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tv   Fareed Zakaria GPS  CNN  July 14, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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is this not a test case for people to run out and become vigilantes. this says if you do in a athat, better be prepared to defense yourself because you're going to go through a very painful and by the way very risky process which could put you? n. skral. so i do think in that sense having had the trial is a very important signal that no vigilante activity will occur without the society ensuring due process. >> newt gingrich, i'm going to thank you very much. we have lost our satellite to detroit, but i thank van jones, as well. we look forward to the show this fall. thank you all for watching. i'm candy crowley in washington. up next, our coverage of the george zimmerman verdict continues with don lemon in sanford. thank you very much.
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very interesting debate there. i'm don lemon live in sanford, florida. this is a special edition of the cnn newsroom. >> in the circuit court of the 18th judicial circuit, state of florida versus george zimmerman, verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. so say we all foreperson. >> and that is how it all played out. the highly anticipated end to an extremely dramatic trial, george zimmerman now a free man after being found not guilty in the death of trayvon martin. so what's next for zimmerman? and is the legal battle over, is it really over? the reaction to the verdict is pouring in from all across the country. the first people to weigh in, attorneys from both sides. they gave a news conference
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shortly after the verdict came down around 10:00 last night. the prosecution was visibly upset that zimmerman was cleared of both second-degree murder and manslaughter. the defense on the other hand wassed ed adamant that not guil the only justifiable option. >> george zimmerman was never guilty of anything except protecting himself and self defense. i'm glad the jury saw it that way and i hope that everyone, particularly those who doubt the george's reasons and doubted his background now understand that the jury knew everything that they knew was in fouf them to find him not guilty. >> i am disappointed as we are with the verdict, but we accept it. we live in a great country that has a great criminal justice system. it is not perfect, but it's the best in the world. and we respect the jury's verdict. >> martin savidge joins me
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thousand. you've been following the trial for week. you were in the courtroom when the verdict was announced. take us through those moments. >> well, pretty phenomenal. it was about ten minutes before 10:00 last night, seems now so long ago, but we get this announcement, we're in the gathering area for the media. everybody races to the elevator. you have to get up to the fifth floor. you pile in and you're riding up there and the door kept closing but then somebody would reach in again and again. the last person to reach in, ben crunch, the attorney that represents trayvon martin's family. we go up and into that courtroom. could y could y you could not hear a pin drop. and then you heard the vierdict of not guilty. i think people were taken a back. not so much that this couldn't be an outcome, it's in a that they expected to hear the charge and then the verdict. all we heard was not guilty.
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so then it was realized. mark o'mara, he was concerned still is that this case was a cause for many people in the civil rights aspect. and he spoke about that at the press conference. >> i kept suggesting to mr. crunch on three separate occasions that we not suggest that this is a civil rights case of the century because it's just not. it was a self-defense case. did it bring to the forefront the conversation that yuck black males are treated a certain way in the criminal justice system? absolutely. is that positive? absolutely. do we need to have that conversation, absolutely. however, if pore tend oiging that conversation on top of the verdict, shame on them. >> on while zimmerman has been acquitted, it looks like the
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battle is really not over. >> there are a none of unresolved issues, and there are groups that are going to the department of justice and they will ask that there will an investigation under way. they will renew the efforts. shellie zimmerman has been charged with perjury. that's still to bed a us ed adj there had. and then the claims that the prosecution was underhanded with evidence. sanctions have been requested. that has to be worked through. >> and i'll ask if the department of justice comes in, is that double jeopardy. it is not. >> this would be federal charges of a different kind. so that's why it's not considered double jeopardy. will it happen, we'll have to wait and see. i think emotions are still high. the thing is about this case is that people may have hoped this would resolve issues of race and guns, that this would resolve many of the social issues people have all discussed. it was a trial that focused on
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two men at a specific moment under florida law. it will not solve deep social issues in this country. >> that's a big burden for any one case. >> too much to ask. >> thank you very much, martin. appreciate that. and speaking of those issues about civil rights and all of that, civil rights leaders are reacting with shock and frustration at the verdict. jessie jackson gave his take earlier today. >> i remain stunned at this decision that the grown man arm armed murdered the unarmed boy going home because he suspected him. the state's attorney avoided the issue of race. the defense team deniedthe issue of race. and yet race profiled was obvious from the very beginning you look without a black, without a man on it, it
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certainly was not a engineered of trayvon's peers. the department of justice must take to another level. >> the naacp has called on the justice department to file a civil rights lawsuit and last night the department said it is doing its own investigation, but it did not respond directly to the naacp. this morning the white house said all questions on that issue have to go to the justice department. naacp ben jealous told candy crowley he's been in touch with officials at the justice department. >> they will make a choice about whether or not they will pursue criminal civil rights charges. we're calling on them to do just that because when you look at his comments and when you look at comments made by young black men who lived in that neighborhood about how they felt especially targeted by him, there is reason to be concerned that race was a factor. >> defense attorney mark o'mara of course had a very different take on this. he saw his client george zimmerman as a victim of the
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media. i want you to listen to what mr. o'mara described last night. >> you guys, the media, he was like a patient in an operating table where a mad scientist were permitting experiments on him and he had no anesthesia. he didn't know why he was turned into this monster, but quite honestly, you guys had lot to do with it because you took a story that was fed to you and you ran with it and you ran right over him. and that was horrid to him. >> okay. so i'm joined now by our legal analysts sunny hostin, former federal prosecutor, and criminal defense attorney mark nejame. sunny, so he's blaming the media for part of the narrative here, part of i guess of shaping the narrative when it comes to his client. >> that's fascinating to me only
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because this played out in a jury room. in a courtroom. and they weren't privy to anything that we were saying outside of that. and i think what is terrific, though, about what did happen here is that there were cameras in the courtroom. everyone got to see what was going on. there was transparency to the process. and people were able to make up their minds for themselves without being shaded or jaded by our coverage. and so i think it's almost intellectually dishonest to argue that. it's surprising to me. >> mark, can you weigh in on that? >> the media did have a great deal of influence, but there's a difference how the media impacted before the trial and during the trial. obviously during the trial it's of no consequence. the jury is not seeing anything. that's for addressing the public. before the trial, let's pace it, the media had a great influence
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on this. why? we know that there is a lawsuit pending against another network right now as it relates to an accusation that somebody seemingly has a admitted editing a tape that really between change the initial impression that the country had on this particular case. that's significant. >> let's talk, mark, about the justice department and possibly bringing charges against george zimmerman. and what the naacp has said they would like them to look into further. is that possible, could that possibly happen, and what would he face if that does happen? >> all things are possible. is it probable, i think the likelihood is almost nonexistent. look, florida has very, very live ral discovery rules. some of the most liberal in the country. some people criticize it, but it
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does allow a real viewing of everything. we have depositions on both sides. 200 witnesses on a witness list. the feds did come in initially to investigate law enforcement and to determine whether there were any civil rights violations there. as i understand it, they found none. and you had two groups of prosecutors, so to now hand it off to the feds yorks s, i don'. >> and i disagree with that. i think we all know that the justice department has been conducted a parallel investigation and there has been precedent for a state criminal proceeding to end in an acquittal and for the federal government to step in in terms of civil rights violations. so i think it's premature to say that is off the table. i don't think it's off the table at all.
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i think there is probably still review of the way the police department here in sanford handled this investigation. and certainly think there is a possibility of an investigation into alleged racial profiling. >> you said a possibility, but what's the probability and wouldn't you think even though the justice dept department would be handling that, that would be the attorney general eric holder, don't you think the obama administration might be a bit careful with this because there has been criticism with the president inserting himself into this? >> this is not a determine nation by the obama administration, this is a determination by the department of justice. so to suggest that it's improbable that there could be a civil rights investigation into george zimmerman's behavior i do position is premature. we're not there yet and there is some evidence of racial
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profiling. while it was not necessarily discussed in the trial, it was criminal profiling, that still remains part of the narrative here. and so i'm not prepared to say what the percentage of probability is, but there is a probability. >> but let's listen to the words of some of trayvon martin's lawyers who said that this was not about race. i mean, that has come out time and time again. so with that acknowledgement already taking place, could there have been a racial component, we all know the answer is likely. but does that in fact elevate to a level after all the evidence has come in that is proofable if it existed, and with all that has gone on, what new evidence could possibly be sought out and addressed that hasn't already come to light. with 200 depositions and endless number of witnesses and two law enforcement. if you're looking at legality, the odds, no.
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>> all right. mark nejame, sunny hostin, thanks to both of you. this verdict has sparked emotional protests across the country. you probably have seen some of it. it started outside the courthouse in sanford, florida last night. people demanded more protests and wept openly. demonstrations quickly spread from coast to coast. listen to this rally in san francisco. it happened last night. >> trayvon martin justice for trayvon martin, justice for trayvon martin. >> people shouted justice for trayvon martin while marching through the streets. thing reese mained mostly peaceful except for one protest in oakland, california where public transit police car was smashed. in washington demonstrates tors marched late into the night. and in chicago, protesters carried a giant sign saying we are trayvon.
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they also chanted not one who are. in florida, they sang quietly on the steps of the capitol building in tallahassee. and many leaders called for calm after the zimmerman verdict last night. and you can imagi it was a hot topic in many pulpits this sunday. john zarrella intended a service where trayvon martin's mother attends. what's the word there there, john? >> don, this is the church where sybrina fulton attends. they were not here, although there was thought perhaps they might come. sybrina left a message to the pastor and her message was very simple, she said please tell the congregation here that i still trust in god. and the pastor was telling us that that is the message that the entire congregation has.
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>> so we're depending on you this morning, o god, for all of our help. we're not depending on the sanford police department, we're not depending on seminole county sheriff. we're not depending on the courts of seminole county, florida, law enforcement. >> there were some family relatives here, and their message was, look, let's not let this happen again. they did of course say that they were hurt, sad, confused and disappointed. but one of the very interesting things that came out from talking to members of the congregation as they left the last service here was that to
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stereotype was wrong. to think there that there would be violence particularly in the miami community was in and of itself stereotyping. what they are doing is they will focus their anger and their hope is to focus their anger to change laws. >> and i think people were thinking there would be some sort of race riots going on. the verdict happening on a saturday night. so very interesting. none of that happened. thank you very much. appreciate it, skrjohn. would the outcome have been different if prosecutors had pursued just a manslaughter conviction instead of second-degree murder in the chief prosecutor says they had the evidence to convict on the tougher charge. >> what was convincing to us when we listened to the tape is that the scream stopped the moment the shot is fired. that's the kind of common sense evidence that prosecutors rely
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on every day. that scream stops when the shot is fired. and so we always believed after hearing that tape that it was trayvon martin. in miami, coca-cola is coming together with latino leaders to support hispanicize, and the adelante movement. teaching tools for success, and fostering creativity. these programs are empowering people to lead positive change, and helping them discover how great a little balance can feel. through initiatives like these, our goal is to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make, together. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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i think the prosecution of george zimmerman was disgraceful. i am gratified by the jury's verdict. as happy as i am for george zimmerman, i'm thrilled that this jury kept this tragedy from becoming a travesty. for that, we are eternally grateful. >> so that was don wednesday, one of george zimmerman's defense attorneys, reacting to last night's verdict of not guilty. michael greco.
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michael, let's start with you. there are many who believe george zimmerman should never have been arrested, this should never have gone to trial. do you agree with that? >> no, i don't have a problem with the prosecution or there being a trial. i've said second-degree murder was a stretch. i think that they tried to go a little too far with it and the problem when they brought to trial is that they lost credibility with the jury because they were making that stretch. i think if they went straightforward with an actual manslaughter case, that they would have maybe been more successful than they were. >> midwhin, so he was found not guil guilty. do you think if they would have said manslaughter, he would have been found guilty? >> i think there is a great likelihood had the bross prosecution not overcharged this case. i think unfortunately given the fact george zimmerman walked
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free for about six weeks after trayvon martin was killed i think played an integral role in how they charged the case. had he been arrested sooner, i don't think the prosecutors would have been under so much pressure to feel as though they have to overcharge this case. and we saw this in the casey anthony case, as well. so this isn't something that is new that occurs in florida. had they went ahead full team with a manslaughter charge, i think they would have had more credibility. also the manner in which they tried the case was woefully inadequate. they did not prepare their witnesses. there were times as if it appeared their witnesses were defense witnesses. so there were a lot of twists and turns in this trial, as well. >> and tonya, i have spoken to a number of legal experts on cnn who say there was enough evidence for second degree. but the prosecution just didn't do a good job presenting their case -- proving their case. >> it's always easy to sort of
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pick the case apart after everything has been said and done and we had the jury's verdict. obviously they did not agree with the prosecution's theory of the case. but when you talk about the decision to charge, it's very common for prosecutors to charge the highest defense that the they believe the evidence supports. prosecutors don't typically sit around the table and say, look, i think we might lose this or i think this a tough case until though we believe this is what the evidence support, we'll take an easier way out. i think that they looked at the conduct of george zimmerman, they looked at the words that he said, they looked at his actions and getting out of that car when he was, you know, encouraged not to. the fact that trayvon martin had done nothing to provoke this encounter, that he was just walking home innocently as he has a right to do. and they determined that the appropriate charge was second-degree murder. i definitely think reasonable minds can differ, but that was a
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decision they made, they stood by it throughout the trial. the jury has spoken. and here we are. >> michael, can we talk about just how difficult it is to prove these types of cases? even when you have video, when you see officers beating someone like rodney king, it is still very difficult because the officers were originally being a quitted in that case. tlits he 00 difficult to prove one of these cases. >> it is. and there is currently a federal investigation, but the possibility of them actually filing formal federal charges. the u.s. department of justice was able to do that in rodney king case. they were able to fix some offed mistakes prosecutors made. i think in this case you have a real problem. i practice in federal court and
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federal prosecutors like to have a strong case when they go forward and they usually do. in this case, they saw prosecutors do an admirable job. very few mistakes were made by the prosecution. and you're not dealing with law enforcement officer, or dealing with a private citizen. so it's a different part of the hate crime statute. so i think there will be a full investigation. i just don't see how successful they can be in actually successfully convicting somebody. >> tonya, as a former prosecutor, i want to ask you the same question. well, different question. do you see the probability of the jugs tis dwept coming in and bringing charges here? >> it's really hard to say. hate crimes, civil rights cases are notoriously difficult cases. you don't see very many of them actually brought in reality in this day and age. so i think what we'll see
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perhaps is some additional investigation, perhaps they will uncover evidence that prosecutors did not uncover in the murder trial. it's just really hard to say. knot likely, but we have to let the investigation run its course. >> all right. midwin, i'm going to owe you one next time. >> you got. >> my thanks to midwin charles, tonya miller and also michael greco. >> thanks. so he has been acquitted. he can now do whatever he wants to do. but will george zimmerman ever really have a normal life after this? life after the verdict straight ahead. geoff: i'm the kind of guy who doesn't like being sold to. the last thing i want is to feel like someone is giving me a sales pitch, especially when it comes to my investments. you want a broker you can trust. a lot of guys at the other firms seemed more focused on selling than their clients. that's why i stopped working at my old brokerage
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and became a financial consultant with charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today.
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our top story ga, of course a florida jury finding george zimmerman not guilty in the death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. zimmerman's free, but is he really free. what will life be like for him now. david mattingly takes a look. >> reporter: he's been in hiding for over a year. dare to go venture out only in disguise and wearing body armor. since killing trayvon martin, life for george zimmerman is filled with isolation and caution. >> there are a lot of people who think george zil ekilled trayvo racial reasons even though nothing supports that. and if they feel that aerng enough, they could react
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violently. >> reporter: people wish him bodily harm or death. now that he's free, it's almost certain he won't be able to go back to the life he had before. pursuing career in law enforcement. >> absolute worst they can you could do. my advice would be find a new passion. and it needs to be helping people in a very different way. a way that is much more compassiona compassionate. not just involving law enforcement. >> reporter: for a view of life after acquittal, zimmerman may need to look no further than casey anthony, the hated young mother found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. she has since lived in hiding and financial ruin. >> you never know who the nuts are and where they are. there are still people that threaten me. >> reporter: sounds like there is severe consequences for being found guilty in a court of public opinion. >> they are, but you don't have
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jello and cheese sandwiches in jail. >> reporter: zimmerman continues to have strong support from his immediate family. part of his defense is being paid for by thousands donated by the public. but even here, there could be problems. >> you have to be careful to avoid the appearance of creating more divisions, by accepting money or support openly from groups that maybe would create more friction because of the tenor of ts case. you have to be careful about who he associates with afterwards even if they're offering financial support. >> reporter: and shortly after his dramatic acquittal, he was hidden from cameras. his plans a closely guarded secret. >> he has always feared for his safety. we have always feared for his safety and our safety as a family. clearly he's a free man in the eyes of the court, but he's
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going to be looking around his shoulder for the rest of his life. >> reporter: and the two biggest pieces of expert advice to george zimmerman are to be contrite and if this is even possible, to disappear. because the worst thing he can did right now is add to that perception that he beat the system. don. >> thank you very much, david mattingly. you know, race has been part of this case since day one even though the lawyers have tried to down play it. angela corey even said last night it has never been about race. but the question still comes pup. what role did race play here and what role does it play now for people reacting to this verdict. tim wide joins me now. he wrote the book dear white america, letter to a new minority. tim, thanks for joining us here. before i ask you about the bigger implications of this verdict, what are we getting right here and what are we getting wrong as far as a reaction and the narrative that we have been discussing.
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>> well, the desire -- this case was about race from the beginning both the actions of george zimmerman and 9d the public reaction. among the reasons he set out after trayvon martin in the first place was because he suspected given the rash of break-ins committed by totally unrelated black males. they also said it was because of suspicious behavior, but he never told us what those were. he was walking slowly, talking to the phone. so race implicated. so it was racial profiling. and secondly, the public reaction. remember, when this case first broke, even before anyone had heard any story from george zimmerman or anything at all from him about how trayvon jumped him and was beating his head into the pavement ostensibly, even before that narrative had emerged rkt there
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was a significant number in fact vast majority of white americans particularly on the right of the political spectrum already jumping to his defense saying we're sure that martin was a thug. circulating phony pictures of him to make him look like a thug. saying that he was huge, 6'2", actually the coroner said he was 5'10". he was wasn't huge, but there was already a racial division even before the claims of self-defense had come out. >> can i ask you something? in the courtroom when they showed -- when the defense showed pictures of trayvon martin and a number of different exhibits, i just have to ask this, did the defense profile trayvon martin in the courtroom? did they sort of make him out to be a thug or criminal or ghettoize imin some way? >> i think there was a subtle way in which that happened.
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here you have a case wrefrn was told race wasn't an issue, but the defense knowing full well what the social psychological research tells us which is that awful us have certain preconceived notions. we've been not hardwired to do it but socially conditioned to see blackness in a different way than we would see white men for instance. so they know that, they used that, and in-the state's mistake was really allowing the defense to introduce this subtle type of racial priming. and not push back against it. if we go forward and don't learn that these suspicions based on race are at the root of this case and at the root of so much of the racial profiling that takes place in police forces and all around this country, we will have made no progress at all and that will be the true tragedy. >> what about this comparison -- and i've been hearing it a lot and i'm wondering if it's a false equivalent. i just heard it newt gingrich
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and van jones talk about it, they said what about black people who kill ich other each cities. i don't hear about what about all the young kids killed by their parents every day or what about all of the girls who kill their boyfriends. why don't you hear that comparison but in this case you hear comparisons like that? >> because it's a very deliberate deflection not only offered earlier today on the program by newt gingrich, but it's offered by white folks whenever racism comes up, they will say about what about this black person who did this horrible thing. that's not a rebugbuttarebuttal. that's like when you were a kid and you broke a window playing baseball and you said billy was throwing the ball, too. mama would say if billy threw himself from the bridge, would you follow help in the manner of a damn fool. so you don't deflect the issue.
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are there violent crimes committed by lack folks against black folk every day? absolutely. and we deal with that. but it doesn't change the racial elements underlying this case and the national reaction to this case with which we still need to grapple. >> tim wise, much appreciated. thank you, sir. >> thank you. fans and friends overwhelmed with grief today. mourning the loss of cory montief. details straight ahead. [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know
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we want to check our top stories right now. asiana airlines saying it will considering legal actions against a san francisco tv station and national transportation safety board. the airline is upset over a station using racially offensive names in a report about the pilots aboard flight 214 which made a crash landing in san francisco last week. fake names for the pilots were confirmed by a summer intern working at the ntsb. it was not immediately clear who skreb rated the face names, but the ntsb said it was not the intern. there is a warning from the journalist who broke the story about the nsa surveillance program. glenn greenwald says the man who leaked the material edward
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snowden has more information that would be dire for the u.s. if released. he said snowden has enough information to cause more harm to the u.s. government in a single minute than any other person has ever had. u.s. government should be on their knees every day praying that nothing happens to snowden because if something happen, all information will be revealed and that would be their worst nightmare. snowden said he will ask russia for temporary asylum, but russia says so far it has received no such request. almost two week after a military coup, egypt's interim government is now taking shape. former u.n. nuclear inspector was sworn in today as interim vice president for foreign relations. egypt's interim prime minister is meeting with more cabinet nominees in hopes of having his government complete by the middle of next week. how to a shocking death in the entertain the world.
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actor cory monteith, star of glee, has been found dead in a vancouver hotel room. nick valencia has more on the man glee fans grew to love. >> reporter: sudden and tragic. news of the death of 31-year-old cory monteith, found dead in a vancouver hotel room. his cause of death not immediately clear, but late saturday, police ruled out foul play. >> he checked in july 6 and was due to check out today. there were others with mr. monteith in his room earlier last night. but video and fob key entries show him returning to his room by himself in the early morning hours and we believe he was alone when he died. >> reporter: a director spoke on the phone to monteith just hours before his death. >> he was the cheerleader that held everybody together set.
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i really felt he was always smiles. he was patient. he always knew all his lives right away. he was the first to laugh when things were muddy. >> reporter: monteith skyrocketed to fame in 2009 playing a plouffable heart throb quarterback, he's credited with making the tv series as hit. but it for all of his success, there were stumbles. since he was 13, monteith openly said he battled with sobriety. it was just four months ago when he vol untearily checked himself into a rehappen facility. >> he had said i'm feeling fantastic again. and, you know, he was obviously referring to, you know, that moment he had this year with going to rehab.
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and so i like everybody else is devastated an cod confused. >> reporter: an autopsy will be conducted on monday. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. humans. even when we cross our "ts" and dot our "i's", we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies.
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the george zimmerman verdict is in. we all know there was plenty of emotion in the trial even more after the not guilty verdict was delivered. i want you to take a listen to don west, zimmerman's defense attorney. >> we needed facts, unlike what miss corey said they brought the facts. they didn't. anybody who watched this trial knew the defense put on the case. we proved george zimmerman was not guilty. >> that was defense attorney don west talking about the case that florida state attorney angela corey brought. earlier talked to his brother. he said the evidence backed up his brother's claim of self-defense. >> court is supposed to precisely show what happened. not having that proven disproves the fact it happened or cannot be proven it happened that way. >> to a level the state requires
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in court. >> you have to remember part of the evidence are george's statements that police found to be consistent or any inconsistencies are attributed to repeating something as a human being would. we're not typewriters. it's not concerning. >> to the prosecution it was, though. they called him a liar was the basis of the case. >> right. that was the basis of their case of it's a weak premise for a prosecutor to go about trying a case based on name calling. we have a verdict. i think we should really take a step back, respect the verdict, respect those six women, an all women jury who had to make a tough call, had to look at it outside of all the emotions stirred up, racial innuendo stirred up and look at the facts and the facts spoke for themselves. >> from your brother's perspective, you know where his head is. do you believe he looks at that night and says i regret having a round in the chamber or following him when it was said it wasn't necessary or starting
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something or continuing something. what does he regret. >> when this happened george wasn't the same. he was profoundly saddened, completely somber person who was not himself. regret means you have culpability for what happens. does he share or accept the blame. i think george outside of the word blame feels and has felt, and i've expressed this before, very bad. he asked, are you catholic. in my religion death by any standard is a tragedy, whether it's abortion or self-defense or what have you. he does have emotion about the fact that he had to take a life in self-defense, but that is incompatible with finding culpability with what he did. >> robert zimmerman says his brother is still trying to wrap his head around the verdict, but he says the entire family is relieved. we'll be right back.
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shock, sadness, frustration seem to be the emotions of many after george zimmerman was found not guilty. of course, many others feel relieved and grateful. either way the verdict has touched a nerve. nick valencia is live at the church where martin luther king preached. when you're talking about ebenez ebenezer, i'm sure it was a moving service. >> it was a service of disappointment. 2,000 people who showed up, a
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majority of them were supporters of trayvon martin. the pastor, pastor paid tribute to trayvon martin. at one point, one of the most powerful moment in his sermon, he called up all the parishioners, 17 or older, they walked up holding hands. he looked at them and said, the world needs your voice. we're counting on you. he also went on to say the incident that happened between george zimmerman and trayvon martin happened for one reason and one reason only. >> trayvon benjamin martin is dead because he and other young black men and boys are seen not as a person but as a problem. isn't that what we heard on the 911 call? i see a problem. do you know him, sir? no, but i know he's a problem. what is he doing? not doing much, he's walking,
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but he's a problem. what does he have? skittles and iced tea but he's a problem. >> reporter: the general sermon was about staying away from temptation. he talked about the temptation for the black community to give up, temptation to give in. he says at times like these the black community needs to stand strong and stand united. don. >> nick valencia, thank you very much. we have other news to report to you. a young tv star found dead alone in his hotel room. friends and fans devastated. cory monteith spent time at rehab and was up front. we'll talk to dr. drew next hour.
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>> good afternoon, i'm jake tapper. welcome to this especially edition of "cnn newsroom." finally a verdict in george zimmerman's second degree murder trial. >> in the circuit court of the 18th judicial circuit in and for seminole county florida, state of florida versus george zimmerman. verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty, so say we all floor person. >> george zimmerman now a free man. that means no more gps monitor. he's free to leave seminole county. zimmerman's attorney say no matter where he lives, what career he pursues, george zimmerman will be a marked man. right after the verdict people from across the