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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  August 14, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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this is piers morgan live. welcome to
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hearing reports of clashes breaking out. else where, angry mobs of supporters and ousted president mohamed morsi even attacking churches. it felt as if one was beginning to see the edges of egyptian society . people are so angry. so much anger out there. the security forces here not only having to deal with trying to clear those morsi supporters from the two main sit-in sites but multiple front lines erupting across the capital. there were supporters of the ousted president trying to break through the ranks of the riot police to reach one of the main sit in sites and clashes in another location in cairo where morsi supporters actually managed to set up another sit-in site. hundreds of them are still that in that location.
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they have established a makeshift barricades around it. a field hospital. they have begun building a stage. they are saying they are going to stay there. the security forces are going to have to deal with that. it is not just the dynamic of security forces clashing with morsi supporters. you also have anti morsi residents in some of these neighborhoods getting involved, as well. in some other areas, neighborhood watch being set up. residents, check points, manning these check points themselves armed with bats. it's an incredibly tense situation here. a lot of people fearful of what the next stage of this chapter of egypt's bloody history will bring. >> and also, dangerous day for journalist. we saw three journalest lose their life today including mcelderry dean who previously worked for cnn. you yourself came under fire at one stage. i want to show footage of that now and talk to you afterwards. >> reporter: for some of these
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hard-core supporters you will see them out there but then at the same time you have -- do you believe journalists, including yourself, are under attack here or is it caught up in the general mayhem. >> reporter: it is difficult to judge that. at number of the colleagues out there in their reporting that was coming out talking about how police threatened them, telling them to get away if they saw them again they would be shot. you had at least three journalist who were killed. there were a number on other journalist who were wounded. dozens of journalist reportedly detained in some cases beaten as well. look, egypt has never been a country that's exactly been
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friendly to the press corps, no matter what story you're covering may be. we saw similar violence towards journalists back in the days of the uprising of mubarak. it's a difficult country to work in as a journalist. a lot of people angry at the press, especially angry at the foreign media. in one of the areas today outside of the main city, we had a very angry woman throw a brick at us. the crowds there turning against us. we were advised to leave the scene. so it's a very difficult environment to navigate, especially because the front lines here, too with violence are not entirely clear. >> stay safe out there. dangerous situation and i appreciate all the reporting for us. i want to bring in egyptian journalist, mona she knows how quickly it could spiral out of control. she was arrested in 2011 while
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reporting on the revolution and joins me by phone. mona, thank you for joining me. the last time we talked was mubarak scenes. it seems a long way away. what do you think is going on and how bad can this get? >> it's been a horrible day, piers. i want to condemn the mass killing by the security services and the church torchings that happened across the country, and i'm speaking to you right now in a cairo under curfew, as many other provinces across the country are. i want to stress one thing, and this is important. we have to stop the bloodshed. the revolution was not launched in the name of an islamic or military state. the revolution was launched in the name of freedom and social dignity and social justice. and we need wise heads to rise above the horrendous day and say, let's sit down and talk and stop shooting at each other, stop killing at each other and burning churches. egypt is bigger than this.
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i refuse to believe the revolution is dead. we have not lost ail of these people and we have not fought this hard, for more than 60 years now we have been fighting to break a dangerous paradigm. we've been told you must choose between military or the muslim brotherhood and equipment is bigger than those. as i said i condemn the killings. i think it was a big mistake for those security services to violently disbers. i believe in everybody's right to peacefully protest anywhere and too keep -- they must keep the protest peaceful but we know too well how violence and brutal the security services are and we saw that today. >> mona, thank you very much indeed for joining me. the world is watching in horror. today john kerry called the situation deplorable. how would the white house react? joining me now middle east analyst and journalist ivan
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watson. this is a god awful mess, isn't it? no other way of putting it. how bad do you think it will get. >> it is scary and heart breaking to see. it is hard to believe it was a little more than two years ago, piers, that egypt looked like it was embarking on this incredible hopeful period of democracy. now, i think it is very clear, since the military coup at the beginning of july and now with this tremendous loss of life that that experiment in democracy is truly dead. the options in the future -- i don't understand where the military planners think they can go. how can you hold elections when the first democratically elected president of the country mohamed morsi is in detention in an undisclosed location for six weeks, much of the muslim brotherhood is arrested and a
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colossal loss of life, as well. are they hoping this many muslim brotherhood, a movement that survived for decades in egypt facing torture and serious repression and persecution from previous dictatorships, are they believing these people will simply disappear? they are part of egyptian society. i guess the measures that we saw today seem to be an effort to crush this part of egyptian society. >> let's listen to what secretary of state john kerry had to say. >> today's events are deplorable. and they run counter to egyptian peace, conclusion and genuine democracy. egyptians inside and outside of the government need to take a step back. they need to calm the situation and avoid further loss of life. we also strongly oppose a return to a state of emergency law.
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>> the problem is nobody's mentioning the "c" word, coup. what we are seeing is obviously a military coup. why are the americans per insisting otherwise. >> it is the toughest language the united states has used since egypt became the u.s.' closest ally in the '70s but the united states faces a tough dilemma now. what to do about the most important dmunt the arab world, a corner stone in the peace process, received $30 billion in u.s. aid since the peace process began in the late '70s and the military, which many of whose leaders including the current leader were trained in the united states. the fact is united states has to decide what to do about $1.5 billion provided annually to
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egypt and military exercises. there are a lot of other stakes, not just the peace process but the use of the suz canal for trade and military issues. there are a huge number of issues that washington has to face. it's not just the obama administration. it's also congress, which may well pressure the white house to take tougher action. because of that issue of the coup. senators graham and mccain were in egypt recently and used the word coup, alienating many in egypt but that's exactly what it was. they warned about the dangers of dissb disintegration in to bloodshed and the role the united states tried to play as mediator between the military and the muslim brotherhood to try to find a compromise is now moot. there's not much the united states can do. >> thank you very much both indeed. obviously update you with any developments in egypt.
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the breaking news about the kidnapping of hannah anderson. search warrants with shocking details including dimaggio may have tortured hannah's mother and brother. autopsy shows he was shot five times the cause of death will not be formally determined until toxicology tests have been performed. hannah is speaking out about what happened to her. she answered questions from strangers by strangers on joining me is charles sophi, the psychiatrist of the l.a. county department of family and children services. extraordinary revelations coming out from the warrants issued. according to these documents james dimaggio torch and killed his best friend's wife and 8-year-old son and shot the dog after a double homicide and set the house on fire. he goes in to more detail about that. it also, if you couple it with
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the revelations from hannah anderson in this very far-reaching series of questions and answers with random strangers, she revealed more details about why she had no idea apparently what happened to her mother and son and he befriended her that he needed help in carrying stuff to the river and she had to take backpack after backpack for him and he was armed an dangerous threatening her all along. what do you make of this? >> i think there is more of the story than we understand at this point. whenever there is a convergence of a family friend, uncle, relative, who is an odd-acting person they have an influence over the family. there's also the thing we forget about, those parents have let that person in to the lives of their children and there's a boundary issue there and i wonder why would that happen? where's her dad while she's on social media? where's her mother and father to not know this guy is creepy and she feels creepy about him.
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>> it does feel strange. to the q and a's, are you happy they shot him, would you want him to live in prison she wrote he deserved what he got. finding my mom and ethan and the dog were dead. where were you on when the fire went off, on the road to idaho. where were you when they found out? sitting on the ground, why didn't you run? he would have killed me. the thing went off and caught fire and burned. he told us he was losing his house. this is dimaggio, because of money issues. we went up one last time to support him and have fun riding go-carts up there but he tricked us. he said where were you in the process of burning the house down. she said he set it so it would catch on fire at a certain time. building a picture, really, of him trapping them in the house,
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clearly having an issue with the property and losing it perhaps. killing, and torturing the mother and son to death perhaps. but oblivious hannah going with him to help in his moving stuff to the river. here's another interesting fact that came out which is they apparently saved 13 phone calls during the day. hannah anderson, the 16-year-old teenager and her kidnapper , james dimaggio. what do you read in to though? >> the same thing you are saying. there is an obvious connection. we don't know anything. there was a long-standing history of her knowing him. not really a good connection. he creeped her out. she felt some powerlessness around him and he owned them, why were they going up there to help him feel better, how did she know he set a fire and was going to go up there? there is a conflicting piece to this.
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she has been traumatized. she said things that will probably be different as time moves on. >> do you think he had a crush on you or a rumor. she said yes he did. he said it was more of a family crush. he had feelings as if he wanted nothing bad to happen to me. did he do anything sexual to you any way. she said i can't answer that. did he tell you he wanted to be with you? >> he took me to the river and i had to carry 50-pound backpacks up mountains. why didn't you tell your parents he creeped you out. because he was a close family friend and i didn't want to -- >> if we do assume that it is far too much pressure for a 16-year-old girl to be almost a percent in her family. it is a similar dynamic when there is a perpetrator and victim and bully effect.
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and if you tell people what goes on with us i will hurt -- these thinly veiled threats that people that are victimized believe. >> any relation to james dimaggio sister laura robinson. the authorities tapped her phone and say through further investigation it is believed laura robinson is possibly aiding dimaggio in his capture by authorities when he's on the run. robinson had multiply unlarge number of calls on the day of the crime. we don't know her explanation for the calls. but a huge wealth of information coming out about this and some unanswered question s. >> many. >> thank you very much for joining me. when we come back, america's marijuana obsession. dr. sanjay gupta changed his mind about marijuana and montel williams is here to thank him. we'll explain why. [ male announcer ] what's important to you?
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sanjay gupta getting on the mary jane train. chief medical correspondent of the cannabis news network. talking some weed with erin burnout and wolf blitzer. >> he still owes me $10,000 for the bet he made that i wouldn't find a video of myself of me dying on a segway. he maybe laughing about cannabis but it is a serious one. should it be legal or a crime? montel williams uses marijuana every day for effects of multiple sclerosis. and sanjay gupta who's documentary on weed. i have talked to you about your daily use of marijuana. i believe you take some every
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day. >> we haven't been able to talk in a while. i have been involved in a unique program. it has been helping me. so i don't have to use as much as i have in the past. when i try to use it like i was using vicodin or other medication. most of the time when i go to sleep at night i have night cramps and tremors and they cause that pain that stays there at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning so i normally use in the evening. part of the reason i reached out to you, piers, last week while i was in chile, the second i saw sanjay promoting his sunday special and the fact he said, i stopped and looked at the research. did what a doctor is supposed to do. looked at the research and now i'm ready to at least look at this under a different light. his mind isn't completely changed but it is in the direction that let's support the research that is there that says
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this is an efficacious agent and doctors should be able to prescribe it. >> well said. >> for someone like you who suffered in pain for years and years and constantly put out a belief that you do believe that marijuana could be used in a medical way to help people in your position, you must feel not only vindicated by the debate but grateful to sanjay, an imminent doctor making such a public u-turn. >> i don't know whether i would hug or kiz this guy. what we have been waiting for in this movement. not the movement to legalize. that's not what i'm involved in at all. i'm talking about the fact that i have a relationship with a doctor that can right now prescribe me any myriad of physotropic medication to help my pain from the most extreme to the others. i'm not going to name them because i don't want to put any of them anymore. opiates don't work for me.
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this is a drug that works. if sanjay was my doctor and he says i think i should prescribe this tablet for you to eat or this to smoke each night. i prefer you not smoke but i think it will work for you and it will help you work and be a contributing member of society that's the kind of doctor i want and that's the relationship i think i should have with my doctor. he fact he is such a preeminent doctor and not just in the united states but worldwide. i want more doctors to recognize his statement. do the research. that's all we ask. >> you got enormous ratings for this special. some of the biggest rating cnn has had outside of breaking news. showing interest. america is moving, many believe, to at least bring manage medical use of cannabis in a legalized way and possibly recreationally. you have been keen to stress the med call benefits, not straying far in to recreational.
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similar position of montel. you have attracted a lot of flak this week from some doctors who say this is dangerous and shouldn't be happening. i've got one of those doctors coming up after the break. what's the response to the criticism you have had this week? >> a lot of the criticism -- first of all, you talk to a guy like montel and he's been ahead of the curve on this, and been talking about this for years because he's lived this. i wish more people, myself included, would have paid attention to the chorus of patients with legitimate problems who got legitimate benefit from this. having said that, i think the criticism often is from this dichotomy of what if you do this, what about the kids? i get it. i have kids. i understand that concern and all of that. i don't think either montel or i are saying this is something we would advocate for kids to start taking. if the tradeoff is because of the concern about kids that patients will then be denied therapy, that works for them.
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like montel williams and like hundreds and thousands of other patients out there. that is not something that i think doctors or frankly any compassionate person should accept. >> piers, i have to tell you, before we go to break, honestly, for the last 37 years in the united states of america, our federal government already figured out how to do it. every single month they send one of these out to patients. it started with 30, 22 patients and four are alive. they get 500 marijuana cigarettes rolled by the federal government, grown at the university of mississippi and then sent out to dispensaries every month. this isn't that hard. all we have to do is have the president of the united states change it from schedule one to schedule two. bring it under the controls that we already have and therefore pharmacies could dispense it. they already have saves. we have a system in place and if our government has been testing it, growing it and selling it for 37 years, how long is it
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going to take them to figure it out? >> there's a hypocrisy here, piers. it's amazing. that's an example of the hypocrisy. the united states government also owns a patent on marijuana as a medical application. montel has it here. we have a patent through our department of health and human services on marijuana as a therapeutic and we scheduled it as a scheduled one saying it has no medical application. >> we are going to go to the break but let me come back with the director of adolescent substance abuse program and the chair of the academic of american pediatrics and she has a different view and i'm sure it will be a forth right discussion coming up after the break. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas,
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secretary of state john kerrgat benefits of medical marijuana out weigh the risks? back with me now is montel williams that uses marijuana every day. dr. sharon weaver joins me, boston's children's hospital. dr. leevy, you heard what dr. sanjay says and montel who actively uses marijuana to deal with his pain successfully, why are you so opposed to this? >> well, i oppose medical marijuana, i want to start by saying there's a lot i do agree with both sanjay and montel. so it's pretty clear that there
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are a lot of potential therapeutic effects of cabavanoids. there is canabadial helping the little girl in the documentary and as a physician, i think it's really important that we develop these as medications, and i'm not here to try and block patients who really need this -- really need the therapy from getting it. the issue is, though, that it's -- i would say as a medication, it's not really quite ready for primetime. there's a lot we don't know about it. we don't have a good idea how to do dosing. we don't know about the pharma kinetics about the substance the issue really is that for every patient who would benefit from medical marijuana, there are probably several others who could be harmed by marijuana but using it for a condition that's really not going to help it.
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>> but, i mean, isn't it certainly absurd the u.s. government still classifieds marijuana in the same category with lsd and heroin which are drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. quite clearly, even you agree with sanjay and montel there is clear evidence that it does bring therapeutic help and medical help where appropriate. so the classification seems to be completely wrong, doesn't it? >> well, you know, i think that there has been difficulty in studying cannabinoids because of circumstances that were brought up in the special and other interviews we have seen on cnn. . we know that there are more agencies regulating cannabinoids.
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that may need to be addressed. as physicians we could be ed a slow kate for fixing the regulatory problem so we can study in the proper way and use it as medications. i worry, though, that medical marijuana is really a work around and whenever you do a work around, you can make mistakes and that's why those regulatory processes are there in the first place. and so i think we need to fix them, but i don't think that we should be going around them. >> let's play something from the riveting documentary "weed." this is charlotte 5 years old suffering 300 epileptic seizures a week. she's down to one a week from a formula of marijuana that didn't got her high. let's watch this clip. >> reporter: it was his 5-year-old daughter charlotte seizing. diagnosed with a severe form of epilepsy she was having 300 seizures a attack. each attack so severe it had the
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potential to kill her. they tried dozens of high-powdered drugs. >> we needed to try something else, and at that point in time marijuana was that natural course of action to try. >> reporter: holding charlotte in her arms, page waited. an hour ticked by, and then another and then another. >> she didn't have a seizure that day and then she didn't have a seizure that night. >> just sit there and look at your watch? >> yeah, i thought this is crazy. she didn't have one the next day and the next day. i thought -- she would have had 100 by now. i just -- i know, i just thought this is insane. >> yeah, i still get goose bumps watching that. i agree with dr. leevy. to give you context with charlotte who is like several different anti-seizure medications. she was on medications that could potentially be toxic.
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they wanted to compound a veterinary pill for her. when they suggested marijuana, everyone thought, hang on a second. that's crazy. marijuana, come on now. and look at her. she's on a medication now that for her is clearly working. working better than everything else out there and for her far less toxic. i don't want you to think this is an antidotal story. she is emblemmatic of so many other patients. >> montel, you have had trouble at airports stopped with marijuana pipes and so on. to me, the story, we are all stunned by it and in awe over what happened in solving her terrible affliction with medical marijuana. if she steps foot out of colorado where it is legal she could end up breaking the law in other states for something that has certainly almost saved her life. that can't be right, can it?
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>> well, again, you know, my point of view isn't that we should be trying to keep cabbanoids away from people like charlotte. clearly it helped her. the best way to deliver them maybe extracts of marijuana. you know, i hope that in the future that we are able to do a little better, able to develop these substances as a medication like every other. you know, i certainly don't imagine ever recommending that any patient smoke a medication. there's been some illusion to that. i think all of these steps are very important. for a child, like charlotte, that may mean that we need to have some mechanism for compassionate use because clearly she can't wait. >> okay. let me go to montel on this for
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a final word from you. you are a classic example of somebody whose life has been immeasui immeasurably. >> we need to do the research. for the last 38 years our federal government has wasted money researching something and dispensing. why not expand the program and allow me to have what our government grows that they over 38 years say is efficacious. and people that receive this canister they can travel state to state to state with this canister. i spent 22 years in the military supporting and defending the constitution of the united states in a uniform. i should have the same rights our government affords other people. they give it to some for their problems and give it to me. i don't have to worry because this is a pass to take it with me . >> i'm totally with you and
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sanjay. i understand the concerns dr. levy. thank you for joining me. good to see you, montel. i keep thinking why is he not doing his own show on television. >> i'm coming back. >> discuss that at another time. i will leave it. there sanjay's special "weed" is reairing on cnn 10:00 p.m. eastern on friday following my one-hour special on pot which is equally fascinating a riveting subject which americans are debating. i urge you to watch it on cnn on friday night. coming up next, michael jackson's ex-wife testifies about his drug use. all the latest live from the courthouse. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand.
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"not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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that wasn't good. >> get out of my way! >> how's paris doing? >> michael jackson's ex-wife leaving the courthouse after testifying in the wrongful death suit against aeg. the family says the company is responsible for his death because they hired and failed to supervise conrad murray. he choked about when she talked about michael jackson's fear of pain. pretty dramatic emotional performance from debbie rowe. what did you make of what
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happened? >> well, you know what, it was sad, piers, the story she told. that is of competing doctors trying to give mn michael jackson as much pain medication as they could and trying to one up each other while he was recovering from the pepsi commercial debacle where he burned his head and through his life and she testified she saw during the munich germany, victory tour michael getting propofol proep. she talked about his drug use and how low he got during this period. it comes back to the doctors she says was taking advantage of him. she did the one thing she was supposed for aeg and that is describe the event in germany. she wanted to say jackson and jackson himself plotted this and they had no idea he had this
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problem before hiring him for the concert series he was preparing for before he died. >> who should aeg -- should aeg be blamed for michael jackson's death. i am joined now by tom. a fascinating day with debbie rowe n. the end was a picture built that helps aeg in the sense of jackson's long-time use of propofol and all of the doctors, not just conrad murray, cueing up to supply it for them. >> i think it helped katherine jackson and michael's children. both sides are trying to prove he had an addiction to painkillers and prescriptions. they are saying aeg knew about this because one of their executive was his tour manager in the '90s and hired someone to help him. defense wants to show he was
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responsible for his demise and if they are held liable they want to keep damages low. they want to say his addiction lowered the value of his career, lowered whatever expectations there were what about he could earn. both are trying to prove he was addicted. i think she helped catherine and michael's children. what she described is something that aeg, in my opinion, had to know about because of their constant involvement with michael, particularly the executive that was his tour manager on two tours i think aeg is hard pressed to say we never heard it was going on, knew nothing about it. it is news to us, particularly when they said they investigated conrad murray and changed their position saying we said that but really didn't do it. >> if conrad murray is the latest in a long line of doctors that has been happy to support propofol, we are talking about a
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50-year-old man, not a young teenager, someone in charge of his life in many ways. if he was using conrad murray as he had many other doctors to give him what he wanted, does that not in a way help aeg's case, too? >> that's not what i think happened. i think what aeg did was -- they were willing to take big risks to get big returns. they knew they could make a fortune if michael jackson's comeback was successful. what they mistakenly did, looking back ward is agreed to take responsibility for conrad murray. pay him $150,000 a month. sent him an agreement to sign, where they talked about the obligations they would have with respect to him and sent e-mails reminding everyone who was paying conrad murray and suggesting they were putting pressure on conrad murray to make him perform. i think the problem is they took some risks, including taking responsibility for murray as what price to pay for getting him on a comeback plan that would have been the biggest
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entertainment comeback in history. >> so right now, dollar for dollar, tom, your money would be on aeg losing this case? >> that's what i think. now i have not been in the courtroom. i'm not allowed in there because i'm on the plaintiff's witness list but i think the plaintiff's lawyer is the best civil plaintiff's lawyer in america. i have often said nobody else in los angeles comes close. from what i have heard i think he is doing a bang up job and i think catherine and the kids will win and win big. what michael jackson could have earned the rest of his career i think exceeds a billion dollars. >> thank you. coming up, real secrets of bradley manning. we know about the spying but was he a cross dresser the government released this photo of him today. we are breaking the news next humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement
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♪ pain relievers -- they don't compare. pamprin's not just pain relief. it's period relief. . >> at his sentencing he apologized for hurting his country. the most revealing moments were about his private life and personal struggles. we are breaking news tonight with los angeles time reporter westin and the host of -- live. what an exotic name you have there which i struggled. let's talk before we get to
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private manning about hannah anderson. i find an intriguing development. she has gone on-line. a teenager thing to do. who what do you think of that and that she is revealing all of the information. >> what is shocking about that if this is hannah speaking to the public is there isn't someone watching over her at this pivotal time and keeping her away from forums like that which psychologists have said can drudge up she shouldn't be thinking or talking about right now. where's the dad in all of this? where are the psychiatrists? >> it seems odd, doesn't it. >> it is definitely odd. >> i don't want to mislead people. she's clearly the victim here. >> she is 16 years old and we all make mistakes when we are 16 and do things we regret. it tells us where we are in this time where technology plays a huge role in our lives. she went through a horrific experience. i can't bhaj she is going through and rather than having
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reporters calling her and knocking on the door she has ability to approach people on her own vee ya the internet and have no filter and that's what is going on. >> let's turn to bradley manning extraordinary development where we see a picture of him dressed as a woman, in a wig and so on and a lot of details of a difficult upbringing with parents who had drinking problems and he had characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome according to to a military psychiatrist. it is an odd development in a high-profile case. >> it is an important attempt by his team to humanize him. i think it raises what this case has raised is how do you have a kid like that with those kinds of problems who's curled up in a fetal position and carving things in to a chair sent back to his desk to deal with sensitive information. we assume all of these people are handling sensitive,
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classified information are adults rational adults and it is reeling they keep a guy like this on the job that they are so under staffed they need him there. >> when we look at bradley manning and edward snowden and all of these whistle-blowers are they hero s to you? >> absolutely. i think bradley manning is somebody i commend for what he did. i think the focus on his personal background is a distraction. sure, it's an attempt by the defense while in the sentencing phase to try to get some mercy from the judge. they want the sentence reduced. this kid is facing a reduced sentence of a maximum of 90 years in jail. a lot of people have been focusing on the apology saying maybe did he mislead or disappoint his supporters out there. absolutely not. what options does he have left? he is convicted, facing 90 years in jail. if you go back to statements he made at the pretrial hearing in february, he read a 35-page document where he spoke about how this is a matter of conscience for him and he wanted
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to spark debachlt i think it is travesty what the government has done to bradley manning an this way they treated him. he was detained three years before he got a trial. some at the brig in quantico , stripped naked in isolation. >> not our job to weigh in on that. the kid is delusional, talking about how his disclosures could end the wars in iraq and afghanistan and wars for all time. this is not somebody that should be handling life and death. >> they are disclosures no one else is willing to make. same thing with edward snowden. if you want to talk about the debate over the nsa and the changes the president is announcing they wouldn't happen without the whistle-blowers. >> that's all for us tonight. anderson starts in a few moments. ything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing.
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breaking news, a massacre in egypt and a bloody mess for washington. later tonight, hannah anderson tells the story of her abduction and why she is glad the man who kidnapped her, a close family friend, is dead. the controversy continues as new york and chicago start a war of words over a key question, is it plain old good policing or old-fashioned racial profiling wch he call in the philadelphia police chief to referee. we begin with breaking news. the war fought on the streets of egypt and the huge problem it has become for the obama administration. at this hour, state of emergency is in effect across the country and 278 people, mostly opposition members, mostly in cairo, are dead. this is video of egyptian security forces raiding one of the camps ther


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