tv To Be Announced CNN October 5, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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government. of course this really undermines this weak central government that is pro western in libya and a lot of people will be asking the question now, what kind of dwo government do they have. how sovereign is libya if foreign troops are able to come into the country. >> thank you. stand by, everyone. this is cnn breaking news. hello, everyone. it is the top of the hour. breaking news here on cnn this hour. two major u.s. military attacks in africa, cnn has confirmed a us navy s.e.a.l.s team went on a mission and tried to nab a leader that went on the kenya mall attack. the s.e.a.l.s has to withdraw before they could confirm he was killed because they were under fire.
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also, a u.s. official says he does not believe any s.e.a.l.s were killed in that mission. we do not know exactly what happened to the al shabaab leader as well. al shabaab works as the proxy in kenya. u.s. special forces captured an al qaeda operative wanted for the 1998 bombings of u.s. embassies in kenya and tanz ani. abu anas al libi has topped the u.s. most wanted list for years. officials have wanted al libi to face trial in an american court. he joined al qaeda soon after its founding. straight first to barbara starr, our pentagon correspondent. she is working her sources at the pentagon and has the latest on these two major operations here. let's talk about what happened in somalia first. so, when did this commando raid take place and tell us who the
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s.e.a.l.s intended to capture, barbara. >> this occurred in the last 24 hours. a us navy s.e.a.l. team moving into an al shabaab stronghold town in south central somalia. they were going after someone they believe to be a major figure in the al shabaab network. this is the al qaeda affiliation in somalia that recently spread into kenya, in that shopping mall attack. growing concern that the group had rising strength and rising ab ability to project its power outside of somalia into kenya against western interests, so that was what they were going after. by all accounts, the s.e.a.l.s ran into intense opposition when they got to this down. fire fight ensued and they made the decision to withdraw rather than engage in further combat, so they left before they could
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determine whether or not they were able to kill the man. no s.e.a.l.s as far as we know, injured in the attack. not clear yet the level of damage in the town. the number of somalis or al shabaab fighters. a very fuzzy picture, but a clear indication there was a great deal of hostility on the ground when they engaged in this fire fight. >> the information, this that happened in libya, came in earlier today and now, we're getting bits and pieces about the actual confirmation, that al libi has been captured and then also now, this latest one that that happened this somalia, details are coming in about that and we expect more moment by moment. >> we do. we expect more details in the coming hours and perhaps over the next couple of days. the move to get anas al libi,
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the major al qaeda figure to the north, a man with a $5 million u.s. reward and indictment on his head for his role in the 1998 bombings of the u.s. embassies in africa. this is somebody the u.s. wanted to get very badly. but and it was u.s. special operations forces, we are told, that went after him inside libya. but don, what is the common thread we are seeing tonight? the face of u.s. special operations going into these very dangerous areas, going after very specific targets in a, in counterterrorism, antiterrorism operations. targets they feel could the, that the u.s. feels, could pose a threat to the united states. that these are the areas of the world where there are not strong governments that can control law enforcement operations that can control terrorist operations in their own territories. these are what they call the
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ungoverned spaces to some significant extent. ungoverned. that means this is where al qaeda is thriving these days. these are the areas the u.s. goes after very covertly, only talking about it when they want to. clearly, they wanted the world to know about these operations because of the threat posed, but this goes on quite frequently and this really is a new face of al qaeda. these affiliate organizations in so many countries this u.s. special operations are targ targeting. don? >> don't go anywhere because i want to get to nic now. he is in london. you have been speaking with your sources about the operation that happened about al libi. what are they telling you? >> well, they're saying this is a significant cross raid. quite where it leads they say it's unclear. a significant cross roads because it means this is a direct intervention into libya to pick up this senior al qaeda
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figure. unknown koeconsequences becausee of the concerns in libya is that any u.s. action to capture people involved in the benghazi attack could have led to a potential backlash. so the question right now is will this arrest capture of abu anas al libi, will that lead to an attack. and that's a very real concern that i'm hearing from people with, who, who spend a lot of time in libya. who were in contact with government agencies. that would have an interest in securing u.s. premesis other foreign national premesis inside libya. so that is the concern at this moment. how does this play out with the islamists who are strong inside libya with the libyan government
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be able to keep them at bay? stop the potential for attacks or will we see follow an a fallout from this arrest, don. >> so, this was 1998 that al libi is believed to be responsible for the attacks on u.s. consulates. u.s. embassies in east africa. 1998. this is 15 years later. so, this, what does this say about what's happening now when you know, as it concerns benghazi and the attacks on the consulate there? this is 15 years ago and they're just now getting to this. my question is, maybe the criticism premature when they say you know what? we haven't gotten anyone. the investigation is not playing out as planned? >> certainly, the investigation is taking a long time in some people's eyes, to capture the people reasonable, but libya's not the sort of country that you can walk into, that you have a
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national security force who are able to go where they want to when they want to. and arrest people that you would want to go and talk to. it's not that kind of environment. al qaeda has set up camps in the east of the county tr tri and other parts of the country. this is a resurgent al qaeda that's tieing links between members across the whole of the north of africa from the sinai in egypt to libya to neighboring tuni srks tunisa, to mali, to nigeria as well. so this is an organization that has grown strong on the back of the arab spring, so the move now is we don't know why it's happened now specifically. if we did, we would be able to gain a lot more, a lot more insight into perhaps why not just why this has happened, but understand better the context of why it's happening. but certainly, al qaeda and the
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north of africa is a growing threat and danger and to go in now into libya certainly does show with the knowledge of the libyan government, does show some compliance there, but again, we don't know what the outfall for this weak libyan government is going to be, don. >> all right, our senior national correspondent nic robertson is in london. barbara starr is following this from the pentagon. i want to get now to our foreign affairs reporter, elise. she is joining us by phone. listen, let's talk about how sensitive these embassy attacks are, even years later. 1998. you cover this, the state department for years as well. talk to me about that. >> well, i mean, don, 15 years after the attack. i mean, obviously, there will be you know, kind of cheers and a celebration that the master mind
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of the attack will be brought to justice hopefully, but i think 15 years later, that was really a watershed in terms of you know, kind of terrorist attacks against u.s. embassies abroad. really caused a major investigation or re-examination of u.s. facilities overseas. there have been so many commissions and reports and rebuilding of embassies around the world and you see as nic has been saying, 15 years later, these embassies and consulates are still fragile. on the 15-year anniversary of the attack in august, that's a heightened security concern that u.s. embassies in the arab world and in africa, about 20 posts were closed because of threats, possible threats because of al qaeda and you saw with the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi last year, that even everything that's been done over these years to strengthen the security u.s. posts as these terrorists become more sophisticated, as they look for softer targets, as they look for
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ways to breach these compounds, it's still a fragile situation and now, if you have this attack on the mall in kenya, now, u.s. marines are there to find security at the american embassy in nairobi, so the quicker that they try to fortify these posts, even as they're doing it, it's still becoming more dangerous and the threats are coming fast and furious. so, even as there will be a celebration that al libi is, was nabbed and hopefully brought to justice, you know, the state department security officials know that this could even cause greater threats to u.s. facilities overseas. >> beyond that, can you talk to us more about what's happening now at the state department? because remember, the state department came under a lot of criticism after the benghazi attack. secretary clinton specifically and now, secretary kerry. i would imagine watching this situation very closely.
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>> watching it very closely, but also thinking about how they're going to prevent another one. i mean, obviously, there has been a lot of talk about why the people for instance that were responsible for benghazi when they know that they're roaming free in libya, haven't been able to be arrested, but we know as nic and others have been saying that libya has come, slid steadily into lawlessness with no central government and the u.s. is really loathed to kind of p push libya in terms of you know, ab rehending and questioning these suspects, but what they're trying to do right now, don, is make sure something like this never happens again. so, there's a couple of dozen posts around the world now, u.s. marines are going to be sent there. they're going to be sent extra specially trained security officials that are in the state department hiring more top level officials to look at security. there have been so many commissions and reports, you know, trying to make sure that
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something like this never happens again. so while the fbi and law enforcement is working on the kind of justice angle of the perpetrators of the state department, they really want to make sure that u.s. embassies and consulates around the world are as safe as they can be and that another benghazi will never happen again. >> thank you. stand by as well. if you're just now tuning in to cnn, you're wondering what the fuss is all about with the breaking news, there have been two major operations carried out by u.s. special forces overseas and it means a heck of a lot for our fight against terrorism. more details after this break. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business,
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welcome back. breaking news this hour. we are following two u.s. military attacks in africa to tell you about. a u.s. special forces, that's what cnn has learned, special forces captured an al qaeda operative wanted for the 1998 bombings of the u.s. embassies in kenya. abu anas al libi has topped the list for years. he was captured in tripoli. a u.s. official says the operation was conducted with the knowledge of the libyan government. the u.s. had a $5 million bounty on his head and now, libi joined al qaeda soon after its founding and is considered a senior member of al qaeda. also to tell you about in somalia, we are learning a us navy s.e.a.l. team went on a mission there in smaomalia and they tried to nab an al shabaab leader possibly linked to that kenya mall attack that left 67 people dead.
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the navy s.e.a.l.s had to withdraw before they confirmed he was killed because they were under fire. a u.s. official does not believe any s.e.a.l.s were killed. al shabaab works as al qaeda ease proxy in kenya. that's important to point out. so that said, i want to get to peter bergen. he joins me now from washington. al shabaab works as a proxy to al qaeda in that region. tell us about that. >> well, even more than a patriotproxy, don, al shabaab is really a wholly owned subsidiary of al qaeda. they've had a relationship with al qaeda going back several years, but last year, they formally announced a merger of the two groups, so call it an affiliate so to underestimate the relationship between them and we saw with the attack on the mall in kenya, that this is a group that has adopted al
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qaeda's id yol ji. the reason they attracted the mall was not because it was kenyan, but because it attracted a fair number of businessmen and others living in nairobi. >> so, if you weaken one, do you weaken the other? if you carry out a major operation on al shabaab and it's successful, does it affect al qaeda and vice versa? >> to some degree, maybe. clearly, al shabaab is a group that has dwoadopted the id yol willing to attack targets where westerners are congregating and undermining it would be useful, but these groups also have affiliates in many other countries in africa and as we've seen, an al qaeda leader was also captured within the last 24 hours in another african country, which is libya.
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so, you know, it's part of a campaign where you know, if you capture or kill one person, it hardly means these groups are out of business. on the other hand, it's not just wak a mole if you capture or kill dozens of leaders in an organization. it tends to really grind it down and that's what's happened with al qaeda in pakistan, where even osama bin laden was keenly aware that the drone program has decimated his top leadership. >> peter, stand by. i'm being told that we have cnn military analyst, lieutenant rick van cona on the line now from eugene, oregon. what are you hearing about the two u.s. special forces operations in libya and somalia? >> well, the one in somalia was taylor made for the s.e.a.l.s. doesn't surprise me at all they would go in there. if you look at this town, it's about 100 miles south of
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mogadishu. it's right on the coast. it allows the navy access to the ocean. it works very well. in tripoli, it's a different situation. you're operating inside the capital city. that would have probably required the support and technology of the libyan government. although it's weak, you still need to be able to operate in the city safely, so these look like maybe not exactly coordinated operations, but they were going after high valued targets. one could have gone without the other, but the fact they did them both i think is a real signal that the united states, no matter how long it takes, will go after these targets. >> colonel, you heard our foreign affairs correspondent say this. elise, you heard our senior national correspondent, nic robertson say it as well. the concern now would be about possible violent reactions in
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libya as well as somalia. >> yeah. i think that's concerning both places. al shabaab will not just take this. they will try to mount some sort of retaliation. now, what capability do they have to react against the navy s.e.a.l.s? that might not be so great, but they could launch another attack inside kenya aimed at the west, aimed at the kenyan government. the united states and kenya have a very close working relationship, so they may go after these soft targets rather than going after things they know they can't successfully attack anymore. we've pardoned some of the embassy. but malls are the new airplanes. they may go after something like that. in libya, libi by his name, you know he was a libyan national, so there may be reprisals aimed at american facilities there and you know, as i think it was
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jomana said that the libyan government is very, very weak. they will be very, very strained to prevent attacks. we're going to have to secure these facilities ourselves. this is the beginning of the operation not the end. >> so, if i'm sitting at home watching lieutenant colonel francona and don lemon on television, i'm wondering what this means to mrs. lemon at home or mrs. francona or mr. johnson in iowa. what does this mean to the average american? >> it means that we may have embarked on another set of operations. we may be in for some bad news in the next few days. maybe some good news as american forces continues to take down some of these targets. but what it demonstrates to the country is that we are not lying down and being overrun by terrorists. we are fighting back and i think that's a good signal to send, not only to the bad guys, but i think it's important that the
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people at home realize that we are standing up for ourselves. >> and interesting signal to send when back home, our government is shut down. thank you, lieutenant colonel francona. i'm going to talk about that a little bit more with someone here. he's from "the new yorker" magazine. he knows all about this stuff. as a matter of fact, he is a senior editor of the website there. joining us right after the break. don't go anywhere. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ try new fiber one cinnamon coffee cake. [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green.
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u.s. special forces captured an al qaeda ab rative. he is topped the most wanted list for some time now. he was captured in tripoli. u.s. officials say the operation was conducted with the knowledge of the libyan government. the u.s. had a $5 million bounty on his head. that's new information. captured with the knowledge of the libyan government. al libi joined al qaeda soon after its founding and is considered a senior member of the terror group. now, we go to somalia. us navy s.e.a.l.s team went on a mission to nab an al shabaab leader possible ly linked to th kenya mall attack. the s.e.a.l.s had to withdraw before they could confirm he was killed because they were under fire. a u.s. official says he does not believe any s.e.a.l.s were killed. we don't know exactly what happened to that al shabaab
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leader. barbara, what do you have? >> well, don, an extraordinary development late tonight. the pentagon has just issued an official confirmation about an operation in somalia. i don't remember them talking about anything like this quite so publicly. issuining this statement. from the pentagon press secretary saying quote, i can confirm that yesterday, october 4th, u.s. military personnel were involved in a counterterrorism operation against a known al shabaab terrorist. we are not prepared to provide additional detail at this time, but separately from this, a sus official also commenting and saying that indeed, the u.s. personnel, we know those were us navy s.e.a.l.s in that town in somalia, quote, took all necessary precautions to avoid civilian casualties in this operation and disengaged after inflicting some al shabaab
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casualties. they are not able to identify who those al shabaab members were that they got, but this is the first official confirmation from a u.s. official that the u.s. forces we know them to be navy s.e.a.l.s, disengaged. they left the town. they came under heavy fire. there was concern about civilian casualties and so, the s.e.a.l.s essentially packed up and left. we don't have any details about the level of the casualties they inflicted and what exactly happened in that town in somalia. it has known to be a significant al shabaab stronghold. and i have to say that in many places where al shabaab operates in somalia, they enact significant intimidation and fear amongst the somalia people who live there. often, they are poor farmers, rural people, who are severely intimidated by the al shabaab,
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so we don't know exactly at this hour what transpired in that town. we know the navy s.e.a.l.s went in, inflicted some casualties and got out of there. >> thank you very much. this is nicholas thompson, an editor at "the new yorker" and fellow at the new america foundation. also a contributor to cnn international. correct? you have some points that you want to make here. you said it's interesting to you this is all happening at the time of the government shutdown. >> it's sort of amazing that there's this incredible risky operation, two sim ul tan yous operations coordinated at high levels of government happening at same time the government is shut down. now, of course the navy s.e.a.l.s are essential employees. it is ironic when you juxtapose the two things happening in africa and washington. >> both operations were raids and not drone strikes.
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drone strikes have come under criticism a lot. >> we don't know exactly why they carried out these raids instead of shooting them with drones. one possibility that you want to capture these people were extra intelligence. there can also be fewer risks of civilian casualties and there has been a lot of criticism of the drone program. unclear if they played any part. >> should we draw any conclusion or anything from these two, the way these two operations went down in two bad guys captured thousands of miles apart at the same time? >> we don't know whether the close coordination, why this happened, right? it could be that the same intelligence mechanism that let us know where al libi was, that let us know where the al shabaab leader was, so it's possible we thought that the terrorists would know when one was caught, the other would go under ground.
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it's possible it was done for other strategic benefits. >> they had been heavily recr t recruited here. how risky was this attack on al shabaab? >> so, the worst case scenario, this is a risky operation. happens almost 20 years to the day after the black hawk down issue in mogadishu. al shabaab also recruits heavily from the united states. now, if al shabaab turns into an international terrorist organization, that's not a good thing. this could be a death blow to an organization that has been on its heels before that attack in kenya, or this could be something that inspires al shabaab and makes it into a worse problem. >> and as usual, if you go on social media, people are making political, the really partisan people, the people in the weeds on both sides, are making some sort of political statement about this. is there a political statement to be made about this? might someone make hay and say, listen, this is proof that this
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or the president is doing his job in this respect. is there anything political to be made about this? >> people will make political statements. obama, he's really good at getting the bad guys. he got osama bin laden and when we learned what really happened in somalia, this may rebound his credit or perhaps not. but certainly, the operation in tripoli was successful. this shows obama at his best. pushing back at al qaeda, getting all of the top leadership. some will probably say hey, this was done to distract us from the mess. that, i think is, you want to distract a country, you would come out late on a saturday night. ultimately, i don't think this is a partisan operation. it's an american operation. both sides for these operations. to succeed for them to be carried out and to be as minimal blowback. i hope this is an opportunity for people to come together.
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>> everybody take a deep breath. not everything is partisan. especially when it comes to defending ourselves against terror. >> this is an operation that republicans and democrats should want carried out as successfully as possible. >> how might one report on this as something, as a new yorker. is this a longer story that would take me between now and my time to fly to africa to finish the articles are so darn long? >> on the website, we'll have smart reactions to it. immediate takes. but also, that one of our great reporters like dexter or john anderson try to over the course of the next few months will do a long story that will take up your flight. >> we're hoping that you contribute something to as well, we really appreciate it. thank you, sir. great information.
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all right. continuing to follow the breaking news here on cnn. we're going to do that throughout the hour, but first, we want to tell you some other developing news happening. tropical storm karen. it's spinning in the middle of the gulf and we don't know where it will land. also this, at least 18 tornados ripped through nebraska, iowa and south dakota and there is a threat of more to come. both stories just ahead. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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we want to tell you about severe weather that's making life very interesting for people all over this country. tornado, blizzards and tropical storms. where should we begin? this was the gulf coast just a short time ago. a little windy, but a tropical storm is spinning about 100 miles off the coast of louisiana. officials have prepared for a major storm, but cnn forecasters don't expect tropical storm karen to be much more than a rainmaker in the coming days. in the midwest, nebraska, a tornado that suddenly struck a town produced damage, an ef 4 storm, packing winds up to 200 miles an hour. no one was killed. south dakota now, here is a pile of snow for you early on. 30 to 40 inches of snow fell in just 24 hours. tonight, people in the plain states digging out, clearing the roads and checking their
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calendars. it's just the first week of october. but we are still keeping an eye on the gulf coast because that tropical storm is still coming ashore, but now with the fury that forecasters predicted earlier. it's strong enough to a name, but the people on the shores of louisiana, mississippi, alabama and florida probably won't remember karen after it comes and goes. chad myers watching the storm for us. you say this one is a dud, so, what can people on the gulf coast expect in the coming days? just a bunch of rain, maybe? >> yes, there's one threat still because now everyone is going to take it lightly. the threat is going to be rip currents because the wind is still coming onshore. wind comes onshore, the water goes over the sand bar. when the water goes over the sand bar, it piles up near the shore and then it goes out all in one spot.
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look at the pictures here. we'll just go, how would you think of a better day on the beach than that? one day, one and a half days from a tropical storm system. well, that's the thing. i think people will be out in this water. the red flags are up there for a reason. do not go in the water. rip currents tomorrow. so let me explain. just a dud. she has literally -- somebody turned off the lights on this storm. not as high, the storms around are not as big. it means it's just about over. this storm heads to the south of pensacola and into florida. one more thing i want to talk about for you tonight, the potential for some tornados. in fact, this is memphis way down here, nashville, 200 miles that way, but here in the northwest corner of tennessee, one with a tornado on the ground. that would be union city and then kind of going up toward the lakes. highly populated area, but just so you know, if you hear the
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thunder, the lightning, some could be coming your way tonight. some of these storms will be after dark. we're already there now. danger's not over in some parts. >> you know karen is losing strength. gulf coast residents are still bracing for stormy weather. john sa ril la is in destin, florida. how are things now? >> reporter: that's right. we're on highway 98 along the gulf coast, which historically has taken the brunt of a lot of storms. you can see a lot of people on the road tonight. people are out and about and sunday will like ly be the same here. we didn't see anybody boarding up today. anything going on special here, but they are certainly very, very fortunate. because as you said, they've taken the brunt of storms in the past. i remember in 1984, a november hurricane near thanksgiving,
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hitting in navarre beach, which isn't too far to the west of us, and then in '95, on october 4th, yesterday, you had powerful hurricane opal. a category 3 hurricane. and all along 98 where we are, both of those storms, boats were on the highway in the middle of the road, blocking the road, washed up from the storm surge. in opal, when you walked across the street, the water line from the storm surge was two feet up along the buildings on the east side of the, of highway 98, so they are very, very fortunate they did not see something approaching one of those because we're still in early october. still have seven weeks to go before the end of hurricane season and this is is the time of the year you get these kinds of storms in the gulf of mexico. so, still a ways to go. but very, very fortunate. again, we're driving westbound now here along 98 and as you can see, lots of traffic out on the road. lot of people going about their
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weekend activities. and looking forward to another good day tomorrow. don? >> looks like storm assignment. where are we going to stay? can we find the storm? and john zarrella has taken us there. be safe out there, buddy. all right. back to the job for 400,000 federal workers, but the government shutdown, not over. not by a long shot. we're going to explain next. i was made to work. make my mark with pride.
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but icy hot lets me power past it. [ male announcer ] icy hot no mess roll-on. icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. [ shaq ] icy hot. power past pain. two major u.s. military operations in africa. cnn has confirmed a us navy s.e.a.l.s team tried to capture an al shabaab leader, possibly involved in the kenya mall attack. s.e.a.l.s had to -- u.s. officials says -- we don't know what happened to the leader. al shabaab works as an al qaeda proxy in kenya. also action in tripoli today. u.s. special forces captured an
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operative wanted for the bo bombings in kenya. anas al libi has topped the u.s. list for years. the u.s. had a 5 million bounty on his head for years. he joined al qaeda soon after its founding and is considered a senior member of al qaeda. we continue to update you on that story as we get more information. a republican senator is calling for a compromise plan to end is government shutdown. the plan from maine senator susan collins calls for a repeal of the medical device tax that would be used to fund obama care. also, her plan calls for businesses to tweet their pensions to provide more tax
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revenue. about 400,000 furloughed employees will return to work next week. chuck hagel says the law allows workers to return if they were helping service members. the house has unanimously passed a bill to give back pay to all furloughed government employees. the bill now goes to the senate and president obama took a fresh jab at john boehner today. he blamed him for not ending the shutdown, saying there are enough votes in the house, republicans and democrats, to end the shutdown if the speaker would allow a vote. just how far does a u.s. government shutdown stretch? all the way to the beaches of nor mandy, apparently. the american cemetery and memorial in france has closed to tourists. after congress failed to pass a short-term funding bill on monday. cemeteries and monuments around the world will remain closed until a new funding measure is passed. there are nearly 125,000 americans who died in world war
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i, ii and the mexican war, buried in these cemeteries. the man who set himself on fire on washington's national mall yesterday has died. the jogger found the man engulfed in flames by the air and space museums. the mother of aaron alexis apparently warned his bosses about a month before her son went on a deadly rampage. "the new york times" reports his mother told them her son likely needed therapy and had a history of paranoid episodes. his boss at the firm where he worked decided to keep him on the job and did not require him to seek treatment. an internal company report found alexis called his work after he had an episode at a virginia
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airport. he thought people were making fun of him. he said his co-workers tried to calm him down. alexis killed 12 people at the navy yard last month before authorities shot and killed him. we've been following two big breaking news stories involving our u.s. military. new details on both operations live from the pentagon, next. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms.
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breaking news this hour. the u.s. launched two major military operations today on al qaeda linked. wanted for 15 years, libi was captured in tripoli. the u.s. had a $5 million bounty on his head. a u.s. official says the operation was conducted with the knowledge of the libyan government. libi joined in -- a us navy s.e.a.l.s team -- linked to the kenya mall attack that left 67 dead. s.e.a.l.s has to withdraw before they could confirm he was dead because they were under fire. a u.s. official does not believe any s.e.a.l.s were killed. we don't know what happened to
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the al shabaab leader. barbara starr working her sources from the pentagon. two major operations here. two very different parts of aft africa. why don't we start with libya first. >> well, don, as you say, this operative seized by special operations forces, now in u.s. custody. my colleague, evan perez, our justice reporter here at cnn, continuing to follow this story through the night. i think it is fair to say we should expect to see al libi show up back in the united states for federal prosecution. he is under indictment for alleged terrorism activities. in somalia, you saw us navy s.e.a.l.s confirmed, went into a town in south central somalia to try to capture a leader. got into a heavy fire fight. no s.e.a.l.s wounded or killed thankfully in that, but the s.e.a.l.s did withdraw from the
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town under heavy fire. out of concern, we are told over civilian casualties. what we have seen unfold truly is the real face if you will of covert u.s. special operations, commando operations. when they go into these places and stage these operations to go after key terrorism targets. we will find out more i'm sure in the coming hours and days about how both these operations went down. but i don't think the irony escapes. too many people in the u.s. military while the politicians are engaging in discussions on furloughs and 400,000 civilian employees forced into furlough, u.s. special operations command successfully by all accounts conducted these two operations. >> that is why it's so important that our men and women in uniform get their paychecks, that they're taking care of and it's important that we get the government back up and running
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