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tv   New Day  CNN  July 3, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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photos. do they tell the story? just how many times was george zimmerman hit by trayvon martiny could he reasonably feared for his life? big questions at the trial. we >> and a little fun this morning, we'll introduce you to this guy, check him out, he's a gym teacher who has worn the same outfit in every yearbook photo for 40 years. >> just as good today as he was then. breaking overnight the hunt for the nsa leaker is more bizarre. plane carrying bolivia's president forced to land in moscow, why? rumors edward snowden may be on board. atika shubert live from london, what is the latest? >> the latest is that the bolivian president has finally been allowed to leave vienna. he's gotten permission to fly in spanish air space.
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he was flying back from moscow where he was attending a conference and he was supposed to go land in portugal for refueling but italy and france and portugal said he could not fly through their air space because of technical issues. we don't know what the technical issues are. the president had to land his plane in austria and once he was there he was stuck because he didn't have the ability to fly out and he was stuck there for about ten hours. as you can imagine, this is pretty unprecedented, it's a diplomatic disaster and bolivia's vice president even went so far as to say that morales had been kidnapped by imperialism. they are very upset about this. >> all right, thank you very much atika, appreciate the latest. we'll be watching it. it doesn't end. >> what a wild turn. morales even joked, snowden's waiting for me. not something to joke about clearly. a showdown in egypt,
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overnight at least 16 people were killed, 200 wounded at cairo university during clashes between supporters of president mohamed morsi and anti-government protesters. the egyptian military said it will sacrifice our blood if morsi refuses to come up with a power sharing agreement by the deadline, just a few hours from now. let's get straight to cairo where reza sayeh is standing by. you've been watching this unfold for day. what is the latest? any signs either side is ready to give in or meet halfway? >> reporter: no sign, kate, and we keep waking up every morning in cairo thinking no way things can get more intense, more dramatic, they keep getting more dramatic. the stage is set for a showdown that could turn violent overnight. we got a glimpse of what could be coming today.
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overnight in egypt, anticipation turning into violence. hundreds wounded. others shot to death. as supporters and opponents of egyptian president mohamed morsi fought at cairo university. this flash the most recent uproar surrounding the embattled islamist resident hours away to solve egypt's messy political conflict or risk a military takeover. for the president's critics the ultimatum makes the end of morsi's rule seem tantalizingly rule, in many ways so is the egyptian revolution part two. it was two and a half years ago hosni mubarak was toppled. in came president morsi a member of the muslim brotherhood increasingly hated by literal and moderate egyptians who accused him of hijacking the
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revolution with an islamist agenda and pushing aside opposing voices. months of demonstrations culminated sunday with millions marking the president's anniversary with nationwide protests, demanding his ouster. when the protests didn't end and escalated into deadly clashes and attacks targeting the brotherhood's headquarters. egypt's armed forces delivered its ultimatum. washington followed with a push for the president to call for new elections. in a televised speech to the nation tonight morsi gave no indication he plans to step aside. 23 people killed, that's the new death toll and crashes overnight at cairo university. the president says he's willing to die to protect the democratic transition. the armed forces saying they're willing to die to protect the people. lot of people bracing themselves for what's coming in egypt.
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>> thank you, reza, stay safe. christiane amanpour is host of "amanpour" thank you for being here. >> fwoorg. >> we hear the death toll is going up. the situation obviously serious. what is the chance at this point that the military does stage a coup? >> we're about five hours to the ultimatum and as reza has been saying we've heard strong comments from both sides, and there is obviously millions and hundreds of thousands of people in the street and obviously morsi has lost his legitimacy at least by half the country. it is ruled by street mob frankly since the election of president morsi there have been people in the streets. it puts the u.s. in a very bad position indeed. >> you said the word, democracy.
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the u.s. is calling for new elections, how? how can the u.s. interfere when this man was elected in a dually democratic and seen as fair election? >> chris there's a lot of confusion. some report the u.s. is calling for new elections, the white house, the state department says no that's not true, it's up to the egyptian people. what you can imagine they want this resolved politically. it looks like it's not going to happen at this point, we're several hours from the ultimatum. we don't know what pressure has been put by the u.s. on the military. nobody wants to see a military coup so what is the middle ground? who are the technocrats or interim civilians who would run the government? what does the opposition want? who are their leaders? all of these questions remain unresolved and the other really important issue i think is if you start messing around with the muslim brotherhood, who have shown themselves to be incompetent as ruling the country, if you start doing that, there's a very severe fear
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of a major backlash which could bring an even more hard line conservative islamic reality into place and that is something that really i don't think anybody wants to see. >> the unknown question right now is, will the u.s. wind up on the wrong side of history twice with mubarak and again with morsi? >> it's so difficult. this is the early days of what is obviously very messy emerging democracy. there are no political parties. the muslim brotherhood was the only party, that's why it won the elections. >> if the u.s. wants elections and they hold an election and this man wins the vote, you have to respect it. you have to be careful. >> this is what he's been cloaking himself in the legitimacy of the election. that's true, but he has failed to deliver what democracy is meant to deliver. >> but that's for egypt to figure out. >> the u.s. is saying it's for egypt to figure out but as you pointed out the u.s. ambassador to egypt is under a lot of public invective if you like,
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people are burning her pictures and saying get out because opponents believe they have too pro-muslim brotherhood, the u.s.. it's very messy and this is so important because egypt is such a critical player not just for the united states and israel but the linchpin of that part of the middle east. >> who thought we would see the day people accusing the u.s. of being too close to the muslim brotherhood. cristiane, thank you for the insight as always. appreciate it. we have new developments concerning the president's health care law, a key component of it will be delayed for a year, that provision is the one that requires many companies to provide health insurance to their employees or face fines. cnn's dan lothian is live at the white house with details. it was almost a kind of quiet announcement yesterday, dan, but with a lot of fallout. >> that's right, just heading into the holiday weekend. lot of business owners had complained that the system for reporting these changes was too
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complicated and in general, implementation was too difficult because these businesses with more than 50 employees would have had to have started offering health coverage by next year, if not, they would have faced some stiff penalties. now the administration is pushing back that deadline 2015. administration officials saying that they listened to some of the concerns from these business owners but at this time, it also allows the irs to simplify the proce process. administration officials saying maybe these companies should on their own start making those changes by next year, it will make it easier to comply by 2015. the chamber of commerce which voiced concerns in the past was applauding this move as are many house republicans who have tried to have the health care law repealed more than 30 times and they're using this move to again voice their opposition. house speaker john boehner saying this is just another acknowledgment that the law is "unworkable" and needs to be repealed. while this provision is being
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delayed there are other components of the health care law that still remain on track such as that individual mandate which requires most americans to have health insurance. >> a question now is, will this make things more confusing for the other parts of the law that are set to go into effect since they're pushing this one back but that's a key for another live shot i guess. dan lothian, great to see you. thanks so much. >> another big concern this morning, wet weather. fourth of july celebrations, but there's a danger factor up and down the east coast, storms, flooding, even tornadoes are causing very big problems so let's get over to indra petersons in the weather center. what are you seeing? >> we have broken records for the amount of rain for june and adding more rain. the storms aren't stopping and today look at the forecast, especially paying attention to the southeast. heavy rain expected in the next several days and through the weekend. three to five inches expected along the gulf and continuinging along the east coast, scattered showers. so the rain will continue to
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fall meaning flooding concerns, of course a large concern as we go through the holiday weekend, i always mention it but it takes six inches of water to sweep you off your feet. do not underestimate flooding. we're watching this dome of high pressure. it does look like we'll see that pattern change, it will move closer to the coastline. we'll have a little bit of a clearing along the immediate coast and farther inland where the holiday weekend we'll talk about heavier rainfall. it means good news if you're headed to the beaches. we put a little good and bad fourth of july forecast up. hampton looks good, boston and d.c. looks good and the west coast plenty of sunshine, almost too much, a lot of heat out there. here's where the bad is. unfortunately the rain will be falling in the ohio valley through kentucky, down through florida and we talk about atlanta, we talk about georgia, alabama, that's where that heavy rainfall is of course and where that flooding concern will be but for everyone that wants to go to the beach on the east coast, they can for now.
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>> something we need to watch in the next 24 hours especially traveling for the holiday. indra thank you so much. let's get back to the developing story continuing in arizona, they're making slow but steady progress, the blaze which killed 19 firefighters from an elite hot shot unit is 8% conta contained, better than it was. thousands are gathering to mourn the lost heroes and this morning we learn about the only member of that uniit to survive. cnn's kyung lah is live in prescott, arizona, for us. >> reporter: good morning, the 8% number very significant, the very first good news the firefighters have had in fighting this deadly blaze as they continue to gather, a town trying to understand this loss. ♪ >> reporter: a stirring tribute. to the 19 firefighters who lost
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their lives on sunday, the small community devastated. >> all of your husbands, fiances, brothers, sisters and sons did exactly what they were supposed to do. they put themselves between danger and the people that needed help. we will continue to do that. >> reporter: the town giving the families of the deceased a standing ovation, and standing alongside the families -- >> this is for you. we love you. >> reporter: the lone survivor of the hot shots, brendan mcd e mcdonough, stationed as a lookout, removed from his team. the wind suddenly shifted. >> he radioed the crew that he had reached his trigger point and that he was leaving. >> reporter: that was their last radio call. minutes later the rest of his brothers, all 19 of them, were gone. as investigators now try to determine what went wrong, the
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firefighters blame the extraordinary conditions, a perfect storm of a wildfire for the deaths. >> basically the wind change. you had a thunderstorm that was above. they have a tendency to push winds around just because of the dynamics of nature and the way they work and that's what occurred during that time period. >> reporter: firefighters said there was nothing mcdonough to do to save his brothers. >> it's going to be tough. he's lost his crew and i don't really know -- i couldn't put myself in his shoes. i couldn't even, i couldn't do it. >> reporter: i want to take a brief second to point out something on this tribute wall that has been growing. look at this. this is 19 toy fire trucks surrounding a stuffed animal, everywhere you look on this wall that number repeated the number 19 whether it's flags, flowers, a town trying to understand this loss. the average age, kate, of the firefighters who died just 27
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years old. kate? >> that number absolutely hits you and also that number 19, very different significance for that entire community this among. kyung thank you very much. a lot of news developing at this hour, a big vote happening in texas. over to michaela pereira. >> good morning to the both of you. new this morning out of texas, the texas house working late into the night, approving a measure restricting abortions hours before north carolina state senate gave preliminary approval to its own version. critics say the measure deprives women autonomy over their own bodies. canadians are arrested with the same pressure cooker bombs, they placed it in the government building on monday, canada day. that plot was foiled. police describe the suspects as self-radicalized with no ties overseas but inspired by al qaeda. we are following developments in a coast guard
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search off the coast of honduras. eight boaters including two americans are missing. they were island hopping but haven't reached their destination. in addition to the americans, five honduran citizens and one canadian were aboard. two teenaged girls from indiana fighting to stay alive after a horrific parasailing crash off florida's panama city beach. strong winds from a passing storm broke a line, attaching their parasail to a boat. sidney good and alexis fairchild crashed into a building, a utility pole or power line and then a telephone pole. a terrifying fall in atlanta caught on camera and apparently an intoxicated man stumbled on to train tracks. several bystanders formed a human chain to pull him to safety. we're told the man is okay. he was charged with reckless
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conduct and public drunkenness. frightening. >> shouldn't have been necessary but it's good they got involved. >> good to see them jumping into action. sometimes we see people not. coming up on "new day" the prosecution of george zimmerman showing new signs of life this morning, ahead of yet another big day in court, we are live in sanford, florida. we want to update you on a story we brought you on "new day," a texas teenager in jail for a facebook post about shooting up the school. he said it was a joke. what should the penalty be, $500,000 and months in jail, is that right? we'll talk about it. just byol. first, thaw your dressing. next, steam your grilled chicken and veggies. then, dress it. add your crunchy toppings. and voila. enjoy. ...and a great deal. . thanks to dad.
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begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. welcome back to "new day." a major ruling expected in the george zimmerman trial. prosecutors try to introduce new evidence saying zimmerman knew about florida's stand your ground law this comes after reversal in momentum for the prosecution. medical examiner told jurors zimmerman's injuries may have come from one smack to the sidewalk like 25 like zimmerman said. george howell has the latest from sanford, georgia, good morning. >> reporter: chris, good morning.
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this is not the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on trayvon martin. instead, it is a witness who was called on by the state to examine this question given the wounds we've seen on zimmerman's head, was he really in danger of being killed himself? images of george zimmerman bloodied and beaten up, important visuals for his defense, trying to show that zimmerman's head had been slammed against the sidewalk and we to fire his gun to save his own life. that's not the way jacksonville based medical examiner valerie rao sees it. >> are the injuries consistent with having been repeatedly slammed into a concrete service. >> reporter: no. >> reporter: rao testified the injuries were not life-threatening, consistent with being punched or hitting a concrete surface once but during cross-examination, rao admitted when pressed by attorney mark o'mara he could have been hit multiple tiles. the jury also heard from a man
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who calls himself george zimmerman's best friend, mark ostorman says zimmerman gave him a play by play what happened the night he shot and killed trayvon martin enough to write a book. >> took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun saying something at that point, correct in. >> he did. >> he said what words did he utter? >> he says "you're gonna die" and he used the "mf" term, i'm sorry i don't like to curse in front of ladies. >> for the record he said you're going to die now [ bleep ]? >> that is correct. >> reporter: prosecutors say there's no proof trayvon martin reached for the gun. >> did you find any latent prints of value? >> no. >> reporter: rain could have had a negative on finding fingerprints. prosecutors turn the table on
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their own key witness, lead investigator chris serino monday told the defense he believed zimmerman was truthful and credible through the course of several interviews. the state objected saying serino's opinion should not be considered as evidence. the judge agreed and ordered the jury not to consider serino's statement when reaching their decision. and chris as you mentioned prosecutors hope to introduce some evidence on zimmerman's school records that he studied criminal justice and may have knowledge about the stand your ground law in the state of florida. he did a national interview where he said he did not know about stand your ground. defense attorneys argue the school records, chris, are irrelevant. >> that will be the battle early on this morning. george, thanks for being down there in florida for us. throughout the morning we'll have more coverage of the trial. we'll have cnn legal any sunny hostin, danny cevallos and tom me is he row. coming up, a teenager jailed
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for a facebook post being a school shooting. he says it was a joke. he's been in jail for months. he may get a day in court soon. could he go free and what is going on with this case? plus a man after my own heart. you see something similar in the yearbook photos, a unique tradition a texas teacher has been keeping alive for 40 years. he'll join us live to tell us how this happened, it's not just the glasses. (girl) what does that say? (guy) dive shop. (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine.
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♪ welcome back to "new day," everybody. it is wednesday, july 3rd and i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan, we're here
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with news anchor michaela pereira. coming up a teenager in jail about a facebook post about a school shooting. this morning an update on his case. is there any hope for him? >> justice, fairness under law. that's the question there. then we have to keep showing you these pictures, this man, 40-year tradition. why is he wearing the same outfit every year? we'll talk to him live and show how this made him a very memorable teacher. lot of news and for that we go to michaela. breaking news in the countdown to a possible showdown in egypt, violent clashes overnight at cairo university killing at least 23 people. the military pressing president morsi to reach a power sharing agreement with the protesters who want him out this morning or he'll be pushed aside. morsi refusing to bow to the ultimatum saying he'll follow the constitution. jury selection for nhasan
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nadal. military judge entered a not guilty plea tuesday after he refused to do that. hasan will represent himself during the court-martial. an update to sarah murnaghan's lung transplant saga. the 10-year-old had to have her diagram repaired which is common after transplants. sarah who has cystic fibrosis had two adult transplants last month. the second try was successful. and story with a purrfect ending, cory spotted a limp, lifeless kitten, he pulled it out, rested it on its glove and poured water and gave it oxygen and within 15 minutes it came back to life. he nicknamed the kitty lucky.
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look at the little face. >> that's a sweet firefighter. >> firefighters are always trying to save lives. it's nice they videotaped it also. >> great shot. >> called him after he went to bed there was a baseball game, cincinnati reds, no hitter, homer bailey, great name, dominated the giants, his second no hitter. there's another record because andy scholes told me, this morning's "bleacher report" take us through it. >> last night's homer bailey was the first no-hitter of the season and bailey threw the last no-hitter of last season. he's the first pitcher to throw two since nolan ryan in the 70s. he allowed one walk in the seventh inning. other than that, he was perfect. bailey is now the third reds pitcher to throw more than one no hitter.
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puig mania, he homered again, hitting .443 with eight home runs and 17 rbis through 27 games. the big debate is should puig be nailed an all-star even though he's only played for a month. according to "the orlando sentinel" while tim tebow and aaron hernandez were in school tebow had to play peacemaker in a bar fight. tebow apparently tried to "resolve the conflict" by telling hernandez to leave the scene and tebow even offered to pay the bill. guys, no charges against hernandez were ever filed from this incident. yet another case where we get to see tim tebow playing the good guy. >> no big surprise about his question. the question is what did people know about aaron hernandez
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before he came into the league. this is one headline tim tebow does not want to be involved in when he's involved in a lot of the headlines. when you live on the east coast be prepared to bring your fourth of july celebrations indoors, no fireworks indoors. flooding has made life difficult for drivers and could put a damper on everyone's holiday plans. indra petersons is in the weather center with the forecast. indra, i don't think you'll find good news in this one today. >> everyone keeps asking like enh. >> from makeup room, security, everyone wants to know your thoughts. >> it's not an easy job sometimes, very much the case especially in the southeast, where they'll have it the worst. look at the heavy rainfall amounts that are expected not only today but as we go through the weekend. three to five inches along the gulf. the good news, i do have some, farther into the northeast it's turning more scattered in nature and the ridge of high pressure is moving closer, the immediate coastline probably pretty key the beaches that's where we're
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seeing the clearing and where we're not going to have as much rain. if i can do anything clear the beach in the hamptons, i can do that. >> just a small section of the country, some good news. go to the beach everyone. indra thank you. we'll go to break. when we come back a parasailing accident critically injures two teenage girls. and a texas teach we are a very cool tradition i guess you could say, he's worn the same outfit in his yearbook photo for four decades. >> it's a good look, that's why you can keep going with it. i like the big collar. wi drive a ford fusion. who is healthier, you or your car?
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welcome back to "new day" everybody. we have an update on the 19-year-old man in jail for a facebook post about shooting up his school. justin carter says it was a joke. no one disagrees it was a terrible joke but police say it was a terroristic threat. this morning his attorney says a july 16th bond hearing has been set. miguel marquez has more on that.
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>> i just want my kid back. he's my best friend. and i miss him so much. >> reporter: jack carter devastated his teenaged son behind bars for months facing up to ten years in prison. >> i just want to tell justin that we love him and that everybody's here for him and that everything's going to be okay. we're going to, this is going to be righted. >> reporter: carter is now getting help, a new legal team taking the case for free. we sfoek to attorney donald flannery after meeting his client for the first time. >> he's distraught, confused, he's sad. you know, this is somebody who has never been to jail before. >> reporter: justin carter arrested in february, charged with making a terroristic threat, a felony. the alleged threat says his father came after justin played the online "league of legends." in a post game facebook conversation the person he was chatting with called him f'd up in the head.
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he responded i'm f'd up in the head all right i think i'm gonna shoot up a kindergarten and watch the blood of the innocent rain down and eat the beating heart of one of them. >> if they looked at the context online it was sarcastic. >> reporter: jack carter says justin was offered a plea deal that would have put him in prison for eight years. real consequences for comments made in the virtual world. miguel marquez, cnn, new braunfels, texas. >> the kid's been in jail almost five months, facing major felony charges and in the 8:00 hour we'll talk to justin's mother about the fight to free her son. it's time for a quick check of news making news around the world. as opposition forces bat well syrian government troops, christians in syria say they are being targeted but nobody's talking about it. cnn's mohammad jamjoom has more.
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>> reporter: the christians are saying they are deliberately tarted in the civil father. june 23rd father francois was shot eight times at a monastery where he sought refuge. in syria christians are minority, often viewed loyal to the regime of bashar al assad. last week a car bomb exploded outside a church in damascus. many christians in syria extremely fearful they are increasingly coming under attack by islamic extremists fighting there. >> thank you so much. the most popular pontiff in modern history, pope john paul ii may be on the verge of sainthood. bobby bobbie nadeu has more. >> reporter: the congregation for the causes of saints approved the second miracle
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necessary for pope john paul ii to become a saint. we're waiting for pope frances to give his final approval before preparations can be made for a major celebration in rome that should bring millions to celebrate the sainthood of this beloved man. >> we'll be watching that closely sainthood for john paul ii. >> a lot of people are very excited about that. another exciting thing coming up on "new day," a lesson in consistency or deja vu or love of the high collar. >> love that sweater. >> wearing the same thing in the yearbook for decades. why has he done it? because he knew it would get him on national television. >> is that why? we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] fight pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath fast with tums freshers. concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ fast heartburn relief and minty fresh breath.
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♪ ♪ every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man ♪ welcome back to "new day" this morning's must see moment from the web, a dallas teacher has worn the same outfit in his yearbook photo every year for 40 years. dale irby joins us on the phone. how are you this morning? >> i'm fine, good morning. >> i understand you just retired this year after teaching since 1973. does that mean we have to say good-bye to this sharp outfit as well? >> probably so. i don't think that i'll be wearing it again. >> does it fit you, sir? >> it's pretty snug. >> how did this all come about? i understand your wife is also an educator. you found by mistake you wore it two years in a row way back then. >> yes on a dare, wear it the
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third year just for laughs and we said let's do five years and went from there. >> it became a thing. what did the students have to say through the years? >> they didn't pay much attention earlier in the years and the last ten or so they knew when picture day was coming around because i had children from kindergarten through sixth grade. >> it brings a smile to my face. why this outfit? you were a gym teacher, i imagine shorts were your uniform of the day. >> they just said wear something nice. picked up the shirt and vest and i thought that was stylish. >> did you come to resent the outfit after a while or no? >> well it sat in the back of the closet and every two minutes i'd bring it back in october and take the picture and put it back in the closet. >> is it the same sweater or were you able to pull off buying multiples? >> it's the same sweater and if you look you can see some little holes are starting to creep in.
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>> i don't know why you wasted it on just that one day. that is a very good looking outfit you had there. i think you should have broken that out on a regular. >> maybe back in the '70s it was. >> what do you think of all this attention you have' gotten about this? >> i think i'm ready for the 15 minutes of fame. it's a good laugh. >> we want to say thank you to you, dale, and your wife, cathy, also an educator. you've been taking care of our kids for a long time now. enjoy your retirement. >> thank you. >> thanks for joining us on "new day." >> bye-bye. >> he's like i should be remembered for more in my teaching career instead of just my sweater. >> he was a beloved gym teacher and also drove the bus and all the kids loved him. you always remember your favorite teacher. >> he's now my favorite teacher, although my mom. >> you got to stick with mom. i know she's watching. when we come back on "new day" two teenaged girls seriously hurt while
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parasailing. is the waterport industry safe enough? get ready for a holiday soaker, this year's fourth of july may be a washout for many. we'll have your forecast and try t to look for some blue sky. mornings are apecial time for the two of you... and you can make them even more special... with fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein-rich entrées... with garden veggies and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love.
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(announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine. ... you thought wrong.
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seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. it's estimated that 150 million hotdogs will be consumed on the fourth of july, 100 million at parties and outdoor barbecues and another 50 million eaten right out of the package by a depressed paula deen. it's true. >> funny enough we only showed you one today. >> funny enough that you
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really -- but the number is astounding if that's accurate, if we can believe it 150 million hotdogs consumed. >> a lot of hotdogs. >> are you going to eat one? >> i'll go with at least three. >> i go with the brats. my wife christine is tough with the kids on hotdogs. the hotdog has to have a fifth grade education and a good life. very tough to get hotdogs. i'm impressed jimmy's eye healed so fast. >> we've been tracking that. >> you've been tracking it? >> you can see it every night. it was really black at first. little tv makeup can do for you. >> i don't know what to say, healed up for the holiday. a key component of the president's health care law will be delayed for a year, that requires companies to provide health insurance for their employees or face a fine.
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dan lothian what is it the administration are doing and why? >> reporter: they're saying the businesses who have 50 or more employees had to by next year start offering health insurance to their employees or they would face a very stiff penalties per employee, and so what the administration is saying, we'll push that back 'til 2015 because they were listening to concerns from business owners who said that the system for compliance was just too complicated, that they needed more time, and so the administration says we will give you that time but you should try to make the changes nonetheless in 2014. we hear from the chamber of commerce, they are applauding this decision and also from house republicans who by the way have been trying to get the health care law repealed more than 30 times they've tried to do that, they're saying that this is just another acknowledgment that this whole system is not workable, and that the law needs to be repealed. >> just briefly switching gears,
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the first family just back for the trip overseas for the trip to africa just got back last night, have we heard anything more from the president, from the white house regarding the violence and the protests and the pressure on president mohamed morsi in egypt? >> reporter: we have not heard anything yet from the white house on that. this is something the president will be monitoring closely. it's a sticky situation for the president. they were cautious the last time around in 2011 when this white house was trying to figure out what side they would take in the unrest at that time and you see a cautious approach as well with the president acknowledging what he needed to do, president morsi needed to do, abide by the law, to respect these protesters, so a cautious approach from the white house, this is something we're monitoring. we'll be watching to see updates from here. >> dan last yoen, thanothian.
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it's a tale of two coasts the july 4th holiday, scorch in fires and rain in the east. let's bring in our indra petersons taking a closer look at that. we're all wet here. >> it's hard to imagine for the month of june up and down the eastern seaboard we have set records and in addition to that, we're really talking about more rain headed this way, hard to believe but take a look. fourth of july is around the corner and flood concerns could damper the holiday fireworks shows. tuesday's downpour turned this new hampshire road into a rushing waterway, the same storm dumped two inches of rain in one hour in lebanon. >> i've never seen the roads wash out like this. >> reporter: the rain continued into the night. >> it's just this compounding rain after rain after rain, the ground is saturated, can't take it. >> reporter: trapped residents had to be evacuated. at the local high school the red
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cross set up an emergency shelter with dry clothes and food. all the rain could let up towards the end of the week. in lockport, new york, they're still recovering from last week's storm which dropped more than a foot of rain. the state is seeking fema funds to repair the damage. >> getting this done will mean fema has to declare the federal government has to declare this a disaster area. >> reporter: in berkeley heights, new jersey, they're struggling to clean up after a tornado knocked up power and uprooted a string of trees. >> we talked about more rain on the way, look at these numbers in addition to what they've already seen heavy flooding into the southeast, another three to five inches closer to the gulf, closer to the northeast scattered showers today but no surprise flooding concerns all the way through the weekend. the only piece of good news is high pressure moves closer to the coastline, it means a clearing for the immediate coast and the heavier rain pushes farther in. so much rain already, more on the way. >> keep an eye to the sky as we
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get ready for the big holiday. thank you, indra. the music means it's time for the rock block, first up michaela. >> first in the "l.a. times" too many pain pills. doctors are overprescribing narcotics, putting people at risk for addiction and overdose. in the "new york times" researchers learn why working out helps reduce anxiety. they say exercise releases a neurotransmitter in lab mice which inhibits stress inducing activity in the brain. the "wig kz bar times tribune" steve martin's wallet was lost, it was found on the street and returned. >> is he funny. poppy harlow has the business news for us. >> good morning, guys, happy almost fourth of july. we're right ahead of the holiday, markets close early today. investors this morning on edge, stock futures are pointing
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lower. markets getting hit from all sides, concerns about egypt, oil prices spiking on that egypt unrest and major european banks all downgraded this morning and this news from tiffany, the jeweler, an ex-tiffany executive accused of having sticky fingers, charged in new york with stealing more than $1.3 million in jewelry, diamond bracelets, earrings and pendants. tesla in the news, the company trying to avoid selling through a traditional dealership system says its petition on to do that has reached 100,000 signatures, that matters because the obama administration has to officially respond to the petition when it reaches that level. >> go back to tiffany's, what? >> i know, an ex stealing. they were in court yesterday, allegedly stealing from the company. >> poppy thank you so much. we're at the top of the hour, it's time for the top news.
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i'd like to see the opposition and president morsi engaged in a more constructive conversation. >> deadline looming over a dozen killed, egypt's president refuses to leave. the military could take over in hours. what does it mean for the u.s.? holiday soaker. flooding already in parts and more on the way. what went wrong? the shocking video of two young girls their parasail breaks free and smashes into a building. they are fighting for their lives this morning. >> your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: what you need to know. >> he lost his crew. i couldn't put myself in his shoes. >> announcer: what you just have to see. >> what makes you think i'd marry you?
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you're one of the sorriest church members i had. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, and welcome back to "new day," everyone. it is wednesday, july 3rd, it's almost the holiday, 7:00 in the east, we're in the middle of 30 minutes of commercial-free news. i'm kate bolduan. >> and i'm chris cuomo joined as always by news anchor michaela pereira. good morning to you. coming up a lot of people thought the prosecution in the george zimmerman trial was down for the count. not us, though, and this morning you're going to see why they may be back on course. we'll tell you all the things that happened, what they mean. we have sunny hostin, danny cevalles and tom me is he row to tell us what happens today. there may be a shred of hope for a 19-year-old man, his parents say just a boy jailed over a facebook posting a story we brought you yesterday, justin carter is his name, he says he was only joking when he made a
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post being a school shooting but authorities took it as a very, very serious threat. we're going to talk to his mother live about the effort to free her son and his upcoming bail hearing. a pastor going on quite a rant, can you imagine this, calling out members of his congregation, no one, i mean no one is safe from the pastor's rah wrath in this video. we'll try to break down what happened at this service. >> we'll want to hear that. >> more about him than them in the end as we'll tell you. egypt's president and the nation's military seem to be headed for a showdown. army leaders say mohamed morsi has a few hours left to step down, if not they'll force him from power. violent clashes overnight left at least 23 dead. back at home here president obama is calling on president morsi to hold new elections pressuring the army to avoid a military coup. reza sayah is following the latest in cairo.
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>> reporter: chris the suspense and anticipation cranking up in egypt. people are bracing themselves, they sense a showdown is coming. they're not sure what it is but already in some areas that showdown has led to some ugly scenes. overnight in egypt, anticipation turning into violence. hundreds wounded. others shot to death. as supporters and opponents of egyptian president mohamed morsi fought at cairo university. this flash the most recent uproar surrounding the embattled islamist resident hours away to solve egypt's messy political conflict or risk a military takeover. for the president's critics the ultimatum makes the end of morsi's rule seem tantalizingly rule, in many ways so is the egyptian revolution part two. it was two and a half years ago
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hosni mubarak was toppled. in came president morsi a member of the muslim brotherhood increasingly hated by literal and moderate egyptians who accused him of hijacking the revolution with an islamist agenda and pushing aside opposing voices. months of demonstrations culminated sunday with millions marking the president's anniversary with nationwide protests, demanding his ouster. when the protests didn't end and escalated into deadly clashes and attacks targeting the brotherhood's headquarters. egypt's armed forces delivered its ultimatum. washington followed with a push for the president to call for new elections. in a televised speech to the nation tonight morsi gave no indication he plans to step aside. in that speech last night
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president morsi saying he's prepared to die to protect the democratic transition, the armed forces saying they're prepared to die to protect the people and a new development about 15 minutes ago the campaign that led this latest mass demonstration against the president, they had some harsh statements for washington, essentially calling the u.s. government to stay out of egypt's affairs. washington of course for the most part has been backing president morsi. this campaign saying washington trying to impose its will on the egyptian people for the interests of israel, chris, so pressure growing on washington as well. >> reza sayah thank you very much. tough spot for egypt and tough spot for the president at home. >> tough spot for the president at home, that is absolutely right. i want to talk more about just that, what the unrest in egypt means for the united states. let's turn to fareed zakaria for this. while this is an internal conflict within egypt, really
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amazing situation unfolding. i think we're looking at live pictures of tahrir square. what do you think the u.s.'s role should be? this say tough spot. >> this is a very tough spot. at some level no matter what the united states does it gets blamed. for decades it was blamed for supporting the military, it was blamed for that even a year or two ago, now the claim is that they're too pro-president morsi. so they've been trying to thread this needle and support the democratic process, the democratic, democratization of italy -- of egypt, and therefore to support the outcome of that process, which was president morsi. the american ambassador probably went too far when she ruled out military intervention. she said that would be a terrible idea. so the president is now trying to back pedal a little bit and say well maybe the president should hold fresh elections but i think this is very treacherous water. my view the best thing for the
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united states would be to do is sort of stay out, say we support the egyptian people, we support whatever choices they make. this is a fragile democracy. it's going to have some twists and turns but this is a great country and they will end up all right. >> doesn't this threaten for the u.s. to be on the wrong side of history as this unfolds? >> i think that's what they're trying to do is avoid that, saying we support the democratic process, this guy was elected. at the end of the day that's the right side of history but egyptians are so suspicious that no matter what we do, they think that, they believe there's a hidden american hand behind almost everything that happened. >> fareed, the thing i keep returning to, we've heard folks say president morsi has lost legitimacy. you've seen the people in the streets telling him it's time for to you go, the military threatening to take over if he doesn't figure out something or call early elections. if this happened in the united
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states people would be going crazy. isn't that the point of elections in. >> it's a wonderful point. the problem is egypt is a young democracy and democracy isn't only about elections. it's about respect for human rights. it's about individual freedoms and protections. it is about the rights of minorities and this party, the muslim brotherhood, has systematically abused power. it had promised it would not seek the presidency. it violated that. it promised it would not seek a parliamentary majority, it violated that. it tried to get various of its policies implemented through the constitution. so it's a wonderful reminder that democracy isn't just about elections. if you think about it, the united states all three branches of government, the supreme court and unelected branch is the most powerful and that's a cherished part of american democracy. this president of egypt needs to remember that, there are many other pieces of democracy. he was elected by 52% of the
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people on a second round ballot that means there's 48% that really don't like him and that's the 48% you're seeing on the streets. >> that's absolutely right. we'll watch this unfold together as we see what happens when this deadline is reached and no one is backing down and ready to compromise at this point. fareed great to see you. you can watch fareed zakaria sundays on cnn. only 8% containment for arizona's deadly yarnell hill wildfire which has burned through about 13 square miles so far. there's more help on the way in the form of four heavily modified c-130 planes to help fight the flames from above. cnn's kyung lah is live in prescott, arizona, with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, chris, the 8% containment number very significant in part because it's really the very first good news that firefighters have gotten in this deadly blaze, as
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they still continue to mourn and try to grapple with the loss of so many fallen brothers. ♪ >> reporter: a stirring tribute. to the 19 firefighters who lost their lives on sunday, the small community devastated. >> all of your husbands, fiances, brothers, sisters and sons did exactly what they were supposed to do. they put themselves between danger and the people that needed help. we will continue to do that. >> reporter: the town giving the families of the deceased a standing ovation, and standing alongside the families -- >> this is for you. we love you. >> reporter: the lone survivor of the hot shots, brendan mcdonough, we're now learning more of what happened that day.
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he was stationed as a lookout, removed from his team. the wind suddenly shifted. >> he radioed the crew that he had reached his trigger point and that he was leaving. >> reporter: that was their last radio call. minutes later the rest of his brothers, all 19 of them, were gone. as investigators now try to determine what went wrong, the firefighters blame the extraordinary conditions, a perfect storm of a wildfire for the deaths. >> basically the wind change. you had a thunderstorm that was above. they have a tendency to push winds around just because of the dynamics of nature and the way they work and that's what occurred during that time period. >> reporter: firefighters said there was nothing mcdonough to do to save his brothers. >> it's going to be tough. he's lost his crew and i don't really know -- i couldn't put myself in his shoes. i couldn't even, i couldn't do it. >> reporter: that firefighter came here to remember mcdonough
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as well as the other fallen firefighters and i just want you to take a brief second to take a look down this way. this is an entire block, this is part of the tribute wall and it stretches all the way around up and down this block as well as winding around another block and chris, it is still continuing to grow. chris? >> it will especially as we go through the holidays now that community will come together and try and help those families through such a hard time. >> and as the holiday approaches, absolutely right. thanks so much, kyung. if you're hitting the road this july fourth holiday you could be in luck, maybe not the weather but with something else, fewer people are expected to travel and gas prices could be lower depending on where you live. pamela brown joins us with more on that. we could use a little good news heading into the holiday, pamela. >> we sure can. you're absolutely right. people normally expect more pain at the pump on the fourth of july holiday, one of the busiest travel days of the year. this year the 34 million drivers expected to hit the road may have a little something more to
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celebrate. whether you drive a gas guzzler or not it's a good bet you're paying extra attention to prices at the pump if you plan on hitting the road this fourth of july. >> never really know what's going to happen, goes up and down all the time. >> reporter: good news, right now they're going down. the national average for a gallon of gas is just below $3.50 a gallon. >> it's often a myth that gas prices rise heading into a major holiday. turns out that's really not the case. this year gas prices have dropped for 20 days in a row. >> reporter: the reason? gas supply is up while consumer demand is down. >> one the economy is weak, two, people are driving more fuel-efficient cars and three people aren't driving as much as they used to. >> reporter: aaa says this year's prices are the third highest on record for independence day, right behind $3.57 a gallon in 2011 and a long way from the sticker shock we experienced in 2008, gas
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prices of more than $4. be prepared to dish out more on your holiday road trip if you're driving in west coast states like california and washington. the cheapest spots, alabama and south carolina, still some would rather stay at home than fill up. are you driving anywhere for the fourth? >> yes, i'm going to drive my significant other crazy. that's as far as i can get with these prices. >> got to have a sense of humor. in connecticut, connecticut, georgia, kentucky, maryland, nebraska north carolina and wyoming have newly implemented gas taxes up to ten cents. >> i think my father still does it, sitting around shopping for the lowest gas in town, i think we wasted more gas shopping for the low gas but regardless. >> in new york city we were just talking. >> it's impossible. >> it's hard but all over people
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gas shopping because it's taken a bite out of the budget especially in this economy. >> pamela, thank you. >> thank you. a lot of news this morning, let's get to michaela, more intrigue with the nsa leaker. >> the twists and turns developing. making news the international mystery over nsa leaker edward snowden's strategy has a new wrinkle. the bolivian president's plane was forced to land because it was thought snowden was on board. during a tv interview morales said bolivia would consider snowden's asylum's request. snowden is believed to be inside a moscow airport transit lounge. pakistan is it condemning a drone attack, hitting a compound of the hakani network a group known to carry out attacks against nato forces in afghanistan. we do not know if any high
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profile insurgents were killed in the attack. new images of an american detainee in north korea, this is kenneth bay, held in the communist country since november serving 15 years of hard labor for so-called hostile acts against the regime. he has been working eight hours a day and is in failing health. he was hoping to be released on the fourth of july his father's birthday. walgreens confirms it is no longer doing business with paula deen, more than a dozen companies cut ties with the celebrity chef. dean's lawyers argue the woman that is suing deen for racial discrimination should not be allowed to do so because she's white. similar argument was made in the appeal of the same-sex decision marriage. i know you're wondering what is the worst restaurant meal in america? the center for science and the public interests says it is long john silver's big catch at 33
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grams of transfat and 19 grams of saturated fat t provides two whole weeks of fat in a single meal. it featured a battered and fried piece of haddock along with two side dishes, they chose a four grams of fish and -- >> i'm shocked by the fish and i'm shocked by the number of fat grams you're allowed. >> you're not going to have to for lunch again. >> 33 grams of fat for two weeks? i'm going to explode. >> part of my diet growing up was long john silver's on the corner. >> i've never been. >> we'll take you. >> they have a great dish called the big catch. >> don't go skimpy on the hush puppies. coming up, how bad were george zimmerman's injuries? there was surprising testimony, was it about how scared he was
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that night? and fun turns absolute terrifying, two teens are coasting in the sky on a parasail and you see what happened, they're tethered to the boat, the line seems to snap and they're severely injured. is this water sport so safe? mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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welcome back to "new day." this morning we're awaiting a major ruling in the george zimmerman case. tuesday his injuries were front and center and a medical examiner testified that the wounds were insignificant, not consistent with his account of a brutal attack by trayvon martin that fateful night. cnn's george howell is live in sanford, florida, with the latest. good morning, george. >> reporter: kate, good morning. one important distinction, this is not the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on trayvon martin. instead it's a witness who was called on by the state to examine this question, given the injuries, the wounds we've seen on zimmerman's head, was he really in danger of being killed himself that night?
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images of george zimmerman bloodied and beaten up, important visuals for his defense, trying to show that zimmerman's head had been slammed against the sidewalk and we to fire his gun to save his own life. that's not the way jacksonville based medical examiner valerie rao sees it. >> are the injuries consistent with having been repeatedly slammed into a concrete service. >> reporter: no. >> reporter: rao testified the injuries were not life-threatening, consistent with being punched or hitting a concrete surface once but during cross-examination, rao admitted when pressed by attorney mark o'mara he could have been hit multiple tiles. the jury also heard from a man who calls himself george zimmerman's best friend, mark ostorman says zimmerman gave him a play by play what happened the night he shot and killed trayvon martin enough to write a book. >> took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun saying something at that
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point, correct in. >> he did. >> he said what words did he utter? >> he says "you're gonna die" and he used the "mf" term, i'm sorry i don't like to curse in front of ladies. >> for the record he said you're going to die now [ bleep ]? >> that is correct. >> reporter: prosecutors say there's no proof trayvon martin reached for the gun. >> did you find any latent prints of value on state's 183? >> no. >> reporter: kristen benson told the court rain could have had an impact on finding fingerprints. prosecutors turn the table on their own key witness, lead investigator chris serino monday told the defense he believed zimmerman was truthful and credible through the course of several interviews. the state objected saying serino's opinion should not be considered as evidence.
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the judge agreed and ordered the jury not to consider serino's statement when reaching their decision. so this morning prosecutors hope to introduce new evidence into this case of zimmerman's school records to show that he studied criminal justice and that he may have had knowledge about the stand your ground law here in the state of florida. you'll remember that zimmerman did a national televised interview where he said that he did not know about stand your ground. defense attorneys say that those school records though are irrelevant to this case, chris. >> george, thank you very much. remember yesterday everybody was all over the prosecution saying they've blown the case, you heard legal analysts all over the place. we kept it even because you never know what's going to happen in a trial and oh what a difference a day makes. let's look at why. day seven, second chance at success. we'll have the experts break down for you what happened before the testimony even started yesterday that wound up
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being a big win for the prosecution because they were able to get testimony struck from an investigator re-interview him up on the stand and he gave them much better testimony we'll tell you about. very insignificant, what was that about? this medical examiner you heard george talking about saying i don't know about 25 times he was hit on the head, it could have been just once. what does that do to his fear of being in serious bodily injury, eminent death, very important issues. let's get to the experts to unpack it for us. but remember we're going to figure out who has the advantage going into today, to help us get that answer, sunny hostin, former federal prosecutor and danny cevallos criminal defense attorney. thank you very much for both of you being here. sunny, please, we'll begin with you. give me a quick take what happened before it started yesterday that wound up making such a difference for the prosecution? >> well the prosecution asked the judge to strike that last answer that serino gave that the jury heard which was "i believed
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that george zimmerman was being truthful." the judge agreed with the prosecution saying that was opinion testimony. you can't vouch for the credibility of the defendant of another witness and she instructed the jury to strike what they heard, to just not listen at all to what they heard, they weren't allowed to consider that. i think that was really important because that was a blow to the prosecution when you have your own witness saying wow the defendant, i don't know, i think he's truthful. >> it's unusual because usually the cop's up on the stand saying the defendant is untruthful. here it was the opposite but they got it reversed back in their favor and serino and this time using the phrase blanken punks on the 911 call they say his behavior could have been interpreted as ill will, key, why is that key, sunny? >> it is so very important because the prosecution has to prove second-degree murder and in proving second-degree murder they have to get inside george
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zimmerman's head and have to show he had a depraved mind. what's a depraved mind? it means you killed somebody with ill will, with hatred and spite. serino said the behavior, the language that george zimmerman used, that could be considered ill will, that could be considered hate. that was huge. that means the prosecution, chris, has enough evidence to put that charge in front of this jury. you can't underestimate how powerful that was. >> maybe danny can. from the defense side were they able to get back at a ground to counter. they did get it isn't illegal to follow or confront someone but does that matter with what was laid out by the prosecution? >> yes, the prosecution did a terrific job. overall the prosecutor, they're terrific attorneys doing an exemplary job. they need to bring the case back into the ill will, the hatred
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that goes towards proving a depraved mind which is their burden. the ultimate question is going to be did george zimmerman have an ill will or hatred for someone that he didn't even know and you see both prosecution and defense trying to elicit that from different witnesses because it's literally the words of the statute so once they say those words or agree with that testimony, then you go towards proving that depraved mind but remember, mark o'mara on cross elicited the opposite of that. we're going to see a conflict between whether or not there was ill will or hatred. is there ill will or hatred if you don't know if you're generally angry at people breaking into houses in the neighborhood. >> the medical examiner comes up there and says i don't know about this banged on the head 25 times against the concrete. the rings look like one time. huge blow because it goes to how reasonable george zimmerman thought his life was in danger. what do you make of that?
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>> yeah, respectfully i disagree with that position because of this. this is not a physician who treats patients regularly. number two we know abrasions on the head don't necessarily go to potential head injuries. it could be internal head injuries, concussion, whatever, and number three while it's true that the minor abrasions do go towards minor injuries, however it's not whether you actually suffered serious bodily injury. it's whether your apprehension was reasonable that you would suffer serious bodily injury. while that is helpful to the prosecution that is a high burden to meet. >> sunny, let's finish with you. the reasonable man stand, we should say the reasonable person standard started as we learned in law school the man on a bus, an average person. when that jury heard that medical examiner say didn't look like he got hit that many times to me, certainly not life-threatening injuries what did you see? >> i saw something that was very significant because you can't use deadly force unless you are
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in fear of eminent death or great bodily harm. the reasonable person standard is objective. it's not subjective so the jury gets to think how would i feel if i was hit maybe one time, is it reasonable to fear for my life? you've got an expert medical examiner saying these injuries were insignificant. they weren't life-threatening. i think that goes to the ultimate question, my goodness, could he really bring that gun to a fist fight? >> right. sunny hostin, danny cevallos thank you for the insight, we'll back with you tomorrow, maybe even later today. so we head back to the wall. very important stuff that's going to happen today. they're going to bring someone on to say that george zimmerman knew all about stand your ground and self-defense, why, because they want to make the case that george zimmerman said everything that was convenient to make this a case he could get away with so today another huge day, but yesterday we had it called even. after what the prosecution was able to do. now all this burden being back
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on george zimmerman, pressuring the story that he's given. have to give the advantage to the prosecution. key today will be whether or not the prosecution can establish that this story was made up by george zimmerman to be perfect for him but not believable. believable by you? you tell me. go to twitter @chriscuomo, go to facebook, hughes #newday. kate? >> thanks so much, chris. coming up next a horrific parasailing accident is caught on camera in florida. you're seeing video right here seriously injuring two teenaged girls. the question, is this watersport safe? also coming up a frustrated oklahoma pastor absolutely humiliates his own parishioners. we'll figure out what spirit is moving him. you've got to see this video. ♪ ♪ unh ♪ ♪ hey!
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every day is a beautiful day. i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan.
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straight to michaela for the top news. the world is watching egypt where a few hours from now there could be a bloody battle for power. overnight violent clashes at cairo university left 23 president. mohamed morsi is vowing to stay in office despite millions of anti-government protesters calling for him to step aside. the egyptian army says if he does not leave by 11:00 eastern time they will remove him. lance armstrong getting back on his bike for the first time since admitting he was guilty of doping. he'll mac a public cycling appearance at a week-long event in iowa, expected to ride in at least part of the 400-mile trek. armstrong was stripped of his seven tour de france titles. a dangerous drug trend. study by the centers for disease control reveals a dramatic increase in the number of prescription pain killer deaths among women over the last decade. they are up shockingly 400%. the cdc study says men are still more likely to die from pain
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killer overdoses but the gender gap is closing fast. we want to introduce to you a french bulldog named lentil. he's been called the ambassadog for kids with cleft palate. plastic surgeon at the children's hospital of philadelphia fixed his palate so he can eat and drink on his own. he's inspiring hundreds of patients at the hospital. they always say pets and dogs are great ambassadors and have healing abilities with the kids in sort of a more emotional way and it's amazing he'll do that. >> and draws attention to the cause. terrifying moments caught on cell phone camera. two teens are in critical condition this morning after a horrific parasailing accident in florida, onlookers watched really helplessly as a tow line seemed to snap leaving the two girls to the whims of a gathering storm.
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it sounds like a freak accident but in an industry that is largely unregulated, it happens all too often. cnn's alina machado has more. >> reporter: this cell phone video shows a parasailing adventure gone horribly wrong. two teens slamming into a building and hit the top of another building before they come crashing down on the other side, stunned witnesses called for help. >> a parasail just smashed into the top of it at the commodore. >> they actually hit power lines in the front of the building. >> reporter: chase shot the horrific scene monday afternoon. sidney good and alexis fairchild are hospitalized with critical injuries. the teens were parasailing over the gulf of mexico when the winds kicked up from an approaching storm and their tow line snapped, sending them spiraling out of control. >> they were kicking their feet and they had their feet out,
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they had their hands out looking like they were bracing to are impact but there was nothing going to stop them from hitting that building. >> reporter: in the past 15 years at least 33 people have been hurt in parasailing incidents in florida, six others have died including a 28-year-old woman who was involved in a parasailing accident in pompano beach last august. dozens of parasailing companies operate with little to no government oversight in florida. bill recently failed in the state senate. the families of the girls said in a statement they are grateful for the love and the support they've received. we reached out to the parasailing company involved in this latest incident and they declined to comment. alina machado, cnn, atlanta. >> mark mccullen is a founder of the parasailing safety council, a non-profit organization which tries to prevent accidents like this one. thank you for coming in. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances after you see this
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horrific video. it seems that i'm sure you've seen this video, it seems that the rope just snaps and you see those dark clouds kind of gathering behind them in some of the pictures. what do you think happened here? >> i don't want to speculate but i can tell you by looking at the video, they obviously were flying at high altitudes and they were very close to the shoreline. had they been away from the shoreline, the girls would have landed in the water. so yeah, the video was horrible. really appalling. >> it goes without saying there's nothing those girls could do in the circumstance to try to save themselves. >> no, when you're strapped into the body harness, there's nothing you can do in a line separation and so they were completely helpless at that point. >> this isn't the first tragedy like this. it is the most recent one and it is horrific and they're still in serious condition. what is often the cause?
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what is often going on that causes these accidents to happen? >> i've been involved with, as an expert witness in parasail fatalities since the beginning of this industry and 95% of the accidents are accidents that result in fatalities are in line separations and high winds in bad weather so this is the, this is unusual they were close to shore. usually the fatalities are mostly drownings, the line separates and the passenger isn't able to escape or evacuate. >> this begs the question as alina machado said in her piece this industry is largely unregulated. there was a bill brought up in florida to regulate the industry. it did not pass this year. it was struck down. what should be done, what can be done? >> well, what's interesting is that especially what really caught my attention with this particular incident is just
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weeks ago the department of justice and the coast guard just criminalized parasailing when it results in fatalities and that message was heard loud and clear, reverb rated throughout the country with all parasail operators, they were very concerned about this and despite that, that situation with the two of the owner of the company and the captain being charged with criminal felonies, that seemed not to -- that just fell on deaf ears. >> i guess the question now is, could some regulation on the front end prevent or at least help prevent accidents like this from happening, because it seems criminal charges on the back end is not good enough. mark mccullough of the parasailing safety council thank you for giving us some of your insight on this. chris? >> thank you, kate. coming up next on "new day," an ungodly tirade, wait until you hear this frustrated oklahoma pastor, he loses it on members of his own flock, the
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shocking things he called them. he does not back away from, when we come back. also remember justin bieber's former pet, the monkey? was he really being held hostage in germany? hmm? we'll let you in on a new conspiracy theory involving that little primate. vo: i've always thought the best part about this country is that we get to create our future. you get to take ownership of the choices you make. the person you become. i've been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it.
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the ones getting involved and staying engaged. they're not sitting by as their life unfolds. and they're not afraid to question the path they're on. because the one question they never want to ask is "how did i end up here?" i started schwab for those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives.
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[ male announcer ] a family that vacations together, sunscreens together. find a hilton everywhere you want to go with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at ... you thought wrong. seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business?
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i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to "new day." it is money time. poppy harlow here who flagrantly disregarded my instruction for good news yesterday, tanking the markets. >> and it's worse today, folks. stock futures are lower this morning. markets taking a hit from all sides mainly the unrest in egypt unnerving investors pushing oil prices higher over $100 a barrel. also weakness, political concerns in europe hurting european stocks weighing on us ahead of the market open. yesterday the dow, nasdaq, s&p
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500 all closed in the end of the day. economists think we will see about 155,000 jobs added in june. the unemployment rate is expected to tick down slightly to 7.5% but either a big move to the upside or downside will impact stocks and 7.5% unemployment is still stubbornly high and not enough jobs added, 155,000, nowhere near to be to see a big turnaround. >> 15%, 16% of this country are in jobs that aren't as good as they used to be, underemployed. it's a big problem. >> some people have given up looking and they're not counted in the number which is nuts. >> why some economists don't believe it. still an important number thank you so much. >> you got it. here is some video to you see to believe. the pastor at an oklahoma church laying into his congregation during sunday's service. in the videotaped rant he calls
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out churchgoers by name, insults them and brings up some personal problems with them in front of everyone. cnn's john berman was sitting in the congregation at the time -- i'm kidding. >> we've all been watching the video because it is remarkable. you call it full contact preaching, full contact. at the emmanuel baptist church in oklahoma. the question we're asking this fire and brimstone or is it too far? >> there's no one responsible for you but you. >> reporter: jim stanridge has been the pastor at the emmanuel baptist church for 24 years. but when a member of the church fell asleep during a recent sermon, the sunday service turned sunday surly. >> hey, hey, hey, don't you lay your head back. i'm important. >> reporter: the whole incident was posted on youtube as the preacher came down from the
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pulpit and proceeded to berate his churchgoers. first a couple who had considered getting married there. >> what makes you think i'd marry you? you're one of the sorriest church members i have. you're not worth 15 cents. >> reporter: he then apologized. >> stand up, big boy. do you know i love you? all right. give me a little love. >> reporter: the big boy was ryan underwood, who has since stopped attending church there. on facebook underwood wrote "i was shocked and hurt to say the least. like he told me, if i don't like it, i can leave. so i peacefully left and left it at that." but the sermon from standridge continued as he reminded one church member of family problems. >> you remember when i came here kelly where your wife was, where your sisters were? >> reporter: and he insulted the person videotaping the service. >> you'd know what my heart is and my message is and you
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wouldn't go about establishing your own kingdom in the video room. >> reporter: pastor standridge has since spoken out saying he loves all of his parishioners but he's not afraid to hold them accountable. >> most preachers would never do that but i'm not most preachers. i do that a lot. if you were a member here, i might call your name out sometime. >> stay awake in that church. the youtube video has more than 200,000 views. we did reach out to the pastor who told us he stands by what he says and has no further comment. he also says you cannot judge a man by just one message. >> but that message was heard loud and clear, no sleeping. that was always, i mean i always remember my mother whapping me on the back of my head falling asleep in church not that ever did but that is impassionate preaching. >> but that's what you said and don't dry to get out of it.
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it went beyond sleeping. >> crazy story. kanye west and kim kardashian this ♪ [ male announcer ] you wait all year for summer. ♪ this summer was definitely worth the wait. ♪
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summer's best event from cadillac. let summer try and pass you by. lease this all-new cadillac ats for around $299 per month or purchase for 0% apr for 60 months. come in now for the best offers of the model year. the whole kanye and kim --
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>> what were you saying?
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crazy. welcome back, everybody. it's a new day. time for the pop four with nischelle turner. >> usually when we do the entertainment stories, chris feels a little weird. but starting it off for the fellows this morning. yes, i am. normally we don't look at jay-z but apparently he has some issues. number four story popping this morning. a new promo for his video album and gets surprisingly personal because his father left him when he was a kid he's paranoid about not being a good dad to his daughter, blue ivy. he calls beyonce a marvel, yes, she is. one thing he says, i thought this was really interesting. his dad never taught him to be a man and never taught him how to raise a child and two of those things he really needs and that is knowing how to raise a child and know how to treat a woman. jay-z we think of this tough guy
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opens up there. >> everybody is the same becoming a parent. >> let's move on to the number three story this morning. there is a new person for all those twi-hards to hate, guys. moved on from kristen stewart with riley. stewart starred alongside stewart in the 2010 movie "the run aways" and also the daughter of lisa marie presley the oldest daughter of elvis and the stepdaughter to the late michael jackson. i also saw a report that said they're not dating, but that pattinson is open to dating her. >> stay on it. >> exactly. kimye turned down $3 million for pictures of baby north. the media savvy couple was approached by an australian magazine but they turned them
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down. little miss north west was born june 15th. >> that's the hate. >> they could do like jay-z and beyawn s beyawn say and release them on their own. if you believe this new promo, then, okay. no, don't believe the hype. this was all a hoax. a tv spot from a pr stunt for a fake reality show and it will air on germany's comedy central this summer and be on the phone in three, two and one. >> he has a lot of press. >> that monkey, he's a phenomenon. remember that monkey that ran around ikea with a coat on. >> this monkey will be better dressed. we'll take a break. when we come back on "new day" how do you make your car disappear? park near a sinkhole.
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wait until you see what happens to that car. you might be pleasantly surprised when you fill up for this holiday's road trip. prices falling buit depends on where you live. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution to the earth. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. and i know savings. this metal frame pool on rollback, you save $80! and this 4 burner grill on rollback, you save $11. get more summer for your money at walmart's super summer savings event.
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[ male announcer ] a family that vacations together, sunscreens together. find a hilton everywhere you want to go with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at
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... you thought wrong. seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity.
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chaos in cairo. more than a dozen killed. is egypt on the brink of a military. this key u.s. ally is in trouble. we'll tell you what that means for you. flooding on the fourth. a massive series of storms
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dumping rain up and down the east coast. areas flooded and fear of more as the holiday approaches. soul sole survivor. his story ahead. your "new day" continues right now. what you need to know -- >> still very afraid. the state of florida trying to take away his liberty. >> what you just have to see. >> could not have come at a better time in my life. this is "new day" with chris cuomo. kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> it is wednesday july 3rd, just before the fourth of july. i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan here with michaela pereira. the george zimmerman trial begins in just 30 minutes.
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we'll bring it to you live. how will today go for the prosecution. critics thought they were out, but they might be making a comeback in court. >> sunny hostin and tom meserau and danny cevallos will join us. he posted he was going to have a school shooting. prosecutors think this was real and called it a terroristic threat and thee threat. the question is, what will the prince or princess look like? we'll look at the science predicting what traits the baby will get from will and kate and maybe some of the relatives. >> that will be fun. but we begin with breaking news. egypt on the brink of a meltdown. just a couple hours away from a military issued ult mate am to step down, a risk being forced out into country's ongoing
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political crisis. the deadline just about 11:00 a.m. eastern time. 23 people were killed overnight in clashes between protesters and morsi proteste-- >> chris, there's absolutely no sign of this conflict being resolved. that's why the temperature is rising here. we're not talking about the weather. you can feel this country is bracing itself for a showdown. we're not quite sure what that means, but that showdown in some areas in egypt has led to some ugly scenes. overnight in egypt, anticipation turning into violence. hundreds wounded, others shot to death. as supporters and opponents of mohammed morsy. the islamist embattled to solve
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egypt's messy political conflict or risk a military takeover. for the president's critics, the ultimatum makes the end of morsy's rule seem near, in many ways, so is the egyptian revolution, part two. it was just two and a half years ago, that egyptians toppled dictator hosni mubarak. in came president morsy a member of the muslim brotherhood fairly elected and increasingly hated by liberal and moderate accused them of hijacking the resolution with islamist agenda and pushing aside political voices. months of demonstrations culminated sunday with millions marking the president's anniversary with nationwide protests demanding his ouster. when the protests didn't end and escalated into deadly clashes and attacks targeting the
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brotherhood's headquarters delivered its ultimatum. washington followed with the push for the president to call for new elections. howeverx in a televised speech to the nation last night, morsy gave no indication he plans to step aside. in that speech last night, president morsy saying he's prepared to die to protect the legitimacy of democracy. the armed forces responding saying they're prepared to die to protect the people. new developments about an hour and a half ago. the campaign that started the latest mass demonstrations against the president with some harsh statements against washington. remember, washington supported president morsy's election. this campaign accusing washington of trying to impose its will on egypt for the interest of israel. kate? >> reza, thank you. just appears it is approaching a breaking point. thank you so much. we move on to more breaking news at this hour. a bizarre twist in the hunt for
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the nsa leaker edward snowden. his plane is back in the air after he was forced to land in austria because there were rumors snowden was on his plane. it turned out, snowden was not and it is believed he is still in moscow's airport. atika has been tracking the latest drama and sure is bizarre twisted drama. >> it is. really become a diplomatic disaster. basically, president morales is over the air in spain and make a refueling stop at the canary islands and yesterday he was supposed to be making that stop in portugal but when he was denied flying through both italy, france and portugal, he had to land in austria. once he landed there, he was kept for about ten hours there. in fact, all six people were taken out of the plane, had their passports checked and then they voluntarily allowed an austrian police officer to walk through the plane, no sign of
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snowden. but as you can imagine, the bolivian government is furious. the vice president said this is basically kidnapping by imperialism. some very tough words there. >> ateaka, thank you so much. watching those developments, as well. i want to talk more about this bizarre story. let's bring in cnn's chief national correspondent john king to talk more about this with us. so, john, we have to first talk about edward snowden and this bizarre, this bizarre situation involving the bolivian president. what signal does this send the world in how they're dealing with tracking down one man? >> well, it is firm, obvious proof, kate, the pressure the obama administration has put on people around the world. france, italy, portugal, three countries in europe with very close relationships with the united states both diplomatically and this is proof positive. the administration has been criticized saying how did edward
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snowden get away and criticize why can't you get russia to turn him over and they have not been able to get him on a plane back to the united states. this now shows mr. snowden has said 20 countries i'll get asylum there and either half those countries have said flatly no or physically on our soil to get asylum. you have to score this one for the obama administration that the options are dwindling and countries around the world, guess what, other countries take notice, too. they see this pressure. >> let me ask you this. i was one of those, john, saying what happened to our mojo, no one's listening to us. i'm 180 on it. a democratically elected president, you ground his plane. is this what we come to? is it right? >> not in a court of law. this is now in the court of diplomacy and no question some diplomats will have to do some work. we're sorry, but this was a top
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priority. there were some rumors, some nugmenu nugget of information he was on that plane. this is now a game of chicken or patience and the clock is ticking and, again, we had this conversation a few days ago and looked like he was going to end up in ecuador and mr. snowden has to watch this saying, i'm running out of options. >> i have to ask you about this announcement pushing back implementation of one of kind of the central elements. you know right away people were crying foul saying this is all politics. do you think this has to do with implementation or do you think there's also a little bit of play that this will possibly help spare democrats from facing up to some trouble come the mid-terms in 2014? >> there is zero question from a policy standpoint the business community, many others were complaining that the regulations that they had to go through to implement this next year were too complicated. that it was going to cause a lot
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of headaches for those businesses. here's the political side of it. if it it's causing headaches for the businesses, it will cause headaches for the consumers. call any republican strategist anywhere in the country and ask them what they thought the biggest factor would be in creating an intensity and getting the base fired up. obama care. even as the law was being implemented, hiccups or worse. this was their central turnout strategy, the six-year itch history helps, but republicans were basing their turnout strategy on implementation of obama care in 2014 and now pushed the midterms into 2015. the administration says this is all about policy and this also will have huge political impact. >> huge political impact is right. john king, great to see you. thank you so much, have a good fourth. we'll talk to you very soon. you should have seen the statements coming init every aen with's inbox. they are jumping right on and
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saying it. the administration has to admit obama care wasn't ready for primetime. >> i was multitasking while you were talking to john and on twitter they are all over this. this isn't the proof they can't implement it. >> democrats may try to pull it away for political purposes and republicans, even though they might have a little fire, they will try to use this to fuel turnout. let's move on. looking at the weather from florida to maine. the east coast is getting slammed with storms and flooding. big question, will all the wet weather stick around to put a damper on your holiday? indra petersons is in the weather center with the latest. >> this pattern is literally not budging. we will continue with the heavy rain. we have already seen record rainfall for the month of june all up and down the entire east coast. what are we going to do? we are going to add more rain to that and heavy rain especially into the south. three to five inches close to the gulf and two to four out towards the carolinas and out
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towards the northeast and scattered showers. more scattered in nature there, but either way, of course, flood advisories are going to be out there, especially as the rain is expected to continue through the weekend. yes, fourth of july. but also through the weekend. what we are watching is that dome of high pressure is moving closer to the coastline. winds go caulockwise around tha high. pull the rain further inland and the immediate coastline so that is a hint of good news will see more of a clearing. as far as where is the good and where is the bad? right along the sliver of the actual coastline we're seeing better weather. down through charleston 86 and clear skies, the bad. right around the ohio valley and right around the gulf. that is where the heavy rain will remain and we're talking about the triple-digit heat out west. >> all right. indra, thank you so much. keep an eye on it for us. the holiday won't be a complete wash for some folks. a aaa says fewer drivers will be
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clogging the roads this summer and there could be less pain at the pump, just depends on where you live. and, of course, when you leave cnn's pamela brown is joining us with more on this. so, give us some good news. >> you may think higher gas prices are just as much a part of the fourth official july holiday, it turns out, that's all in our heads. prices at the pump hit the lowest point in five months. giving the 34 million drivers that are expected to hit the road a little something more to celebrate. whether you drive a gas guzzler or not, it's a good bet you're paying extra attention to prices at the pump. you plan on hitting the road this fourth of july. >> never really know what's going to happen. goes up and down all the time. >> reporter: good news. right now they're going down. the national average for a gallon of gas is just below $3.50 a gallon. >> it's often a myth that gas prices rise going into a major holiday. that's not the case. in fact this year gas prices
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have dropped for 20 days in a row. >> consumer demand is down. >> one, the economy remains quite weak. two, people are driving more fuel-efficient cars and, three, people aren't driving as much as they used to. >> reporter: still aaa says this year's prices are the third highest on record for independence day, right behind $3.57 a gallon in 2011 and a long way from the sticker shock we experienced in 2008. gas prices of more than $4. be prepared to dish out more on your holiday road trip if you're driving in west coast states like california and washington. the cheapest spots, southern spots like alabama and south carolina. still, some would rather stay at home than fill up. >> are you driving anywhere for the fourth? >> yeah, i'm going to drive my significant, that's as far as i can afford to get with these prices. >> and drivers in these eight states, connecticut, california,
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maryland, nebraska, georgia, wyoming and north carolina will have to pay extra at the pump with newly implemented gas taxes. as poppy harlow is reporting, crude oil going up $100 a barrel because of the unrest in egypt. that could impact current gas prices, but it will likely take a while. >> if you're hitting the roads, be careful, everybody. >> have a happy fourth, if i don't see you. >> you probably will. i have a feeling. a lot of news this morning, let's get to michaela. big trouble out west. >> absolutely. let's bring you up to date on the headlines. firefighters are chipping away at the yarnell fire. fire officials say the only crew member to survive this he saw the fire change course and radioed to his team to warn them. votes to move ahead with new abortion restrictions and now
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the bill that limits when and where women get abortions go to the house. it is also being considered in north carolina. that legislation would require abors abortion clinics to meet the same standards as surgical centers. senior investigators that worked on twa 800 are standing by their original conclusion that a fuel tank explosion brought that plane down. this contradicts a new documentary featuring interviews with several key officials who took part in the investigation. they claim evidence suggests one or more missiles could be to blame for the 1996 crash off long island. the amusement area new york's coney island expected to reopen today. it was shut down tuesday after it was spotted swaying. park managers say city building inspectors found nothing wrong. some big names in competitive eating. joey chestnut will weigh in for the annual fourth of july hot
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dog eating contest in coney island. working on a competitive eating name for cuomo. check out stunning video from russia. a landslide triggered by heavy rain and flooding left the cars in that parking lot literally on the edge of a cliff and there it goes. my goodness. hope they had insurance. >> nobody hurt, anybody hurt that we know? >> i don't believe anybody was in the vehicle. it was just parked empty. >> good. remember when it happened to me? >> what? >> it never happened. >> i don't think i forget that kind of thing. >> i like that there was really a legitimate concern expressed. >> we're just making it up as we go, as you can tell. thank you. coming up next on "new day" if you thought the prosecution in the george zimmerman case was down and out, not so fast. we'll tell you what has this case seeing a bit of a turn around. a very provocative question that right now has a texas teen sitting in jail. tasteless joke or terrorist threat?
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we're going to talk to the mom of this kid who is behind bars for a comment he posted on facebook. american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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it's everyday reinvesting for your personal economy. welcome back, everybody, to "new day."
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just minutes until the george zimmerman trial will get under way. now, yesterday the prosecutors had a better day. a little bit of reversal of fortu fortune, but still a long way to go to make their case. spreading doubt on trayvon martin and the zimmerman story a about what happened that night. but have they made a case beyond a reasonable doubt? they had the medical expert come on. but what really is going to make the difference in this trial? how far along is the prosecution? let's get some perspective from tom mesereau. thank you for joining me from san francisco, tom. great to have you on the show. >> thank you, chris, i appreciate it. >> let's start with this first allegation that i made. the prosecution had a better day yesterday, they are still far off from putting out a case that seems beyond a reasonable doubt. your take? >> i'm not so sure about that. you know, when the media overwhelmingly predicts a result i step back and i try to be cautious. the media overwhelmingly
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predicted o o.j. simpson would be acquitted and they said michael jackson would be convicted he was acquitted. i remember a number of media commentators suggesting scott peterson might walk because he couldn't prove the time of death, cause of death and he's on death row. they said casey antany would be convicted, she's acquitted. i'm watching this media on slot saying the prosecution's dead. i'm not so sure about that. the jury may say, this man showed up with a gun, a deadly weapon. he violated the homeowner's association's rules that you don't confront. he disregarded the policed amanation, don't confront. got into a fight with this boy that was walking home with no weapon or anything provocative about him. they may say he is responsible somehow. my understanding is in florida if you're convicted of the lesser offense of murder of a minor, you could be sentenced to
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almost the same amount as second degree murder. so, the prosecution has stumbled here and there, but prosecutors often stumble in criminal cases and get convictions. i don't think it's over at all and very premature to say the defense is going to walk him out of there, they might. but also very well might not. >> i think it's a very interesting observation because yesterday that is exactly what was going on. boy, the prosecution has had it and the defense is turning all their witnesses against them and clearly so much doubt of the prosecution's theory, they can't get a conviction and we called it even, we have to see what happens. sure enough, the prosecution was able to rehabilitate their witness, one of the investigators and say, yes, zimmerman's actions could be consistent with ill will, which was very big for second degree murder. a medical examiner said i don't see those injuries on george zimmerman to be life threatening. you can't unring the bell with what they heard the investigators say the first time. but from a jury perspective, how
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important is it to hear those kind of things? >> well, it's very important. you know, as yogi beaarra said, it's not over until it's over. you can't score them like a baseball game. basically everything gets to the jury in a holistic fashion. one witness interacts with another witness and i think they're going to make a compelling closing argument that this man was a vigil ante cop and racially profiled this young boy and is responsible for bringing a deadly weapon to that location and i think, to any extent that you discredit his statement to the police, you are looking at the possibility of a conviction. as i say, a lesser included conviction is a serious one. it is a felony, could be manslaughter. my understanding he could probably do less than two years of what you would get in a second degree murder conviction in florida. a case the prosecution could win, although i have to admit the defense has done a good job,
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the lawyers are excellent and i think the prosecutors have made mistakes. as i said before, they often do when they get convictions anyway. >> especially when you look at the standard for manslaughter, it is in lay speak, for regular people, not lawyers, that zimmerman knew there was a great threat. he went there, there could be some type of danger or injury and he did it anyway. he didn't listen to the instructions and someone wound up dead. that could be enough in a jur juror's mind to say, he was reckless. >> it really could. one thing i am boggled by is the fact that the prosecution brought in the statements that zimmerman made and in the process of probably presented a situation where he doesn't have to testify to cross examine. you know the robert blake homicide case the prosecutor brought in his barbara walters' interview allowing the defense to bring in another portion so he didn't have to testify. in the michael jackson trial, the prosecution brought in the martin bashear interview
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allowing me to bring in outtakes. so, i didn't have to put michael jackson on and the prosecutors seem to be doing the same thing in this case. again, it might be a mistake of sorts, but they may win anyway. >> that's an important point. we'll live it there. thank you very much. tom referring there to all of you for the huge decision the prosecution had to make on whether or not to bring in the zimmerman interview with police, as we've been discussing here. now, another hearing beginning within minutes and we're going to be following it all because you never know what will happen day to day. that's why we're following it closely. coming up next on "new day" a texas teen is behind bars for some say a threatening facebook post. his mother is joining us live to tell us why she thinks the police have got it all wrong. she says her son is not a terrorist. plus, when it comes to good looks, william and kate's baby has a pretty good gene pool to work from. using technology to show you
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what the baby will look like, straight ahead. (girl) what does that say? (guy) dive shop. (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine. (girl) we shouldn't have done that. (guy) no. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members
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welcome back to "new day" everyone. it is wednesday, july 3rd. just about 8:poin the east. i'm kate bolduan. >> i'm chris cuomo joined by michaela pereira. you have the five things we need to know. >> a hearing on the edadmissibl of evidence in the george zimmerman. whether to include zimmerman's interest in criminal justice. time could be running out for mohamed morsy. they give him until 11:00 eastern time to join a proposal he has rejected. the bolivian president's plane was forced to land in austria after rumors swirled that snowden was onboard, he was not. djokovic and murray are the two favorites for the first time since 1926, neither the men's nor the women's defending champs are left.
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champion eaters joey chestnut and sonya the black widow thomas weighs in for today's fourth of july hot dog eating contest in coney island. you know, we're always updating the five things to know so you always will know them. go to >> no kobayashi this year. i thought there was a little fight over that. >> he is a big deal. skinny guy, eat a lot of hot dogs. >> only wish. >> that's what i'm saying. it's controversy. where do you put the hot dogs. a story we are following for you. a glimmer of hope for a texas teen jailed for something he wrote on facebook. justin carter, you see a picture of him there. a july 16th bond hearing has been set. we introduced you to the 19-year-old tuesday. he is behind bars since february after he posted about shooting up a school.
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he says it was just a joke. a distasteful joke. but prosecutors are calling it a terroristic threat. we'll talk to his mother in just a moment. but, first, let's get to cnn's miguel marquez with more on this story. >> i just want my kid back. he's my best friend. and i miss him so much. >> reporter: jack carter, devastated his teenage son behind bars for months facing up to ten years in prison. >> i just want to tell justin we love him and that everybody is here for him and that everything is going to be okay. this is going to be righted. >> reporter: carter is now getting help, a new legal team taking the case for free. we spoke to attorney donald flanry just after meeting his client for the first time. >> he's distraught, he's confused. he's sad. you know, this is somebody who has never been to jail before. >> reporter: justin carter arrested in february, charged with making a terroristic threat a felony.
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the alleged threat says his father came after justin played the multi-online player "league of legends." in a post-game facebook conversation the person he was chatting with, he responded, i think i'm going to shoot up a kindergarten and watch the blood of innocent rain down and eat the beating heart of one of them. >> the context of what is put online. if they would have, they would have seen it was sarcasm. >> reporter: justin was offered a plea deal that would have put him in prison for eight years. real consequences for a comment made in the virtual world. miguel marquez, cnn. >> all right, miguel, thank you so much. i want to speak more on this with jennifer carter. she is joining us from orlando, florida, this morning. i know this is a very, very difficult time for you and your family. first off, thank you for taking the time off to speak with me this morning. >> thank you for having me, kate.
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>> now, tell me, what was the last that you heard from your son? what did he tell you? >> the last time i heard from my son was the sunday night before his last hearing. and he was very depressed and feeling hopeless. the attorney that he had at the time had told him that nothing mattered that was being done on his behalf by his father and i that he was going to serve time in prison and he needed to adjust to that reality. so, he was very upset and hopeless. >> and it must be, you must feel that same sense of hopelessness, as well. justin's father told us that justin's really not handling jail very well. >> no, my -- you know, i think most people could understand that if you're not familiar with
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jail or any of that kind of world that being thrown into it would be shocking and difficult to adjust to. and, so, that's where he's at right now. he just doesn't know how to get along in that world and so it's been rough on him. it's been hard. >> so, what has your son told you about this facebook posting? clearly, i'm sure something that he very much regrets now. but has he explained to you, jennifer, why he would post and why he would say something like that? >> well, the thing to understand is that my son does have a dark sense of humor, but i think a lot of people, a lot of teenagers especially can have that kind of sense of humor. he was just, he thought being sarcastic after someone had said he was crazy in the head and he was comparing himself to someone who was actually crazy. in a sarcastic tone, he thought.
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yes, he does regret saying it now. but he has consistently stood by the fact that he was just joking. he had no intent of harming anyone. >> did you ever think even if it was in the poorest taste of a joke that your son would be in jail still? >> no. when this first happened we were very confident that once he was investigated there wasn't any other evidence found that he had any kind of plan or that he intended to do anything serious. that he would be released. and it's only when it's continued to go on and on and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight that we started the petition on and started talking to people that want it write stories about him. >> the prosecutors didn't have a comment when we reached out to them regarding justin's situation. have you gotten any explanation for just this? people hear the story and they
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say, i could be put in jail for telling a joke online. even if it is not even close to being remotely funny. have they given you any explanation if it is a joke why he is still in jail? >> no, they haven't. we don't know, honestly. we haven't understood why he's been held so long and we certainly haven't understood why they continue the prosecution when the only real evidence they have is just the comment and that's all. >> do you have any idea how this is going to end? >> well, my hope is that he would be either released or his charges could be dropped down. you know, before we started talking about this and started the petition, we were -- nothing was happening. now, we've been lucky enough to be contacted by an attorney willing to take his case. for us, this is a very big deal
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and we feel so grateful that all the attention has made this happen. >> yeah, a life-changing experience for you, as well, as definitely your son. we will be following up on this. jennifer carter, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me this morning. really appreciate it. >> thank you, kate. >> that is a tough situation any way you cut it, it really is. hard stories today. so you know what it is time for? the good stuff. aaron collins just 34 years old when he died. left behind an awesome tip. not just a tip, $500. aaron was a big tipper so it fell to aaron's brother, seth, to do so. tipping sarah ward in lexington, kentucky. great, right? he knew aaron's legacy should be even greater so he posted this video of the tip to the web. the power of good stuff kicked in. video went viral, 1.3 million views in just ten days.
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in the year since that first tip seth has collected $60,000 in donations. he just dispensed his 54th tip in indianapolis to unsuspecting server beth foster. take a listen. >> it could not have come at a better time in my life. >> why's that? >> i'm a teacher just looking for a job and it's kind of hard right now. >> a teacher looking for a job. living aaron's legacy. now seth going further. plans to visit 50 states and give out $500 tips until the money is gone. that is if it ever does run out. go to isn't there aaron's good stuff in all of us. >> i needed good stuff. that was really good. >> it gets you, but it gets you in a good way. we want to hear about the good stuff going on in your life and your communities. follow me on twitter,
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@katebolduan. we can keep telling you about the good stuff. coming up next still on "new day" happening right now george zimmerman is back in court. his lawyers arguing a key point in front of the judge. we'll break it down. this is bo, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afib-related stroke. there is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed.
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welcome back to "new day" everybody. the royal baby watch is on, it's been on and it's continuing on. katherine the duchess of cambridge is expected to give birth any day now, no pressure, you poor thing. as the world waits, many guess what the future king or queen of
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england will look like. elizabeth cohen went to london to find out. what did you find out? >> i found out that the royal family in many ways is like many families. is he going to look like uncle bob, aunt susie. people are doing the same thing with this baby and there really is some science behind what traits the baby might get from each parent. so, let's take a look. he was an adorable little boy. she a beautiful little girl, but what will william and katherine's royal baby look like? >> a good-looking child, i presume. >> everybody is hoping the baby will not have his ears. >> i hope it takes after her, because she is so beautiful. >> reporter: it seemed fittingly british to discuss the future fate over high tea with a geneticist. let's start with the baby's hair. light like dad or dark like mom or red like uncle harry. >> two times five times a quarter which is approximately,
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if my math is correct, 6%. >> 6% chance that they'll have a red head. >> if you put money on it, you might want to think about that. >> reporter: he says the baby's hair will likely be on the darker side since dark hair is dominant. then the eyes. >> so green and so blue. >> less likely that the child will have pure blue eyes. >> like daddy. >> exactly. >> reporter: he says most likely the baby's eyes will be more towards the green side like cath rn since green is dominant. >> they are both tall people. >> reporter: geneticists tell us that a prince 6'7", a new princess as tall as 6'2". science can't predict everything. >> that's the fun of having babies. you don't know what you're going to get. >> the big question mark. >> part of the surprise. now, this is the first time that a royal has married a commoner
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since the 17th century and the geneticist says this infusion is good. it is good to get some new genes there. >> no politics involved there, just genetics. >> we were so curious that we asked our colleagues at turner studios to come up with some pictures. we gave them information from our geneticist. look, this is what they think the prince or princess could look like based on putting their two faces together. we think he looks like ryan. >> avreither way, looking prett good. >> reality. >> the hair, the shape of the face. >> we're talking about smooshing two faces foor s together right. >> good looking. >> healthy is what matters most.
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healthy baby. >> with that infusion of new genes. >> on that, elizabeth cohen, thank you so much, elizabeth. coming up next on "new day" dennis rodman once a nobel peace prize and he says he deserves it for going to north korea. well, we have a different award for him, coming up. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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never completely figure out what happened to rodman. remember back in the day with the pistons. he was a rebounding machine. >> you know what he wants now, a >> you know what he wants now, a nobel peace prize. apecial timer the two of you... and you can make them even more special... with fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein-rich entrées... with garden veggies and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love.
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welcome back. you know his theme music. john berman. >> i didn't know my theme music. that's extraordinary. second runner up. a guy that does amazing things with some paper towels. >> paper towels. >> watch, again. >> what? do that, again. >> roll of paper towels. paper towels. that's very impressive, but he did not win. nor did the next thing i'm about to show you. also very impressive. this is a guy that sings ad jingles. like every single ad jingle ever. ♪ juicy fruit i'm going to move you ♪ ♪ the best part of waking up >> he sings like every ad ever made in a minute and a half. very impressive. both these guys impressive, but neither the winner. the winner is simply too easy to talk about.
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it's dennis rodman. remember when he went to north korea and met with new leader the there. now, rodman tells "sports illustrated" if i don't finish in the top three for the nobel peace prize, something is seriously wrong. let's give him the benefit of the doubt just for a second here. let's compare rodman with other peace prize winners. he does have five championship rings. alun san su, kyi, none. henry kissinger, none. >> i'm going with none there. >> on the other hand, rodman's visit to north korea has done really nuggiothing to free bay. now he wants to vacation with kim jung-un and his family.
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crazy. besides all that, i think he's ineligible for the nobel peace prize for one reason and one reason only. let's call it the first rule of fight club award. what is the first rule of fight club. you don't talk about fight club. you don't talk about winning the nobel peace prize if you want to win the peace prize. >> like you want to be pope. >> the humility requires. >> exactly. >> that's the reason. >> that is why dennis rodman cannot win the nobel peace prize. >> you don't have anything else thinking that might support your backup. >> j.b. likes this one today. look at a his face. he's happy with himself about this. >> i love this one. with that, i'm a happy woman. coming up, still ahead, the george zimmerman trial is under way right now. what you can expect today when what you can expect today when you come back. s for a cookout with world champion grill master brett galloway. he's serving his guests walmart choice premium steaks. but they don't know it yet. they will. it's a steak-over. steak was excellent. very tender.
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>> i want sandra bullock. >> we're negotiating what movie to go see today. >> what are you doing today? i have an idea what you can do. you can stick around and watch more cnn. >> that's a great idea. that's what we do in my household. >> you button up now. >> it's the end of "new day." but cnn continues. "newsroom" carol costello right now. >> we kind of gang up on him. >> very good to see you, save me. >> i'll save you, chris. have a great day, guys. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts right now. breaking right now, zimmerman's past front and center. >> based on bringing what was in the background. a key decision from the court expected in just minutes. also, does zimmerman's story add up?
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>> felt like my body was on the grass and my head was on the cement. just kept slamming and slamming. >> is that true? >> how would you classify the injuries? >> they were not life threatening. they did not require any sutures to be applied. i was not able to look at them after they were cleaned. they were covered by bandage. >> the testimony igniting a firestorm. >> a band aid. all he needed was a band aid? did i just hear a medical doctor say that? >> crucial, must-see testimony just moments away. "newsroom" starts now. good morning. thank you so much for being with me. i'm carol costello. beginning "newsroom" a few minutes early because we want to bring you key witness.
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even a chance the prosecution could wrap up its case today. among those set to take the stand, we'll get into that in a minute. those who took the stand yesterday zimmerman's best friend and 20-year veteran. mark visited hours after he shot the unarmed teenager. he described his pal's appearance and first visit by zimmerman's wife, sh had ellie. >> what was his appearance? >> stunned. he attempted to immediately reassure shellie who broke down once she saw him. once they got out of the elevator. she went into hysterics. break down. a sobbing breakdown and immediately tried to reassure her he was okay. he was more occupied with her than anything else. but he had a stunned look on his face. >> when you say stunned, tell
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us -- >> wide eyed. just kind of, kind of a little bit detached. perhaps from maybe not realizing he had just gone through a traumatic event. >> live to the courtroom when things begin to heat up, again. a team of reporters and analysts to break down all of today's testimony. but let's begin as usual cnn's george howell is outside the courthouse in sanford, florida. morning, george. >> carol, good morning. let's go right into the courtroom right now where you can see we are in the middle of a hearing where prosecutor rich mantei having certain evidence as admitted into this court regarding george zimmerman's school records. they are talking about several different items. the ride along that he did at one point. information about that. also his school transcript and an application to prince william
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county police department where he wanted to become a police officer, but it was a rejection letter. they want that admitted. they are also talking about several documents. homework assignments that he did and applications that he filled out. basically to show that he was interested in law enforcement and that he had some knowledge in criminal justice. that he was interested in the criminal justice system. you will remember that zimmerman did a televised national interview where he said that he did not know about the stand your ground law here in the state of florida. prosecutors are pushing to show that he did have some knowledge and may have, indeed, known about that law. this picks up on critical testimony from yesterday. we heard from a medical examiner. this is not the medical examiner, very important to point this out, not the medical examiner who handled the autopsy for trayvon martin, but, instead, a witness who was called by the state to examine this question


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