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tv   Around the World  CNN  September 19, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. known for going against the norm, now pope pran sis speaking out about gays and lesbians. he says the church should not interfere spiritually in their lives. also coming up this -- >> leave on monday until we got together in the car to go and the road was blocked.
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we didn't get further than a mile. >> this is not the vacation they planned. thousands of tourists trapped in acapulco after flooding in mexico. the battle of the op-eds. first russia's president criticizes the u.s. now senator mccain has some words in the russian media for mr. putin. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. >> and i'm michael holmes. thanks for your company today. the pope speaking out about the oldest, staunchest traditions in the church, acceptance of gays and lesbians and contraception and abortion. >> he's not holding back. a wide-ranging interview coming out now. pope francis spoke with the jesuit magazine called "america". francis said that someone once asked him if he approve of homosexuality. the quote here, i replied with another question, he said, tell me, when god looks at a gay
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person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love? or reject and condemn this person? we must always consider the person. >> reverend james martin editor at large at "america" magazine joins us new york. the pope says the church does not have the right to interfere spiritually in the lives of gays and lesbians. how do you interpret that, your thoughts? >> well, he also says that the church must consider these gays and lesbians as people and accompany them with mercy. it is an expansion of some of the things he said on the flight back from rio where he said, who am i to judge? interestingly, people said he's only talking about gay priests on the plane. in the interview, he's talking about gay persons. it's i wide-ranging, merciful, broad, very heartfelt interview. >> this is something kind of extraordinary in the development of the catholic church, being roman catholic myself, we've never heard these things from the leadership of the church. this quote, we cannot insist
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only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage, and the use of contraceptive methods i've not spoken much about these things and i was reprimanded for that. it's not necessary to talk about these issues all the time. that seems like an extraordinary message to those who use religion in a political way because that has been the political platform of the church for some time now. >> well, it's the theological platform of the church. when we first read those comments in "america" magazine in the english translation, we were stunned. it's a blunt pope. a pope speaking from his heart. it's a pope not afraid to sort of answer these difficult questions. he's very blunt in this interview. by the way, it's published simultaneously in 16 jesuit magazines across the world at same time an hour ago. >> an extraordinary pontiff already, only a few months into the job. another quote, i am a sinner,
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this is the most accurate definition, it's not a figure of speech. a literary genre. i am a sinner. that, from a man who leads more an a million catholics around the world. give me a sense of how you think he has shaken up the church. he's not touching on doctrine but shaking up how people think about these issues. >> that's a very good point. he's not changing doctrine but he's bringing people into a more open, merciful, broad-minded church that is not afraid to sort of go into the margins, not afraid to push boundaries a bit. you know, even us at "america" magazine where we've read many documents from popes, we were stunned. he said, i'm a sinner. we're all sinners. rarely do you hear it said that directly and candidly, with no sugarcoating. >> an extraordinary pontiff so far, really shaking things up. reverend james martin, appreciate you being with us.
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>> my pleasure. >> i'll be in church to see if there's rippling effects. mexico, last thing they need is more destructive weather. talking about the tropical storm pounding the pacific coast, stronger now. now considered a hurricane. >> unbelievable. after everything else. two other, separate, major storms flooding people out of their homes, causing massive mudslides and stranding tens of thousands of tourists. on the pacific coast, nobody's going anywhere. >> not until the water goes down, at least. and the hurricane winds stop blowing. shasta darlington on the road now. she's trying to get to one of the very hard-hit areas to talk about that. a little while ago she was in acapulco. let's watch. >> reporter: chaos in the beach resort of acapulco. three days after manuel made landfall the international airport submerged in waist-deep
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floodwaters. 40,000 tourists struggling to get out after the worst storm damage to hit mexico in years. >> we ran out of money, so we spent the night here. we don't have food or water. >> reporter: she's not alone. here outside the air force base, there are hundreds and hundreds of people in line, really as far as you can see, many of them waiting all day. some even spent the night here. most of the tourists are mexican, but we also find a medical student from los angeles. >> we pried to leave on monday. so we got togethr in the car to go and the road was blocked. we didn't get further than a mile. >> reporter: she spent 12 hours in the line today but seems to accept she may not get on a flight. >> you know, we're a lot better off than a lot of people. >> reporter: more than 10,000 tourists have been airlifted out, many abandoning cars and belongings in their desperation to get home. the air force is also carrying supplies to towns and neighborhoods that have been completely cut-off by washed out
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bridges and roads. electricity and phone lines down for two days and running water won't be restored to many homes for another 20 days. at least 80 people have been killed and a million affected across the country by the onslaught of three different tropical storms. here in acapulco, rescue workers still just reaching the hardest-hit areas. while some weary tourists are finally headed home, many more are bracing for another night. >> want to bring in shasta who is on the phone, on the road in southwest mexico. tell us what the conditions are that you're seeing where you are for now. >> reporter: it's really still very difficult, suzanne. we tried to take one road out of acapulco and it was blocked by tourists protesting because they can't get on airplanes. we took another road, we are driving through some of the very poor suburbs and some roads are still flooded, coated in mud.
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we're passing by people as they shovel mud out of their homes. we passed about a huge line of residents who are trying to buy canned cooking gas to keep on cooking though they don't have running water. many still don't have electricity. though this is five days after manuel made landfall here it wasn't yet a hurricane, people are struggling to get on with their life, bring their homes back to normalcy, and other people lost their homes altogether. >> it's still not over, as we say, weatherwise. you've got dozens dead. you've got dozens missing after the mudslides from earlier. how is the infrastructure holding up in terms of relief work and rescue? >> reporter: you know, michael, i think it's hard to even talk about there being infrastructure. all of the main highways and roads in and out of acapulco are still blocked, blocked by mudslides and rock slides, still
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trying to get through those. passing through a suburb where the river flooded, washed out the bridge. it's a little island, surrounded by water. people can't get in and out. they have to helicopter in supplies and this is on the outskirts of acapulco. where hard-hit towns maybe 70 kilometers or 60 miles west of here, they're trying to get in helicopters but the rain didn't stop until yesterday. they are still discovering extent of the damage. they don't know how many people are missing and how many people died, michael. >> unbelievable. shasta darlington on the road getting to hard-hit areas. 60 people dead, a lot of missing people, too. almost an entire town hit by a mudslide. >> the news is not going to be good. >> no. more to come. on to the crisis in syria. the president of syria says that he has agreed to give up his
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chemical weapons but not because of a u.s. attack. when he talked to an american interviewer in english, take a listen. misunderstanding that we agreed in these agreement because of the american threat, actually, if you go back, before the g-20, before the proposal of the initiative, the russian initiative, the american trade wasn't about handing over the chemical arson. it was about attacking syria in order not to use -- it's not about the threat. syria never owe bade any threat. actually responded to the russian initiative. >> the syrian president there. he does of course enjoy the support that he gets from russia. and that came up in an opinion piece that appear on a russian website today. an article written by senator mccain, takes issue that the russian president wrote to the american people last week in
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"the new york times." >> here's a couple lines from mccain's piece. he addresses the russian people with, and he says this, they don't respect your dignity or accept your authority over them. they punish dissent and imprison opponents. they rig your elections. they control your media. i want to bring in phil black in from moscow to talk about this op-ed from senator mccain. and the question that i have, really, is, you know, this seems like it's for domestic consumpti consumption, for an american audience, not the russians. do they care what john mccain thinks? >> reporter: el, i think what you'll find here, what john mccain has in common with vladimir putten in this instance, apart from the fact they disagree on almost everything, they both feel misunderstood in countries they are trying to engage in. what both leaders have tried to do this in this case is communicate directly with the people, bypassing the local filters of politicians and journalists who they believe distort the message they're
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trying to put out. you can see that carefully in the way putin expressed the russian position on syria the way mccain is trying to stress the fact he's not anti-russian because that's what he's referred to in the country as. whether or not this is successful, i guess we might have to wait a little bit longer to find out. certainly we know putin was criticized heavily for his comments and certainly not everyone's going to agree with john mccain. generally most russians don't like being told what to do by nonrussians. >> pravda has been around forever, russian news publication. how widely read is it, let's be realistic? >> reporter: not very much, really, michael. the brand pravda is internationally famous because it was the newspaper, the mouthpiece of the communist party during the soviet union. the pravda of today is a little bit different. it is just a news website, and it is really quite tabloid in
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its approach and not widely read. so it is, by no means, "the new york times" of russia but it does have that symbolic name and that is perhaps what john mccain was going for here. >> phil, finally, in the op-ed here, he also says, quote, president putin doesn't believe in you, he doesn't believe that human nature at liberty can rise above its weaknesses and build just peaceful prosperous societies, or at least he doesn't believe russians can. is there any response from putin? >> reporter: putin was quite restrained in his response today, i would say. he said he hadn't read the piece but his general view of john mccain, he doesn't know about russia. mccain is a frequent critic of putin, his leadership. but in the past, putin has used more colorful language. i recall a time live on television 18 months ago when putin was asked about some criticism from mccain. putin responded basically he
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thought mccain was crazy because of his time as a prisoner of war in vietnam. these two men have history and not the positive kind. and there's no reason to believe that's going to change any time soon. >> the war of the op-eds. a war of words. >> later today, john mccain is going to be live on "the lead" 4:00 p.m. eastern. we'll get his response. >> interesting interview. more of what we're working on for "around the world." record highs in the stock market surges. 401(k), mortgage rates looking good. how long is all of this going to last? what does it say about the state of the economy if the federal reserve isn't ready to pull back on bond purchases. also this, an amazing survival story. a woman in china trapped for 15 days in an abandoned well. how she survived. that's also coming up. [ female announcer ] introducing quaker real medleys bars and oatmeal plus!
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so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ welcome back. the federal reserve chairman did something actually rather stunning. financial marks surged, the s&p reaching a record high. >> yeah. overseas marks going through the roof as well.
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ben bernanke was, as we said here, expected to announce a pullback, tapering of the cash it pumps into the u.s. economy. but he didn't. even richard quest, that venerable oracle of the financial world, convinced a decision would be made. he wasn't the only one. have a listen from yesterday's program. >> people may be wondering what's going to happen today. when the announcement comes out, a dollar to a pound, it's going to happen today. if it does not happen, i'll buy you the drinks. >> that will be a first. >> that's the deal. >> yes, that would be a first. >> thank you, richard. >> to you. to you. >> there's the dollar. there's the dollar. all right. >> delicious, thank you. >> love the drink. >> mea culpa. let me read you -- >> i love to tease you, questy. you weren't the only one. people saying it will be a shock if he didn't do it. >> paul donovan of ubs, the fed,
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possibly seriously, he says, any impression we have given that the fed is credible and lightened we would like to apologize for having give than impression. this, from michael gapen of barclays, one of the economic research team, although the decision not to initiate tapering went solidly against our expectations. >> excuses, excuses. >> more and more and more and more. >> what does this mean? what does this mean fors us. >> i told you alison kosik to hunt you down as well. >> he's saying the economy's not that great. >> taking out insurance to make sure that growth gets going and stays going. he calls it a prudential move. he says he wants to make sure that the economy is picking up steam. and he wants to ensure that things don't go in the opposite direction.
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now, the -- that's, if you like, from our point of view. from homeowners' point of view, mortgage rates will come back down slightly, long-term interest rates will come off the boil, they'll simmer nicely on the back burner but they won't be heated up again. marks will rally. this is just a little bit of a hiccup after yesterday's strong rally. look at europe. europe was up very strongly over the course of the session reflecting because they were closed when bernanke spoke. now europe is bubbling up. but, but, there's no question the fed has done damage within the industry if you like, to its credibility on transparency. you cannot lead people up the garden path and slam the door in the face when they get to the front door. and that's what they did yesterday. now that might not mean anything today. but i promise you, when they do
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start to tighten, the markets will turn around and say, why should we believe you? >> yeah. all right, richard, maybe next month. we'll catch up with you. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no. here's another dollar. here's another dollar for a bet. another dollar. i'm doubling down. >> he's a wealthy man. we could send him broke if he keeps this up. >> this is not going to happen. december at least. >> december? >> december at least. >> oh, all right. >> we'll be watching our 401(k)s closely. >> we'll catch up. come to new york and pick that bet up. questy, have a good one.
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to washington now. navy yard employees, they are now returning to work today for the first time since that massacre monday. >> building 197, that's where a dozen people were killed, that is still off limits, obviously a crime scene. we're told there is blood all
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over the place, extensive damage also done to the building. joe johns joins us from washington. three days now, joe, since aaron alexis went on that rampage. we're hearing about strange etchings on his gun. what do you know about that and the investigation into a motive? >> reporter: michael, a lot of bits and pieces today. the more that's uncovered about the navy yard shooting suspect aaron alexis's life the more difficult it becomes for investigators to uncover a motive for the deadly massacre. this morning, a law enforcement official said that, among the many puzzling things investigators have turned up on the 34-year-old navy contractor is an online alias he created in the name of mohammed selem, they found no indication he was interested in jihad or religion interest other than dabbling in buddhism. alexis etched phrases into the shotgun he used but investigators don't know what to
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make of it. the etchings read, better off this way and, elf my weapon. investigates talked to his friends, family, pored through his compute, possessions, but law enforcement sources say nothing points to a specific motive. >> and, joe, we were speaking with an official of the navy yard yesterday. police are criticized for the response to the shooting. are they explaining why he was on the campus and inside that building for so long before this was resolved? >> reporter: well, it's pretty clear there were a number of active shooter teams on the scene and there are some questions about whether the united states capitol police's emergency response team should have been allowed inside the complex. they were turned away. there's an investigation into that. but there are a lot of different units inside. navy officials say the damage inside the building is so
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extensive, it may take weeks to repair completely. they say there's blood everywhere. the facility where the shooting occurred, maintains, engineers the ships and submarines and combat systems according to navy, a lot of employees returned to work this morning. >> unanswered questions but as joe mentioned a ton of different law enforcement officials on the scene from different divisions, that is typical in washington when something big happens. >> a lot of different departments, right. when we come back, dressed from head to toe in protective gear. the prime minister visits the crippled nuclear plant. the latest in the efforts to clean up the contaminated water. anncr: expedia is giving away a trip every day. where would you go? woman: 'greece.' woman 2: 'i want to go to bora bora.' man: 'i'd always like to go to china.' anncr: download the expedia app and your next trip could be on us. expedia, find yours.
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the prime minister abe took some steps toward his goal to give the world a safe and secure olympic games in seven years. interesting way to do it. of course people there very, very worried about radiation and nuclear safety since the reactor disaster happened ach the tsunami. >> this is the prime minister. he is in the red safety helmet, personally visiting the reactors in fukushima. this happened today. paula hancocks has more on this. >> reporter: it's the second time that the japanese prime minister has visited the fukushima nuclear power plant. abe, wearing full protective gear, made a short tour thursday, a couple of weeks after pledging almost half a billion dollars to help with the cleanup effort. abe met with some of the plant workers telling those in the command center, quote, the future of japan is on your shoulders. he also decided the two remaining reactors would be decommissioned. reactors 5 and 6 shut down for maintenance at the time of the earthquake and tsunami in 2011,
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so were undamaged the prime minister shown the water tank that leaked 300 tons of radioactive water recently and said dealing with contaminated water issues is the immediate priority. he defended comments he made this month when bidding for the 2020 olympics which tokyo won. he had said the situation at fukushima was under control. >> translator: i told the world and buenos aires there is no health impact and be assured to feel safe. that's why i came to visit today. having seen firsthand the hard working people in severe conditions hear to block the impact to the japanese people. i renewed my resolution the government stand in front to fulfill our responsibility to end the crisis. >> reporter: mr. abe first visited the crippled power plant in december, shortly after taking office. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. >> hard to imagine people comforted by the pictures. >> exactly. if you reassure people, that's an interesting image to put out.
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he wants to show the government's taking control of the situation now from tepco, the company widely criticized. >> it's not close to where the olympics are going to be held, which is a good thing. >> interesting pr. 11 days and counting until a possible government showdown and things getting bitter in washington. >> they think we're going to back off. they're wrong. they're on a different planet. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can.
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welcome back to "around the world." it is now 11 days to a possible government shutdown. house republicans likely to hold a vote tomorrow that would provide funding to keep the government open while stripping away money for parts of the president's health care law
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called obama care. october 1st, that is the deadline for the shutdown. finger pointing fierce on both sides. >> refusing to raise the debt limit poses a cataclysmic danger to the stability of our markets and the economic security of our middle class. this is playing with fire. legislative arsonists are at work when they start using the debt limit for their own agenda. >> the president's decided to sit out this debate. he say his won't engage. you know, most presidents refer to their bipartisan efforts to reduce the deficit as achievements. the president seize this, quote, unquote, as extortion. so while the president is happy to negotiate with vladimir putin, he won't engage with a congress on a plan that deals with the deficits that threaten
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our economy. >> all right. let's go live to capitol hill. lisa is following all of the political drama. colorful language around. is a government shutdown more likely? >> reporter: i just got back from walking alongside senate leader harry reid, i asked, is a shutdown possible? he turned to me and said, yes, it is possible. it is possible but we don't know yet how likely it's going to be. there's a lot of hot air, as you said, a lot going on here. let me try to break this down to two basic divides causing this problem and that will tell us if we have a shutdown or not. one is the classic republican versus democratic divide, republicans want to defund obama care, democrats don't. that defunding obama care is right now stuck to the spending bill. well, the other divide is among republicans themselves, some of them say the spending bill spends too much. so they're having an internal debate about how much taxpayer dollars should be spent.
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democrats are exploiting that. let me throw you two sound bites we heard of democratic leaders. >> being guided by a few member there's who are of a certain political faith i can't even describe who believe that chaos is the best thing. >> it would be good political theater to watch themself destruction and that's what they're doing. >> reporter: both sides are part of the political theater, as the sound bites. i have to tell you the truly bad news, even if we get a solution, and we might next week, it probably won't come until the end of next week, right up to that deadline. >> so lease, there have been at least four threats since 2011, right of a government shutdown? i remember covering the government shutdown in the clinton years, it's serious business here. do they realize what they are doing, what they are playing with here? we understand politics. there's an economic side if the
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government shuts down, people are not able to get checks, federal services, all of those things. >> reporter: right. this is problem where our congress and government is right now, suzanne. everyone realizes a government shutdown is not in the interest of the united states. but the problem is, no one wants to budge from their positions over spending, things like obama care, in order to avoid it. it is a classic game of chicken though leaders have a sober eye toward what a shutdown would mean, most of them. there is another divide i've not to talk about within the republican party right now, in fact. we'll show video of a news conference going on with some conservative senators including ted cruz. he's a man who has been telling the house all summer long, house republicans, he has said stand firm, be ready to stand your line on defunding obama care, go right up to a government shutdown, be proud of it, he's someone who has led that fight and pushed them in that direction. last night, suzanne, ted cruz came out with an e-mail saying,
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we can't help you in the senate. you're on your own essentially. still supporting the idea, but this has created a rift among republicans. the house angry at those republican senators who say, what are you doing? you're saddling us with this entire bag now and you're trying to walk away. a lot of dynamics here. certainly divide within the republican party. >> thank you. she brings up a very good point there, karl rove had an op-ed in the "wall street journal" saying this is not going to work. we don't have numbers, the tea party does not have numbers to connect the funding of the government with obama care. defunding obama care. >> also, you know, when people look from the outside looking in, we're doing this again? we're going to do this every few months? it's a serious issue. >> open hoepfulhopefully it wil resolved. syrians fighting to topple assad. now battling each other. >> next, discuss the
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radicalization of some of the opposition groups and why they are fighting each other. it's important ground being lost. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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a lot of people watching the civil war in syria say they are seeing a disturbing trend, more and more often. talking about the rebel movement fighting to topple the assad government. we know it's far from united. but now what we're seeing
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increasingly is some of the more islamist extremist factions fighting and killing more moderate rebels. >> that, it's a problem for the united states. but also the western nations who would like to support the rebels but you have hard core islamists like al qaeda joining the fight against assad in larger and larger number. influence among the rebel is pretty strong. this is nic robertson reporting. >> reporter: the strength of islamist groups simple think theic to al qaeda appears to be growing. a view supported by this former cia officer, who tracked al qaeda in iraq. >> they have found the sweet spot for terrorism and how al qaeda's evolving. >> reporter: the janes defense analysis estimate as approximately 1,000 different rebel groups, close to 100,000 fighters. as many as half with radical leanings, according to other experts. al qaeda's closest allies, isil
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and al nusra, total about 10,000 fighters. many veterans of al qaeda in iraq. they're experienced and well-skilled. the others an estimated 35,000 believed to be hard line isl islamist whose share some of al qaeda's views, an estimated 30,000 believed to be moderate islamists, and only 25,000 fighters are believed to be purely secular or nationalists. and it's the moderates who are losing ground. >> ivan watson in new york to talk about this. you were just up in that neck of the woods on the syria/turkey border. islamists are better fighters and have won key battles for the rebels but this situation, where groups with common names are fighting and killing each other must be worrying observers and there's one particular battle going on in the last couple of days. >> that's right. it's the second day of fighting
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now, michael, between the more moderate rebels from the free syrian army and al qaeda-linked group of rebels, hard line group, called the islamic state of iraq and syria or isis, a strategic here near the turkish border. fighting under way for a second day. these al qaeda fighters, these are tough cookies, you could say. a lot of foreign jihady volunteers, many have come through turkey to syria to volunteer and fight. they're from places like north africa, chechnya, all over the world, really. and they really frighten many syrians i've been talking to because they've been imposing on opposite controlled parts of syria hard line sharia islamic law that some syrians say is almost like medieval law, preventing women from going outside without covering their hair. one eyewitness telling me a lot
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0 fighters, if you believe it, wear suicide bomb belts as part of their daily uniforms. now they're fighting with syrian rebels for control basically of the main border gate between turkey and syria, that is used for deliveries of u.s. humanitarian assistance, for example to refugees and displaced civilians inside syria. >> and, ivan, one of the things weave been talking about here is the fact that the obama administration is prepared to provide with arms and support the rebels. how do they keep it from the al qaeda elements? anything in place on the ground that you saw that could prevent that from happening? >> well, i mean, right now, at least in this one area, we have all-out war between presumably some of the more moderate syrian rebels that the obama administration would be interested in supporting. this border gate where the battle's happening is actually where u.s. senator mccain crossed the border into syria to
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meet with the head of the syrian rebels, just to give you a sense of where this is and how important this border gate is. now these rebels that presumably western governments want to support are in open war with the al qaeda militants. and some of the syrian rebels have said, right now we're facing a -- two-front war, fighting against the syrian regime of bashar al assad and fighting against al qaeda. that is not a very nice position to be in right now. >> one imagines unsustainable from the rebel side, they can't go on doing that. as i say, the jihadists are the better fighter. you have the al qaeda chief al zawahiri last week calling on the islamists to not work with the secular groups allied to the west. what -- in the big picture if this continue -- and this isn't the only battle going on, it's near the iraqi border as well -- if this in-fighting continue, where does that leave the uprising?
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>> well, i mean, that's one of the fears that some of the syrian rebel commanders have expressed. they can't really pull reinforcements from the front lines with the syrian government to the northern border with turkey to fight against al qaeda because they're afraid front lines will collapse. perhaps one of the vulnerable points for al qaeda, michael, is they've really angered a lot of syrians living in the north with their kind of hard line sharia views and widespread kidnapping, we're told, of more secular moderate activists. i mean i know people have been detained by them. they stopped syrians at checkpoints and accuse them of not being muslim enough. this isn't an indigenous character for syria. it's really making people angry and that may be one of their weakest points. they could trigger revulsion from syrian, ordinary syrians. >> exactly. face it, as we saw in iraq, with
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the awakening as it was, al qaeda was beaten up and defeated by other sunnis. thanks so much. very important topic. appreciate it. ivan knows that area well. >> one of the things that very likely could happen is that what ivan was predicting, you've got a lot of people, ordinary folks, going to start picking up arms or demonstrating and becoming a part of this bigger and bigger fight. >> wild thought. could it push the opposition to the negotiating table? to talk with the assad government because they both have a common enemy, that is al qaeda. we'll be back with an amazing story. a woman in china trapped for 15 days in a well. how she survived. how much protein does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20?
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welcome back. incredible story, a woman missing for more than two weeks now, never guess where the se searchers found her. how this all unfolded. >> we have an amazing survival story from china. authorities say this woman was found in the bottom of an abandoned well after 15 days. she was looking for plants when she tumbled into the well. she told a local newspaper she lived on rainwater and raw corn which fell in with her. a doctor says she lost more than 37 pounds during her ordeal.
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9:56 am
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okay. this is a fun story. you need a program to keep track of all of the queens in the african country, this man announced he's getting married for i don't know, 14th, 15th time depend on who's counting. >> the 45-year-old king. >> just 45. >> keeping him young. looks all right. reportedly chose his new fiancee, who is 18, from a group of young women who danced for him at a festival. swazy land is a country border of south africa, also mozambique. >> holds power in the country. but he faces criticism here. >> he does. >> this is an extremely poor country. the king, of course, worth a couple hundred million dollars. sharing it with his many wives. >> people think he should be sharing it with the people, but that's a whole other story from
10:00 am
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