tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 11, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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mission. he saved 30 people's lives who would not be here today, and i thought, okay. mission completed. >> thanks for watching. around anderson starts now. erin thanks. good evening everyone. a busy night on syria, political push back and doubts about the reliability of russia and the shakety pack caleties of the army. senator john mccain joins us and the man that led the u.n. weapons inspection team in iraq. later developments in george zimmerman's confrontation with his estranged wife that ended like this. now shellie zimmerman stepping to the spotlight and her lawyer speaking out about the angry incident and christopher story murdered execution style at age four. his mother condemned to die for ordering the hit.
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after more than two decades on death row show is free. the question, though is justice finally being done or a killer going free because of bad police work? we begin that the proposed deal with russia and syria could be a bid to grow time and growing doubts whether it would be possible to neutralize the stockpile as well, happening on the anniversary of the 12th an verse oh of the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 you remember, anthrax letters, smallpox fears and a war with iraq a war like today, was proceeded by diplomatic over tours, weapons inspectors comings and goings and serious doubts about the wisdom and judgment of the commander in chief. there were echoes as secretary kerry departs for geneva and talks with his russian counter part and putting the chemical
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stockpile under international control. whether four should remain an option whether syria should not live up to the deal and the mechanics of securing and destroying tons of mustard gas, sarin and nerve gas and nobody knows how much chemical weapons, what ton there is. doubts about russia's president, vladimir putin and also about president obama after his speech last night. >> he cannot speak to the nation as a commander in chief. he cannot speak to the world as a commander in chief. he just cannot do it. i don't know what it is. >> republican senator corker there questioning the president's ability as president, basically, complaining that he's not making the case that america's credibility is on the line. he'll hear from john mccain shortly but first, jim acost to at the white house. what is the latest on this proposal from russia? is happening? >> reporter: the white house
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won't get into a back and forth with the senator but the president is getting back to the ceremonial duties that you see with a commander in chief. he's honoring the victims today. at a volunteer event for the chronically ill bagging lunches for them. as for the russian proposal, first of all, the white house is not setting a timeline as to when syria will have to give up it's chemical weapons that was something asked time and again today that are not giving a timeline at this point, but you really got the sense, anderson, the white house is setting expectations for this russian proposal. they were saying at the press briefing earlier today that russia is assad's best friend, that the russians haven't been cooperative in recent years, and this was all sort of pungs waited by carney. >> russia is assad and syria's closest ally. russia played the role of
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blocking international efforts thus far to holds a sad accountable and the proposition put forward to deal with assad's chemical weapons presents a real opportunity, if it were to be successful. >> reporter: now, it's interesting to point out, anderson, at the end of the news conference, jay carney called on a russian reporter who said now, wait a minute, this whole russian proposal came from those constructive conversations going on between the president and president putin of russia and jay carney had to say you know what? you got a point there. >> secretary kerry, as we said is headed to geneva to meet the counter part. how optimistic are they they will hash out a deal since the sides seem so far apart? >> you get the sense they are cautiously optimistic but at the same time, jay -- or anderson, you're hearing the same thing from jay carney here at the white house you hear at the state department. the state department spokesperson said at this
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briefing earlier this afternoon with reporters that what secretary kerry is doing over there in geneva is testing the seriousness, as she put it, of the russian proposal. they are looking at what will be on paper at this point, let alone what might come down the road at one point during this breathing. jen said they are going to the meeting with the russian foreign minister with eyes wide open. so a measure of optimism, anderson, but also, a whole lot of caution. they are just not sure if this will work out and setting those expectations. >> appreciate the reporting. the skeptics in congress said they dropped consideration of a use of force resolution and opposing any deal with russia and syria that precludes action up front. senator mccain, valadimir putin said it has to be off the table
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for a deal to be done. does that make sense? >> makes no sense and may be indicative we'll have difficulties with the russian spon sorps resolution, so no, makes no sense whatsoever. >> there is a lot of people out there who think the united states is essentially being played, the obama administration, the united states is being played by russia and syria. you say what? >> i'm very, very concerned and very skeptical. i'm concerned that john kerry has to fly to geneva to meet about a resolution that is going through the united nations security counsel. why isn't he coming to new york while they shape this agreement? i note with some interest that yesterday bashar assad's aircraft began their bombing operations and killing operations, which had been stood down while the threat of the united states launching attack was prevalent, and so i'm very
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skeptical, and i hope that i'm wrong. >> i talked to david kay, former chief u.n. inspectors in iraq and will talk to him tonight. he said this has never been done before in the mist of a civil war, if it takes 500 to a thousand inspectors, there aren't that many ready to go. so what kind of a timetable do you actually see for some sort of tally of the sites and securing of the sites, not even talking destruction of the weapons? >> the resolution could take a couple days. the -- all the problems that you just outlined in that of david kay are very important. the syrian government knows where these weapons are. so we would ask them to show the international monitors where they are. we would then take charge of those, and a lot of them are in areas that are not totally
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contested. would it be a complicated and difficult exercise? yes, indeed. but as opposed to allowing those chemical weapons to be continued to be used as we know bashar assad has done a number of times in the past is not to the degree that this latest atrocity was, that then i think we have the lesser of two evils. >> logistically, would there be some sort of international security force on the ground to protect inspectors? >> i don't think it would have to be robust. i do think that the -- i know the free syrian army would not interfere with those activities because of the threat of those weapons being used against him. in the areas that are controlled by al qaeda and i will freely admit, there is one more of them flowing in every single day, then i think it is very complicated, and we would have to look at perhaps an
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international force. we might have to look at some things, but you can also look at a negotiated departure of bashar assad, his people to say that we will secure those areas where these weapons are stored, as well. >> for you, though, bottom line moving forward in the next hours and days, you're saying there is no way the u.s. should take the threat of military force off the table? >> i don't see how you can and have credibility. if someone can explain to me how that's possible, i'd like to hear that discussion, but with the weapons have to go out first. but again, i would not ignore the free syrian army because as long as this conflict goes on, the more killing is going on, and you're the last person i have to tell what the effects in the ref gee camps are, the 100,000 killed, the children refugees and the destabilization
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of the surrounding countries that is descending into chaos. >> appreciate your time. >> thank you. senator mccain said is worth under scoring, neither a deal or prospect of one is likely to change the dynamics. the killing goes on. according to the regime, air forces hit a hospital in northern syria killing 11 and wounding dozens more. that doesn't change. russia that country has been syria's enabler for decades and whether syria or snowden, an all around thorn in america's side. >> i think we saw more rhetoric on the russian side. >> we are disappointed the russian government to take this step. >> i encouraged mr. putin to think forward as opposed to backwards. >> we have a lot of fish to friep, if you will, with the russians. >> obviously this is disputed by
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putin. >> if the president on russia chooses yet again to ignore it, that's his choice. >> on syria, i said listen, i don't expect us to agree. >> because of the guaranteed russian obstruction -- >> we've seen two years of russian. >> blocked by the russians and resisted by russia. >> quite a recent history. the question is what, if anything, is different now. the obama administration seems to think something may have changed. joining me is senior fellow at the brookings institution for middle east policy and gloria borger. we just heard senator mccain saying he doesn't see how you can have credibility, there has to be the threat of military force. do you agree with that? >> i do, except that i think we have basically unilaterally disarmed. the vote the president was looking at in the house at the
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last count was 25 votes in favor of 217 he needed. so i think it's very clear that we're not going to get the kind of autoization of force he needs to have a credible threat. that leaves him with two choices, one is to play this out, to string it along, to make it look like there is more there than there is and the other is to do what senator mccain said and think more broadly about the conflict as a whole and not just abo about chemical weapons and develop a strategy that strengthens the free army and shows a credible threat from that direction, not unilateral american force but coalition supporting the free syrian army. >> gloria, is it possible if this deal doesn't fall apart or doesn't work out several weeks from now in the details that then the president can go back with the strength in hand and get approval for military action? >> you know, it very hard to count votes on this now. it very hard for me to see how his hand would be strengthened in all of this, anderson.
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look, i think what they have to be thinking at the white house is that yes, this could fall apart. okay? because if the russians are saying you have to take the threat of force off the table, that's kind of non-negotiable i would think prom our point of view. so what is their plan b? it could be, anderson, the president could decide having made the moral case to the american public, having tried to go to congress that he could actually go without congress, that raises all kinds of political questions for him, or he could decide, for example, to just have a vote in the senate where perhaps he might have a little more support and then not have a vote in the house. i mean, there is president for this with bill clinton and kosovo and the nato air strikes there. he had approval from the senate and went. >> mike, what about that? and the possibility that the obama administration could decide to go at it alone because even though they passed it to congress, they said the
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president has the authority to go at it alone. >> those options make sense to me as options. i can't see this president doing that because all along on syria from the very beginning, he's shown a deep, deep reluctance to get involved and use force. in general he said in interviews, i came to end wars. he said in the second inaugural, i brought a decade of war to an end. i think he sees this has part of a legacy and would have to go through a paradigm shift to do that. >> he has made the case this would be limited, as secretary of state kerry said, that it would be unbelievably small, so if he sticks with what he originally said and don't forget at the outset of this process that played out over the last two or three weeks, the president seemed willing not to go to congress, then seemed to have a change of heart, and went
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to congress. so why wouldn't he then decide after this plays out that he's played out this string and he might just decide to do what he originally seemed to be intending to do. >> mike and gloria, there is a logistic l timetable on part of the u.s. we have to talk about. military officials saying this high readiness level has to be reassessed in the next couple weeks, the u.s. can't maintain this level in the region for that length of time. the destroyers need to be striked out. what about that, mike? >> look, you know, it's quite possible. he may -- when really faced with it, if the russians are not forthcoming and he has a tremendous tremendous embarrassment in the end he'll look after the best interest and may have a change of heart. i was struck just watching him over the last two weeks. we had kerry coming out.
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kerry channelled the inner churchill and president obama played hamlet. we saw that several times, churchill, hamlet, churchill, hamlet. it's hard to imagine. >> you know, i think the timetable here is really key as jim acost to said and the white house said there is no timetable. i think here we heard senator gram say this yesterday, that people want to see impatience on the part of john kerry, and they want to see something within the next couple of weeks as far as the u.n. is concerned. >> yeah, and a lot of that will be worked out between kerry and the counter part starting tomorrow. >> right. >> thanks very much. let us know what you think on twitter @andersoncooper. what helps if weapons inspectors hit the ground? how will it work or not work when they duck sniper fire. an angry confrontation outside george zimmerman's estranged wife's house.
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tonight she goes before the camera about what she did and did not say about the incident. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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hey, welcome back. while the world's top diplomats debate the possibility of disarming, technical experts scrambling to figure out how do you make it happen? russian and america agreed to destroy their chemical stockpiles 15 years ago, still doing it and two nations in peace type, not a country in civil war run by a dictator that
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made life dangerous for outsiders sniffing around the chemicals. >> reporter: the first time independent monitors were sent to syria, it didn't go well n. december of 2011, were forced to end their mission a month later siting deteriorating conditions. but the call for independent inspectors grew louder after numerous allegations of chemical attacks. just last month, a team of u.n. weapons inspectors was in damascus when a large scale chemical weapons attack occurred. the inspectors wanted to visit the site but were confined to their hotel by the assad regime for five days. >> i've personally called the foreign minister of syria and said if as you say your nation has nothing to hide, then let the united nations in immediately and give the inspectors the unfettered
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access. >> reporter: finally, the team was given permission to inspect the scene. but as the convoy passed through a buffer zone between government and rebel control areas, it calm under attack. unidentified snipers shot at the vehicle, hitting a vehicle but not causing injuries and the team continued on. >> when the u.n. inspectors finally gained access, that access as we now know was restricted and controlled. >> reporter: restricted and controlled, a familiar pattern in syria for inspectors trying to operate in the middle of a volatile war. nick robertson, cnn lebanon. >> would anything be different this time? digging deeper now david kay serves on the state department's international security advisory board and cia officer bob bear. david, when we spoke last night on this program, you said you
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think it might take between 500 and a thousand inspectors to inspect and secure the stock peoples. you've now reviels that estimate. what number are you thinking? >> well, there is a number of us who carried out inspections talked during the day, i think the argument becomes much stronger for an estimate close to 2,000 inspectors. now, there obviously are things we don't know. we don't know the total size of their inventory. we don't know exactly where they are located, how they are divided and if we'll be faced with the issue of there looks like there is something that's not here. i mean, the first thing the inspectors will want to do is see the production records of their chemical weapons production, so you know what they should have produced, you know what they are now reporting and is there a discrepancy that takes a lot of technical manpower to do. >> this may be a dumb question, david, how many experienced or capable inspectors right now are
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there in the world? >> nowhere close to that number are certified chemical inspectors. most of them, those. >> there is a big -- insect tomorrows on the ground in syria that seems highly unlikely, david. >> i'm not sure administration would want u.s. military inspectors on the ground. that is boots on the ground. >> bear, what do you think of this whole -- the likelihood that the assad regime would actually give up their chemical weapons. >> i think it's close to zero, anderson. bashar al-assad said the chemical weapons are the last line of defense if the civil war should go badly it would use them. he's made it very clear in the inner circle and now we're asking him to give this stuff up with essentially nothing in
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return. i think you're absolutely right he's buying time, hoping this goes away. they can go on with this offensive, which they started the last couple days. in any case, the syrian regime never open that country up for anything. never cooperated with the un, international inspectors have never been there. it doesn't like the u.n. and has a close leadership, which won't respond well to this and could take five, six years to account for this stuff in any case. >> bob, i think back to a year ago and they made a seize fire deal and that quickly broke apart even though the regime made various promises and continued their attack. someone that used to work in intelligence, bob, how reliable do you know is our intelligence on where syria's chemical weapons are and how much they have? i've heard estimates all over the map. >> anderson, i can answer that question and tell you what we know. their stuff is very good. vx and sarin, very
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sophisticated. we were never able to monitor the actual quantity produced. if they should produce records now, we would have no way to verify they are collect. >> that's what we would have to rely on, the regime's -- >> not really. >> no? >> the interesting thing about records of production, it very hard to page all the internal connections. there is inputs, there is production, there is intermediate products and we proved in the case of iraq that tried to lie about production if you get the numbers you can detect that. it's like a complex accounting effort. it really is hard to lie. it's easier to lie about easy things, we don't have anything, we don't have anything there. once you admit you have it, you have the production facility open, it gets very much more difficult to lie. >> david, in terms of, you know, i heard you use the term securing the sites. what exactly does that mean? we're not talking about
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destroying the weapons. is that active monitor sng hing? how do you secure a site? >> 24/7 personnel. inspectors are not trained to secure sites. they know technology that can bring seals, cameras and that. you got to, if you assemble these weapons and get them in several places, maybe five places, you got to provide protection and that really is military-style protection. i say no way around that problem. >> bob, you've worked in the region and helped soviet republics clean up their stockpiles and that process took years, right? >> it was a nightmare. i supervised looking at the hold solve yet stuff, same chemicals, anthrax, nuclear. we couldn't keep track of the bombs. we saw the silos but couldn't explain what happened to the war heads. this went on for years and years
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and years. >> and that was the regime that wanted to give up, right? >> 100%. they would fly us out. we would look. the state department had complete control and cia and they could not produce the records or anything. we don't know what happened with the facilities wide open. we couldn't get a good record. >> appreciate your time. for more go to we'll talk to david kay more on ac 360 later at 10:00 tonight. the remarkable sight of george zimmerman handcuffed in the street after his confrontation with his wife. his wife's attorney is speaking out. the story that won't go away. dianna nyad hits back with those who question her swim from cuba to florida. hey linda!
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welcome back. an attorney for shellie zimmerman says his client wants their marriage to end with a wimper not a bang and doesn't want to talk about it any more. he made a statement with shelley standing by his side in front of news cameras. earlier today police in florida said no charges will be filed in the alleged confrontation between the couple. she called police monday afternoon claiming george zimmerman threatened her and her father with a gun. police say no gun was found in the incident or involved. shell ey claims she recorded th incident on an ipad and george smashed it. police say it could take weeks or months to recover the video, if at all. more on the tangled story.
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>> reporter: new dashcam video shows george simm e man and another man being ordered out of this truck at gunpoint monday by lake mary, florida police. >> get him back out there. >> reporter: police suspected zimmerman was armed after receive thing frantic call from his estranged wife shellie zimmerman. >> he's in his car and continually has his hand on the gun and keeps saying step closer. he's just threatening all of us. >> step closer and what? >> and he's going to shoot us. >> reporter: police say they did not find a gun. according to police, there was a confrontation at the home the zimmermans once shared, a home owned by shelley's father. >> he accosted my father and took my ipad out of my hand and smashed it and cut it with a pocket knife. >> reporter: this is dean after the alleged attack, which police say was not caught on camera. police say mrs. zimmerman was using the new smashed ipad to
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record video of what was being taken from the home. in this home surveillance video footage zimmerman volunteered to officers you can see george smash the i pad. now that ipad is at the center of the investigation. you got george zimmerman saying he was struck with the ipad and then you have shelley saying there was physical contact with george. the ipad is important because we want to see what is on it. it would have been running while this was going on. >> reporter: everyone was questioned and released. no charges were filed. >> should point out that shellie zimmerman said there was a gun. police said they didn't find a gun. victor blackwell said police did not search the vehicle george zimmerman had because they didn't have a search warrant and i talked to mark o'mara, george zimmerman's attorney who said in fact, he did have a gun present there is more happening tonight, ihsa has the bulletin. >> reporter: a powerful car bomb
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exploded today on the first anniversary of the attack at the u.s. consulate. it blew up outside a government building. no one was injured or killed. a former u.s. marine imprisoned in iran says the charges are false and he was forced to make a televised conversion. they say iran is only holding him as a pawn to secure the relice of two iranians. diane nyad held a conference call last night with fellow marathon swimmers who questioned the speed on her 53-hour crossing. she's a guest tonight on "piers morgan live" coming off after 360 at 9:00 eastern. and retired general david portrays hack led, business says he teaches a
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class this fall. one calls him a war criminal for leading u.s. troops in iraq. yeah, i would say a rough day there for him. >> i couldn't believe that video, to be honest. the students, i -- i was kind of stunned by this. i don't know. it -- >> he keeps his game face on. keeps on moving. >> i feel bad they are calling him a war criminal and trying to teach a glass. >> the other guy showing his bellow for a strange reason. >> the guy showing his bellow and threaten to follow him from class to class. there is the guy with the bell lee. >> needs to put it away. >> champing. crime and punishment, his mother was sentenced to death for his murder more than 20 years ago. why her conviction was overturned. eight days after saying i do she pushed her alleged husband to his death. she was back in court today. we'll tell you what happened. [ tires screech ]
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the court of appeals threw that out that may have to go to trial without the key witness. randi kaye reports. >> reporter: it was december 1989, all little christopher milky wanted to do was see santa claus but that's not what happened. he wasn't taken to the mall to sit on santa's lap but the desert and shot execution style. within hours police identified two suspects. during their interrogation scott cracked then led investigators to the body. why did they do it? the story began to unfold when phoenix police detective armando said scott told him the boy's mother had also been involved so the detective zeroed in on debra milky. >> he in his mind, based upon the little bit of information he had was just convinced that this woman did it. >> reporter: he arrested milky,
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a 25-year-old insurance company clerk and within 20 minutes announced she confessed the arrangement. motive, a $5,000 insure ran pay out. shes charged with first-degree murder. the arrest and charges based on the detective's statements. at milky's murder trial, he was the state's star witness. >> she decided that it would be best for milky to die. >> reporter: milky shot back. >> i looked at him and said if i didn't want my son, then i could give him -- i would have given him to my family, my sister or someone else in my family. >> reporter: still, the jury believed the detective. in 1990 she was convicted and sentenced to die. that was just the beginning. for more than two decades her story cap tated the state of
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arizona and those here in phoenix asking would milky would really have her on son killed for $5,000? and if so, why did the two men she hired to do the job refuse to tv against hestify against h. she has always maintained her innocence and never gave up on appeals. private investigator paul believes her. he was working for a local tv station when milky was killed and interviewed her after the detective did. >> yes, did you tell the police you had anything to do with the death of your son? she glared at me, her eyes got really big and says that's crazy. who told you that? i had nothing to do with the death of my son. >> this is probably my favorite. >> reporter: her ex-husband christopher's father disagrees, he always has. double your ex-wife killed your son? >> i know she did. i don't believe it. i know she did.
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>> reporter: that's where things stood as debra milky sat on death row where they stood until a stunning turn of events. a panel of judges from the ninth circuit court of appeals decided debra milky should get a new trial. in an opinion tossed out the conviction saying her confession was illegally obtained adding it probably never occurred. court documents show he didn't record the interrogation and no other officers and no one watching through a two-way mirror and no cameras or microphones to record it. the detective never asked her to put the confession in writing and skipped the most basic skep of having her sign a miranda waiver. the federal appeals court judges didn't say she's innocent but there is no physical evidence
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linking her to the crime. the judge found prosecutors failed to disclose what they knew about the detectives history of misconduct, disciplinary action and lying. the judge sited eight cases where confessions, indictments or convictions were tossed out or set aside because he had either lied under oath or violated constitutional rights. in one case, he lead a motorist with a faulty taillight go in exchange for sex and lied to superiors about it. the judge determined this would likely have cast doubt on detective's credibility and may have influenced the verdict. >> it was still a fact she was convicted of the murder of her 4-year-old son. >> reporter: on friday, september 6 tth, 23 years after sent to death row debra milky walked out of prison a free woman for now. she was finally able to hug her mother for the first time in more than 20 years.
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now 49, milky is preparing for yet, another trial, but this time around, things may be different. a judge will soon decide if her alleged confession is even admissible in court, and detective saldote, he may ask for amunty and not testify. >> they don't have him to testify if they don't have a confession, this case probably has to be dismissed. >> reporter: which means debra milky may get used to life on the outside. randi kaye, cnn, phoenix. >> well, we'll be following that case closely. coming up, she's a newlywed bride accused on murdering allegedly pushing her husband off a cliff after being married for a week. we have the latest next. had the governor of mass mass says it was quote dumb for boston's logan airport to do a training drill today on the anniversary of the september 11 attacks, what airport officials have to say coming up. we had never used a contractor before and didn't know where to start.
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crime and punishment report today, a woman was accused of killing her husband by pushing him over a cliff. they had been married for a little more than a week when this happened and gram's version changed several times soft you were in the court. what happened? >> reporter: well, it's detention hearing, and soren. prosecutors want her to stay in jail but her attorneys are arguing she has no criminal history. they want her released with conditions the judge expected to make a decision before noon local time tomorrow. >> allegedly, she changed her story several times. what are you learning about that? how significant is that? >> reporter: yeah, quite a web of lies. police say they were told four different stories and gelling with friends. they have been told a number of stories they tell me but says it fits with the number they know. she's emotionless according to friends and say during the
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wedding she was quite odd. listen to what one of grooms men told us. >> during the wedding when they were exchanging vows, jordan was looking down and wasn't looking at cody when she was exchanging vows. to me, that's odd, you know, you're up there with the love of your life, you're usually lost in each other's eyes, you know, sharing your vows with this person so they know you mean it and she couldn't even look at him. it -- it was odd. >> i guess you can interpret that a bunch of different ways. what are you hearing from the husband's family. >> reporter: the husband's family says cody was on only child and his mother is distraught. his uncle says what he saw from this woman, this young bride just married eight days ago, she was texting at her new husband's funeral as eulogies were given. >> seemed very distant, stone
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cold, didn't shed a tear. she didn't even use a piece of tissue the whole time, didn't cry. was on her phone at one point. she was completely detached. it was like she wasn't even there. she would rather be somewhere else. >> i mean -- >> reporter: obviously -- >> she did this? >> reporter: there is quite a bit of evidence. we heard even more of it today. a fake e-mail account that prosecutors say was used as coverup. we've heard about text messages that were exchanged where she expressed regret about getting married. they are still investigating and compiling the evidence but feel they have a strong case, which is why, anderson, they want her to stay behind bars. >> appreciate the reporting. isha b isha is back with the bulletin. the man that said he drove drunk and killed a man pleaded not guilty in an ohio court
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today that plea is standered and his client will plead guilty at a later date. he faces a maximum 8.5 years in prison. officials at boston logan international airport said they made a mistake by scheduling a training day, the 12th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. they were on the tarmac and spoke was visible. commemoration of the rebuilding of ground 0 and replaced this time lapse video showing the construction of one world trade center. >> incredible to see. >> yeah. >> tonight at the site of the towers of light are rising to the sky. just ahead, we remember those who lost their lives. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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those two blue beams of light rising to the sky from lower manhattan came on at dusk and will shine until dawn, one for each at the world twin trade centers that fell 12 years ago, 12 years later that we will never forget. >> our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away. the lives that might have been.
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>> my father, an amazing father, keep watching over us and we love you. >> let us all throughout this time of silence, of prayer and of medication. >> even more than memorials of stone and water, your lives are the greatist tribute to those that we lost, for their legacy shines on in you. >> my brother who became a grandfather for the first time this year, and she's just like you. she lights up every room she's in. >> from tragedy has sprung hope. >> my grandfather carlos segerra who i never had the opportunity to meet. i hope you're proud of me and christian. i love you. >> let us all have the courage
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like the survivors and families here today to carry on no matter how dark the night or how difficult the day. >> you may be gone but you are truly not forgotten. >> not forgotten, nor will they ever be. we'll be back for another edition of ac 360 later. pie "piers morgan live" is next. this is piers morgan live. welcome to the viewers in the jie united states and around the world. vladimir putin extraordinary plea for caution in a piece that will appear online tonight and on the paper tonight. he says a u.s. strike on syria could spread the conflict throughout the region and sites history saying relations between us have passed through different stages, we stood against each other
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