tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 28, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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that's all for us tonight. "anderson cooper starts right now." breaking news, president obama says there is no doubt that chemical weapons were used in syria or the syrian regime used them. the question now, what will he do about it? we will look at the tough choices. they have run from our cameras. the charity we identified as america's worst, raising tens of millions, they say for dying children but spending next to nothing on them. finally they are talking. their claim and how it adds up. we are keeping them honest. later, president obama stands where dr. king stood a half century ago and speaks of courage. we will speak to maya angelou who is and was part of that
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struggle and she is joining me tonight. we begin with syria and the breaking news. president obama not saying if or when but making the case for a limited strike on syria. not to take down the assad regime but punish it for using chemical weapons. he spoke to gwen eiffel and judy woodruff who asked him the question off the bat. >> how close are you to using a military strike and can you assure the american people by doing so, given iraq and afghanistan, that the united states will not get bogged down in yet another war half way around the world? >> well, first of all, i have not made a decision. i have don't options from our military, had discussions with the team. we do not believe the opposition could have carried out these attacks. we have concluded the syrian government, in fact, carry these out. if that is so, there need to be
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international consequences. >> as for what the consequences might be the president said he does not see an open-ended conflict with damascus. the aim, he said, would be to send a signal. >> we want the assad regime to understand that by using chemical weapons on a large-scale, against your own people, against women, against infants, against children, that you are not only breaking norms and standards of decency but creating a situation where u.s. national interests are affected and that needs to stop. >> the president is trying to get his diplomatic ducks in a row. the five permanent members of the u.n. security council met informally today. they are gearing fup ar vote in parliament authorizing necessary measures to protect civilians. syria's key alley, russia calling it premature saying there is no proof the assad regime is behind the chemical
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attack. u.n. inspectors got back to work and got a warm welcome. survivors lined the streets with cries of god is great. they will be working several more days. one of the western reporters in syria is monitoring the developments and is joining us tochblt what's the latest there tonight, fred? >> the latest is a report we are trying to confirm right now, anderson. apparently some key military install leilations the headquarters of the air force and possibly the army seem to have drastically cut down their staff and it seems as though the syrian military might be moving hardware to different locations them u.n. ambassador ito syria was asked about that today and said he wouldn't comment on it. one thing that the media reports are saying is that apparently some of the artillery cannons on the hills an damascus were moved to other places. what we are hearing is it is
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very, very quiet here in damascus. a lot less shelling than before. that doesn't confirm or dethink the report. there seems to be an eerie calm in the syrian chemical, anderson? >> there is a new twist in the syrian ambassador ito the u.n. that he submitted evidence, or what he claims are evidence of three previous instances where the opposition used chemical weapons. what more do you know about that? >> well, they say that those are three incidents that happened in the past couple of days an the damascus area. there was one incident i found particularly interesting, particularly because i was there when it allegedly happened. it is in the jobar district and apparently happened last saturday, august 22nd. we were around that area when the syrian military said the forces were moving in to that district an came under the influence of some sort of chemical. they say that some of their forces suffered suffocation signs and had to be brought to the hospital. i was later shown some soldiers who told me they had actually been stoubt these chemical, whatever it was, but they didn't
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show any outward signs of any sort of suffocation. nevertheless, the syrian government is saying it wants the united nations to look at these incidents, as well and possibly stay in the country longer. of course, delaying any sort of report that would come out. anderson. >> fred, is it known how much long they are u.n. team plans to be on the ground? >> well, the word we are getting is another four days. there are some sites they want to look at. we have to keep in mind, on tuesday they weren't able to go out because of security concerns. they apparently got a lot done today. they were in the thooes earn part of damascus in a place called zamalca that had the highest death toll in the alleged chemical attack last wednesday. there are some things they want to work out. it is unclear if they will stay, but sunday is the cutoff date they plan to leave, anderson. >> fred, stay safe. fran town send sits on the
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homeland security and cia external advisory boards, chief international correspondent and christian amanpour. chief national correspondent john king and michael hayden, who has run the cia and nsa and is a principal with a security consulting firm and serves on the boards of several defense firms. christiane, you have been reporting on this and talked to a number of folks and allies an the world. what their reaction to this and in particular britain, which is capability of launching a tomahawk missiles. are they saying that they want the u.n. to actually publish 0 a report before they are willing to make a decision about whether or not to have military action? >> well, the very latest, in fact, from great britain is precisely that. they have said now they will not join any action against syria until there is a report from the u.n. inspectors. we don't know all of the details about what the british mean by
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all of that but it seems to be putting the brakes on what seemed like a lot of momentum from britain today with the draft u.n. resolution, which was under the chapter seven, which means under the use of forsman date and that got nowhere. there wasn't even a u.n. security council meeting today. so that was batted away. also, william hague, the u.k. foreign minister, saying that chemical weapons were used. that this is a war crime and the world cannot stand by and he this morning saying any reaction had to come sooner rather than later because if it was going to be a lesson, it needed to be a lesson given right now. france, where i am, the president has said they stand ready to quote punish anyone who made that quote vile decision to use chemical weapons against civilians but it is not clear if they will go with the united states, particularly britain, if the u.s. decides to go it alone. obviously the u.s. does not want to wait for u.n. approval and the consensus has been trying to
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achieve is amongest nato force and nato countries. >> fran, there's a big distwings between the u.s. position, that seems to be waiting for u.n. personnel ito get out, this team to finish their investigation but not actually come out with a published report. >> you have to ask yourself, what is it that you expect the u.n. to be able to say when they leave on sunday. first, we know chemical weapons were used, the syrians, russians, everyone seems to acknowledge there were chemical weapons used. we have the first piece of the puzzle dealt. the second is who used them? i think the president quite rightly points to the delivery mechanisms to indicate it is the syrian regime. we know that if they had the capability to launch this in in addition to chemical weapons they would have overthrown the assad regime. it is reasonable to say given the delivery systems it is the assad regime and we don't know what classified information they are talking about. they are talking about
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declassifying nafgs further indicates it's the regime. you know it is chemical weapons. you have a reasonable basis to believe it is the assad regime you don't nomotive. all sorts of speculation, was it a command and control decision from assad himself, an individual unit acting? that's interesting but i don't think it is depose. if you don't act on the proliferation issue it signals weakness to the world to an accepted principal these types of weapons should never be use sgrd do you agree that the delivery systems makes it incredibly unlikely if not impossible for the opposition to have been the one to use the chemical weapons. >> i agree with what fran laid out. there just by instinct. this seems to fit the broader pattern. as france suggested, i'm sure there is other information that doesn't contradict that which seems obvious and that which has already been made public. i think the president is on solid ground when he said what
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he said earlier this evening. >> it is interesting, john king, this is hugely unpopular. you look at polls and doesn't seem like anyone wants to be taking this kind of action, if in fact, action will be taken. the president in an interview on pbs made the case that potential military action in syria is in the national security interest of the united states. i want to replay that for people. >> when you start talking about chemical weapons, in a country that has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world, where over time, their control over chemical weapons may erode, where they are known terrorist organizations in the past that have targeted the united states, then there's a prospect, a possibility in which chemical weapons can have devastating affects could be directed at us. >> clearly, whether that is true or not, clearly he is trying to build support for some sort of a
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strike. >> they would chafe at the obama white house but it sounds like the bush doctrine. i need to get them before they get us. he said a few important things and that is one of them. trying to explain his rationale for why. if you let them go unsanctioned what signal would it send to the world and the core security interest, the chemical weapons violation and the proximity of turkey, jordan and israel then president was clear, i do not want a long-term engagement. i will not have a long-term engagement. the american people need to hear those things and he didn't say how does he define coalition, especially if the brits want to hold on several days. is he willing to go it alone and what's the end goal? if the goal is not to topple assad and you can't strike the chemical weapons because of how dangerous that is what is the goal of the military strike? this is the beginning but not
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the end of explaining this. >> stick around. we have to take a quick break and we will have more from our panel. and we will talk about it during the commercial brea break @andersoncooper. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment.
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. >> what i've said is that we have not yet made a decision, but international norm against the use of chemical weapons needs to be kept in place and nobody disputes or hardly anybody disputes that chemical weapons were used on a large scale in syria against civilian populations. >> president obama on the pbs news hour making it clear there was a chemical attack. and the assad rejeem is to blame. not revealing how he inos. the white house letting a small number in on the intelligence but not making it public. our panel is back with us. christiane, the idea of using this as a shot across the bow, has that worked in the past? is there a lot of skepticism among people you have been talking to overseas? >> the thing is, this has been
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going on now for two and a half years. actually there has, by the u.k. account, at least, some ten uses of chemical weapons by the assad regime in the conflict. you remember in april, it happened. remember, we had this precise discussion over the last several months that if you didn't enact your red line then it might happen again. in fact, it did happen again last week to a much more catastrophic effect. we were told that would happy the head of the free syrian army if the red line wasn't met when these attacks first happened. i spoke to the israeli former head of military intelligence general today who said they were absolutely sure about the intelligence. as a you know, a lot of the chatter has been about israeli provided intelligence, intercepted intelligence about moving around chemical weapons an the like over the last week in that particular area. he said he was sure, based on his past experience, that that evidence was credible, that it was the assad regime and further
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more something dramatic needed to happen to degrade syria's military capability. that of course would be god for israel and also to show iran a lesson, as well. that actually when there is a red line over weapons of mass destruction that the international community means that. so that's why this is incredibly important on that level. although, as i said, these attacks have happened and they haven't been met with military force so far. but beyond that, you do have this grinding war which has now killed 100,000 people and there's no attempt to widen any kind of military operation to end that. and that's causing a lot of concern around the world. >> general hayden, a, do you buy this is in the national security interest of the united states? there is really a national security threat in this conflict to the united states and that a shot across the bow, to use your term, will actually work. >> i think the president made a coherent case about the use of
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chemical weapons and how that cannot go unnoticed, unresponded to by the international community. really, anderson, we are trying to use physical destruction to create a mental effect. a mental effect in the minds of bashar al-assad. i think indirectly in the minds of the iranians, as well. if you look at the character of the impending attack, if this is a short-duration assault, conducted entirely by standoff weapons, air or sea launch missiles, i'm an air force veteran and the last thing i want to do is suggest to put american airmen in harm's way but if our message here is to show resolve and our response is to use only standoff weapons for a short period of time and not put americans at risk, i think we are sending a decidedly mixed message. >> fran, do you agree with that? >> yeah, i do agree with. that i said from the beginning, i understand the idea of using standoff weapons. >> not having u.s. personnel
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over syrian air space that could get shot down and captured. >> i understand that as one step in a larger strategy. i think we are missing the larger strategy. i don't think it is enough to say you are going to deter them with sangle short-term multi-day strike. i don't think we have any reason to believe that. when we have used these standoff assaults before, like after the east africa bombing, it has a short-term effect but not a long-term strategic effect. you don't want to just deter the syrians but hezbollah, al qaeda, iran from using these weapons as well. >> it is interesting, before president obama became the president of the united states he talked about the importance of military action the u.s. engages in being preapproved by the legislative branch, by congress. that's not something that seems will happen in this case. >> he's not the first person to get in the executive branch and have different views about executive powers. he sounds, forgive me, more like
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dick cheney than senator barack obama in 2008 and 2007. he has the perspective of the commander in chief. that is not said as a political shot. he has to make weighty decision and there are a number of complications here and number one, they believe most executive department lawyers will tell you under the war powers ak hey can do it in a limtd way. he would have to go to congress, if he wanted a vote there are some that question whether he could win. those who have seen intelligence seem to be supportive of the congress. but what would it do to the time line and precedent for the executive branch? there's no indication. the consultations have ramped up considerably in the last 24 to 48 hours. a long list of questions from speaker boehner from the republican speaker of the house who's an important part of the debate. there is every indication the administration will do more to brief congress and bring them in the loop but no indication they would want a vote and request
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one. >> a digital dashboard question. general hayden i will pose it to you. does this strike pose a threat to american citizens worldwide and if so why are they willing to take that risk? >> it does. we are doing this to show rour resolve. it is not illogical, not so much the syrians but iranians and hezbollah to then respond that by showing their resolve, as well. air power is our strategic weapon, than the iranian strategic reach weapon is his ebo bo hezbollah. a charity we within reporting on that collect tens of millions of dollars claiming to grant wishes for dying children. they spend next to nothing on those wishes. they are bashing our reporting saying we are unfair, unbalanced. the kids wish network is the name of it. the kids wish network. now they are saying we twisted the facts.
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we are standing by our reporting and our math. we are keeping them honest ahead. and paying tribute to dr. martin luther king junior, the historic speech 50 years ago. i will talk to dr. maya angelou ahead. hey love. [off screen] there you are. [speaking german] hi, grandpa! [off screen] give me a kiss! [speaking mandarin] what do you think? do you like it? [off screen] happy birthday! can you see that? [speaking polish] [off screen] did he apologize? [off screen] thanks, micah! [off screen] bye, guys. bye. see ya.
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a charity that we, along with the "tampa bay times" and the center for investigative reporting have identified as the absolute worst charity the rock bottom when it comes to how little out of each dollar raised it spends helping the sick children it claims to be raising money for. while they were reporting the story, drew griffin and david fits patrick tried to get an interview with the folks who run kids wish nench they didn't want to talktous. they kid in their offices, lied about being there. now the report has aired, however, they suddenly have a lot to say about us. they have a letter on their website bashing our reporting and one of our sources. we stand by our investigation. drew will join me in just a moment. but first a recap of what we found. >> drew griffin with cnn. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. can we ask you some questions about the ratings that have come out? >> i'm sorry. there's been so many misleading
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reports that we have made that we asked our attorneys to look in to everything and i'm not going to do any interviews, but thank you. >> it is perhaps with good reason that she and the kids wish network don't wish to answer any of our questions because they all involve how this tiny charity, with a sympathetic name, has taken in $127 million of your donations over the last ten years. yet, according to the charity's own tax filings, it has used less than 3% of that money to fulfill the wishes of sick children. you heard right. less than 3%. >> that's true. >> that's true because that is what is on the tax returns. >> we are proud of the good work that kids wish network has done over the last 15 years. we have helped hundreds of thousands of children and that's what we will don't to do. >> year after year they collect millions of dollars in donations, $22.8 million in one year according to its most
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recent tax filing. this woman spent six months as a coordinator. >> how did you do, dipped in to the funds and made it happen, right. >> no. i would call and get people to grant me parts of the wish. >> reporter: she said she would call hotels, airlines, amusement parks, get free bees and rental cars and meals all donated. while at the same time, at another desk in the same building someone else was also making calls to get money to pay for the wish. >> we would have one person call to get the actual services donated, while another person is calling to get the money donated for things that i was already getting for free. >> so if you have this entire wish, let's say, a trip to disneyland, or disney world, donated where was this money going?
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>> that, i don't know. i don't have no idea where that money would go. >> reporter: it turns now we do. records obtained by cnn, the tampa bay times and center for investigative reporting show $117 million, 109 million was paid back to professional fund-raisers. an attorney for the charity told cnn there was nothing illegal, unethical or immoral about the charity's fund-raising methods. so drew griffin is joining me now. i tweeted the kids wish network last night asking why they refused to do an on-camera interview. we'd love to do an on-camera interview, we will do it live so it is un did and they have always declined n. response on twitter they accuse of us doing an unfair, misleading story. they said we truste trusted @andersoncooper
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commitment to fair and balanced reporting. >> and much of it was discrediting a woman in drew's story. she was fired from the charity, right, drew? >> right. she said that 45 minutes after she complained to the board of directors of the charity about irregularities on their tax return, anderson, she was fired. the charity says they were planning to fire her because they say she stole confidential documents, she denies that. they actually convinced the fbi to investigate her. >> by the way, why a charity has confidential proprietary documents that the world can't see. i don't quite understand, but any way, the fbi investigated after showing up at this woman's house. they didn't find anything, right? >> the case was closed by the fbi. the computers that the fbi took in a raid, anderson, were given back to amanda. the sheriffs office in florida
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investigated and found there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. it is important to note that none of the financial information we used in our reporting came from her. cnn, the tampa bay times center for investigative reporting we all used one thing, the charity's own tax returns to determine less than 3% of the kids wish network cash goes to kids. >> we saw them say there was a confidentiality agreement with this employee. why does a charity have confidential di agreements with the agreements. >> i have never signed one with cnn. it is ridiculous. speaking of the 3% number. that was another thing in their response that they talked about that they said was unfair. they called it the big lie. saying our reporting is flawed and skewed when it comes to the numbers to that 3%. explain that. >> they are basically saying we got the math wrong. and that they really spent or
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spend 56% of their total revenue on program services. let me tell you how that works. program services they include gifts and kind. gifts donated to them that they in essence are regifting, donations that are hard to trace like gift in kind medicine sent to africa, they even include as part of program services telemarketers telling you about the programs during the sales pitch. telemarketer explaining to you how good kids wish network is. that is a program service. that's not how we look at it or charity rating services and watch dog groups look at it. it is very simple. how much cash does this group take in donations and how much cash does this group actually use to fulfill the wishes of sick children? our math is correct. in the last ten years, it is about 2.5% of every dollar actually donated to fulfill a wish and last year, anderson, in
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the last reporting year it was even worse, 1.29 cents of every dollar. that is the math. >> that's -- that's unbelievable. that that is what they define as program services. telemarketers. if someone called you up and said we'd like you to donate money and the vast majority of the money you are going to donate to us we are going to spend on telemarketers so we can get more money and get the name of our organization better known, you wouldn't donate money. they are not saying that. i don't want to show a picture. this is anna lanzatella. she is the woman who was hiding in the office when you went to the office she asked if she was there. someone said she is not there and you got her as she was coming out to her car two hours later. and we'd love to have ms. lanzatella. we'd love to have an interview
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with you. no shout org yelling. just questions. a lot of people donated money to you. more than $100 million as drew said. you have a lot of nempbl we'd love to ask you questions live on tv, no editing, give you as long as you want. you can see the numbers for yourself. all the tax returns. all the tax returns are on-line. we are putting them on-line. go to if you have a tip for drew or the cnn ektive team go to drew, appreciate the reporting. great reporting and david fits patrick, as well. we will follow this charity. coming up an inspiring discussion with the wonderful maya angelou, on the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness.
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lives for civil rights. >> because they march, america became more free and more fair. not just for african-americans but for women and latinos. asians and thnative americans, catholics, jews, muslims. for gays, for americans with disabilities. america changed for you and for me. >> for so many who knew dr. king and fought so long to make his dream a reality. today was emotional. it was for maya angelou, poet, civil rights activist. i spoke to her earlier. for you on this day what does dr. king's dream mean today? what do you think is the march of significance today? >> i think that at once i'm delighted that he had the dream. i'm delighted if he awakened right now he could also say some of my dream has come to pass and
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see the african-american family in the white house. a man and a woman and their children and a grandmother. a black grandmother in the white house. my goodness. at the same time, i think he would be disappointed to hear we have not come any farther. so my hope is that the dream -- we can awaken from the dream and find that some of the elements of the dream have come to pass. >> one of the main messages of the organizers of the march 50 years ago was economic equality. that often gets lost in the retelling of this. randolph said that freedom means precious little to those who can't afford to use them. i just read that economic disparities between african-americans and whites, particularly household income have either stayed the same or widened. what do you make of that economic disparity?
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>> i think the economic disparity comes from disparity larger and deeper and older than the economic disparity. we are all suffering from the ashes of slavery. we all still think -- there are people who still think that people are not full citizens and do not deserve full salaries, equal to the salaries, given to white workers. as long as we believe that, we are never going to have fairness. we will never have an equal distribution of labor and respect and courtesy. we will never have it. but i do believe that we have to do something about what we believe about each other and what we really believe about ourselves.
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it is imperative that we do so. if you, as a white man, and i, as a black woman, if we really think that we are different than there is something terribly wrong. >> it was interesting to me in the wake of the trayvon martin case and the case on george zimmerman, there was a poll done about the discussions of race that were taking place in the wake of the case. among many white americans the poll numbers said that a lot of white americans felt too much was made about race and among african-americans the majority felt this was a discussion that needed to be -- that need to continue to be had and not too much was made about it. it is interesting to me how still to this day often white america and black america sees things through different lens? >> absolutely. because we have not come to the decision, which is so important. you can only come to this decision if you have courage.
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the decision is -- i am a human being. nothing human kg alien to me. until we come to that, whites will really think i'm better than. well, they are not so bad but that color doesn't come off. and that hair doesn't straighten out. so we are not equals. until blacks an whites see each other as brother and sister we will not have parity. it is very clear. >> you don't think that as occurred. you don't believe there is true equality yet. >> oh, i know there isn't and you know there isn't and everybody who hears you knows there isn't and yet this is what we have to have. the only thing is, mr. cooper, people have to develop courage. it is most important of all of the virtues. without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. you can be anything in front of the microphone and camera but to be that thing in your heart you
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have to have courage. so i'm afraid that we are lacking in courage. we think we are afraid and fear, i'm sorry to say, motivates most of the cruelties in our world. >> president obama in his address today talks about opening a new front in the civil rights movement. one that pulls in the struggle for equal rights for gay and lesbian americans and immigrants. do you see that movement for equality as part of the civil rights movement? >> yes, sir. mr. cooper, if you don't -- if you think that i can have freedom but you can't because you are short, or your tall, or you are gay or fat or thin or pretty or plain, but i can have it because -- not by anything i have earned. i was born white or born pretty, then you are just stupid. the truth is no one of us can be
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free until everybody is free. every one of us needs to say to our children -- children, this is your world. come out. stand out. earn it. >> what was dr. king like? you were a friend of his. you spent a lot of time. >> thank you. >> what was he like? >> thank you for that. a friend of mine just asked me, have you ever been asked a question no one asked and you have just asked me. dr. king, malcolm x and martin luther king were brothers. they had ined credible senses of humor. they could make you laugh in the worst of times an they did so. you know, i never trust people who don't laugh. who said i'm sere dwrous and act if they put airplane glue on the back of their hands and stuck it to their forehead. i think you are not serious. you are boring as hell. if you are serious, you really
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understand that it is important that your laugh as much as possible and admit that you are the funniest person you ever met. you have to laugh. admit that you are funny. otherwise you die. >> you asked questions in a "time" magazine that you authored. you wrote can you imagine if we didn't have this under rated sexism and not cripple by it i don't seecies. can you imagine what our country would be like? how can you answer those questions? can you imagine? >> >> yes, i'm brought to weep when i think what my country can be and will be when we develop enough courage to act courageously and with courtesy and respect for each other. just imagine what on earth -- we wouldn't have to say we are the most powerful country in the
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world. we will be the most powerful country in the world. not because we have might, but because we have right. >> dr. angela, thank you so much for talking to me. appreciate it. >> it's my delight, mr. cooper. you have increased my being because of your own courage. your intellect and intel jens, two different things, and your own courage. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> she made my day. i don't know about you. great conversation. you can see more of it. we had to edit some of it but we wanted to put the whole thing on-line at it was an honor to talk to her. a lifetime in prison or the death penalty for major nidal hasan learns his fate. what the jury recommended next.
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case and make a final decision on the merkt and sentence. the woman charged with sending ricin tainted letters to president obama and new york mayor bloomberg has been found comp toent stand trial in texas. she initially told the fbi that her husband intent the letters. a 360 follow, the bookkeeper who brought a gunman to sur rinder at a georgia elementary school last week can't stop doing great thing. after the incident she started a fund for inner city children setting a goal of $1500. the fund has already raised more than 104,000 and you can donate at >> thank you, isha. find out who's on the ridiculist next. hd "
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time for the ridiculist. we bring you a man who we usually avoid mentioning. he's like the elderly relative who you only see at thanksgiving. he doesn't get out of bed much and he's sitting around the table and suddenly blurt out nonsensical sentences in between chewing on soft foods. on the 700 club robertson
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blurted out a warning about gay people in san francisco because that's of course where all gay people live. know when robertson refers to the stuff he is talking about aids. >> san francisco, some of the gay community, they want to get people so if they got the stuff, they'll have a ring, you shake hand an the ring has a little thing where you cut your finger. >> really? >> really. it is that kind of vicious stuff which would be the equivalent of murder. >> really? a ring that somehow gives you aids. i have never seen that particular section at zales, have you? i see why pat robertson is against gay marriage. he doesn't want to give gay men a reason to wear rings. he said he was misunderstood and he was talking about something he was warned about a meeting in san francisco which is baffling because robertsons thoughts are well thought out and
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articulated. >> he's out having multiple affairs with men. he's picking them up on the streets. so he's obsess ed. he has a compulsion. i would think it is somehow related to demonic possession. you have a couple of same sex guys kissing, you like that, well, that makes me want to though up but to me i would punch vomit. >> don't give you that option on facebook. >> no, they don't. not yet. robertson has plenty of thoughts for straight couples, as well. he has given advice from cheating husbands to what men should do when their wives don't obey them. >> you could become a muslim and beat her. stop talking about the cheating. he cheated on you. well, he's a man. okay. males have a tendency to wander a little bit.
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what you want to do is make a home so wonderful he doesn't want to wander in i don't want you single people to feel left out. here's a grab bag of pat robertson on a wide range of topics. >> now it looks like 30% of women are involved in pornography. >> yeah. >> those who are involved in martial arts before they start are actually inhaling some demon spirit. some of them do that by the way. >> i think next, breaking news. president obama in his own words on his plans for syria.
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