tv State of the Union CNN July 28, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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honored by the police chief in the town. what does omare want to be when he grows up? what do you think? >> i think he wants to be a police officer. >> he certainly does. that will do it for us today. thanks so much for spending your sunday morning with us. >> nice to spend time with you as well. "state of the union" with candy crowley starts now. summer sex scandals light up the headlines on both coasts. and in the middle of the country, motor city running on empty. today, watching detroit die. is there a federal bailout for detroit? >> candy, detroit's got serious financial problems. >> treasury secretary jack lew talks detroit, the economy, and whether congress wants more tax hikes. and then the dangerous
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divide divide. the san diego sex scandal. >> every morning and evening i will be briefed on city activities. >> around the globe and inside politics with committee chair senator dianne feinstein. plus new york congressman peter king on the republican party's search for itself, his flirtation with a 2016 presidential run, and the circus otherwise known as the new york city mayor's race. >> many people want to talk about their future, not necessarily my past. >> our free for all panel also weighs in on politicians behaving really badly. the republican rift and the president's summer jobs tour. i'm candy crowley. and this is "state of the union." more than 70 demonstrators have been killed and more than a thousand injured in weekend in egypt, all of it during clashes between the military installed government and its supporters versus backers of ousted president mohamed morsi. in a written statement, secretary of state john kerry said the united states urges an
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independent and impartial inquiry into the events of the last day and calls on all of egypt's leaders across the political spectrum to act immediately to help their country take a step back from the brink. joining me now is california senator dianne feinstein. thank you for joining us, senator. >> you're welcome. >> i just get the feeling that the u.s., despite these strong military contacts we hear all the time between egypt's military and the u.s. military, doesn't have a lot of sway in egypt when you watch what's going on. >> that may well be true, and i think this is a real point of definition of what kind of egypt is going to come out of this. for the first time, i am very concerned. i'm surprised the military would urge people to go to the streets. they had no know, if they did that, the other side would respond, and it became kind of a catalyst for violence. so i don't think we know what kind of egypt is going to
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emerge. i think it's very important for this new president and vice president to exert their authority now. it will show whether a democracy, in terms of control of the military, can effectively govern that country. so the next few months, i think, are going to be real eye openers for the world. >> senator, i just want to show a clip of recent what went on in the streets over the weekend. this is in cairo, i believe. again, we had more than 70 killed, we believe most of them killed by the military, which staged the coup of a democratically elected president. as you know, when there is a coup of a democratically elected leader, the u.s. generally can stop -- stops aid. but here's what the spokesperson for the secretary of state said
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this week. >> the law does not require us to make a formal determination. that is a review that we have undergone as to whether a coup took place, and it is not in our national interests to make such a determination. >> so if it made the determination there was a coup, we'd have to stop aid, and therefore, they're just not going to make a determination because anybody plainly looking at this would say it was a coup. what does that say to the people fighting on the streets of cairo about the u.s. and its values? >> oh, i'm not sure it says anything to them candidly. the region historically has been -- there have been many coups. i think the administration has been right. it has stopped the f-16s from being sold. i think we need to relook. we're right in the middle of the appropriations process now. we have to relook at granting aid. i think the ball is in egypt's
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court, and it's in the court of the president mansour and the vice president elbaradei, and they have to step up, and they have to take over. failing that -- >> they were installed by the military. >> failing that, i think you know what military will do now. >> right. i mean, both those men that you mentioned who are now running egypt were installed by the military. >> well, that's one thing, but acting is another thing, and they have to be -- >> you want them to take charge of the military now? >> that's correct. >> do you think they can? >> well, we'll see. if they don't, they can't. if they do, they can. >> and if they don't, the u.s. needs to look at cutting off aid? >> well, i think that may be the case. >> let me move you to russia, and edward snowden still in the airport, as far as we know, in russia. the u.s. this week pushing very hard through the justice department saying, we're not going to torture him. he won't be subject to the death penalty. you need to hand him over. what are the chances that
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russia's going to hand over edward snowden? >> well, it's hard to tell. i know the president talked to president putin. i would be very hopeful that president putin still would decide to turn him over. i suspect this sort of temporary amnesty or refugee status is to give russia time to really consider what's in their best interests, and i think, if they think about it hard, what snowden did, it's not in the best interests. putin knows this. he's run the kgb. he knows what intelligence is comprised of. i think, to harbor this man is one of two things, one, we want to get hold of this stuff, and, two, we really want to take the time to figure this out as to whether we should return him to the united states. >> do you think, should putin
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decide to grant him asylum in russia, that the president should decide to go to the g-20 in st. petersburg and have a unilateral meeting with president putin in september? >> i don't think that's a way necessarily to show -- not to go does anything. i think that obama really ought to sit down when he can with putin and make the case. here's what this man did -- >> you think he should still go to putin? >> here's what this man did. by his own admission, he came to booz allen -- >> you meant snowden? >> i meant snowden. with the purpose of going in there and taking as much material as he possibly could. he took much more than i could possibly think he could. it's very sensitive data. and then he went and strategically placed it so that it could come out at different times. then he went to two big
cyber-intruding powers, china and russia, and left china and went to russia. you've got to ask why did he choose those two? you've got to also ask, do the chinese have all this material? do the russians have it? >> do we know? >> we don't know. >> oh, okay. >> so it's a very serious situation. >> let me move you on to something else. you recently signed a letter urging the president to let janet yellin, who's currently number two at the federal reserve board, take over when bernanke leaves. i want to play you just a little bit of my conversation with treasury secretary lew, and i asked him about both janet yellin and larry summers, another name up for consideration. >> i know the people you asked me about. i know them both very well.
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>> would either yellin or summers make a good fit? >> it's very hard for me to tell. larry summers had been very supportive of the era of deregulation, supporting derivatives and shorts and that kind of thing. janet yellen has been close to bernanke. i'm one that believes bernanke has done a very good job. this country is moving ahead on regulatory actions, and i think they should be continued in the foreseeable future. >> you put out an open letter say why not yellen.
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>> i have met janet yellen on two occasions. she's very well thought of. she knows the fed, and she's very highly qualified. a woman as head of the federal reserve, a qualified woman, would be a very positive thing for this administration. >> i want to turn to san diego, mayor bob filner, as you know, there's been already a lawsuit against him, a number of women have come out and said that he sexually harassed them. he came out, basically said, yeah, my behavior has been bad. i'm going to go into rehab for two weeks, but i'll still stay as mayor and look at city business in the morning and in the evening. should this man resign? >> i think he should. i think he should. of all people, bob filner knows what public life is like. he served a time in the house. being the mayor of a big city, you're a role model for people. you're either inspirational to people or you aren't. it's a very tough job. and i don't think that somebody who is lacking a moral compass
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really sets a role model or really will provide the kind of leadership that san diegans want. this is up to them. this kind of absence of a moral compass is subject to recall. i suspect there will be recalls, and the people will judge. >> you think he should make it easier and resign? >> i think he should make it easier and resign, that's right. >> thank you very much, senator dianne feinstein, come by any time. when we return, jack lew and i look for the right adjective to describe the u.s. economy, and he hints at more taxes for americans next. it's lots of . all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide,
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as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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threatening that you won't pay the bills in this country when we've already racked up those bills, that's not an economic plan. that's just being a dead beat. >> president obama traveled to illinois, missouri, and florida this week touting the country's economic growth and promising to spend the rest of his second term on policies that will help the middle class. republicans say they've heard it all before and want fresh ideas
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from the president. treasury secretary jack lew is here. thanks for coming by. >> good to be with you, candy. >> want to have a general question about the economy and play for you something the speaker of the house said this week. >> the president pivoted this week to jobs, as he has been known to do on occasion, and under the president's leadership, our country has fallen into the new normal of slow growth, high unemployment, and stagnant wages. i think it's unacceptable. >> take his characterization of the economy. is there anything in there -- slow growth, would you agree with that? >> candy, i think the characterization does not reflect where the economy is or where it's come from. i think, if you look at where this economy was four years ago, it was in free fall. >> he's not suggesting >> since the great depression. >> he's not suggesting this is better than it was in that first year, but where is it now, right now? >> i think, if you look at where it's come, we've had 40 months of job growth, four years of
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economic growth. the president's the first to say we'd like to grow faster and create more jobs, and we need policies to do that. he gave a speech about what it takes to build a stronger, more vibrant middle class. >> would you agree it's slow growth? >> the economy is showing signs of growth, and the resilience of the economy and the american people is showing through. i think what the american people needs is for washington to do its work, stop creating krcrise and focus on education for their children and a security retirement. as soon as we can get on to that debate, the better. >> as you know, one of the america's great cities, detroit, is trying to file for bankruptcy. is there a federal bailout for detroit? >> candy, detroit's got serious financial problems. they've been a long time in the making. we stand with detroit. we have been working with them with technical advice, working
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with the kinds of normal programs the federal government has to see if there's anything we can do to help. in the treasury department, i've made resources available to help take down blighted properties, to help communities come back from the recession. i think the issues that detroit has in terms of problems with its creditors, it's going to have to work out with its creditors. >> we bailed out big banks. we bailed out the auto industry. we bailed out speculative home builders. here is a major american city, whereby the way, the minority population of the overwhelming is the majority population. and there's no help from the federal government. >> let's be clear, candy. in the middle of the economic crisis, we were saving the american economy. we were in free fall. if we hadn't taken decisive action, we would have had a massively worse problem than what we had. so i think the situation in 2009/2010 was unique, and it's something that hopefully we never see again. >> but no major federal help
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that you can see for detroit. that's different on its own? >> detroit and through the normal federal programs will continue to work with them. >> and detroit has just sort of slunk through their very eyes. >> detroit is going to have to work with its creditors. >> looking ahead for the next three years of the obama administration, do you see more new taxes coming down the pike in any of those three years? >> we've had debates about taxes for a long time in this country and in washington. we made some progress at the beginning of this year. we've closed the gap by raising tax rates to the very high end. we still have a gap in terms of the amount of revenue we need to make sure we can support all the things that we do in this country. >> so you want to do additional spending to create jobs, particularly the infrastructure when it comes to businesses, et
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cetera. but the question is do you foresee that new taxes -- you're talking about a revenue shortage. if you've got a slow economy, there's only a couple of ways. >> just to be clear on taxes, i think we have some ways of emerging -- not consensus, convergence of views. i think there's a broad sense the tax code is too complex, that it should be simplified. there's a broad sense that there are loopholes and credits that make the system unfair and distort the economy. >> let me ask you about the debt ceiling. when will we hit it? >> i think washington pays entirely too much attention to trying to figure out the day we run out -- >> i don't need to know the day. just circa when do you think that's going to be necessary? >> i said publicly we can get through labor day. obviously, as we get closer, we'll have a better sense much there's a great deal of danger of trying to pinpoint. congress should act immediately. we hit the debt ceiling in may. we've been using extraordinary measures since may to pay our
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bills. we'll do that for as long as we can. there's the risk of trying to focus on the day that you might get it wrong, and congress shouldn't wait until the last minute. they should just raise the debt limit and take away any cloud of uncertainty about the ability of the united states to pay its bills. >> you know eliot spitzer, i'm assuming. you know a lot of the same people, i'm assuming. he knows a lot about wall street. he's running for city comptroller in new york. what do you think? >> i actually don't know eliot spitzer very well. >> do you think from his qualifications he seems like a guy that ought to be able to handle new york city and wall street? >> i'm going to concentrate on national politics, not on new york politics. >> on that note, you won't even do national politics. thank you for joining me, treasury secretary jack lew. when we return, republican infighting over snowden, nsa spying, and who should be the standard bearer in 2016? congressman pete king, who is eyeing that house on pennsylvania avenue, is next. ry"
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. for every one in the inventory, there's another hundred out there. they've got cabs the size of cattle because they're moving marijuana across the desert. i think the numbers support that. i won't back up on that statement because i think it's important the people of congress are able to objectively look at the data out there, the real facts. >> that was congressman steve king who doubled down on that statement, saying that, yes, some immigrants without papers indeed are valedictorians, but others, as you heard, he talked about smuggling dope across the border. joining me now is new york republican congressman pete king, no relation.
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congressman king, let me start, because i think that that bite from steve, the other congressman king, says -- speaks to one of the problems that the republican party may have in perception, and that is the harshness of its rhetoric. where do you stand on that particular statement? >> i strongly disagree with what steve king said. i agree with spoker boehner and majority leader cantor who both denounced the statement. we have to address the immigration issue in an intelligent way and a humane way. i have strong concerns about 11 million people who violated the law to come into the country. the reality is most of them are very good people. we have to find a way to address it. my concern is, if we can ensure we have very strong security at the border, then we have to find a way to accommodate those 11 million under the assurance that it's not going to be another 11 million in five years. these are -- we are a nation of immigrants. we have to find a way to
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accommodate security with realizing that there are people living here. i think that's what john boehner wants to do. that's what the senate tried to do. we have to find a way to bring that together. we can't be talking any type of inflammatory language. it doesn't help anybody. >> congressman, am i wrong -- and i'm going to name a couple of subjects here. am i wrong in looking at what's going on in a variety of subjects. we are seeing a party struggling for its soul and what it stands for. you've got a part of your party that doesn't want immigration reform in any way, in any way, shape, or form of what the senate passed. you have a party that was split on whether to bring down some of the money given to the nsa, given the kind of surveillance that it's doing. you have a party that's split on how you approach the debt ceiling, which is coming up, should they demand more cuts before you raise the debt ceiling, and you have a party that's split on whether, in fact, government spending should continue into the new fiscal year with obama care.
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you have folks in your party saying, unless obama care is defunded, we won't keep the government in business. aren't those all signs of a party that's really split? >> a healthy debate can be good. one of the issues you mentioned there about the nsa, i thought it was absolutely disgraceful that so many republicans voted to defund the nsa program, which has done so much to protect our country. this is an isolation streak that's in our party. it goes totally against the party of eisenhower, bush. i mean, we are a party of national defense. we're a party who did so much to protect the country over the last 12 years. >> where's the real republican party? which one of those? where's the real republican party? >> i think we're going to find that out over the next three years. i want the republican party to be a party of strong national defense and a party who, for instance, can reach tout out tor unions, construction unions, police officers, firefighters -- these are people who are socially conservative and want to agree with us, and so many
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people in our party drive them away. to me, the overriding concern has to be national defense, national security, and not be apologizing for america. when you have rand paul actually comparing snowden to martin luther king or henry david thoreau, this is madness, this is the anti-war democrats in the 1960s that destroyed their party for almost 15 years. i don't want that happening to our party. >> there have been two statements made by republicans. one is that, if congress does not pass some kind of major immigration reform, it cannot rewin the white house. and if other is, if republicans in the house shut down the government in order -- because they want to defund obama care, it will ruin the republican party. do you agree with both those statements? >> i don't know if it will ruin the republican party. first of all, on the second one, we should not be closing down the government under any circumstances. that doesn't work. it's wrong. and obama care passed. we have to try to defund it. we have to try to find ways to repeal it.
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the fact fact is we're going to shut down the government. we're trying to find a solution that works. i think we are going in a direction. they had four years on immigration with absolutely nothing. i would say you've seen a lot of movement in the last six months over the senate. largely, with strong republican help, a bill did pass. i don't fully agree with that bill. i think we can find ways to make that bill work. you do find people in the house who want it to work. i would put the debt ceiling in a different category. there's no reason to bring down the government. let's make this work. let's get spending cuts we need. the american people get turned off with the threat of terror politics. >> congressman, finally, what do you think it says about new york city that former congressman anthony weiner, who you served with in congress from different parties, is still running second in the polls for the democratic primary in new york city? >> it's a terrible aberration.
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we have a city in new york, the greatest city in the world. over the last 30-something years, we had ed koch was mayor for 12 years, rudy giuliani for 8, mike bloomberg for 12, outstanding giants of men who really did so much to bring new york city back, and to have anthony weiner -- again, i have nothing personal with anthony. we know he's getting along. i have nothing personal with this. this is a real pathological problem with him. how he could be out there knowing all this information was going to come out. i just think it was sort of a perverse celebrity factor for a while to have his numbers up there. i just can't see any way, even if this latest scandal would not have come out, that anthony weiner could have won. after this, i think he should do himself and everybody a favor and step to the sidelines. he is not psychologically qualified to be mayor of the city of new york. >> congressman, i hope you'll stand by for a moment. i want to bring in our panel, which includes nationally syndicated radio host chris
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plant, paul begala, and andrea belcher. i want to first talk about this split in the republican party. i think the congressman said it very well. we'll find out in the next three years what's the real republican party. where's it going to land? >> that remains to be seen. honestly honestlily, it's a perfectly healthy debate. the things that they're split on, congress should be split on too. should we be spied on for our own good, our own safety by the nsa, or should we find another way around that by creating si system that doesn't violate the fourth amendment and create a police state? >> can i say something on that? there was absolutely no spying going on. this has been held by the courts through total compliance with the fourth amendment. and that type of irrational rhetoric gets us nowhere. the fact is this works. it protects us, and it's not violating the rights of one
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american. not one american's right has been violated. it's irresponsible to be coming out with those ridiculous statements. >> i'll let you respond to irrational, and then we'll go to cornell. >> listen, when we're scanning every piece of mail that goes through the post office, we're keeping the phone logs on every phone call made, we're collecting e-mails, collecting google searches. we've got -- >> we are not collecting e-mails. >> what we are -- >> we're not collecting e-mails. >> we are. >> let me just -- >> i think you see the sort of republican party in-fighting on your show right now. it is really understandable that america is changing, and i think a lot of this has to do with the republicans, how they're reacting to the changing of america. unfortunately for us in congress right now, you have this several war unfolding in congress, and it's making congress completely dysfunctional. america, your congress does not work because of this civil war that's going on. >> although there will be republicans, paul, who say that is work. we're stopping things we think are bad for america. >> but it's not working for them certainly politically.
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i checked. party identification. the percentage of americans who call themselves republicans, all time low, lower than watergate, only 21%, say that they're republicans today. that's a catastrophe, and here's why. there's two things going on at once, and it's really unusual to have them happen simultaneously. republicans become more ideologically conservative, move farther from the mainstream, and they're more fractured. usually when you become more fractures, more left or right in either party, you get more cohesion. here the neanderthals are fighting with the cro-magnons, the neo-liths. it's great. i love it as a democrat. >> are you the cro-magnon? >> i'm happy to be a modern hispanic republican from miami. let me just tell you, i think this in-fighting goes on in both parties. the great difference is that democrats have a president who is the leading voice. if you think the nsa debate is
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not going on in the democratic party, you're fooling yourself. it is. a lot of other debates are going on in the democratic party. congressman king is absolutely right that republicans are going to decide in the next 2 1/2 years as we go and have a nominee who is going to carry them and be the standard bearer, and i want to commend congressman king, the king from new york who is the king i like, and i want to commend speaker boehner and representative cantor for having come out this week and done what they've had to do, show leadership and speak and denounce against the hateful, ignorant rhetoric of steve king. it is enough. we have had enough of this man. he does not define the republican party. i think there's many more peter kings. there's many more john boehners in congress than there are steve king. this is a man who's a mediocre congressman who makes news only when he says something this inflammatory. >> how do you really feel, ana? >> congressman, i want to let you just close up this section
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anyway and ask you, if you should be the standard bearer for the party in 2016, what do you do to assuage a considerable portion of the party that does have conservative views that is represented by the other congressman king? >> i don't think it's a question of being conservative. i think it's following a path of ronald reagan, showing we're an inclusive party. we have very strong conservative values, very strong national defense. we don't have to do it with a scowl and be demonizing other people. the only other person i would demonize is keep paul begala out of the white house if i were president. other than that -- >> he's making a lot of money outside the white house. he doesn't want to go back. >> candy, i think we have a good national debate, whoever the standard bearer is. i would certainly like to be. we'll see how that goes. the i think the party will go in the right direction, the country
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go in the right direction, and we can have a healthy debate with legitimate candidates, like fringes like rand paul in 2016. >> congressman peter king out of new york, thank you for joining us. next time come down to washington, and we'll seat you around the table. everyone else, stand by. when we return, 3 million and counting brazilians flock to copacabana beach for mass with pope francis. the great outdoors...
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...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at "that starts with one of the world's most advancedy," distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions
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of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart" delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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that right there is a live picture of copacabana beach in rio de janeiro, where massive crowds have gathered to celebrate mass with pope francis. i want to bring in cnn's miguel marqu marquez, who is there as well. quite a sight, miguel. >> reporter: it is stunning to behold, the crowds from the very end of the sea, from where the waves are crashing up on copacabana beach all the way into the neighborhood itself. officials here telling us it's 3 million plus. i think they just stopped counting. it wasn't supposed to be here. they had to move to this site because of terrible rain. it's very difficult for them to get a sense of just how many people are gathered here, but blowing through all expectations, candy. >> he's about to address world youth day. what's his message? >> reporter: very simply, go out and make disciples of all nations. what he means by that is go out to your homes, wherever you live, don't be afraid, and serve. serve the church. go out and do things for the
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church that you have not done before. he is encouraging people to literally be more missionary in their nature, something that the church hasn't done for some time, hoping this will bring people back into the church, or at least give the church a second look, which i think is probably happening here right now. >> miguel marquez, thank you so much. more with our panel next. politicians behaving badly. is it something in the water? >> look, i failed big time. i hurt a lot of people. >> these things are deeply wrong, deeply regret them, worked through them with my wife. they're behind me. >> my failure to respect women and the intimidating conduct i engage in at times is inexcusable. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head.
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for the fights this september, which we talked about with peter king. i want to show you a recent poll where americans were asked, do you approve or disapprove of the president's handling of the economy? 45% approve. 49% disapprove. and yet there is a feeling, as we go into this, that the people holding the cards is the white house. >> i'm surprised those numbers with that good, quite honestly. the economy is stuck in a rut. it has been since the president arrived in washington. his tour, his economics tour, offers absolutely nothing new. even "the washington post" is mocking the content of this. it's about dividing the country once again in preparation for another food fight in washington, and it's about the midterm elections. >> i'm sorry. what was the unemployment number when the president took office? how many jobs a month to say that we're in a rut and continue to be in a rut kind of miss the facts. >> the real unemployment rate,
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the people who took part-time jobs to keep the lights on is 14.7%. for a record amount of time it's been above 12.6. >> what's the big drag? >> obama care? >> it's the sequester. you talk to any economist. forgive me actually reading economists. the economists say actually the economy is growing quite healthily. >> president obama had a very rough start to his second term. it's been one scandal after another, even though he considered them phony scandals, when americans died, i don't think there's anything phony about that. he has to focus on the economy. it's gotten better, by it's not good. >> when you watch his speech in
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gailsberg, there he was talking about a better bargain for the middle class. i love that speech. >> i do want to say that the phony scandals, everybody came away with the impression that he's talking about the irs, benghazi? snooping on the reporters? what are the phony scandals. >> this is the problem for washington. because congress does one thing really well and it is chase scandals. they haven't moved any legislation to help the economy and the president wants us to focus back on what's important. and what's important? wage stagnation, we have got to work on growing the middle class. that's what he's talking about. >> i'm not sure if there had been no scandals that they would have gotten any further on the economy. nonetheless there are -- >> they disagree fundamentally on what approach to take. the president has had more than a full term to fix the economy,
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he hasn't. normally you come out of recession, it's 16 months for a recovery. this is a jobless recovery. >> people are arguing that somehow our economy is not recovering is beyond belief. you can't have an honest conversation with someone -- >> look, president obama's policy has been tried again and again here in european countries of italy and spain and ireland and we see that they have produced the same result every single time. >> so we're not creating jobs? >> no. not fast enough to keep up with people entering the workforce, and you know it. >> we are creating jobs, but not enough jobs. >> of course we're not creating enough jobs, but he said we're not creating jobs. >> the numbers are terrible numbers. >> they're not keeping pace. >> candy's moving on.
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>> candy's moving on to your favorite subject, men behaving badly. anthony weiner has now lost -- >> his mind, he's lost his mind. >> and it continues on, why? >> he's not the mayor of new york, he's just a guy who wants to run for office. i think he has a perfect right to. i don't think he's going to win. i don't think he's got the slightest chance in the world. this is different from san diego mayor bob filner, who has obligations in office. the senior and most powerful politician in his state tell you in the last 30 minutes that he should resign. that's a very big deal. but those are two different things, but anybody can run for anything, that doesn't mean you're going to win. >> you don't think as a democrat, he's kind of embarrassing? >> as a man, but if you look at men behaving badly, you have a whole list of men behaving
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badly. you know who this helps? it helps a lot of women who want to run for office. >> a silver lining. >> let me just tell you, furthermore i think it's almost sacrilegious to talk about the pope. but saying that, anthony weiner's need for exhibitionism is such that he wants to run. and i think it's almost like they're seeking redemption by election. because they knew this was going to come out. this was bound to come out and it makes no sense. the fact that you don't say wiener needs to get out of the race, spitzer should get out of the raise. filner should get out of the race. they're not doing it because they're democrats. >> what's the beneficiary of all of this, bob mcdonald, the republican go for of virginia who's in a plain old financial
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scandal who's getting gifts, loans. >> you've got a flasher, so you're going to accept the flasher and the groeper. >> that's the best spin i have seen all day. >> we got to go. thank you, though. come back. when we return, more than 1,000 prisoners on the loose in benghazi. # the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at
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. here's a look at today's headlines, in libya, the search is on for nearly 1,200 inmates who escaped from a prison in benghazi. libya's prime minister claims the prisoners went free on friday. about 18 inmates have been captured. a bus crash in indianapolis has left three people dead. the bus was returning from a church camp in michigan on saturday and was less than a
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mile from its destination when it hit a concrete barrier and flipped over. most of the passengers on board were teenagers. a man has been arrested in connection with a boat accident that left a bride-to-be dead. the 35-year-old jojo john who was the operator of the boat has been charged with vehicular manslaughter. mark lemon, her fiance remains missing. lindsay boggs has died. she took office after her husband died in a plane crash. she was known as an advocate for women's right. boggs was also the mother of journalist cokie roberts. i'm candy crowley in washington. head to
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people didn't know that -- their escape and the moments following it were critical. see the rest of the story in an all new episode of crimes of the century tonight at 9:00 p.m. even and pacific. fareed zakaria gps starts right now. this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world, i'm fareed zakaria. we have got a great show for you today. first up, is there new hope for peace in the middle east? or is it the same old dance. i've got key voices from both sides, israel and palestine to find out why this time is different. then wall street wizards meredith whitney explains why detroit is just the beginning. and dean baker disagrees entirely. also what in the world? we have created a new economic time bomb, except its under ice.
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