tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 4, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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i would say it has been a pretty good show. it got a little hot. the debate continues online. from the left, i'm stephanie cutter. >> from the right, i'm s.e. cupp. join us monday for another edition of "crossfire." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> outfront, the government shutdown. speaker john boehner says this isn't, quote, some damn game. has president obama won or not? and the woman who charged the barricade at the white house. we have new clues as to why she did it. we have new video and also crucial new information about what was going on in her head. and deadly hornets coming to america. yes. those are deadly. they're here. let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. washington gives up. absolutely nothing worthwhile seem to be going on in our nation's capital. there were theatrics in washington today. name calling but no progress toward ending a new four-day old government shutdown. dana bash is on capitol hill. jim acosta is at the white house. i'll start with you. the only real question at this point, name calling, sure, name calling galore. is there any end in sight to this? >> reporter: no, there really does not look like there is an end in sight any time soon. this government shutdown could last a while. john boehner came to cameras with a company of the "wall street journal" quoting an official to make a point. >> he said we don't care how long this lasts because we're winning. this isn't some damn game. >> reporter: the theatrics and language were vintage boehner. >> we should not have to move a third bill before the senate
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gets off their ass. >> reporter: and this during 2009 health care debate. >> no, we don't have time to do that. >> reporter: a democratic group released its own made for tv moment. literally. this ad comparing boehner to a cry baby demanding his way or nothing. >> speaker boehner did not get his way. >> reporter: the problem for republicans, it is no longer clear what they're demanding from democrats to reopen the government. when asked that question, boehner said this. >> we sent four bill to the united states senate. four different positions, trying to soften our position to get the senate interested and keeping the government open and bringing fairness to the american people under obama care. >> reporter: till, republicans are right that democrats won't negotiate. >> he needs something. he needs a life line in order to save face, in order to agree. you're not giving him one -- >> how about my life line? we agreed to $988 billion. my caucus voted for and agreed
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to. don't talk about his life line. talk about mine. >> reporter: even as the parties battle for the upper hand in the shutdown blame game, behind the scenes they're bracing for the next fight. in less than two week, october 17th. congress must raise the debt limit or face default. >> i don't believe we should default on our debt. it is not good for our country. >> reporter: cnn is told, privately boehner told colleagues he is willing to trays debt ceiling with democrats' help. but boehner also told his rank and file friday, the president must negotiate. give in on something to chip away at the debt. >> his message was i'm not willing to roll over on the debt ceiling? >> he said requiring both sides to come to the table and to negotiate for what's best for america. >> reporter: really unclear how the debt ceiling issue will be resolved but it is becoming increasingly likely that the
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government shutdown won't end until we get closer to that next major congressional deadline which is just unl two weeks away. >> thank you very much. as dana says, they all said that they would never let the government shutdown. and now they're saying they won't let the government default. so i don't know. you lied last time. what about this time? any way the quote in the "wall street journal" from a senior administration official getting a lot of attention from all sides, the quote, was we are winning. it really doesn't matter touts. dana just gave us boehner's response. what is the white house saying? i know they are not happy about this quote being out there, jim. >> reporter: that's right. and jay carney, the white house secretary, jumped on twitter almost immediately after this started going viral on twitter to say that basically, quote, we utterly disarow the idea that the white house doesn't care when this ends and then programs showing an appetite to reshape this narrative, the president did something unusual today. he went for a walk outside the
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gates of the white house, down pennsylvania avenue to a local sandwich shop where he was asked about that winning comment. here's what he had to say. >> there's no winning when families don't have certainty about whether they're going on get paid or not. i've got staff in the white house. there's staff all across the country. in rural areas. we're for the agricultural darrel, for veterans affairs who are on their job despite the fact they're not getting paid or have been send home and want to be on their job because they're after their fellow citizens on the whole range of services and as long as they're off the job, nobody is winning. >> reporter: now as for the meat of the matter, if you'll pardon the sandwich pun, the president said he is still not going to negotiate over other issues outside of the shutdown, outside until the house republicans
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reopen the government, pass a continuing resolution, and trays debt ceiling. and i asked the president as he was walking back toward the white house when is all of this going to end. here's how he answered that one. >> reporter: how long do you think it will last, mr. president? >> it could end in about a half-hour if they call a vote. >> reporter: there you go. very quickly saying that this is really still all on house speaker john boehner. and some very interesting news at the white house as for the issue that is really at the heart of the shutdown stand-off. that is obama care, the department of health and human services said late today, they will be taking down a key portion, a key feature of health during the wee hours of the morning to do some maintenance, to correct the glitches that have been experienced by countless people across the country as they try to sign up for insurance through the government's website and a spokeswoman for the department of health and human services says that that website will be back online fully up and running
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on monday with a significant improvement so that spokeswoman spoke to the customer experience. >> thank you very much. outfront, the president for americans for tax reform, the executor editor of the daily beast, and former adviser, paul begala. you all disagree and you don't call each other anarchists, terrorists, whatever they're saying. here's the thing. everybody is talking about winning. we can make the charlie sheen jokes, quoting the "wall street journal" about winning and rand paul caught on time after his interview talking to mix mcconnell saying we're going on win this. it seems to feel, i know that you have john boehner saying this isn't some damn game, his words, but it certainly appeal the both sides think it's a game. >> they absolutely rthing of winners and loser and the only real loser is the american people. it shows just how much in the
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bubble in that echo chamber they are. they think they can spin their way out of the situation. now everybody is admitting what we talked about a few days ago. that this is tied to the debt ceiling. this will go on and get more serious. yet there is no serious talks going on behind the scenes. this is a serious problem and it is making as you laughing stock around the world. >> it is. people around the world are shocked. people who admire this country's system of government. the battle has become personal. you saw that democratic ad calling boehner a cry baby and you laugh at i until you realize this is united states of manager. today harry reid talked about setting decorum for senate. i hope he'll do what he knows is right. maybe not the tone you want to get someone to do what you want but certainly better than his tone yesterday. listen to this. >> some recent stories have been suggested that the speaker is keeping government shut down because i hurt his feeling.
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if that's true, i'm sorry that i hurt your feelings. john boehner, his job is not as important as our country. >> i mean, both sides certainly far from blameless, paul. it is pathetic in the sandbox. aren't democrats making the problem a little worse with things like this? >> i would say from both sides here. be given how thigh stakes are, and given how frayed the relationships are, they don't lake each other. the fact that they're keeping it between the ditches, this is america. with the first contested presidential election we ever had was between thomas jefferson and john adams and they went at it. adams' people said jefferson's mother was an indian squaw and his father, and he said his
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father was hermaphrodite. >> i didn't that. >> they said he was the hermaphrodite with not the firmness of a man or gentleness of a woman will so john boehner hasn't said anything about the president that i find offensive. and i haven't heard harry reid saying anything. i think they're being just fine. >> i have to say when you put it in that relative contech, i have to completely agree. what about this fact that this could go on for not just to october 17, the technical deadline burk even longer than that. you could find a little money here and there and extend it for a few days here and there. they could turn this into something that really goes on a long time. >> well, obviously i hope it won't. one of the concerns is that the administration doesn't open the books so you can see whether october 17th is a real date. the last time we went through this in 2011, the administration
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was off by about five, six months on this assertion. and every date they will that you they ran out of money was a politically chosen date. not an economically chosen date. i hope one of the things we will insist on in any debt ceiling increase is that from now on, all of the factors in hitting the debt ceiling will be open and transparent for the american people, the american media for congress to see. so they don't play these games and pick a phony day that we have to live off of. the fellow who made the quote saying the president is winning this game should probably check the gallup poll today which has the president's approval falling down to 41. disapproval, rising to 52. during the question time of the closing of the government, the president is not doing very well at all. so he may think he's winning which is why he is overplaying his hand. >> is he spiking the ball a little bit? at first it was, the public was
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behind him. hey, republicans are being crazy to make this fight over obama care. as this draws out longer, do you sent sense a little bit, i'm not saying the momentum is but do you sense people are getting a little more confused in. >> everybody is losing. there's could not faugs on capitol hill. nobody comes out of this looking good. everybody's poll number will sink. a reality check here. paul mentioned how awful things were and occasionally entertaining political fights. this is different. we've often had divided government. we got things done. this is different. this is people playing politics with the full faith. this is something dangerous and different. >> grover, 790 days since this country lost its top credit rating which of course was the last time we went through this. we have started to see debt react already in terms of interest rates. we're not that close to it yet. do you think that they are willing to default? i know you raised a very fair
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case that the date may not be a real date. they were willing to shut down the government. >> remember, the president opened this entire -- president obama opened this entire debate a couple months ago saying he would close the government down saying if he didn't get a tax increase and more money. so he's been very clear that he is willing to close down the government, hit the debt ceiling. he did in august of 2011. make those threats. he didn't carry them out. we got $2.5 trillion in spending restraint over a decade because the president agreed to exactly what boehner had suggested back then which was very reasonable. the president's position that he has to have higher taxes and more spending, that's not going anywhere. so i don't quite know what he wants. >> a very, very quick final to you. the defense department is suggesting they could bring back 400,000 people who are furloughed by monday. that is good for those people and it is important. so of course we're all for that. but it also creates, perhaps, a
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sense, this shutdown must not have been so important if you can bring back 400,000 people before the government even opens. is that smart to do that in. >> national security has to come first so i will defer to secretary hagel who are trying to keep it safe. but they may not be getting paid. those capitol police officers who were involved in the deadly skirmish yesterday, not getting paid. i want to go back to the point about transparency. that's the kind of point that should be coming up in these negotiations. that's a valid point, i'll probably get fired from my position as a democrat to say that. that's what they should be hashing out. but not what it reportedly, speaker boehner pointed out. what he wants, he wants cuts in social security. he wants a tax reform. the key stone pipeline ending the medicare payment advisory board and killing the device tax. that's a christmas wish list. that's silly. that's delusional. that's not the kind of negotiation you can have with
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the debt limit hanging over you. >> thanks to all three of you. we appreciate it. our second story "outfront" interesting man at the central of this. political hero orville an? it is not john boip. boehner is a slave to ted cruz who has been driving the force behind derailing obama care. he says the democrats are to blame for shutting down the government. >> the reason we have a shutdown right now is because harry reid and president obama want a shutdown and they have refused to compromise at all. and unfortunately, harry reid and president obama believe this shutdown benefits them as a partisan political matter. that's why you're seeing these sorts of cynical decisions. as the shutdown goes on, cruz' republican parties are fed up. we wanted to know what the people think. that's what's going to drive ted cruz is his voters. in his home state of texas where we went, republicans are standing by the senator.
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ed lavendera is "outfront." >> do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them sam i am. i do not like green eggs and ham. >> reporter: on the surface, reading dr. seuss on the floor of the united states senate is ted cruz barreled toward pushing for a federal government shutdown, might seem like the climbed of political moment that could haunt a politician. >> he has helped enormously by making washington mad. he is crazy like a fox in that respect. people think he is ryaning his career, crazy. he is helping his career. >> reporter: cruz has been vilified by democrats but scorned by many in his own party. >> we saw what a fraud ted cruz was. >> reporter: even john mccain called him a wacko bird. for a senator who has been in office less than a year. >> if standing for liberty and standing for the constitution makes you a wacko bird, then count me a proud wacko bird.
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>> reporter: texas republican strategists says the attack strengthened cruz but said it is less clear how moderate republicans in texas will reaction to cruz' tactics. >> whenever you get a the love national attention, i think the people back home generally like that. he's a very unique talent in politics. he is on a little bit of a high wire act with this shutdown and no one knows where this is headed. >> reporter: ted cruz catapulted on to the main stage of politics last year after winning the senate seat by beat ago well known, well funded republican. and he is refused to play by the country club rules of washington politics. but his critics back home, both republican and democrat, say the government shutdown tactics could expose cruz' flaws. and a cnn poll shows cruz' unfavorable ratings higher than his favorable numbers. and just as many voters are unsure of what to make of him. >> at the end of the day, people are going to see that ted cruz has 15 minutes of fame and all
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assess a stunt man rather than trying to move our country forward. >> reporter: ted cruz has thrust himself into the spotlight. >> he has put his entire career on the line to rye to impact obama care. >> reporter: the question is will he get burned or burn brighter? for outfront, ed lavendera. >> yes, unfavorable ratings rising but a lot of people in texas loving it. that's what drives him, right? >> absolutely. the base is behind hill neex texas dig defiance. and he is getting a the love headlines. but he is going to get blowback. not just from the democrats but even some senate right republican who's will look at h. >> he seems to be shining bright down there. that's what matters to him. that's what his voters say. thanks. outfront next, new video
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from the high speed deadly chase that we saw at the white house yesterday. plus, new details about why she rammed the security barrier. what was going on in her head? major developments and what it may have to do with president obama. then a huge development in the case of the newly wed whose husband fell to his death days after the wedding. a much more serious charge tonight. and why would a military veteran get out of a car with his kids inside and suddenly start shooting at police? you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken.
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car chase in washington, d.c. which ended when miriam carey, an unarmed mother from connecticut, was shot to death by police. this dramatic amateur video shows part of the chaos caused by the incident. you see a d.c. police cruiser actually smash into and through a barricade in the chase. and tonight, we now know that carey's 1-year-old daughter who was with her in the car when she was surrounded by armed gunmen and when she was killed, is now staying with a foster family. but just who was miriam carey? what motivated her to lead police on this dramatic chase that ended in her death? we have this covered from every angle. we begin with deb "outfront." >> reporter: something was bothering miriam carey. something it appears having to do with president obama. the source says her boyfriend allegedly told police back in december that carey believed the president was using electronic surveillance to monitor her home and keep her city of stamford, connecticut, in lockdown. on thursday morning 34-year-old
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dental hygienist packed a bag of clothing, stramd her 13-month-old daughter into the black seat of their black infinity, and drove almost 300 miles to washington, d.c. according to toll records and cell towers. carey appeared eager to get to the white house. pulling up to a check point, and harsh words and clipping a security office we are her car as she peeled away. she had worked for dentist brian evans before being let go will. >> we hired her. we thought she was a great employee while she was here. she had an accident, fell and had a head injury. she found out she was pregnant during that time and hospitalized. >> reporter: in december 2012, carey's boyfriend called police. worried the couple's 4-month-old daughter was in danger because of post partum depression. authorities found discharge papers which list two prescriptions medications to treat depression as well as symptoms of bipolar disorder and
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schizophrenia. carey's sister said she suffered a momentary breakdown requiring medication and counseling following her daughter's birth. it appears carey left an envelope addressed to her boyfriend. instead of a letter inside, there was a sugary substance which was removed by a hazmat team and taken for testing. and miriam carey's family traveled to washington, d.c. today. they identified the body. the child is in a foster care home but efforts are being made to return her to her biological family. >> all right. thank you very much. i want to bring in erin jackson now who lived next door to miriam carey. you were her next door neighbor for four years. when she moved in, you talk to her extensively and you saw her every day. what was she like? when deb talks about the diagnoses for post partum diagnosis or skits friend yark did you see any of that? >> there was no indication that there were any mental health issues with miriam from my
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perspective. i saw her daily. she was a very doting, caring mother for her little girl. our exchanges were brief but she was always very pleasant, very personable. >> and you did see her with the little girl, sometimes with her boyfriend as well. obviously you're looking at that from, you never know what's going on in someone's relationship. what was your impression? >> my impression was that she was a young woman who was just starting a family. and that she was a hard worker. i would often see her in her scrubs coming to and from work. and that she was just trying to make a living for herself like everyone else. >> there was one incident earlier this summer that she told but. about her tires being slashed or something. >> there was an incident that i observed this summer. i was coming out of my building to go to work and miriam was there with an officer and she said to me, can you believe this happened? and i said what? and she told me that her tires had been removed from her vehicle and was lowest milk
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crates. and she was upset about it as anyone would be if their tires are missing in the morning. but the only odd thing about it was that hers was the only car in the entire parking lot that had any mischief done to it. >> right. so unclear whether that was some other relationship that you don't know about. >> she did report it to the police and she was standing there outside. it was earlier this spring with her baby. and you know, she just like i said, seemed like a regular person. >> a regular young woman hard, starting a family. >> yes. >> well thank you, very much. erin jackson, as we said, has lived next door to miriam carey for four years. our fourth story is miriam carey's mental state. you just heard her say she never gave any kind of impression anything was wrong. but you just heard deb reporting, she could have been suffering from post partum depression and psychosis and had
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been given medications for schizophrenic and bipolar. there is also what you just heard her former employer saying. she had suffered a blow to the head and when she was hospitalized for that she found out she was pregnant. dr. drew pinsky is the host, as we talk about the lack of this country's ability to deal with mental health issues, this seems to hit right in the center of it. miriam carey's sister spoke with anderson cooper, said her sister was diagnosed with post partum psychosis. let's start with that first. post partum depression. >> though depression can become psychotic. it is a state where people are delusional. they believe they are somewhere else, that thoughts are being beamed into their head, they believe people are talking to them, perhaps on the media, television, radio, they have bad judgment, they're disconnected
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from reality of depression can become severe. kit lead the psychosis but post partum. if anybody has a previous disorder of bipolar, they may be at risk. about visit% have no history of their own. so it is something that come on very suddenly. in my experience, having worked in a psychiatric hospital for 20 years, they are some of the wildest, most difficult to treat psychotic patients. and i was reading about it. one of the thing that caught my attention, a sense of bewilderment among these people. when they're in the state, they can't make sense of things. you get a essential of how biological it is. >> how tragic the ending to this story is. now, i know it is so hard to say. obviously with the schizophrenia and the bipolar disorders which we're hearing reports, also were diagnosed. >> no. i think those medications are used for all kinds of psychotic illness, amongst them,
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depression, bipolar and schizophrenic. >> so it might have been one or more than one. let me ask but the paranoid delusions that her boyfriend had reported that she was experiencing. delusions of hearing the president of the united states. last december is the last time we understand that it happened. who knows if it happened since then. when someone goes like a boyfriend and reports that and then nothing happens, is that something they should have been more worried about or is this common that people have these things happen to them in. >> no. psychotic illnesses are common, post partum psychosis is uncommon. if somebody is disconnected from reality and delusional like that, they need immediate psychiatric attention. mostly when it is a post partum psychosis. there is a certain incidence with the childcare taking. if you remember andrea yates, that is the kind of thing that can happen. they have terribly impaired judgment and can engage in behaviors that make sense to them but that can be extremely
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dangerous and destructive. the delusion of hearing the president spoke to them through the television. that as typical paranoid delusion of any of the sigh could theic illnesses. >> and erin jackson was here, her neighbor, saying she seemed a very devoted mother. a licensed dental hygienist. she was very attractive. one of her friends was talking to the new york post and. she was earning $100,000 a year. she drove a really nice car. her life was really in order. this was a very successful, accomplished person. is this the profile of someone you would expect this to happen to? >> for the most part, post partum psychosis is out of blof blue. there is some add risk if you have an ant seedent history of bipolar or any history of post partum psychosis yourself. but this is not a psychological, it is a biological condition. as you know, when you're pregnant, your body and your brain is flooded with hormones.
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they are suddenly withdrawn and that crash can lead to these neuro biological processes, amongst which is psychological illness. >> thank you very much. as we try to piece together the story. our fifth story "outfront" is whether tops were too quick to shoot. we asked the question last night. there are now new details about how police handled the car chase. the video shows that police surrounded miriam carey's car with guns before the high speed part of the chase. you can see them all standing there. did they not see the 1-year-old child in the car? was their use of force justified? cnn's brian todd is "outfront." >> reporter: an emergency dispatcher delivered an early warning. >> we've got news report of shots fired near capitol. >> reporter: but now some question whether police used enough caution. >> at that precise moment, if the police did not see an imminent threat to themselves, if she did not turn on them, it looked like she was going for a
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gun, something to at that point say the threat is ongoing and it is immediate and imminent, then maybe the police should have taken a breath, waited. >> reporter: neither the capitol hill police, washington metropolitan police or the secret service would comment on that citing an investigation. as we dissected the car chase drama on video, i ran the question by cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes. why not as mark o'mara said, take a breath, assess and it try to avoid shooting her. >> how do they know she is really stopped? she was stopped once by the barricades at the white house. that didn't stop her. she was stopped theoretically at the beginning of the video on three sides with half a dozen officers pointing guns at her. that didn't stop her. >> reporter: fuentes and other law enforcement experts say there is another reason why police may have felt they had to shoot at the suspect. the fact this played out near two high profile targets. the white house and the capitol.
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felony he is said at that moment, officers didn't know anything about the driver or what she had in that vehicle. >> does she have explosives in it and pose a greater danger? is she just look fog arrest large gathering of people that she can drive up close and explode a bomb? >> reporter: they said the fact that she didn't turn out to have a firearm or a bomb in her vehicle doesn't mean she didn't have a weapon. they say she was driving a 3,000 pound weapon and she had used it twice to strike police officers. erin? >> thank you very much. we have news crossing right now. confirm tornadoes in nebraska and iowa with witnesses at this moment saying a large tornado has touched down in the town of wayne, nebraska. the national weather service in nebraska said a farm house has been destroyed. farm animals running loose on the highway. the vehicles flipped upside down. it is moving north of sioux city, eye waffle these tornadoes can come out of nowhere and wreak horrific damage.
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what do you know about these in. >> they were big. they may have been to a mile wide at a time and they're still up and down in the sky, out of the sky tonight. this is just the beginning. we think of fever weather season as spring. that's when the warm air pushes away the cold air. there are the storms, sioux city, iowa, just to the north of sloan, iowa. if you see a hook or a c almost, we call that a hook echo. that's where the tornado is. one right there. that just went north of sloan. one there that went near jefferson and sioux city, iowa and more toward southwest that will develop tonight. so you may have just gotten missed, sioux city. there may be more developing to your southwest and it could develop all the way down to omaha. there's kansas city, and then back hear, this is what i'm talking about. this is cold pushing away the warm. that's snow. erin, we've had two to three
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feet of snow in the black hill of south dakota, in wyoming as well, blizzard conditions, i-80 shut down for at least a while today because of zero visibility. and it is still snowing hard. we'll keep you up to date on these tornadoes. >> thank you very much. and the scale is incredible. a man pulled over by police and responds with direct gunfire and he had children in the car. we have the entire video of this incident. and another person being questioned in the confrontation between the bikers and the suv incident. what was he doing? and straight out of a bad movie. killer hornets. this is a serious problem. we have a special report. ♪
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. we have new developments in the case of high speed road rage that happened between an suv and a gang of motorcyclists. officials tell cnn now that an undercover new york city police officer was actually there when a pack of bikers chased down and beat the suv driver on sunday. police are still investigating the violent confrontation which was caught on tape, as you can see. susan candiotti has been covering it. i know you have some late breaking details about this undercover officer. >> this is amazing news to find out an undercover cop was participating in this rally in his offtime. belonged to a bicycle club. that's why he was there. the question is, what exactly did he see? my law enforcement sources telling me that this undercover cop saw what was going on. witnessed the suv rollover, rather, the suv rollover some bikers, and saw that beating
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assault at the tail end. the question is why did not that undercover officer come forward? that's what we're hearing, until wednesday of this week. three or four days after this happened. was there a reasonable explanation for that? or if not, why did he wait so long? that could be against the law outer could be a violation of nypd policy. so internal affairs is looking into this. of course, the district attorney's office, naturally part of this investigation, would be taking a look at this. but that's not the only development we've seen today. this biker seen on camera bashing his helmet against the window of an suv is expected to turn himself in to police, according to a source. police say he is suspected of beating the suv's driver. in front of the wife and 2-year-old daughter. they say he could have been killed without the intervention of bystanders.
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police have released photos of two of those witnesses and this man says he has spoken with police about trying to stop the vicious attack. but it is lien's own actions coming under greater scrutiny tonight. before the assault, lien, surround by bikers and fearing for his life, gun it. the man was critically injured, back broken in two places, ribs fractured, unclear if he will ever walk again. the family is working gloria allred. >> there was more than one victim this past sunday. >> reporter: allred says the father of two was trying to help lien and diffuse the situation. telling fellow bikers to, quote, move on. >> he turned his back to the suv to start walking back to his own bike. it was then with his back to the suv, and as he was in front of it, that he was run over and
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crushed. >> reporter: allred says he does not know the people who assaulted lien and does not condone it. so far there has been very little sympathy for him. on facebook he was a lightning rod. don't care what he was doing. he deserved to be run over. his family says those comments have hurt. >> i love him so much. it tears me pup anyone could think that edwin in any way deserves what happened to him. >> reporter: at this hour cnn has learned another biker is being questioned by authorities. we have video of him. he is seen on another part on camera approaching the suv after it stopped. and he opens the car door and then suv takes off again. so authorities are asking him, why were you going over there to open that car door? what were you up to? we don't know yet whether he would be charged right now, he is simply being questioned about
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this. >> thank you very much. susan candiotti who has been break have the news on this. our seventh story is killer hornets. china has declared all out war on these hornets. they have killed dozens of people. paula is in hong kong with a look at the lethal menace. >> reporter: can you imagine such a horrifying situation? these hornets have injured more than 1,500 and kill 42 people. you're talking about stings the size of bullet holes. venom that actually attacks the red blood cells and that can lead to kidney failure. as we've seen in extreme cases, death. why is this happening? of course, the warm climate has been a problem this year. what is really alarming is the fact that it could be, could be the increased urbanization which is during throughout china. and these hornets have been around playgrounds and schools. it has been a terrifying situation for many people there. >> paula, thank you very much. those hornets last year, seen in
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stop them pulled john allen over for speeding in a construction zone. look what allen did. wearing camouflage military fatigues, he jumped out of his car and started shooting. he was struck by a bullet and found dead in his vehicle about a half mile away but also in his car with him were his three children. none of them miraculously harmed. why the former army reservist responded in this way, police do not know or won't tell us at this time. the trooper was also hit with gunfire but he is okay and recovering. our eighth story "outfront." the newly wed charged with pushing her husband off the cliff. >> reporter: prosecutors originally charred jordan graham for pushing her husband off this cliff in glacier national park. now a grand jury has added a charge of premeditated first-degree murder which carries a minimum sentence of
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life in prison. the couple was only married for eight days when they got into a fight on july 7th. still upset, they decided to take a hike where the fighting continued. things got physical and johnson pushed her husband in the back, sending hill face first off the cliff.. her defense attorney says it was an accident and following her arrest last month, gram was allowed to live here with her parents under home confinement where she remains today. levi has known gram science childhood and introduced the couple. the bride to be was acting strangely before they walked down the ail. >> she was crying hysterically before they got to the alter. there was no joy that she was about to get married. >> reporter: after her husband's death, they say they noticed more strange behavior from the widows bride. >> whenever i saw her, she was
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herself. nothing happened, no emotion, nothing. it was her same old life. so we always had that little bit in the back of our mind saying, you know, i think she may be involved. >> reporter: gram is charged with making false statements to authorities about her husband's death for allegedly having a story about a trip to the park without of town friends. her attorney admits she's been deceptive to authorities but calls the murder charges reprehensible. >> all right. up next, area 51, secret flights and the shutdown, aliens could be coming. i remember the day my doctor said i had diabetes. there's a lot i had to do... ... watch my diet. stay active. start insulin... today, i learned there's something
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i don't have to do anymore. my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don't have to use a syringe and a vial... or carry a cooler. flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. dial the exact does. inject by pushing a button. no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). do not use if your blood sugar is too low, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions and low potassium in your blood. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare.
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it's time for the "out front out take" the the government shut down is serious and yet, some americans focused outrage on strange things like the panda cam. when the zoo shut down it went dark. some said what is life without the panda cam and the zoo is forced to disable another dozen cameras focused on animals like sloths and the naked moll rat. you can go awhile without watching the sloth cam, what will you miss? there is non-essential things like area 51. there are a lot of conspiracy theories going around now but las vegas news now george nap tweeted last night the shutdown is affecting area 51 because
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shuttle flights for janet airlines, the name for an unmarked fleet of boeings a government contractor uses right now in 2013 to ferry employees to area 51 every day. the contractor didn't call us back when he tried to confirm but yes, the bottom line is aliens can take over the planet because of the shutdown and nasa's astroid watch. there is no watch during the shutdown. ed lieu said we haven't found 99% of the big as streetroid ou there. so we might miss the big one because of the shutdown. so, if aliens and astroid apocalypse is not essential, what is? we'll be right back. a lot of 4g lte coverage maps don't really look like much at all. i see the aleutian islands. looks like a duck. it looks like... america... ish. that's a map. that's a map of the united states.
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. all right. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you again monday, same time, same place. in the meantime, have a wonderful weekend is fall is upon us. ac 360 starts now. erin, thanks. good evening everyone. millions saw the pictures, a city felt the terror, a woman lost her life and a little girl lost her mother. in the aftermath of the washington d.c. chase we're learning who the woman behind the wheel was. miriam carry's sister talks about the miriam they knew and the mental illness she was fighting. from blizzards to a massive tropical storm to a tornado, ugly weather coming our way or here. later, the man in that picture standing between a badly beaten driver of an
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