tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 21, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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have a good afternoon. it's a country with no leader and no end to this out of control violence. and now the former dictator could walk free. does this essentially reverse the arab spring? i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. a man armed for war walks into a school. >> thank god no one was hurt. no one. >> but some parents aren't satisfied. dr. phil under fire today for a tweet about sex and drunk girls. plus, another personal struggle for the vice president. and after a baseball player is murdered, new calls to rethink visits to the u.s. >> i don't believe your second amendment provides for semiautomatics semiautomatics semiautomatics, automatics in the suh bushes. the suh bushes. >> we'll debate. -- captions by vitac --
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great to be with you on this wednesday. got to begin with the really tough, frightening start to a school day today. a suspicious man just outside of a school in cherokee county, georgia, not too far from atlanta, apparently this guy was standing on school property. he ran when he was spotted by deputies directing morning traffic. when the deputies caught up with him, they discovered he was armed. look at this. not one. not two. but three knives. you see the gun here. looks like a semiautomatic. turns out it was a bb gun. this guy's name is todd christopher greg. he, i can tell you right now, is under arrest. today's unsettling discovery outside a school for young kids comes, as you know, on the heels of what we watched unfold right around this time yesterday. that school shooting just east of atlanta. we have lots of new details today about the man who walked into this school. elementary school. with an ak-47.
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allegedly fired at police who were then, of course, called to the scene. turns out 20-year-old michael brandon hill was on probation for texting a threat to kill his brother. and he'd been ordered to attend anger management classes. we also just learned he was carrying several hundred rounds of ammunition with him at the school. when you hear from parents, a lot of them are not satisfied with the school's response. they say they weren't notified about the gunman right away. they heard about it by watching tv. the school says the safety of the children was its top priority. and that brings us to this video. watch this. >> i'm getting confirmation. >> very lifelike. dramatic. let me tell you. not real. this is a drill at a school in west orange, new jersey. complete with emergency responders. you saw the ambulance, panicked
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parents. really just actors. the cost? $140,000. funded by the department of homeland security. so all of these stories here begs the question. what has changed about the safety of our schools since the tragedy in newtown, connecticut? i want to bring in hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks here. as we were sitting this time yesterday, we were saying, thank goodness that evacuation plan seemed to have worked at this school. but now we know this guy gets in the school with an ak-47. they had the school security. you have to be buzzed in. he gets in behind someone else. thank goodness for that school clerk. the worker who talked him down, who negotiated. >> right. that bookkeeper, she is the true hero here, brooke. i was a negotiator for over 22 years. with the metropolitan police department. trained by the fbi. i guarantee you she had probably no training. but she negotiated with this guy and she talked him down. she kept his anxiety level down.
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because in an incident like this, you call it the most important phases of stuff like this is the beginning. the initial stabilization and control phase. she stabilized that incident and kept things from getting out of hand. >> let's listen to her. she has spoken out. >> i began to tell him some of my life encounters and some of the things that actually was happening to me. and to get him to be able to start talking with me and opening up. >> what did he say? >> he said that he hadn't taken his medication. and that he was going to die anyway. and that he was okay with dying. and that he was going to kill all of the police officers. and that he wanted me to know that he was not going to hurt me. and i told him, okay. and that it was going to be okay. >> thank goodness it all was okay. you know, staff, faculty, students, safe. >> right. >> but the next question then, of course, is since newtown, in
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terms of school security, what has changed? >> we talk about newtown. but all law enforcement, they look at what happened after columbine. there are different earmarks. a lot of things have changed. every time something like this happens, brooke, all school systems, they look at what we can do better to enhance security. i know at this particular school, you've got cameras inside. you had the camera to -- or a card to swipe to get in. somebody tailed -- piggy backed on someone, another worker going in. that's one of the problems. you don't have the money to put cops in every single school. some people say, well, why don't we have enough cops to put in every single school? especially elementary schools? because children, you know, are our biggest gift. >> it's just tough, though, to still hear from parents who were trying to figure out where is my son or daughter. >> that's a notification system. you have to have a robust notification system. all school systems have to.
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that is something that they'll probably take another look at now. >> we'll talk to the police chief in the next hour. a lot of questions. also kudos to the folks reacting as quickly as they did. mike brooks, thank you very much. now this. if it's true, the video you're about to see shows the deadliest attack in syria since the civil war began back in march of 2011. as many as 1,300 killed east of the capital, damascus. so the pictures we're about to show you, incredibly graphic. i just need to warn you, if you have kids, get them out now. i said deadliest. it's actually not the bloodiest. you'll see -- you won't see blood. because rebels say this was a chemical attack. cnn cannot authenticate this footage. the syrian government denies it used such tactics. but here is the video as it was posted online.
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>> joining me now, senior international correspondent ivan watson. you've reported extensively right around syria. just as this was happening around the capital city of damascus. we'll get to the video. which is tough to listen to. the cries, in just a moment. you don't need to speak that language to understand the grief. we know there's a u.n. team of inspectors in syria trying to figure out, investigate whether or not that was chemical weapons that were used. do we have any use from them? >> so far, no, they're not really talking to journalists as far as we know. this is not the first time that there have been allegations of chemical weapons use on the syrian battlefield. in fact, the syrian government, the rebels, the u.s. government and russia, which supports the syrian regime, all agree that some chemical weapons have been used over the course of this horrific two-year war on the syrian battlefield. what they don't agree on is who has used them. the government, of course, accuses the rebels of using the chemical weapons. it would be surprising in this case.
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because the area, according to reports that we've seen that got hit, where all these people got ki killed, was in rebel hands. unless they made a mistake, why would they bomb their own people. >> do this to their own children. >> of course, the opposition accusing the government of carrying out these attacks. >> when you look at the pictures and hear the screams and you have to wonder if, in fact, this ultimately is confirmed, if chemical weapons were used -- >> again. >> again. i would guess it would be a game changer. but it would be again. >> no. i think we've seen that certainly the international community is very reluctant to intervene in this mess of syria. >> it is a mess. >> i have to remind you, those awful pictures, they, just, like, punch me in the stomach. because i've been covering this for two years. i've watched this country tear itself apart. over the course of this conflict, you've had more than 100,000 people killed, according to the united nations. you have close to 2 million people, syrians, who have
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officially registered with the u.n. having fled the country to neighboring jordan, iraq, turkey. there have been tens of thousands of people fleeing to iraq, of all places. which not too long ago was -- it's impossible to imagine running away to there for safety. that's about 10% of the syrian population has fled across borders while many more people have been forced to flee their homes inside the country. the scale of the devastation, what this has done to syrian society, is so traumatizing. let me give you an example. i know some of the original protesters from more than 2 1/2 -- two years ago. who used to come out and chant, democracy. we want an end to dictatorship. we want to stop oppression of human rights and police brutality. >> now what do they say? >> one of these guys, more -- no. i know two guys who have basically joined al qaeda groups. who have gone from saying we want countries like the u.s. to help us fight against this dictator. they've seen so much killing,
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and they haven't seen much help, that now they've become full-fledged jihadis. very difficult to know where this is going. >> that's part of the issue. whether or not the u.s. or other allies jump in and try to intervene. because it's very nebulous. it's very -- we don't know who we'd be harming, ultimately. >> this war, morphs, i would argue, every three to six months. so you had a year plus ago, you know, farmers and engineers and defected soldiers just looking for shotguns to defend their villages. and now, especially in the north here along the turkish border, areas i used to visit -- >> because you're based in instan bull. >> i used to be fed here. used to stay with families. i wouldn't dare go in there because there are thousands of al qaeda affiliated rebels who control those areas. it's very dangerous for somebody like me to go there now. >> ivan watson, we appreciate your perspective and your reporting in an incredibly dangerous part of the world. ivan, thank you. coming up, huge, huge news out of egypt today. already under a state of
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emergency, more than 900 people kim killed in fighting just this past week. now, hosni mubarak, the dictator thrown out of power in 2011, locked up during the arab spring, will soon be released from custody. an egyptian court ordering the release of the former president convicted in the deaths of protesters in the uprising. but it's important to remember here, the 85-year-old was granted a retrial on those charges earlier this year, so he still faces the possibility of being returned to jail. the nsa surveillance network can reportedly see about 75% of all u.s. internet traffic. this is according to this report out today in the "wall street journal." they've been investigating. so this report says that the nsa sometimes keeps the content of e-mails between u.s. citizens and then filters some domestic phone calls that use internet connections. the nsa has recently stated that
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it only, and their word is touches, touches 1.6% of the world's internet data. john jo joe johns, let me bring you in on this one from washington. what does this "wall street journal" report tell us as far as how the nsa is filtering e-mail and internet traffic? >> it sounds like nsa has a second shot. some of this we already knew. the nsa asks the telecommunications companies, brooke, to give it streams of traffic that the telecom company reasonably believes to contain foreign intelligence information. by the way, that's not everything that happens on the internet or on telephones. but it's still a lot of information. then the nsa weeds out the communications that look most relevant, say, based on an e-mail address, perhaps, or a telephone number or who is the sender or receiver. brooke, they sort of go from there. >> what about the companies themselves, joe? the telecommunication companies, their role in getting this information? >> again, the telecom companies get the first crack at
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determining what can be filtered out. and we've known this also. they do this with searches, based on the criteria that the nsa gives them. and that, in turn, is based on an order issued by the intelligence court. we've tried before to get the telecom companies, especially verizon, to talk to us about these programs. because verizon's program was the first one to come to light. but they're not allowed to talk about this publicly. and they don't. we do know based on sources what the article says appears to be accurate. lawyers at the telecom companies are sort of gate keepers. it's the lawyers who first try to decide what information the nsa is supposed to get. >> joe, thank you. speaking of the nsa, of course, we reached out to the nsa for response. a spokesperson says this. let me read this. nsa signals intelligence commission is centered on defeating foreign adversaries who aim to harm the country. we defend the united states from such threats while fiercely working to protect the privacy rights of u.s. persons. it's not either/or.
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it's both. that's the nsa to us here at cnn. >> there is murder, mayhem on main street usa every day of the week. but you hide from that. you don't face up to that. and you let your congressmen and senators escape and dance around the bush. >> provocative words from someone who's calling for a boycott of the united states. all of this today after police say teenagers killed a college baseball player because they were bored. well, my panel has something to say about that. that discussion is next. plus, as if this dad and daughter haven't been through enough already, the family of kidnapper james dimaggio is asking for a paternity test on his victim, 16-year-old hannah anderson. more on the case, coming up. i save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, written by people just like you. find out why more than two million members
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shaq 1, pain 0. [ male announcer ] new icy hot advanced patch with 50% more medicine. pain over. the senseless killing of christopher lane, the australian college baseball player police say was gun downed by three teenagers in duncan, oklahoma. >> there's a young man, he's just standing in the ditch and he's got blood on him. >> is he breathing? is he conscious?
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is he talking to you? >> he's not conscious. is he still breathing? barely. >> these teens now charged in the killing. 15, 16, 17 years of age. the two youngest charged as adults with first degree murder. and then this. this is a video posted on the social media site vine. shows the youngest man here laughing. you see the rifle. showing it off. prosecutors call them thugs who went hunting for someone to kill out of boredom. but on the other side of the world in australia, the u.s. gun debate that people have watched from afar just got very personal. >> you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the usa per million people than here in australia. and people should factor that in. they should think twice in the circumstances that's jogged along by the senseless killing, shooting in the back of an
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outstanding young australian on a scholarship in the usa which has caused quite probably deep seated anger right across austral australia. >> i want to bring in ben ferguson, cnn political commentator. mark lamont hill, professor at columbia university and host at huff post live. that was the interview this morning with the former deputy prime minister of australia. he actually came out yesterday and asked for australian tourists to consider boycotting travel to the u.s., essentially to send a message to congress. ben ferguson, do you think our gun culture impacts tourism? >> i don't think that it does overall. i think you've got a politician here that is seeing that he can use the death of one of his citizens to his advantage for political gain with upcoming elections. and that, i think, is the saddest part of all of this. there are a lot of people that come to america with scholarships and come on full rides. i had the opportunity to play tennis in college with three
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different students from australia. one from melbourne, one from waga waga and one from sydney. i couldn't imagine if this would have happened to them. the bigger issue here is why are they using this for political gain instead of remembering this young man for what he was, which was obviously a phenomenal student, athlete on top of that. instead, it's being used for politics. i think that's really sad that they're doing that in australia. >> mark, i see you shaking your head. do you think they're playing politics? >> the biggest tragedy isn't the use of political discourse. the biggest tragedy is that this young man has died. >> sure. absolutely. i agree with that. >> when tragedies befall american citizens, whether it's someone being captured in a hostage crisis or someone killed on foreign borders, we often link it to that country's particular set of politics as well. that's not an uncommon thing for us to do. no, these kids weren't simply killed because of bad gun policy. or this child wasn't killed because of bad gun policy. there are three young men who clearly have mental illness, clearly have some issues with
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violence, clearly need to be n punished and disciplined. access to guns does matter. the fact these three young man who clearly had issues had such easy access to a weapon is a problem. it's not the only problem. you could argue even with really tight gun laws they still would have committed a crime. that might be true. easy access is a problem here. >> what about the fact when i think of australia and you think about guns, you know, you think about the sweeping gun reforms there. assault weapons, bans, background checks. this all came out i feel like in discussion because of newtown. we remember, some people remember that mass shooting in the state of tasmania. that was 1996. so since then there has not been a single mass shooting ever since that horrible day. so do you think the united states, legally speaking, nothing's really changed since newtown. but should we be looking at how those successes in countries like australia, as far as how we make policy here? to either of you. >> yes. >> i think you have to look at it a little bit, certainly.
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but i also think you have to look at the context of australia. australia's gun laws have been much more liberal than americas have ever been. australia, it was a lot easier for them to get, i think, many of their guns off the streets in australia mainly because of how little time they were even being manufactured and sold in australia. and that's something you have to take in this dynamic. the other thing is, we do have laws here that don't allow for minors to have these types of weapons or purchase them on their own. so laws were broken here. i think the bigger issue if anything we should look at is why are three minors driving around without their parents' knowledge. one, they have a gun. two, they're driving around in a car to go shoot somebody. you've got a massive issue here with parenting in america. especially with kids like this. and that's the tragedy that we're not looking at. >> no. >> fixing this through gun crimes or fixing this through gun policies are not going to fix the parenting issues of why is our 15-year-old son out at night shooting someone in the back because they're bored.
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>> ben said two things i strongly disagree with. first, the argument that we can't do anything about guns because we have so many that we can't get our arms around it, that the problem is just too unwielding, is to me a problematic argument. you're essentially saying we can't do anything because it would be really hard or we can't get all the guns so we shouldn't get any of them. >> that's not what i'm saying at all. what i'm saying is america is a different country than australia is. >> i agree. ben, let me finish. my point is, yes, america is a different country. america actually has a wider and more vigorous gun culture. america has greater levels of access to guns for its citizens. therefore we need even more intense laws. as far as the parenting piece of this, yes, of course you should be a responsible parent. but all parents make mistakes. all parents are imperfect. if you have an imperfect parent, a troubled child and then you have easy access to guns? that's a recipe for disaster. i'd like to have troubled parents, troubled kids and no guns if i could choose it. we have that option through sensible reform with guns. don't get rid of the second amendment. >> here's what i would say. here's my question about that,
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though. what law would you have passed to take the gun away from these three young men whose parents obviously didn't know what they were doing with their lives, where they were, or why they're so bored they're driving around trying to find a random person to kill because they were bored? >> that's the problematic question. the issue isn't what law -- >> no, it's not. it's what you just proposed. i'm asking you what law you think we should do, since you said my idea was not a good one. i'm asking you for a resolution to the problem. i don't think you have one. >> i would have one if you let me finish. my answer is -- >> go ahead, marc. >> we impose laws that prevent people from making purchases. we impose laws that prevent large numbers of guns into urban centers so when they fall off the back of someone's pickup, i don't mean that in a racial sense -- >> we already have those laws. you just quoted laws that we currently have. >> ben -- >> you just quoted laws that are already on the books. >> i'm talking about intensifying -- >> what new law would you pass? >> i said intensifying them and
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enforcing them. no, you can't legislate against individual responsibility or you can't force individual responsibility. but you can make it harder for irresponsible people to have weapons of mass destruction. >> hang on. let me jump in. marc, if you talk about intensifying laws, i guess this is my final question, and to both of you. when do you ever think, let's say ten years, 50 years, the majority of the country will be on the side of marc lamont hill? ben? >> they already are, brooke. they love me. they agree with me. the problem is the nra is so powerful. the gun lobby is so powerful -- >> that's what it is. >> a minority rules the majority. >> ben? >> i don't think the country is going to go there. the weapon used to kill this unfortunate student was not a weapon of war. it wasn't even in the category of guns that many liberals proposed to get rid of. this is not as much about the weapon as it is about a culture where you have kids raising kids. you have 15-year-old kids driving around so bored that they shoot people because they want to watch it.
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and their parents don't know where they are. this is a parenting issue we have in this country. >> teen moms lead to first degree murder? that's your argument? kids raising kids? >> i'm saying these young teen boys were charged with first degree murder. >> we got to cut it there. ben ferguson, marc lamont hill. i appreciate a good, healthy discussion on both sides and all the way around tragic. this young man killed. horrible, horrible, horrible. to both of you, thank you very much. you have heard about cnn's dr. sanjay gupta changing his stance on medical marijuana. well, just moments ago, cnn's jessica yellin asked the white house about marijuana. and the president's stance. that sound is just in. stand by for that, next.
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this is something that i know everyone has been talking about. medical marijuana. many of you watched dr. sanjay gupta's documentary called "weed." he made all kinds of waves and buzz because essentially over the course of the year, doing research on medical marijuana, sanjay gupta sort of apologized to everyone and changed his stance. so our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin was
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in this white house brief ing. she actually asked the deputy white house press secretary about the president's stance. here's the response. >> the u.s. government currently classifies marijuana in the category of most dangerous drugs with no medical benefit. the same category as heroin and more harmful than cocaine or meth. sanjay gupta, as you may know -- >> you're distinguished colleague. >> yes. my distinguished colleague dr. sanjay gupta has just called for a reconsideration by the government. given the reported medical benefits of marijuana, does the president believe the government should reconsider this classification? >> well, jessica, i can tell you that the administration's position on this has been clear and consistent for some time now. that while the prosecution of drug traffickers remains an important priority, the president and the administration believe targeting individual marijuana users, especially those with serious illnesses and their care givers, is not the best allocation of federal law enforcement resources. >> that just in from the president when it comes to
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medical marijuana. question asked by jessica yellin. coming up, we're going to talk about these pictures getting a lot of buzz as well. have you seen in what do you think? we're going to have that discussion, next. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! save up to 30% plus an extra 12% off with coupon... now until labor day. only at i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood.
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got some breaking news i want to pass along to you as we look at these pictures. these are aerial pictures out of bonner spring, kansas. you see a heck of a lot of emergency personnel. here's what we know. you can see it there. school bus on the right side of your screen on its side. this is what we have according to our affiliate kc tv. this school bus overturned. if you know this area, southbound kansas highway 7. multiple injuries. it's clear by what you're looking at, as they're walking people away.
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multiple injuries have been reported. this accident happened just before 1:00 kansas time near highway 32. police say multiple students were onboard. and so multiple injuries have been reported. also crews are working to rescue a trapped student. huge scene here. many, many personnel tending to multiple students. presumably here, looks like there are reports it was an occupied school bus as it's now overturned in kansas. as soon as we get more information, here's a better look as this cameraman -- you can see several ambulances here on scene treating students onboard this bus. as we get more information, when we get more information, we'll pass it along to you here live. meantime, have you seen this picture? take a look for yourself. marissa mayer. yahoo!'s somewhat controversial ceo. the same marissa mayer who's been turning yahoo!'s corporate culture on its head. remember her short maternity
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leave? two weeks? she also banned yahoo! employees from working from home. now here she is striking a pose in "vogue" magazine. this single picture has ignited this huge debate among women about climbing the corporate ladder in a world where only 14% of executive officers are female and how a woman really should be acting and handling herself when she finally reaches that, you know, much coveted corner office. kelly wallace covers career and family as a cnn digital correspondent and editor at large for cnn digital. grace chan is vice president for product management for wonderful media. ladies, let's talk about this image. kelly wallace, first to you. what's wrong with this? >> well, it's interesting. i personally don't think there's anything wrong with it, actually. i kind of embrace smart women that can be beautiful and sexy and all things. so i sort of am on the side of that debate. but as i was doing a story yesterday talking to a lot of women, there are women who feel that way.
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but there are other women who feel, you know, this is not appropriate and not an appropriate pose for a female ceo. that it sets women back in time. and then there's also a lot of discussion, brooke, about a double standard. would a men's magazine ever ask a male ceo to strike such a pose? and would a male ceo do that? whereas a woman's magazine and a woman ceo might go ahead and do this very same thing. a lot of debate for sure. >> i want to get to the double standard. i want to get to the fact we're even having this debate in 2013 in a hot second. grace, you know, you're a big vp of a company. if, you know, anna win totour cs to you and says we think you're smart and powerful and sexy. you have a smart business dress, photo shoot, the whole deal. i see you shaking your -- would you do it? no? yes? >> first of all, i want to say that these pictures are beautiful and stunning. and as a new mother myself, i really admire how marissa can lose all that baby weight in no time. >> she looks good.
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>> beautiful, beautiful pictures. it is just that if given a personal choice, i probably would not take that picture if i were so lucky to be approached by vogue. >> why not? >> well, because my personal opinion is that i would like people to focus on my work as a professional. rather than trying to blend in my professional image with an overly feminine image. case in point, for instance. i was looking at these picture, very beautiful. i've seen the picture at least five, six times by now. it was only the last time when i noticed that marissa had an ipad in her hand. >> instead you were focused on maybe the pose, the dress, the hair. kelly, you talk to a lot of people. are many people in grace's camp? and agree that -- at the same time, your piece points out, look, this isn't "playboy." it's not that suggestive. what do people tell you? >> exactly. i like hearing from people like grace who are female executives. who are in that same boat.
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you have some women who agree with grace. you have other women, another ceo who said, oh, come on. why do you have to put your personal, you know, enjoyments to the side. if you like fashion, if you like the way you dress, if you want to look good, why do you have to sort of put that to the side and be in a business suit and dress like a man? why can't we celebrate a woman? why isn't femininity something that we really treasure? so you really get that disagreement, brooke, from people about, you know, whether it's something that we can celebrate and something that helps women. and other women who feel like this is sort of the last thing we want to do. we don't want women to be sort of valued, as grace was say wk for their looks. we want them to be valued for their brains. >> to your point earlier about the double standard, let's put the picture up. because this -- i love richard branson and many things that he's doing. but you have this richard branson picture. not this one. but the one with richard branson. he's dressed up as a flight attendant. here we go. right in the middle there. to your point about double standard, grace, do you see -- do you see, is that fair to call it a double standard?
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>> well, this is a nice picture as well, by the way. but, again, it's not -- >> this picture? with the lipstick? >> well, the thing is that, frankly, i think the picture is very nice. but, again, it's just as a technical female, i think we really every day work very hard and want to make sure that people see us as professionals. and i think it is my personal opinion that i, again, want to make sure that i do not blend in my feminine image so much with my professional image. for example, i would usually not choose to, if i do have a job interviews, i usually do not choose to wear a skirt for that same reason. again, this is my personal opinion. >> absolutely. every woman, the more successful they get, it's fascinating to hear the different perspectives. read kelly wallace's piece. ladies, thank you. coming up, hannah anderson. she was kidnapped by james
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more bizarre twists in the hannah anderson kidnapping case. what we now know is the family of james dimaggio wants paternity tests. dna samples to determine whether dimaggio may be the father of hannah. and her little brother. listen. >> there's been a lot of rumors about whether or not jim might be the father of either or both children. we find it very strange he's left all this money without any explanation. >> dimaggio was killed as fbi agents rescued hannah in the wilderness in idaho. he left his $112,000 life
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insurance policy to hannah's grandmother. dimaggio allegedly tortured and murdered hannah's mother and her 8-year-old little brother, ethan. their bodies were found in the rubble of this burnt out home. the anderson family fired back at his paternity test request. here's what they say. brett and tina anderson did not meet mr. dimaggio until the sixth month of tina's pregnancy with hannah. brett anderson's dna was used to identify the body of his dead son, ethan anderson. coming up, a vicious, cruel letter targeting a 13-year-old autistic boy. the letter says so many disturbing things. but most of all suggests that the parents of this young boy should euthanize him. we're going to talk to the boy's dad after this break.
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in a sense when you hear about this letter, there really aren't words. cruel. made this mother cry just reading this. her son max is 13 years old and severely autistic. this letter that they received is about their son. >> you selfishly put your kid outside every day and let him be nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else. with that noise polluting wailing he constantly makes. that noise he makes when he's outside is dreadful.
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it scares the hell out of my normal children. >> it was an anonymous letter that was sent by this neighbor to max's grandmother who lives in the toronto area. and our affiliate ctv news reports that canadian authorities have opened a criminal investigation. but they do not consider this letter here a hate crime. and there are questions. especially, they say, when you hear the worst of the letter. here it is. >> the part about donating his unretarded body parts to science because he's no good for anything else? that made me want to puke. and then when it ended saying to euthanize him. >> that is max's mom. you're about to hear the voice from ontario, max's dad, james begley. james, thank you so much for calling in. first up here, do you know by now who wrote this letter? >> no, we don't. it's still under investigation. the local police department are
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still investigating. and i believe it's an ongoing investigation. >> we just saw your wife through tears reading parts of the letter. if you can, just take me back to the moment when the two of you read it for the first time. >> my mother-in-law actually received the letter via mail from the post office on friday afternoon. on my way to her house that night, and she showed the letter to me after phoning the police. i seen it before my wife did. i'm reading it in utter disbelief. you know, totally, totally shocked and appalled that an individual, you know, on this earth in this day and age could feel such hatred. it was -- you know, it was beyond me how ignorant this person was. i -- i then went home and showed the letter to my wife.
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and, you know, my poor wife was just bawling and shaking. it's so disturbing and disgusting. >> is it -- i hear words like ignorance, disgusting, sad. what word best expresses how you feel now that a few days have passed? >> well, we've had some time to process it. you know, at the end of the day, it's just one sick person's words. it doesn't mean anything to us. it's sad that somebody can be so ignorant and hateful. but, you know, it in no way reflects the nature, you know, of our son. and our son is nothing like -- like the letter may state. >> i know we were talking on commercial break. you said really the world has rallied behind you. you've been getting e-mails, et cetera, just sort of voicing their own support.
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i just wanted to end with this question. if and when you do discover who wrote this, who cowardly wrote this letter, what would you say to him or her? >> well, to be honest, physically, i think i would need some restraint. you know, because i might just, you know, try to physically kill this person. but to say something to this person, to be honest, i think it would be an utter waste of time. a person this sick and demented would not understand, you know, any education that i would try to bring to this person. you know, i could try to explain how ignorant this person is and, you know, provide some autism awareness. but it's not going to sink in. this person is a lost cause. and they wouldn't get it. >> james begley, i thank you very much. give our best to max, will you? thanks for calling in. >> my pleasure. >> we'll be right back. o to school, you deserve more than just flexibility and convenience.
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going to be talking about for the next few years. maybe for the next decade. hillary clinton. if hillary clinton has a public life, if she is a professional woman who gave up baking cookies to have a full-time profession, if she goes to the bar association luncheon to praise anita hill, if she is the head of the children's defense fund at one point, if she's on the legal services board, as a fool professional i would assume she'd want to be in the fray. >> can i answer that? >> it's a distinction every professional woman in the united states has to make in terms of how they're dealt with. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! save up to 30% plus an extra 12% off with coupon... now until labor day. only at of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep.
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trusted heartburn relief that goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! a man armed for war walks into a school. everyone o everyone's okay. but some parents aren't satisfied. so we're asking this question. has anything changed since newtown? i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. the san diego mayor's 18th accuser comes forward. >> he placed his hand on my exterior. >> i'll speak live with someone who says enough is enough. if egypt's former deck at a timer walks free, does this essentially reverse the arab spring? plus, dr. phil under fire today for a tweet about sex and drunk girls. and --
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>> if you want to play music during your convocation speak like a bad ass, we're at georgia tech! we can do that! i am doing that! >> now here's someone who's excited to go to college. here we go. hour two. great being with you. i'm brooke baldwin. another school scare just this morning in the atlanta area. one day after a man allegedly brought an ak-47 into an elementary school, today deputies arrested this man, todd christopher grig, after he ran from them while on the property of a cherokee charter school north of atlanta. grig never got inside the school but the sheriff says investigators found a bb gun that looks a heck of a lot like a semiautomatic. he also had three knives and leather gloves. it turns out a man who did enter the elementary school right
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around this time yesterday allegedly had nearly 500 rounds of ammunition with him. police within the last two hours released this new image of michael brandon hill. apparently holding the ak-47. taking a picture of myself. and these are some of the details that dekalb county police made public this afternoon about what happened at the mcnair discovery learning academy near atlanta. so it turns out that hill, who is 20 years of age, was on probation for texting a threat to kill his brother. and he'd been ordered to attend anger management classes. police also say hill had stopped taking his medication. and we are also learning about why his alleged plans did not succeed. people are crediting this woman, this school staffer. she says by talking with hill, she kept him from going outside. where all those kids were. pre-k through fifth. our affiliate in atlanta, wsb
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tv, talked to this woman. her name is antoinette huff. >> he had a look on him that he was willing to kill. as a matter of fact, he said it. >> what did he say? >> he said he didn't have any reason to live. and that he knew he was going to die today. he actually tried to go out the door where the kids was. and i called him back and kept talking to him to keep him calm to stay inside with me. >> why did you do that? >> because i knew that if he got outside, that he was going to start shooting the kids. he had already shot a round off in the office with me. and had been outside shooting at the police. so i knew that if he got outside, he was unstable enough to start shooting at everybody. >> what did you say to him? >> i just started telling him my story and some things that i had been going through and how my life was beginning to turn about for me last year. and how rough it was for me. and how i've just felt at my low and didn't feel like anybody loved me. and how i had a multiple disabled child.
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you know, a daughter who was in college, you know, and about to go to law school and just lost my husband after 33 years. and that was the only man that i knew since i was 13 years old. look at me, i told him, i'm still living. >> how about that story? joining me now, chief cedric alexander, dekalb county police. chief, wow. what a day. welcome. >> wow. >> thank goodness. it's a big thank goodness that no one, no kids, no staff, no faculty were hurt in any way possible. i just want to first get to the parents. because they're concerned. even with the security. help me understand how despite security, despite a system being buzzed into the school, this guy with an ak-47 gets in there. >> well, it just tels us across the country we still got work to do. he was able to breach that school uninterrupted. what we believe had occurred, he piggy backed behind a parent who was coming out of the school with a child. >> so he didn't have to buzz himself. >> he didn't have to buzz
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himself in. >> okay. he walked in. >> he walked in, and that's where it all started. from what we know so far is that he went into one of the offices. front administrative offices there where he came in contact with the witness who -- >> who we just heard from. who many people are calling a hero. you heard what she did. sort of telling her personal story. trying to calm him. >> right. >> i'm just curious. as a chief of police, is that the kind of advice you would give someone in a situation like that? heaven forbid. >> every situation is very, very different. this is a very different situation. and for her, she came in contact with him first. from what we know. and she just did what came natural for her. rehearse in life. ngs you cannot >> mm-hmm. >> this is one of those things as well, too. she allowed her instinct, her fwo goodwill and her ability to be able to her sense of a need to talk to him, being that she was right there with him.
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it all turned out well for everyone involved. but a hero, she certainly is. that's exactly what she is. a hero today to all of us across the metro atlanta and all of us across the country. >> what about the parents? i talked to in the midst of this yesterday a man who was trying to pick up his nephew. he was learning about what was happening through watching cnn. through watching atlanta tv. so i know a lot of parents are still pretty frustrated. this is more with the school system than anything. that they didn't get enough information. do you know what's being done about that? >> you know, in a situation such like that, because all these situations are very different. there's in similarities, but there are also a great deal of differences. once first responders get to that scene, that's police, that's fire, that's everyone, all hands on deck, because we want to get there. we want to take that focus away from the school towards us. because that's what we're trained to do. do engage that type of threat. when you have all of that going on, we have to do all of that along with think about the
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safety of those kids. once we secured that scene, had him apprehended, the key was now how do we move all of these children out of this school into a continued safe area. and then get them safely to their parents. and some of that can be rehearsed. but there's times when you're going to have to impro vise. we had to do a lot of impro vising yesterday. at the front of the school where he parked his vehicle, our k-9 dogs hit on that vehicle for explosives. we were not going to bring the kids out through the front of that school. we had them go through the back of the fence line of the school where we got all 900 of them together. and we had to create another exit for them to get off of that school property. so that we had to cut through a fence in an adjacent neighborhood. >> to get down the road, to get to the walmart, to get their moms and dads. >> absolutely. that's a lot of improvising.
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at that moment in that time, our folks did a courageous job of making sure all that happened and got all these kids safely to their parents. everyone happy. good day. very unfortunate incident. but the good part about it is, everyone's safe. >> chief alexander, thank you o much. >> thank you very much as well. now this. happening right now, the u.n. security council is in a closed door meeting about a reported chemical attack in syria. h is the big if. if it is true, the video you're about to see shows the deadliest attack in syria since the civil war there began back in march of 2011. here's what we know. as many as 11 check that. 1,300 killed east of the capital of damascus. and the pictures we're about to show you, i just have to give you a quick heads up, they're very, very difficult to look at. as we roll the video i can tell you that cnn cannot authenticate the footage. the syrian government denies it used such tactics.
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here now is the video as it was posted online. >> just this past sunday a team from the united nations arrived in damascus to try to figure out if femme cal weapons were actually being used in syria. and the white house released this statement today. let me read this for you. if the syrian government has nothing to hide and is truly committed to an impartial and credible investigation of chemical weapons use in syria, it will facilitate the u.n.
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team's immediate and unfettered access to this site. in egypt, a shocking turn of events there. hosni mubarak, former president and dictator, thrown out of power, locked up over the deaths of protesters during the arab spring, will be released from prison. could be as early as tomorrow. as we've been reporting and showing you pictures day-to-day here, this is a country already in turmoil. remember how crowds filled tahrir square to demand the end of a military backed government. and then just two years after that huge, hopeful uprising, this week we again watched the violence unfold as egyptians returned to that very spot by the droves to push for the restoration of a military backed government. so talk about what's happening here in egypt and this potential release. ivan watson back with me here in studio. explain, i guess, under egyptian
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law you can't be in jail for more than two years on a charge you haven't been convicted of. there may be a retrial. can you just walk me through this? what's the point of all of this? >> i don't know, i'm not an expert on egyptian judicial system. but from the reports i've seen, yeah. he has been in detention for longer than the two years. the statute of limitations. it's important to note that last year he got a life sentence. a conviction for charges of failing to protect egyptians from getting killed. protesters. under his watch. that was overturned. and a retrial is under way. he's expected to go to court on sunday, i believe, the 25th, with his sons who have also been in prison and facing charges. in this case, if he's released, he would presumably be under some kind of house arrest and then coming in to trial, in to court for trial. >> bigger picture, though. wouldn't this just add to the volatility? you were there around july 3rd
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when all of this sort of next chapter began to erupt. wouldn't that add to the volatile, "a"? "b," given everything we saw, hope we saw in arab spring and tahrir square, would his release essentially reverse that? >> absolutely. if hosni mubarak is let free, that would mean the counterrevolution that i think we've been seeing over the last six weeks since the coup would be complete. it would be done. in fact, you know, some of these egyptians, they're so clever online, have said look at what we have right now. we've got the muslim brotherhood in prison. we've got mohammed el baradei who was the deputy prime minister in the post coup government, he has apparently left the country to vienna. now if hosni mubarak gets released you're basically back to 2010 all over again as if nothing really happened. >> wow. that's a big wow in egypt and what's happening. as we continue to watch, ivan watson, thank you very much. i want to now show you this
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one photograph. here you have the mayor of san diego on the right. this is bob filner. we've been talking about him for quite a while here. he's standing next to diane york. diane york is his latest accuser. that is number 18 if you are still counting. and what she says is happening in this photo, look long and hard. will shock you. >> after approximately 30 minutes or so of conversation with the issues at hand, we got up to leave and took photos. and he placed his hand on my exterior. on the back of my -- on my buttocks, is what he did. he totally startled me. i feel very violated. i feel extremely violated. >> political commentator, ruben, good to see you. you hear this 18th account. the big news is also that the dnc this week voting on a resolution, calling on filner to resign. i want to quote part of your
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fiery op-ed here on san diego county is a red county that is turning purple as the number of democrats grows, thanks to changing demographics. filner could drag his party down with him and send the county back into the republican column for another generation. so i guess two-fold, how much could all of this impact, of course, his party? and if he says despite everything, i'm staying in office, what do you think the chances are he gets kicked out? >> well, i'll tell you, that's the question. it may be that there are lots of different ways to get him out. we really do feel like a city held hostage at this point. the mayor can't go. he won't go and he can't be forced out because there's been all these accusations. there's only been one woman who's actually filed a lawsuit against the mayor. he can still claim i haven't had my day in court. i'm due due process. innocent until proven guilty. as you mentioned, you have so many democrats out there, some who support him because they're afraid of what this will mean. they've decided to ride this
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train all the way off the cliff. but there are many other democrats, it's worth noting, that want him out. they think this is doing irreparable harm to the party and to their chances of maintaining control in the county for the years to come. it's become a very dicy situation here. we have finally learned what happens when you have a di vur jens between an elected official who says i'm in it for me versus i'm in it for you. it's clear bob filner is in it for bob filner. he doesn't care what anybody says p he's not going anywhere. >> he's not. he says he is staying put despite all these allegations against him. we have to say, obviously, two sides to every story. we have seen the rallies. we have shown them live on this show. he has his supporters. this is what one of them had to say. >> he's stepping on a lot of toes. it's been 20 years since we had a democrat in office. i'm not a democrat. i'm not a republican. i'm independent. but i know that mayor filner since being a freedom rider as a teenager to being the mayor has always been side by side with the most oppressed communities. we want to let the mayor know
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we're standing side by side with him. >> you know, his point is about the issues. saying this is just a witch hunt. this is just an excuse for people who don't like his politics. what would you tell him, ruben? >> right. i'd say that this has now become an issue with 18 women making this claim. this is not about a party anymore. this is about those women. in fact, what do you do? how seriously do you take these accusations of everything from charges of sexual harassment, unwanted touching and kissing and all of this, you know, it's really hard, i think, for lib rams to walk it like they talk it. if they care and they said they've cared all along about women's rights and women's equality. the fact that very powerful women, in fact, have had to put up with this sort of behavior, it's a crisis of confidence for the liberals on the left who don't know quite what to do in this situation. it would be easier for bob filner were republican. no, he's one of theirs. >> you look at these women. you have very high up in the navy. deans at universities. >> right. >> we watch and we wait and we continue to count.
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online scheduling. available now at dr. phil is is on the defense today. this is a case of be careful what you tweet. especially if your tweet is worded like a note high school students might pass around class. here it is. if a girl is drunk, is it okay to have sex with her? reply yes or no to dr. phil. #teensaccused. nischelle turner is here with me with the fallout. also the statement we've gotten from the show. i think what made this -- when i read this this morning, what made it suspect was that the tweet was deleted. >> yes. very quickly. deleted. it was poorly worded. we all know that. brooke, you're right. it was taken down pretty quick from the show's twitter page. you did talk about the statement from dr. phil. i do want to read that. we just got this statement from him which apologizes that the question suggested was anything
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other than data gathering for an upcoming show. the statement also admits that the question was clearly ill advised. here's what the statement says. it says, quote, dr. phil believes those incapacitated in any fashion, be it drugs, alcohol, age or mental illness, cannot and do not have the capacity to give their consent to anything, especially sex. this statement also goes on to say dr. phil mcgraw himself is very upset this happened and, brooke, that he deleted the post the second he saw it. i'm not sure if anyone thought dr. phil himself posted the question in the first place. but it is his twitter page. there was also this position on that was attacking the show for the tweet. it has more than 1,000 signatures right now. as you can imagine and like you said, it definitely touched a nerve. >> definitely did. something else that touched a nerve. remember this from dr. sanjay gupta not long ago, making business news, changing his stance on medical marijuana. well, moments ago our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin asked the white house about pot and the
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president's stance. we'll play that sound for you, next. we had never used a contractor before and didn't know where to start. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey.
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we heard from our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. he's done all this research. like a year's worth of research ahead of this big documentary we've unveiled called "weed." essentially he was apologizing to americans and saying i have changed my mind when it comes to medical marijuana. because of that our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin was sitting in the daily briefing at the white house. she was asking the press secretary about the president's stance on pot. here's the answer. >> the u.s. government currently classifies marijuana in the category of most dangerous drugs with no medical benefit. the same category as heroin and more harmful than cocaine or meth. s sanjay gupta, as you may know -- >> your distinguished colleague. >> yes. has called for a reconsideration by the government. given the reported medical benefits of marijuana, does the president believe the government should reconsider this classification? >> jessica, i can tell you that the administration's position on this has been clear and consistent for some time now. that while the prosecution of
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drug traffickers remains an important priority, the president and the administration believe that targeting individual marijuana users, especially those with serious illnesses and their carega give, is not the best allocation of federal law enforcement resources. >> that was the white house briefing just today. a campus looking for answers. a college football team in shock. former vanderbilt football players accused of raping a girl in a dorm room. now others are charged with trying to help cover it up. more on the scandal that continues to grow. plus, what's next for these players. and he's traveled the world bringing you the most unique dishes from far away lands. i love this guy. now we know where anthony bourdain will be headed for season 2 of "anthony bourdain: parts unknown." see if he'll be making any stops near you. vo: two years of grad school.
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who's excited about the next season of parts unknown? little anthony bourdain? you know we're all excited about this. anthony bourdain is coming back with more wit, more wisdom, characters and awesome food from all around the world. also right here at home. we just got anthony's itinerary for season two. without further adieu, first stop, jerusalem. up next, holy week in spain. watching this one. anthony is going off the beaten path. also we get a look, an insider's look at the rise and fall and the future of detroit. and go inside a city once
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considered the most dangerous in the world, johannesburg, south africa. anthony bourdain, parts unknown, season two premieres sunday, september 5th. set the dvr now. at 9:00 p.m. only here on cnn. four ex-vanderbilt football players have now pleaded not guilty to rape and sexual battery charges. they're accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a dorm room while she was unconscious. campus officials called police in june after watching surveillance video of that dorm and star vanderbilt suspended wide receiver chris boyd played not guilty to being an accessory in an alleged coverup kavinoky joins me in atlanta. darren, you first. extradition. two of these guys, i guess, live in california.
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is that an issue, extradition? >> well, generally in a case -- a case is brought wherever the crime occurred. if somebody's in jail some place else, they could be extradited. the only reason that gets held up is if there's an issue about identity. so a lot of times if we know that the person who's in custody some place else is actually the person that's being sought in a foreign jurisdiction, extradition becomes a nonissue. you'll waive any hearing. otherwise at an extradition hearing the only thing the judge is concerned with is, is this the person that's legitimately sought in the other jurisdiction. >> karen, what about the alleged coverup here? what exactly is suspended player chris boyd, what is he accused of doing? >> well, apparently there was information that they tampered with the surveillance video. so with that and obstructing the administration, governmental administration of prosecuting this crime, tampering with the surveillance tape or any type of coverup after the crime will
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implicate you as an accessory. >> this is just such a tragic case. because obviously we've got a lot of student athletes involved. obviously the victim as well. and it really speaks to this other issue as far as i'm concerned, brooke. that everybody lives their life in one of two ways. either as an example or as a warning. and we've got these kids, these student athletes who were examples of life well lived. and now, sadly, they may end up just being a warning of whatn nt to do. >> the second case has to do with mishandled drug tests. they may have tainted 40,000 cases, this happened in massachusetts, apparently. new report finds former state chemist annie dukon may be linked to 3,000 more mishandled drug cases than previousliest mated. most cases involved minor drug offenses, we're told. this woman pleaded not guilty to tampering with evidence. my question is we know the state already released hundreds of people serving prison sentences.
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based upon her possibly tainted drug tests. do you think they'll release all 40,000 cases, the people involved in all of those? >> i mean, it opens the door for a defense attorney to question the viability or the viableness of the testing. so absolutely it opens the door to having every defendant who may have had their blood or urine pass through this woman's lab to be questioned. and, therefore, possibly require the release of those individuals. >> what about not just the release, darren, but then could those people, does that open the door for lawsuits against her? >> absolutely. but, look, anything that compromises the -- the integrity of the judicial system has to be remedied swiftly and effectively. it appears to be what's happening here. that there's at least been a task force that's been set up to dig into each one of these cases. it's not so simple as showing that this woman had something to do with the testing and, therefore, the case gets thrown out.
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it may be possible that that evidence was very minor in the context of the case. it may be that this woman had a very limited role in the testimony in the case. so it's not an automatic get out of jail free card for everybody who she was involved with. but, oh, my goodness. this is a logistical nightmare. it involves multiple cowan tis. she provided testimony in at least seven different counties. this is all over the place. >> sounds like a mess. >> it is. >> darren, thank you very much. karen, thank you as well. got some breaking news into us here at cnn. now we are getting word that the nsa has declassified documents about its surveillance program. and also problems associated with it. justice reporter evan perez joins me live in washington. evan, you've been looking through this. what do these documents reveal? >> well, they're three court opinions. all of them go back to 2011 when the nsa and the justice
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department went to the secret court that oversees surveillance and said, essentially, we screwed up. we've been collecting domestic communications which is stuff that they're not supposed to be collecting, for three years. and part of it was because of the technology that we're using. now, the nsa, as you know, is supposed to be looking at foreign communications. looking at stuff to make sure that, you know, terrorists don't get into the united states and carry out an attack. and so what happened was in 2011 the nsa went to the court and said, we screwed up. we have been collecting all this stuff that we weren't supposed to be collecting. and, you know, the reason why was because, you know, our computers basically -- essentially didn't know the difference between what was foreign and what was domestic. couldn't separate the two. >> so that's their excuse -- that's their reasoning behind it? the computers. this is the explanation from the government as far as why they're collecting the communications. and then, i guess, based upon what you just said, are they changing the way they do things?
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>> well, yes. at the time the government decided that they were going to come up with new rules to try to figure out how to separate these types of communications. now, this is very, very technical stuff. the nsa, you know, this is extremely, extremely technical. which is why you see members of congress sometimes don't understand what they're being told when they're being briefed. sometimes they're very surprised when the government comes out and explains some of this stuff. essentially what happens is every time you open your g-mail, for instance, and you get a picture of, you know, a screen, you know, of all your e-mails. let's say ten e-mails. that is one transaction. and what was happening was the nsa was collecting -- if there was one of those e-mails that had something to do with, let's say, an e-mail that they were interested in, let's say they were looking at -- looking for someone in yemen. that they thought might be involved in something, you know, related to terrorism. then the nsa was collecting all of it. and that was where the problem occurred. the nsa says that they went ahead and fixed that.
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and so there was a new court opinion that was issued that approved what they were doing. and then there was another opinion that they were -- that the court essentially approved of procedures when they decided that they had to delete three years worth of data. because some of it they just could not separate. >> you're saying the nsa has fixed it. is anyone making sure the nsa has fixed it? watchdogwise? >> the biggest problem here is i think a lot of people are very suspicious of what the nsa is doing, period. the nsa is still doing a lot of this collection. they're just claiming that they're better at it now. they say now that while they're still making mistake here and there, this big one that they had in 2011 is not the type that is being repeated. again, it's very technical stuff. i apologize to the viewers. >> no. i think we get it. loud and clear. you talked g-mail. i think a lot of people understand what you just went through. evan perez, we appreciate it so mu
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much. we continue to hear bits and pieces of what the nsa did and apparently how they are fixing thing. when you look at newtown, columbine, virginia tech, dozens of students, all ages, gunned down. and now some schools are these days preparing for the worst. >> i'm on the phone inside the school gymnasium. i'm getting confirmation, we have a shooter. >> i know this looks very real. you see the word on the screen. drill. it's a drill at a school in new jersey. find out what authorities think the other schools in the u.s. can learn from this kind of drill in which four gunmen storm a school. that's next. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ]
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500 rounds of ammunition with him when he entered this elementary school in the atlanta area right around this time yesterday. here he is. got this picture not too long ago. here he is apparently holding the ak-47 he is accused of bringing inside that elementary school. thank goodness no one was hurt there. but the constant threats and attacks at schools has students, faculty, staff on guard. like liberty middle school in west orange, new jersey. you prepared in a major way just this week. >> i'm on the phone inside the school gymnasium. i'm getting confirmation we have a shooter. >> a full-scale simulation centered on these four gunmen inside the school. this is not real. this is a drill. this was done by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. but you see the ambulances. this thing looks and sounds very real.
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actors played the roles of worried parents, running in the school looking for their kids. superintendent here says the amount of time the teachers have to remain calm with kids before there's help on the scene is what resonated the most there in new jersey. cnn's brian todd joins me outside of julius west middle school in maryland. brian, what are school officials doing to prepare? here we are, you know, starting school once again. how are they keeping classrooms safe? >> reporter: well, brooke, a lot of measures being instituted in places like this, julius west middle school here in rockville, maryland. elsewhere in montgomery county. prince georges county, in the d.c. area. these new measures instituted in the wake of newtown and because of newtown. a lot of them as i'll illustrate here, they focus on the entrance ways of school. maryland getting about $25 million in new funding for security measures. and here at julius west, the head of the montgomery county security for montgomery county
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schools, he took me through what they're going to be doing at places like this. they're going to start with the entrance ways and have what they call electronic access. you have to be buzzed in. the doors are locked. you've got to be buzzed in. once you get in, there's actually going to be another barrier at many of the schools here in montgomery county. they call it a vestibule where you're going to have basically a wall made out of glass and other material that will shield you from going into the main body of the school. it'll instead funnel you toward the main office where you'll have to deal with the administrators, show id and things like that. bob helmet also showed me how a lot of the schools here in montgomery county are going to have more surveillance cameras. same with prince georges county. they're adding surveillance cameras to the schools. in addition, brooke, they're putting in additional devices called -- what they call panic buttons. this is not only here in montgomery county, but it's all throughout the country. in classrooms, strategically placed areas in the schools. near the offices, especially. buttons administrators can hit. some of those signals will go
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straight to emergency call centers. at places like this the panic buttons are in every classroom. they go to the office. the office can call police. >> one of the questions being raised as we actually saw it play out at an atlanta school yesterday, whether or not someone at the school should actually engage and try to talk to the shooter. i know you have an answer to that question just for different opinions. we'll look for your reporting on the situation room with wolf blitzer. coming up, a deadly battle ending with eight american soldiers dead. a fire fight that lasted from dawn till dusk. in the end, a hero emerged. staff sergeant ty carter will soon receive the nation's highest military honor. next, the heroic actions that earned that.
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the repairs are guaranteed for life. so call... to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? next monday army staff sergeant ty carter will attend a white house ceremony to receive the medal of honor. the military's highest award. it is because of his heroic actions in one of the most intense battles of the war. hundreds of taliban fighters in surrounding mountains launched an all out assault against these 53 soldiers trapped inside this remote outpost. chief washington correspondent and host of "the lead," jake tapper, spoke with carter about that deadly day. >> reporter: hours into the
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battle, the soldiers of black knight troop are fighting back. but two of them, ty carter and brad larson, are pinned down in a humvee. you're in this humvee. >> mm-hmm. >> you're just like sitting ducks. >> yeah. >> you can't leave. but you can't stay. and then what happened? >> it got to a point where a snyder knew where i was at. and i would open the window and fire across the river at insurgents. and then i remember closing the window. as soon as i closed it, sparks shot out. the two-inch gap that i had my rifle out there, the sniper had zeroed in on and was trying to put a bullet inside the vehicle to get either myself or sergeant larson. >> reporter: to make matters worse, taliban fighters are now inside combat outpost keating. >> we were low on ammo. everybody around us that was friendly was either wounded or dead. >> reporter: specialist stephen
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mace was severely wounded outside the humvee. exposed to the enemy. >> he says, help me, please. >> i want to bring in jake to talk about this one-hour special. we'll these soldiers knew this was a death trap. why wasn't it shut down? >> there had been efforts to shut it down over the years. ultimately the commander in the area, colonel randy george and his second in command, brad brown, went to general mcchrystal and said we want to shut some down. they're just not worth the risk, but there are a lot of considerations that made mcchrystal hold occupy, including that the afghan election was coming up, and karzai did not want any u.s. bases closed before the election, because he thought it would communicate lack of u.s.
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support, so the delay is why the men were still there. >> we'll be watching the ceremony at the white house, but ahead of that action i just tweeted, jake tapper, set the dvr watch your special tonight about ty carter "an unlikely hero" tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks very much. >> appreciate it. coming up. a pickup truck goes airborne. don't miss this. [ jackie ] it's just so frustrating... ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours.
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got some video you have to see, look at this, pickup truck pulling a mow er it was actuall recording the video when this truck took the leap and fell, went down 59-year-old driver broke his leg, suffered some other injuries. we're also told he might have had suffered a medical condition before this happen. this stashes off like any college speech a college student would give and then -- >> we chose georgia tech, because we want to do the impossible. this school is equipped with the resources and faculty to help us do just that.
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. this is just so awesome. at first this looks like another run of the mill welcome to your freshman class kind of speech, but then cue the music. things take a dramatic turn. you will hear this georgia tech student's welcoming speech, and to quote my here in the studio -- it was epic. >> we chose georgia tech, because we want to do the impossible, and this school is equipped with the resources and faculty to help us do just that. and so, in the words of sir isaac newton, if i have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. georgia tech is proud of its
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many traditions. but the one i find most exciting is -- our tradition of excellence. our mission as students is not to follow if the footsteps of the astronauts, nobel prize lawyeralities and presidents who graduated before us, but to exceed their footsteps, crush the shoulders of the giants pop whom we stand. we are all such innovative people, so i am telling you -- if you want to change the world, you're at georgia tech! you can do that! if you said to build the ironman suit, you're at georgia tech! you can do that! if you said to play theme music dural your speech like a bad ass, you're at georgia tech! we can do that! i am doing that! look at them all. i love it.
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best video of the week by far, by the way, that video already has something like 300,000 hits on youtube. that is awesome. eye brooke baldwin. thanks for being with me. let's go to washington. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. grab your helmet and -- they are literally running out of firefighters. some of the most cherished and protected land in all the land burning out of control, as wildfire spending tops $1 billion for the year, and officials ask canada for more manpower, and breaking news on the lead, the national security agency now admitting it spied on ordinary americans, but say it was only a mistake, a mistake that happened tens of thousands of time. plus she stood between a gunman and another potential newtown. we'll hear from the bookkeeper who talked
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