tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 24, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow, anthony bordaine guest hosts. that is it for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. [ applause ] breaking news on two fronts. anthony weiner, the serial sexter just spoke with reporter. and late record on a train wreck with dozens of fatalities. keeping them honest, i'll ask the congressman how he justifies his words. and it looks like the height of luxury, just don't eat anything. what we uncovered about the food storage conditions on board this top of the line cruise ship is down right sickening. all that and more tonight. we begin with breaking news.
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a terribly sad news out of northwestern spain. a high speed train snapped in two. some of the cars on fire. the train, which was coming from madrid, derailed on a curve just short of the station. 218 passengers on board. we don't know how many crew members. a search now under way for survivors in the wreckage. the death toll so far, at least 56. and that could climb. dozens of people hurt, some badly. local authorities asking for blood donations. it's unclear how fast the train was traveling but capable of speeds up to 155 miles per hour. too early to tell the kaultz of the crash, but investigators are saying it doesn't appear at this time that terrorism played a part. also breaking news back at home, as well. anthony weiner speaking to reporters tonight under heavy pressure to give up his run for mayor of new york. that drumbeat began yesterday when he admitted to sexting for
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more than a year after he resigned from congress over just that, inappropriate sexting. he said he's not quitting and said it again tonight. >> i've been saying repeatedly to people i thought more things would come out, that i've done this behavior, which i'm sorry for and expressed my apologies for over an extended period of time. but it is now behind me, and i understand you're doing your job by asking the questions. now my job is to talk to voters. >> anthony weiner tonight leaving an event in lower manhattan. a surreal moment, you'll recall he allegedly did his sexting under the screen name carlos danger. today he was confronted by, you got it, carlos danger. >> why did you steal my name? i am carlos. why did you steal my name? >> only in new york does that
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happen. other than that, this is serious stuff with "the new york times" today calling on weiner to quit the race. people far beyond new york asking a whole lot of questions, dana bash included. tonight she's joining us. how did it go? >> reporter: well, he certainly avoided reporters going in. but as soon as he finished or was finishing his very first event of the day, which didn't happen until this evening, his aide said look, he's going to talk to you. he came out, he wasn't hiding. and he stood there and answered about half a dozen questions. one of the key questions has been not just about his personal problems, but more specifically, how he has dealt with that that could impact of what he wants to be, which is mayor of new york. listen to this. what do you say to people who say yes, this is personal, but it's beyond personal. it's an issue of judgment, and do you have the judgment to be
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mayor? >> it's a fair question and people have to answer that question for themselves. >> reporter: what's your answer? what's your answer? he didn't give an answer. he was walking away, i fried to ask that question again, what does he tell voters here in new york is the reason they should consider the fact that he does have good judgment. again, no answer. but the fact that he came out and took questions, clearly makes it, he said it many, many times, but he wants to make it clear by his actions, not just words. he's not going anywhere. >> how are new yorkers responding to him? >> reporter: well, this is the first campaign event that we've seen since this scandal reemerged yesterday. and he came to where i am right now in lower manhattan to testify before the housing authority. wolf, we saw the anthony weiner that you and i knew before this scandal broke a few years ago,
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the guy in congress who made a name for himself with his rousing speeches. listen to this. >> if you have hundreds of thousands of outstanding requests for work, that wall was supposed to be replaced four years ago, i hate to say it, but you'll be in jail. the fact of the matter is, we need to change the way we do things. >> reporter: so he was certainly getting the crowd very excited. at the same time, not everybody was thrilled that he was here. we saw when he first took the microphone to testify, there were maybe a handful of women who stood up, they were in the audience and turned their backs to him in silent protest. just to make clear they were not happy he was here. this is still a very competitive race here for mayor of new york. the primary, which is the key
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election day in september is going to be pretty intense. and anthony weiner was okay in the polls given what he had been through. but he still is not anywhere near the top of the heap, and nobody here, i have not found one person, wolf, in democratic politics who thinks even if he doesn't get out that he is going to make it to the next step, which would be a runoff for mayor of new york. >> what about his wife, huma abedin? what happened today? >> reporter: she wasn't here at this first event. he's over in the bronx at another event. not sure if she is there. but we did see her outside his campaign headquarters in m manhatt manhattan leaving, so she was there. she went out, had this unprecedented prems at his press conference talking about these indiscretions a year after he
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left congress. she's all in on this on a political and professional level and personal level. we also know talking to people close to her that she has been a strategic presence, very much involved in her workings of the campaign. never mind that you talk to people who know her and care for her, and worry about her. they are not happy about this at all, as you can imagine. they are very loyal and very upset at him. >> i'm sure they are. dana, thank you very much. let's get some more now. the woman anthony weiner was corresponding with, if you can call that. she's a 23-year-old living in indiana. we sent randi kaye there to learn more about her. >> reporter: the woman at the center of the latest anthony weiner sexting scandal is sidney leathers, who also identifies herself online as sidney elaine xo. we don't know much about her, but we know she's very comfortable in her own skin. these are just some of the pictures she posted of herself
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on twister, showing off her new tattoo or new ink as she tweeted. and modeling her new bathing suit. with this lounge photo, she confidently tweeted, i would marry my legs if i could. she also posted this seductive picture tweeting, all that i am, big lips, good makeup, long hair, boobs and tattoos. so how did she meet anthony weiner? lou is a friend of hers. >> she initially contacted him through twitter. she was a fan. she said that she was a fan. i assume that base on how beautiful of a young lady that she is, anthony weiner had no choice but to act on his instincts. sidney loved him but fell out of him. >> reporter: he says the conversations quickly turned from politics to sex. this was the result. dozens and dozens of sexually
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explicit text messages and photographs, including images of his anatomy that are too ex-police it to show here. their online relationship continued for quite a while. >> it's been reported in some outlets that this may have been going on for six months. i would say it's more accurate to say eight or nine, maybe possibly a year. >> reporter: we came here to princeton, indiana hoping to talk to sidney about her communication and relationship with anthony weiner. this is where a friend of hers, who asked not to be identified, told me she lived with her father. nobody answered the door when we went inside. the same friend said sidney never mentioned anthony weiner by name, but mentioned politics is her passion. the friend says they worked together for a few months at a tanning salon, until leathers quit last summer to work for the obama campaign. online, sidney leathers had identified herself as a field
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organizer for the obama campaign. on the website,, we found her profile. the petitions she sign say a lot about her passions and politics. it seems long before she first communicated with anthony weiner, she had her eye on him. one of her websites listed him as one of her heroes, along with president obama, john stewart, and charlie sheen. and in june 2011, she posted this. anthony weiner can continue sending expletive picks the rest of his life, as long as he legislates the way he does. she's now 23, and he did offer to help get her an apartment in chicago. at one point, she told the website that weiner said do me a solid and hard
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delete all our chats. >> any idea where she might be? >> reporter: wolf, the guy we spoke with for our story today said that sidney leathers is hoping to make some money by selling all this dirt she has on anthony weiner. so it's likely she's far from here peddling that story. she has hired an agent who told her she could make as much as $100,000 for selling her story. she's not the only one looking to profit. we spoke to another woman today, a friend of hers who worked at that tanning salon with hers. she did ask us if we would pay her if she did go on camera. we told her we would not. wolf? >> thank you very much. up next, what's in a name? we'll talk about what britain's new prince will be called and what his many monikers mean. >> >> later, a "360" investigation into a luxury cruise liner where it appears the bacteria ate better than the passengers.
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if and when he takes the throne it will be easier to remember, king george the 7th, for now the tabloids are having fun. tomorrow's headline boy george, adding in small type, that's his royal heiness. st. george is the patron saint of england. on a more earthly plane, the name was big with the punters as the british betting public is called london bookies making the name their odds on favorite. and they were absolutely right on the money this time. i talked about the choice earlier tonight with correspondent max foster and cnn royal commentator victoria arbitur. max, we have a name for the prince, george alexander louis. take us through the announcement of the name. >> when didn't know when it was
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going to come and it could have come over the next few days. but it was the visit by the queen to kensington palace that got me going. william said yesterday they were working on a name and we had to interpret that. had they chosen a name? had they not chosen a name? the queen popped over. i suspect he wanted to put it past her first in the first visit to the baby, her first sighting of her great grandchild and future heir. so i think they put it past the queen and got thinking and by the end of the day we got it in an e-mail. that's really the sort of conclusion to this whole royal baby story. >> as you say, today's announcement was relatively quick in royal standards. it took charles and diana a week to come up with the name william, right? >> it did. but also, they were very quick on harry, so there is a difference there. and also, i think this is linked in, wolf, to a statement i got a bit earlier, some words of
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guidance from the palace that this is now their private time. they want to spend time with their son and they have gone to bucklebury to the home. i think there is a message they think this is over. they gave that to the world media yesterday. we saw those extraordinary scenes but want to be on their own. they want the media to stay away and coming out with the name at this point, there is less to speculate from here. >> that's a good point. we learned prince harry and aunt pippa should we call her, also visited the new baby today. how did that go? >> we haven't got much information on that and we didn't find out about pippa for awhile. she went through a backdoor. they announced harry had met the baby. so they were in kensington palace for a day. they stayed overnight. they met the queen and introduced the baby to harry. they are a very tight unit, mother, father and baby and around them the immediate
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middleton family and harry and prince charles and the duchess. they have all met the baby. now it's time for the family to bond, and they want the media to stay well out of their way. >> good point, too. let's bring in victoria. george was certainly the popular choice among a lot of the betting firms. what's the significance of this name? >> george was indeed a front-runner. there have been six king georges since 1714. the last prince of cambridge was prince george and the queen's beloved grandfather george the 5th who was the founder of the house of windsor. he was a george obviously. the queen's father took george as his kingly name. so there are a lot of positive george sentiments here. so i think we did expect to see george. it's also become quite cool and trendy again in the uk so a child can go to school and no fear of being teased for classmates for too old-fashioned a name. >> prince george is a lovely
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name. alexander and louis, is there a special significance for those names, as well? >> i think there are. they have been very, very clever here in honoring family members. alexander is, of course, the male form of alexandria, which is the queen's middle name. princess alexander is william's godmother's name. there have been three king alexanders of scotland and they did meet in scotland. louie, it is a middle name of prince william but the uncle of prince phillip, much beloved uncle. charles adored him and called him an honorary godfather. so i think, really, a nice way to pay tribute to a family member from phillip's side but someone charles so greatly adored. >> very nice point. and max, what is next for the new prince? >> well, the next public event, if you'd like, is a photo shoot, a stills photographer will be invited in to take pictures and
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share those pictures and then after that the christening probably in october. that will be a moment. some talk about us having opportunity to film the birth certificate being signed. we got the name, but it's not entirely conclusive because will he be known as prince george, if you consider prince henry is known by his nickname which is harry and there are other royals that have taken their middle names. so maybe he'll be known as prince louis. for now he's certainly prince george. >> he certainly is. max foster thanks very much. victoria, thanks to you, as well. as you've been hearing, the new prince is now third in line to be king, yet the day before yesterday, prince harry was, now he's number four. when it comes to future kings and queens in britain, the first to arrive does not always get to wear the crown.
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"360's" tom foreman has the royal rules. >> there is the baby, the new royal heir in the united kingdom. >> reporter: although he's waited nine months for this day, the proud grandfather prince charles has waited a lifetime at the head of a line of shifting people who some day mike take the throne when queen elizabeth is gone. here is how it worked. when he was a child, charles was the eldest son of the queen and that made him the heir apparent. next in line was his sister ann but only for a period of time, because with the birth of her brothers, andrew and edward, she got pushed down the chain. it's favored males over females. she dropped to fourth place and changes were not done yet. just over 30 years ago, prince charles and the late princess diana had prince william and two years later, prince harry. as children of the heir apparent, they slid into the slots immediately mind their
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father, just as the baby has now slipped into third place behind william and in front of his uncle harry. and after them, comes well a lot of people. this is the current lineup of royal family members who might one day ascend to the throne. including not only the brothers of charles but also all of their children and of course, way down the list once again, ann. you may think this is pretty unfair to women and many brits did, too, that's why right now they are in the process of changing their law so in the future the crown will go to whomever is next in the direct line, male or female. still, it may take a long time to test that law because the new baby is a boy, the queen is looking pretty good at the age of 87. her son has been waiting 65 years and his son is 31, meaning this prince's shot at the throne may be a half century away. tom foreman, cnn, washington.
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>> all right. for more on this story, go to just ahead here, i'll ask steve king about his very controversial remarks about immigrants he's compared legal immigrants to bird dogs and says that most children of the illegal immigrants are drug mules. he's taking a lot of heat and not backing down. also ahead, keeping them honest report. it may turn your stomach. what health inspectors found on a luxury cruise liner that markets itself as ultraexclusive. "i'm part of an american success story,"
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"that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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keeping them honest tonight, republican congressman steve king of iowa taking heat for remarks he made arguing against the dream act, the legislation that would ultimately give citizenship to the children of undocumented immigrants. i'll talk to the congressman in the first live television interview since the comments in a moment. first, background on what got so many people upset. in a recent interview, congressman king said many undocumented children, the vast majority, in fact, are drug mules. listen to this. >> some of them are valedictori valedictorians. and by the way, their parents brought them in. it wasn't their fault.
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it's true in some cases. they aren't all brought in with their parents, for every valedictorian, they have 600 pounds of marijuana going across the desert. >> the house majority called it inexcusable but today congressman king said the facts support his words. it's not the first time he's made controversial comments about immigrants. in the 2012 speech he compared legal immigrants to bird dogs. listen to this. >> you want a good bird dog, you want one that is aggressive. pick the aggressive one, not the one sleeping in the corner. if you want one to sit on the couch, pick the one sleeping in the corner but that's so you get the pick of the litter and you got yourself a pretty good bird dog. we got the pick of every civilization in the planet. it's hard to get here, they had to be inspired to come. >> just days ago, the
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congressman stood by those remarks saying his speech was complimentary to immigrants. keeping them honest, plenty of people didn't see it that way. congressman king is joining us now. congressman, thank you very much. and i want you to respond, give you a chance to respond, first on all, to the speaker of the house john boehner called your comments about immigrants and drug smuggling wrong and said there can be honest disagreements without using hateful language and as you know the majority leader eric contore said, i strongly disagree with his characterization of the children of immigrants and find the comments of his words inexcusable. do you want to revise and amend your comments or stand by them? >> of course, i wouldn't revise and amend. first, i've got to back a couple things up, wolf. one is, that discussion about the pick of the litter is about self-selected legal immigrants who are the cream of the crop, the vigor of the american civilization. that speech was clear and nobody there thought otherwise. this has been regenerated across
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through the media. then neither did i describe the vast majority of those who come in here are drug smugglers. what i said is for every valedictorian, there are 100 that are smuggling drugs into the united states. and i think the numbers support that. so no, i won't back up on that statement. i think it's important that the people in congress can objectively look at the data out there, the real facts and know 80 to 90% of the illegal drugs that come into america come from or through mexico and the people that are carrying them are increasingly young people. now remember, the dream act goes up to 35. we're just talking about young people here. but we're seeing that the numbers of those arrested have gone a multiple of ten times over the last year and a half or so and in mexico the multiples 800 to 900 a year in mexico arrested smuggling drugs and for drug related crimes. so we have a problem here. these people would be legalized with those valedictorians, as
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well. that's my point. i think it's important we stop, look at the facts, and take it a deep breath and analyze what is going on here. we're setting policy for the destiny of america. >> let's talk about that. another fellow republican congressman called your comments, and i'm quoting him now, irresponsible and rephencible. can you see how they think that, they take issue with your language? someone that may even agree with your policy proposals but take issue with your language. >> and, you know, i would suspect none of those people you referenced their quote ever saw the video of what i did, nor read through the full transcript of what i said. instead, they are reacting to what a reporter said to them, which is an edited version of this and they ought to take a deep breath and if i made derogatory comments about my colleagues, i would listen to what they said and have an objective opinion. >> so you think john boehner and
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eric cantor would react so bitterly and angrily against you if they didn't get a full picture? >> i don't think they saw the full video or read the full text. i think they are acting to part of it and i think it may well be staff recommendation. >> let me play the clip one more time because i want to be fair to you. this is what you said that generated this uproar. listen to this. >> some of them are valedictorians. my answer to that is, by the way, their parents brought them in, it wasn't their false. it's true in some cases, but they weren't all brought in by their parents. for every one who is a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there and they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. >> for every valedictorian, there is 100 out there smuggling drugs, is that what you're saying? >> wolf, yes. you get one valedictorian per class per year.
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and they aren't all dreamers. a lot of other american kids out here competing for that valedictorian status. every night there are dozens and scores of people that are smuggling drugs across our border. i've been down there multiple times. i've sat along the border at night. i traveled with the border patrol for days on end. i sat on a ranch house in the desert and had the border patrol and helicopter pilots come to me one at a time and tell me their narratives. this isn't something made up in thin air. this is people enforcing it. i've seen it with my eyes, i've unloaded the illegal drugs with my hands and i've watched the data and video the that support what i say and the longer this dialogue goes, the more the american people will understand what i'm saying is factually correct and probably understated. >> i know you gave an interview to radio iowa and you elaborated
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the source of your figures. you said this -- and i want to be precise on what you said. you said that comes from being down on the boarder spending days and nights down there on multiple trips and time with border patrol. that description essentially came from them. are you saying customs and border patrol said for every valedictorian there is 100 drug smugglers? >> it's interesting how this interpretation can come off what i said. i was clear about what i said. the law enforcement officers, i have seen these drug smugglers. the law enforcement officers described them to me, as well. they have to chase people down now, the people they meet crossing the border illegally used to surrender themselves when they encountered border patrol agents. now they will take flight or fight. these are the characteristics you'll hear from the people putting their lives on the line to defend us. i wasn't talking about the ratio. border patrol agents don't know
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how many valedictorians know. i don't know that the public knows either, but it's not near live as many as advocates of the dream act would like to have you play. run a little word search through the senate and house and see how many times the word valedictorian pops up. it peaked in 2006 in the middle of our immigration debate and threatens to peak again now. these kids are good kids. it's not their fault. it's never the kid's fault. yes, there are some good kids that are part of this, and it's too bad they're caught in this flux we're in. but you'll also be legalizing the people breaking our laws in a very bad way, smuggling drugs and making money with illegal activity, and we need to know about that, and weigh that in with our policy. remember though, i believe in the dignity of every human
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person. it's a faithful tenant with me. what i've said here is descriptive, is accurate and i would shout nod offend anybody because it's also objective. >> your source at the border for this information was a member of the border patrol, is that what you're saying? >> a number of border i.c.e. agents, a number of helicopter pilots and protection personnel. none of those folks down there know me and i hope to go back and reconnect with them. when you talk to the agents, they're going to say steve king is right. we've got to do the right and objective thing. we only get to do this once. there's no putting the genie back in the bottle, wolf. >> thanks for joining us. coming up, what helicopter inspectors found on one of the most exclusive luxury cruise lines around. stored in crew cabins, pots and pans. what's going on here?
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secret exposed. it's been a rough year for the cruise industry between on board fires, a crew cruise stranded at sea without working toilets and a slew of bad publicity. now comes word on pictures with a cruise line dodging government health inspections but hiding treys of food with cheese, eggs, milk and raw meat inside crew cabins and to make matters worse it happened on one of the most luxurious cruise ships around. tonight you'll hear people say it's not repeat, not an isolated incident. investigative correspondent drew griffin is keeping them honest. >> reporter: the silver sea cruise line bills itself as ultra exclusive, small ships, personalized service and an intimate setting. a high-end experience that comes with a very high-end price. on average the company says $5,000 per week per passenger.
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the all inclusive tab comes with endless free drinks, sophisticated entertainment and a culinary experience, the cruise line calls world class. >> every silver sea voyage is a feast for the senses. >> reporter: but passengers didn't know that feast might include this. look at these, pictures taken by crew members showing meat stored in crew cabin sinks, pots and pans in crew hallways, wrapped food stashed everywhere, except in the galleys, where it belonged. why? it's all spelled out in this danning report from u.s. health inspectors from the centers for disease control. it writes aporganized effort was made to physically remove over 15 full trolleys of food, including milk, raw meats, pasturized eggs, cheeses of all types, all hidden in individual cabins shared by two or three galley crew members in order to avoid inspection.
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surprise inspection took place after the cdc was tipped off. an italian pastry chef said he had a 40-day contract and night after night they were ordered to hide food in his cabin in case of an inspection. it was so bad, this chef wouldn't eat the food served to passengers. >> absolutely, sir. that's why i didn't even eat. i used to make a pizza for myself on a daily basis and that's all. because if you think about it, you know, the eggs that you got to eat with the omelet, the temperature a temperature of almost 70 degrees, that would make everybody sick. >> and you personally had to sleep with some of this food in your cabin quarters? >> yes, yes, sir with three crew cabin members. >> reporter: so it was you, two other crew cabin members, and a
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trolly full of salami? >> and blue cheese. >> reporter: and blue cheese. >> yes. >> reporter: the cdc figured out what was happening when a crew member sent these photos to federal health inspectors and maritime attorney jim walker. walker, whose law firm represents wrongful termination and injury cases, says what you're seeing here is a common game. >> there is a scramble that takes place. this is what we learned from the crew members. >> reporter: what is different this time, the cdc was tipped off and on june 17th staged a surprise inspection as the silver shadow docked in alaska. the federal health inspection shows a grade of 82. >> so i believe they were caught essentially playing a game, the cdc was alerted by crew members who were concerned about the hygiene on the ship. and they went in and verified their complaints. >> reporter: silver seas, the cruise company base in fort
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lauderdale, florida, wouldn't give cnn any interview but sent a statement saying it's deeply disappointed by this specific and only unsatisfactory score. the company cited its long track record with the cdc on good scores, some of them 90%, some of them as high as 100% and said in this case, it's taking action to fix the problem. >> they called it an anomaly, basically. this ship scores 97 to 100. >> reporter: do we really think this was the one time, the one time where they played hide and seek and ran everything out on trollies from the galley and we just happened to catch them one time? >> reporter: according to the cdc report inspectors poured chlorine liquid over the discarded food on board the silver shadow to prevent any of it from being reused. it may surprise you that's all the federal health inspectors could do. no fines, the ship was not shut down. instead, the cruise line filed a
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record of the corrective actions taken to fix the problems. among them, the cruise line reminded it's crew that hiding raw meat, cheese and eggs in non-refrigerated crew cabins was not allowed. >> drew is joining us now. so that's it, they told the crew not to do it again? who gave the order? who was responsible for all of this? who was fired, drew? >> reporter: you know, those are really good questions, wolf. we were surprised to learn they come with no answers. the cdc relatively powerless in this. as we reported, no fine. the cruise line wouldn't tell us who gave the orders. who if anyone was fired. they merely said we won't do it again and we're allowed to keep sailing. >> and that's it? doesn't seem very comforting if you were a cruise passenger on board this ship, drew. >> reporter: no, and this is part of the weak regulations, the weak rules, the weak laws
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that people like senator jay rockefeller have been holding hearings about and speaking out about. listen, all the cruise line has to do, as far as we know, even though they were caught with health problems, wolf, but trying to deliberately hide it, they were told not to do it again and there they go. >> good report, drew. thanks very much. >> supz next, why the former nfl star aaron hernandez could be facing new murder charges. incredible video of a trainer's close call with a crocodile. we'll be right back. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town.
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"crime and punishment," the former new england patriots tight end aaron hernandez back in court for a hearing but it was delayed after the prosecution said they need more time to present evidence to a grand jury. the hearing date is august 22nd. hernandez is charged with murder in the death of 27-year-old odin lloyd whose body was found near the athlete's home. he's pleaded not guilty and
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being held without bail. tonight, there's new information that authorities in boston could be getting closer to charging him in another murder, a double murder in fact. susan candiotti is joining us with the latest. susan, a double-murder, what do we know about that? >> reporter: we know a grand jury is looking into this, and they're especially interested in a silver suv. we told you about this before. authorities believe it was wlinged to -- linked to the double shooting and it was seen in the area after the shooting happened. police discovered this suv a few weeks ago parked in the garage of aaron hernandez' uncle and had an inch of dust on it. they are keeping a secret what they found in it. a judge ruling he's not going to let anyone know about it, because prosecutors are very concerned that if the word gets out, it could jeopardize their investigation.
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there are informants involved, other witnesses involved, and evidence. we'll hear more about this when the grand jury work is done. >> susan, you were in court today. hernandez's lawyers seem frustrated, that the murder he is currently charged with isn't moving more quickly. what are they saying? >> reporter: they're saying that they fully believe that aaron hernandez will be fully exonerated when this case is all over with. remember, he's pleaded not guilty. they say he didn't do it. >> so how did hernandez seem to you today when you saw him? >> reporter: well, for one thing, he looked differently. once again, he was out of his prison uniform, we've seen him in on a couple of occasions, but he had street clothes on again that covered upmost of his tattoos, and we saw him twice mouth to his fiance who was sitting in the back of the courtroom, the words "i love you." we saw that happen twice. in the meantime, the victim's family was also present in
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there. the victim's family, the mother -- including the mother of odin lloyd and she was wiping away tears as she listened to what happened in court today. >> susan candiotti reporting for us. thank you. isha sesay has a "360" news and business bulletin. president obama said he's focusing on working class americans for the rest of his term. he said congress' top priority should be diverting economic inequality in the country and part of that is raising the minimum wage. former president george h.w. bush shaved his head in support of a cancer patient. other members of the secret service shaved their heads, too. check this out, a stunt gone bad at a crocodile farm in thaila thailand. the trainer was hurt but he
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walked away. we'll be right back. new ready for you first day, little brother? i guess. did you download that book i sent? yah, nice rainbow highlighter. you've got finch for math right? uh-uh. english? her. splanker, pretend we're not related. oh trust me, you don't want any of that. you got my map? yeah. where you can sit can define your entire year. and what's the most important thing to remember? no face to face contact until we're off of school property. you got this. sharing what you've learned. that's powerful. verizon. get the samsung galaxy stratosphere ii for free. when she was only fifteen hours first open hold. surgery...
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that does it for this edition of "360." thanks for watching. the cnn documentary, "will and kate plus one" starts right now. in london, big news in a little package. an heir to the throne is born. >> there's the baby, the new royal heir. >> do we have a name? george alexander louis, to be known as his royal heiness. >> the first child of william, himself a prince. >> may we see your son, your royal heiness.
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