tv Piers Morgan Live CNN July 23, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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had a chance to catch your breath and catch up. from slavery to social and cultural violence, to jim crow, to mass incarceration, war on drugs, which is basically just a war on black and brown people, you just go down the line, all the way until you march up until now and say black people, we just want you to turn on a dime or turn on a decade and fix it all and pull it together and get over it. . cultural memories don't work that way. >> i hope you join us one hour from now, our this is piers morgan live i'm chris cuomo in for piers. anthony weiner in for not safe for work texts. >> i have said other texts and
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photos were likely to come out and today they have. as i've said in the past, these things that i did were wrong. >> the question is why did they come out now? what will they mean? weiner's wife huma abedin standing by him. what will this mean for new york? >> will the big apple forgive and forget. plus, the prince evers his debut and is he ready for his closeup. william and kate are thrilled and nervous and probably tired. unlike most parents, they are doing it with the whole world watching. >> he's got a good pair of lungs on him. that's for sure. he's a big boy, quite heavy. we're still working on a name. he has her looks, thankfully. >> no, no, no. >> saying the right things. what a picture. a typical mom and dad putting their newborn in the car seat and driving home from the hospital. their home is kensington palace. we'll go over the newest member
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of the royal family. the big political news of the day, anthony wiener's scandal. joining me, my guests. he's a former special counsel to president hillary clinton and the founder of purple l nation solutions. did i get it all in? it's a lot. >> yes. >> great to have everybody here. one obvious question on the table and let's start with that. anthony wiener came out and said after i resigned there were more of the behavior that got me in trouble that i had to resign for. why did he say this? the text messages came out on a website. they are out there. there is more. the obvious question, margaret hoover, after he resigned, there was more. he has an explanation, but does it matter? >> you know what?
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we're going to have to see how this plays -- >> hold on, hoover. don't take the middle ground. does it matter, yes, why? >> i think it does matter. you always want to empathize. i want to give the benefit of the doubt for this guy because huma, his wife put herself out today. this behavior was habit, chronic. there needs to be long-term attention on this so there is no way the apology on the front end was believable he would stop. >> margaret hoover is going with the word cured, she is giving him the benefit of the doubt of an illness. kevin, i put it to you, how do you think this plays he continued the behavior after the resignation saying we put it behind us. is that good enough? >> no, many voters now will say you're out of excuses. everybody has one chance at redemption, they don't get two. the big problem here again is
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that this -- in order for anthony weiner to get past this issue, he has to start a new chapter focused on what he was going to do for the voters of new york city. now, again, the campaign focus is back on him. it's back on his problems with his marriage and back on the problems he had with sexting in the past and voters don't know if they trust him to tell the truth this time. that is devastating now. i don't see how he gets past it. >> well, to bring everybody up to speed, this is the new enverse of possibility for anthony wiener. let's listen to what he said at the press conference. >> i said other text and photos were likely to come out and today they have. as i've said in the past, these things that i did were wrong and hurtful to my wife and caused us to go through many challenges in our marriage that extended past my resignation from congress. while some of the things that have been posted today are true
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and some are not, there is no question that what i did was wrong. this behavior is behind me. i've apologized to my wife, huma. >> all right. lanny davis. you're familiar with this universal of sound. what is important, weaner's explanation or the woman to his side? >> both. we can't be sure how voters will react and anything said definitively i think is premature. number one, his conduct in his behavior indefensible, which he described it. he's showing, i think, the right approach as a crisis manager to recount the pain that he's gone through. but most important, having huma abedin in full disclosure, i've known huma and have great, great feelings towards her. i don't know the congressman that well. huma being there, the way she spoke and about it being okay
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with her that he's a flawed human being that she's proud that she worked through in mentioning her son, that is a very profound and very painful moment for those of us who are her friend, but i think that it offers him an opportunity to get forgiveness from the voters. i don't know whether there is enough time for that to take place. >> lanny -- >> can i ever a point on that? >> let's bring it into context. let's play huma's sound because it really turned things in this press conference. let's play it and then we'll comment on it. >> as many of you who have followed this campaign, i've spent a good deal out on the campaign trail, at churches and street fairs, parades. but this is the first time i've spoken add a press conference and you'll have to bare with me because i'm very nervous. i wret down what i wanted to say.
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when we faced this publicly two years ago, it was the beginning of a time in our marriage that was very difficult and it took us a very long time to get through it. our marriage, like many others, has had it's ups and its downs. it took a lot of work, and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where i could forgive anthony. it was not an easy choice in any way, but i made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. that was a decision i made for me, for our son, and for our family. i didn't know how it would work out, but i did know that i wanted to give it a try.
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anthony has made some horrible mistakes, both before he resigned from congress and after, but i do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage. we discussed all of this before anthony decided to run for mayor. so really what i want to say is i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him, and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. thank you very much. thank you -- >> very painful. very powerful. kevin madden, i'll come back to you now that we've heard that. i've forgiven him. i believe in him. i love him. that comes from the wife. how do you know that voters don't say if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me, on with the politics? >> well, i think lonnie's point earlier was right that we don't know for certain how voters will
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react. there are two things that can happen. they can find that's a very personal statement and in many ways humanizes a situation. not everybody has perfect marriages. people go through these problems all the time. voters could recoil that anthony wiener would ever put his wife in this situation where she had to do this. because in many ways, it could have been humiliates -- >> what i do find is that she was very likable where he is very unlikable and at the end of the day, he's still the one on the ballot and he's the one that has to face the voters' judgement. >> on what basis? margaret, you say she had to be there. >> she is in there. she chose to be there. she's an independent woman and chose to be there and she's basically chosen to be a character witness. voters would say where is his wife? why should we trust him if she doesn't trust him? she's a testament to his
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trustworthiness and giving voter as reason to not completely dismiss him now. >> there is elements of truth to that but his trustworthiness, there is a reservoir of fine mansion to show he's entirely untrustworthy. >> lannie get in on this. >> i want to remind everyone watching and my co-panelist, this is emotional for this couple and have shown over the years from thomas jefferson to the eisenhower kennedy and previous administrations, a capacity to distinguishing personal weaknesses involving hurting spouses and loved ones similar to this one and performance in office. we've shown that ability. we show the ability to forgive and constantly and i plead guilty to this under estimate the ability of people to ever that distinction and forgive the person with human weakness.
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>> i have to laugh out loud. it's great because this is lannie davis, a good friend who is bill clinton's counselor -- >> so who should know better about forgiveness? >> that's what -- >> let's call it -- >> personal, personal work on the job from his personal behavior. >> and alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson, too, but i don't know if they had advisors like me. >> this is a public therapy session. >> but kevin, hasn't that been the case all time long? >> that's true -- >> and i just wonder if the judge -- >> yeah. >> we'll take a break and come back and talk about this. i posted a question to the floor and to you at home, who is making this about these problems of anthony wiener? is this something he's bringing out or the media? will the voters care or is this media bloodlust? we'll talk about it coming up.
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important to my wife and me as the challenges in our marriage and the challenges of the things that i have done and working through them. some of these things happened before my resignation, some of them happened after, but the fact is that that was also the time that my wife and i were working through some things in our marriage. >> all right. the headline anthony wiener says there are more of these sexting-type e-mails that happened after i resigned. that's the headline. the question is do you care as voters, or is this about media manipulation. we have margaret hoover, kevin madden and lannie davis, "crisis deals, five rules for coping with crisis in business, politics and life." mr. davis, i'll begin with this question. the idea of veracity, do you believe anthony wiener was not telling the truth when he said there would be more?
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was that enough to cover this, or was this new behavior that evers him untrustworthy? >> clearly, he warned us ahead of time and as someone who looks at crisis and tries to mitigate harm, that was wise for him. i would like him to address the post-resignation behavior more because that is an issue that would bother voters. without huma being next to him it would be a different conversation. this is a huge, huge, meaningful presence by huma and there will be voters that might be turned off by this, and i'm sure there are. and they have a right to be -- >> but they already said -- >> but there will be people that will find sympathy -- >> of course. haven't we seen it already? kevin madden, they said it's okay. they know what this is. an out growth of the same stuff. i don't condone it but looking at it politically, you hear the
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questions coming from the media after huma finished her statement. he foolishly took questions, anthony wiener and the media attacked him. why should this matter? >> this matters because this is no longer a question about a campaign that's really about ideas and issues that they care about. right now this is a campaign that's in crisis, and it's a campaign about anthony wiener and his past. and i think that is his biggest challenge right now as a candidate. as lannie talked about earlier, what you need to do to handle a crisis is get the facts out there. a big problem is there may be more facts to come and more embarrassing than the facts today -- >> it doesn't matter -- >> the second part is counter communications and changing the top pick and tory. i don't see how he will be able to change the top pick and talk about issues that many voters matter. right now there is a mother in wood side queens, there is a
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father in sheepshead bay brooklyn. anthony wiener is talking about his past. you have a host of other strong candidates that are not -- >> if they -- he wouldn't have jumped in the polls if they were so strong. >> he jumped in the polls because there was a lot of attention paid to him and you can coast on that for awhile. >> i got you. >> not whether they will give redemption to anthony wiener. >> margaret, i'm coming to you on this. here is my feeling i can't get past. the voters i think it's okay. the attention anthony was getting was about this. that's the attention he's getting. so now, why would the family in queens and the family say i don't want to hear about this? only you do in the media. >> look, everybody knows that anthony wiener's sex scandal has not hurt him up until now. it may have propelled him into one of the top two seeds and this is a democratic runoff.
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he doesn't have to win but in the top two. he has a shot of being there. his sex scandal helped him because everybody knows who he is. this notoriety may not hurt him. we don't know how this will play out and huma being there today probably helped save the campaign. >> do you think his wife humanized him? >> she humanized him for sure. she said she was nervous. >> he made the mistake, i call it a mistake. he then decided to take questions -- >> no -- >> and the media was bloodlust. am i reading that wrong? do you think he had to do that. >> as a crisis manager, i hope you never need my services, chris. >> me, too. >> he did the right thing because the unbelievable outbreak of being accosted by the media on something like this
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is going to accrue to his benefit, and i think he had to open himself up, and he did answer the important question, yes, this happened after my announcement. >> it seems that if this winds up winding up okay for anthony wiener, he may benefit for the low bar for public service and what people seem to be able to tolerate in these days from their leaders. thanks to all of you. when we come back, the little prince evers his debut. we have every moment of the baby's first day in the public eye. what makes a sleep number store different? what makes a sleep number you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those.
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look at that little face. the royal baby is definitely ready for his closeup. joining me now to talk about the as yet unnamed prince, cnn royal correspondent max foster and my new day partner kate baldwin. hello, guys. let's get to the moment of the day and then we'll talk about it. okay? everybody waiting for the prince coming out with his new baby and wife. let's take a look and a listen. >> he's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure. he's a big boy. he's quite heavy. we're working on a name. we'll have that as soon as we can. the first time we've seen him really, so having a proper chance to catch up. very emotional. >> yeah, it's very emotional. such a special time, i think any parent, i think probably knows what this feeling feels like.
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>> it's very special. >> i'll remind him of his tardiness when he's older. i know how long you-all have been sitting out here. hopefully you can go back to normal and we'll look after him. he's got her locks, thankfully. >> no, no, no, no. >> wait and see, wait and see. we've done that already. it's good. he's got way more than me, thank god. thanks a lot. thank you. >> beautiful, beautiful, the
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moment we have been waiting for. they seem over joyed as they should be. there is no blessingike a child in anybody's life. kate, it's interesting william learned the parenting rule 101 of guilt, putting get on the child which is important. kate comes out in a dress, not too different from the dress dianna had out. same place william was brought out. what did that mean there? >> chris, max and i have been talking about that moment, obviously, everybody has been talking about that moment a bit but what struck us, is they were both so calm which is surprising because it was such a crush of people and excitement and the noise and the media and the cameras that had been there for weeks now waiting for this exact moment. i have been down there earlier in the day when charles and camilla had come to visit the newborn, and it was -- it went from -- i would say a surprising
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calm amongst people to the fever pitch and i can only -- you were there at that very moment. it was insane. >> we've been waiting awhile. >> yeah. >> i like the way he talked about being tardy, the baby being tardy and remind him of that. they would have thought about that moment a lot, a huge moment. and they were trying to keep it personal but knew there was this huge amount of media there, but they came out and they looked calm. they look like a great unit. >> they are obviously adorable. when you saw that moment, when the babies hands reached up above his blanket, it was so sweet. i think william was also suggesting in a very delicate way he said hopefully the hospital and you can go back to normal and we can take care of him. suggesting here is your moment and we'll go into a lockdown mode. we probably won't see them any time soon. >> that would be really nice. probably not expected but would be nice.
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you're right, there was a feeling of normalness they were going for. let's look when they were driving away. every parent's first big memory. you take your kid out. there he is with the car seat. he's never carried anything so delicately in his life. hopes he installed the base right because his wife will get him. waiting for the click. >> it's what any other sort of family would -- would do. any other couple would do. but actually, this is a royal family and in the past, there would be people carrying the baby. he wouldn't be driving off. i mean, i think they were literally saying this is a sign of the new monarchy. we're normal. we're down to earth. he was there, wasn't he, during the labor, stayed overnight? >> we've seen that all along the way with william and kate. they do things their own way. they are a modern couple, and it
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is interesting that the palace, they allow them to do it their own way. they are giving them that leeway and for kind of giving kate and william that space to create their family, which some would argue maybe has not happened in the past and that might have been some trouble facing william's parents along the way. it seems like a simple moment, william getting in the driver;s seat to drive them away. that's a big deal. folks said wow, that's a big deal. that's a break from royal tradition. >> and did it easily, as well. >> it's a big deal for everybody, by the way. as you know, very well, max, he's never been more nervous putting anything into anything in his life than putting that baby in his car seat. let me ask this question to the two of you, in their disposition to be normal, like you everybody, do you think that may actually magnify the draw to them in this kind of new blush of enthusiasm for the royals? >> i think the jury is out on
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that, you know, chris. >> yeah. >> because a lot of people would say they want them to be loose and mysterious and not normal because it's almost aspirational. >> also, i think on some level you're kidding yourself if you can really be quote unquote normal. they live completely abnormal lives from you and i and all of us, but they are trying to connect with people, and that is what kate -- what everybody has been drawn to kate, what everybody has been drawn to kate from the beginning. they see that connection because she's quote unquote a commoner. she comes from a working class background and that's also as i've been speaking to people watching this couple, that normalness is what drew william to kate from the beginning. obviously, something they will strive for from this point. this child was born into the spotlight. his first moments leaving the hospital to flashbulbs and hundreds and hundreds of cameras they have to get used to it.
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>> the first sort of view to the world more cameras than i've seen in a long, long time. >> and back spending the first night at home here in kensington palace and anybody's guess where they go from here. >> secret. >> kate, have you figured out how to say that word yet? >> i like to say it as max does but it ends upcoming out with an indiana accent. buckle berry. >> is that a cream? a fruit? >> i would love to say bucklebury. >> what i liked is that you -- there was such a genuineness to the exhaustion they showed. kate looked great for a new mom. she looked great, but they are both tired and in it. they are more together now as a couple than ever before this moment. that's what a baby does. >> yeah. >> i don't know much about the royals and i know baby's heads and that kid has a nice-shaped head. i paid a lot of attention to that with my three kids. a good start in life.
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kate, max, i know it's been a long day for you. kate, i'll miss you much and i know you're doing important work. thank you for joining me and discussing this. knock it out tomorrow morning. and max so much thanks to you, as well. a great moment you brought us. >> max needs a nap. we'll see you. >> i'll go and collapse right now. >> don't, you'll ever more news that way. let's go to buckingham palace right now. also joinings cnn royal commentator victoria. i'll start with you because you're sitting next to me. this moment as it sets up for what you want in terms of perception but what you may want personally, how do you think this went? >> i think this couldn't have gone better. as max said, it was cleverly choreographed. i like the fact they took 24 hours in hospital before hand to enjoy the privacy because they knew the minute the doors opened and they presented the baby, they open add can of worms that
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can't be closed again. they came out together, they were very much together. kate carrying the baby and handing it cleverly to william. that's tricky with a new baby. they came out laughing and smiling and william rubbing the back of kate's back and really enjoying the moment, i think. what struck me more than anything is how calm they were. when a lady had a baby, you've got three children, it's a very emotional time. there's so much going on and yet, kate came out grease smiled at everyone and enjoyed showing off the baby. >> such pride. katy, i'll bring you in. i made a copper theft of dianna's moment presenting william, the same hospital but the dress, the polka dots, a little similarity there, no, is there something to that? >> there was. i don't know whether that was intentional or not.
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i mean, it was a very pretty dress, loose and floating but yet a polka dot dress and what dianna stepped out in holding the little bundle that was william. kate's was i would argue a little more stylish. whether the dress was a coincidence or not, the ring wasn't. some of the pictures in tomorrow's front page newspapers you see that ring against that baby and you just think this is history repeating itself. it's such a momentum occasion for us to sat and watch it and common tate is a privilege. for me there is so much significance in william driving his wife and baby off. you remember the wedding day, he left behind me driving his new wife back home to the house. this evening he drove his wife and his son back home to kensington palace to start the life. a lot of meaning. modernizing, change, this little boy, this prince, this future king taking us into the 22nd
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century and driving that is william. i think it's a very interesting analogy. >> now, in terms of the historic nature of this, obviously, there is no distinction more important to new parents in that their young son is healthy but of course they have to think about you have now three generations of direct heirs all kind of under one roof, so to speak there. what does that mean historically? >> well, his -- historically we haven't seen this for hundreds of years. in terms of what this means for the future heir, i think it going to be difficult to even compare what queen elizabeth has had and seen in her 61 years on this road to what this little boy will see. victoria was talking about moving into a digital age with camera phones. i think the greatest obstacle for this prince and future king and certainly for his parents is
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how they will navigate that, how they will satisfy a relentless press who wants updates, want everything, chronicled and reconcile that with what they are, which is a private couple and they want to be a private family. >> that will be a difficult struggle by the nature of their birthright. but i think you're right, maybe these are about modern times. katy, i want to thank you very much for bringing us the prospective from there. i love talking to you about this. thank you very much. very helpful. victoria, i'll ask that you stay there. growing up in the palace, you understand that life. you can help us with that. i want to bring in christina, stay with us. a great conversation when we come back. dad. how did you get here?
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there they are, the most visible, new family on the planet. prince william, kate and their still unnamed baby son behind closed doors at kensington palace. william's comment about his son's powerful lungs. nobody will get sleep now. we have chief international correspondent christiane amanpour. great to have you both. christiane great to have you.
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you seen what the world has to offer in significance. what did you ever of this moment? >> well, look, it is incredible just because so many people around the world have been so galvanized by this. it's central, this royal family to the united kingdom, to great britain. it's what evers this country ticks and brings and attracts so many people to this country and you see that in action and this news boom ranged around the world with what wered speed and so many people interested. i guess sitting here in front of this unbelievable century's old building behind me, i can't help but think about that little piece of democracy, that big piece of democracy that happened here earlier this year to bring a little flavor of democracy to the royal family and that was an act of parliament. they passed legislation to change the royal law of success,
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so if we had seen today baby girl cambridge she would have been queen and that would be a first. for all of us who do happen to be women and girls, that was going to be something really, really great. nonetheless, this is an incredibly moving day and as kate said, every family can identify with what they are feeling today. >> which is utter exhaustion. when you look at the continuity versus change, christiane, obviously you had queens victoria and elizabeth, we're doing good on representation of the top but they were going to change the rules of any heirs to have the same rights. if they had a girl, of course, understandable but now they had a boy and dianna and with how how she presented william and how she wanted him. do you see that as a carry forward for what he wanted as a
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royal? >> look, she did obviously, and she was the one and she and prince charles brought their children up slightly differently from the way prince charles had been brought up, whether it was having her children in a hospital, whereas prince charles was born in buckingham palace or sending them to real school instead of home schooling for a lot of their young lives or going out to various theme parks or places that were public places. all of that was diane new's influence. there was also, of course, a huge amount of trama that went on during the dianna years, and i think that was very traumatic for the family, for the country and what we've seen sincis the royal family with kate coming into it, get another lease on life, if you like, another real breath of fresh air. that acompanied by the queen's incredit longevity and 60 plus years on the thrown and the more
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it changes, the more it stays the same. this is a royal family unlike those that exist around europe today and the rest of the world. it is so central to this country, and this is their job, this is their profession. they are not just ornaments sitting on the top of a cake in buckingham palace. they to work hard as strange as some people may find hard to hear. they work hard and prince william will have his work cut out for him and so will this prince. you mentioned queen victoria and elizabeth, two of the greatest monarchs this united kingdom has known. they said during queen victoria's time the sun never set on the british empire and during queen elizabeth the first time that was the golden, golden era. the elizabeth era was the golden age unparalleled height. so women queens, good. >> of course, they are women, of course they will do well. we know that.
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we're trying to figure out how it is men ever got in charge. it doesn't ever any sense once you go pass the cave man days. even i know that christiane. >> that's what i like talking to you. >> they said enjoy today young prince, it's all downhill from here. all downhill from here. scenical journalist hopefully because you know what it's like to be in palace and the palace life. what will it be like for this little boy on terms of how he is treated and who he is? >> that's unfortunate because william and kate made it clear they will do everything they can to give their child as loving and well-adjusted childhood as possible. they don't have a nanny. that's one of the many changes they are making but yes, this life comes with enormous privilege but also comes at a huge cost. people grumble and say the royals have so much money and get to do this and that but they are working all the time.
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they are never off duty. it doesn't matter what they do, they are picked apart. apparently already people are tearing apart william because he didn't put the baby in the car seat right. i didn't see that. >> looked okay to me. i saw straps across the top, i heard the click, that's enough. >> it looked all right to me, too. let's give him a break. he's a new dad. it's the first time he's doing this. constant scrutiny. it doesn't matter what you do, somebody will tell you how to do it differently and it's learning how to switch that off. william and henry don't. they pay attention and that's why kate is refreshing because she doesn't read any of it. in a way she has a calming influence on william. i simply wish them all the best and i think this child has landed very loving wonderful parents who are going to give it a beautiful childhood. >> to bring it back where it started, i think that the greatest gift william will have as a parent so something we believe his mother instilled in him, be your own person, be who you are. thank you for the perspective
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and thank you to christiane amanpour, a voice of genius. thanks to both of you. we'll take a quick break on piers morgan live and much more on the newest member of the royal family. i'll talk to a woman that knows a lot about what goes on behind palace walls. [ male announcer ] a doctor running late for a medical convention loses his computer, exposing thousands of patient records to identity theft. data breaches can happen that easily. we don't believe you should be a victim of someone else's mistake. we're lifelock. we constantly monitor the web so if any of your personal information is misused, we're on it. ♪ ow. [ male announcer ] call 1-800-lifelock or go to today.
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the new novel "the white princess" went on sale today. good timing, my friend. good timing. i haven't felt so relieved about a birth since my own three kids came into the world and we were discussing about how you feel the same. there's a sense of relief and when you look into the continuum of history here, let me make sure i get it right. this little boy is the great great great great great
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grandchild of queen victoria. don't test me on it, it's written down, it must be correct. when you look at it that way, from queen victoria to this child, how have things changed for the hierarchy? >> you've had a change of family. you've had cousins come in, so it's not a direct line. and i suppose -- i mean, the most outstanding thing will be the changes in security, and the changes in social media. queen victoria suffered i think four assassination attempts and continued to travel out in public in a horse drawn carriage, because she just thought people were crazy. >> and she was right. >> she was right. but of course, what she never suffered, although she suffered scandal and a lot of criticism, she never suffered the constant nonstop interrogation of every action, which any prince or princess in england now has. >> which is now part of the
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royal birthright, certainly for this little boy, despite the best efforts of his parents to shield him. >> they won't be able to shield him. >> let me ask you, at what age will this little boy understand that he's not like everybody else? >> well, in a way he will be quite like a lot of people. he's going to play with very rich, privileged kids and live in a palace. that will occur to him fairly early on. >> but to be rich and to be royal are very different things. how do you think that happens that assimilation process? when do they start telling you, by the way, this may all be yours one day? how does that happen? >> i know one boy intimately and what he said he just always knew, because you know that this particular relation, he'll be introduced to his great grandmother and they will say this is your great grandmother and you have to bow and you call her mum. there will be a deference.
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he will observe that he goes to see his great grandmother in buckingham palace. he'll grow up knowing it. >> that sense of significance that hey, you have to do things a certain way, and there's a reason. i know you're frustrated, but your grandfather is going to be king or may be king when we're having this discussion. i may be king and you may be king. that is really something. no matter what about parliament and we have democracy there, what is that like to have that on you? >> well, i think that's about bringing your kids up right. so you behave nicely, because i'm telling you to, and i have to behave nicely under these circumstances and so do you. so i think he'll learn very early on. you can see that prince charles learned very early on that there was an obligation to be present to journalists and you had to smile for the cameras and you had to wave and on certain events you had to go out on the balcony.
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but what's very helpful about his two parents is that they clearly have a quite positive and optimistic relationship with the british public. so they -- at their wedding they did a few things which were intimate and funny. >> what a shock that was to all of us, came out and had the james bond car with the top down. >> it's playful, and they are quite playful. how long you stay playful in the long, long years while you wait to be king of england. >> three direct heirs, first time since 1894. >> you'll really good at this. i'm really good at the medieval period. this is fantastic. >> this is a time for your book to come out. especially here in the states. appreciate the perspective on what this means to have this boy in this place in history. >> thank you so much.
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america two," and "ac 360" town hall special. good evening. the second in a continuing series of "360" town halls on race and justice in america. tonight, we look at hidden biases that exist based on race, which studies show even exist among people who don't believe they have any racial biases. we're also going to look at juries in this country and how the racial makeup of a jury can impact what decisions the jury comes to. is this a discussion worth having? how you answer that question may depend on your race. there's new polling out from the pew research sent they are finds 8 in 10 african-americans say that the killing of trayvon martin raises important issues about race. but 6 in 10 white americans say the issue of race is getting
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