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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  July 22, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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that's it for us, join us one hour for now with a special hour will & kate plus one. "piers morgan" starts now. this is cnn breaking news. >> this is piers morgan live, i'm chris cuomo. the big news, it's a boy. all eyes on the lindo wing.
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the duchess of cambridge gave birth to a baby boy. the nation celebrating with all the pomp and pageantry you would expect for a baby who is third in line to the throne. >> god save the queen. >> i don't even know that that man is related to the pageantry, but that's how excited people were. the baby boy weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces. such a big baby, everyone was so happy for their health. a lot of those people standing around, are americans that's how big the fascination. we don't know the baby's name yet, his father has said he could not be happier. we're going to go live to london in a moment, give you all the detail. there is other news to talk about tonight. first, breaking news, in
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fact, at least ten people hurt when the landing gear on a southwest jet collapsed. joining me now on the phone, one of the passengers of the plane, frank faramasca. do i have frank? can you hear me? do i have dominique? can you hear me? >> yes. >> frank, i'll start with you. both of you, tell me first, are you okay? >> yes. completely unharmed, yes. >> so you're unharmed, that's great news. did you have any warning that something was wrong with the plane? >> the flight was a little rock can i. nobody saw the weather. as i'm replaying the scene back over my head, i guess paranoid. make sure we detect -- our neighbors were buckled.
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other than that, we were in the back of the plane, i thought -- all of a sudden, a huge bang, and we had no idea anything was coming. >> no announcement from the cockpit that you remember? >> no. >> dominique, do you remember any announcement other than to check your seat belts? >> yeah, but, you know, ta kind of struck us as a little odd, because they did also say to check your neighbor's seat belts as well. so it did sound a little bit strange. but at the same time i trusted that everything was okay. >> let's take it as events unfolded. the back wheels hit, the front is supposed to hit, something's wrong. what does it feel like in the plane? >> well, it was incredibly shocking. nobody, i don't think expected the landing to be so abrupt and forceful. when we hit, it felt like we
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were traveling at a really high rate of speed. so i think everybody was pretty terrified at that moment. >> what was the result inside the cockpit? did the masks come down? did any of the seats move, what happened? >> well, none of the masks dropped, but, you know, we were -- it was very -- yeah, we were very shaken. it was almost like, as if you're getting rear ended or you rear end another automobile i guess. it's kind of like the feeling that it felt like. the motion with hitting something so -- while you're traveling so quickly was very jarring. and people were really in a panic at that point. and so it was really terrifying, but i could tell that the plane was slowing down, and screeching to a halt.
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so -- >> screeching to a halt, how long do you think it took you to stop? >> i mean, it felt like forever to be honest. it seemed like we were traveling so fast. i would say probably in reality, it was probably no more than 35, 45 seconds. >> that's a long time, that kind of urgency. >> it felt like we were coming to a stop spp. >> were you two in different parts of the plane? frank was in the back with a friend. dominique, where were you? >> we were probably seven or eight rows down, just in front of the wing. >> you were in different parts of the plane. in terms of seeing people injured, we're being told at least ten were hurt. were they near you, dominique, did you see people injured there? >> i didn't see anybody injured i will say after we finally came to a stop, the plane started to fill up with fumes, really strong fumes, and it was getting smokey, and peopl were starting
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to cough. i'm wondering if that may be some of the injuries, like respiratory. i don't know. i didn't see anybody. >> what was the word from the crew, dominique. when they finally gave you word, what did they say and what happened? >> people were trying to jump out of their seat belts and get off. and flight attendants came on the intercom and said, no, sorry, you cannot get off, we're nowhere near the terminal, you must be seated. everybody kind of sat back down again. it seemed like quite a while had passed, several minutes where the fumes started getting stronger and people were starting to panic a little bit more. >> and frank, you wound up going off a slide, right? >> the emergency vehicles were surrounding the plane and they were hosing it down, and then at that point people really started kind of getting irritated and asking for the crew to open the
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doors, get some fresh air, and it was probably several minutes after that, that they let us out. >> when you say, let us out, let me bring frank back. are you still there? >> yes. >> you wound up not exiting the normal way, right? how did you get off the plane? >> i was five rows from the back, and thankfully the slide was literally a couple feet from us. the crew did a great job keeping people organized single file. one person it would have taken to start pushing the line of people down. the cops were there, and the ambulance immediately at the bottom of the slide. at this point i can smell something burning, there's a lot of people in here. you kind of close your eyes and fold your arms. i sd right down and we were escorted by the police across the runway there. with that point it was all the
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fire trucks. >> we know that you're still there, right, because they're asking you questions about what happened. so you haven't been able to get home yet. do all your loved ones know you're okay? >> yes, yes. >> that's what's most important, you don't want to worry anybody. thank god you got out of there okay. as we know, these situations could be much worse, we're still trying to figure out how this happened and why. thank you to both of you for giving us a feel for what it was like inside the plane. >> thanks to frank and dominique. luckily, they're saying they didn't see people injured we're hearing at least ten have been as details come in, as to why this crash happened and what's going on now, we'll give them to you. right now, we're going to tune to the news the world has been waiting for, the birth of the royal baby. joining me now, max foster outside st. mary's hospital, i'm surprised they haven't named this place after you at this point. what is the mood like now. all day people have been lined
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up waiting for this, you got word. what's the atmosphere tonight? >> we've been talking about -- suddenly it all unfolded very quickly, slight change of plans. actually, sort of midafternoon here, the baby was born after something like 12 hours of labor, so a credit to kate for going through that. we have a four hour gap before the announcement was made. kate and william said they wanted to spend some time with the baby on their own before they revealed the news to the world. william was there throughout the labor. it's only those two, no other family members here at all. they went through it together. he's staying overnight with his new family as well. we expect i think tomorrow to be the day when they get discharged. simply because all the signs are they went really well, really smoothly. there is this plan for william to say a few words in the morning before the family appear
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on the doorstep and head home. >> it's your expectation that everything will happen more quickly than usual. the combination of more media access and this particular royal couple wanting to do it their own way? >> yes. i mean, i think tomorrow morning will be the moment that they know they have to go through, they're not going to be comfortable in front of the cameras, it will be hugely intimida intimidating. it's like a wall of media facing them. i think they're going to do that moment on the doorstep if she's fit and well, it wasn't a c-section, it was a natural labor. so i think you're going to see them on the doorstep, within a few weeks time, we're going to see a photo shoot, they're a very private couple already, i think they're going to get more and more protective because of this baby, until they feel completely comfortable as parents. >> you can't fault them for that. max foster your coverage has been terrific as has been your stamina. it's good this moment has come.
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i can see the relief on your face, second only to williams. i want to bring in christiane amanpour and our royal commentator extraordinaire, victoria arbiter, i feel like i've been with you all. christiane, it's great to see you. we'll put up a full screen of president obama's congratulations of the baby. michelle and i are so pleased to congratulate the duke and duchess of cambridge on the joyous occasion of the birth of their first child. from an international political perspective, what is the significance of this little boy. >> well, okay, when it comes to the united states, of course, we have this fantastic special relationship that all sides talk about all the time. usually in the maers of war and peace, and national security.
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and it turns out births of royal babies and royal weddings and things, this is a fantastic event for britain and for the world, because it's what britain is all about. this royal family, the house of windsor, signifies what britain's all about, and what brings so many people here to visit and on occasions like this, such patriotism amongst their own people. >> we know all these royal events become worldwide. i want to propose a provocative question to you. the queen, 87 years old, the second longest serving british monarch right now. if she gets two more years, she'll wind up passing queen victoria, do you think that there could be a plan here that the queen once she passes the record, so to speak, pulls a pope benedict and decides to resign, retire and allow unof
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the heirs to come? for charles to come? what do you think? >> who would have expected a pope to retire. but i don't think anybody expects this queen to do that. i think one can't underestimate the trauma that her uncle edward the eighth had on england in the 30s. there's no sign the queen is ready to do that or would even consider it. i think if anything describes the queen, it's duty and public service. from everything that people talk about her and everything she sent to biographers and others, this is her duty, her job, her life. and this is the first time since queen victoria that there has been three living heirs all at once, i don't think it means by any stretch of the imagination that the queen is going to step aside for prince charles or william or this new baby, who's
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yet to be named. >> respected tenacity, let's introduce the fact that you pushed to introduce the analysis. no reigning monday arrange has had three direct heirs to the thrown. that fact, victoria, do you think that changes the equation here, opens a possibility for somewhat what of a some set? >> no, i think all it does is shows the queen that her 61 years of service and duty have been worth it. her monarchy have had ups and downs. it is so popular again, and the queen is really getting to enjoy this resurgence, i think when she meets her great grandson, it's going to be a poignant moment for her. she can see that charles iii comes next, then william iv. this baby is the first monarch of the 22nd century, potentially. this is going to be a monarchy
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that's safe for years to come. >> do you think william's marriage to kate and this little boy has given a resurgency to who they want up front? >> yes. william and kate are young, they're the fairy tale ending that diana didn't have. william and kate are going to be older at some point and then the new young royals are going to be exciting. the queen has popularity on a global scale. she's the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states, the realms. she's incredibly popular in all of those countries. for her to step aside, that would really throw a spatter in the works, especially because charles' popularity is always a little hit or miss. >> not as good as pulling a benedict. christiane, before i let you go.
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the idea of diana's influence, she would have been a grandmother. our image of her is frozen in time, of her being so young. is there a feel of her presence, her significance with williams? >> you know, i think everybody in the back of their minds always thinks about that, they did when william and kate got married, they're bound to think that right now. william himself is going to think that, it's human nature, of course that's going to happen. it was princess diana who normalized these childhood of royal children, whether it was where she sent them to school, how she took them out and about in public and to have ordinary events. it's probably amazing and maybe even a tribute to her that under her son prince william and would have been daughter-in-law kate that a new law has been passed in this country, that the heir to the thrown would have been a girl if that girl had been born today. it is no longer just a boy who
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will be heir to the british thrown. that's a big change. >> right, and a recent change at that, obviously, the influence of what she did. thank you very much. william and catherine making their own way, somewhat of his mother's influence as well. we're going to leave the baby right now and go to break. still ahead, george zimmerman, lifesaver? very provocative question. his attorney will joinny and discuss a new 911 call. also coming up, kate and prince william a very modern couple. how will they raise their son. i'll ask a woman who knows what life is like behind palace walls. katie nichol is with us in london weekdays are for rising to the challenge.
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. it's wonderful news from paddington, i'm sure that right across the country and right across the commonwealth people will be celebrating and wishing the royal couple well. it is an important moment in the night for our nation, but i suppose above all, it's a wonderful moment for our warm and loving couple who have a brand new baby boy. >> eight pounds, six ounces. piers got word early, we understand that he is with the royal couple helping them to figure out how to name the baby. no, he's on vacation. that's why i'm here. prince william, kate and their
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new son are all safely tucked away at st. mary's hospital tonight. what happens tomorrow and the day after that. how will this royal couple raise their new baby. for some answers, joining me now, katie nichol, she's also royal correspondent for the mail on sunday and author of "william and harry behind the palace walls." first of all, katie, thank you so much for staying up. it's after 2:00 in the morning there. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> the first question go goes to the significance of this event. will kbram with the marriage and now the baby has done so much to restore luster and bring attention back to the royalty. what do you think this will mean going-forward in terms of how much focus will be on this new family? >> well, i think longevity and stability and continuity. those are the words that spring to mind for me, i think that's what makes our british family, royal family so unique, and this is a continuation of what
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victoria was saying in her report, i thought she was right. there's no question of the queen abdicating, it's not going to happen. she will be looking at her family. this little boy, this little prince, hrh is a continuation of that. he's the one that will lead us into the 22nd century. >> you got to watch as william grew up from a very close proximity, and you understand the influence of his mother and how he lives it out now in his own independence. what do you think that will mean in terms of the decisions he and his wife will make and how they raise their little boy? >> well, i think that diana paved the way in many ways, because she went against the grain so much, she was so determined to do things differently. she knew that life as a prince was going to be a privileged life. she wanted the boys, william and harry, to see it wasn't how everybody lived. i think william and harry both recognized that. they're grateful to their mother and father. we shouldn't forget about
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charles and the influence he had. in many ways they had a very hands on mom and dad. it wasn't the happiest of family, because it was charged by a broken marriage. william will be looking at his childhood and kate wil be looking at her childhood, and you have two very different backgrounds coming together and it's going to be a very interesting mix. >> he picked the quiet place of anglesey. he's fought against the media. they seem to be doing things differently here. this could be a different lifestyle because of the early influence, is that what you're saying? >> yes, i think it's exactly right. the barriers have already been broken down -- but pushed. those parameters have been tested. who would have thought william would have been able to spend ten years courting a girlfriend, living with a girlfriend. this is a privilege that charles never got to enjoy.
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he's sure he married the girl he wants and sheen watts to be married into the royal family. i wouldn't be suched at all if these two have discussed strategies, exactly how they plan, and how much access they're going to give us, the media to this child. because that's they're next biggest obstacle. we will see them tomorrow on the steps of the lynn bow wing. where do we go from there? are we going to see them pushing a pram around kensington palace? i think we're in for interesting times. >> two quick things. do you think prince harry is breathing a sigh of relief that there's someone new to focus on. not so much because of the successi succession, but the media spotlight may free him up a little bit? >> well, i think probably, and prince harry will be absolutely delighted this evening with the news he's an uncle. he's probably first shoo-in for godfather. but yes, you're right, it does
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take the spotlight off of him. he's busy throwing apache helicopters. one wonders if this is the distraction he needs to pop off to afghanistan sometime soon. >> give me your take, what's the name going to be? >> i think my money's on george and arthur somewhere in there. and probably phillip, as a recognition of the duke of edinboro. >> no bruno, no barack, you haven't heard any of that out there? >> no, i don't think we're going to be hearing bruno or barack? >> i'm going to lose a lot of money on this. >> louie possibly, royal names, chris. >> you hear any piers? >> well, i think he's discussing it with them at the moment, actually. >> i'm waiting for him to call in, it's getting a little rude. it is his show. he should call in by now. we're going to take a quick break, when we come back, a true royal insider.
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here we are, all things royal, with a new baby boy to william and kate. if there's one person who knows what it's like to have life inside the royal family, india hicks does. she's prince charles's god daughter and one of princess diana's bridesmaids.
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she was 678 in line for the throne, and now she's 679. thank you for joining us. appreciate it, i'm sure. you meet this news with great satisfaction, but a little bit, just a pinch of, boy, i wish it were a girl? is there a little bit of that in you? >> yes, there is, chris. i think it would have been so exciting to have lived through history in the making. it would have been. and i think that we can look back and see that we've had some extraordinary queens on our british thrown, and i would have loved to have seen another. so, yes, it is with a tiny bit of sadness. >> just to bring everybody up to speed. that's because of queen elizabeth's doing, there is a rule being passed around, they need all the realms to sign off. but basically it would say a girl heir has the same rights of succession as a boy heir which
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wasn't the rule before. >> it's interesting to see that other royal families have already adopted this, and in fact in england we're rather behind. i think we're a very, very traditional country. so it takes us a long time to make these changes. so it's very exciting to see that we are moving forward with that. >> now, you know william well, you know the influence that his mother had, you have a good idea and feel for what decisions he'll make as a parent. how do you think he'll choose to raise his little boy? >> chris, i know his father well. i know william much less. he's a different generation. i live on a small island far away from england now. i think what we can see is the extraordinary good job that his father has done in raising william, a single parent a
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difficult position as we all know. and especially the tragedy they had to be confronted with. i think william is going to have taken a lot of that on board, and i think the very unique combination that we see with kate and william having had just as katie said, those years together before becoming a family will stand in good stead. i think we're going to see a united front, and i think kate has had some experience now with that extraordinary interest of the press. which can be so damaging for a family who are really this rust into the limelight. remember, of course, for william he was born into that position. it's a very difficult position to have been born into. >> he has learned to do it with a light touch. and he chose or was chosen by kate as somebody also who has a good idea of finesse in dealing
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with the public versus the private. they draw their lines. what do you think that means for what they'll want for this little boy. do you think this will be a kid who is thrust out there as look, here's the new royal or more of a combination of private and public. >> since william and kate got married, we've seen william being very protective of kate. when there was an awful topless photo, he couldn't bear that had happened having witnessed what happened to his mother. i think william is going to do everything he can to protect that child and make sure it doesn't have to deal with a huge invasion of privacy. having said that, since princess diana's death, photographers have taken a large step back and there's been an enormous amount of respect i wouldn't have thought would ask this long. the camera phones and international press that doesn't have the same guidelines as the
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british press. i hope everybody will maintain this right to privacy to a degree. babies do sell newspapers, william is only going to become more closed off, the more he's chased. >> and that will then mean they'll have to make certain decisions like those they've made already, living in wales, a tight community, has its own kind of barrier protection just from the citizenry there, that was intentional. they're making moves where they get to have their own lives? >> absolutely. that's where william was based for his search and rescue, but it's conducive to the type of lifestyle they like to live. there's only so many photos of kate shopping that magazines will want to buy. in london it's harder to do that, you have tourists and members of the public. not meaning to cross any lines, they're just so excited do see them out and about, i think they're going to retreat to the countryside, we've seen in the last month, kate has not been
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seen in public for weeks. you don't want them to feel like they're under house arrest, but at the same time they've been able to lead their lives without intrusion of the press. >> victoria arbiter, thank you very much. india hicks thank you to you as well. we spent quality time at the wedding. you're still 678 in my heart. i don't care about the rules of succession. when we come back, george zimmerman rescuer. his attorney joins me exclusively to explain about something that recently happened in his life. there is mr. mark o'mara, stay with us. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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does the person need medical attention? >> i don't know, they're getting him out of the car right now. they have kids and everything in the car. >> i don't know if it's on fire or -- there's other people that are helping the people. >> that is a 911 call with a female's voice and also the voice of george zimmerman, and you have not heard this call before. it has nothing to do with trayvon martin, george zimmerman's voice not in the call, the man and woman talking about an incident involving george zimmerman. this is not about trayvon martin again. four days after the acquittal, george zimmerman happened on an
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accident scene, we're told, people in an overturned suv, it happened wednesday evening in sanford, the same community where trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman, zimmerman did not see the crash, we assumed he would be staying out of the public eye, if he was in sanford at all. turns out he was there and wound up assisting at the scene and wound up talking to deputies. just days after the news of the acquittal. exclusively here, mr. zimmerman's attorney, mark o'mara, thank you for joining us. anything i said so far is wrong, the 911 call is about the incident. george was not on the call, but he was at the scene of the crash, did assist. and this in the same area where everything else happened? >> true. yeah, very strange. this is quintessential george, this is the person i knew him to be when i found out about his past before february 12th, always involved in the community, always willing to lenned a helping hand, here we go, four days after the event,
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something i could not have planned but turned out to be just pure george. >> is it true that you saw george soon after this incident and he did not mention it to you? is that true? >> we had conversations over the last few days, and yes he came by, but did not mention this at all. again, to him, this is who he is, and who he's always been, it's not unusual, i guess, for him, i was surise d -- i'm not sure i would have gone out and gotten in public four days after the acquittal like he did, but that's how he is. >> do you believe he's safe there in sanford? >> that was only a few days after, he was trying to make some plans, decide what to do. of course, he was sort of surprised at the blowback to the verdict. he thought that finally america had gotten a chance to hear all of the facts about the case, and to hear the whole trial, and they would understand what really happened that night, and it was truly self-defense.
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to hear a lot of the anger that has come since the verdict has surprised him, so he has taken some time away, and just going to sort of relax and stay out of the public eye. >> i'm not trying to be provocative, you have said, and we've heard through the family there have been meaningful threats against his safety, yes? >> yes, there have been. there was an increase in them since the verdict came back. again, sort of a surprise, in which we were chagrinned by it, i understand there's a lot of emotions wrapped around the case, they seem to be focused on george, rather than the issues they should be. >> let's talk about that distinction in your mind between what they should be on and what they are on. what is your take on the outrage that's there specifically. not outrage, but reaction. president obama in his comments, what have you thought about all this? >> if you look at the sound bite, i think it was inappropriate to suggest that 35 years ago, he could have been him or whatever many if you look at the complete context of what
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the president said, i think what he was acknowledging is that we still have issues of race and the way there is a divide between the country still. and it's a conversation that we need to have. and you may recall, chris, we talked a couple weeks ago, when i talked to piers in the past, i've done it for 30 years, criminal defense, where i represented young black males in the system, there is an issue that needs to be addressed. my frustration has always been, we're using the george zimmerman case as the focus point for that, when this was not a rashl event. george was more of a nonracist than most people. yet they've decided to focus on george for their hatred, when actually the anger is probably placed on the system, i mean, nothing to do with george. >> well, just address what you know already, which is what the basis of dissatisfaction is with the verdict, which is that a young black man doing nothing wrong winds up dead, and there is no responsibility under the law.
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it seems just wrong and you acknowledge that but you have an explanation, which is? >> the reality is, is that what george did was not just legally correct, but was appropriate for the situation that he was in, it's very easy to monday morning quarterback and say, well, if only he didn't get out of the car, maybe he didn't follow precisely the directions of law enforcement. the reality that came out at trial, there were two people involved, one was 17. 17 is still old enough to have responsibility for your actions. trayvon martin decided with whatever reason, decides to come back. we know from the testimony of miss jeantel that he reengaged the argument in the very least. george did not lay a blow. whenever i say this, it looks like i'm just trashing a 17-year-old who has passed. i don't know why we feel the
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need to ignore the factual reality of what happened that night. if people accepted that factual reality they could not and would not be as upset with george. if we want to talk about the fact that maybe trayvon and many other black males are looked at in a certain way within the criminal justice system, did sanford look at it a different way? did the system look at it a different way? that's a conversation we could have, but nobody can look at the facts that came out at that trial and say, this is 100% george's responsibility, the reality is, it wasn't. >> under the law, at least, let me let you go, but one quick question, i know you don't believe the federal charges, the investigation will come to anything, where george zimmerman is involved. do you think this case is a legitimate starting off point for discussions about concealed weapons laws and stand your ground? >> again, this is not a stand your ground case, never was, i don't know that the facts of this could apply to stand your ground. now that we're talking about
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stand your ground and the way the system may be skewed, i think it's great to have those conversations. even if george zimmerman's case may not have been the appropriate case for the starting point, because of the facts. the conversations can still be had. we may look at the stand your ground law and say, should it be polished in such a way where people still accept the responsibility, try to retreat? try to move out of an area of danger rather than just know that you don't need to? certainly something we should look at. >> mark o'mara, thank you very much. you would be surprised how many people think the verdict did hinge on stand your ground. it's always important to hear your take on that. thank you for joining "piers morgan live." >> thank you, chris. we're going to take a break, when we come back, we're going to go back to london and the royal baby born today. [ male announcer ] some question physics. some question gravity.
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for the first iconic moment, the first sighting of the royal baby. we're expecting tuesday because the labor went so well. >> what about the name? >> reporter: name, who knows. it's only their secret. we'll probably find out tomorrow if they have decided on it. that is the impression i think given. if they haven't decided, it may take a few days but i think it will be tomorrow as well. >> if it's in keeping with the standard so far, maybe it will come a little more quickly. it seems like these two do things their ownmorgan, they say he may be in there helping with the naming of the baby. if you see him, say hello. >> reporter: king piers.
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>> the hope is back home tonight, landed in rio de janeiro for world youth day. joining me now cnn international correspondent -- well, i call you that but you're really not that. you're really a priest and an expert, right? >> of course. >> we're looking at video. it got very tense very quickly. surely it was adoring but you've been saying pope frances wants to bring down the walls and engage with people. you saw what happened out there today, right? >> i did. but, look, this is a man who wants to be a man of the people, a man of the poor, he cannot live this rarefied, separate existence. since he was elected, he tried to break down those barriers. he is not living in the palace,
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he is not driving in the limousine. how does he now go to brazil and get in an armored vehicle where he can't touch anybody, they can't touch him. it goes against the image, the paradigm shift he's trying to make. >> but he's down there in this little hyundai, people were mobbing him. there was word of a homemade bomb they had to disarm. should he be in charge of security when it only takes one bad person? >> first of all, he's not in bad of his own security. he makes some request -- >> well, look at the picture. look how small it is and look at all the people reaching into the pope. >> i think that's a better picture than him away from everybody. this is a man who wants to be able to touch people and have people touch him. this is who he is.
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he's willing to take those risks right now. we'll see what happens but i think it's a good idea for him to do so. >> thank you very much. i know that the challenge for the pope is to reinvigorate this population. brazil, the largest catholic population in the world. thank you for being here, father beck. i wish we had more time. probably some kind of sin. maybe can you take care of that after. i feel much better now. thank to you father beck and thank you are for everything helping to us cover the royals and the george zimmerman case. thank you for being here with me on "piers morgan live." we're going to be right back after this. uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is??
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okay, everybody. that's it for us tonight. tomorrow our guest is glenn greenwald. and on friday, it's matthew perry. he sits down with special friend lisa kudrow and he gets serious
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with his own long battle with addiction. now our special "will & kate plus one." have a good night. enjoy case's special. it's really good. the following is a cnn special report. in london big news in a little package. an heir to the thrown it born. >> her royal highness, the duchess of cambridge, was safely delivered of a son, 4:24 p.m. local time. >> i was thrilled. i can't believe that we finally after all this waiting know that we have a boy. >> the first child of william, himself born a prince. >> may we see your


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