tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 13, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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g zip it, we wear jeans. the iatola with a child in jeans. and mocking the red line speech. the correct answer is peru. 19 sp 19% of the dollars come from peru. they have security features with liberty bells that turn into 100 as you move them up and down. it got hearter for the criminals. thank you to all of you for being part of our program this week. i will see you next week. >> hill low.
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these are the top stories we are following this hour. anger at the white house. police furious that they can't get into memorials honoring the nation's war dead. all the latest live from washing to be. a shocking end to the 22 year old mystery of who killed baby hope. new york police finally find the murderer. wait until you hear who they say it is. >> and the nasa juno probe is moving through jupiter. and we'll talk to the man who knows everything about this mission. that is right. it is bill nye the science guy. but first, it is four days and counting before the u.s. runs
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out of money to pay it's bills and the house republicans and democrats reach a big push on the government shutdown. harry r aeid and mitch mcconnel are hold iing -- and protesters held a rally today. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin and others spoke there and many marched to the vietnam memorial and then onto the white house where they held a boisterous rally. senators are there in session this sunday to hopefully reach a deal. mark preston is live on capitol hill. something is happening now that hasn't happened since july.
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they are actually talking. well, miguel, we expect them to talk. they haven't started discussions yet between the two leaders. we are told from the democratic leader that these discussions will happen. i just spoke to a top leadership aid that they have not heard from harry reid yet. we do know that the talks have absolutely collapsed between the house republicans and the white house at this point. so the ball has been thrown into the senate's court. let's see if they can cut a deal. the clock is ticking right now. i take it, it is a good sign. we have seen it play out in the past. they force the house to end up passing it. is that what we think is going
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to end up happening on wednesday night? >> i'm going to tell you i'm sure the wall street types would not be happy if that is the case. the treasury says that the united states will run out of money. but i have to tell you that the sep senate tends to be less political than the house of representatives. can the senate get something done quick enough and can they get a vote on something and will we see a vote from the house of representatives? >> complicating two problems at once. thank you very much. >> let's turn to cnn's white houserespondentcorrespondent. it was a tense scene there. what happened? >> reporter: as you know, miguel, there has been a lot of frustration in washington over the closure of these memorials
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here and this got started when the honor flight vets tried to see these monuments and it was barricaded. although they are allowed to go in, it was barricaded. today was a big march in washington and many of those veterans and a lot of tea party supporters as well they picked up the barricades out in front of the memorial and carried them here to the front of the white house here on this part of pennsylvania avenue in front of the north lawn and started dumping the barricades in front of the white house and if somebody wanted to they could have climbed over the fence. they came out and surrounded some of the protesters. some of the police came in riot
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gear and they started putting the barricades back together to push back the protesters. it got a little tense. a lot of words were exchanged but the park police kept their cool. they resolved the situation and they have quieted down here. >> manning the barricades. sort of a french revolutionary twist there. and trying to end the frustration, they are expected to hold talks. is the tropical storm president involved at any point today? >> we'll see. they do that really to sort of you know keep things moving because if they read out every conversation perhaps things
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might break down. the president is being kept up to speed by various advisers like chief of staff dennis mcdone na and asked him how things were going and he would only say it was a great day. it would be greater if they would reopen the government and pass something that would get the debt ceiling raised. it is on those two leaders to pass something that will get through the house. it is going to be difficult for them to come up with something that would satisfy the tea party conservatives inside the house republican caucus. the final question will be will
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john boehner bring something forward that will get republican support? it is one of those thing that is we are going to have to watch develop and as you know, things are getting to a critical stage. >> very, very critical. thank you very much. >> you bet. >> well, you know who else is worried about this stand off. investiga investors are watching this and when trading starts tomorrow morning it could get our attention very fast. alison, what do you think we are going to see in the morning? >> you may see in investors sweat again. on monday, stocks fell quite a bit. that was all street's way of nudging washington. this is a taste of what you are going to get. the debt ceiling deal is what
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wall street is after. what you saw is that uncertaintily plan to the market. democrats and republicans coming to the table and then you saw stocks go up toward the end of the week. tomorrow, you may see reality hit because of what transpired over the weekend. what will it take to reassure investors at this point? is the senate action enough? >> what wall street wants to see is a band-aid measure. a six week deal for a short-term solution to the debt ceiling. and it sent it's signal to washington by saying you saw a huge rally. more than 450 points up. now that that gridlock is back,
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investors may undue those gains and you may see wall street react. consumers may react as well. that is not a good thing as we get closer to the holiday shopping season. not just the shut down, but the debt ceiling issue that chips away at confidence and hurts economic growth. the economy is recovering but it is fragile. >> thank you very much. stay at it. i'm sure it will be a busy week for you as well. finally justice for baby hope. the girl was murdered and dumped
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on the side of the road. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. you'll never believe they're light.
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her disappearance is one of the most popular of the decade. he vanished in may 2007 and now appears much of what we thought we knew about that night may not be the case at all. it has ksignificantly changed. now to a mystery back here in the u.s. for 22 years, new york place have been hunting the killer of a 4-year-old girl known as baby hope. now an arrest and the person who police say killed her shocking. >> it was a break that caught an
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alleged killer and revealed her real name. >> detectives apprehended comrado juarez age 52 of the br are onx. in connection of the murder of 4-year-old angelica castillo. child victim known for the last 22 years as baby hope. >> retired detective had heard they were close to solving the case. >> when i got the news i was elated i was on cloud nine. >> the decomposed body of a 4-year-old girl was found stuffed in this cooler. she had been sexually abused. no one claimed the body. days turned to months and years. by 1993 the squad had given the
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girl the name baby hope and a face and the squad paid for her funeral. there wasn't a die eye in the bunch including me. the church was full. about 500 people in the church. >> anniversaries passed but police persist test. finally a break. caller said she had been told that her parents had killed her sister. that tip led detectives to find the mother of baby hope and vae eventually arrest the cousin who police say murdered her. >> justice is going to be when a judge lowers his gavel and says that you are going to jail for the rest of your life. >> they will soon replace this
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plaque at baby hope's grave and set in stone her grave. >> now the fight over the government shutdown shifts to the senate and leaders there are talking behind closed doors. are we closer to a deal to end this crisis? i'll find out next. ♪ [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. toyota. let's go places, safely. the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are.
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[ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ [ baby fussing ] ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance.
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candy, we heard senator rand paul say that a debt limit deal should be reached before the deadline. they agreed on the goal. we are mostly hearing them say we cannot let it pass the question is whether senator harry reid and senator mitch o mcconnell can get there. this is taking place in a room between the two of them. but it also means that senator mcconnell has to be talking to
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the republicans. what good is it going to do to get a deal and then have them say, we are not going to do a deal. how did she come down on that rejection and where things going? >> it is fair to say that she was not too pleased. >> i was very surprised when senator read said that. i don't know why he said that. i don't think it was constructive. but the fact is we have a responsibility to govern and we are continuing to talk and i'm hopeful that at least we sparked a die loalogue that did not exi. i feel like we have seen this movie be for.
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they will hand it over to the house on wednesday night and the house will do what? >> it defends on what they get. i mean it does. what is the senate going to agree to? we know that senate republicans see much more urgency in doing this. this is an intramural sport and there is not a lot of love lost between representatives and senators. so that doesn't help but you don't know what the house is going to do until you see what they are going to get. i yiwish you well. it is going to be an interesting week. thank you very, very much. >> it is the worst kind of
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we chip away. making the colors of earth and sunset skies into rich interior accents. or putting the beauty of a forest in the palm of your hands... it will take you to another place... wherever you happen to be. this is the new 2014 jeep grand cherokee. it is the best of what we're made of. well-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month.
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if you do not pay the mortgage on your house, you know that it affects more than just your stand wg the bank. how would that work? on the day that the united states doesn't have enough money to pay all of its debts. difficult choices must be made. do you spend the money that you have on things like social security or do you focus more on paying the interest you owe to people who have loaned the country money to keep operating? when those dominos fall consumer confidence can fall also. people aren't getting it. all of that makes the stock
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market nervous and people are saying we can't add jobs. investors say we are not putting more been into businesses when this is this shaky. your 401(k) becomes worth less. the risk is too high and we are going to charge more interest and that can make it keep rippling all along the world and people can argue about bhrnt this may happen. but they agree on this. it is easier to push these dominos other than it is to set them up again. this isn't just our problem. and now not raising the debt ceiling could shake the entire financial system. peter is a professor at the have
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been university of maryland. >> if we default on the debt as opposed to spending lesson domestic programs, then we are in default. the dollar is the primary pillar of the financial system. not only will we pay more for loans, but so will other countries. a fragile economy like italy, spain or brazil could be devastated by this. >> could we see a boomerang effect where it turns them to get back on their feet and come back to the u.s. in terms of exports and general health? >> yes. this is why it is so imperative that jacob lou have an
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alternative. he will still have 80% of the revenue to run the country and pay the debts. if he assures markets that we are going to give interest payments then it looks like the 21 day government shut down we had during the clinton years. the one we have right now is an in convenience. we are not closing down that much spending. in those days we did more. they are in a game of chicken with the republicans. that makes the circumstances much worse than they need to be. >> that is the line that a lot of people are taking. given how much the government takes ib. the concern would be pretty negative for those relays on whether it is food stamps or those government programs and
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mediate payments, yes? >> absolutely. but if we look at the experience of the last shut down, the economy made that back when it ended and then some. it was remarkable. a lot depends on how this is managed. you are correct. we have friends in washington who are laid off. and getting 80 cents on a dollar in your social security check that is a terrible thing. we were in the middle of madness then and now we are in a different world. thank you very, very much. a surprise for millions of americans trying to use their food stamp cards and could it happen again? i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little, to guard their manhood with new depend shields and guards.
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the discreet protection that's just for guys. now, it's your turn. get my training tips at (dad) just feather it out. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. that's it? is go out to dinner. i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great...
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there are an estimated 47 million people on food stamps. if you were trying to use your food stamp cards on saturday, you were in for a surprise. >> here is a look at what went wrong. the headaches started at 11:00 am on saturday. >> this was the first time experiencing this. >> electronic payment cards declined across states. people paying with food stamps were told they couldn't. >> i grabbed cash and paid for it and put it in got's hands.
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>> snap or the supplemental nutrition assistance program was affected. but state officials say that wasn't the case. xerox who handles the transactions say a computer crash knocked the system off line. they said beneficiaries were able to use emergency vouchers. the system is down. we do not know when it is going to come back up. without it, it is going to hurt. >> and what is the status of the glitch? >> it is resolved. all 17 states are taken care of.
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some were saying why would they do the system maintenance on the weekend when so many people are hitting the stores? >> for millions of people around the world she is the face of courage and strength. she says she will keep fighting. hear more from her coming up. thrusters at 30%! i can't get her to warp. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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although she didn't win, she was thought to be a front-runner for this year's nobel peace price. she was shot by a taliban gunman for trying to organize education for young girls. she quite a girl. >> she refuses to be quiet. i did ask her before the nobel was was announced what she felt about it. she said i will continue to speak out. and look, she put her life on the line for peace. and i started by asking her in our conversation what she remembered in that moment when that gunman came up and pointed
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that weapon at her. >> he asked who is malala he did not give me time to answer his question. my friend told me, just pushedility with force and you do not say anything and the next few seconds he fired three bullets. one hit me in the left side of my forehead just above here and it went down in my neck and shoulder. and it affected my ear drum and i know have problem listening. still if i look at it, it is a miracle. my brain saved, i am still alive, i can smile. i thank god for that. before that, we were going to
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school and it was a normal life and getting high marks we could not understand why are we going to school but then later on the terrorists came and they stopped us from going to school. i got the evidence and they showed me proof that yes, the terrorists are afraid of education. they are afraid of the power of education and if i woman gets education then she becomes more powerful and the terrorists are afraid of the power of women as well. >> her story is phenomenal. how did you find her is she fully recovered? >> she is. let's not forget that she has a titanium plate in parts of her head instead of her skull because that was shattered. she has a facial nerve that is not fully healed and may never
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be. she said they can try to kill my body but they can never kill my spirit. i'm going to continue to fight for cause for education. >> tonight the bravest girl in the world right here on cnn. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa-estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. lease the 2013 ct 200h for $299 a month for 27 months. see your lexus dealer.
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$3.60 back. you get innovation. we would not have commercials based on jokes about your nav system in your car. we would not be able to feed as many people as we feed. there is an irony that the government is shut down while this spacecraft continues to fly undet undeterred. >> thank you very much. always great to see you. jet blue says whole families will affect the points you use. but first, she try to recover from an injury. but her off-court success is
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better than ever. >> maria sharapova may have deals with nike shamsung and porsche, but she launched eed c company. living a healthy lifestyle is important. but at the end of the day, as any person whether and athlete, everyone loves a treat and candy. and when i was young and i would finish a practice, i would ask for a lolly pop. >> she is said to have considered a name change ahead of this year's u.s. open. but the legal hassle of becoming maria sugarpova would be too
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frequent family program. the new plan inp includiacludes wartn partners as part of the plans. this is a pooling scheme that anybody who wants to get together and pool their scheme can do. flier programs, they don't fly that much but p why being able to ban things together it gives them a competitive advantage. the big thing i think you mentioned is the expiration of the miles. i think its is big because you can use them later on. jet blue, it is one of the bigger points programs out there. they are making the points in
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general. what is going on >> more and more people are interested in going to flat bed seats to attract the business travelers on cross country trips. the thing is the upgrades to first class and the preference that you get. for a leisure travel it takes one or two trips a year and the idea of a free trip today, you bay fees. to actually use your frequent flier points to book a free ticket. it seems like jet blue is being more aggressive. are they trying to recreate that? >> i think they are trying to improve what was a weak program. i think that is what is happening right now. i think it is a big improvement.
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it is marginal and for the most part, the average traveler doesn't get to take advantage of it. who is going to get that free ticket of those 7 people? >> i think it could be a steel cage match. it is going to be me. >> i hear that. >> mark, thank you very, very much and we'll see you in the skiy ies soon. >> we are days away from the u.s. running out of money to pay it's bills. we are keeping track of the latest developments. we will bring you news as it develops. your money starts right now. >> i'm christine romans and this is an emergency edition of "your
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money". in a moment washington's short-term thinking is causing long-term economic harm. you will be tustuck with a masse bill. the u.s. trust is eroding quickly. big business speaking with one voice. you shouldn't use the threat of causing the u.s. to fail on the obligations to repay it's debt. >> both sides deserve a spanking for this. >> small business is questioning it as well. >> over and over they say why is this happening. the administration saying borrowing costs for mortgages and student loans rise. >> and the world watching and
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