tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 10, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> reporter: there definitely seemed to be a lot of positive signs out of this meeting. i have spoken in this hallway which is right down the hall from house speaker john boip's office with many of the republicans in that meeting all of them said that report was not tracks he didn't reject or approve. he did agree to keep talking. one of the most significant things we just found out a short while ago, the republicans went in mostly focused on the debt ceiling and their plan to temporarily raise the debt ceiling for about six weeks while they continue to talk about broader issues. the president we're told by house appropriations chair said i want to talk about reopening
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the government and ultimately republicans agreed they would do that. they would talk about what conditions would be acceptable to all sides to reopen the government. so that is what is happening. republicans are spread out all over the capitol. they say they intend to work late into the night with their staff to try to figure out what kind of deal could happen. this is significant for lots of reasons. one, as you said, no longer terms like ransom and terrorists. we're talking about big things being productive and helpful. more importantly, you're talking about all the crises were coming together at the same time, being addressed, it seem, at the same time. the debt ceiling being addressed as well. the fact they're talking about the shutdown is something we might not expect. it looks like republicans are agreeing to talk. >> there was so much talk about a deal today on the debt ceiling specifically. and there was reaction around the world.
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stocks went up the most they have this year. then there was this confusion in the past few minutes and that actually caused stocks to drop. they trade in futures markets and they've already dimmed. i guess my question to you, is it possible to get a deal that would raise the debt sealing but not deal with the shutdown? or is that absolutely not? >> reporter: that was the thought going into this meeting. programs at least the republicans said we'll talk about the debt ceiling. we'll agree to raise it temporarily and then we'll talk about reopening the government. according to hal rogers, the republican chair of the house appropriations committee. this is his job to get bills through to fund the government. he said the president forced the issue and kd i want to talk about reopening the government. that's where it stands. it is much more productive than we've seen at all. this is the first real discussion that both sides have had since this whole crisis began. >> thank you very much.
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we appreciate it. i want to go to jim acosta now at the white house. it seems that the republicans were so optimistic but the white house now saying, no specific determination. we're not saying there is a deal. obviously more positive than before but not exactly what we're hearing from the republican side at all. >> well, i think because as the white house has been saying all day long, they have been seen a specific piece of legislation. but they are starting to talk. pass good sign. they are saying no specific determination was made, i have heard from administration officials a few things. yes, no deals have been reached yet. the talks are going to continue. and they're going to continue through the night. and one other thing that we've just picked up in the last few minutes, that is vice president joe biden is still here at the white house as you know. vice president biden has been the crisis whisperer in some of these stand-offs in years past. the fact that joe biden is here the s a good sign.
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an indication that perhaps they are with republicans on all of this. the day started with a lot of optimism and the markets reflected that. the president would sign a short term debt ceiling increase. what was also in may today is whether or not they'll reopen the government. as we heard during the press briefing, the white house press second jay carney was asked almost 20 different ways as far as could i count whether or not you would have both. whether or not you would have a deal to increase the debt ceiling and reopen the government. he didn't want to go there. he indicated the president would sane a debt ceiling increase even if he didn't reopen the government. i don't want to pain a gloomy scenario spoke. the house republicans left without going to the microphones. the fact that verbal grenades weren't tossed. that's a hopeful sign. and vice president biden also a good sign.
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>> thank you very much. the key here is that discussions are going to continue through night. that means that this, who knows, right? you could end up with some sort of a major break on this story. one republican congressman who was at the white house with the president was the cheryl of the house services committee. good to have you back. we appreciate it. >> can you make sense of exactly what happened? we have this meeting as jim acosta just said. grenades were not tossed in terms of words from one side or the other and they said they would work will you the night to see if there is a deal. do you think we're on the verge of a dale? >> here's what i believe. i've probably been in seven, eight, anybody meetings with the president. i would characterize this as probably the host constructive but i don't want to could not because the progress with success. the president, we republicans
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said we're happy to appoint people to talk about all of these issues. we want some breathing space. we'll increase the debt ceiling for six weeks but we have got to address the debt crisis that we have. and the president didn't say yes but he didn't say no. to some extent, i guess it is the first time as republicans, we did not hear no, i refuse to negotiate. so this is a discussion that hasn't led to negotiation yet. we were there an hour and a half and i would say there was at least understanding of each other's position. it is sad that it took so long. it hasn't been that many years since we've had interaction. you have to have a little understanding, a little trust to lead to negotiation. and it is all taking place tonight and probably over the weekend. >> probably over the weekend. that gives may sense of timing.
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let me understand exactly what you're talking about when you talk about a negotiation. first of all, can you clarify? will there be a deal that is going to raise the debt ceiling that does not include reopening the government? or are you all on the same page that you're going to try to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling in one deal? >> i don't know the answer to the question. what house republicans said, we want breathing space. the president has asked for this. we feel like we have met him halfway. by offering a six-week increase in the debt ceiling. we want for the first time to hear something besides, i will not negotiate. you must do this continuing resolution. you must do this debt ceiling. for the first time we didn't hear that. what comes out of all this, i don't know. every successful negotiation i've been in, people remain to their principles. they don't get everything they
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want but they walk away with something. we republicans think we've met the president halfway. and he didn't say yes, he did not say no but i guess both parties are trirg to figure out where are the parameters. where might it lead? we know the president has some strong feelings. we have some strong feelings about addressing the debt crisis i. there are too many in washington and wall street who want to deal with it tomorrow. we want to deal with it today. thats what debt ceilings are for. at the same time we passed a number of bills to make sure we address our veterans. i have an interview to talk to some world war ii veterans. i want to honor them and make sure they get their benefits. so far the white house has not been willing to sign that legislation. again, we hope this leads to an honest negotiation. we didn't hear no for the first time. >> two other things i want to
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make sure i'm clear on. one of them is you said you met him halfway. let me ask about what that means. is oklahoma care on or off the table? i know he said we'll talk about it when we reopen this. >> i did not have the impression that anything was quote, unquote, off the table. >> even obama care. >> even obama care. the president has made his views loudly known. we have made our views loudly known. we also know that the president has authorized almost 1,100 waivers. he himself has signed seven different changes into law of obama care. unilaterally he decided that you know, employers don't have to comply with the mandate for a year. so i'm hopeful that even though we don't believe in the law and
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every single day, i'm hearing from a constituent. i've been cut back to 29 hours. all of a sudden my premiums have gone up 1,500 for obama care. so republicans are never going to quit fighting it. at the same time, we know it is divided government. we won't go away with it. democrats work on it for a couple generations. we won't quit fighting for patient centered health care. we understand the president has strong feelings but this is a broader conversation that includes what can we do to get america back to work, but what can we do to make sure we don't wrupt this country. it is a discussion and legislation that we need today. >> so let me see if i can -- i know you're one person. you cannot speak for everybody. can you say that there is a promise to this country that by october 17th, which is the formal deadline for the debt ceiling, that the debt ceiling will be raised?
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>> i'm going to stop you there and saying, there are no promises. what we have is a good, honest discussion that i hope will lead the a negotiation in divided government. and all i can promise is that i believe both parties are going to work hard and work in good faith, but again, we did not get, we, house republicans, the good news is we did not hear no. the bad news is we did not hear yes, that the white house is ready to begin formal negotiations on both spending and debt in obama care is part of spending and debt. so that's where we are. we have put on the table legislation to make sure the full faith and credit that we never have the default. we don't want it. but at the same time, we can't keep kicking the can down the road on the national debt. for whatever passes for fiscal responsibility in this town, it is attached to the debt ceiling. that's why we have the vote. we want it addressed.
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>> thank you very much. i appreciate your taking the time you heard his view. the most constructive meeting they've had with the white house in quite some time. reading between lines, all right, he's saying the president did not take obama care off the table but it certainly seems from that conversation with the chairman that the republican sticking pointed of obama care, defunding seems to be pulled back quite a bit. obviously a big move in a direction of a deal. but again in a direction of a deal. still to come, we'll go deep entire the if he can the shutdown is having with voters. there is a new poll describe as jaw droppers. plus, authorities believe ariel castro committed suicide in his death. investigators show there was something very bizarre to his death. and 13 grenades uncovered by police. tonight, who they think they belong to. and a race car driver involved in a violent crash. we have an update on his
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i want to talk, we had the chairman on. he was careful about how he phrased things but it was clear that he was optimistic. in term of the latest poll that has come out, republicans have taken a serious hit. the outcome for the next election. >> this is right now. the minute after a deal is sign, that will change. we saw this in 1996 where it wasn't clear that the republicans who were widely blamed for the shutdown then did pretty well in 1996. i think what people will remember is that it was ultimately the republicans and even somebody like ted cruz who is incredibly up popular. possibly the least popular politician in america.
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>> which is saying something. 1%? >> they are the ones who force these issues about spending and debt limit in a way, rather, ted cruz did. and he forced the republicans to go along with that in a way that i think will be genuinely beneficial down the road. we weren't about it in these terms and we needed to be. >> it did go in the question in the direction of the ratings by talking about the republican leadership. 27% of people surveyed said congressional republicans have had strong leadership. 70% say they've put their political agenda ahead of what is good for this country. is that something you can really turn around? >> sure. because people have short memories and that's a great blessing here. i think the general reaction of the american people, and i think this poll shows that. it is plague aplague on all your houses. i am very much embarrassed by
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president obama's leader shirp that he says he will not even negotiate? he won't even talk about some of these issues on the table? this government shutdown was unnecessary. i'm glad it will be averted and i give a lot of credit to paul ryan who put a piece in the "wall street journal" yesterday which seems to have helped to move us forward. that's what we need to be concentrating on. if the republican there's turn this around, and i think we can, it will be based on positive incremental change. not the fantasy that basically by taking an innextible stand we will win a complete total sweeping victory. >> what about this? paul ryan didn't mention that. it seems to me that republicans know, they really messed up on making that the be all and end all. >> i think there is a strategic question. it is like a guy trying to fly flapping wings or something to
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go down the chute and right down boo the water. a toll disaster. it would have been great to have let that go on its own. by the same token, if we come out of this where the president of the united states, who in his latest budget is talking about spending $3.8 trillion compared to $3.5 trillion from the house republicans, and he has to admit, we have to rein in entitlement spending. >> he's admitted. that he's been open to an i crease in retirement age. >> he has not done anything other than talk about chain cpi and his own budget window. that's where the republicans will be able to say at the end of the day, if they do this. and i'm not convinced they are. this is why i like the wacko bird coalitions. they're the only ones, the rand pauls -- >> the wacko bird coalitions? >> yes. >> you're the one who said it.
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>> we have to stop spending the way we have been and we have to do it now on entitlements. i think the f the republicans do. >> the market's single biggest day since the beginning of the year because they thought there would be a deal. now there's optimism that there would be a deal. the chairman of the house financial services committee came on the show and said he thought talks would go through week and they may not. all of a sudden this is longer. closer to october 17th. are we counting our chickens by saying there is going to be a deal? >> i don't think we are. as i heard crank hensarling, it is pretty clear the president would sign on the debt ceiling part. what is new is that the president wanted to resolve at the same time reopening the government. and that's really what should happen. no one gains from continuing this crisis. certainly republicans don't
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gain, the country doesn't gain. the american people really want to us turn the page and now maybe try working together. on the new york signs, it showed a teenager holding up a sign that said stop arguing. i think that's the message from the american people and that's the message we need. and for republicans to stop arguing with one another. there is a lot of blame that can go around. we have to pledge together and as a unified republican party to do better and make progress on the some of the big issues. >> if i can say, the american taxpayers will win if the shutdown continues. there's a lot of stuff that is totally nonessential and people realize that. every time government shuts down, hey, there are some things government should be doing at about 70% of what it's doing. we can live with that. >> of course they're paying people for vacation. that's a separate issue. thank you to both of you. the shame of the shutdown, capital dysfunction is hurting some people terribly. the men and women who have risked their lives, wounded veterans are wait forg a combined $6 billion benefits in
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november. as long as the shutdown continues, those checks don't go out. and barbara starr is outfront. >> reporter: ryan has been on edge for days. he's one of more than 3 million wound veterans who are worried they won't get their next check because of the government shutdown. he has a message for all politicians about what veterans are facing if the checks don't arrive. >> it means that they may go broke. they may have that extra financial stress on an already emotionally stressed life. in worst-case scenarios, that sue sides go up. we're talking about a population of veteran that are not seeking out the mental health care they so desperately needs. >> reporter: he knows what he's talking about. when he came home from iraq in 2008, after seven ied attacks, he was diagnosed with trauma brain injury and post-traumatic stress.
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>> aid hard time keeping my basic aspects of my life in order. i was frustrated. that translated to anger quite a bit and it pushed me to say i don't want to live like this. >> reporter: he went on to graduate from college determined to make it. believing the government's promise that his war time servicemen his disability check would always be there. but he's been unemployed for five months. now that check is his only source of income. >> if the shutdown goes past october 15th, the v.a. has said that they will be unable to process payments for 1 november when most of my bills come due. 1234 what does that mean to you? >> i go broke. i go broke. it is that simple. i enter into a level of poverty at that point. >> reporter: he and other veterans now expressing frustration that they have somehow become pawns in a political debate.
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for "outfront," barbara starr, washington. >> very important when you talk about these dates, to realize how much is at stake for so many people by every delay. still to come, a woman went missing from her hospital room. two weeks later she was found dead in the building stair well. how did she get there and how did they not know? plus a man who held three women cammive for more than a decade. they thought he committed suicide. it turns out he may not have done that at all. and the driver involved in an indy car crash. chevy silverado offers the most fuel-efficient v8 of any pickup. even better than the f-150 ecoboost v6. out here, you want what's under here. put silverado to the test at the silverado vs. all event.
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on tempur-pedic. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. even get free delivery! don't miss three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic through monday, columbus day. guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back to the second half of "outfront." an investigation into the death of ariel castro inside his prison cell reveals he may have died by accident from auto erotic asphyxiation. it is suffocating yourself to experience a high. the report says that castro who was serving life plus 1,000 years for kidnapping three girls was found half naked in his cell, hanging from the window
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bars weeks into his sentence. clinical psychologist questions whether he had the strength to attempt hanging since according to the report, he was refusing meal, experiencing chest pains and nausea. dario franchitti has been released from a houston hospital following the violent crash during the last lap of the grand prix. a collision with another car catapulted his vehicle into a wall sending debris into the stands and injuring 13 spectators. we are told by a local hospital that three people were treated and released. franchitti suffered a concussion. here is the video. spinal fractures and a fracture to his right ankle. from twitter he thanked the hospital family and friends. motorcyclists appeared in a manhattan courtroom stemming from the incident with the suv driver whom pros prosecutors say was chased, dragged from his vehicle and savagely beaten. the 31-year-old pleaded not guilty to gang assault, assault and criminal mischief. he actually posted the $200,000 bond he is now released. that brings the total number arrested to seven, including an
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undercover police officer accused of shattering the rear window of the suv which was totally destroyed and terrorizing the family. now awarding the nsa leaker. edward snowden, the man responsible for top secret intelligence is actually being honored by four americans who used to work for the u.s. government. they met snowden in moscow where he has been hiding since august to give him the sam adams award for integrity in intelligence. now this came as his father arrived in moscow to see his son for the first time siblgs this happened, saying his son is trying to look for a job. outfront, former operative valerie plame. you will recall her cover was blown in 2003 by a member of the bush administration and she is author of a flew book called "blowback." i'll cut straight to it. a lot of people are cheering for him and some are just appalled. does he have, deserve an award for integrity in intelligence?
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>> one thing as we know for certain, we would not even be having this conversation about the appropriate balance of security versus privacy if it were not for snowden's revelations. and president obama had spoken about the need to have a really robust conversation about this. it goes right to the heart of the fourth amendment. i think ultimately history will tell exactly where ed snowden falls on that line. >> all right. and so you've said that u.s. citizens owed him at one point you said a thank you for bringing the policies into the public eye. it is something that has changed the conversation in this country about who is watching what that do you in your e-mail and your phone conversations. but a the love intelligence official, and people who serve in the government, think that snowden is a criminal and i wanted to play for you some of the names you'll know the best. >> i think he is a traitor. i think he has committed crimes in fact by violating the agreements, given the position
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he had. >> for me, it is literally not figuratively, literally gut wrenching to see this happen. because of the huge great damage it does to our intelligence capabilities. >> i can't imagine a government anywhere on the planet who now believes we can keep a secret. >> should he go to jail? do you think he should go to jail, edward snowden? >> i think the irony of having dick cheney talk about a traitor is really too rich. what is very clear is that as a stand, a whistle blower protections are not adequate. thomas was one of those who gave the award. he is a former nsa employee who pointed out tremendous waste and mismanagement of funds. for that the fbi came in and
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tossed his house and he has lost his job and so forth. this is a really important conversation that we need to have about just how deep the nsa invasion goes into u.s. citizens' lives. >> and before we go, you were in the cia for 20 years. the government blew your cover. i understand where you're coming from. your point is of ru and the frustration you feel. but edward snowden has put people at risk like you. they say he was the biggest threat in the history of we shall intelligence. is that all hyperbole? or is it possible that edward snowden is actually risking people's lives? >> i don't actually know. i don't know how much he put into jeopardy what happened with me and how my cover was betrayed is not aanalogous. i think people speck me to say, oh, absolutely what he did was to be condemned.
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i am much more interested, less in snowden than what is at play here and what is the right balance that we need to have as a democracy? how much as citizens are we going to give up in materials of our privacy to be told by our political leaders, don't worry, we're keeping you safe. >> all right. thank you very much. we appreciate it. you can get her new book now. still to come, police up cover a starve 213 grenades. plus, two weeks after a woman vanished from her hospital room, she was found dead in the building's stair well. it seemed impossible that it could happen and it happened at san francisco general. the family pointing fingers at someone other than the hospital staff and they're "outfront."
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in the stairwell is that of a san francisco woman who vanished from her room two weeks ago. 57-year-old lind spalding checked herself in for a bladder infection. two days later she disappeared. now investigators are trying to figure out how this mother of two could vanish in the midst of treatment and end up in the stairwell at the busiest hospital in the city of san francisco. dan simon begins our coverage "outfront." >> reporter: missing person flyers were hung throughout the city. the search turn out to be eastless. the 57-year-old has been dead or dying in a hospital stairwell for more than two weeks after she checked into san francisco general with a bladder infection. an autopsy will hopefully shed some light on how long she lived before a member of the hospital's engineering staff making a routine quarterly check discovered her body. >> certainly there is a possible
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that the simplest explanation is that she entered this stairwell area and fell. and perhaps smack her head. >> reporter: this doctor is a renowned forensic scientist and not attached to the case. he said the body will provide clues as to what happened. a fall? a heart attack? too much medication? all things to be studied. but what about the hospital? >> this institution should have been looked at, examined from top to bottom, every room, every possible place that a person could be found. and that didn't happen. and i would say the san francisco hospital does not look good at this point. >> the city is responsible for what happened. >> reporter: the san francisco mayor ed lee offered those blunt words, saying today that he has asked for an independent are you view of the hospital owned and operated by the city. >> this should not have happened.
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we all agree. we want to prevent it from ever happening again. >> reporter: san francisco general until now had a good reputation. for example, it successfully treated many of the patients from the crash at the san francisco international airport. >> we are here to provide patient care and security to 100,000 patients and their families each year. nothing like this has ever happened before. there is no precedent for this. >> reporter: for now, we're still left to wonder why did spalding leave her room? why did she go to that fire escape stair well? and why did it take so long for someone at the hospital to find her? as for that independent revurk it will encompass many things, especially how do they deal with thing when someone goes missing? i talk to the medical examiner today and we're told we should get any results for at least several more weeks. >> thank you very much. several more weeks. a long time to wait. but this incident is raising so many questions. when you hear it, you just are
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shocked that this could happen and it could happen in the united states of america. an independent investigation is now underway to determine what systems failed and what can be done to prevent a horrific tragedy like this. the reality is, people want to know what happened. i want to bring in a friend of lynne spalding, david perry, also the family spokesman. i want to say i'm sorry for your loss. i know you work with her, you knew her very well. according to the hospital here's what we know. she was seen in her room at 10:15 in the morning. a nurse came in. saw her bed was empty. the cell phone was there. has the hospital been able to tell you what happened in that 15-minute time frame? it sounds like he is not hearing me. >> i love lost -- i lost her signal. >> he is a friend of lynne spalding. i said serving as the family
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nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. i want to bring in a friend of lynne spalding. david perry is with us, the family spokesman. thank you for your patience. you can hear me now, right? >> i can. that's the least of our problems today. thank you so much for your patience and for coverage. >> no problem. let me start off as we told our viewers, why you friend was in her hospital room and then for two weeks, no one knew where she was. she was found in that hospital in a stairwell and she had died. a horrific thing to have happened. i'm very sorry for your loss and for the family's loss. let me ask you this question, david. she was last seen in her room at
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10:15 in the morning. 15 minutes later, a nurse went by. her bed was em. her cell phone was left behind. have you ever found out, gotten an answer on what happened in that 15 minutes? lynn passed away, the important thing is to make sure nothing like this happens again. >> it is shocking that this could have happened. this is the busiest hospital in the city of san francisco -- >> it's a nightmare, absolutely, it's a nightmare. san francisco has a stellar
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reputation. it is shocking. >> do you, david, have any indication of her state of mind? i mean, was -- what sorts of drugs she was on, was she disoriented, did she actually want to leave the hospital? do you know? >> right, we don't know yet. all we know is she came in here and was here for two days and two nights, september 19th and 20th. the hospital personnel was looking in on her every 15 minutes and saw her at 10:15 and next time didn't. when her boyfriend and a friend came to visit at 11:00, they were told she was missing and there was a search which meant we turned our attention out ward. the san francisco police department was incredible in supporting us in the out ward search for two weeks we looked all over the city, hundreds of thousands of flyers put up in cafe -- >> but nobody looked in the hospital?
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>> well, we were told they looked in the hospital. with all due respect to the sheriff's department, the search wasn't thorough because her body was here for 19 days. >> i understand your frustration with the hospital, the emergency exit only alarm will sound. it gets triggered -- >> we're told today -- yeah, we were told today that that alarm door was checked and worked. if it was working on september 21st, did nobody hear it? did she die a fast death, painfully slow death? we don't know. we hope the report says she die add quick death. it's shocking. the frustration is certainly not with the san francisco police department. they were really amazing in helping us outside the search outside the hospital. with the sheriff's department responsible for security the hard questions are being asked of the sheriff's department
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tonight. what sort of search did they under take, and what are the protocols for it? we need to find the answers out for all san francisco people. >> i think everyone wants to get answers for the questions. david, thank you. still to come, man's best friend, an idea that could show they are also soldier's best friends. store and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah!
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earlier, we shared rock veteran ryan lampk's story. ptsd affects many americans and it's difficult to treat. tonight, one woman's idea for a cure that's becoming popular. doesn't require drugs, no side effects. it's all about that guy you're looking at there. >> that the when he shot me again in the back. when i got ready to go out the backdoor, he followed behind me and shot me again. >> every day i would wake up and think about suicide. that was the first thought in my head. >> reporter: two men in uniform serving in the united states. scott young survived two tours of duty. staff sergeant alonzo survived the deadliest shooting on a military base in u.s. history. he was shot seven times. >> last one went through my body. >> reporter: both haunted by
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experiences and diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. now turning to the same place for treatment, k-9s for warriors. it's an exclusive program that rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to be service dogs for people suffering from ptsd. it's here in this four bedroom house that veterans learn to readjust to every day life with the help of a service dog. >> the dog makes me feel safe. when you're on the battle field, you have buddies, the guy to the left, your guy to the right. she's my partner. >> it's a win/win for both the dog and the warrior. >> reporter: 68-year-old sherry had the idea to start it. she notice that when her son was around dogs, he was back to his old self-cracking jokes, relaxed, happy. >> he felt comfortable around the dogs. it would take his mind off of what he had seen and been through. >> reporter: young wasn't sure what worked for brett would work
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for him, but today he credits this dog, whisky with saving his life. >> i was skeptical at first because i never had a dog. once i got the dog, about the second day, like a light came on and everything changed. >> reporter: before meeting whisky young could barely leave his house. now he doesn't think about suicide. he thinks about the future. >> now i go out, no problem, if i start to get stressed out or having an anxiety attack, i just pet her and relax and that takes all the anxiety away. >> reporter: alonzo is hoping for the same relief. he'll meet his service dog next month, an irish wolf hound. >> i'm excited because this is something i know in long term has a huge benefit. >> pretty incredible story. thanks so much for watching. tomorrow, we are working on something we're very excited to share with you.
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a man had an infection, goes into the hospital, and doctors for a month know respirator and don't allow him to breathe but he's alive right now, and he's doing okay. that story is tomorrow night out front. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news tonight, they are talking and that, after ten days of government shutdown and no talking really is breaking news. >> we'll come back to have more discussion, the president said that he would go and consult with administration folks and hopefully, we can see a way forward after that. >> kicking the can down the road or should we take any deal we can get at the moment? wall street thinks a deal is close and is seeing stocks soaring today.
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