tv State of the Union CNN September 22, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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in front of the store windows. >> some might call them reckless. but journalists must demonstrate bravery to report around the world. up next, candy crowley with state of the union. autumn in washington, a season of deadlines and consequences. today, house republicans vote to keep funding the government so long as obamacare is defunded. >> it's time for us to say no. it's time to stop this before it causes anymore damage. >> unable to stop the bill house democrats move to shape the message. >> they're anti-government. then republicans versus republicans. >> i will do everything necessary and anything possible
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to defund obamacare. >> our political panels take on the civil war and the gop and on the eve of the u.n. general a assembly. a look at the legacy of barack obama's foreign policy. brilliant strategy or sheer luck. will she or won't she? or does she ever know. journalist bill hagen on his interview with hillary clinton for new york magazine. in cnn in washington, i'm candy crowley, we're following the hostage crisis in nairobi, kenna. now 19 hours after the shooting started, the remaining terrorists hold about 30 hostages. zane, i know you've been hearing shooting, you're seeing
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helicopters swooping low over the mall. is that still going on? >> reporter: a short while ago there was a little bit of shooting, it was sporadic, there was one explosion. i'm in an area where there -- there's paramilitary activities here. this is the space people are setting up. but from a medical point of view, this is a critical place. joining me now is a medical volunteer. he's coordinating the effort, michael spence sir. give us what you're expecting. >> at this point we don't know what to expect. we have set up a triage center, we're expecting lots of casualties coming in. we're hoping to send any life threatened patients to the hospital. >> and there's a lot of food and water already being taken in and out of the doors in the last few minutes. what kind of injuries have you
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seen mostly? >> today we have seen gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, gunshot wounds, dehydrations, people that have succumbed to shock and are unable to function. >> are you getting radioed? do you have doctors going up there? >> we have a number of e.m.t.'s and paramedics stationed up front. they're communicating by cell phone. and we have a couple of runners. >> reporter: what's the hardest part about what you're doing? >> lack of information, we were slightly unorganized last night when we set up. but we ha but. >> what do you need the most? >> just time and have people stay out of our way so we can all do our jobs. >> >> reporter: give us a sense of what it's like. because when you're assisting people here who are --
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>> we're making sure that we try to not overload the hospital. so we're keeping people that just need to be stabilized and taken care of that can be done here, keeping them here and sending everything else to the hospital. >> what kind of experience has been has this been for you? you're a volunteer? >> it's not something i would expect to be doing here on a sunday afternoon in nairobi. but it's humbling to be working with this group of people. >> reporter: we're continuing to watch the situation at west gate. house republicans celebrated the passage of their spending bill, but it will be short-lived, next stop the democratically controlled senate. that will absolutely reject the house bill or anything that
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funds obamacare. the president accuses republicans of playing politics and trying to, quote, mess with him. house democratic leader, nancy pelosi calls house republican s anti-government. >> we're not here to expand government, but we're not here to eliminate government. if the idea is to limit government, let's work together to do that. >> i sat down with nancy pelosi after the house vote and asked her where she was willing to compromise. where are you willing to limit government? >> none of us comes here to have more government than we need. we should subject everything we do with real scrutiny to say if this is needed because it's a real expenditure. is this needed? is it doing what it set out to do? we should always -- to make the country for the american people.
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i was making the distinction between those who say how much government do we need to nose who say we don't need any government. the anti-government ideology is what's not needed here. >> enough republicans in the house together to keep the government in business at the end of the month. >> let's be really clear about this. the republicans put legislation on the floor that was intended to shut down government. for them, that's a victory. because they are anti-governm t anti-government. >> they know that has no pros pekts of prevailing.
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>> you know if you said to them, they would say we think this is a disaster because it is hurting businesses. it is causing businesses to go from full-time jobs to part-time jobs so they can get out from under health care. >> it is an excuse. it is not a reason. it is an excuse, it is not a reason. now for the 42nd time this week, they voted to defund -- one approach or another, defund the affordable care act. they know it's not going any place. instead of spending the time of congress to reach an agreement on -- now, this is a wolf in wolf's clothing. it's two nos do not make a yes. on the other hand they now have a bill that sort of disguises what's happening on the budget side, where they have a budget figure where their own appropriations chairman said this is not enough funding to carry on the work of government. >> that was my next question, was the spending level okay with
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you? >> no. >> no? how far away are they from what you could do with? >> we could deal with what we agreed to in the budget control act, which is a bipartisan agreement, the budget control act, with 1 trillion 57. that makes a big difference in the delivery of service to the american people. it's important to note that there are lots of excuses that they use, but for many of them, i call them legislative arsonists, they're there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments and education and scientific research and all that it is that makes our country great and competitive. i don't paint them all with the same brush and i certainly don't paint the speak we are that brush. but there are enough in their caucus to shut down government.
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that would be a victory for them. >> we're coming up for a big date on obamacare, october 1, when people can begin to sign up through the registries and the marketplaces. do you have any reservation at all, are you worried at all, you know union leaders, and james hawthorne wrote a letter to you that said obamacare would destroy the foundations of the 40-hour workweek. >> we're working on the issue that relates to all of these multiemployer plans, which unions are one and some are charities. >> bargaining rights or otherwise. there's more than one employer involved in a contract. >> more than one employer in a contract. and that has to be certainly clarified. there's only so much the president can do within the law, but there is some leeway to facilitate as we are in the
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exchanges. i am optimistic, because we will find a path. but overwhelmingly, for the american people, this is a liberation. this is healthy life, liberty, the freedom to pursue your happiness and which could be following your position for good rather than following your -- being constrained by your policy. >> it's not reducing the deficit so far. >> you see by any measure, the cost of health care in our country, the rated increase is greatly reduced. >> but it's still increasing. >> the bill isn't implemented yet. when it is impmented. they'll sign up in october, but it will be implemented in january, and you'll see even
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more of that. this will reduce costs, publicly, privately, individual to people. so when they talk about wanting to reduce the deficit by ruling out obamacare, they're completely wrong. has that message got out? -- >> some republicans are thinking why don't we attach a year-long delay for people to sign up for health care? >> because these are people who do not believe in a public role. they think that social security has no place in a free society. that's why they want to privatize it. they think that social security could wither on the vine. this is not a good faith initiative. this is an excuse to, again, hand it all over to their friends the insurance companies, or, again, not have a public role in this important initiative. >> so you wouldn't agree to
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anything that involved a year-long delay for people signing up for insurance in the market place? >> absolutely, positively not. it's important for people to get the advantages that they will have. and in order do do that, you enlarge the pool to do it. >> i am hearing from your republican colleagues, that the debt ceiling, which the battle over which comes next month, or maybe early november. >> next week. >> next week you're going to start talking about it. >> in the middle of october. >> so that is where they believe they can do some of the spending cuts they want to do, that they can negotiate there. what is your position on spending cell, further cuts, who does the negotiating? >> that's something that the world and the american economy
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should have and the full faith and credit of the united states of america should be without a doubt. >> lots of presidents have negotiated over there. >> i know, but nobody has stopped it. nobody has stopped it. >> but again, i just have to point out, that president clinton, president bush, president reagan, and this president all have negotiated the debt ceiling. >> there' no more cuts to make. it's really important that people understand that. we all want to reduce the deficit. remember this, president obama, when he became president, he said, i'm going to cut the deficit in half in four years. he did it in four years and three months. he did that. he's on a path to deficit reduction, we're all committed to that. put everything on the table, review it. but you cannot have anymore cuts just for the sake of cuts. right now you're taking
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trophies. >> you don't want to take entitlements. >> we don't want to sit at a table that says there's no place for social security in a civilized stoet. society. >> this isn't just the odd person out in their caucus. and by the way, by the way, the voucherizing of the medicare is in the ryan budget. medicare should wither on the vine. that is in the ryan budget. president washington said as he was leaving, he cautioned political parties at war with their own government. let me introduce you to the republican caucus in the house of representatives. not all of them, as you say, don't paint them all with the same brush, but enough of them to wag the dog.
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so this is totally irresponsible, completely juvenile and as i have called it, legislative arson. it's just destructive. >> let me ask you to clear up any misconceptions we may have about the speaker ship and if your caucus so wanted and democrats were to win next year, win the majority back. would you be willing to be speaker again if your caucus wanted you? >> the question was asked me before, do you sit around dreaming about being speaker again? and i said no, and they read that into being she doesn't want to be speaker again. i love having -- -- first we have to win our own elections, then we have to win the majority, then we'll see what our caucus wants to do after that, but there's several steps along the way. >> but you intend to win your
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election one again, but in no way did you intend to signal that you were not interested in the speakership? >> no, but i answered the question, do you sit around dreaming about being speaker again, no. >> we'll have more from minority leader nancy pelosi later this hour. but first i want to talk about everything we just heard. president of the american conservative union. and chief spokesman and senior advisor to bill clinton. and kevin madden and donna brazile. the democrats want their message to be, the republicans are anti-government and they are zanding in the way of everything. they shut the government down, or they tried to block obamacare so many times. and the republican message is going to be, we're trying to stop something you hate.
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who's got the winning message? >> i think the democrats have the winning message and that's because they have the passage that we're going to continue to grow the economy. you heard speaker pelosi they the deficit is the lowest since 2008. we're running on a plat form that we're trying to create jobs and help america recover from the great recession. >> obamacare has become the albatross for the -- what's this administration's vision for these four years? a year and a half has already passed and we see nothing. the american people want the president to lead. there's two things about obamacare that's got him under -- the market place has rejected obamacare. more than 60% of the american people are already on self-insured programs and to% more are going to join them. it's an unworkable program. the house has its point of view, the senate has its point of
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view. it's either all or nothing for the senate and frankly american people want two things, they want to defund obamacare and they don't want government to shut down. >> first off, if you can go out and find me a bunch of americans that sit around their table saying let's defund obamacare, that's a family i want to meet. this is a washington creation. it's not that much different than in the past where republicans have their message, democrats have theirs. the problem for the republicans is they're pursuing the exact wrong tactics, which is they are going to shut down the government. and the government is sort of a more fis thing. they don't sit around and thank the government every day because the road is built. but when you shut it down and start telling troops they're not going to get paid. when you start kicking people out of yellowstone parker and start forcing them out of their
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vacation. they start to remember that the government is an important part of their lives. >> i think american public doesn't sit down and say, the anti-government side of their family take and the pro government side of their table. what does a good government look like, what does a smarter government look like. the democrats have a danger which is what -- i think the republicans, they do have a danger too and just being anti-government, instead, we have to be for a smarter government. we have to be for a government that works for people that creates jobs that can actually be a more efficient in people's lives. and i think that's where the focus is on being solution oriented as well as being a republican party that aligned itself with people's anxieties about the growth of spending and the fact that we don't have enough economic growth right now. >> republicans by and large, and i don't disagree with a lot of
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what kevin said, that the republicans are pursuing a path that's going in the opposite direction. >> i disagree with this, i think you have to find out the following, number one, this is not about defunding obamacare, this is about obamacare's already been in the marketplace. people's insurance rates are going up 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%. >> 100 million people have already experienced the benefits of obamacare. whether it's young people who are remain on their parents' plan, or whether it's women with pre-exiexisting conditions can go out and get the kind of help they need. this is all about republicans not having a plan. republicans are raising money on this, quote, defunding obamacare. >> the market place in america has great inge instincts. premiums are 15% less.
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>> why do you think that president obama who ran for president on 2008 on this platform and again in 2012 won overwhelmingly? all of this talk about the market place and the rejection of obamacare, this has come through the courts. republicans can't let go. and that is going to be the seeds of their own destruction. >> let me just rephrase the question in terms of what's called the civil war inside the republican party. pelosi referred to it that there is this group of -- are they making it difficult for the republican bettparty to keep th house through this civil war? >> i think if you look at these 50 to 80 republicans. i think there was 80 that signed the letter. you go and you look at their districts. obamacare and obama, president obama and democrat solutions are very unpopular. so there's a political reason
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why they are making this case. and i think they also believe that the republican party, in order to find leverage to really get the reforms that we need to get government to work smarter and more efficient. they have to press? in order to gain that leverage. john boehner looks at that and he understands. >> this is pressing it and then there's going over the cliff with it. >> i think john boehner is taking two aapproaches. you can tell people that this is not going to work, or he can demonstrate that the voice of these republicans and these conservatives has to be heard. we send it over to the senate and we see what happens. >> it's a broken record now. you're not going to defund. it's a political impossibility. >> 16% to 17% of liberal democrats oppose obamacare because it doesn't have the public option. this is the republican plan from
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1993-19 # 1993-1994, signed by a democratic president. >> we're going to move on to a different subject. when we return, hillary clinton's big interview since leaving the obama administration. we'll look at the clinton and members of her tightly knit inner circle have to say about 2016. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family bbq. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it! really, honey, why can't you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you're my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete.
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live with the man who interviewed mrs. clinton. [ male announcer ] what's important to you? at humana, our medicare agents sit down with you and ask. being active. and being with this guy. [ male announcer ] getting to know you is how we help you choose the humana medicare plan that works best for you. mi familia. ♪ [ male announcer ] we want to help you achieve your best health, so you can keep doing the things that are important to you. taking care of our customers. taking care of her. and the next thing on our list is bungee jumping. [ male announcer ] helping you -- now that's what's important to us.
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vo:remember to changew that oil is the it on schedule toy car. keep your car healthy. show your car a little love with an oil change starting at $19.95. welcome back. a bit of data that will likely surprise no one. hillary clinton has a commanding lead among democratic voters heading into the 2016 presidential i lekation.
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polls show joe bide on is a very distanlt second choice. we asked house leader nancy pelosi to weigh in. >> do you think hillary clinton will run for president? >> i don't know. but i know that if she does, she will win and when she becomes president, she'll be one of the best prepared people to enter the white house in a very long time. she is by dent of her experience as a senator, as secretary of state, by being a first lady. with all due respect to our president, i think he's m magnificent and a blessing to us, hillary is more prepared than president bush--the presidents that we have had. joe biden is very prepared. and i think president bush
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senior was well prepared. i'm talking about recent memory of presidents we have had. joe biden would be very prepared as well. but you asked me about hillary clinton. >> would you prefer hillary clinton over the vice president? >> when they get to running -- >> you'll tell me? >> i always have a habit of saying when you tell me you're seriously running, i'll be serious about it. i think it would be magnificent to have a woman president. >> hillary clinton returns to newsstands this week. it's her first major interview since leaving the state department. we want to talk to the man who interviewed her and wrote the piece. joe, great get, one all of us are trying to get sort of ad nauseam over the weeks. what is your take away on the big question about her intent.
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>> well, she's come out for the first time and said, well, i'm thinking about it. she's weighing it. think she's coming out during an interesting week when all of the, you know, clinton world is gathering in new york for the clinton global initiative, the annual event and she's sorts of sending out a message, two messages, one she's thinking about it and the other is, give me some time to think about it, or at least let's put it up the road a little bit because she's concerned or her staff is concerned, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and have -- be seen as a front runner that's so strong and basically what happened in '08, basically where she's -- >> let me ask you, i want to read one of the quotes in that article from her, where you said to her, you're wrestling with this idea, do you wrestling with the idea? she says i do and then she goes on to say, i'll do whatever i
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can, from whatever position i find myself in to advocate for the values and the policies i think are right for the countrc. i will continue to evaluate the facts that would influence me running one way or another. you talked about how sort of a perfect quote that cuts both ways for her. >> yes, that's right. well, she emphasized her bond with obama and how she had been so close to the vicinity, you know, of the commander in chief, up close, front row seat, she said, to everything that happened and she was very instrumental in, you know, telling him to try to take that risk. and they kind of sweated it out together and this was like a moment in which she short of shared the commander in chief, the pressures of that with him. and more or less, it was a
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situation in which she's in a position much like being in the commander in chief role and showing that she has had that experience. >> right, i'm qualified. >> joe hagen, take a read, it's fascinating. when we return, the whole clinton family takes center stage this week. there will be a round of tv appearances and a high-profile clinton global initiative meeting in new york. what it means and how it could affect hillary clinton and chelsey clinton's political future, next. the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied
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about hiss wife's 2016 presidential run, is it a done deal? >> i think she would be the first to tell you there's no such thing as a done deal for anyone. but i don't know what she's going to do. >> we'll get reaction from our panel next. weekdays are for rising to the challenge. they're the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure
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source that he was directed to. she's running but she doesn't know it yet. it's just a like a force of history. it's inexorderable. i think she actually believes she has more say than she does. you were quoted in the article as a member of the inner circle. joe, you have worked for the clintons. so give us your take. because again, it's my experience that when they lead to sources that say things like this, she's running. >> it's too early to predict it. but the train has left the station. the train was already on the tracks. it wasn't derailed in 2008, it was just slowed down. i believe she runs. she has a very strong chance of winning the nomination, and of course winning the presidency, but i believe hillary clinton is one of the most phenomenal women in the world today. she's a great leader, she's decisive. she has the kind of energy you want, the kind of ideas that we need in this country.
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if she runs, i really do believe this she will win. >> if you look at that anonymous vote and others, it reflects a couple of things. everyone who's been with her and been this far on the journey, and wants to see her completely, really want to seize her fulfill this mission. i think she knows that you can't wait 2 1/2 years, sit and do nothing and then turn it on, that this is a constant, 24/7 campaign that goes on. so i think she knows and she's allowing people to go out and prepare the ground work. and you know, a lot of people have had conversations with her. i have not talked to her about this. and this is just a guess on my part, which is i don't think she has made up her mind. i think she very much wants to be president.
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i think she thinks what she would bring to is that office would be unique. i think she wants to that's a personal decision and one she's earned the right to make. >> it takes an organization, you have build an organization. what i find interesting is that organization is already readily there and waiting. it's like the clinton industrial complex. that's very interesting. what's also going to be interesting is whether or not that group of people, whether or not they can avoid some of the very, very strong disagreements they had internally and whether that affects the efficiency of this election. this idea of an independent bill clinton, the idea that he is this passive voice in this operation. >> there's an importantly point in there, which is i think, based on my knowledge of both of them, i think that the idea that somehow that hillary needed to
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depend on her husband for her thoughts is ridiculous. >> i would agree with that. >> what i think hillary did, when she got into elective politics herself, she did look at her husband as someone who had mastered the art and really did depend. and the point that the article makes is that it's different now. she's done it herself. and she's done something her husband did. she ran a campaign and she lost. that's an important thing to learn. >> usually it's the republicans that end up with a nominee the second time around. and the democrats always want to find a brand new figure they haven't thought up before. this time around, the inner influence sources of our party, we have no clue as to who our nominee is going to be, nor have we figured out who we want to support. yet the democrats for the first time in history have already made up their minds who they want to support.
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there's two things to think about. she was such an overwhelming favorite in 2008 and all the cards were really in her favor and then it didn't happen for her. she's got to look at why it didn't happen for me and can i overcome that? and it's a real serious question she's got to deal with, because frankly we prepared our campaign in 2008 to run against her and it didn't happen. and her rejection was a shock to me. >> let me just ask you about benghazi, that's clearly where republicans will go almost immediately. we still haven't heard the end of that story, insofar as committee members who are looking into things. >> they're going to attack something. it doesn't matter whether it's hillary clinton or joe biden, that's the nature of politics. they held nothing back from
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benghazi and hillary clinton is still the most admired woman in the world. >> i have to so much it there. but also we all know she's a very popular woman, but the minute you become a politician again, your popularity immediately goes down. up next, why this week could be a pivotal turning point in u.s. iranian relations. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. clean energy is creating good jobs all across our country. like here, in california, where we're creating more jobs and getting more power from the sun and the wind. i'm tom steyer. each week, we're taking a look at the keystone xl pipeline proposal -- separating fact from fiction.
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this week -- the truth about jobs. today, america's energy sector is growing stronger as we diversify, creating hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs here at home, while reducing our dependence on oil from abroad. but foreign oil companies like transcanada are pushing the other way. proposing the keystone pipeline through america's heartland, promising us jobs if they get their way. but here's what they don't say... a state department analysis found that keystone will create just 35 permanent jobs once the pipeline is built. 35. as a businessman, i don't devalue any job. but 35 jobs maintaining a foreign oil pipeline -- one that comes with real risks to the farms and towns and water supplies it would run through -- that's not gonna grow our economy. and it would undercut the kind of clean energy jobs that are repowering america. next week, we visit the big apple,
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where climate change isn't an abstract notion, it's the test for our times. see you there. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it! really, honey, why can't you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you're my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. it works fast and lasts. get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. vo:remember to changew that oil is the it on schedule toy car. keep your car healthy. show your car a little love with an oil change starting at $19.95.
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we're back with our panel. foreign policy is certainly not what the president has wanted to focus the first year of his second term, but it just comes up, as we all know. and we saw what's happened in syria, where now it's possible syria is going to rid itself of chemical weapons with help from russia and the united states and the rest of the world. we're now seeing these kind of amazing statements coming out of the president of iran, sort of a sworn -- someone said this morning on our air that the last time there was actually a meeting between a president of the united states and a leader in iran was like 30 years ago. so is the president, has his strategy all along just been so brilliant as nancy pelosi told me, or did he just fall into a really good streak of luck? >> i think he's laid a strong foundation for these diplomatic
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channels to be open. if these talks bring out any good end, it's wonderful, which we have to verify. but i think it's good for the president of the united states to become pen pals with the new leader of iran. >> that has been a bipartisan criticism of the president, that they lacked a strategy to secure american national -- so i think that's really what's been missing right now, is some sort of strategy -- >> we're not really sure how this a all came about. >> i think the difference between being president whether you're a republican or a democrat and being a member of congress, is that you have a strategy, and it doesn't boil down to sound bites that you can
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campaign on and that you can go out and build a message on. this is highly complicated and sometimes highly confidential stuff. the president has been criticized that he wasn't hard enough on iran. and that we ought to threaten nuclear war against them. there's plenty in the republican caucus that have -- what you're seeing now is the potential fruits of a strategiy that was put in place and actually was put in place by presidents before him. there's a big difference between what happens on capitol hill in front of the cameras and what actually happens. >> first of all, you can turn the corner when there's a new leader and there's a new lead never iran now. so that provides some sort of opening. this is what he tweeted out on ro,
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i wish all jews, especially iranian jews, a blessed rosh hash shanah -- then we have this, from the israeli prime minister's office. no one should be fooled by the deception of the iranian president. the same rouhani boasted in the past how he duped the international community during nuclear talks. >> there's a sincerity and integrity are not in the value system of these iranian leaders. so words said publicly, what's meaningful, is the geo political balance in the lead in the middle east. this is found the weakness in the president to the american
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people. the only two options would be to intervene or stay out of the way. he chose a weaker option. putin came in, stepped in and made a decision to agree with the president on a solution. the solution it's felt is humanitarian, but the outcome is that assad will stay in power. the real winner is putin. >> and i'm going to give you -- >> the real winner is putin. >> and we all know that things can go really quickly in foreign policy. but the risk to the president in the deal with russia and syria and in this opening is does he end up, maybe being looked like he got duped? >> no. i wanted to say something stronger than that, though. he's holding firm in the military option. at the same time, he's p ee's p these diplomatic routes.
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>> thanks to our pajt. when we return, today's conversation between president obama and the president of kenya. we have new information on the hostage crisis. le announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family bbq. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it! really, honey, why can't you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you're my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. it works fast and lasts. get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance...
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a shopping mall on saturday still hold about 30 hostages. at least 59 people died in the attack, 175 are wounded. president obama called kenya's president to express his condolences. cnn correspondent at the scene reports sporadic gun fire. >> this is gps, the global public square, welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. we have a very special show for you today. an exclusive interview with bill clinton. on the plan to rid syria of its chemical weapons -- >> who cares how
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