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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  August 28, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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males have a tendency to wonder a little bit, and what you want to do is make the home so wonderful he doesn't want to wonder. >> i don't want you single people to feel left out, either, so here is a grab bag on a wide range of top picks. >> now, it looks like 30% of women are involved in pornography. >> yeah. >> those who are involved in marshall arts before they started are actually inhaling some demon spirit, some do that by the way. yoga in some of these manicures definitely have budest origins. get a good decorator to make your house pretty. >> thank you pat robertson. you're a true crusader and we didn't consider permanently changing the name to the pat robertson list, although it does have a certain ring to it. thanks for watching.
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thanks for watching. "piers morgan live" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- this is piers morg"piers m." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. can anything stop a strike in syria. listen to what president obama told the pbs news hour. >> i have no interest in any kind of open-ended conflict in syria, but we do have to make sure that when countries break international norms on weapons like chemical weapons that could threaten us, that they are held accountable. >> so it is just a matter of time and can this country afford to intervene in syria? we' and the jury giving the shooter death. nadal hassan looked at him in the eye and shot him seven times. >> might have strong woords of criticism for president obama. and you heard lora dimaggio tell me this last night about
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hanna anderson. >> i remember very vividly telling my brother, she's trouble. she's going to -- she's -- i said you need to watch out for that one, she's trouble. >> it was an extraordinary encounter and tonight i want to ask star jones what she thought of that and much more, plus, mom versus miley. the blogger who warns her daughter let miley cyrus be a lesson to you. we'll find out what that lesson is later. we'll begin with the big story, the deepening crisis in syria and what the white house tends to do about it. fred is live in damascus tonight, one of the only western reporters in syria. mounting tension in ssyria, and indeed, around the world as everybody braces themself for an inevitable military strike. how would you describe the atmosphere right there in
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damascus? >> reporter: it's erie. one of the interesting things is apparently the syrian military has started drawing down staff in many key buildings. for instance, the head of the air force and army and the other thing is apparently they moved artille artillery in the mountains away from there to get away from the american air strikes. the u.n. ambassador was asked. it is very, very quiet. you're hearing a lot less artillery than normally. it doesn't confirm or deny but shows perhaps there is some sort of movement but the regime is taking the way and pace things are going right now very, very seriously. >> the logic of this movement is that the strike when it comes is expected to be very precise and targeting military instillations, air bases and so on, not chemical weapons, because they could, if they were
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hit, become huge environmental catastrophes. >> reporter: yeah, they certainly would. that's one of the things that we've been hearing internationally we here in syria, that if these chemical weapons were to be hit, then of usually the chemical gas would be released and cause an environmental disaster and of course, hurt and kill a lot of people as well. however, the syrian government, of course, for it's part is saying whatever the u.s. does, whatever air strike happens, it will only kill civilians, it's dangerous and warn of a destabilization of this region or country right here. one of the things that the information minister here told me when i did an interview with him is he said effectively the u.s. would become the air force of al qaeda because we know there are a lot of al qaeda affiliated groups north of syria but in the damascus suburbs. that is their line. the u.s., of course, says this is about chemical weapons and chemical weapons only, piers.
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>> fred, you're doing terrific reporting there in a dangerous situation. stay safe and we'll talk again tomorrow. thank you very much. i'll bring in an author, christian amanpour and james spider marks, former commanding general of the u.s. army intelligence center. christian let me start with you, whichever way you look at it, there is no easy way to look at this. >> look, it has been left for so long, the united states, britain, france, nobody wants to get involved, if they ever do to topple saddam -- i mean bashar al-assad. but nobody is getting into the
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business now of wanting to topple him even though the strategic rational has been all along he must go. if it happens, and everybody thinks it will happen is bound to be in the president's words a limited strike to punish bashar al-assad and prevent him from using chemical weapons again. now he has done according to the uk about ten times and you remember in the spring there was a big incident when several hundred people were killed and nothing was done to hold him accountable. at that time we were told by the free syrian army commander, please, please, do something otherwise it will happen again, and sure enough, it did and that was last week with much more catastrophic consequences. so now, the west certainly, the united states is being forced to respond because it has drawn this red line and as we all know, chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction are banned by international law and are a war crime. this is where we are now. there is no big strategy beyond limited punitive strikes.
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so this war is going to continue even if there are strikes against this particular action. >> fran townsend, i want to play you a clip from president obama's interview today where he outlines the logic about what is going on here. >> we want the assad regime to understand by using chemical weapons in a large scale against your own people, against women, against infants, against children that you are not only breaking international norms and standards after decency, but you're also creating a situation where u.s. national interests are affected, and that needs to stop. >> now, what was fascinating to me, fran, is that he used the word norms, not law, and john kerry did the same. they are all avoiding saying what assad is doing is a breach of law because actually technically, it may not be.
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>> that's right. what they are talking about are these agreements on non-proliferation but there were two other pretty interesting things the president said in the clip, piers, look, we have -- the president has come under criticism as pointed out there are prior chemical attacks, ten identified by the uk. dexter talked about 35 prior to this. the key here is we wondered why the president -- what was the red line, what was the definition? he denined that tonight for the first time by saying it was the large scale use against civilian populations. that's his red line and that's what has been crossed. he also went on to make the case this is sort of -- this -- there is the problem of an attack on u.s. national interests. what does he mean by that? well, we have key allies, jordan, lebanon, israel that could be affected and what is
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not mentioned but applies to u.s. interest being at risk are u.s. diplomatic posts and the military forces in the region. let's remember just last week, chairman of the joint chiefs marty dempsey opened up a commands post in jordan, a joint coordination center in jordan. so we have forces at risk, if there is a chemical attack or a che chemical release in the region. >> let me turn to you, general spider marks. one thing i do know, my brother is a british army colonel, they want a clear mission, they want to understand the beginning, middle and end game is supposed to be and will fight according to that requirement. yet again, here, as with iraq and afghanistan, it seems messy, unfocussed and as said, now they are raining back from this. it may be targeted but maybe a
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military target who may already be moving. what is the end game from a military point of view, how do you assess this? >> well, piers, first of all, thank your brother for his service. we appreciate what he's doing. it's not well-defined and the president has not cleared this up by his interview today. what's not said is very significant. the president has not established a strategy in terms -- he hasn't given his intent. he hasn't been able to draw a picture of what he's looking to achieve at the end of this very tactical engagement. in other words, he's got a clear picture of what he wants to try to achieve tactically. he wants to punish assad for the use of chemical weapons. he decoupled that and in other words, he hasn't said a thing about what the regime is going to do going forward. in fact, i would argue the president wants to knock assad down but not out. assad might be killed, disappear
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and this large vacuum and we have no ability to control and have chemical weapons get into the hands of hasballah and others. it's what the president has not said that is most troubling. >> let's turn to the civil war in syria, which is almost a separate issue now in terms of what the president obama said today about intentions. a deal with chemical weapons attack and humanitarian issues, not the civil war itself. should america, should the u.n., should the community generally get involved at all in the civil war in syria and can you divorce, do you think, the two things. >> president obama wants to do that which is why he's talking about a limited aerial strike which will do nothing to tip the balance of power in this conflict that's raging more for than two years that led to more than 100,000 deaths so far. but there is a way to do this. i mean, actually a more
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sustained arial bombardment against the air force and command and control but most importantly, against the air field. syria is getting a daily supply of weapons and ammunitions from iran and from russia. there are only a few air spaces left that these ships -- that these planes can land in and there is a way to degrade that possibility by bombing those air spaces, by bombing these capabilities but it seems that thus far, that's something the president is not seriously considering. so if this is just a punitive strike on the president's part, then it -- i don't think it will make much of a difference one way or another. >> in terms of timing of a strike, an interesting development today in written, there is always a key ally of course to the americans on issues like this and military actions like this where david cameron, the prime minister was staring defeat in the face on this and has gone for a second vote next tuesday, does that
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mean we're unlikely to see any action even from the united states before that vote is taken place? >> that's awfully hard to say, whether the united states will wait for britain or not. britain also said that it will not take any direct military action unless and until the u.n. investigating team comes out with it's report. so that was sort of a left turn today because as you rightly said, there was a lot of hard charging from the prime minute sterp's office, from the secretary of state, the foreign secretary hague's office today and it sort of melted away by the evening when the resolution, draft they presented was batted away. it really depends. the united states doesn't want to do it alone. we were told the united states wouldn't do it alone. so all of this remains to be seen. there is obviously always these wrinkles, in france where the french president said his
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country stands ready to punish those who used these chemical weapons. we're not sure exactly right now what a coalition would look like. we're sure it's almost 99.99% sure there will be no u.n. approval of this of u.n. resolution so it would be an end run to get a consensus amonk nato countries. the arab league has agreed chemical weapons have been used and it's the assad regime but wary of strikes. this is a difficult moment. of course, israel next door to syria, they do want to see assad's capability degraded and they believe that that actually should happen, although they also think that the strike option is going to be a limited one, according to what president obama has said publicly. >> thank you very much. to our panel, thank you-all very much, indeed. coming up next, a man's
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testimony that helped convict the fort hood shooter a. dramatic confrontation when he came face-to-face be man who tried to kill him. that exclusive after this break. [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. for my pain, i want my aleve. i save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare,
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this has been a very long and exhausting process. we are tired. we are hurt, but we are
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resolved. justice has been served. >> today a military jury recommended major nadidal hasane put to death. one wounded was shot seven times at point blank range and came face-to-face with the attacker when he testified against him. he joins us for an interview. welcome to you, again. we spoke very movingly a few weeks ago. how do you feel it went in the end? do you feel justice has been done? are you happy with what has happened sfwh well, partially. i'm happy that he is receiving the death sentence, however, looking at the history, individuals that receive the death sentence in the military, the last time someone was put to death is in 1961 so i definitely do not want him to sit and wait and die of old age.
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i think that now is the time that we really need to go ahead and finish the process and actually put him to death. >> well, in an odd way that may be what he wants. his whole behavioral pattern throughout the trial, defending himself and playing games seem to be geared to wanting to get the death penalty and wanting to be killed. is it not a better punishment, perha perhaps, that he does sit there and think what he did for the rest of his life? >> he want to be put to death in the blaze of glory of battle. and you can tell by his actions throughout the trial, that he is not going to receive that luxury, and what we have to prove as a nation and as a government that we will not allow terrorist to flourish within our uniform services, that's why he deserves to be put to death. however, if he does not get put to death and serving life or on death row, than instead of
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isolating him, put him in general population and let things float themselves out. >> you knew him well. you were in charge as a combat medic. he shot you seven times. it's miraculous you survived this. what was the moment like for you when you turned and realized this man you thought you knew so well had turned rogue enemy? >> well, it was shocking, and actually, one of the safest places you can be in our country is a military base, so for him to perform the actions he did that day, the first thing that came into all of our minds was how we were going to eliminate the threat. he used element of surprise, and after i got hit the first time, life flashed in front of my face, and so it came to a point where i had to make a decision, was i going to die or was i going to get up and fight sni chose to get up and fight. >> what are the long-standing injuries you suffered from this?
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>> one of the most important ones is posttraumatic stress disorder and with posttraumatic stress disorder, i'm no longer the same person i was prior to 5, november 2009. in the aftermath is that i'm a different person to my family and to other individuals that were close to me -- >> in what way? >> well, my kids cannot come up behind me and say dad i love you without announcing themselves. i won't go into a walmart on a saturday by myself, nor will i go late at night when it's not that crowded. the other thing is i have constant nightmares. there are times i'm sleeping and having a nightmare and my wife tries to console me and i'll physically kick her out of the bed or fight back. so my loved ones have to be cautious of how they approach me. or i'm always in a high state of alertness where before i go to bed, when i go to bed, i patrol the perimeter of my home. i'm always looking for the
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threat that's going to come because i was caught by surprise, so that would never happen to me again. >> the fbi released extraordinary e-mails between hasan and the first was whether islamic law would permit the killing of american soldiers. when you read these and saw this obvious link between him and the islamic terrorist, did you think people dropped ball here, they should have identified the threat from has son earlier? >> absolutely. there were other signs that were prevalent while station there had at walter reed. since he was the first middle east earner it was like a hands off approach. he played the race card. they said we go ahead and give him a pass. one of the biggest mistakes they made is they transferred one problem and issue into another base in hopes that those issues would be resolved, but the end
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result, 14 dead, 32 wounded. >> what are your feelings towards him? there was a threat last time we spoke that he may interrogate you on the stand and get a chance to cross-examine you which you feared may trigger more trama and quite understandably. that didn't happen, which must be a relief to you. what are your feelings to him to a human being to a human being? >> he's a failure. he allowed himself to be co-horsed to believe teachings of the koran that were not true. everything that he is stating that he believes, is not supported by anything that is written in the koran. and then by him wanting to be a modder, obviously this is where this highly educated man has not been using common sense. he does not or has not looked at the true definition of a modder and what -- had given the opportunity, what i want to say to him face-to-face was you failed in your mission, and they chose one of the weakest people
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to perform the mission, and for you to fire seven shots at an individual, and that person is still living, that's sad but at the end of the day, i get a chance to get up out of this chair, to walk out of this room, something he cannot do. i get a chance to lay down at night beside my wife so when he asks someone to send him and i don't have to live a life in dreams of receiving 40 virgins. >> it's inspiring to talk to you. you're a true american hero. i thank you for your service and for your actions that day, which are almost certainly stopped him killing a lot more people and an awful, awful episode in the history of america's hill tarry, but i solute you for your actions. >> thank you. coming next, smiley thinks the true message of martin luther king is being ignored and
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if dr. martin luther king would be alive today, he might have tough questions for president obama. ♪ ♪ never loved ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ ♪ have you ever, think ♪ ooohhhh, oh, oohh ♪ ♪ perfect work of art ♪ i knew right from the start ♪ i was sent here for you ♪ we were made to love [ male announcer ] the all-new 2014 chevrolet impala. made to love. [ male [off screen]the all-new 20hthere you are.pala. [speaking german] hi, grandpa! [off screen] give me a kiss! [speaking mandarin]
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and son. >> because their marched doors of opportunity and education swung open so their daughters and sons. >> speaking on the "i have a dream" speech. he said the slain civil right's
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leader words, how much has changed and how much more needs to be done? tavis smiley, great to see you. >> great to see you, piers. >> everybody feeling moved and saying there is the dream right there. barack obama, president of the united states, speaking on the 50th anniversary, what more do you need to see that equality and civil rights have marched to washington and america? >> it was a great day, this is no doubt about it. one couldn't be there or watch it on television, certainly as an african american and not be proud and inhale this historic moment. >> where is the butt, tavis? >> butt, butt, dr. king in his life talked about the triple threat, the three evils of racism, poverty and military ice m. i said the other day if you're not going to talk about racism, poverty and mithen why stand whe he stood to do justice to his
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legacy. today we had references, subtle references to racism and acknowledgement, finally, of poverty but daeafening silence. i didn't expect this president or any president, anybody whose the head of the american empire to talk about mill terrorism. if you dance around racism, poverty and milliterism. >> why do you think president obama is wary of going there? >> that's a question you would have to ask him. as far as i'm concerned, and said many times to you, racism is the most intractable. this country is 3% richer than 50 years ago and there are more americans in poverty tan before. under employment, unemployment for african americans is high. poverty is threatening democr y democracy. how it is we think we can avoid talking about poverty and focus
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middle class misses the point. the new poor are the new middle class. we live in the most multi cultural, multiethical, but racism is real and i thought watching the president today, i thought watching him, that when he finishes this speech he's going back to the white house and has to make a decision about syria. so i ask myself are we going to honor dr. king today in washington with our words and then dishonor him tomorrow or in the days to come in syria with our deeds? that's a -- >> let me ask you on that point then. what would martin luther king have said if he had seen the video images we saw this week of 1,000, maybe 2,000 innocent women, children in syria being slaughtered by chemical weapons, would he not have understood that it's incumbent on any american president, world leader of a descent civilized country to care enough to do something
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to prevent more of that happening? >> no doubt about it. his heart would bleed but say the same thing in 2013 than 1963, clearly the president spoke to hopes today but there are hostilities in 1963 when dr. king saw those girls in the 16th street baptist church just 21 days after the march of washington, he had to give the eulogy, crying in public. he had to deal with domestic terrorism. cheney and black people being lynched every day and i hate when people try to compare the assault on humanity. what king witnessed in his lifetime is bad as anything we're witnessing today and yet, he stood at riverside church a year to the day before he died and said that the u.s. was the greatest per vaer of violence to the day. he lived five years after the march. the black elite turned against him. whitney young at the urban
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league, the black journalist of the era turned on lynn done. disinvited to the white house. 72% of the american people turned against him in the last to terrorist poll -- >> tavis, i get all this -- >> he would say the same thing. >> but i come back to the same question. what do you do about it? you have the first african american president in this country, he's being faced with a genocide l -- >> tough decision. >> monster in syria, what do you do? is the answer nothing? i don't believe the sensible answer can be we turn our backs. >> and the answer is never. the answer is never nothing. you had a wonderful conversation tonight at the top of the show and there were more questions, i think, raised today than answers given with his interview with my network pbs and i don't want to repeat what your guests said tonight. we can't go at it alone. we want to get in. we don't know how to get out. we want to punish somebody. what is the long-term objective?
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all the stuff you talked about to your guest, these are questions that have to be asked. if martin luther king were here he would say non-violence is the answer, that love is the only weapon that can turn an enemy into a friend and somehow we think that love is a joke. love is a real thing. and love just means that everybody is worthy just because, not because of where you went to school, who your mama is, what your daddy is, you're worthy because you're somebody's child, somebody's kid and dr. king would say those children, that's what made his heart bleed. he couldn't talk about the children in his country and ignore the children in vietnam but said the non-violence is the answer. >> can we agree on one thing, i saw oprah winfrey in washington, tiger woods number one golfer in the world with a sport where black people weren't allowed to play, unless they were caddying. if you take it in totality, yes, the dream is not fulfilled
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completely, but can we agree we're closer to the dream than martin luther king could have hoped for in the '60s. >> in someways yes, in someways no. i can't tell you what it would be like on my pbs show, he couldn't imagine i would be sitting on public television with a chance to talk to him. i see that in my own life. you don't have to mention oprah -- >> my point. >> -- >> i take your point. here is the thing, individual african americans have done well and the problem is too many of us who have done well have abandoned those who are not doing so well. not just a raise question in this country there is a class question in my community and we cannot abandon those left behind. the reality is there are more black folk in povertier now than 1963 and unemployed now than 1963 and so these issues are real. while some of us are doing well. oprah and barack obama and tiger woods are not the standard. >> tavis smiley, i could talk to you-all night as always.
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leave it there. come back soon. >> thank you, piers. james dimaggio's cysister la had a lot to say. we'll talk to star jones coming up next.
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my exclusive interview last night continues to make headlines, the sister of james
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dimaggio. lora was defending her brother and taking a shot at hanna. a lot of people talking, including star jones tonight. star, we'll come to that interview in a moment. i want to get your first reaction to what tavis smiley was saying there. i believe you were in washington last night as part of the martin luther king celebrations with some family members. do you agree with him and his premise that although there have been great break out moments for african americans in america, whether it's oprah, whether it's president obama, whether it's tiger woods or yourself or him that actually e masks a much wider problem that has not been re reck fied. >> i think it would be naive of me to think a few of us of after can americans have succeed in ways that probably did not meet -- didn't -- our ancestors didn't conceive of or think of,
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you you're right i went to washington yesterday to join with a group of people at a reception in honor of the 50s anniversary of the march on washington. i took my 95-year-old african american grandmother with me -- or she will be 95 at the end of the week. she would correct me. grandma pauline has lived through 17 presidents. jim you, water hoses. she was born in the south. separate bathroom, separate water fountain, raised nine daughters and 16 grandchildren and i can't tell you how many great grandchildren. what she has seen in her lifetime has changed so drastically that it makes her head spin sometimes. but yes, just because there is a black man in the white house with a beautiful brown family, we can't get lulled into
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complacency thinking we overcome or that the dream has been realized. a number of us have succeeded, and i do agree with tavis with his one premise that not enough of us reach back. however, the great divide right now that in my opinion blocks the dream from being realized is this dtremendous economic divid with the african american community and caucasian community or majority of americans is one until we get that under some control, unemployment rates have to not be at the level they are in the african american community, then you're going to see the dream continue to be denied. i don't want to take away from the successes that we have achieved in the last, as my granny would say 95 years. i looked at some photographs today that she showed me, ma, i am literally five generations
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from slavery as i sit on this television tonight. my grandmother's grandmother, we have a photograph of, and she was the last woman that we can actually pinpoint that was born before the freedom, and her great, great granddaughter has achieved to the point where i sit on cnn, the world's news network, and have a conversation with one of their anchors. i've achieved a law degree, my aunts are all college educated. we're at the point where yes, we have -- yes, we have. we have actually realized the dream. the point is, there is so many other african american families who have not realized the dream. and we have to take some responsibility for that ourselves, but the huge responsibility still lays in the fact that there is disparity amongst this country economically and until we fix
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it, the dream will continue to be delayed. >> beautifully put, star jones. i won't try and debate that with you. i couldn't have said it better myself. let's take a break. we'll come back and do a quick hit on hanna anderson after the break and then we'll get into myly cyrus and twerking. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights
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in my heart of hearts, i think that hanna perhaps got herself into a situation that she couldn't get herself out of, and i do believe that my brother gave his life to protect her. >> one of many extraordinary moments in my interview with lora dimaggio. star jones, what did you make of what she had to say? >> denial is not just a river in egypt i guess. to hear someone say that the perpetrator of such a horrific crime had given his life in ordinary tore save the person that he kidnapped, i think this just really shows when someone has made up in their mind that their family member is the victim in a situation when they were. so obviously, the perpetrator, then they are going to state within they are being
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victimized. having tried a number of cases where the defendant's family blamed everybody from the fbi to the cia, the police officers on the beat to the that's just not something that i'm surprised ant. i want this young woman to go on with her life, to put this man completely out of her mind and let him remain in the ground which remains cold. >> i want you to come off the fence a bit, star. i always hate it when you do that. let's turn to something light, miley cyrus. can you twerk, star? >> a grown woman should not be twerking unless she's dancing in the bush in africa. i have the blonde hair, but no. >> let's bring in the blogger
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who thinks that miley cyrus is a terrible example for girls ev y everywhe everywhere. kimberly calls miley desperate. kimberly keller joins me now. why do you feel so enraged by what i thought is a bit of fun for miley cyrus? >> you know, it was fun for adults, and if it's an all-adult venue with all adults watching, then hey, bonus. yeah, it's fun. but this was an event, my 13-year-old daughter was waiting to see one direction, and harry styles and taylor swift and saleena gomez, and it happened in a venue where children were going to see it. that's the thing that got to me. as a parent watching this, i know that kids mimic. i don't want to chaperone any junior high dances, because
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there's going to be kids twerking and getting foam fingers. >> if this had been the junior high prom or whatever it is, i don't understand why you're so angry. but vmas, every year somebody takes their kids off and calls it some outrage. shouldn't you as a responsible parent stopped your children from watch thing? >> oh, absolutely. here's the deal, piers. my kids didn't watch the vmas. they recorded it sunday night because they had to go to school monday. momma controls the dvr and momma fast forwards. that's the rule. the vmas were promoting one direction. what's the fan base for one direction? girls 8 to 14 or 15. >> that's a good point. >> and taylor swift. i want my daughter to be able to enjoy the music that she likes
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and to see one direction without having to see that. >> i get your point. i'm going to have to leave it there. but i'm going to bring in star jones and get her reaction. a lot of people share this view that it was a bit inappropriate for the event. i can't get too overexcited. miley is not 14, she's 20 years old. she's trying to express herself in a new way. honestly this whole thing about twerking being a new dance, i've been going to the caribbean for 25 years. this is what they do in the caribbean night after night in every club up and down barbados, jamaica, it's been going on for all decades. >> miley was tacky, let's be very clear. she's a 20-year-old, but the behavior was tacky behavior. but it was not illegal, it was not immoral.
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what worries me more than anything is that a young 20-year-old woman thinks that she has to do all of that to "be seen." i don't think she has to do all of that to be sewn. she wants to convince america that hannah montana is dead and gone. we get you. i think that the mother is right in that she does control the television. but she's wrong in thinking that this was the kid's choice awards. if it was the kid's choice awards and had one direction, if they were the ones that were going to be headlining -- >> you know one direction. they're part of the britain invasion. >> bless your heart, i'm happy for you. but i turned on the television to see kanye. i wanted to see what he was going to be talking about. but the point is a young woman thinks she has to be so
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sexual -- >> here's my point to you, star jones. if this was rihanna or madonna, if it was beyonce, if it was lady gaga who was -- >> it was. >> -- none of us would bat an eye. it's because miley has to still be hannah montana. and i say why? why didn't she grow up and be a bit naughty like lady gaga and rihanna who we revere? >> the problem is, parents have started to allow or have for several years now allowed television, celebrities, reality stars, to be the influencers in their children's lives. when you turn on the television and you see one of your so-called influences doing something out of the norm from what your personal moral values and core values are in your family, then you're going to be upset about it.
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that's the point. if this young woman has decided that i'm 20 years old and i'm going to have fun and have a good time and do what the heck i want to, that's what she should be able to do. if you as a parent say to your kid we're not going to have that in my house, which is what this parent did. >> miley, if you're watching, come on and twerk on my show any time. >> you know that was very tacky, piers. >> maybe it was a little tacky of me. it makes the world go around. star, i want to cut it off there and i want to wish grandma pauline a very happy 95th birthday on -- what day? >> the big birthday party on saturday for 200 people. >> happy birthday to grandma pauline. what a wonderful lady she sounds. my grandmother is hitting 95 and she's wonderful, too. so happy birthday to her. star, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's endless shrimp.
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and that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. tonight, breaking news. president obama says there's no doubt chemical weapons were used in syria or that the syrian regime used them. the question now, what is he going to do about


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