tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 9, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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whether his computer animation will be allowed as evidence in this court. just yesterday, wolf, we heard from a long list of witnesses, many of them seem to be character witnesses, all vouching for the voice of george zimmerman on that 911 audiotape and the defense team, they put tracy martin on the spot, on the stand, to explain what he meant when he apparently said that the voice was not that of his son. let's listen. one after another after another, defense witnesses hammered home the same answer when asked who was screaming on this 911 call. >> you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> all right. what is your -- >> do you know whose voice that is in the background screaming? >> yes, definitely, it's george. >> i thought it was george. >> when i heard the tape, my immediate reaction was, that's george screaming for help. >> whose voice is it? >> george zimmerman's voice. >> there is absolutely no doubt
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in my mind that is george zimmerman. and i wish to god i did not have that ability to understand that. >> it was john donnelly that made george zimmerman emotional. he bought george clothes for trial and taught him how to draw a windsor knot. they drew on his experience in combat as a medic who routinely heard screams for help to make their case the screaming on the 911 call was george zimmerman. that set the stage for tracy martin, trayvon martin's father. defense attorneys first recalled two investigators who say martin told them, no, the voice screaming was not his son. then they put martin on the stand. >> i didn't tell him, no, that wasn't trayvon. i kind of -- chairs had wheels on them and i kind of pushed away from the -- away from the table and just kind of shook my
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head and said i can't tell. >> so, your words were, i can't tell? >> something to that effect, but i never said, no, that wasn't my son's voice. >> reporter: defense attorneys also called up the owner of the gym where zimmerman trained to lose weight to demonstrate how a person could hold another down, adam pollak got on top of attorney mark o'mara to show the jury, but when describing his client's skill level. >> he's still learning how to punch. he didn't know how to really effectively punch. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, where would mr. zimmerman fit? >> like i said, about a one. >> reporter: finally, judge debra nelson ruled testimony regarding marijuana levels in trayvon martin's system will now be evidence for jurors to consider, a critical ruling as this trial moves into day 11. >> back live in the courtroom here in sanford, florida, you can see attorney mark o'mara and daniel schumaker making his
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case, explaining exactly what he does to the judge. the judge, we expect, will rule and decide whether this jury will see that computer animation that he created of the shooting on february 28, 2012. wolf, there was another big ruling that came in yesterday, that the judge decided evidence of marijuana in trayvon martin's system, that it will be allowed as evidence in this case. now, just a few minutes ago, i spoke with daryl parks, he's the attorney who represents the martin family, about what that could mean to this case. let's listen. >> well, i think there's a problem, and i think if you listen to some of the statements that were made in court, there were traces of marijuana found in his system, some marijuana found in his system. you don't know what the real effect of it was. what it tends to do, though, once the jury hears it, they will probably be more prejudicial about it being in the case and the value will not be as great. it will tend to mislead them and clout their judgment as a jury, so i don't really see the real
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weight it brings to it, but the law allows for it to be presented because it was present in his system. >> so, we're set up for day 11, where we will hear, we could hear, about this evidence of marijuana in trayvon martin's system. wolf, this comes a day after we heard from a long list of witnesses who had good things to say, favorable things to say, about george zimmerman, as the defense lays out its case. >> and explain, george, why -- what's happening in the courtroom right now, this debate, this argument, between the defense and the prosecution over whether to release this computerized animation. clearly, the defense would like to release it, the prosecution, not so much. >> well, certainly, and when you look at it from the defense perspective, you know, this animation that schumaker has created, certainly, will explain their case, lay out all of the details that they've laid out in court. all of the information from the ballistics report, from the
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police report. it's highly favorable to the defense. prosecution wants to keep it out. obviously, if they were to have a report, it would have a very different outcome, so we're watching right now to see if the judge will allow that in as evidence. and schumaker himself said he creates these animations so that jurors can basically digest the information. it's easy for jurors to understand and see. he's worked with many different attorneys on the same type of technology and you can see the defense here wanting to take advantage of that and show the jury to lay out their case. >> all right. hold on for a minute, george, because i want to bring in page pate, a criminal defense attorney. page, what do you make of this debate going on in the courtroom right now over this animation, which is really, as described by mark o'mara, less an animation, more some still photos, if you will, to show what the defense insists was that trayvon martin was effectively beating up george zimmerman. he was resisting, feared for his
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life, took out his gun and shot and killed him. >> this type of evidence can be incredibly powerful for a jury. up to this point, the jury's heard testimony, they've seen pictures, but they haven't really been able to put themselves at the scene of the incident. this type of testimony, this type of an expert, allows the jury to step inside the shoes of george zimmerman, so it can be incredibly powerful for the defense to let the jury feel like they are george zimmerman, feel like they are under threat at that point, and hopefully, for the defense's side, it will make it seem more legitimate, his claim of self defense. >> what is the basic legal argument, and i want to briefly listen in, but page, briefly, what is the basic legal argument that defense is making? why should they allow this animation to go forward, which after all, is their side of the story, the defense's side of the story, pro-george zimmerman version of what happened? >> well, like any type of expert testimony, it's based on science and it's based on studies. we have this particular individual who created the
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animation or who created the stills testifying about the different points that he measured to make sure that it was all accurate and consistent with the evidence that's in the record so far, and that's the challenge for the judge. she has to determine that this evidence will, number one, be helpful for the jury, and, number two, be consistent with the evidence that we know is already in the record. she's not going to let them create some story or put on some show, it has to be based on fact and it has to be based in science. >> and the jurors are not in the courtroom right now. this is a discussion that's going on in front of the judge. the judge will make this decision. they are not going to see this animation. i don't know if they are going to show it to the judge right now. looks like they are getting ready for something along those lines, but the reasons the jurors aren't in there, explain. >> the judge has not ruled it's admissible, so you don't want the jury to see it until the court has first looked at it and determined it has a proper foundation, not unduly
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prejudicial, then they'll bring the jury back in and play the animation or show the stills. >> all right. i think they are getting ready to show those stills or animations. if they are, i'd be interested in seeing them. they are looking up at that screen over there. maybe we'll show that to our viewers if we can. let's step in, for a moment, see what they are talking about. this is an important piece of potential evidence that may or may not be allowed in the courtroom. >> one screen off, that one, maybe help from the clerk to do an input change.
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put it back in, see if that helps. >> clearly, they are having computer problems. that's daniel schumaker. he's the computer specialist that created this animation. this is from the defense's perspective, what they would like to be admitted as evidence in the courtroom when the jurors are there. the jurors are not in the courtroom right now. the judge has to make a decision whether or not this should be admissible as evidence. the prosecution doesn't want it to be admissible because it's clearly favorable to george zimmerman's side of the story that they were acting in self defense and that's what this debate is under way right now. clearly, they are having some problems. let me bring back george howell and page pate as we await for the technical problems to be resolved. it's always surprising to me, george, they've been preparing and preparing and preparing and they can't get the technology ready to show something like this from their computer up on the screen. >> wolf, just think about last week and that skype interview.
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that didn't work out so well. yeah, you can tell that, you know, even prosecutors, the defense, may not be so hot on the technology, but it seems that they get it working from time to time. it seems they are going to take some time to figure this out right now. i'm watching them take the computer up. >> right. they are going to show the judge on the little laptop there the animation that daniel schumaker created and he's standing there in front of that laptop, so they can't get it up on the screen. is this surprising to you, page? you've been in a lot of these kinds of trials. you got technology. they've been getting ready for this for a year, haven't figured it out yet, a lot of technical glitches last week. >> it's not surprising. i don't think i've ever participated in a trial that lasted more than a couple of days where we didn't have at least some technical issues. these days we're using technology a lot more in the courtroom than we used to. it's no longer showing a
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document to a witness or using even a document camera. we now have in almost every courtroom around america very sophisticated audio/visual type of equipment so an animation like this can be projected to the jury and the judge and everyone else can see it. with that kind of technology, you're going to run into problems from time to time. >> let me bring in another decision the judge, debra nelson, made last night. an important decision late in the day after the jurors were dismissed. the judge decided that she will allow results of trayvon martin's toxicology report to be admitted, which the defense claims is evidence that the teenager may have been impaired the night of the shooting. an interview last night with cnn's piers morgan. zimmerman's attorney, mark o'mara, had this reaction, watch this. >> the judge had initially said that we could not present that evidence until we were able to tie it up by terms of being relevant, and we knew that we would have the toxicologist come in or a medical examiner come in
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to say that any level of pot in his system could have some effect. of course, that falls in line with what george zimmerman stated in his first couple moments with the non-emergency operator when he said it looks like he's on drugs or something. we sort of presume the judge is going to let this in. >> all right. let's discuss this for a second while we await for them to fix their computer problems over there. page, this toxicology report, the defense wanted it admitted. it says that there was elements of marijuana use shown in the autopsy, in the report there, but could it backfire on the defense? >> i guess that's possible. i think still on balance the defense wants this type of evidence in. perhaps not so much to show how trayvon martin was acting that evening, but perhaps for the bad character implications that the prosecution mentioned. you know, a ruling like this is tough for a judge. he has to weigh the effect it's going to have on the jury, that prejudicial effect. is it really relevant to what
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happened that evening, whether or not trayvon martin had smoked marijuana at some time in the past, but nonetheless, it's going to come in. i think it was the right ruling under the law, and the question is, how much will the defense be able to use it, will their expert actually be able to say that this amount of thc led to some type of behavior that justified the shooting? that's a totally different question. >> page, hold on for a moment, george howell, hold on, as well. once again, they are discussing right now whether an animation should be admissible in this court as evidenced. the jurors are not in the courtroom right now. they are going back and forth, the prosecution and defense before the judge. we'll monitor what's going on and bring you the trial once it resumes with the jurors present. we're watching all of this unfold here in the "cnn newsroom." we'll take a quick break and be right back. [ male announcer ] introducing the first ever in-dash navigation system in america powered by your smart phone. the chevrolet spark with available bringgo navigation.
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going on. the jurors are not in the courtroom. mark o'mara representing the defense, that's daniel schumaker, he's a computer animator. they've come up with a computerized animation, mostly still photos, according to mark o'mara, of what happened during those fateful moments when this man, george zimmerman, who's in the courtroom right now, shot and killed trayvon martin. zimmerman says in self defense. the state says second-degree murder. they are trying to figure out what to do. the judge is hearing both sides. the prosecution doesn't want this animation admitted as evidence. the defense does. we're monitoring what's going on. after the judge makes a decision on this piece of potential evidence, then the jurors will be brought in and the defense will resume its side of the story. they'll bring in more defense witnesses. we'll have live coverage of that coming up, so stand by. by there's other important news happening right now, as well, including this. the national transportation safety board says investigators
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had interview the actual pilot who was at the controls of the asiana flight 214. the interview will take place today. it hasn't happened yet. they have interviewed two of the other members of the flight crew. so far, about half of the four-member crew, as i say, two of the four have been interviewed. also today, the flight attendants will sit down with the federal investigators. those, the flight attendants, they are getting a lot of praise right now for their roles. a lot of them heroic roles in evacuating the plane under awful, awful circumstances. one even carried a young boy on her back. she was one of the last to leave the aircraft. cnn's miguel marquez is joining us now from san francisco with more. these stories, miguel, you've spoken to a lot of these people, these stories are really, really heroic. >> reporter: it's stunning that anybody survived this scene. the more we know about this, the more stunning it is. that interview today with the pilot will be absolutely
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critical to this investigation. the big thing that the ntsb is looking at right now is how is it that this pilot, the co-pilot, perhaps two other pilots sitting in the cockpit at the time didn't understand what was happening to the plane and didn't understand how much trouble it was in. what were the other controls that they were looking at, what other devices do they have at the ready there? a senior flight attendant on that flight, she describes the landing that it felt normal up until the time of the crash. she also talks about what happened immediately after the plane came to a stop. >> translator: first, after the plane stopped completely, i went into the cockpit to see whether the captain was alive or not. i knocked the cockpit door, the captain opened it, and i asked, are you okay, captain? and he said, yes, i'm okay.
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i asked, should i perform evacuation? and he told me to wait. so i closed the door and made an announcement, because the passengers were upset and things were confusing. i said, ladies and gentlemen, our plane has completely stopped. please remain seated. the plane will not move anymore. >> now, passengers became very agitated, wanted off of that plane. we eventually saw the video of the slides popping out and then one person comes down and then very, very quickly many other passengers get out of that plane. ntsb today begins to talk to those flight attendants, as well. we don't know if they'll get through all of them. these interviews do take the time, because korean in many cases is their language, so they sit down with a team of folks and talk to both the pilots and flight attendants through all of this. wolf? >> you see the people when they are running away from that plane, and running is critical, because later we saw a lot of
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the flames really develop. what do investigators know about the seconds, the seconds, before the crash? i know that debra hersman, the chair of the national transportation safety board, she's walked through, but there are some specifics that you have. >> reporter: yeah. they have put out information from the flight data recorders d from the voice recorders in the cockpit to try to piece together and give us raw data about what they know about what happened seconds before that crash. they say it was on a normal glide path now and that it was coming in too low and very, very slow. about 40 or 50 miles slower than it should have been. at skbakt impact, it was doing 121 miles per hour, but it was just too late. wolf? >> miguel marquez on the scene for us in san francisco, thanks. americans on that asiana flight 214 could get more money than passengers from china and south
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korea, if, and there's a big if, there's future judgments against the airline. international law could prevent asian passengers from suing, one expert says passengers will probably get settlements of more than $1 million, even if they were not necessarily physically injured. let's get a check of some of the other top stories happening right now. osama bin laden's obscure and paranoid domestic life exposed in documents leaked to the pakistani news media. the new 300-plus-page report details how the dead al qaeda leader wore a cowboy hat while working in his garden in pakistan, hoping the large brim would hide his face from spy satellites. he was also unable to watch tv and surf the web and killed time with vegetable growing contests with his children and grandchildren. cnn is working to confirm the authenticity of the report. it's called the zero option.
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the white house now seriously considering withdrawing all u.s. troops from afghanistan next year. that according to a senior obama administration official. plans focused on keeping a small force behind in afghanistan after 2014 to fight insurgents, but in recent months, president obama is said to have become increasingly frustrated with the afghan president hamid karzai. karzai, who has been very critical of u.s. troops over the last few years, has said he would like u.s. troops to stay in afghanistan after 2014. that might not necessarily happen. indeed, the entire withdraw, still about 60,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan right now, still costing u.s. taxpayers billions of dollars. those troops remain, most of them, until the end of next year 2014, but that withdrawal could be accelerated given the friction right now that has developed between these two presidents, presidents karzai and president obama. flooding leaves hundreds of passengers stranded for hours on
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a train in toronto. historic rains overwhelmed the city's drainage system and submerged the rail line. police had to go out in boats and pull the commuters out one by one. the cleanup in canada continues this morning and tens of thousands of customers remain without power. the country singer randy travis is in critical condition at a texas hospital this morning. the 54 year old is being treated for a viral heart infection. travis apparently had been feeling fine until sunday, according to a spokesman. it's not clear what caused his infection. there are fears of renewed violence in egypt today with funerals set for some of the mohamed morsi supporters who were killed in monday clashes with security forces. at the same time, egypt's interim leader is moving forward with election plans, angering backers of the deposed president morsi. following all this from cairo, another potentially violent day out there in cairo.
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right now, these funerals taking place. first of all, reza, what is happening right now? >> reporter: well, egypt is bracing itself for another day of potential violence, and every day in this country seems like another intense round of fighting. in this conflict, on one side you have the liberals, the moderates, secularists, supporters of the military, they seem to be winning. momentum seems to be on their side. they seem to be on their way to establishing a new transitional government. and on the other side, you have supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsi, the muslim brotherhood. they are angry and crying out for this process to stop and they are crying out for security forces to be held responsible for yesterday's deadly clashes. and it's still not clear how these clashes started. the armed forces, security forces, they are blaming an armed group of terrorists. they are blaming protesters. protesters have responded by saying, we didn't start this, it was security forces who fired first. so you have this back and forth,
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critical questions remain, who fired first, and even if security forces -- even if protesters fired first, was the lethal force in response that killed more than 50 people, was that justified? as you mention, funeral services today for some of the fatalities, so expect another highly charged, emotional day. in the meantime, this interim president, interim government, is not waiting for any investigation to be completed. they seem to be pushing forward and establishing this all-important new government. wolf? >> reza, in the past 48 hours, i've had some discussions with top u.s. obama administration officials, as well as military commanders, u.s. officials who have been in close touch with egypt, and their message to the egyptians right now is simply this, help us help you. in other words, show us that you're moving towards democracy, get a road map towards elections under way. hopefully, stop the violence. u.s. aide, military aide, about
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a billion and a half dollars a year is not going to be stopped, that's going forward. the u.s. is not calling this a military coup. there won't be legal questions about the continuation of u.s. military and economic assistance to egypt. there would be if the u.s. decided to formally call that a coup. they are not doing that. i assume this message is resinating with those who are in power in the military and their supporters right now, but what's the reaction to the obama administration's position? >> reporter: well, there's no question that there's a big section of the population, these are the opponents of mr. morsi, that want stability, that want this new transitional government to move forward, but standing in their way is the supporters of president morsi, the ousted president morsi, the muslim brotherhood. they don't like the way this process has been unfolded. they say this is a violation of the most basic principles of democracy, and if you look at the possible scenarios, they all seem very unlikely.
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you can reach out and make peace with the muslim brotherhood, but they say short of reinstating mr. morsi, nothing will satisfy them. this transitional government can get aggressive and stifle the muslim brotherhood, supporters of the ousted president, but this is movement that has decades of enduring oppression. most analysts say they are not going anywhere. you could plausibly wait for them to run out of steam, but at this point, that hasn't happened yet. lots of unknowns, lots of uncertainty that's only adding to the drama in egypt, wolf? >> you see the crowds developing over there. they are still deep, deep animosity on both sides of this battle that's under way in egypt. reza, we'll stay in close touch with you. thanks very much. let's hope it stays peaceful and quiet as they work out their problems in egypt. so much at stake for all of us. we're waiting for testimony to resume, once again, in the george zimmerman murder trial. the jurors are not in the courtroom. you see george zimmerman right there.
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they are going through a procedural hearing with a judge whether to release as evidence an animation, computerized animation. the defense wants it released as evidence, the prosecution resisting. there you see daniel schumaker, he created this demonstration. that's coming up. also coming up, for the first time we are now hearing from those three women who were held hostage, who were tortured, for a decade in cleveland. >> i may have been through hell and back, but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. >> their inspiring message of hope about their new lives. that's next.
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they are going through a discussion right now before the judge. the jurors have not yet come back into the courtroom on this -- in the george zimmerman second-degree murder trial. there you see daniel schumacher. he created an animation. the defense would like it to be admitted, showing what the defense says happened on that night when george zimmerman shot and killed trayvon martin. the prosecution, the state, doesn't want the animation released as evidence. the judge has to make a decision whether or not this animation, which is mostly, we're told, still photos of what the defense
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says happened when trayvon martin, they say, was on top of george zimmerman, was beating him, and then george zimmerman took out his gun and shot and killed trayvon martin in the heart. we're monitoring this largely legal technical discussion that's going on before the judge. there you see mark o'mara, the criminal defense attorney for george zimmerman, will go back there once we get word on this. of course, once the jurors go back into the courtroom and the defense resumes calling witnesses, we'll have live coverage, so stand by for that. but there's other news we're covering in the "cnn newsroom," as well. they were held captive for a decade and they finally got their freedom after a dramatic rescue two months ago and now they are breaking their silence. amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight, they are speaking out in a newly posted youtube video. cnn's pamela brown has been following the story for us from the very beginning. she was in cleveland, she's joining us now and this is so emotional, pamela, this video.
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i want you to explain to viewers who may just be getting up on the west coast who haven't seen this yet what is going on, because it is powerful. >> so powerful, wolf. as you mention, i have been in cleveland several times over the past couple of months covering this story, learning about the horrific details of what these young women allegedly went through for more than ten years, and now to see them speaking out, seemingly doing well, is just incredible, wolf. in this youtube video, they talk about moving forward with their new lives, putting the past behind them, and they thank the public for giving them privacy. in a four-minute youtube video, amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight are speaking publicly for the first time to say simply, thanks. >> i want to thank everyone who has helped me and my family through this entire ordeal. everyone who has been there to support us has been a blessing to have such an outpouring of
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love and kindness. >> i would say, thank you for the support. >> thank you, everyone, for your love, support, and donations. which help me build a brand new life. >> more than a million dollars has been donated to the courage fund to help the women heal after a decade of alleged abuse in captivity by ariel castro. castro is charged with beating, raping, and starving them, even forcing the miscarriage of a baby he fathered, yet in the video made last week, the women seem upbeat, not bitter. >> i'm getting stronger each day and i'm having my privacy has helped immensely. i ask that everyone continues to respect our privacy and give us time to have a normal life. >> be positive. learn that it's important to give than to receive. thank you for all your prayers. >> michelle knight held the longest, appeared to suffer the worst abuse. here she hints at the pain of the ordeal and what she learned
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from it. >> i will not let the situation define who i am. i will define the situation. i don't want to be consumed by hatred. with that being said, we need to take a leap of faith and know that god is in control. >> they were once known only as silent victims, now amanda berry, gina, and michelle knight want the world to know they have a voice and have reclaimed their lives. and, wolf, the young women's attorney told me earlier, he reiterated this was their message delivered the way they wanted. there will likely be no more public announcements from these women any time soon, and again, they are continuing to ask the public for privacy so that they can continue to heal. wolf? >> they are making it clear, pamela, they are not going to be sitting down for one-on-one interviews or anything of that nature. they just wanted to get this out
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on youtube, thank everyone for all their support, all their help, and now get back to their private lives, is that right? >> that's right, yeah, that's right. this is really their way of just saying thank you. as their attorney told me earlier today, they really just wanted to say thank you, as we mention in the story, more than a million dollars has been raised for the courage fund. that will be split up in separate trusts for the victims, the three young women, and the little girl. 9,200 donations, apparently, have gone into that courage fund, according to the website, i looked at that earlier this morning. that's a way for the young women to speak out and show they are taking control of their new lives and just moving forward. >> very powerful video. let's hope these three -- these three women can create new lives for them after the horror that they've gone through over the past decade. pamela, thanks very much. signs are pointing to a fourth straight day of gains in the markets with the numbers nearing record highs.
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alison kosik is joining us now from the new york stock exchange. what's fuelling this latest surge? >> you look at the past couple of months, wolf, and it's really been one of those times you've seen stocks really all over the map. look at the dow, it's less than 200 points away from the record high that it hit in may. that record high was 15,409. the major averages are taking their cues this morning from world markets. we saw gains in both europe and asia overnight, so investors are hoping for a decent corporate earnings season, as well. second quarter earnings season after the closing bell last night, the company edged past expectations in the second quarter, helping to add to the positive sentiment that we are seeing this morning. wolf, there is one stock we are keeping an eye on today, that's barnes and noble. stocks are up 3.5%. the book seller last night said ceo william lynch has resigned and the company basically is the
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last brick and mortar book store out there, but its biggest problem at this point has been its nook e-reader. it's had a hard time competing with amazon's kindle and apple's ipad. even when people buy physical books, they are buying them cheaper online than in stores. in the latest quarter, barnes and noble lost $120 million. it has no immediate plans to name a new ceo, but investors are cheering their latest decision, wolf? bookstores all over the country that all of us grew up with, all of us love, but they are struggling right now. >> they really are struggling. >> it's too bad that's the nature of the business. stuff changes, but my heart goes out to them, because i still love going to those little bookstores and seeing what's on those shelves. alison, you'll continue to monitor the markets for us, thanks very much. we're waiting for testimony to begin once again in the george zimmerman murder trial. right now, they are going through whether or not there should be an animation,
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computerized animation released as evidence. the jurors are not in the courtroom. the judge will make a decision, we assume, soon. there's mark o'mara, the criminal defense attorney, who wants this animation released. the prosecution doesn't. we'll monitor that. we'll take a quick break, we'll be right back. hmm...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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your next trip is calling you. saying, "dan, schedule a 5 o'clock meeting at a hilton garden inn." or "dan"... hey, dad. ..."explore your family tree at a homewood suites." [ family ] hi, dan. or "put your feet in the sand at a waldorf astoria." never stop vacationing, dan. book during the great getaway for great rates at our ten top hotel brands. travel is calling you to
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once again, we're standing by for the trial, the second-degree murder murder trial of george zimmerman to resume. the jurors have not yet returned to the courtroom. they are having a debate right now between the prosecution and the defense over this guy, this is daniel schumacher. he created an animation, the defense would like it to be released as evidence. it shows the defense version of what happened on that night when george zimmerman shot and killed trayvon martin. the judge will have to make a decision whether this animation, this computerized animation, which mark o'mara says is largely some still photos animated still photos, if you
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will, whether or not this will be released as evidence. we'll monitor that. once the jurors come back, we'll have live coverage of the witnesses that the defense will call on this day. stand by for that. in the meantime, we're checking some other news that's happening right now, including this amazing story. a young michigan woman pleading guilty to trying to have her husband killed and why did she want him dead? it was easier than getting a divorce. that's what she told a hitman, who turned out to be an undercover police officer. all was captured by a surveillance camera. here's cnn's poppy harlow. >> reporter: the woman in the batman sweatshirt is no super hero. according to prosecutors, she thinks she's hired a hit man to kill her husband. >> i'm going to shoot him right in the face. >> reporter: but the hit man, he's actually an undercover michigan state police detective, and according to this surveillance tape released by
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prosecutors, he's meeting with 21-year-old julia merfeld. >> terrible as it sounds, it's easier than divorcing him, don't have to worry about the judgment of my family or breaking his heart. >> reporter: instead of breaking his heart, she plans to hire someone to shoot him and make it look like a robbery. she even giggles as she tells the undercover officer she prefer the hit to take place outside. >> because it would be messy in the house. i could always have him clean out my car, my van's a mess. >> reporter: in this meeting with the undercover detective, she seems to question the plan. >> is this a bad idea for me? >> hey, i'm willing to do it, you know, whatever your reasons are, i don't really care. you know, i just want the money. >> reporter: police reportedly set up the sting after they were tipped off by her coworker after she first tried to get him to carry out her plot. >> she was laughing, i figured
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she was just joking. the more she got into detail about how she wanted it done, where she wanted it done, then i went to the authorities and said this is what's going on. >> reporter: in the video, she said she planned to pay the hit man thousands of dollars, money that would come from her husband's life insurance policy. >> all set? >> thank you. >> good luck. >> thank you, good luck to you, too. >> julia merfeld pleaded guilty last month to solicitation to murder. she's scheduled to be sentenced july 30th. the judge reported she could spend a minimum six years and maximum life in prison. we'll let you know what happens on that story. once again, we're waiting for testimony to begin in the george zimmerman murder trial. there you see mark o'mara. he is arguing that a computerized animation should be released as evidence in this trial. the jurors are not in the courtroom right now. judge debra nelson is hearing the arguments between both sides. we'll be right back with more coverage.
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the major legal discussion under way, a lot of technical issues before judge debra nelson right now. there's daniel schumacher, he's making the case for this computerized animation that he created of what happened when trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman. these are largely still photos that the defense wants released as evidence. the jurors are not hearing this discussion, they are not in the courtroom right now. that was mark o'mara, the criminal defense attorney. they are making a pitch to the judge, release this animation. the prosecution, the state,
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doesn't want it released. soon we'll find out, we assume, from judge nelson, whether or not she will admit this animation as evidence. and then after that, the jurors will come into the courtroom, we're told, and the defense will resume calling witnesses. we'll have live coverage of all of this under way. you remember last night at the very end after the jurors were dismissed, judge debra nelson did allow the toxicology report, which showed that trayvon martin had some marijuana earlier in the day to be admitted as evidence. we assume that witnesses will be called to discuss that at some point, as well, maybe as early as today. so stand by, we'll have live coverage. that's coming up. let's check other news happening in the "cnn newsroom" right now. americans are getting better, apparently, at paying their bills, according to a new report. deli the lowest level since 1990.
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experts say rising stock prices and a better jobs picture played a big role in that drop. in weather, tropical storm chantel may be racing towards florida with 50 mile an hour winds right now, the tropical storm is expected to pass over terr puerto rico, the dominican republic, and haiti over the coming days. not exactly sure where it will go next, but people from florida, up the coast, they are being urged to start paying attention. a massachusetts judge has ordered papers about evidence collected in aaron hernandez's home to be publicly released later this afternoon. attorneys for the former new england patriots tight end can appeal the ruling. patriots owner robert kraft is speaking to reporters now for the first time since hernandez was charged with murder. we decided -- we decided the week prior to aaron's arrest that if aaron was arrested in connection with the lloyd murder case that we would cut him immediately after.
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kraft also says, if this stuff is true, then i've been duped and our whole organization has been duped. we have a warning about some terrifying video you are about to see. fire engulfs a man after an accident at a gas station. and he survived. cnn's mikalah pereira has the story. >> reporter: it is not a scene from this summer's blockbuster action flick. this explosion at an exxon gas station was captured on the fourth of july by a surveillance camera in clarksville, tennessee. look again as the driver enters oncoming traffic, careening through a gas pump, taking it out, and setting a man on fire. >> you can see him rolling back and forth, which is what we teach not only children to do, but adults to do as well. >> reporter: here he is right before the crash, walking with another man. when the car comes barreling towards the two of them, there's no time for porter to react before the explosion engulfs him in flames. but fire officials say it was his stop, drop, and roll technique that saved his life.
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>> he did everything properly. i was very pleased to see that he did not panic and run, because if he had panicked and ran, it would have fed the fire. he would have been burned, i'm sure, a whole lot worse than what he was. >> porter is in critical but stable condition, suffering from burns on 40% of his body. according to clarksville police, the man behind the wheel says he blacked out and the crash reports indicate there were no evidence of drugs or alcohol at the scene of the accident. >> mikalah pereira reporting. what a story that is. the driver, by the way, was not injured in that crash, and although the crash reports indicate no evidence of drugs or alcohol, a blood test is still pending. all right, so we're still waiting for testimony to resume in the george zimmerman second-degree murder trial. we'll take a quick break. we're watching what's going on. stay with us. sandy, and after nine years of working at walmart, i know savings. and right now we've got everything you need for a great summer. this 5-piece dining set on clearance, save over $49!
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you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. all right. so once again, the jurors have
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not yet come back into the courtroom, but they will, we assume, fairly soon. the judge is hearing pros and cons right now, whether an animation, a computerized animation of what happened between trayvon martin and george zimmerman should be released as evidence. george zimmerman's lawyer, mark o'mara, you see him on the left, he's making the case for this animation to be released. he's got the witness, that's daniel schumacher, who created the animation, making the points on where all the information came that resulted in this animation, which is largely a whole bunch of still photos, created, re-created, if you will, of the encounter between george zimmerman and trayvon martin. they're going back and forth on this, so we'll hear what the judge decides, we assume, fairly soon. then the jurors will come back in and witnesses will be called. once again, defense witnesses. the state has already made its case. we'll see what the defense has in store for today. we expect some dramatic, important testimony, but we'll soon find out. meanwhile, there's some other news we're following, including
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edward snowden. he's still a man without a country. he's living in a moscow airport, but now the nsa leaker appears to have several options. venezuela and bolivia are both offering him asylum. the british newspaper, "the guardian," meanwhile, posted new video of an interview it conducted with snowden on june 6th. let's listen in. this was not earlier released. >> i think the government's going to, to launch an investigation. i think they're going to say i've committed grave crimes. i've, you know, violated the espionage act. they're going to say, you know, i've aided our enemies in making them aware of these systems, but that argument can be made against anybody who reveals information that points out mass surveillance systems. because fundamentally, they apply equally to ourselves, as they do to our enemies.
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>> snowden remains in limbo, now more than two weeks after arriving at moscow's international airport from hong kong. we're also hearing more from survivors of asiana flight 214, including a family of five and their desperate scramble to get out alive. cnn's sara sidner has this exclusive report. >> oh, my god! oh, it's an accident! >> reporter: the chaos of a plane crash, the sudden impact, the spinning, the dust, the fire, and then, the desperate scramble to stay alive. >> there was no warning or anything. it was just -- it just happened. >> reporter: 15-year-old esther, 13-year-old joseph, 11-year-old sarah jane and their parents were all inside that plane, returning from a family vacation. >> it was like, we were all bouncing all over the place. i just remember there being dust everywhere and i was freaking out and then it just stopped. >> reporter: at first, the jang
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siblings weren't even sure they had survived the crash. >> i was also calling out for my parents and i was -- well, i couldn't breathe for like -- because i got the wind knocked out of me. so i couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds. >> so after everything stopped and then i realized i was alive, and i looked over, and i saw my brother and sister. they were both fine. and then i looked over at my mom and my dad, and they were both on the floor, because their seats fell down. and then i called their names out, and they both, like, moaned kind of. >> reporter: all five of them were hurt. the jang family was sitting in the back of the plane when the tail hit the seawall. their heads snapped forward, luggage fell, and seats buckled, making it challenging for them to escape quickly. >> well, after the chairs fell on us, it was hard to get out. >> someone helped us out, and
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then my brother and sister both went out an exit on my right, and i realized that i was limping, so i -- and their exit did not have a slide, so a flight attendant brought me to another exit, which had a slide, which was on the opposite side of the plane. >> reporter: the entire jang family eventually made it out alive. >> when we all reunited, like, my family and i, i was really glad, so i started crying. >> reporter: the jangs set out for a memorable trip, the first time the children were going to south korea, for a glimpse of their heritage. but on the way home, they ended up learning a frightening lesson of survival. sara sidner, cnn, san francisco. >> what an amazing story that is. sara, thank you so much for putting it all together for us. once again, we're awaiting testimony to begin in the george zimmerman murder trial. they're going through a back and forth now on whether or not an animation should be released as
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evidence. we'll continue our coverage in a minute. (announcer) born with a natural energy cycle... cats. they were born to play. to eat. then rest. to fuel the metabolic cycle they were born to have, purina one created new healthy metabolism wet and dry. with purina one and the right activity, we're turning feeding into a true nature experience. join us at "stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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you're looking, by the way, at leiv pictu live pictures right the now from the george zimmerman second-degree murder trial as attorneys argue over the use of animated reenactment of the shooting. they're showing the judge, right now, judge debra nelson, the reenactme reenactment. there you see in the middle of the screen, daniel schumacher, he put it all together. they wanted to show it up on the big screen, they couldn't figure out how to do that. they've got some major technical glitches there. so you see the lawyers, they're making the arguments, the prosecution resisting this animation. they don't want it to be released as evidence. the defense, on the other hand, they do. the jurors are not in the courtroom. the judge, judge debra nelson, she is clearly frustrated, angry that it's taking so long, more than an hour and a half right now. they started at around 8:30 a.m. this morning eastern time. it's now after 10:00 a.m. eastern time and the judge not very happy that this is taking so long. she wants those jurors in the courtroom as soon as possible, so they can resume calling
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witnesses. we'll see what happens. the judge is now taking a look at that animation. she's seeing it. we, unfortunately, are not seeing that animation. now, let's discuss what's going on. george howell is on the scene for us. he's our reporter. he's been there. she is no-nonsense. she doesn't want the jurors, these six women, five of them mothers, they've been gone from their families for a long time. she wants this trial to move on. she's not very happy about it taking so long for them to make their arguments, proand c and cn favor or opposed, to this computer reenactment. >> just a few minutes ago, she said she's got a jury waiting to come in. she wants to move this process along. but, again, she's watching, she's looking at this computer animation right now. the prosecution does not want it in the case. it's apparently based on the theory of vincent demaio. he is a well-regarded forensic pathologist, part of the defense's case. the prosecution does not want
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that to become evidence. and they are pushing to keep this animation out of the case. just yesterday, wolf, we heard from a long list of witnesses who really all seemed to be character witnesses, vouching for george zimmerman's voice on that 911 audio tape. and we saw the defense team put tracy martin on the stand, to explain what he told investigators, that that was not the voice of his son. listen. >> reporter: one after another after another, defense witnesses hammered home the same answer when asked who was screaming on this 911 call. >> do you think he's yelling "help"? >> yes. >> all right, what is your -- [ gunshot ] >> do you know whose voice that is in the background screaming? >> yes, definitely, it's georgie. >> i thought it was george. >> when i heard the tape, my immediate reaction was, that's george screaming for help. >> whose voice is it? >> george zimmerman's voice. >> there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that is george
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zimmerman. and i wish to god i did not have that ability to understand that. >> reporter: it was john donnelly's testimony that even made george zimmerman emotionally. donnelly told jurors he bought zimmerman's clothes for trial and once taught him how to tie a windsor knot. defense attorneys drew on his experience in combat as a medic who routinely heard people scream to help to make their case that the voice screaming on the 911 call was george zimmerman. that set the stage for tracy martin, trayvon martin's father. defense attorneys first recalled two investigators, who say martin told them, no, the voice screaming was not his son. then they put martin on the stand. >> i didn't tell them, no, that wasn't trayvon. i kind of, i think the chairs had wheels on them and i kind of pushed away from the -- away from the table and just kind of shook my head and said, i can't
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tell. >> so your words were, "i can't tell"? >> something to that effect. but i never said "no, that wasn't my son's voice." >> reporter: defense attorneys also called up the owner of the gym where zimmerman trained to legal cause weight. to demonstrate how a person could hold another down, adam pollack got on top of mark o'mara to show the jury, but when describing his client's skill level -- >> he's still learning how to punch. he didn't know how to really effectively punch. >> on a scale of one to ten, where would mr. zimmerman fit? >> like i said, about a one. >> reporter: finally, judge debra nelson ruled that testimony regarding marriage levels in trayvon martin's system will now be admitted as evidence for jurors to consider. a critical ruling as this trial moves into day 11. >> reporter: and back to live pictures here in this courtroom in sanford, florida. you can see daniel schumacher making the case about what he does, explaining this technology, these crime scene
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reconstructions, and actually showing the judge, we do expect a ruling on that today, before the jury comes in to listen to more testimony. and wolf, also, there was another big ruling that came down yesterday about this evidence of marijuana use, marijuana levels in trayvon martin's system. that's something that the jury will now hear. this comes after several witnesses took the stand, many of them friends of george zimmerman, who had favorable things to say about him. i talked to darryl parks about that. he's an attorney who represents trayvon martin's family, to get his opinion about how that plays out in court listen. >> we heard from many people the other day, talking about george zimmerman, almost character witnesses. what does this do in light of that to trayvon martin? >> they weren't almost character witnesses, they were character witnesses. we sat there and listened to the vietnam veteran, make us relive the vietnam war in court the other day. and all he did and used that to
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bolster the situation. we've heard all type of witnesses that have bolstered the character. so i think your insinuation that it was a somewhat character -- no, it was. i think you're right on point. and most people saw it as that. >> reporter: so wolf, right now, we just watch and wait to see what happens with this particular ruling. as you mentioned, the judge wants to get this process moving. she's got a jury waiting to hear more testimony. the defense wants to make their case over the next several days, so depending upon what happens with this ruling, we'll see if new evidence will be dpladmitteo the case. >> they've been discussing this since 8:30 a.m. eastern, 90 minutes or so. the judge clearly frustrated it was taking so long. she wants those jurors back in the courtroom, so that witnesses can come forward and this trial can move on. george, stand by. we'll get back to you momentarily. but there's another big story we're following right now. the national transportation safety board says investigators
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will interview the pilot who was at the controls of that asiana flight 214. the interview will happen later today. so far, about half of the flight crew has already been interviewed. also today, the flight attendants will sit down with the investigators, the flight attendants are getting a lot of praise for their heroic roles in evacuating the plane. one even carried a young boy on her back. she was one of the last to leave the aircraft. cnn's miguel marquez is joining us now from san francisco. miguel, you have the chair of the ntsb, debora hersman, with you. i understand they're not very happy, all the pilots unions, about all the information that is being so quickly released. and i know you want to discuss that with debora hersman. >> reporter: yeah, a couple of big things happening, as you mentioned. the pilot, the man who was at the helm of that plane will be spoken to or interviewed by the ntsb shortly. and also, i want to bring in debora hersman here with the ntsb, the chairman of the ntsb.
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thank you for being with us. the association of airline pilots is upset that so much information has come out, that you are making so much information about raw data about this crash available to the public. how do you respond to their concerns? >> one of the hallmarks of ntsb's investigations is our transparency. we have a standard process for going to accident sites and providing briefings. information that we release is factual in nature and it's not subject to change throughout the course of the investigation. we've been very careful to caution people not to draw any conclusions. we understand that there are many advocates out there for different interests, but the ntsb is an advocate for the traveling public, and part of what we do is making sure the public has confidence in our investigations. >> i guess, the lack of information can also cause speculation concern in the public. is that sort of the balance
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you're working off of here? >> absolutely. we know we've been doing this for over 40 years, that there will always be people who will step into an information vacuum and provide their perspectives. their opinions about what's happened, we believe that it is always better to put out the correct information and factual information, so that bad information is not allowed to continue to proficate. >> we know you have spoken to half of the flight crew. can you tell us how those discussions and those interviews are going? >> reporter: those interviews are going very, very well. we're so thankful that we have crew members to interview. the pilots can provide us outstanding observations from their experiences on the flight deck. they can tell us what was happening, what they know, what procedures they're following. we've got the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, which can give us discreet data points, but we want to get to the pilots to
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understand what they were thinking, what they were experiencing. >> reporter: a lot of people have talked about the cultural differences in flight crews and the problems that that may cause in these situations. is that something that's part of your investigation as well? >> you know, it's interesting, because there has always been conversations about multi-member flight crews and how they interact together. there's been questions about authority gradients, in different cultures and also between captains and first officers, and in fact, decades ago, that was the very genesis of crew resource management. how junior pilots can challenge senior piltss. howcommunicate, how they follow procedures. so crn is a very important part of our investigations and looking at the human performance and how they communicate and work together. >> reporter: we know four pilots total were on that plane. it was a long haul flight. do you know how many pilots were in the cockpit when the crash occurred? >> there are four pilots on the plane, we have relief crew,
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because it's a more than ten-the hour flight. it's a long flight. we have interviewed crew members who were in the cockpit at time of the crash, but we have not yet interviewed the flying pilot. we're going to do that today. once we do that, we'll release information about those interviews. >> can you say, it's going to be difficult to say anything right now, but can you say anything about how is it that so many pilots could be sitting in the cockpit and nobody realized that something was critically wrong? >> i think that's what's so important about understanding what the pilots were seeing, what they were experiencing, how much they were doing manually, how were they were relying on automation, what their expectations and understanding are. and so that information will be helpful to us, but i will tell you, approach and landing is a critical phase of flight. everyone's got to be at the top of their game, they've got to be paying attention. and we also want to make sure that if they're relying on automation or using automation, that those tools are used
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appropriately. >> reporter: a big issue here, the pilot that was at the controls was very experienced on 747s, a huge plane, a long-haul plane, but not so experienced on 777s. how different are those cockpits, both made by boeing, but how different are those planes? >> the aircraft are both in the boeing family. the 777 will require the pilot to take some specific training, and so when we look at that transition training for him, we'll want to understand that. we'll want to understand how different, not just the 74, but other cockpits that he flew. what his experience was in those, what his expectations were. getting this initial operating experience, this, you know, really on the job experience in the 777 is really the last part of that before he's going to be a captain. >> chairman hersman, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> reporter: really appreciate it. wolf, i'll hand it back to you. the ntsb will also be talking to flight attendants later this
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afternoon, and they'll want a full picture of how that evacuation went. >> good work. thank deborah hersman for all of us. miguel marquez on the scene. by the way, americans on that asiana flight 214 could get more money in settlements than passengers, let's say, from china or south korea, if there are future judgments against the airline. bloomberg news says international law could prevent asian passengers from suing in american courts, where victims tend to get more money. one expert says passengers will probably get settlements of more than $1 million, even if they were not physically injured. right now, there are deep fears of renewed violence in egypt today, with funerals set for some of the mohamed morsi supporters, who were killed in clashes monday, egyptian security forces. at the same time, egypt's interim leader is moving forward with election plans, angering backers of the deposed president. cnn's reza sayah is following all of this from cairo.
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he's joining us now with the very latest. i take it, reza, the funerals of those 50 plus people who were killed in those clashes with security forces have taken place, but what's been the follow up, what's happening on the streets of cairo? >> reporter: this is another day of uncertainty, anxiety. some people are bracing themselves for another day of violence. and the way things stand right now, i don't think anyone knows how this conflict is going to end and where post-revolution egypt is ed thatted. there's certainly millions of egyptians who want to move this country forward, into a new transitional government, but there's a sizable portion of the population. supporters of mr. morsi, the ousted president, the muslim brotherhood, they are anger. and consider the astonishing change in fortune that they have endured over the past week. one week ago, they had their president in power, mr. morsi was president. within the past six or seven days, all of a sudden, they're sitting in the opposition. they're protesting. and i think from here on out,
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every day is going to be a test for them. we know that they're angry, but how angry? we know that they've come out and protested. how many more days will they come out and protest? we know they're cornered and isolated. will they find a way to increase their leverage, to stop this process with which this country is moving forward in a transitional government? and of course the fatalities yesterday, still a lot of unknowns. what happened, who started it? the armed forces saying it was an armed group of terrorists, the supporters saying, no, it was security forces. all sorts of unanswered questions, but this country with its new transitional government seems to be rapidly pushing forward to move ahead, even though this conflict has yet to be resolved, wolf. >> and morsi himself, we haven't heard anything, i take it he's not tweeting, he's not talking,
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he's under, effectively, house arrest at that republican guard building in cairo. is that the latest information, reza, that we're getting about the now former president of egypt? >> reporter: frankly, wolf, it's not clear where he is. if you go by state media reports, he's still being held in custody in the presidential guard headquarters, in cairo. and no one's seen or heard from him since he was ousted on wednesday. there are some reports that he's only being held in custody for his own safety, for precautionary measures. but there's also other reports that he along with other leaders of the muslim brotherhood are being investigated on possible accusations that they incited violence. but no sign of the former president for close to a week now, wolf. >> i know several countries have offered him asylum. he's rejected all of those offers, i think from qatar, from turkey, other countries in the region. we'll see what happens. reza sayah on the scene for nus cairo, thanks very, very much. stay with us, we're awaiting
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testimony to get underway any minute now in the george zimmerman murder trial. they've taken a little recess. the jurors have not yet been brought in. we'll have live coverage. that's coming up. also coming up, for the first time, we are now hearing from those three women who were held hostage and tortured in cleveland for a decade. >> i may have been through hell and back, but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. >> their inspiring message of hope about their new lives. stand by for that. uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico?
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i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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jurors to be brought into the courtroom shortly. we'll have live coverage of that coming up. stand by, the george zimmerman second-degree murder trial continues. other news, though, right now, including this. for the first time we are now hearing from the three women who were held captive for nearly a decade in cleveland. pamela brown is joining us now from new york with more on this story. pam, you were there from the very beginning in cleveland and all of a sudden, overnight, we get this new video on youtube. what, it's about 3 1/2 minutes long. i want you to set it up for us, tell us what these three women are saying and then let's hear the video in full. >> well, wolf, this is clearly a message coming directly from the young women themselves, delivered the way that they want it, according to their attorney. these women were silenced for so long, they were in captivity for ten years, allegedly raped and beaten over that time. and now they're speaking out. they want everyone to know that they have a voice, that they're reclaiming their lives, and they
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also wanted to say a simple "thank you." >> first and foremost, i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family, my friends. it's been unbelievable. i want to thank everyone who has helped me and my family through in entire ordeal. everyone who has been there to support us has been a blessing to have such an outpouring of love and kindness. i'm getting stronger each day and having my privacy has helped immensely. i ask that everyone continue to respect our privacy and give us time to have a normal life. >> gina, if you could say something to each and every person out there, who contributed money to your fund, to help you, what would you say to them? >> i would say thank you for the support. >> i would like to thank everybody who donated to the courage fund for these girls and everybody that donated. i would also like to thank the
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families, for having so much passion and faith and the strength to go along with us. >> i would like, personally, to thank the courage fund, everybody, in general, and i'm also saying my community, my neighbors. every single one, they know who they are, awesome. so people, i'm talking not just people, but parents in general that does have a loved one missing, please do me one big favor. count on your neighbors. don't be afraid to ask for the help. because help is available. >> thank you, everyone, for your love, support, and donations. which helped me build a brand-new live. i just want everyone to know, i'm doing just fine. i may have been through hell and
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back, but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face and with my head held high and my feet firmly on the ground. walking hand in hand with my best friend, i will not let the situation define who i am. i will define the situation. i don't want to be consumed by hatred. with that being said, we need to take a leap of faith and know that god is in control. we have been hurt by people, but we need to rely on god as being the judge. god has a plan for all of us. a plan that he gave me was to help others that have been in the same situations i have been in. to know that there's someone out
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there to lean on and to talk to, i am in control of my own destiny, with the guidance of god. i have no problems expressing how i feel inside. be positive, learn that it's important to give than to receive. thank you for all your prayers. i'm looking forward to my brand-new life. >> so powerful. and more than a million dollars has been raised for the courage fund. and that will be divvied up in four separate funds for the young women. but, wolf, as you mentioned, i've been if cleveland several times over the last couple of months, covering this story, learning what these young women allegedly went through and it is just incredible to see how well they are seemingly doing. incredible. >> i know you've been in touch. the lawyers for these women, they say that, what, the women simply wanted to express their thanks for all the sort, for all
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the help, financial contributions, if you will, that they have received. that was their sole motivation. they're not going to start doing tv interviews or anything along those lines right now? >> right. he wants to make it clear that this was a way for these young women to give a direct thank you for everyone that has helped the them out and who has donated to their fund. and also to show everyone that, look, that they have a voice, that they're strong, and that they're moving on with their lives, and that they're not going to be silenced from this ordeal. i thought it was so poignant when we heard michelle knight say there, that i'm not going to let the situation define me. i'm going to define the situation. so it's a way for not only for the women to show they're in control of their new lives, but also to say a simple thank you to the public, and also, as you heard, they're asking for privacy so they continue to heal. and hopefully that will keep everyone at bay. wolf? >> what a story that is. pam, thanks very much. pamela brown reporting for us from new york. the george zimmerman trial, the judge is back in the
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courtroom right now. there you see george zimmerman, as he has been every day. wear now in the third week of this trial. he's having a little conversation with his attorney there, mark o'mara is to our back. we anticipate the judge will make a decision. i don't know if she is going to make it now or later on whether or not that animation, that reenactment that the defense would like to see admitted as evidence is going to be allowed or not. they spent about 90 minutes discussing that this morning. but we're watching to see if she does have a decision. we're also watching for the jurors to come back into the courtroom and for testimony to resume. we'll continue to monitor -- let's bring in sunny hostin, our legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, also paige pate, criminal defense attorney, as we await for the judge to move this trial forward. sunny, what do you make of this debate they had this morning on this reenactment? the defense wants it admitted as
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evidence, the prosecution says, not so fast. >> yeah, i'm surprised that the judge is considering it to this extent, just because it really is speculative and oftentimes judges don't allow these kinds of recreations, because you're kind of stepping into the province of the jury. the jury is supposed to determine, after hearing all of the witnesses and after looking at all the evidence, what happened that night. they aren't supposed to be viewing it through the prism of some sort of computer animation expert. so i'm actually surprised that she's taking this much time. she indicated just now that the jury has been waiting, she doesn't want the jury to wait any longer, and so she's going to take this up, the hearing again, after today's testimony. so she's not going to rule night now. we're not going to hear any expert testimony about this animation today, clearly. but it sounds as if she's leaning towards admitting it, which is surprising to me. >> and she says, as you pointed out, she will make a -- continue this discussion, continue the debate between the prosecution and the defense after all the witnesses are called today, once
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they end it, usually around 5:00 p.m. eastern, 6:00 p.m. eastern. whenever they do that, they'll resume this discussion. just as yesterday, after the jurors left, they had a discussion about whether that marijuana use that trayvon martin apparently showed in his blood test as part of his autopsy, the toxicology report she ruled last night after the jurors were out, that she would allow that to be admitted as evidence. what's your take, paige, on this debate over this computerized animation? sunny, you just heard her say, she's surprised the judge is even considering it seriously. >> sunny is right, this type of evidence doesn't always come into a trial. in fact, it's fairly unusual that it comes into a criminal trial. it's more common in civil trials. a lot of people are probably wondering, why is the judge just now considering this? why didn't it come up earlier? the reaeeal reason is the judges to wait to hear the evidence that's presented. she would not know the context,
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she would not know what evidence would be in the record to support the testimony of the defense witness in this case. it takes some time, it's an important issue, and she cannot make that ruling until she's heard the other evidence that was presented at trial. >> daniel schumacher, who created this reenactment, sunny, he says during his testimony, he's been qualified as an expert in these kinds of cases, only in california so far. he has not testified outside of california. says he's worked on 59 criminal cases, 21 civil cases. some of his work has been related to defense of police officers in both civil and criminal cases. that's why mark o'mara, you heard him make the case, that this individual, this defense computer graphics expert, as he's described, you heard mark o'mara, the criminal defense attorney, make the case, let this judge testify. the judge has not yet ruled on
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this decision. it's important -- i don't know how important it would be, but it could be dramatic, sunny, if the jars, the six women on that jury, if they actually see this reenactme reenactment, which presume apply would be favorable to george zimmerman's side of the story. if they were to see that, that could be more powerful than just hearing testimony from witnesses, saying one guy was on top, the other guy was on the bottom or whatever. so this could be a real bonanzb, potentially, if the judge decide to allow it as evidence. >> it could be a game changer. i will tell you, in civil cases, you do see this kind of accident reconstruction, and jurors love it, that is just love it. most people are visual learners, so you want to use exhibits, you want to use demonstrative exhibits. you want to show people things, because it sort of grains it in their memories. that's why judges are really loathe to let it in, because you don't want to step into the
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province of the jury and have someone tell them what happened. they need to determine what happened. but if the defense gets this, i've got to tell you, this would be extremely, extremely powerful, because you would see a recreation, a reenactment in, you know, realtime, almost. in a computerized fashion. and i think it could be a complete game changer for the defense, which is why they're argumenting so rigorously to get it in. >> and a lot of the information that he used in this reenactment, page, i want to take a quick break, but a quick answer from you, came from the testimony from one of the eyewitnesss, johngood, who was actually there, who saw what was going on, and he testified that it was zimmerman on the bottom, trayvon martin on the top. and that's some of the basis for this computerized animation, if you will. so it could be a potential game changer, if you will. go ahead, make a quick point and we'll take a break.
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>> absolutely, especially since that evidence is coming from a state witness and the jury will remember that. so this is putting them into george zimmerman's shoes and that is critical in a self-defense case. >> all right. stand by, guys. they're having a little sidebar with judge debra nelson. we expect the jurors to be coming back into the courtroom momentarily for the defense to start calling for the first time witnesses. once the testimony resumes in this zimmerman murder trial, we'll have live coverage here in the "cnn newsroom." let's take a quick break. we'll be right back. male announ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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show the jurors. they're going to resume testimony right now. we're watching what's going on. the jurors are being brought in, six women, all members of the jury, five of them mothers. they've brought some evidence, presumably from the lockers that they have sealed overnight, but they're going into that room to get some more. you see mark o'mara there, bringing some more evidence out. charts, looks like other stuff. i don't know what they have, but we're watching. maybe george howell who has been covering this trial for us has a better sense. looks like a hoodihoodie, looks the very famous hoodie. george, set the scene for us. >> basically what we understand now, we could hearing from vincent demaio. he is a well-regarded forensic pathologist and he will testify, basically, on his theory of what happened on february 26th, 2012, exactly how this shooting, how all of the events played out.
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keep in mind, though, he has been restricted in some ways, basically that he cannot testify that george zimmerman used justifiable force. he can't testify about justifiable force, but he will give an account based on the defense's theory, his theory, on how all of this plaid out. and rate now we're seeing some of that evidence. we've seen the hoodie in this courtroom, we've seen the gun that george zimmerman used in the courtroom, several other items of evidence. we could see those all return to the evidence as we hear this theory play out. >> so let's go into the courtroom and let's see what's going on right now. well, we just lost the audio from the courtroom, so they're waiting, presumably, for the jurors to come in. that's why, i guess, george zimmerman is stand right now, together with don west, one of his attorneys you see standing right next to george zimmerman. i think we've got the audio back from the courtroom, so let's listen in.
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>> i think they're still waiting for the jurors to come into the courtroom and be seated. the judge will have some admonitions to the jurors. the jurors standing there. so let's bring in page pate, criminal defense attorney, as we wait. you know, we're going to see that hoodie, that famous hoodie, that sweatshirt that trayvon martin was wear welcome the hood around his head. what does that suggest to you as a criminal -- as a criminal defense attorney, page? >> well, it's a critical piece of evidence, wolf, we've always known that from the beginning of the trial. but at this point, though, the defense doesn't just get to ask prosecution witnesses questions, they get to frent their own theory through their own expert, as to how the injuries may have occurred, how the death may have occurred, and obviously, the point is to help establish the self-defense claim. >> that george zimmerman acted
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in self-defense and that's why he shot and killed trayvon martin. but once again, explain why, what trayvon martin was wearing, specifically that sweatshirt with the hood over his head, why that would be so important. why do they have to go through all of that? >> well, at this point, we can only speculate until we actually hear the witness testify, was i assume this witness is going to talk about the markings on the sweatshirt and other articles of clothing that trayvon martin was wearing, to show the trajectory, perhaps, of the bullet, to show the distance that mr. zimmerman's arm was at the time he pulled the trigger. all of those are critical issues in this case. >> the judge is now talking to the six jurors. let's listen in. >> have any of you read or listened to any newspapers about the case. did any of use an electronic device to go on to the internet to talk about the case, people, places, terms?
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no hands are being raised. did any of you read or create any e-mails, twitters, tweets, blogs, or any social networking pang pages about the case? no hands are being raised. thank you very much. call your next witness? >> thank you, your honor. vincent demaio. >> raise your right hand, sir. >> do you swear the testimony presented will be the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you god? >> i do.
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>> you may proceed. >> thank you, your honor. good morning. >> good morning. >> if you would, please state your name. >> my name is dr. vincent j.m. demaio. >> and would you spell your last name, please. >> capital d, small i, a space, capital m-a-i-o. >> thank you, dr. di mayo. what is your professor? >> i'm currently employed in the practice of forensic pathology. >> do you old a degree in medicine? >> i obtain my degree from the university of new york medical center back in 1965. >> would you please outline for the jury in the court your educational background, then, beginning at medical school?
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>> okay. as i said, i graduated medical school in 1965. i then did a one-year internship of pathology at duke hospital in north carolina. from there, i did a three-year residency in anatomical and clinical pathology, at the state university, down state medical center hospital. following that, i did a one-year internship in forensic pathology with the medical examiner for the state of maryland. after successfully completing the three residency programs, i took my specialty board exams and was certified as a specialist in the fields of clinical pathology and forensic pathology. >> is that board certification, is that what you're referring to? >> yes, a board certification
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means that you've successfully completed a number of years of training in a sub-specialty of medicine, and then you have taken a written and practical exam, and passed the exam. and then you are certified and you're recognized we other physicians as a specialist in these areas of medicine. >> dr. di maio, you mentioned path olg. let's start with what is pathology, and maybe more details about those other areas. >> well, pathology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study and diagnosis of diseases. anatomical pathologists generally work in hospitals. and they examine tissue that is removed from somebody. if you had a mole removed from your skin, you had a breast biopsy or some tissue, you know, from inside your body or part of
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an organ removed, this is examined by a pathologist, who then tells your physician, what the disease is, if it's there, the extent of the disease, and then he tells you what the diagnosis is. pathologists are generally doctors doctors. you won't contact them because your physician has contact with them. and that's an anatomical. the clinical pathologist is concerned with the laboratory studies done on patients in a hospital. if you've had a blood test, a urine test. all of those are done in clinical pathology laboratories. the forensic pathologist is concern concerned more with the application of the medical sciences to problems in the law. most forensic pathologists function as medical examiners.
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that is, they determine the cause of death, what killed the person, and the manner of death, how it came about, in individuals who are thought of died in violence, such as homicides or suicides, or who have died suddenly and unexpectedly and the exact cause of death is not known. at that time, they may elect to do an autopsy. and then the autopsy findings and tests done, they'll make a determination as to the cause of death and manner of death, how it came about. >> let's talk for a moment about the professional physicians that you've held, following the training that you've outlined at this point. >> i'm sorry, but i'm having trouble hearing you. i apologize. my ears are getting a little less sensitive. >> let me touch this and see if it's --
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i'm happy to speak up, but if -- >> we can make it available, in case he needs assistance. >> sure. >> apparently, we don't have a p.a. system in the courtroom that amplifies my voice. so i'll just try to be more careful to speak up. >> yes, sir. >> so following the training that you've outlined, would you please give us an idea, then, of the professional positions that you've held? >> yes, sir. >> after i completed my training, i went into the army for two years. i was a major, assigned to the armed forces institute of pathology in washington, d.c. it was on the walter reed campus. for the first year, i was chief of the medical legal section. for the second year, i was chief of the wound ballistic section.
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following this, i moved to dallas, texas, was a medical examiner there, from the summer of 1972 until the end of february in 1981. in 1981, i became chief medical examiner of bxar county, texas. the "x" is silent. the major city is san antonio, which i'll give a club. it's the seventh largest city in the united states and a beautiful place to live. so i was chief medical examiner there from march 1st, 1981, until i retired, december the 31st, 2006. for 16 of the years i was there,
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i was also in charge of the crime laboratory. i then retired and i went into complete private practice of forensic pathologist, which i have been doing since then. i'm also the editor of the american journal of forensic medicine and pathology, which is an international journal of forensic medicine, and i'm chairman of the texas forensic science commission, which is a state agency charged, i guess you could say, monitoring the practices of crime labs in the state of texas. >> dr. di maio, you did mention that you were the director of the bxar county crime lab for about 16 years. could you expand on that a little bit? what was your role, more specifically, and what did the lab do? >> well, essentially, i established it. the police department had the
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crime lab, the county took over when i came there. it started out as just firearms and basic sirology and document examination, and then we were one of the first laboratories west of the mississippi to establish a dna laboratory. and it just does the usual things, you know, drug identification, dna, trace evidence. >> did some of that work include knowing how to package evidence that may have biological or perhaps dna evidence? >> well, yes. i mean, that -- but, usually, you just teach the forensic pathologists. they know that, even if they have no association with a crime laboratory, that you have to -- there's some techniques for handling trace evidence, you know, in collection, establishing a chain of evidence
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and packaging. >> is it well-known that there are certain requirements when you are packaging evidence that may contain biological samples, blood, other fluids that may have dna that are wet? >> yet, you have to dry out the material, and then package each item individually, in paper. because if you don't let it dry out, and especially if you put it in plastic containers, the bacteria just love that and they begin multiplying, and then you get mold and it just stinks to high evan, and everything deteriorates. >> so that's something that's well-known in the forensic pathology community? >> oh, yeah, that's standard practice. >> it's been well known for a while? >> yeah, i would say, about 30 years, that i know of.
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>> back to the work that you have done with the group that monitors forensic labs. i think you said -- >> oh, texas forensic science commission. >> yes, what is that work and what does that involve insofar as you and other pathologists? >> okay, essentially, it's a government agency and if there are problems, someone thinks there's a problem with a climb lab, either an individual in it or the whole laboratory, whether their techniques or whether there's -- that somebody in the lab is doing something wrong, then it's reported to the state agency, and then we investigate it and then issue a report. actually, most of the problems with the laboratories are actually reported by the laboratory themselves, because they don't -- they want the tests to be done proper.
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so they -- more than half of our investigations are laboratories reporting themselves, that there's something wrong with them. >> in addition to the professional positions that you've had and talked about, have you also had academic appointments? >> yes, with the university of texas system, i started out as an assistant -- yeah, assistant professor, then associate professor, and then i ended up as a full professor before i retired. >> and what subject matter, please? >> pathology, specifically, forensic pathology. >> have you, in addition to your day-to-day work as a medical examiner, and your work at the university as a professor in pathology, have you published any books or articles, scientific articles, in the area of pathology? >> yes, i've published 88
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article in peer review journals, i think 13 book chapters, and i've published four books. the first book was "gunshot wounds," which i wrote myself. and it's been published in english, french, and spanish. then i wrote a book called "forensic pathology," with my father, who was chief medical examiner of new york city, and he's deceased now. and then the third book was a handbook of forensic pathology, which i wrote with one of my colleagues, dr. susanna dana. and the first book was called "excited delirium syndrome," which i wrote about -- i'm the junior author of that book. the senior author of that book is my wife, who's a forensic
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nurse. so we wrote that book on excited delirium syndrome. that's the last one we've written. >> let's talk for a moment about your work in gunshots, that was, i think you said, the first book that you wrote, and has it been updated over time? >> there's been two additions published and the third addition is going to the publishers in at week or two. this week kind of delayed it. but it's going in about two weeks, the third edition. >> would you describe for the jury, generally, the purpose or the focus of that book, if it hasn't otherwise self-explanatory by its title. >> what it basically is, the book's about instructing people about firearms and then it talks about firearms, wounds in general, and rifle wounds, and handguns and shotguns. mentions things, how to do an
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autopsy, how to collect evidence, and what you can do with the analysis. >> when you say, gunshot wounds, are you talking about how a pathologist, could, by looking at a gunshot wound, learn such things as the distance, perhaps, from which the shot was fired? >> right. whether it's contact or near contact or loose contact or distant wound, range, nature of the weapon, you can tell by the wound in many cases, things like that. and how to describe it and how to document it. >> has that been the sort of work that you've been doing yourself, virtually your entire career? >> yes, i have a very strong interest in gunshot wounds. >> you also mentioned, dr. di maio, that you've written, i think you said 13 chapters. i take that that means in other people's books than your own. >> that's correct, sir. >> and how does that work.
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how would you come to write a chapter that someone else would include in one of their books? >> they solicit me to write the chapter. and say, would you please write a chapter on this and that. >> are some of those books amore comprehensive look at forensic pathology, than maybe what you wrote yourself in your gunshot wound book? >> well, i don't think so. usually, it depends. the chapters are not all on gunshot wounds. some of them are on excited delirium or other things, nursing -- investigation of nursing home deaths and such. >> about how many of those chapters, if you recall, that you wrote for other people's books, involve gunshot wounds? >> i think about seven. >> you also mentioned that you have authored or participated in about 88 peer reviewed articles. would you explain to the jury
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what is a peer reviewed article? >> essentially, it's a scientific article that is submitted to a journal and when the journal receives the article, they send it out for other people to review, to essentially give their opinion on whether it should be published or not. so it's reviewed by other people. then it comes back to the main editor, and then the editor decides whether to publish it or not. >> peers mean other pathologists? >> other pathologists, right. >> and if the article is, indeed, published, does that make it available to other pathologists, other researchers, who may want to refer to it in work they're doing, or to perhaps educate themselves as to the body of research out there in a particular subject area? >> it is. we have kind of like a
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central -- used to be, you looked in the library, but now you go on the computers and you can get into a medical library, and they'll have the articles listed and usually nowadays, you can actually review the article on the computer. but these are -- essentially, it's a lay barrier. so all these things are listed in certain indexes. for positions. >> about how many of the articles that you have participated in writing involved gunshot wounds? >> i think something like 35, 37, something like that. >> over the entire span of your career, you're talking about the peer review articles, the books, the chapters, and the research that you've done yourself? these events, these writings,
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were developed over the time that you've worked as a forensic pathologist. >> right, over 40 years. >> you mentioned that you had worked in bexar county, as the medical examiner, from 1981 until the end of 2006. during that time, did you routinely perform autopsies? >> yes, i performed about 9,000 autopsies and then i reviewed the autopsies that were done under my jurisdiction, and that was about at 27,000, 28,000. read the autopsies and said whether i agreed or not. and the 9,000, i did autopsies until act of the year that i retired. >> would you typically, if involved in a criminal case, involving work that you hade
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