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tv   New Day  CNN  July 24, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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the home of the queen who we believe may have just left to visit her great grandson. a car was spotted headed in that direction. also we're going to show you what's going on just over two miles from here. this is kensington palace. the new prince woke up with his parents william and kate and we'll take you to the palace as well as show you all of the new pictures of the young prince who is likely the most photographed 2-day-old ever and of course we'll get into this side by side, kate and chi jana. there is so much meaning in what kate chose to imlate and do differently. >> polka dot dress, noticed that. >> nothing gets by you. >> i know. kate we'll be back to you in a few minutes. i'm here with news anchor
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michaela pereira. the president is trying to jump-start his economic plan. later today he'll give a big speech. jay carney will join us life to discuss those plans, the strength of the economy. obviously so important to all of you but a lot of disagreement how to improve it. new video from inside the cabin as that southwest jet made a hard landing at laguardia airport monday. there's new information as to what went wrong but clearly a lot of unanswered questions, certainly you can hear the stress in the people's voice, quite a fright with that landing. we'll begin with a remarkable moment in politics. anthony weiner with an admission of more. he says he continued sending women inappropriate online messages long after a sexting scandal forced him from office. nevertheless he is intent on staying in the race for the mayor and who approves his wife
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who gave a stunning statement on his behalf. pamela brown is live following the story. >> what a twist. she was standing by his side and then anthony weiner's wife, long time hillary clinton aid, huma abedin went up to the podium saying she has forgiven him. is it enough to save his campaign? >> anthony's made some horrible mistakes both before he resigned from congress and after, but i do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage. >> reporter: anthony weiner's wife, huma abedin asked new yorkers to forgive her husband like she has in a dramatic conference tuesday. >> it took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy. >> reporter: the disgraced congressman once again guilty of the same behavior that publicly humiliated his wife in 2011 while she was pregnant. huma abedin addressed the
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allegations this time in a very public way. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> reporter: weiner admitting to online sex chats with women after resigning congress and undergoing therapy. >> i have said that other texts and photos would likely come out. while some are true and some are not, there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: his late's poll gee came after new pictures and texas with a 22-year-old was reported on >> while some of the things are true and some are not there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: back in april, when weaner announced candidacy for new york mayor he said more allegations could emerge. >> if reporters want to try to
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find more, i can't say that they're not going to be able to find another picture. >> reporter: with the continued possibility of more texts there's no telling if abedin's defense of her husband will help resurrect her political career. this morning the "new york times" and "new york daily news" are calling for weaner to withdraw. several other candidates say he's unfit for office. he's made it clear he plans to stay in the race. >> there's no question his competitors want him to drop out because he's beating all but one. we bring in anna navarro and mr. john avalon, both cnn contributors. beautiful to have you both, thank you for being here. i'll start with you, anna. here is the question. is this new and more or is this just more of the same? how do you think this plays politic politically? >> it's certainly new and more
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for voters in new york and people that watch it develop on tv. perception wise it's new and more and in politics what matters is perception. he has a recurrent problem. there's a huge difference between a one-time occurrence and recurrence going on after he had been caught. this tells you this guy has a problem. >> also you have another timing this looks politically expedient for somebody, mr. avalon, that it comes to the polls his original statement was there will be more and this happened while we were working things out. there's no question the media loves this. it's so much easier than covering the race itself but to voter what do you think this will mean? >> remember he's been campaigning asking for a second chance. thousand today he's asking for a third chance. that's fundamentally different in what the voters are being asked. not only did he make a stupid mistake involving sexting but he
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cheated virtually digitally after the apology, after the resignation. this shows contempt for the original contrition and that's going to be a big deal. >> we get the humanizing effect, which is a term i came up with. ana, huma wasn't there for the resignation but comes for this, gives an emotional talk and says the important things, i love him, i forgive him. i believe in him. if it's enough for her, should it be enough for the voters? >> you know, chris, the problem is that this discussion is not going on in their living room or bedroom. it's playing out in front of national tv and i have to tell you it was almost like watching a horror film. i wanted to cover my eyes but keep on watching. it's really cringe-inducing. i don't claim to be a thermometer for the woman vote but it'd be hard for me to vote for a guy who has made his wife
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endure this kind of public humiliation. even though she's there willingly, nobody is forcing her to do it, it's hard to vote for a guy who is doing that and what's got to be weighing on the minds of new yorkers is how badly do these folks want to get elected and be on the political stage that they're willing to do this not once but twice? that begins to talk a little bit about psyche. >> i got you. look, this clearly is using the hillary clinton playbook and part of it is success heals all wounds. let's just win and then all this tawdry mess will be in the rear view mirror. the problem, what anthony weiner did yesterday putting his wife forward for the first time that was really, really, really low, even by politician standards but that was an attempt to use that relationship to deflect attention and embarrassment. he's enjoying the cameras and she's suffering through this in real time probably in some degree of shock. >> she's the only victim. i'm not a victim. she's the victim.
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if he gets to be mayor the people of new york city will be the victims. >> he tried pedro pervert but i think that was taken already. >> listen, i have to reset tone. let me ask you this, ana innav o navarro. he's already at 37% negative. this is my ending theory for you. he was at 37% unfavorable before this. we know that voters unfortunately have low expectations for their leaders that the sex scandals seem to be i dononly care what you do for not what you do for yourself? we have to wait for the next polls but you know? >> we don't know he doesn't survive. part of what's happening is the other opponents are so weak, have no name recognition and i don't put it past new yorkers but be forewarned new york
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voters that it is out of the realm of possibility that if you elect this guy you're going to be highly embarrassed at some point during his term. >> ana navarro, mr. avalon who beat me in the same color combination, yours looks better and i'm okay, i'm over it. you believe it's not about the sexting, it's about the trust. >> how can we trust your judgment? we can't. >> thanks for being on here. always love having you on "new day." now to kate over in london. >> chris, thanks so much. we told you at the top of the show there is some moving going on at buckingham palace, a car was seen leaving that looked similar to the car the queen uses often headed in the direction of kensington palace. could it be the big moment, max, when the queen gets to meet her great grandson for the first time? >> reporter: i haven't got it
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confirmed but we're pretty sure she's arrived. i asked about a half hour ago and they weren't giving any guidance on this but i'm pretty sure she's going to be arriving today. i'm almost certain she is inside and it would be a private meeting, two future kings and future queen consult inside. it's an historic moment, it's a great grandmother meeting her great grandchild for the first time and great grandmother monarch who has three heirs behind her and this is going to be the youngest of them so it's a moment head of state meeting future head of state and great grandmother meeting a great grandchild and seeing william who she's very close to with his child for the first time so it's a family moment and also a state occasion. >> a state occasion in one of those moments you wish you could be a fly on the wall because as we've talked to many royal experts they say this queen has
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worked very hard to move this monarchy forward and to have her great grandson in her arms but the third in line to the throne it's quite a sense of accomplishment for her in a strange way, right, max? >> reporter: yes. she's -- the queen is very well regarded and if ever she did slip up it was on one occasion when she stayed up in baumoor when diana died and that was because she wanted to look after william and harry. sorry, just had an update, there is no update update. so she -- >> it happens. >> reporter: exactly. you've been part of this for 48 hours, you know what it's like. she was seen as messing up because the world was in london, very emotional, and this was really the epicenter of the
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emotion after diana. you remember the flowers laid outside the palace and the queen didn't come down and share for the country. she forgot perhaps she was also a mother figure to the country, not just to william and harry. >> all right, max, keep us updated, bring our viewers up to date. it is believed the queen is at final confirmation to meet her great grandson for the first time. big moment for the queen and family as well, a very historic moment for this country. so we got our first look at the royal baby tuesday as prince william and duchess katherine left the hospital. it felt very familiar for royal watchers around the world. the moment unforgettable and picture perfect. prince william and kate emerging from st. mare's hospital to
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introduce britain's king. >> he's a big boy, we're still working on a name. we'll have that as soon as we can. >> reporter: william already a doting father. >> he's got her looks thankfully. >> no, no, no. >> reporter: a tender gesture. >> i'll remind him of his tardiness when he's older. >> reporter: so much like prince william's debut back in 1982, as the wait got longer and longer the anticipation grew and so did the crowds, the media all camped out, everyone trying to catch that first glimpse of the new prince. >> everybody back behind the barriers, please. >> reporter: police monitored the excited public crammed on the sidewalks lining the hospital where prime viewing spots behind the barricades were a pricely commodity. at this point you've been here so long you might as well stick it out. >> at this point i'm dying to go to the loo but never mind.
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>> reporter: crowds still big at buckingham palace. why wait in line? >> it's part of being british. we don't shout very often about what we do or who we are, this is what we are. >> reporter: so the world watched as prince william carefully locked his new son's car seat for the first time. the proud dad driving his family to kensington palace where they enjoyed their first night together at home with the new prince. and we'll have much more coverage of the royal baby throughout the morning including the role of kate's parents on what role they will play in the prince's upbringing. back to you in new york. >> thanks, kate, great stuff. we want to take to you brazil because this is where pope francis is preparing to visit, what many brazilians consider the holiest site, the national shrine of our lady of aparacida. there are more security concerns after that drive through rio's
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streets monday. miguel marquez, good morning. >> reporter: good morning there, chris. it's not just security the pope is going to be concerned about today, it's weather. it is raining. there was going to be tens of thousands of people there for the mass, first public mass of his trip so far this as cnn learns federal officials in brazil are taking a bigger hand in security. this morning pope francis on the move, a man taking little down time even on what was supposed to be his day off. ♪ a special moment at the residence where he's staying in rio, a private mass given by the pontiff himself. this as questions about how the pope's car ended up in the wrong lane, exposing him to hundreds
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of adoring followers but also pop harm. the pope calm throughout the incident, at one point even kissing a baby. here at rio's operations center officials say there are typically three routes for getting the pope from point "a" to "b" but that can be changed in an instant. some officials blame miscommunication between federal and local officials and others suggest a lone public servant failed to properly direct the pope's motorcade. officially no answers for now. "we will not talk about the past," he says, "we will only talk about the days ahead," this as world youth day finally gets started. also as a security concern, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. this is the opening ceremony and the opening mass of world youth day and despite a pretty miserable evening here in rio tens of thousands have showed up, the main stage about a half
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mile from where i'm standing. >> i'm emotional, i want to cry. >> reporter: the crowds will only grow by week's end, millions of pilgrims looking to pope francis for leadership. now we do know there are already changes to the way the pope conducts business in brazil. the pope mobile, the opened topped car will not be used as much, he'll use more enclosed cars but not bullet proof cars at the moment, that's what security officials would like to use more of but right now he's going with the soft vehicle for many trips. >> strong desire to be as close to the people, a different image of the papacy. miguel thank you for the reporting this morning. i should have said bon jia. i have a brazilian wife and i still blew it. let's move on to news.
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>> probably a smart idea. developing story out of louisiana a huge explosion and fire on a natural gas platform 60 miles southwest of grand isle, louisiana, in the gulf of mexico. the coast guard said one of its cutters saw the explosion from two miles away. we do not know what ignited it. so far good to report no injuries reported. everyone managed to evacuate ahead of 245 blast. new this morning the head of egypt's military calling for mass demonstrations this friday comes amid renewed violence. dozen people including 11 police officers were injured when a bomb exploded near a police station in mansour near cairo. 86 others were wounded. an internal investigation is under way into the massachusetts state police officer who leaked these gritty and raw photos of suspected boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev . sergeant murphy says he's been placed on desk duty. he released the photos without the department's position
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because he was upset over the "rolling stone" cover of tsarnaev he called insulting. if you are taking loans out for school you may be able to breathe a sign of relief soon, a federal vote is expected today to keep student loan rates low. critics like elizabeth warren says it's nothing but a teaser rate program. we'll discuss this with jay carney who is live on "new day" at 7:30 this morning. do you remember the 14-month-old who inadvertently bought a car on ebay? she has a gift from the folks at ebay motors, they wanted her to have her own set of wheels while her dad works to restore the first car she kind of pressed requests buy" for and apparently the plan is for that car he's going to try to get it fixed up for her graduation on her 16th
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birthday. in the meantime she has a pink car to get around town. >> those aren't easy to put together either. he probably had his hands full. >> dad's going to be quite a mechanic by the time the story comes to fruition. in 16 years i'm putting that on my to do list. >> put it in the ipad it remembers everything. indra petersons a scary picture behind you. >> if you live in kansas you might be used to this but the rest of us, this is impressive. this is a wall cloud, really the strong updraft portion of that thunderstorm. they did not have a tornado but speaking of updraft, large hail, you do not want to see this, baseball-sized hail, that's what they dealt with yesterday afternoon. let me show you what it looked like on the radar. you can see the storm cell moving through the baseball and look at the large hail that went through thanks to a cold front, that extra lift produced some
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scary events yesterday afternoon. no severe risk today. it is sagging to the south, more heavy rain, one to two inches of rain and they don't need any more at this point in time. the cold front kicking off the coast in the northeast, temperatures still cooler and drier. >> have you ever experienced golf ball sized hail? >> i have and we all go to sonic, the little top and we're chasing and everyone rushes to sonic to watch it around us. >> you see the hoods in the cars. >> unless you got your spot. >> indra, thank you very much. we'll take a break here on "new day" when we come back dramatic new video from inside the cabin of the southwest flight as it skids down the runway following a terrifying nose gear collapse. the latest on the investigation ahead for you. kate over to you there in london. >> and we want to have you meet the middletons, now that the prince has finally arrived, what role will the duchess' parents play in raising the young royal baby. we'll be back.
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welcome back to "new day," everybody. this morning we have must see video for you from inside the cabin of a southwest plane as it smashes down at new york's laguardia airport. the ntsb is now investigating, trying to find out what caused the front landing gear to collapse on impact sending the jet skidding across the runway. you hear people saying wow, wow, as they watch what happened. cnn's rene marsh is live with the latest. >> good morning, chris. scary stuff indeed.
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the flight data and cockpit voice recorders from the plane are in the hands of federal investigators in washington this morning. the good news, there was no loss of life but the damage was extensive. this is what it looked like on board southwest airlines flight 345 as the nose of the plane hit the runway at new york's laguardia airport on monday. passenger on the plane shot this video as the boeing 737 crash landed and stided for more than 2,000 feet. the national transportation safety board says the front landing gear collapsed on impact, causing the nose of the plane to smash on the tarmac, sending sparks and flames shooting up from the bottom of the aircraft. >> i thought it was just bounce, a terrible job with the pilot. i didn't realize what happened until i left the plane. >> it was like getting smashed in a car wreck. >> very chaotic, no one knew what was going on, flight
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attendants crying. >> reporter: 150 people were on board the boeing 737, nine of whom suffered non-life-threatening injuries. we spoke with an aviation expert who used to pilot a 737 using cockpit and exterior diagrams he describes what could have gone wrong. >> you've got a strut that comes down to the wheels so perhaps something in here when the plane touched down and the forces that are on a plane when it touched down may have decided to fail at that particular time. the gear could have failed backwards or it may have collapsed back up this way. >> reporter: the damage was extensive. the landing gear collapsed upwards into the fuselage damaging the electronics bay which houses avionics and other equipment. ntsb investigators already started examining the flight data and cockpit voice recorders. southwest says the boeing 37 was inspected just last week. the airline added that it is
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working with both the ntsb and boeing in a preliminary investigation. >> all rig in june of 2007 the nose gear collapsed on one of their boeing 737s in oakland, california. good news there, no one was hurt. chris, michaela? >> thank you very much. we'll take a break on "new day." when we come back this anthony weiner admission his wife huma making a startling statement. social media is abuzz about this. let us know because we'll be talking about it whether or not he should resign or continue with this race. >> chris you've been waiting to find out when the queen would arrive at kensington palace, it has been confirmed she has. this video just coming in to cnn of the queen's rifle at kensington palace. we'll head back out to london after the break. ♪
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clash. it's wednesday, july 24th, i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan live outside buckingham palace. right now the queen is inside kensington palace visiting her new great grandson. he's spending his first full day there with his parents today. we'll have much more on the queen's visit in a moment. chris you can hear the band behind me, that is just for you, we had that specially fixed so they'd play just for you. no, it's the changing of the guard here at buckingham palace. >> not really for me? it's still good anyway. >> yes. >> we'll be back to new a little bit. we're doing a lot of politics this morning. president obama hitting the road, he's going to lay out his economic agenda for the rest of his term. what does he hope to accomplish? more importantly how will he accomplish it? we're going to ask white house press secretary jay carney that question and many others in the next hour. first a lot of news to get for you this morning. michaela pereira with all of that. >> said to be a great
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conversation with jay carney, looking forward to that. first up a stunning admission from former congressman anthony wean we are his wife by his side he acknowledged sexting women more than a year after leaving congress after committing the very same infraction but weiner says he will not back out of the new york city mayoral race. his wife says they've discussed everything before his run and she has forgiven him and believes in him. a sneak attack in afghanistan leaves three american soldiers and five others dead, killed outside kabul after an insurgent riding a donkey detonating a bomb. the taliban claimed responsibility for that attack. a las vegas police officer tragically killed while rescuing a stranded hike per. 36-year-old david van buskirk falling to his death from the helicopter hoist line. not clear exactly how he became detached from that line. this morning calls for san diego mayor bob filner to step
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down getting louder. a second woman who once worked for him publicly accusing him of making unwanted sexual advances, these latest allegations come a day after his spoker spokeswoman filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him. the mayor says he's saddened but believes he will be vindicated. amanda bynes hospitalized after starting a fire in front of her own home and set her own pants on fire in the process. witness called 911 after seeing her with a gas can fearing it could explode. she could be held for 14 more days if she's deemed to be a danger to herself or others. what exactly is it besides the obvious that makes birthday cake taste so good? it could be the candles. university of minnesota study finds rituals, unwrapping a bar of chocolate a certain way can
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make food taste better, taking time between the ritual and eating the food it improve the taste but it only works when you doing it. watching me do it, my ritual does not help. what i find that was interesting the scientists are thinking they want to look into how what they call systemic behaviors could actually maybe help patients that are about to undergo surgery before they go if they can have some ritual behaviors might help them with pain, want to see if it can help in recovery. >> was there anything what it means when a child eats the wrapper of the chocolate? >> were you that kid? >> no, but i have one. let's send it back to kate in london and a very special visitor. kate? >> from eating candy wrappers to back to the royal baby, great segue. thanks, guys. right now we know queen elizabeth is at kensington palace. she arrived moments ago.
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you're looking at her very arrival at kensington palace to talk more about the happy moment and the significance of this. katie nichol outside buckingham palace, author of the soon to be released book "kate, the future queen." katie, we've talked about this offline, this moment, a precious moment for any great grandmother to meet her great grandson for the if, time and also historic. >> there was speculation as to whether the couple would bring the baby here to buckingham palace which would have been a more formal traditional thing done. it says a lot about gorani for william, she has gone to see him. now this is not their grand apartment 1a because that's not finished. this is small modest two-bedroom cottage. it's not huge so will they have the tea laid out? how formal will the meeting be? is i suspect the queen will be
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delighted to have a peek at her great grandson. quite a special visit. >> maybe it shows how excited she is, i'm just going over there. >> she invited kate on her first official engagement for the diamond jubilee tour. she's been really i think quite deliberate about bringing kate into the fold, making her feel welcome. >> learning lessons from the past. >> i think that's special she's going to them. >> maybe we're conjecturing but maybe the queen will have a role in deciding on the name. >> i don't know if she'll have a decision-making role but i certainly think she'll be consulted. the couple won't announce anything without running it past her. the couple will know to incorporate some of the traditional names, albert, arthur, george, louis, the names we've heard bets taken on. >> we're in a period where kate
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and william and the baby, we keep saying lockdown mode. >> but it is lockdown. >> being very private and the queen going over to meet her great grandson and she's off on holiday. >> this they will have some time together. harry is coming into town because he has an event so he'll be the next to make a visit. they've seen auntie pitta and for the couple to take time out for themselves. william has under two weeks for paternity leave. this is a time to have a close trio and to bond. >> and when william goes back to work then it will be an interesting period for the duchess because she'll be alone with the baby, she'll obviously have staff but the family, the role of the family, the royal family as well as her family, that's when that will kick in. >> although there are staff she said she doesn't want to employ
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a nanny certainly not at the moment. i'm sure it will happen when she goes back to work. for the moment she wants to count on mummy and that should work very well for her. >> for the moment think of how exciting little day this is for the queen to see not only her great grandson but that continuity we've talked about, the heir to the throne. >> absolutely the succession this little boy is going to secure the future of the throne for another two generations. >> i'm sure she's breathing a sigh of relief in many way this is morning. >> absolutely. >> we'll be back with you throughout the morning. coming up next on "new day," call it royal deja vu, millions of royal watchers seeing the pictures of the newest prince why they can't help turning back the clock to 1982. on this side of the pond the latest anthony weiner admission but it was really his wife's statement that was a real surprise. we'll take a closer look at huma
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abedin, who she is and why she's still standing by her man. stay with us. ons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine. (girl) we shouldn't have done that. (guy) no. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. i tthan probablycare moreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "new day," everybody. it is money time. christine romans is here with all the business news you need to know. good morning. >> good morning. money news you guys because futures are stronger this morning, we're seeing the broadest rally in u.s. stocks in more than 20 years and wall street did not disappoint yesterday, got another record on the dow, the 28th this year, although the nasdaq and the s&p did close slightly higher. 20 years for the year, all three major indexes are up 19%. all right, facebook's ipo last year you remember was a flop. investors today are going to scrub through facebook's
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quarterly earnings, they're going to want to know how well mark zuckerberg is growing advertising revenue especially on mobile devices. facebook now has more than 1.1 billion users. in the housing market borrowers in president obama's housing program are redefaulting at an alarming rate. homeowners who got through the government program are defaulting a second time. government watchdog says 300,000 people defaulted again after having that i mortgages modified. 88,000 are at risk of falling into the same trap, something hard to do, fix that broken part of the housing market. the other part of the housing market where people are not underwater, they have money, taking advantage of low mortgage rates that part of the market very strong. >> i wonder if the president will address the first part in his big speech. christine thank you very much. another big political moment today anthony weiner's latest sexting admission but you had to
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see the reaction of his wife. we're used to seeing the loyal wives of disgraced politicians standing by quietly but during this news conference huma abedin refused to stay silent speaking in her husband's defense. here's dana bash with much more. can. >> reporter: in the annals of political wives standing by their men this was unprecedented. >> anthony's made horrible mistakes before he resigned from congress and after but i do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage. >> reporter: in her carefully chosen words, huma abedin telegraphed so much. >> it was not an easy choice in any way, but i made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. that was a decision i made for me, for our son and for our family. >> reporter: it was extraordinary that she spoke at all, until now it was just the
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picture that signaled that the politician in trouble had support of his wife. then south carolina governor mark sanford stood alone as he explained his affair, but other wives did participate silently. louisiana senator david vitter's wife as he was accused of sleeping with prostitutes, larry craig's wife in the allegations he was trolling for sex in an airport bathroom and eliot spitzer's wife after he admitted to seeing high-priced prostitutes a scene that prompted an entire tv series "the good wife." huma abedin is no stranger to personal problems playing out on the political stage. for decades she's been a key behind the scenes confidant of politics most famous scorned woman, hillary clinton. bill clinton officiated at her wedding. hillary clinton is quoted as saying i have one daughter but if i had a second daughter it would be huma. huma is incredibly savvy knowing
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full well the potential impact of this moment. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn, washington. >> the irony not lost on a lot of people that she saw a front row seat to what went on with the clintons and now experiencing her own version of it and again this is the second time around. >> all pain is personal. >> just makes it worse when you have to live it out in a public forum. we'll take a break and when we come back we'll be going out to kate in london for a look at the headlines across the pond. president obama will address economics in a speech at knox university. jay carney will give us a sneak review and we'll push to see what's in it for you. a mama bear making a dress pratt effort to free her cub who
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gets caught inside a dumpster. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ wi drive a ford fusion. who is healthier, you or your car? i would say my car. probably the car. cause as you get older you start breaking down. i love my car. i want to take care of it. i have a bad wheel - i must say. my car is running quite well. keep your car healthy with the works. $29.95 or less after $10 mail-in rebate at your participating ford dealer. so you gotta take care of yourself? yes you do. you gotta take care of your baby? oh yeah!
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what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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♪ all right, so yesterday we had some fun with headlines, guys, today we have more fun with the headlines in the newspapers here in london. lots of fun. very cute ones today for you. take a looky loo. "our little prince" that is one good looking family.
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>> very, very good looking. >> from "the daily telegraph" and then they get cheeky. "the sun" today, the fresh prince, a very good one. >> brand spankin new. >> "the daily mail" "baby's first royal wave" when his hand reached up above the blan key. that is an extreme close-up for that poor child. we love the onion in the states but here in the uk private eye. "woman has baby." >> that's the best one. >> inside, "some other stuff" to keep people reading. >> there's a lot of people enthralled by the fairytale playing out. >> i love new babies. >> i promise you, everybody i meet here you've got all different opinions with the people i've come across, a lot
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of people said i got to go to work and others say this is a great moment, it's nice to celebrate something fun, we can go back to the bad news and whatever we're fighting about tomorrow so we have a little bit of that. we have lots more coming up here from london, we'll have much more on the royal baby's first day home and the visit from great grandmother, the queen. very brief visit, actually, chris. >> that's what happens, the baby starts crying, grandma's got to go. i've lived that. i've lived that. back here on this side of the pond, anthony weiner caught up in yet another sexting scandal, his wife says she will stand by her man as he continues his run for the mayor of new york city. why? we discuss. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink.
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you hear the music, time for the rock block, what's that? a roundup of the stories you'll be talking about today. >> first up in "the new york times" the fda considering a became on menthol cigarettes after a study showing the flavoring makes it easier for people to start smoking and harder to quit. in "the washington post," a mea culpa from governor bob mcdonnell who said he's paid more than $120,000 in loans in a gift scandal. and lance armstrong his lawyer's asked a federal judge to dismiss a whistleblower lawsuit against him. time for business news with christine romans. >> iphone demand was better than wall street thought. apple sold more than 31 million of them last quarter, just a quarter, that helped apple beat some gloomy earnings
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expectations. want a yogurt with the latte? starbucks and danon are developing a yogurt to be sold under the starbucks evolution fresh brand. if you're rich, $1 million isn't what it used to be. new survey says 60% of high net worth individuals think they need $5 million to feel rich. let's get to indra petersons for the weather. >> we have activity in the tropics, dropped 4. if it is named it will be called dory. we have a lot of dry air ahead of it, not likely it will develop too much. northeast seeing the cold front kick through, temperatures, 80s and 70s and look at detroit, 6 after last week felt like 105. down in the southeast a cold front producing heavy rain and think about the mold season, eight inches above normal in the southeast. >> indra, thank you very much. look at the time, almost the top of the hour and that means here on "new day" time for the
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top news. >> it look a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where i could forgive anthony. >> anthony weiner's wife comes to his defense after the mayoral candidate admitted to sexting a woman after his resignation from congress. she has forgiven. can the voters? the heir is home. live with new photos of the royal baby, new details-is first day home and new insight into state's stunning tribute to diana. inside a hard new landing, dramatic new video inside that southwest jet at laguardia airport. the ntsb investigates what went wrong. >> your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: what you need to know.
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>> we will not default. we are the united states. we do not default. >> announcer: what you just have to see. >> very emotional. >> yes, very emotional, a special time. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "new day." it's wednesday, july 24th, 7:00 in the east. i'm chris cuomo and kate bolduan looking good in london. good morning. >> hi there guys. good morning. good morning, everybody, i'm coming to you live right from front of buckingham palace. today is the royal baby's first full day at home with his elated albeit a little tired parents. we'll give you a live look. his great grandmother the queen paid her first visit to see her great grandson, she just left moments ago and while we finally got our first look at the little prince we still do not know his
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name. they said yesterday they're still working on it. take a look at those little fingers. he's already mastering the royal wave according to the headlines here. coming up the touching tribute many people say kate made to diana on the steps of the front hospital that made her special day so familiar, chris. >> it was and polka dots are a sign of good luck, they have a little tradition. that's great. we'll be back to you a little bit. michaela and i are following major develop political stories, president obama set to deliver an important economic address. we'll talk live with white house press secretary jay carney on what the president plans to say and how is he going to get republicans on board. another story we're following closely the massachusetts state cop who released startling, gritty photos of the boston bombing suspect the night he was surrendering. that officer learning his punishment. we'll bring you reaction to the
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situation in his own words. we'll start here with this headline, talk about standing by your man. anthony weiner is not alone as he tries to keep his politial career afloat. his wife huma abedin was by his side as weiner admitted he continued sending out explicit messages after he resigned from congress. pamela brown, this is one to watch. >> long time hillary clinton aide huma abedin said she has forgiven her husband, a powerful assist from weiner's wife, seen as one of his biggest assets but is it enough to save his campaign? >> anthony's made some horrible mistakes both before he resigned from congress and after, but i do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage. >> reporter: anthony weiner's
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wife, huma abedin asked new yorkers to forgive her husband like she has in a dramatic conference tuesday. >> it took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy. >> reporter: the disgraced congressman once again guilty of the same behavior that publicly humiliated his wife in 2011 while she was pregnant. huma abedin addressed the nearly surfaced allegations this time in a very public way. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> reporter: weiner admitting to online sex chats with women after resigning from congress and undergoing therapy. >> i have said that other texts and photos were likely come out. and today they have. while some are true and some are not, there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: weiner's latest apology came after new pictures and text messages with a 22-year-old woman surfaced on the goss i imwebsite
4:04 am he reportedly used a screen name carlos danger, they carried on a sexting relationship last summer. >> while some of the things are true and some are not there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: back in april, when weiner announced candidacy for new york mayor he said more allegations could emerge. >> if reporters want to try to find more, i can't say that they're not going to be able to find another picture. >> reporter: with the continued possibility of more texts there's no telling if abedin's defense of her husband will help resurrect her political career. this morning the "new york times" and "new york daily news" are calling for weiner to withdraw. several other candidates say he's unfit for office. weiner has made it clear that he has no plans of dropping out of this race. you may remember, chris, in the beginning it was seen as a joke when he entered the race. now the polls show he is a serious contender. we'll see if the new developments have impact on voters and the polls. >> he had a high negative, about
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37% which raises the question is this more provocative for us in the media or for voters? let's get a take on that. pamela, appreciate the reporting. for some analysis let's bring in cnn chief political analyst, gloria borger. good morning, gloria. >> hi, chris. >> thank you for joining us on "new day." >> sure. >> you heard what i was talking to pamela about. do you think this hurts him with the voters because it's new and worse or just about us? >> yes, i do think it hurts him with the voters and here's why. as pamela was referring to, in april, in a way to inoculate himself before announced officially his candidacy, he said, yeah, there are going to be some other things. i can't guarantee you there won't be. what he did not do is tell us the timing of them. i think voters asumd th s s aas
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he had stopped and now it's a question of trust and judgment. that's an issue for voters. >> trust and judgment, you would think in this situation it would go specifically to his wife and she says yes i knew about them, the behavior change was a process, took lots of therapy and the magic potential line, "i love him. i forgive him. i believe in him." you know with voters gloria better than i do that when the wife is okay with it, maybe then you should be okay with it. >> look, the wife is always the greatest character witness, right, chris? you know that. it's really important, if huma had not been standing next to him yesterday i think it would have been a very, very different story. she made the point, look, you know, this took us a lot of therapy. i think the question is, is running for mayor part of your therapy? okay? that's a question voters are going to have to answer. i think voters are very willing to forgiveou and give you a
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second chance. the big question i have is, are new yorker voters going to want to give him a second second chance or are they going to feel like he was playing a little fast and loose with that time line of just how he was coming out of his problems and will they believe him when he says now that's all in the past. the jury is still out on that. >> we're tracking it online pretty carefully. i'm hearing a lot of "you people need to get over this" from people to the media, you don't want to cover the real election. this is like candy for you gouy. i'm worried about me as a voter. let me know what we're going to do about me. >> we're not hearing about that. there's a field of a bunch of candidates out there and what he does not want to be talking about is his history of sexting. what he does want to be talking about is what he can do for new york city and this of course is the ultimate thing that would
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take a candidate off message, right, and so if the voters want to hear from him about what he wants to do for new york city he has to get through this. i don't think it's the media per se but of course you're going to ask questions about this and people are going to say, are you the right person right now to handle the tough job of being the mayor of new york city, when in fact you clearly have some issues in your personal life that you need to be spending an awful lot of time on? >> what will be novel here is usually this happens when you're in office. if anthony weiner is able to win carrying this burden, that will be impressive and when i say you the media i'm including myself. i was one of the first to report on this scandal when it first happened so i'm in it as deep as you can be. >> the bar gets higher for him, chris, the bar just gets higher and higher and high per. >> i take the point. i know everybody's polling now. we'll see where the voters are on it.
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it's interesting to see huma up there, i'm using the phrase "did she humanize him?" >> it's important but we'll see if it's dispositive. >> i'm going to look up that word and get back to you. thank you very much, gloria, thanks for being on "new day." back to london and kate bolduan. kate? >> thanks so much, chris. so the new royal prince getting his first visit from his great grandmother this morning. queen elizabeth just left kensington palace after a brief visit. straight to royal correspondent max foster live outside kensington palace. hi, max. >> reporter: a half-hour and priority visit for william, this was the first call he made while he was in hospital after the baby was born, desperate for the queen to meet her new heir so her youngest heir, third in line. moment for her as a queen but also a moment for her as a great
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grandmother. what we're all waiting on of course is the name of this prince and i suspect, you know, yesterday when he talked about not knowing the name and not quite there yet i suspect he wanted to put it to the queen first so kate and william sitting in hospital, bouncing some names around, perhaps decided on one and today putting it to the queen. she doesn't have to officially approve it. but because of their close relationship and the role the baby will play in the monarchy i think he would have put it past her first. kate, fingers crossed for a baby name today. >> fingers crossed and i do like that little show of suspect. i do respect that as well. great to see you of course, max. we had some fun last night, great seeing you and working with you. i'll talk to you in a bit. the duke and duchess of cambridge assured everyone they're still working on the name for their bundle of joy. the world got to see him for the first time tuesday and brought millions of royal watchers back to another moment in time in
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1982. the moment unforgettable and picture perfect. prince william and kate emerging from st. mary's hospital to introduce britain's future king. >> he's a big boy, we're still working on a name. we'll have that as soon as we can. >> reporter: william already a doting father. >> he's got her looks thankfully. >> no, no, no. >> reporter: a tender gesture. welcomed by the hundreds of adoring fans waiting outside the private hospital wing. >> i'll remind him of his tardiness when he's older. i know how long you've all sat out here. >> reporter: it was a photo-op made for the history books, so much like prince william's debut back in 1982, as the wait got longer and longer the anticipation grew and so did the crowds, the media all camped out, everyone trying to catch that first glimpse of the new prince. >> everybody back behind the barriers, please. >> reporter: police monitored the excited public crammed on the sidewalks lining the hospital where prime viewing
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spots behind the barricades were a priceless commodity. at this point you've been here so long you might as well stick it out. >> absolutely. even though i'm dying to go to the loo but never mind. >> reporter: across the city, crowds still big at buckingham palace. why wait in line? >> it's part of being british. we don't shout very often about what we do or who we are, this is something that we are, to be proud of. >> reporter: so the world watched as prince william carefully locked his new son's car seat for the first time. the proud dad driving his family to kensington palace where they enjoyed their first night together at home with the new prince. ♪ and i got to tell you, chris, i heard so many people saying that they could remember that picture, that video of charles and diana and william on the steps of st. mary's hospital, so vividly, and you can be sure that in years to come people will be saying the same of that image that we saw, that introduction to the world that we saw yesterday with kate, william and the little prince of
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cambridge. >> yes, kate, i am one of those people who remembered 31 years ago watching william be brought out there myself. and i understand in your smile that you are very happy because you're saying, "i wasn't even there then." yes, i know. i saw it. i know that you didn't see it but it was a big moment there. >> i am not making an aiming comment here. >> it's okay. you're loving it. enjoy it over there. i hope it's nice and cool and wet! >> take it away, you old man. >> all right, all right. we're going to go to break here. striking new video to show you this morning, it was taken inside that southwest flight. it captures the moment the front gear landing collapses. the ntsb is investigating it so cnn's rene marsh will bring it to us from washington. rene good morning. >> good morning, chris. the flight data and cockpit voice recorders from the plane are in the hands of federal investigators in washington this morning, and the good news,
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there was no loss of life, but the damage was extensive. this is what it looked like on board southwest airlines flight 345 as the nose of the plane hit the runway at new york's laguardia airport on monday. a passenger on the plane shot this video as the boeing 737 crash landed and skidded for more than 2,000 feet. the national transportation safety board says the front landing gear collapsed on impact, causing the nose of the plane to smash on the tarmac, sending sparks and flames shooting up from the bottom of the aircraft. >> i thought it was just bounce, a terrible job with the pilot. i didn't realize what happened until i actually left the plane. >> it was like getting smashed in a car wreck. >> very chaotic, no one knew what was going on, flight attendants crying. >> reporter: 150 people were on board the boeing 737, nine of whom suffered
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non-life-threatening injuries. we spoke with an aviation expert who used to pilot a 737 using cockpit and exterior diagrams he describes what could have gone wrong. >> you've got a strut that comes down to the wheels so perhaps something in here when the plane touched down and the forces that are on a plane when it touched down may have decided to fail at that particular time. the gear could have failed backwards or it may have collapsed back up this way. >> reporter: the damage was extensive. the landing gear collapsed upwards into the fuselage damaging the electronics bay which houses avionics and other equipment. ntsb investigators already started examining the flight data and cockpit voice recorders. southwest says the boeing 737 was inspected just last week. the airline added that it is working with both the ntsb and boeing in a preliminary investigation.
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we know this morning that southwest actually e-mailed all of the passengers on board, apologizing and promising a refund as well as complimentary tickets for future travel, chris? >> good first step. appreciate the reporting this morning. michaela is next to me for more news. a fire is burning on a blown-out natural gas platform in the gulf of mexico. coast guard officials say it was evacuated well before the explosion and fire. the exact cause at this point still not known. no injuries thankfully have been reported. that rig is located about 60 miles off the coast of grand isle, louisiana. air and sea traffic in the area has been diverted. . obama's refocusing attention on improvements in the u.s. economy, expected to pat his own back a bit as he delivers a major speech including the job market and healthier economy. he's scheduled to give six
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speeches about the economy over the next two months. we'll talk more about this with white house press secretary jay carney he'll be live on here on "new day" coming up in about 15 minutes. former new england patriot turned murder suspect aaron hernandez back in court for a probable cause hearing. fernandez could be in deeper trouble. prosecutors reportedly made a case to a suffolk county grand jury that hernandez should be charged in the shooting deaths of two men a year ago. investigators believe hernandez shot and killed oden lloyd because he was worried he knew about the double homicide and might talk. the ceo of carnival cruise lines and royal caribbean ready for a grilling on capitol hill this afternoon, expected to face tough questioning. democrat jay rockefeller is introducing a new bill that cracks down on the cruise industry following a string of fires, mechanical failures in recent months. a fan attacks beyonce only
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in this case an electric fan, don't do that to my hair. the superstar's hair got caught in a stage fan in montreal monday. the fan was a super fan not letting go. beyonce kept on belting out her hit "halo." after she was freed she included "my hair was yankin' from the fan that's always hatin'." i have to say she has fallen on the stage, she's tripped, she just gets back right up and continues on the show. she is sasha fierce, just saying. >> i like the line and lyrics, the "ahhh" that was very good. >> she's good at sel self-deprication. >> let's head over to indra petersons. >> no fans, thank you very much.
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the cold front moving through the southeast brought baseball sized hail through kansas. not looking for a risk area today. more rain and they're pretty much sick of the rain, one to two inches of rain in the forecast for them. that is the northeast, these are the temperatures we saw last week, a high of 97 degrees t felt like 110 and then we have this week, so much better talking about 80s today and notice behind you can see the cold front sliding through, 70s in the forecast behind that so we love that. we are going to continue to watch because we have tropical depression 4 is out there, if it is named it will be called dory but you can see all the dry air in front of it so it's not expected to have a long cycle there, that's one piece of good news we have. this is an active hurricane season already. this is very early, you don't see a named storm usually until the end of august. >> dorian. >> do you know a dorian?
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>> i do now, the answer is yes i do. coming up on "new day" he is a hero to so many for leaking the photos of the boston bombing suspect but also in big trouble with his boss as we'll tell you how they decided to punish police photographer sean murphy. first over to you, kate. ♪ >> we'll have much more from london coming up, the royal family's blessed event as people over here remembering another momentous birth three decades ago, the new comparisons now between kate and princess diana ahead.
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book now at ♪ welcome back to "new day," everyone. welcome back to "new day" from london for the motor. the royal baby is spending his first day in his new home at kensington palace. when the world met him for the first time tuesday it brought back memories of the past. 31 years ago princess diana and prince charles walked down the same steps and introduced their firstborn, prince william, to the public. the spotlight of kate holding her little prince reminding those of 30 years ago diana introducing newborn william. >> we saw each parent embracing their child and presenting a family unit.
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>> many saw the polka dot dress as a touching tribute to diana who also wore polka dots when she left the hospital with her firstborn son. also the sapphire ring. the royal handoff. charles carried the future king before placing the baby into her arms, this time kate took the lead before handing him over to william. >> in much the same way a smooth handover of the baby which is tricky to do with a newborn. >> reporter: the exit strategy a bit more modern this time around. charles had a chauffeured car driving off with diana holding the baby, but this modern dad looked like so many new fathers smoothly clicking the baby's carseat into the car before getting behind the wheel himself. >> william might have had car seat practice, maybe there's a
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royal car seat trainer that helps out in those situations so he doesn't muff it on the day. i think it's a sign of the times, it's a change in expectations and a sign of this modern world. >> so let's talk more about those similarities and those two pictures, two images that everyone is comparing so much when prince william came out and was introduced to the world and now with the new prince being introduced to the world. we bring in a close friend of princess diana's, lana marks. good to see you, thank you so much. >> good morning, kate. >> when you see the pictures together of charles and diana and william and kate, what did you think when you first saw that image? >> i thought it was so poignant that here was the new prince and the new heir to the throne and it was really poignant that ana wasn't here to experience this but the beautiful thing was i remember her telling me she
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wanted william to be a king of the people, and when he walked up wearing his denim jeans and his casual clothes and kate was carrying the baby and she handed over to william and william drove off with the car it reminded me of everything that diana had told me she wanted william to do and here he was actually doing it. it was marvelous to see that and i know diana would have been enormously proud of him. >> how do you think, you kind of said it right there. as a close friend of diana's how do you think she would have reacted to knowing that her son had brought another son into the world? >> well first of all she would have said "will, you've done it right. good job." he's brought a new heir to the throne and she would have been remarkably happy he did it in such an incredible way and she would have been proud, she would have been happy, she would have been besotted about the new baby, lots of hugs and kisses
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and tears, tons and tons of emotion, and she would just be beaming with pride. >> and what do you think that william learned from princess diana in how she raised him and how he will now raise his son, because she loved him very much. that goes without saying but there were some very tumultuous times in william's childhood as well. what do you think princess diana instilled in william that he'll take to raising his son? >> she told me many times personally that she wanted william to do regular things and to know how everybody lived their lives and to be able to live his life in a similar way and with his beautiful bride catherine, who is one of the people, together i think diana would be happy that william is doing everything that diana wanted him to do and be regular and do things in a very regular way so that he could be in touch with his people as the next, as the king of england, and i think
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she would be enormously proud of him for that, and he's doing everything that she told me that she had told him and it's just remarkable that this tremendous closeness between them is now so evidence and it's quite obvious that william will translate this into the new heir and the new prince as well when he's raising him and we'll remember all the words diana told him and mentored him on a daily basis with their close friendship and their close warmth between them and the mentoring and the love and i can just see that translating into the new prince and william will do it beautifully. >> you can imagine that william has thought very much thought a lot about his mother during this very special time in his life, especially yesterday when he, when introducing his son to the world. lana, thank you so much. great to see you. so coming up next on "new day," he is only 2 days old that
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little prince we're talking about. his schedule is already jam packed. the new prince about to meet his extended family and pippa, uncle harry, lots coming up, chris. it's going to be great and back here white house spokesman jay carney joining us live, going to be talking about the president's new economic push and asking him what's going on in the world and american mojo and how do you help the middle class. we'll try to get our questions answered this morning on "new day." stay with us. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor... he found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions
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♪ welcome back, everybody. this is "new day." it is wednesday, july 24th. i'm chris cuomo. coming up the president's
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hitting the road, his mission to refocus the american people on his economic plan. we're going to have house, white house spokesman jay carney here in a few moments saying what that will mean and answering our questions how it will matter to you. kate? >> and much more from london, the new prince spending his first night with his parents in kensington palace. up next for the future king you may ask? meeting more of his extended family, aunt pippa, uncle harry. wonder what gifts they'll get the new king, new prince. first to news anchor michaela pereira. >> pretty good aunt and uncle to have, not bad at all. anthony weiner makes a stunning confession admitted he continued in engaging in inappropriate online behavior even after a sexting scandal forced him to resign from congress. he said it will not stop him from running for mayor. his wife huma says she loves
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him, believes in him and has forgiven him. new this morning the principal of the school in india where 23 children died after eating tainted food has been arrested and could face charges. police also want to speak with her husband as well. authorities believe a container of cooking oil had been tainted by deadly fertilizer. in just a couple of hours from now, aerial castro will be back in a cleveland courtroom for a pretrial hearing. castro is accused of holding three women captive. castro has pleaded not guilty to nearly 11,000 counts including kidnapping, rape and murder. we're expecting new insight this morning into president john f. kennedy. an hour from now the kennedy library set to release 7,500 pages from his brother, former u.s. attorney general robert kennedy. experts say the documents are important because robert kennedy was his brother's closest
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confidant and adviser. check it out, i mama bear trying to rescue her cub from a dumpster in california. she tries climbing and banging on the lid. her baby bear is trapped inside. enter a fish and wildlife officer, he saw what was happening, set off a loud siren and flashing lights, when she was retreated far enough, he opened the dumpster, quickly backed away for the family to enjoy a happy reunion. kind of a sweet little video there. hard stuff to follow now. chris an interesting conversation you're about to have. >> thank you, mickey. today president obama returning to knox college, the first site of an economic address when he was a senator in 2005. he believes this is part of the first in a series of speeches intended to reframe the economic debate for his dream for the second term. he will reaffirm the importance of economic growth from the middle out rather than the top
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down. what does that mean for you? joining me from the white house to talk about this as well as other major issues facing the president is white house press secretary mr. jay carney. jay, let me welcome you to "new day," thanks for coming on. >> chris, i appreciate it. congratulations on your show and it is indeed a new and glorious day in washington to see a reduction in humidity down here. >> it would be very nice. i do know it's easy to get right into the weeds of politics about this, but for this discussion, let's try and keep it on the people who are going to be affected by this speech and not so much the partisan back and forth. people hear enough about that every day. this speech that the president's going to give that is supposed to set out the new plan, people will hear this and say hasn't he reset the plan like three, four times in the last year? what will make this time different for american families? >> i think the question is appropriate and in a way the answer is contained within it. the president will speak about
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the very same consistent themes that he's been talking about ever since he was a new senator from illinois and gave a speech at knox college in 2005 and laid out the challenges economically and focusing on the stresses the middle class feels and even before the great recession, chris, back in 2005 you had a situation where middle class incomes were stagnating, flatlining. folks in the middle class felt stressed, they didn't know how they'd send their kids to college or meet their payments even as the wealthiest most affluent americans were seeing their incomes increase dramatically and that situation was only exacerbated by the great recession and now we have made some significant progress since the recession ended, since the economy began growing steadily and since we've seen over the past 40 months 7.2 million private sector jobs created but we have more work to do and we need to focus that work on the middle class because america's greatness came from the dramatic expansion and
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solidifying of the middle class in the 20th century. we need to see that happen again in the 21st because if we don't we will not be at our strongest. the president wants to focus on what we can do to help the middle class. >> let's go specifically what can be done, i know you can't take the speech apart but thematically here, middle class families, the redefault rate on mortgages even after modified very high, the ability to get their kid to colleges, getting screwed up down there in congress. is the president going to offer a solution for mortgage stress? is there a new answer for these college loans? does he have anything in this speech for people on those points? >> well, let me just address the college loan situation. >> yes. >> we are very optimistic that there has been a deal reached in the senate to resolve the situation regarding the loan rates for students across the country, and we believe that it will come together and we've been pushing for it, the president insists on it so that
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students and their families across the country won't see their loan rates double. so that represents progress. >> is it not a teaser rate and not just going to jump a year or so from now? you know this is the most important expenditure for families after their mortgage. >> absolutely. the answer is the compromise coming together in the senate does ensure that rates remain low because that's what the president insists on and what leaders in both parties said they want to see happen but i think it's a great question, chris, because it goes to more that we need to do to make sure that college remains within reach for middle class families and families striving to get into the middle class. you know college costs have been soaring and this has put huge pressure on middle class families, even as we see more americans going to college than ever, the costs of college continues to rise and we need to address that and there are ways we can do that and the president will talk about that and talk about it more specifically in future speeches and proposals that he makes. on the housing situation we've
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seen housing come back substantially from the depths in the wake of the bursting of the housing bubble. we've seen home prices rise and more people see their mortgages come out from underwater. there are millions of american families who still have underwater mortgages who could benefit from refinancing at low interest rates if congress would work with the president and act to enable them to do that. he's been pushing that proposal and will push it again. what's good for the economy is good for the families. >> let's get in on that. the criticism before this speech is offered by speaker boehner is hey, don't talk about it. come work with us. the american public are sitting out there, washington dysfunction has become synonymous with washington. how do we know that the president can get anything done in congress when he hasn't shown that kind of leadership to this point? >> first of all i strongly disagree with the last point you made. look what happened since the president took office. the worst recession since the great depression has been
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reversed, the fastest pace of job growth we've seen in decades and recession after recession, economic growth has been consistent for quarter after quarter. again, 7.2 million jobs. we've seen the automobile industry on the verge of collapse in this country, saved, revitalized and now creating jobs in america and selling great cars around the world. we've seen the housing situation stabilize and begin to improve. we've seen affordable care act passed that will provide access to insurance for millions of americans who didn't otherwise have it and benefits for other millions of americans. there is more work to do. i would also say on the point of cooperating and making this congress work, don't forget at the beginning of this year, the president reached a deal with congress, including republicans on congress, but for the first time in 20 years republicans agreed to the basic principle that our tax code was out of whack and the wealthiest needed to pay more and that happened and we finally introduced tax
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fairness into our code on january 1st. we can do more. meanwhile by the way in terms of the progress we've made the deficit's been coming down at the fastest pace since demobilization after world war ii. so let's be clear -- >> those are all good indicators. >> we had halved the deficit with president obama. he's done it on his own when congress didn't cooperate. >> the point of criticism doesn't go to the fact that the president has done nothing in terms of leadership. it's that the condition in washington speaks to a need for leadership, no vote on immigration, this crap with the student loans that they even made it an issue down there is so appalling to so many american families that they should be figuring out how to make college loans deductible like we do mortgages, that's what many families believe. that's where that point goes to that kind of leadership, how do you think the president can communicate to the american people that he can get things done with what we see every day
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down there? >> i think by engaging the american people, by keeping the focus on the issues that the american people care about and by working with members of congress of both parties to press them to work with them to get the things done that the american people care about. in the end, members of congress respond to their constituents and i think a perfect example is immigration reform. the fact is if the president hadn't been reelected the policy of the republican party would still be on immigration reform, self-deportation, that was the policy the republican nominee put forward last year so chances for comprehensive immigration reform would be at zero. instead we see a situation because of the president's leadership and the unbelievably strong leadership of a bipartisan group in the senate we have a bill emerged from the senate that represents a real chance to deal with this issue. >> jay, when do you think you get a vote on immigration? >> i wouldn't pick a day but i believe that not because the president says so but because he's leading, not because any
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individual republican senator says so because they're leading, enough pressure will be brought to bear on house republicans that they will act and we will see comprehensive immigration reform arrive on the president's desk so he can sign it. there's a coalition of business leaders, of labor leaders, of church, faith leaders, of law enforcement leaders who say we need to do this for our economy and middle class. that's the thing the president believes provides a template for action moving forward on the economy. he'll tuck about that in gaylesburg and focus on the economy. >> people need to see the men and women in washington are working for them again and everybody is looking to the president for leadership. jay carney, thank you for your introduction on "new day." hope to have you back. >> thanks, chris, take care. >> all the best. coming up on "new day" the sergeant who released those bloody pictures of the boston bombing suspect learns what his punishment is to be for now. what does it mean for his job? we'll take you through it.
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welcome back, everybody. the police sergeant releasing pictures of the boston bombing suspect taken into custody and remains on desk duty. jason carroll has more on his fate. >> reporter: his massachusetts state police colleagues hail sergeant sean murphy as a man of honor and conscience, and as murphy walked into a meeting with his superiors, he described his feelings this way. >> life is good. >> reporter: murphy could loads his job for releasing these bloody and bruised photos of dzhokhar tsarnaev to "boston" magazine a possible violation of department policy. murphy was protesting "rolling stone" magazine's glamourized cover of the boston bombing suspect. he's placed on restrictive duty
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pending an outcome of the investigation. murphy unable to comment because of the investigation so his 19-year-old son came to his defense. >> my dad's always been a huge hero to me. if i could be one-fourth of the man he is now i'll be more than happy with >> sergeant murphy acted from the heart. i admire it. he showed courage in putting it out there with his name on it. i think we all recognize that. >> reporter: murphy received an outpouring of support after the photos were released, a facebook page set up in his honor has some 60,000 followers and counting. murphy's boss says it's a difficult situation but he must maintain the integrity of the department. >> if we get into a situation where we allow employees to cherry pick and to choose what confidential information can be shared with the public, then we've lost the integrity of the massachusetts state police. >> reporter: state police say they expect their investigation to take several weeks.
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during that time, murphy's superiors will decide what further punishment, if any, he is likely to face. jason carroll, cnn, framingham, massachusetts. >> that's a tough one. did he have the right to do it? probably not. administrative rules, protocol. but was it right to do it? >> moral, professional restrictions and guidelines playing a part into this. if you ask people on the street they probably feel differently than what the law says. >> that's why it will take a little time. coming up on "new day," breaking news, edward snowden may be leaving the moscow airport any moment. we'll go live to moscow for the latest development. you'll want to see it. too close for comfort at 30,000 feet. how did this guy handle this very awkward situation? we'll show you more. >> look at his face. alert.
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welcome back to "new day." a picture of queen victoria. welcome back to "new day." i'm hearing in my ear that we're told william and kate have left kensington palace. where are they going? we don't know but we may find out. we'll look for more information on that. in the meantime, maybe it's genetics, maybe it's wishful thinking but it seems people are having a lot of fun today. it seems the new prince has the royal wave already mastered. did you watch this moment yesterday? the hospital doors open, will and kate emerge with their beautiful new son and the future king almost on cue raises his tiny little hand benaej that
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white blanket, guys, and gave the world a brief but regal wave, something everyone has been telling me we need to practice. the queen goes like this. some say it goes like this. it's clearly up to interpretation. i'm clearly not royal. >> you are to us. >> it's like this, more, more. >> that's much better than mine. >> mine's kind of like this. >> we'll discuss it in break. we'll take a quick break on "new day." we are monitoring breaking news out of russia, nsa leaker edward snowden may be leaving the moscow airport for the first time in weeks. the big question, where's he headed? we'll go to live news out of moscow, trying to get you the latest.
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i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him. we are moving forward. what a political moment, anthony weiner's wife huma coming to his defense after he admits sexting another woman. will her forgiveness be enough for the voters? we get into the debate. the royal baby, we're live in london with new details on the young prince's first day home. why no name yet? and when will harry and pippa meet their nephew. what went wrong? dramatic new video from inside the cabin as a southwest jet made a hard landing. details on the landing gear that collapsed. your "new day" continues, right now. what you need to know -- >> he turned to me and he said turn around. he proceeded to take his hand and pat me on my posterior.
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>> what you just have to see. >> this is "new day" with chris quomo, kate baldwin and michaela pereira. welcome back to "new day," wednesday, july 24th. 8:00 in the east. i'm chris quomo. >> good morning, everyone. live from london for you in front of buckingham palace where the queen has return, it appears, after visiting her great grandson for the first time. we now know prince harry has also seen the royal baby. we learned that kate and william have left kensington palace this morning. we're not sure where the prince is with them and where they're headed. we'll be checking in with all of our correspondents about this, chris. >> good stuff. back here, news anchor michaela pereira and i are following other big stories, breaking news
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out of moscow, have they given nsa leaker edward snowden permission to leave? he's been there for weeks. does this mean they're going to give him asylum. the pope visiting a sacred shrine in brazil this morning. here are questions about what is being done to keep him safe. we'll be live in rio. we have a big political story bubbling up here, specifically in new york city, remarkable political development. anthony weiner and his new sexting scandal. weiner is rejecting calls to drop out of the new york city mayoral race. that's not what is really remarkable to this story, at least not to me, it's the show of support from his wife, huma abedin that has turned so many and stunned them. pamela brown is following the developments for us this morning. >> reporter: weiner's wife, huma abedin is seen as one of his biggest assets. she forgives her husband, she
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says that's a powerful assist but is it enough to save his campaign? >> anthony's made some horrible mistakes. both before he resigned from congress and after. but i do very strongly believe that that is between us. >> reporter: anthony weiner's wife, huma abedin have asked voters to forgive her husband as she has. >> it took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy. >> reporter: the disgraced congressman once again guilty of the same behavior that publicly humiliated his wife back in 2011 while she was pregnant. huma abedin addressed the newly surfaced allegations in a very public way. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> reporter: weiner admitting to online sex chats with women after resigning from congress
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and undergoing therapy. >> i have said that other texting photos were likely to come out. today they have. while some of the things that have been posted today are true and some are not, there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: weiner's latest apology came after new pictures and text messages with a 22-year-old woman surfaced on the gossip website he used carlos danger to carry on a sexually tense relationship last summer. >> while some of the things that have been posted today are true and some are not, there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> reporter: back in april when weiner announced candidacy for new york mayor, he said more allegations could emerge. >> if reporters want to try to find more, i can't say they're not going to be able to find another picture. >> reporter: with the continued possibility of more texts, there's no telling if abedin's defense of her husband will help resurrect his political career.
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under mounting pressure to withdraw from his opponents and "the new york times" as well as the "new york daily news" anthony weiner is making it clear he plans on staying in the race. based on the polls he's a top contender in the new york mayoral race but it's unclear how these latest developments will impact voters. chris? >> pamela, thank you very much. let's figure it all out. joining me now is republican consultant margaret hoofer and cnn contributor john avalon. very nice to have you here. let's deal with the essential question. do you believe, miss hoover, that anthony weiner stays in the race? >> i believe he stays in the race and i believe, to quote a joke somebody said to me last night, huma-nizes him. i think she saved his campaign. in this race all he needs to do is be in the top two to make the runoff. this may blow over. to the extent it does, is his
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wife who saved the campaign. >> do you want him to win the ticket? >> it actually may make it easier for one of the republican candidates frankly to run against anthony weiner, although there are vulnerable democrats in the top two. i'm not just saying it because i hope the most vulnerable democrat wins. i do think there are a couple of republicans that would make great mayors. new yorkers are tough people. you forgive people and you let things sweep under the carpet. >> they're low expectations for politicians. >> yes mr. avalon, i understand you benefit from a loving and generous wife in your own life but you do not believe huma was enough. >> no. no, i don't. look, this really cuts to the core of the argument he's been making about his candidacy, give me a second chance. now he's saying i want a third chance, maybe a fourth, fifth, sixth chance. he lied to his wife. after all that public contrition. she may stand by him today but at the same point she's got to be thinking what's next? what are the other shoes to drop? the only person who can take him
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out this race is the democratic primary voters. >> why isn't this a situation where it's all about us, all about the media and the blood lost and this being easier to cover than the actual issues in the campaign? we know he had a high negative already, 37% in the last poll. so people were unfavorable but had allowed him in the race and his numbers were moving. huma said the magic words, i love, i forgive, i believe. could this just be important to us because it's easy to cover but the voters say let's get on with it, what about me? >> i think you raise a great point about media always focusing on sex. it's easier to cover a sex scandal as opposed to a financial scandal. the fact that anthony weiner is surrounded by press wherever he goes is a real issue. but i think this could be a bridge too far even for the most cynical street wise new york voter. >> it's so clear how much he loves the media attention. he had so many opportunities to say but this shouldn't be about
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me, this is about the mother in queens, the family in the bronx. he could have pivoted, used the spotlight to make it more about new yorkers and the better new york he wants to lead and he didn't. >> think about the name he chose, carlos danger. it's hilarious. it's a serious psychological tell. he knows -- it's an impulse. he knows it's dangerous. he's mocking the contrition with that. >> if it's not jumping on defending -- >> he's your husband, what, that's not fair. >> as a columnist we get to be pop psychologists. >> i want to say we're talking about the royal baby. first i want to talk about your baby. >> here we go. >> god bless going forward. great to have you both on the show. hope this didn't stress you out too much. >> no, no, no. the baby loves it. >> we have baby in london, baby
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over here. we're babefied. it's a word. look it up. >> we are baby crazy, that's for sure. thanks so much, chris. it's been a busy first day home for the new prince. baby cambridge is on the move this morning. the new royal has left kensington palace with his parent, duchess catherine and prince william. let's get more from max foster who is outside kensington palace for us today. hi, max, what's the latest. >> reporter: babefied. totally babefied. i love that. the latest is prince harry who lives in kensington palace as well has met the baby. the duke and duchess have just left kensington palace with the baby. william wasn't driving this time. he was in the front seat. mother and baby were in the back seat. we're assuming they're going to go out and relax in the countryside somewhere away from london, from this hubbub.
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a bit frustratinfrustrating, no on names. we were hoping we'd get that after the queen visited earlier. >> and also remind viewers who are up on all the locations that we've been talking about so much surrounding the royal baby, buck bucklebury is an important place for both she and william. >> yes, exactly. so the middletons live in bucklebury. it's a secluded home, absolutely private. the paparazzi can't get anywhere near it. they did spend a lot of time there during the pregnancy. it was a way of getting away from everyone. it was important that kate could relax and do that there. she's very close to her mom. we saw her mom arriving yesterday with a big beaming smile on the way out. i think they'll go back there and spend some time getting to know the baby a bit more. then in about a week and a half,
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william has to go back to work. will they go back to west wales, a long way away from william's family and carol? >> it is different, far away from their families in a different pace of life than what they have to get used to living in london. we have to talk about the big visit that the royal baby had this morning, his great grandmother. >> absolutely. it's very symbolic visit. it was interesting. we weren't told about it officially but we learned it was going to happen. the queen is head of state in this country and this little baby will one day follow in his footsteps. william and the queen, she close inde indeed. that would have been a remarkable meeting to have seen. the queen meeting a future king for the first time.
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also seeing her beloved grandson as a parent for the first time. she's a great grandparent already but this would have been special for her as well. so it would have been lovely to be a fly on the wall in there. but it really cleared the way for william and kate to leave london, now that the queen and harry in particular, because they're so close, have met the baby. >> i think that's an excellent point. a special moment for all of them. there's a lot going on in this first full day for this cute little baby. we'll have much more on the royal baby at the bottom of the hour, including a look at his famous awn the and uncle and the role they'll play in his life. first back to chris in new york. breaking news about the nsa leaker, edward snowden, given documents that will allow him to leave the airport in russia. he's been holed up there you'll remember for close to a month. phil black is on the phone from moscow, tracking these new developments for us. phil, can you hear me?
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>> reporter: yes, chris, i've got you. it looks very much like edward snowden, the nsa leaker will be walking or leaving moscow airport today. you may remember one week ago he officially applied for temporary asylum in russia. as part of that process we have expected for some weeks now, he would at some point receive paperwork that would allow him to leave the airport while that official application for asylum is processed. while the application could take some months, it was always expected that he would receive a document that would officially allow him to enter the country and wait in russia while the application is being considered. we've been told he's received those documents, that paperwork that will allow him, after more than a month, to leave the transit area here at moscow airport and into russia. it's expected that will happen sometime today. we do not know how, we do not know if we will get to see him. but he has received the paperwork, he will finally be
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able to leave this airport. thank you, chris. >> phil, let me ask you a follow-up on this. to be clear, documents to leave the airport, does that mean the same thing as temporary asylum in moscow? could it mean something else, that he's headed somewhere else? >> this is an interim measure, a short-term official status that will allow him to enter the country officially because he doesn't have a passport, he doesn't have travel documents. he's effectively stateless at the moment. these documents will allow him to enter russia for the duration it takes to properly assess his formal asylum application. that could take up to three months. this is the documentation that will allow him to enter the country while that formal application for temporary asylum in this country is officially considered. >> okay. phil black, thank you very much. this is still a step you have to look at as the russians doing something that's not necessarily u.s. interest in terms of what they want. i appreciate the reporting. get back to us if you hear
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anymore. that's it for now on that story. we want to take you to brazil, pope francis heading to one of brazil's most revered shrines amid increased security concerns. the shrine is the place they found the bomb sunday. that's why there's a concern. it follows this chaotic drive with the pope in that hatchback and people swarming him. miguel is in rio de janeiro. good morning. >> reporter: that little drive happened again in that hatchback, it went flawlessly from the residence where the pope is staying to the airport here. we also know federal authorities here in brazil are stepping up and taking a bigger hand in his security. this morning, pope francis on the move. he's a man taking little down time, even on what was supposed to be his day off. ♪ a special moment at the residence where he's staying in
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rio, a private mass given by the pontiff himself. this as questions about how the pope's car ended up in the wrong lane, exposing him to hundreds of adoring followers but also possible harm. the pope himself calm throughout the incident. at one point even kissing a baby. here at rio's operation center, officials say there are typically three routes from getting the point from point "a" to "b," but that can be changed in an instant. some officials blame miscommunication between federal and local officials, others have suggested a lone public servant failed to properly direct the pope's motorcade. officially, no answers for now. we will not talk about the past, he says, we will only talk about the days ahead. ♪ this, as world youth day finally gets started. also say security concern, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.
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>> this is the opening ceremony and the opening mass of world youth day. and despite a miserable evening here in rio, tens of thousands have showed up at the main stage. it's about a half mile from where i'm standing. >> emotional. i want to cry. >> reporter: the crowds will only grow by week's end. millions of pilgrims looking to pope francis for leadership. and now things are building. the pope is expected to land there shortly. i saw pictures a short time ago of the pope mobile being prepared to get him from the landing place where he's coming into there, to the church, the basilica where he will be at this mass today. tens of thousands of people out there. we will watch security there and see how it goes. things starting to kick up here in rio. back to you. >> miguel, we look forward to the next part of the trip. thanks for the reporting my friend. we have dramatic new video,
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chris, inside the cabin of that southwest jet, coming in for that hard landing monday at new york's laguardia airport. passenger brian foster had his camera out when the nose gear failed on that boeing 737. the ntsb investigating trying to figure out what caused that front landing gear to collapse on impact, sending the jet skidding across the runway. u.s. coast guard confirming an explosion late last night at a natural gas platform in the gulf of mexico. the platform is burning 60 miles southwest of grand isle, louisiana. natural gas is leaking with be no oil is being spilled into the gulf. no one was aboard the rig at the time of the explosion. 44 workers have been evacuated from the platform earlier in the day. republican congressman steve king of iowa defending his comments surrounding illegal immigration and the dream act. a video surfaced tuesday in which he said many young illegal immigrants are drug mules. his comments caused a major
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backlash during a hearing. he said i have a few critics out there but those who have been advocating have been trying to make it about valedictorians. actress amanda bynes being detained in los angeles this morning. the trouble star placed on a 72 psychiatric hold for mental evaluation after allegedly starting a fire in the driveway of a home in thousand oaks, california. police say she also set fire to her pants in the process. a witness called 911 after spotting bynes with a gas can. the actress could be detained for another two weeks if she's judged to be a danger to herself or others. president in a slightly different way, former president bill clinton seeing one of the big songs of the summer, he gets the lip dub treatment in this viral version of robin thicke's "blurred lines." are you ready, christopher?
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>> i am. ♪ if you can't hear what i'm trying to say ♪ ♪ if you can't read from the same page ♪ ♪ baby i'm going deaf ♪ maybe i'm going blind ♪ maybe i'm out of my mind >> with a little obama thrown in there or president providing the undertone. those are funny to me. i find them a little entertaining. >> of course you do. they're hilarious. >> i thought you were going to -- >> time well spent. >> i would imagine it takes a great deal of time. >> i'm going the kate baldwin paper. it's time to move on. we go to the weather center. >> we'll show you what it looked like over hutchison, kansas. you saw a huge wall cloud, that is the updraft area of the cloud. what came out of that, huge hail. we are talking about baseball sized hail, unbelievable. we're still watching again today where that cold front kicking farther south. this is what it looked like on
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the radar. as that supercell moves through, you can see the reports of hail as it kicked through. severe day for them. otherwise we have the cold front not looking for severe risk out of this, either way, rain still in the forecast for yet again the southeast. 1 to 2 inches of rain out in the forecast for them. otherwise we'll be talking about as you go to the northeast, lovely temperature change. remember how hot it was last week? we were talking about 105 degree heat index. today it feels so much better. we're looking at temperatures going down to the 70s and 80s. loving that. the one thing that is making headlines today, is tropical depression four. could be dorian. even if it does develop, a lot of dry air ahead of that. we're not expecting that to be anything big as it continues to push farther west. i keep mentioning, this is early for us. it seems kind of calm. >> remember august. >> late august. yes. >> huge hail or crystal ball, i see you and me in a hurricane zone in the not too distant future.
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>> get your gear ready. >> yes. >> how fast is the wind now? you with one of those things. >> it's coming. >> can't wait for that. coming up here on "new day," new allegations against the mayor of san diego, a second woman coming forward to accuse him of sexual harassment. we'll have a live report from san diego, just ahead. kate, over to you. we'll also have much more from london, the little guy doesn't even know it yet but the prince has pretty cool royal relatives and pippa, uncle harry, how much fun will they be? we'll have more on those two and their new nephew, coming up.
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okay, everybody, first it was his community director, now
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another former employee is accusing bob philner of sexual harassment. we have the details. >> reporter: good morning, chris. one of the biggest complaints from city council members is this scandal is making it nearly impossible to get anything done. so today calls for the mayor to resign seem to be growing stronger but it appears he's digging in for a fight, even as another woman speaks out. >> i think at the time i didn't go public with it, because i was building a career in politics. >> reporter: a second woman is now coming forward, accusing san diego's mayor of inappropriate sexual behavior. laura fink now runs a political consulting firm, but from 2004 to 2006, she says she worked for then congressman bob philner. in an interview with kpbs she
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described an encounter at a fund-raiser some eight years ago. >> one of the attendees at the party was giving me credit and saying i had done a wonderful job and that i this worked my tush off for him. i was standing next to hill. he turned to me and said turn around. so i turned around. he proceeded to take his hand and pat me on my posterior and laugh and say, no, it's still there. >> reporter: it comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed against the mayor by his former communications director irene mccormick jackson. >> he asked me to work without my underwear on. >> reporter: these revelations surfaced nearly two weeks ago when a former city council woman saying there was proof the mayor had acted in a lewd manner towards women. he has not admitted to harassment but acknowledges he needs help. >> i must and will change my behavior. >> reporter: calls are growing louder for him to step down.
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>> it's clear he's incapable of leading this city under the cloud of allegations for him to step down. >> reporter: as this all remains in limbo, the city attorney is putting new rules in place. the mayer is not allowed to be alone with women at any of the city's facilities and we're told that security will be enforcing this rule. in the meantime, though, we have reached out to the mayor for a must statement and chris and michaela, so far, no response. >> thank you, tori. a huge response from anthony weiner on his situation. coming up on "new day," i submit this to you, what anthony weiner had to say was interesting, what his wife had to say and why she said it much more interesting and we'll take a closer look at who huma abedin is and what her motivation is. >> is there significance in her standing by his side during that conference yesterday. also, prince harry has a new title, uncle harry.
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what kind of role model will the so-called party prince be do you think? >> he's much more than that. military man as well. >> that's true. >> good uncle. ♪
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oh, this is good. i'll let this play for a second. imagine dragons radioactive, welcome to the new day. they're actually saying new age. but it sounds like the name of the show. it's july 24th, wednesday, i'm chris cuomo.
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>> i'm loving it over here in london but miss you and miss new york as well. it's a good life. aids a very good life. hello, everyone, welcome back to "new day." i'm kate baldwin live in london. the royal baby is meeting the family, we know he's met prince harry and pippa was at the hospital after he was born. what kind of aunt and uncle will they be? i assure you fun comes to mind. new video taking us inside the cabin of that southwest planes is it makes a hard landing at laguardia, a smash landing, really. the ntsb wants to know why the plane's nose gear failed. we have a lot of other news as well. the five things you need to know for your "new day." number one, two new york newspapers calling on former congressman anthony weiner to get out of the big apple's mayor race after he admitted engaging
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in online inappropriate behavior. trayvon martin's father headed to capitol hill today. president obama will discuss the u.s. economy in a speech at knox college in illinois. he's expected to lay out a plan that puts the middle class front and center. nsa director keith alexander urging lawmakers not to dismantle his agency's spying operation. the house is set to vote on a republican-sponsored bill that would cut funding for the surveillance program. cruise line's ceos answering tough questions, they will talk about how the industry handles customer complaints and reports cyles. we always update those five things to note for your "new day." go to with that we shall take a trip across the pond. trip along. >> now that the new prince has
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been introduced to the world, it's time for him to meet the extended family. they're big headline makers. what kind of aunt and uncle will they make? that's a question cnn's max foster has been looking into. >> reporter: now that william and kate's little prince has met his grandparents, next up, a rendezvous with the rest of his royal relatives including uncle harry and awn the pippa. >> i only hope that catherine gets the necessary protection to allow her as a mother to be to enjoy the privacy that that comes with. >> reporter: harry will clearly be protective but is also expected to be the fun uncle. >> he's a giant kid himself. i think he'll be a hands-on uncle and father that kids naturally are drawn to. >> reporter: being the so-called party prince can sometimes get him into trouble but it's what's
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likely to endear him to his new nephew. as for pippa, she was the surprise highlight of the royal wedding in 2011 with this rear view that made her an instant sensation. many expect she'll be very involved in helping her sister kate take care of the new heir. >> she'll plan the baby's first birthday party and definitely the christening. she will be supportive to kate. i can picture the two of them out shopping in london and pippa rolling the stroller along. >> reporter: just a couple of days old, but this little baby has met the crucial members of the family. the queen today, prince harry met the baby either last night or this morning here atkinsingen to palace and we found out yesterday as well that pippa and james, kate's brother and sister, of course, met the baby in the hospital last night. they sneaked in through the back door. we couldn't see them.
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just the grandparents came through the front door. >> some of the most important introductions to the little baby. thank you, max. let's talk more about this with cnn royal historian kate williams. >> hi there. >> you have both of these people, william and kate are close with their siblings, william and harry are so close. because of that how important will that relationship be? or how important will harry be, not only to his nephew but to william at this very fun time in his life? >> william depends on harry so much. they are really best friends. i mean they really feel they can't trust many people outside their circle. when you're royal it's pretty difficult to make new friendships. we've heard them often say that. william and harry are so close. harry will have a vital role in the bringing up of little baby cambridge. he was making the bridesmaids laugh and waving at the children. he loves children. as they were saying, he's a big
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kid himself. he will definitely be a god parent. most royals have six god . parents. most people usually in the church of england have three. what will happen, if william is no longer with us and this child comes to the throne as a baby, harry will be counted as the stand-in king until this child reaches 18. >> he'll play an integral part? >> yes. >> kate's siblings are close and they played a prominent role in the wedding, both pippa and james. what role will they play in bringing up this baby? >> a very big role. it will be a break with previous tradition. a woman marries into the royal family and her other family are left behind. we've seen this change a lot. the middleton grandparents were the first ones to go to the
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hospital. they beat prince charles and camilla. they are vital to kate. it's likely she'll spend time with them over the coming weeks. i certainly expect to see, this is what my sources are saying, prince harry as a god parent and pippa as well. third man, that's an interesting question. it may be james. i'd be surprised if it's just three. the middletons are vital to the upbringing of the child. he will be so close to them and that's because william really adores them. he thinks the middletons are the b's knees. >> with the birth of william's son, his son is now in the third in line for the throne, that moves harry down a notch if you will. that doesn't impact harry in any way, does it? >> that's the complicated thing for harry. he's been pushed out of the succession. on the one hand he's delighted, thrilled to be an uncle, so excited. on the other hand he's further and further away from getting
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one day into that nice palace over there and being king henry. >> i think he still has a pretty good job, a good role. >> i think he likes to be the younger brother, to have the fun. >> and maybe keep the spotlight off of him a little bit. thank you so much. >> thank you. obviously the spotlight though on this little baby, chris, a lot of fun out here in london. chris? >> enjoy yourself. you're having fun there. we have the good stuff here. >> she should listen in on this. we all need a dose of the good stuff. >> it's a shining example of the heroism of our officers in uniform. here's what we know. take a look and listen. >> two vehicles engulfed in flames. >> get out of the car right now! >> all right. they come upon this situation. what are they going to do? orange county sheriff's deputies pulling that man out of a burning mini van just seconds before it went up in flames. the driver crashed into a pole, had his foot on the accelerator,
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hand on the horn. they realize he's in distress. turns out the 49-year-old driver had suffered a medical emergency, possibly diabetic shock before he crashed. they made that assessment, they knew the mini van was going to go up, they took their lives in their own hands, went in, pulled him out, saved his life. >> a split-second decision. >> saved his life. >> wow, wow. >> they didn't know if he was a threat or not, they still decided to do the right thing and try to save somebody's life, even if there was risk involved to their own. that's why we have to honor our men and women in uniform who are out there protecting and serving every day. that's good stuff. agreed? agreed? good. >> agreed, agreed, agreed. >> thank you. that's from two continents. >> he's getting it from both sides. >> they want to know what's going on in your world, your community. tweet us, facebook us. >> there's a lot of those good stories out there. we need to keep shining light on
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it. >> love people going a step beyond. got to love our officers. coming up on "new day," not many women would stick with anthony weiner after his latest admission. fair point. the question is why is huma abedin? we'll find out why in her own words, straight ahead. and talk about awkward. a flight gets a little too close for comfort. this guy, what he did to get sleeping beauty back up. come on, lady, just up a little bit. my arm's falling asleep. right back with that. the new guy is loaded with protein! i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge!
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you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. welcome back to "new day," everybody. we've seen it before, humiliated but still loyal wives of disgraced politicians standing silently by their men. the key word is sideline thely. that's what made tuesday interesting. huma abedin had plenty to say at her husband's news conference. here's dana bash with a closer look at anthony weiner's better half. >> reporter: in the annals of political wives standing by their men, this was unprecede unprecedented. >> anthony's made horrible mistakes, before and after he resigned from congress. but i do strongly believe that is between us and our marriage. >> reporter: in her carefully
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chosen words, huma abedin telegraphed so much. >> it was not an easy choice in any way. but i made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. that was a decision i made for me, for our son and for our family. >> reporter: it was extraordinary she spoke at all, until now, it was just the picture that signaled up a politician in trouble had support of his wife, then south carolina governor mark sanford stood alone as he explained his affair but other wives did participate. silently. louisiana senator david vistter' wife, larry craig's wife and former governor eliot spitzer's wife after he admitted to seeing high-priced prostitutes.
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huma abedin is no stranger to personal problems, playing out on the political stage. for decades, she's been a key behind the scenes confident of politic's most famously scorned woman, hillary clinton. she's quoted as saying i have one daughter. if i had a second daughter it would be huma. despite being notoriously private, huma is incredibly savvy, knowing full well the potential impact of this moment. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him. and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn, washington. got a great story from dr. sanjay gupta as part of his morning's human factor. a vietnam sergeant who collapsed on the battlefield. when that happened he was mistaken for dead. that was just the beginning of his story. let sanjay tell it to you. >> reporter: it was 1968.
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infantry platoon sergeant urban was on patrol in vietnam. >> i hear mortars, the machine guns going off. >> reporter: then something odd happened. >> next thing i feel myself falling face first into a rice paddy. that's it. two days later i woke up in the saigon military hospital and they were telling me i was lucky, they found me in a body bag. >> reporter: an astute combat medic discovered him still breathing. >> the diagnosis was diabetes. >> reporter: the 45 years since have been a roller coaster ride as well. urban has been legally blind since the '70s, needed a kidney transplant but one thing, sailing, that kept him afloat. >> i never thought i'd get into sailing again. until i met two gentlemen wheelchairs. >> reporter: the three of them together started challenged america, the therapeutic sailing program for people with disabilities, primarily veterans. >> sailing is therapy. there's nothing like being on
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the water, being with nature. no one is going to jump out of a hole and shoot at me. >> reporter: urban's goal is to see people with disabilities as equals. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. >> what a story. >> thank you to sanjay for that story. love the human factor, love sanjay. this is "new day." what you would do? somebody falls asleep, falls on your lap. >> i'm polite to a fault. i would let my arm fall asleep. >> you didn't say it was you. >> that's where it is. haters hate. mom, dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart,
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is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan?
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all right. good men and women of america and beyond, we have a funny new video for you but first it is time to go to the couch. >> do you always mark grandiose announcements? >> yes. we've made a big commitment to america, it supports nearly 250,000 jobs. we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years. making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. >> all right. you okay? you settled? we have a little something for you right now. we know, kate, you're getting ready to wing back to new york from london. we have a little warning, a
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cauti cautionary tale for you. take a look at this video. this passenger gets a little too close. the woman started to fall asleep as soon as she sat down and boarded the plane. things only got worse. >> that is a joke. >> all of these long and awkward moments of colin trying to get her off his lap. she finally actually goes the other direction and falls asleep on the guy on the other side of her. kate, fair warning. >> she is on his lap. for real. >> just know you want to eyeball these people and see how tired they are before you get on the plane and sit next to them. okay? >> i'll tell you, unfortunately i'm probably the one that's going to be nodding off and falling asleep in someone's lap before the other happens. i'm such a sound sleeper and my time zones are a little off at the moment. so i'll try to be careful when i'm on the plane on the ride home. >> i wasn't going to say
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anything. i have flown next to kate before and i must say she does sack out -- >> do not talk about my snoring. >> she does quick puppy breathing. like super, heavy quick breathing. >> that may be a little awkward, cuomo. >> that's an overshare. >> i lived it. i feel for that guy. i know his pain. >> i think it's time for me to come back. >> come home, we miss you, darling. safe travels. okay? >> time for a break. we'll be right back after this.
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well, it appears, guys, that my royal vacation has come to an end. we've been having fun. it's been great to witness history happening here in london and i'll be jumping on a plane to come back home. >> safe.
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see you soon. >> "cnn newsroom" with carol costello begins right now. i think he needs a nap. >> chris, you go to sleep, happy travels, kate. michaela, you rock. have a great morning. "newsroom" starts now. happening now on the newsroom, the twisted tale of the text. >> there is no question that what did i was wrong. this behavior is behind me. >> a new scandal and a mayor's run this morning threatened by his side, the good wife. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him. ahead, the politics and a resurrection in question. could anthony weiner be forgiven again? also, hail storm. baseball sized hail blanketing the middle of the country.


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