tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 22, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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all right. thanks for being with us here on "new day." time for "cnn newsroom" with the one and only carol costello. i heard there is a check for you in california for $7 million. >> get out! i'm leaving now. thanks. >> you get another hour. >> all right, i'll stay. thanks, guys. "newsroom" starts right now. good morning. thanks so much for being with me. we do begin with breaking news this morning. a bombshell from convicted army private bradley manning. in a statement to "today" show the wikileaks source says he wants to live the rest of his life as a woman and no longer wants to be referred to as bradley, but as chelsea. his gender identity crisis was revealed during the sentencing phase of his trial after the military released this picture of manning wearing a wig and makeup. manning now wants hormone therapy for gender reassignment
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and that's something the army base where manning is being held does not provide. >> well, i don't know about the sex reassignment surgery that chelsea hasn't indicated that would be her desire. as far as the hormone therapy, yes. i'm hoping fort levanworth would provide that. if not, i will do everything in my power to make sure they are forced to do so. >> chris lawrence joins us live now. so, this has to be a new one there the army. >> well, it certainly one that they're not equipped to deal with at ft. leavenworth. they'll provide mental health therapy, psychologists, psychiatrists any kind of counseling he would need. but in terms of giving him hormones or much less sex reassignment surgery, they just don't do that. so, david is right, he's basically going to have to sue the army to try to get that therapy there.
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or that manning's needs can't be met there and he needs to be transferred to a federal prison where he can perhaps get that hormone therapy. >> who would pay for this therapy? >> well, the government. the taxpayers. i mean, basically, when you're incarcerated, part of the deal is the state or the federal government is taking responsibility for your medical condition. you no longer have the means to fund your own medical care, so it's just like if a prisoner needs medicine for diabetes, some courts, not all, but some courts have found that this condition is a medical need and that as such the prison or wherever is holding the prisoner is obligated to pay for it. >> if he is transferred to a federal prison, would he have to go to a woman's prison?
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>> that gets into a real tricky legal area. i'm not sure exactly for every prison what the rules are when you are placed in a male or female population. i know he will be in a population in ft. leavenworth. there is between 400 and 500 male inmates and more than half of them are there for sexual crimes. and from what i've been told manning would transition to more of a general population area because now he is convicted. he had been sort of in a trial area where the people, where you're there, but you're still on trial. you haven't been convicted. but now that he's been sentenced, he was scheduled to move to a more general population area there at ft. leavenworth. >> i'm sure much more will come out about this down the line today. chris lawrence reporting live from the pentagon.
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we have new pictures of children returning to class in decatur, georgia. just two days after a school shooting terrified the community and shut down the learning academy. also this morning, that dramatic 911 call that everyone is talking about. many are calling this woman antoinette tuff a hero. she is the school office worker who confronted the shooter. police say michael brandon hill was armed with an assault rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition but tuff didn't run away. she actually engaged him, sharing her life story, including her thoughts of a suicide in a failed marriage. she even told him, she loved him. and slowly, but surely, hill put his gun down and surrendered. but you have to hear this for yourself. so, here it is. the entire unedited 911 call. >> dekalb police, what is your emergency? >> i'm on second avenue in the school and a gentleman said he is going to start shooting. tell them to back off.
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>> okay, one moment. >> do not let anybody in the building. including the police. do not let anybody in the building, including the police. >> okay, stay on the line with me now. where are you? >> he just went outside and started shooting. >> oh, can i run? >> can you get somewhere safe? >> yeah, i got to go. no, he's going to shoot me. >> put the phone down. okay, she said she's getting the police to back off for you, okay? stop all movement now on the ground. stop all movement on the ground.
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if it's not an a emergency, please, do not use the radio. if it's not an emergency, do not use the radio. >> are you talking to the shooter? >> he's telling me to tell them on the radio. now, what did you want me to tell her, sir? tell me to put you on hold and call the news, ma'am. >> okay. >> i'm trying to find the number for -- >> hello? yes, ma'am. >> he said tell them to back up right now. >> okay. >> okay, hold on. >> okay.
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>> okay. he said, he said to tell them to back off. he doesn't want the kids. he wants the police. so back off and, what else, sir? he said he don't care if he dies. he doesn't have anything to live for. he said he's not mentally stable. >> okay, stay on the line with me. put inphothe phone down if you to, but don't put it down so that i can't hear. can you tell me where you are? >> i'm in the front office with him. he said, send in one of your radios with an unarmed officer. >> okay. >> she said, okay. she's getting ready to tell them. >> or somewhere where he can talk to the police. he said but if they come armed,
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he'll start shooting, again. only one officer. >> okay. he said, if you have to, go ahead and evacuate those homes right there in the front of the building. >> okay. ask him if he's willing to give his name. >> she said, are you willing to give your name? >> he said, no. >> okay. he knows if he gives his name, he's going away for a long time. he said he knows he's going away for a long time. he's on probation. tell them to stand down now. tell them to stand down now. >> tell him i'm giving the instructions. >> he said, that he should just
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shoot. he said call the probation office in dekalb county and let them know what's going on. >> okay. >> who are we asking for? >> she said, who is she asking for? he said he thinks it's officer scott. >> okay. okay. >> you want me to let her get by. >> hello? >> yes. >> yes, i'm here. >> you want me to tell her to let her come, sir? she sounds like she loves you a
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lot. >> you're on the phone with a relative? >> yes. what did you say, sir? he said he should have just went to the hospital instead of doing this because he's not on his medication. do you want me to try? do you want to talk to them? do you want me to talk to them and try to -- okay, well, let me talk to them and see if we can work it out so you don't have to go away with them for a long time. no, it does matter. i can let them know that you have not tried to harm me or do anything with me. if you want this -- that doesn't make any difference. you didn't hit anybody. okay. let me ask you this, ma'am. he didn't hit anybody he just shot outside the door, if i walk out there with him -- if i walk out there with him, so they won't shoot him or anything he wants to give himself up. is that okay? they won't shoot him.
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he just want to go to the hospital. >> okay. >> hold on, one moment. >> she said hold on and she's going to talk to the police officer and i'll go out there with you. well, don't feel bad, baby. my husband just left me after 33 years. but, yes, you do. i'm sitting here with you and talking to you about it. i got a son that is multiple disabled. can i speak to her? let me talk to her and know that i'm going to go with you. you want me to talk to her? no, you didn't, baby. the lady's going to talk to the police. okay. okay. hold on. hold on a second, okay. >> okay. don't hang up the phone.
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>> hold on. he wants me to get on the intercom. hold on. wait a minute. can you talk to the police and let them know that i'm going to walk out there with him. >> i am. let me get an okay from them. >> okay. you let me know what we need to do. he wants me to go on the intercom and let everybody know that he saw me. >> okay. >> hold on. >> everybody, he is sorry and he does not want to harm anybody. everybody stay in place. okay. want to leave it right here? okay. ma'am? >> yes, ma'am. >> he's going to come on out but he wants to know what you want him to do with the gun.
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or you want to send a police officer in? he said he'll be on the ground with his hands behind his back and i'll take the gun and put it over here on the other side by me. >> okay, one moment. >> okay. put all that over here so they won't see it. okay. put it all up there. okay. >> he's put the weapons down. >> yeah. hold on before you come. he's putting everything down. he's going to get on the floor. tell him to hold on a minute. let him get everything together. he's getting it all together. tell him when you're ready and then i'll tell them to come on in. he wants to drink his bottle of water. let him get it together. okay. did you want me to call somebody
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and talk to somebody for you? okay. we are not going to hate you, baby. good thing that you have given up. we're not going to hate you. >> ma'am, you're doing a great job. >> so, let's do it before the helicopters and stuff like that come. so, you hear them? okay. so you want to go ahead and tell them to come on in now? he's getting everything out of his pockets now. okay, he said the gun may come back that it's stolen and it's not. he knows the whole story. do you all want him to take his belt off? >> that's fine. just take all his weapons off. >> she said, that's fine. take all your weapons off. he said he doesn't have any more weapons. >> okay. >> he's on the ground now with his hands behind his back. tell the officers don't come in
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shooting anything so they can come on in. i will buzz them in. so, hold on, just sit right there and i'll buzz them in so you know when they're coming. okay. just stay there calm. don't worry about it. i'll sit right here so they see you're not fryitrying to harm m. okay. >> okay. >> it's going to be all right, sweetheart. i just want you to know that i love you, though. i'm proud of you. that's a good thing that you have given up and don't worry about it. we all go through something in life. no, you don't want that. you're going to be okay. i thought the same thing. you know, i tried to commit suicide last year after my husband left me. but, look at me now. i'm still working and everything is okay. your name is michael what? michael hill.
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the people came from inner harbor and planted a gun. oh, okay, you came with the kids that play the drums from the inner harbor? oh, you were actually in there doing all of that with them? awesome. that means i've seen you before then. oh, okay. y'all play those drums and stuff real good. okay. he said that they can come on in now and he needs to go to the hospital. >> okay. a >> and he doesn't have any weapons on him or anything like that. he's laying on the floor and he doesn't have any weapons and he has everything out of his pocket. there is no, the only thing he has on is his belt. everything is out of his pockets and everything is sitting here on the counter. so, all we need to do is they
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can come in and buzz them in so he'll know that they're here and they can come on in and get him and take him to the hospital. >> okay, one moment. >> okay. she's talking to them now to let them know to come on in and take you to the hospital, okay? no, you stay right there. you're fine. do you want him to go out with his hands up or stay right here? >> stay right where he is. >> stay right where you are. he wants to know if he can get some of his water real quick. michael hill, right? my last name is michael, too. my mom was a hill. lee sa he said, what are you all waiting for? what is taking so long? >> hold on. one moment. >> she says she's getting to them now.
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they're coming. they're coming. just hold on, michael. go ahead and lay down. lay down. you just got your phone. okay. that's fine. tell them to come on. come on. okay, he just got his phone. that's all he got is his phone. just him. okay. just him. hello. >> yes. >> i haven't been nothing so scary in my life. >> you did great. >> words cannot express, right? just amazing. let's talk some more about this. martin savidge is in decatur and alexander is with us. is ms. tuff back at school, martin?
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>> no, she's not. she's off today getting some well-deserved rest. we're being told by school officials that, of course, she is the woman that everybody wants to see and everybody wants to know. and what we can tell you is that she's been with the school district eight years and been at this school three years and, in fact, initially she wasn't going to be the one in the office at that particular time. it was going to be someone else, but then the principal realized that's a key part of the day. a lot of parent come and go at that time and they need somebody senior, a veteran. so, ms. tuff was there and, well, thank goodness for that. >> are most of the kids back at school, martin? >> they are. yeah. there are about 600 students, 800 total, but about 600 that show up on a daily basis and they all came back this morning. yesterday they were at a temporary site and today they are inside and counselors that are on site for the students, the staff, anyone who may need them. but everything started off normally, they say. and so far everything has been
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just fine on the inside. but, of course, everybody wants to see ms. tuff. >> you're not kidding. martin savidge, thank you so much. chief alexander, your thoughts about this incredible woman. >> well, the whole event was incredible. i tell you what, you just don't see that type of interaction in these types of situations very, very often at all. there are some things in life you can rehearse for, but this was a woman who just kept her calm, kept her wits about herself, maintained her composure in this very dangerous situation, if you will. was able to talk him through the process that he was able to lay his weapon down, lay himself down so that when authorities came through the door, it made it a better opportunity for everyone to be safe. >> so, during this long 911 call, 15 minutes. where were the police? >> well, there was police all over the place. and certainly we had s.w.a.t teams that had gathered and already entering the building
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because in situations like this, what we've learned historically is that we don't wait. we're going to enter that building, that school or wherever it is as soon as we can. we're going to divert that person from whatever their objective or whatever their target may happen to be. >> so how far inside the school were police? >> all over the building and we had penetrated the building and we were not very far from that office, which we had, certainly we had communication with ms. tuff, who had communication with our dispatchers, as well. >> you're on thecene and you know this call is taking place and 15 minutes must have seem to be like hours to you. i just can't even imagine just waiting. the 911 dispatcher on the phone with ms. tuff was also communicating with police on the scene telling them what was going on at the time. >> absolutely. information was being sent to us as ms. tuff talked to the 911 operator. she was talking to the
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dispatcher who was, of course, informing us of everything that was going on inside. so, as we were gathering this information, we were also posturing ourselves to get into that building, put eyes on target and find out where everyone was and certainly where he was. >> so if he had opened fire, you were in a position where you could just return fire? >> absolutely. it didn't get to that point, but had it done so, eyes on target, they would have done what they were trained to do. >> chief alexander, thank you so much for sharing. we appreciate it. i'm looking forward to meeting ms. tuff, myself. she's amazing. still to come in "newsroom," campus crisis. >> as of today, my $51,777 i owe, $148,251.69. >> student loans front and center today.
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the president promising help. also, a massive sinkhole swallows a swamp. it's all caught on camera. plus -- who's to blame for hurricane katrina? nearly a third of louisiana republicans are pointing the finger at, wait for it, president obama. and, 32 days, 18 accusers and one very pitiful fall from office. san diego mayor bob filner strikes a deal. "newsroom" is back after a break. ♪ ♪ he's a 20-year-straight, get to work on time ♪ ♪ ♪ he's loved one woman for all his life ♪
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with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at . it is clear this morning that hannah anderson does not want to be seen as a victim. the teenager kidnapped by a family friend who murdered her mother and brother decided to go public on nbc's "today" show anderson said she's not a victim, she's a survivor and talked publicly about ethan and her mom for the very first time. >> he had a really big heart and she was strong hearted and very
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tough. she knew how to handle things. >> hannah also explained those 13 calls her abductor made to her at school right before he kidnapped her. >> the phone calls weren't phone calls. they were texts because he was picking me up from cheer camp and he didn't know the address or where i was. i had to tell him the address and be in the gym and not in front of the school just so he knew where to come get me. >> hannah would not talk about what happened in the idaho woods. that part of her story is still under investigation. but she did have this to say to her critics. >> you are who you are. you shouldn't let people change that. and you'll have your own opinion on yourself and other people's opinion shouldn't matter. >> hannah is now focused on getting back to life as a typical 16-year-old high school student.
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checking our top stories at 46 minutes past the hour. the nation's top spy agency improperly collected e-mails from americans during a three-year period ending in 2011. that's according to newly disclassified opinions by a secret court that oversees the nsa. that same court also said the nsa had misrepresented its activities. a private advocate said this. >> it's very disturbing. the national security agency has extraordinary surveillance capabilities and these are tools that are supposed to be directed toward adversaries, not towards the american public. >> the court also said the nsa has fixed its mistakes. delaware attorney general bo biden is in great shape and expected to leave a texas cancer center today. he was feeling weak and disoriented on a family vacation last week. he suffered a mild stroke back
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in 2010. disturbing images you're about to see from syria's civil war. some of you might want to look away. the pictures posted online shows dozens of bodies, many of them children. rebels say the government has unleashed chemical weapons on civilian neighborhoods. syria denies the claims, but some members of congress say it's time for the white house to take action. >> where does this stop? when does the united states with very little cost stand up for these people and stop this horrific -- you can't look at those pictures without being deeply moved. are we going to just let that go on? >> the united states and its allies are calling on the united nations to investigate. u.n. inspectors are in syria investigating previous claims but the government is blocking its access to the sites. aaron hernandez may learn today if a grand jury indicted him in a murder. massachusetts authorities have already charged the 23-year-old
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with killing odin lloyd in june. grand jury heard from several wibszs, including a man suing hernandez for allegedly shooting him back in january. ichiro suzuki the third player in baseball history to record 4,000 hits. the yankees' outfielder got a single in the first inning last night. nearly 1,300 of his hits come from his time in japan. trails only pete rose and ty cobb in lifetime hits. we're watching the opening bell on wall street. investors are hoping for a losing streak to end today. also weighing the possibility that the fed may reduce its massive bond buying program. we'll keep you posted and we'll be right back.
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americans. students buried in debt and now going online to tell their story. people like sky tishler. >> this is my coming out video about my student loan debt. in 2005, i graduated at the top of my class in for-profit college and i had $51,757 in student loan debt. i immediately began working and in 2007, i lost my job and was placed on unemployment. in 2010, i defaulted on my private student loans and i am one of millions of americans facing this problem today. as of today, that $32,964 in private student loans is now up to $126,964.44.
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and that is $36,164 in interest. this is more than i borrowed the entire five years i was at school in interest alone. >> right now president obama will weigh in on student loan debt. just moments ago he left the white house headed to new york. the first stop of a two-state bus tour where the president will talk about plans to cut the cost of higher education. joining me now from washington, nate a rising senior and undergraduating student body president from georgetown and sky tishler the recent college grad featured in that video. that video part of a project called out with student debt that encourages people to share their stories. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, carol. >> good morning. sky, i saw you watching your video and i thought you were going to cry, again. i can't imagine how it would feel to have that much on your
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shoulders. >> it's been a challenge. and i just really believe that eventually enough people will come together and that we'll be able to change it and that things will be resolved for us. so, i try to just carry on and be kind and give the world what i think it needs and not allow this to stop me. unfortunately, a lot of people are allowing it to stop them and it is allowing them to give up on their dreams and give up on the system. hopefully by making this video we'll be able to change that and people will hav faith again that they'll be able to pay off their student loans. >> nate, the president is going to outline his plan to bring college costs down. what do you want to hear him say? >> well, i think like sky just alouded to, i'm happy that someone is paying attention to this issue. it's something that affects students across the country, affects our economic future. i want to hear him talk about how he is going to work with the
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universities and government to keep the cost of college down. i mean, it's increased over the past 20 years. just an expunential amount and the economy isn't doing as well for young people as it was back in the '70s and '80s. i want to hear him lay out some pretty bold ways to address this problem. >> sky, we often hear people say, well, the cost of college is so high because colleges have posh dorm os, right? they build rock wall climbing walls in their gyms. is that true? >> my student loans were for tuition and books only. i never paid for room or board or anything else. sallie mae dispersed them to my college and i never saw any of the money. so, i'm sure there are situation wheres dorms are great and fantastic. i worked three jobs and i put myself through college and i paid my way through college. i'm trying to pay back my student loans and the interest and penalty fees have literally
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taken over these loans to a point where they refused payment unless i'm willing to settle with them with an amount i can't come up with each month. >> nate, sky took out private student loans, which charge a higher interest rate. when we hear congress talk about student loans, we always hear about government student loans and lower interest rates on them. but that doesn't really solve the problem, does it? >> it doesn't. i was lucky enough, actually, to receive some pretty significant financial aid, but in addition to that, i will graduate with about $25,000 in loans, subsidized and unsubsidized from the government. i think the problem is we're not really investing in education and not investing in the next generation. we're having students graduate from school with dozens of thousands of dollars in debt. not getting jobs that are essentially paying enough to get that money on the table immediately. and it's affecting what we can do after college. people are getting married later
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and it's not good for anyone. and it places a burden on students, as well as their families. nate tisa and sky, thank you so much for joining us. as i said, the president is going to speak in the next couple of hours about the student debt kriss and we'll see what he has to say. we'll hear what his plan is. also tomorrow an exclusive interview with president obama. chris cuomo meets up with the president today as he hits the road on that bus tour for education reform. chris' exclusive interview with the president tomorrow morning that will air on cnn's "new day." we're back in a minute. of my grandkids.
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wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance.
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resignation. 18 women have accused filner of sexual harassment. filner has not been at city hall for weeks. it shows the mayor leaving city hall in an suv with what appear it be boxes in the back seat. casey wian is in san diego with more. what was he doing with those boxes, casey? >> well, good morning, carol. we don't know for a fact that he was cleaning out his office but it appeared that was the case. he had not been seen in public since he went into that behavioral therapy for two weeks. showed up at city hall for the first time yesterday afternoon while these mediation discussions were under way. and then they, the mediators came out and said that they had an agreement in place. waiting to hear details, but they said they could not disclose those details because by law they have to give this settlement, proposed settlement to the city countsal to
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consider. they have to give them 24 hours. we will not hear any details until tomorrow afternoon. one of his alleged victims was speaking out about the prospect of a settlement and the prospect of mayor filner stepping down. >> i am glad that we've reached some sort of a resolution or at least a step forward. ultimately, that this behavior stop. i think that removing the mayor from power is a huge part of that. >> and that was laura, the second woman who came forward to accuse the mayor of inappropriate conduct. the first woman who accused him, filed that sexual harassment lawsuit his former press secretary. she and her attorney gloria allred have been steadfast and many city council members have been and the way they want this resolved is for mayor filner to resign and leave office and hard to see how this ends up any other way, carol. >> casey wian reporting live. a deal between city of san diego
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and mayor bob filner out collecting signatures trying to force a recall election. good morning, rachel. >> good morning. >> good morning. so, how's it going? how many signatures have you collected? >> well, so far we have in hand 11,000 signatures. those are petitions that are actually in our office. we have about 10,000 more petitions out on the street with people collecting. so, it could be, it could be tens of thousands more signatures. >> you need like 101,000 signatures, though, right? >> right. it's a huge hurdle, but it has been no problem whatsoever for any of our volunteers gathering these signatures. they have had people stopping their car, getting out, leaving the keys in the karsaying i have been looking for somewhere to sign this. the most enthusiasm you've seen to sign a petition in your life. >> did you see the pictures of the mayor putting boxes in an suv? >> i didn't see the pictures.
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but i did hear he was in the office and that a deal has been reached, yes. >> do you think it's possible that the deal includes the mayor's ezmayo mayor's resignation. >> you're still going to be out on the streets collecting signatures today? >> you know, deals fall apart and that's what we're trying to remind our volunteers. anything can happen between now and friday and until the council calls the election to replace the mayor, we'll keep the pressure on. >> rachel lang, thank you so much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. still to come in "newsroom" now you see him, now you don't. how these cypress trees got sucked into a louisiana.
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checking our top stories at 50 minutes past the hour, president obama on the road again. this morning he kicks off a two-day bus tour through new york state and pennsylvania. first stop the university of buffalo. the president is expected to talk about curbing college costs, grading colleges, and steering taxpayer dollars to high-performing schools. tomorrow an exclusive interview with president obama. cnn's chris cuomo will meet up with the president as he travels on that bus. chris' exclusive interview tomorrow on cnn's "new day." in egypt, state media reporting a helicopter has just arrived to transfer hosni mubarak from prison to a medical
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center where he will face arrests. these are live pictures we're showing you. egypt's central prosecutor will not appeal to keep the deposed leader behind bars. mubarak was jailed in 2011 and convicted last year of inciting violence against arab spring protesters. now some amazing pictures. see these trees? and there they go. officials in south louisiana trying to figure out what caused a huge sinkhole to burp this week and swallow several cyprus trees. i would's more than 3800 feet wide and 50 feet deep. a mandatory evacuation order has been in place since the sinkhole formed last year. louisiana republicans blame barack obama more than his predecessor for the botched response to hurricane katrina. that's despite the fact obama was just a second-term senator
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in 2005. the study found 29% of republicans surveyed blamed obama. 28% blamed bush. 44% were undecided. if you're thinking about getting rid of your old iphone, they hold their worth better than any other smartphone, selling for as much as $300. retail prices tend to tank before apple releases a new version. the next big unveil is expected september 10th. what's new in the next hour of "newsroom." as hannah anderson speaks out, tensions flair between families. >> what i would stem cetell the dimaggio family, i would tell them to shut up. >> dna tests. and shocking numbers out of detroit. >> 50,000 dogs run loose in the city. people move out, they leave their dogs behind. when it gets cold, they turn them loose. >> packs of stray dogs roaming the streets.
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season. we have the "bleacher report." good morning. >> he lost his father and brother in the last year so he decided to transfer from iowa state to rutgers to be closer to home but the ncaa says he has to sit out this season if he wants to play for the scarlet knights. another case of the wording of the rule getting in the way of doing what's right. you can get a hardship rule to play right away if you have a sick family member, but if a family member dies you're out of luck. he said i'll make the wise decision of staying off social networks today because if i express my feeling i might say the wrong thing. rutgers plans on appealing. mike tyson is back in boxing as a promoter in charge of iron mike productions. his first event will be tomorrow night in new york. tyson may not be knocking anyone out anymore, but he still knows how to get people excited far fight. >> i'm a little nervous here but
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i'm just so excited about being involved with this whole establishment. and i don't know. i need some fighter to say i'm going to kill him or something, talk about his mother. we got to sell tickets, man. come on, man. >> we've seen some awesome dunks this summer, but this one is going to be hard to top. the ball changes hands 11 times, multiple trampolines, kids on roller blades, a gorilla suit and the dunker is wearing a go pro camera so we'll see this dunk from his point of view. >> we're lucky. >> the goryl will didn't touch the ball. he was just a prop. he just jumped right through, dove into the pool. >> wonder how long it took them to do that. >> i think they had a blueprint, like "home alone," where he threw it up, and this was probably what they did here. pretty cool stuff, though. >> interesting use of a trampoline. >> there goes the gorilla. >> andy scholes, thanks so much.
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>> students in crisis. their loans front and center today. the president promising help. 32 days, 18 accusers and one very pitiful fall from office. san diego mayor bob filner finally strikes a deal. plus, 50,000 stray dogs roaming the streets of detroit and just four city workers trying to round them all up. the second hour of "newsroom" starts now. good morning. thanks for being with me. i'm carol costello. a bombshell from private bradley manning. in a statement to the "today" show, the wikileaks source says he wants to live the rest of his life as a woman named chelsea. his gender identity crisis was revealed during the sentencing phase of his family when the military revealed this picture showing manning wearing a wig
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and makeup. he wants hormone therapy for gender reassignment, and that's something ft. leavenworth does not provide. >> well, i don't know about the sex reassignment surgery that chelsea hasn't indicated that would be her desire. but as far as a hormone therapy, yes, i'm hoping ft. leavenworth would do the right thing and provide that. if ft. leavenworth does not, then i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure they are forced to do so. >> pentagon correspondent chris lawrence joins was more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol. it does not appear that ft. leavenworth will do that. it looks like dana coombs will have to sue the army or petition on medical grounds to get bradley manning transferred to a federal prison where perhaps he could get that therapy because due to army and d.o.d. regulations, ft. leaven swort not going to give that hormone therapy much less sex
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reassignment surgery. carol? >> if he did get this treatment, this hormone replacement therapy, who would pay for it? >> it would be the government. it would be the taxpayers. that's the way it is for any prisoner. basically, if you're a prisoner, the state or the government is responsible for your medical care because you can't fund your own medical care. there have been some rulings in the past where federal courts have struck down laws in which some states try to prohibit these taxpayer-funded hormone therapy regimens. again, some of the courts have struck those down saying you can't do that. and some prisoners have been receiving hormone therapy. sexual reassignment surgery is still relatively new. that also has been looked on somewhat favorably by some of the courts, but it's still in the process of appeal. but, again, bottom line, he's --
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this is not going to happen at ft. leavenworth. it's an all-male prison. i just got off the phone with some officials just a few minutes ago who said, look, right now, and he is still in the body of a man, and placement at leaven swort based on gender, and right now there is just no provision for this. he's going to have to go outside the system to make this happen. >> all right. chris lawrence reporting live from the pentagon this morning. also this morning we're hearing from hannah anderson in her first interview since being freed from her kidnapper in the idaho wilderness. hannah says she wants to defuse whispers over some curious details that have emerged. they include the cell phone records showing she and her kidnapper, james dimaggio, trading 13 messages on the day she vanished. here's what hannah told nbc's "today" show. >> the phone calls weren't phone calls. they were texts because he was picking me up from cheer camp and he didn't know the address or, like, where i was so, i had
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to tell him the address and tell him that i was going to be in the gym and not in front of the school, just so he knew where to come get me. >> hannah has been mostly out of the public's view as she mourns her mother and little brother. police say dimaggio killed them in the hours leading up to her kidnapping. hannah says she keeps in touch with friends just as other teenagers do using social media. >> i connect with them through facebook and instagram. it just helps me grieve, like, post pictures and to show how i'm feeling. and i'm a teenager. i'm going to go on it. >> cnn's stephanie e elam live in san diego with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol. when you take a listen to what hannah is saying, there's a lot of people who have a lot of questions about what's happening. we still haven't learned a lot of those details, but we know the memorial service for her mother and 8-year-old brother is going to be held on saturday. that's what the family wants
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everyone to be focused on. but at the same time, we've heard that the sister of jim dimaggio, one sister would like to see a dna test done to find out if he was actually the father of hannah and also of ethan. that has gotten the family very upset. take a listen to hannah's great-unc great-uncle. this is her maternal grandmother's brother. listen to what he had to is say. >> what i would tell the dimaggio family, i'd tell them to shut up. with their accusations and their implications until after the funeral, until after my precious tina and precious ethan are buried. the family members that your family murdered, that's what i'd tell them. >> reporter: and i spent some time with hannah's grandparents yesterday, and they say right now the focus really needs to be on remembering tina and remembering ethan and that if you take a look at a picture of brett anderson, the father of
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ethan and hannah, there's no doubt that those two children are, in fact, his. but they are just very upset that this is happening, but they say right now it's just, to use their word, ridiculous, carol. >> stephanie elam reporting live. the images out of syria are hard to watch. the suspicions are even harder to fathom. could a regime desperately clinging to power really unleash chemical weapons on civilian neighborhoods? rebel groups now say more than 1,300 people have died, many of them children. again, a warning. the video is graphic, disturbing, and some of you might want to look away. >> reporter: children, some no older than 6 or 7, gasping, foaming at the mouth, many others dead, their pale bodies lying side by side in makeshift hospitals. cnn cannot independently verify these online videos but opposition leaders in syria say there is little doubt about what killed these children -- poison
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gas. >> stop the murder of people and suffocating of syrian children with the poisonous gas. >> reporter: the united states and its allies are calling on the united nations to investigate. u.n. inspectors are already in syria looking into an earlier alleged attack that killed dozens. but these newest videos for all their dramatic impact, fall short of proving a chemical attack. if the syrian government did use chemical weapons on its own people, it could trigger u.s. involvement that president obama threatened a year ago nearly to the day. >> a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. that would change my calculus. that would change my equation. >> reporter: in june, the white house concluded that line had been crossed and it would give rebels military aid. but some members of congress say the administration has failed to act decisively and it's time to
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step up. >> where does this stop? when does the united states, with very little cost, stand up for these people and stop this horrific -- you can't look at those pictures without being deeply moved. are we going to just let that go on? >> reporter: also this morning, israel says its intelligence assessments have concluded that chemical weapons were, indeed, used. france's foreign minister says if those claims are proved true, force should be used to punish syria. but he also stressed that ground troops would not be an option. the girlfriend of slain australian christopher lane tells cnn she never would have expected what police are calling an indiscriminate shooting to happen at her quiet oklahoma town. >> we don't have anything like this ever happen here. we're a pretty boring town,
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really. i mean, there's the same -- everybody loves the friday night football games and just doing the everyday life. and most everybody always runs that street, walks that street. my neighbors have been on it early in the day. it's amazing that something could happen like that in the middle of the day, a popular area of town. >> two teenagers are charged with first-degree murder and a third with related crimes. police say the third suspect said the teens were, quote, bored so they decided to kill somebody. children are back in class this morning two days after a school shooting. well, it wasn't a school shooting and thank goodness for that, but it certainly terrified the community in decatur, georgia. police identified the suspect as 20-year-old michael brandon hill. they say he entered the school with an assault rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition. he could face assault weapons charges. no one was injured in the shooting.
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the former dictator hosni mubarak has now been moved out of a prison to a military hospital. he will remain under house arrest, but there's a lot of controversy surrounding this. so let's head to egypt right now. nick paton walsh will tell us more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. remarkable scenes we have just seen on egyptian television, a helicopter which apatieparent licariing former dictator hosni mubarak away from the prison from where he's languished for months away now to a military hospital on the outskirts. he's not free. he is still in custody, but he's under house arrest now in a hospital. an infirmed elderly man but still a man despised by many egyptians for decades in which he held the country under authoritarian rule. let's point out, too, a key figure in what's being called the arab spring, the last 2 1/2 years of dissent and tumult that this region has been thrown into. he was the first big
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authoritarian head to rule. remarkable scenes of this helicopter taking off after prosecutors said the decision yesterday by courts that he should be freed really were technicality. to see a helicopter land and whisk him away, we would have expected perhaps a year ago to see egyptians up in arms at this man seemingly having his condition significantly improve. what's remarkable is the protesters we saw were holding up pictures in support of hosni mubarak, holding up port rate rf him. 20, 30 men running up an enormous egyptian flag trying to bank off the view of the cameras assembled outside the jail. almost all we've seen is celebration. that isn't necessarily to say that there aren't hundreds if not thousands or millions of egyptians angry at the fact he may now be in better circumstance, even though he still faces a retrial for the incitement of violence against proepts
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protesters back in 2011. but we haven't seen people protesting this, probably because the military and the interim government have calculated that people are tired of violence, tired of unrest after the brutality, cracking down on the muslim brotherhood opposition movements in the past week, and maybe just want to see life get back to normal. what's also remarkable, too, there is this massive swing back to times past. hosni mubarak, a figure which was loathed enough, people willing to give their lives to depose him, has now been released and really, the first significant act of this new interim administration apart from cracking down on protests here in the center of cairo. >> nick paton walsh reporting live in cairo, egypt. we'll be right back. ♪
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. some of the most famous brand names in america. >> a sip of coca-cola is a sip of ah, and no two are alike. just like snowflakes. >> of course that was for coca-cola. now one of the country's most popular airlines. >> welcome to the new delta. >> one great airline!
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>> you can tell how coca-cola ended up tied for the title of this year's most respected brand with delta way at the other end of the spectrum. joining me from new york is cnn business anchor christine romans. this survey surprised me, really. >> did it? >> yeah. >> i mean, consumer staples, things that make you feel good, that you touch every day, make you feel happy, have good brand recognition, and things that you sit on the tarmac to wait at the gate for don't? >> nickname for delta, don't ever leave the airport. >> hershey's, harley-davidson and bayer, the aspirin company rounded out the top five core brands. it was surprised that pepsi tied with coke because coke usually wins it. pepsi is the number one snack food maker in the world. that helps the brand resonate with consumers. one of the few nonstaple brands in that top ten best brand recognition, harley-davidson.
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they've figured it out, how to present a lifestyle brand that juices up its brand score. the only thing you can't eat on that list. let's look at the least respected brands. the top five least respected, delta, philip morris, h&r block -- i mean, taxes, come on, right? -- denny's and big lots. corporate brand said delta at the top of the least respected list is still improving its favorability rating, have a lot of ground to make up but but it is improving that position, working hard on its brand, as all these companies are. brand recognition is something that companies spend a lot of time and money on. no surprise philip morris, of course a tobacco company, and tobacco is something in this country that's had an image and brand problem for some time now. no surprise philip morris on that list. >> fascinating. thanks, christine. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. 50,000 stray dogs are roaming the streets of detroit, nesting in abandoned homes, threatening pedestrians and at times attacking.
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the bankrupt city only has four animal control officers responsible for covering 139 square miles. the shelters are overflowing with strays and the animals are suffering in the streets. a problem himted in videos like this. >> there are 50,000 dogs running loose in this city. people move out, they leave their dogs behind. when it gets cold, they turn them loose. they've taken over abandoned houses, factories, businesses, and the streets. the city doesn't want people to know there's a stray dog problem. but there is a big problem. >> it is a big problem. joining us now is harry ward, the head of animal control in detroit. one of only three animal shelters in the entire city. good morning, harry. >> good morning. >> do you just feel overwhelmed? >> well, you could feel
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overwhelmed if you look at the big picture, but you do the best you can each day and you have your triumphs embedded in a lot of tragedy and you move forward. >> what is your day like? >> our day is like any other law enforcement or reactionary safety unit in the city of detroit. we have citizens who call us and plead for help, and we do our very best to meet their needs. it's an effort to juggle it, but you stay active in it and you can meet the need. >> it must be heartbreaking for you, too, seeing these dogs with no homes, some of them starving, some of them scared. >> it is tremendously heartbreaking. and every day you maintain your perspective on what that is and do your best for the animals that you come into contact with. >> and what happens to most of these animals that you take into custody? >> the vast majority of dogs
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that are impounded in the city of detroit are dogs that are so poorly socialized or have been so abused that they are not an animal that would fit easily into any adoptive home, so those dogs would have to be euthanized. there are limited numbers of adoptive homes and we have to make sure that the dogs that end up in them are going to be a good fit. it's an unfortunate fact. >> i am sure that many people who are watching you and hearing what you're saying, they want to do something to help. how can people help you? >> well, what people can do -- and there is always a crying need for this in the city of detroit -- some people want to count stray dogs. there's a lot of efforts. if you go into our neighborhoods and help people spay or neuter or properly give veterinary care to their dogs, if you're a group with money or volunteers, if you go door to door and educate people about where they can get low-cost rabies vaccination and
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provide money for low-cost spays and neuters, that's what people can do. that would be the best thing. >> i know the humane society has been helping. do you need people to volunteer to help you do your job? >> what we need, actually, is for people to continue to support the city government and the city of detroit, continue to pay their taxes so that all the city departments along with mine can be adequately funded. we are trying to meet the need with four animal control officers that are doing an incredible job. if the city continues to claw its way back to economic health and we have a full staff, then we will be all right. so what am i asking people to do? obey the law and invest in the city of detroit and all the departments will flourish and safety will increase. >> we thank you for all your hard work. harry ward, head of animal control for the city of detroit, thank you so much for sharing this morning. >> you're very welcome. thank you. let's put up that graphic one more time so people can --
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oh, there it is. sorry about that, scotty. i asked for that a little fast. here's how you can help. they need money, they need volunteers. anything that you can do, michigan is another organization you can send money and perhaps volunteer for that organization to get some of those stray dogs off the streets of detroit. thanks, scotty. >> still to come in the "newsroom," president obama back on the road. live pictures right now from buffalo where air force one has just landed. the president's goal today, easing the financial burden of college. ♪ you're not made of money,
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so don't overpay for boat insurance. geico, see how much you could save. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced.
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all right. let's get back to buffalo right now. you can see the president's plane has landed. president obama is kicking off a two-state campaign-style bus tour, his focus, making college more affordable for the middle class. he's going to outline a plan. our white house correspondent dan lothian joins me now. so, dan, what do we expect the president to say? >> reporter: well, you know,
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carol, the president has been talking lately about shaking things up in the higher education system so, today we'll see a step in that direction. one of the things that the president is expected to highlight and has been getting a lot of attention this morning is this proposal to rate colleges and universities, put together a scorecard, if you will. this would be something designed by the department of education that would look at things such as what is a school doing to help those from disadvantaged backgrounds or how are they improving their performance. we're told by the secretary of education, arne duncan, this is not something that would require congressional approval, but they would come up with a scale based on hearings, public hearings, listening to students, to teachers, to administrators, to state officials before they come up with that scorecard. in addition to that, those universities that do perform well, the president wants to reward them, and so by 2018 he wants to have in place a system whereby federal grants to
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universities will depend on how a university performs. that no doubt will be quite controversial. so the president will be laying out a number of things including trying to help young people deal with a mountain of college debt. to that end, one of the things the president is proposing is capping the amount of a loan repayment at 10% of monthly income of that student. just to kind of help them deal with the burden of paying off their loans. you know, the president has always talked about how he and the first lady were dealing with college loans, thousands of dollars in college loans, until just a short time ago when he started writing all those books and had a lot of money coming in. this is something he's been sharing his personal story with as he tries to make some changes. will all of this be em bralsed? probably not. the president himself in the letter to a white house mailing list said that he did not expect that all of these items on his list would be popular. in fact, a short time ago, speaking with reporters on air
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force one, arne duncan said he expected to get mixed reaction from some of these universities out there, but nonetheless they believe that this is the way to go in terms of improving performance and making higher education more affordable, carol. >> dan lothian reporting live for thus morning. as i said, president obama will give his speech around 11:15 eastern time. cnn of course will cover it live. also chris cuomo will meet up with the president later today as he hits the road for that bus tour. chris' exclusive interview tomorrow on cnn. [ female announcer ] birdhouse plans. nacho pans.
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i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. happening now in the "newsroom," the dramatic 911 call of a school office worker as she confronts a gunman armed with an assault rifle and 500 rounds of ammo. hear how she saved the day with love. plus -- >> senator mcconnell,
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conservatives don't need a chicken when it comes to obama care. >> minnesota, land of 10,000 reasons to get health insurance. >> obama care back in focus as some in congress ramp up their bid to defund the law. it could stop the government from running. and russia's new crackdown on gays and lesbians finally pushes "prison break" star wentworth miller to come out of the closet. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." good morning. thank you for being with me. i'm carol costello. our top stories at 32 minute past the hour, egypt's former president, former dictator hosni mubarak has arrived at a military hospital where he will be placed under house arrest. egyptian state media reports a helicopter landed at a prison to transfer mubarak. he was sentenced to life in prison for inciting violence against protesters during the uprising that led to his ouster in 2011.
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mubarak appealed. he'll get a new trial now. a bombshell from convicted army private bradley manning. the wikileaks source announces he wants to live the rest of his life as a woman named chelsea and wants the army to provide hormone therapy for gender reassignment. the gender identity crisis was revealed in the sentencing phase of the trial. the army released this picture of manning wearing a wig and makeup. he had been sent to a psychologist. amazing pictures. look at those trees. you'll see them go -- just going to sink into the water. officials in south louisiana are trying to figure out what caused a huge sinkhole to burp this week and swallow several psi pruls trees. it's more than 300 feet wide and 50 feet deep. a mandatory evacuation order has been in place since that sinkhole formed last year. chirp are back in class in decatur, georgia, two days after a school shooting terrified the
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community and shut down ronald e. mcnair discovery learning academy. also this morning that dramatic 911 call everyone is talking act. many are calling this woman, antoinette tuff, a hero. she's the school office worker who confronted the shooter. cnn's martin savidge live in decatur. good morning, martin. >> reporter: good morning, carol. yeah, antoinette tuff has been with the school district eight years, been at this school three years, but on tuesday it really came down to one hour that could have made all the difference for all of those inside. take a listen to this dramatic call. it's a remarkable call. alone in the a you was of an elementary school, bookkeeper antoinette tuff is face to face with a man armed with an assault rifle and close to 500 rounds of ammunition.
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>> reporter: so connect with the suspect, she pours out her own personal story of a marriage that suddenly ended. >> well, don't feel bad. my husband just left me after 33 years. but -- yes, you do. i mean, i'm sitting here with you. >> reporter: and her own thoughts of suicide. >> we all go through something in life. no, you don't want that. you're going to be okay. i thought the same thing. you know, i tried to commit suicide last year after my husband left me, but look at me now. i'm still working and everything is okay. >> reporter: no hint of fear, no sense she's lying to save herself. her cool, collect nature moves even the police dispatcher. >> ma'am, you're doing a great job.
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>> moments later after convincing the gunman to put down his weapon and lay down himself, the police barge in. >> on the ground. on the ground. >> do not move. >> reporter: and only then does antoinette tuff finally break down. >> let me tell you something, baby, nothing so scary in my life. >> me either, but you did great. >> oh, jesus. >> reporter: that is so powerful to hear that release coming from her, carol, that sort of moment when she realized it's finally done. that ordeal went on for over an hour. that telephone call goes on for 20 minutes or so. very difficult to condense it as i did there for about three minutes for you. if you get the chance, go to and listen to the whole thing. it is truly something. >> it really is. is miss tuff at school today? >> reporter: no, she's got a well-deserved day off. she's resting and we understand probably going to get more attention because she has become this kind of national hero.
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this is a woman, she was trained, she did what she was supposed to do according to the principal, hold that gunman in place, but right now everyone wants to know more about her. >> i know i certainly do. martin savidge, thank you so much. guess what, all of you will get to know more about her because tonight on "ac 360," a special reunion. the 911 dispatcher meets antoinette tuff. tonight, 8:00 eastern on cnn. still to come in the "newsroom," the waiting is the hardest part. more than a month since mayor bob filner was first accused of sexual harassment. now it appears the san diego mayor has struck a deal. my mantra?
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deal in mediation which could include the mayor's resignation, but we just don't know yet. and we won't know until the city council hears it first. filner has not been at city hall for weeks until yesterday. new cell phone video shows him leaving city hall in an suv with what appears to be boxes in the back seat. filner watch: day 32. casey wian live in san diego. sure looks like he was moving out of the mayor's office. >> reporter: it certainly does, carol. locals say before this scandal erupted this is where the mayor would enter city hall every morning. he'd park that suv just on the curb over there and walk this way sometime between 7:00, 8:00 in the morning. no sighting of him yet. we do not know, as you reported, those details of that tent tati agreement that was reached yesterday between the mayor's representatives, the the city council, the city attorney, attorneys representing one of the alleged victims who has
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filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him. those details will be revealed to the city council at a closed session tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 local time. after the city council acts, then the details should be known publicly. but at this point, it seems very difficult to figure out a way that mayor filner is going to be able to hold on to his job. all of the people that his representatives were negotiating with said publicly the only way out of this they saw was for him to step down, carol. >> so if he does step down, if he does lose his job, what happens then? >> then there will be a special election called and a lot of folks who have expressed interest in running if that's what's happened, could get under way very, very quickly. in the meantime, the president of the city council, todd gloria, he would take over as interim mayor. >> casey wian live in san diego, i hope you camp out all night to see what's in that deal. i'm dying to know. thank you, casey.
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wildfire preparedness level is at its highest level for the first time in five years. this fire nerio semitee national park has more than doubled in size since tuesday. the rim fire spans 53,000 acre, only 2% contained. if you're thinking about selling your old iphone, you might want to act now. they hold their worth better than any other smartphones selling for as much as 300 bucks, but retail prices tend to tank right before apple releases a new version, and the next big unveil is expected on september 10th. in money news, americans, do you know how to yahoo!? according to com score, yahoo! had the most visited websites last month. google came in second. that hasn't happened in more than two years. this morning in texas the lieutenant governor is facing tough questions after making a phone call to a local jail. what's that about, you ask? well, ashleigh banfield will be talking about that on "legal view" in the next hour. what's it about?
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>> are you a fan of the movie "anchorman," where he says, i'm kind of a big deal, people know me? a little like this, kid you not. you have to hear the phone call because the lieutenant governor made the phone call and it was recorded and it's all about a family member who happens to be sitting in the clink over some shoplifting charges. but when you hear what he says and who he said it to, there are a lot of people who are coming out to say you can't do that, and by the way, not just his political rivals, some of the folk on his side, too. we'll play you the tape and let you be the judge, because i'm not so sure a judge is ever going to hear it, but politically people will judge him. >> can't wait to hear it. ashleigh banfield, thanks so much. >> carol, thanks. still to come on the "newsroom," john boehner says it is the law of the land, but for some of his republican colleagues the battle against obama care goes on. why their latest strategy could impact funding for the entire federal government. ♪
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even superheroes need superheroes, and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals with 23 vitamins and minerals. purina dog chow. help keep him strong. dog chow strong. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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obama care. let's talk. i know there's a lot of heat around the president's health care plan, but that doesn't mean you ignore the facts. some critics have called me out for insisting americans are pretty evenly split on obama care. although it might be easier to argue against the plan if a majority of americans wanted to
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disappear, it's just not true. according to the latest cnn poll, 43% approve of the plan. 54% do not. but you have to really look at the numbers to understand exactly what they mean. that 54% includes 15% of people who don't approve of obama care because it is not liberal enough. they want it to go farther. so do the phat. 54 minus 16 equals 38%. so while 16% think obama care doesn't go far enough, the remaining 38% of americans think obama care goes too far and they want it to go away. keep in mind, there is a margin of error of three percentage points. but in the end, it means, yes, on oma care and that also plit - means the battle for and against the law rages on in washington and beyond. here's jim acosta. >> gentlemen, thank you for sharing your views. >> reporter: this town hall
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meeting was practically a pep rally with conservatives shouting down liberal protesters and cheering on the tea party's plan to defund obama care. >> number one, i agree with them. they should have health care and obama care is causing more and more people struggling to climb the economic ladder to lose their health care. >> reporter: cruz and his allies are eyeing two dates looming on the calendar, september 30th, when the government runs out of money, and the next day, october 1st, when online new obama care insurance market places open for business. conservative groups say that's the time to force congress and the white house to choose. defund the health care law or shut down the government. >> there's a game of chicken going on to on both sides, and i'm fairly confident if the republican party, republican lawmakers, go out and make the case to the american people that obama care is hurting them, it's costing them jobs, having hours cut back at their work, we can go out and win this fight. >> reporter: but not all republicans are on board with the plan. >> i think it's the dumbest idea
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i've ever heard of. >> reporter: even senator minority leader mitch mcconnell has doubts. >> the problem is the bill that would shut down the government wouldn't shut down obama care. most of it is permanent law and not affected by that. >> reporter: which is why the message war has begun with conservative groups targeting republicans. >> senator mcconnell, conservatives don't need a chicken when it comes to obama care. >> reporter: just as the white house and states supporting the health care law are encouraging americans to sign up. >> minnesota -- land of 10,000 reasons to get health insurance. >> little help! >> reporter: other house republicans are raising the stakes even higher with talk of impeachment. >> if i could write that bill and submit it -- >> do it. >> excuse me. it would be a dream come true. >> reporter: former house speaker and co-host of cnn's "cross fire," neutz gingrich, has a better idea -- put the shutdown ball in the president's court. >> no, i would pass a bill that funded everything in the government except obama care.
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>> reporter: wouldn't that shut down the government? >> only the if obama decide head wanted to shut it down. >> reporter: kwhishls there is no way the president would ever sign a bill ha defunds the health care law and one top top gop aide said it's likely it will be funded ed ted to the ee year. september could be a wild ride. >> what else is new. still to come in the "newsroom," standing face to face with russia's strict new anti-gay law, request at prison break" star decides to come out of the closet. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines.
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[off screen] hthere you are. [speaking german] hi, grandpa! [off screen] give me a kiss! [speaking mandarin] what do you think? do you like it? [off screen] happy birthday! can you see that? [speaking polish] [off screen] did he apologize? [off screen] thanks, micah! [off screen] bye, guys. bye. see ya. oh my god!
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every day, more people connect face to face on the iphone than any other phone. i miss you. one of the stars of fox's "prison break," remember that show, is breaking his silence. wentworth miller is gay. his revelation came in response to an invitation to a russian film festival and his strong feelings about that country's strict new anti-gay laws. joining me now is entertainment correspondent michelle turner. good morning, michelle. >> good morning, carol. you know, if wentworth miller had just come out as gay we may not be talking about him today, but he came out as he was taking a public stand against the laws in russia, and that's getting the attention today. neil patrick harris responded so to this story on twitter saying, well done, wentworth miller, bravo. you may remember him from "prison break" but he's also carving out a career in writing and produced "stoker" with nicole kidman.
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in the open letter he rote to the director of the st. petersburg film festival, he politely declined the invitation to attend, "i cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people like myself are being systematically denied their right to live and love openly." eloquently put. given the growing awareness of the situation in russia, more and more celebrities will be scrutinized, we've seen lady gaga and madonna protest these laws. other stars like till da swinton have had smaller protests. but i don't know if we'll see a lot of stars like wentworth's not to go to russia to protest this law. andy cohen from bravo just did the same thing, decided not to host the miss america or miss universe pageant this year because it's there. but other than that, we haven't seen a lot of this decision. >> interesting. nischelle, thank you so much.
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nischelle turner live in new york. thanks for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "legal view" with ashleigh banfield starts now. bet you didn't see this one coming. yesterday bradley manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking military secrets. but today he says he has a new name and it's chelsea manning. also ahead, the california teenager whose disappearance captivated the nation got herself back in the spotlight live on tv, first thing this morning. we have part of that interview for you and some of her answers to probing questions. and a phone call from the lieutenant governor to a texas police station, and you better bet the political rivals are screaming over this one. abuse of power. but was he simply trying to help a relative in trouble or was it in fact much more than that? hello, everyone, and
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