tv New Day Saturday CNN September 28, 2013 3:00am-6:31am PDT
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me. life is good. i envy you, zach zamboni. and we're out. nice end. ♪ diplomacy can be so powerful, it can peacefully defuse the worst weapons of war. >> it seemed impossible two weeks ago, but new this morning, there is now a deal on how to proceed with syria's chemical weapons. i spoke on the phone with president rouhani of the islamic republic of iran. >> it was an historic moment, 34 years in the making. but does a phone call between president obama and rouhani
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really mean iran is ready to negotiate? and have you seen this, kanye versus kimmel in a twitter war that has gone viral. but is this rivalry really for real. that's in today's pop 4. >> they're just wanting us to talk about them. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. cnn headquarters. this is "new day saturday." we have a packed show this morning. one thing that is really gettinging a lot of attention is the nfl, they're going on the road. by the road, we mean across pond. steelers/vikings. >> by the boat. >> they're playing in london. our metadavies gave the players a little quiz. >> it doesn't go so well. >> no. here's one hit, alex is not a member of the royal family, people. >> not that we know of.
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unless there's some big scandal. he's not the newest member at least. >> and a little confusion who fergie is. first up, the u.n. security council finally tackling the conflict raging in syria. passing a resolution to rid the country of its chemical weapons. diplomats took a victory lap last night after that vote. >> tonight with a strong and forceable precedent-setting resolution requiring syria to give up its chemical weapons, the united states nations security townes has demonstrated that diplomacy can be so powerful it can peacefully defuse the worst weapons of war. >> some of the weapons? yes. the bloody civil war, maybe not. cnn foreign affairs reporter elise lavic joins us from new york. elise, what does this mean, this
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victory lap, what does it mean for syria? >> well, victor, it gives syria a binding resolution. the first time the council has acted in 2 1/2 years to make sure syria can do anything. give up its chemical weapons, a very tight timetable for that. and it also makes sure that they could have unimpeded access from u.n. inspectors. so it really kind of puts them on the hook, if you will. but also puts in consequences, if they don't comply. >> okay. so consequences, a very vague term that the countries have agreed to. >> right. >> does that mean that military action is or is not on the table? >> well this resolution doesn't explicitly call for military action if syria violates the terms. that's something the u.s. really wanted. russia, as you know, a permanent member of the security council and has that veto power said no way. but there is something in the resolution that says it kicks it
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back to the security council if syria does not comply, if it violates the terms. and last night, russia said that if syria does in fact violate, it will vote to impose consequences. >> all right. consequences still on the table. elise labott in new york. thank you. a 15-minute phone call is making history. >> and it's ending decades of silence between the u.s. and iran. at the white house, president obama telephoned iran's new president hassan rouhani yesterday. susan rise told cnn's fareed zakaria how it came about. was it friendly or business-like? >> i'd say cordial and constructive. obviously, when you have two leaders from two countries that have not communicated to that level for almost 35 years, it's something of a groundbreaking
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event. but they both conveyed their commitment to try to explore in a constructive manner the diplomatic path. we've made very clear, the president has long reiterated, including this week at the general assembly, that the united states will not tolerate iran with a nuclear weapon. >> now, this president's historic conversation, focused on iran's nuclear program. and cnn's correspondent jim sciutto has more for us. >> reporter: it was just a 15-minute phone call, but one that was 34 years in the making. >> the very fact that this was the first communication between an american and iranian president since 1979 underscores the deepness trust between our countries but it also indicates the prospect of moving beyond that difficult history. >> reporter: the prospect of reaching an agreement on iran's nuclear program seemed out of reach just weeks ago. >> while there will surely be
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important obstacles to moving forward, and success is by no means guaranteed, i believe we can reach a comprehensive solution. >> reporter: a sentiment echoed by iranian president hassan rouhani who tweeted word of his call with obama before the president confirmed it. rouhani ended a week-long charm offensive in new york with a promise to submit a plan on iran's nuclear program by next month. >> translator: i assure you that on the iranian side this will is there fully 1 oors% that in a very short period of time there will be a settlement on the nuclear issue. >> reporter: president rouhani then denied critics' charges that renewed negotiations were just one more delay tactic so iran could secretly work toward a nuclear bomb. >> translator: we have never chosen deceit as a path. we have never chosen secrecy. >> reporter: we spoke with a member of the inner circle vice president and minister of
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culture mohammed ali najafi. >> translator: if one doesn't respond, naturally this will reach a dead end. >> they said it was cordial in tone and both leaders decided to resolve peacefully and expeditiously. although they did speak through an interpreter. rouhani said "have a nice day "account in english and obama said in farsi. >> jim sciutto, thank you very much. on twitter, yes, on twitter, he said he had a, quote, super busy week. he certainly did, speaking at the united nations general assembly. that history-making phone call with president obama. a lot of people are wondering how do iranians feel about all of this, cnn's reza is there
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right now. is there a concern after 34 years that this kind of diplomacy is happening too far? >> reporter: christi, we haven't picked up any concern or worry, in fact, it's the opposite. from the iranians that we talked to, they get the impression, they can't have this happen fast enough. they're elated and thrilled that these two presidents have made contact by phone. the news is making headlines here this morning. this paper says the phone conversation between rouhani and obama. and then this english language paper that says "iran's eyes better ties with the u.s." really a wave of new found hope and optimism that started when president rouhani took office on august 3rd. he came in and he made his agenda clear. he said his goal is to improve relations with the u.s. and western powers by addressing any reasonable concerns anyone had
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with iran's nuclear program. now, nothing concrete has happened. but the fact that everyone's talking about possibility, the fact that hassan rouhani has managed to get a u.s. president to call him on the phone for the first time since 1979, that's what has people buzzing here in optimism, seemingly president hassan rouhani, along with president barack obama has said the stage for something to map and perhaps that's why president rouhani probably is the most popular man in iran, christi. >> does president rouhani have the backing of the supreme leader and how much weight does that carry, obviously? >> reporter: at this point, all indications are that the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei is on board. and all indications are that hardline factions are on board as well. because, remarkably, we haven't heard any criticism aimed at hassan rouhani.
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but this is a critical point. the point that gets lost in the hype and media publicity surrounding the phone call of hassan rouhani. and that is because when it comes to the core position of the nuclear program, rouhani hasn't shifted positions. he still maintains that iran will continue its peaceful nuclear program. they will continue to enrich uranium. they've said they're willing to make concessions. could that be suspended enrichment at 20%? could that be opening up for broader inspections? if so, they want something stable in return. they want to be respected. they want to be treated as equals. they want the u.s. to recognize their right to enrich uranium. and finally, this is perhaps most important to iranian they want some of those crippling economic sanctions to be eased. >> reza, thank you for bringing that from tehran this morning. >> let's talk about this from an interesting perspective with the
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phone call between the u.s. and iran i want to bring in kevin herminie right now he was the youngest the 52 captives taken hostage in 1979 that froze the iranny/and u.s. relationship. at the time, president carter called the tactics of the terrorists blackmail and terrorism. kevin joins us by phone from milwaukee. it's good to have you as part of this conversation. i'll first want to start with, when you heard about this conversation between the presidents, what was your reaction? >> well, my first reaction is that the iranian people certainly are very much interested in a thawing of relations between the two countries as i think many americans are. but as as always, any type of negotiation requires a discussion, a dialogue between two honest brokers.
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and the united states gave up an awful lot to retrieve the 52 americans, including my 51 colleagues and mine from iran more than 30 years ago. and the iranians really never paid any type of price. now, you might say, others might say, well, there's been international crippled sanctions between the country. the truth of the matter is, the country -- the country of iran -- the truth of the matter is, the iranians have a responsibility to look internally, and look to free christian pastors such as sayid alba deni. international travelers such as senator evans and others. >> you wrote, if i could, you said back on on the 30th anniversary of the release to elaborate on this point of
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honest brokers, it makes our government look ridiculous whether it's negotiating for the release of 52 americans held hostage for an attempt for get iran nuclear weapons. do you think this is a position of weakness that the president has taken by extending his hand in some way through these talks through the foreign minister and the secretary of state thus far? >> no. anytime you engage in discussions, does not mean you're engage in it from a position of weakness. it's what the results end up being. it's what takes place as a result of those negotiations and negotiations, i believe that the president of the united states needs to have the interest of the u.s. in mind. the american people in mind. freedom and democracy is paramount. and the iranian people have really been suffering for a long time under the iron fist of islamic fundamentalism.
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and it's interesting, the u.s. government continues, even under the president and this administration to label the country of iran and government as the primary state sponsor of international terrorism. so, clearly, there's a little bit of a disconnect there but i do think if we can reach out and to begin this all right. same-sex couples across new jersey, they're celebrating this weekend. following a judge's ruling that the state has to allow same-sex marriages beginning october 21st. >> we've been waiting a very long time. we've been waiting if we look, 24 years ago, we couldn't imagine this was possible. >> they got engaged just minutes
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after the ruling was announced. the leader of the group that sued to make the change called the decision, quote, amazingly strong. i should point out that new jersey's governor chris christie said he will appeal the ruling after weeks of talk. and talk and talk. >> and luster. >> yes. >> it's time for tea party republicans, listen, you've got to put up or shut up >> shut down the government, and blink and walk away from their fight to kill obama care. >> live from washington, you're watching "new day saturday" on cnn. ♪ mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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we'll help you get there. 18 minutes after the hour now. listen, this is now a ping-pong game. and republicans are on both sides of the table. it's decision day for house republicans they have to abandon their fight to fund obama care or be shut down. they're expected to meet at noon. high noon, to figure out the game plan. today's meeting comes after the senate approved a spending bill friday and kicked it back to the house. well, the senate keeps funding for obama care, tea party republicans in the house
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refusing to go along with that. back to the senate. republican senator ted cruz urged his house colleagues to hang tough. >> i am confident if the house listens to the people as it did last week, that it can continue to step forward and respond to the suffering that is coming from obama care. it was striking today. it was sad to see senate democrats together turn a blind ear to all of the people who were suffering because of obama care. >> let's bring in cnn's erin mcpike, she's in washington for us this morning. erin, so it's a blame game. i think everybody knows that. who will the american people blame for this shutdown? >> victor, a lot of people are saying that house republicans will be to blame simply because house republicans have forced the defunding of obama care to be tied to this bill. that funds the government. now polls seem to show that this public is siding slightly more with the president. his approval rating is about 45%
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in the most recent cnn poll. the approval rating for congress is much lower than that. but, victor, right now, we're seeing both sides blame each other. there's been talk of grandstanding on both sides. here's what president obama had to say about congressional republicans yesterday. >> i realize that a lot of what's taking place right now is political grandstanding, but this grandstanding has real effects on real people. >> now, speaker boehner's office said much the same thing about president obama, just yesterday. speaker boehner's spokesman graham bucks said grandstanding won't bring congress any closer to a resolution. speaker boehner said himself he doesn't want to negotiate. he thinks the president has to do that. here's what he had to say yesterday. >> now, the president says i'm not going to negotiate. well, i'm sorry, but it just doesn't work that way.
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>> now, house republicans will meet today to try to determine a path forward, but no one knows yet what that will be yet, victor. >> erin mcpike in washington covering this potential government shutdown. i've heard jake call you e. mcp. is that what we can do on the weekends? >> you may. >> thank you. >> it does have a ring to it, doesn't it? >> american football players showing off their knowledge of british culture -- kind of. >> can you name the newest member of the royal family? >> yeah, i think his name is alex. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be,
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paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ ♪ unh ♪ [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. ♪ or you can choose to blend out. the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand
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steelers fan. i'm from ohio. >> well, i'm -- >> i'm from ohio. i'm a browns fan. you think of steelers, you think of minnesota vikings, you don't think of london, england. >> yeah, that's where the team, playing. andy scholes has more on the "bleacher report." hey, andy. >> hey, victor and christi, the nfl started putting on an early game in 2007, before this, the vikings and steelers looked like a great matchup. both teams are 0-3. pretty much a must win for both squads. all work and no play isn't good for anyone. cnn's amanda davies had a chance to ask a few questions but not necessarily about football. >> reporter: can you name the newest member of the royal family? >> yeah, i think his name is alex. >> oh, man, come on, you have to ask me that? >> george? >> george, i knew that.
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i read that in the latest "us weekly." no, not really. >> reporter: if i said fergie what would that mean? >> she's a pop star. she sang "the humps. >> the clock? >> isn't that the clock? >> actually -- >> i hate these questions. they make people look like me look like a complete idiot. >> burger and fries or fish and chips. >> burger and fries. burger and fries. >> fish and chips. >> james bond's code name. >> 007. >> 007's code name? >> i have no idea. >> that's james bond's code name. >> thanks to amanda davis for that. it's a good crowd as always. kickoff from across the pond is at 6:00 tomorrow afternoon. that will do it for the "bleacher report." victor and christi, back to you. >> you know, they were in game mode. they were practicing.
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but come on, big ben? >> maybe because we have covered it. >> let me ask you this, and ask you this, just what is obama care? >> it's something to do with caring about people, you know, obama care. basically, that's all i know. >> alrighty then. look it's confusing. a lot of people confused about this. they don't really know what it is. we're going to help clear up the confusion for you. bone-chilling allegations in today's indictment read like they were ripped from the pages of a tom clancy novel. >> bone-chilling, we're going to reveal those allegations against a former member of the u.s. army. that's next. [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room.
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tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. ♪ 6:30 here on the east. on a saturday morning. you're up early. or did you ever go to bed? >> listen, on the west coast, they're probably up from last night. 3:30. >> welcome, we're grad to have you, i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. let's start with five things you need to know for your "new day." up first, the u.n. security council has approved a resolution to eliminate syria's chemical weapons arsenal by the end of next year. now the revolution does not authorize military action if syria fails to cooperate but the
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u.n. could act on its own. the u.n. confirmed the use of chemical weapons last month near damascus. number 2, a former army sergeant accused of running a hit squad for a colombia drug cartel. joseph hunter allegedly led a team of soldiers from around the world. and the four men acted as assassins. hunter, by the way, is expected to appear before a judge today. just weeks before tough new abortion laws go in effect in texas planned parenthood has filed a federal lawsuit to overturn the most restrengthive parts of the legislation. now, this portion requires doctors who performed abortions to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. a call for clinics to upgrade surgical centers. number 4, more twists and turns in the murder case of former football star aaron hernandez. now, apparently, his fiancee has been indicted for furg gore. his cousin was also indicted on a single count of accessory to
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murder. authorities say the two had alluded law enforcement and made attempts to hide evidence. arraignment dates have not yet been set. number 5, snow in september. >> come on! >> it sounds crazy, i know. but an early winter storm brought several inches to montana this week. look at this. >> wow. >> people have not put away their shirts and t-shirts. it's great. this is georgetown lake on thursday. the power lines were damaged. a lot you have people didn't have power. in the in the is not the only state that can expect cooler temperatures. let's bring in the meteorologist right here in the cnn system. good to have him. more snow on the way? >> absolutely. sunday afternoon, 7500 feet, look at the storm system, monster storm system parked out the gulf of alaska.
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november and december, you bet. from seattle to portland. upwards of 6, possibly 8 inches of rainfall across this region. especially the southeast facing flash flood watching. portland, travel delays a concern. and winds with this storm something on the order of 60, perhaps it 70 miles per hour. with so much foliage, guys, with color on the trees out there that have not fallen yet, a lot of trees are going to be weighed down. something we're watching carefully. >> pedram, thanks for joining us. >> you bet. >> i still want to take in the colored leaves. the affordable care act or obama care, it goes live on tuesday. so that means uninsured americans can buy health coverage at online exchanges. >> but 3 1/2 years after the president signed the law, a lot of people still don't know what obama care is. or what to do come tuesday. so cnn's zain asher has been looking into that for us.
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good morning, zain. >> hi, victor and christi. on tuesday, online exchanges will be open. and nonprofit groups are going to door to door trying to explain to people what obama care actually means. what's interesting we spoke to several uninsured americans who have no idea what obama care meant. >> we'll start at the top of the hill -- >> reporter: with just a few days to go before the new health exchange insurances go live an army of experts are going door to door. >> good morning? >> good morning. >> is christopher home? we're not selling anything. >> reporter: trying to explain obama care to americans who don't have health insurance. >> it hassing in something to do with caring about people, obama care. >> reporter: according to the cause family foundation, 43% of uninsured americans still have no idea about the new exchanges. >> i have a question, who created this affordable health
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care act? >> this is passed by congress. >> oh, congress. >> the affordable care act. i'm just wondering as a citizen of america how come i did not hear this? >> reporter: while health care reform is a point of contention for congress many that we spoke to in new jersey were hearing details of obama care for the very first time just this week. >> i'm definitely going to read into it. >> is obama forcing americans to get health insurance? that sounds that way. >> reporter: a nonprofit group funded mainly by health care groups and charities is working to spread the word. dispatching 130 field workers in ten states. on october 1st, 48 million uninsured americans will be able to purchase health coverage through federal and state exchanges. coverage starts january 1st and they must enroll by march 1st. >> they're going to be able to shop just like an airline ticket
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or flat-screen tv and see what's the best price for you. >> reporter: people say they see the word obama care on the news but they don't understand the details. whether you know about obama care or not it is the law of the land. if you don't have health insurance and you don't sign up for the next five months, you could face a penalty of $95 or 1% of your household income. >> all right, we'll keep you posted. this is not going away. >> no time soon. >> with the thought of a government shutdown hanging over our heads, too, political leaders in washington, they're not inspiring confidence. >> lawmakers have less than three weeks now to negotiate a new debt ceiling. if not, all bets are off for the u.s. economy. cnn business anchor christine romans explains. hi, christine. >> christi and victor, the government may shut down monday night at midnight but the administration officials i'm speaking to are more concerned
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about the debt ceiling. why? let me lay it out for you. doing a shutdown, mandatory spend would go not be affected. you would still see spending. a prolonged shut down koorg to moodie's would cut economic spending in half. but you still have spending. people would get their social security checks, for example but if the debt ceiling is not raised it's a whole other story. no debt ceiling at all you the date is important here. that's the date that the u.s. will have less than $30 billion on hand and the government can't borrow money. just means just like when your bank account is empty and you can't find a source of cash, the government will stop paying their bills. interest on debt, to like china, right? maybe social security. we can't pay social security to seniors. and medicare and medicare. you got 110 million people on one of those programs and you
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don't have enough cash on hand to cover all of them. worst, we may not really know what's going to happen. markets hate uncertainty. what happens to your nest egg if the government has interest rates spike and we had hundreds of billions of additional glars that borrowing costs. we don't know the consequences for sure until we get there and once we get there it's too dangerous. >> cnn business anchor christine romans, thank you. still to come on "new day," religious hardliners have their sights on an unlikely target. some of the most beautiful women in the world, they're threatening to hijack the miss world contest we'll tell you why an what's being done to protect those women. but you had to leave right now, would you go? man: 'oh i can't go tonight' woman: 'i can't.' hero : that's what expedia asked me. host: book the flight but you have to go right now. hero: (laughs) and i just go? this is for real right? this is for real? i always said one day i'd go to china,
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good morning to you. want to take a trip around the world with me here? first, let's go to nairobi, kenya. where the hunt is on for that woman nicknamed the white widow. of the officials suspect the british-born mom was involved in the attack. cnn's david mckenzie is there. hi, david. >> reporter: in the wake of kenya's terror attack with the global trip wire for samantha lewthwaite. the british mom known as the black widow. she's suspected in this attack because witnesses said they saw a white woman with the attackers as they rampaged through the mall. there's no direct evidence that the white widow is involved. and now forensic experts are
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picking through the rubble to see who carried out this heinous act and home civilians died. >> david, thank you. we're going to britain where government officials are thinking of switching the time zone to boost the economy there. al goodwin is there. >> reporter: spaniards eat dinner at 9:00 o'clock and dinner at 9:00 or 10:00, it's just to be approved by the parliamentary if spain is to approve its productivity and get out of economic crisis. the extra long work and long nights, and spaniards are on permanent jet log. back to you, kristi. and to bali, where contestant, getting ready for the miss world contest. it actually prompted officials to change the pageant's locate.
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>> reporter: the violence overshadowing the miss world pageant overshadowed here today, the beauty contest was supposed to be held in the country's capital decatur, but was moved to the resort island of bali. after protesters took to the streets describing it as pornography. foreign embassies have issued warnings and authorities are not taking any chances. back to you, kristi. >> anna, thank you, we appreciate it. visibilitier back to you. coming up on "new day." it was not your normal day in one classroom this week. it was a danceoff between a visiting basketball star and a student. you've got to see the rest of this. ♪ dancing, dancing, dancing .
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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ neutrogena®. make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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waking up in washington, d.c. a live look for you at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the 6:49. >> he's up and probably been up for a few hours. there's a lot going on. he's got stuff to do. hopefully, he's up. >> we're up. we've got you covered. have you ever seen this show "dreamland" -- not dreamland. "homeland." i watch three shows on television and i don't have
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showtime so that cuts me out. but i hear there's action and drama on this show called "homeland." but apparently, there just weren't enough for some things. >> he just wants to go home and back to bed. who envisioned it as a musical, right? if you do watch it, you're thinking what -- that's part of this week's pop 4. on list headlines, cnn's michelle turner has the lowdown. hey, michelle. >> victor and christi, have i got four stories for you. have you ever thought to yourself "homeland's" a great show i just wish it had more musical numbers. but folks at production are agreeing with you. it's gone vieshl and i'll tell you it is funny stuff. check it out. okay, he's got the moves on and off the court, apparently, number 3, nba star kyrie
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irving's impromptu dance with a student in a south african school. they danced to a soundtrack made by the other students. no word on who won. i'll say it was a draw. our number 2 story is worth $95 million. jay z and beyonce pulled in a staggering $95 million. tom brady and gisele. and brad and angelina made $50 million last year. whoo. can i have a little bit of that? just a tiny bit. it's the number one 1, i know, kanye west is mad.
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but to jimmy kimmel. jimmy swears it's not a prank. kanye went off on a spoof called kid kanye. it was in all caps you know he was shouting. he called kimmel a lot of names he said that sarah silverman, kimmel's ex, is funnier them him. jim can said kanye called him on the phone. jimmy made fun of all of this and he said finally, i'm going to rap you. i don't know what else you want me to say. >> michelle, thank you, i don't know that we're actually surprised if there's a kanye feud. what surprised me in this video, one, i would not have seen it had they're not been a feud. he was owe offended that they took letter sweat pants from six
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years ago. we're going to talk about this in the e-block. >> i don't know why he twitters? >> it's because it's instant. something turned up in the rubble after a massive tornado. and it really surprised one man. >> hmm, somebody might want this. >> guess what, somebody did want what this oklahoma man found. you're about to see why it meant so much. [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever.
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you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®.
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with the new toyota tundra. building animatronics is all about getting things to work together. the timing, the actions, the reactions. everything has to synch up. my expenses are no different. receiptmatch on the business gold rewards card synchronizes your business expenses. just shoot your business card receipts and they're automatically matched up with the charges on your online statement. i'm john kaplan, and i'm a member of a synchronized world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. [ laughter ] i don't know why you're happy today, we're actually headed towards a government shutdown. but if that's what --
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[ laughter ] if that's what it takes to get ted cruz off my tv, i'm all for it. >> october 1st, the government runs out of first. the united states government. october 1st. you know what this country needs is a brother-in-law. that's what it needs. the have a good weekend because the federal government is on the verge of shutting down. it is bad. did you see the sign on the front of the white house "coming soon, white castle." >> don't talk bad about white castle. >> people love their white castle. my dad is one of them. you have heard about this, satisf satisfries, have you heard about these? they do look good. these are normal. we're going to tell you why burger king is hoping it's going to be big with its customers. and you have seen this
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yet -- ♪ >> listen, i can tell you something. i have three chickens at home. yes, three chickens in atlanta. none of them can do this. >> are these real chickens you're talking about. yes, i have three chickens. they don't live in the house, obviously but they can't do this. >> i love this. this is the commercial for mercedes-benz. it's hilarious. i saw this for the first time this morning. we're going to tell you what they're trying to prove here. they hit this one. they got this one. >> that's awesome. all right. now for "the good stuff. "the for that, we take you to moore, oklahoma, remember the massive tornado that ripped through moore, oklahoma. a bunch of debris ended up in the backyard of albert's yard. in that rubble, he found a letter. >> hmm, somebody might want this.
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>> yes, good old albert is set out to find the jacket. it turns out the jacket belongs to pam dennis. it was her son's. her son was killed in a car crash. >> i told you i would cry. oh, it's the only thing that we have left of my son. >> oh, my gosh. >> albert reached out to the local news media about that jacket. pam heard about it and was able to get it out, obviously. albert even had it dry cleaned to you. >> that's all i care about. >> oh, my gosh, i need to give you another hug. >> see, we do so many stories that horrify people. there are still good people out there. >> you can imagine that feeling when the jacket came back in the house. >> it's the only thing she has left. >> i know after that tornado, she couldn't find it, she thought that was it.
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good for albert, good for that family they have that jacket back. thank you for starting your morning with us. >> yeah, the next hour of "new day" starts right now. i spoke on the phone with president rouhani. >> it was an historic phone call that has some celebrating but others say this is no mixing moment. >> i think obama care is a nightmare, it's a disaster. >> finally talk about something else. it looks like relations overseas are a lot warmer than they are at home. the budget bill hot potato is is back in the house today. and the rhetoric is verging on hysteria. >> live from new york, it's saturday night! >> we may be two days from a government shutdown. but we're hours away from the return of "snl." "saturday night live" is back with a bunch of new faces. we'll have a preview.
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before you get to saturday night, we say good saturday morning to you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. saturday, 7:00, on the east coast. this is "new day saturday." the u.n. security council passeded a resolution last night designed to remove those weapons by the middle of next year. >> tonight, with a strong and forceable precedent-setting resolution requiring syria to give up its chemical weapons, the united nations security council has demonstrated that diplomacy can be so powerful it can peacefully defuse the worst weapons of war. >> so the vote puts an end to talk of a military strike at least for the time being but cnn's foreign affairs reporter elise labbot joins me with more. elise, good to see you. who is this a win for?
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is it the u.s., for russia, for everyone? >> well, christi, the u.s. and the international community would say it's an end to use of chemical weapons in syria. some supporters of that would say it's a win for assad because as you said, there's no military action, this doesn't do anything to address the syrian civil war and the 100,000 people that were already killed but it does have very strict measures in place to make sure that the syrians get rid of their chemical weapons. >> okay, but if the syrians do not, what is the repercussion? >> well, good question. it doesn't -- this revolution doesn't expressly authorize the use of force if syria violates it but what it does, it kicks back to the u.n. security council where they would then vote again to impose measures under chapter 7 of the u.n. which, you know, implicitly is the threat of the use of force. and president obama has also
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said that the unilateral use of force by the u.s. is not off the table. so if they violate, then it goes back to the u.n. security council. as you know, russia is a permanent member of the council, has veto power and has been really the stumbling block over the last two years from getting the u.n. to act on syria but russia is now saying that as syria does violate, its willing to go along with consequences. we'll just have to see how syria is does. >> elise labbot, thank you so much. live in new york. now to diplomacy of a different kind. the u.s. and iran breaking decades of silence between the two nations in a matter of 15 minutes. president obama picked up the phone at the white house yesterday and called iranian president hassan rue wantny. it happened when rouhani was on his way to the airport on his way home from the u.n. assembly. this is how the president described their history-making conversation. listen. >> the two of us discussed our ongoing efforts to reach an
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agreement over iran's nuclear program. i reiterated to president rouhani, what i said in new york, that while there will surely be important obstacles to moving forward and success is by no less guaranteed i believe we can reach a comprehensive solution. >> so on twitter, iran's president said there is a way to rapidly solve the way. let's talk about that weigh and the solution with kareem satchator. we'll start with the question people across the globe are asking can iran, hassan rouhani, and the supreme leader, can they be trusted? >> well, it's too early to say. this is a big deal, after 35 years, the president of united states and iran had a phone
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conversation which may seem mundane between presidents of other nations but the u.s. and iran, this is a big deal. ten years ago, a journalist in iran could go to prison for advocating talks for america. this was the first step of what could be a very long journey. and the question is whether iran is interested in making a major shift in its foreign policy after, you know, 35 years of having this official motto of death to america, is iran prepared now embark on a path that would normalize relations with the united states. and i think the answer to that, we'll see, it's really too early to kel. >> kareem, although the conversation it was between president obama and president rouhani, it's really the supreme leader, ayatollah khomeini who is the cultural leader of iran. we've seen in the past few weeks that the new president of iran
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has tweeted a few things and then deleted those tweets. and he had a conversation with christiane amanpour and then the iranian government tried to reinterpret his answers. is the president possibly getting ahead of himself, stepping out too far. and then the supreme leader's having to pull him back? talk to him about that relationship, and if you see that at play here. >> reporter: you know, we can only speculate from the outside whether rowhani's overtures to the united states have been with the support of the supreme leader, or whether, you know, rouhani arrived back in iran and the supreme leader is upset with him for talking to obama. it's such a closed relationship it's difficult to tell from the outside. but we do know that for three decades the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini has looked at that as one of the economic
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pillars to the islamic regime. that's going to be particularly difficult for any iranian president to change. now, we can argue that the circumstances have dramatically changed in iran. the country is facing tremendous economic pressure, draconian economic sanctions. and iran is spending hundreds of millions of dollars every month to keep their ally bashar al assad in power in syria. we can argue that maybe the circumstances have changed and iran is now seeing it in its interests, existential interests. but it really has a first step for a very long journey. >> a huge step for the two leaders but there were reports when rouhani returned there were protesters who hurled shoes at his plane or shoes at hill. is this something that the iranian people want? do they want this?
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>> i would argue for the vast majority of iran's very young population, they would love to see detente with the united states. iran's population is by many counts the most pro-america population in the united states. and most iranians see it in the natural interests to restore relations. certainly, it's a small but very vocal active minority who are going to oppose this. i think this that is going to be the challenge for president rouhani and eventually the premium leader to manage this group which, again i would argue, isn't large in number. but they're willing to be real rabble-rousers to try to sabotage any hopes. >> karem sadjadpour, thank you for your insight. >> this is a conversation but at this point, just a conversation.
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>> yeah. >> walk and talk. that whole thing. sure. just over a couple days ago, too, kind of goes with this story as well, before that happened, the government shutdown. house republicans are supposed to meet to decide how they're going to proceed. >> there may not have been a conversation on the floor yet. at least there's a conversation with iran. senators have approved a spending bill to keep the government running beyond monday but it funds obama care. the >> let's point out when immediate impact of the shutdown would hit members of the military right in the paycheck. >> during a lapse, d.o.d. cannot pay military personnel and civilian personnel, even if they've been directed to work. military and those civilians directed to work would be paid retroactively once the lapse of appropriation ends. civilians on emergency furloughs, and those for primarily doing not accepted activities would be paid
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retroactively only if a law is enacted providing the authority to pay them. >> so what else is on the table? cnn's tom foreman is going to walk us through other fallout that's possible from this potential shutdown. tom, good morning. >> hey, victor, hey, christi, if a government shut youdown comes, first thing you notice, there's not that much to notice. we're not talking abe single grand event, we're talking about a process that would simply get started. if you watch the airport, business as usual. customs, border patrol, the military, all of that would be normal. the federal courts, the postal service, the banks would be operating. all sorts of local government services are paid for by your local taxes, the police and firemen, all business as usual. "usa today" did an analysis on this where they said about 41% of the government would shut down. so that's got to come from somewhere. that brings us to the next level
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here. there would be some effect. if you went to a national park or to a monument or to a museum connected with the federal government, you might find that they're closed. if you need a loan your business, for your home, that's backed by the federal government, you may find some delays with that. if you need a new passport or new gun permit that could also be delayed, there might even be delayed with some government checks like social security. although lawmakers generally try to keep that from happening. so don't be too alarmed about that now until you know more. still there would be some immediate impacts. for example, if you're a federal worker, you could be told, pack it up and go home if your work is not really time intensive or doesn't have to be done. you might get paid retroactively for the time missed. beyond that, for the people missing from federal offices if you go there to sign up for medicaid, you may find you that can't do it until the shutdown is over. of course a lot of congressional
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staffers could be sent home with time to kill at the beach. time is what this is all about, by the way. a short shutdown, by all accounts would leave most of us still back in the green zone not seeing that much. but the longer it moves on ripples out a sort moving out the more serious parts of the shutdown, filling in the rest of us, so we would all feel it more. and ultimately, the whole economy could feel the effect, victor, christi. >> great breakdown, cnn's tom foreman in washington. thank you so much. we want to stay in washington and talk to cnn's erin mcpike, too. erin, i know that voters are going to blame somebody for a shutdown. who's going to take it? >> christi, good morning. well, cnn's latest polling on this shows that about a third of americans would blame president obama for a shutdown but many more would blame house republicans. back in march, 40% of the people we surveyed said they would
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blame house republicans. that's up to 51% now. now even though that is the case, and it looks like house republicans would take more of the blame, the battle lines are still drawn. and house republicans are insisting on trying to defund obama care as a part of funding the government. but here's what president obama had to say about that yesterday. >> the house republicans are so concerned with appeasing the tea party, that they've threatened a government shutdown. or worse, until i gut or repeal the affordable care act. i said this yesterday, let me repeat it. that's not going to happen. >> now, republicans, of course, are not backing down, and ted cruz, the senator from texas has been leading the charge on this. here's what he said yesterday. >> every republican has been outspoken and eloquent against obama care. and when the house stands up and
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does the right thing, i think it will present an opportunity for every senate republican to stand arm in arm with the house republicans. >> now, we don't know exactly what house republicans intend to do. they're going to meet this afternoon to try to forge a path forward but who nose what will happen. we only have a few days left, christi. >> cnn's erin mcpike in washington. thank you so much, erin. still to come on "new day," cause for celebration in new jersey for lots of same-sex couples. >> a judge okays same-sex marriage, but governor christie said this fight isn't over. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good.
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i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. ♪
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive.
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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ 17 minutes after the hour. it is good to have you this new day. same-sex couples across new jersey are celebrating this weekend. that's because a judge has
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decided to allow same-sex marriage. now, those marriages can start taking place on october 21st. margaret conley is following this story from new york. so, margaret, new jersey has allowed civil unions before this. what's the change here? >> victor, a new jersey judge said civil unions are not enough for same-sex couples. and they ruled to allow same-sex marriage. weddings will be allowed to begin october 21st. new jersey is now the 14th state to allow same-sex marriage. it was a rally last night in montclair, north jersey, to celebrate a decision by a county superior court judge. now civil unions didn't legally allow same-sex couples federal benefits that the same tax breaks that heterosexual couples were getting. this ruling changes that. >> i think her decision was quite surprising because it's a forceful and very broad decision. striking down essentially the
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constitutionality of new jersey's civil union law. and new jersey's been perceived as having one of the more liberal approaches in the united states to gay marriage. see i think it is a surprising decision. and it's a surprisingly forceful decision. and certainly, advocates of gay marriage will view this as an important precedent. >> now, this comes a year after governor chris christie vetoed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. his reaction to yesterday's ruling, well, he plans to appeal. in a statement from this press secretary. governor christie has always maintained he would abide by the will of the 54s on the issue of marriage equality. now he also said since the legislature refused to allow the rule expeditiously, we will let the supreme court make this decision. victor, he expects or wants this to be added to the ballot on election day. >> margaret conley following this from new york for us. margaret, thank you very much. i want to tell you about
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miss teen usa. she's speaking out about an arrest in a sex torsion case. yes, that say word. pictures were taken of her undressing. now we're learning that a former high school classmate is accused of invading her privacy. wolf is going to join me to tell us her story and what it means to actually have known that suspect behind all of it. still to come on "new day," too, burger king is hoping you love their fries so much that you're willing to pay more for a little bit less. are you? we'll explain. they always will. that's why you take charge of your future. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one.
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to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air.
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claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. we got the ball rolling. in cities across the country, coca-cola joined with communities and local leaders to roll out a summer filled with activity. from atlanta to l.a., people all over found that getting moving can be fun. in fact, it can be a day at the beach! all in all, we inspired three million people to rediscover the joy of being active. now, let's keep it going all year long and make a difference... together.
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all right. time to talk a little business now at 23 minutes after the hour. disney is changing up one of its policies. and this one has to do with the policy on people with disabilities. normally, a disabled person and their family would receive a pass that allows them to move to the front of the line for rides and attractions. you've seen, you know, when you go to an amusement park if there's someone who is disabled, they move to the front well, that's until the "new york post" featurered a story about a tour company providing that to help peoples move to the top of the line. disney changed it up, now disabled guests have to go to the ride and get a designated time to return. let's move on from your
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comment to french fries. sat physical fries. >> i'm so satisfried. >> that sounds wrong. it's saturday, you may want to treat yourself to some satisfries because -- that is the right term -- if you're going to burger king their answer to lower fat pries, 40% less fat, 30% less calories. how? >> i'm asking how. >> apparently mayer made with a coating a coating that makes them less porous. i'm going to be like oprah saying if you want to go have some beef, go have some beef. >> what is the coating, that's the first question? i saw this ad for the new sat physical fries, and they advertise cut from a whole potato. >> what was it before? >> were they pieces of potatoes?
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were they mashed together? we'll find out. >> maybe they need to go to the same marketing company that takes care of mercedes benz. >> you got the lizard selling the car insurance, geico. tiger selling cereal. why did you take it down? we're ready for it. so this is the mercedes-benz chegs. it commercial. a rooster, a bird of some sort. we can't tell. >> two one -- ♪ upside down boy you turn inside out ♪ ♪ >> i love it. i love it. >> i have chickens so i understand, you know, the whole point in this, being able to stabilize the way they chicken moves. those chickens are fast. they don't want to be held. and they are -- bock, bock, all over the place. >> i'm surprised these chickens, i don't know if it's a hen or rooster, whatever it is is, i'm
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surprised that these chickens are quiet for the commercial. >> do you think they gave them something? >> a little nip of benadryl or something? i don't know. it's to actually advertise the benz new intelli-drive or intelligence drive to show the stability of the ride. they hit something with this. go get all satisfried this weekend. next to come, obama care. starts tuesday, but do americans know what they're signing up for? >> i know it has to do with caring about people. obama care. basically, that's all i know. so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more
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than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ ♪ unh ♪ [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. ♪ or you can choose to blend out. the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move. where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions--
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it matters. ♪ seasonal... doesn't begin to describe it. running a bike shop has it's ups and downs. my cashflow can literally change with the weather. anything that gives me some breathing room makes a big difference. the plum card from american express gives your business flexibility. get 1.5% discount for paying early, or up to 60 days to pay without interest, or both each month. i'm nelson gutierrez and i'm a member of the smarter money. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. mortgage rates dipped this week. take a look.
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♪ hello! i know you watch "seinfeld." welcome back to the bottom of the hour, i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. number 1, the new security resolution would destroy that arsenal by the middle of next year. now, it does not spell out consequences in syria does not cooperate, but the u.s. could carry out a mill temporary strike on its own. the u.n. confirmed the use of chemical weapons last month near damascus. number 2, concern over a government shutdown is rattling investors both the dow and s&p
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ended the week lower. this is the first time the knack dak took a dive. 3 now, more twists and turns in the murder case of a former football star aaron hernandez. now his fiancee has been indicted for perjury. his cousin was decided on a single count of accessory for murder. authorities say the two eluded law enforcement and made attempts to hide evidence. arraignment dates have not yet been set. number 4, the new york city opera needs cash fast. $7 million. a spokesperson said the opera needs the money by monday or the theater is going to be forced to file bankruptcy. tickets would have to cost 600 bucks for the opera to break even. the starting price, of course, is $25. number 5 now, uninsured americans can start signing up for obama care on tuesday. the enrollment period extends through march. the president's signature health
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care law is designed to provide coverage for an estimates 48 million americans. ♪ now the mere mention of obama care can whip up a really heated debate not just around your dinner table. but at the office, anywhere, actually. >> yeah, the thing is, some of what you hear is true. some of it isn't. so we want you to be informed. we've asked c.c. conley to help us separate fact from fiction here. she's manager of the research institute. c.c. so glad to have you with us. let's tackle this one first, the administration says the majority of uninsured will find coverage for $100 or less per month after tax credits and medicaid coverage. true or false? >> a little bit of both. the it's going to depend what the administration put out this past week were a range of averages, based primarily on the 27-year-old, oh to be 27 again, right? so it's not necessarily going to
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be the case for everyone in different age groups but i can tell you that we've been doing a lot of premium analyses across the country and it is in fact true that many people are going to find surprisingly low premiums out there. part of the reason is competition. these insurers want these new customers. and those subsidies and tax credits are pretty generous. so it appears there will be some good deals for many people. >> okay. second question here. will repealing obama care add to the deficit? but before you answer, c.c., i think we have the president from tuesday, let's listen. do we have the president? >> because we're driving down costs, we actually end up saving a little money. it is a net reduction of our deficit. the irony of those who are
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talking about repealing obama care because it's sole wildly expensive is, if they actually repeal the law it would add to the deficit. it would add to the deficit. >> again, repealing obama care will add to the deficit. true or false? >> in the strange world of washington budget score keeping, it is true. repealing would add to the deficit. but, and this is an important "but." the real world say little bit different than our budget score keeping here in washington. this is expensive legislation. it costs money to provide health coverage to millions of americans. but the reason that the score keepers kind of do the math and say that they're there are savings, is because they've also put in some different tax increases and fees along the way that offset the costs. so in a technical sense, the president is correct by the score keeping.
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but i don't want anyone to get the misimpression that this does not cost money. >> okay. good to know, let's listen to republican senator ted cruz here now, too. because he says obama care is forcing small businesses overseas. >> the millions of small business owners who are forcing their employees, forcibly reducing their hours to 29 hours a week. the millions of small business owners who are considering moving operations overseas. >> right. >> have already because of obama care, why is the economy gasping for breath? why are people not able to get jobs? because obama care is killing jobs. >> all right, ceci, that's a loaded statement there, is that true? >> absolutely impossible to determine, we just suggest. you know, what is his definition of a small business. what is his definition of considering going overseas. i mean, we know companies that start in the united states and
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open up in another country. that's typically a good thing because it means that they're going global and they're growing and expanding. so really hard to kind of tease out what might be the fact or the fiction in that. i can tell you that we do an incredible amount of work with employers of all sizes around the country. we did a survey over the summer, and by overwhelming numbers, these companies were saying that they're already offering insurance. in the near term, they plan to continue offering. and when we asked about the possibility of cutting your employees down below 50, which would exempt you from the affordable care act, we got a whopping 1% of companies that said they were thinking of taking that step. >> 1%. >> kow. ceci connellley, thank for breaking that down for us. >> you're welcome. >> send us an iport at
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drew winter did he's a unemployed father of six diagnosed with cancer four years ago. >> we've been very hopeful that obama care would be implemented and give us an opportunity, not to get a free ride or free insurance or have everything paid for, you know, but health care costs are astronomical. they are financially out of reach for most hard-working americans. >> let us know what obama care means for you, for your family, for your business. and go to ireport. @cnn stay close, we're back. so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand.
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4:40 am
you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. brown: on my third day as principal, i met with the state. students had fallen behind, and morale was low.
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my first job was getting everyone to believe... that we could turn this around. i needed my staff to see what was possible. turning around a school, is not some, mystical, magical thing. it does take hard, dedicated work each day. i was a chemistry major in college, and then... i joined teach for america. that's the reason i'm here.
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♪ all right. 41 minutes after the hour. in e-block now that means it's time for entertainment news. we're going start with the new feud in hollywood, kanye west in one corner. jimmy kimmel in the other corner. >> yeah, all started when kimmel aired this spoof tuesday night mocking a recent interview that west gave to the bbc. take a look. >> when i see an opportunity, i'm going to go for it, you know what i'm saying? we're all going to die one day. rap is the new rock 'n' roll, we're the rock stars and i'm the biggest of all of them! >> and milkshake makes it all the much better. and it caused a profanity-laced rant. jimmy kimmel is out of line. out of line to try to spoof the
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first piece of honest media in years. >> ouch. and this, too, sarah silverman is a thousand times funnier than you and the whole world knows it. on thursday, you know kimmel had to respond. >> he called me and he said a lot of things. he told me i had two choices. number one, apologize publicly. and that was really the only choice. [ laughter ] >> okay. entertainment correspondent kendra g. joining us now. wait a minute, is this for real, or is this publicity, let's talk about it like we're doing now? >> first of all, it's for real because there are tweets that we cannot show on tv. you know it's for real because kanye said spend a day in the life of mine. but then it came back and said, i know, i've seen the tape. that's when i knew this was not a spoof. this is a for real situation. you know what, kanye -- kanye is
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so emotional -- i'm sorry be that whole thing he watches and he tweets me. he's an emotional person at all times. >> does he believe this stuff? when he says -- he talks about taking leather sweat pants six years ago and being emotional. he said no. >> i interviewed kanye right before he dropped his first album. he truly believes he's a god. shouldn't we believe in ourselves? we preach that to kids all the time to have great self-esteem. >> but is this what self-esteem is getting us? really? really? i can till i don't want my kid going on twitter and doing that to anybody. >> speak on it. >> he's quite emotional. >> he named his album "jesus." >> that should tell you right there. >> i guess so. >> a lot of confidence. >> here's the thing -- go ahead. >> no, no, you go ahead.
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i know where you're going. >> there was this whole thing with kanye and the photographer and the assault and everything, is he taking it too far? do you think he has issues? >> well, with the photographer, i think he was very upset because we know kanye does not like paparazzi at all. there was a time he was walking and he bumps into a stop sign. i think that was his breaking point with the photographer. i don't condone it. but i understand kanye, maybe he is a little too confident at times. i'll give you that. i do like the fact that he believes in himself and he believes he can achieve whatever he wants to believe. >> can we talk miley cyrus. >> yes. >> halloween is coming up, guess what is going to be one of the most popular costume?
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miley cyrus. there are companies online selling the foam finger and get yourself -- i don't know what that outfit is made out of. >> don't know either. >> you can get that. >> i think that foam finger company came out -- >> they were upset. >> inventor, but now somebody is trying to sell it. >> i'm going to think about that because i need a halloween costume. that was my idea. i guess i'll be a nun and dress like hannah montana. miley cyrus, it's her moment. all we do is talk about her. we're doing everything to talk about her. michael jackson died, people were the dead michael jackson. it doesn't surprise me at all. maybe i'll go as victor. >> i bet he will give you his tie. >> i'm not giving up the tie. >> i can borrow it. >> you got to sign it out. check it back in. "snl" fans, are you ready
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for this, with tina fey? >> yes. >> she is -- some have called her the queen of comedy. i reserve that for people who are actually the queens of comedy. >> she's great. >> you can't call everybody a queen of comedy. are we going into an era now, i watch the reruns sometimes. when you look at "snl" and you go, i don't remember this season and you don't know these people and you got to bring somebody like her in? >> i think so. tina fey is a notable person on "snl." coming off the big emmys with the nipple slip -- which was a very nice nipple, i must say -- >> there was a nipple slip? >> yes. >> where were you? >> actually somebody tweeted it online. i love how she makes fun for it in the actual promo for it. tina fey may be queen but she's extremely funny. >> kendra g.
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always appreciate it. >> and loan me the tie for halloween. >> i've got to see what i can do. all right. stay with us. more in just a moment. >> quick break. this week on "the next list." dr. miguel nickel. >> the person wears the robotic vest and he or she will use his or her brain activity to actually send the movements directly. it will provide some sort of feedback to the person, select temperature, fine touch. the concept is to get the signals translated english that the brain can interpret. >> it went from from when i was first diagnosed ten years ago from probable to inevitable. >> and designer diana ang melds
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high tech with styles that light up the showroom with their interactive design. that's this saturday, 2:30 eastern. here we honor the proud thaccomplishmentsss. of our students and alumni. people like, maria salazar, an executive director at american red cross. or garlin smith, video account director at yahoo. and for every garlin, thousands more are hired by hundreds of top companies. each expanding the influence of our proud university of phoenix network. that's right, university of phoenix. enroll now. we've got a frame waiting for you.
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flight unless the airplane has been tested against every possible electronic device that could be used on board. and he says there is another problem. >> you would be asking a lot of the flight attendants to monitor which devices are good and which cannot be used. that is a heavy burden for flight attendants. >> a burden he says is impractical. renee marsh, seattle. do you remember that boy who wrote to santa to ask bullies to stop picking on his sister? >> his message was heard. we will tell you about that next.
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cnn as part of an ireport. this was a gut-wrenching letter. it has moved people the world over to do something. >> all around the world. including harlem globetrotter. he headed to amber and ryan's school to show some love and to bring his own message against bullying. even this guy was bullied as a kid, too. listen. >> there was a guy about 6'7". he wasn't happy or thrilled he did not make the team. he felt it was right to pick on me. >> he went through the same thing i went through. >> it is a touching story. it shows what true love is. we got a hold of the story. i'm right down the street. come down and help the kids out. >> do whatever you can. these stories come from you and we want to hear more of them. we just announced a brand new cnn ireport campaign to catch all of your stuff.
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log on to you can share with us your good stuff. we will share it here. thanks for starting your morning with us. the next hour of "your new day" starts right now. the president will talk about negotiation and compromise with a head of a terrorist state, but he won't talk about compromise with the elected democratic leaders. >> one relationship is seeing signs of life. another is looking grim. it seems breaking a 34-year silence is easier than breaking a stalemate. it is all but certain climate change is man made. guess which cities are most in trouble. if you live on the east coast, you don't want to miss this report. question, do the holidays still feel far away? the airline industry does not think so. we're three weeks away from
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skyrocketing air fares. we have tips for good deals. >> doesn't it just figure? they know when the holidays are coming. thank you for joining us. we got you covered. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell here on the east coast. we have a lot coming up. inaccurate and inconvenient and ill concealed. all of the words used to describe apple's highly criticized app. when this came out, the company had to apologize. >> you can now add potentially life threatening to the list. everybody knows you probably punched in an address and you are looking around and you are not where you are supposed to be. you can tell how it navigated two drivers off the road. wait until you see where they ended up, people.
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>> unbelievable. this story that a lot of people talked about in the last 24-to-48 hours. miss teen usa, college student accused of hijacking her web cam. cassidy wolf. this person was arrested. a former high school classmate hijacked the camera and took naked pictures and tried to blackmail her. >> we will talk to cassidy wolf in the next hour. i have some good questions for her. we are looking forward to that. first up, we are already seeing some reaction in iran this morning to the historic phone call between that country's president and president obama. >> iran's semi official news agency reports a protester hurled a shoe at rowhani when he returned.
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>> this after president obama called president rowhani on friday. it is the first time the leaders of iran and the u.s. have spoken directly in 34 years. the president's national security adviser tells cnn how this all came about. >> somewhat surprisingly, we were contacted by them to say that president rowhani would like to speak to president obama on his way out of town. we were able to make that call come together and it did. it was a constructive discussion. >> president obama is calling that discussion a starting point for both countries. cnn chief national security correspondent jim scuitto has more. >> reporter: it was a 15-minute phone call, but one 34 years in the making. >> the fast that this was the first communications between an american and iranian president since 1979 underscores the deep
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mistrust between our countries, but it also indicates the prospect of moving beyond that difficulty history. >> reporter: the prospect of reaching agreement on iran's nuclear program seemed out of reach just weeks ago. >> while there will surely be important obstacles to moving forward and success is by no means guaranteed, i believe we can reach a comprehensive solution. >> reporter: that is echoed by iranian president hassan rowhani. he tweeted about his call before the president confirmed it. rowhani ended a week-long charm offensive with a promise to end a plan on the nuclear program next month. >> translator: i assure you on the iranian side this will is there fully 100% that in a very short period of time there will be a settlement on the nuclear issue. >> reporter: president rowhani denied the negotiations were one more delay tactic so iran could
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secretly work toward a nuclear bomb. >> translator: we have never chosen to seat as a path. we have never chosen secrecy. >> reporter: we spoke with a member of his inner circle. vice president of culture. >> translator: what has to happen is both sides have to follow-up. if just one side takes steps, naturally this process takes a dead end. >> reporter: the senior official said it was cordial in tone and both leaders expressed a determination to resolve the issue peacefully. they spoke through an interpreter and rowhani spoke have a nice day in english and obama said good-bye in farci. >> jim scuitto, thank you. the throwing of the shoes is considered the ultimate insult
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in arab cultures. we want to tell you why that is significant this morning. by the way, the u.n. is taking on syria. the first step toward eliminating the chemical weapons is what we are talking about here. >> the security council passed a resolution to destroy the arsenal. the inspectors are facing a deadline of the middle of next year. let's bring in elise labott from the u.n. now with more. elise, they have to get this done by mid 2014. how soon until they get to work? >> reporter: victor, inspectors are already on the ground. they start the work as early as tuesday and as you said, no time to waste. there are about 50 sites more or less in syria that are believed to have chemical weapons. some of them are held in rebel areas. the civil opposition is not
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party to the agreement. the opcw is a tiny organization and doesn't have a lot of resources. this takes a really long time. it is unclear how much they will be able to do. maybe they don't destroy all of the chemical weapons. maybe they make them unusable. this stuff could take years, victor. >> elise, let me ask you, is there an "or else" in this resolution? >> reporter: kind of, christi. on one hand it doesn't expressly authorize force if syria violates the agreement. if a violation occurs, that will be kicked back to the security council and the security council would vote to impose measures, consequences. unclear what those are. as you know, russia is a permanent member of the security council and has veto power and has been blocking any action in the council for two years.
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if anything goes to the council and russia could block that. however, after the resolution passed, the russian foreign minister said if there is a violation, russia will vote to impose consequences. it is unclear what those consequences are. president obama said no option, including military option is off the table. >> elise labott at the u.n. this morning. thank you. let's come state side. house republicans scheduled to meet at high noon today. they will decide how to move forward on the spending bill. without it, the government shuts down in a little more than two days. >> we think they will decide. the big hang up is the tea party doesn't want the bill to pay for obama care. chief congressional correspondent dana takes us back to more. >> reporter: the senate passed the bill funding the government without defunding obama care.
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>> the amendment is agreed to. >> reporter: on that, republicans stuck together. earlier, they were divided on what ted cruz called the procedural vote. >> it is not easy to disagree with your political party. at the end of the day, what we're doing here is bigger than partisan politics. >> reporter: more than half of the gop caucus defied him, everybody john cornyn. >> i say to my friends that it won't work. >> reporter: a rare moment where the majority of republicans and democrats agreed. >> shutting down the government for obama care is like cancelling the world series because your team didn't make it. >> reporter: but cruz isn't giving up. he is now pressuring the house to defund obama care. >> it is unfortunate that there has been republican division on this issue. >> reporter: what is next for the house? house gop leaders have no plan. when the senate passed the bill
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keeping the government open, the house was already done with business for the day. cars filled the capitol hill parking lot since they are not expected to return until saturday. senior gop sources admit to cnn house gop leaders are in a bind because many rank-and-file republicans want changes to the senate bill. >> is it worth it to shut the government down? >> the press keeps saying it. that's the president's line. the house has every right to determine what they will spend. >> reporter: the senate democratic leader has colorful words. >> some of the people part of the caucus want to shut the government down. >> reporter: harry reid reported any house changes is unacceptable. >> we would shutdown the government. >> why wouldn't it be your
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fault? >> you are using weird caucus math. >> dana is live in washington for us. we have four hours before house republicans meet. walk us through the process. what will happen here? >> you started the program talking about how the president isn't negotiating with congress, but negotiating with the iranian president. there is no one to negotiate with because john boehner is first at the meeting and negotiate with his own people. that is the crux of the problem. republican leaders have never wanted to go down this path to begin with. they were forced to in large part because of the pressure from the grassroots that got to the core group of 20 to 40 house republicans, rank-and-file, they are still pushing him to fight. as much as harry reid says they want a bill that doesn't do anything to fund the government, it will not happen. the options are delaying obama care for a year or maybe getting rid of a medical device tax.
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regardless, house republicans are determined to make changes. what that means is whether they pass it today or tomorrow, whatever they agree on, it will then go back to the senate. we will really be up against the deadline of monday night. it is very unclear how they keep the government open at that point. >> all right. chief congressional correspondent dana bash, thank you. still to come on "new day," a new u.n. report calls climate change the greatest challenge of our time. we're going to ask which u.s. cities face the greatest threat of floods and destruction from sea levels that are rising. and i want to shoutout a good morning to you waking up in new york with lady liberty. a gorgeous day in store for you. 73 degrees and sunny skies. happy to have you here on "new day." we'll be right back. ot theroll in cities across the country, coca-cola joined with communities and local leaders
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to roll out a summer filled with activity. from atlanta to l.a., people all over found that getting moving can be fun. in fact, it can be a day at the beach! all in all, we inspired three million people to rediscover the joy of being active. now, let's keep it going all year long and make a difference... together. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ neutrogena®. ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too,"
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others are designed to leave them behind. ♪ the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move. the all-new 2014 lexus is. make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air.
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quarter after on this "new day" on this saturday. star gazers got a treat this week as a meteor streaked across the sky in greenville, indiana. according to the american meteor society, it has been a busy month for sightings. it usually increases in october of most years, but this is a good month. >> chicken little, the sky is not falling. this is normal for october. the world's temperature is rising and so is the confidence of top scientists that humans are to blame. >> it's us. this is urgent news coming out of the new united nations court calling it, quote, the greatest challenge of our time. cnn's severe weather expert chad myers drew the short straw. he is live in the florida keys right now. i know, chad, you hate it when we do that to you. it looks so pretty there. >> i know.
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send me to islamorada to talk about the climate. i'll do it. the climate change numbers -- >> how serious is it, really? >> you know what? we were in miami beach all week and the water came up in the streets just during high tide. it wasn't that there was rain -- it did not rain during the day. the water came up through the sewers because the sea level is so high when you get a big tide, the water goes the wrong direction. it goes back up the sewers and saltwater is in the streets. that is without the additional sea level rise that the climate change is talking about. maybe three feet. they are thinking three feet by the end of the century is too conservative. we may have to completely redo this. one expert at the national hurricane center talks about storm surge. he is worried about a lot of cities across the country.
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>> what are you seeing is a microcosym across the are u.s. sea level rise is causing areas to flood under unusually large high tides. our building was -- we put things where we thought the water would never go and now because of sea level rise, the water is going there. as we advance this out in time, that means that storm surge which will come on top of the sea level in any sea level rise, is only going to get worse. >> you know, we're in the florida keys because the highest spot down here is 18 feet. most spots are about three feet above sea level. islamorada takes it in stride. they have a golf tournament on the water. that is why it is here. it is the largest golf tournament on the water in the nation. they raise $100,000 for
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charities today. they say the waters will rise. they know it. let's have fun. we may not be here. some of the experts we talked to say by 2060, all of the barrier islands may have to be evacuated if the water rises as fast as he thinks so. we will talk to him in a little bit. >> chad myers, have some fun down there. hope you get a hole in one. thank you. >> i'll try. still to come on, "new day," mark your calendars, new jersey sets the date for same-sex marriage. and new images of abraham lincoln making his most famous address. we will talk about that after the break. [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever.
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22 minutes past the hour right now. the university of north carolina professor has made an amazing historical discovery. a photograph of president lincoln on the difficuay he del the gettysburg address. oakley contacted the congress and got the photo image in. it is the best money he spent. a lot of people are marking the date down. >> the date is october 21st. according to a ruling by the judge in new jersey, that is the date the state will allow same-sex couples to marry.
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we have margaret conley with more. what are we seeing that is different here? >> reporter: victor, equality and benefits. civil unions are not enough for same-sex couples, but marriage. new jersey is now the 14th state to allow same-sex marriage. a rally last night in new jersey to celebrate the decision by the superior court judge. civil unions did not allow federal benefits like tax breaks and health benefits. the same benefits that heterosexual couples get. we spoke with cnn legal analyst paul callan. >> it is a forceful and broad decision striking down, essentially, the
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constitutionality of the new jersey civil union law. new jersey has one of the most liberal approaches. it is a surprising decision. advocates of gay marriage will view this as an important precedent. >> this is a year after governor christie vetoed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. his reaction to the ruling? he plans to appeal. in a statement from his press secretary, governor christie has maintained he would abide by the will of the voters on the issue of marriage equality and called it to be on the ballot this election day. since the legislature refused to allow the people to decide, christie wants the supreme court to make this constitutional. christi and victor. >> i bet a lot of people are wondering if this is binding? >> it was a lower court decision. it was made by a mercer county
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superior court judge. this is a trial court. it is binding unless there is an appeal. it has to go up to the supreme court. it does seem as governor christie referred to in the statement, that is the process. this really is a significant ruling. now the rest of the country is watching this closely. >> margaret conley in new york. thank you. still to come on "new day." >> the bionic man. sounds like something out of a sy-fy movie. one man is using his brain power to do it. you want to watch this one. here we honor the proud thaccomplishmentsss. of our students and alumni. people like, maria salazar, an executive director at american red cross. or garlin smith, video account director at yahoo.
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and for every garlin, thousands more are hired by hundreds of top companies. each expanding the influence of our proud university of phoenix network. that's right, university of phoenix. enroll now. we've got a frame waiting for you. you're not linda. i'm filling in for officer owens. she used double miles from her capital one venture card to take an early vacation. buckle up. let's go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, ma'am. was i going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. freeze! don't touch the face! can i drive? absolutely not. what's in your wallet? absolutely not. always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal
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we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. we raise natureraised farms® on a 100% vegetarian diet with no antibiotics ever.
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look for natureraised farms® chicken at your local store. bottom of the hour for you right now. isn't it nice to wake up and realize it is saturday and you don't have to go to work? >> when i woke up on saturday, it was 2:00 a.m. >> while you were getting ready to go to bed. we're glad you are here. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> the u.n. security council approved a resolution to eliminate the chemical weapons arsenal in syria by next year. there is no military action in the resolution, but the u.s. could act on its own. number two now, house republicans meet in a few hours to decide how to handle a spending bill. without it, the government shuts down tuesday. the senate approved the measure
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friday and sends it to the house. the measure pays for obama care. number three, a former army sergeant is allegedly running a drug cartel. joseph hunter is expected to appear before a judge today. there's water on mars and a lot of it. that is the discovery from nasa's rover curiosity. it found carbon dioxide and oxygen. h20, is critical for sustaining life. number five, if you like a cup of coffee on a sunday morning, we have a deal for you. tomorrow is national coffee day. lots of shops are offering
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specials. you can get a free 12-ounce coffee at krispy kreme or dunkin' donuts. well, it's political ping pong basically. a bill to keep the government running beyond monday is back in the hands of house republicans. they are meeting at noon to decide how they proceed from here. >> the senate approved a bill friday and kicked it back to the house. the senate pays for obama care. we said the tea party republicans oppose that. the clock is ticking. >> i do not intend to vote for any continuing resolution that funds obama care. i think obama care is a train wreck. it is a disaster and it is a nightmare, to use the words of mr. hoffa, and it's time we see more leaders in washington listening to the american
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people. >> sounds like the democrats here in washington are obsessed with shutting down the government. i don't know anyone who wants to shutdown the government. the only thing we want to shutdown is obama care. >> let's talk to hillary rosen and ben ferguson. a cnn political commentator. let's get down to it. republicans, we hear, are going to get the brunt of the blame for a shutdown. is the tea party putting republican control of the house at risk in 2014? >> i don't think the republicans will get the brunt of the blame here. the president of the united states of america said this week i will not negotiate with the republicans. so, how can you say the republicans are going to be the ones to get the majority of the blame if the president refuses to negotiate? the second issue here is this is not the republicans are coming out and saying that they want to shutdown the government. the president is the one that is
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saying, i won't necessigotiate f you don't do what i and the senate democrats do what i say we do, then we will shutdown the government. that is what we are dealing with. it is not the republicans trying to shut it down. they don't have the power to. >> hillary, let me bring you in on that and recognize that the latest cnn average of four national polls favorable rating is up to 49%. in the spring, that was in the low 40s. is that hurting the president? >> this will not hurt the president at all. the approval ratings of house republicans are way lower. the issue is the president is rightly saying, look, obama care, this health care law, is going to be implemented this week. it is the law of the land. every member of congress that voted for it was reelected in the senate. people actually want to give it
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a chance to work. the issue, i think, you can tell by ben's passion here there are republicans who just are opposed to it and thinks this works for them politically. i think the polling says it is wrong. my guess is they will go through another round of this and maybe even shutdown the government. the only way that the tea party caucus will be satisfied is if they get their way in some way. you know, they have to feel the pain that they will cause. that is the only way they will stop acting like children here. >> they are not acting like children. it is called negotiating. it is something the president seems to not know how to do. he says i will not negotiate with any of the republicans. that's what he said. >> it's not going to happen. >> the laws change all the time, hilary, all the time in this country. the fact the republicans are running on this, why didn't they
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run on this in the mid-term elections? why didn't they walk out there and run on the issue of obama care? it was nowhere to be seen and republicans -- let me remind you, one backed the house because of obama care and the majority of people, 57% of americans say they do not like obama care the way it is. i think republicans are listening to the american people. barack obama says, no, no, no. i'm president. i got my way once. i'll do it again. if i don't get my way, i'll shut down the government. >> let me throw this out to you here. can congress fix the budget process so it is not held hostage every few months to the demands of everyone? >> this particular issue that we're dealing with with shutting down the government is the ongoing appropriations which have to be renewed annually. there has not been a long-term
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comprehensive budget deal because of the political standoff. could they do this and create a balanced mix of spending cuts and revenues and things like that? yes, they could. these are not two sides that have a meeting of their minds. the thing that i think is going to be unfortunate this week is this is going to be a showdown over stopping 40 million people who have nothing. have no insurance. they go home worried about their families. stopping them from getting a shot at health insurance. that is what the republicans have decided is going to be, you know, their line in the sand. i just don't think that will fly in the long term. >> we have to wrap it up. hilary rosen and ben ferguson, thank you. this will continue over the next few weeks. he is being called the bionic man. >> coming up, scientists say
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they made a major breakthrough when it comes to artificial limbs. we will show you how it is helping one man get his life back. first, christine romans has a preview of "your money" coming up in an hour. good morning. >> hi, christi and victor. it is the fourth quarter of the budget battle. i'll show you why football coaches and politicians are feeling pressure at the podium this time of year. classic coaching rants and more coming up on "your money" coming up at 9:30 a.m. eastern. corn you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air.
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crowd? this will do it. joe salter ran the entire squad cities marathon in moline, illinois backwards. just to make it more awkward. he juggled the entire time. 26.2 miles. he is an extreme joggler. >> that is a thing? >> this is on his bucket list. congratulations. you can check it off. >> running a marathon backwards juggling is on his bucket list? >> just running a marathon is on my bucket list. i only ran half. >> i was calling on to jesus holding on to the treadmill. a man who lost part of his leg in a motorcycle accident is helping scientists make history. for the first time, the first time, doctors have developed an artificial leg that can be controlled uses his brain. >> this is fascinating.
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here is zach's story. >> i move my legs out. >> reporter: zach is the first man in the nation to have a bionic leg. >> when you took that first step, what was that like? >> it's exciting. it's neat in that it is intuitive and it puts energy in to me walking and moving around. >> reporter: in 2009, vawter lost his leg from the knee down in a motorcycle accident. the bionic leg allows him movement. >> doing the stairs was awesome for the first time. >> reporter: how does this all work? two nerves in vawter's leg were rewired to the hamstring. those nerves communicate with the sensors.
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the sensors behind the message to the computer. >> it can tell the knee to bend or straighten. >> reporter: a team at the university of chicago headed by dr. levi hargrove. >> he has given back so much. he made the most of it. he is helping potentially millions of people. >> reporter: vawter knew about the bionic research. he never thought that technology would be used to help him walk. >> it is really pushing the boundaries of what is possible with prosthetics. it is exciting to help with that and push forward in new areas of research. >> wow. that is something else. thank you to our affiliate wbbm for letting us know about that. coming up on "new day," staying tech here.
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would you use an app that reads your mind? >> not as long as others -- >> we are telling you about the sy-fy gadget. first, an "american idol" winner is helping major league baseball to help kids evolve their minds. >> i could have never imagined or prepared for what was going to happen to me. at 17, i was planning on just being your average high school student. all of a sudden idol happened. i embrace it. it seems like the only stories we hear on the news are child stars going crazy. i want to be the opposite of that. ♪ >> you know, right out of the gate, we had different things. i grew up with two loves in life. baseball and music. this seems like a fit for me. when i was growing up, i learned
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my biggest life lessons. p perserverance or competition. more than handing them money, i can talk about my stories and share with them. it is cool to have that connection with these kids. i'm scotty mccreery and together we can make an impact on america's children. la's known definitely for its traffic,
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congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been
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the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. we got the ball rolling. in cities across the country, coca-cola joined with communities and local leaders to roll out a summer filled with activity. from atlanta to l.a., people all over found that getting moving can be fun. in fact, it can be a day at the beach! all in all, we inspired three million people to rediscover the joy of being active. now, let's keep it going all year long and make a difference... together. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it,
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isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ oh, you just love your iphone, don't you? all those apps you get these days. >> i have been on mine. technology is not always perfect. every weekend, we're telling you how "tech can also ruin someone's life." >> inn concealed and inaccurate and that was described about the
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app map. >> and add potentially life t t threatening to the list. two drivers ended up driving on to the runway at the airport this month. >> oh, my heavens. no one was hurt, but apple maps have played a role in similar mishaps before. it snapped a su of the alleged thief. it was like this. it turned on his iphone's front facing camera after wrong passwords were entered too many times. >> it helped find the phone. it is cool to have the picture of the person who has it. >> busted. >> finally, apps can now read your mind. >> that can be very dangerous. >> they say this one is for your
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own good, actually. >> it is called muse. think of it as a heart monitor for your brain together with a head band, it reads your emotions and moods and concentration levels to help you develop and improve mental acuity. >> you can also control games with it. >> you can freak people out. >> you can do that with your mind. >> oh, my goodness. are you planning to fly for the holidays? you better get your teickets. >> three months from last wednesday, christmas. prices are about to sky rocket. we will tell you how long you have and give you tips on how to score some deals. ♪ i want to get away ♪ i want to fly away [ male announcer ] campbell's angus beef & dumplings.
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hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good! you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms.
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you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. wrong turns on the road to your know yofuture. afford that's why we build tools like our career guidance system. it's kind of like gps, you know, for your career. it walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. go to and get started today.
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♪ this is the moment ♪ ♪ tonight is the night ♪ we brought our hands up ♪ like the ceiling can't hold us ♪ ♪ like the ceiling can't hold us ♪ >> must see moment. take a look at this video here of antarctica. >> the pilot flying over these photographers by just a few feet. >> 10 or 15. >> the c-130 plane was known for flying low during the war. i know you are looking out the window and seeing the fall leaves and it looks beautiful. you know the holidays are not far off. >> yeah.
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if you plan to fly, you have three weeks before air fares start going up. we're talking big. travel site kayak says thanksgiving fares jump 17% above the average fares from mid-october last year. christmas and new year's? 25%. >> i know you are going how am i going to score the best deal when i buy my plane tickets here. let's get some advice from travel expert and author of "travel unscripted" mark murphy. why those jumps? >> it is supply and demand going into the peak holiday travel period. everyone wants to get away. families are off on vacation. you have peak travel demand. airlines consolidation over the last few years. you are seeing fewer competitive routes. you see that with supply and demand driving up prices.
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the airlines are squeezing out the last dollar on the last seat. there are fewer seats out there. they will charge you a premium. you better get booking now. >> i expected an answer that has something to do with gas prices. when is the best time to buy a ticket before the spike goes into effect? >> how about now? right? how about now? >> people don't have their schedules yet. >> you know what? you have to look out. i decided to take my family back to cancun for the sixth year in a row. i booked my flights three months ago. those prices are already up 2$20 a ticket. you want to take advantage and get out right now before the end of the month. they will continue to creep up over those three weeks as kayak predicts. you will not see the airlines bring more flights on to those routes. they are trying to boost profitability. that means higher yields and higher ticket prices for you as
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a traveler. >> i know there are apps out there to help us out. what is sky scanner? >> it goes out and scans the airlines. it is an app you put on your phone. you want to go from point a to point b. it graphs different departure dates. you can say monday is pretty expensive. i'll go out wednesday and come back tuesday. it is for the leisure traveler who has flexibility. you click it and book it and it takes you to the web site or travel agency to book that particular flight. i recommend using a travel agent. they can sort through co combinations to save you money and time. >> you are at the destination and at the airport with your bags. you are there. you need somewhere to sleep. you need a rental car. is there any help to get a good deal on those? >> there is an interesting car sharing app get around. victor, you probably had people say can i borrow your car. >> i have.
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>> you can let them borrow your car. go through the app because you made your car available. they can book the car and travel for a few hours or a week. for short-term rentals, it is a car sharing. similar to the apartment space and rental space. instead of getting a hotel room, you rent some guy's apartment for a few days. >> very trusting people. >> right. >> for very trusting people, right? >> yeah. i don't know if i would lend my car to some random dude on an app. that is up to you. >> all right. mark murphy, travel expert. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> sure. speaking of maybe some broken trust in this case, miss teen usa is talking about an arrest in the sextortion case. >> her name is cassidy wolf. she will join us in a few minutes to tell her story and what it means to have actually known the suspect behind it all.
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thanks for starting your morning with us. >> we have more ahead on "new day saturday" which continues right now. 9:00 on saturday morning. i hope saturday has been good to you to far. i'm christi paul. >> it is a good start. i'm victor blackwell. 9:00 on the east coast. 6:00 out west. this is "new day saturday." >> let's talk about the u.n. right now taking action on syria passing the resolution last night in case you missed it to eliminate the chemical weapons arsenal. >> u.n. inspectors are on the ground in damascus. we have cnn affairs reporter elise labott joining us now. elise, some say this is just giving the assad regime time to hide the weapons. we know there were weapons moved around in the past few weeks. how realistic is this plan?
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>> reporter: victor, the u.s. and other countries have intelligence about some movements. now that syria has signed this agreement, there is an expectation that they pretty much will at least in the beginning try to implement it. how realistic is the plan? it is a bit unclear. a tight timeline. a year to destroy all of the chemical weapons. this could take years in some instances. i think what this organization for the prevention of prohibition of chemical weapons that is monitoring this on the ground might do is, i think they will make these weapons beyond use. they might not be able to destroy them immediately, but do more of a quick and dirty way of stopping syria from using them. inspectors are on the ground right now. they could start their work as early as tuesday. this organization is very small. they don't have a lot of resources. it is unclear how much they will be able to get done in the short period of time. >> we will see if anything stays
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on schedule. elise labott at the u.n. thank you. now, a 15-minute phone call ending 34 years of silence with the u.s. and iran. president obama spoke with iranian president hassan rowhani yesterday. washington wants to make sure iran is not developing a nuclear weapon and president rowhani arrived back in tehran earlier today. we understand a protesters tossed a shoe in his direction, which is the ultimate insult in that culture. supporters were there, however, as well. house republicans. will they hold a big meeting in three hours? at noon they will decide how to handle the spending bill the senate has sent over. that bill is critical if the government stays open beyond monday. >> all of this is watched with interest. i want to bring in correspondent jim acosta.
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any spending bill to pay for obama care, the tea party is saying no way. how does this get resolved? >> reporter: i tell you, we don't know at this point how this will get resolved. dana bash has been reporting this over the last 24 hours or so. if house republicans demand as part of the continuing resolution that obama care is delayed or defunded or tinkered with, the white house has said this is not going to happen and we will have a situation where the government will shutdown on monday. having said all of that, we still have to wait to see what house republicans do. as we have seen in previous episodes of government shutdown crisis mode in washington, somebody blinks at the last second. the president said this yesterday and said it repeatedly over the last several weeks that he will not accept any deal that delays or defunds obama care. the president talked about this in his weekly address. he was celebrating the fact that
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on october 1st, the key health care gets going. here is what he has to say. >> the house republicans are so concerned, they threatened a shutdown unless i gut or repeal the affordable care act. i said this yesterday. let me repeat it. that's not going to happen. >> so there you heard the president say that is not going to happen. you know, we have gone back to white house officials. i have gone back to white house officials last night and what if the house does this with obama care and the response i got back was the president could not have been more clear. at this point, this white house has drawn a line in the sand in all of this. to make sure that everybody understands that they are preparing for a government shutdown here. keep in mind the white house sent out a directive memo who work in the executive office to get ready for a shutdown and ready for a furlough on october 1st. that memo is expect.
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employees not get on their blackmail -- blackmail. blackberrys or iphones to check in with work. they are shutdown and off the clock and they cannot check in with work. they are getting serious at the white house. that was backed up by the president's comments yesterday and today in the weekly address. >> we will see what comes out of the meeting at noon. senior white house correspondent jim acosta, thank you. >> you bet. the temperature is rising and so is the confidence of scientists that humans are to blame. >> the u.n. report says this is the greatest challenge of our time. we have cnn's chad myers in the florida keys. if the temperatures keep rising, what will that do to america as we know it? are there specific cities you are concerned about? >> reporter: sure.
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every barrier island in the world. boston and new york, all of the harbor cities. savannah, south florida. you go all the way around the horn anywhere you have a large population living close to the sea, most of those people will be as close to the water as possible. they built on the land that was close to the water. so they are on the lowest possible land and if the water rises as predicted, the water will be in the neighborhoods literally in the next 10-to-15 years and probably through the neighborhoods in the next 50 years. we talked to jamie earl from the national hurricane center. this is bringing the cause of hurricane sandy. that was a big wind storm that brought storm surge. there is a big forecast for next year. let me show you what he is worried about. >> you are seeing a microcosm
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across the u.s. you see it bad in norfolk. sea level rises and causes areas to flood under unusually large high tides. we put things in the areas where water would never go and now the sea levels are rising and the water is going there. that means that storm surges which will come on top of the sea level in any sea level rise will only get worse. >> reporter: you know, the florida keys are here and the reason we are here is the keys are three feet above sea level. the highest spot in the florida keys is 18 feet. when it comes in, it comes in over to the other side. when you get a hurricane pushing water through the keys, that say problem. that is a problem for many cities. the water is warming. when the water warms like a thermometer that is warming, the
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water goes up. if the water is warming, the water goes up. it is not melting ice caps. people kind of lose sight of what we are talking about here. that is why the water is going to go up. >> great explanation, chad. it's too bad he had to go all the way to the keys to explain that. >> some people get the rough assignments. >> thank you, chad. always good to see you. still to come on "new day," miss teen usa will join us live. >> she is talking about an arrest in the sextortion case that involved not just her, but some other young women. there is a twist here. stay close. once upon a time, an insurance clerk stumbled upon a cottage. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage.
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the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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11 minutes past the hour. thanks for keeping us company this morning. a college freshman majoring in computer science facing charges in a sextortion indication. jared is facing charges after hijacking the cameras of women on their computers and took them to blackmail them. among the women, reigning miss teen usa. cassidy wolf. she actually went to high school with the guy. thank you for being with us, cassidy. >> thank you. >> i know this is everybody's nightmare. you are just in your room doing your thing. the next thing you know, you find out somebody is watching you. how did you learn first of all that it was hijacked?
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>> i received a notification on my facebook that night that somebody was, you know, trying to log into my facebook. i was monitoring all of my social sites closely that night. i received an e-mail 30 minutes later saying he sent me an e-mail and he stated what he was doing to me. he gave me three options and attached two nude photos of myself that he had taken in my bedroom. >> i have to give you credit. there might be a lot of young women or people in general who might get something like this and panic and give in to the twisted demands. how did you know immediately to go to police? >> because i felt that was the only way that this was going to be resolved. this guy, obviously, had a lot of photos of me and i wasn't going to comply with what he was telling me to do. i knew right away the only way for me to be able to resolve this issue was to contact
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somebody with higher authority. the fbi and local police. >> sure. let me play for you quickly here some remarks from his attorney real quick. take a listen. >> they do want to express their profound regret and remorse for his behavior. he is autistic and the family wants to apologize for the consequences of his behavior to the families that were affected. >> so obviously tough on his family as well as we listen to that. when you heard he is also -- that he has autism -- did that change your view of how he should be punished at all? >> no, it didn't change my view of how he should be punished. i do feel sympathy for the family. you know, for what they are going through. i'm not speaking out about this to, you know, put them in the light. i'm speaking out about this for his actions and for the fact
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that this can happen to anybody and now a days, it is becoming more common. i'm speaking out about my story and to share, you know, the negative side of it. i'm not doing this to affect his family although it is a battle between my heart and my head like i said on another interview. in my head, i'm thinking of how he traumatized me. in my heart, you know, i feel compassion and i do feel sorry for jared because he needs some help. >> and tough for his family, too, as we said. you know, we don't know any of the other nine girls, obviously, but do you know how you were all hacked? is this going to change the way you use social media or your computer or anything? >> i don't know how i was hacked
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exactly, but a malware was attached to my computer and he was watching my every move. this will change the way i use my computer for the rest of my life. i have to have a computer. i'm very safe with what i'm doing online. i'm not opening any e-mails. when i receive an e-mail, i sit there and make sure it is from a reliable person. i change my passwords. i have a sticker on my web cam of my computer. >> very smart. cassidy wolf, miss teen usa 2013, i knew it was tough to bring this forward. best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> take good care. victor. thank you, christi. getting in a car accident is every driver's nightmare. there is high-priced technology on the market to promise to keep you safe. does it work really? we will tell you how your car
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rates. ♪ aluncer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room. there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up.
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so, are you coveting the high-priced gadgets the carmakers say you need? >> do they work? how does your car rate when it comes to safety? well, renee marsh has the story. >> reporter: christi and victor, for the distracted driver, it could help them avoid rear ending someone. cut off on the highway? it could help the driver avoid collision in that situation, too. one group put the in-car technology to the test and here are the results. they cause thousands in damage. serious injuries and even death. the insurance institute for
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highway safety says high-tech systems in new cars aimed at preventing or mitigating front-end crashes are keeping drivers safer. >> keep your foot off the brake. >> reporter: it is collision avoidance technology. the institute tested several to determine if they are effective and worth your money. >> we find they help reduce crashes by 7% with other vehicles. >> reporter: that is the work of the warning system. which alerts drivers a collision is coming. with an automatic braking system, the institute says the effectiveness doubles. the top performers is the subaru and mercedes benz c-class and volvo s-60. without auto brakes, damage exceeds $28,000.
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with auto brakes, less than $6,000 in damage. >> we think it is worth the money. >> reporter: inside the top-rated subaru legacy, dominic calls the cameras a second pair of eyes. >> i was able to take my foot off the both pedals and the car stopped on its own. that is how it is meant to work. >> exactly. you have two cameras. the cameras are seeing the vehicle in front of you. it has the power to bring the car to a complete stop and keep you stopped. >> reporter: the cost varies. it could cost hundreds or thousands depending on the system. it is mostly optional at this point. about 5% to 10% of the cars sold have these systems. christi and victor. thank you. still to come on "new day," grab
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your tissues. >> one is giving his classmates a homecoming surprise. that is coming up next. ♪ een s could save you fifteen r or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand.
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"not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. we know this fall more than a million homeless children are heading back to school. >> for a lot of kids, going to a new school can be really stressful. what they have on their feet can make a difference. >> this week's 15-year-old cnn hero really understands that. >> september is back to school and for most kids, that means back-to-school shopping. i used to take that for granted.
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i remember my first shelter visit. seeing kids who were just like me. the only difference being is they had footwear that was falling apart. >> i was nervous going back to school. my shoes were too small for me. >> when i lost my job, i had to decide to spend money on shoes, medicine or diapers. >> kids get blisters on their feet because they have to wear whatever shoes they can get. my name is nicholas. i'm 15 and i give new shoes to kids living in homeless shelters across the country. my family's garage is filled to the brim with boxes full of new shoes. shelters send us orders with the kids' names and shoe size and gender. i donated sneakers to over 10,000 kids in 21 states. >> thank you! >> homeless children, they
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shouldn't have to worry about how they'll be accepted or fit in. >> wow! shoes! >> it's more than just giving them a new pair of shoes. >> yay! >> i'm helping kids be kids. their self esteem goes up. their attitude on life changes. that's really what makes it so special for me. ♪ this is going to be the good life ♪ ♪ this is going to be the good life ♪ >> that is good stuff. it is time for "good stuff." i want you to meet dakota. he is a senior at coon rapids high school in minnesota. he has cerebral palsy. >> he was picked this year to give a speech before the pep rally. >> you don't need to play a sport to achieve victory. the road to victory starts in
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your own life. setting your own goals. i guess when you are a cardinal, you never stand alone. >> they found out how serious he was about never standing alone. watch this. that is dakota taking his first steps in front of his classmates. >> look at everybody going wild! i love it. he says his plan has been a year in the making here. >> he always says on your feet for the school song. for four years, i have not been able to be on my feet until today. >> that day he did. it he also led his football team out on the field in last night's game. >> congratulations to him and all those kids that support him. that is awesome. thank you for watching today. what do republicans think
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about shutting down the government? think again. >> you don't shut down obama care by shutting down the government. you do disrupt the economy. >> we will see you here back at the top of the hour. "your money" starts right now. obama care. it is the biggest change to your relationship with the government in your lifetime. guess what? that government could be shutdown say midnight monday. i'm christine romans. this is "your money." there is confusion with the law, but congress is adding to it. fact, a government shutdown will not stop obama care. it is funded through taxes and fees and mandatory spending. fact, the pseudo filibuster by ted cruz, was never
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