tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN August 6, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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repercussions of his victims and the government not calling what he did apact of terrorism. this man was allegedly a convicted sex offender who violated parole 15 times, only to be released again and again. the 16th time they let him go and police say he became a killer. we're keeping them honest with a "360" exclusive investigation. later, how does one of the most physically fit presidents ever wake up one day with serious heart trouble? dr. sanjay gupta is here with information you need to know. we start with the beginning of one of the most unusual and possibly most traumatizing murder trials in a very long time. the defendant, major nadal hasan shot and killed 13 people nearly four years ago in texas. he wounded 32 more. he went on his rampage three weeks before he was scheduled to deploy to afghanistan, walking into a troop processing center, shooting unarmed soldiers and officers. he says he did it for allah.
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he admits all this, but he legally cannot plead guilty. to today on day one of his court-martial, acting in his own defense, he made a case for the prosecution. that only begins to cover the strangeness of these proceedings. as to how traumatizing it will be, he will be questioning some of the people he himself shot. on top of that, he still is pulling down a paycheck from the army. he's earned hundreds of thousands of dollars while awaiting trial. but first, ed lavindara is covering the court-martial. ed, what was it like? >> reporter: in many ways, it was intention. many people were waiting to see how he was going to behave. but it was the prosecutor that
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went through the steps that major hasan took in this massacre. it was very powerful and poignant at times, the prosecutor talking about the screams of a pregnant victim who was dying, screaming "my baby, my baby." and another witness describing how her voice went quiet, the moment she died. so very powerful testimony of what happened in those brief moments when this massacre took place. >> i know hasan is representing himself. he gave his opening statement today. what does he even look like now? we're showing all these different pictures of him. does he have a beard in court? >> he does have a beard. military officials here are being very strict about what kind of access we are able to see of major hasan. there's limited seating in the courtroom for news media that is lotteried off every day. but his movements are not allowed to be photographed while we're here inside ft. hood. he's brought to ft. hood on a
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helicopter. we are not able to photograph or look at that helicopter taking off from the army post here. so he is a wheelchair. he's paralyzed from the waist down. it's almost like there's two different things going on in this courtroom. prosecutors fighting for the death penalty in this case. and major hasan essentially fighting his own war, which is to justify the killings of fellow soldiers. >> it is incredible he can question the very people that he shot. and he offered to plead guilty both to the prosecutors and the judge. his offers were denied. can you explain why? >> reporter: well, those are the rules of the code of military justice, when someone is eligible for the death penalty, and that is what prosecutors are pursuing in this case, the defendant is not allowed to plead not guilty. they have to put on a not guilty defense. but it was really strange. the judge started off the day by saying that major hasan pleaded
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guilty and not an hour later you saw hasan in the courtroom claiming that he was the shooter and the evidence will clearly point to all of that. it doesn't seem like he's interested in any way defending his guilt or innocence. he seems bent on trying to justify what he had done. >> how long is this expected to go on for? >> it's interesting. many people thought this could take several months. but they went close to a dozen witnesses today. prosecution witnesses seem -- the prosecution seems to be just going on, and they will put out everything. i would not be surprised if you hear from virtually every witness that was inside the room where the shooting started. you will hear all of that. they will continue to go on as if major hasan were putting on a worthy defense. major hasan only had a couple of questions throughout the day.
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this might not take as long as many people expected. all this time, while he's been awaiting trial, major hasan has been drawing a paycheck, more than $250,000 he's made so far. because the federal government, for a number of reasons, has refused to classify the massacre as an act of terrorism, service members can't receive military honors. that's also how the system works or how it's failing to work for those that need it. our randi kaye is keeping them honest. >> reporter: ten minutes is all that it took to kill 13 people and injure more than 30. november 5, 2009, at ft. hood soldier readiness center. the chaos captured in this video. sergeant shawn manning on fox news. >> i remember him shooting as
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fast as he could. >> reporter: hasan fired more than 100 rounds from two pistols. hours later, the president made this promise to the victims. >> as commander in chief, there's no greater honor but also no greater responsibility for me than to make sure the extraordinary men and women in uniform are properly cared for. >> reporter: nearly four years later, survivors say they feel cast aside and still wonder how the u.s. government could label this workplace violence instead of combat related terrorism. that designation means the victims have lower priority access to medical care. >> the day that came out was the day the government looked at every single one of the victims
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of the ft. hood shooting and spit in our faces. >> reporter: sergeant shawn manning has lost tens of thousands in benefits. >> i was shot by a terrorist, and they don't want to call it an act of terrorism and deem my injuries combat related. i think it's ridiculous. >> reporter: civilian police officer sergeant kimberly munley helped end the attack by shooting major hasan four times. honored for her bravery a couple of months later at the state of the union. now she tells abc she feels betrayed by the president. >> if i were to see him again, again, it's not about me, but i would just beg him to please take care of them. >> reporter: why not classify the shooting at ft. hood as a terrorist attack? the department of defense has said hasan may not be able to receive a fair trial had the u.s. indirectly declared him a
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terrorist and could have opened the door for an appeal. but an attorney representing 150 victims in a civil suit against the department of defense and the fbi disagrees. he says at the time, the u.s. government was looking to close guantanamo bay prison, home to hundreds of accused enemy combatants. so the idea of a terrorist attack by a u.s. soldier who was muslim wasn't optimal. witnesses say hasan shouted god is great before opening fire. and hasan said he acted to help defend the taliban. that, lawyers for the victims say, is proof of a terror attack. they also point to the fbi's disclosure that it had intercepted communications between hasan and u.s. born radical muslim cleric in yemen. meanwhile, major hasan, who renounced his citizenship, is still on the military's payroll, being paid more than $300,000
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since the shooting. the army can't stop paying him unless he's found guilty. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> i want to dig deeper on that now with congressman frank wolf, who is co-sponsoring legislation for pay. sergeant ray was in the fire at ft. hood and credited with saving nine lives that day. we spoke a short time ago. congressman wolf, you introduced two bills related to this case, the second dealing with hasan's salary. a lot of people are stunned to learn he's received around $300,000 in pay since the shooting. what would your bills do? >> the bill would put the money in escrow for anyone charged like this. if they were found innocent, they would receive the money. if they were guilty, you would not get it. you should not be maying somebody, particularly in a case like this. >> sergeant ray, do you agree with the congressman?
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do you think this guy, hasan, should be getting his salary? >> absolutely. when we have a capital offense like this, that pay should be suspended. there's no reason, especially in a case like this where there's insurmountable evidence even before the case has even started. the pay should absolutely be withdrawn or at least held on to until the case is over. >> and sergeant, i think a lot of viewers will be surprised to find out that the victims aren't eligible for purple hearts and can't receive the benefits that come along with that. >> absolutely. of course, a lot of that has to do with the classification of this terroristic act. the department of defense has said that this was just a mere workplace violence and i've heard that they cite the reason for a fair trial as their reason to do that. i don't think that's true at all. when we look at all the evidence
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that's been presented, even to this point, it's very clear, and even through the words of the individual himself, this indeed was a terrorist act. it should be classified as such. so individuals like myself or others are not prevented from getting the treatment medical care and purple hearts they deserve. >> congressman, i want to play that john brennan said in 2011. let's play that. >> it is al qaeda's adherence, individuals, sometimes with little or no direct physical contact with al qaeda, who have succumbed to its hateful ideology and engaged in or facilitated terrorist activities here in the united states. these misguided individuals are spurred on by the likes of al qaeda's adam gadahn, who speak english and preach violence in slick videos over the internet. we have seen the tragic results
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with the murder of the military recruiter and the killing of the men and women in ft. hood. >> do you think politics is at play here, not declaring this as an act of terrorism? the pentagon is saying that by declaring it an act of terrorism before the trial, it may make the trial more difficult because hasan could claim he can't get a fair trial. >> that's ridiculous. the head of the counterterrorism center initially called this an act of terror. this was a political decision. my committee funds the fbi. the fbi was told to use criminal statues, not terrorist statutes. he hollered "god is great" when shooting them. secondly, he was in direct contact with a radical iman who
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was killed by a drone missile. there with connections with him and the major. if you read the book "dirty war" it talks that his father and mother wanted anwr to meet with their son, the major, because they thought he was drifting. this was a terrorist act clearly. so i think there was politics involved in it. >> sergeant ray, you know better than anybody, you have no doubt this was a terrorist incident? >> absolutely. to call it anything else would be criminal. >> congressman wolf, a special report on homeland security titled "ticking time bomb" detailed a number of warning signs about hasan. what lessons do you think can be learned from this case to prevent another tragedy like this? >> well, the military and the department of defense should not be politically correct. i have talked to doctors who practiced with the major. they say he was advising young
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men and women who serve in the military who were in afghanistan and iraq to turn themselves in as war criminals. the military and the department of defense knew that this person was being radicalized. he was being radicalized when he was at walter reed and they knew it. but they were politically correct. when you remember when this act took place, the head of the army made some very strange political correct statements. when you see something like this, you have to deal with it when you see it. >> i think that's just going to stun a lot of people tonight. good to have you on. thank you. >> thank you. >> let us know what you think. just ahead, an interview with bradley manning's father. he's speaking out for the first time since his son was convicted. also, troubling new details about the python that killed two young brothers, just 4 and 6 years old.
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the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at the sentencing phase of bradley manning's trial is in its second week. a military judge consolidated reduced his maximum possible sentence to 90 years. he was convicted of stealing and leaking 750,000 pages of classified documents. he was acquitted of aiding the enemy. but he was found guilty of violating the espionage act. to some, he's a traitor. to others, a hero. to brian manning, he's a son who is in deep trouble. they haven't talked in months. bradley manning dropped his dad from his visitor's list. brian manning once had a security clearance and served in the navy. in his first interview, brian
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manning made it clear he hasn't given up on his son. when you heard the news of your son's conviction, 20 counts, what went through your mind? >> i was relieved. they had taken that one charge out -- >> the aiding the enemy charge. >> yeah. so i was relieved about that. but i still did the math in my head and said well, if he was sentenced to all the other crimes, it would still be -- he would be 90 to 100 years old before he ever saw the light of day. and it was kind of upsetting and frightening that your son is being accused of these horrible breaches of security. >> early on you were defending your son, saying that you believe he is innocent and a scapegoat. do you still believe he didn't leak classified documents. >> in my heart i believe that.
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>> you believe he's innocent? >> right. and logistically i can't understand. knowing the computers as well as i do, how you can get that much data out of a room with three other people in there sitting in close proximity where everybody could see what everybody was doing, i can't understand how that can be done. >> do you think he's being set up? >> there was an altercation, i guess, where he struck one of his people that he worked with. and so after that, the relationship between i think it was three other people really soured. so i don't know if somebody tried to turn the table on him or whatever. >> he said to the court, he confessed that he did leak to wikileaks and said to the court
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that he wanted to "spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general." >> yeah. i think he was grand standing. he was used to running his life on his own. he was the man of the house, and he had problems adjusting to that. so i feel part of that was -- he had a lot of pride. >> there are some people who believe your son is a hero for what he says he did. when you hear that, what do you think? >> well, i have a certain amount of pride when they said, you know, they had been nominated for the nobel prize and other comments they've made about, you know, supporting him. >> i'm just trying to see where you are on this, because on the one hand you say there's no justification for leaking classified information.
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and on the other hand, when you hear people call him a hero, it gives you a sense of pride. >> right. you have to separate those, because i never, since day one of -- when i was in the military, with a clearance, to this day, i have never said a single word of what i did. that's going back a long ways. and i wished he had the character to stay that way. >> so you think if he did leak this information, that would be a wrong thing? >> i do. >> you do. >> to me, it's my country, as well. and leaking information that's going to damage my country and the soldiers in our military, you know, that would be very
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upsetting. >> if you were able to talk freely with him, what would you say to him? >> i would basically tell him right off the bat that he had no excuse whatsoever for allegedly releasing that information. >> is there any message you want to get across to him? >> i would like to, you know, right before we ended our visit, it was always, i love you son, he said love you, dad. i still love my son. >> i'm sorry we're meeting under these circumstances but i appreciate you talking to me. >> okay. >> you can see much more of my interview on our website. coming up next, we've seen him bike and run. he works out more than most of us. but he's recovering from heart surgery. how heroes tackled this man, an alleged gunman that had
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tonight, former president george bush is said to be recuperated well after having a stint placed in a blocked artery today. for thor president clinton, who had the same procedure in 2010, reached out to mr. bush today. doctors found the blockage yesterday. former president bush has been known as a fitness buff.
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he worked out regularly during his two terms in office. dr. sanjay gupta joins me now. so what do we know about this? >> he's 67 years old. we're told this happened on a routine physical exam, so they gave no indication that there was any problems ahead of time. that's an important point, but something during the exam alerted them and it was cause for concern and that led to the placement of that stint. essentially you're trying to unblock an artery. and they put a catheter up into the artery and unblock it sometimes with a balloon. but ultimately you can put this stint in place, you're particular with this, you've seen this. it's sort of more permanent fix and sometimes these stints will release medication, as well. >> i have seen studies that these are kind of -- people say they're overused, that they
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don't reduce heart death by any appreciable amount. >> if you look at the question do people live long we are stints, you're probably right. part of it is that people may live a higher quality of life, not have chest pain or some of the symptoms associated with heart disease. but usually they're associated with people having an active problem. again, when you read this release from president bush's office, it was a routine physical. in that case, you're right, there's not a lot of evidence that shows it works on people just because. >> you and i talk about heart disease all the time, because we have positive family histories. i don't understand, you would assume president bush has been getting regular checkups and the latest heart scans and ct scans that you and i have had. how can it suddenly they discover, oh, wait, there's enough blockage and we need a
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stint. >> you could probably track this. we had this same conversation about president clinton -- >> your artery doesn't suddenly get blocked. >> what you're trying to figure out is how is the person doing, are they having chest pains. he may have been doing fine and more recently started to have problems as the artery became more blocked. it's not that it happens overnight, but the symptoms from it can happen much more quickly or suddenly. >> and how common is it for someone his age to have a blockage? >> it's pretty common. we all develop some degree of it from a young age. even teenagers are starting to develop fatty streaks in blood vessels. we know that this is the biggest killer of men and women alike. so if you look at people in his age range, probably about half of them have a significant
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degree of this. they may not need what he had done, but it is pretty common. >> sanjay, thank you very much. >> you got it. coming up next, what an exclusive "360" investigation reveals about a parole system that sends convicted sex offenders back on the streets time after time. tonight, we're keeping them honest. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
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welcome back. if you've been following our keeping them honest reporting over the years, we do more than point out when government fails to do their job -- when the system fails, lives can be lost. tonight, how the parole system is failing in california. convicted sex offenders are arrested and spend less than 24 hours in jail. you might ask why. mostly because of a new law addressed at addressing overcrowding. as drew griffin found out, that law is costing lives. he's keeping them honest. >> reporter: it's early on a
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tuesday evening in stockton, california. parole agents are arresting 41-year-old jack turner. described by agents as someone with an extensive history of sexual violence. tonight, though, his only problem is the gps monitoring ankle bracelet he's required to wear has run out of power. sit a parole violation, not an actual crime. but he is still tracked down, found on the streets of stockton by agents who know his usual hangouts. taken to a jail where less than 20 hours later, jack turner is let out. he may be a sexual offender. he may have a dangerous past. but turner knows violating parole in the state of california means almost nothing to him. how many times do you think you've gone through this parole violation procedure?
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>> last week, this week, the week before that, probably before that, so they know me real well here. >> reporter: is it always the same, come in, spend the night, come out. >> come in, spend the night, come out. >> reporter: in stockton, california, this convicted sex offender has no real incentive to follow any rules. which is why susan cane is speaking out against the state's wishes, saying she believes the public is not safe. she says she's speaking out for herself personally and not the department of corrections. >> in all my years in law enforcement, and it's been over 30 years, i, for the first time, feel at a total loss, that i can honestly say we do our job, we do the very best job that we can. but we didn't protect the community with this. we can't protect them from these sex offenders. because they get out of jail the next day.
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>> reporter: how did this happen? two words. prison overcrowding. there's simply not enough room to keep people in jail. the state of california tried to solve its own prison overcrowding bypassing a bill called ad-109, backed by the governor jerry brown. it called for a realignment of where criminals serve time. low-level offenders, around especially parole violators, would go to county jails. but in san jauquin county, the jail is under a court order to relieve its own overcrowding. according to the sheriff, the state dumped its problem on the county and the county is now dumping criminals on the streets. so no matter what the state or the governor says are the county's duties in terms of handling parole violators, you have no room? >> the overcrowding situation is
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such that we can't afford it, we can't keep them here because of the court order. so we have to follow the court order. >> reporter: in this county, it is judge richard giuliani who makes those decisions about who stays behind bars and who doesn't. on the day we met him, he had released four. amazingly he admits they shouldn't been on the streets. are you comfortable with who is being released? >> i'm not comfortable releasing anybody. it's an unfortunate reality and we do the best we can by prioritizing the people that we do release. >> reporter: parole violators are usually the first to go. parolees, especially sexual predators, know they can get away with almost anything. >> i had a parolee upset last
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week who was upset after being arrested for being around minors and he was a child molester. >> reporter: this past february, sidney jerome, a convicted sexual offender, was picked up by stockton police, not knowing what to do, police brought the homeless man to the home of his grandmother, rachel rustle. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> the police just brought this boy to my house about an hour ago, and told him not to go back out no more and they would leave him alone. now he's tearing up my property and my car. >> was she scared of him? >> yes, she was. >> reporter: steven russell says his mother was the only person in the family who still held out any hope for his nephew. but in february, he began to frighten even his own
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grandmother. on february 13, he was arrested yet again. the 16th time for violating his parole. he had cut off his gps ankle bracelet. to steven russell, it was a relief. you thought he was in prison? >> yeah, he was in jail and he had a violation of parole, registered as a sex offender. he kept taking the tracking device off. so when he was picked up, we knew he was going to get some time. and so there was a big relief. >> reporter: the relief was short lived. his 16th parole violation was considered not enough to hold him. the judge made the decision and for the 16th time, he was released. and what happened after that? >> he went over to my mother's house and killed her. he killed her and left her body in the backyard in the wheel
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barrel. he raped her, he murdered her, and he robbed her. >> reporter: the state department of corrections says overall its new policy is working well. but its second in command says perhaps the judge was at fault for the release. >> i do consider the judge's position on this, and not knowing i wouldn't second guess all the difficult decisions he has to make. but there were perhaps some attributes about that individual that should have been given more consideration and some weight in the determination. >> reporter: steven russell found his mother in the back yard. he has been charged with murder and rape and technically his 17th parole violation. he's entered a plea of not guilty. >> jerry brown, california's governor, he's not talking to
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drew. an official at the department of correcti corrections did, saying judges need to do a better job in terming who does and doesn't get out. coming up, a horrifying story. two litting boys just 4 and 6 killed at a sleepover. police think a 100 pound python is to blame. yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. well, it's the only place i can get my kids arizona jeans, which means they can find the perfect pair that fits great... and it's affordable... oh, and it's got all the other brands they have to have. i've been told this stuff can make or break your entire year. but i'm not even going to pretend to know what "cool" is. i'll just take 'em to the sales and leave the rest to them.
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breaking news tonight. the father of two missing children speaks out. a massive search is under way in california after their mother was found dead. i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours. right now, get this great lease on a 2013 chevy cruse ls for around $149 a month.
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breaking news tonight out of southern california in the disappearance of two children. isha sesay joins was a "360" bulletin. the breaking news, a dramatic plea of the father of two missing children, reaching out to the man suspected in the disappearance of ethan and hanna, ages 8 and 16, and suspected of the murder of their mother and arson fire at a san diego home where the mother's body was found. a statewide amber alert went out. a short time ago, mr. anderson spoke out to suspect jim dimaggio. >> jim, i can't fathom what you
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were thinking. the damage is done. i'm begging you to let my daughter go. you've taken everything else. hanna, we all love you very much. if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> mr. anderson did not mention his son. the sheriff's department officials say they remain hopeful he too is still alive. a manhunt is underway for suspect james dimaggio, described as a platonic friend of the murdered woman. two men are being hailed as heroes two tackled the man who opened fire in a pennsylvania up to hall meeting. officials say the suspect was angry at local officials. his home was recently condemned and purchased by the township. three men were kid and several wounded. a "360" follow. the pennsylvania girl who underwent lung transplants in june is up and walking, with the help of a therapist and a
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walker. her quest for a transplant prompted a change in national policy. sarah turns 11 tomorrow. happy birthday. >> isha, thanks. new details about a deadly python attack during a sleepover. it's a horrifying story. 6-year-old connor and his 4-year-old brother noah went to bed at a friend's apartment and were found dead the next morning. authorities believe a 100 pound python killed them after escaping from their cage and crashing through the ceiling. jeff corwin joins me now. jeff, does it make sense that a snake could do something like this? >> these snakes are some of the most powerful testealthy predats on the planet and they can be dangerous. this is not the first time a human has been killed by an african rock python. with that said, this is
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incredibly rare. humans are not the target prey for snakes like this. >> humans aren't on their food chain? >> no, not at all. this is an animal that's eating everything from large reptiles to even antelope. so they are big enough, especially a snake this size that is between 10 and 15 in length, weighing well over 100 pounds. this is a creature strong enough to dispatch a small human being and swallow a small antelope. so it's a reminder of the price we can pay. >> some experts say the suspect might have been spooked and clung to them. do you think that's a possibility? >> no, that's not how they operate. they use this process of conviction as a way to kill their prey. basically, they're latching on with razor sharp teeth.
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as they inhale and tighten muscles along the sides of their body, the prey they're eating, in this case, the tragic death of these door kids, they no longer have the ability to inhale. rarely is it a defensive mechanism. what is unusual, though, is i've heard reports that they weren't seeing lots of bite marks on these kids. typically, they latch on and then constrict. but it's not impossible to initiate the conviction. >> this may be a dumb question, but if someone encounters a snake like this, what is the best thing to do? >> well, try not to get entangled in its coils. this area in canada where it happened is illegal to have this species of python. the reason why is because of tragic accidents like this. >> if you were struggling, that allows the snake to constrict even tighter, correct? >> absolutely. struggling, pushing away there that animal does not cause it to uncoil. in fact, it will be surging with
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energy, and that predatory reaction is in play. the more you struggle, the tighter it gets. one of the best things you can do is hold it up, relax, get to the head and unravel the snake. the muscles that this creech ever uses to kill its prey are on the side of its body. if you push against it the right way, you can unravel it like a coil or a spring. but if you're a little kid, you don't have that information. >> jeff, good to talk to you. thanks. >> thanks, anderson. >> we'll be right back. the postal service is critical to our economy.
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delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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yes, time for the "ridicu-list." tonight, we have a story from l alba albany, georgia, where a man placed a standard order at mcdonald's. but when he looked in the bag, they had only given him six double cheese bergers. so he went back to remedy the situation. >> she tried to get an attitude with me. and i was like, i'm going to call the list. >> it's been quite a while since we had a good 9 11 call. >> i'm at mcdonald's up here and i ordered seven burgers and i went to my vehicle, right? and i came back here and they took a burger from me.
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i told them they gave me six burgers. >> the police actually arrested him. he said he didn't know he was misusing 911 but he did learn a lesson. >> all i can say, check your food before you leave. always be careful when you go buy food anywhere you go. >> it's very true. clearly he has not been watching the "ridicu-list," because we have been over this before. i suppose it bears repeating, though, do not call 911 if you're short a double cheese berger. that is not an emergency. in fact, let's just agree that any sandwich based situation is probably not an emergency. >> i'm at grateful deli, and i specifically asked for little
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turkey and a little ham and a lot of cheese and a lot of mayonnaise and they're giving me a hard time. i was wondering if you could stop by and just -- >> you're calling 911 because you don't like the way that they're making your sandwich? >> exactly. >> then don't buy it. >> could advice, huh? not an emergency also, varying interpretations of the phrase "all you can eat?" >> what do you need police for? >> i'm eating and just asked for more fish and they refused and it's right on the sign, all you can eat friday fish fry. >> most of all, if you remember nothing else, if you and your spouse decide to make a patch of pot brownies, whatever happens next does not constitute an emergency. >> i think we're dying. >> how much did you guys have? >> i don't know.
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we made brownies and i think we're dead. i really do. time is going by really, really, really slow. who just won the red wing game? >> if you can say, i think we're dead, chances are you're not dead. so the next time you need a hockey score, or you're having a burger emergency, continue call how did it happen snn why did it happen? should these deadly snakes ever be let out of zoos? we'll ask experts. a former
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