tv Piers Morgan Live CNN July 29, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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this is piers morgan live, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, tonight she's back. hillary rodham clinton with terms to washington, meeting with the president today. the vice president tomorrow. she's getting her own network miniseries and a documentary right here on cnn. 2016, anyone? newsman extraordinaire dan rather reads the political tea leaves. and we take on everything from scandal to spying and a changing america. and shocking comments from aerial castro's son. and the arrest of over 100 children held in prostitution. >> you're a muslim, why did you write a book on christianity. >> i am a scholar on religions, including one in the new
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testament, who has been studying in the origins of christianity for two decades who also just happens to be a muslim. >> that's quite a good answer. his new book is number one on amazon. and i'll talk to the man who's giving george zimmerman $12,000 to buy a new gun. we all want him to have a new gun. dan rather joins me. i spent a week watching cricket, playing cricket, drinking beer. feeling very british. it's good to be back with an american icon. let's talk about hillary clinton. hillary is having lunch with the president, and the vice president tomorrow. many people saying, look, this is the 2016 warmup, this is the
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first sign that she's going to run. do you think that? >> i don't think it's the first time she's going to run. the signs have been around for a while. in this case, perhaps i'm naive, and it's been a long time since anyone could accuse he of being that. i would take the white house at their word. we all know hillary clinton and president obama were fierce competitors during the primary campaign. after she became secretary of state, however, first they got mutual respect and then they became real friends. i do think this was basically two friends catching up. no doubt they talked about events in the middle east, no doubt what else they talked about. it's clear if her health holds, no reason why it shun the, hillary clinton is the odds on favorite for the nomination in 2016, she certainly would have liked to have barack obama and michelle obama's support for that race. they would like to have her support for the off year election coming up in 2014. certainly politics is part of it. whether they discuss something like the weiner case in new
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york, i tend to doubt it, but among friends, who can say they didn't discuss it. >> is it unhelpful for hillary clinton, some people are saying her right hand woman is embroiled in just the kind of sex scandal that she and bill clinton would have wanted to move on from a long time ago. it brings it all back, doesn't it? >> obviously the answer is yes, it brings it all back. give the clintons credit, both the president and hillary clinton credit. they stick by their friends and they stuck by huma and her husband and family. they stuck by them to the point. remember that the damage control worked pretty well until the second time around. that is to say, he was forgiven by a large section of the voting public in new york. more pictures provided on the scene. at that point it began to get creepy. too creepy even for new york. >> that is creepy. my hometown, adopted hometown of
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austin -- nobody in new york wants a t-shirt that says, keep new york creepy. once it reached that point, then it began to have at least the potential of harming not only hillary clinton's campaign in 2016 but also the democratic party, to say nothing of democrats in new york and the city as a whole. now the signals are being sent out. you probably saw dee dee myers former white house press secretary yesterday. she would not have said the things she said, suggesting weiner needs to get out of the race. there's no way, she had to have some signal indeed, if not you can today, to the clintons before that. if you're weiner, look at his situation. the only thing he can do is stick in the race. you. >> say that, doesn't there come a point where everyone is laughing at you? i've tried to defend anthony weiner, and i quite like the guy, but to actually reveal rather nonchalantly last week, by the way, there were another three women at least after i had to resign.
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and as i was doing people magazine at home interviews about my ability to have become a great husband again and father and so on. he becomes a laughing stock. >> well, he is. >> the old days in politics, at that stage, it's exit stage left. now he just plows on. >> those were the old days. you can bet in his heart of hearts he wants to plow on, the only thing he can see for redemption is to go straight ahead. the pressure point is on his wife huma and the child. if she sticks with him and stays with him, then i think when you're looking at is he'll stay through the primary, because he has nothing to lose. his family has a lot to lose. and i repeat, huma and the child are the pressure points on him. that pressure's going to be greater, even today the tabloids have another dump of fairly creepy information and material. you can bet more is coming. this is more than drip drip. >> i reckon there are thousands out there, he's never stopped.
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he let's move on to edward snowden and bradley manning. they're sort of interlinked even though they don't know each other. bradley manning is facing his sentencing tomorrow. there's always been a slight difference between manning and snowden. you have the guy who's working in the military, clearly breaking the law, indiscriminately putting out almost everything he can get his hands on. wikileaks popped the whole thing into the ether. clearly damaging, there's no judicious editing. snowden's case. to be fair to the guy, he can try to be quite judicious in what he put out there, do you see that distinction? >> i do see that distinction. this is difficult for me, i go -- i have gone back and forth on this issue. one we have to have a rule of law. the government must be able to keep some secrets. there are some legitimate secrets. >> where do you draw the line? >> bull's eye, when i started in the craft of journalism, there was a line, it was a very fine line, thin line between honest
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whistle blowing and treason between the government. but we all knew where the line was. now, in the internet era, in the new electronic deadline every nano second era, and also quite frankly, the corporatization of the government, all of this, nobody knows where the line is any more. so in a close call, and i grant you it's a close call, i stand with those who say, it's better for the public to have too much information than not enough. and when someone makes a moral stand on conscience, as snowden says he's doing, then you have to -- however reluctantly, come down on his side, let's have too much information. however, i do think, to be preachy, that one has to be willing to face the consequences eventually. and for him as some say, to come back and say, i'm prepared to face a jury of my peers and make my case, my personal opinion is
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that's a good idea, but maybe not at the moment. >> we're talking about facing consequences, there's a nixon documentary airing this week. it's based on the home movies from some of the key architects of his downfall, as it turned out. you covered that whole presidency. i want to play you a clip. it's a tape of nixon talking about you. in which he says, pardon my language, dan rather is a son of a [ bleep ], don't ever see him, i say. don't ever ever ever ever see him, i assure you, he would cut you up. i would not see him at all. badge of honor, dan? >> frankly, yes. he said that patrick gray, who had just been appointed head of the fbi -- by the way, i didn't know that at the time. and it was only revealed recently, there were other statements from him that were not complimentary. but i think it tells you something about president nixon and some of those around him.
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that he would say that, and take that himself. badge of honor, look, i was a white house correspondent. i did my job, the best i could. and for those who think i was guilty of something, i asked tough questions of, if you will, the only president in our history who personally led a widespread criminal conspiracy. and when we see this documentary film of the home movies of john ehrlich man. white chapin and others who were involved. it's easy to forget the background and the context in which those movies were made. >> you came out quite well compared to chance lower. he's so dumb, he's not very smart. rather, he's a smart rat, but he's clever. had nothing to do with cbs. sorry, i thought it was funny, but it's quite funny. >> one line in that, president nixon said hoover hated cbs news. >> was that true? >> apparently so.
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who would know better than richard nixon? >> is it healthy to be called a smart rat by a president? >> no, i don't think so. but in case of this president, as i say, richard nixon accomplished some things in his presidency. and, however, it's inescapable that he led this widespread criminal conspiracy, more than 40 people were charged, indicted and many faced hard prison time. the only reason president nixon didn't do so, he was able to resign as an unindicted co-conspirator. i know in the context of seeing these home movies, they're saying they're getting out from under the shadow of watergate, not true, and historically, there's no way he can get out from underneath that shadow. >> keep in mind, piers. evidence has surfaced recently that president nixon signed off on a plan to murder at least one washington reporter. >> amazing.
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you're not a rat, but you're very smart, always good to have you. thank you. >> thanks for coming on. >> the documentary airs thursday, the nixon presidency, footage of the president locked away for 40 years. it airs right here thursday at 9:00 eastern. when we come back, john walsh, what he thinks are daring comments about the son of aerial castro. and the author who tangled a fox news anchor, very, very unhappy about a muslim daring to talk about christianity. shame on you. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day,
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and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. i tthan probablycare gmoreanyone else.andor. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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i can tell you that we've had significant activity around the ncaa final four, around super bowl in the past. and we have had children recovered from each of those events. multiple children from each of those events in the past. >> the fbi announcing an unprecedented crackdown on children. 105 children were rescued. my next guest is a man who's devoted his life to catching criminals. john walsh joins me now. >> a very big day for the fbi, and this investigation. tell me about it. >> i think it's wonderful. it's not just the fbi who have
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worked with the national center for missing and exploited children since 2003, but it's their 270 other partners, local and state law enforcement agencies who got together to catch about 150 pimps who bring these underaged girls from state to state, terrorizing them. and released and got 105 children out of this nightmare. many of them are for other countries and brought in here. fbi said at least 50 countries bring children in here to be used in sex trafficking and child prostitution. >> we know that 76 cities were involved. it seems a huge number. are you surprised by that? is this going on in every city in america? >> absolutely, piers. i mean, people expect it to go on in india, cambodia, gun shows from there, malaysia, vietnam, yes. those are third world countries and it does exist there.
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the united states is the number one offender of sex trafficking of children, and the number one buyer of exploitation of children involved in sex trafficking. and it -- i think people have got to realize that this is just the tip of the iceberg, that these law enforcement agencies really don't have the resources and when you think about it, lots of these kids were runaways, about 500,000 kids hit the streets every year. running away from physical or sexual abuse at home, and one of the three of those are either kidnapped or forced into it by gangs. and when they recover these girls, i've done these cases before, they're terrified to testify against these pimps. where do they go? they have nowhere to go. it's really something, this first world richest, most powerful country in the world is ignored for years. >> final thoughts on aerial castro. because he'll be sentenced later this week, his son was on earlier this morning. watch a clip of that interview.
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>> i think it's the best possible sentence. i think if he really can't control his impulses and he really doesn't have any value for human life the way this case has shown, then behind bars is where he belongs for the rest of his life. >> i assume you agree with that, john? >> i think his son turned out to be a way better man than this coward was. i think he got off light, it's wonderful those three women do not have to testify, but you think particularly what he did to michelle knight, rained her and impregnated her five times and beat her until she miscarried, life in prison is a little too good for that creep. >> i want to turn to the interview everyone is still talking about. listen to what happens, when author and scholar stops by fox news to promote his new book on jesus. >> this is an interesting book,
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i want to be clear, you're a muslim, why did you write a book about the founder of christianity. >> to be clear, i am a scholar of religions with four degrees, including one in the new testament and fluency in biblical greek who has been studying the origins of christianity for two decades who also just happens to be a muslim, it's not that i'm just some muslim writing about jesus, i am an expert with a ph.d. in the history of religions. i've been obsessed with jesus -- >> why would you be interested in the founder of christianity. >> it's my job as an academic. i'm a professor of religion, including the new testament. that's what i do for a living. >> the book, zealot, the life and times of jesus of nazareth. you can see the interview went pretty well from reza's point of view. what were you thinking as that interviewer was asking those ridiculous questions? >> look, i mean truly i was kind
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of embarrassed. there's nothing more distasteful than an academic having to trot out his credentials. you really come off as a jerk when you do that. it was very hard to keep mentioning that i'm actually qualified to write this book, so let's talk about the book instead. >> it's obviously worked for you pretty well, people are talking about it, you're number one on it must be a good feeling. what is the premise of the book, and what is the conclusion that you reached? >> the book is an historical biography of a man named jesus of nazareth. it seems to separate him from the christology of the generations that followed. and it's an attempt to know what can we know about this man? we can know little about him, we know a lot about the world around him. he was a jew, he started a jewish movement and he started a
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movement because of it. the picture that arises of jesus is of a far more revolutionary figure than the detached celestial spirit than i think most people think jesus was. >> taking the fox interview as the basis for the next question. would it be helpful generally if more muslims read more about christianity, more muslims read more about the muslim faith. >> i think for sure, knowledge is key to figuring out who we are and how we feel about each other. i just want to say, i completely understand where lauren green is coming for. i kind of feel bad for him. when you write about religion like i do, you're writing about something that people take very seriously, and i understand that a lot of people, whether it's muslims or christians or jews or what have you, feel like academics are attacking their faith, their very identity, nothing could be further from
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the truth. as i said repeatedly, most important people in my life are christian, my wife and my mother. and christianity is a very important religion. i have no interest in attacking it. this is not a book about christianity, because jesus was a jew. it's about judaity. >> i came from a muslim family, came to the united states in 1979 at a time in which it wasn't such a great idea to be a muslim in the '80s. not much has changed i guess, nowadays, but really when i was 15, i heard the gospel message for the first time, and it had a profound effect on me. converted to evangelical christianity, and then when i went to a catholic jesuit institution and really began an academic in depth study of the
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new testament, all of a sudden i realized there was this distance between the historical figure that i was learning about and the christ that i was introduced to in church. and although i really kind of went away from the christian faith and really went back to the faith and practice of my forefathers, i became incredibly interested in jesus, the man, and spent the next 20 years studying him, really trying to mold my life after him. he truly is my hero. >> reza, it's good to talk to you. the book is called zealot, the life and times of jesus of nazareth. they have spring boarded you to the number one best selling book in the country. it's a terrific read. you don't need any hype from me, it's already doing it itself. good to talk to you. the return of the grill, this man says the real injustice of the george zimmerman case is that he lost his gun. he's raised $12,000 to buy him a new one. stacey: my daughter zoe had her first open heart surgery...
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when she was only fifteen hours old. handing her over for surgery is the hardest thing i've... ever had to do. before obamacare, insurance companies could put lifetime... caps on your health insurance. once you hit that cap... they don't pay anymore. zoe was half way to her cap before her first birthday.
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the dodge summer clearance event. right now get 0% financing for up to 72 months and no payments for 90 days on all dodge vehicles. he has to be cautious and protective of his safety. there's still a fringe element who have said at least in tweets and everything else that they want revenge. >> mark o'mara says his client has been getting death threats since he was found not guilty of killing trayvon martin. on the grill tonight, the man who helped raise $12,000 so george zimmerman can buy another gun. mr. hanson, welcome to you. why do you want george zimmerman to have a gun so badly? >> the first thing to point out
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is, the purpose of the fund-raiser was not just to buy a gun. it was to buy gun, ammunition, gear, training, whatever he felt was appropriate to defend himself, his family, his parents and that was what the money was raised for. >> have you offered to do the same for the family of trayvon martin, given it was their unarmed teenaged son who was shot dead by george zimmerman? have you thought about their security going-forward? >> i'm not aware of any threats against mr. martin's family for the fact that mr. zimmerman was acquitted. if there are people threatening his family, certainly with african-americans up in cleveland, lawmakers up in cleveland, that have been going through threats after they were involved in court cases, we stepped up to the plate and provided those people with resources also. >> you get my point.
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they lost their teenaged son who was unarmed to a gun, a gun that was owned by george zimmerman. many people feel the last declining george zimmerman should have right now is a gun. >> the point is, two different levels of government review. the initial police review. the initial prosecution review. and then second a jury trial with a handpicked prosecutor that didn't go through a grand jury, acquitted mr. zimmerman of those charges. >> right, but what if he does it again? what if trayvon martin's older brother is walking in the same area in a few month's time, george zimmerman happens to be passing, finds him suspicious again. decides to engage him in the street. and decides to shoot him as well. where does that leave you if you're the one that supplied the gun? >> well, if we're the ones that supplied the gun, and again remember, we provided money, not a gun. but if someone is on top of mr. zimmerman, again repeatedly
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bashing his head into the concrete, and he acts in self-defense, that's incredible bad luck he found himself in that situation twice. but we'll sleep soundly. >> you would sleep soundly if you did it again? >> if he's acting legally in self-defense again, absolutely. >> and at what point does he have to take responsibility for pursuing, some would sigh stalking unarmed teenagers who are walking home? >> again, two different levels of government review have found no fault with mr. zimmerman's actions. >> i'm asking you if you do. if you think at any point he has any responsibility for his own actions? in other words, if you're going to arm this guy again, give him a gun that he's recently used to shoot an unarmed teenager. if you're going to arm him again, and that's what you've actively done. you've raised $12,000 to arm him with guns, ammunitions, security
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and so on, that's fine. what if he does it again? >> well, i mean, we can go through all the hypotheticals you'd like to go through, what it comes down to is that he's gone through a government review again in the second hypothetical situation that you're raising, then he acted within the law, and i just don't see why that's a problem. >> i think if i lived in that area, and i had a -- particularly if i was a black family who had a son like trayvon martin, maybe aged 16, 17, 18, who liked to wear hoodies, i'd be pretty nervous at the thought of george zimmerman walking around with another gun. and i think they would be right to feel nervous. >> well, the problem is, when we go out and help the pink pistols, a gay, lesbian, bisexual transgender group, who's being denied their gun
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rights, when we go up to a young african-american male in cleveland who was wearing a hoodie who acted in self-defense. we go to a cleveland legislator in the ohio general assembly, when we're acting on behalf of those people it's not a problem, it's only in this case, when the villagers have gone out with the torches and pitchforks that it somehow becomes a problem. this is not an issue of race, it's an issue of self-defense law. and your hypothetical second situation. god forbid it happens, i hope it doesn't. i hope it doesn't ever happen to anyone. but if they go through that same level of review again, and it's found self-defense, that's the law. >> what is your view of florida's stand your ground law, and indeed a law that many other states have embraced. >> well, the united states did not have a duty to retrieve its
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laws in most states until the 1920s and 1930s, i think it's important for people to understand that whether we're talking duty to retreat, stand your ground or whatever, that doesn't arise until the lethal physical confrontation already has occurred. mr. zimmerman was not standing his ground. the evidence shows he was laying on the ground and having his head bashed into the concrete. >> i asked you what your view of the stand your ground law was, not george zimmerman. >> the united states did not have a duty retrieve its laws until the 1920s and 1930s, we looked at it extensively, in many court cases throughout the united states. it's only then that some states start to introduce a duty to retreat, and at the point that someone's on top of you, pummelling you into the ground, there's no option to retreat. whether it's stand your ground or whether it's a state that doesn't have stand your ground and has a duty to retreat, it just doesn't make a difference. >> you don't think there should ever be a situation where you
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should have a duty to retreat? >> the taking of a home an life is the last resort. and whether there's a duty to retreat or not, the first step in a self-defense test is always, do you have an alternative way out of this situation? it could be pressing an alarm button, using a taser, pepper spray, anything. it's not a physical retreat that's key. that's only the first step in the self-defense case, can you avoid taking the human life? >> have you ever thought you could reduce the taking of a human life if you reduce the number of guns? >> certainly as a prosecutor, someone who has been a court appointed lawyer in rapes, kidnappings. i have never found the number of words put down on a piece of paper that saves a human life. >> what do you mean by that? >> you can write all the laws
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you want down on a piece of paper,ed criminals are still going to get the guns. we've seen that repeatedly, the united states did a national experiment with magazine bans, certainly ugly rifle bans, things like that, it had no impact on crime. >> actually, that's not true, in the last assault weapons ban, there was a 7.5% drop in gun deaths, that's not true. >> no, actually, i don't think that's true. >> that is true. it's a fact. >> the resolution sent to congress was that there was no reputable academic study that showed there was an any impact on crime. >> what about all the countries that have tough gun control laws like great britain, australia, where they have incredibly low numbers of gun deaths? because they have very strong gun control. how do you explain that if your theory is, it makes no difference. >> countries are based upon the culture of the country. we cannot begin to examine the united states versus japan, for
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instance, where they have a cultural heritage of expecting to be caught, expecting to confess, things like that, the idea that you can compare the united states to some other country's gun laws is just so thoroughly debunked in the literature, that i don't know how to respond to it. >> you're right, words fail me too. very good to talk to you. >> thank you for having me, sir. when we come back, i want to get my legal eagle's take on all that, plus the case from bradley manning, to edward snowden. a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow.
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in law and disorder, sex scandal, surveillance and more. joining me now, gloria allred and allen dershowitz. gloria allred represents a mayor who is suing san diego mayor bob filler in. you two are right in the thick of it as i would expect from my legal eagles. let's start with the man who wants to arm george zimmerman. allen dershowitz, is this a good idea, do you think? having george zimmerman back on the streets with a gun? >> i don't think it's a good idea. i don't think it's a good idea to get police protection. if you're at risk, the police are obliged to protect you opinion self-help almost always results in rabid crimes.
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he doesn't need a gun to protect himself. he has not proved his capacity to use the gun in a safe and effective manner. >> gloria, he referred to the culture. american culture being so steeped in guns. almost no alternative than for everyone to be packing heat to defend themselves. how do you change that thinking. >> well, i mean, there are a lot of people, i'm not saying he's one of them who have an economic stake in making sure that the gun industry not only survives, but thrives. people are making a lot of money off of that, and there are people who are legitimately concerned about their own security. so i think that people have to make their decisions about the options that they have to be secure, but sometimes perhaps
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they're not considering other options other than guns. four -- i would differ with allen, because i don't think generally the police do provide private protection services for people, i doubt they're going to provide them for george zimmerman, he's going to be pretty much left on his own to make sure that he's secure, that his family is secure. >> right. >> well, let's move on bradley manning. i want to get your take on that. if bradley manning is found guilty, you've been helping julian assange, he's been quite vocal today, saying this is a huge test case, and they're going to make an example of him, and he's outrageous and so on. as dan rather said, doesn't there have to be some line draw, as to what information people can put into the public domain? >> we draw the line at the wrong place, we overclassify 90% of the material classified should be public and should be out there.
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now, we have to make a sharp distinction between two categories of people. on the one hand we have the people who have taken the material, the bradley mannings the snowdens, the daniel elsburgs and we have the people who publish it, the assange's, the new york times, seymour hire, our law treats them all the same. our law treats the same someone who like the new york times publishes material that should be in the public domain. our laws don't make the kinds of distinctions that dan rather correctly pointed out have to be made. we have to go back to the drawing board, we have to classify less. we have to have much more openness and recognize that if we have a system, the way it is today, there are going to be more and more mannings, snowdens and more and more elsburgs, if we want to stop it, we have to do it in a rational calibrated fashion.
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>> gloria, what do you think? >> i would translate what allen just said so eloquently like this, that we really need to change it on a legislative level. congress needs to aggress this issue. but for people to engage in self-help. for people to decide for themselves individually, i'm going to release classified information. because i don't think it should be classified. it's very dangerous, it's dangerous to them. it is dangerous to others, lives are being put at risk by the release of classified information. and i think it is just not the way to do it. and i'm very concerned that now there seems to be a trend and a wave of individuals deciding for themselves, i'm going to do a dump classified information if i can. >> the problem is, the modern technology means organization like wikileaks or even edward snowden with the help of various organizations, it can go all the around the world incredibly
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fast. whichever side of the debate you're on, there can be no doubt that is not going to be completely in the best interests of america and it's security. >> i agree with you. as julian assange once said, the best way to keep a secret is not to know it, people like bradley manning never should have been given access to the kind of information he had. certainly snowden, who didn't work for the united states government and had a relatively low level of security clearance should not have been given the information he had. we have to keep our real secrets more secure. and we have to openly allow the press to get access to things that should not be secret. we're going it all wrong on both sides, we're not sufficiently protecting the things we have to keep secret, and we're over protecting the things we shouldn't keep secret. we have to start from scratch. we need congressional hearings, we need new laws. we need a new approach to
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classification and security. right now it's not working. it's not protecting us and it's overpublishing people like bradley manning. >> i have one thing that i will also add, that we have to explore the role of independent contractors who are gaining information to classified information. >> yeah, i completely agree with that. that seems to be one of the biggest flaws in the whole system. when we come back, let's get into sex and politics. eliot spitzer, anthony weiner, bob filner. can they convince voters to forgive and forget their personal behavior? any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪
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how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet? how did he not see that coming? could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. these chevys are moving fast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours.
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let's make medicare stronger for all of us. back with you and gloria allred and allen dershowitz, let's move onto sex and politics. weiner, fillner, they're all trying to make comebacks after sex scandals rocked them. in fact, in some cases, all of them at the moment or most during. gloria, what is your view of the public. >> at this point it may be spitzer.
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as to anthony weiner, and i represent ginger lee who received sexting from him, weiner, i think, in his original therapy or attempt to get help was not really i think forthcoming with the public afterwards about the fact that he really gotten the kind of effective help he wanted to get or maybe didn't want to get effective help, but essential will i he wasn't helped because he continued, and i think the fact that he was not as forthcoming as he should have been is really going to hurt him, and that's why he suffered a drop in the polls. as to mayor filner who i am suing on behalf of maureen mccormick jackson, we basically opened the floodgates with our news conference last monday, she was director of communications
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for him, to come to work without her panties on, that he liked to see her naked, tried to kiss her and all of that, i think he is going to have a hard time surviving. we're calling on him to resign. just about everybody else including senator feinstein and nancy pelosi and others are calling on him to resign. i think it is a question of when he is going to have to go, not if he is going to have to go. >> sex and politics is not an unusual occurrence in america. jfk was one of the most fame us and popular presidents in history but a notorious womanizer. what is the difference really between what he used to get up to and what anthony weiner gets up to other than weiner never met these women? >> well, one thing that should be pointed out is all three of these people are progressive, liberal, civil rights advocates, supporters of women rights, and
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yet they engage in this kind of conduct. you have to distinguish filner who has victims from the others whose victims really are their wives and families and perhaps their constituents because it seems at least on the surface to be voluntary, but seems to me elliott spitzer, he worked for me, he was my research assistant so i may have a bias, is the most qualified person ever to run for controller in the city of new york and i suspect his competent will overcome his past mistakes and weiner's candidacy is questionable and filner is a good kiss but what he did was the worst of what all of the people did, and i am sure gloria will take him to task and make him pay very heavy consequences for what he appropriately deserves to pay consequences for. >> gloria. >> and he should. >> on that point i made about the difference between jfk, say,
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and anthony weiner, what is the difference? >> well, i mean, i want to differ with allen on the fact that the allegation that all of the women were voluntarily involved in this, my client ginger lee did not send any sext or photos of herself, and in fact weiner then, however, sexted her and sent photos of himself and she has been drawn into this and now there are reports out there she is making an adult film, that she, the suggestion is somehow she wants to profit from this. she hasn't made adult films for five years. she is not interested in the adult film business at this point. she is not going to profit from it. she has not profited from it. she has been kind of sucked into this scandal and hasn't wanted to be part of it, and hopes that he will withdraw so she can go back to her life and never hear the words anthony weiner again. >> but my point, though, that
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explain to me the difference really between the behavior of an incredibly popular president like jfk and anthony weiner who has been crucified right now for what many would say wasn't quite as bad, never actually met these women. >> we didn't know about kennedy. >> we didn't have the internet then. >> we know now. >> we know now, but we didn't know then. i was a young lawyer at the time and we idolized kennedy and i think many of us were shocked to learn about some of this activity. >> gloria. >> i agree. i agree. we didn't have the internet, so we didn't have all the blogs, we didn't have all the reporting, and as a matter of fact those people who did know, those reporters, some of them may have been reluctant to, in fact decided not to report on what they knew. it is a whole different world now. all bets are off. everything is on the table. if anyone knows anything, they're going to report it. if they don't know anything, they may make up stuff anyway. >> i don't think jfk could have
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i will talk to a woman that says weiner and huma's problems are not private and a matter of judgment. star jones joins me tomorrow. anderson cooper starts right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. series of explosions has rocked an area northwest of orlando. the blaze is still burning at a propane gas company. images from the scene showed massive flames shooting up into the air at different parts of the plant. helicopters, first responders are on the scene right now. and wide area around the fire, a mile wide is now being evacuated. we have a witness on the line
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