tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 16, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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i'll be back tomorrow with much more of the coverage. you can always follow us, what's going on in the situation room on twitter. tweet the show @cnn. erin burnett out front starts right now. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. out front tornado. a deadly shooting rampage in washington, d.c. at this moment we are learning more about the gunman. and police have not ruled out the possibility of a second shooter at large tonight. here is what we know at this instant. 12 people were massacred today. one of the suspected shooters also dead. about a dozen others are wounded. we have a special report on what we know so far.
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the gunman is 34 year old aaron alexis, a navy contractor who was once in the military. he opened fire at the washington navy yard this morning, sending the city in chaos. we're learning more about him including that he was arrested in seattle for an anger-fueled shooting when he was in the military. then, when he was discharged, he was allowed to come back as a contractor. we're going to be speaking to people who knew him well and his religion affiliation as a buddhist. it happened less than three miles from the white house where the flags have been lowered to half staff in honor of those killed. only one weapon has been received from the scene at this time. it was described as a long gun. we don't have details on the type of weapon. but friends of the shooter tell us that alexis was angry over
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not getting paid. investigators are also trying to figure out how he got into the heavily fortified navy yard. he didn't work there. he wasn't a contractor there. 3,000 people work at the oldest naval facility in the country. we have chris lawrence, tom foreman and dana bash standing by. but first, jessica, walk us through how this happened. >> reporter: a massacre at one of the most secure facilities in this town, just blocks from the nation's capitol has people across washington asking how could this have happened? chaos and confusion across the nation's capitol. 8:15. an emergency call reaches washington police. word of a shooter at the navy yard. >> within literally two to three minutes, metropolitan police officers were on the scene. internal security had already
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engage ped, identified and engaged the suspect. we already had victims down at that point. >> reporter: inside a fire alarm is pulled. mayhem breaks out in building 197. >> as he came around the corner he aimed his gun at us and fired two or three shots. >> he was far enough down the hall that we couldn't see his face, but we could see him with a rifle and he raised aimed and fired. >> reporter: the next thing he knows. >> that's when he got shot. he was shot in the head. >> reporter: 8:37, the newsbreaks on twitter. 9:09, the navy alerts there's one injury. and orders employees to shelter in place. a suspected shooter is dead. 12:15, the washington police chief announces shocking new, possibly two other shooters are on the loose. >> one being a white male who was last seen around 8:35, 8:40
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this morning in a khaki tan military uniform. >> reporter: that suspect would later be cleared. a second is still wanted. 12:30, the president shares his horror. >> we are confronting yet another mass shooting. and today it happened on a military installation in our nation's capitol. >> reporter: 4:00, almost eight hours after that first emergency call, a break. the fbi releases the name of the shooter, 34 year old aaron alexis, a military contractor from texas. washington's mayor announces a terrible new number. 13 dead. he speaks to what's on so many people's minds. >> we don't have any reason at this stage to suspect terrorism. but certainly, it has not been ruled out. >> now jessica, what are they saying about the search for the
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possible second suspect that you mentioned there? there have been so many questions about that through the day and where this person, if that person is real, is. >> reporter: well, that search is ongoing. the fact that the city is not on lockdown suggests that they are not too concerned about the safety and security of the citizens here, but they're still taking it seriously. the person, they say, is until sort of military uniform. and they believe that the person was spotted on surveillance inside the facility, so they have a reason enough to be concerned and have told us all to be on the lookout. >> thank you stretvery much. the second story is the man hunt. the fbi and local police are still searching for at least one other possible suspect in the navy yard shooting. one of the gunmen was killed by police. but they are looking for a second suspect. and here's the way they have described it.
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an african-american male between 40 and 50 years of age with a medium complexion and gray sideburns. he was wearing an olive/drab-colored military uniform. out front our tim clemente. and john mcguire. from what we know, let me just start with you, tim. i'm looking here at the bio from the navy. he had not worked at the naval yard. you have to have security checks to enter this facility. how do you think he got in? this is a guy who had been discharged from the navy for a pattern of misconduct and allowed to work for the navy again as a contractor. >> well, first of all let me say that my prayers go out to the
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victims and family members. but in an environment like this, one of the ways he can get into a secure environment. if he seems like he belongs there. individuals that work there every day might leave a door open for him just to be polite. expecting that the security personnel would check his id at the next point. this happens regularly. when i worked at the fbi. we had id badges we had to literally swipe and punch in a code every door. sometimes i'd leave the door for them and let them come in with me. that might be what we're looking for in this accomplice or other gun man. maybe that's the person who allowed him access. >> we have details coming in right now i want to make sure i share with you and our viewers. they're now saying the suspect drove in this morning to the u.s. naval yard with his military contractor id and
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parked. walked into the building and then made his way in to begin his shooting spree. he was armed with an ar-15, a rifle and a semi-automatic glock. they brielieve he used the ar-1. which has been used in the sandy hook and aurora. how is this so? he served in the navy. and then he, while he was in the navy he was arrested for an anger-fueled shooting in seattle. still stayed in the navy. finally the navy discharged him for pa pattern of misconduct and he's allowed to work as a contractor. how does that happen? this guy was sent away for a pattern of misconduct. he shouldn't be allowed in. >> first of all, we need to think about these families. they were expecting their loved ones home about this time. so our hearts go out to them.
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how did they get in? americans need to be vigilant. we live in different times. we learned lessons from ft. hood. that we live in different times. it takes one person to mess it up. americans need to be vigilant. if you siee something you need o say something. and even if he's your friend, don't leave the door open for him. >> when he went in, would he go in through screening for weapons? would it show up you have an ar-15, a glock and another weapon? would you not have to clear through some kind of metal detection if you had that contractor id? >> i'm not at liberty to discuss security measures at naval facilities, but we should learn our lesson and strengthen those facilities. he could have a single-action rifle and do as much damage if
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not more. >> stay with me. i want to bring in evan perez now. because evan was the one who just broke that news i shared with you. what else can you tell us? you're finding out about the weapons that aaron alexis had and how he gained access. tell me more. >> reporter: right. we were told this morning that he apparently drove in, parked and made his way right over to the, right over to the location, the building where the shooting took place. he walked straight up to the location that overlooks the atrium and started shooting. he was armed with an ar-15, with a rifle and with a glock semi-automatic. it is believed, the fbi believes that most of the shooting was done using an ar-15. at this hour, the fbi agents have determined he was probably, he was the only shooter. as you know there is still someone else that they're trying to, the dc police is trying to
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figure out whether there's any association. but the fbi has determined there was only one shooter at the scene today. >> and evan, in terms of this other person, and i know you're working this story right now as we speak. obviously they said this could have been another shooter. and now you're saying a person of interest, whether this person had involvement. do you have any the sense of what they're looking at as whether this person knew it was happening and helped aaron alexis gain access? or is it something else? or is unclear at this moment? >> reporter: it's very unclear. for the sake of the police, if there are witnesses who see someone running from the scene and report there was something suspicious. i think they want to make sure they talk to that person before they cross him off the list. at this time the fbi has determined there was only one shooter, aaron alexis. he drove in. military contractor. he was allowed in to this property. they're still not sure what motivated him to do this. there's no sign of any ideology,
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any kind of antigovernment sentiment or anything like the ft. hood incident. right now they're trying to figure out what could have caused this right now. >> and we are going to have much more on this as i've told our viewers. we've been speaking to people who know aaron alexis and his religious affiliation as a buddhist. his the status as a contractor. let me ask you about the reporting on a second person. until evan was reporting this in d.c. there was a stand in place order for people in the area. they thought there could have been a second shooter. but now they're saying a second person who was involved. what do you think they're looking at? >> i think this may have been a person who allowed him access or paved the way for him in some other way. the individual in question, aaron, he had to get in there. and if you're not somebody who has an identification that provides you access, you can come in as a guest. but you have to be a guest of
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somebody. somebody there has to be expecting you. maybe that's this individual they're looking for. maybe he allowed him to come in not knowing this was his ultimate goal. maybe he's run and hidden. they're going to review video, entry logs and everything else to piece this together. i think we'll have some answers i would think, maybe by tomorrow. >> thank you very much. again, our evan perez reporting that the shooter aaron alexis came in this morning by car, then cleared using his navy contractor, i want to emphasize id with three weapons, including an ar-15, a rifle and a glock. of course the ar-15 used in some of the most recent horrific shootings in this country, including aurora and sandy hook. we are learning more about the shooter. out front spoke with his landlord, his friends, his co-workers. they're going to tell you about
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this man that you see there. plus 12 people who lost their lives needlessly. three others currently being treated for their injuries. we're going to go life to the hospital for an update on their conditions and learn more about what we know about the victims tonight. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing.
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landlord who said he couldn't believe he would do something like this. he had never shown any signs of violence and he wasn't aware he owned any weapons. and we're learning a lot more about him, about his possible affiliation with the buddhist faith. that he may have spoken thai. ed's had a chance to speak with those people. you are in washington where the shooter was today, where he carried out this horrific act. and i know you've had a chance to find out a little bit about his whereabouts over the past few days and people who have seen him. >> reporter: that's true. i spoke earlier today with a government employee, an official who lives out of town who's in town on business last week who told me she met a man she believed to be aaron alexis at a hotel in southwest washington
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last tuesday and had a 15 minute conversation with him on tuesday. another one on wednesday. she indicates that he told her he worked in computer security and expected to be here in washington dc. for another week or two. now some of the other information we have about him, did you want to ask a question before i go on, erin? >> no. no. no. i want you to tell us everything you know. sorry. i was just nodding, yes. >> reporter: some of the other information we have, the government tells us he is a navy it contractor, 34 years old and was a navy reservist is who entered the service around 2007 and was detached from the service in 2011, some type of aviation electrician, born in queens, apparent last listed address in ft. worth texas. that's some. information we have about him, erin. >> and any indication on motivation? because i know id is going to
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have much more on what he's been talking to with family and friends. but have you learned anything about what could have caused this? >> reporter: no. but there are indications in his record that there may be what you might call some anger issues in 2010. apparently was charged with indiscriminately firing a firearm in texas. also in 2004 in seattle, firing a gun into the tires of a car. and also into the air as a result of some sort of disagreement there. so clearly firearms and anger appear to be part of the mo here. and that's about as far as we can go. >> and, again, i can say according to our barbara starr, he was released from the navy for a pattern of misconduct and was allowed to work for the navy as a contractor, which is
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another crucial aspect of this story. ed, you have spoken to friends of alexis, and when you talk about profiles of people who do these horrific things, this one is very strange. what are they saying about him? >> reporter: i think we're kind of getting a mixed picture at this point in this early going of trying to dig into aaron alexis' past. but a lot of his history here in the ft. worth texas centers around this place, the happy bowl restaurant. the owner was aaron's the roommate for various years. he got married and alexis had to move out. that caused a little bit of a strain in their friendship. but there's that 2010 arrest for firing into the apartment of a neighbor that apparently alexis had some squabbles with over being too loud and that sort of thing, but those friends and people who have talked to him for several years here in the ft. worth area say he was very
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peaceful. in fact, the owner of the restaurant here met him at a buddhist temple just down the road. and we just got back from the temple, and people there say he was a very quiet person, kept to himself. they believe he had a texas concealed handgun permit. they do know he had at least one or two guns that he had possessed over the course of the last few years. but one of the things that stuck out to me in speaking to one of his friends, he said he had gotten a phone call from aaron alexis a few months ago, that he had been work as a computer expert for a civilian contractor there in the d.c. area and that he had been sent to tokyo, japan over the last year and during the course of doing work for this contractor, he said he had not been paid properly. it's not clear if it was a salary dispute or expenses that weren't paid out in his mind. but this friend of his says that alexis complained about that and was very frustrated about what was going on.
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and we asked him if that could have been a motive or might have led to this shooting to take place. >> reporter: you think it's frustration over the contractor. >> from the conversations i have had with him, i would say that would be a part of it. because he really felt like they should have paid him when they took him to tokyo. it was, you know, he loved to be able to travel, but when he came back, he talked about how they didn't give him the money that they said, and so i would think that that could be. >> reporter: salary money wasn't paid? or expenses? >> money that he should have gotten paid or slow pay or something. and i don't know if he ever got paid. because the last conversation i had with him several months ago was that they did not pay. >> reporter: and aaron, one of the other things that he said that aaron alexis had called him. he's a handyman. does handyman work here at the restaurant and other places and
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alexis called him asking for any kind of work. so there's questions about whether his financial stability or he had financial troubles. he thought that might have been a problem. before he had left here the ft. worth area, richard and other friends say that alexis had holed himself in his room, would spend hours and hours playing violent video games and wouldn't come out. they were giving him a hard time about that. >> that's interesting. very interesting nugget to this conversation. i want to update you as the situation is breaking and ongoing. you may have wondered when he was discharged from the navy who took him on as a contractor. hp enterprise, services had a contract and they had a sub contractor called the experts. and that is the company for which aaron alexis worked. the contractor for the u.s. navy. so wanted to update you on that. we'll have more on that. but i don't want to hold back on
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any information as we get it for you. our out front story is what happened in washington. panic gripped washington after a gunman opened fire. this is the navy's oldest land facility in the united states. it is a 3,000 employee facility. the annual budget of this facility is about $30 billion. how could something hike this happen inside a secure government operation? tom foreman has this part of the story, and i know you've been looking into the security and looking into exactly moment by moment from when that gunman entered this facility what happened. >> this is in washington, d.c., mil miles and a half p ttwo miles f the capitol. somehow this man, with that pass we're talking about got into this building with a gun, according to authorities. now some of the people who are
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there, witnesses say they were concerned a little bit about the back doors of the building, whether or not that offered a path in, but fundamentally this is the question, how does somebody with all that going for them wipnd up in a building wit a gun. >> how did that happen? there's this huge question of how in the world did he get in with these three guns? >> once he got in things happened very quickly. at about 8:18 the first gunfire happened and people were told to shelter in place. by 8:21, authorities were already engaging him inside the building, by 8:25 other police had arrived from the city and they were in a running battle with him. nonetheless, he managed at some point to be shooting from up on the fourth floor down through an atrium at some of the people
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town here. some of the folks who tried to run down hallways ran essentially into the gunman and he shot back at them. but this running battle started evolving. basically in this very short window of time seems to be the biggest part of the shooting. but then, witnesses say, by 9:00, all the shooting had been stopped and it had been sporadic. i think we're going to find this was the bulk of the shooting here. by 9:00, that may have been when he was finally taken down. and by 11:30 is when we received word that the shooting seemed to be over there. and that they are might be somebody else involved. a lot of questions about how this happened in such a dreadful short period of time. we're going to be talking to a witness to the shooting who described exactly how it occurred. and think about how many hours
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that was, and people were holed up still afraid. three victims are being treated for their injuries. we're going to go life to the hospital. we have been told by the u.s. military that it will be 24 hours after the last family member has been notified that we will find out the name of all the 12 heroes that lost their lives today. we will have a report on them and how it is possible this man was working for a sub contractor of hewlett-packard when he had already been discharged from the navy. ♪
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we return to our breaking news coverage of the massacre at the washington navy yard this mornings. a 34 year old contractor entered and opened fire, murdering 12 innocent people. they say he walked to an overlook of the main building, building 197 and started shooting into the cafeteria where people were getting breakfast right below. >> they were quick shots, bam, bam, bam, and i just started running. >> many of those in the shooting had to be evacuated by helicopter. alexis was later killed in a gun battle with officers. our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost their lives, and their families.
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we are not able to report to you yet tonight the names of the individuals. the department of the defense says they will put those names out 24 hours out after they have been able to notify all the next of kin. i want to go out to bryan todd. we've had new reporting on this program about aaron alexis, the 34 year old shooter, what we know about his discharge from the military. he was discharged for a pattern of misconduct, but he ended up getting a job as a contractor working for the navy. >> reporter: that's right. we have new information about that. as you mink, discharged in 2011 according to our barbara starr. and what we now know, we' now been confirmed that he worked for a sub contractor for hewlett-packard. i'm going to read you a statement from the corporate might yeah relations of hewlett-packard. he issued this statement, we are deeply saddened by today's tragic event at the washington navy yard.
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our thoughts and sim pathies are with all those who have been affected. he was an employee of a company called the experts, a sub contractor to an hp enterprise services contract to refresh equipment used in the navy marine corps intranet network. hp is cooperating fully with law enforcement as requested. so hewlett-packard confirming that aaron alexis worked for a company called the experts, which is a sub contractor hewlett-packard. not clear if he actually was assigned to this base, was actually working in this base, erin, but that's the latest information that we have about aaron alexis' employment with a sub contractor called the experts, working with hewlett-packard. >> all right, bryan todd, thank you very much. and really important developments there. as we've been saying, aaron alexis had been discharged from
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the navy for a pattern of misconduct, after which he was hired by hewlett-packard and the sub contractor. as each hour passes we are learning more and some of the information coming in has been down right bizarre and definitely contradictory. he of course was a military contractor who breached the washington navy yard this morning, murdering and massacring 12 innocent people. i want to bring in someone who knew him. tell us first how you knew aaron alexis. >> caller: he waited on me when i went to the thai restaurant. he waited on several of our staff members. it's a very popular thai res fraunt. he was working there as part of his friendship with the owner of the restaurant. while he was a reservist here. this is very close to a large
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navy reserve base here in ft. worth. he was a quiet, almost bookish kind of fellow, and i remember being surprised when i walked in. he was someone that you'd see in a library rather than working tables at a thai place. >> seems like your impressions fit with that we heard from a roommate of his. he said he was a flew epts thai speaker, had been going to a buddhist temple. your image of him seems to fit with that portrait of aaron alexis, obviously not the one of a person who had been arrested in seattle for a gun violation. >> caller: we know him as a serious guy here. i talked to the owner of the thai restaurant in the afternoon. he was surprised. he knew aaron owned a gun, but didn't think he would do anything to like this. >> did you ever see him interact with other people, other co-workers? did he ever talk to you at all
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about this part of his life? that he was working as a contractor or working for the navy? did that ever come up? >> caller: i didn't know he was part of the reserve. he's only recently been working for the contractor. he was a navy reservist. this is a reserve base. we have a reserve base. our other reporter knew he was affiliated with the reserves somehow, but thought he was mainly interested in studying thai and helping in the thai restaurant. we didn't know what he did in the military or how involved he was. >> thank you very much for taking the time. we appreciate it adding to the portrait that we are trying to come up with about who this person was, how they could have done this horrific act and how he could have been stopped. i want to make sure you understand we are not sharing the names of the 12 who were massacred, who lost their lives
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heroically today, because a pentagon official says they are going to wait until 24 hours after they are able to notify the next of kin, the last family member. that is why we out of respect, we are not going to be able to talk about those who lost their lives so tragically. we can tell you about those who are fighting for their lives. three are still in serious condition. hospital officials hope they are going to recover. and tell us about the victims and what doctors are saying about those who fought for their lives. and it's important to note while some were killed on the spot today there was a victim who had been fighting for their life during the day who tragically lost that life late this afternoon. >> reporter: yeah. that's right. there was someone who was taken and put in an ambulance on the way to the hospital and died on the way from his wounds. but i can tell you just in the last couple minutes, we got an update on the condition of that washington, d.c. police officer
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who had a direct confrontation with the shooter and got shot no the leg. in the last few minutes we learned that he is now out of his surgery and is starting the process of recovery. we're told the surgery was complex and very complicated, as the doctors have been working on him all afternoon, trying to see if they can give him the use of his legs and make sure he keeps the use of his legs. he was shot multiple times in the legs. bullets busted through bones, blood vessels. it was an extremely dangerous injury and there is concern that i may not have the use of his legs. they're going to assess that in the morning and into tomorrow afternoon. there was also a young woman who was shot in the shoulder. she right now is still in surgery. but a third person, a woman who was shot in the head, you would think the most dramatic trauma of all these victims may be the first one to go home.
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>> she's a very, very lucky young lady. she actually has injury to her hand and to her head, but the bullet actually did not penetrate the skull, means it did not penetrate the bone. so she is, obviously, has suffered a significant wound, but she will recover without surgery. and we've done a couple of procedures to take care of her hand and her head. >> reporter: so, again, two women, civilians working for the navy. one is still in surgery. the other is recovering from that gunshot wound to the head. there was also a process of taking photographs, looking at bullet holes and also a chain of custody of the evidence, taking those bullet fragments directly from the surgeon to the investigators as they build the investigation. erin? >> chris lawrence, thank you. reporting from the hospital tonight. and our eighth story is the
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fear on capitol hill. the navy yard is blocks away. as you've shown from the maps, there was panic on capitol hill when this happened. dana, you were there all day, there was a lockdown at the senate, and i know you were talking about how that felt, what it was reminiscent of, but it was only the senate. >> reporter: that's right. and it happened hours after the incident at the navy yard, but it was about an hour and a half after the d.c. police chief announced that there could be two suspects at large. so what happened was this door and the doors around it on the senate side, they were closed. people couldn't come in and out. but the issue was that on this side of the capitol, of course it's the same building and the house, they didn't close it off. so there was some confusion as to what people should be doing. an abundance of caution, the sergeant at arms decided to have a partial lockdown here. >> they tried to pass gun control legislation, obviously unsuccessful, now we are reporting that an ar-15 used in
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some of those horrific mass shootings was used again in this one. is this going to reignite the gun debate? >> reporter: we should be cautious that we don't know much about this suspect and certainly not about his motives, but of course we have to talk about the gun debate because it already is reignited. people are talking about whether or not this will bring about the votes that need to be, that the democrats need to get here who support background checks. right now according to joe manchin who i bumped into, switched his position, he says he does not think even after this he's going to get the five votes need the to switch people's minds and get an and expand background checks in the senate. >> this will shock so many listening to you. the waters are rising and the damage historic. and five years after america's financial collapse,
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the president today after talking about the shooting made the case for his recovery. he responds to republicans who want to shut down the government because of obamacare. and how do you pull a 114 ton vessel upright. it is finally emerging from the water. you're going to see it actually happen. that's next. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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well, continuing to follow the latest on the shooting in washington. here are some of the other major stories we are following. the president spoke on the fifth anniversary of the financial collapse. he says congress must pass a budget for the economy to grow. he came out swinging in response to threats that have come from republicans who have promised to shut the government down if obamacare isn't repealed. without an agreement, the government will shut down on october 1st, and the united states will run out of money to pay its bills a couple weeks later. and our ninth story is the floods in colorado. people are in desperate need of food and water in colorado. whole communities have been cut off for days now by raging floodwaters which have swallowed roads and devastated towns.
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and 17 communities. at least seven people have been confirmed dead and that number is likely to rise. >> reporter: two teens in love, two young victims of the colorado floods. family members tell us they were swept away in a torrent of water. >> this debris field gives you a sense of how high and powerful the water was at the height of this storm. it was about a half-mile from here where they were swept away. their car careened off the road and got stuck on a wall of debris. family members say they tried to escape, but the water was too swift. nelson fell first and quinlan tried to save her. they're among the seven people now presumed dead across the state. hundreds still unaccounted for. more than a thousand people have lost their homes. >> cops and firefighters say it could be two or three weeks before they can build a brim and
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we can get our vehicles out. >> reporter: casey's home is one of those cut off. these are pictures from his neighborhood, cars buried in mud and a huge hole that was once a road. >> reality hasn't set in yet. >> reporter: he is determined to get home by hiking, an uphill climb fueled by a colorado spirit that doesn't give up. now the water is receding, and the state's drying out, but there are months of recovery ahead. in boulder county alone, there are $150 million in damages just to roads and bridges. statewide, some 17,000 homes have flood damage. and our tenth story out front is writing the -- righting the costa concordia. it is finally and slowly coming
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out of the water. the goal is to raise the ship which was flat to a vertical position to tow. officials say the team of over 500 people working on this has a long way to go. we are out front with the latest on their progress. >> reporter: the rotation of the wreck of the costa concordia cruise liner is taking a lot longer than any one thought. authorities first thought it would take about 12 hours. now it looks like it's going to be twice that time. this is an unprecedented salvage operation. no ship this size this weight has ever been rotated before. generally they're blown up or dismantled on the sea. the reason for the delay is they don't have a precedent. from this this will really set become a textbook case in operations. they are learning as they go. they hit a glitch in a slack of one of the cables. >> that stopped operations for about an hour while a specialty
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crew went in and fixed that problem. but we expect to see, if everything continues to go as planned, we expect the costa concordia will be in upright position by dawn. >> thank you. still out front, moments of miss america was crowned, she was attacked on social media in a violent and horrible way. the newly crowned queen, though, fighting back as she should. that's next. [ music playing ] jackie: there are plenty of things i prefer to do on my own.
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but when it comes to investing, i just think it's better to work with someone. someone you feel you can really partner with. unfortunately, i've found that some brokerage firms don't always encourage that kind of relationship. that's why i stopped working at the old brokerage, and started working for charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today.
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>> last night's miss america's pageant made history. miss new york, nina davaluri was the first of indian-american to win the crown. many are celebrating. she wants to be called miss diversity. some took to twitter calling her a terrorist. now to her credit, nina responded, i have to rise above that. she's taking it a step further. for the next year, she will travel across the country promoting her causes, healthy life styles and diversity. she plans to use the scholarship to pay for her medical school, which brings me to tonight's money and power. because as much as the pageant can change the life of a winner,
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it can change the community. for the last nine years, it was held in las vegas. this year it went back to the traditional home of atlantic city. the city of new jersey and atlantic city tourism boards are putting up $21 million, over that time, atlantic city is expected to bring in $35 million because of the pageant. that's theoretically a good profit of $14 million and miss america, we'll be talking to her. we'll be right back. just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up.
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it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before.
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>> our continuing coverage of the mass shooting in washington continues right now on cnn with anderson cooper. [ music playing ] . >> erin, thanks, good evening, everyone. what a day it has been in washington, d.c. tonight there is breaking news, new details behind today's mass killing and late word tonight that the fbi has now concluded he was the only shooter. there with is a lot of moving parts of this story. the mass murders took place at a washington navy yard at the headquarters and naval sea systems command. it is a few miles from the white house and a few miles, too, from the medstar washington hospital center where three seriously wounded people are recovering tonight. the shooter has been identified, asou
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