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tv   Around the World  CNN  July 16, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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for the first time since the verdict, a juror in the george zimmerman case speaks out. an interview you will only see on cnn. the notorious leader of mexico's most feared drug cartel behind bars. we're going to tell you about his dramatic early-morning capture. and when panamania authorities seized this ship, they thought drugs were hidden on board. that's not what they found however. their startling discovery ahead in the program. and welcome everyone to
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"around the world." i'm michael holmes. suzanne is off today. she will be back later in the week though. let's get straight to that interview that everyone is talking about, one of george zimmerman's jurors breaking her silence. she says she is convinced trayvon martin was the aggressor the night that zimmerman followed and later killed the unarmed teenager. this is an interview you will only see on cnn. juror b-37 as she is known spoke exclusively with our anderson cooper. >> let's talk about how you reached the verdict. when the closing argumen were done, rebuttal was done, you go into that jury room. what happened? >> well, the first day we went in we were trying to get ourself organized because there's no instructions on what you do, how you do it and when you do it. so we all decided we nominated a foreman, so she could have the voice and kind of run the show.
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if anybody gets so, you know, so everybody's not talking over everybody. if somebody starts talking, somebody else starts talking and then she would say, you know, stop. we got one person at a time. we got to do this. and so the first day we got all the evidence on the tables and on the walls. then we asked for an inventory because it was just too time consuming looking for evidence when it was in no order whatsoever. >> did you take an initial vote to see where everybody was? >> we did. >> so where was everybody? how was that first vote? >> we had three not guilties, one second-degree murder and two manslaughters. >> so half the jury felt he was not guilty, two manslaughters and one second-degree. >> exactly. >> can you say -- do you want to say where you were on that? >> i was not guilty. >> so going into it once the evidence -- all the evidence had been presented, you felt he was not guilty.
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>> i did. i think if the medical examiner could have done a better job at presenting trayvon's -- preserving trayvon's evidence -- >> the state -- >> i mean the state. they should have bagged his hands. they should have dried his clothes. they should have done a lot of things they didn't do. >> do you feel you know truly what happened? >> i have a rendition of what i believe happened. and i think it's probably as close as anybody could come to what happened. but nobody's going to know what exactly happened except for george. >> so you took that first vote. you saw basically jury split, half the jurors including yourself thought not guilty. >> uh-huh. >> two people thought manslaughter, one person thought second-degree murder had been proven. >> uh-huh. >> how do you then go about deciding things? >> we started looking at the evidence. we listened to all the tapes,
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two, three, four or five times. >> the 911 recordings? >> the 911 recordings and then there's the reenactment tape, there were some tapes from previous 911 calls that george had made. >> the reenactment tape, that's the tape of george zimmerman walking police through what he says happened. >> exactly. we looked through pretty much everything. that's why it took us so long. we're looking through the evidence, and then at the end we just -- we got done and then we just started looking at the law. what exactly we could find and how we should vote for this case. and the law became very confusing. >> yeah, tell me about that. >> it became very confusing. we had stuff thrown at us. we had the second-degree murder charge, the manslaughter charge, then we had self-defense, stand your ground. and i think there was one other
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one. but the manslaughter case we actually had gotten it down to manslaughter because the second-degree -- it wasn't at second-degree anymore. >> so the person who felt it was second-degree going into it, you had convinced them, okay, it's manslaughter? >> through going through the law. >> uh-huh. >> and then we had sent a question to the judge, and it was not a question that they could answer yes or no. so they sent it back saying that if we could narrow it down to a question asking us if what exactly not what about the law and how to handle it, but if they could just have -- i guess, i don't know. >> you sent a question out to the judge about manslaughter? >> yes. and what could be applied to the manslaughter. we were looking at the
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self-defense. one of the girls asked if you can put all the leading things into that one moment where he feels it's a matter of life or death to shoot this boy, or if it was just at the heat of passion at that moment. >> so that juror wanted to know whether the things that had brought george zimmerman to that place, not just the minute or two before the shot exactly went off. >> exactly. >> earlier that day even prior crime? >> not prior crimes. just the situation leading to it. all the steps. as the ball got rolling, if all that -- >> from him spotting trayvon mart into getting out of his vehicle to following whether all of that could play a role in -- >> determining the self-defense or not. >> uh-huh. >> uh-huh. >> did you feel like you understood the instructions from
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the judge? because they were very complex. i mean, reading them, they were tough to follow. >> right. and that was our problem. i mean, it was just so confusing what was what and what we could apply to what. because, i mean, there was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. and after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way other place to go. >> because of the two options you had, second-degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied. >> right. well, because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. and he had a right to defense himself. if he felt threatened, his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have
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bodily harm, he had a right. >> so even though he had gotten out of the car, followed trayvon martin, that didn't matter in the deliberations. what mattered was those final seconds, minutes, when there was an altercation and whether or not in your mind what the most important thing was whether or not george zimmerman felt his life was in danger? >> that's how we read the law. that's how we got to the point of everybody being not guilty. >> so that was the belief of the jury that you had to zero-in on those final minutes/seconds about the threat that george zimmerman felt he faced. >> that's exactly what happened. >> whether he was right to get out of the vehicle, whether he was a want-to-be cop, whether he was overeager, none of that in the final analysis mattered. what mattered was those seconds before the shot went off, did george zimmerman fear for his life? >> exactly. that's exactly what happened.
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>> and you have -- do you have any doubt that george zimmerman feared for his life? >> i have no doubt george feared for his life in the situation he was in at the time. >> well, let's get some thoughts on this juror and the others too. allen joins us now from chicago. allen, first of all, what stands out to you most about this juror after hearing anderson's interview? >> sounds like they took a really nuanced approach. they were very careful. they took their job very serious ly. they looked at the law and read it through and focused on the justifiable homicide part looking at the circumstances surrounding deadly force. and ultimately they believed he felt the threat was real. >> yeah, a lot of people initially were curious or found it interesting that this was an all female jury. was that significant to you at
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all? >> it wasn't significant. men have the same experiences as women in terms of being sympathetic, having concerns about neighborhood watch types. if anything i think women might have been more critical of george zimmerman in what he did prior to the altercation with trayvon martin. i don't think gender mattered too much. i think it had to do more with some of the experiences, some of the attitudes these jurors brought with them. one was a safety officer. another told her kids not to go out late at night because of this case. she used this case as an example of bad things that can happen. so i think those are some of the things to look for. one of the jurors had a concealed weapons permit that was lapsed. so i think those things matter more than gender. >> yeah. you learn anything from that interview about how they saw the law. was it confusing to them? was it clear to them in the end? what was your take? >> it was confusing to me after i read it the first time. there were sections on justifiable homicide, excusable
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homicide. there were parts in it that talked about the killing being an accident. there were parts that had to do with whether or not this took place in george zimmerman's dwelling or house. so none of that mattered. so i can understand why it was hard for them. so they did read it carefully. they selected a foreperson, they found they were initially split. so that's when the personalities really mattered. some of the jurors, the pro-defense jurors clung to their bleefs more and able to persuade others. >> this juror a lot of people sort of felt she was, i don't know, connected in a way to zimmerman. she said that his heart was in the right place, stuff like that. did you find that unusual when a person goes through a trial like this? obviously their job is to take a position, isn't it? >> sure. some bonding always takes place whether or not it's a defendant, victim, victim's family, someone who doesn't take the stand as we saw here, she said he was overeager, she said that he didn't use great judgment.
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so i don't think she was undually connected to george zimmerman, i think she was pretty fair about it as most jurors are. i think she was fair about looking at the evidence, assessing the witnesses and then in her mind figuring out what happened and then looking at the law, applying it to the facts and then rendering a decision. >> and in the broader picture of jury selection in your expertise, what's the most important thing you're looking for from either side of the case? i mean, everybody gets to knock a couple back and -- what are you looking for? >> the dynamics are the most important thing, but if i back it up and get two most important things, you want to see the experiences, the attitudes that jurors bring with them because that affects how they interpret the evidence presented to them. but also you want to see how they're going to be in deliberations. are they going to be a leader? are they going to convince others of their perspective? or are they going to be a follower and let the others steam roll them? there's this ground in between. some are a little of both. that's what you really want to look at. is this juror going to be on
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your side and argue your case in deliberations, and are others going to go along with it? some cling to perspective forcefully. and you saw here a 3-3 split turned into a 6 unanimous verdict in favor of george zimmerman. >> alan, thanks so much. appreciate that. alan tuerkheimer. the nation's top law enforcement official weighing in on zimmerman's not guilty verdict. and many people are eager to hear what he's saying. we're talking about of course attorney general eric holder. he'll be speaking this afternoon at the naacp convention in orlando. that's going to be a significant audience too. that civil rights group has almost a million signatures on an online petition that urges the justice department to take action against zimmerman. people insist that he racially profiled trayvon martin and therefore civil rights charges could and should be filed. rachel jeantel who was on the phone with martin moments before he was killed spoke to cnn about
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the issue of race and more. have a listen. >> be honest with me, rachel, do you think that was racially motivated or more a case of somebody he thought was a young thug? black or white. >> racial. let's be honest, racial. if he was -- if trayvon was white, he had a hoodie on, would that happen? because that was around 7:00 or something. that's around people walk their dogs, people still outside. all that. >> the jury -- the jury never really discussed race as being a motivating factor here. >> imagine, they're white. well, one hispanic. >> do you think they understood the world that you and trayvon come from? >> no. >> don west gave you a very hard
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time, the defense attorney. >> don west. >> what is your view of him? >> mm-mm-mm. i can say he lucky i'm a christian. >> here's more of what we're working on meanwhile this hour for "around the world," the top boss of a violent -- very violent mexican drug cartel has been captured. not a shot fired during that arrest. we're going to tell you about the dramatic events as they unfolded. also, after a week of relative calm, unrest returns to cairo. protesters and security forces battled it out overnight. there were deaths and hundreds of injuries. we'll get a live report for you from egypt. stay with us, you're watching "around the world." copd makes it hard to breathe... but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function.
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north koreans. a north korean flagship in the united states backyard allegedly hauling missiles from cuba back home. panama authorities stopped the ship after reports it was carrying drugs. the crew of 35 resisted and the captain allegedly tried to commit suicide. if it's discovered to be missiles, then that's a clear violation of the united nations' ban on the north importing and exporting most weapons. panama has asked the u.n. to send a team to inspect the weapons. this isn't the first time north korean ships have been stopped. in 2009, the indian government stopped a suspicious looking ship. and in 2002, spanish warships stopped a ship hauling cement sacks. but hidden beneath those sacks were scud missiles and missile parts. ian lee, seoul. >> panama was so disturbed by what authorities found onboard the ship he went to check out the vessel himself firsthand. later actually tweeted a couple
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photographs he took. all right. still to come here on "around the world," violence on the streets of cairo. and it comes as egypt tries to rebuild its government. a live report coming your way from reza sayah. he's standing by for us in cairo. we'll be right back. let's play: [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge.
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there was a massive strike and plenty of protesters in greece today. have a listen. thousands of people hit the streets essentially bringing public services to a standstill from the airports to the garbage collectors, all of them protesting ahead of a vote in the greek parliament tomorrow on the next round of austerity measures. life already very tough for greeks. this is all part of an economic bailout though by the european union. and greece did agree to deep government cuts. the first round of cuts was watered down after violent protests across the country. no sign of that happening with this round however. egypt meanwhile trying to rebuild its government, get its
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economy back on track, but the killing has not stopped in the capital. according to government-run media, the latest skirmishes between police and supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsi have left at least seven people dead, more than 260 injured. morsi supporters fighting mad about his removal of course in the military coup that swept the country's first democratically elected leader out of power two weeks ago. our reza sayah is in cairo. reza, obviously the fears is is that this will continue to grow. but i guess when the protesters block off a major artery in a place like cairo, the authorities aren't going to standby. >> reporter: no, they're not. but they have to play a delicate balance here. if they get too aggressive with the muslim brotherhood, things could go downhill. but then again, there's a dilemma on their hand because on one hand you have this interim government who wants to push forward with establishing leadership here. and then you have the people
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standing in their way, the muslim brotherhood, supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsi. they were back on the streets last night demonstrating, protesting. we didn't see massive numbers. we didn't see millions of people in the street, but there were significant protests when you take into consideration they took place here in cairo, the city of alexandria, these are supporters of the former president who say that the democratic process has been violated. and the legitimate leader of this country is still mohamed morsi. in parts of cairo things did get violent and deadly. at least seven people killed when protesters clashed with police. more than 260 people were injured. and now the question is what happens from here? how much longer can supporters of the ousted president, mohamed morsi, keep coming out? and what do security forces do? what does this interim government do to resolve this conflict? because clearly, michael, this conflict has yet to be solved. >> and on the political front, the so-called roadmap that's
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been outlined, you know, they're going to try to swear-in a new interim cabinet. we had a spokesman for the interim president saying that there is a list including the muslim brotherhood more than welcome, inclusiveness all over the place, meanwhile the leadership gets rounded up. where do we stand on the progress of -- on the political scene? >> reporter: well, when it comes to the conflict between the muslim brotherhood, supporters of the ousted president and this interim government, we're not getting anywhere when it comes to progress. the interim government security forces seemingly sending out mixed messages. as you mentioned on one hand reaching out saying they want the brotherhood to be part of this interim government. on the other hand, arresting people, charging them with instigating violence. and the reversal of fortune in this conflict is remarkable. just three weeks ago it was mr. morsi and the islamists in power. and it was the opposition, the liberals and the moderates who are rejecting their call to sit
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down. and now the tables have been turned, michael. i haven't seen anything like this. >> all right. reza, appreciate your rorting throughout all of this. reza sayah there on the spot in cairo. all right. the notorious leader of mexico's most-feared drug cartel behind bars. this is a man who used to burn his foes to death. we'll tell you about his dramatic early-morning capture when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices
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hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. one of the most wanted and feared drug lords in mexico now under arrest. authorities say miguel angel trevino morlz is head of the zeta drug cartel. our nic parker covering the story from mexico city. nick, this is a guy who used to put his enemies in drums, pour
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gasoline on them and set them on fire. tell us more about him and how he was captured. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, michael. i mean, he really has been a pioneer of some of the most gruesome violence that we've seen in mexico. you know, over the last few years. and as you say, the leader over one of if not the most powerful cartel in mexico with tentacles stretchesing from central america through mexico and all the way into the united states, he was apprehended on monday morning around 3:45 in the morning in an area just south of nuevo laredo. the key city for the trafficking of drugs. marines say they had the area under surveillance for some months prior to his apprehension. and they caught sight of a pickup truck round about 3:30 on monday morning. and they launched a joint operation involving a helicopter
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and ground troops. they were able to stop the pickup truck without a shot fired. and they found trevino morales, $2 million, eight weapons and two other men. an area where he basically built his career in the drug industry. he started at a low level, a street level in nuevo laredo. he apparently lived in the united states city of dallas, he's thought to have lived in. by 2005 he was running nuevo laredo and basically trafficking millions of dollars of drugs into the united states. and apparently according to u.s. prosecutors he was also organizing hit squads to carry out attacks within the united states. so he was finally indicted in 2009 and had a $5 million reward on his head. >> and this is a guy it wasn't fussy who he killed, he killed innocent civilians, opponents to climb and get more territory.
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now, the question is, what is the order of succession? this is a group that has ex-military people in it. one would imagine there is an order of succession, if you have a vacuum in this drug war in mexico, that generally leads to bad things. is there a fear that this could lead to more violence as people compete, a, for the leadership of the group, and, b, for the territory it controls? >> reporter: there's absolutely a fear of that, michael, yes. you have to look at the presidency of felipe who launched an extremely bloody drug war beginning in 2006. although he captured or killed the majority of the big targets that he set out to get, some 60,000 people lost their lives during that drug war. so certainly there's a fear that a power vacuum could lead to fragmentation and fracturing. when you look at zetas, they have a military background. they were founded by ex-special forces members who deserted from
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the army. and they've always been very, very careful about their level of organization and hierarchy within the ranks. it's not unconceivable they do have a plan, perhaps his brother could step up to the situation. but inevitably there will be some power jockeying. so we'll have to wait and see, michael. >> and this was a man wanted on both sides of the border. is he likely to be kept in mexico and tried there, or could the mexican authorities sort of throw him over the border and let the u.s. do it and sort of get rid of the chances he could continue running things from jail in mexico? >> reporter: right. well, i mean, the interior ministry was asked that exact question last night because as you say he was indicted in the united states. he faces a number of criminal charges there. they said so far they don't have an extradition request for trevino morales. at this stage they're still operating on the basis he will stay in mexico. and it's almost inevitable he'll face trial here for the charges
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which are extremely serious charges he faces here. and it's unlikely, frankly, he would get out of jail to eventually stand trial in the united states. michael. >> nick, appreciate your reporting on this. nick parker, certainly a very big deal in the drug war down there in mexico, thanks for that. just ahead here on "around the world," he faces espionage charges in the united states, so edward snowden really doesn't want to come to the u.s., does he? he wants political asylum. we'll tell you about his latest application. we've got a live report from moscow coming up right here. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. [ woman ] hop on over! we know it's your videoconference of the day. hi! hi, buddy! that's why the free wifi and hot breakfast are something to smile about. book a great getaway now and feel the hamptonality
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well, the man who leaked united states's top secret surveillance program has temporarily asked for asylum. a prominent lawyer from moscow says edward snowden made that request and if granted could
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stay in russia for as long as a year while he figures out where else he can go. snowden of course facing espionage charges in the united states. he's been holed up in moscow's international airport for three weeks now actually trying to make it to latin america eventually. phil black on the story for us in moscow. some mixed signals from the russians. i mean, they won't extradite him back to the united states and have sort of suggested they'd love it if he'd move on, but what chance he'll get this temporary asylum? >> reporter: well, michael, i think at the very least you can say that among officials, among the political class here there is some sympathy for edward snowden. so that is why officials are now considering this formal application for temporary asylum, which he has submitted today. now, we've been speaking to the lawyer who assisted him in putting together that paperwork, putting together his formal documentation. and this is what we've learned about the process which he is now going through. he chose temporary asylum over permanent political asylum because it is a faster assessment process. he'll know within maximum three
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months whether or not he is going to succeed here. and the decision when he applies for temporary asylum is only made by the federal migration service. one government department, no other government departments are involved. in fact, we are told even the president himself has no official role in the decision making process when someone applies for temporary asylum. that would be different if he was applying for permanent asylum. the decision formally would rest with the russian president. and there is one point here that has the potential to change his quality of life both quickly and very dramatically. we are told that once this application for temporary asylum is now in, he can expect within the coming days to receive a document, a permit of some kind that would allow him to enter russia officially to leave that transit zone to enter the country and have some sort of official status while he is waiting to hear whether or not his application for temporary asylum is successful. so he could very well be leaving that airport very, very soon. if he's successful as you
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mentioned he gets to stay for a year, but he can reapply at the end of that time and claim an extension. and temporary asylum brings him all the same rights and privileges as that of any other russian citizen, both here or if he wanted to travel as well, michael. >> yeah, and of course he eventually wants to get down to latin america where a couple countries have put their hand up and said they'll take him. but when it comes to the u.s. relationship with russia, which has been a bit dodge ji as of late, tell us the situation there. the russians don't want to hand him over to the u.s., which would make the u.s. happy. but they don't want him hanging around. and they say if he does stay he's got to stop doing things that would damage the u.s. what's the feeling there in russia about this guy? >> reporter: well, they're trying to walk a very delicate line here in russia. i think it's interesting to note while vladimir putin has been a busy man as of many days, supervising massive war games on the other side of this vast country the next, he has found time in between to comment on
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the snowden case. he has made the point he believes it's america's fault that snowden is now trapped here because america revoked his passport, because america intimidated other countries. he says it's not helping snowden or allowing snowden to move on. so on one hand he believes that this isn't russia's problem, it's not his fault. he also does not want to be seen jumping to the united states' wishes here and just sending him back, extraditing him back for punishment, which is what america obviously wants. but at the same time he again does not want to anger or risk damaging relations between russia and the united states, which is why we've heard from the russian president that he insists upon this condition should snowden seek asylum here that he must stop any and all political activity. will that condition be enough to satisfy or perhaps even appease the united states? well, you'd have to think almost certainly not because america views this man as a criminal and they want him to be punished. so what potential for long-term damage to their relationship? well, these two countries, they still need to work together on a
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lot of big important issues. but they disagree on a lot of big important issues quite frequently as well. and tend to get over it even if no trust is really built in the process. so this could just be another blip in their relations, but i think the real reaction will come if we see snowden walk out of moscow airport and then again if he does receive some sort of official status of protection here in russia, then the u.s. reaction will be key. michael. >> yeah, indeed. phil, as always, thanks very much. phil black there covering things for us in moscow. this is a great story, queen elizabeth's closest confidant, member of the royal family, christiane amanpour, we're going to hear from her in a moment why she's not all that excited about the arrival of a royal baby. who'd thought? at university of phoenix we know the value of your education is where it can take you. (now arriving: city hospital)
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the future british king or queen could be here any day. the duchess of cambridge believed to be now three days past her official due date. our max foster has been watching the story from london. >> reporter: with the royal baby due any moment now, all eyes are on the lindo wing of st. mary's hospital in london where the duchess of cambridge is expected to give birth to the prince or princess. throngs of media from around the
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world have flocked across the street waiting for any sign that labor has commenced. the duchess of corn wall expects delivery this week. >> i think so. i think so. >> well, we wish you all well. >> he or she -- >> reporter: speculation about where kate is spending the final days of her pregnancy. this weekend she avoided the sweltering city heat and was believed to be staying with her family in bucklebury while william was playing polo. if she stays there, it will take her at least an hour to get to the hospital in london. kate's home in london, kensington palace, is only a ten-minute ride from hospital, five minutes under police escort. once the duchess has safely snuck into the maternity unit, the media will be informed via e-mail. >> i think in this particular day and age far more emphasis is
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placed on it by the press and the general public than was ever happened before. when the queen mother had princess elizabeth, i very much doubt that there was this sort of element of excitement in the country. >> reporter: there's no doubt that the arrival of this royal baby has the world waiting with baited breath. >> and max foster joining us now from outside the hospital, his perch there. i hope you're comfortable, got a nice comfy chair. at least the weather is cooperating in rainy london. i was going to ask you this, it's all so choreographed in many ways, how will you and others learn that she's even in the hospital? she's not going to walk in the front door. >> reporter: no, exactly, there's no way they're going to allow her to be seen in labor. so they decided it was going to be this hospital. they would have made the plans before they announced the hospital, so they will have a plan for getting her in. certainly won't be through the front door. the basement entrances i'm told,
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there's two other entrances on the street level. and maybe it will be overnight. the first will be heard we'll be told is in an e-mail. so we're literally glued to our phones at the moment. it's funny sitting with all the reporters holding them in their hands trying to set particular alerts to particular e-mail addresses. so we'll find out from an e-mail and that will be when she's inside. so that will be the next thing that we hear. we are three days overdue, i say we are, she is three days overdue. feels like we're all part of this pregnancy. so it really could be any time now. and there is so much interest in this, but there's very little you can update people on apart from when camilla sort of let slip a few words. >> yes, i'm sure you in the assembled throng of media are passing time with cards and coffee and the like. though i understand there's not a pub very close by, which is very unfortunate. max, appreciate that. keep us updated, won't you? max foster there in london. well, you heard from her
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there in max's story. i want to show you more. this is one member of the royal family who maybe isn't so much on the baby bandwagon. she is 87-year-old margaret rhodes, she is the queen's cousin and known to be her lifelong confidante. our christiane amanpour sat down and talked with her. >> as we sit here the whole world is waiting for the birth of kate and william's child. are you excited about the baby? >> not terribly. >> why not? >> well, you know, everybody has babies. and it's lovely. but i don't get wildly excited about. >> special heir to the throne? >> i know. >> history. >> all right. i've got that to be excited. >> she is quite the character. you have to check out the full interview with christiane. it really is fantastic.
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9:54 am
welcome back. when she's not working on her hit tv series, "elementary," lucy lui takes on another role and that is of unicef ambassador. recently she visited syrian refugee families in lebanon and there are many of them. what she found there is heartbreaking, millions without a country, living in fear and uncertainty. >> hi. i'm lucy lui and we can make an impact for syrian children. syria is in a terrible situation right now. there's a civil war going on that is creating absolute pandemonium and people are fleeing into lebanon, into jordan, into iraq. six million people have been displaced and half of them are children. these children are suffering. they have lice, ska byes and lost family. they can't go to school, not getting the medical attention they need, not getting the
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nutrition they need, there's going to be a lost generation of children if this continues. children deserve to have a childhood. what happens on the other side of the world isn't just their business, it's our business. because we share the same water. we share the same environment. if we understand that, we are actually one community. and it makes the world so much smaller. it's much more tangible for people to understand. unicef is currently desperate for donations for syria. it's our duty as human beings to give back. join the movement. impact your world. >> and liu by the way wrote an article on her mission to help syrian children and what you can do to help. you can find that at as well. well, it was just a short -- shortcut home, but some shortcut it was, it added seven hours to her trip and it took firemen to free her.
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our apologies if you're in the northeast. it is going to be a sweltering day from boston to baltimore, heat advisories up for parts of the northeast, also the mid-atlantic. temperatures into the 90s. most places are going to feel like the triple digits however. and worse yet, those conditions could last for days.
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chad myers, the question is how long is this going to last? >> i think it's going to last until friday. we're tuesday, wednesday, thursday and now into friday where today will be 95 rksz some temperatures on friday maybe 98. so it doesn't get better from here. it gets worse until saturday when the front comes by. it's just a sweltering area of hot air that's just sitting right over the northeast. and as this spins around, the heat just sinks. and it's the sunshine -- tell you what, i was just in new york city all last week. and the heat index got to 101. you could see like lines of ants, people walking only on the shady side of the street because it feels ten degrees warmer on the sunny side. all the numbers that we say, 100, 105, that's in the shade. make sure the pets have shade, you have shade and plenty of water too. and if your bags take longer to get from the plane to the carousel, all those workers have to work outside too. >> yeah, yeah. and it's interesting, more people die of heat than any other weather event. i found that out from a meteorologist much like you. good to see you, chad.
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thanks so much. stay in the shade if you're out there. so much for a shortcut home, a woman in china getting wedged between two narrow walls trying to take that shortcut. she stayed there stuck for seven hours calling out for help the whole time. a lot of people thought they were hearing a ghost though. finally a passer by did call the fire department. and they did what firefighters do, they worked for almost half an hour, they had to tear down part of the wall to get her out. it all ended well. that's it for me. thanks for being with us on "around the world." "cnn newsroom" starts right now. i think his heart was in the right place. it just went terribly wrong. >> cloaked in darkness, the george zimmerman trial juror speaking out and saying she thinks it was trayvon martin who threw the first


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