tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 8, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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we ran out of time tonight because frankly once sonny hostin and mark geragos got going it's virtually impossible to get them to stop talking. >> you completely lost control of your show. >> i know. >> it's been a long day. >> that's it for "ac "outfront" next. they say talk is cheap. >> we're not going on negotiate around the debt ceiling. >> there will be a negotiation. >> but will hitting the debt ceiling be catastrophic? we separate fact from fear. plus, fly boy. >> i don't have that. >> we know who the 9-year-old boy was who snuck on to a flight to vegas. and an undercover police officer said he arrived on the scene after a violent confrontation between bikers and a driver. but the video shows that might be a lie. let's go "outfront."
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good evening. we begin with breaking news. at this instant, the president of the united states, barack obama has announce that had he will be naming a new chief of the federal reserve. that will be janet yellin. nousing he will be doing that tomorrow. you remember that was a fugitive fight. it is now going to be janet yellin. this country is staring down the debacle. here to talk about the debt ceiling, first, i would be remiss if i did not ask you. this is an interesting time for this headline to come. what's the significance? >> i think it is a bad time for it to come. i think she will get lost in all this debt ceiling and shutdown news that's swirling around. so i think it is a bad timing for her personally. >> and for the markets overall? good, bad? >> well, i think if you're a believer in tapering, she's good for the market. most people want to see this
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tapering end sooner than later, believe it or not. we've had a lot of it and we're getting a little tired of it. so i think basically she is bad for the market in the long run. >> we'll be back with allen in a moment. but obviously crucial on breaking news, the president just announcing that he will formally nominate janet yellen. "outfront," during an hour long news conference, president obama opened the door to something huge. a short term debt ceiling increase. or is it huge? here's what he told reporters. >> absolutely. what i've said is that i will talk about anything. what will happen is we won't agree on everything. i mean the truth is that the parties are pretty divided on a whole bunch of big issues right now. everybody understands that. >> dana bash is on capitol hill.
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i know you're hearing from republican sources that this could be a crucial development? >> reporter: that's right. the president was asked in that press conference, the answer he just gave was to a question he would be, a short term debt ceiling. maybe just four to six weeks. something along those lines. that's where he said absolutely. i was told by a senior house republican source that that may in fact be a way out at least temporarily of this crisis. to pass a short term debt ceiling -- raising the debt ceiling for a short term. and along with that having a promise to negotiate during that time something that will deal with the debt and the deficit as john boehner has been demanding in every press conference that he's been in over the past week or so. whether or not that could be the ultimate solution, we're not sure. but this senior house republican source said that watching the president, watching the white house just over the past two days signal that could be something that they would be open to is welcome here among house republicans.
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so at a day, erin, where we have seen a lot of digging in on both sides, this might be a potential window, or at least a temporary solution. >> temporary solution. maybe i've just become so jaded on this whole issue. we're looking at this on a couple weeks. >> so a pathetic showdown with thor and the president going to microphones to lecture each other. they shared one thing in common. i know i'm being jaded but it was the theme of hostage negotiations. president obama was supposed to be in asia but he was here today so he had time and he health a very lengthy press conference, more than an hour. here's what he said. >> members of congress and house republicans in particular don't get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their jobs. we won't pay a ransom for america paying its bills. you do not hold people hostage or engage in ransom taking to
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get 100% of your way. we cannot make extortion routine as part of democracy. what is not fair and will not result in an actual deal is ransom taking. you don't pay a ransom. you don't provide concessions for congress doing its job and america paying its bills. >> the word ransom, pretty incredible there. i want to make sure that we show this went both ways, here's john boehner. >> the president refuses to negotiate. negotiate, negotiate, negotiation. president's position that, listen, we're be going to sit down and talk to you until you surrender is just not sustainable. the president said today was, if there is unconditional surrender by republicans, he will sit down and talk to us. that's not the way our government works.
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thanks, everybody. >> thanks, everybody. clearly not help frfl either side or i am a being too jaded? >> no. not at all of i think it is impossible for people watching not to be jaded. this at this point is all about messaging. the president said the same thing over and over again and you did a great job of playing the. trying the make the point that republicans are being unreasonable. the house speaker came out trying to make the point the president is unreasonable. so language on both sides is very intentional know very carefully calibrated and used. that's where we are right now. the question is whether or not they can get past that language and find that little opening. maybe it is what we talked about a couple minutes ago. short term patch to raising the debt ceiling while they negotiate and don't just talk past each other. >> thank you very much. breaking aus this news.
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our second story. you've all heard people yelling and screaming about how this is armageddon. stocks fell sharply. the dow did fall 159 points. overall since the shutdown started and the debt feeling fears started, it is down about 2%. a 2% drop is not fear of armageddon. for the year, stocks are near 13% as measured by the dow. this could change. it could accelerate quickly. we're not saying it is something to take lightly. as any viewer of the show knows, we care deeply about america's debt and its influence on america's reputation as the greatest reputation in the world of it has been 794 days since the u.s. lost think aaa credit rating. you cannot be the greatest country in the world when you do not have the best credit. credit ratings are another way of saying does world trust you? as the u.s. secretary pointed out in this report which is worth reading, stocks fell nearly 20% two years ago when america last flirted with the debt ceiling. it took many months to recover
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but recover they did. they have hit all time highs about a month ago. that's a crucial point. the united states will remain the greatest country until someone else is greater and that categorically has not happened. the u.s. is the number one place to invest in the world even with this whole debacle. the short borrowing has seen a rise. if you look at the past ten years, with that bench mark rate, borrowing costs have plunged for the united states. colonelly you borrow for ten years as this country, you pay 2.6%. that is amazingly and incredibly cheap. many experts are throwing around these words like armageddon and cataclysm about the debt ceiling. there is an important distinction to make. experts tell us you can reach the debt ceiling without defaulting on the debt. let me explain because this is really important when you make your political views known.
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the economist breaks the numbers down this way. if the debt ceiling is breached, there is enough money to fund half to two-thirds of the economy. he notes the united states brings in about $150 million a month in tax receipts which could be higher this month because anyone who delayed paying, i.e., a lot of really rich peel, have until october 15th to pay uncle sam. so compare those inflows to the interest on the day. that's $25 billion a month. you can do the math. that leaves a lot of money left over. the bottom line is there is enough money coming in to pay the interest on the debt, the military and two-thirds of government activity, according to the research. the debt ceiling should be raised. responsible people of all parties know that. but it is worth remembering that armageddon is a serious word that should never be taken in vain. that perhaps is part of the problem here. the hyperbolic nature of the conversation. >> yeah. there's so much fear amongering going on. it is out of control right now. no matter what happens, we won't
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see a for sale sign on the stat you've liberty after october 17th. you're right. traders are watching this. they've seen this movie before. if say, god forbid we doing over the debt ceiling, it will be day on theic at first. >> right. if you had bought, back in the leeman days when things got day on theic, you would make a fortune. and i think traders know that. they're watching. that even though market is down, over 300 points in the last eight days, they're not panic selling. buyers are walking with a. so there's some light selling going on but not panic selling. >> what about the point the u.s. is the best place to invest? a lot of the investors are the ones using these phrase like armageddon. >> the dow with all the turmoil is still up over 15% for the year. s&p is up 17.5%. we're not going over the debt ceiling. i'm 100% convinced.
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zero chance of going over that cliff. as a result, it is the best market in the world to be. where else are you going to go in. >> that is ultimately the question. if you cannot answer a that. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. outfront, one of the most wanted and significant terrorists in the world captured. tonight being held on a navy ship in the mediterranean for serious interrogation. there is outrage. some say he needs to go to git moe. you heard me right. for as long it is a takes. plus a group of teachers say they got cancer from something at their school. and the special report and tom hanks makes a special announcement about his health. then a story we've been following since day one. a violent confrontation between a driver and a grach bikers caught on tape. and an undercover officer said he got there after the battle began. guess what? we have the video. and it may show that's not the truth. i was made to work. make my mark with pride.
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the news in new york city, a police officer has just been arrested. it is in connection to the group of bikers and an suv. it started with a chase down a new york highway. the suv bumped the motorcyclist. he then rolled over others, after the tires got slashed and then it ended the driver beaten, kick by several bikers. they took their helmets and mashed his door, rimmed it open and pulled him out. the undercover detective was off duty at the time. he said he saw the whole thing but didn't want to blow his cover. there is a damage video that suggest that story may not really add up. >> reporter: it is painful to watch. a biker is seen kicking the suv driver who at first lies motionless and bloodied on the ground. tonight we're learning an offduty undercover detective who went along for the ride with other have the other motorcyclists, not only witnessed the attack. he is also on video pounding that suv. police have said he is not seen in the video that has gone viral. but a law enforcement official tells us, the video is in the hands of investigators. a form he prosecutor says the unidentified detective could be
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charged with gang assault. >> now that we know this undercover officer is seen on camera pounding on the vehicle, how much legal trouble is he in? >> legally, he is in big trouble if he is seen pounding the vehicle. under new york's gang statute, he can be charged with aiding and abetting in a gang assault, which is a felony under new york law for which he could face many years in state prison. >> reporter: the detectives police union did not say anything about pending charges. and offered this earlier statement about its members under investigation in the attack. quote, the facts are evolving and so quickly that the union will withhold any further comment until we see what further investigation reveals. >> now, susan, who was this person? what is his name? what are the charges? >> first we're told that he's been on the force for many years. one very good source of mine tells me at least ten years. his name is -- he is only 32
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years old. as he police detective as we've been telling you. there are two charges. evidently participating in a riot and criminal mischief. what i don't know yet because this is just happening is whether those are felony charges or misdemeanor charges. he could be in court as early as to be. >> pretty incredible when you think there could be cops there and he didn't do anything. and one other officer who might also be charged. >> thank you very much. that story taking a surprising turn. still to come, a terrorist wanted in connection to the embassy bombings in which 224 were killed. being interrogated aboard a navy ship at this moment. some say that he should be in gitmo. plus, a 9-year-old boy sneaks on to a plane for las vegas. we'll talk about what was special about this little boy. and brand new $100 bills.
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in our fourth story outfront, a potentially toxic school in california, teachers at malibu high blaming a recent cancer outbreak and other health problems on could not attempt nanlts at the school. three teachers have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the past six months. three more treated for other thyroid issues. staff members have experienced michaels, skin rashes, unexplained hair loss, respiratory problems, even bladder cancer. a pretty incredible coincidence if that's what it is. right now, the meeting is happening with the school superintendent talking to the community and teachers and parents. and miguel, i want to ask you first of all, what happened in that meeting and also, if you could explain where they think these contaminants came from. >> reporter: two giant questions.
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there are hundreds of parents who have jammed into the auditorium. they are not allowing cameras because they said they want as open a dialogue as possible. one parent standing up in front of the crowd saying she has two kids there and they are terrified to be at this school. one afraid to drink the water at the school. you have kids coming up asking, why they didn't know more about this earlier. all of this started when 20 teachers put their names to a letter expressing concern about those exact conditions. they're not entirely sure where it is coming from or what might be in the soil or the air here but what has parents really up ever up in arms is that they didn't hear about it from the school first. they had to hear about it by word of mouth or the media. >> what is your level of concern at the moment? >> only that i want to make sure the kids are safe, obviously. i know some of these things get blown out of proportion pretty easily.
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i wish they had let us know what was going on beforehand. >> will you trust them going forward? >> i would like to. i hope i can. it depends what kind of studies they're doing and who is doing them. parents have talked about saying if we don't trust what they are doing, perhaps we will have an independent study done as well. are you considering pulling your caught out of school here? >> yes. considering it. we'll see what happens today at 3:30. >> reporter: and a lot of parents have pulled their kids out. i think they're still trying to grapple with all of this. trying to figure out how they can go about testing and what to test for them did say at least one building starting tomorrow will be emptied out of students and all of those students will be moved to other classrooms. that brought applause from that room. >> miguel, thank you very much. when you don't know about your school or where you work. still to come, a 9-year-old sneaks on to a plane, flies to
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las vegas. there's more to the story and his parents speak out for the first time. plus, tom hanks makes a surprise go announcement about his health. and what was this woman thinking? this will hold a clue as to what she was really planning toot. infinityi. my mantra? always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied
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we've learned two capitol police officers involved in the car chase and shooting of miriam carey were taken off duty. we are also learning that a lock box found in carey's car contained a passport, her social security card, an uncashed check for nearly $1,800 and foreign currency. we don't know in what country but it looks like that she was pretty clearly planning on not going home. the investigation is ongoing. tom hanks revealed on the
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late show with david letterman he's been diagnosed with type tom hanks revealed on the late show with david letterman he's been diagnosed with type two diabetes which he confirmed on twitter. yep. i have type two diabetes. type one is very serious. type two i can manage with good habits. i shall. according to the american diabetes association, type two has a stronger link to family history but obesity also plays a role. his weight has been going up and down over the years because of his being an actor. 30 pounds for one role, up, losing 30 for another role. his doctor's fix, go back to your high school weight. he said back then he weighed only 96 pounds. excuses, excuses. the president says that's the only thing keeping the government shutdown going. >> my suggestion to the speaker has been and will continue to be. let's stop the excuses. let's take a vote in the house. let's end this shutdown right now.
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>> according to cnn's latest tally, the president is right. cnn has identified 18 republican who's would vote democrats and end the shutdown. one more vote than they need. obviously there's a question of whether they'll actually do it when it comes up. joining me now, mark sanford, good to see you. do you think it is time to bring this to a vote? >> well, i don't know that i do. simply because of this. we could take that vote that you've just discussed. it was just discussed on air a moment ago and based on the republican proposal of stenling the cr would be a december 16th. in either case, we would be right back to where we are right now. if we haven't gotten our grip around the disagreement on spending in washington, d.c. until we come to that agreement, we will continue to kick this thing down the road and with real harmful effects for the american populace. >> we were reporting the breaking news, the president opened the door as you know now to a short-term fix for the debt
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ceiling. so raise it for a while with no strings attached and negotiate. that means you take it to the brink again. if you don't agree, you don't agree. it is just deadline after deadline, right in. >> yeah. but here's the interesting part. there have been 53 increases in the debt ceiling. there have been 17 shutdowns cynic the mid '70s. and every instance, even with the debt ceiling with the xegs , in every instance it has been a negotiated process. if in 100% of the other occasions there has been folks sitting down at the table, coming one a compromise, that is the american people. for harry reid to say we won't negotiate is at odds with what we've seen for more than 35 years.
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>> let me ask you about the sunshine itself. your district includes charleston, south carolina, 24,000 federal workers. more than 7% of the work force. the tenth highest proportion of any in the country. this matters to you and to your voters. i know you were back holding town hall meetings about it. and i'm very well aware that you're probably aware of this. that josh earnest, the white house deputy press secretary tweeted about you. quote, gop overplayed their hand in shutting down the government over aca. obviously, the affordable care act. that's what mark sanford told a town hall meeting in south carolina. i said that and i said did you say that? i went back and checked the tape and here's what you said. >> they've overplayed their hand. >> they've overplayed their hand on some of the obama stuff. i'll gladly concede that. so you talking about obama care in. >> always as you know work the world of quotes, people grab the part that they like that serves their purpose. what i was talking about was with the republican and democratic side, who really
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cares at this point whether republicans overplayed their hand initially or whether the president is overplaying it now. i for almost 20 years of my life run down to the lincoln memorial. it is shuttered up. all kinds of open air monuments in washington, d.c. in a way that was not the case before. in many cases it has never been the situation in the history of our government. yet this president has chosen to shut them down. so i would say either side, whether they're overplaying, is irrelevant to this larger spending problem than we've got in washington, d.c. the fact that it has come to a head and it needs to be resolved rather than kick down the can for another week or month or two months. >> let me ask you. this maybe some agree with you, they hate everybody in washington. others care deeply on whose fault it is. you yourself called your furloughed workers back to work. there was the vote as we all know. that vote in congress, nobody voted against it.
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it would guarantee back pay to anybody who is furloughed. that would mean that if they're not right now, some say that would be a paid vacation. do you think that all furloughed employees across the country should go back to work right now because of that vote? because they're going to get back pay? >> i would say that the handwriting is on the wall. in the 17 other shutdowns that occurred since the mid 1970s, folks have been paid back pay. with my own staff, the part that i did have control over, to say look, the handwriting is on the wall. 407-0 vote in the house. the president said he is willing to sign that bill. folks will get back paid. if you are going to get back pay, should you work for your pay. i'll let others apply it to their respective agencies or the cabinet. to me it makes a lot of sense.
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aid tsa worker come to me back home and say i don't think this is fair. i'm here as an essential employee. others are basically getting a vacation while i'm here working the tsa lane in security. i think wherever possible, yeah. folks who are going to be paid ought to be working today. >> let us know what you think. if people are furloughed, should they be back at work even though they are not getting paid? >> and the 9-year-old stowaway. plans are being made, he boarded a plane and got through security without being noticed. it is unclear when he'll be learning. we're learning more about his previous run-ins with the lawful yes, even though he is only 9. george howell is "outfront." >> reporter: the father of a 9-year-old is speaking out for the first time since his son sneaked on to a delta flight from the minneapolis/st. paul airport to las vegas without a ticket. >> you have so much security
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check at these airports. how can you let a 9-year-old sneak past security, get on the plane, without anyone stopping him, questioning him or anything? >> reporter: an airport spokesman said surveillance video shows the child boarding the plane while the delta agent was distracted. the father telling our affiliate wcco, he just wants his son home. >> we're not bad parents. we didn't think nothing of it. we thought he was at a friend's house. i don't have an angel. i have a 9-year-old. to me, he has a behavior problem. >> reporter: according to a report by the minneapolis star tribune, the director of the human services and public health department says there have been four child protection assessments on the boy's family since december 2012. in an e-mail sent by janine moore, obtained by the paper, she described the boy as challenging and said he was arrested for stealing a car two
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weeks ago. finally the e-mail indicates other allegations. moore wrote that the boy claimed his mother held a knife to his throat, and that his mother was, quote, stabbed and died. even though we now know she work at the airport. moore's e-mail also says there are no reports the boy has been injured. his father denies the allegations. cnn reached out to the hennepin county human services and health department that the e-mail but has been unable to confirm the details obtained by the star tribune. >> that was george howell reporting. we really do want your feedback on that story and what you think about that boy and how it has been handled. our seventh story, it is ball the benjamin. billions of $100 bills hit banks today. redesigned ones. i can't get over the irony of the timing as the country is staring down debt ceiling. tend the new bills include security feet purchases make it very hard to counterfeit. more on the new and improved cash for which we will need a lot. i know these $100 bills were
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expected years ago. it is kind of like the 787 for boeing. what is the arraign for the delay? >> well, you mexicoed the new security features. that's part of it. like benjamin franklin's private life, the rollout of the benjamin has been complicated and messy. yes, it is a very pretty bill. there were problems with new security features which caused creases during principling which left big blank spaces on the money. that said, they worked it out and it is a pretty high-tech piece of paper. look at this part here. you see this little ink well in gold? there is a picture of a bell inside in it gold that you can't see very much. this is color shifting ink. so if you angle it somewhat, what you will see is the bell pops out in green. so does this number over here. ben franklin's collar has very tiny writing on it that says the united states of america along its edge. and right here dourg see this
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ribbon that is woven through it? this is a 3d type of ribbon. it has the number 100 on it and more of these bells on it. when you mift, they change back and forth and they shift position. another ribbon embedded that glows with ultra violent light. let's look at the back. on the back you may notice that they have, i'll flip it over. you see the great big 100 so people who are visually impaired can see it better and down here is a blank space. that is containing a water mark of benjamin franklin which you can see if you hold it to the life. little glasses, a nose and a mouth. not sure. but i think it looks sort of like that. a lot of the security features. >> i would love it if they put something like that in there. they would have justification. it is amazing the technology that goes into a bill when you think about it. how many of these are in circulation?
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>> you know, more than you might think. about 8.6 billion of them. they are, now this is something that may blow your mind a little bit. you know the most popular bill in the country. the one we use all the time is the one. the $100 is the most common one after the one. that's because this is loved all around the planet. nm places, $100 bill are used as a defacto currency. even though here you don't see they will on the streets so much. a lot of businesses won't take them but they're enormously popular overseas as a common currency. it is believed somewhere between a half and two-thirds of all of the hundreds that we have are held in other countries. so how much is that? that is about $430 billion worth, or enough if you had all the hundreds from around the world, you could buy apple. every bit of it. >> i was saying, i wonder why that apple logo is up there. and there was a reason.
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that is a pretty incredible statistic. obviously used overseas as we've all experience in the shady and nonshady ways. thank you. next up, an "outfront" investigation. it costs millions to house prisoners at guantanamo bay. what is the real cost of releasing them is that what is happening to the people who leave guantanamo? what do they go do? do any attack america? hi are you karen? you said in a focus group, febreze just masks the smell. find the smelliest item in your home. this is febreze free, it has no perfume. now it smells clean and it doesn't have an odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] new febreze free. odor elimination without masking. [ male announcer ] new febreze free. at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern.
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. our eighth story, intense interrogation. interrogating aboard a navy ship in the mediterranean. he is wanted in connection with the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in kenya and tanzania in which 224 people were murdered, 4,000 more wounded. he is on that ship being interrogated which is causing outrage for some. "outfront," she said al libi needs to go to gitmo for as long as it takes. thank you for being with us.
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i believe my understanding is you want him off that ship and send to guantanamo. >> reporter: most importantly, what i want to make sure is right now he is on a ship. he should go to guantanamo so we can have a lengthy interrogation of him. having him on a ship is not a position where he should be. that way they may have to limit interrogation. make no mistake, al libi is an important player. probably the most important capture we've made in years. he had two decades of al qaeda involvement. he has direct connections to osama bin laden but also al zawahiri, the current leaders of al qaeda. so we need on maximize the intelligence gathering, putting him on a ship seems more like a political decision as opposed to bringing him to guantanamo for a lengthy interrogation. we know these interrogations can take more than days. they take months and years to get the information someone like al libi would have. >> you're saying that's not possible on board a ship?
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>> well, a ship is a temporary facility. i had asked, there was another member of al qaeda that they put on a ship in 2011. i asked secretary panetta about that and other leaders and ships are not a permanent place where we detain people. that's what we have guantanamo bay for, for the detention and interrogation. >> let me ask but the gitmo issue. we have a special report coming up on this for the people released and returned to terrorist acts. there's a host of issues. we've had the hunger strike that's been going on. and once the detainees are there, countries that they're from don't want to accept them when they get back. you've talk about people returning to terror. the united states, you don't have prisons in the united states that are willing to take these people. it seems to be an intractable problem. do you really want to add more people to guantanamo? >> well, erin, guantanamo is there right now. it is a top ranked detention
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facility. yes, the people who have been released under both administrations, there is a 29% reengagement rate. they've gotten back into battle against us. we have to be very careful about releasing people from guantanamo. that. right now, it is the detention facility with exists. to put someone on a ship, what is the reason for that? if there's a decision to change the location on your decision to default on the debt.
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>> that's misleading because the military is reduck tant. he was indicted in federal court. the 2006 military commission law, the offenses that he committed were before that. he could get try in federal court. that's not the issue for me here. the issue is he needs to go to guantanamo first and be fully interrogated for as long as our intelligence officials deem necessary to protect our country. >> thanks to you, senator. what is amazing is the numbers, 160 detain knees held there
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tonight. taxpayers pay $150 million a year for that. the president vowed to close it again and again five years ago first making that promise but closing a facility that houses some of the most dangerous terrorist in the world has a cost of it's own. one everyone should know about. chris lawrence has an out front investigation. >> reporter: former detaining people are still returning to terrorism, years after the u.s. let them out of guantanamo bay. a u.s. intelligence report reveals former detained people communicate with each other, sometimes having discussions about terrorist operations. >> we know terrorist organizations when these individuals are released will in every way, shape or form focus on them. >> reporter: two of the terrorist seen conferring with the second in command were transferred from gitmo. the very next year, he organized an attack on the american
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embassy in yemen and rose to become number two before he was killed in a drone strike. the man who uligised yesterday in the, 603 detained people have been transferred from guantanamo bay. more than 16% of them, 100 in all returned to terrorist activity. but peel back those numbers a bit, since president obama took office in early 2009, 71 detained have been released, three have returned to the battle field and four more are suspected of going back to terrorism. >> if you look at the recent numbers, it's as little as maybe five percent. doesn't that show the program is now working? >> you look at the countries where they have gone back to and the job they are doing. >> reporter: president obama sent prisoners to algeria and afghanistan, and the uk. home to a thriving al qaeda affiliate. there are 5 detain knees from
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yemen cleared for transfer but some say you risk setting free the next alshiri. >> it's early to consider sending yemen detained back to yemen. >> reporter: there is no proof he says they will go back to the battle field. >> there you have the question whether 99 men should be held unjusty because you're worried about what the 100th man may do. >> reporter: chris lawrence, cnn, washington. well, still to come, what the president and congress can learn from a very special group of children. [ male announcer ] who loves social networking as much as you?
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help them deal with the grief and you can see what they have drawn here. all different scenarios and different people they imagined. the drawings reminded us of an egyptian child drawing of a mosque consoling a muslim church. it's simple and yet, powerful image. not unlike the artwork and what we talked about then, one of my favorite books" i never saw another butterfly." it was then the czech republic. they are amazing, which shouldn't be a surprise because children's drawings are usually the most honest depiction and more hopefulness than adults which is interesting because when a leader fails us or participants in a mature dialogue we compare them to children and call them childish and immature, we do it on the show, calling it sand box politics.
12:00 am
the only conclusion it seems we can fairly draw right now is this, they are not acting like children, unfortunately, they are acting exactly like adults. thanks for watching. welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight breaking news, a glimmer of hope, just a glimmer, don't get too excite the, in the shutdown showdown word members in congress may be considering a deal. no time to waste. the clock at the bottom of the screen showing we're counting down to the deadline pretty fast to next week but does it sound like president obama and speaker john boehner are ready to sing yet. >> we can't make extortion part of routine for the democracy. >> what the president said today if there is unconditional surrenderer he'll talk to us.
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