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tv   To Be Announced  CNN  July 27, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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right, you know? rather than just what's easy. tonight, morgan spur lock. you loved him when he supersized fast food. >> look how big that french fry is. >> now cnn's own "inside man" martin spurlock guest hosts for piers. he's talking to the man who broke the nsa leaker story. >> what information does he have to reveal? >> there's definitely more stories to be reported. also the tragic story of the chicago 6-year-old shot at a memorial service for another shooting victim. what her pastor says about gun violence. and the congressman who says this about immigration reform. >> they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. plus, what morgan spurlock learned when he went to work for
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a medical pamarijuana distribut. >> i have the ability to grow marijua marijuana. in san francisco, i can grow up to 24 plants in my backyard. >> this is "piers morgan live." hi, i'm morgan spurlock in for that other morgan. that was from my cnn series "inside man." i learned a lot about pot in this country. not as much as my next guest. joining me, sheryl shuman, leader for the cannabis reform unit who runs the members only beverly hills club, and her daughter, amy shuman, executive vice president of the club. also howard samuels, ceo and founder of the hills treatment center. thanks for being here, guys. >> thank you for having us. >> thanks, morgan. >> why was it important to start the beverly hills cannabis club and become known as the martha stewart of pamarijuana? >> i had a health crisis that led me to the industry. when it worked for me as a corporate woman, i felt it was important to redefine the space. there's such a negative image
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and stereotype assigned to the modern cannabis consumer. i was approached by william morrison, representing me in film, television and whatnot. we are developing reality series programings as well as film projects and all sorts of things. so it's very, very important, i think, especially with us being as a tipping point on legalization, for mainstream to take a serious look at this because the truth is the modern day cannabis consumer are people like you and me. they're doctors, they're lawyers, they're attorneys, producers, actors. they're everywhere, and we are inspiring and empowering people to come out of the closet and be open about the fact that cannabis works for them. >> you're going to go from pop move, movie star, tv star, that's next? >> from your lips to god's ears, that's what my agent thinks. >> how has it made you a better mother? i've heard you say that. how does that happen? >> well, in 1996 when prop 215 was passed in los angeles, my therapist who at that time had
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me on antidepressants and anxiety pills and sleeping pills actually suggested it to me. i was in a session with him. it was 1996. prop 215 had just passed. and he and i developed a rapport where he felt comfortable telling me that he used cannabis, himself. he found it to be an excellent mood stabilizer, so i tried it and i was able to get rid of all the pharmaceuticals i was using and cannabis worked much better for me. then ten years later, or in 2006, i was diagnosed with cancer, and it saved my life. so in my particular case, it gave my life back to me for my children so that i could be there for them and now my daughter is my executive vice president and we're building the company together. >> amy, is she right? did it transform her as a mother? did it change her as a person? >> absolutely. i'm so proud of my mom. she's the modern day polly ann sabin, the woman who overturned alcohol prohibition and now going to overturn marijuana
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prohibition. it's amazing to have her as a mother. >> dr. samuels, as a recoverying addict, who is your reaction to the pot moms? >> i find it frightening because there really is a lot of ignorance that is going on here. you know, i started smoking weed at 14. i didn't get sober until i was 32. it took me years to rehabilitate my emotions, and what we're talking about is marijuana is a very dangerous drug when it comes to your emotions. especially for the 15-year-old to 25-year-old individuals who are just starting to learn how to deal with feelings and in a healthy way. not to medicate your feelings just because -- >> aimee, you're shaking your head. you disagree? >> i disagree. we were on the katie couric show recently with dr. sanjay gupta and he had a lot to say about this. not a medical professional. i wish we had a medical professional. a medical professional would disagree. >> doctor, back to you. >> i'd like -- >> i want have to the doctor
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finish real quick. doctor, why don't you think pot should be legalized? >> yeah. let's get something straight. all right? these people, their specialty is pr. it is not addiction. i've been involved in addiction field for almost 25, 30 years based on also me being an addict. okay? i deal with this day in and day out. how dare they tell me what i'm saying is not true when i treat individuals who have panic attacks, anxiety attacks, who cannot sleep who have major impulse control issues because they've been smoking pot every day for five years, three years, ten years. lack of motivation. these are facts. so please, don't tell me that i'm wrong when i deal with this issue on a daily basis. that is irresponsible. >> ladies, what are your thoughts? >> as a mother, here's what i find very interesting. first of all, i'm not advocating for a 14-year-old to go out and use cannabis as a mood stabilizer. i was 36 years old. my daughter is a grown woman at
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32 years old. and i'm saying as a responsible adult, this works for me much better than prozac or antidepressants. let's address the addiction issue. there are many people that feel cannabis is a gateway drug. i completely disagree. i feel that if someone is going to be an addict, they most likely started with tobacco or beer, and, of course, pot was probably the third one that they tried and if a person is going to be addicted to anything, and they have an addictive personality, they're going to be addicted to almost anything. so i completely disagree with the gentleman, and i've seen a number of cases, quite frankly, where people have had other addictions and they've never had an issue with pot whatsoever. so i'm talking about the medicinal use of cannabis as a grown woman, as a 53-year-old, in the privacy of my home and i'm also speaking about people who use cannabis responsibly. i am not referring to people who
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have addiction issues, and i do not support a 14-year-old using cannabis. period. >> cheryl brings up an interesting point. we live in a country where we jump to medicate people quickly with prescription drugs, whether oxycontin, oxycodone, ritalin for children. how is that different versus using this as some kind of a medicinal treatment? >> it is not okay. the antidepressant issue is different. i'm on lexapro. it is not a mood changing drug. it helps me with my ocd issues. okay? now, marijuana is a very dangerous drug because it medicates the emotional system. so what you're doing here is that these people are telling me that marijuana is as safe as aspirin or toothpaste. b.s. please. get a life. this is a dangerous drug. >> there's no doubt to you that marijuana is a gateway drug? >> not only is it a gateway
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drug, because if you were really in the field that i am, people are using marijuana at 14 years old because of people like this i'm debating. they're telling people -- and kids are listening to this show -- that marijuana is safe and it's totally causes no harm to the body and the emotional system whatsoever. that is totally false. >> is today -- how is today's pot different from our parents' pot? how is it different from, like, the pot you and i grew up around versus what's around today? >> oh, today -- >> i completely disagree. >> extremely powerful today. i mean, the chemicals that they put in it, plus when we talk about cigarettes, we're talking about smoking pot. what's the difference? if you're inhaling horrible chemicals, and issues like that, then that's also where the throat cancer comes from and other physical ailments. so, to me, what's really -- and, excuse me, but why aren't we
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getting high on life anymore? that's the issue. >> i'm high on life. i'm high on life right now. >> well -- >> so am i. i'm loving it. >> there's something very important here you guys are not addressing. number one, cannabis is far safer than alcohol, tobacco or pharmaceuticals. it was legal in our pharmacies until 1937. and not only that, alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals, people are dying at the rate -- women, specifically -- are dying at a rate of one woman every nine minutes from overdoses from alcohol, tobacco and form su pharmaceuticals. you know how many overdoses there have been from marijuana? zero in the hit story of this plant. it's a superior mood stabilizer and it works, and the revenue and the tax regulation of this plant can heal our economy. period. >> cheryl, do you see any benefit to the place where i worked? harborside health center? what's a benefit to the place like that? >> first of all, i love stevie d. i got off the phone with andrew before i got on here. i have to say, one of their
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philosophies of coming out of the shadows and into the light is a very, i think it was an enlightening and empowering field for me when i first had cancer. harborside was the very first dispensary i went into. they're excellent role models, as you know, morgan. there are real patients there. it is not people getting high. and cannabis works far superior over any drug, any pharmaceutical. i don't have any addiction issues. none of the people i know have any addiction issues, but if you're an addict, howard, you're going to be addicted to anything including chocolate. i'm sorry, it is safer than aspirin. it is safer than -- >> any benefit to a place like harborside? >> the only benefit is with people with serious, you know, cancer issues and some pain issues. that i agree with, but the whole medical california issue here is a farce. it's a sham. you know, most of the people are addicts that get cards. i mean, i treat people that walk in there, they can get a card like that like you did, morgan. i mean, it is totally unregulated, and it's a joke.
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and that's part of the issue. but what is really irresponsible here is that there doesn't seem to be many advocates of trying to protect our young people from this very dangerous emotional drug. and i'm sorry, but i think that the two of you are totally being very irresponsible here to our nation's youth. >> cheryl, aimee, dr. samuels. thank you for your time. we appreciate you being on the show. we'll be right back. >> thank you. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan?
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we have concrete proof that they have already, terrorist groups and others are taking action, making changes and it's going to make our job tougher. the purpose of these programs and the reason we use secrecy is
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not to hide it from the american people, not to hide it from you, but to hide it from those who walk among you who are trying to kill you. >> i'm morgan spurlock, guest hosting for "piers morgan tonight." that was nsa director keith alexander. he says leaks about the american government surveillance programs put the american people at risk. my next guest, glenn greenwald, broke the story for "the guardian." how are you? >> doing well. >> what is your reaction to what director keith alexander said? >> every single time government officials try and do things and hide it from the american people and get caught doing what they're doing, they do the same thing. they scream the word terrorism over and over in the hope that people will get scared. it's just pure fear mongering, and agree that they should be able to do whatever they want. the reality is that nothing we expose informed the terrorists of anything. the spying we exposed had nothing to do with terrorism. it was bulk collecting phone records, chats, e-mails of
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american, the american people indiscriminately. the on the thing we informed anybody of was not the terrorists but the american people that the spying apparatus built in the dark is aimed at them. >> why did he leave the u.s. in the first place? why not stay here and fight? if he was really a hero, wouldn't he have been seen differently if he stuck around and kind of stood his ground? >> i don't think so. if you look at what bradley manning, for example, did, who leaked thousands of pages showing serious war crimes on the part of the united states, he didn't run, and yet most people in the media and lots of people in the united states viewed him as somehow an odious person, even a traitor. he's been locked away in a cage for many years and we haven't heard from him. there's an op-ped by daniel alsberg, most people consider to be a whistleblower says snowden was right to flee, unlike when ellsberg was charged with leaking, he was able to be free during the trial and speak publicly. in this country now,
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whistleblowers under the obama administration are treated harshly. if mr. snowden came back, he would be stuck in prison, wouldn't be able to participate in the debate he helped provoke and be unlikely he'd get a fair trial. daniel ellsberg in the "washington post," he said snowden was right to leave the country. >> your quote is, "the u.s. government should be on their knees every day praying nothing happens to snowden because if something happen, all information will be revealed and that would be their worst nightmare." >> right. that was, you know, before i began reporting this story, i wrote an article about how anybody who exposes what the u.s. government is doing is the target of smear campaigns and demonization, and that was a perfect example of how "reuters" took that quote completely out of context and made the exact opposite point as to ones "reuters" and government defenders tried to say i made. the question was, do you think the united states question will try to kill mr. snowden?
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i said, that would make no sense. he has with him extremely confident documents that he has been insistent not be disclosed because his goal is not to harm the united states but shed light to his fellow citizens on what the government was doing. if he were killed, there would be no telling how those documents would get released. probably more irresponsibly. if i was the u.s. government, i'd be praying for his health, not trying to kill him because of how responsible of a whistleblower he's been in insisting these stories be reported judiciously. >> sources have told cnn's barbara starr that snowden doesn't have the crown jewels of the nsa. the extremely compartmentalized information. it seems that you guys differ on this. why is that? >> well, you know, barbara starr is very good at going to government officials and having them whisper in her ear and repeating what they say and calling that reporting. the way i like to do reporting is by going and looking at actual documents, not listening to what government officials tell me in secret and then passing it on. i've seen the documents. what i know about these documents is that some of them,
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by necessity, are very sensitive because he needed to have documents to prove that what he was saying was true, and some of the documents that he took to show that what he was saying was true contain sensitive material. very technical information and the like, and he, when he came to us said, i do not want any of this sensitive information revealed. i don't want to harm the united states. i simply want to shine light on what government officials are doing in the dark that american citizens should know about. so i know these documents that he took are sensitive and he, that's why he instructed us to be very careful in how we reported them. >> what more information does he have to reveal? >> it isn't that he has more to reveal. he has given us all the documents i believe he intends to leak. they are in excess of 10,000. he gave those to us six or seven weeks ago when i was in hong kong. we've been in the process of reporting it, vetting it. there are definitely more stories to be reported we're in the process now of writing about things that the united states
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government is doing to american citizens in terms of collecting very invasive information about them. the lack of oversight that n sarnsa analysts have as they sit at their terminals, read anyone's e-mail they want, listen to any calls they want. the deals united states government strikes with internet companies and telecoms to have the data about their customers turned over to the united states enmass. really just a worldwide ubiquitous system that is being constructed without oversight or real checks and there's still lots of programs within that apparatus that are still to be reported. >> nicaragua, venezuela, and bolivia offered snowden asylum. do you know where he would like to go? what his preference is. >> i think his, really, his only goal is to make sure he can continue to participate in the debate over surveillance that was his main goal to help provoke. i think where he ends up is really secondary. the problem is there are not that many countries in the world who are both able and willing to
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apply the law rather than simply capitulate to u.s. dictates. his choices are limited. it's been reported in order to apply for asylum in russia he's agreed not to divulge more information about the u.s. government. what can you tell me about that? >> well, like i said, his -- as far as i know, he never even before he got to russia, he doesn't have any intention of disclosing more information. he vetted all the documents that he took with him very carefully. he turned over the ones to us that he thought we should report on. he kept the ones, presumably, that he didn't think should be. so the condition that the russians have imposed on him for staying there which is don't leak any more documents is one i think is very easily complied with since he has already turned over to us all of the documents he wants us to have. >> you touched on it earlier, but i'd love to have you talk about it a little bit more. how difficult is it going to be for him, working with the government trying to figure out a way to seek asylum, create a travel plan, since ultimately he's going to be flying through restricted airspace? >> well, there are ways to get
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from moscow to latin america without having to fly over airspace that is controlled by the united states or its allies. it takes a lot of money. it takes a lot of resources. it takes a lot of planning, but there certainly are ways to do it. it's just that if you have the most powerful state on the earth, which has proven that legal constraints and the norms of international relationships are no barrier to engaging in behavior, something the united states has proven throughout the entire war on terror and has proven recently in this case, it becomes a lot more difficult. but he believes it's feasible. he's going to stay in russia until he's able to do that is my understanding. and what he's most interested in doing is making sure that light continues to be shined on what the nsa and our government officials are doing when spying on americans. that's really what he cares about most. >> what is snowden's relationship with wikileaks? has he continued to be in contact with the organization and julian assange? >> i don't think he had any
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relationship with wikileaks, at least not to my knowledge, until wikileaks provided him with assistance in leaving hong kong at the request of the -- at the invitation or the permission of the government of hong kong. and then seeking asylum. so as far as i know, his relationship has always been and still is limited in the sense that wikileaks has helped him apply for asylum and to leave hong kong. >> south carolina senator lindsey graham is proposing that the united states boycott the winter olympics in sochi in february if snowden is granted asylum. your reaction? >> well, it's really interesting because the united states grants asylum all the time to people who are fleeing places like china or russia or other places around the world. and i never hear any u.s. official or politician or member of the u.s. media ever say something like, isn't it strange that this person would seek asylum in a country that created a worldwide torture regime and continues to imprison people
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without charges in guantanamo, and drones children to death, persecutes whistleblowers, has had all kinds of abuse reports filed by amnesty international and human rights watch? the idea of asylum is not that you try and declare the country that you're seeking it from to be the perfect bastion of civil liberties. you're seeking protection from persecution at home. so if russia grants him asylum, what they're doing is something countries all over the world do which is applying this universally recognized right. i mean, lindsey graham is somebody who wants to go to war with every country that he can find on the globe practically, so the idea he's threatening russia shouldn't come as any surprise. all russia is doing in this case is protecting mr. snowden's human rights from the government of the united states that wants to persecute him. >> does snowden have regrets giving up his life here in the united states? >> it's amazing, he -- that's, to me, the most surprising thing about this case from the beginning. i mean, here's a 29-year-old
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kid. he had a life that most people would envy. a longtime girlfriend. living in hawaii. stable career. a lucrative paycheck. he said to me from the beginning that he understood he was risking prison for the rest of his life, but felt compelled that he couldn't in good conscience allow this to be done to the privacy rights of fell he americans without them knowing it's being done so they can take action. i've never seen him waiver from that resolve as he's undergone a intense and high pressure situation over the past month. he's tranquil and at peace with the decision he made especially as he watches within the united states republicans and democrats join together because of what he disclosed and work to reform the surveillance abuses. >> glenn, thank you for your time. >> thank you, appreciate it. coming up, who should be an american? i'll talk to a congressman who says that for every young undocumented immigrant who's a school valedictorian, 100 more are, and i'm quoting here, "hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."
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congressman steve king joins me next. you deserve more than justo flexibility and convenience. so here are a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experience. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we'll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let's get to work.
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got to carry it about. i don't know. quarter mile, half mile, to where i'm picking today. this is my line of trees right here, so i'll work down until i meet whoever that is on the other end somewhere in the middle. it's around $9.50 per tub. my goal today is to get six. if i want to make a living wage,
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the first tub has to be filled in an hour. >> i'm morgan spurlock. on my cnn spears can inside man" i've worked side by side with migrant farm workers in florida. i have to tell you, it's a pretty tough job. when i heard congressman steve king of iowa gave an interview last week in which he talked about undocumented immigrants, "hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert," i knew i wanted to talk to him. congressman steve king joins me now. congressman, how are you? >> i'm doing fine. thanks for having me on. >> thanks for joining me tonight. that was me working in the film, in the field as a citrus worker, migrant farm worker. have you worked as a migrant farm worker, congressman? >> i've done a lot of work that's worse than picking oranges. i didn't have to be a migrant person to do that. i spent my life in the construction business. i started out on the pipeline. you know, when you get out of the ditch and get a chance to run alongside it on a side boom, that's a pretty good day. i know what it's like to work up through this. we have worked in temperatures, heat indexes of 126 above and 60
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bel lolow zero. my sons will all tell you that. we're in the second generation of the construction business. a lot of times they'd like to pick oranges compared to what they might have been doing. >> my experience when i was there was probably one of the toughest jobs i've ever done. i've mined coal in west virginia. this was a pretty grueling, you know, backbreaking job. to you think americans are lining up for jobs like this? >> i think there are 100 million americans that are of working age that are simply not in the workforce. one of the reasons that they're not lining up is because we have 80 different means-tested federal welfare programs and if you add that all up together, it almost is a guarantee of a cradle-to-grave middle class standard of living. that's a big mistake to have a policy like that that would have that many people not necessarily in the shadows but people not in the workforce that should be. >> from your point of view, like when i went to florida, there were thousands of these jobs up for grabs. anybody could come get them. of americans like myself who actually go, become a part of this workforce, i was the only one who showed up.
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why do you think that is? >> well, i think it's because just as i've said, that magnet that keeps people there and in their homes is a large cradle-to-grave welfare system. there was a study that was done i read in "the des moines register" in the '90s some time, they went into the city of milwaukee and surveyed 36 square blocks, residential areas, six blocks by six blocks and in that, they found -- these are people that had migrated up to milwaukee from the gulf coast at the end of prohibition. and these are children and grandchildren of those folks that live there now. they didn't find a single male employed head of household in all 36 square blocks. that tells you a little something about what's going on in this country. i want to do some things to encourage this workforce that we can develop to get into the workforce and contribute to the gross domestic product and i understand why a migrant workers do what they do. i also understand they're more mobile than the people in milwaukee and other cities. they can move to the job, go to work quickly. by the way, one person can communicate so you can bring a whole group of people together
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at once. we've had that as crews that walk means in my neighborhood in years past. >> when you look at this immigration reform, what's being proposed at the moment, if you tell me about your thoughts on the whole gang of eight immigration reform bill? >> well, i read through the bill, and i look at what they're trying to do. first i'd say to you that the universe of young people who are brought here without knowledge that they were breaking the law by their parents, that's the most sympathetic group. the gang of eight's bill broadens this thing out and really says this. other than those who have committed felonies, and those who have committed these three mysterious misdemeanors, other than that when you set those off to the side, everyone else that's in the united states illegally gets to stay, and anybody that comes in the future, it's a promise that they will not have the law applied against them either, and it sends an invitation to those out who were deported in past which is we really didn't mean it, reapply, you can come back to the united states if you didn't commit the felonies. and so it is a perpetual and retroactive amnesty which destroys rule of law in america.
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at least with regard to immigration. it's a very high price to pay for a piece of sympathy in our heart that we all have. >> i want to talk about the interview you gave to "news max" last week. let's take a listen. >> for everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. those people would be legalized with the same act. >> you stand by these statements, congressman? >> of course i do. it's utterly true, and i haven't found anybody that came up with a competing number. certainly i pulled 100 out of a hat, but i think that's probably a low number and i've been to the border multiple times. >> sure. >> i've sat down there in the crossing at night and put myself at risk to see what's going on. >> that's when you're comparing them just with valedictorians, comparing them with the one valedictorian in the country. what about the vast number of young people actually going to school, who are earning a living, who are giving to society? should those people not have a
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chance to try and stay in our country? >> here's the point. in almost -- we had witnesses before the judiciary committee and two of the four witnesses mentioned, talked about valedictorians. they're making this the case. not me. i'm simply rebutting that, yes, there are some valedictorians throughout all this, but you identified a universe of people goes next to that but not included as valedictorians. i wanted to make the point if we're going to waive the rule of law because some of them are valedictorians, we ought to also understand those who are smuggling drugs into the country would also have the law waived on them and we would be leg legalizing a lot of folks that are regular drug smugglers. by the way, that physical description wasn't mine. that's the physical description of a group of border patrol agents i sat with way into the night and had a long conversation about what they're enforcing the law against. >> what about the brain drain that's already happening in america? of these incredibly brilliant people that are graduating from yale, from harvard, from m.i.t. going back to their home
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countries with this knowledge. shouldn't we be giving them visas to stay in america? >> i have supported some of that s.t.e.m. policy that's there. in two different times. but here's the situation they we have. i don't think we should be increasing the legal immigration in america. the last s.t.e.m. bill to come through the judiciary committee increased legal immigration by 650,000. these were not, by the way, s.t.e.m. students, just increased that number into a more catch-all phrase. so i think we should be capturing some of that talent that comes in. we should rearrange our immigration policy so that we can have a policy that supports the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of the united states of america. we should do that for our country and build our country with all the talent that we can bring into here that can fit in an earnest way so it's not a burden on our welfare state. >> if we suddenly let these people out of our country, suddenly say we're not going to let you be part of the workforce, how will that damage the company, damage the companies relying on them to get cheap orange juice, cheap fruit, affordable vegetables?
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how will that effect all of us? >> when you do this inks represently, you move people into the workforce that aren't there now, pay more in wages, offer a benefits package. i've had to do that all my life in the construction company i founded in 1975. we're doing it today in the second generation at king construction. you have to compete in the marketplace, and so supply and demand sets those wages as it does the value of commodities. we cannot be compatible, our cradle-to-grave welfare state is not compatible with open borders so we have to tighten both of those down, do this inkment incrementally. if we can get all that done, it's time to have the discussion about those that are here illegally that do tug at our heart strings. >> congressman king, thanks for your time. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me on, morgan. thanks for picking some oranges. i think that was good for us both. >> we'll be right back. ♪ honey, is he too into this car thing? [ mumbling ] definitely the quattro.
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♪ honey? huh? a5. what? [ sighs ] did you say something? ♪
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hi, i'm morgan spurlong guest hosting for piers tonight. in "inside man" i learned a lot about guns in america. >> i'm arming myself against all enemies, foreign and domestic. who, i cannot tell you because it hasn't happened, but if it happens, i'm going to be ready. >> yeah. dylan was approved, and easy as that, he was able to just walk out the door with his brand new weapon. a gun capable of shooting up to 45 rounds of ammunition per
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minute. >> zombie bullets. >> you can use them on anything, not just zombies. >> i have to say i'm a little conflicted. should it be that easy for someone to get a gun? >> hey, man, thank you. >> dylan didn't have to undergo a mental health assessment before he purchased his weapon or view gun safety demonstrat n demonstrations. he didn't even have to get an eye exam, but he passed the background check, so he got his gun. >> now you go, i just hope he's not crazy. >> that's how easy it is to get a gun. what's the real cost? joining me now, a man who knows the tragic toll of gun violence in this country. he's the counselor to a name of a 6-year-old girl who was shot and critically wounded at a memorial for another victim of gun violence. pastor corey brooks is with the new beginnings church of chicago. he is also the founder of project hood, a program that focuses on ending gun violence. pastor brooks, thanks for being here. >> thanks, morgan. thanks for having me on the show tonight. >> it seems like we can't turn on the television without hearing about some sort of gun violence in chicago. what in your opinion could be
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done to change the gun culture there? >> well, we have to collaborate and work together. i tell everybody all the time that we have to gang up on the problem to stop ganging up on each other. a lot of times in chicago, we do a lot of bickering and fighting with one another, but what really needs to happen, there has to be a total collaboration, all hands on deck, whether it's politicians, preachers, parents, teachers, all of us are going to have to work really extremely hard to make sure that we eradicate gun violence that we see on a daily basis here in chicago. >> murders in chicago were down 29% for the first 6 months of 2013, but with deaths like pendleton in january and the shooting of this little girl, the tragedies aren't being redu reduced. why is that? >> well, whenever you have so much economic depravation in a certain area, you have educational problems, economic problems, social ills with the breakdown in the structure of family and add to that the lack of any spirituality and have all of that in one neighborhood, it's going to breed a lot of
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hopelessness, a lot of frustration. what we see on a daily basis are a lot of young men who have all of these -- a myriad of issues going on and that is giving birth to a lot of violence here in chicago. and we have to do everything we can to make sure that we continue to keep pressure on to make sure that we can eradicate it. >> how strict are the gun laws in chicago? >> well, you know, compared to rest of america, they're pretty strict. i think we could do a little better as far as enforcing the gun laws. it's one thing to have gun laws, but it's another thing to enforce the gun laws. and i think we have to work really hard to make sure that when people have guns and they break the law, that we do everything that we can to make sure that we hit them with the full blunt of the law to make sure that they pay for the crimes and i think a lot of times in the city of chicago, there have been individuals who have gotten off on gun charges,
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minor gun charges that some would call minor and gotten away with things that they probably should have been in jail for. >> some of the states around illinois also have less stringent gun laws. does that lead to an influx of guns in the city? >> we do have an influx of guns in the city. you know, there's a lot of criminal activity as far as it relates to the inner city and people bringing those guns in. they're transported from other places. we don't have gun manufacturing places here in the city of chicago, so it's no doubt that these guns are coming from without. we have to do everything we can to cut off the transportation of the guns and the network of guns because i tell people all the time that as far as it relates to the inner city, we know without a shadow of a doubt that these young men are bringing guns in and that they're being fed to them. from what source? we don't actually know, but we know that we don't have manufacturing facilities in chicago so they have to be coming from outside. >> two teenagers have now been
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charged with the shooting at the memorial. what does this say that there are these kind of children shooting children problems? >> you know, here in chicago, we have to start, and not just chicago, but inner cities across america, whether it's new york, philadelphia, los angeles. inner cities across america, one of the things that we're going to have to realize is that we can no longer sweep under the table that, under the carpet, excuse me, that we're experiencing a lot of black-on-black crime. a lot of our young black men are committing these crimes against our community, and i think we have to take more of a stand and we have to be just as passionate as it relates to these type of individuals as we are for trayvon martin situations. i see a lot of us being very passionate, very outspoken, and we should, about trayvon martin, but we also should be very passionate, very outspoken, outraged and having outcries about what we see in the inner cities every single day. >> why is that?
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trayvon has made national headlines for months, yet the violence in chicago rarely breaks through the national spotlight. why do you think that is? >> i think oftentimes there are a lot of people who may deem that black-on-black crime or young black boys killing young black boys is not as newsworthy, for one, and, two, i think a lot of individuals even in chicago, we have become desensitized. we believe that because this happens on a daily basis that somehow the light is devalued. so i think there has to be a heightened sensitivity and a heightened awareness to the situations that we're experiencing because it's so critical and so damaging to our community that we should not allow for one single second for these type of individuals to keep doing what they're doing and not do something about it. the same way we're speaking out for trayvon martin, we have to speak out the same way against this black-on-black crime and violence that is being committed in our inner cities.
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>> i completely agree. thank you so much, pastor brooks. >> thank you. i appreciate it. we'll be right back. you really couldn't have come at a better time. these chevys are moving fast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours. current chevy truck owners can trade up to this chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $9,000.
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[ male announcer ] new gold bond powder spray. cool, dry, no mess. stay cool with gold bond. trudy still has an active life, even if it is maintained by her family. every week someone helps her with her grocery shopping and drives her to her weekly appointment at the beauty parlor. >> how long has trudy been coming here? >> she started coming when i first opened the shop 41 years ago. >> but this week, trudy has a monumental event. her 74th high school reunion and eget to be her date. >> one, two, three! big smile, toots. that's a good one. >> i'm morgan spurlock in for piers morgan. on my cnn series, "inside man," i take on what may be my most
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fierce assignment yet. i'm moving in with my 92-year-old grandma, tooty. >> you're already up and all over the place. what time did you wake up? >> 5:00. >> 5:00! i love that tooty was up two hours before i was. she's a machine. you can't stop her. she's pretty independent, if you haven't noticed. so, do you do anything to get any exercise? >> yeah, i just do what i want to do. >> you still get around pretty good? >> i'm grateful i can. >> more than 70% of americans over the age of 65 will need long-term care services at some point in their lives. >> keep stirring this, right? >> yes. open it up. >> and even though tooty is healthy enough to live on her own now, she's had six major
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surgeries. and like all families, we worry. >> that's all for us tonight. i want to thank piers morgan for letting me sit in and i'll see you again on "inside man" sundays at 10:00 p.m. right here on cnn. be sure to tune in tomorrow night because it's tooty's 92nd birthday. thanks. [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy. [ male announcer ] it's a golden opportunity to discover a hybrid from the luxury car company that understands that one type of hybrid isn't right for everyone.
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mm, delicious orange juice. we all drink it, but do you ever think about where it comes from? these people do. they're undocumented immigrants and they know where it comes from, because they pick the oranges that are in it. they also pick the tomatoes in your salad, mow your lawns, clean your hotel rooms, hang your drywall, even help raise your children. right now there's an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country today. >> it was possible for 11 million illegals to come here. why is it impossible for them to leave? >> people who oppose immigration reform say these workers are just feeding off the system. the vast majority of illegal aliens are consuming welfare


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