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tv   Around the World  CNN  July 10, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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may i use this for a moment? i want to follow up on some of the questions. george zimmerman, trayvon martin. were the injuries on mr. zimmerman's consistent with someone doing this on cement? >> i don't think so. >> how about this? how about someone resisting it. could that have come from cement. if someone was resisting me from pushing down? >> i believe so. i believe it was a culmination of downward force whether it was from pushing or striking. i know clearly by the injuries to his face and that drive him back his head striking hard into the concrete. >> would you expect that somebody getting their head struck on the cement would attempt to resist it happening? >> of course. normal human instinct is try to
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mover away from the pain stimulus. >> would that occur not only the first time or every subsequent time? >> whether a push or strike every time you drive a strike or push downwards body goes until it hits an object that will stop it? >> did you see the pictures that showed punctate bruising and lacerations? >> those were the things that caught my eye to support the strike it was a striking and not a pushing so much because of the lack of the better word, injury or damage this i saw on the side of the head. there's swelling all around his head. it's not just the facial area. >> those injuries consistent with somebody pushing head down to the side, you see me move it to the side like that. similar to that hitting cement? >> it could be that or punches
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as well. >> then on the other side would the injuries consistent with hitting it down on the side on the left side of mr. zimmerman? >> it could be. just like mr. guy pointed out if mr. zimmerman is on the bottom and he's not just laying there trying to do his sliding techniques as he's turning his body or head it's going to redirect and realign. whatever push or punch comes in next it's going to be a strike to the side, front. that's all indicative of an ongoing combat event. >> talking about the angle. mr. guy was suggesting we need to stay focussed with the injury of the wound, 90 degrees, straight in. >> that's what he said. >> that could happen maybe something like this if trayvon martin is trying to now back away at the end of the 45
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secon seconds. do you agree it's a possibility? >> it's a possibility. >> do you have any reasonable idea that's what happened? >> no. >> could it have happened this way? >> yes. >> this way? >> yes. >> could it happen mr. martin reaching back for the final stra strike? >> as long as the alignments stay within that final position it's a possibility. >> you know mr. zimmerman was able to get his gun out of the right side hip, correct? >> yes. >> somehow he got to that, correct? >> yes correct. >> how much weight do you give to mr. zimmerman's ability to disclose to advise how that happened? >> not allot. >> why not? >> when he became aware of the presence of the firearm he reached for it.
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the transition under stress of how it got into the hand is moot. i've interviewed numerous police officers involved in shootings and frequently i hear i shot -- when did you draw? they're not clear on how they got into position. they know they did it. point still remains the gun was in his hand and he discharged it. >> he did it in way with billowing clothing that was two to four inches away from his chest. >> if he's moving with the arizona ice tea in his jacket, the hoodie, leaning forward if the body position forward that sea will stay there. if he's linked leaning too far back that tea will be pushing the shirt the opposite direction
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because it's going with that point. at what point they were i can't specifically say. >> the context is the way combat events and how they occur. is it possible at some point mr. martin was up here? >> there's no question that it's possible because during the event when he said he's sliding down i don't expect mr. martin to match him move for move. is it possible he was up on his chest, yes. >> is it possible that at some point he was here? >> yes. >> is it some point he was this far down? >> it's possible. >> when he's this far down just over the thighs where is that hip holster? i'm not going to ask you to get up. just tell me when to stop. >> stop. >> available to mr. zimmerman at this point? >> yes, sir. >> how about up here? >> yes, sir. >> at this point when you say
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it's available where is my tie pointing down towards? >> his belly button. >> directly to the belly button? >> yes, sir. >> based upon your training and experience how much thrashing or moving was happening? >> i would have to say a lot. >> was that evidenced by the contusions and abrasions? >> the wet spots on the clothing. i think that you're not going to be involved in an encounter like this without it being dynamic. >> speaking of weapons available we talked about -- may i approach? >> you may. >> this could be a weapon? >> yes, sir. >> could be a weapon? >> yes, sir. >> could be a weapon? >> yes, sir. >> most anything that you want to be a weapon could be a weapon, correct?
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>> yes, sir. i do training classes on impro vised weapons. >> you certainly agree this could be a weapon? >> most definitely. >> you saw evidence of injuries caused by the weapon of a fist, right? >> yes. >> and the weapon of concrete? >> yes. his head striking the concrete, yes. >> just so we're clear did you see any evidence of any injury on trayvon martin from your review of the autopsy that was consistent with him being hit by this? >> i didn't see anything to that effect, no, sir. >> did you see any evidence of any injuries of trayvon martin being hit by anything? >> i didn't note any injuries on trayvon martin except the one point on his hands. >> how do you explain that fact to this jury? how do you explain the fact that in an ongoing altercation, i'm going to presume for the point
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of this conversation it was mr. zimmerman screaming and it was mr. zimmerman screaming 40 seconds, how do you explain he couldn't land a strike in defense of himself? >> well -- >> i'll object. calls for speculation. >> you're asking for an explanation? >> i am. the door has been open for potentialities. >> overruled. >> can you restate the question? >> sure. can you explain to the jury i'm going to suggest it was mr. zimmerman screaming and you've testified he was not able to strike a blow on mr. martin. can you explain how that might have happened when that occurred? >> well, if you're saying that he's the individual screaming then we could conclude that with mr. martin on top of him mr. martin was the aggressor and
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strikes were being rained down and he was physically incapable of responding, screaming for help. wanting somebody to help him out of a bad situation and maybe he was pushing. i wasn't there so i can't say what his hands were doing. if you're the aggressor in the fight how can you be the aggressor and not hurt somebody. in this situation if he's screaming there's an absence of injury he wasn't the one throwing strikes. desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes.
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let's listen for a moment. >> you're not to read or listen to any radio television or newspaper reports about the case. you're not to use any type of electronic device to get on the internet to do independent research about the case, people, places, things or terminology and you're not to read or create
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any tweets, e-mails, text messages or social networking pages about the case. do i have your assurance you'll abide by these instructions? >> yes. >> put your note bpad down. enjoy your lunch. we'll be back at 1:45. >> what a morning. it's 12 past 12:00 on the east coast live in that courtroom here in sanford, florida. as that expert has undergone a thorough direct examine nation and a blistering cross. all of it with demonstrative aids. when that happens you get focus with your jurors because they don't get to see that in a murder trial but in this particular trial what a difference these two attorneys showed with how they treated that dummy on the well of the courthouse floor. let me bring in jean casarez.
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you and i, a little disclaimer, we go back a long way. five and a half years of court tv together. a couple of years of hln and cnn together. we've seen a lot of trials where this kind of thing happens and it makes a huge difference. give me a feel for what you saw and what you thought about the demonstration with the dummy? >> first of all, it was so close to the jury because it was right there before the jury box. they all could see it very well. this has been a morning of note taking and listening. here is what we learn today with this fascinating testimony. we learned that the trajectory of that shot is going to be critical in this case because it appears as though the prosecution is going to say that trayvon martin was withdrawing. he was trying to get out of that altercation. what does that mean that george zimmerman was not in imminent fear of death and the trajectory of that shot how it's angled
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will make all the difference. >> dennis root cannot give us an answer to that. dr. di maio yesterday, a reno renowned pathologist said he couldn't tell you other than a slight right angle. we haven't had perfect testimony to show one way or the other whether there was a retreat there or not. did i miss something? >> you're right. you're right. let's look at the rest of the evidence. the non-emergency 911 call. how close in time does the last scream come? if it's george zimmerman then he believed at that point that he was still in imminent fear of death. is it a distinction without a difference. in the eyes of the defense it will be that what was in george zimmerman's mind maybe he didn't realize he's trying to withdraw. they probably won't admit he was trying to withdraw. that will come down to the jury
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question here. >> mark knnejame, you've done a lot of trials in this case. you've watched a lot of trials and you've probably seen a few trials where you get -- you used an aid like this in downof your trials. >> many. >> my first homicide case i jumped up on top of a chair and pointed a gun at the jurors and dealing with trajectory and threw some dice against the judge's bench challenging the jurors bench that life nothing but a crap shoot. >> was there an objection to that? >> no. >> the prosecutors marched that dummy into the well of that courtroom and straddled that exact position of those two fighting figures. >> let's look at what's happening. jean brings up an excellent point. the prosecution is now changed its strategy.
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>> exactly. >> they're friending to be trayvon. >> they started this whole thing it was george zimmerman who was on top and they have realized they -- >> they lost that argument. >> they had their butts kicked. they're having to change it up. isn't it possible that george zimmerman was on the bottom and trayvon martin was extra indicating himself and put him at a 90-degree angle. >> isn't it late in the game? >> they should have recognized this from the start. they never had chance to show it was george zimmerman who was on top. they got decimated by one u witness after the other particularly when it came down to dr. di maio. they're trying to set up a hypothesis and trayvon martin was trying to extracate.
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it's not the defense's job to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. now they are trying to show holes in the defense theory knowing there's no way the jury will believe it was george zimmerman on top. >> the only thing it seems to me with my very own trained eye is they are able to illicit isn't it possible he could have been treating. here is the irrefutable evidence he was retreating. >> maybe i think so, couldn't have. >> that's not a standard of proof in any criminal case. >> i thought i was crazy. >> you're seeing a transition. the state has gone back and said we're losing on this. we have to change that. >> your former prosecutor, did you see this coming. let's remind anybody out there
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who doesn't know defense attorneys don't have to give all of their stuff away to prosecutors. >> prosecutors have to give all of their stuff away to the defense attorneys. there's not like that reverse discovery process. >> in florida there is. florida is. >> how could the prosecutors not have seen this coming? >> mark makes a legitimate point. this was like the prosecutors finally getting a chance to cross examine george zimmerman. this was a foolish move by the defense in putting this guy on the stand. it allowed the prosecutor to develop every possible inconsistency in the zimmerman story and have a live witness on the story trying to explain his way out of it. they should have rested yesterday after great testimony the medical examiner. instead they have opened a lot of doors.
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the use of the dummy is now going to throw a lot of ideas into the minds of these jurors about maybe that's the way it did happen. this is going to be looked at as a critical error by the defense even if they win it. we lawyers sometimes call it overtrying. >> that's interesting you're seeing it the exact opposite way. >> i had this impression thinking what are they doing. you shouldn't be doing it. i see where you're going with that. hold that thought for a moment. i have to squeeze in a quick break. you're not missing any testimony. they're on a brief break in that courtroom. a well deserved break. they were at it until 10:00 last night. it's been a grueling pace and the lawyers nerves were frayed yesterday. some other news we have come can go up? we last saw him hiding in a boat
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in a massachusetts backyard. that was the last day of freedom. he was arrested and today that suspected boston marathon bomber making one of his first experiences in a courtroom. he's not only going to face 30 charges there but also he'll be facing some of the families of the victims. how that feels. copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes
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welcome back everyone. live in sanford, florida. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting on the george zimmerman murder trial. they're in a brief break in that courtroom. the minute they pop back up and the live mics are fired up again. some other news, after 11 weeks of sitting in a prison cell boston bombing suspect will be in a courtroom today facing many of those injured. the families of those that he allegedly killed as well as his
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brother allegedly killed when they allegedly bombed that marathon on april 15th. he's to be arraigned on 30 dh j charges. the charges are killing and maiming people. deadly bombing of a public place and use of a firearm causing death. those are federal charges and this is a federal process. this must have been a pretty emotional day to start with knowing that this was going to be the first face-to-face for these families and for this suspect. >> reporter: there's no question about that. in 17 of the counts you referred to, 17 of them are eligible for the death penalty and that's what his lawyers are trying to fight. an hour ago a caravan came with massachusetts state police. u.s. marshals white van followed
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by an armored vehicle about 11:30 this morning. we believe he was in that caravan. this entire place was under extreme state of lockdown. it's a little bit easier here. you still have a lot of security but the mood has shifted d dramatically after the caravan. a lot of mystery about him. it's always difficult to reconcile the two parts. the image of somebody who has seen so much on television and images online with the man himself. he's 19. he's going to be 20 this month. he's going to walk into that courtroom and it will be interesting to see how he conducts himself. how he carries himself. likely be wearing prison garb and the court has made clear my victims that want to come can come and face him. i've been in courtrooms with
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convicted terrorists and it's important for the families to see them and make it that much more tangible. that's going to happen at 3:30. he'll enter a plea. >> you'll have to correct me, it's been 11 weeks but those initial photographs that came out in the week of man hunt and then the arrest had him with very long curly hair and the reports that came in said he had cut his hair very short. this is likely the person that these families are going to face in court. we won't be able to see this. there won't be cameras in this federal courtroom. >> reporter: correct. that's never cameras the federal court. you get an in-depth and personal look at these alleged criminals. you can only describe what they look like as opposed to looking at a state court in a state case as you're doing now.
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he is likely to look different. one of his roommates said he had changed his appearance. he cut his hair short. keep in mind there's always something that changes about a person's demeanor when they walk into the courtroom. sometimes they are shackled as likely he will be shackled. sometimes they're not. again, they call it sort soft prison pallor because he's not exposed to a lot of sun. he's about 50 miles from him and he had to recover from wounds he sustained during the gunfight and when he went on the run and was found hunting in that boat. a lot of loose ends. it will be interesting to see how carry himself and how pleads. >> let's hope the courtroom sketches are accurate. i think a lot of people want to see what he looks like now. what condition he is in. whether he's maim or limping from his injuries. let us know if you hear whether
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the prosecutors finally make public whether they plan to seek the death penalty. these are eligible charges. they have to let that be known. thanks so much. appreciate it. coming up, we have been waiting for someone to make an appearance in this courtroom down here in sanford, florida because he's not been allowed in throughout the last two and a half weeks. it's the father of george zim r zimmerman. you've seen the parents of trayvon martin but why not the father of george zimmerman. he's a potential witness and he's barred from being in the courtroom. when might he show up as a witness. we'll talk about that in a moment. hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart.
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welcome back. there was some action inside this courtroom this morning. if you've been following this gavel to gavel, i feel a feeling you'll want to see this again. if you didn't see it, you must see it. this is the highlight of this trial as we get into two and a half weeks of testimony and we're winding down the defense's case. here's what happened. a prosecutor decided to bring a dummy into the courtroom. a dummy that would appear as george zimmerman laying prone on the sidewalk and the prosecutor got on top of that dummy so as to signify trayvon martin. you're not hearing backwards. the prosecutor is starting to go with this theory that it was trayvon martin on top of george zimmerman. the science so far and the witnesses have been irrefutable. they now need to figure out how to get out of this. let's put up a comparative
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picture with how john guy treated the dummy and to the right you see mark o ma rar tre o'mara treating the dummy. mark o'mara treats it differently than does john guy. john guy is pretending to be a retreating trayvon martin meaning he's about to lean back and get away from george zimmerman down below. mark o ma r'mara is beating tha dummy into the ground. it's a very different use of the same prop. the styles are so different. what's important is what each of them had to say as they did this. let's start with john guy the prosecutor and what he did to make this demonstration clear.
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>> a 90-degree reference, i want to be clear that the manner with his raising his gun up, i don't know how you could get a 90 degree entry if you're sitting straight back like this. >> i'm not sitting straight back. >> from my perspective is it looks like you're vertically up right and the two of you form a 90 and if the two of you form a 90 where you're straight up and he brings a gun to bear just based on the dynamics of his arm there wouldn't be a way for it to go straight in. there has to be mutual movement. >> as if the defendant started to sit up, are you saying there couldn't be a 90-degree angle? >> am i saying there couldn't be in half up position and you trying to get up? >> if the bodies become inlined. my understanding to maintain the entry we'll have to maintain some relativity between the two
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persons. the relativity, i can sit here and say the same thing if i'm laying completely back and you're more forward i can get a 90-degree entry. if we're both coming up you're asking me to bring in inclusion, the answer is yes. if he's getting up and getting up together sure. there's no way i can sit here and say you couldn't have two people that are maintaining alignment not have that entry. >> you're also provided the firearms report and you learned it was a contact wound with the clothing that trayvon martin had on? >> yes, sir. >> it wasn't a contact wound with his chest? >> correct. >> that would be consistent with trayvon martin leaning over with when he got shot? >> yes, sir. sure. >> here's the thing. we're trying to figure out if we can get the exact moment of the transfer of the prop. who knew whether mark o'mara knew the prosecutors were going
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to bring in a demonstrative aid to do their cross-examination. mark o'mara seized upon it pretty quick and decided if you're going to use the dummy and i'm going to show this jury what i think this went on and how physical this altercation was. all of this coming through this witness who is considered to be a use of force expert. de dennis root. do we have that sound? let's play it so you'll see the difference in the hman handling of this dummy. >> were the injuries on mr. zimmerman's back of his consistent with someone doing this on cement? >> i don't think so. >> how about this? how about somebody resisting the attempt, the injuries of the two lacerations could that have come from cement if someone was resisting me pushing down like this? >> i believe so.
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i believe it was a culmination of downward force whether from pushing or striking and i know clearly by the injuries to his face and that will drive him back his head striking hard into the concrete. >> would you expect somebody getting their head struck on the cement would attempt to resist it happening? >> of course. normal human instinct is to try to move away from the pain stimulus that would create another gap and be driven back. >> would that occur not only the first time but every subsequent time? >> whether it's a push or strike every time you drive a strike or push downward the body goes until it hits an object that will stop it. >> paul said he thought this was a point where the defense might have been losing some steam. danny, i want you to come in and tell me why i'm crazy. i actually thought this was a pretty darn good way of recapturing your redirect and making that your moment and your
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prop. >> sure. there's nothing as effective in some cases as taking the other party's prop and using it against them. on this concept of overtrying. i understand where he's coming from. every attorney knows sitting down and having not called a witness and left something unsaid. this defense has taken a clear approach. they will meet every element absolutely head on. they will call witnesses to refute it. yes, i can understand how audience members might say this is case of overtrying but at least for attorneys there's nothing quite like that fear of what did i leave empty. i think that's why attorneys tend to put on more evidence than maybe the observers would care to hear. >> hold that thought for a moment. i want to remind our viewers you're not missing anything behind me. it's a brief break in that courthouse. man they worked late last night until 10:00 at night.
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absolutely exhausted. they were all frayed. they got a little start this morning at 9:00 instead of 8:00. they're hard at work again today. taking a brief break, grabbing some lunch. the great seal of the state of florida is what we get to see. the minute they mover away, we'll get you back into live testimony. during the break i want you to think of something. if you're staring down the barrel of a gun, just right next to you, maybe a few feet away or closer, what are you doing to do? are you going to scream? are you going to grab the gun because that's ha came up in court. we'll show you why that mattered after the break. them, the more i enjoy them. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so i'm always looking to take them up a notch or two. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and schwab really helps me step up my trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 they've now put their most powerful platform, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 streetsmart edge, in the cloud. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so i can use it on the web, where i trade from tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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before the break i asked you a question. if you were staring down and god forbid it happens to you, if you were staring down the barrel of a gun, what would you do? i think a lot of us would run. if you had the opportunity would you scream or grab it. that's exactly what was going on in this courtroom. the question and debate was c e coming from the prosecutor john guy, the use of force expert and what this witness is trying to say i'm a defense expert. george zimmerman brought out the gun because trayvon martin had gone for it as opposed to
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trayvon martin was screaming or retreating or running. have a listen to how that went down between this prosecutor and this witness. >> if trayvon martin or anyone would have been in that situation and would have been aware of the defendant's gun either seen it or felt it, would you expect them to scream for help? >> you're asking me if somebody -- if i'm beating the crap out you have and i know you have a gun would i expect me to be screaming for help? >> would that be unusual? >> you said if i'm trayvon martin in that situation and we take it to the place that we've gone with the physical evidence where i'm the aggressor, i'm on you and i see you have a gun, my first instinct is not to scream for help, if i'm the one being the aggressor is to go for the weapon to help me continue my aggression.
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>> my question was it would be unusual for a person who saw someone that they were in combat with with a firearm, would it be unusual for that person to yell for help in your experience? >> i want to make sure i'm clear. would it be unusual for a person involved in a combat situation to see a gun and scream for help. is that the question? i want to make sure i'm clear. i want to be careful in what i say with what you're asking. >> i'm try to make it more simple. if a person sees a firearm would it be unusual for them to yell for help. >> if they saw a gun and yell i would say not. if you're able to vocalize something would yell for help. fp you're looking down the barrel of a gun, i would hope you'd be in fear for your life. >> i'd be in fear for my life. i don't know what i'd do.
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i don't know if i'd have the wherewithal to try to bat the gun. i'm loathe to ask the question i don't know the answer to especially as something as formidable as you. tell me why you think it was a loser for the defense. it sounded like it was a good witness for the defense and it backfired. some of those questions backfired on john buguy. i think it's a loser for the defense because they were way ahead coming into yesterday and now they put a witnes on the stand and they allowed the prosecutor to do a detailed cross-examination. bear in mind one thing, the prosecutor is not necessarily wed to one theory of what went down. trayvon martin is dead. he can't articulate what happened. they're only advocating two theories. they're saying trayvon martin was killed by a bullet fired by zimmerman and zimmerman is lying
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about how it happened. through the use of the dummy even though they are using different positioning and through the cross-examination of this witness, they're leaving a seed with a jury that zimmerman's story just doesn't make physical sense and they're going to say in the end if zimmerman's lying about one thing, he's lying about the self-defense claim and this is a murder case. that's how they're going to try to use this cross-examination even though, and you're absolutely right, and mark is right and danny is as well, there are this supports a lot of what the defense claims are. the jury is looking for an excuse here. if they want to compromise and they want to say maybe this didn't happen this way now they have the tools to reach that conclusion. >> that i get. that i always get when a jury doesn't quite know what to do, they feel like they should do something but not the whole ball
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of wax and look for those compromise lessers. that i get. what i don't get and here is why i think i can argue with you this way, i'm not a lawyer. i'm a juror. i'm the guy who doesn't get these legal aspects when you say the prosecutor is not wed to one theory. i'm sorry but if you tell me one argument and mid trial you start changing it to something else, as a juror i'm going to be a little pissed off, legally you're not wed to one theory. >> in that jury room, the biggest fear here that the defense has is when they are debating, should we convict or not they're going to throw out the murder count. they ma be saying he was a young boy. he was only 17. he was in his own neighborhood. he died. we can't just let this guy go. somebody else is going to say well, remember that expert who said that trayvon martin might have been trying to get away, did he really have to fire that shot when trayvon martin was trying to get away. >> good point.
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>> that would give them a reason to support and vote guilty if they're looking for an excuse. this is a horrible case on the facts for the prosecution. they are grasping at straws to come up with something to present and you know what happened, the defense handed them a gift today because there are a lots of nuggets in this testimony. >> this is why you're the lawyer. i think i'm a good juror . if you don't think it happened this way then how about this way then i get a little annoyed by that. stick to your facts and your charge. that's me and that's me only. i'm a proud serving juror of the united states of america. i have to squeeze in a quick break. jean casarez who is such an astute court watcher and because she's a lawyer and covered a few thousands trials was able to watch the jury. they're the one that matter. she watched the jury as the
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demonstrations went on. after the break i want you to tell our viewers how they responded because they're the only ones in this story who continue. it's coming up.
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live in sanford, florida. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting on the second-degree murder trial of george zimmerman and it's winding down.
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this was the day that we thought the defense might rest its case. they went until 10:00 last night and man was it a pitched battle in that courtroom. i don't know fp they'll rest today. we may have this case to the jury by friday if they rest. it's incredible how quickly it's gone even though it's been three weeks and i'm not a sequestered juror. jean is back with us live. she's come out to report everything we don't see. we're riveted to our tv screens. we miss so much by not being there. how did the jury react to the demonstrations with this dummy? >> first of all, the demonstration was so close to the jury box. it was right there. it was so close the jurors in the second row had to stand up to peer over to see. it was right there and they were able to see it.
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they were riveted. if you're getting a little tired before lumnch this wakes you up real fast. when the defense attorney started to reach for the dummy it's like we're going to do it again. >> yeah, but you saw the difference. we got a split screen up now showing your viewers in the difference of the demeaner between john guy and mark o'mara, the defense attorney on the right hand side of the screen down on the well on the floor of the well in the courtroom assaulting, i mean assaulting this dummy slamming its head against the door. that had to be profound on the jury. >> it was. the case has becomes forensic versus george zimmerman. if trayvon martin was withdrawing, how far up was he. would trayvon martin fall the way he fell if he was up right?
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>> jean, when you told me that the second row, which is if i recall we have the six jurors and we have three alternates. there are five in the back row and four in the front row, the sole male juror sits in the center of that back row. he's taller. they all stood up. i also noticed that the defense attorneys had to stand up at defense table to watch the demonstration of the prosecutor. they had to know the dummy was in the court and they had to know this was coming, right? >> i think mark o'mara might have just absolutely ad libbed this. where's that dummy? can i use that? he went with his demonstration. don't forget the gallery. everybody was straining to try to see from the gallery which was a little bit more difficult.
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>> yeah. the camera angle was just perfect for this. you cannot get a better comparison between direct an cross than these two images. i have to squeeze in a quick break. i want to get my lawyers to stand by. we're going to assess just how this day is going because don't forget, the days are numbered. defense doesn't have much more time to make some points in its case. back after this. ks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at
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9:55 am
back live in sanford, florida. you're not missing any testimony now. they're on a brief break. they are coming back soon. perfect opportunity for the score card, the whip around to find out just how far the two parties have come today. i want to start with mark nejame. best points scored today. worst point lost today. >> state guy ended up terrific cross-examination and made a fatal mistake, one question too
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many. let the state give a narrative without zimmerman having to take the stand. >> danny, how do you think it's gone today and if there's a point that stood out? >> yeah. balancing risk and reward of this witness. he talks about the force continuum. is that helpful? it's been challenged before. what was the benefit. he opened himself up to cross but did the defense come back strong. >> paul, the wise man. what do you think? >> ray of hope for the prosecution today. one of their betting moments. i disagree with my colleagues very much. i think an alternative theory has been put out there that will give the jury the ability to compromise and come back with a manslaughter conviction. trayvon martin was leaning back and trying to escape when shot to death. i think bad day for the defense today. >> jean, wrap it up for me. tell me where we're going.
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when we come back from break what's going to happen. >> we're close to the end. the defense fought hard pr the toxicology reports come in. they're not going to let this case end without putting a toxicologist on the stand. then to the end on that or a person we haven't seen in that courtroom is the father of george zimmerman. he was a magistrate judge for his career along with being in the military. could they end on him? >> that's what i'm waiting on. thank you for that. thank you to all my guests and thank you as well for watching today. cnn continues its live coverage here in sanford, florida. the george zimmerman murder trial right after the break.
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dramatic moments at the george zimmerman second-degree murder trial. the prosecution uses a dummy to challenge the defense witness but zimmerman's defense tries to turn the table. here is a look at other big stories. arraignment day for the suspect in the boston marathon bombing. he faces a judge and the family members of the victims. the pilots of the planes that crash landed in san francisco were not tested for drugs or alcohol. why they were not allowed to take blood samples. finger pointing, possibly


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