tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 25, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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we'll keep talking about that. well, as always, thanks for watching. see you tomorrow night. have a nice night. in the meantime "ac 360" with in the meantime "ac 360" with wolf blitzer starts now. -- captions by vitac -- erin, thanks. a second zimmerman juror spokes out. she says he got away with murder. why did she choose to acquit him? i'll ask if her explanation makes sense. and it's being called florida's next trayvon martin case. a black teenager shot dead after a white gunman claiming self-defense. what anthony wiener's sexting partner wants to say to the man, his wife and what the voters say. the zimmerman juror b 29 the only non-white juror on the six-member panel. the first to show her face and
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reveal her first name, maddi. she says she owes trayvon martin's family an apology because she ultimately had no choice but to acquit a man she calls a murderer. she spoke to robin roberts. the interview aired on abc's world news. >> what was your first -- >> my first vote was second-degree murder. >> second-degree murder. >> in between that nine hours it was hard. a lot of us had wanted to find something bad, something we could connect to the law. for myself, he's guilty. because the evidence shows he's guilty. >> he's guilty of -- >> killing trayvon martin but as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't find -- you can't say he's guilty. >> did you want to step out at all? did you want to quit? >> i was the juror that was going to give them the hung
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jury. i was. i fought until the end. it's hard for me to sleep. it's hard for me to eat because i feel i was forcefully included in trayvon martin's death, and as i carry him on my back, i'm hurting as much as trayvon martin's mom is. because there is no way that any mother should feel that pain. >> but you feel in your heart of hearts that you and the jury approached it and came with the decision, and you stand by that decision to this day? >> i stand by the decision because of the law. if i stand by the decision because of my heart, he would have been guilty. >> that's not all she said or the first zimmerman juror, by the way, we heard from juror b-37 spoke with anderson more than a week ago. she, too, said she had no choice
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but to vote not guyty. however, b-37 seems to hold a more charitable view of mr. zimmerman's actions that night. joining us tonight martin family attorney benjamin crump, getting his first look at the jurors account and jeffrey toobin and jose bias and mark cgeragos. jeff, let's start with you. juror b-29 said zimmerman was guilty but could not vote for guilt on second-degree murder or manslaughter because as the law was read to her, and i'm quoting now, you have no proof that he killed him intentionally. those were her words sdch. does that make sense to you? >> that's a garbled reading of the law. the issue wasn't intention. the issue wasn't zimmerman's intention. it was whether he was
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legitimately exercising seventy defense or not. she's not a lawyer. that's not a big, big difference. what i think is important to say just at the outset is that second thoughts by jurors are fairly common, and they have no legal significance. you can't get a verdict set aside. you can't change, you can't get a retrail. nothing can happen as a result of a juror saying i wish i had voted another way. >> benjamin crump, let me play another part of juror b-29's interview with abc. listen to this. >> i know that you've heard some people have said point blank, they have said george zimmerman got away with murder. how do you respond to those people that say that? >> george zimmerman -- that's -- george zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away
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from god, and at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. the law couldn't prove it, but, you know, you know the world goes in circles. >> benjamin, do your clients, trayvon martin's parents agree with that? >> well, they have always maintained, wolf, that since this verdict was handed down, that the killer of their unarmed child got away with murder. >> they always believed that. what about her point, though? she believes he got away with murder but given the instructions to the jury, what she had to deal with as far as evidence, benjamin, she had no choice but to acquit? >> well, that's an important to note. this is the second juror now that has said these instructions were very confusing to them, and she believes it got her to the wrong verdict, and i think it
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was her first thought to convict hip of second-degree murder and that's important. there were other people on the jury that persuaded her based on the instructions given, she could not vote her conviction to find him guilty, and that's real troubling because we do think the evidence was there, and that was her first thought, and i know tracy and sybrina, it certainly is devastating when they hear stuff like this because they desperately wanted those jurors to vote to hold the killer of their child accountable. and they -- as sabrina said, she would have fought harder if that would have been her child, and, you know, they -- they just are trying to get through this and make something positive out of something so negative because they were so hurt by this verdict. >> i'm sure they were. mark, the juror that anderson interviewed last week spoke
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about this juror, b-29 and she was the last holdout on a guilty or not guilty charge, shall we say. let's listen to what she said. >> she was the last one to vote, and it took probably another 30 minutes for her to decide that she could not find anything else to hold george on because you want to find him guilty of something. she wanted to find him guilty of something but couldn't because of the law, the way the law is written. >> so mark, what do you make of the fact that this one juror who initially voted guilty for second-degree murder, not manslaughter but the second-degree murder charge, the one holdout was the only minority on this six-woman panel? >> i think that's completely to be expected and exactly why when we saw the racial composition of the jury, i said on this show
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the trial was over. there is no way -- it's a very rare person who can hold out in a criminal case when there -- when everybody else is up against you. when you have the racial composition that was in this case, 5-1, white to hispanic or puerto rican and combine that with the pres sentations i seen it was going to come out this way. i would ask -- i would tell or ask ben, you know, when your clients watch this, my experiences, this is one of the reasons that when you try a case, win or lose you never want to talk to the jurors afterwards because it's maddening. they, you know, they will come out and tell you this, that and the other thing and who knows what it takes. it is an incredibly difficult task for a juror to stand their ground in a jury room when they are out numbere and you've got
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that peer pressure and dynamic that goes on. >> wolf -- >> jose, a second. benjamin, go ahead and respond to that. >> mark, i do think my clients understand that and she said she wanted to offer an apology to trayvon's parents i think they and sybrina said the christian thing to do is accept the apology but she really wishes she fought harder because that's what she would do if that was her child. one vote, the prosecutors could have said your vote is your vote. you said you had the evidence there. you didn't have to be persuaded. you didn't have to justify your vote to anybody, and -- >> you know, ben -- >> she couldn't have gave in. >> ben, one of the interesting things that i don't understand and, you know, coming from the defense side and i think jose would probably back me up on this. there are certain cases when you know in jury selection you're
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not going to be able to win the case. you know because of the dynamics and everything else, and you try that case to get a hung jury. i think when the prosecution had the two white jurors placed back into that jury box and they saw what the composition was of this case, if they really wanted to win it, they should have tried this case to hang it so they would have had another chance at a retrail. it's yet another, i think, black mark, if you will on the prosecution in this case. i can't say enough horrible things about the prosecution. >> let's let jose weigh in on this, as well. go ahead, jose. >> i think we're getting a window to what happened in the jury deliberation room. the jury asked for clarification on the manslaughter instruction at the 11th hour. we have a good idea who was the juror specifically asking for this, and what's even worse was the response that went back to the jury was vague. it was basically like we can't
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guide you, but if you have any specific questions, let us know. and now we're hearing from the specific juror that she did not understand that specific instruction. in fact, her own statements were she saying it had to be intentional. that's incorrect. it 100% completely incorrect. the manslaughter instruction says an intentional act that procured the death of another individual. so the fact that he intentionally shot the gun, that is the act that caused the death of trayvon martin. so, you know, again, this falls back on the prosecution for not clearly showing and taking the elements of the crime and arguing what facts pertain to which element. >> and jeffrey, you know that this woman spoke to abc news, this juror, she makes it clear she was fully aware if she held firmly for a guilty verdict on manslaughter or second-degree murder, there would have been a hung jury and the prosecution presumably would have had a start from scratch. >> that's what he says but i
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would like to raise another possibility. these jurors were sequestered. they didn't know what a big deal this case turned out to be. i think it's entirely possible that maddi is reacting as much to the public reaction to the verdict as she is to the evidence. this case, you know, you have the president of the united states talking about it. you have demonstrations all over the country in reaction to the verdict. this is not a pure laboratory example of someone talking about the verdict that she reached in the jury room. she's now reacting to the whole public spectacle of this case and i think so -- it's not a perfect picture of what went on in the jury room. i think -- >> let me let benjamin crump respond to that and then i'll bring you in mark. hold on a second. >> yeah, with respect, jeffrey, i disagree. she said her first mind was second-degree murder so being sequestered, sitting in that
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courtroom she made the determination. her vote was second-degree murder. now in that deliberation, maybe i want says mark said the five people wore her down, and they may be the case. >> it's clearly the case, yeah. >> i just wanted to say to mark's point that i believe the instructions are confusing in a lot of ways. so what you want the jury to do is be empowered. i thank the prosecutors for bringing the case because a lot wouldn't no matter what the evidence was -- >> very quickly, mark, go ahead. >> i was going to say, i agree with jeff's point about the fact you have a sequestered jury and nobody thought this would gain the traction it did and normally you would think that's what is happening. you're hearing a reverse sour grapes or incrimination but the fact is she did hold out. the fact is she did send out or they sent out the note and the fact remains that the prosecution in the closing
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argument was all emotion and they very little on the instructions and law. that's why i said at the time and publicly that i just didn't -- i thought they were throwing the case. i still believe that. >> i just wanted -- i just wanted to say to mark, i agree with you. they should have told them they could hold on their vote and not give into the vote. that's the thing i don't think they did. >> it's all history now. can't go back and redo it now. it's over with. but i'm sure we'll discuss it for a long time. let's see for more jurors come out and speak in the coming days and weeks. thanks to all of you this is not the only racially charged self-defense case in the country or florida. up next, another 17-year-old's killing. his name was jordan davis and the question about his death, there are a lot of questions being raised about race and justice in america.
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anderson sat down with jordan's parents, coming up later. new poll numbers for anthony wiener and they are grim. one on his original sexting partners talking about the current one and how weaner makes the transition in his messages from the political to the very, very personal. i would speak to him about politics, and then, you know, he sort of turns the conversation into a sexual thing, and it becomes very flattering to me and probably to her. he's somebody that i was afan of. i'm the next american success story. working for a company where over seventy-five percent of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when
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all-female jury but not everyone sees it that way. polls show the vast majority of african americans believe race was a big factor in the case. another deadly shooting in florida is raising the same questions about race and stand your ground law. to some the parallels to trayvon martin's death are striking. here is drew griffin. >> reporter: it was the day after thanksgiving, friday, november 23rd, 2012. 17-year-old jordan davis and three friends pulled into a convenience store in jacksonville, florida. his dad said they had been shopping. >> dad, he said listen, some friends are going to window shop at town center mall. he said can i have some money for food and hang out with my friends? >> reporter: jordan davis stayed in the backseat of the dodge when the driver went inside. windows were down and music was on the radio. 45-year-old michael dun driving
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a black jetta pulled into the parking spot next to him. he was attending a wedding reception with his girlfriend. she wanted to stop. as she went inside he poll literally asked the music be turned down in the dodge. the passenger in the front seat compiled turning down the radio. but jordan davis, police say, asked the music be turned back up. michael dunn concedes as much in a later police interrogation. >> and then the music comes back on. you know, i'm just like don't need any trouble. >> reporter: but there was trouble. police say what followed was a verbal altercation between dunn sitting in his car and the other teens sitting in theirs. interrogated by police, michael dunn said it was one of the teens who was trying to escalate the confrontation, threatening he says to kill him. >> so i put my window down again
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and i said excuse me? are you talking about me? and it was like kill that [ bleep ]. and you know, i'm still not reacting and this guy goes down on the ground and comes up with something. i thought it was a shotgun, and he goes you're dead [ bleep ] and he opens his door. >> uh-huh. >> and i'm [ bleep ] but that's when i reached in my glove box, unholstered my pistol. >> reporter: dunn opened fire, four quick shots into the suv and four more as it sped away. jordan davis, the only person hit was killed. for dunn, he told police he and his girlfriend spent the night at a local motel before driving home. he wouldn't be arrested until the next day. dunn's girlfriend also questioned by police, her face
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blurred, tells the police dunn told her he was firing in self-defense. >> i said what happened? and he said i shot at the car, and i'm like we're moving at this time. >> right. >> and i said what car? and he said the one with the music. >> reporter: other witnesses to the shooting told police they never saw the teens get out of the su vurks or approach dunn in any way. no weapon, no stick, no threatening of object of any kind was found in the teen's possession. dunn insists he was shooting to save his life and according to his attorney plans to use florida's stand your ground law as his defense. drew griffin, cnn atlanta. >> michael dunn's trial is scheduled to begin in september. anderson talked to jordan davis' parents. they were joined by their lawyer john phillips. >> i'm so sorry for your loss. what do you want people to know
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about your son? >> jordan was like an american boy. he wasn't like an african american boy but also an american boy in that it could be your son, and i want you to understand the way we feel is the way you would feel if you lost a son when it happens like that, when somebody actually tears your child away from you, you know. because of loud music, something so petty as that, it really just takes, you know, takes the heart of out you. >> where were you when you heard the news? >> i was in chicago visiting family for the holiday. >> i can't imagine what that was like. >> it's -- it is a parent's worst nightmare, and you hear about it happening to other individuals, people around you when you know you mourn for the loss when it happens to them, and in the back of your mind you're saying wow, i don't know how i would -- i don't know what i would do if that ever happened to me, and then when it becomes
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reality, it's just -- it's unbearable at times. >> when you heard that stand your ground might be part of this case, might be argued by this person who did this, what did you think? >> just incensed that stand your ground legislation can be used to cover up and to hide the real problem with the gun culture in this country, and particularly in florida, the stand your ground legislation is being used in a tremendous number of cases to protect people, shoot first, ask questions later. >> and in this case, i mean, there were witnesses who saw this unlike in the trayvon martin case, and also, many of the statements made by this man, i mean, he said he saw some sort of gun or -- there was nothing found. there is no evidence of any of that. >> if you know how long a shotgun is, an suv there is no way possible and how many, as he
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say, thugs or gang members runaround with full-blown shotguns. >> there wasn't even a stick, there wasn't -- >> no. >> nothing. >> anything that could be mistaken from that. >> the boys were coming from the mall. they had been shopping. you know, as teenagers do and they had, you know tennis shoes in the car and football and, you next all those items. they were simply coming from the mall. >> talk to me about this case. i mean, are you concerned about it being linked with the trayvon martin case, or is that a positive or negative? >> there is two parts. there is both. the ripple effect of getting awareness is a positive. these are massive tragedies. they are different in that george zimmerman had that busted nose photo and what happened between two men in the dark that ultimately was the issue. >> without any actual witness. >> right, one bullet where this one he shot ten including a
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retreating vehicle and try thanksgiviing to declare stand your ground. should not buy a gun, kill and say you can't get me for this. >> this is one individual in his vehicle shooting at a number of other individuals who are in their vehicles. i mean -- >> right. >> so to argue, i was in fear of my life -- >> he's the one in his car. you know, he's got his window rolled up. he rolled it down to say something to the kids. you know, my son is in the backseat on the passenger side, you know, and because they don't turn down their loud music and he thinks according to what his girlfriend noted that that's thug music, you know, hip-hop music, and so he decides that because he doesn't like their quote unquote thug music, that he was going to take things furder. my son is arguing with him verbally. my son never got out of the car. he didn't get out of his car at the time -- >> he reached and got his gun.
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>> for that to be a thought in your mind that i'm in a verbal argument with children, you know, he already admitted he knew they were children. >> one of the things the juror in the zimmerman trial said to me or became clear as she was talking is she didn't have a great sense of who trayvon martin was. she knew who george zimmerman was and sympathized with him and knew what was in his heart. do you worry or want to make sure jurors understand who your son was? >> without a doubt. jordan was a good, everyday 17-year-old teenager playing loud music like all the other teenagers do. hanging out with friends, going to class, basketball games, vents, all those things normal kids do. jordan did that. jordan was born and raised in atlanta, georgia. i home schooled him. jordan was a great, great faith
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foundation, lots of friends and family. good family structure. that's what we want people to know about jordan. >> i'm just so sorry for your loss and we'll continue to follow it. >> thank you so much for having us. we appreciate it very much. >> you can find more on the story at and i suggest you do. up next, new video of that terrible train wreck in spain and what investigators are learning from it. we'll get an update from the scene. that's coming up. ♪
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80 people are now dead in that spanish train wreck, and now video could reveal why this train may have been going far too fast for that curve. that's what officials say. the result did ace ast rous. you can see the train leaving the tracks, splitting in two, piling up and catching fire. carl is on the scene for us. we spoke a short time ago. carl, we're seeing this horrible video of the train crash. what is the latest you're learning about the investigation, particularly about the speed of the train, because i know there have been lots of questions on that. >> that video is absolutely chilling, isn't it, wolf? surveillance video taken yards away from where the train was actually impacting, but certainly, these trains are
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designed to run at high speed and spain has invested a lot in infrastructure for the rail ways. at certain points on that route the train expected to run at speeds of 155 miles an hour. now, we did hear earlier in the day spain's development minister who came to the crash site said she believed excessive speed could be a factor and the prime minister showed up and he urged people to keep an open mind. he said all factors are under consideration, not just the speed factor but also other factors, as well. so certainly, no hard and fast conclusions far from it right now, wolf. >> what do we know, carl, about the driver of the train? i understand he's been talking to authorities, right? >> he has. we understand that he's been in police custody for most of the day. police have been questioning him about what he was doing, how the train was performing, and also, quite, frankly, to see if any
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wrongdoing may have been involved in this case. we understand that he is a man with around 20 to 30 years experience driving trains in spain. certainly, a very experienced man on these very fast express trains, but right now, authorities are not telling us what details he may have revealed in the course of questioning, wolf. >> carl, we saw the king and queen of spain visiting a hospital today. we know scores dead, a lot more injured people. give us a sense of how the country is dealing with this enormous tragedy, because these high speed trains are a key mode of transportation in spain. >> absolutely. trains, as i say, spain invested a lot of money in the rail ways and so the spanish are very frequent train travelers. i think the sense of shock began first locally and then spread region wide as people saw the scale of this and then people across spain listening to the
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headlines, seeing that death toll balloon in the nighttime hours, and so there is a genuine sense of shock. of course, the city was due to celebrate the biggest religious festivals of the year today, but those festivals have been cancelled and spain itself declared three days of national mourning. the scale of the tragedy, absolutely huge. at least 1/3rd of the passengers on board the train are dead and more than 100 still in the hospital a 1/3rd of those on the critical list so that death toll we're told by authorities could rise further, wolf. >> what a horrible, horrible tragedy. thanks for the reporting. up next, the woman at the center of the new anthony wiener sexting scandal speaking out and also, one of his original sexting partners tells me what she thinks about the fact that
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weiner was still sending steamy texts after he got caught. [ woman ] we had two tiny reasons to get our adt security system. and one really big reason -- the house next door. our neighbor's house was broken into. luckily, her family wasn't there, but what if this happened here? what if our girls were home? and since we can't monitor everything 24/7, we got someone who could. adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, adt has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. we have more monitoring centers, more of tomorrow's technology right here today,
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raw politics tonight, a new poll of democrats shows an even splint whether anthony wiener's sexting scandal will affect a vote. 46% said tuesday's bombshell will have an impact. 49% said it matters little or not at all. his young sexting partner spoke out for the first time today with inside edition's jim morray. >> how would you describe him? i read one quote that suggested you thought he was a dirty old man. >> he actually said that about himself to me. he -- the exact wording is that he's an argumentative, poor pet well horny middle-aged man and at the time i was like oh, no,
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you're not, but yes, he is. i felt manipulated. >> why? >> because obviously, i felt like, you know, he's saying one thing to me, saying another thing to his wife, saying another thing on the campaign trail. i don't know who the real anthony wiener is, i guess. >> sydney leathers, only 23 years old is the latest woman to come forward. lisa exchanged ex police sieve e-mails in 2010, 2011. lisa, when you heard the latest revelations, what was your reaction? were you surprised to find out that anthony wiener kept sexting long after he resigned, long after the two of you had cut off contact? >> well, i'm still very torn about the way i feel about the whole thing. to me, you know, i really -- i think there is kind of a fine line. i'm still in the sure if i feel
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as if this is cheating. i mean, there are a lot of politicians that had actual affairs and paid prostitutes and, you know, to me this is a very weird thing. i think it's like a very new thing that people aren't used to with the internet. i'm -- i was surprised he was still doing it. i think he moved to an adult site, which i think is maybe better than twitter and facebook, because that's maybe where this talk belongs. >> lisa, listen to what sydney leathers told "inside edition." she was one of the woman that was sexting with him long after he resigned from congress. >> neither one of us officially ended it. it just kind of started to fizzle it out. he got a little controlling with me towards the end. >> how so? >> he would tell me he would be jealous, he would look at my facebook frequently and tell me he would get jealous if other
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men would compliment me. >> lisa, does that at all sound familiar with you with anthony wiener, possess sieve, jealous? >> not at all. i haven't heard that yet. with me it was a very different thing. we had -- i did not feel like there was any kind of relationship there. the whole thing between anthony and i was basically, to me, it was funny. the to me the whole thing was basically, you know, i never planned on meeting him. i don't think he ever planned on meeting me. i didn't feel it was any sort of an affair, an emotional atta attachment in any way. >> when asked about his wife huma abedin, sydney leathers, this other woman broke down in tae tears and said how sorry she is. i know you expressed what you may have made the wife feel. what did you think of her speaking out? >> when anthony and i first
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started speaking, he was single and so i was. when i found this out and after everything came out, i felt so bad and i did apologize. i've tried many times to apologize to huma because, yeah, i had no business even joking around, flirting with her husband that way and i still feel bad about it. i admire her, and i think that, you know, i think she did the right thing to say something and not just stand there and, you know, let him speak. >> i know you had a tough time, lisa, after your relationship with anthony wiener was exposed between press coverage and reaction from friends, co-workers, visitors. based on your own experience, what do you think lies ahead for this other woman sydney leathers? >> i would just advice her, don't read the comments people write. i'm sure i'll get comments tonight after being on your show because i got comments from people that were so vicious that i, you know, i sat home and cried and it was -- you know, i
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just would tell her, be prepared because you're going to get a lot of -- a lot of criticism and not a lot of people defending you. you know, and just, i'm still trying to toughen up because of it. so yeah, she's going to get a lot of flak from a lot of people. i hope she doesn't, but just in my experience, i did. >> leathers also says that she felt manipulated by weiner. did you at all feel yourself manipulated or see yourself as a victim? >> i did not. you know what -- well, she's much younger than i am. i'm an adult. i'm a middle-aged woman. i will tell you i understand why she did, and what he sort of does to you, i do understand why she's manipulated a bit, because i would speak to him about politics and then, you know, he sort of turns the conversation into a sexual thing, and it becomes very flattering, you know, to me and probably to her. he's somebody that i was a fan
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of. and when he starts talking that way to you, you know, what are you supposed to say? oh my god, you're offending me. i'm disgusted and i'm hanging up. you go i'm a fan of yours. to me i was like oh, god, what does he want to hear? i'll say whatever i can think of that sounds sexy. i don't know. he does turn the conversation that way, and then you kind of get sucked into it, in pun intended, you get sucked into it a little bit and feel like okay, now, you know, we started this weird relationship thing, whatever it is and it just kind of continued. >> lisa weiss joining us from las vegas. thank you very much. >> thank you so much for having me. just ahead, a major development that could mean ariel castro will never go before a jury. the plea deal he's been offered and the three young women rescued from castro's house shining light on cleveland's
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in parts of cleveland and suburbs, women of color are vanishing at an alarming rate. here is what gary tuchman found. >> it's time to take a stand. >> reporter: on the same block where three women's bodies were found days ago in the city of east cleveland, ohio, angry and frightens residents gather. >> we will protect our family. >> reporter: a disturbing number of women are missing in cleveland and many others have been found brutally murdered. it has gotten so bad residents are calling for -- >> the president of the united states of america to bring in the national guard to find these women. >> reporter: posters of the missing like these can be seen all over the cleveland metropolitan area. the cleveland police website lists 54 women as currently missing from within the city limits, compares to three women on the cincinnati police website. a similarly sized ohio city.
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in baltimore a larger city than cleveland, there are six missing women on the list but such lists are incomplete and hard to keep accurate and many community leaders say the numbers are higher, much higher. minirv was missing. >> she was a baby. >> reporter: marsha was the oldest. >> i just want her back. i just want to see her. >> reporter: cleveland resident ashley summers has been missing since 2007. debbie summers is her aunt. >> i want you to come home. i want you to know that i love you and miss so you much and i'll never give up on you, never. >> reporter: in these cases family members believe the police haven't done enough, their relatives fall off the grid. case in point, charleene price. >> she went missing october 1997. >> reporter: 16 years ago.
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>> yes, it is. >> reporter: do you feel everything that could be done to find her has been done? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: police defend their work but acknowledge the problem is serious. the mayors of cleveland and east cleveland do, too. >> in the cities combined, there are far too many people missing. >> reporter: many believe the increasing number of missing women and increased crime are tied to the economic crisis. it's such a crisis here that civilians are actually doing the grim duties that typically only the authorities do. many community leaders here anguished at the sheer number of missing people over the years have taken to searching in the local woods themselves without the aid of police looking for bodies. we acompanied them on this day as they look for women on the posters. they dread what they may find but want to provide answers for suffering families. they were told by neighbors they
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should search one particular abandoned house. nothing is found in the house nor the woods, at least on this day. all over the cleveland area you see missing posters for an 18-year-old woman, a regular at bible study who went missing this month after leaving her summer job at an elementary school. >> help us find her. >> reporter: we set up a time to interview her parents and stepfather to talk to them about the continued hope and faith that she will be found alive, but 30 minutes before our interview we received a phone call. she was no longer missing. she was dead. and this right now in this neighborhood is her family and friends mourning. as it turns out, shirelda was positively identified as one of the three victims recently found wrapped in plastic and hidden
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around suspect michael madison's home. her father still wanted to talk to us. >> my baby is gone. that's the reality of it all. now when i cry tonight it's not trying hoping to find her. i know where she's at. i'm crying because i miss her. now she's gone on. >> reporter: there is a lot of pain in cleveland. for the families that lost loved ones from violence and for the families who don't know what to think, what waiver between hope and hopelessness. >> gary tuchman is joining me now. what is being down in these neighborhoods to keep the women safer? >> reporter: they need more cops and have increased police patrol. that is good news. they also need to knock down the abandoned buildings. there are so many abandoned houses and businesses. the mayor says he needs more state and federal funding because they are magnets for criminals and the final thing,
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and this is a very important thing, neighbors tend to mind their own business. they can't mind their own business anymore. they have to speak out when they see something crazy and suspicious. tell neighbors and police and nail these people. >> thanks for that report. we'll be right back. "i'm part of an american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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