tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 1, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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"newsroom" starts now. good morning, everyone. i'm carol costello. thank you very much for joining me this morning. most of our government is shut down. lights out, doors closed, tops down, at least for now. i'm going to start far away from pennsylvania avenue and begin in main street. instead of hearing words like brink, catastrophe, revolt being spewed by our government in washington, i want to start with the facts. fact number one, congress will still get paid today. in fact, the average lawmaker will make $669 just today. that's nearly 3 1/2 times what most of us, the average american, will make. fact number two, you're fed up with congress. they've sunk to an all-time low. only 10% of you say lawmakers are doing a good job. just 10%. that's down from a high of 84% in the days after 9/11. fact number three, thousands of
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federal workers who often live paycheck to paycheck are left in the cold. 800,000 employees are on unpaid leave. they are among some 2 million americans who are civilian federal employees. people like vic temple with the faa. >> put best face forward and hope for the best but it's just ridiculous that you just have to go through this anxiety each time. so, i feel sad about it. we expect more from our congress. >> or jeff little, with the department of housing and urban development. >> it's frustrating and it's -- you know, i feel like it's unfortunate that i don't think the story is really out there about the really important work that goes on in these buildings and how disruptive this will be to the work that we're doing. >> or dee alexander, department of agriculture.
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>> if we're not getting paid, i don't think congress should get paid either. they need to feel what we're feeling. >> there is one rare victory of common sense and decency. men and women who risk their lives in america's military will still get paid on time. that means the paychecks will keep coming for the 1.4 million people who are on active military duty. they have escaped the beltway bickering that has left millions of americans embarrass bid their elected leaders. all right. now to the dpragrandstanding. it lasted late into the evening. now from brianna keilar. >> reporter: overnight the president released a message to the troops. >> you and your families deserve better. >> reporter: agreed upon by congress in order to keep paying the military. >> i'll keep working to get congress to reopen our government and get you back to work as soon as possible. >> reporter: as lawmakers work into the night in a heated floor
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debate. >> do you stand with your country? do you stand for your country? or do you want to take it down? >> reporter: but failed to reach an agreement to keep the government funded. >> the house has made its position known very clearly. >> reporter: this morning, national parks and museums are closed for business and hundreds of thousands of nonessential government employees are furloughed indefinitely. house republicans did not blink in their demand to push forward a new plan to tie government spending to a weakening of obama care, which begins open enrollment this morning. president obama blamed house republicans on monday night and reiterated this was, quote, entirely preventable. >> one faction of one party in one house of congress, in one branch of government doesn't get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election. >> house speaker john boehner fired back. >> i talked to the president earlier tonight. i'm not going to negotiate. i'm not going to negotiate. we're not going to do this.
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well, i would say to the president, this is not about me. it's not about republicans here in congress. it's about fairness for the american people. >> reporter: after days of talking past each other, competing plans ping ponged from one chamber to the other, and now a government shutdown for the first time since 1996, when bill clinton was in the white house, republican speaker newt gingrich ruled the house of representatives and their standoff lasted for weeks. now, in that case, carol, folks look back and say republicans really lost that battle when you're talking politically, that's very true. i think sort of in the long term. but it wasn't as cut and dry at the time. and so really what it is -- and i think what the white house expects and what the members of congress expect is that everybody could be blamed for this. when you saw president obama talking directly to the camera, trying to address military families, i think that might be a preview of what you're going to see. one of his tactics, when it
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comes to something like this, is really highlight the folks who are most affected by something like a shutdown and doing that, really, to put the pressure on house republicans as this impasse continues. >> so, what are they doing at the white house to try to fix things? is anybody doing anything? or will they still be grandstanding in the senate and the house and talking about obama care and will the government remain shut down while they do that? >> reporter: i think at this point -- we haven't seen any change -- the white house is really sort of putting -- just trying to put the pressure on house republicans. president obama has made it clear that he has no intention of dismantling his signature health care reform program in any way. and when you talk with white house officials here, carol, they look at what house republicans have proposed and they say it's not serious. they think it's ridiculous. they sort of try to outline their thinking like this. house republicans are talking
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about an extension of government funding for the next, what, 2 1/2 months and looking for a delay to a major essential part of obama care for a year. so, they don't really feel, one, that it's apples to apples and they don't really feel like they would be -- they would be giving up so much and not really getting a lot when we would see this fight go on again before the end of the year. >> brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. this is all over obama care. but guess what, obama care is up and running. health care coverage available right now, at least for the last hour. the obama care portal, up and running, allowing uninsured americans to get health coverage. how does it work? cnn chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta live in south carolina where 20%, just 20% of that state -- actually 20% of that state is uninsured. that's what i meant today. sanjay, explain this to us.
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>> reporter: as you mentioned, is the main portal. look, no one loves signing up for health care insurance. it can be confusing for anybody. if you go to this site, a couple of things you might find. one is that you can't get on. we've tried visiting a couple of them. there's a lot of traffic and therefore people aren't able to get on right away. a sign that people are interested or technical glitches, depending on your perspective. when you get on, you have your choice of plans. everything from a bronze plan, the lowest premiums and the highest co-pays, to a platinum plan, which is the highest premiums, but the lowest co-pays. one thing, this is sort of the crux of it, you fill out the three-page questionnaire. one of the things you won't see on that questionnaire are questions about your health. that sounds counter intuitive. the point is that they cannot discriminate on your premiums, charge you more because of pre-existing illness. you don't even get those questions as part of that
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questionnaire. it looks like there's a lot of activity on the sites so far. so much so that a lot of them you can't even get on yet. >> when i get on these health care exchanges and look through the insurance plans and pick my bronze plan or silver plan, can i pick my own doctor, too? >> the best way to answer that, i looked into this, is maybe. there are some doctors that are going to accept certain plans, but will be out of network on other plans. you need to check ahead of time to see what plans your doctor might accept. i will tell you, carol -- maybe this is obvious. the vast majority of people we're talking about here are people who don't have doctors. they don't have insurance. and this is all a brand-new experience for them. for people who go to the marketplace who already have insurance, they should check ahead of time to find out. that could influence how much they're paying in terms of co-pays and deductibles. make sure your doctor is in the
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plan that you're picking. >> on average, how much will this cost the uninsured? >> reporter: so if you look at this number, you know, roughly 48 million uninsured. if you say people from that pool, people are going to the marketplace today -- we don't know how many will. they're going to the marketplace today. the estimates are -- we're going to keep close tabs on this, but the estimates are that six out of ten of them will pay $100 a month or a little bit less than that. that takes into account subsidies. that takes into account in some states that they've expanded medicaid. it takes into account all those things. keep in mind, carol, if you don't do this, there is a penalty. this has been controversial, as you well know. the penalty in the first year is $95 or 1% of your income, whichever of those two numbers is greater. second year, $325 or 2% of your income. the numbers keep going up in terms of penalties. but you've got to do it or you face those penalties, carol. >> sanjay, you're in for a long day. we have a lot of questions and
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you'll be on the air, i think, for hours more today. thank you, sanjay. you're in kentucky tomorrow to answer questions that people have about obama care. check out sanjay gupta every sunday here on cnn. let's talk about potential problems. as you heard sanjay say, there have been problems. ceo of e-health, enrolling uninsure uninsur uninsureds. >> he has tried to get on he's not sure that there are glitches or so many people are trying to sign on. >> yeah. i don't know as well. you know, this is a complex decision process for people. building these e-commerce sites are not easy.
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we're a silicon valley company and have built this the last 15 years. i'm not surprised. we saw 20 million americans last year come to us. to give you a flavor for the kind of interest that there is in health insurance and getting coverage. so i wouldn't be surprised over the next several days and weeks -- we do see some turbulence and things don't run as smoothly as some would like to see them run. >> according to the wall street journal, there have been technical challenges. put simply, people in d.c. could not calculate tax break money to help pay for their insurance plans. are they continuing today? >> well, that's a great question. whether they're continuing at the moment, i don't know. but, you know, it's very complex to go into the treasury department. >> that's kind of scary when you say you don't know. >> i don't know. i don't run the government site. we're a private sector company and we've been doing this for years and years. i can tell you with us it works and it works quite smoothly.
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i think it's going to take some time -- it may take government some time to get this to work, again, the way people would like to see. government has never been great at enrolling people. look at the uninsured, as sanjay was saying, 48 million, it's estimated over 10 million of them are medicaid eligible, but not enrolled. this is all fine for government to do this. relying on government only may be a mistake. i think we need good parts of the private sector working with government here to get people enrolled. obama care either succeeds or fails based on enrollment. >> you're a private company and you run some exchanges in a certain number of states and the government runs a certain number of exchanges in a certain number of states. help people understand that. >> actually, we run an exchange in all 50 states. and we have in the past and we are today and we will tomorrow. 36 states, the federal government is running an exchange because the states, as required by obama care, have not built their own exchanges to
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this point. those states working with the federal government, we are also enrolling lower income subsidy eligible people. in 14 states, and i don't want this to sound too complicated, that are building their own exchanges today are not enrolling subsidy eligible individuals but anybody else whose not subsidy eligible. it's really interesting, because through the history of our company, over 40% of individuals we've insured were previously uninsured and many of them in their subsidy eligible ranges. bring the best of the private and the public sector together for the greater common good, which is to get 32 million people enrolled in coverage. that's the objective of obama care. and even more importantly, carol, we need younger people, people between the ages of 18 and 34 years of age. because, frankly, as a group they're healthier. they don't use health insurance as much. they help to offset some of the expense that people in my age group encounter, using health care insurance. really important, we've got -- really important, we've got a number of entities working on
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this, not just government. >> in your estimation, how will today go? when people go to their computer and they sign on to, what will their experience be like overall? >> well, you know, again, i haven't been on this morning. i hope they'll have a decent experience. people at this point are just trying to evaluate and understand, gain a little information and knowledge. this is not like buying a new flat screen tv or something that's exciting, new piece of apparel. it's confusing and complex. in fact, you had asked sanjay earlier about doctors. at e health we ask you, who is your physician? we'll show you all the plan that is support that physician. there's a lot that goes into this. i hope it's smooth. the real question is what does this look like two or three months from now? has it worked? has it been effective? have we gotten people enrolled? that's where we begin to see whether this is going to work and whether the legislation will begin to succeed. it's all based around
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enrollment, not building great government exchanges. we've got to get people into the ranks of having insurance. not only is it a good thing for obama care but morally it's been a good thing. i'm critical of government. i want everything to get people enrolled in a reliable way to be at work here. >> gary lauer, ceo of e-health, thank you for joining me this morning. >> thank you, carol. what we see today, partial government shutdown. now the impact is being felt by some 800,000 federal workers being furloughed today. that price tag is pretty steep. their absence will cost our economy about $1 billion in lost pay every week. cnn's erin mcpike has that story. good morning, erin. >> reporter: good morning, carol. we talked to a number of federal workers over the past couple of days about how this will affect them. many of them say they work paycheck to paycheck.
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as you can imagine, there is very intense frustration over this. one man just told us this morning that he's really worried about being able to pay child support. we talked to another woman this morning who works for the smithsonian and this is what she told us. >> it's very disruptive. major exhibition, construction, shipments are coming in. we've ended up having to exempt employees that are involved with that show. a lot of them are very worried, you know. one just bought a house. worried how she's going to make the mortgage payment. >> reporter: so when politicians say this will be worse for the economy, there are some examples of why. not being able to make a mortgage payment. also, carol, i was at the national zoo yesterday as well and talking to some of its employees there, who said they were supposed to call a number this morning to figure out whether or not they were to report to work. they will have to come later
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this week to the front gates of the zoo to collect their paychecks for having worked last week, carol. so, some very serious confusion and frustration around here today. >> erin mcpike reporting live from washington this morning. still to come in the "newsroom" poppy harlow has been talking to another group shut down by the government standoff. good morning, carol. good morning, everyone. we're going to take you to liberty island. all the nation's national parks are should shudderred today. and that means employees without a paycheck. they're angry today. their story, next.
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hope you weren't planning a visit to the national park because they're all closed. no visit to places like the statue of liberty. poppy harlow is live where visitors usually board a ferry to head over to liberty island, but not today. >> reporter: no. a lot of disappointed tourists and, frankly, a lot of angry workers because the statue of liberty is shudderred, 400 national parks are closed. they bring in $450,000 in
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revenue to the u.s. government, every day, money we need. now none of that money is coming in. liberty island was slammed by superstorm sandy, closed for eight months. now another shutdown. what does it mean for to you visit the statue of liberty? >> freedom, liberty. that's why i'm in america. so, to hear that the government is shutting down, it's like, what have we come to? >> reporter: stacey garcia is among the last visitors to the island. >> welcome aboard statue cruises lady liberty. >> reporter: along with the government shutdown comes the closure of all the nation's national parks and that includes lady liberty. for folks coming to new york to see the iconic statue of liberty, this may be their last chance in who knows how long. >> it's going to be awful. it's also going to damage the economy in ways that nobody has bothered to calculate yet. it's just mindless. >> reporter: with more than 280 million visitors a year from yellowstone to yosemite to the
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grand canyon, more than 400 national parks are now closed. >> i'm not going to let congress, you know, make me miss the statue of liberty, which is so important to me as a retired history teacher. >> reporter: tourists turned away. more than 21,000 national parks employees furloughed and thousands more like clean-up crews and concession stand workers all left without jobs. >> i have to find another job if they're not paying us while we're laid off or file for unemployment but it's still not going to be enough. it's hard. even to think about it, it's hard to think about. >> reporter: this man says he need this is job just to get by and doesn't have a plan b. do you have a message to washington? >> things like this can have such a big impact on the people that are in the limelight, people working out in positions at spots. this whole island will be shut down. that's a ton of different position that is people won't be working or won't be getting paid for. >> reporter: liberty island sees up to 4 million visitors a year,
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20,000 a day in peak season. at $17 per ticket for adults, that's big money. >> even more than the money, it's the fact that there are folks that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a lot of folks. >> reporter: an opportunity that means a lot for so many, like stacey garcia. and, carol, here is what's unclear, whether these federal government workers, like the park rangers, are going to get paid or not once the federal government gets things together and get things up and running. that's yet to be seen. what we do know is that workers like quinn and victoria, concession stand workers that have these hourly jobs are not going to get paid. every single day that washington is fighting about this, they're not going to be working on liberty island and they're definitely, they told me, not going to get a paycheck. they have rent and bills like we all do here. this is really weighing on them. >> it's so ironic that because of our government people can't see a symbol of our government.
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poppy harlow. >> reporter: yes, it is. >> just amazing. not amazing in a good way either. poppy harlow, many thanks to you. still to come in "newsroom" road rage erupting on a new york highway. motorcyclists attack a driver after he hits the brakes. we have word of an arrest this morning. all the details next. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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we'll have more on the government shutdown. 28-year-old motorcyclist has been arrested in connection with a road rage incident that surfaced online. i'm sure you've seen it by now. it happened sunday on new york city's west side highway. one member of a motorcycle group slows down in front of an suv, which police say accidentally hits the bike. breaks the guy's arm. dozens of angry bikers surrounded the suv. they're already in the city here. police say they dented the vehicle and slashed the tires. the driver took off, hitting three bikers, breaking the legs
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of one of them. one biker tries to open the door and pull the driver out. you see him there. all of this happening in front of the driver's wife and his 2-year-old daughter. the driver gets away again, exiting the highway slowly, due to damaged tires. the bikers catch up at a red light where the police say driver is then dragged out and slashed in the face, treated at a nearby hospital. police are using the video taken by a biker's helmet cam as they investigate the case. most of the classes will meet after an explosion on the campus. one person was hurt and 20 others were trapped on elevators. the university blames the explosion on copper wire thieves. 11 buildings are still without power. in money news, amazon plans to hire 70,000 full-time workers for the holiday season, 20,000 more than last year, helping to staff more than 40 fulfillment centers across the country.
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welcome back to "newsroom." want to take you back to capitol hill. the senate is back in session now on capitol hill, to talk it out in conference with their senate colleagues, now performing a roll call to reject that house bill. let's listen in. >> mrs. boxer? >> okay. they're just starting roll call now. we'll check in a little later. this could be setting the stage for yet another standoff. the senate majority leader, harry reid, you hear him speaking in the background. he vows he won't agree to a chat until the house presents a funding bill without any obama care changes. we'll take you back when some action happens in the senate. when it comes to those house members, though, my next guest calls them, quote, frauds on the hill who are targeting president obama. roger simon is the chief political correspondent for politico and now joins me from
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washington. good morning. >> good morning, carol. >> care to make a prediction on how long this partial shutdown will last? >> i was here for the last shutdown and i'm more pessimistic this time. i think there is a meanness of spirit that's crept into our politics and daily lives that's become the new normal. people are going to say, well, 800,000 people are out of work. that's okay. i've got my job. let's just keep it this way. >> really, you've become that cynical? >> well, you know, i don't think it's cynical this time. i really think it's realistic. i mean, look at one of the few things this house has actually done. week before last they passed a bill to cut $40 billion from food stamps. food stamps! i mean, do we really need to use food as a political weapon? that makes me pessimistic about who we're dealing with.
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>> you write in your piece last night, we live in a time when outright bafoonery passes for statesmanship, when a 21-hour nonfilibuster filibuster by senate ted cruz leads not to general hilarity, but serious consideration of how it will help cruz run for president in 2016. they're worried how obama care will affect their lives adversary. >> they do. you use the word fairness. that's a proper word to use. nothing would pleez me more than to say republicans partly guilty, democrats are partly guilty. come on, guys, just hug it out. let's solve this thing. rarely have i seen an instance when one party is so much more responsible, guilty, than the other. >> you know what republicans out there are saying right now? you're just partisan and
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politico is a liberal blog. >> i'm not partisan. i am a columnist. i'm allowed to have opinions. i have run columns attacking the president, but i don't have to prove my journalistic, you know, instincts and credo by attacking a side that shouldn't be attacked. the extreme right wing of the republican party has taken that party hostage, at least in the house of representatives. the speaker of the house, john boehner, is a decent man. he is not an extremist. but he is a weak man. the old phrase comes to mind, i could carve a better man out of a banana. he is not going to challenge the extremists in his own party because he wants to hang on to his job. >> but couldn't you argue -- there is a democratic president in the white house and the democrats still control the senate. why are they powerless, you
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know, against this small group of what you call extremists in the house of representatives? >> because all they can do is block things, if you only control one house of congress. we are a system when both houses of congress have to agree to pass things, including a budget. and this isn't the dilemma we are in. the republicans are saying give in to us because we don't want -- we would rather shut down the government than extend health care to 11 million people. that's our position. the other side, the democrats should accept that as the starting point and then we'll let people go back to work. the democrats are saying obama care was passed by congress. signed by the president, upheld by the supreme court. he ran on it a second time in 2012 and was re-elected by 5
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million votes. this is the law. it's operating today. that is the flawed republican thinking. >> right. >> even shutting down the government does not shut down obama care. so what are they accomplishing? >> we'll see if they accomplish anything today. roger simon, thank you for sharing your thoughts. president obama will be making another statement later this afternoon, 12:25 eastern time in the rose garden. of course, we'll carry that live. roger simon, many thanks. still to come in the newsroom, first day of the government shutdown. which of these do you think is the least popular among americans right now? root canal, head lice, brussel sprouts or congress? the answer, next. [ lane ] do you ever feel like you're growing old
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upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? ask your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. washington, we have a problem. overcame the force of gravity, beat the russians to the race to the moon, but are no match for a high-stakes game of chicken. most of the u.s. space program shut down. cnn business anchor christine romans has more on what else is affected by this partial government shutdown. good morning, christine. >> good morning. deep sighs, carol. deep sighs. i want to show you what nasa tv is showing. no cool space walks just a message saying on its board nasa tv is unavailable due to a lapse
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in funding. that's what you see. carol, it's so sad. that brings me to the five most outrageous numbers of this government shutdown. let me start with the number 55. happy birthday, nasa. it's your 55th birthday. there will be no cake. almost everyone has been sent home except for a few people to man mission control. 3,346, what a typical member of congress will take home in their paycheck this week. that's right, they're still getting paid. by the way, that's four times the typical worker, carol. here is my number three. outrageous number, number three. ten. as in 10%, congress approval rating for some context during watergate scandal, richard nixon's approval rating was 24%. root canals, head lice, brussel sprouts and colonoscopies have a higher rating. 24 potential bridezillas,
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working with 24 couples who were planning october wedding events on the national mall and monuments. they were informed those events can't take place if the government remains shut down. my most outrageous number, the number i fear the most, 16, until the u.s. treasury doesn't have enough money to pay all its bills. government shutdown, what we see right now, does not halt social security payments but a debt limit crisis could halt social security, veterans benefits, medicare, medicaid reimbursements. that's the number i find outrageous, carol. >> there could be a silver lining. dare i say it? maybe so many americans will be so angry about the partial government shutdown that when the debt ceiling thing comes along and they have to -- maybe they'll get together and realize they can't play around with the debt ceiling and they'll vote to raise it, as they always have through the history of america. >> okay, carol. pick up the phone. can you call somebody?
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make that happen. >> i'll do my best. christine romans, thanks so much. still to come in the "newsroom," biggest trade and special interest groups fired off a letter to congress, their biggest concern about the first government shutdown will affect your bottom line. that's what they say. that's next. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event?
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republicans in congress could feel the wrath of one of the most powerful special interest groups in the nation because of this partial shutdown. u.s. chamber of commerce. i'm not talking about your small town chamber of commerce, but the u.s. chamber, a group that gave $30 million to republican politicians in the last election cycle. it is not happy with the gop today. we know that because it wrote a letter that reads, in part, it is not in the best interest of employers, employees or the american people to risk a government shutdown that will be economically disruptive and create even more uncertainties for the u.s. economy. with the national electrical manufacturers association, one of the groups that signed the letter. he is also a federal budget expert who served as assistant director of white house office of management and budget during the 1995 government shutdown. wow, that was a mouthful. welcome. >> good morning. >> good morning. so you're a double whammy.
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care to point a finger of blame this morning? >> well, i don't think the blame is important. what i think is important is ending the shutdown as quickly as possible. it has very serious economic consequences and we're also facing a debt ceiling crisis on october 17th, which is even more dangerous to the economy. >> okay. before we go on with question and answer, bear with me. we'll take our viewers live to capitol hill right now to listen to the senate voting down the most recent house bill to end this thing. let's listen. >> schumer, tester, udall of colorado. udall of mexico, warner, warren, white house, wyden. mr. merkley, aye.
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mr. keyesia, mr. keyesia, no. mr. barroso, mr. barroso, no. mr. shelby, mr. shelby, no. mr. sessions, mr. sessions, no. mrs. shaheen, mrs. shaheen, aye. mr. blunt, mr. blunt, no. >> all right, we're going to step away from the drama in the senate chamber. and continue our conversations with chuck conesburg, he was an assistant director of the white house office of management during the '95 shutdown. in listening to all what is going on this morning, does it feel the same in '95? does it feel worse? how do you characterize this?
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>> well, 1995 was pretty bad. it was the longest shutdown in u.s. history, lasted for three weeks. this one, this one feels that it could be as bad, because of the level of gridlock that is currently in place right now. >> roger simon from politico, he just said this feels different from '95 because he said that legislators are meaner. i mean, there is no -- there is no cooperation between the two sides at all. do you agree with that? i mean, no whigham roiggle room >> i agree with the comment about the atmosphere being meaner. i started working on the hill in the '80s. i worked on both sides of the aisle for democrats and republicans, and in the '80s and '90s, there was an ability for both sides, no matter how difficult the issue, to come together and arrive at
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compromise. and solve problems. now there is such an ideological bent to many of these issues that it is difficult to overcome the gridlock. >> is it more that politicians want to keep their jobs and they're thinking selfishly or is it that politicians need to please their constituents to keep their jobs, and because their districts are, you know, set up at an ideological way, let's say, they have no choice. >> well, i think a lot has to do with gerrymandering of districts where many republican members, instead of focusing on the general election, where people tend to tack towards the political center are more worried about primary challenges from the far right. and i think that's part of what's going on here. also, fund-raising is an issue.
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members don't spend nearly as much time in washington working together as they did in the past. they spend a great deal of time running back home, raising money for the next elections, so they don't get to know each other in the same way that members of congress used to. >> okay. let's look at the bigger picture, because you were one of the people who signed this letter from the u.s. chamber of commerce saying please don't do this, congress. please don't shut down the government because it is going to have far reaching effects. in your mind, how could this affect the economy? >> this is very damaging to the economy. first of all, you have 800,000 furloughed federal workers, all of whom are consumers and aren't being paid. you have contractors who are not being paid. and then we're facing, of course, in two weeks the debt ceiling crisis which isn't even greater threat to the economy because you face the prospect of
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the treasury not being able to honor u.s. financial commitments. so there is a double whammy happening at nearly the same time. >> chuck konigsberg, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> happy to be here. we'll have more on the government shutdown, but first, a check of other top stories at 55 minutes past the hour. five hikers have been killed in a rock slide in central colorado. officials say rain may have created unstable conditions. crews did rescue a 13-year-old girl from the rock slide. she was flown to children's hospital in denver, her condition is unknown. in chicago, police are still looking at how an empty commuter train crashed into another train carrying passengers. more than 40 people were hurt. investigators want to know if someone tampered with the first train. the collision also delayed the morning commute. more job cuts at drubmaker merck. the company announced it will slash more than 8,000 jobs, in addition to the 7500 cuts
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previously announced. merck's ceo says the cuts are intended to make the company more competitive and drive innovation. the company hopes the cuts will help it save about $2.5 billion a year by 2015. nearly $500,000, that's how much a new york woman is accused of scamming a nonprofit benefiting boston marathon bombing victims. police say andrea goss claimed she was injured in the bombings. officials began investigating after getting a tip she was not even in boston at the time of the marathon. they say much of the money has been recovered. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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because the senate is now about to reject the latest house vote to keep the government up and running because, of course, it includes obama care. defunding it in some way so the government remains partially shut down this morning. aaron mcpike is in washington to tell us more about how this is affecting the whole country. good morning, erin. >> good morning, carol. i am standing in the middle of several federal buildings. behind me and to my left you'll see some department of transportation buildings. well, a lot of people are coming around this area and talking about what's been happening to them. one guy just came out of the building right in front of me, said he came to work this morning, just to sign a furlough notice. paperwork that says he promises not to work while the government is shut down. and he was furious. so he came out and said he's going to walk five blocks down that way to march right into the capitol and talk to his congressman because he's so angry about it. now, contractors for the faa said that they don't know what's
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going to happen. they said it's very disorganized. they said they have been planning for this for a couple of weeks but haven't gotten their stop work orders yet. now, some people say because they don't know what's going to happen with their paychecks, there are things they can't pay for. listen to what one person said to me about that this morning. >> child support, you know what i mean, all the garnishments on your pay and stuff, it is going to be an impact. so i'm really -- i'm really annoyed at it and very disappoint disappointed and they can't come to an agreement. i don't see why we the people should really suffer because of their disagreement. whatever personal conflicts they have, they need to set that aside, suspend their ego and basically the right thing for the country. >> reporter: now, i spoke to another woman for the national parks service yesterday who said she was working during 1995,
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during that shutdown. and after that, many of those federal employees were paid retroactively, but a lot of federal workers are worried that won't happen this time. carol? >> all right, erin mcpike reporting live from washington. want to take you back to the senate. harry reid, the man who leads the senate, is now speaking. let's listen. >> okay. let's do this again. i ask unanimous consent for premorning business for debate until only 10:30 p.m., with the time controlled between the two senators or their designees and permitted to speak for up to ten minutes each. >> is there objection? without objection, so ordered. >> under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. >> mr. president. >> okay. we're going to step away from that. i'm not quite sure what just went on, but i assume that
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senator reid was doing some parliamentary procedure and allowing senators to have their say. a little later this afternoon. here is mitch mcconnell, the republican. let's listen. >> can we have order in the chamber? >> the senator is correct. the senate will be in order. the republican member is recognized. >> house republicans worked late into the night this weekend to keep the government open and senate democrats dragged their feet literally for days. they refused to pass anything, news reports suggest that majority leader was even working behind the scenes to block any bipartisan negotiations from taking place, and after doing essentially all weekend but obstruct, with just hours left to go, democrats voted again and again to reject reasonable legislation.
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every piece of legislation the house sent over would have kept the government from shutting down. every single one of them, each one represented more of a compromise than the last. and get this, last night senate democrats went so far as to reject legislation that would have kept the government running under just two conditions. just two. families get the same one year relief as employers and congress has to follow the same rules on obama care exchanges as their constituents. that's how extreme the democratic position is. they won't even accept basic fairness as a principle under obama care. and now today, today they have gone even further, they have now said they won't even agree to sit down and work out differences. they won't even talk about it. they literally just voted against working out a compromise. they seem completely opposed to negotiation or compromise on a law that is killing jobs, driving up premiums and driving
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people out of the health care plans they already have, and like. >> all right, let's jump out of this. that's senator mitch mcconnell, he's talking about the continuing argument between republicans and democrats. the senate just rejected the latest house bill because it included in some way defunding obama care. and the democrats said they would have none of that. by the way, the president is expected to make a statement in the rose garden at 12:25 eastern. that will happen, of course, this afternoon. and, of course, we'll take the president's comments live as well. now, inside the beltway, as you hear, the bickering and jockeying, they hit a new gear today. outside the deafening roar of politics, how is america feeling this latest insult to millions of americans, i'm talking about the partial shutdown of our government. cnn's ted rowlands is in chicago with that side of the story. good morning, ted. >> reporter: good morning, carol. there is not a lot of love for washington on a good day here this morning. people are downright angry. they're upset with the pathetic
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inability for congress to do anything. and now with the government shutdown, it is just pure disgust. take a listen to what a few folks said this morning here in chicago. >> totally, totally can't believe it. they're all freaking nuts. all of them. i have to get to work. they're all freaking nuts. we work in a law firm. we have a lot of cases in federal court. what are we going to do now? >> i think it is awful. i think it is awful. it is terrible. it should not have been done. it should not have gone this far. do your job or get out. that's what i want to tell them. do your job or get out. >> i think it is sad we can't come to an agreement. i think every year this happens, the market is downturned, people react, it is expected and people play on it. >> reporter: carol, a lot of people just absolutely disgusted. surprisingly about 30% of the people we talked to had no government was shutting down. and as one person said, he was
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blissfully unaware and was not concerned at all. but the real theme here is that people are just -- they think what is happening in washington is pathetic. >> i that i word describes it quite well. ted rowlands reporting live from chicago this morning. so the argument is all about obama care. guess what, the obama care portal is up and running and that will allow millions of uninsured americans to get health care coverage. is it working? sanjay gupta is live in south carolina where 20% of that state is uninsured. sanjay, how's it going? >> reporter: well, you said up and running, carol. maybe half of that is true for sure. it is up. it has been up since 8:00 this morning. but there have been some significant glitches, if you will, with actually getting registered on the sites. i checked out a bunch of different sites, states all over the country. the way it works, you go to, pick your state and register in that particular
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state. it has been challenging for a lot of people across the country. there is about 36 of these exchanges that are run by the federal government themselves. but what we're hearing is two-thirds of them are having trouble. what you'll see on the screen is that there are too many visitors, so it seems to be a bandwidth problem, but it has been a bit of a challenge. it could be that a lot of people are trying to do this, maybe more than they expected, but hasn't been going perfectly, i would say, carol. >> last hour i talked to a man whose company, you know, kind of like set up the software for some of these exchanges and he said expect glitches today. because so many people will be checking it out, and he said, you know, all systems of this magnitude will suffer glitches. we should expect that. >> reporter: yeah, you know, look, i think that's fair. and, you know, you've been through open enrollment periods before, carol, i have as well. and open enrollment for this, for this -- for the obama care plan is now october 1st through the end of march. usually people wait until march 29th to start doing this.
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so it is a little surprising there has been this traffic for them. but i think that's right. as the traffic slows down a little bit, i think people are going to have better luck sort of signing on. but it has been frustrating. we're talking to some of the folks around here who -- that's the first thing they're saying are those error messages when they're trying to do this for the first time. >> yeah. i'm getting one in my e-mail box. this is the -- from the one that is up and running, up and running in georgia. it says we have a lot of visitors on our site now, we're working to make your experience here better. please wait until we send you the logon page. thanks for your patience. pack your patience today if you're going online to check out these health exchanges. let's get down to the bottom line and talk about what you might get from these health care exchanges. a lot of people are concerned that they won't be able to pick their own doctor. a lot of people concerned that their insurance costs will still be high. can you answer those questions for us? >> reporter: i think first of all there say couple of important things, you fill out a three-page application and in that application, it is most
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notable for what it doesn't have, which are questions about your health. that's important, carol, as you know, because they're not asking question about your health because they can't charge you a higher premium if you have some sort of existing health condition. that's the crux of this whole thing. after that, you pick a particular plan, it can be a different tier of plans between bronze and platinum, that have higher co-pays, higher deductibles or premiums. look at those numbers and sort of figure out what you need, just like a lot of people do now. and as far as your own doctor goes, if you have a doctor right now, you should find out if that doctor is going to accept that plan. but, carol, you know, this exchange in so many ways, these marketplaces, the people who are going to be probably using them are people who don't have insurance, they don't have doctors of their own, this is brand-new to them, a lot of the concerns don't apply to them. this is a whole new experience. so those are legitimate questions, there is about 45 million people out there who may be taking a look at this today, who are trying something for the first time.
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>> all right, sanjay, i know you keep following this story. you're in kentucky tomorrow to find out what questions people have about obama care and check out sanjay gupta md here every saturday. if you're young, healthy and think you don't need health insurance because it is too expensive, you may have some new options under obama care. later this hour, we'll talk with jen myrishery. she will explain why some of the plans new options could mean you don't have to pay out of pocket. we'll delve into that after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. toyota. let's go places, safely.
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closed for business and on capitol hill, the finger pointing continues. the senate rejecting a house request for a formal meeting to work out their differences on government spending and obama care. the senate also voting down a house proposal to end the government's shutdown. republican senator johnny isakson of georgia, he joins me now. good morning, senator. >> good morning, carol. >> so let's get right down to it and talk about the people who
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are most affected because of the shutdown. more than 800,000 federal workers are going to be furloughed. they're not getting paid. what do you say to them this morning? >> we need to get our job done in the house and the senate and at the white house. you got a situation right now where you have the irresistible force in the house republicans, the unmoveable object with the president with a veto pen and harry reid with the majority in the senate. something's got to give. we don't need a protracted shutdown. >> i'm sure if i'm sitting around and not collecting a paycheck and wondering when i'm going to get back to work, those words will not be of great comfort to me. >> the best i can say right now, carol, is this, historically, in this country, of all the shutdowns we have had, the shortest was one day, the longest was 21 days, this one will fall somewhere probably in between. >> so that's your prediction, about 10, 12 days? >> history is usually a pretty good teacher, so something between 1 and 21. >> okay. so the same federal workers, and actually a lot of other americans are pretty angry that
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much of congress is going to be paid and these federal workers are not. why not -- >> i don't blame them for that. there is a reason the constitution says congress gets paid, that's because that's a provision to keep it working while everybody else isn't. i completely side with the american worker and the american government worker, who have mortgages to pay, college loans to pay back, food to put on the table. we need to get our job done in washington, fight for what we believe in and fight hard, but not protract the shutdown. >> will you forgo your paycheck? >> i've done that before. i forgo it when we get raises during midterms. that's not the issue. the issue is getting the government back so everybody is getting a paycheck. >> congressman peter king said he did his best to beat the ted cruz republicans and he failed. and he had this to say to dana bash. listen. >> no doubt that the ted cruz wing of the party is the one who is right now controlling the strategy. they have been doing it for the last two weeks. people in the conference, i
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believe, were just as happy to have the government shutdown. they live in narrow echo chambers where they listen to themselves and their tea party friends and that keeps them going forgetting the rest of the country thinks we're crazy. >> is ted cruz and the tea party controlling what is happening today? >> the last thing i'm going to do is pick a fight within my own party. it is time my party came together. we need a victory. we need to work together no matter what state we represent, no matter what our name might be, or what our propensity might be. it is time we unified as a republican party and fought the good fight for our states and the people we represent. >> but don't you have to work with democrats too? >> absolutely you do. but you got to have your team together first, or else you're in total disarray. >> you know, i just think people are so frustrated because they keep hearing the same things from both sides of the aisle, not just the republicans, but the democrats too. and there seems to be no middle ground and yet here we all sit, the economy could be affected adversely, we have the debt ceiling fight coming up.
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people have lost trust in government and they're really angry and frustrated. they think you're all pathetic, if i may be blunt. >> i don't think that's blubt at all. i think that's practically true. there are a lot of fights up here worth fighting. the obama care fight is worth fighting. the debt ceiling issue that is coming up is worth fighting. >> is obama care worth fighting at this particular time. even the u.s. chamber of commerce said please do not shut down the government because it could adversely affect the economy. it could affect, you know, those employers who are thinking about hiring because washington can't come up with one economic plan that everybody can agree on. >> i didn't mention shutting up the government or shutting down the government. i mentioned the obama care issue, which is an issue. and the debt ceiling is an issue. sometimes these issues get leveraged to come to a solution. it is not pretty, but it is the american political system. >> it is not pretty, but it is affecting a whole lot of people. 800,000 federal workers who are not getting paid right at the moment, and, you know, i just talked to the ceo of target who
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says i don't know what's going on in washington. i can't make decisions on hiring people, because there is no clear economic plan and nobody can come to any sort of agreement. >> and uncertainty breeds instability in the markets, which slows down what has been a very protracted recovery anyway. and, carol, i've got three children and nine grandchildren, they're being affected right now. this is not something i'm talking about that i don't understand. this is something i understand. >> senator johnny isakson of georgia, thanks so much for joining me. >> thanks, carol. >> still to come in the "cnn newsroom" -- >> one of the bicyclists, he got off his bike, he started attacking the person in the range rover with his helmet, breaking the windows and after they got him out of his car, they beat him up. >> a violent chain of events unfolds on a new york highway leading to a driver being dragged from his car and slashed in the face. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse. britta olsen is my patient.
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i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. humans. even when we cross our "ts" and dot our "i's", we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. if you qualify, your rates won't go up due to your first accident. because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. we also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, we'll give you the money for a new one. call liberty mutual insurance at...
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it is horrible, frankly. this morning, new york police have announced at rest of one of the bikers in this case. the violence rose to a climax with the beating of a driver while his wife and young baby looked on. more from wcbs reporter jessica schneider. >> reporter: a gang of motorcycles speeding up the henry hudson parkway near 96th street, boxing in a range rover suv. it is all captured on tape by one of the bikers, you can see one of the bikes slowed down in front of the range rover, the range rover runs into the bike and suddenly there is a complete stand still on the henry hudson with dozens of angry bikers surrounding the suv. inside, police say was 33-year-old alexa lien with his wife and infant daughter. >> they take their helmets and dent his car and apparently his tires are slashed there. >> reporter: desperate to escape the volatile and violent scene, he takes off in his range rover,
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plowing over three motorcyclists, breaking one of their legs. but doesn't end there, the bikers continue their chase and a few miles up the road, surround the suv again. one biker runs up to the car, opens the door and attempts to pull him out. minutes later, off the highway in washington heights, bikers start striking the vehicle and just after the video stops, police say he is pulled out and slashed in the face, all in front of his tare fierrified fa. this picture shows the wife holding the baby girl. >> one of the bicyclisbicyclistt off his bike, he started attacking the guy, breaking the windows. and after they got him out of the car, they beat him up. >> reporter: people seeing the video on youtube are appalled. >> to me, they assaulted this gentleman. that's criminal. >> reporter: they should be punished for it. >> sure, absolutely. >> that was reporter jessica schneider. police say the investigation
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does continue and they're looking to make many more arrests. we'll keep you posted. still to come in the "cnn newsroom," they sacrificed for this country. now they risk getting hurt even more. >> if you are holding veterans hostage for the sake of political gain or trying to balance the budget on the backs of the men and women who have served this country, you are going to pay a political price. >> up next what a prolonged shutdown could mean for disabled veterans.
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and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. and good morning, i'm carol costel costello. thank you for joining me. we're watching three things for
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you. we just logged on to and now the system is moving very, very slowly. this is the day when you can sign up for the health care exchanges for the uninsured to sign up for insurance. we tried to logon to the georgia system and the system is down at the moment. we don't know if that's because lots and lots of people are trying to get online all at the same time or a major glitch in the system. we'll keep you posted. we're also watching the senate floor. you see senator barbara boxer there, making statements. many senators, both republicans and democrats, have been making statements after the senate voted down the latest house bill to keep the government up and running so the stalemate does continue. the government remains shut down. and, by the way, president obama will make a statement in the rose garden at 12:25 eastern. we're also keeping an eye on the house of representatives. and here, house members are also speaking. they're making statements about obama care, and trying to come up with a new plan to delay the law. we'll keep you posted on all of
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that. all right, moving on now, this morning in washington, truly a sign of the times, federal tourist attractions are closing as some of the more visible victims of the government shutdown. elsewhere, officers are dark and employees are booted out on unpaid leave, and democrats and republicans are blaming each other for yet another failure to compromise. here's rand paul, senator rand paul, republican, who spoke to cnn today. >> our first position really wasn't so much a compromise. we don't want obama care. we think it is a bad idea and going to hurt people. we offered to get rid of it completely. that didn't pass, so we offered a compromise to say, look, you've been delaying other parts of it, why don't we delay the whole thing for a year. that i think is a compromise position. that was rejected. we then offered to delay only the individual manmandate, and president has done it with the employer mandate, another compromise rejected. we're offering also a clean cr for a week or two, but my
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understanding is that senator reid rejected that out of hand as well. really we're offering a series of moving compromises, trying to get a middle position and we haven't gotten anything back from the democrats that their willing to compromise. >> okay, so what's next? branagh ke brianna keilar is at the white house to tell us. i know the president is due to speak soon. >> reporter: that's right. carol, we don't expect at this point for him to really say anything dramatically different than we heard him say. so i think you'll hear him talking about how he's not going to really accept any major changes to his signature health care reform program. obama care. and that he will be urging congress to pass a simple bill to basically reopen the government, to fund the government, and then if there are related budgetary items, those are things that can be dealt with in negotiations during maybe a short-term extension to fund the government. you know, in the meantime, it was sort of interesting last night, president obama right
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after the shutdown, a video of him talking directly to the military went out. there was a provision that both the house and the senate passed. the only area of agreement really between them that came to fruition to make sure that the military is paid during this shutdown. here is what the president said. >> unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. it failed to pass a budget. and as a result, much of our government must now shut down until congress funds it again. those of you in uniform will remain on your normal duty status. the threats to our national security have not changed, and we need you to be ready for any contingency. ongoing military operations like our efforts in afghanistan will continue. if you're serving in harm's way, we're going to make sure you have what you need to succeed in your missions. >> reporter: but, you know, carol, this is something you'll be talking about, some of the people who there is no sort of
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special benefit for to make sure they're not affected, you will be seeing veterans who will be affected. of course, the u.s. government is huge employer and you have hundreds of thousands of government employees who are now furloughed as of today, even just in the white house, you have people who were expecting or going home at noon, putting the blackberry away, these are people normally very connected. to just their work at every moment. that's going to happen to them. and then you'll have, of course, companies who direct contract with the government will start to feel affected. a lot of americans, though, as you know, may not really feel it at first. so i think what we may be seeing president obama doing is trying to highlight the people who are going to be affected by this. might he do that in his -- during his remarks in the rose garden, we don't know at this point, but it is possible. >> all right, we'll be listening. brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. thank you. joining me now, republican congressman shawn duffy of wisconsin. good morning, congressman. so i just talked to senator
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isa isakson, he predicts this government shutdown will last between 10 and 12 days. what is your prediction? >> carol, this is my first rodeo. i've never been to a government shutdown. my hope is we can resolve this quickly and as you're well aware, i mean, we're asking for some pretty simple things from the senate and the president. one is that the administration, president barack obama and jay carney and others join obama care, just like the rest of america. if obama care is good for america, it should be good for the president and his team. we asked for that. we asked that we treat individuals and america the same way that the president is treating big businesses. the president saw big business with the lobbyists and big money coming to capitol hill. he gave them a one-year delay in obama care. all we're saying is give that same delay to individuals, treat my middle class families the same as you're treating big businesses and if you do those few simple things, we'll have an agreement and open this back up. >> let's say republicans win, and obama care is delayed for a year or longer. what exactly does that mean for
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people signing up on health care exchanges today? signing up for insurance? will that mean their insurance policies will go away? what does that mean? >> no, so in our latest offer, the exchanges are still up, the subsidies are still there, all we're saying is don't have the mandate that an individual has to sign up. just like you've given a one-year exclusion to big business, that they don't have to sign their employees up, don't make the individual. >> but republicans -- the republicans like the exchanges? they think it is a good idea, think they're a good idea, yes? >> we don't think they're a good idea, but we're trying to find agreement, we're trying to find compromise to keep the government open. what i want to be clear to your viewers is we offered something really simple. we have come off our defund, we have come off our complete delay. all we asked for is that individuals don't be required to sign up for obama care just like business bigs. >> even though that was upheld by the u.s. supreme court? >> well, listen, the president said big business doesn't have to sign up. he gave them a one-year delay.
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we should treat my middle class families the same as the president is treating big business. >> wasn't that a compromise? >> no, he did that unilaterally. he didn't agree with us to that. we're just saying -- >> but you agree with it, right? >> i do. but, carol, why shouldn't my middle class family be treated the same as the big business that came up to capitol hill with their lobbyists and got a one-year exclusion? give my middle class family that same exclusion, treat them fairly. the biggest rub here, why they won't go for this, is the administration, barack obama, jay carney and others, they don't want to be an obama care. they excluded themselves. and all we said is, if this bill is good for america, mr. president, it should be good enough for you and your team in the administration. everyone should join. you shouldn't get your own special health care, you should join us in obama care. we in congress are in it, so too should you be. listen, they don't -- carol, they don't want -- >> let me ask another question that affects all of americans. i get what you're saying.
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let me ask you another question. another part of obama care already in effect, people with pre-existing conditions, they can't be denied insurance. would that go away if obama care is done away with? if the republicans win, would that be done away with? >> in our current plan, no, that would still be there, and, listen, i put out my own package of health care reform a year ago. i think having people with pre-existing conditions, being able to get health care, is really good. there is some good things in obama care. that's one of them. if we get health care reform in a bipartisan fashion, where both parties sit at the table and work together, allowing people to have affordable health care is a key tenor. >> we're hearing all of this, some aspects of obama care that republicans like. you just, you know, you just said some of them, so why are we having this big argument? why is the government shut down? >> well, as i just said, we have offered some very simple easy solutions for our friends across the aisle. they dug their heels it and not
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willing to come to the table, which lead nose belies me to be want this government shutdown. they think it is a political winner for them. but the american people lose. >> when you start with a bill, that includes defunding obama care outright, right, i mean, that doesn't exactly engiender trust with the other side, does it? >> i want to make sure your viewers understand, we didn't vote for obama care. this was a one-party bill. democrats chose to work by themselves and pass this bill by themselves and they didn't include us and now they want republicans to fund it. i'm willing to work with them. i want to make sure the government is open. that's why we have come so far to go a couple of small little tweaks, give the individual the same benefit as the employ and include yourselves in obama care. that's all we're asking for now. we open the government up, we all get back to work, this is pretty simple stuff. >> i hope you're right about
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that part of it. congressman sean duffy, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thanks, carol. republicans and democrats can't agree on much of anything as they battle over a spending plan. but they did agree on one thing. to keep on paying troops. still, another concern is how the government shutdown may hurt veterans in the long run. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr with that side of the story. hi, barbara. >> reporter: well, good morning, carol. yeah, the troops, even those on the front lines, that's now been resolved. they will be paid, funny thing, that anyone was considering they wouldn't be. but now the impact is growing and it is the veterans that may feel the brunt. for 3.3 million disabled veterans, the budget mess in washington is about to affect them in a big way. >> veterans who sacrificed for their country will find their support centers unstaffed. >> reporter: if the government shutdown stretches late into the month, the department of veterans affairs will run out of
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money. disability and pension checks could stop for elderly and ill veterans. advocates are outraged. >> that's what they need to pay rent and food. it is not their total income, but it is a significant part of it, and taking that out of the mix, because the government can't get its act together, is really dangerous for these men and women who need it the most. >> reporter: disability payments can reach $3,000 a month. for the nation's war wounded, it can be a financial lifeline. tom tarantino is an iraq war combat veteran. >> members of congress, members of the administration, any politician needs to understand that if you are holding veterans hostage for the sake of political gain or if you're trying to balance the budget on the backs of the men and women who have served and sacrificed for this country, you are going to pay a political price. >> reporter: for america's 1.4 million troops still on duty, and their families, paychecks will come on time. but some services are going to be affected. eileen huck, a navy wife, says
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there is still plenty of anxiety about what will happen. >> short-term, you know, the commissaries will be shut down and for those of us who get our health care, children's health care at military facilities, it is possible that's going to be affected as well. routine appointments will not be available. >> reporter: still, 400,000 civilian defense department personnel will be furloughed until congress and the white house reach an agreement. and, carol, here we are, this is the furlough notice now being circulated to those 400,000 defense department workers this morning. three pages of bureaucratic language, but the bottom line is, by noon today, they will be sent home without pay, and they are being told that this could last up to 30 days. that's what they are being told this morning. carol? >> wow. barbara starr reporting live from the pentagon this morning, thank you. still to come in the "cnn newsroom," if you're young,
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healthy and think you don't need health insurance, well, think again. get covered or get fined. up next, we'll discuss the new options. that the government says could leave more money in your pocket. my asthma's under control. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it!
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coverage will put them into more debt. you might want to learn the lingo of deductibles and premiums. because if you're not covered, you're going to be fined. joining me now is jen mishory, the deputy director for the young invincibles, a nonprofit that helps educate young people about health care. good morning, jen. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. >> okay, thanks for being here. i think you have one of the hardest jobs out there. i mean, can you gauge how successful you've been so far? >> well, you know, there is a lot of work to do. young people, they do want health insurance. we have actually talked to a lot of young people, we have seen the national polls. young people value health coverage, they value health coverage a lot, actually. they get sick. they go to the emergency room, they tear their acl. the problem traditionally has been there haven't been a lot of low cost options for young people. and that's where these new obama care exchanges come in. so when a young person is going online today for the first time, and looking at,
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they'll see there are new lower cost options like medicaid or getting a lower tax credit that will lower the monthly premium for a young person. there are a lot of options out there. >> okay, so i remember what it was like to be young, i couldn't afford health insurance, i chose to eat and pay my rent and pay for my college tuition. how much in general will it cost a young person, let's say a 27-year-old or -- let's go younger, 24-year-old, how much will it cost them for insurance every month? >> well, it is a great question. and it is going to vary by state. but if you take an average uninsured, say, young 25-year-old, they're actually only earning an average income of about $16,000, $17,000. that's pretty low, right? so they're actually going to qualify for a lot of these monthly tax credits. in fact, so much of these tax credits that they're going to be looking at options that could be as low as 10, 20 bucks a month.
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if they want more comprehensive coverage, 30, 40 bucks a month. the tax credits will lower the monthly premium quite a bit for the young uninsured population. >> it seems to me, as a person who san adult and makes a good amount of money, that that's really cheap. but does someone making $16,000 a year who thinks nothing is ever going to happen to them, that still takes a lot of convincing. you could tell them it will cost them ten bucks a month and maybe that wouldn't work. >> i do think there is a myth of this young invincible out there that young people think they're invincible, they think they're not going to get hurt. and that's just not true. young people value coverage and they know, they know they themselves have gone to the emergency room, their friend has gone to the emergency room. so they have interacted often with the system. over half of young people who are uninsured have struggled with some sort of medical bill or medical debt. this isn't necessarily a population that is so skeptical of insurance, like you might often read in the media.
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now, there are going to be folks for whom they're going to have to sit down and make that decision. it is going to be a personal decision. it is going to be a personal health and financial decision. and they're going to have to sit down and figure out what makes sense for them. >> jen mishory, thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks so much. still to come in the "cnn newsroom," national parks close, congress' approval rating in the toilet and nearly a million federal employees out of work this morning. why is one budget analyst saying it is a serious exaggeration to call washington's stalemate an actual shutdown? we'll talk to that man next. just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away.
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800,000 federal workers off the job today because of the government shutdown. and needless to say, they're not happy about that. many are quite scared because it is not like they're on paid leave, they're not getting paid while they remain off the job. erin mcpike is in washington getting more reaction to the government shutdown. what are workers telling you, erin? >> reporte erin, can you hear me?
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i don't think erin can hear me. all right. well, we -- while we tame our technical demons, we'll he go on to our next guest and get back to erin. federal workers are not so happy this morning. the largest employer of americans closed for business. today's government shutdown means as i just said nearly 800,000 federal employees are unpaid leave, a move that could cost the economy about a million dollars every single week in lost pay and that's just the tip of the iceberg. economist tad dehaven worked as a budget policy adviser to republican senators jeff sessions and tom coburn. welcome, sir. oh, no. not another technical demon. good morning, can you say good morning to me once again? >> yes, good morning. >> all right, now i can hear you. yea. thank you so much. you have an interesting take on all of this. you said it is, quote, serious
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exaggeration to call this a government shutdown. explain for us. >> yeah, if we truly had a government shutdown, i would be sitting here with a glass of champagne in my hand. the fact of the matter is most of what the government does is still going to continue to do. most government employees will come to work and although many won't get paid, when this is all said and done, and it will all be said and be done very shortly, they probably will get paid. they most likely will get paid. as the days continue for this so-called government shutdown, the nsa is still going to spy on us, the military is still going to police the world and protect the interests of wealthy allies, the social security checks will go out. most americans aren't going to notice much unless they're headed to yellowstone today. >> you say that so cavalierly, though. 800,000 people are sitting at home wondering when the next paycheck will come. >> yeah, but there is also millions of workers out there today who have taken pay cuts in last two years through a recession whose income goes to
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those people who have actually had a pretty darn good, the federal employees in washington over the past few years while the rest of the country suffered having to pay their bills. >> seriously? i mean -- >> seriously. >> these people, they would say they work -- they work really hard, they deserve to get paid. that's what they signed up for. you're saying they don't deserve what they're getting? >> i'm saying keep in mind that there is no free lunch had when it comes to paying a federal employee. their money comes from where? it comes from taxpayers. people in the private sector that work, their money comes from providing goods and services voluntarily. people voluntarily part with their money and that turns into income for a private sector worker. for government employee, that money that they get comes from taxpayers who had no choice but to pony up the funds or go to jail. >> okay. well, let's talk about the economy then. moodys analytics estimates three to four week shutdown, which you're not calling a shutdown, but they are, will cost the economy about $55 billion.
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can the economy really take a hit like that? >> look, this is mark zandi and his forecasting. >> no, it is not just mark zandi. the u.s. chamber of commerce wrote to lawmakers and said please, please, do not shut down the government because you're going to affect the economy. this is the u.s. chamber, a republican-leading group. >> the last time we had a government shutdown, the stock market was fine, the economy was fine, and, look, i'll put it to you this way. if it is true that the actions of 535 people in congress are that critical to the economy, i think we should be second guessing whether or not we want to put such power in the hands of human beings because i can tell you, having worked in the senate, there is no wizard behind the curtain there. >> so i'm getting the drift that you believe no government is the best government and who cares what they do. >> i think we need a smaller
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federal government. i think the american people who are rightfully upset in looking at the circus-like atmosphere we have now should be questioning should we have so much power placed in the hands of these men and women. i think today is another example that it shouldn't be, and this is just one battle of many battles we had, many battles to come. here comes the debt showdown. this is a temporary cr. we're going to be back to fighting to keeping the government open. in january, sequestration kicks in, and on and on and on it goes. >> no one could disagree with that, sadly. tad dehaven, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. we tossing to break? oh, we got to go to erin mcpike. we have her technical demons worked out. she's been talking to the federal workers who are off the job this morning. tell us what they're saying, erin. >> reporter: well, carol, i am standing in the middle of several federal buildings. these are the department of transportation buildings behind me. and people have been coming out all morning, talking about how
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angry they have been because they have just come to work and signed furlough notices. one woman just came out and talked to us. here is what she had to say. >> knowing that we elected these people and now we're the ones who have to bear the brunt of their inability to agree and reach any kind of consensus. so, of course, you know, i'm hoping all the federal workers like myself will remember this at election time. and express our views. >> reporter: now, we have been hearing from many of these people that they're working paycheck to paycheck, many are worried about how they're going to pay their mortgages. carol? >> all right, erin mcpike reporting live from washington. thank you so much for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "legal view" with ashleigh banfield after the break. i've had surgery, and yes, i have occasional constipation. that's why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions
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rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. hello, everyone. welcome to "the legal view." i'm ashleigh banfield. it is tuesday, october 1st. what a day it is. and so it begins. and when i say it begins, i mean it is the shutdown. it is on, folks. federal government is 11 hours and counting into a gradual partial hiatus, which may not sound disastrous to you, but how do you feel about america's largest employer laying off a quarter of its fo
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