tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 24, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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guaranteed success. that's not what we do. more than some other countries, we expect people to be self-reliant. nobody's going to do something for you. we've tolerated a little more inequality for the sake of a more dynamic, more adaptable economy. that's all for the good. but that idea has always been combined with a commitment to equality of opportunity to upward mobility. the idea that no matter how poor you started, if you're willing to work hard and discipline yourself and defer gratification, you can make it, too. that's the american idea. [ applause ] unfortunately opportunities for upward mobility in america have gotten harder to find over the past 30 years.
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and that's a betrayal of the american idea. that's why we have to do a lot more to give every american the chance to work their way into the middle class. the best defense against all of these forces, global competition, economic polarization, is the strength of the community. so we need to -- we need a new push to rebuild rundown neighborhoods. we need new partnerships. we need new partnerships for some of the hardest hit towns of america, to get them back on their feet. and because no one who works full time in america should have to live in poverty, i'm going to keep making the case that we need to raise the minimum wage because it's lower right now than it was when ronald reagan took office, it's time for the minimum wage to go up. [ cheers and applause ]
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we're not a people who allow chance of birth to decide life's biggest winners or losers. and after years in which we've seen how easy it can be for any of us to fall on hard times, folks in galesburg, folks in the quad cities, you know there are people who work hard. sometimes they get a bad break. plant leaves. somebody gets sick. somebody loses a home. we've seen it in our family and our friends and our neighbors. we've seen it happen, and that means we cannot turn our backs when bad breaks hit any of our fellow citizens. so good jobs, a better bargain for the middle class and the folks who are working to get into the middle class. an economy that grows from the middle out, not the top down.
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that's where i will focus my energies. [ applause ] that's where aisi'll focus my energies, not just for the next few months, but for the remainder of my presidency. these are the plans that i'll lay out across this country. but i won't be able to do it alone. so i'm going to be calling on all of us to take up this cause. we'll need our businesses, who are some of the best in the world, to pressure congress to invest in our future. and i'll be asking our businesses to set an example by providing decent wages and salaries to their own employees. and i'm going to highlight the ones that do just that. there are companies like costco which pays good wages and offers good benefits. companies like -- there are
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companies like the container store that prides itself on training its employees and on employee satisfaction. because these companies prove that it's not just good for the employees, it's good for their businesses to treat workers well. it's good for america. so i'm going to be -- i'm going to be calling on the private sector to step up. i will be saying to democrats, we've got to question some of our old assumptions. we've got to be willing to redesign or get rid of programs that don't work as well as they should. we've got to be willing to -- we've got to embrace changes to cherish priorities so that they work better in this new age. we can't just -- democrats can't just stand pat and just defend whatever government's doing. if we believe that government can give the middle class a fair
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shot in this new century, and i believe that, we've got an obligation to prove it. and that means that we've got to be open to new ways of doing things. and we'll need republicans in congress to set aside short-term politics and work with me to find common ground. [ applause ] it's interesting in the runup to this speech, a lot of reporters said, well, you know, mr. president, these are all good ideas, but some of them you've said before, some of them sound great, but you can't get those through congress. republicans won't agree with you. and i say, look, the fact is, there are republicans in
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congress right now who privately agree with me on a lot of the ideas i'll be proposing. i know because they've said so. but they worry they'll face swift political retaliation for cooperating with me. now, there are others who will dismiss every idea i put forward, either because they're playing to their most strident supporters, or in some cases because sincerely they have a fundamentally different vision for america. one that says, inequality is both inevitable and just. one that says an unfetter free market without any restraints inevitably produces the best outcomes regardless of the pain and uncertainty imposed on ordinary families and government's the problem and we should just shrink it as small as we can. in either case, i say to these members of congress, i'm laying
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out my ideas to give the middle class a better shot. so now it's time for you to lay out your ideas. you can't just be against something. you got to be for something. [ cheers and applause ] even if you think i've done everything wrong, the trends i just talked about were happening well before i took office. so it's not enough for you to just oppose me. you've got to be for something. what are your ideas? if you're willing to work with me to strengthen american manufacturing and rebuild this country's infrastructure, let's go. if you've got better ideas to
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bring down the cost of college for working families, let's hear them. if you think you have a better plan for making sure that every american has the security of quality, affordable health care, then stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country. [ applause ] repealing obama care and cutting spending is not an economic
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plan. it's not. if you're serious about a balanced, long-term fiscal plan that replaces the mindless cuts currently in place, or if you're interested in tax reform that closes corporate loopholes and gives working families a better deal, i'm ready to work. but you should know that i will not accept deals that don't meet the basic test of strengthening the prospects of hard working families. this is the agenda we have to be working on. [ applause ] we've come a long way since i first took office. you know, as a country. as a country we're older and wiser. i don't know if i'm wiser, but
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i'm certainly older. and, you know, as long as congress doesn't manufacture another crisis, as long as we don't shut down the government just because i'm for keeping it open, as long as we -- as long as we don't risk a u.s. default over paying bills that we've already racked up, something that we've never done, we can probably muddle along without taking bold action. if we stand pat and we don't do any of the things i've talked about, our economy will grow. although slower than it should. new businesses will form. the unemployment rate will probably tick down a little bit. just by virtue of our size and our natural resources and, most of all, because of the talent of our people. america will remain a world
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power, and the majority of us will figure out how to get by. but, you know, that's our choice. if we just stand by and do nothing in the face of immense change, understand that part of our character will be lost. our founding precept about wide open opportunity. each generation doing better than the last. that'll be a myth. not reality. the position of the middle class will erode further. inequality will continue to increase. money's power will distort our politics even more. social tensions will rise as various groups fight to hold on to what they have or start blaming somebody else for why their position isn't improving.
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and the fundamental optimism that's always propelled us forward will give way to cynicism or nostalgia. that's not the vision i have for this country. it's not the vision you have for this country. that's not the america we know. that's not the vision we should be settling for. that's not a vision we should be passing on to our children. i have now run my last campaign. i do not intend to wait until the next campaign or the next president before tackling the issues that matter. i care about one thing and one thing only, and that's how to use every minute. the only thing i care about is how to use every minute of the remaining 1,276 days of my term to make this country work for
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working americans again. [ cheers and applause ] that's all i care about. i don't have another election. [ applause ] i'll tell you, galesburg, that's where i believe america needs to go. i believe that's where the american people want to go. it may seem hard today, but if we're willing to take a few bold steps, if washington will just shake off its complacency and set aside the kind of slash and burn partisanship that we've just seen for way too long, we just make some common sense decisions, our economy will be stronger a year from now. it'll be stronger five years
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from now. it'll be stronger ten years from now. if we focus on what matters, then more americans will know the pride of that first paycheck. more americans will have the satisfaction of flipping the sign to "open" on their own business. more americans will have the joy of, you know, scratching the height of their kid on that door of their brand-new home. and -- and in the end, isn't that what makes us special? it's not the ability to generate incredible wealth for the few. it's our ability to give everybody a chance to pursue their own true measure of happiness. we haven't just wanted success for ourselves. we want it for our neighbors, too. that's why -- [ applause ]
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when we think about our own communities, we're not a mean people. we're not a selfish people. we're not a people that just looks out for number one. why should our politics reflect those kinds of values? that's why we don't call it john's dream or susie's dream or barack's dream or pat's dream. we call it the american dream. that's what makes this country special. the idea that no matter who you are or what you look like or where you come from or who you love, you can make it if you try. that's what we're fighting for. [ applause ] so, yes, congress is tough right now, but that's not fwoigoing t stop me. we're going to do everything we can wherever we can. with or without congress to make
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things happen. we're going to take -- go on the road and talk to you, and you'll have ideas. we want to see which ones we can implement. but we're going to focus on this thing that matters. one of america's greatest writers, carl sandburg, born right here in galesburg over a century ago. [ applause ] he saw the railroads bring the world to the prairie. and then the prairie send out its bounty to the world. he saw the advent of new industries, new technologies, and he watched populations shift. he saw fortunes made and lost. and he saw how change could be painful. how a new age could unsettle. long -- long held cut toms asto
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ways of life. but he had that frontier optimism. and so he saw something more on the horizon. and he wrote, "i speak of new cities and new people. the past is a bucket of ashes. yesterday is a wind gone down. a sun dropped in the west. there is only an ocean of tomorrows. a sky of tomorrows." america, we've made it through the worst of yesterday's winds. we just have to have the courage to keep moving forward. we've got to set our eyes on the horizon. we will find an ocean of tomorrows. we will find a sky of tomorrows for the american people. and for this great country that we love. so thank you, god bless you, and god bless the united states of america. >> the president of the united states ending on an optimistic tone. speaking in galesburg, illinois,
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for the better part of the last hour. talking on something on which he is clearly very passionate. something on which he ran the last two elections, the economy and building up, strengthening the middle class. he touted what he has accomplished over the last couple of years. specifically men specifically mentioning housing today. talking about obama care which goes into effect this fall. also, perhaps, trying to get a jump on republicans ahead of some budget fights this fall. dare i utter the two words we have been familiar with a few years ago? debt ceiling, anyone? we're going to talk to a couple smart voices. jessica yellin, gloria borger and christine romans. quickly before we do a little postgame analysis on the president, as if on cue, here we are. three days in a row. got some royal baby news for you. we met the little guy yesterday. here's his picture. he is royal baby george alexander louis. his royal highness, prince george of cambridge. we will go to our royal baby all star team in london momentarily.
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but back to the president, to our chief white house correspondent, jessica yellin, gloria borger, our chief political analyst, and christine romans, host of "your money." ladies, hello to all of you. jessica yellin, let me begin. we heard the president say he's run his last campaign. but the ve vasty with which he spoke sure sounded like a re-election campaign to me. >> reporter: brooke, that is exactly where i was going to start. we're on the same page. because what the president is doing here is campaigning for control of his legacy, control of his second term, and control over the terms of the spending fight coming up this fall. you talked about the debt ceiling fight. he was trying to lay out the priorities he thinks that battle should be waged over. not just smaller government, but what matters to the middle class. you heard him say middle class, i counted at least 20 mentions. i heard him -- i counted 26 mentions of the word "jobs." but you also heard him lay out long term priorities that he thinks his leadership should be
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defined by in the next term. about homeownership. secure retirement. education. and health care. a fierce defense of obama care there, because that is going to be one of the battlegrounds during the debt ceiling fight and throughout the term. and some pretty sharp broadsides against republicans who, as you know, continue to frustrate him. and when that happens, he finally goes out to the country and tries to make his case to the american people. and that's what he's doing here now and for the next five weeks, brooke. >> right. gloria borger, jessica yellin hit the nail on the head. talking about the debt ceiling, right? sort of anticipating upcoming fights that we could see this fall with republicans. specifically house republicans. maybe using the idea of repealing obama care as a brokering chip if they hit a state ma stalemate. how do you see republicans responding to in? >> reporter: i think not well. what the president said is instead of taking these ridiculous votes on repealing obama care he kind of laid down the gauntlet to republicans and
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said show me what you got. okay? you have specific things you want to do that are some good ideas that would help with health care, that would help with the middle class, that would help deal with this inequality of incomes that we've got in this country? you know, show me. show me what you've got. they're going to say it's more of the same. they're going to say we've heard this all before. and it's clear, what the president was doing was trying to be the kind of adult in the room here. saying to republicans, okay. i know you're going to oppose me. by the way, democrats, you may need to readjust a little bit because we're not doing everything right. but i'm the adult. i'm going to get it done. if i can't get it done in washington, i'm going to go directly to the american people which, by the way, is what worked for him in the last campaign. >> when it comes to the american people, christine romans, you know, he really also spoke specifically to the middle class. he said, yes, you know, yes we've had some great optimistic news. for example, when it comes to housing. he cited the numbers out today. a lot of folks are still under
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water. let me just quote the president specifically. saying we're not done yet. he said the key now is to encourage homeownership that isn't based on bubbles by based on a foundation where buyers and lenders play by the same set of rules, rules that are clear, transparent and fair. >> the housing market is improving, no question. first time home buyers aren't really a big part of that. they're 30% of home purchases. they've got investors and cash buyers doing great in the housing market. also today from the inspector general who follows the president's, you know, plan to help homeowners, a lot of people are redefaulting. we still have some trouble in the housing market. it needs to be more widespread. he also talked about education. he's there in galesburg where there's carl sandburg community college. there's an example of where it works. somebody can go from inexpensive community college, transfer to yale, transfer to other
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colleges, keep college costs down. do retraining from losing the job at maytag. try and find a place in the economy. that's a spot where it works. doing that on a broader scale, something this white house has tried to push, but we need a lot of work on that. he also talked about early childhood education. incredibly important. that costs money. he talked about infrastructure. 100,000 new bridges in america are so old they qualify for medicare. got a big laugh line out of that. but that takes money to do infrastructure spending. there's political realities. they're good ideas we've heard from before. good ideas on paper. will they happen? that's what presidential leadership and compromise in washington and congress is all about and we haven't seen that. >> i should mention we'll be talking to senator richard shelby, alabama, republican. we'll be getting his reaction and criticism of the president's speech coming up in a matter of minutes. ladies, gloria, jessica, christine, thank you all very, very much. we should mention also this speech is the first of several the president will be giving through the month of september. coming up next, after months
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and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. welcome back. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks so much for being with me here. after months of speculation, we have a name for the boy who will one day be a king. prince george alexander louis, to be known as his royal highness, prince george of cambridge. cnn's becky anderson is live for us at buckingham palace with reaction to the big news. a know a lot of bookies were in on this. did you have your money on george, becky? >> i didn't. i had my money on albert. which is the name of the queen's father who eventually called himself george vi. it actually doesn't matter what your name is. when you become sovereign you
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can choose whatever you want. of course, victoria's husband, was also albert. i got a pretty good bet, pretty good odds on that. george was the out and out favorite. so the bookies in the uk are delighted tonight. because they are cracking open the bubbly. they've made some money, i can tell you. the odds were really, really short. down to 2-1 just on tuesday. his royal highness prince george alexander louis of cambridge. let me just give you some background to this. is the first prince of cambridge for more than 190 years. the last george was a grandson of george iii. and the only son of the first duke of cambridge. if we've been clever about this, we actually could have worked it out, i think. there is some history to the name of george associated with the -- the duke of cambridge. george vi, of course, was the husband -- sorry.
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the father, as i say, of the queen whose real name was albert. yeah, the bookies -- the bookies have made some money. everybody here is absolutely delighted that it didn't take a week like it did for william to be named. a month for prince charles to be named back in 1948. he wasn't officially named until his christening. within 48 hours of this little one's birth they've got the name out of the way. they've taken themselves off from kensington palace today to buckleberry, the home of kate's parents. they want quiet. they want some peace. they really have asked the press and public now give them some time as a new family and rightly so. >> i think also, becky, when i was sort of remembering my royal knowledge, so as you brought up, george iv who was king once known as albert, older brother edward, abdicated the thrown, this was the stuttering king. this was the king's speech.
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the previous king george. correct? >> reporter: you're absolutely correct in saying that. it's a name which has resonance around the world. how many people saw that movie? how many people felt quite emoted for that man. so if they were looking for some international appeal, then they've got some through this name, george, as in george iv. let's remember, a sovereign can choose any name they want when they get to the throne. how nice is that? if you don't like your name you just choose something else. >> throw it out. toss it out. >> reporter: take another one. >> what a thrilling story to be covering. three days in a row. bits of royal baby news. i love it. thank you very much from the beautiful buckingham palace. coming up next, back here at home critics are pouncing on anthony weiner. calling on him to resign. that includes "the new york daily news." i'll speak live with the editor of the editorial board at the
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paper. wait until you hear his reasons why weiner should get out of this race. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression,
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anthony weiner, former congressman, candidate for new york city mayor showing no signs of bowing to pressure to get out of the race. weiner is once again seeking redemption after a sexting scandal. remember he left congress two years ago after sending lewd selfies, dirty pictures of himself to young women. turns out he didn't stop then. he kept right on sending sexuallily explicit pictures and texts to young female fans for at least another year. using the pseudonym carlos danger. so just this morning cnn caught up with him. this is just outside his apartment in new york. watch what he told us. >> i have posited this whole campaign on a bet. that is at the end of the day citizens are more interested in the challenge they face in their lives than anything that i have done embarrassing in my past. and, you know, i'm -- i'm fine. i've got an amazing wife and child upstairs.
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i have a comfortable life. this is not about me. this is about the fact that the middle class, people are struggling to make it in the city. they can't find housing they can afford, jobs with benefits. their education system isn't -- this is what i try to talk about every single day. and there has been a disconnect. many of you -- many of you have been focused on other things. but when people talk to me on the street they don't want to talk about something in my past. they want to talk about their future. >> anthony weiner just this morning. we have also gotten our hands on an article weiner's wife, huma abedin wrote for "participator's baza -- harper's bazaar." quite simply i love my husband, i love my city and i believe in what he wants to do for the people of new york. not standing by anthony weiner today, two major new york city newspapers. "new york times." part of their op-ed page today. the serially e vausive mr.
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weiner should take his marital troubles and personal pulses out of the public eye. in the new york daily news we have this. quote, he is not fit to lead america's premier city. lacking the dignity and discipline that new york deserves in a mayor. weiner must recognize that his demons have no place in city hall. ar thour brown is editor of the new york daily news editorial page. arthur, welcome to you. pretty unequivocal here in this piece. you know, anthony weiner cannot be mayor. my first question to you is, what is it that bothers you the most? is it the lies? or is it the fact that one year after he left congress, he was still sexting? >> well, i think you have to look at the totality of the circumstances, the totality of the events, and the totality of the man as she's shown himself to be. anthony weiner by his behavior has demonstrated that he does not have the self-control, the judgment, the maturity, the
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stability or the honesty to be mayor of the city of new york. i think it's just that simple. >> what do you make of his words that we caught on camera just this morning outside of his apartment saying this isn't about me. this is about new york. this is about the middle class. this is about education. what would you say back to him? >> let's take him at his word. why should new york risk getting into city hall a mayor who has shown that he has a tendency to lie when necessary and to engage in conduct that is reckless and immature and damaging. you have to remember that being mayor of the city of new york is an incredibly high pressure job. the stakes are enormous. new york city is the number one terror target. it has got 8.4 million people, all of whom have needs. it's an incredibly demanding job. and this person in our view has shown that he is not fit to hold that office based on the totality of his conduct and
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primarily his honesty. >> when you talk about the people and all the people that new york encompasses and the needs of those people, i have to cite two polls. let me just be entirely transparent, though. because these were taken before this whole thing came to light. two poms, sir. first "new york times," christine quinn. new york democratic may i don't recall nomination. polling christine quinn at the top, 27%. anthony weiner below her at 18%. then quinnipiac has anthony weiner at the top of their poll, 25%. the rest lagging behind them. when you look at the polls and you know there have been many successful political comebacks on both sides of the isaisle. bill clinton, mark sanford most recently. what do you say to people who still support him in new york? >> new yorkers will make their own judgments. whether the polls remain to be accurate, whether it plays out that way remains to be seen. you have to remember this is a crowded field of people with little name recognition. even though they've been on the
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public scene in new york. anthony weiner, by his notoriety, had instant high name recognition. that brought him some advantages in the polls. we'll see what happens. we happen to believe, having met him, having known him, having had direct conversations with him, having been lied to him to our faces, that he's not fit for office. >> final question, and that is about his wife, huma abedin. standing by her man. this is part of what you wrote in this piece. whatever abedin's motivations, whether he is drawing on the love she proclaims for weiner or speaking out of shared ambition it is simply wrong for weiner to exploit a private relationship about which the public knows nothing as evidence of his worthiness for public office. goes on. that weiner is perfectly willing to take advantage either of abedin's trust or of a partnership of ambition is perfectly clear from their joint interview with "people." that interview happened in the
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midst of when this sexting was going on. is it wrong for voters to see his wife, speaking in that news conference yesterday, saying, proclaiming her forgiveness. they've been working on this, clearly. should they be taking her endorsement into consideration? >> the voters can take whatever they feel is relevant into consideration. our view is that mr. weiner and huma abedin have a private relationship. that's theirs. she made her judgment. she's placed her faith in the man to whom she's already married. our view was that new yorkers would make a mistake in placing their faith in a man to whom they view -- they've yet to get hitched. >> arthur brown, editor of the new york daily news editorial board. appreciate your time, sir. thank you very much. just a short time ago, president obama delivering a speech on his plan to inject economic life into the middle class. and he challenged the republicans directly. coming up next, let's talk to a republican. to a senator.
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hook and his failed push for gun control. we have had so-called scandals. we've had the push for immigration reform. crises over seas. you might be asking where did the economy go as an issue? it's the be all and end all, right? we're here to tell you today, the president's here to tell you, it is back. just a short time ago, president obama came out swinging in his first round of a fight that is likely to last until christmas. the white house calling it a major address on behalf of america's vast but wavering middle class. here was the president just last hour in knox college, galesburg, illinois. >> when middle class families have less to spend, guess what? businesses have fewer consumers. when wealth concentrates at the very top, it can inflate unstable bubbles that threaten the economy. when the rungs on the ladder of opportunity go farther and farther apart, it undermines the very essence of america.
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that idea that if you -- if you work hard, you can make it here. >> so that is the first in a series of speeches about jobs, about wages, education, owning a home, maybe retiring. the american dream. from the other party, the republicans, you have senate majority leader mitch mcconnell calling it a quote, unquote, rerun. joining me now from capitol hill, senate republican richard shelby from alabama. senator, nice to see you. welcome. >> thank you, brooke. >> the president very clearly challenged your party in this hour long speech. challenged the republicans directly as we look ahead to the fall, to this inevitable fight over the debt ceiling. what's your response to that? >> well, i think the president should challenge himself first. he's got a record now in his fifth year of really no real job growth in this country. i don't believe -- we've heard most of the stale arguments that the president talked about today. we've heard it for five years. but there's got to be
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accountability. there are over 20 million people in this country unemployed. or underemployed right now. the president's economic policies have failed. his health care policy is under attack and should be. h it's mostly taxes and regulation. then he wants to know what's wrong with the economy. then he makes a speech in illinois. we've heard most of it before. i believe the american people can see through most of that. >> as far as jobs in the president's tenure so far we know the economy was teetering right around when he was elected with the recession. it could have gone in one direction. the jobs have grown. the unemployment has improved. the president did say he will lay out ideas on jobs, on education, housing, retirement, you know, the american dream. but he says he wants your ideas as well. here he was. >> what are your ideas? if you're willing to work with me to strengthen american
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manufacturing and rebuild this country's infrastructure, let's go. if you've got better ideas to bring down the cost of college for working families, let's hear them. >> senator shelby, i just want to pose that same question to you. what are your ideas? >> well, my ideas, i think, are much better than the president's. and i have advocated structural tax reform in this country for a long time. and the president, i would think he would start listening. but he's not. he's always saying, well, let's tax the people who do well. what we need is structural tax reform to create conditions for this country where people will invest so they'll have confidence in the country. confidence in the tax system. confidence in the regulatory system. this administration has been about -- always about more taxes and more regulations. that's not what creates jobs in this country. that's not what brings foreign tre direct investment. my state of alabama has benefited from foreign direct
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investment. look at airbus. the president has nothing to do with that. not to my knowledge. we've got a good workforce. we've got a good engineering school in mobile, alabama. we have the right to work laws. what we need is structural reform, not more rhetoric. that's what the president is going around the country, he's a good politician. he's talking what people want to hear. but he's not doing what needs to be done to create jobs. >> senator richard shelby, republican from alabama, appreciate it, senator, very much. coming up, former nfl star aaron hernandez back in court this afternoon on that murder charge. all of this as we get word prosecutors are also presenting evidence to could tie hernandez to another two murders. find out what happened in court moments ago in massachusetts, next. #%tia[
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bit ago in atleboro, massachusetts, former new england patriots star aaron hernandez was in court for a probable cause hearing in his first degree murder case. this was him arriving just a short time ago. we know the prosecution issued a continuance of that hearing on specifically that. that didn't happen. what does this mean? we'll get to it in a second. the prosecutors trying to lay out evidence here against this former nfl star in the death of his friend, odin lloyd, back in mid-june. we also learned just a short time ago, a suffolk county grand jury is looking into the double homicide of two men in boston last july. a source tells cnn prosecutors are presenting evidence that could tie hernandez to those shootings. let me bring in our criminal defense attorney, darren kavinoky. so the probable cause hearing didn't happen. continuance happened. what does that mean? >> so a probable cause hearing, it's like a mini trial. but it takes place just in front of the judge. there's no jury there. but live witnesses come in and testify and are subject to
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cross-examination. and the judge ultimately decides whether or not there's enough evidence to allow the case to go forward. it's a safeguard in the system. it's one of the most important events outside of a jury trial. but -- >> that didn't happen. >> it did not happen. instead we've got a continuance. what that likely means is that the prosecution, instead of going forward to that preliminary hearing, that probz he probable cause hearing, they'll take their case to a grand jury that's going to decide after listening to witnesses whether the case can go forward. what that means is that aaron hernandez and his defense team may never get a chance to cross examine those people until they're doing it live in realtime at a jury trial. >> then add the other layer to this which is that double murder in boston from a year ago. >> right. >> that he now apparently is being possibly linked to. and that evidence has been going to this grand jury as part of this whole thing. >> absolutely. an ultimately what this means, to distill it all down, not a
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good day for aaron hernandez. things are not going well. it was murder case number one that, of course, led investigators to this other double homicide case. this is going to end -- if you're a trial junky like me, you know, you're just -- you're just loving it. >> cameras are allowed in massachusetts. my, oh, my. >> of course. being excited about a murder case is wrong, brooke, i don't want to be right. >> darren kavinoky, thank you very much. we'll be talking a lot about aaron hernandez in the future. meantime, keeping an eye on the stock market. another big name gets ready to tell us how it's doing. as i look over my shoulder it is down 40 points. 15,527 there. social media giant facebook set to report its second quarter earnings after the market's close today in just about 60 minutes from now. investors are waiting to see whether facebook is making significant gains in the race to prof profit from its presence on smartphones and tablets. we'll be right back. mom always got good nutrition to taste great.
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airport in moscow where he's now been stuck for the better part of a month. those reports turned out to be false. snowden, still at the airport. remember, the u.s. government revoked his passport, thwarting snowden's plans to bolt to south america. phil black reporting from moscow. phil, as i understand this, snowden was hoping today to get this immigration document to allow him to get out of there, out of the airport. what he got instead was a change of clothes and a copy of "crime and punishment." what? >> reporter: brooke, what happened was that as you know, snowden has applied for temporary asylum in this country. his lawyer believes that as part of that, he's eligible to get documents to allow him to leave the airport, officially enter russia and wait here while that application is being considered. his lawyer had hoped to present those documents to him today. but they didn't happen. he had no real explanation why. he just says this is an unprecedented case. it's taking a big longer than he
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thought it should have. as a result, wasn't able to present those documents. wasn't able to improve his quality of life dramatically has he would like, no doubt. instead, simply presented him with a change of clothes and some classic russian literature to pass the time in the airport instead, brooke. >> we know that snowden's lawyer says the russians told him, you know, look, it's a complicated case. going to take a while to grant permission to leave the airport. at this point, phil, would the russians still have any kind of incentive to keep him under wraps? are they dragging this out maybe on purpose? >> reporter: well, we know that russia doesn't want to send snowden back as the united states wants. they've said that. we know they also are worried about relations with the united states. president putin says that's more important than this case. there are two key moments that are likely to trigger an angry response from the u.s. one is if snowden walks from this airport. the second is if russia does grant him some sort of official protection, some sort of
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official asylum as he has asked for. while russia is in no rush to help the u.s., to jump to their bidding if you like and send snowden home, they're clearly not in any rush to aggravate the united states either by giving snowden two of these things he so clearly very much wants, brooke. >> phil black in moscow. phil, thank you. a 6-year-old girl found murdered. a couple of weeks later the family's car set on fire. now this case has taken a dramatic turn. police approached a neighbor's home, the home of a teenager. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. >> there is no question that what i did was wrong. >> the critics are getting louder. >> he should definitely drop out. >> it makes new york look bad. >> enough already. >> could anthony weiner's wife help save his political career? college students coming forward and accusing southern cal of not taking rape cases
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seriously. >> i worry for the other women who he might hurt. >> security levels in rio raised to high risk as the pope goes public. confessions, sex and murder. whitey bulger's alleged hitman tells all. including what the mob did with including what the mob did with the teeth of its victims. -- captions by vitac -- let's continue on, shall we? i'm brooke baldwin. great being with you. you see the animation, and that means news on the royal baby. after months of speculation, we have a name for the boy who will one day be king. george alexander louis, to be known as his royal highness, prince george of cambridge. max foster, our cnn royal correspondent, cnn royal historian kate williams at buckingham palace for us, and victoria arbiter, our cnn royal commentator, welcome to all of you. it's like three days in a row we get the goods.
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max foster, to you first. why george? >> reporter: why george. well, they haven't explained that. our best guess is the queen's father was a george. he wasn't christened george. but he became king george. that's our thinking. it's also a very, very popular name, brooke. i've got young boys, as you know. a lot of kids at their schools called george. it hia little debate over wheth he's be prince george. prince harry was christened henry. there are other royals who've taken middle names, for example. at the moment, definitely prince george. >> victoria, do we know -- now that we know the name, of course we know a sovereign can change a name eventually because it was albert who then became george vi, do we know what the royal family is up to today? i know they're no longer at kensington palace. >> no. they're not at kensington palace. the queen popped in to visit
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them this morning, there for about half an hour. then uncle harry. then william and kate were seen driving with the baby out the front gate. they're going to buckleberry. my guess is kensington palace is quite a construction site at the moment. very noisy. i think being at home with buckleberry, mum to help out, quiet, serene country side. it's a healthy place for a new baby to be. i think they're very much enjoying this family time together. >> we learned of the baby. we saw the baby yesterday. we now know the baby's name. what's next? what do we get to look forward to? >> reporter: what's next? next the christening and the god parents. most royals have quite a lot of god parents. prince william has six. what we might think, is this baby going to have six god parents, it's quite a lot of thank you letters and christmas cards to send. most people in the church of england have three god parents. will he have six or will he have
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three? certainly i think we're going to see prince harry as one of those godparents, the fun loving, exciting uncle he's going to be. also pippa middleton is going to be i think the godmother. who's going to be the third one? that's an interesting question. possibly james middleton. possibly peter phillips. these people are very vital to the little prince. they're supposed to be integral to his up bring ing. they're supposed to always be there for him. of course, let's remember, if this child was to come to the throne as a minor, william was to die before it reached the age of 18, harry would be the stand-in king. >> heaven forbid. hopefully none of that happens, right? kate williams, thank you. to your point that is a lot of thank you notes to be writing to all these god parents. kate williams, max foster and victoria arbiter, thank you for the news on the royal baby name. back here at home, totally switching gears. anthony weiner clinging to his campaign for mayor of new york city. one day after he admitted in front of a lot of cameras that he kept sending lewd pictures
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and texts for a year after that sexting scandal forced him to resign from congress. two major new york newspapers, "the new york times," new york "daily news" published editorials today calling on weiner to quit the race. just this morning our cameras caught up with anthony weiner. here he was walking out of his new york apartment. he did his best to keep the focus on new york, on the issues, instead of, well, the scandal. >> this is not about me. this is about the fact that the middle class, people struggling to make it in this city, they can't find housing they can afford, jobs with benefits. their education system isn't what -- this is what i try to talk about every single day. and there has been a disconnect. many of you -- many of you have been focused on other things. but when people talk to me on the street, they don't want to talk about something in my past. they want to talk about their future. >> at least one of weiner's opponents not buying that. watch what he told cnn this afternoon. >> those central challenges, it's all about the personal life of anthony weiner.
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and this side show has to end. that's why yesterday i called upon him to step aside to do what's right for new york city. >> i should tell you we've also gotten our hands on a piece that his wife, huma abedin wrote for the september issue of "harper's bazaar." entitled "the good wife." the fiercely private abedin explains why she's out there in the public eye campaigning for her husband. why am i doing this? because anthony has always been a smart, caring and dedicated person. and while he's the same public servant who wants what's best for the people he represents, he is now something else. a better man. new yorkers will have to decide for themselves whether or not to give him a second chance. let me bring in cnn political commentator ben ferguson in dallas. and author and cirrus radio talk show host jenny in new york. jenny, i'm beginning with you just because you're a new
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yorker. you will be voting in this race. what is this really about? >> this is about people being excited because it's a salacious story. when there's sex and there's someone to be angry about because he's done something that's seemingly unscrupulous, it's a feeding frenzy and fun to look at. frankly i think this is about their marriage. let them handle their marriage how they want to. >> you two are both married. not to one another. but you're both married. >> yes. >> no couple is perfect. you have the ups and downs. ben, huma is closest to him. you have the voters. they see her standing by her man. she said yesterday she forgives him. shouldn't they be taking, you know, her endorsement into consideration before they vote? >> but what happens when little timmy's calling the mayor's office to do a report on the mayor and he calls in the evening and carlos danger answers the phone? >> come on! >> that's what i'm worried about
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here. no. but seriously. can we do any better than this? that's my big issue. >> do better how? >> you've got a guy that's got problems. you've got a big city. is this the best that new york can do? a guy that's nickname is carlos danger? let's be honest. that's kind of embarrassing. >> jenny, jump in. >> okay, brooke, this is what i think. if he were running to be a family therapist or a marital therapist, correct. not the right guy. but in terms of doing right for our city and focusing on the issues, i don't think this is problematic. this is about he and his wife. intrakasys of relationships. there's complexities. i'm married 16 years with my husband, 17 1/2. would i be happy if my husband were to behave in this manner? of course not. he'd be in big, big trouble. i'm not married to anthony weiner. huma is. leave her alone to do as she pleases. stop judging her and her choices. >> hang on. hang on. take huma out of this. look at the polls.
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we have two different polls here. i don't have my piece of paper. i'm going to do this on the fly off the screen. this is the nye ty city department, democratic choices for mayor. one of the polls, christine quinn at the top. anthony weiner is below. the other poll, the quinnipiac poll, weiner is on top. this is before this whole thing broke. let me say that. but a lot of new yorkers so far, they knew about the scandal back in 2011. they're still liking anthony weiner. at least as of a couple days ago. what do you tell new yorkers? >> i think part of this is, is people love just kind of messing with politics and they love a good train wreck. and people in new york love the gossip columns. i think some of this is, i think some of this is going to change when it gets closer to election day. because i think people love being able to pick up the newspaper and they feel better about themselves because look at this guy. >> wait a minute. hold on. >> more people are going to know him by the name carlos danger than they are after anthony weiner. that's really hard to do with the last name weiner. yet he's been able to top it.
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that's impressive. >> listen. i think people are going to know he's weiner. i think if people don't vote for him i think it's because maybe he was a little stupid in that he got caught. frankly, i think to make it like he's the only politician to have some sort of sex scandal, which by the way didn't involve actual sex, right? >> it didn't. then you also talk about picking up the newspaper. both of you saying we love the salacious stuff. at the end of the day it's one thing. who knows what people are up to behind closed doors. america loves a good redemption story. look at bill clinton and mark sanford. why can't this guy be redeemed? >> he can. >> you have real people that are truly suffering in new york city. you have unemployment rates that are very high, especially among minority communities. you've got schools that are having major problems. they're having budget issues. and the real question is, out of all the people that live in new york city, is anthony weiner the most qualified person for this job? and i think with the distractions and the fact that he can't get his act together,
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even it took him a whole year to get his own personal life under control after a scandal that almost cost him his marriage and cost him his job, i think it's a terrible choice for the people suffering in new york city. >> and i think that's totally incorrect. only because one thing really has very little to do with the other. who cares who he's sexting in terms of whether he can fix budget issues and housing issues? that's all i'm -- >> if he's distracted during the budget meetings because his phone's beeping all the time, it could be an issue. >> hopefully it's just his way to decompress. >> ben ferguson, got to go. great conversation. it's true. really it's about that question and the people of new york city. guys, we appreciate it very much. coming up next, we are learning more about a tragic case with shocking twists and turns about this 6-year-old little girl. she was murdered. her parents still are dealing with the tragedy. they end up being targeted with another crime. when police go to arrest a
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a student at the university of southern california comes forward with claims she was raped. she says the school's campus police told her, and this you may not believe, that they will not pursue a rape case because this alleged rapist didn't orgasm. this is according to police. then another student, tucker reed, comes forward saying she was raped by her former boyfriend in 2010. she goes to the university. she complains. they, according to this woman, brushed it off. says, quote, the process made me feel raped a second time. >> it's very interesting to note that a victim can come forward with a binder of evidence that supports their claim that they were subjected to a violent attack. but the school will choose to believe a completely
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unsubstantiated claim from a male student who denies it. >> now dozens of u srksusc stud have filed a federal complaint against the school. stephanie elam, what exactly are these women claiming? are they actually accusing the university of trying to cover all this up? >> reporter: that's not exactly the words that they would try to use, brooke. i think what they were saying here is that they've been bungling and maybe messing up how things are happening. that's sort of the terminology that they use. maybe shelving is the claim that they're saying or when a student reports that they've been raped, they said that they mistake the report. that's part of their issue here with this, brooke. they have now formed a coalition called s.c.a.r. student coalition against rape. they say they have 77 members, men and women, who are students here at usc who are now part of this complaint that they've taken to the department of education and the department of education has confirmed that they have begun an investigation into how usc is handling this. >> so, then, why is it usc and
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the campus police deciding what should and shouldn't be classified as rape? >> reporter: well, there's two things here. usc does say that they do not take the place of the los angeles police department. these sort of claims do need to make their way there. at the same time, though, they came out with a statement. i want to read it to you right now, what they said. usc did say that it takes all reports of sexual violence extremely seriously and has many resources available to assist students who experience unwanted sexual contact. in all reported incidents we thoroughly investigate and take appropriate disciplinary as well as interim remedial action. they also say that they look forward to this investigation and that previous investigation into these rape claims, they say, have resulted in students being dismissed from the school or up to that. other sanctions have been imposed as well, brooke. >> quickly, this isn't
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necessarily unique to usc. there have been other women from other campuses across the country with similar claims. >> reporter: that's true. and we did also confirm that with the department of education. they say they have open investigations with several universities looking into claims on how these rape cases, these claims of rape, are being handled at these schools. and with what these students are alleging. as far as the two women that i talked to, because i wanted to just mention this, i also talked to another senior. and she tells me that at this point, her shame of, you know, coming out and showing your face about the story like this, she had shame about it. now it's turned to sadness for rape victims who are dealing with this all by themselves. they say they found strength in this together. what she does want is that the university will talk to them directly. >> stephanie elam for us in los angeles. stephanie, we'll stay on this story right there with you. thank you very much. coming up next, protecting the pope. he wants to be easily accessible. look at this mob, though. some security experts say scenes like this could be recipe for
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disaster. we'll take you live to brazil, next. [ male announcer ] ah... retirement. sit back, relax, pull out the paper and what? another article that says investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! seriously? seriously. you don't believe it? search it. "401(k) hidden fees." then go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. we have every type of retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. why? because we're not your typical wall street firm that's why. so you keep more of your money.
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janeiro with his security raised to high risk. the problem? hope francis insists on getting close to his flock. and that can create a security nightmare. remember his car got stuck in a crowd of enthusiastic followers just a couple of days ago on monday? look at this. after pope francis -- remember, he was like in a hatch back with the window down -- told his driver specifically not to avoid the crowds. and a short time ago the pope held mass at a shrine honoring the virgin mary. this is the same shrine where brazilian police found a homemade bomb earlier this week. hundreds of thousands of catholics are in rio for world youth day. this week long festival. i want to bring in shasta darlington who's covering the historic trip. shasta, we talked monday when we were looking at the live pictures of the pope rolling down the highway in the masses with the window down. as he's been considered this high risk target, has his security changed at all?
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>> reporter: well, brooke, it has picked up a bit. you can actually see more people around his cars. when he was outside of the shrine today, in that open back popemobile, there were definitely more men on the scene keeping an eye on him. but there isn't a whole lot they can do. they've got their hands tied. this is a man who says that he will do what he wants to. he wants to be in among the people. he's not going to let them get in his way. which obviously is very exciting for the hundreds and thousands of people who are turning out to see him. but not so exciting for the people who have to keep him safe. having aid that, there are 30,000 police and troops on hand. and they're doing their best to really make sure that this goes as smoothly as possible. they had that scare on monday. so far everything has gone very smoothly since then, brooke. >> here's hoping it continues to go smoothly as all these people would love to get a glimpse of him. what's next on his agenda?
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>> reporter: well, brooke, he led mass this morning. he really had a very positive message for young people. he told them, listen, catholics have to be optimistic. we are the face of the church. when people see us, they have to see what an optimistic church it is. but things could get a little more interesting now. he'll be coming back to rio de janeiro this evening. he's going to a hospital for recovering drug addicts. and these are -- these are people who are down and out. these are going to be usually from very poor backgrounds in rio. just another symptom of how this man wants to show that he is there for the poor of the world. we're going to see him there. he's also going to a shantytown tomorrow. rio is full of shantytowns, unfortunately where, again, a good 20% of the population lives. he's going to show that this is not a rich man's church. that he is there for them. he'll be there. of course, we're going to see lots of these massive, open air masses right here on copacabana beach and these fields outside
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of the city, brooke. >> sounds like a party where you are there, shasta darlington in rio. shasta, thank you. we'll look for pictures of the pope tomorrow. wow. coming up next, after months of speculation we finally know the name of the royal baby boy. the prince of cambridge. we will take you live to london. talk with christiane amanpour. stay right here.
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ft. carson in colorado. barbara starr at the pentagon. what do you know? >> very few details available at this hour. the army's criminal investigative command, the cid, is investigating several u.s. army soldiers at ft. carson, colorado, over allegations that they were involved with -- what what the army is calling sexual misconduct against minors. they are calling it misconduct with female minors. that is according to to a u.s. army statement from ft. carson, colorado. because this is a criminal investigation at this point, the army releasing very few details. we do understand several soldiers are involved. but they will say no more about it. a criminal investigation could, could potentially lead, of course, to criminal military charges. brooke? >> barbara starr. we know you'll stay on it for us, barbara. thank you. the late actor paul newman
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created a summer camp for sick children to escape reality, naming after the hole in the wall gang from his blockbuster film "butch cassidy and the sundance kid." now newman's friend alec baldwin is carrying on in his mission in making an impact for these kids. >> hi. i'm alec baldwin. and we can make an impact on children's cancer. i've been involved with the hole in the wall gang camp in connecticut around 20 years now. and the reason i got involved was a friend of mine introduced me to paul newman. >> i got a fish! >> when you come to the camp, what's interesting is you see the joy on the kids' faces. they're having an experience here that they would likely only have here. the parents that you spend most of the time talking to discuss what they've been going through. and they've been going through a lot. because there's just nothing more vexing, i think, than to have a child who has a grave illness. and you're powerful to do something about that.
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these kids have a nexus of the difficult things in life. it robs them of their childhood. when they come to the camp, they have a childhood on so many levels. hole in the wall is something where we have to keep it going. and it has to expand. probably the greatest cause i've ever seen in my life. join the movement. impact your world.
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about this time yesterday. george alexander louis, to be known as his royal highness prince george of cambridge. christian amanpour, cnn international correspondent live for us live in london . this is the first prince of cambridge in more than 100 years. the last was a george, was albert who then became george iv, the queen's father. give me more historic context here. >> reporter: well, sometime in the next century, perhaps there'll be a george vii reigning over this land. i'm here in trafalgar square. obviously this is where all the fountains turned blue the night the baby was born. also dotted with lots of statues including george iv who wasn't that remarkable. george iii, his predecessor, mad king george who lost the colonies which became america. and george vi as you've been saying who is this baby's great-great-great grandfather was the subject of the film that
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everybody in america knows, which was "the king's speech." question is i don't know why it's alexander. i can only assume, but i could be entirely wrong, that prince phillip is greek. his great grandfather. maybe it's for alexander the great. who knows. louis. louis is important to this family. as you know, prince william's name is also louis. the last of his four christian names. and lord louis was a favorite uncle of prince charles. the last viceroy of india. a very prominent member of the royal family. he was assassinated by an i.r.a. bomb back in the late '70s. >> names aside for a moment, what is the young couple up to? because we saw the car. we saw them leave st. mary's yesterday. they went to kensington palace. now they are off yet again. >> brooke, i'm going to say you really don't expect me to answer that. i know you don't. because i have absolutely no idea.
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none whatsoever. all i know is what the palace has said. that is they want to spend some alone time. >> they are apparently spending alone time at the middletons' home in buckle -- i believe you say buckleberry. buckleberry is the parents' home in the country. >> reporter: you say it better than i do, yeah. >> christiane amanpour. thank you. enjoy the blue fountains. from royal baby to back here at home, the big story that's been percolating. anthony weiner and his news. you know the story. 2011, remember, he resigned from congress amid that sexting scandal two years ago. again fighting calls to step down. weiner is trying to make a political comeback by running for mayor of new york city. but it turns out these inappropriate pictures and the texts from weiner did not end when he left congress. he kept sexting for another year. so now he's battling to take the spotlight off of his personal problems, focus it on the issues that matter to the people of new york city.
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even as one of his opponents and two big new york newspapers call on him to quit the race. then you have his wife, huma abedin, standing by him. abedin is known to be intensely private. but she steps out in the september issue of "harper's bazaar" to explain her decision to hit the campaign trail with her husband. this is part of the article. quote, while he's the same public servant who wants what's best for the people he represents, he's now something else. a better man. new yorkers will have to decide for themselves whether or not to give him a second chance. she goes on, i had to make that same decision for myself, for my son, for our family. and i know in my heart that i made the right one. chief congressional correspondent dana bash, she covered his resignation once upon a time. she's back on the beat, back in new york for us on this one. also simone vien, relationship expert joining us from los angeles.
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dana bash, i go to you first. i know anthony weiner is out and about. our cameras caught up with him today saying this isn't about me, this is about the economy, education. clearly he's trying to keep the focus, trying, the operative word, to keep the focus on the issues. how is that working? >> reporter: we'll see. he hasn't had any public events yet. i'm currently at case university in the downtown part of manhattan. he is going to have an event here on housing. later tonight he's going to go to another borough, the bronx, to talk about education. he's very much trying to keep his public schedule as if nothing ever happened yesterday. as if the, you can't make this up, the published these photographs of him and these sexts that he had exchanges with, a 22-year-old woman, apparently, a year ago, a year after he resigned from congress. in his comments to cnn and other reporters who caught up with him right outside of his house this morning, he not only talked about the issues and looking
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forward, he also said the citizens will decide. translation. he's not going anywhere. he's staying on the ballot. he's staying in this race. i have not heard anything to counter that from anybody who's close to him. >> dana, i want to come back to you on the polls. simone, based upon -- listen. we don't know what happens behind closed doors. we're not in on their -- presumably their therapy sessions. based upon what he know, based upon what we've heard, some of us, on the dirty, how do you describe weiner's behavior? >> it's despicable, actually. in the sense that this isn't a college kid, this is a 48-year-old man who clearly needs his ego stroked by getting the attention of young women. what's very interesting is how he chose to act out wasn't in a relational sense. so this could be an indication that he has some kind of intimacy disorder. it could be that he is just completely narcissistic. he sees his role as a politician, well, this is what
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men do. this is what politicians do. he could be addicted to the thrill of the power and the thrill seeking. i mean, who knows. it would be fascinating to be part of their therapy sessions. i'm very interested, brooke, in her role as well. standing by her man. because i think all three of us women, if we were having a cocktail right now, we would be discussing this thinking, what's going on? >> and a lot of people are saying, how can she stand by her man? a lot of people, perhaps, see a sliver of themselves in huma abedin. how does one, how does a wife in a situation like this, again, you know, she reiterated in front of all those cameras yesterday, we decided together to have him run for mayor. we are putting this behind us. i have forgiven him. describe the process for someone like her. >> i think because she obviously works in politics herself, she has power in the white house. so she could be politically motivated.
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obviously, she works for hillary clinton. there could be an incentive there. we saw the success of hillary clinton's career. she could be fiercely ambitious. if he succeeds, then in some senses she succeeds. if he doesn't succeed, then this will all be for nothing. it could also be part of her cultural expectations of what a wife must do. and, look, we all know that women like to take care of men. potentially women can rescue the damaged guy. this could be a good fit for her. but, again, as you say, brooke, if only we were in on those therapy sessions. >> well, we're not. and, you know, listen, i wish them the best. >> thank goodness for that. >> you took the words out of my mouth, dana bash. let's talk about the race. the numbers, at least the polls that i've seen, you know, before this whole thing broke, you know, indicate that a lot of new yorkers support anthony weiner. >> reporter: a lot more than maybe people on the outside would have thought initially. but the thing to keep in mind
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about this mayor's race, it is a multicandidate race. the way it works is that if they don't get a certain level of support, then there's a runoff. so, you know, anthony weiner was basically running for the runoff. like all of the candidates are here. i talked to some sort of democratic power brokers here in the city as i've been here. and, you know, they made the case that some of those -- his opponents were actually going easy on him so far. the reason is because they wanted to run against him in the runoff. they thought that would be the easiest way to win and head to gracie mansion. the other thing to keep in mind is that some of the polls that showed him doing okay considering were not of likely voters, but general voters. there's a big difference when you look at likely voters and the general electorate. coming up, we're just learning about trayvon martin's father, speaking right now on
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killed last february. this is his father, tracy martin. he is speaking at the first meeting, inaugural meeting of the black caucus of black men and boys. let's listen. >> first of all, i'd like to thank the members of congress for having me here today. it's certainly an honor and a pleasure. not only to me, but to my family as well. to the martin family, to the fulton family. this definitely means a lot. first of all, i would just like to take this time to let everyone know some of the things that they really didn't know about trayvon. first of all, when we talk about one of the greatest gifts that a man can receive from a woman, i think that greatest gift would be a son. and just to have your son's life taken away from you when you've
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molded him in becoming an upstanding citizen of this country is heart wrenching. that's something that you can never get over. i always say that trayvon was my hero. he saved my life. and not to be there in his time of need, it's real troublesome not to be able to save my son's life. and to have his name slandered and -- and demonized, i think as a father, i think is real important that my message to the world is that we won't let this verdict sum up who trayvon was. i vow to do everything in my power not to give up the fight for him. not only the fight for trayvon,
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word a mobs terr can utter. can you get? "rat." the former right-hand man of james "whitey" bulger used it today in court, in refers to his former boss. his response -- i don't think anyone likes it. i don't think mr. bulker likes it either. deborah feyerick has been in court listening back and forth, all this testimony all these weeks. every time he's been dropping the f-bomb, it's always because somebody called him an fbi informant. in his mind, he doesn't believe he provided the fbi with information. but the defense also interestingly enough today when
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the rifleman was on the stand said, quote, a rat is someone who scurries around and feeds on other people. one of the big issues, a lot of people think this reign of terror in south boston was allowed to go on because of this relationships. when the see the body language between the two men, i'm pretty sure that whitey bulger's hate is an underestimate of what he feels. so the f-bomb to a talk of rats, pretty gruesome testimony, too. >> yeah. there's a lot of gruesome some. for the families who sit in that court day in and day out listening to the horrendous details of how the loved ones were murdered, this is very, very real for them. there was the brother of you
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hear how bulger strangled them with bare hands all the way down the stairs to the basement. how they basically folded her into a fetal position and dumped her body. looking -- he was really so real to him, and that's why this trial is so important to all the families sitting in that court, and putting themselves through this horrific testimony. >> day in and day on the. deborah feyerick for us in boston action thank you. a possible plea deal is being discussed in this care for air yet castro, facing 977 charges including kidnaping and rape. castro appeared in court today less than two weeks before the trial is at the time to begin, the attorneys and prosecutors acknowledge they are talking about a plea deal. castro is charged with holding three women in his home for a decade. if the case goes to trial, all
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on the very day that president obama challenge republicans, new home sales jumped to a five-year high in june. they look at the vastly improving picture on housing. >> brook, the housing recovery kicked into high gear, according to psi low. like politics action all real estate is -- home prices were super cheap in some bubble areas like fine and las vegas. there aren't a lot of homes for sale. over the next 12 months nationwide.
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traditionally they buy about 40% of homes. are missing out on the housing recovery. the national association of realtors says mortgage lending is still tight. bl rising mortgage rates cool the thew yaism? that's up one full percentage point in a year, but it is still well below the average for mortgage rates most-world war ii. so if you already own your own home. it is still a good time to refinance the mortgage before rates move higher. brook? >> christine, thank you. before i let you go, we called this rapid fire. rolled it, beginning with this, look at the pictures here, dramatic new footages of the 5.9 quake that hit northwest china. you see people going about their
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day, people are running in the streets or getting in their cares. chinese state media reported at least 89 people are dead, five missing, near 600 injured. also new video i want to show you. this was the southwest airlines jet crash landing at laguardia. this was monday night. so if the ntsb says the jets gear collapsed backwards the boeing 737 skidded more than 2,000 feet better stopping. nine people suffered minor injuries. ntsb is investigating. no matter how many times you stick your head in a crocodile's mouth, not a good idea. the trainer in thailand is lucky he did not become this crocodile's lunch. he's been doing this stunt for years and years. i don't know really know about
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this. you see what happened. his face required about 30 stitches, but i'm happy to telehe's already back at work. no thank you. thanks so much for big with me. now john berman and requests the lead." the royal baby now has a name, and no it's not carlos danger. i'm john berman, and this is "the lead." the world lead willie and kate decide to go old school with the name. with a clear transcribed duty to castanza and. she -- even after he resigned from congress. changing the playbooed for political wives wronged by their spouses. and on the other coast, san diego's mayor is fighting allegations that he's a grabby boss and using
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