tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN August 16, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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wolf,blitzer and tweet the show, and i'll be back in one hour. i'm filling in for anderson cooper on "ac360." thanks for watching. "erin burnet outfront" starts right now. another day of horrific violence in egypt. the death toll near 700. the lack of a response from the president of the united states because of israel. plus new revelations about just how far the federal government's spying program crossed the line. there's shocking new reports on the nsa. and guess what? they could be just of the tip of the iceberg. what you don't know about other spying programs at this moment where you are and we're talking about drones in america. and an amazing breakthrough about the government's super secret spy property. the truth about area 51. it is real. this is no joke. a special report from people who know. let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone, i'm erin burnett, "outfront" thont we begin with breaking news. dozens more killed in egypt tonight. pressure building on the obama administration. the death toll this week is nearly 700, almost as many as the number killed during the entire arab spring revolution in egypt. there's no sign of calm. thousands of protesters defied a government-imposed curfew tonight. so, what does the u.s.' closest all ally, israel, do to keep pumping aid into cairo? john king "outfront" tonight. israel wants them to keep sending the $1.3 billion aid to egypt. israel believe aids will keep radical islamists from taking control. but some people are asking, is israel calling the shots on what president obama is doing? >> calling the shots, erin, the
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administration would say no, but does israel get a big voice in this? of course, they do. this is the biggest u.s. ally in the region. this is part of the conversation. leading voices even senator mk say i mccain saying we might have to cut the aid. nobody can answer the question what does egypt's future look like. if you are israel, this is the devil you know. since you've had the peace agreement with israel, it's not perfect, but you don't have now since morsi came to power, an occasional rocket from the sinai, israel believes, yes, there are problems with the egyptian military, but it has a relationship of relative trust and understanding and a relationship of relative security. so, israel knows this isn't perfect but its message to the united states is we don't know what would be next and we know these guys and we can work with them most of the time. >> and, john, before you go, just this crucial question, the united states has said, look, we're giving this aid because it's important for stability. and we get leverage with the egyptian government by giving this aid. obviously leverage at this point, right?
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they've called and said don't do this, don't burn these churches, don't jail these people and don't do these things and it's still happening. the leverage doesn't add up and the aid has kept flowing unabated and the situation has become less and less stable as time has passed. how long can the u.s. government use that argument with a straight face? >> that's the hard part. they say we have the relationship with the military so generals and colonels can call each other and they trained with each other and it can work. and people are saying where's the proof that you can have a circuit breaker here? that's a huge question. however, the administration's response back is the military while far from perfect the peace agreement with egypt has held. and they do see some areas where they say it's better than it would be. it's not good. but it's better than morsi, the question is, you riaise a good point, the military is responsible for a lot of the bloodshed and how much pressure will mount on the pressure but the white house's answer is what's the alternative?
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>> thanks very much to you, john king. pretty interesting. the second story "outfront," the obama administration broke the law, the national security agency internal audit said the nsa violated privacy rules gathering phone calls made by americans without warrants. thousands of times a year. now, this audit was provided to "the washington post" by the nsa leaker edward snowden, but this is what's going to amaze you. it was never provided to congress, which as you know has been defending the nsa and all of its actions. but they didn't know the truth. we're going to have more on that bombshell revelation later on this hour. but the nsa, you know, as big as it is just one little cog in america's spying wheel. another that's been under intense fire is drones, and drones are watching you right now as you sit at home watching this show in ways that you don't know. chris lawrence is "outfront." >> reporter: a thermal camera so sense tev it detects the footprints of someone who just walked across a carpet. new digital sims tystems that m
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store millions of hours of real time video. >> start to build up a wealth of information. >> but as americans worry about the federal government's secret surveillance program, there's a wave of local capability just on the horizon. from cameras to drones. >> there's a lot of law enforcement agencies and firefighting agencies that are looking to use the technology. >> well over 1,000 local agencies have applied for drone permits across the country from police departments in miami-dade and houston, texas, to the ohio department of transportation. >> we're looking at a future where, you know, police departments could deploy dozens of even hundreds of these flying robotic video cameras. >> reporter: they can do constant surveillance on 25 square mile areas and could be soon married to drones so inexpensive even small towns could afford them. how's this any different from a police car following behind me or an officer standing outside my house? >> there's a police officer who can see you. you can see them, right? what you don't know is if there's a camera up in the
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clouds following you everywhere you go. >> reporter: even those who support the technology say there have to be ways for the public to hold their local government accountable. >> which police officer was operating the system? where was the camera pointed when the drone was flying? what was it looking at? where was it located? >> reporter: money and budgets used to be a natural limit to local surveillance. towns could only afford so many cops and helicopters. but that may not matter as much with this new technology. right now the faa is writing the rules on which domestic drones can fly and where. but some towns are already getting a jump. charlottesville, virginia, passed the first anti-drone law earlier this year, and similar legislation is under review in 13 other states. erin? >> all right, chris, thank you very much. and coming up, the man who allegedly admitted he killed his wife and posted a picture of her dead body on facebook is in court for the first time.
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we saw him today. he says he's not guilty. this is florida. and he's pleading self-defense. we have that story. plus, the first information in tonight on what caused the crash of a cargo plane in alabama. that coming out just a few moments ago. and it turns out the truth really was out there. the stunning revelation about the government's supersecret property area 51. it was not a conspiracy theory. it was real. and later in the show, why you should never mess with border patrol. we're going to tell you what made them do this in tonight's "shout-out." right now, 7 years of music is being streamed.
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our third story "outfront" the suspected facebook murderer. today we saw 31-year-old derrick medina for the first time in court. medina has been charged with killing his wife, 26-year-old jennifer alfonso, and then posting a graphic photo of her dead body on facebook. i warn you, this is a disturbing photo but it's important to tell this story. to understand what he did. this is what many facebook users saw on august 8th. it took five hours before facebook took this picture down and in an alleged online confession medina claimed he shot his wife because he could no longer stand the abuse. today his lawyers asked the judge to take pictures of bruises that were still visible apparently on medina's body, they say this is going to preserve evidence. he's pleaded not guilty but they likely say will claim self-defense. does it add up? "outfront" tonight our legal analyst paul callan. here we go self-defense again here in florida.
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lawyers say there's visible bruising on him. part of the confession he wrote my wife is punching me and i'm not going to stand anymore the abuse so i did what i did. i hope you understand me. bruises, is that self-defense for shooting someone? >> well, this is the battered husband defense. we usually hear it in terms of battered wives and there's some believability that attaches because the guy's usually a lot bigger and can hurt the woman. the fact pattern here, this guy says the wife punched him. he wouldn't take it anymore. he went upstairs, got his gun and he came back down stairs and then she grabbed a knife to defend herself, then he shot her but, you know, so the self-defense thing goes right out the window, you know, on that. >> let me ask you. there's a picture of the family at dinner hours before the murder. they're all smiling, sitting there together. but according to our affiliate wfor in the police report they do say the couple got into a heated argument where alfonso
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threatened to leave him and this is exactly what you are saying. he alleged pulled a gun and she got a knife and he shot her. he prepared himself to get a gun. he is in his own house and it's not sitting in a holster and he pulls the gun. >> we've become an expert in florida self-defense law because of the zimmerman case. you revisit the initial aggressioner doctrine here. when he goes upstairs to get the gun he's the initial aggressor because the prior fight has stopped. and now she can pull a knife in self-defense. he doesn't get the benefit of self-defense when he shoots her, so he loses the right to self-defense because he's the initial aggressor with the gun. that's not going to work and, of course, you know, the final thing is the picture. posting the picture on facebook. >> that was just sick. >> that's where he really shoots himself by shooting that picture because, you know, he's bragging about the killing. >> right. >> by posting it on facebook. >> and then it continues on
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facebook when he posted the picture his alleged confession which he wrote on facebook said i'm going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife. love you guys. miss you guys. take care, facebook people. you will see me in the news, which is sick on many levels. >> it really is. and, you know, it's just -- >> that's not remorseful or i was forced to do it. none of it. >> no. it's bragging about the killing and saying good-bye to your friends. why are you saying good-bye because you've committed a crime and you'll be convicted of the crime. a jury will think a battered husband defense here is laughable given the evidence we know at this point. >> thank you very much. the fourth story "outfront" new clues in to a deadly plane crash, we are just learning tonight what took place inside the cockpits seconds before the u.p.s. cargo plane crashed wednesday as it approached the birmingham, alabama, airport, two pilots on the plane, the only people on board were killed. rene marsh outfront, when they had the press conference, it took time, it was a horrific
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fire, and smoldering and they weren't able to get the black boxes. and now they have the data recorders. what have they heard? >> the flight recorders are so critical in gaining that valuable information about the final moments before the crash and they appeared to be badly damaged, but we just learned some good news tonight. there is data on those recorders. we do know that they were able to pull data off of those recorders there. and we know that the recorders captured the entire accident, the entire flight accident. now an initial review suggests there were no signs anything was wrong until the final 15 seconds. then three things happened in a rapid succession. an automated warning system can be heard alerting pilots sink rate, sink rate, indicating that the plane was descending too quickly. and right after that one pilot is heard telling the other the runway was in sight and then sounds of impact. now, we know that the plane clipped trees before landing short of the runway. both pilots died.
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sure, that's a lot of money, but what's amazing is that she built it, earned it, every dollar of it, totally, herself. still to come, disturbing new revelations about the obama administration's spy program. we'll tell you exactly how many times they crossed the line and what they spied on that you were doing. plus, a romanian princess accused of running a cockfighting ring in america. yes, you heard that right, i didn't just suddenly lose my mind and have strang things come out of my mouth. and did robin thicke blur the lines with his new hit? some are saying, it may be the new hit of the summer but it's not original. it guides you to a number that will change your
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limited edition memory foam mattress sets. sleep number. comfort individualized. the beach on your tv is much closer than it appears. dive into labor day with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. so you want to drive more safely? of smart. stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪
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our fifth story "outfront" "blurred lines" talk about blurred lines, got a big lawsuit out now. robin thicke's "blurred lines" is the favorite story of the summer. was it fluxed by marvin gaye's "got to give it up" thicke said "blurred lines" was created without copying anyone else and there is are no similarities to anyone else. he heard gay's estate may actually sue him for a heck of a lot of money so he sued first. "outfront" cnn contributor lawyer dino. it was said that "blurred lines" was stolen from marvin gaye's "got to give it up" and also funkadelic's "sexy ways." first let's play marvin gaye's
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"got to give it up." ♪ >> okay. now, here's robin thicke, "blurred lines." ♪ ♪ hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey ♪ >> i don't think it's looking for robin thicke. let me play funkadelic's "sexy ways." and then we'll weigh in on who iswhe cheating who. ♪ i need you in so many ways, you turn it on ♪ ♪ >> all right, i'm not a musician so i don't know where that would come from but marvin gaye's "got
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to give it up" and robin thicke's "blurred lines" seems to be a problem to the lay ear. >> that's part of it, though, to be honest. but the standard is substantial similarity and not just similar and it can't bee the same genre or conjure up the same song it really has to be so close that you haven't changed anything to make it an original work and if it's not an original work there is copyright infringement, the more you change it it's an original work and you have the copy right and you own it. >> you are saying i can basically steal and change a note and i can't be busted. >> you will likely be sued but you might win. i'm not saying it's not as clear as it sounds when you hear it. there will be experts testifying about music composition. >> i lose my pride and credibility and you win the case. >> and you probably feel good about it. >> thicke filed this against the marvin gaye estate. plaintiffs who have the utmost respect for and admiration of marvin gaye, funkadelic and their musical legacies
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reluctantly filed this action in the face of multiple adverse claims from alleged successors to those artists, defendants continue to insist the massively successful composition "blurred lines" copies their song. he's got the number one song, so he went ahead and sued first because, why? >> well, it's probably counterintuitive, you are filing a lawsuit to prevent a bigger lawsuit that's what he's doing. it almost makes no sense. it's like honey boo-boo and some things don't make sense. that's what it is. robin thicke is not suing marvin gaye's estate for money. he does not want damages. he wants a declaration by the court that it's his copyright and his song. >> and marvin gaye can't get money off him. >> so marvin gaye doesn't turn around and sue him for much bigger. >> a lot of money? >> all the profits and less expenses and an injunction not to sell the song to anyone else or movies or legal fees, it could be millions of dollars, frankly, it's a lot of money.
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if you are successful, lady gaga, kanye west, madonna sued. if you are successful, you get sued. hoping you get sued. >> i haven't heard what they got sued for, so maybe i would also think they stole, but this to me sounds like -- it sounds wrong. >> you ruled. judge burnet. >> judge burnet has ruled! all right, thank you very much, dino. still to come, chris christie finally makes a decision about marijuana, or does he? plus, surprising revelations about a place that you probably thought unless you were a conspiracy theorist that somebody made fun of, you were right, what we know about the mysterious area 51, we've got a special report from those who know. and rise of the giant babies. it was here.
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this spot. this is where i had my moment. i had to get help for my addiction to opioids. prescription pain killers. until then, i'd always worry do i have enough? [ mother ] withdrawal scared me. i couldn't face rehab. but at that moment... i found the courage that led me here. [ male announcer ] at, you'll learn that opioid dependence is a real medical condition and there are different, comprehensive ways to get help, including those in a private setting, without the need for daily visits. make now your moment. checking out of the hilton shouldn't be a pity party. your next trip is calling. saying, "deb, find a view for two at a conrad." or "make room for more at an embassy suites, deb."
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories where we focus on our reporting from the front lines on a friday. well, a trial date has not been set for oscar pistorius, the olympian accused of murdering his girlfriend in south africa according to a family spokeswoman who tells us there still may be no date after he appears in court on monday, that will be a significant day. but when he finally does stand trial, the defense said the trial could last a year and after all that time the question is, is there a chance that the blade runner as you know him could make a comeback?
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louis johnson olympic commentator tells it's not likely because pistorius may well be blacklisted by the world's track and field event organizers. this is some story. it's a friday. in oregon a romanian princess, yes, appeared in court, after she was arrested for being part of a cockfighting ring. princess walker was the third daughter of romanian's exiled king michael i. her husband, her, and several others face a dozen charges including operating an illegal gambling business and conspiracy to violate the animal welfare act. cockfighting is illegal in all states and accord to peta it can spread disease. by the way, she also apparently was 95th in line to the brit enthrone. hmm. it might surprise you that blackberry ceo heinz stands to make $56 million if the company is sold and he has to leave. that's according to a proxy filing the details first reported by bloomberg news.
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it may surprise you because blackberry has been struggling its share has fallen to 3% from 50.5% a year ago. we told you about tom hornten who will get a $20 million severance if the deal is made with us airways if he leaves the company he gets $20 million. if blackberry under this guy's leadership which has been plunging in market care gets sold he gets $56 million, that's a joke, people. >> major league baseball on the merge of making history thanks to instant replay technology. a new proposal will allow team managers to challenge calls they think an ump missed. if it's passed in november managers will be allowed one challenge during the first six innings and two the rest of the game. this means fewer missed calls which is really important in big games. but guess what? it means longer games, too. a recent "wall street journal" study said 90% of games are spent standing around. they actually only play for 17:58 of actual ball playing. maybe they should learn for cricket, went from longer in
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2020, shorter. you are getting it backwards. it's been 741 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating, what are we doing to go it back? despite two down weeks for the markets, they're still up for the year between 15% and 20%. and that is the more important headline for now. and now our sixth story "outfront," chris christie's marijuana controversy. today the new jersey governor decided no to decide on a medical marijuana bill and this bill would have made it easier for children to qualify for new jersey's existing marijuana program. christie sent the bill back to the state legislature and said, look, if you make some changes, i'll sign it. rosa flores is "outfront." you don't usually hear chris christie deciding not to decide. he's usually decided before he needed to decide. >> he's usually outspoken about these things, we asked him today and he didn't say much. we should start with what the law actually says. doctors have to sign off, this is current law, they would have to sign off, before a patient
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would get a medical marijuana -- miracle -- i'm saying miracle. medical marijuana. >> it could be a miracle. >> it could be! but it would be available in a form that could be smoked or lozen lozenges, the bill that has been on chris christie's desk since the legislature passed it two months ago would change that. it would lift some of the burdens and make an edible version available to all potential patients. so, what changes did chris christie make to this? so, here are these, and there's three that we can highlight. so, first of all, minors would need approval from a pediatrician and a psychiatrist if one of those physicians is registered with the marijuana medical program that they have there. and then they also eliminate the limits on the strains of marijuana available in new jersey. and it allows medical marijuana in edible form for minors only. now, that's the key. it's for minors only. >> right. >> before it would be available
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for all potential patients, but this allows children to be able to use a version. so, you're not going to give children something to smoke or a lozenge because it's a choking hazard, so this is more an oil or an extract. >> and it's interesting from what you say, because, you know, obviously in some ways he's making this much more restrictive, right, edible only for minors, so he's being more conservative about it, but yet he's allowing it for children. the reason this bill is getting national attention isn't just because so many of you out are interested in this issue but it's because a father of an epileptic father confronted christie yesterday. a video went viral. he said if his daughter got this drug it could save his life. and here's what happened with chris christie. >> i was wondering what the holdup is, it's been two months now. it's very well documented. >> these are complicated issues. >> meese don't let my daughter die, governor. >> that was the moment. please don't let my daughter die, governor.
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the chris christie who can be so aggressive and assertive, that chris christie went away and that seems to have really influenced this choice today. >> if you think about it, it's father to father, a plea that's father to father and i got off the phone with brian wilson the gentleman that confronted chris christie, he said, you know, this is a small victory in the big scheme of things because it doesn't give us everything that we wanted. >> right. >> but it could save my daughter's life. >> all right. well, thank you very much, appreciate it. rosa flores reporting. and i want to bring in a republican strategist now "outfront" who, of course, was the top adviser for rick santorum, obviously, hogan, when you look at this, you are talking about the social issues that are so important to social independents and chris christie 2016 is not going to win without independent votes. he's well aware of that. but the republican party has a rocky relationship. republicans approve medical marijuana overwhelmingly but they do not support the legalization of marijuana overall, not even close. half democrats do, only a
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quarter of republicans do. so, is he taking a risk? >> i don't think so at this point. look, let's put the politics aside for just a moment. this is a horrible disease. and it appears from everything i've read that this, you know, medical marijuana could actually help this little child. and i think what chris christie is doing here, and i'm going to give him some praise here. he talked to that father head-on. he said, look, it's not simple. but what he should have said and i wish he would have told the guy, i understand, this is a very difficult issue and my heart goes out to your little girl. because there are countless victims of this disease all across the country that could be helped by this drug and it appears from what i've read so far that chris christie's actually doing what governors do, and that's make the tough decisions. he put it back to the legislature with some restrictions saying if you do what i've asked, i will sign this bill and we can provide some relief to some of these children. keeping the safeguards in place. this isn't like the house or the senate where you can just put a bill up that's never going to see the light of day and then go
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back to your district and say you are championing a cause and nothing ever gets accomplished. he's a governor. he's on the front lines all the time and this is what governors do and have to do if they're going to govern effectively, he's doing it on this i think. >> hour giving him praise. but he's similar to mitt romney, a republican governor of a democratic state and it seems like he'll sail back into re-election. but rom you know got crushed during the primaries because he used to be more pro-choice when he was the governor of massachusetts because that's what the people there wanted and all of a sudden he's running for president and he becomes incredibly pro-life. could this kind of thing come back and dog chris christie? it's not just marijuana, it's also going to be gay marriage. and guns. >> right, look, we're talking about the fundamental issue of life that's protected by our creatiae yator protected by our constitution and that's a little different and to take a 180 like mitt romney had done in countless elections, that's a bit different than someone having conversations with
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doctors and fathers and trying to figure out the best way to allow these children who suffer from this illness some relief that could potentially save their life. i think is a completely different issue and it depends on -- quite frankly it depends on how chris kri decides to sell it. if he goes out there and is a little too bawdy or aggressive or bullying and people attacking him on this, it won't play well. but if he comes out and says, listen, i'm a father, can you imagine if your child had this illness or disease and the only thing that could help them would be a prescription drug like this? look, we use the coco plant for codeine and things leak that and heroin derivatives help people with bad backs. he's not out there passing out joints on the corner. what he's doing is trying to govern a state and provide relief to children who really do need it and if he couches it that way, i think it's a win/win for you. >> thanks very much to you, hogan. the seventh story "outfront," area 51, this is real. conspiracy theorists you have
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been justified after years of being mocked. the government site long rumored to be located somewhere in the nevada desert. it's been the subject of hollywood lore and countless of conspiracy theories but is there any truth to the legends of crash spaceships and alien autopsies? guess what, some people are in the know and dan simon is "outfront." >> reporter: hollywood has long showed an obsession with area 51. >> welcome to earth. >> reporter: from aliens to ufos it helped fuel a perception that the government has been holding on to top secret information about this remote facility in the nevada desert. until now it had only really existed in places like "the x-files" on television but newly released cia documents officially acknowledge the site for the first time. andy jacobson spent several years roif iesearching area 51, publishing her findings in a book. >> it's become a national
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pastime and a great debate about aliens and the locus of this is area 51. >> reporter: if you are looking to gain insight into aliens or spaceships, you might be disappointed. the report makes no mention of those things. instead it says that area 51 was a testing site for the government's aerial surveillance programs during the cold war. not that sensational. but it's likely to cause more fascination about this mythical place. >> i think any document that comes out about area 51 stirs up the pot of intrigue. people are inherently fascinated with area 51. it says so much about national security secrets. so, i think any new release makes people even more interested. >> the documents obtained through a public records request by an academic researcher may put an end to questions about the site's existence. but experts like former cia officer bob behr who calls it
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one of the agency's biggest secrets said the debate will rage on about whether we're really alone. >> now, this isn't going to go away. the myths about area 51 will always be out there. i don't even know what went on there and i was in the cia a very long time and people that worked out there have told me recently they didn't know all that was going on there. so, there's sort of, you know, secrets within secrets and it will always remain a mystery. and also remain a place of fascination. >> reporter: for "outfront," dan simon, cnn, san francisco. >> pretty awesome. and now giant babies. you've seen them for years in newspapers and magazines, you know, they put them out sort of like a freak of nature. and now they're in our homes. the number of oversized births is surging. that's a newborn you're looking at, king size, 15 pounds, 7 ounces, oh, my god, can you even imagine? there has been a 15% to 25% increase in oversized babies in the developed countries in the past three decades which has led
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to a rise of c-sections and health problems for the baby later in life, because guess what, bigger is not always better. the increase in big babies is the result of the obesity epidemic, bigger mothers, bigger babies which ing brings us to tonight's number, 8 pounds 3 ounces which is when a baby is considered to be too big. that is the giant baby cutoff. so, we want to know, was your baby is giant? let us know on twitter. still to come, turns out the nsa was looking in to phone calls and searches not approved by the courts. no warrants. but they say this was just a little mistake. plus, washington has been trying to find places to make cuts for years. well, they say they have. but the first lady, literally, she just came up with a few off the top of her head. >> and the shout-out tonight, don't mess with customs and border protection. this land rover defender was seized at the baltimore seaport.
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it was deemed to be an illegal and unsafe import so it was gee stro destroyed. the shout-out goes to the person operating the grab crane for a vehicle that fetches as much as $150,000 in the united states. i'm betting the crane operator had a lot of fun with this one. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets.
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[ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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tonight new revelations that the nsa the biggest spy agency in the united states has been routinely breaking privacy rules. an internal audit and other top secret documents obtained by "the washington post" found the spy agency racked up thousands of violations hast ye s last ye. the audit dated may of 2012 counted 2,776 incidents in the proceeding 12 mon months of unauthorized collection or access to legally protected communications, read, they took stuff that you were doing and people you were calling without a warrant and looked at it. this news comes just days after president obama assured the public that the nsa isn't spying on regular people. now "outfront" our panelists, so, thanks to all of you, james,
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let me start with you, 2,776 incidents over a one-year period. estimated billions of calls were made every day. and you got to look at a quantum mechanic level here to figure out what percent of calls were spied without a warrant. it's not very many. i ask you this, is it a serious problem or is it just the principle that if it's one little bit now, it could get a lot bigger? >> actually, this is sort of deceptive. it says incidents, it doesn't say people. each one of the 2,000 to 3,000 incidents can be 1,000 or more people. in addition to that it's only one year and it's only the fort mead area which is a rather small area compared to nsa worldwide. they have 4,000 people in georgia, for example, that are -- >> right. >> -- listening to conversations and so forth. so, if you spread it all over the total area that nsa covers, it could be tens of thousands of people and i don't think it's a
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minor problem. i think for those tens of thousands of people, who are now in the nsa's database, it is a big problem. >> and let me ask you, michael, what do you think? tens of thousands going to be sta to those tens of thousands of people this might really matter. >> i don't think it will, frankly because it's inadvertent and that's very, very clear. 10% of these incidents through tip powe errors. people from china who we were monitoring appropriately while they were abroad but not allowed to monitor when they come and visit the united states, but they continued. the basic point that's lacking here is what is it that people think the nsa is trying to do? most americans acknowledge, they are trying, very hard for the most part effectively to keep us safe from terror attacks and very serious threats to american
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life and liberty, and i don't believe that the fact that they themselves inspected and discovered these mistakes is some kind of indication of horrible wrongdoing. >> all right. stephanie, let me ask you this, the president recently talked about this very issue and assured the american people when he came out and addressed the issue. he said if you look at the reports, the stories written you don't hear about the government listening in on phone calls and the prospect they could be abused. what we found out today, stephanie, indeed they were being abused. did he know about this, or was he being selective with the truth? >> you know, i think honestly, erin, you know, the president -- it doesn't matter what he does. he's criticized by one side or the other on this and i think you have to point out he's on record in may giving a speech forshadowing looking at the
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programs before the snowden leaks. so what he said i think was true when he talked about the snowden matter. he said, you know, he was already reviewing this. did it get accelerated? yes. did it also probably hurt national security what snowden did? yes. i think he's also the first president ever that offered to give up executive power, erin, and talked about narrowing the patriot act and not taking the fisa court such a rubber stamp anymore. so i think he's concerned with the balance and privacy. >> one of the things they did was typed in area code 202 instead of 20, ie stay that is righted spying on people in washington d.c. instead of cairo. what is worse the fact they were spying on people in washington? the nsa might not be as all mighty as we think and that could be something to be more afraid about. we do something called "the out
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front out take." the white house confirms something we've been suspecting, michelle obama's bangs are no more. the first lady's hair style swept into our lives last year captivating magazine editors who forget how horrific bangs are to maintain. president obama called them the most significant event of the inauguration and he was right. it seemed like they were here for good. the first lady grew tired of trying to make speeches with hair in her face and in april began growing them out. i have to say, i knew this was coming. bangs are not good at any age. poor michelle. now we have official confirmation the bangs watched around the world are gone. i'm sure you're as emotional as we are now. we've been through it before. tonight we take a look at all the first lady hair styles we've lost along the way. ♪ ♪
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talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ i don't do any cleaning. i make dirt. ♪ very, very heavy. i'm not big enough or strong enough for this. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] [ morty ] here's a box, babe. open it up. oh my goodness! what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. there's a lot of dirt on here. morty, look at how easy it is. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] this is called the swiffer dance.
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i remember being in cairo covering the revolution on the street during the day, i met people who were you afreed. since then a spiral of protest, unemployment and anger but with the headlines of down fall i saw two pictures that made me stop in my tracks. first this one. this is a drawing by an 8-year-old christian girl in egypt which was tweeted by a phd student. with at least 30 churches and maybe twice that burnt and defaced by muslim extremist this week, you see the church crying, but you see the mosque crying and reaching out, leaning over
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trying to comfort the church because an 8-year-old understands. it reminds me of a book called "i never saw another butterfly." it's written by a group of children living in the concentration camp during the hollow cast. this the other photo was this one. egyptians at the beach with their families. you see the beach. it's totally packed. they are trying to continue with life as the city behind them is burning with protest and fighting. only a small fraction of the 84 million people in egypt support religious extremism and violence. it's worth remembering many, many, many millions more hope for a mosque and church that can stand side by side whether they are conservative or liberal. they hope for a day on the beach. they hope for the country not to fall into the abias and tonight we're rooting for them. thank you for watching and have a wonderful weekend.
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"ac 360 with wolf blitzer" starts now. breaking news the the death toll climbing, the shock waves spreading from egypt's day of anger. live with new developments. also tonight, with this little girl's health and life maybe in the balance chris christie makes a decision on medical marijuana, but is it enough? i'll ask her dad. later, anderson's conversation with oprah winfrey about race, justice, and the "n" word. but we begin with breaking news out of egypt. late this evening the country's state nile tv reporting new numbers, at least 33 new fatalities in cairo and alexandr alexandria, the two biggest cities 180 wounded. the wounded topping 4,000 since. since wednesday there are more than 600 people killed also new on it's facebook page the egyptian military saying
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