tv Around the World CNN August 13, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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conversation about there. i'm full out of time. >> thank you for watching. "around the world" starts now. i'm going to toss it over to you with that heavy question still hanging a in air about the right offense people that are different. >> perhaps what's happening in california. >> what about our own offices? how would you feel if it was extended to our office space? >> now you've started something. >> michael have you been in the ladies bathroom again? >> we'll stop this right there. >> you with wicked. like the new digs. >> thank you. so do i. >> she's cheeky. >> she is very cheeky. "around the world" starts right now.
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>> just one day before peace talks is going to resume israel says it will build more settlements in east jerusalem. it's the most powerful storm this year. even sweeping that woman away while she stands on her own roof. i'm sorry it gone blown up. i'm sorry i said it was switzerland. >> she said she's the victim. she's apologizing for that purse incident in switzerland. we'll talk about that. so many stories on this tuesday. welcome to around the world. i'm brooke baldwin. >> i'm michael holmes. thanks for your company today. we'll start with israel. they say they are planning for future growth. the palestinians say they are stealing more land. >> this as they hannounce more
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settlement units. this is on top of 1,000 new units. >> settlements is major flash point. palestinians want that for a future state. >> middle east expert aaron david miller joins us from washington. i'd like to begin with you. tell us what israeli officials have to say about this particular decision. >> reporter: israel is saying in the case of the 1,000 settlements this were announced on sunday is they're going to be in places in parts of the west bank and east jerusalem which would be part of the state of
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israel whatever the negotiations lead to at their finality. they are saying this wouldn't be in palestinian territory but in territory they consider to be the state of israel. with the announcement today they would be building an additional 900 settlement units, as the israelis have said they need to grow their cities and provide homes for their people. the housing minister this sunday said no state would tell another state and dictate how and where they could build on their own land. the chief negotiator said this is unacceptable and he said to us on sunday that he's considering stopping the peace negotiations which are rescheduled to begin tomorrow. both sides very contentious over
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this issue. >> one thing that's no doubt done is ask both sides to shut up, not do anything contentious before the talks get under way. they're preempting the negotiations. what do you make of this? >> it's going to be the israeli-palestinian negotiations as long as they last. it demonstrates palestinian weakness and impotence. at the same time it's a political necessity for a prime minister who is about to release in a very controversial move
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palestinian prisoners many of whom are serving life sentences for killing or being involved in terror against israelis. these are political statements by each side in way. on the eve of a hopefully a productive negotiation. this is a not a negotiation between two states. it's a negotiation between two paer parties. in this dance this is what happens. >> this is also the cnn op-ed. it matters what's happening on the ground and the negotiating table. one other point is what the is
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role of the united states? you say secretary kerry is serious and the president they need to be all over these talks like a cheap suit. how do can you mean? >> not very artful. >> only one negotiation that actually worked had ever been direct and that was an israeli jordanian peace treaty. they got together and hammered out the terms of their agreement. there haven't been many. the united states has played a key role. the reality is let's be clear. benjamin netanyahu will get together without anybody's help and reach an agreement on jerusalem, the chances of that happening are slim to none. maybe, just maybe if it can happen the u.s. will have to play a key role.
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not just president kerry. the president of the united states now has a chance maybe to own it and earn it. >> is it going to take the u.s. bashing the table, let they've done this before. sgr secretary kerry seemed to dedicate himself to this. >> but are they listening? if they don't do anything the future of israel is a jewish state becomes a question. >> right. that's sometime in the future. the three of us wouldn't be having this conversation had not john kerry decided that israeli-palestinian peace is important. time is running out. he's got to do something. u.s. leverage is limited. the fact that kerry got this far has a lot to do not with the
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president using vinegar to get the israelis to sit down at the table but the president using honey. it's because of the obama-netanyahu reset and kerry's relationship with netanyahu that the prime minister is coming to the table. one other reality. nobody wants to be blamed for the collapse of these negotiations. this is a tactic james baker useduse ed on the way to madrid. threatened, with all due to the respect to peta, to leave a dead cat on the door of everyone who didn't cooperate. if they're going to work then netanyahu will have to own them. kerry will have to be there mediating and probably at some point the president of the united states, if he wants to take the risk and wants this
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badly enough, is going to have to get involved personally as well. >> aaron david miller lathanks much. >> always a pleasure. >> click on and read his piece. >> he knows the region well. this massive typhoon we've been reporting on which is ripping through the south china s sea. it's battered the philippines. two people killed. thousands more homeless and there are plenty of missing people. >> reporter: the world's most powerful storm of the year has plowed through the philippines. a woman is seen floating down a swollen river on top of a roof. she disappears in the waves and
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reappears but we don't know what happens to her. the storm has weakened but it's still severe. it's heading this way. it's moving across the south china sea heading toward southern china. >> there that storm heading towards southern china. you could see on the map. could make landfall this time tomorrow. oprah winfrey, let's talk oprah. she says she's sorry over this controversy that was stirred after she said she was the victim of racism. >> she's sorry it ever happened or went this far. she says it all happened when she went to buy an expensive purse. that's an understatement. now she's talking about it. >> at the l.a. premier of her new movie. last night she said the whole thing was blown out of proportion. take a listen.
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>> i think that incident in switzerland was just an incident in switzerland. i have referencing it as an example of being in place where people don't expect that you would be able to be there. >> she just wish this hadn't blown up. >> i think she wanted to make the point and the point to make sheer is she's not apologizing. she seems to be saying she's sorry everyone is focusing on the specifics of the story and not the point that she was making that even oprah winfrey believes she's discriminating against. she said she was trying to use this incident has an example that she believes she still experiences racism, just not in
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overt ways which is something she said to me when we sat down last week. nobody will come up and call her the n word to her face but it does still show in other ways. >> you were just sitting across from her. we know this store clerk who was involved in this whole thing she or he is now talking or well. what are they saying? >> oprah did not name the store or the public. it was the media who figured out which store and which clerk. the clerk is talking to a swiss newspaper. the store is making an effort to treat everyone with the same respect in the same way. they deny that she ever told oprah winfrey that the bag was too expensive for her. she said she had the bag in her hand and it was the same bag on
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display except it cost less. it was made of a different material. she tried to steer her tried that bag which sounds like what oprah was saying. the bag oprah wanted was overpriced and she tried to steer her toward a better buy, which to me if i'm a salesperson, i'm trying to sell the most expensive one in the store. >> it's all about the commission. she speaks predominantly italian and some stuff got lost in translation. >> i did ask that last week. one side thought they were saying something. perhaps. both siedes feel the way they feel. the clerk offered to resign but the manager said no. here is more of what we're
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working on this hour for "around the world." a gunman opens fire at a mosque in nigeria. we'll look at the security threat that continues. germany's chancellor is taking on a new job. her lesson is ahead. plus. >> don't let the princess hair fool you. >> she went where no other saudi woman has gone before, top of the world. >> i love this. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. online scheduling. available now at welcome back. there's been more violence in cairo. supporters of the opposed egyptian president morsi fighting with other residents and those who were against mr. morsi and the police got involved. security forces responding with tear gas. >> for weeks supporters have set up these camps. they are protesting the military coup that toppled the country's first democratically elected president last month. we're getting word about
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this fire in chile. it started after a fight among inmates. >> this happens there every now and then. bed sheet, paper set on fire. no word on injuries at the moment. we're monitoring this. also, there is no official word on who was behind that massacre at a mosque in nigeria. a militant islamist group is boost boasting it's gaining strength. >> 44 people were killed as they prayed. this is a baffling thing to the casual observer. in reality it's not the first time this has happened, is it? >> reporter: absolutely. there really does seem to be a growing tide. people just are exhausted with the endless cycles of violence,
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retaliations. thai they've been under a complete communications black out. young men are coming together and fighting back. this attack on that mosque seems to be in retaliation for that. for these vigilante groups that are sprouting up. the day before these attacks started to merge he said whether christian or muslim, we will kill all those that stand in our way. we're seeing a lot of these retaliation attacks and those that the militants suspect.
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>> this is a military campaign is under way, how is that working out. it's not going very well three months or so in. >> reporter: it really isn't. this has been going on for a while. nothing has opinion out of limits for them fp united nations headquarter, one of the worst atrocities against the u.n. school, government buildings, houses of worship christian and muslim. every year they say they're tackling this with the help of the united states. there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
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still to come, mt. everest anyone? how about the first saudi woman to climb. people called her crazy. they under estimated her but she did it. we have the behind the scene footage of one fascinating journey. machine savory centers, made with beef and cheese. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! humans. even when we cross our "ts" and dot our "i's", we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. if you qualify, your rates won't go up
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27-year-old who made history becoming the first saudi woman to reach the top of mt. everest. >> she reached the top in may. translation, 29,000 feet. she said she didn't start out to be a poster child for anything but she ended up as an inspiration for many. >> becky anderson talked to her about her amazing achievement and how she got there. with saudie we', we've seen wom making great strides.
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i think it was a saudi woman at the olympics. >> she was. for anyone who is curious about mt. everest is so many people are trying to do this. it's incredible she's from saudi arabia. you were saying so many bottlenecks. you have to wait. >> there are cues of people. >> cues, lines. >> sorry. in your language, lines. all of these people are going up there climbing mt. everest. hundreds are leaving stuff behind as well. >> do you think you could do this? >> we'll have a bit more later. let's talk germany. that's coming up next. i'm not sure if he would
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qualify but cnn has ranked the best countries in the world for working parents. germany didn't make the list. >> neither did the united states. who did? iceland. sweden is up there. it's maternity benefits. they can extend not just for a year, years. >> france makes the list. generous benefits to encourage population growth. two more countries to tell you about including a u.s. neighbor after this. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve.
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♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options.
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it all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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paternity leaves. >> another country, norway. it offers 100% pay for 46 weeks. in 46 weeks. >> 46 weeks. that's basically a year off full pay. >> no united states. it's our neighbor to the north. it's canada. the canadian government pays out 100 bucks a month for child allowance for kids urn six. >> it's a good election ploy. pope francis hosting players from the national soccer teams. >> the fame is being dedicated to the pope who is an avid soccer fan. not breaking news here.
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>> yesterday we talked about norway's prime minister who went under cover to find out what photos we're talking about. in there's an update on that today. stand by for that. the german chancellor is moonlighting in the classroom. >> reporter: she shares her experiences about growing up in communist east germany. my favorite classes were languages, german and math. she was asked to guest teach by german youth magazine. the election's about six weeks away. this is her first experience on
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the campaign trail after a three-week summer break. it's nothing wiquite as fancy a norway's prime minister. she's opting to go heavy on the personal side of things. with old photos from her childhood and personal memories of how renunification inspired her to enter politics. he suggests that the east german childhood had given her a different understanding of europe and those grown up in the
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west. polls show she's the more popular candidate at this stage. her own history and record over the past two terms working in her favor. >> we mentioned norway. we have an update. apparently a little more stage managed than thought. >> he posed as taxi driver to get closer to the voters but his party has admitting, some of the passengers weren't exactly unsuspecting all along. they were paid and vetted in
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casting call. >> i feel duped. >> a little bit. >> apparently they had a casting call. they didn't know they would be getting into cab with him but they knew they would be in an ad for the labor party. i was more surprised you have a prime minister driving around in a taxicab. >> no security or anything. >> would not fly around her. naj being stuck in a cable car. it happened to these tourists. the rescue straight ahead. machine .
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cable cars. >> you do not want to be stuck in a cable car with me. rescuers lowered them down by rope one at a time. it took eight hours to get everyone down safely. 13 of the passengers were kids. >> women and children first. unbelievable. check out this moment at the zoo. cute pandas. adorable. s >> super cute. these are the newest pictures caretakers have been watching her around the clock. it will still be a another couple of months before the cub is on display. hi, mom. >> we got kangaroos.
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>> heard all about it. kelly pickler is using to playing crowds. >> i'm kelly pickler. i come from a military family. work a lot with the uso. i love working with them. we've been able to do so many tours overseas. where my girls at? all right. to be in a position where you can take a piece of home to your servicemen and women, why would you not do that? they need to know we have their back because they have ours. the uso has been doing this for over 60 years. you cannot compare those shows to any other show. i wish i could donate my whole time to those tours. join the movement. impact your world and you can be
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a part of something really special. >> good for her. still to come, we're going to take you to small town in the dominican republic. >> may not be familiar but some of the biggest baseball stars come from right there an using performance enhancing drugs. growing up there and playing ball not out of the norm. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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police in india are looking for man who raped a 7-year-old girl. the child was lured away from her mother before she was attacked. >> this follows months and months of outrage over sex crimes across india. this girl who was found at the train station is being treated in the hospital. authorities have kicked an american teacher out of the country after accusing her of insighting hatred against the government and the royal family there. >> be careful what you say. the teacher was accused of
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radical insults. she wrote an article critical of what happened. health officials are trying to figure out what poisoned 20 condors between chile and argentina. they think they may have eaten the car kass of animals that were poisoned. we've seen so many major league baseball players kicked off the field for using performance enhancing drugs. what are the drugs doing to the players who use them? >> much of this came into focus when we had big time players handed some pretty stiff suspensions. many of those suspended are from
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latin america are the drugs are readily available. >> those who dream of making the big leagues by taking the drugs could lose a lot more than a contract. >> reporter: training hours in the tropical heat are long but no one is complaining. many teenagers see baseball as a only ticket out of poverty. in their efforts, some are putting themselves at risk. >> some players inject themselves with the substance that is normally used for horses. >> it's viedly available in the moe sin can republic. pedro mdied four months ago.
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>> he felt dizzy. the coach told him to do laps around the field. he dropped his head and fell to the ground. by the time we fwot to the hospital his heart was no long beating. the players parents denied a request for the interview. his father cnn the death certifica certificate. >> my son died of a heart attack while training. there were false rumors that said he had taken a drug. >> coachers and players who deflied to speak say performance enhancing drugs are widely available in the dominican republ
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republic. eight were born in the dominican republic out of 14. >> reporter: the veteran out fielder has never been linked to banned substances. in a town where so many children dream of the big leagues, anything that can help them follow in his footsteps seem to be fair game. >> how easy is it if r the players to fwget the peds. >> some of the people said it's as easy as going to the pharmacy and getting vitamins that may or may not be safe for you or go to the veterinarian and get there substance which is sold over the
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counter, proprescription, no need to monitor the dosage. it's very, very open. it's widely available. >> if you can buy it over the counter what can be done. >> not a whole lot in the area. there's a lot being done in the area of provengs. some of these teams that are training the kids have doctors on staff that are frequently monitoring the kids for signs they may be using some of these substances. some kids that have heart conditions already need to be monitor monitored. >> good to see you. >> thank you. coming up, it's hot. not just for a lot of you in states, it's record breaking heat for some innize ya.
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>> one country is telling people turn off your air-conditioners or the power will go out. these are the refrigerator pants. this is how you stay cool. we'll talk about that. >> chad meyers might be wearing some. how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon...lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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i want the take you back to a story we mentioned earlier. the 27-year-old who became history by becoming the first saudi woman to reach the top of the highest mountain. >> she reached the summit of mt. everest back in may. >> becky anderson talked to her. >> in my mind i september thinking 745, 80% people die on the way dough. i september saying accept. when you raelds you can see the curvature of the earth it makes you bet down. someone said what is barbie doing on the mountain. i said don't let the disney princess hair fool you. i saw them on the way down. i said hi, you see my rock.
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it was my way of telling them don't stereo type. >> she said she never gave up but she did worry about the cold. >> she said she blocked out the thoughts of the cold by focusing on her parents supporting her. people have been battling extreme heat in asia. >> in japan more than 50 people have died from the heat. temperatures hitting 105 tegds. over in china delays causing water shortages. the heat been putting a strain on the electrical grid. turn off your air-conditioners. sdpr what had chieers joining us about this. south yee has -- south korea ha
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massive shortage. >> a little fan blowing through there. >> any way. they are very thin polyester. the air does flow through. they are 3.50 for white and black and $5 for the colorful one. >> i thought you would soak them in water. they want to still wear long pants in the summer. wear it as think as you can. shook at this. this is the hottest temperature ever worded anywhere in japan, any season. 106. they've had their power problems as well in japan. china, 104. shanghai was 99. it's just hot everywhere across this area. somebody that may help china a bit is this utor.
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baghdad but it's about what you're tuesdayed to. when you pack that many people spoo the place lace and turn off the air-conditioning, you fry a few nerves. coming up, w all had a neighbor that does something we don't quite like. >> check out what this guy did. he turned his penthouse into a mountain top get away. the people people below not impressed. ishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes.
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[ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide
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take a look at what is trending. >> it is indeed. this sun one of my favorite stories. one man has spelled this on the top of his 26 story building. >> reporter: t causing a fire storm on social immediate yea in chinese. a chinese medicine professor has r built this. the people have been saying there's cracks forming.
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many people feel it would be untouchable. >> try doing that if you're not a member of the communist party. pamela, it took him year and now they are saying 15 years. >> years and not to mention how much money it took. >> take it away. "newsroom" starts right now. >> he may have only months to live. a teenage in georgia is in need of a transplant. the family says the hospital won't put his name on the list. anthony weiner is dropping hints abtd his wife's potential 2016
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