana. i'm not buys aed. strong bones. >> it turns out the bond between
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cow and farmer are stronger than even between owner and dog researchers say. >> really. researchers say. >> dogs don't get water beds. >> dogs are also not producing milk for people to consume. >> yes, that is true, thank the lord. coming up on "new day." courtroom fireworks in the murder trial of george zimmerman. dramatic pictures of the night trayvon martin was shot. what kind of impact will this have? we are going to take you through it. here is the video of a woman getting out of control on a flight. why police came in and dragged her off. we're here at the famous tapia brothers produce stand where we've switched their fruits and veggies with produce from walmart. it's a fresh-over.
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that's great. tastes like you just picked them. so far, it's about the best strawberry i've had this year. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best-quality produce they've ever had. all this produce is from walmart. oh, my gosh. i'm shocked. [ laughs ] i know where i'm going to be shopping for strawberries now. find fresh berries and all your quality produce backed by our money back guarantee. walmart. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> welcome back. emotions running high in the george zimmerman call. they are trying to determine whether to introduce calls. it follows a day of graphic
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evidence and strong reaction from trayvon martin's family. cnn's george howell is in sanford, florida, where the courthouse is. wa do you know? >> reporter: we should get some sort of an answer on whether this jury will be able to hear these old 911 calls made by george zimmerman. tuesday, though, it is more about what they saw. images that made for a very emotional day in that courtroom. i want to warn you, what you are about to see may be disturbing. it was too much for tracy martin and sabrina fulton, the parents of trayvon martin had to leave the courtroom leaving jurors and the public to see this, the lifeless body of their 17-year-old son. some images too graphic for tv. they were shown during the testimony from sergeant anthony rolando. he tried to perform cpr. >> were you able to et go a pulse? >> no, sir, i was not. >> the state also called on police crime scene technician,
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diane smith. jurors saw the evidence she collected like george zimmerman's handgun, clothing, skittles and the fruit drink martin was carrying. smith told prosecutors she couldn't find any blood on the sidewalk where zimmerman said the teen slammed his head. during cross-examination, her answer left room for the defense. >> when you were walking down the sidewalk with the flashlight, the idea was to see if there was obvious blood. >> yes. >> it was raining? >> that's correct. >> in fact, the defense was able to turn the table on several of the state's witnesses, like wendy dorable, who trained zimmerman about neighborhood watch guidelines. >> he seemed like he really wanted to make changes in his community to make it better. >> saline bahador told prosecutors she heard what sounded like running from left to right the night of the shooting, a detail the defense challengeded her on as it was the first time she offered that version of events publicly on
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the record. mark o'mara further attacked her credibility by showcasing her online behavior. >> tell me what that says on your facebook front page right there. read that. >> press cute the killer of our son, 17-year-old trayvon martin. sign the petition. >> so chris, kate, this case is definitely moving at a fast clip. the witness we hear from today will be the tenth witness we have heard from so far. keep in in mind, we still have yet to hear from witness number 8, the girlfriend on the phone with trayvon martin on the cell phone the night he was killed. her testimony could prove to be a real challenge for the defense. >> george, that's a good point. obviously, this trial is going to come down to the moment of crisis. the trial seems to be building to that. what points have been made so far. let's bring in sunny hostin who has been following this trial very closely and criminal defense attorney, danny
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silvalis. this trial is going quickly. why? >> you want to try your case very leanly and make the jury believe, this is not a complicated. this is murder in the second degree. here is the evidence. you can make a quick decision because this is a quick case. the jury always was told this would be about a two to four-week case. i have been in the courtroom. i haven't seen a murder trial move this quickly. prosecutor came out with an opening statement, only 32 minutes as opposed to an almost three hour opening statement by the defense. now, you have almost 10 witnesses in two days. it has been remarkably fast. that's the prosecution's way to go. >> from the defense perspective, does that mean they got nothing? >> i think procedurally, this seems to be a case that's moving faster. i don't think it is good or bad for the prosecution. we have seen a lot of preliminary witnesses at this point. i think the defense is scoring some points. just because they are moving along relatively quickly doesn't
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demonstrate the prosecution las any particular strength. >> this is a second-degree murder case. it is one of the big controversy. in florida trial, you must show depraved mind, evil intent. that's where saline bahadour comes in. she says, i heard running left to right. >> it seems to imply a chase. that's why the defense was taken so off guard. they were so upset. mark o'mara really went after that witness. the witness didn't want to see anything that night. she was at home. she is on the witness stand in a high-profile case. he really went after her. he had to. if she is right and if she heard this running, what does that do for the defense? that's a huge blow to the defense, because we know witness number 8 did say, i told him to run. he said, i'm not going to run but i'm going to walk quickly. if you have someone else tying that in saying, i heard running, implies chase and first
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aggressor, george zimmerman. >> that may lead you to depraved, evil intent. the prosecution said he did this because he wanted to. wendy doraval said, george zimmerman didn't want to be a part of the police. he said no to an offer i made to him on the community side suggesting he wasn't this cop want to be. vigilante. how did that play for defense? this is the prosecution's witness. on cross, they enlisted the fact that george zimmerman, their entire theory of the case is that george zimmerman is a wannabe cop. they are painting him as a character. the prosecution's case slowly begins to unravel. i think that was a major moment for the defrs, because it was the prosecution's own witness. she testifies that george zimmerman, he wasn't a hard-core wannabe cop. he was somebody who was concerned about his community. he declined the offer to do a
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ride-around with citizens with the amber lights on top. >> we are billing to a moment ha of crisis. where was george zimmerman's head when he entered into the situation? >> these previous 911 calls are so important. >> any time you have to prove intent, the burden is on you. you have to get into someone's mind. how do you do that? >> we now know george zimmerman made several calls to 911 before the trial. it was reported as several dozens. he always said suspicious, black, male, young. you have four to six phone calls saying the same thing. then, i think the prosecution is going to try to say that's what he thought about trayvon martin. he decided to follow him, because he had had enough. these punks, they always get away. >> a pre-defined enemy, which would show inten.
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danny is shaking his head. because? >> because the calls shouldn't come in. they are probably improper character evidence. what you did a week ago is not jermaine who what is happening in this trial. if you look at jury instructions, the example is given of driving your car into a crowd when it is certainly how it will result. those acts the prosecution will prove are substantially certain to cause someone's death that he had that depraved heart. that's a high burden. >> it comes down to the moment when he and trayvon martin are in physical confrontation. >> we do not know. >> beyond a reasonable doubt. the standard. very well laid out by both of you. thank you very much.
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this is a complicated situation coming down to this one moment of crisis when this young man and george zimmerman faced off and one wound up dead. >> it is all leading up to that moment. that's for sure. still ahead on "new day." a woman who won't turn off her cell phone gets dragged off the plane and it is all caught on another cell phone. we have the whole story. 23 boy scouts are back at camp after getting struck by lightning. dr. sanjay gupta will tell you what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation. la's known definitely for its traffic,
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congestion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution to the earth. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. ♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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welcome back to "new day." i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan. we are here with our news ache core, michaela pereira. >> a woman gets out of control on a plane and eventually gets dragged off. what caused the incident is pretty outrageous. >> did you hear one of liz
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taylor's many wedding dresses are up for auction. that's where john berman comes in. he is giving his "new day" award. >> he is pretty fashion forward. what we don't know is the rest of the news. we have to get to you. in a few hours, we expect the supreme court to issue two historic rulings on same-sex marriage. it will rule on the challenge to california's proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage in that state. nelson mandela's family by his side at a pretoria hospital where the former south african bishop remains in unchanged condition. the governor says his condition remains unchanged. in aurora, colorado, some sex assault victims are being
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victimized. dna evidence in as many as 48 sex assault cases may have been destroyed in error. some cases from 2009 can no longer be prosecuted. that includes one case involving an unidentified suspect who was an dna match for two other unsolved cases in denver. the army with two wars over now fighting some budget battles, it plans to cut a dozen combat brigades, reorganize the rest and reduce the troops about i 14%. the pentagon is trying to save $500 billion over a ten-year span. a south florida paramedic says he wanted to go big when he proposed to his girlfriend. why a flash mob at an eikea megastore. it turns out carlos met rebecca at the store. a flash mob danced and carlos surprised rebecca by coming down the escalator and popping the
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question. he is overdressed for an ikea. the good news is, he said yes. >> did you hear that, the greatest thing that ever happened to me? i can't spend my life without you. >> i have a great idea. ikea, you should give them a bedroom set. >> that's nice. >> it's great. it's not my money. spending other people's money. kate bolduan. >> thank you very much. it started out with a woman refusing to turn off her cell phone. it seems to happen quite often on a plane. this doesn't always happen. it escalating so quickly. it ended as an example of whatnot to do when the authorities get involved. the whole thing was captured on dramatic cell phone video. pamela brown is looking into this story. here we go again. >> she sure do. another unruly passenger was seen her. we know that turning off the cell phone is a standard part of pre-flight preparation. some passengers do it begrudgingly. one woman refused to stop
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talking on her cell phone before take-off. authorities got involved. her outrage was caught on another passenger's cell phone video. >> get off me. >> it is a struggle to get an irate passenger. in this video, a woman refuses to leave this usair ways flight from ft. lauderdale to charlotte on sunday. according to the flight crew, the woman ignored repeated instructions to turn off her cell phone before takeoff. >> it is going to go down bad. the crew called in authorities to forcibly remove her for being unruly. according to wplg, they charged the 22-year-old woman with battery on an officer and disorderly conduct. the latest example of passenger air rage in weeks. last monday, a disruptive passenger caused this overseas flight to turn around after a
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rant about being poisoned. passengers jumping in to restrain him until they landed at newark airport. remember this woman, she was booted off her new york bound flight last month for singing this whitney houston ballot. who could forget this high-profile incident? 30 rock actor, alec baldwin, was kicked off a los angeles bound flight in 2011, because he refused to stop playing words with friends. not everybody doesn't want to play by the rules. flight delays can have a huge ripple effect. >> it delays the passengers on board the aircraft and delay the passengers that are in an aircraft waiting for that gate. then, it has ripple effects through the system. >> u.s. airways released this statement regarding sunday's incident. while these type of events are far from the norm they are
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nonetheless an inconvenience for those customers caught up in a delay due to one passenger with less than stellar manners. we have seen others where one passenger claimed to have a bomb in his backpack and another leaving a disturbing note in the bathroom. what's interesting is how the passengers are stepping in to play the role of air marshall. >> or camera operator. you have to be careful to judge. you don't necessarily know exactly what the phone call was all about. >> maybe it was an emergency call or something like that. once the authorities get involved, you better get moving. >> you have to listen to them. another story this morning. most of the 23 boy scouts burned this week in a lightning strike back at their camp in new hampshire. strikes like this are more common than you think. the national weather service estimates 30 people are killed by lightning every year in this
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country. luckily, these boy scouts were prepared. the brightest, brightest white, total whiteout before i blacked. the loudest noise. you cannot hear anything. >> 15-year-old julian seaberry is still recovering after a frightening face-off with a powerful storm. he was 1 of 23 hurt in a lightning strike monday night. >> i kind of shake it off. i look around. everybody is kind of screaming. a little chaotic. >> julian was participating in a boy scout leader force in a mountaintop in new hampshire. they were two miles into the woods when a fast-heading storm system headed right to them. the only shelter for the scouts was this tarp secured by ropes tied to trees and metal stakes. take a look at this tree where the lightning struck. >> we knew it was very close and we knew some people were shaken because it was so close.
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such a loud clap of thunder. >> julian blacked out and immediately felt burns. >> 23 scouts and three adults were shuttled to the belmont fire department and then on to nearby hospitals. >> we had to all come in in a bus an a pickup and then figure out how serious are these injuries and how long ago did this happen? >> another close encounter with ferocious storms. last week, this incredible video of the moment a mother and her daughter were hit by lightning in russia. they were badly burned but survived. it is not the first time the boy scouts have been affected by thunderstorms. back in 2005, 13-year-old ryan collins and his scout leader were killed in california's sequoia park. in 2011, a boy was killed by lightning after being stuck in a heal storm. as for julian's troop, none of
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the scouts were seriously injured. >> there was no one i would rather have been with if that had to happen. >> local authorities triaged very well. let's bring in dr. sanjay gupta. let's begin at the beginning. the sensations, what they said they felt, what is that? >> it is the electricity. your socket at home has about 120 volts. lightning strike, 120 million volts. it is very short lasting, which is why people survive at all but that's a lot of electricity. you don't have to be directly hit. it can hit the ground around you and transmit itself through the ground. water and metal are the worst things to be standing next to. that can conduct. the human body can conduct as well. our bodies are 60% water. these are reasons people might
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have that sensation. the strike was quite some distance away. you get a lot of cross-chatter. not that uncommon. 1 in 3,000 or so people, your chance of getting hit by lightning, 1 in 3,000, thankfully, very few people die. it p hhappens a lot more than people realize. >> it happens a lot more in the summertime. it happens outdoors and there are more thunderstorms. when this is happening, when this does happen, you wonder what's the difference between if you feel that tingling and if it becomes fatal. what's happening in the body? >> a lot of that has to do with how close you are to the strike. >> if your outside, as you mentioned, if you are the tallest object outside, like chris would have a harder time than other people, because he is the tallest object. if you are in water, touching metal, being in a car is actually quite protective. it will actually transmit around the car and go into the ground. those are the things that are going to make
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vulnerable. you c you can get the burns. it interferes with your whole electrical system. when people die from these sorts of things, it is because it causes a jolt or a burst of electricity to the heart specifically. get inside is your best bet. also, staying away from metal, water, things like that. >> it is so interesting. they talk about these kids with the burns. beside the burns, we understand they will have lasting effects. will there be other electrical issues in their body down the line? >> that's a great question. there shouldn't be. one of the things that people will do often, if you come to the emergency room and think, look, i'm fine. nothing happened to me. they will get an ekg to rule out this exact thing. did something happen to the heart that even the person who was involved does not realize yet. could that be a problem later on down the line. if that ekg is okay, and it sounds like with these boy scouts, thankfully, things are
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okay. that is something they would look for as well. >> good advice, nonetheless. stay inside. >> when you hear the thunder roar, get indoors. and don't be too tall. there is your takeaway. thanks, sanjay. coming up next on "new day." accusation in a major city. pay raises are tied to the number of tickets they write. the surprising memo that started it all. >> plus, you can't buy monica lewinsky's infamous blue dress but we will tell you about some of her personal items that are up for sale. tony used priceline to book this 4 star hotel. tell 'em why.
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free breakfast with express deals, you can save big and find a hotel with free breakfast without bidding. don't you just love those little cereal boxes? priceline savings without the bidding. ♪ chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for boat insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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good morning, christine. >> stock futures strongly higher this morning. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 all ended with significant gains after a string of sharply lower closes. very strong housing news yesterday. the ford f-150 is the most
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american made vehicle. first time in four years that a domestic automaker has topped the american made list. the toyota camry knocked down to number two. where it is assembled and vehicle sales and the ford f-150 benefitting from strong sales right now. the clock ticking down on student loans. on july 1st interest rates are set to double, you guys, to 6.8%, if congress doesn't act. it doesn't look like they're doing it right now. in real dollars, if you have $27,000 in student debt it will jump from 165 bucks to 6. it will affect 7 million college students. just a few more days, student loans will double the interesteralinterest rate, guys. >> hope everybody is paying attention. that time of the morning, john berman is here to give us his new day award. >> matter is a relative term
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here. i have a women's wear edition. later today, christie's is hosting a very special auction. elizabeth taylor's wedding dress. a pearl incrusted satin gown. this is the dress she wore for the 1950 marriage to conrad hilton. she was just 18. astounding. stunning. but, if you don't like it, there could be several more options available soon. the award today is the not so limited edition award. of course, not to make fun, but elizabeth taylor went on to marry seven more times. it is possible you have other styles available eventually. if wedding wear is not what you're after, another option. online at this very moment. some gear once owned by monica lewinsky is up for auction. 32 items admitted as evidence
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and they inclear a sheer black negligee. >> john berman looking down when he said the word. >> i barely know what the word means. in addition to the negligee, some m&ms. if you're into negligee, there are m&ms. these are owned by someone she was allegedly having a relationship with at that time. these people putting them up for auction. i should say one thing that's not up for auction, that dress. that one. it's not up, you can't get that dress. not available under any circumstances. >> i like the fashion term. >> a broad range of subject. >> did you say broad. >> you're terrible. >> nice to see somebody else in the hot seat now.
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>> i like it when john is in trouble and not me. i'm moving on. coming up next on "new day" history in the making at supreme court. the justices set to announce a decision that could redefine marriage for generations. not everyone is bailing on paula deen. celebrity chef defending herself in a tv interview following the criticism of racially insensitive language. we'll take you through the reactions of the interview. with our "name your price" tool, people pick a price and we help them find a policy that works for them. huh? also... we've been working on something very special. [ minions gasp, chuckle ] ohhh! ohhh! one day the world... no, the universe will have the pricing power they deserve.
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"when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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a quick round up of stories you'll be talking about today. let's start with michaela. >> another reason to breast feed babies. a new study suggests it will increase social status later in life. from "wall treat journal" disgraced congressman anthony weiner new poll shows he's leading the democratic pack for the nomination. finally from "chicago sun-times" could the cubs leave trying to lure the team over to the south
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side off aering 250 acres for a new stadium. >> say it ain't so. >> chicago will have a lot to say about that. christine romans is back, this time for nischelle turner to get her pop on. >> new legal trouble for singer chris brown. he's charged in a hit and run and driving without a valid license for an accident last month. he is still on probation for then beating up then girlfriend rihanna. miley cyrus' tweets should have a warning label. the latest threatening her dad. i'm giving you an hour to tell the truth. dim the lights who honor james ga in, dolfini. he was nominated for a 2009 tony. finally, let's get to indra petersons in the weather center with what you need to know before you head out the door. >> ohio valley, that same cold
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front producing heavy rains there. watch out for those. plus, it does look it is moving to the east. not only heavier rain to the mid-atlantic, but that's the plus. the bad side of the huge ridge of high pressure and looking for record-breaking heat. >> okay, indra, thank you. we're now at the top of the hour which means it's time for the top news. this is the central jagged line in our politics. the supreme court is going to be poking at. >> decision day. the supreme court just hours away from a landmark decision. will they make same-sex marriage the law of the land? speaking out. paula dean breaks her silence this morning answering questions for the first time since admitting using racial slurs. can she win back the fans? helping hands. the task force that goes into the homes of horarders and our
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dr. sanjay gupta joins us live. >> your "new day" continues right now. what you need to know -- >> i asked for vaseline. i was going to try to seal the chest wound. what you just have to see -- >> just getting up. it was just part of being everything. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> it's wednesday, june 26th. i'm kate boldua a n. >> i'm chris cuomo. 8:00. coming out this hour, paula deen has spoken out. break down the tearful apology she had in a few minutes. what does it mean for her going forward. a-rod infuriating the
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general manager. what he said that made the boss so mad. something drivers that suspected for long time there could be proof that one police department is linking tickets to pay raises. that story coming up. first, a landmark day. in just about two hours the supreme court will weigh in on one of the country's most divisive issues. the high court's decision on two historic cases could completely change the definition of marriage in this country. cnn joe johns is live with more on that. >> people spent the night out here hoping to get a seat for the same-sex marriage decisions. we're told they only gave out 50 tickets or so to the general public. the supreme court leaving two of its biggest decisions of the year to the very end of the term. two hot-button cases that could change life in america expected to be decided this morning at the supreme court. and one case it's whether the
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federal government can take away benefits from married couples under the defense of marriage act because they're the same sex. in the other, if it was okay for voters in california to decide that marriage should be between a man and a woman because of proposition 8. two gay and lesbian couples brought the case. >> i think america is ready for that. i think america does have this founding principle around fairness and equality that we believe in, too. court watchers are wondering whether the last case the court decided is a hint about how the justices will rule today. >> the decision on voting rights, in some ways, was viewed by the majority as supporting states rights. that certainly works to the advantage of states like california and the proposition 8 case. >> reporter: the voting rights lu ruling could change life in america, as well. all or parts of 15 states, mostly in the south no longer have to ask the federal government for approval before
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they make changes to voting laws that could affect minorities. but other parts of the law were left standing. >> it is still unlawful to engage in practices. designed to discourage minority voting. >> reporter: the voting rights act case was not a surprise. the court warned years ago it might do this. today the focus on same-sex marriage and expecting the court to start talking about this case about 10:00 eastern. back to you. >> all right, joe, will they take the action itself or put it back to a lower court or congress, we'll see. president obama and the first family are leaving for a week-long trip to africa. it's a visit that could be overshadowed by the failing health of nelson mandela. brianna keilar is at the first leg of president obama a's three nation tour. what are you expecting?
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>> it is up in the air because of the health of nelson mandela. what continues to be so for president obama and first lady michelle obama and their daughters also on this trip is a seven-day visit that will include senegal here and then south africa and then tensnia. president obama's first extended trip as president to africa. he came back to ghana in 2009 for less than a day. this is really a an important trip to this continent and to the nations that he will be visiting. the primary focus of his trip is going to be the economy, specifically increasing u.s. trade and investment in aphfria. subsuheron africa has grown more quickly than the international economy. although, obviously, a lot of limitations because development here is so limited. hanging over this entire trip, certainly, is the health of nelson mandela and how that may affect the trip. the white house will not
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speculate on that right now, but this is, obviously, something that will be very significant between u.s. and south african relations. president obama met nelson mandela years ago. nelson mandela thought it was very important when president obama was elected. we'll wait and see how this developments. >> something the white house is keeping a very close eye on as everyone across the world is watching. thanks, brianna, enjoy the trip. listen up, everybody. new developments for you in the nsa leaker case. we know exactly where edward snowden is. he is hold up in the transit area of a moscow airport. not technically in russia, not technically anywhere else and, certainly, still out of the grasp of the u.s. now, russian president vladimir putin is saying snowden is a free man and russia will not hand the fugitive over to the u.s. bill black has more from moscow.
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>> reporter: that's how russian president vladimir putin described any suggestion his country is helping edward snowden. speaking on a visit to finland, putin's arrival in moscow was completely unexpected and despite the wealth of knowledge snowden has about u.s. intelligence operations around the world, russia's own security services have not spoken to him since his arrival. >> translator: mr. snowden is a free man. the sooner he chooses his final destination, the better it is for him and us. >> reporter: russia a will help return snowden to the united states. >> translator: we can hand over foreign citizens to countries in which we have an appropriate international agreement. we don't have such an agreement with the united states. >> reporter: the united states argues there is still a clear, legal basis for russia to expel snowden. >> we're not looking for a confrontation and we're not ordering anybody. we're simply requesting under a very normal procedure for the
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transfer of somebody just as we transferred to russia seven people in the last two years that they requested that we did without any clamor, without any rancor, without any argument and according to our sense of the appropriateness of meeting their request. >> reporter: russian officials have told cnn, passages can only remain in transit at the airport for 24 hours. for snowden that window has long passed. but russia seems ready to wait for snowden to make his own decision on where he goes next. >> our thanks to phil black in moscow there. you know, we have to keep in mind this started being about leaks and then turned to what kind of man snowden is and now something much broader. this is about the perception of america on the world stage. vladimir putin said the u.s.' claim for snowden to be returned is like shaving a piglet. too much squealing, not enough
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wool. when was the last time we heard that kind of rhetoric? >> i never heard that line before. this snowball under to something larger, it was already a serious leak case and now so much more. the summer just started, already a scorcher. let's get straight to indra to let us know just how hot it is going to be. >> just what everyone wants to hear. you are going to die, so hot out there this weekend. here's the good news, relief. in new york city, we're not seeing the heat advisory, but a new one up today. we're actually looking out towards philly. temperatures in the 90s once you add that humidity. definitely the heat is on there. we still have the rain in the ohio valley and dealing with the same cold front and doesn't want to budge and the low makes its way to the east and not only dealing with a cool down, but some more rain. look for that in the next 48 hours. around new york and d.c. by tomorrow. the other change, as that low moves in, we'll talk about cooler temperatures and that's the big deal. how cool?
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right now 10 to 15 degrees above normal. feel a lot better. good timing as we go towards the weekend. i actually want to sit outside and enjoy that weather. very beautiful out there and that's what you want to see as far as the southeast typical afternoon hours. they're used to that by then for. feeling better by the weekend. can i get a thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> very nice. a lot of headlines to tell you about this morning, let's get over to michaela. >> good morning, everybody. confusion and anger in texas over a vote on sweeping abortion restrictions. the vote did happen, happened too late. missed a midnight deadline and the governor declared it dead. the new restrictioned would have closed nearly all abortion clinics in the state. she almost killed the vote single handedly. today george zimmerman's previous 911 call is expected to be called into question. the judge is deciding whether to include them as evidence in the death of trayvon martin. feels a day of graphic evidence,
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including pictures of a lifeless trayvon which elicited strong reactions from people in the courtroom, including the young man's parents. take a look at this, a dramatic rescue from a florida swamp. a 55-year-old man had been missing for days. rescuers located him in a stick forest. they were unable to get to him on foot because the terrain there is so rough. so, they sent in a rescue helicopter to pull him out from the air. we are pleased to report that he is going to be okay. quite a scary car crash in the nation's capital, not far from the white house. happened during rush hour when an out of control car jumped a curb and slammed into people dining outside on pennsylvania avenue. three people were seriously injured, including a 2-year-old boy. some family as in a pennsylvania neighborhood recovering from the excitement of this unexpected visitor. yep, that's a gator. three-foot long one. we're not talking florida here. reminder, it is pennsylvania. 7-year-old olivia sullivan
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spotted it on a wood pile just feet from her family's backdoor. eight or nine curious kids were on the scene as they captured it. police weren't sure how to do it so they referred to skills they saw on reality television like "swamp people." who knew that would come in handy? likely an exotic pet that got away from its handler. >> "swamp people" is a great show. >> that's your show. i want to check out your tivo list. slugger alex rodriguez in big trouble with his boss, yankees general manager brian cashman. he jumped the gun when he sent out a tweet saying he has been cleared to play by his doctor. let's bring in cnn rachel nichols, i say apparently, but i'm underplaying it. >> a-rod joined twitter a month ago. everybody in sports thought this is not a good idea and, sure enough, here we are. alex has been in tampa rehabbing
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from his hip injury and some people around him floated out a couple days ago that he might be ready to come back and play full games. the yankees emphatic that he's not ready to do it and alax goes out and sends out this tweet yesterday. hey, i've been cleared to play and even shows a photograph of himself with the doctor who performed his surgery. now, brian cashman, i have to tell you, known him for a long time and one of the more even keeled guys in baseball. he did not have a calm reaction to this. i want to show us what our good friends at "new york post" in their usual understated way. they're showing the quote that brian cashman, the general manager of the yankees had in response to alex rodriguez. when the yankees want to announce something, we will. i'm going to go call alex now. we're told that he actually ended up e-mailing alax because he couldn't reach him, but i'm sure they probably talked since then. this is the outgrowth of a lot of frustration.
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>> that's what is confusing here. why is he so angry? doesn't he want his star back on the field? is this about something else? >> this has been a difficult road for alex rodriguez and the yankees. they have him under a ten-year, $275 million contract, which, of course, is not what chris makes, but almost. and unlike chris, who is performing great on the field here for cnn, alex has had a bunch of injuries and target as performance enhancing drug investigation for major league baseball and i think they basically feel like, you are not necessarily an employee in good standing. don't sit here and say you're ready to do something that you are not. some frustration from brian cashman and decent amount of yankees fans of which there are many, many yankees fans out there. >> when there is a fight within the family, you want to keep it within the family. you don't wantkate, >> chances are high. i'm just saying.
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i'm just kidding. coming up next, thanks, rachel. coming up next on "new day" celebrity chef paula deen is apologizing, again. what impact will all this have on her media empire. we'll ask the experts what she can do to get back in the public's good graces. hold on to your wallet, everybody. a controversial new plan to tie police pay raises to the number of tickets they write. how many of you are saying, i knew that happened? i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases.
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[ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ can help you do what you do... even better. a meal like thiso save on fast from walmartd dinners. costs less that $3.50 per serving. and if a family of four like yours switches out fast food dinner just once a week you can save over $690 a year. unbelievable. it's believable. save on a kraft dinner backed by the low price guarantee. walmart (girl) w(guy) dive shop.y? (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did.
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(man) how's that feel? (guy) fine. (girl) we shouldn't have done that. (guy) no. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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for a store near you go to welcome back to "new day." joust moments ago paula deen appeared on "today" show. she says she is not a racist. listen here to a little bit of
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her interview with matt lauer. >> if there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back. if you're out there, please, pick up that stone and throw it so hard it might kill me. please, i want to meet you. >> tearful, tearful apology. this is tough territory. let's bring in a couple experts to deal with this. danny and a strategist of the bb agency. this needs this type of analysis. first question you see the emotion there and you understand what was covered in the interview. what does it mean to you? >> doesn't mean a whole lot to me. i'm surprised paula deen didn't take more ownership of what she said and what she spoke and add
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context and clarity for an audience that is very confused by her words. she l she has a big personality and southern charm. explain why, if she did say those words, what context she shared those words. we saw her deflect a little bit and talk a lot about how her friends felt, how her grandchild felt. we want to know how you feel. we want to hear an heartfelt apology to an audience that was offended. >> she admitted when she used the n-word, it was literally one occasion. she came out of a traumatic situation where there was a gun to her head. that's her explanation. matt asked her, you never said it again? she said, never. >> what i make of it throughout the deposition she was asked and it seemed to me it wasn't the first time and she wasn't surprised that she was being called to the carpet on this issue. i was also surprised that paula dean didn't take a more
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proactive approach getting ahead of this mishap. she didn't seem to think it was any real issue in the words that she spoke. it showed that in the fragmented way in which she addressed this misstep. a global brand in which to protect. she didn't step forward immediately, she took her time, step back, came forward, stepped back and gave a pathetic, in my opinion, video apology. canceled an interview. she seems like she has something to hide and she doesn't understand, not only the gravity of the allegations, but also the potent nature and gravity of the african-american community and the spending power. i believe she stepped up, only when she saw her brand falling apart. >> now, danny, i want to bring you into this, but, first, let's listen to another bit of the interview, of course, as her apologize continued with "today" show matt lauer. >> i is what i and i'm not changing.
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there's something evil out there that saw what i had worked for and they wanted it. >> so, you can, go at this from so many levels. you can talk about the impact on the brand and the impact on the reputation and impact on her financial empire, but she is also facing a lawsuit right now. that's really where this all kind of came out. from what you heard in her apology, do you think it impacts one way or the other how this lawsuit is unfolding? >> that's fascinating to me. because this -- even if she did say this word many years ago, it's probably not evened ed admissible at trial in this lawsuit because the lawsuit is about what happened to a particular employee in just the last few years. it has nothing to do with what paula deen may or may not have said. at a deposition, the scope of discovery and the scope of questions you can be asked is so much broader than that which
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will be admissible at trial. so, it's likely that her statement 20 years ago probably would never come in at trial. but this, again, illustrates an issue in litigation. for most defendants, their case is not high-profile. if you are asked anything under the sun, if you answer it honestly, nothing bad will come of it. now, celebrities beware, if you are sued, even if you believe you did nothing wrong. consider now you may be pull under to a deposition and asked questions that has nothing to do with the case in chief and may not be admissible. they can ruin your career. remember, she's under oath and she answered the question honestly. it just goes to show that even if you feel as a defendant you've done nothing wrong, there may be a compelling reason to settle these cases and what message does that send to plaintiffs everywhere which is, sue away, and let people settle with you because, remember, as awful as what she did was, it does not really a go to this
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plaintiff's case in chief. >> you know, it's an interesting thing. this is difficult for people to talk about, but it really shouldn't be because the whole point of this is to let it get out there so we can become better. we want to form better behaviors. we all know people use the n-word and there is liability. she is being questioned in the media as if it is a murder allegation. we shouldn't be that shocked. it happens. what does she do about it? she talks talking about while fending off these alaigations did you do it one time, two times, three times, five times? she also said hearing blacks saying it to each other hurts me. we need to start there. what about this idea? what are we going to do about this situation? let's get past the situation of paula deen, what do we do with this situation what is the right
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resolve? >> understanding the pain behind the word. i think for her to be in a region, the south, where the very dna of the racially charged allegations is so sensitive. but for her, for me as an african-american woman i didn't want her to go there. i didn't want paula deen to say, they use it, so i have a right or pass to use it. we're not proud of that word and we're certainly not proud of the word when other people use it. that doesn't give you the right to use it. to say it's used in my kitchen, what i would have preferred her to say, when i hear it in my kitchen, i put a halt to it, i put a stop to it. she said, when i hear it in my kitchen, i'm so disappointed in the young men that use it, but you allow it. that says to me, and to the gentleman in her kitchen, that she's allowing it because she's become desensitized. it almost validated her use of the word. we're not proud of it as
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african-americans, but we certainly will never allow those of another race to use that word against us. >> so, danny, what should paula deen do now? every time she's come out or her family member comes out it continues quote/unquote storyline. even though people should be talking about this more. what should she do now? >> not so much what she should do now in retrospect. if we could go back a few months, what she probably should have done is make an assessment of this lawsuit and decide whether or not she feels that she did nothing wrong, do i attend a deposition where i could potentially be asked these damaging questions and it could become public or do i settle this case? do i settle, even if i feel that i'm morally correct, even that means they may send a signal, hey, paula deen settles cases. let's get ready and file lawsuits. her and her attorneys made an
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agreement to proceed to depositions and that exposed her. in retrospect, if she had that choice to do over again, she may have settled before. >> we never would have talked about it. so, so many legal questions, public relations questions, social questions, branding questions. brought up a lot. >> marvet, danny, appreciate the analys analysis. who matters most? all of you. the question that we want you to get back to us. what should happen now? do you think paula deen should go away because of something she said in the past? also go to give us your ideas on this. still ahead on "new day" you've seen the out of control hoarders on tv. dr. sanjay gupta is here to show us how some communities are getting out there and trying to deal with this growing crisis and help them. and something that many of us have speculated about for years. do the police get paid for how many tickets they give out?
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[ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure. a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive... and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good.
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♪ ♪ how is the morning going so far? hope it's good. welcome back to "new day." i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan. wednesday, june 26th. a lot going on. a national fastination featured in shows like "hoarders" but hoarding is a very real disorder and now a new task force to help find a solution. our crews tagged along with one of them. very interesting.
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and a very sweet controversy. captain crunch breaking his silence addressing the public outcry over his actual rank, remember, john berman pointing out the stripes on the sleeve. take us the latest on what he learned on the internets. but a lot of news here on "new day" for you, so let's get to michaela who has the five things you need to know. >> for your new day. the supreme court expected to rule on same-sex marriage. one case challenges the federal defensive marriage act. the otherlife's proposition 8. the judge in george zimmerman's murder trial -- ariel castro in court facing more than 300 charges for kidnapping three women and holding them pris mr for more than a decade. michael jackson's eldest son is taking the stand today in the lawsuit against aeg. he will testify about the days leading up to his father's
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death. number five, a beautiful tribute. broadway will honor james gandolfini. they will dim their lights for one minute before curtain. always updating the five things you need to know so go to for the latest. hoarding is a serious problem affecting estimated 5% of americans. it's recently been recognized as a distinct disorder and also a public health and safety hazard. now, the new task forces around the country are trying to combat this head on. torry dunnan found out how. >> look at all these dishes. if you're worried about throwing away the turntable. >> reporter: tv shows like "hoarders" are magnifying america's fascination with hoarding. but this disorder is a reality for those living in the mess. 72-year-old nancy hall sorts
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through piles upon piles. nancy, how long has kind of all of this been building? >> i would say probably 13, 14 years, 15 maybe. >> reporter: the dust and cobwebs paint a story of a struggle to dig out. >> this is what i'm trying to focus on now. >> reporter: enter the orange county task force on hoarding. >> i'm encouraged by, you know, what you're doing. >> reporter: when fire inspector darin johnson first walked into nancy's home, he saw signs of a community at risk. >> what nancy has. so, a fast, rapid fire that will consume the apartment and potentially her neighbors. >> reporter: step one, johnson must build trust. >> i have a little bit more compassion for them and a little bit more of a helping attitude. >> reporter: nancy has been working with the task force for more than two months and one of the biggest accomplishments so far has been clearing a pathway to the front door. this whole area was filled with appliances and the stairway had hundreds of items on it.
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>> as long as i feel that i have somebody pushing me, encouraging me. >> reporter: the task force is more than one of 50 across the country tackling hoarding. the team holds a monthly strategy session. the cases vary by level and location. at another orange county home. crews are removing some three tons of trash from this yard. just one part of the recovery process. >> i'd like to be able to watch tv in the living room. i'd like to be able to cook a meal. >> reporter: whhow does this whe process make you feel? >> hopeful. >> reporter: johnson's team is hopeful for an even clearer path. >> and our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is here with us now to talk more about this. we're even talking as we were watching this piece because it does raise a lot of questions. i guess the firstinsensitive. this is one of the disorders,
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sanjay, where people ask, why can't they just clean up? wouldn't it make them feel better, why can't they stop? what's stopping them? >> the cleanup part of that is fascinating. let me start by saying, this is a disease. this is an official disease as a of last month in the bible of psychiatric diseases. >> not just a behavior. >> not just a behavior and not just a problem with self-will. you know your ability to control this. they think this is a disease and people develop this profound, profound attachment to these objects. the word is, i can't say the word, you think of it as a living object, as opposed to just a bottle cap or a sugar packet or a plastic bag. i saw a guy once who went to a restaurant and walked in with his doggy bag and had the food in a box and plastic bag and he couldn't throw any of that stuff away after he got home. there are some specific criteria to your question, kate, that make up the diagnosis of
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hoarding. one is this difficulty to discard items. you simply can't get them of them even though they're clut r cluttering up space in your home. >> they're aware of it. they don't like it is there. >> they're embarrassed by it and they won't have people in their home. it's quite fascinating. we don't know specifically what's happening in the brain, but it's interesting. >> my friend actually accused me of becoming a hoarder, but she teased me saying she's a minimalist and i like things around me. but it brings to a good point to the conversation, does it start gradually? can you see the signs of somebody that is on their way to something like this? >> oftentimes you can, yes. oftentimes you don't think it will lead to the profound interruptions of their daily life. but i think the best way to kind of describe is with ocd, this act of wanting to collect things. these people who are hoarding are not collecting things. not like collecting coins or action figures. but they get all these things and then develop this profound
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attachment to them. they think of them almost like members of their family. cleaning up is actually the worse thing you can do. very distressing. you're taking away members of their inner life. >> i mean, the task forcers are out there trying to help now. but can you fix it? can you be cured? >> we spent a lot of time researching this. i asked the same question. no medication for it, specifically. a lot of times treat it the same way they treat ocd, which is through a lot of counseling. that's what's happening here, as well. even as part of the task forces. they take people out to go to that restaurant and then actually show them how to discard things. they walk with them through neighborhoods and making sure they're not collecting things and then hopefully helping them clean their homes up. it is a challenging process. >> law enforcement and first responders can't get to them if there is a house fire or emergency, medical emergency. >> exactly. dr. gupta, good to see you. thanks so much. of course, you don't want to miss more of sanjay gupta and
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more of sanjay gupta this weekend. airs saturday, 4:30 p.m. eastern and sunday at 7:30 in the morning right here on cnn. yes, the man never sleeps. sanjay, stay with us. nobody means the good stuff more than you do. every day we feature stories about some of the good things that are going on out there. people doing the right thing. here is today's addition. an australian woman paralyzed since a car accident almost 20 years ago. her dream to swim in the ocean, specifically to surf there. impossible, right? nope. turns out all it takes is love. love in the form of a well-intentioned 23-year-old, a cut up backpack and duct tape. look at this. she got to surf and live her dream. she made her smile, what she always wanted. take a listen. >> i remember just looking up and just the color, the sand, i can't even find words to explain
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it. you seem to have a dream. >> you can have a dream, anybody is possible. the pair are taking their act on the road. taking a tour of the waves. if you want to help them, you can. they need your help. donate at you got it? >> makers of duct tape better be sponsors of that tour. >> i love that website and i love that story. >> beautiful reaching out. now, sanjay, we all talk about this. these stories are out there. sanjay brings them to you a lot. we want to hear them. it may not be medicine, but maybe good for the soul. >> little bit like medicine. >> go to i need a cure for my inability to get that right. >> goexactly. coming up next on "new day" a major u.s. city using revenue
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from traffic tickets to fund pay raises for the police. this could be known -- >> a live report coming up on that. men michaela pereira sits down with this man, john goodman. gets the scoop what it is like to work with billy crystal in "monsteres university." taking pictures of himself as a monster. (girl) what does that say? (guy) dive shop. (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that.
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(guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine. (girl) we shouldn't have done that. (guy) no. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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where is he coming from? >> he's locked. >> welcome back to "new day." as startling accusations this morning against atlanta's police department. a new memo is out suggesting that officers pay raises are tied to writing traffic tickets and there are whistleblowers coming forward across the country saying they, too, are being pressured to meet quotas. victor blackwell is in atlanta with more on this. this has been a long-time fear of anyone who drives. victor? >> kate. people are certainly talking about this. the officers in atlanta are reassured because they've been working for some time to get pay
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increases. but droivers aivers are more th skept ic skeptical. that a citation is somehow connected to a little something extra for the officer writing it. now, is there proof? in an e-mail this month, the atlanta police union president wrote, the mayor has designated traffic court and ticket revenue for future pay increases. >> we're not even asking anybody or no one has made any suggestion that any officer write any additional ticket they they already have. >> reporter: they don't have to ask. >> once you tie something to someone's financial earnings, they are motivated in a way they are not motivated before. >> reporter: the atlanta police force is not alone. a new york city police officer says he was pressured to write citations. >> i wasn't meeting their undocumented quota. the nonquota quota. >> reporter: tucson's police
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chief requires his officers to make at least one stop a day on average. he says it's good for public safety and crime fighting. >> that's where we get most of our narcotic arrests and a lot of parents that we're able to serve. benefits from traffic could have been proven in city after city. >> reporter: other than police pay increases. >> they should put it towards the community rebuilding roads, helping homeless people. you know, things like that. >> reporter: alan stresses while the money from tickets will go to raises, more tickets do not lead to higher raises. >> this is a direct stream of revenue that could be designated to that part of it and could come anywhere out of the general fund. >> again, the plan is not to collect as much money from traffic tickets to putting one big pile and split amongst the officers. instead the raises, the percentages are fixed and this is simply the designated stream.
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could come from taxes or any other fee but alan understands how drivers, in his words, misinterpret the connection. michaela? >> victor blackwell from atlanta, thank you so much. the latest disney pix armovie literally a monster at the box office raked in $82 million in its opening weekend taking the number one spot. i had a chance to sit down with one of the monsters john goodman who voices one of my favorite monsters, sully. >> great to be here. >> how have you been? >> swell. busy. just got back from germany. was there working with george clooney. >> yeah, that fellow. you seem to be recurring characters in each other's lives. isn't that funny to think? >> yeah, he played roseanne's boss in the first season of roseanne and then took his option to leave and kind of ruined his career. >> yeah, poor him.
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you throw him a bone now and then. >> every once in a while. >> and then your new film that is coming up. >> i think it will be out in december. >> tell us about that film. it's kind of the greatest treasure hunt in history. the nazis when they advanced on these countries. they looted all the art for their personal uses and hitler built this huge thing that was going to be in austria. and a lot of the art was going to go there. most of it was going to go to private -- anyway, they formed a unit of old guys of architects, artists, curators to try to track down and protect the art that the nazis looted and they saved, they saved a great deal of art of western culture. >> amazing piece of history. are you a student of history? >> i am the older i get. >> kind of works out that way. because we become history.
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this shows the arranrange that have. amazing to think of your body of work, john. it is incredible. we spoke about roseanne, the coan brothers film and then sully. you get a grin on your face when you talk about that character? >> i finally got to see the movie the other day, just delightful. i forgot that it was me doing it and just, i got carried away with the film. i can't wait to see it again. >> i remember years ago when "monsters inc." came out. the fact that pixar was able to animate the fur on sully so beautifully. >> it tickled me to death. i don't know why. it was a dig deal when they did it for them. they would show these little demos and how do they do that? yeah. it's just astounding. those guys are so creative. >> you fast forward 12 years and these animators are 12 steps ahead. are you still marveling at the
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things they can do? >> all the details and the texture and the storyline the fact that you wind up really caring for these people, monsters for the heart that they have. >> that monster happened to beat out a fellow by the fellow named pitt. that tells you something about america. >> i don't know. >> billy crystal. the two of you teaming up again. >> billy is a force of nature. it was, i think, his idea originally to usually when you record an animated voice, you go in separately to the booth. you record all your lines and then you come back and do it again later, 12 to 15 times. billy decided it might be beneficial to have both in the studio at the same time. when that happened, the energy just exploded and then we started feeding off of each other and it made it that much beter. >> the chemistry is tangible.
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did you feel it, as well? >> i did. but it's nice, it's nice to hear that. >> but i wondered, did they have to reign you guys in on occasion because of that a very thing? >> i'll say they reigned billy in. i'll put it that way. he goes off on these great tangants and they use it a lot of it. he's amazing. really, he's phenomenal. >> quite a ride you've been on. very busy the last few years. do you feel it's just luck, john? >> yeah. it's luck. a couple years ago, i was sitting around a wondering why my phone wasn't ringing and feeling sorry for myself. trying to make things happen and it just, little things fed on another and it will go down, again. but right now i'm going to enjoy it. >> enjoy the heck out of it. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> great to see you. >> you, too. chris and kate, back to you. >> what a great interview.
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>> he's a humble guy. great laugh, too. >> isn't that great, everybody? something to think on as we go to break. we'll see you back on "new day" in just a second. their fruits and veggies with produce from walmart. it's a fresh-over. that's great. tastes like you just picked them. so far, it's about the best strawberry i've had this year. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best-quality produce they've ever had. all this produce is from walmart. oh, my gosh. i'm shocked. [ laughs ] i know where i'm going to be shopping for strawberries now. find fresh berries and all your quality produce backed by our money back guarantee. walmart.
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all right. everybody. we have breaking news here for you. new england patriots tight end aaron hernandez was just put into a police cruiser wearing handcuffs. police have been searching the area around his home after his friend was found dead nearby. let's get to susan candiotti. cnn has somebody on scene who witnessed this and susan is on the phone from north addleborough, massachusetts, where hernandez's house is. >> this happened just a few moments ago. watch it happened and watch it unfold aaron hernandez was placed in handcuffed. a dozen plain clothed police officers went up to the house and the next thing that happened was that aaron hernandez was led out of the house wearing
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handcuffs, escorted out. wearing a t-shirt and shorts and then pult into a squad car and was taken away. so, so far we have seen what we are seeing. waiting some time to find out whether he would be charged in connection with the shooting death of lloyd. certainly don't know what the charge is. arrested and in custody. i have reached out to the district attorney for the main point of information involving this case and reached out to other law enforcement sources along with the attorneys who are representing aaron hernandez. been waiting for quite some time to find out. we know he has been under focus. there have been two searches at his house. we watched all kind of undisclosed items being put in
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paper bags and taken away from the house just the other day and his attorneys have said all along no arrest warrant has been issued, certainly up until that point. but, apparently, things have changed. chris? >> but there is no word yet from police or from aaron hernandez's attorney, which means either that they're just waiting on their own time or this might have been somewhat of a surprise. you had no indication this was coming, correct? >> that's correct. we have been told that it's an ongoing investigation following every step of the aspects they're looking. where is he? we know there is a relationship between them. they were friends and sometimes they would party together. in act aaron hernandez his fiance, his girlfriend and one of her sisters was dating the victim in this case.


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