tv AC 360 Later CNN October 2, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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the father of mia farrow's son ronan? could i also be frank sinatra's son. and that attack by bikers on the suv. should the suv driver face charges? bleak on day two of the government shutdown with the white house meeting yielding a whole lot of nothing tonight. joining me political beast editor -- let's start in washington with chief c congressional correspondent dana bash. >> did anything come out of tonight's meeting, dana? >> reporter: other than the fact they were breathing the same air drinking the same coffee or water and sitting around the same table as opposed to trading barbs to us in the media. no staff in the room, not even the white house chief of staff. the president decided he wanted to sit with the principals, the two democratic leaders and the two republican leaders who came
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to meet with him from capitol hill. and that he did most of the talking. and he said a lot of what we heard before. he laid it out in a stern, some say tough way that he's not going to negotiate on this. you heard john boehner say publicly that didn't make him happy or move the ball forward at all. >> carl bernstein, this morning you basically compared cruz and other house republicans to mccarthy. >> what i said, i did it on morning joe. and i said that this eric cantor, republican wing, his republican party is the most dem demagogic force in american politics since joe mccarthy. i think the comparison is really apt. mccarthyism was about taking a broad brush and creating hysteria about something that didn't exist. a threat that didn't exist. and what cantor has done, and what the appeasement of mccarthy by republicans is similar to the
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appeasement of boehner and mcconnell toward cantor. and this wing of the republican party that is willing to have a scorched earth politics that says the hell with the national interests, we're going to shut down the government. we're just going to destroy this presidency. we don't have anything bridges to build. let's burn all the bridges. it is demagogic. they're demagogues. it's time they become the issue. look, we can have a great debate in this country. a great political debate between liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans. this is beyond the fringe. and it's time to engage in real conversation about what are these people about? what is the purpose of this movement? i'm not saying the tea party doesn't have some really legitimate things about the way ordinary working class people have been treated in this country. >> carl, why do you focus on eric cantor, who i don't see as a tea party republican? i see him as a republican. and i don't see him going out
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after other republicans in the way that senator ted cruz is doing. >> it's not about going after other republicans. it's about going after obama, the president of the united states, not as a political figure but as an anti-christ. it's very similar to -- let's go back to inauguration eve when eric cantor and eight other, nine other republicans sat down, had a meeting that has been reported widely, and said, we are going to dedicate ourselves to the destruction of this presidency. not to the national interests. you note meeting i'm talking about. this is extraordinary. this has never happened before. this is not about a con strstrue force it's been a destructive force. >> i think people like you have a role to play. we have to rachet down the rhetoric. it's gotten really ugly. i've been hearing things this week i can't believe i'm hearing in the floor of the senate or the house. i've heard democrats call republicans the taliban.
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i've heard them call -- that was a stupid senator, congressman from miami. i have heard ted cruz call his republican colleagues, compare them to nazi appeasers, compare his 21-hour speech to the death march to battan. we have got to rachet it down. that includes people like you and me. [ overlapping speakers ] >> one at a time. >> i think i'd call them legislative branch davidians the way they're kafrg on. i do think it's interesting what carl has been saying about mccarthy. there's something extremely demagogic and almost sinister. when i looked at ted cruz on "meet the press." facile. totalitarian technique they do in accusing the other side of doing what they're doing. harry reid that brought us into the shutdown in ted cruz's
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reality. >> there was a lunch today, i'm sure dana can tell us more, a lunch today in the republican caucus in the senate. it was a rough lunch for senator ted cruz. because many of his colleagues, republican colleagues, are just really upset that he and the organizations that are aligned with him and that he's aligned with are going active. the first time i remember in my lifetime where republicans are spending more money and more time and more resources going after fellow republicans instead of democrats. >> violate's reagan's commandment. >> nobody remembers that. >> there are some moderate republicans you were reporting earlier are actually willing to vote on just a clean bill, but that's not going to happen right now. >> reporter: not in the near future. you're right. these are republicans over in the house. there's definitely a growing number of them. some have said -- told me and others that they think if there was actually allowed a vote on the house floor, if boehner allowed a vote to just have a
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clean, no strings attached bill to fund the government it could get 100 republicans. i don't know if that's an accurate number. but the problem for these moderates is that they're gathering in numbers but they're not willing to fight. not willing to do what they need to do to push john boehner to take that vote. >> let me bring in grover norquist president for americans for tax reform. good to have you with us. where do you stand on this? who are you supporting in all this? >> well, the tactic that was employed that ted cruz said let's have -- demand a vote in the house to abolish obama care, and that anything other than that vote on the continuing resolution was an act of cowardice and appeasement. that's kind of nonsense. because there are many things that republicans might insist on. the president of the united states wants to increase the debt another trillion or two or three trillion dollars. that's not something that should be allowed without some reform
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in spending in 2011, we agreed the president could have his $2.5 trillion of additional debt that he had run up and that he planned to run up, but only if we cut spending 2.5 trillion over a decade which was agreed to. those caps happened. the country got real reform. spending began to come down a bit as a percentage of the economy. so there's some very real things in terms of spending restraint that the country needs. and the only time the president talks to republicans is when you hit a did ceiling or a c.r. so this is the time we're forced to have this conversation. does it have to be the one thing that ted cruz said on one day? no. and that plan didn't work because cruz said he was going to get senate votes for it, didn't. so now we've moved on to other subjects other than defund obama care. but there are lots of questions. why the special interests like the big companies get a delay but not average citizens? why does the president want to defend that?
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>> charles, where do you see this going? how does this resolve? >> boehner is going to cave. he has to cave, right? so it's just a matter of how he does it, can he do it and save face when he does it? you could easily see a path where this rolls into the de ceiling debate so he can claim it applies to both and not the one. but he has to at some point cave on this issue. the president is basically saying, you broke it, you fix it. he's not going to negotiate on it. and he's never going to give up his signature piece of legislation. so you just write that of. that is not going to happen. so boehner just has to figure out, is holding onto his spokershspoke speakership his job more important than the people not going to their job. >> if he takes it to the floor he'll be supported by the democrats so he'll become the
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bipartisan hero of the hour. [ overlapping speakers ] >> now you're really onto something. because look. let's face it. we have one of the three branches of government is broken. our system is not working in this country. this has never happened. when one of the three branches of government is totally dysfunctional. why is it dysfunctional? you've got to go to both parties on that. but at the same time, there is some disproportionality here when one group of people with this scorched earth politics refuses to engage in a constructive dialogue about what can we do with health care to make it better? >> isn't one of the reasons there's now an alternative universe in which people live in terms of what they watch, read, listen, the whole kind of media complicity in it as well. the fact the ted cruz in a sense are in this echo chamber. why romney's side was so amazed they lost. they didn't really expect to lose because they were living in a world where everything was
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reverberating back and forth. >> 79 senators vote in favor of repealing the medical device tax. do you know how hard it is to get 79 senators to agree on the climate, on the time of day? and they vote on this on a nonbinding resolution. they agree on this. and yet nothing happens. what kind of parallel universe is that? >> grover, i saw you kind of smiling while carl was talking. how do you see this resolving? >> well, there are a number of things. the issue that was just brought up, medical devices. a majority of the democrats in the senate have voted saying -- telling their constituents that they want to get rid of that. when it came up for a vote, the republicans sent it over. reid said you have to vote against it. poor mary landrieu and baggitch from alaska who try to be moderates in their states were forced to vote the way reid told them. to the democrats are put in a very awkward position going into
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2014 being told, you can't vote your district. you have to vote who reid and obama tell you to. they've cast enough votes in the last week to lose the senate. and they're going to keep voting against allowing the national parks to open? against nih to fund? at some point the democrats in the senate are going to tell reid, they're tired of throwing away their careers for his tactics. >> do you see this as the democrats being in an awkward position? >> i think it's laughable. i think you can't have the republicans create a crisis and then beg the president to give them cover to crawl out from underneath that crisis. that's ridiculous. i mean, the idea that we are now in this world where we can argue a position like that, we can basically sit down with a straight face and say, no, i created this problem but it is your fault. that is ridiculous. >> this is about inside baseball. and it's nuts. because look. we have had -- let's go back to the federalist debate. we've had divisions, fissures in our politics, but we've always
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managed to have a fact-based debate in this country. that's what we have lost. and what we are seeing now, the craziness that is being uttered about who is responsible, there's only one party that is responsible for this government shutdown. this is a factual matter right now. let's deal with the set of facts. now why did the republicans want this group of republicans want to shut it down? you have to ask them. but let's not start in inside baseball, inside media nonsense. >> we've got to take a quick break. >> before we started all this, the president of the united states said that he would shut the government down if the republicans this fall didn't agree to massive tax increases and breaking the sequester. that was the opening bid. this nonsense that the republicans started this, i think cruz made some tactical mistakes. but the president opened that door. the president has wanted $1 trillion tax increase every time we came to the table. he didn't get it. i understand the frustration on the part of the left.
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but they're not going to get their $1 trillion in tax increases. and we are going to get some reforms. >> grover, who cast the votes? who cast the votes, grover? >> well, for two years you had only democrats in the house, the senate and the presidency. they owned the entire tax policy and the senate policy. >> who cast the votes? >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> let's be factual. >> this is the only leverage they have. they don't have a way to bring up the problems with obama care. this is the ridiculous part about all this. we all know that the shutdown is incredibly unpopular. republicans know that. but democrats also know that there's huge problems with obama care. democrats know that. and neither party is doing anything about it. >> we're going to continue this discussion as soon as -- grover norquist, thanks for being on. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter #ac360. later is the government shutdown
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bad for the country but also dangerous for homeland security. our panel weighs in ahead. americans take care of business. they always have. they always will. that's why you take charge of your future. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach.
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panel the shutdown is extremely damaging to intelligence operations, seriously hurts their ability to protect the safety of the nation. back with my panel and national security analyst fran townsend, member of the cia and external advisory boards. what clapburn is saying 70% of employees in security intelligence have been fur lloyd even analysts. this a threat to the nation? >> certainly, look. i think it is true to say we ought to be concerned about the degrading of our intelligence capability that clapper is referring to. here's where he loses me. when you say 70%, most of the american people hear 70% of civilians are furloughed and don't realize that civilians in many of these agencies are a small percentage of those doing the work. so for example at nsa, by and large that is staffed by uniformed military. not to say there aren't -- >> cia is largely civilian, no? >> that's right. there are many civilians. but again, in critical imminent
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threat positions like the counterterrorism center, you've got operatives who are essential personnel, analyst who are essential personnel. anderson, the first people that you cut in the federal government when you have to do one of these furloughs is the support staff, the people answering the phone, the administrative support. that's not to say -- you need them, right? you don't like not having them there. but you're not talking about kind of the critical people to the counterterrorism mission, for example, or the counter proliferation mission. >> may i make a suggestion here? >> on the daily beast very good story by josh row began and eli lake, the treasury department has fur load approximately 90% of its employees working in terrorist finance and intelligence working on the sanctions with iran and syria. they are the people who are probing money laundering, shifting these illegal funds around, narcotics trading, all that stuff going on all furloughed now. it's a fantastic time if you are a terrorist.
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>> can we agree that this discussion illustrates the absolute insanity and recklessness of what has happened here? we're talking about the degrees to which our national security is compromised. the degrees to which our hospitals aren't functioning. the degrees to which our education system is not functioning. the degrees to which our dollars are not getting out to people who need them. this is is nuts! who perpetrated this? why was this perpetrated? because of ideology. that is what this is about. and we have got to put it -- whether it were to happen on the left or the right, the idea that ideology can do this is disgraceful. >> listen, carl -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> the others haven't pushed back against it. they have no conviction and -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> this is what i said about the appeasement by mcconnell and boehner. it is just like mccarthyism. you just said a very interesting thing, though, about democrats who think that obama care needs
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some work, needs some retweaking, et cetera. you know, we go back to social security when it was passed in the roosevelt administration. there were a lot of republicans -- republican votes against it. but then republicans joined to make it work. why can't republicans say, who the hell ever heard of loving your insurance company? where did we get the idea that -- >> do you believe it when the white house says look we're willing to look at problems with obama care down the road, just not now, not under the gun, not like this? do you buy the white house is willing to do that? >> the question is, do republicans in congress buy it. i don't think they have a reason to buy it because i don't think they've seen any action by the white house to give them that comfort level. but this is insane. i'll tell you what's insane about it. republicans need to come to terms with the fact that obama care is the law of the land and that there's aspects about obama care that people, the american people like. and democrats have to come to terms with the fact that there's problems with obama care. if that's why it's been delayed. some aspects of it has been
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delayed. we have seen that the american public is not knowledgeable on what obama care means to them because the white house and the administration have done a poor job of selling it. and that delaying is for a few months, maybe not a year, would not be a bad thing. we saw yesterday it's not ready for primetime. >> wait wait wait. [ overlapping speakers ] >> do you think the american people understand obama care? >> you don't have to understand it. >> one at a time. >> every aspect of obama care to believe that widening the pool of people who are covered in this country is a good thing. you don't have to understand every aspect of it. and you can't keep calling it a fail crush before it's fully implemented. what the republicans are really scared of is that they've oversold the problem. oversold the idea that it is going to fail and scared to death it will actually succeed a year from now or five years from now or a generation from now it
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will be so woven into the fabric of america that we'll look back and say, what were we thinking to not have more people covered by health insurance? what kind of country were we then? [ overlapping speakers ] >> it will be obama care. >> one at a time. >> let him finish. >> it will be allied with the democratic cause, and the republicans will forever be shackled with this idea that they were the people who were standing in the way of it. and they do not want that to happen. >> let her respond. >> you haven't heard me once talk about obama care as a failure. what i have said is that both sides realize there are problems, and neither side is willing to engage in the c word, compromise, which has become a bad word in washington. >> whose fault that is? >> a problem by both sides. do you think that it is leadership for the president to say, no negotiation?
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[ overlapping speakers ] >> he's not defending our national security. >> they would figure out a way to work with john boehner. if not john boehner, who? they will rue the day that there is another republican speaker that is not john boehner, a mature man with whom you can make a deal. >> what happened all of last year trying to work with john boehner? this is how we got to this place. because the president and the democrats tried to work with john boehner. and you saw what happened. but you're onto something here, though. but let's look at obama care. and let's look at say an operating system on our computers. they come out and they've got all kinds of glitches. but we don't say let's hold it off for the next year. let's not put it out there and not put it in the store. we've got it. let's start to make it work. we've got the exchanges. at the head of of cms, the former head of cms, tom scully, a republican appointed by george w. bush, talk to him about what this health care system needs.
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because would he like to see a delay of a year? yes. he would like to see a delay not because of the glitches in it but because of the overall economic situation perhaps. >> when you've got the medical device tax and senators even like elizabeth warren, a progressive from massachusetts, not somebody -- not a democrat from a red state, voting to repeal it. do you not think in the effort for compromise it's worth taking a look at how that can be fixed? >> i think compromise, there's always -- compromise is a good thing. at the same time i think that easy centrism is not the answer to everything, that principle counts. let's not get into this thing about this particular piece of legislation that, particular legislation. let's look at where we are today. we are in the midst of a scorched earth act by a group of people who have stopped this country from operating. >> we've got to take a break. fran, just a final quick thought on this. as this goes on, do you see a
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growing threat to national security in i mean, you say right now, okay, it's largely assistants, people answering phones, for countries not on the frontlines in the fight against terrorism or al qaeda. as the days go on, as possibly weeks go on, does that change? >> yeah. look, i think clapper, the director of national intelligence is right to say there's something insidious about this. because as you weaken the analyst capability, right, those are the people -- you remember the old connect the dots. those are the people who connect the dots. so even if you've got collectors out there, if you don't have adequate coverage by the analysts who know these subjects, you do run a greater risk over time. >> you're slowing them down. you cut the administrative staff first that just slows you down when you're trying to -- >> they are there for a reason. you need administrative staffers. fran, good to have you on and carl bernstein as well. great conversation. up next, mia farrow and eight of her children break their silence over the scandals they've endured over the years.
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later." a new bombshell interview by actress and activist mia farrow. she and eight of her kids talked exclusively to "vanity fair" for their november issue on everything from woody allen and the sexual molestation claims against him years ago to whether one of her children, ronan pharoah, may be frank sinatra's love child. here they are side by side. you can sort of see a resemblance. ronan tweeted quote listen we're all possibly frank sinatra's son. back with our panel and joining the conversation, cnn legal analyst and defense attorney mark geragos is joining us, tina th navarro. >> i don't think i could be frank sinatra's son. >> your mom and frank were friends. you do have shockingly ice blue eyes. >> willing to throw this story out, anderson. >> my mom and frank sinatra had a relationship. i was not born -- this was long before. we have pictures we're going to show of my mom and frank sinatra hanging out. i'm not sure how long they hung
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out for. are we showing the pictures? i can't see the screen. >> doesn't look like your mom. >> can you sing? >> here we go. there they are the a the theater. my mom and frank sin naught ra. them hanging out. >> do you have any musical ability? >> i do have blue eyes. this was long ago. there's no way i am. but did this surprise you, tina? >> at first i thought maybe it was a wonderful revenge against woody allen to say by the way all the way through our time together i was still sleeping with old blue eyes. that must have been a pretty irritating interview for woody allen. >> anti-woody allen. >> he is. but it is kind of fascinating that he did have such thrall over the women who dated him except avena gardner. >> a lot of people who were with him, my mom to this day speaks incredibly highly of frank sin naught ra. they weren't together for very long. >> you are looking more and more like frank sinatra. >> i was going to say the same thing. give him a dna test.
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>> you hang with frank, dean martin, sammy davis jr. >> they have not performed a dna test. it's not like it's one of these situations where someone is denying. so it's kind of strange their part of it. [ overlapping speakers ] >> side by side with anderson. >> does anybody think any of woody allen's dna is in that gormgous child? >> no. the old saying is, mama's baby, daddy's baby. >> i never heard that. >> that's louisiana fare. mama's baby, daddy's maybe. that is frank sinatra's baby not daddy's maybe. >> we definitely have the low brow back into the show, don't we? >> but we were talking about this during the break how cool
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mia farrow is. you were saying she was angelina jolie -- >> before anybody. and the fact there are these eight kid and all have these tremendous disabilities and so on and lived with this family it's an amazing story. i think. she is the coolest woman. she's been involved with three of the most amazing men. andre pref vin, the conductor, woody allen, frank sinatra. >> mia, continue. give us something to talk about, girls. >> excellent actress, too, and activist. >> for darfur and everything she's done there has been incredibly good. >> the way ronan pharoah dealt with this tweet is kind of cool. sort of played it off, made it a tongue and cheek reference to it. >> sinatra's family welcoming. >> why not just confirm or not? >> maybe he doesn't want to confirm that he's woody allen's
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son. let's just also remember that the actions that led to woody allen leaving the family were very traumatic. he was the father figure of a very extended family, a loving family. and he slept with his stepdaughter. i don't blame him for not wanting to know if he is woody allen's son. >> that's a very good point. it's a way of not dealing with it in a sense. saying i don't want to know. if it turns out it's woody allen that's traumatic for me. >> let's take a look because there's actually another paternity in doubt. do we have that side by side? yes. charles glow, frank sinatra there. >> he's very welcoming to you. >> they call me all the time. >> you almost have the brat pack uniform on today. >> looking very dapper tonight. >> do have the same tie on and everything. >> i try to clean up every now and then. >> all right. listen, stick around, everyone. after the break, why the assault
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some of your tweets there. thanks for tweeting us. late today prosecutors dropped charges against one of the bikers involved in the high-speed chase on manhattan highway caught on video. the video has gone viral. doesn't tell the whole story. the chase ended with aassault on the driver of the suv. there are details we don't know. if you live in new york chances are you've seen or heard packs of bikers on the streets and you know frankly how menacing they can be. saying that as someone who used to ride bikes for years. back with me at the table my panel. you actually think there's a lot -- obviously there's a lot we don't know and that maybe -- because i mean, a lot of people -- vast majority of people on twitter tonight are taking the side of the suv driver saying he shouldn't be charged, he was protecting his family. >> the fact that the d.a. today rejected -- because that's what they did. called rejected.
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the cops brought the case to them. they rejected the case, dropped the case. >> rejecting. i've never heard that word before. >> the d.a. reject. the reason they did it there's a lot to this. i don't know it's necessarily the way it's been portrayed. the way it's portrayed this poor guy is out there and these bikers were marauding. biker gangs and thug gangs and everything else. i think the prosecutors want to drill down on this. because you heard today they said look, for all we know this guy who is cooperating thought that they were trying to go to his aid, they were trying to help him or let him know that he had hurt somebody. >> these packs of bikers, not calling them a gang, but motorcycle enthusiast whose like to get together. i've seen them in new york. >> the first guy who's called them motorcycle enthusiasts on the story. >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> i don't know these individuals in particular. they pop wheelies, taking over the road. you see them stop in the middle of a highway. >> we were talking. this is only, and i hate to say
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it. i'm in new york. i love new york. this is only a story in, no. los angeles never a story. >> in miami, in l.a. people are dragged out of their car and beaten to a pulp? >> road rage in l.a.? every day of the week. i must get 15 of these cases every year guys are charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon because they pull guys out and fight. >> he wasn't experiencing road rage. innocent guy driving his suv. >> i don't think we can go all the way to innocent so fast, right? at first i think it's important to remember there are dozens of people out there. every one of those people is a separate person. you can't say that the gang is operating at a single mind. >> it's not a motorcycle gang. >> each individual person can be operating in different directions, somebody can be helping somebody and somebody trying to hurt. >> one motorcyclist in the hospital in critical condition now. >> the videos you do have to say, if the driver felt fear,
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what is the reasonable reaction to that fear while you're still in the confines of your car? he does clip one bike. he does run over bikers who are in front of him. i mean -- >> swarm of bikers. >> i don't know what the reasonable response is. that is for the courts to figure out. i think you do have to say there could be a lot of fault to sprinkle around here. >> i think you're sitting there with your 2-year-old child and wife out on your anniversary day which is what they were. >> for those who drive bikes, there are a lot of bikers who get -- who are just frustrated by the fact that they get hit by cars, cars don't look. they get knocked off. guys lose legs, arms and everything else. >> but it's not okay. okay, so he hit one biker who slow down and stopped in front of him. from the video it appears as if a number of other bikers stop their bikes in the middle of the highway. there was a report one of the tires was slashed, tried to open up the door and get this guy out. >> understand what happen here. i've defended guys within the
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last three months, high profile cases where somebody was arrested for hit-and-run because he hit -- he got out. there was no damage. and he hadn't left his insurance. this guy knocks somebody off a bike, keeps riding. he may have been scared. there is the possibility here that he and the motorcyclist both had a misconception as to what was going on. >> let's just quickly show the video of what happened when they finally did catch up with him when he went off the road. one of them takes a helmet off, slashes at the thing. another guy who came up and punched the window was actually released today. >> correct. you know what he said? he thought that apparently, if you believe what the prosecutor was saying he thought that he was trying to rescue this guy from other people. mind you, i told you this at the 8:00 hour. in l.a. again, remember the night stalker, richard ramirez. when he was finally caught in east l.a., a gang of 50 people grabbed him because they
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recognized him, beat the holy daylights out of him until the police got there. it could have been somebody thinking he hit this guy, he ran. it was a hit-and-run. we're going to hold him here until the police got here, hold him out of the car. you don't know what they were thinking. >> a lot of people could have done things wrong in this particular case. i think it is not smart to start pointing fingers and saying these are the guilty parties and these are no. these are completely innocent. i think that's too far to go. [ overlapping speakers ] >> i will wait on the prosecutor's final investigation to figure out how they kind of suss out the details here. >> the three of you are new yorkers. it blows my mind that we are talking about this on national tv and that this has so captured the public's attention. >> and i understand why. >> anderson, if we covered every road rage fight that happened in miami, there would be no other news to cover in miami. so are you telling me new yorks -- [ overlapping speakers ]
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>> call these guys rebels without a clue. >> there's something about this that has resonated with people whether they are motorcycle enthusiasts or people who can imagine themselves sitting in that suv with their toddler and trying to figure out what to do. and we do actually have some sound from one of the bikers who was interviewed earlier. let's listen. >> driver was a maniac. >> the driver of the snuf. >> yes, he was a maniac. he hit the first guy. the bike kind of lost control, went over. he stopped. and from my rear view left -- excuse me from the right rear view, the body was just underneath the truck. he just right over. truck came at least sky high and he kept proceeding on. >> i've had this identical case about two years ago. it was an suv. my client was in the suv.
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he was in a parking lot in pasadena. and there was a bunch of kids who got the wrong impression of him and thought he was trying to come at them. one of them was dragged underneath it. he believed in his own mind that he was trying to escape guys who were coming at him. they thought he was assaulting them. it was just a massive misunderstanding. it's entirely possible that's what happened here. i mean, it doesn't make for great coverage by saying that, but that could clearly be what's going on. >> did you win it? >> yeah. >> i don't talk about a lot of lawsuits. [ overlapping speakers ] >> everybody's forgetting that guy with his helmet beating that window in. >> that was the guy that the prosecutor i believe -- >> no, no. the second guy who came up who pun upped the window. we'll see. there's obviously a lot we don't know. we'll continue to follow it. up next what's your story. we'll ask everybody to share a story that caught their attention that maybe you haven't heard about. we'll be right back.
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story that is caught their attention, maybe stories overlooked by everyone else. tina? >> there was a very interesting story in "the times" about the two senior marine corps generals forced into early retirement by general amos because there was an attack at the base in west afghanistan last year in which taliban got into the camp and two soldiers died and 15 people were wounded. they were cashiered out of the marines because amos in his statement, he said that they did not take enough precautions in terms of security. but i thought what was kind of painful about it was that you've really got a picture of the fact that these generals had actually said that security was not good enough in those bases, and the end of the day we're doing this thing of fighting and retreating at the same time. and so we're really putting so much pressure on our military now. >> so many of the attacks now are coming from afghan police, afghan army. >> right. they're made to train the afghan
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forces and not trustworthy anymore and attacking them. painful tragedy two careers that have been ended in a sense in a very sad way. >> such a tough assignment for our troops. >> very tough. >> lisa, what's your story? >> you're never going to hear me talk about sports because i don't know a football from a tennis ball. tonight i'm going to talk about chris anderson, the bird man on the miami heat. he was the victim of this internet hacker that blows my mind. she was playing, got into his internet and playing both the role of chris anderson and a 17-year-old. so she was pretending to be both. it ended up with him having his home raided, there being allegations of child pornography. he has been fighting this. she's been accused, she's going to stand trial. and my birdman's got his name back. i love the miami heat. so my guy's got his name back and he's going to beat your basketball team. and everybody else's. >> i don't know what my basketball team is. i actually don't have one. >> i do. it's the lakers and they don't
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stand a chance. >> what's your story? >> my story is also l.a. today, the verdict in the michael jackson wrongful death. >> you represented him at one time. >> who is a former client. they came back. it's amazing. this trial lasted for months. the one thing that aeg, who was the concert promotion firm, had denied at all times is that they had hired conrad murray. >> the doctor -- >> the doctor who was later convicted in criminal court, sentenced and is still sitting in l.a. county jail. and the jury came back today 12-0 they found that aeg did hire him, but the jury as juries do, found that he was not unfit with michael and awarded a giant goose egg. >> long deliberation. >> four days. if you're conrad murray and sitting in jail and you say i want that jury. because that jury just found that i was competent, on a civil context, mind you. for him he had to be convict
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beyond a reasonable doubt. here in the civil case, it was just a preponderance. >> are they saying michael jackson caused his own death by doctor shopping? >> they didn't have to say it but that's the implication. aeg has drawn this line in the sand they didn't hire him. and the jury found 12-0 that they did hire him. and he'd been convicted in criminal court. that to me doesn't make a whole lot of sense. >> we're out of time. >> i want to thank our entire panel for being here. that does it for "ac 360 later." thanks for watching. see you again tomorrow night. see you again tomorrow night. goodbye. -- captions by vitac --
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tonight a cnn special. >> we had a nice conversation, light conversation. >> behind closed doors, a conclave at the white house. the four top leaders of the congress that helped drive us into shutdown meeting with president obama. did they work out their differences? >> the president reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate. >> my friend,
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