tv New Day Saturday CNN June 29, 2013 3:00am-6:31am PDT
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potential for violence but rather the stigma that prevents individuals and their loved ones from seeking help. i'm anderson cooper. thanks for watching. in the trial of george zimmerman, the case may come down to one question, who punched first. you'll hear from the neighbors who were there >> it's been almost one week since he left hong kong. but the world is still asking where exactly is edward snowden. our team of reporters around the world is on his trail. and then there's none. paula deen's business partners can't seem to run fast enough. and if you want a copy of her new book, well, you're out of luck. good morning, i'm alison kosik. >> and i'm carol costello. it's 6:00 eastern time. this is "new day saturday."
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thank you for joining us this morning. we're going to take you live to south africa now, president zuma, the president of south africa is now holding a press conference with the president of the united states, of course, president barack obama. as you know, nelson mandela has been on life support so we're eager to hear what president zuma has to say. let's listen in. >> we already see immense value in a strategic position such as briggs and ipsa and look forward to strengthening the u.s./africa partnership. we're pleased with the growing bilateral trade investment. there's 600 u.s. investment companies in south africa which have created in excess of 150,000 jobs. the u.s. is also a major export
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market for south african products. south africa, in turn, is your biggest market in africa. accounting for more than $7 billion of exports. we affirm the need for the extension of the african growth and opportunity act which expires in 2015. our initial trade has reached the levels preceding the global recession largely due to the act. and arising out of this visit, we would like to see increased investment in the south african economy for mutual benefit.
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we've placed on the table bankable projects which range from infrastructure development to skills development for the use and also across a number of sectors lacking information and communication technologies, agriculture and the green economy. and obtaining these investments should be the drive for regional integration, industrialization andocalization of supply and manufacture. mr. president, youth development is a key forecast area for south africa given that a third of our
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population is under the age of 15. this is a key feature of a national development plan. therefore, we welcome our corporation in education, especially the school capacity and innovation program as well as investment. >> all right. we're going to break away from this. as you can hear the president of south africa talking about a better trade relationship with the united states. and it wasn't long ago that president obama told the world that he wouldn't be visiting nelson mandela at the hospital. he doesn't believe he needs a photo op there because of course it's a private time for the family who is still gathered around nelson mandela's hospital bed. we'll keep monitoring that. >> everyone's thought are nelson mandela. his ex-wife winnie says the
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president is doing better but his health remains delicate. he's hospitalized in stable but critical condition, winnie mandela thanks well wishers. >> we are here to say thank you very much. and there may be problems here and there when of you get carried away with the reports and the talk about our father in the presence. we thank you very much for your support, and we had no idea of the love out there for us with our particular situation. >> many south africans have gathered outside the hospital praying and leaving balloons and messages for mr. mandela. president obama and the first lady will meet privately with mr. mandela's family. they said they will not go see mr. mandela at the hospital out of deference for his peace and
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family's wishes. in a few more hours, he'll greet -- president obama i'm talking about will greet youngsters in johannsberg soweto district. let's talk about what's happening here because boy it's hot out west. the temperatures can go to a sweltering 129 degrees. >> that's like skin melting off your body degrees. >> that's like unbelievable. that's the forecast for death valley this morning. phoenix and los angeles not much cooler. the mercury there is expected to reach 118 degrees. the early summer heat wave is already causing public health problems as you might expect. almost 200 people were treated for heat-related injuries during an all-day concert yesterday in los angeles. 30 others ended up in the hospital. officials are advising to stay in the shade. and a power outage could knock
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out the air conditioning. >> and condition, blanketing arizona, nevada as well. what is driving up the temperatures? i want to know how long the heat is going to last. let's go to meteorologist alexandra steele. >> i'll tell you why, going to last straight into the weekend and into next week. wee talked about the temperatures, 125. a rare stake is 125 degrees. so we're talking incredible heat. here's what we're seeing, the jet stream extreme. ridge of pressure, all driving north. the antithesis of that. low-pressure with the trough. with the west, 120 degrees because of this high. in the east, so much on the east is seeing cooler than normal temperatures and rain. two sides of the same coin. the dome of high pressure, high pressure air sinks, it compresses and, thus, it warms.
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you have ever pumped up your bicycle tire and you feel the kind of warmth on the rubber. that's what's happening. and nighttime temperatures, right now, 96 degrees in phoenix. so it's the nighttime air that's not going to drop below 90 degrees. here's where it is from vegas to phoenix to yuma. this is where we have the extreme heat warnings. temperaturewise, salt lake city, los angeles, death valley, phoenix, all will see record temperatures. to give you a little perspective, las vegas should be hot, right? it should be 103. the record for the day is 115. record-shattering temperatures but not just a two-day aware. monday, 15. death valley look at this, 129, all-time record on earth is 134. you can see, look at this, that's incredibly high.
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it's part and parcel to the west and east and we'll talk about the eastern part of the country and show you how it's related to the west. >> already, alexandria, thank. but it's a dry heat. >> but it's a dry heat. same-sex couples are tying the knot once again in california. a federal appeals court cleared wait for them to do that yesterday. two days after the u.s. supreme court dismissed an appeal over same-sex marriages. one of the first couples to say their "i dos" two women who were plaintiffs in the case. reporter chuck clifford with the affiliate krin has more. >> reporter: they waited outside the san francisco clerk's office inside the staff was scrambling to figure out if indeed they did have the green light to move forward with same-sex marriage. after about 20 minutes the couple was welcomed in to begin
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the process. >> here's some marriage license applications. >> reporter: at that same moment, pamela harris was standing nearby, she was literally on the phone instructing her clerks to begin issuing licenses. this is the call she made to los angeles. >> you may start the marriages immediately. >> reporter: after filling out the application, the couple joined hands under a balcony in a rotunda. the attorney general did the honors. >> i now declare you spouses for life. [ cheers and applause ] >> how do you feel? >> we're so happy. >> joyous. >> looking forward to many other weddings. we want to start going to weddings. >> congratulation. our thanks to san francisco affiliate korn chuck clifford for that report. ♪ jurors are getting the weekend off in the george zimmerman murder trial. they've been hearing from witnesses all week about what
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they saw or heard. a neighbor described a fight he witnessed between the two. here's cnn's mart an savage with more. >> reporter: what jonathan good saw the night trayvon martin died goes to the heart of the case. >> person you now know to be trayvon martin was on top, correct? >> correct. >> and he was the one raining blows on george zimmerman, right? >> that's what it looks like. >> reporter: good lives in the subdivision before it took place. he was watching from his patio 10 or 15 feet away. martin was wearing a dark-colored sweatshirt. >> color of clothing what did you see? >> it was dark. >> how about the clothing at the bottom? >> white or red color. >> reporter: that's not all he witnessed physical blows being thrown. and then mma style.
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mixed martial arts. >> mma-style straddle position, correct? >> correct. >> what you further describe as being ground and pound? correct. >> reporter: and then good also testified about the voice, he believes screaming for help. >> the voice screaming for help, it was just one person's voice? >> when i heard it outside, i believe it was one person's voice, yes. >> and you now believe that was george zimmerman's voice, correct? >> i never said that. i said it could have been but i was not 100% sure. >> i'm not asking for 100% certainty. i'm asking you to use your common sense and tell us if you think that was george zimmerman screaming for help, the person on the bottom. >> that's just my opinion. >> reporter: the next person to take the stand was another neighbor jonathan manelo who was the first person to talk to
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zimmerman seconds after the shooting. >> were you the first person to come into contact with anyone, the victim or the person on the ground? >> yes. >> reporter: a handcuffed zimmerman had asked manelo to call his wife for him. >> i had a connection right away. i said, your husband is involved in a shooting he's being handcuffed and held for questioning. around that time, he kind of cut me off and said just tell her i shot someone. >> did you have a response to that? >> i said, okay, he shot someone. >> reporter: and manalo even snapped this picture of his bloody head. he seemed to encapsulate zimmerman's entire defense telling him what he saw with the teen sprauld nearby. >> this guy was beating me up in
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a shot. >> i had to defend myself and i shot him. >> i'm sorry? >> i had to defend myself and i shot him. >> so this guy was beating me up, i was defending myself and i shot him? >> yes. >> he told you without hesitation. >> yes. >> and from what you saw at the moment, it seemed true? >> yes. >> reporter: testimony from one of the police officers one of the first persons on the scene seemed to align with his claims >> was his jacket pushed up in any way? >> i don't believe so. >> did you see any tears in his jacket? >> no, sir. >> what, if anything, did you notice about the condition of his jacket? >> the back of it was wetter than the front of it. and it was also covered in grass. >> reporter: the last person on the witness stand on friday was a physician's assistant. she was the person that treated george zimmerman the day after the assault took place. in a way, her testimony
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bolstered both sides. she did say that george zimmerman suffered a number of injuries that seemed consistent with taking a sort of beating. on the other hand, the prosecution point out, those injury did not seem to be that severe, not that life threatening as george zimmerman maintained his life was on the line when he shot trayvon martin. >> thanks. later, trayvon martin's grandfather shares her perspective and gives insignature on who martin was. did you want to buy a paula deen cookbook? sorry to say you're flat out of luck. we'll tell you why a whole bunch of amazon customers are about to be disappointed. the secret is out. hydration is in. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno®
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naturally beautiful results. aveeno® the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at
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to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. chef paula deen. her public libber random house said it will not publish the latest cookbook. >> that's surprising. this is the very same cookbook that shot to the top of amazon's
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best-seller list months before it was supposed to come out. alina cho has more with the long list ditching deen. >> reporter: qvc has announced paula deen will no longer be appearing on any shows. sears said friday it was phasing out all products tied to the brand. deen has hired a crisis management firm. >> i hope you forgive he. >> reporter: and her explanation on national television. >> are you a racist? >> no. >> no, i'm not. >> by birth,dy choice, by osmosis, you don't feel you have racial tendencies? >> no. >> reporter: after she admitted using the "n" word in a deposition filed by a former employee. >> she's making it worse every time she opens her mouth. >> reporter: home depot announced it had stopped selling
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her kitchen and cook ware line. and diabetes company novo nor disk suspended their relationship with deen. several others have called it quits in recent days. >> your big sponsor, your big corporations are going to stay away from her. >> reporter: forbes ranked deen the fourth highest paid chef last year. estimating her endorsement earnings at $17 million. her fans have flocked to the facebook page to show support. there's an even we support paula deen page with hundreds of likes. some members of the african-american community has come out in her defense. >> was it right? no. i mean she could have used another term, but, hey, it was a mistake she made. >> she can't have a heart against black people with all the work she's done. >> reporter: god does everything for a reason, paula deen, only
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god can judge your heart." i spoke to the manager of a travel company who arranges deen cruises. she also commented that people have been calling their support for deen and also asked about her cruises. alina machado, cnn, atlanta. >> and if you go to her facebook page, you can see paula deen's new cookbook. she's taking hits all over the place. zblats just incredible. some other publisher will pick her up, i'm sure, right? because those orders have already been placed for the book, so you'd want to make some money, right? >> money talks. you know when it comes down to it, maybe some of those decisions tharp made by some of the folks who dropped her may come back and pick her back up again after the dust clears. >> that's a dust of dust to clear though, right? pled obama said his thoughts
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are with nelson mandela. we'll hear from the president in south africa next. [ female announcer ] now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. [ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure. a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive...
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and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good. ♪ ♪ ... you thought wrong. seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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welcome back to "new day saturday." president obama just spoke in south africa, alongside president jacob zuma. the president of south africa. as expected he talked about nelson mandela. >> he talked about the aids program as well in south africa and zimbabwe, but really he focused on the president's condition. >> our thoughts and those americans and people around the world are with nelson mandela and his family and all of south africa's.
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the struggle here against apartheid for freedom madiba's moral courage, this country's historic transition to a free and democratic nation has been a personal inspiration to me. it has been an inspiration to the world. >> nelson mandela has been an inspiration for so many people around the world. talk about your ultimate civil rights fighter. nelson mandela remains on life support in a south african hospital. president obama will meet with mandela's later today. we'll keep you posted. something else on the hunt forced ward snowden, there's been no signed of him since he left for russia. and snowden's father wants to
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♪ bottom of the hour now. welcome back, i'm alison kosik. >> and i'm carol costello. thanks for being with us. five things you need to know this morning. number one, excess heat warnings are blanketing in arizona and in-. the temperatures in death valley could climb to 129 degrees. phoenix and las vegas could see
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118 degrees. the hit wave already causing health problems. almost 200 people were treated for heat-related injuries at a concert in las vegas. officials say people should drink lots of water trying to stay in the shade or indoors. and the worst case scenario of a power outage to knock out air conditioning. >> same-sex couples in california are hurrying up. yesterday chris perry and sandy spear were the first to be married. and after ward, they spoke with california's attorney general who performed the ceremony. >> it's a great day in san francisco. it's a great day in california. it's a great day in the united states of america because sandy and i are married. and this is the first day of the rest of our lives together. and we could not be more elated. >> and today's a special day for us we have waited a long time for this day. chris and i fell in love 14 years ago. and we knew that our
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relationship would last. and our family would last. and we wanted our love to last and be dignified by the institution of marriage. and we've tried to get married. and finally, we got to really get married today. so today's a wonderful, special day for us. >> perry was the lead plaintiff in the supreme court case that led to the overturning of california's prop 8. number three, the actress has been charged and indicted now with mailing letters laced with ricin to president obama and michael bloomberg. the red-headed 35-year-old has had small roles in blockbusters like "twilight" and "the blind side." she faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. number four, an american student has been killed in employee tests in egypt. 21-year-old kevin proctor was stabbed while watching demonstrations in the coastal
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city of alexandria. the violent protests seen here are between supporters of egyptian president who is one year in office tomorrow. and number five, edward snowden's father wants to make a deal with the justice department in a deal that he feels may encourage him to return. he demands that his son remain free prior to trial. not be subject to a gag order and be tried wherever snowden chooses. of course, the one thing everyone wants to know right now is where is edward snowden. >> we have cnn correspondents stationed across the globe from russia to cuba to ecuador. matthew chance is in quito, ecuador. let's begin with karl. >> well, the saturday flight from moscow to havana just left a few moments ago and there was
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absolutely no indication that edward snowden was on board. he certainly didn't come through the public lounge and there was no indication either that he climbed up the stairs to the aircraft. so that begs the question, is he still here in the moscow airport. the area that we've been describing, the transit lounge, is rather a large area. in fact, when you come into this airport in transit you have access to three terminals, "d," "e" and "f." when you walk end to end, it's three quarters of a mile through restaurant, through coffee shops through the duty-free area. i don't believe he's hiding in plain sight. we've been calming this area for days. we also looked in the vip and other lounges. no signs of him there either. there are a number of back doors marked for personnel only. my thought is somebody has possibly helped him out through one of those side doors.
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what we also know, as starred this week, the venezuela venezuelan president is due to travel here to moscow. there is a thought, one might want to watch that flight from the venezuela venezuelan president back to south america. maybe edward snowden will be hiving a ride on that presidential flight. but over to patrick and see what he has for us in cuba. >> reporter: you know, how does edward snond get from russia to ecuador? one of the most likely routes appears to be through here, havana, cuba, on the regular air service. all this week, journalists have been boarding the 12-hour flight hoping to get that snowden interview. so far, though, no one's even gotten a glimpse of him. it's not even clear that cuban officials would allow him to transit through the country. of course, if he's arriving here he would be joining dozens of others given asylum over the
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years. and cuban officials recently said they would like to have better relations with the united states. and it's unlikely that would happen if they allow this fugitive to escape. tha march through chance has more in ecuador. >> reporter: we know he's made an asylum request here. that request, though, according to ecuadorian officials has not been processed because snowden has not yet reached the territory of ecuador. there's also a denial issued by the ecuadorian government that they've issued snowden with some refugee travel document. that would have made it much easier for him to leave his position we believe he's in inside of moscow airport. they're saying the travel documents he has are no longer valid. they were never valid according to the ecuadorian central government. rafael correa, taking a big risk even considering giving asylum
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for edward snowden. it may be good for him politically, he's built his reputation on being a critic of the united states foreign policy. but economically it could have pronounsd implications for the country's trading relationship with the u.s. back to you. >> matthew chance, patrick and karl we've got it covered. >> we still can't find him. trayvon martin's stepmother said he was not a thug, would not have started a fight with george zimmerman. our exclusive interview with trayvon martin's stepmom coming up next. but first, here's a look back at the week's headlines in pictures. look what mommy is having.
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she told anderson cooper about the kind of kid that trayvon was. >> i want people to know that trayvon was a kind person. he was a loving person. he loved children. babies, you know, before this happened, i really believe he would have been working with children because he adored children. and just let people know that he's not what the media make him out to be. like he was this thug. he wasn't that. >> are you watching the trial? >> i'm not watching the trial. my -- >> why? >> it's hard for me. i mean, to see and hear the things that led to his death, it's hard for me. and i don't care to hear it.
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i don't care to hear that. i don't. >> do you have any doubt about what happened? >> i have no doubt that he didn't start that fight. he didn't start the fight. what i'm saying is that -- it was a fight. there's no doubt, it was a fight. and that other man had to put his hands on him to cause that fight. he was defending himself. so for people to say he tried to hill him and he this and he that, i don't think anyone would have him standing somewhere in the dark and been approached by someone they don't know, and being pushed around, and you're not going to defend yourself. >> we knew 10-year-old sarah murnaghan fought an uphill battle to get new lungs. now new information about just how steep her climb was. what sarah's mom revealed about her daughter's fight for survival. [ female announcer ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's
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starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. [ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure. a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive... and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life...
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♪ we have an update this morning on sarah murnaghan. she's the 10-year-old whose story touched off a national debate over lung transplant rules. you can see sarah there without the breathing mask she had to wear before she got new lungs. sarah's mom revealed yesterday that her daughter who suffers from cystic fibrosis actually had two lung transplant surgeries. cnn's jason carroll has been following the story. >> reporter: alison, murnaghan's
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mother told her that doctors said it was a miracle that sarah survived two lung transplants. doctors told her that sarah had a 50% chance of dieing in the first surgery. so here's what happened, back on june 12th, that's when she received the first transplant. her parents telling everyone who had been following the story that things went well. later that inside, a code blue emergency was called. the donated lungs were simply not working. sarah's family told them that she would not survive the week. she was put back on the transplant list. because she was so sick, because of rules that happened because of her and her family she was approved for adult lungs. on june 15th, the second surgery took place. her mother explained why she kept the second surgery so private. >> this all happened very fast. and we weren't expecting it. frankly, we were told in those three days that she was going to die. so it was never something that
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we wanted to keep a secret for any period of time. but it was something that we felt like in that moment, we weren't prepared to live out her dying in public. >> sarah's mother said since the second surgery, her lungs have improved with each day. but she and doctors still caution it's going to be a long road to recovery. she will have another surgery on monday with her diaphragm, that should help with her breathing a little bit more. it's going to be touch and go for a while but for now, sarah murnaghan is proving to be just as her parents always shed was. alison. >> jason carroll, thank you. a dangerous heat wave is roasting. and i mean roasting the west. we'll tell you where the temperature this weekend could spike to a sweltering 129 degrees. [ male announcer ] a guide to good dipping. sabra hummus is really delicious so you might be tempted to dip more than once.
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♪ ahh...don't be afraid, flip it around, go back in. yup. oooo, this is a dilemma. oh, go ahead, we're family. ♪ oh, really? come on! you're lucky you're so cute. sabra hummus. dip life to the fullest. [ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure. a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive... and love coming home.
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because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good. ♪ ♪ ♪ the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at
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♪ no surprise here the new england patriots are distancing themselves one step further from murder suspect and former player aaron hernandez. with the "bleacher report," good morning. >> good morning. in the ford of nfl aaron hernandez no longer exists. accused murderer has been wiped from the league's website and now his former team doesn't want his number 81 jersey showing up around town or future patriots games. days after releasing hernandez from a $40 million contract. new england patriots are allowing fans to exchange the hernandez jersey at no additional costs. the organization says they understand why parents wouldn't
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want their kids donning the jersey. >> who wants to hang on to a hernandez jersey? >> i'd get a brady jersey. >> i think a lot of people are going to take them up on that. lance armstrong not only owning to doping up these days saying it's impossible to win the tour de france without drugs. he said it's a test of endurance for oxygen. previously, armstrong admitted to oprah winfrey that doping was part of the job. all of this is perfect timing as the 100th tour de france got under way earlier this morning. happy story time, in chicago, they were partying like 2013. literally. 2 million black hawk fans apparently don't have jobs or did their best ferris bueller
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imitation. for the second time in four seasons the windy city celebrating a stanley cup champion. they love their hockey in chicago. >> so people passed out because of the heat? that's so sad. >> well, that's at least the reports they're kehl telling us. maybe there's some other activities going on. i don't know, cnn wouldn't fly me out there to find out these things. >> thank you. >> you got it. an iowa woman was fired from her job, i'm serious about this, because her boss said working with her risk his marriage. >> what she did, she sued. she lost the legal battle last december and now she's getting a rare chance to fight back. limp. >> reporter: this week iowa's supreme court took a rare step with drawing a unanimous decision in melissa nelson's case. >> people think this decision is unfair. >> reporter: dentist james knight called melissa nelson one
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of the best dental assistants he'd ever had. but he fired her in 2010. why? because she presented an irresistible attraction threatening his marriage. >> his reasoning was i was affecting his home life and his personal life and it was time for me to know. >> reporter: records show that dr. knight's wife demanded that he terminate nelson. >> nelson sued. >> i'm not attracted to him. >> reporter: nelson said her complaint claims that her clothing was too tight and revealing. not so said nelson. last december the all-male iowa supreme court unanimously ruled nelson's firing was unfair but legal. and not gender discrimination, answering the key question, can somebody be lawfully terminated simply because the boss views the employee as an irresistible
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attraction. >> hello, i'm melissa. >> reporter: she hasn't stopped fighting. in april, nelson brought attention to her case on comedy central. >> were you a good high jennist? >> of course. >> how many cavities would you suggest i've had in my entire life? >> open up. >> reporter: now iowa's court is reconsidering its decision. is there zbl there is no decision that the supreme court missed. the only thing that's knew here is the public reaction which is negative, actually overwhelmingly negative. >> reporter: nelson's attorney said her client is pleased. >> i did my job to the best of my about the. i worked hard. >> in its decision, iowa pointed out that dr. knight hired a
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female. what makes this case so unique is that the court is not considering any new evidence. but still agreed to reconsider its decision. that decision could come as early as next week or it could take months. alison. >> okay. poppy harlow, thanks. >> unbelievable. okay. as of headlines on paula deen's past use of racial slurs continue to pile up, her business partners drop it. >> somebody is cashing in. wouldn't you know, it comedians are. let's listen. >> more problems with paula. she's been dropped by walmart, sears, home depot this woman has been jumped more than taylor swift. >> the company nova nordisk announced they're suspending their partnership with the diabetes drug. it's bad when even a disease --
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>> first, "the view" and now too scared to say another "n" word. [ laughter ] >> watching this -- >> that wasn't even funny. >> i was wondering why jimmy kimmel had that thing across his face. you said you knew why. >> he opened a car door and the car door hit him in the eye. and he's had a black eye for the past week. but he sports it handsomely, doesn't he. >> he does. much more ahead on the next hour of "new day saturday" which starts right now. how hot is too hot? 95 degrees? 100? well, how about 129. get ready out west. a heat wave's coming. more details emerging about former patriot tight end aaron hernandez. just how much did the nfl know about his possibly checkered
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past? and alec baldwin now apologizing for another rant and yet through repeated pr nightmares, his career flourishes while paula deen's falls apart. good morning. i'm alison kosik. >> and i'm carol costello. thank you so much for being with us. it's 7:00 eastern. this is "new day saturday." the rush is on in california for same-sex couples eager to marry after this week's historic supreme court decision. >> some county courts will actually open today on saturday to issue marriage licenses. everyone else will just have to wait, though. >> several companies are celebrating their first week together, including the couples who put their names on the very lawsuit who made all of this possible. >> i now declare you spouses for life. >> reporter: it's the day that same-sex couples like kristen
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perry and sandra steer have waited, hoped and fought for. the day when they could legally stand together and exchange wedding would yous. vows. that wait ended friday on san francisco's city hall. when the 9th u.s. court of appeals ruled that same-sex marriages could resume in california. just two days after the supreme court cleared the way. >> san francisco has shown couples like sandy and i for generations that we matter, that we are equal. we have leaders behind us right now that have done more than we could ever hope for to make it possible today. >> we haven't had the protection of other couples. we've had to do things on our own with the help of lawyers and now with the help of a lot more lawyers we are finally here. >> reporter: kristen and sandra have been together for more than a decade. they were one of the couples that stopped proposition 8 from
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takes effect. >> this is' provi a profound da our country and justice is finally being served. >> on behalf of the state of california, let me pronounce you married. >> reporter: at los angeles' city hall, a similar scene, paul and jeff had been fighting against proposition 8 for 4 1/2 years. >> it just -- it feels really great pipe don't know if you can describe or have a word for how equal feels. but, you know, my parents have been married for decades. my grandparents for them before decades. and this is just an amazing feeling. >> and the supreme court decision made california the 13th state to legalize same-sex marriages. >> it's going to be hot today. temperatures will climb to 129 degrees out west this weekend. that's the forecast for death valley.
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129. you can believe -- you can even fathom that? >> i can't. but it's dry heat. >> it's a dry heat. phoenix and los angeles could suffer, too. they're expecting highs around 118 degrees. the early summer heat wave is already causing public health problems. almost 200 people were treated for heat-related injuries during an all-day concert yesterday in las vegas. 30 others wound up in the hospital. and now officials are asking people, hey, drink a lot of water. stay in the shade. stay inside. don't do activity in the sunshine. those officials also taking steps to avoid the worst case scenario and that would be a power outage that knocks out air conditioning units. so, how long will it last? i mean, alexandra, they could hit a record, as you said last hour, the highest temperature ever recorded was what, 134? >> 134 in death valley, world record heat. it was almost 100 years almost to the day. just july 10th from 1913.
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i have to see what happens. i don't think we're going to get that high but this is why. it's a jet stream extreme. what we've got, a rich of high pressure in the west. a trough in the east. the west is baking. the east is soaking. and it's too two sides of the same coin. area of-pressure, what happens, the air sinks, it compresses and it rm whats. like have you ever kind of pumped up your bicycle tire and you felt the tire, it was warm. and that's what happens. that's what's happening here. carol spoke of the air conditioning potentially with the power going out. at nighttime, temperatures are staying in the 90s or above. and that's the biggest problem. and not only that, it's not just a one, two, three-day hitter, it's going to last through the week. maybe even through next thursday. here's where the extreme heat is, oakland, vegas, phoenix, those are the biggest cities impacted. vegas, will get extremely hot. places like los angeles, you can see right there, the hottest
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they'll get on sunday is 93. they've kind of out of this. phoenix currently, they're still sleeping but it's 94. here's the temperature. 118 today. 116. 113. by wednesday, it's still 110 to give you some perspective. and vegas should be on the average at 102. phoenix should be 107. right now, 92 degrees in las vegas. you can see breaking records, the high. 115 was the older record. today expecting 116, 117, all flirting with records that are dating back to about 1994. here's what carol was talking about, the normal high in death valley is 114. today, 128. now, the all-time record as we were saying was 134 almost 100 years ago. so look at these temperatures. you know, just off the charts. i was going to put up a graphic, drink plenty of water, don't exercise at 3:00. we know that. you're not jogging in black outfit sweats at 3:00. >> do you feel like doing
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anything when it's 118 degrees? >> no. >> and i'm thinking that a lot of air conditioners are going out. that those repair service, really in high gear at this point. >> you know one thing, 128, that's what a medium-rare steak is. >> you mean a cooked steak? >> cooked steak. >> if you ask for it rare, 125, medium/rare, 125, 130. i don't know how to cook, but i read that. >> thank you. >> yep. juror, getting the weekend off in the george zimmerman murder trial. they've been hearing from witnesses all week long, though, about what they heard or saw the night zimmerman killed trayvon martin. a neighbor who took the stand yesterday stepped outside when he heard a fight. he saw the altercation before that single shot range out. cnn's martin savidge is outside the court hos.
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>> jonathan good is the witness you're talking a. he is i guess you could say the first eyewitness. there have been a number of witnesses who have spoken about what they heard. this was someone who really spoke about from what he said he saw. he said he was standing maybe x 15 feet away from where the struggle took place between martin and zimmerman inside that condo complex. he said he saw maybe somebody dressed in red or white on the bottom. we know that george zimmerman was wearing a red and black jacket. and that martin was wearing a dark hoodie. on the top of that came the issue of who was crying for help. and that is something that the defense has been keying on. because they believe whoever is crying for help is not the real aggressor in this case. so listen to the exchange on the stand about that. >> the voice screaming for help, however many times that you heard it, it was just one person's voice? >> when i heard it outside?
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yeah, i believe it was one person's voice, yes. >> and you now believe that was george zimmerman's voice, correct? >> i never said that. i said it could have been his. but i was not 100% sure. >> i'm not asking for 1% certainty. i'm asking to you use your common sense and to tell us if you think that was george zimmerman's voice screaming for help. the person on the bottom. >> that's just my opinion. that's defense attorney mark o'mara. what he's done, he's managed to get that with the tons say essentially two strong things for the defense. number one, he believes it was george zimmerman that was on the bottom that was actually being assaulted by trayvon martin. and number two, the person crying for help was also george zimmerman. those are key points for the defense because george zimmerman is maintaining it was self-defense. ladies. >> you say those are good points for the defense, martin. but in listening to the testimony yesterday, this was a devastating day for prosecutors. >> well, i don't know about
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devastating because the previous witness that have been on the stand have said that they thought it might be the other way around. not as saerns you heacertain as herd jonathan good say, they you heard others say they shot it was george zimmerman on top based on the size. on top of that, you had rachel jeantel who described what she heard. this is the young lady who was on the telephone talking to trayvon moments before this all went down. so the jury has a lot to think about here. i don't think that the prosecution feels that they were absolutely defeated. maybe they had a few setbacks yesterday. but there's more to come. >> all right, martin savidge, live to sanford, florida, this morning. thank you. >> you're welcome. and the defense attorney who told that awkward knock knock joke in the opening statements in the george zimmerman trial. is in another awkward position.
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look at this photo posted to intragram don west's 23-year-old daughter molly. what it shows them eating ice cream cones with the hash tag "we beat stupidity cones" molly west's page has been deactivated. he said we are not always proud with what our children do. then we move on. we understand the context of the comments is grossly insensitive. in massachusetts, prosecutors are building their murder case against aaron hernandez and the two men that they call confed thes. but that's not the only trouble for the former nfl star. police are also trying to tie him to a double homicide. deborah feyerick is following these new developments in north attleborough, massachusetts. good morning, deb.
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>> reporter: good morning, carol, this is the home where aaron hernandez was living before his arrest. the tight end with the patriots was making $40 million plus $12.5 million bonus. last night, police, we are told, impounded a silver suv which was owned and registered to hernandez. they believe that that car may have been used or at least embalmed in that unsolved double homicide in south boston more than a year ago. so this investigation has expanded significantly as they try to gather evidence to see whether or not hernandez was involved in that murder as well. carol. >> let's talk about the case where aaron hernandez is already charged. he's charged with being involved in the killing of his friend odin lloyd. where does that stand now? >> reporter: okay, so here's what we know already. and for those folks who may not have been following this with respect to odin lloyd. odin lloyd was a semi pro football player who was dating the sister of hernandez's
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fiancee. about a week ago, just so you know, his body was found in a gravel pit not too far from this very home. a week ago, hernandez picked up lloyd in a rented silver car and then picked up two other men. the men stopped at a gas station. that's where hernandez bought this pack of blue bubble gum, among other things. and when the car was returned, a.45-caliber casing from a gun was found along with a chewed piece of bubble gum. and they believe it's the same kind of casing that was used in the murder of odin lloyd. his funeral is today. the family gathering to pay their final respects. but still, police looking very closely at this to see whether in fact hernandez's dna was on that bubble gum. and the motive as to why he allegedly wanted to kill this young man. hernandez himself just 23 years old, carol.
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certainly the end to what was months ago an extremely promising life. >> cnn's deborah feyerick, thank you. president obama called nelson mandela an inspiration to the world. the spread in south africa right now as mandela remains in the hospital. we're going to take you live to south africa next. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy helps reduce the look of brown spots in 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep.
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so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. for 25 years, aren't always the most obvious. take the humble stevia plant, with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. 16 minutes past the ho. welcome back to "new day saturday." president obama is isn't sfrix right now. it's the second stop on his three-nation tour at the african continent. >> he's just been holding a joint news conference with south african president jacob zuma. cnn's issa sa shea is there. tell us more about what president obama ted?
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>> reporter: good morning to you carol and alison. yes, even before president obama arrived whoer in south africa, he spoke of nelson mandela as being his personal hero. so the press conference that he held a short time ago with the current president jacob zuma, he summed up the feelings about the failing leader which lie it's in hospital behind me. it wasn't just his feelings that he summed up, but the feelings of so many people around the world. take a listen. >> our thoughts and those of americans and people all around the world are with nelson mandela and his family and all of south africa's. the struggle here, against apartheid, for freedom, madiba's moral courage, this country's historic transition to a free and democratic nation, has been a personal inspiration to me.
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it has been an inspiration to the world. >> reporter: yeah, indeed. an inspiration to president obama and people around the world. and i can tell you, carol and alison, that nelson mandela has been in the hospital behind me for 22 days now. he is in critical condition but stable and still on life support. >> i know, issa, that president obama won't go to the hospital to visit with nelson mandela, but he will meet with members of the family, can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah, what we hear, president obama will indeed meet with members of the family, and yes, you're correct. he will not be coming to the hospital at this point. we don't know when or where he'll meet with the family, but it is our understanding that it will happen today. in a statement put out by the white house, we're told that he will meet with the family along with the first lady michelle obama. and really express their thoughts and prayers to the
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family that are going through such a difficult time with their loved one, being in the hospital, as i say, 22 days. >> and president obama also planning to visit robben island, is that right? >> reporter: yeah, he is. after leaving johannsberg, he will make the trip to cape town tomorrow. and will indeed visit robben island. pour the viewers, a little bit of context, robben island was that high-security prison that nelson mandela was held for 18 years of the 27 years in prison. was in a cell 8 foot by 7 feet. living in incredibly harsh conditions. and president obama has said it will be a great honor and privilege to take his daughters to that location. so they can see for themselves what mandela endured. and also take the lessons from the life of nelson mandela and apply them to their own personal lives and see them in their place in the world. carol, alison. >> i can't imagine what it would feel like to stand in the prison
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cell that nelson mandela was held for many years. it was damp in that prison cell. he has a lung infection now. he's been fighting that same lung infection ever since his time at robben island. thank you so much. >> reporter: absolutely -- >> go ahead isha. >> reporter: no, just to your point, again, more context for our viewers, that indeed, we know he contracted tuberculosis while he was there in robben island. the belief is he damaged his lungs working in that prison quarry while he was there for 18 years. an incredibly hard life. the feeling is it is that damage that continues to trouble him today and why he's in the hospital behind us with these lung troubles. >> isha sesay, thank you so much. 94 years old. an amazing man. just ahead, brick by brick, the house that paula built is falling apart. we'll tell you who's ditching deen and how much it's going to hurt that bottom line.
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plus taco bell packing in more protein, helping to lure in the more health-conscious crowd. [ female announcer ] are you sensitive to dairy? then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. we're headed the same way, right? yeah. ♪ [ panting ] uh... after you. ♪ [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] it's all in how you get there. the srx, from cadillac. awarded best interior design of any luxury brand. lease this 2013 cadillac srx for around $399 per month, with premium care maintenance included. bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business.
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take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids.
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me, koum. former yahoo! executives and they started app, 99 cents for the app. here's the thing, these two guys could make millions more dollars but they refuse. refuse to allow advertising, acton in fact said, quote, no one wakes up excited to see more advertising. no one goes to sleep thinking about the ads they're going to see tomorrow. he goes on to say, they really think about maybe the conversation they had on text. he wants to make he and his partner want to make that whole experience more memorable without being interrupted by ads. >> i like that idea. >> what i'm curious about, if they're going to sell out at the end. i know they're standing firm and saying we're not going to take advertising. i wonder new orleans >> but then they'll sell it off and still make billions of dollars. >> there you go. some people are making the run for the border and they'll soon have a new healthy option.
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>> taco bell restaurants, many of them will soon start marketing its taco meet filling under the name protein. >> yeah. >> instead of meat, they're calling it protein. now, i'm amazed they can still call it mexican food, please, how does that work? >> it's not really mexican. but i love it. i like it. >> i know, it's so good but so bad for you. but they're trying. the company will be offering chicken and steak burritos and bowls. each option is less than 450 calories. more than 20 grams of protein. they'll test that menu out in ohio. the meat-loving stating of the nation. >> it's funny, do you really go to taco bell for a healthy meal? i mean -- >> no, but if there were options on the menu, i might choose that. but i'm thinking if i'm a guy and going to taco bell, i'm not going to get a low-calorie item. >> exactly. i know when i was pregnant, i was craving heir burritos i
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would run over at least once a week because i wanted the just that. >> just the smell of it or something. it's good they're trying. from one national food brand to another. it's really been a rough peek for paula deen. her $17 million empire crumbling like a butter-laden coffee cake. business partners have been fleeing since news surfaced about her admitting past use of racial slurs. and among them random house, walmart, caesars entertainment, smithfield foods. and deen has apologized but it doesn't seem to be helping her cause. knack, her partners didn't really start fleeing until after she posted that apology video or videos. so how should deen have handled the situation better. crisis management expert bob zito said it's all about hitting the pause button, letting everybody take a time-out. >> you ask her to suggest that they withdraw for a while. >> right.
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>> let's step back. let's take a time-out with the relationship. let me deal with the issues we have, let me get through this, and then let's talk about what we're going to do next. >> so the outspoken southerner may be out of the spotlight for a while but it appears she'll have plenty of fans to greet her. deen's newest cookbook shot up to number one on amazon's hot new releases before it was pulled. and a we support paula deen facebook page has more than 500,000 likes. everybody coming to support her. >> everybody saying she should stop talking. >> i know. she did too much talking. key witness to the george zimmerman murder trial said trayvon martin called zimmerman a racial slur. plus, alec baldwin is apologizing for one vulgar anti-gay twitter rant.
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witness this week, rachel jeantel. her testimony is critical to both sides of the case, because she was trayvon martin's friend and she was the last person on the phone with trayvon martin during that deadly confrontation. but did her testimony turn this case into a trial about race? instead of murder? listen. >> describing the person is what made you think it was racial? >> yes. >> and that's because he described him as a creepy ass cracker? >> yes. >> so it was racial, but it was because trayvon martin put race in this? >> no. >> you don't think that's a racial comment? >> no. >> you don't think that creepy ass cracker is a racial comment? >> no. >> but some say it is a racial comment. limp to what darryl parks,
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attorney for trayvon martin had to say about it. >> to this family, race is not a part of this process. and anybody who tries to inject race into it is wrong. >> so let's bring in our legal guest, tonya miller a former federal prosecutor, she's joining me here in atlanta. and dan? savalas, he joins me from philadelphia. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> hi, danny. >> hi. thank you. thank you. >> thank you. sure, i just -- i'm so sorry. >> it's okay. tonya, first question, it seems like actually rachel jeantel is on trial >> it really does. you know, i've been thinking about this all week as i've been watching the trial unfold. and unfortunately what it appears to me to have happened that rachel jeantel wasn't adequately prepared by the prosecution for her testimony. she is who she is.
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witnesses don't come perfect. >> you think you can prepare rachel jeantel for testimony? >> absolutely. as a prosecutor, you get all kinds of witnesses. i've had case where the witnesses were convicted murderers, confessed liar who had been threatened who were deathly afraid of coming to court. who didn't speak well, who weren't educated. it is the prosecutor's job to work with that witness to prepare her for what is coming. >> because, danny, when i listen to her, she seems like the kind of young woman who you cannot coach. she is who she is. she's defiant. she's going to say what she says? >> yargs counsel brings up a good point. if this business, you have all kinds of witnesses, they're often not polished. and rachel is who she. but when you are who you are, the jury is free to believe part of your testimony or none of your testimony, when you contrast rachel with mr. good
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who testified yesterday who is very clear, very understandable, the jury probably was able to find him more credible than rachel. even though you may find her likable, you may find her candor -- you might find it really appealing. but ultimately, it's about credibility. whether or not you think someone's falsifying, this is probably -- rachel's probably someone that just isn't credible. >> okay. so let's bring the conversation back to race 'hoand how this ha become a pacter in the trial. when rachel jeantel said on the stand that she didn't think cracker was a racial slur. it was just something that kids say. and she claimed that trayvon martin called zimmerman a cracker. that really did inject race into this case. if you talk to trayvon martin's family, especially his stepmother who was on anderson cooper last night, she thinks this case has nothing to do with race yet it's there now, isn't
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it, tanya? >> well, i think race has always been part of the case. i'm not sure i understand the about-face of the family's attorney with respect to the role that race has played in this case and frankly how people perceive this case to be sure. as far as the use of term "cracker" and her feeling it wasn't racial, it's obviously a racially offensive word. in using the word in part, is how the bern intends it. trayvon also according to rachel referred to george zimmerman as the "n" word. so what's the significance of these terms are they sort of vernacular slurs, who knows, ultimately. >> but the martin family is taking this very seriously. last night on the anderson cooper show, martin's stepmother, and danny i'll address this to you, she said that zimmerman was not racially
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profiling him. but that trayvon martin was wearing a hoodie and acting tough, but he wasn't profiling trayvon martin because he was a black kid? >> well, race ultimately is not an element of any of the crimes charged in this case, nor self-defense. so while we can open a dialogue about race, even injecting it into the case, the real reason probably defense injects that into the case is not really racial but more so the jurors look at these witnesses who use these words so freely. and say, wow, that's not the kind of language that i would use, therefore, i can't relate to this person. irrespective of that person's race, it's just language i would not use in polite company. therefore, i can't identify with that person, and therefore, i don't find them credible. so this case is less about race. race is not an element of any of the charges or self-defense. >> tanya miller, danny cevallos, thanks so much for the conversation this morning. >> thank you for having me.
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>> you're welcome. >> thank you. alec baldwin has a meltdown on twitter, even uses anti-gay phrases in a rant to journalists. now he's trying to explain himself. mom, dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica
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stark a journalist at london's "daily mail" who reported that baldwin's wife was tweeting during james gandolfini's funeral service. writing the co-stars were gripped with grief at a new york catholic church. messages included a request for idea about wedding anniversary presents and promotional notes on an upcoming appearance on the rachael ray show. baldwin wrote my wife and i attend a funeral to pay our respects to an old friend and this toxic brit writes physical trash. i'm going to find you you toxic queen and i'm going to you up. baldwin apologized saying his tweets didn't have anything to do with anything to do with
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reference to sexual orientation. >> joining me the co-host of the show. >> thank you. >> with twitter, you can schedule when your messages post. but what do you make of all of this? you know, glaad coming out and supporting alec baldwin, and then, you know, knowing that he sort of has had this anger and rage on twitter before? >> alec baldwin always goes off. i actually appreciate the fact that the celebrities have their platform via twitter. if the journalist was wrong, he needed to be corrected. maybe the words weren't proper, but i understand he was angry at the moment. we should forgive him. >> what do you think? >> i commend him for standing up for his pregnant wife. he's about to become a father again. but alec baldwin say seasoned actor.
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this is not his first bout with anger and issues. >> this brings up the whole paula deen thing. she's come out and sort of apologized at least, what, three, four times at this point. and all of her business associates are dumping her, yet, glaad comes out and support alec baldwin. is there sort of a double standard going on here? his career survives, hers goes in the toilet. he supports a lot of gay -- he supports the gay community. he comes out at charity events. from what i understand, he gives his money to gay charities. and at the same time, we've heard that paula deen has supported african-american charities, for some reason, her career does not survive but his does? >> paula deen is being criticized for being a racist. let's just call it what it. with the word that she admitted to using is on a whole different level. and i believe that paula deen has apologized kind of.
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she hasn't really come out and said, this is what i said. i'm sorry. her quote is "i is what i is." she's not getting a pass, i'm sorry. >> does she get a pass with you -- >> well, actually do you agree with alec baldwin getting a pass? >> an insult san insult, regardless of who it is being targeted to. paula deen she has a lot suit against her. this say much bigger deal with paula deen than it is than alec baldwin sending one tweet to a journalist who he deems was inkrblgt with the story. >> and the insults are on a whole different level. you can't compare the two to me. >> the gay community would have a different stance. >> i disagree. >> let's talk about gay marriage. in the spotlight. the "new yorker's" now cover drawing action. and the supreme court same-sex rulings. the magazine is featuring ernie and bert, the two are snuggling
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on the couch together, watching the justices on tv. this is a cute image or are children's fictional characters the way to convey a supreme court ruling? >> mare muppets. they're not human. we're always trying to complicate things too much. i love bert and ernie, they don't have any sexual orientation. they're muppets. that's how i feel about it. >> everybody should have been celebrating. humans, homosexuals, muppets. >> what's interesting sesame street has long denied that bert and ernie saying in 2011 that the two were only best friends? >> exactly. >> i'll put that out there. let's move on to beyonce, the mrs. carter world tour just came to america. what do you make of the new mom? >> i love everything about beyonce. i'm so happy she's on american soil right now. i love the fact that this tour is called the mrs. carter world tour. she's letting the world know that she's married to jay-z.
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i wish i could be mrs. carter. she's living the life. i love beyonce. she's a bad mamajama. >> i hate when think think you have to be totally independent or in your marriage. there is the best of both words. >> kristin and kendra g, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> okay. >> this little girl owes her life to a mystery woman with just one arm. we're going to tell you her story and other good news across the country. but first -- a bio mechanicist and musician redefine how athletes train. both are visionaries in their respective fields here's dr. sanjay gupta with a preview of this week's "next list." this weeks on "the next
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list," two extraordinary innovators changing the game in heir respective fields. jim richards is a biomechanicists. >> the whole thing of what we're doing is to accelerate how they do their jobs we would hope would have effect on the long-term longevity. we're doing what other sports haven't done. what can play what if games. one of the things it allows us to do, we can change their body position in the irand resimulate the jump. we're going to see if we can buy you more rotation velocity by moving the arm position. >> they moved me around. >> and virtuoso ukulele player jacob is redefining the motion
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he says can redefine the world. that's this saturday, 2:30 on "the next list." ♪ bonjour ♪ je t'adore ♪ c'est aujourd'hui ♪ ♪ et toujours ♪ me amour ♪ how about me? [ male announcer ] here's to a life less routine. ♪ and it's un, deux, trois, quatre ♪ ♪ give me some more of that [ male announcer ] the more connected, athletic, seductive lexus rx. ♪ je t'adore, je t'adore, je t'adore ♪ ♪ ♪ s'il vous plait [ male announcer ] this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪ s'il vous plait (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to.
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who are doing the right thing, and in today's edition, little caylee and her family were celebrating by a lake in georgia when she went missing. >> after a few minutes her family started being held above the service of the water by only one arm. >> caylee coughed up a lot of water but she is okay, but the one-armed hero disappeared without a word. so whoever you are please come forward, because a grateful family wants to say a big thank you. and then reacting to the rulings on doma, but what about hollywood? we will share what the stars are saying. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter...
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take a look at the spectacular video. you are looking at the aurora abore allious, also known as the northern lights. >> cool. the lights have been seen as far south as kansas. the colored lights are gas particles in the earth's atmosphere colliding from electrically charged particles from the sun. >> it looks pretty. and then we have seen
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different reactions about gay marriage. >> but when it comes to hollywood, the response is positive and often funny. >> reporter: cheers from washington were immediately met with tweets in hollywood as the biggest players, famous for their overwhelming support for marriage equality flooded the twitter-verse. there was the personal, the serious, and the less than serious, and then joan rivers said any straight person against gay marriage would have to hire a straight wedding planner. and two publicly stated they wouldn't marry until it was legal for everybody, and she popped the question, and he answered the question
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enthusicly. >> i am looking forward to marrying my partner of three years, and i will get married in the state of california. >> reporter: from tweets to late-night laughs, they made sure they fell asleep to a supreme chuckle. >> doma, the high court made it go away. >> we don't need a defensive marriage act, and what we need is a marriage cap, you are allowed three and that's it. >> instead of fighting zombies in world war z, pitt is facing something new in world warg. and speaking of brad pitt, he and angelina jolie also said the same thing, they would not get married until it was legal for
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everybody. a landmark supreme court decision propels one state into the spotlight. why some couples are celebrating in california. one week into the testimony of the trial of george zimmerman, and who through the first punch? the answer may be the key to the case. how about being too irresistible, and that's one woman's story and now she is fighting back. good morning, i am alison call alison kosik.
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>> i am carol costello. nexts and costello, they could see temperatures around 118 degrees. the early summer heat wave is already causing public health problems. almost 200 people were treated for heat-related injuries during an all-day concert in las vegas yesterday. and 30 others ended up in the hospital. >> so the governments are saying to drink water and stay in the shade if they have to go outside and they are taking steps to avoid a power outage, because you don't want the electricity to go out when it's that hot outside. >> what is happening, it's a jet stream extreme. the west is baking and the east is sinking with so much rain, and june all-time record rain for some. and of course it's the west. eight states, some type of heat advisory or heat watch or warning, and we are not just
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talking about heat records for the day or for the month. these are all-time heat records, temperatures these places have never seen. why? air compresses. it sinks, compresses and warms. you have pumped up the tire of your bike, and you are pumping and you feel the tire and the warmth of it, and that's what is happening, and it's happening up until the end of next week. temperatures are not going to relinquish their bite at all. temperatures on the average in these places in the hundreds anyway, and phoenix normally in the 100s, and right now 97 right now at this early hour. phoenix, today, 118. now, phoenix, flirting with 120, it's only been at 120 three times in history, so certainly
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could get there. you can see 116, 113, and by wednesday, still at 110. average in vegas, 103, and breaking records we certainly have. 117 on sunday will be the warmest temperature they have ever seen. 116 today, and there's the records, 115, 115, and 116. and death rally, all-time world heat temperature, 134 almost -- >> it's a good thing nobody lives there. how would it feel different 103 degrees to 116 degrees, because at some point it's just hot. >> yeah, vegas there is a few things to do inside.
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>> no, but lots to do indoors, yes, and thank you. and satisfying the demand for marriage licenses from same-sex couples. and same-sex couples can marry again in california. among the first to tie the knot, the two couples that were the plaintiffs in this week's historic prop 8 case. >> we are going to fly to san francisco, with everybody who made this happen. and let me tell you, equal feels different. >> equal feels good. >> the decision made california the 13th state to legalize same-sex marriage. jurors are getting the weekend off in the zimmerman
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murder trial. >> they had a busy week. a neighbor who took the stand yesterday stepped outside of his home when he heard a fight going on. he saw the altercation before that single shot rang out. cnn's martin savidge is outside the courthouse in florida. good morning, martin. >> reporter: good morning, carol. yeah, the last witness that took the stand yesterday was the physician's assistant. her testimony actually gave something to both sides in this particular case. she is the person that treated george zimmerman the day after the altercation, and the key testimony was what kind of injuries did he have, and he seemed to have a broken nose and black eyes and suffered some trauma to the back of his head. the question is how much or how severe were those injuries, and that's something that the prosecution tried to hone in on.
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listen. >> so denies having a headache? >> correct. >> change in va. what does that mean? >> no change in vision. >> he denies any slurred speech. what does that mean? >> well, exactly what it means. sometimes i will ask if you were talking any more normally than normal. >> denied dizziness? >> clarifying if he felt off balance for any reason. >> he had no problems walking? >> exactly, and sometimes i will clarify that meaning are you walking as if you were drunk or staggering. >> the prosecutor was trying to make out the fact that everybody knows george zimmerman was injured, but the prosecution was trying to say he was not injured that badly.
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and george zimmerman in his self defense claim that he was being so beaten he thought he was going to die, hence he had to shoot the teen and kill him. and the prosecution is saying those injuries don't sound like he is a person on the verge of death. and then another thing brought out, and he said he was training at a club that teaches mma, mixed martial arts. that was crucial because earlier in the day a witness on the stand said they had seen somebody beating a person on the ground in a mixed martial arts style. that's the way the jury was left as they went off on their weekend. >> that witness was john good, but he also testified that george zimmerman was on the bottom. >> reporter: correct. but there are other witnesses who say, no, it was the other way around. the defense and prosecution are trying to both argue two different vantage points here, but what the prosecution is
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going to maintain, that jonathan good was confused and he just had them mixed up and it's the mixed martial arts style that really says who was on top. >> martin, i am curious, because you watched this testimony all week. if you were keeping a cursory scorecard would you give this week to the defense or the prosecution as for who won the week? >> reporter: i think it was a good week for the defense. the prosecution does have a difficult case here, because they absolutely have to prove second-degree murder here. however, that said, there was some places where their case does seem to come together. what they are trying to point out what is the mindset of george zimmerman. there is still next week to come and we'll have to wait and see. the defense did pretty good and they have not started their side of the events. >> that's right. martin savidge, thank you so much. and the defense attorney
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that told the awkward knock-knock joke is in another awkward position. and look at the photo posted, and it's by his daughter, and the photo appears to have been posted tuesday or wednesday, and molly's instagram account as been deactivate. he says, sometimes we are disappointed by the things our children do but we love them anyway and we move on. >> as quickly as we can. and president obama in africa now. >> as a news conference you saw live here on cnn, mr. obama said his thoughts are with the ailing nelson mandela and his family as well. and let's go to our cnn white house correspondent in south africa.
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tell us more about what the president said about nelson mandela. >> reporter: he spoke again, alison, as he has at his various stops here in africa about nelson mandela being inspirat n inspirational. he talked about that before he came here to south africa, and we learned a short time ago that president obama will be meeting with family members of nelson mandela, although the question of whether he will pay a visit to nelson mandela at the white house. here is what he said with south african president. >> nelson mandela showed what is possible and the people of south africa have shown what is possible when a priority is placed on constitutions and rule of law, and respect for human dignity, and that all people are
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treated equally. and that we will rise above our parochial concerns, and what nelson mandela also stood for was the recognition in that the well-being of a country is more important than the interest of any one person. >> i think a lot of people watching president obama's visit thought he might pay nelson mandela a visit, the first black african president having a moment with the first black american president, and they have met before but this is a high profile trip the president is having here in africa, and president obama said he was trying to respect the family, and that was the line that the president had been walking here because they didn't want it to
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make it about president obama when mandela is on the heart and minds of south africans. >> the president talked about domestic issues back here at home because american journalists like you are asking those kinds of questions. what else did he say? >> reporter: he talked about -- he was asked about student loans, and he was asked a lot of questions about his trip in africa. he was asked why wasn't he going to kenna where he has roots through his father. and the kenyan president, he was charged by the international criminal court and will face in november a trial, and as of now that is expected. and the white house said that was not the best time to go. and president obama basically said as much today. but the next thing that is really interesting that obama is
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doing that we will see and continue to see throughout his trip is the focus on young africans, and the median age here is 17. there's a huge population of folks in africa that will be going into the job force and he is tying that into the economic message throughout his travels. >> thank you. coming up on "new day saturday," good news for the victims of the boston bombing. much-needed money is about to be headed their way. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft.
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with premium care maintenance included. 16 minutes past the hour, and welcome back. it has been two months since the tragic bombing at the boston marathon, and the one fund boston is distributing the, get this, $61 million it has collected. >> how is this money, the $61 million going to be distributed? >> it is a huge amount of money and far exceeded everybody's
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expectations. you had to prove that you were physically injured as a result of the marathon tragedy. a total of 259 people filed for a claim, but 232 were awarded some degree of compensation. the family of those that died or sustained brain damage or lost two limbs were given $2.2 million each, and then $1 million goes to 14 people, and then it gets broken down to how many nights these victims spent in the hospital. and they were just given under a million, and two weeks in the hospital, and then one night in the hospital, $100,000. and i spoke to the fund administrator, and he said what is interesting about this, this amount of money from the boston
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bombings far exceeds the families that were given to those that died during 911, sandy hook and virginia tech. one fund boston did have so much publicity surrounding it, and the fund is still open so people can still donate. >> i understand people had their claims rejected. why is that? >> firstly, you had to be physically injured as a result of the bombings, right? so emotional injury in this case was not enough. a lot of people who were at the marathon would have suffered some type of emotional trauma but you had to prove physical bodily arm, and some people spent a few nights in the hospital and did not have any supporting documentation, and what happened if somebody was bruised and had to go to the hospital for maybe an hour or so but was immediately discharged, what do you do then? he said they would use their judgment, but for the most part,
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his neck and severed his spinal cord. a facebook was set up for him and he died saturday with his family by his side and his funeral is set for tomorrow. an iowa woman was fired from her job because her because said working with her is threatening his message. >> this week iowa supreme court took a rare step withdrawing a unanimous decision in her case. >> people think this decision is unfair. >> he said he was a great employee, but fired her in 2010, why? >> i was affecting his home life, and his personal life. and that it was time for me to go. >> records show that his wife demanded that he terminate
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nelson's employment, and nelson sued claiming gender tkau skreupl fact. >> i am not attracted to him and never had been attracted to him. >> he complained her clothes was too tight. last december the all-male iowa supreme court ruled her firing was not fair but legal, and the question was can somebody be lawfully terminated because the boss views the employee as an air resistible atraction. >> how many cavities would you guess i have had in by entire life? >> open up. >> it's really unprecedented.
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there is new evidence, and the only thing that is new here is the public reaction to the opinion, which is mostly negative, and overwhelmingly negative. >> nelson's attorney says her client is delighted at the news. knight's attorney says he is confident the supreme court will reaffirm its prior decision. >> i did my job to the best of my abilities. i worked hard. >> now in its december decision, iowa supreme court pointed out dr. knight hired a female replacement, and while the firing was not ferret was not gender discrimination. the court is not considering any new evidence but agreed to reconsider its decision, and that decision could come as early as next week or could take months. alison? >> poppy harlow, thanks. alec baldwin is now saying i'm sorry to gays and lesbians after his twitter melt down.
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he went on a rant on george stark. alec baldwin tweeted my wife and i attended a funeral to pay respect to an old friend, and i am going to find you you toxic little queen and i'm going to beat you up. baldwin said his tweets did not have anything to do with anybody's sexual orientation. nothing. >> nothing at all. >> just wanted to get that out there. i will leave that alone. and then president obama says it's not an option, but what does the president need to do to make his snowden headache go away? we'll look at the options. the secret is out. hydration is in.
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welcome back to "new day saturday." it's 30 minutes past the hour. i am carol costello. >> i am alison kosik. the temperature in death valley this weekend could climb to 129 degrees. phoenix and las vegas could see 118 degrees. the heat wave is already causing health problems. almost 200 people were treated for heat related injuries at a
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concert yesterday in las vegas. officials are keeping an eye on the power grid to make sure the ac doesn't go out. and number two on the list, county clerk opening over the weekend to offer marriage license to same-sex couples. two men and two women were married. the case for california's prop 8 made california the 13th state to legalize same-sex marriage. and then president obama meeting with mandela's family. he is fighting a reoccurring lung infection. an american student has been killed in egypt. the 21-year-old was stabbed while watching demonstrations in the coastal city of alexandria.
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>> finally, at number five, random house has pulled the plug on paula deen's new upcoming book. fans have showed support following the recent controversy, but now the book has been cancelled along with deen's five-year contract. the edward snowden affair has become quite the headache and distraction for president obama. he had to answer questions about the surveillance program and now while he is in south africa, he is being asked about snowden and some of the strained relationships with some of the countries involved. >> we have a whole lot of business that we do with china and russia, and i am not going to have one case of a suspect who we are trying to extradite,
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simply to get a guy exstraw indicted so he can face the justice system here in the united states. no, i am not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker. >> joining me now to talk about the president's reaction, our cnn contributors. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> good morning. so paul, president obama doesn't see edward snowden as public enemy number one anymore? >> i think that's smart. lower the blood pressure here. they are sending mixed signals. they are trying to walk a line. the president is calling one line, and i don't want to have to call putin and he is right.
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they would say are you spying on us, and he would say, yeah, i hope my country is spying on other countries. the problem that he has, he is spying on us as well. and shifting the attention to snowden is good for president obama. we are focused on where is he, and a great fighter for press predumb. >> he is damaging our national security and endangering all of us, and he is like, i am not going to scramble fighter jets to catch this kid. >> that's why paul is exactly right. i think the white house is very, very happy with how it has played out over the last couple weeks. before snowden revealed the identity, the story was all about this expansive potentially massive eventually virtual
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eavesdropping effort by the administration, and now the story is, one, about where is edward snowden, and two it's about how the champion of press freedom has gone to china or russia, and i think in an ideal world the white house would want to have him extradited, but i think they are reasonably happy to be talking about why is edward snowden in russia rather than talking about why are we doing what we are doing here at home. >> which makes snowden's father's letter to eric holder very sad. he sent it to eric holder, and eric holder is the attorney general of the united states, and he said snowden would consider coming back, he thinks. he thinks he is not a spy or trader, and his father thinks america should embrace edward snowden, and he will come back on three conditions, if he would not be detained or imprisoned
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prior to trial or not subject to a gag order and if he would be tried in a venue of his choosing. really? any of that really possible? >> no. no, i have not talked to the attorney general about it, but first off, he is an accused criminal and his crime is serious. he is not in a good position to negotiate. he is hiding out in the moscow airport or something, but every parent loves their child and my heart goes out to his parents here, but if he did what he is accused of, that's a very serious crime. >> where do you suppose he is? one of our correspondent said he may have snuck out of the moscow airport, which -- >> well, i mean, this is part of why if you are edward snowden, a lot of people said look a true
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whistle blower would have revealed the information and stood and faced the consequences and so on, and you see what he is worried about, worried about what happened to bradley manning who was held without trial for a period of time, and it's different because manning is an officer in the u.s. military, and if i were edward snowden, i understand the theory that it's better to go globe trotting before facing the music. and it's not exactly the happiest ending to a story, i would think. >> not the happiest. you wionder, how edward snowden would have this end. >> i don't know. i can't look into the man's
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mind, but it's important fthat there were avenues he could have taken. he believed the program in when he was participating were wrong, and he could have gone to the inspector general or to congress privately, and he could have gone to a number of places without going to china and releasing this to the public, and there's one reporter that says the chinese have wiped his computer clean. there are other ways to call attention to things and this is not the way to do it. >> and this is a program that has congressional oversight and has been approved by congress. the problem is congress considers it legal but the american people don't know about it. so there are issues there i think where it's not quite as easy to say, oh, he should have
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called up his congressman and told him about it. he was speaking to the american public, and that's what you can say in his defense. >> not very many people have trust in the government and the way it works. >> he was working for the government, and he was taking 100,000 or $200,000 a year. >> he said he gave it up. >> i don't like the program, but it was legal. it was authorized by the congress, and supervised by the judicial. i don't like the program but there is no doubt it's legal. >> that is the case for what snowden did, is that if the entire government considers it legal and you consider it wrong, then -- >> it is! >> exactly. we can argue about it all day long, but i have to wrap it up, gentlemen. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> you are welcome. coming up to the 9:00 eastern hour, we will talk more about edward snowden and the nsa, and i will be joined by a
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former nsa official who quit and became an outspoken critic of the agency. that comes at 9:15. and one witness says it was trayvon martin who was on top in the fight, and we will explain what that means for the prosecution's case. o's new in t! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal.
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[ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. neighbors gave dramatic and crucial testimony on friday, including john good, who said he saw martin on top of zimmerman moments before he shot hip. listen. >> could you tell at that time who was on the top and who was on the bottom? >> i could only see the colors of clothing.
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>> what could you see? >> it was dark. >> how about the color at the bottom? >> i believe it was a light white or red color. >> joining me now is cnn legal analyst in new york, and mark who is in florida. good morning. we know trayvon was wearing a black hoodie the night he was killed and zimmerman was wearing a light jacket, and the light skinned person was on the bottom in the fight was made clear. you are a former prosecutor, how damaging is this testimony to the state? >> this was a very damaging blow to the state. i mean, the state's entire case seems to have been driven off the side of a cliff this week. they started strong in their opening. but this witness, john good in particular, he is close to the scene, and he is the closest witness. he has trayvon martin on top of zimmerman, and he puts in play
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the self defense claim in a major, major way. it's hard for me to imagine how the prosecution will counter this since he is the closest eyewitness that will be available to what happened that night. >> mark, what do you think? >> without question. i think a lot of people are wondering why the prosecution went ahead and called him anyway. i think it was a good strategic move on behalf of the prosecutor, because this witness was on the defense witness list and was going to come out anyway. i think the prosecutor knowing that this very credible witness was going to be extremely damaging, and they wanted to call him first so they could put their own spin on it and minimize the damage as much as possible and maintain credibility before the jurors by showing he was not hiding anything, but nevertheless, it was a devastating blow. and remember, this is the state's case, and it's all supposed to be going their way, and with such reasonable doubt
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being injected into the case, it's going to be a hard thing for the prosecutor to get around and go over. >> another state witness, the state's goal to point out zimmerman's injuries was that they were not life threatening so he should not have used deadly force. >> there's a misconception what a lot of people have about this. self defense says if you think that you are going to be seriously hurt or killed, that you can use deadly physical force to protect yourself. it's not really a standard of where you actually seriously were injured, it's what you perceive. it head was being pounded and his nose was broken, and one of the things he said, with trayvon martin on top of him and his
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nose broken, and he was pressing on his nose and zimmerman had trouble breathing, and these pictures would show that, and the next day he was find and the defense says it's what is going through your head on that rainy night. they have a tough case with a tough uphill battle. >> it was supposed to be the opening week for the prosecution and they clearly had trouble this week, and how can they bounce back? what is key? >> i said from the beginning this was going to be a challenging case for the state, and it's exactly right, it's not an objecti standard, it's a subjective standard. what did the victim in any self defense claim, what do they reasonably believe? do they believe they were in fear of death or great bodily harm? if they were able to establish it and that's in their mind and
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that fear was reasonable, but how does anybody get around that? and i think that you are going to see that this defense is going to do everything possible to make their case showing reasonable doubt in the state's case to do everything possible to keep zimmerman off the stand, because that's where they could run into trouble, and that would be a prosecutor's dream to get him on the stand. you will see the defense continuing to dissect the case and throwing reasonable doubt out there, and not putting zimmerman on the stand when it comes time to put on their case. >> thank you both so much for your time. >> pleasure. >> thank you. maybe this is a little too fashion forward. a coat made of -- i can't even say it it's so disgusting. this coat is made of chest hair. john berman will have that story for you.
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do well. you have heard about the 5-year-old who is one-part rapper and one-part golfer. >> i love golf, like kfc. i can take it. golf, it's so much fun -- >> so cute. so cute. that is caleb of allentown, pennsylvania. the video is is a creative way for them to spend time together. the video has more than 19,000 hits on youtube. that is some produced video. that takes a lot of time. he is in different areas. >> yeah, he is with his dad and it's fun. >> it's really cute. your loyal dog has nothing on this little guy. the monkey refusing to let his owner get a ticket.
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and people dancing like horses. yes, the internet overflowing with human and animal ingenuity. for these runners in spokane, washington, it's not just exercise, it's prancer-size. they have set the world record for the largest group prancer-size. some going for quantity over quality. more feats of human genius. a man juggles his way across iceland, because he juggled apparently in iceland. and proof that smart can be gross. a coat made of 100% human chest hair, 1 million strands, commissioned by a company in protest of fashion it apparently
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finds amass cue lating. no comment on that one. look at what happens to a cop reaching inside a car in texas. angry monkey. to angry gorilla. look at these kids in dallas making fun of a gorilla. we don't want to take sides here, but we are with the gorilla. finally, football fans you know how notre dame plays, but how does it smell? you might now learn because of this, the university along with the licensing partners releasing notre dame perfume and cologne. it will be available this fall. twitter finding a manti te'o twist to the new scents, commenting it smells like internet girlfriends and perfect for that girlfriend you made up. nobody said the internet was nice. the real bottles of the real
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perform expected to retail for about $62. good pricing. good morning ppl i am alison kos kosik. >> i am carol costello. this is "new day saturday." we begin out west where temperatures could climb this weekend for a staggering 129 degrees. >> phoenix and las vegas, not much cooler. the mercury there expected to hit 118 degrees. >> the heat wave causing as you might expect, public health problems. 200 people treated for heat-related injuries at an all-day concert in las vegas, and so guess what officials are telling people to do? drink water. >> stay inside. >> and turn on the
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air-conditioning if you are lucky enough to have it, and if the air-conditioning goes out and the power grid goes out, that would be awful. >> and yeah, casey, you know, it's really hard to imagine these super hot temperatures. try to help us understand how really hot it is. >> reporter: well, alison, yesterday it tied a record temperature of 118 degrees here in palm springs, but what is incredible how long throughout the day this heat lasts. at 7:30 last night when i got done with dinner, it was 113 degrees. at 5:00 this morning, when i was on my way over here, it was still 88 degrees. so it hardly cools off at all, at least relatively at night. it's really, really hot. today the forecast expected to be 120, 121, and that could set another record. you can see over here we have got some golfers who are out here early to try and beat the heat. this golf course tells me on a normal day in the summer, they
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get a little more than 100 players reserving tee times. today they have 42. people are staying indoors. another issue that this heat is causing is with aircraft. private airplanes have been grounded in the palm springs area because it's just too hot to fly. here is what one expert told us. >> we will be out of business this afternoon. it's too hot to fly. when it's 110, 115 degrees, the air is thinner, and the thinner the air the less lift on the airplane. we can get it off the ground, it's not that we can't, you just shouldn't. >> reporter: larger airports like the palm springs international airport, they say they are still operational and they are designed to handle the heat, and they have a lot of tourists coming in from places like europe and canada, people who come here seeking these incredible record-high
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temperatures. >> i can't believe you are wearing a nice shirt. i would be in a tank top. do you at least have shorts on? >> reporter: i don't have shorts on. i didn't pack any for this trip, if you can believe that. i was prepared for something else. but it's all right, we will stay cool today. >> good luck with that. >> you are not kidding. so how long does he have to suffer with these pants? >> the funniest thing that you said, i wonder what he is wearing? what is happening down there? are their shorts or flip flops? he is going to have to endure an incredible amount of team and for a long time. that's the problem with the heat wave, the duration to the extreme and the length of time. it's a jet stream extreme, really, an explosion. we have a ridge in the west. high pressure sinking air. that's what that means. it means compressing air, and that means the air is warming. when you pump up the bicycle
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tire and you touch the tire it's warm to the touch, and that's what is happening out there. degrees, it's not just a record for the day or a record for the month. some of these places, with eight states seeing some type of heat advisory for the next couple days will hit temperatures that they have never seen before. i will show you a few places. phoenix right now waking up early and walking out the door, 93. phoenix should be at 107 this time of year, so they are in the hundreds usually, and they are used to that. flirting with 120, 118, and it only has been 120 in phoenix since records have been kept three times, and vegas, right now, going in or coming out, whatever you may be doing, 90 degrees there. vegas should be at 103, but well above that as well. here are the records, 116, the high temperatures. 115, 115, and 116.
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saturday, sunday and monday, well above that. and certainly warmer, 117 on sunday, the all-time high. it's incredibly substantial these temperatures. death valley, and here is where we stand. it's the largest national park in the u.s., about 3.4 million acres of desert, but 128 today and 129 tomorrow, and the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet, 134, and it almost 100 years ago to the date. >> no wonder nobody lives in death valley. >> if you order the rare steak, the internal stake is 125. they are cooking out there. >> i was hoping casey would do thfrying an egg on the sidewalk. >> he probably has never done that as a reporter. >> oh, no, never.
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>> thanks. jurors are getting the weekend off in the george zimmerman murder trial. >> a good thing, too. it has been a busy week for them, and they are hearing from witnesses all week about what they saw or heard. some witnessed the fight, and others approached zimmerman immediately after the shooting. and we are joined by martin outside the courthouse to tell us more. good morning, martin. >> reporter: there were a number of key witnesses that took the stand yesterday and one of them was jonathan, and what makes him crucial in the case is he was the first person to go up and speak to george zimmerman seconds after the fatal shot that killed trayvon martin, so he is the first to interact with him and ask anything, and one of the points the prosecution wants to make is what is george
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zimmerman's state of mind, because that's crucial to try and convict him on second-degree murder. and that's where the prosecutor was very aggressively going after this particular witness, because he wanted to get at what was george saying, and was there anything strange about the way he was saying it. the point that is brought up is a phone call that this witness made on behalf of george to george zimmerman's wife. here is the exchange. >> i said your husband has been srof involved in a shooting, and he is being handcuffed and will be going to questioned -- and he cut me off and said, just tell her i shot somebody. >> when you say he cut you off, the defendant cut you off? >> yes. >> he said what now? >> just tell her i shot someone. >> did you respond to that? >> yes. >> what did you say? >> okay, well, he just shot
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someone. >> and the prosecution is trying to point out that isn't that kind of an odd phone call or a way to summarize a way when a tragedy has taken place, and the defense saying it was not that odd. >> i am sure zimmerman was in shock, right? everybody reacts in a different way. >> reporter: correct. yeah. i think that's the point that the defense was trying to bring out, and the defense came back and talked to a number of police officers that also talked to george very quickly after that event, and they said, well, did he sound strange? no. was he combative in any way? >> no. >> did he refuse your orders? no. that's how the defense countered and said it might have been an unusual sounding phone call but that doesn't mean his mind was off or he was deranged.
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>> thank you. next hour, friends and family beginning to gather for the funeral of oden lloyd. >> and while they mourn him, the man accused of killing him, aaron hernandez, sits behind bars. do investigators know about a motive or have any idea why hernandez would have allegedly done this? >> reporter: you know, that's exactly what they are looking into right now. the big question did oden lloyd have information linking hernandez to the double drive by murder that happened last summer, and did hernandez fear that he was in jeopardy of losing his million-dollar contract, or was the motive an argument between the two men, between hernandez and lloyd who happened to be dating the sister of aaron hernandez' fiance. there are witnesses to lloyd's
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final moments, and one was in custody and is charged with illegally caringy a firearm without a license, and the other man turned himself in when he fou found out there was an arrest warrant. hernandez picked up lloyd in the early morning hours between sunday and monday, and then he got his two other friends and they drove to an industrial park, a gravel pit, and according to prosecutors, lloyd was sending text messages to his sister, and nfl just show you know, that text sent moments before the gunshots were heard where they were last seen. and cell phone records link the men to that area. we are told that aaron hernandez was seen earlier that night and
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he had a gun and was making statements suggesting that he couldn't trust anybody, he couldn't trust anybody, and so whether that goes to state of mind, and there is a lot of information right now that is pointing to aaron hernandez. >> thank you. a man held at gun point with his wife and child nearby while authorities search their home? why? because bill benny wanted to expose what he calls wrong doing by the nsa. i mean, i haven't actually lost any weight, but i feel skinnier, you know? not really. aaah! jessica! whoa! your friend's a rate sucker. her bad driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of us. try snapshot from progressive. snap it in and get a discount based on your good driving.
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america spies on internet and phone use, but one person he praises is bill benny. he said after 9/11, the nsa misused the technology to spy on americans, and he took it to congress and he said he became the target of retaliation. years later, in 2010, the justice department issued benny a letter of immunity. i am joined by benny and his lawyer. welcome to the both. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> bill, i would like to start with you, because we are playing a cat and mouse game with snowden. some correspondents think he sneaked out of moscow's airport, but where would he go if he did
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that? >> it's hard to tell. i think he should come back here and face the charges and go into court, because this issue really needs to be taken into the supreme court for resolution. this is fundamentally, what they are doing is spying on all americans and come piling the information is a fundamental violation of the rights. >> you believe snowden should come back even after what happened to you, because you went through the proper channels and the government retaliated against you. >> yeah, they never let me get into court. i wanted to take the issue right into court, and they try to silence you, i wanted to talk about it on the steps of the court, because this issue is fundamental to the freedoms of this country. yesterday i read a quote in the newspaper from my former lieutenant colonel, and he said the surveillance program is only something they couldn't even dream of when he was in tphau
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stauzy. this is something the totalitarian states have done down through history, they have tried to gather information to have power against the populati population. >> he should come home and expose it right in front of the american audience. president obama seems to be softening his rhetoric, and he said no, i will not scramble jets to get a 29-year-old hacker, and he said he would not call on china or russia to extradite this guy or to capture him in any way, because he was not going to waste his time. what do you make of that? is that softening his tone, or is that an embarrassment because he cannot catch the 29-year-old kid? >> well, he is getting feedback from his allies and friends, and it's not just a threat to our
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democracy, but it's a threat to theirs. this kind of technology circulated to governments around the world is a danger to democracy everywhere. >> and they launched an unprecedented attack on whistle blowers, and he is a whistle-blower because he disclosed something that was a massive illegality, and my client, bill benny, he exposed years ago that the nsa is spying on millions of innocent americans, and i think the questions that needs to be asked, why is the government collecting dos yeas on the american people. in fact, they have classified these programs and have only been having this conversation as
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a result of mr. snowden's disclosures. for the president to say that he welcomes this debate and then turn around and filed a sealed indictment bringing espionage act charges on the person that brought this to the forefront is contradictory. >> edward snowden's father sent a letter to eric holder saying he believed his son would come back home under these certain conditions, and if he would not be detained prior to trial, he would come back. he said if his son would not be subject to a gag order he would come back. he said if his son wished to be tried in a venue of his own choosing, and if that's possible, he would come back. how likely is it for the attorney general of the united states to take this seriously, kathleen? >> well, i don't know that, you know, mr. snowden's father
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actually has been in contact with mr. snowden. he said he had not been in contact with him so in that sense it's premature to talk about any serious dealing on that front, and additionally i don't know the attorney general would be sympathetic to making that deal considering the obama administration has not relented in any case until absolutely forced, and the perfect example of that is of another whistle-blower drake that we represented, and that case collapsed under the weight of the truth. it's not because the kpwuft decided to let up, it was because they were forced and they had no case and negative attention in the press. and those are the situations. if you look at the case of bradley manning, it's another perfect example. there mr. manning offered to plead to charges that would give him over 20 years in prison, yet the government has insisted on bringing over zealous charges of aiding the enemy by making information public. >> he was a member of the united
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states military that just dumped documents willy-nilly. he is different. bradley manning seemed to say here is a bunch of documents, make them wikileaks. >> i think they both picked and choosed. and the idea that by making information public, anybody could have aided the enemy is very, very tphau various in a country that has the first amendment, which is supposed to protect free speech. what we are talking about is a control of information. in a surveillance state the whistle-blower becomes the enemy, and that's not what the country was founded on and not what the first amendment incapsulates. >> thank you, and we'll have to leave it there. we will be right back.
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prepare to be amazed. check out this one-headed dunk high a high school senior, christian terrell. >> yeah! >> yahoo sports point out two things that make this great. he is 6'2", tall for normal people, especially if you are alison kosik. >> me? >> you. >> i am the same size. >> yeah, she is lying. and anyway, he got major air before throwing it down. number two, look at the guy that pops up in the front row. he had to pick his jaw up. can you see him? i can't see him, and terrell has offers from jacksonville, and
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florida gulf coast. a driver hauling gallons of latex paint crashed his vehicle coating him and his dog completely. the guy looked worse than he felt. he suffered only minor injuries. and that gray dog, yeah, it was a black dog before the crash. oh, my god, how cute. he is okay, too. so that's good. >> the worst part is he has to wash that dog now. heavy stuff. thank you. controversy is costing paula deem. will consumers be willing to for give, forget, and pay up. "your money" starts with christine romans after a quick break. ♪
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