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tv   Bostons Finest  CNN  July 6, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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>> on some soggy cardboard. i'm susan hendricks in atlanta with tonight's top stories. in new developments in the case of edward snowden. nicaragua and venezuela are considering granting him asylum. he faces espionage charges in the u.s. in egypt, the situation becomes more dangerous. at least 26 people are dead in clashes between the military and supporters of mohammed morlsi and security forces. nearly 1,000 have been injured since morsi was overthrown by the military. in florida, the prosecution rests in the george zimmerman murder trial. the defense began its case by calling zimmerman's moth tore the stand.
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the trial resumes on monday. to new york now. nearly a dozen years after the terror attacks, a september 11 victim has been identified. the remains of firefighter jeffrey walls were found in the retesting of the 9/11 debris. he is the 1,637th person identified in the rubble. the cnn special "boston's finest" continues now. >> we heard about 15 shots, man. [ sirens ] >> three shots right here. [ screaming ] >> anyone else upstairs? anyone else in there? boston police. ♪ my name's manny. i belong to the day gang unit. gang members in boston are very dangerous. there's a lot of guys that are already on a bad path.
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my name's manny. i belong to the day gang unit. gang members in boston are very dangerous. there's a lot of guys that are already on a bad path. but then there's the ones that are at that fork in the road kind of like i was when i got out of high school. my goal is to pull them out of the situation they're in before, you know, they end up dead. i feel responsible for them. i tease my partner. we grew up next door neighbors. we went to elementary school together, middle school and high school. >> it's like growing up in this neighborhood, it was tough. >> some of the kids that i grew
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up with joined a gang. some of them is dead. >> my parents was real strict. >> i was a wuss. >> the streets of boston haven't changed much since they were kids. their parents both emigrated here from the cape verde islands. now their sons have devoted to protecting the streets they grew up on. doing everything they can to keep the old neighborhood safe. >> we got a couple of things we have to bang out this morning. there's a warrant coming out for at least one suspect that's doing armed robberies over in district four. >> the officers of the boston police department's fugitive
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department get their briefings like this one. they've been doing this long enough to know that details matter and you can never skip any steps. >> the gang unit is a lot more face paced. >> our unit is a lot more patient and methodical. >> the people that we get to look for are people that other police officers can't find. >> it's pain staking work. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. >> just take a minute to remember one minute everything is fine, then one minute it's not fine. >> mr. mason, can you please call back. we need your permission to put desiman on his butt. >> they have their work cut out to solve a recent string of robberies in the south end.
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they have a suspect's description but no name. >> so this is actually going to be the pawn store up here on the right. then the grocery store is going to be right hire on the left. so almost across from each other. >> so he came behind the counter, threatened the cashier with the knife, took cash. he put the cashier in the back room and fled on a bike. >> this guy is threatening the domestic sovereignty of that neighborhood. and we're trying to protect the families of these neighborhoods. >> this is the beginning of a free that this guy is on. >> for manny and dee, calls from dispatch can come at any time.
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>> all channels, a male shot, lee hamilton street. [ sirens ] >> he was shot in the house. >> how long ago? >> it just happened. as soon as it happened i called the ambulance. >> did you recognize him? >> i was just going to say hi and i don't even know him. >> the gang unit knows this house well. they've been here before to deal with gang-related activity.
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>> this kid here, he's part of a group they call the nob. they're a pretty active gang. he's always around them. they shot at him four times. they were definitely trying to kill him. >> usually when there's a shooting between two different gangs, they're not going to talk to the police. they try to solve it on their own by retaliation towards another member of that other gang. >> they'll just keep on going back and forth and someone is going to get killed. now they're going to take it to a different level. >> we got a brief description on the shooter. we're just going to see if we can locate someone with that description. >> half an hour ago, it was just another sunny day in boston. but now manny and dee have to make sure a shooting on hamilton
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street doesn't set off a gang feud. >> our anniversary is in a couple of days. >> how many? >> 15, brother. 15 years. >> we'll dump the kids off at your household. >> there you go. >> the fugitive unit has a face but not the name of a suspect who has been committing robberies. >> using a knife like that, it was a kitchen knife. so it makes you think it's something of desperation. >> 35 years of combined experience can help them see connections others can't. >> why is he using a bike? he's not using a car. he'll be living around that area if he's using a bike. he might be homeless. >> there's a couple of shelters in this area. you have one down off of pine street. >> the clock's ticking before he's going to commit another crime again.
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>> their next stop is the shelter. >> good morning. how are you? >> homeless people are pretty hard to track. they could be staying at any shelter at any night at any time. >> no one fitting the robber's description has been seen at the shelter. a reminder this hunt is just beginning. >> the hours immediately following any shooting are the most crucial. which puts them on edge even before the next call comes in. >> robbery in progress, vicinity applegate. [ sirens ] >> we're at 595. >> pull up on the sidewalk, pull up on the sidewalk. >> where's he at? >> he ran around the corner.
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103 to base. we've got two suspects in custody. >> one guy looked at me and
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>> one guy looked at me and tossed a firearm right here. >> an armed robbery turned foot chase has ended in an apprehension for the gang unit. >> he didn't have no chance. for the two partners, two arrests and a gun off the streets are a good outcome. but there's still the threat of a gang feud looming. in a neighborhood these cops will do just about anything to
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protect. the fugitive unit is searching for a robbery suspect. they have a description to work with but no name. >> begot a call from district four. the detective, joe lehman, let me know he was able to identify who this person was. >> lehman, who had been working on the case before the fugitive unit, got a call from a confidential informant. now they have the suspect's name. victor pameous. >> he's living at different shelters. >> when he came out of the store, he took a right on wash, then a right on lennox. >> take it easy, guys.
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>> victor is in the midst of a robbery spree, so we're going to approach him with caution. you have to be able to look at someone's individual characteristics and be able to determine where they will be hiding. >> for the gang unit, the concern about retaliation is growing. >> something big is about to go down. >> if we don't stop it now, someone is going to die. >> yesterday's shooting looks like it was a dispute between rival gangs. the nlb, the norton only berry gang and the cbo, the cape verde outlaws. >> tensions have grown between these two groups. >> when they're on their own turf, gang members don't usually hide. so a slow drive can almost serve as a role call.
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>> see him right there? >> every time someone gets shot, his mother used to run up, sit steffon? >> i've been dealing with steffon powers for about seven years. he just got wrapped up into being a gangster. >> i look at a kid like steffon and i see myself. that could have easily been me. >> i want to see you moving. change your angle, change your angle. start shadow boxing. go. shake it out. go, go, go. brendon, if you end with your left, go to the right. >> i work out of area b-2, which encompasses the rox bury neighborhood.
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>> he works with yth boxers throughout the city of boston. >> it's a place where kids with learn self-confidence, respect, sportsmanship. it makes them a stronger personal. not just physically, but mentally, as well. >> how are you doing? >> lieutenant bailey, head of the gang unit, has brought his son zach here to train. his first big fight is in two days. >> i'm not worried about the competition. that being said, we're not going to take anyone lightly. so let's make it happen. >> when he extends his arms. speed, speed, drive that hip over. >> there you go. get some water. put an extension on that jab. >> i love boxing. i live and worked here all my
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life. my family is all here. my mother and father came here for a better life. my family actually lives right next door to me. my parents have been living in the same neighborhood for the past 31 years. ♪ . >> hey. >> i brought some clothes. >> put this in the drier first. >> the laundry, is more than i thought. i've been busy at work. i couldn't bring it over. sorry. >> that's okay. any thought about getting engaged or anything?
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nor surprise yet? >> when the time is right. >> so then i'm not going to raise grandkids? >> you will, when the time is right, you will. ♪ >> when the time is right. >> a shooting inside a barbershop. >> this shooting happened around 7:00 this evening at the universal barbershop. police say the victim is a 20-year-old man who was shot and killed. he was dead by the time first responders got here just moments after the shooting. >> the next morning, the dead man's name hangs heavily over manny and dee. they spotted on the street just the day before. >> actually, we were pulling up right now where the shooting
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took place last night. the barbershop right here. >> it's sad just seeing young kids getting killed, especially me having two kids. >> manny and dee have seen these retaliation stories play out all too often. they worry it will only escalate from here. >> there's people outside. all these boys. right here on the right. >> a bunch of his friends here. >> when you see someone that you've been working with, you know, getting burr yesterday, it's emotional. you see the family, you see his friends. it affects you. after steffon is murdered, homicide takes over the case.
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in the meantime, you know, myself and dee and other officers will hit the streets hard and let these kids know that this is not going to be tolerated.
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uh, i don't know what's happening. "start a new chat." what did i do? ok. wow. that is so weird. hello! hey! hi! hi! oh, my gosh. hi. god. i don't even know what to say right now, i'm so nervous. gia, you're so big! come closer to the camera. wait. now you're in my face. gia: bye! woman: love you! alex: that was so good.
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>> the gang unit will be doing steffon was shot to death in a
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basher shop, the boston police departments flooded the streets. >> the gang unit will be doing warm sweeps for anyone that's in violation of curfew, violation of patrol. >> tim stanton, a 24-year veteran of the force, is leading tonight's sweep. >> just as many bodies as they can take off the street, kind of quell the violence. >> step out of the car. ♪ >> what's up, what's up? >> a little after sun rise, they head back to the center of the conflict. >> what are running inside for? >> wait right here, wait right here. >> you ain't got nothing on you? you're smoking weed right here and then you're going to run? as soon as you see us? what's your name? why are you putting yourself in this predicament to get arrested. >> smoking marijuana may not be a violent crime, but they're on n.o.b. turf, so they may know something about the murder. >> last night they had a kid shot in the head, boom. >> i didn't even know about it until this morning. >> do you want to be one of them? >> no. >> it's real. no coming back. >> the fugitive unit is waiting for their warrant. a go sign to take down their target, victor. >> we have to identify people like this, impact players.
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it comes down to the simple premise of community policing. >> he's been involved with drugs, convicted of armed robbery and served two bids in state prison. >> going through his booking pictures. this individual has multiple tattoos. ryan, he's got a tattoo of superman on his chest. >> how does that look? >> as of yesterday, he moved out. whether it's his family or what not, there's a victoria on the listing. the detective right now is at court getting the ticket. >> did you print those yet? i can take a peek? >> he's all tatted up. he's got this one on his chest, though. >> can he fly? >> he thinks he can.
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>> with the gang violence hitting home for manny and dee, they pick up a double-shift and head back out into the boston night. [ sirens ] >> we're on dakota street and heard about 15 shots in this area. >> when you hear a call for a person shot, you go from zero to 100. you're thinking about when you get there, how are you going to react, what are you going to see? is someone already shot? are you going to find someone with a firearm there? sometimes it's just good to play it in your head and you know what to expect and it helps you out. but there are some things you just can't prepare for. [ sirens ] [ screaming ] >> there's another person there.
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>> there's another person over here. >> three people shot. >> the ambulance is on its way, all right? they're pulling up now. [ screaming ] >> he's all right, he's all right, ma'am. >> you see someone shot, everyone is hysterical and crying. you're trying to control the crowd, not destroy the evidence. >> there's one more over there. >> you know you've been shot in your shoulder and waist? >> he's been shot like three times. >> anyone else upstairs? >> anyone else in there? boston police! >> no one was saying anything. >> they're right in front of the
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house. >> three people shot. >> dead over here. doesn't look that good. [ hysterical screams ]
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it's a crime scene now. homicide takes over and they do everything else here. >> i think we can go now. >> we're stuck right in the middle of a crime scene. >> you know, yesterday, today, the last couple of nights it's been busy. it's getting crazy. >> cops like manny and dee do everything they can.
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but in these neighborhoods, when gangs are involved, the violence can seem inescapable. >> since i was a kid, my mom and dad always said that i loved everything about being a police officer. all my toys were police cars and
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a police motorcycle. i wanted to do stuff for the community, do stuff to help out people. i think that's why i chose this job. of your bed and said, is this what i really want? >> and i said you want to be a boston police? then you said yes. i said okay, that's what he wants to be, then god will deal with you. i always look at the news what's going on and thinking about you. but then like i said again, we pray all the time for you. >> in the cape verde community, being a police officer is a high position. they have a lot of respect for police officers. my family is happy for me that i have this job. >> manny is going a good job, because all those childrens, then you go to college and you come out they're still in the road. >> nothing has changed for those kids yet. and that's why now as a police officer, when i deal with them at 14, 15 years old, sometimes i give them the same talk this you
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used to give me. listen, you're going to come back 15 years down the line and things will still be the same. nothing is going to change. you have to change it on your own. the world is not going to change for you. you need to change for yourself. >> i'm so happy for you. >> in the city, we like for you to get a nice wife because you deserve a nice wife. >> some day, some day. some day i'll bring home a nice wife. ♪ >> took care of me since i was a kid. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> they think they did it all, but it was mostly you. they helped out. you did most of the work. >> tonight's fight night for tim stanton's youth boxing program. >> outstanding, outstanding job. >> boxers really do care about the community that they serve. they're willing to help that kid that's maybe on the fringe of being a gang member. just that person that's down on their luck and gives them their dignity back. >> how about a round of applause. i just don't think people see that side of the police department enough. >> when i first came on, there was some people that really taught me a lot about being a police officer. if there's some knowledge i can pass on to some of the younger officers to make the job go smoother for him, then i think it's hugely important to pass that on to them. >> what's up? thanks for coming down. >> yeah, the back door. >> the next day, officers from
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the fugitive unit are staked out at the address where robbery suspect victor penas has been siding. >> you are quarterbacking that operation, and when you quarterback that operation, you need to put people strategically to be able to see this person. >> i think they've got him now. >> when he did come through the parking lot, we already had every single angle of the development covered. we had to move methodically. >> victor clam >> victor! victor! >> he's in custody. >> where are the needles?
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>> we knew he was going to be going up to a certain floor. >> we have a warrant for your arrest, bro. >> after a string of armed robberies, victor has been brought in. >> any knives or guns or
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>> he's in custody. >> where are the needles? >> we knew he was going to be going up to a certain floor. >> we have a warrant for your arrest, bro. >> after a string of armed robberies, victor has been
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brought in. >> any knives or guns or bazookas or anything like that? >> when we go to apprehend people, we try to show them professionalism and respect. people like victor, that's still someone's son, still someone's brother. he's still a human being. we were just talking to victor over here on the other side of the development, and he just wanted to tell you that -- what is it, your daughter? you have to pick up your daughter at school because he's going to be tied up for a little while. he ended up getting arrested.
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okay? all right, bye. we gave her a call. don't worry, everything is going to be all right. >> it is a good feeling. there's a sense of satisfaction. into that community, you're sending a message this won't be tolerated. >> a string of gang-related shootings has the neighborhoods on edge. and the police worried about what might come next. >> be careful. >> tonight is the wake of one of the younger cvo kids, steffon. a lot of the older members are going to be in town. tensions could be high, emotions could be high. so they could be floating around
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on this side, which is their rivals, if you will. they've been trading shots for the past couple of weeks now. and a couple of bodies have fallen. so we're going to monitor the area. just kind of make sure there's no opportunity for them to strike tonight and see what happens. >> this is the wake on the right. we're here to gain intel on cars and see who attends the services and who is driving by the services. you've got these younger kids growing up and they're pissed off and if they know who is responsible, they'll take it out on them after the wake. >> they know the most important characters to track, like his best friend, jeremy gomes. >> if you see jeremy, at least you got an idea that they're up to no good. >> if you want to let the other
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guys know if you're still around, just let them know to be on the lookout for that car. because it did leave early. yeah, the red car. >> who is this vehicle right here? >> is it four door or two door? >> it comes back to jeremy gomes. >> pull it over. >> take us off of coleman and quincy. >> the corner of coleman and quincy street is the heart of n.o.b. turf. not a place that jeremy gomes
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would usually be. >> let me see your i.d. jeremy, where is your registration? the car is wreaking of weed. the kid in the back was moving around a lot. >> jeremy, come back here for a second. come here. >> everyone handles what's at stake. >> i'm sorry about your loss, all right? it sucks but you guys need to figure out the solutions, man.
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you know what i'm saying? this here, man, there's other ways. >> i don't know what to say. >> as long as you don't break my boundaries. >> [ bleep ] about that. >> we was just telling jeremy, this whole thing, man, from a police perspective, this thing needs to stop. >> i'm not even high. >> listen, all right, steffon never disrespected me. we're tired of see thing cycle. it's been going on for years and years. >> it's getting old, too. the whole thing is like when is it going to stop? when are you going to realize, you know, enough is enough? i'm getting old. this [ bleep ] is -- [ inaudible ] >> i don't think that's ever going to happen. >> take care, man. stay out of trouble. >> we try to talk to these kids and try to show them that there's more to life than just gang banging and selling drugs and shooting each other. i mean, they're doing all this pretty much over nothing. even the biggest gang bangers will tell you this is not the life they chose. it just came about them. so when you hear things like that, you might have to work harder with one individual than another individual. >> i want to see if they tossed anything out of the window. >> timmy, what's up? they're done with the wake. we actually just stopped a car with a few of them, jeremy gomes, yeah. you want to meet me by hamilton and coleman? we're here right now. >> timmy is coming by real quick. he wants to meet up. >> there they are right there. >> what's going on? >> a lot of police showed up.
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it's pretty busy. >> after 24 years on the force, tim stanton knows his way around a gang feud. nights like tonight give him a chance to remind younger cops what to look out for. >> on the other side, tensions are high. >> obviously they got eyes on deck. >> be careful out there. i got to think they're going to be low key tonight. >> they know we're out here. >> they know we're deep. but the funeral is tomorrow. >> tomorrow morning, yeah. >> tomorrow, steffon's funeral chance to remind younger cops what to look out for. >> on the other side, tensions are high.
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>> obviously they got eyes on deck. >> be careful out there. i got to think they're going to be low key tonight. >> they know we're out here. >> they know we're deep. but the funeral is tomorrow. >> tomorrow morning, yeah. >> tomorrow, steffon's funeral poses even more risks. manny and dee will be there to keep the up easy peace. the boston police department ?u+5+5+5+5kk
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the boston police department prides itself on preventing crime, not just responding to it. that's why on a morning like this, the morning of steffon pyre's funeral, manny, dee and a group of cops begin their shift with some local kids to set a positive tope for a dangerous day. >> for them to see a cape verdean officer speaking to them, they feel comfortable. they like it when we do it. they're excited about us going there. >> but after a week of violence, conversations with the kids are also essential.
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>> all right, guys, how are you doing? >> good. >> you guys had a good time out there? >> yes! >> especially after you guys beat us. >> how many times have we beaten you before? >> one time. >> we'll leave it at that. >> there's a lot of kids now doing the right thing. >> what time did you get up this morning? >> 6:00. >> you know what time i got up this morning? >> but then there's the ones that are at that fork in the road, kind of like i was when i got out of high school. we try to talk to them and show them that there's more to life than just gang banging and selling drugs and shooting each other. >> in life, you make a decision based on what you want to do. don't ever listen to someone else. you do what's right for you. >> we try to let them know that you can do a lot for yourself if you put your mind to it. just sometimes they don't and they end up dead. ♪ >> the day will pass without any more shots being fired by gang members.
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for the boston police department, it's a small victory in a long struggle. and for two cops who have lived in this city virtually their entire lives, it's a glimmer of hope amid reminders hof just how much there is to protect. ♪ you ask me what i want this year ♪ ♪ and i'm trying to make this clear ♪ ♪ just a chance that maybe we'll find better days ♪ >> as a parent, i have two kids, trying to do the best for them. and then suddenly someone would just take their life away, it's
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tough. ♪ ♪ i need some place simple where we can live ♪ ♪ and something only you can give ♪ ♪ and that's faith and trust and peace while we're alive ♪ ♪ and the one poor child is safe this this world ♪ ♪ and there's 10 million more who probably could ♪ ♪ if we all just stopped and said a prayer for them ♪ ♪ so take these words and sing out loud ♪ ♪ cause everyone is forgetting now ♪ ♪ because tonight's the night
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the world will give ♪ >> too many kids that i grew up with, people i went to school with, some of them get locked up. some of them are dead. a few of us actually made it. ♪ i wish everyone was loved tonight ♪ ♪ just a chance to maybe we'll find better days ♪ ♪ so take these words and sing out loud ♪ ♪ because everyone is forgiving now ♪ ♪ because tonight is the night
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the world begins again ♪ >> someone said you got a gun. put them right on the steering wheel. >> take your left hand and slowly unlock the door. >> do not move. >> get out of the car. >> get down on the [ bleep ] ground right now. face down.


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