tv Piers Morgan Live CNN October 14, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> i agree with that. >> go to facebook or twitter to weigh in on the fireback question. right now 39% of you say yes and 61% of you say no. the debate continues online at >> join us tomorrow for another edition of "crossfire." this is "piers morgan live." and breaking news, the senate is close to a deal. close but not yet done, the clock, as you can see, is ticking, here is what we know, it would raise the debt ceiling until february 7th. can congress learn how to play nice? we'll see, on the left, deborah wasserman schultz, on the right, and suzie orman has more on the
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finances. >> your actions are bringing down the greatest country in the world. and it is on your shoulder. >> tough words from suze orman. and more on the number one movie, "gravity". and well, he wanted to turn the anniversary of sandy hook, into, i'm quoting, "gun saves lives day." and on let's make a deal in washington, chief correspondent, dana bash, the world's hardest working woman right now. dana, are we nearly there? >> we're getting closer, but i'm definitely not going to predict we're there, because we've seen these things die several deaths before they come back to life. but piers, all day long we were hearing from democratic and republican sources that the republican leader, the
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democratic leader, i watched them go back and forth to each other's offices and they do appear to have a framework of a deal. what is it? it is effectively to fund the government, reopen the government and fund it until january 15th, but make clear that budget negotiations have to be finished to fund the government through the rest of the fiscal year, which is what congress is supposed to do every year. that has to be the middle of december, and then the debt ceiling, which of course we're going to bump up against this thursday. that will be raised until february 7th. interesting little note there, piers, it was supposed to be a week later. but i was told that on the one hand it was moved up because that is a little bit of a give to republicans. because they want to have it closer because they think it is good leverage for their position. another is, remember the next week is president's week here in the united states, which is a congressional recess so they don't want to bust another one of their recesses, which is what they're doing now. >> we can't have that, can we, how do you see it shaping up in terms of key moments?
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>> the key tomorrow morning, at 11, the senate republicans will meet, and the republican leader, mitch mcconnell will present the framework of this deal to the senate rank and file. so the question is going to be whether or not they are going to go for it. and i think the most important thing in the short-term is ted cruz, who knows how to use the senate procedural rules to his benefit when he wants to, whether he is going to delay it, and if he does decide to delay it, we could be bumping up into that debt ceiling limit, by default. >> and dana, i have been listening to your tweets all day, all night, and in the morning, so congratulations on your heroic work. thank you. joining me now, republican congressman peter king of new york, and congressman king, it has been a very rough couple of weeks. can we genuinely look forward to a deal tomorrow?
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>> i certainly hope so the republicans will have to see what the house comes up with. we'll have a conference tomorrow morning, i'm certainly hoping we can resolve it. i think we should have resolved it a month ago, should have kept the government open and we would have had real negotiations on the debt ceiling, which to me, it was where the real issue was, we say we, too many people, led by ted cruz, has managed to confuse the accusation -- confuse the situation. >> now, there is a poll out today, quite an extraordinary thing here, republican, 74% of the americans disapprove of the way they handled negotiations of the federal budget. 51% are democrats, 53%, obama. if you're a republican, this is pretty catastrophic, isn't it? how much blame do you lay at the feet of senator cruz?
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>> i lay almost all of it at his feet, because he is the one who started it. but there were 30 or 40 house republicans who went along with him. but others said we shouldn't take this route. it will be a disaster, sure enough it happened. we allowed 30 or 45 people to basically bring the house down, ted cruz was behind it. i said from the beginning, the strategy wouldn't work. he was able to intimidate and influence people to go along with him, saying if the house voted to de-fund obama care, he would take care of it when it got to the senate. he had no chance of doing that. as a result. the country is on the verge of default. >> when the chinese's state-run news agency carries a commentary saying it is actually a good time for the world to start to consider building a de-americanized world, and they
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have done that almost entire on the back of senator cruz's effort. so this there is this man reporting to be a great patriot, who may be leading america to a place they don't want to be. >> the approval ratings for obama care have gone up over the last ten days when we should have found every reason to be critical of it, because of the very poor start-up it had. piers, around the country, there are a lot of republicans leaders criticizing congress for what they're doing. it is not congress, they should go after ted cruz, even if this is resolved, and we get a cease-fire, the fact is he will be back again, he will say we were on the verge of winning. the american people were about to go all the way when certain republicans cracked. i hope people in the republican party make a point to say we will not let ted cruz hijack the party and bring it to the edge of ruin.
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>> i say this as the greatest respect as i would to senator mccain, he shares your view about what happened here. i guess senator cruz thinks you guys are the old guard of the party, i'm younger, the future, one year into a six-year term. he may well look at 2016 as a chance to win the nomination. >> well, he may be looking at it. but doesn't matter how long you have been in congress, the fact is if you come down a strategy that shuts down the united states and you have no way of winning, either you're a fraud, or incompetent. and he can have a choice. john mccain has been right on this, many others have. the overwhelming majority of prominent republicans, as far as opinion leaders. charles krauthammerer, these are 110% conservatives say this was wrong from the start. but the party allowed itself to be hijacked to this guy. they have to stand up to him and say no, once this battle is
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over, be ready for the next one because he will try it again. >> strong words from peter king there, close to a deal tonight, but what will it take to actually get us there. >> there are a -- there are a lot of compromises coming into play, joining me now, deborah wasserman schultz, we've spoken a lot in the last couple of weeks. what struck you about mr. peter king, sure venom for one republican, what is going on with the gop? >> well, i understand where peter king is coming from. that is really passing the buck. the blame really lays at the feet of the republican party. each of them has a vote in their own right. they have the opportunity to do the right thing and not shut the government down and hold the
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economy hostage with affordable care act as ransom. and instead, they went with the tea party. and in fact, my counterpart at the rnc today actually urged the house republicans to stay the course and to hang in there. we're about to default. and jeopardize the full faith and credit of the united states. their leaders are still fanning the flames. >> we had this extraordinary rally on sunday, the million-vet march where senator cruz was. and we -- listen to what was said about the president of the united states. >> i call upon all of you to wage a second american non-violent revolution, to use civil disobedience, to put the qaran down.
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>> he said we want a president who doesn't bow down to allah and is not a president of the people. when i hear people like this representing the tea party faction of the republicans, i mean your heart just sinks about the sheer stupidity of these people. >> yeah, this is america, where everyone can express their own opinion, but it is uniquely their opinion. you're going to meet a lot of people from the tea party, they are great folks, all over the country very concerned about debt. they are not going to have rhetoric of that sense, he can have whatever rhetoric he chooses to have and speak out on that. but he is not necessarily representing the people with other values. >> okay, well, let's play a tape from ted cruz, same event. >> this is the people's memorial.
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let me ask a simple question, why is the federal government spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? why did the federal government spend money to erect barricades to keep people out of mount vernon? why did the federal government spend money to erect barricades to keep people out of mount rushmore? look, our veterans should be above politics. enough games. >> am i the most naive person in america, or wasn't it the same senator cruz that caused the shutdown that led to all of this? >> well, he was definitely a part of it. the challenge of it is, not just that there is a shutdown is that something unique did happen. for instance, the lincoln
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memorial has never been closed. 18 government shutdowns that have occurred. there were never barricaded erected around them. it was a memorial. so it is a little odd that there are barricades and more people there, there are more guards keeping people out typically than the amount of people there. it begs the question, why is the federal government spending so much money to fight to keep an open air memorial closed that has not been closed during the reagan administration or the clinton administration? >> deborah, what is your reaction to what he just said? >> it is unbelievable, what they're outraged about is not that 800,000 federal employees were furloughed. i had a chance to watch my daughter's soccer game. a woman who works for social security escape to me, said it was her tenth day, seeing her husband and child live paycheck to paycheck, her husband is a salesman, they live on
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commission, she didn't know how they were going to pay their mortgage. the question should be asked, why did we have to shut the government down in order to make sure that we could find a way to work together on other issues? >> the sheer non-sensical issue of the man standing there -- >> what ted cruz is arguing about is complaining that the supermarket is shut down, but we can't get to the bread aisle. >> this is your new book? the picture on the cover, tell me about the book, what do you think we can learn from this in relation to what is going on now? >> well, i wrote it really as one mom who happens to serve in congress, in order to sound an alarm bell. because we're right in the
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middle of the main reason i wrote the book. because we have so many dire pressing issues -- it is like we blocked out the sun when there is a government shutdown and we almost breached default. we have to work together. it doesn't have to be this way. the tea party has taken us to the absolute extreme edge of the political process. and we need to come back together. we need more parents to get engaged. >> more women, do you think? >> more women. >> are women better at negotiating? would more women get more done if there were not all of these testosterone males running around? >> if they just put us in a room together more often, we could solve the problems. women are more focused on consensus building, not every woman, but the times i worked with women, women are not as focused on obliterating the other side. they want to get the work done.
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>> thank you very much, a wake-up call to the nation's problems, much needed. >> thank you. and when we come back, suze orman is here to tell you what you need to do to protect your money. let me tell you, she is going to let rip. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare.
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what it means for you and your money. my next guest is a person who can talk you through how to get through unharmed, or relatively unharmed. suze orman, welcome back. >> thank you. >> and suze, i would imagine you're pretty angry right now. >> i think what is going on in washington really is the biggest travesty that ever happened to the united states of america. you know, i recently came back from asia, malaysia, it is like we're the laughing stock over there, it is like oh, how is the circus going? so i'm sorry this happened. they had all the time in the world knowing it was coming up. why do they always have to wait until the last minute? this is political shenanigans, has nothing to do with money and it is affecting those who really can't afford to have it affect them. >> talk me through the really big potential deadlines and what it means going forward for the american people.
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>> i personally through, october 17th is not the big one, believe it or not. i'm more worried about november 15th, when a massive amount of treasury notes, bills, bonds come due. and if we haven't settled things, how does the government decide who or who doesn't get paid? what it really means is now when people are buying a treasury, they're going to have to get a higher interest rate. people who live here, i may not give you half a percentage point, you may not pay it back. i'm not giving you money for a low interest rates, so what happens is this, interest rates will have to go up, because now there is a risk owning treasuries, never before, first time ever. when interest rates go up, they go up across the board. so if you happen to have an adjustable rate mortgage, your interest rate will start to go up. if you have an adjustable rate on your student loans, your
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interest will go up. if you have interest on your credit card debt, it will cost you more. >> across the board for the average american, what is going on will quite likely lead to significant costs. >> and when that happens, the housing market slows down, if this puts us into a recession businesses stop hiring, we stop expanding. everything was going so great. we were right on track to pull this out by 2014, 2015, which you know i predicted back in 2008. and now, we're like bam! stop. and what is so sad is that the people who are on furlough, the people who are trying to get certain types of home loans in rural areas, all of them are like, what about me? don't i count? they're americans, we should be taking care of them. >> and i have heard about the other people who have become victims of furloughs, let's say they're not furloughed but
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running a bar, a business, where the furloughed people are, history says they're getting their money back, but there are millions of them probably. >> you know, i was just in san francisco the other day and it didn't even dawn on me, it is like oh, the parks are going to be closed. i was going to go to the restaurant, the cliff house, part of the golden gate parkway. closed. nothing to do with the government. but there it is, it is part of the park where the park is. what are they doing? >> what are they doing? i mean, tell me what the politicians are doing here. what do you make of the way they're conducting their business in america's name? >> they are playing, as i said before, in my opinion, political shenanigans. it is their -- i don't know why they are doing it.
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they are posturing. they're coming up against one another. and jack welch, who is really a brilliant man. i heard him in the other day, the first part about the negotiation is you make somebody an offer you know they will accept. >> that was on my show, actually. glad you're watching. >> but you see what i mean? and it is like, he is right. and it is very, very sad that the entire united states could be hijacked by a few people in politics. >> when you say senator ted cruz, he clearly has become the front man for the tea party. he portrays himself as a great american, but the reality is, from what you can see, he is causing america untold damage. >> yeah, untold damage. i get that they don't want obama care, whatever it is. but why were they focusing for the past two months on something sanctioned by the supreme court, it is in, it is there. why were they focusing all their energy on that. because that alone is not going
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to solve the problems. it is why weren't they really talking like adults rather than 2-year-old children that just want to be seen in public. >> as peter king said to me earlier, the irony is had they not had this government shutdown nonsense they could have focused on obama care which actually started in a pretty rocky way. the republicans could have had a field day with that, causing president obama and the democrats significant damage. >> we could talk forever about how ridiculous they are. that is why it is very important that the people of the united states have their own save themselves plan. the government, the stock market is not going to save you, you have got to save yourself. >> hold that thought, that is exactly what i want to come to after the break. exactly what americans should do, how much money they put aside and how they do that.
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work together. >> wise words from the president who weathered the last shutdown, bill clinton, what about you and your money? i'm back with suze orman, who is mad as hell, as we all are. >> and i'm going to tell everybody about it. >> and the people who have been on the show have really suffered because really they had no provision with the shutdown or the loss of income. can you plan for that, whatever your income may be? >> well, if we had not been just coming out of the one of the most major devastations to the united states, 2008, 2009 and so forth, maybe there would have been time to plan for this. but piers, they're out of work, through no fault of their own. we totally shrank, they didn't have time to put together an emergency fund because they used the money trying to get a job. >> what about the rest of people, who may not be high income, a reasonably modest income, who want to set aside
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money? how should they do it in the most effective way to capitalize on their income? >> most likely, every time they get a paycheck, if they could automatically pay themselves first, the truth of the matter is they don't have any money. they have credit card debt, car loans, student debt, mortgage debt, and the only money they save is usually in their 401(k), their 403 b, or their military 401(k). i would tell them stop putting money in a 401(k), many businesses are offering a roth 401(k), contribute as much as you can to that, usually the match that your corporation gives. if you get into trouble, i hate when people take loans from a traditional form 10-k, because if you pay back that money, you
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pay taxes again when you withdraw it. never loan from a traditional. but in a roth 401(k), you have already paid taxes on that money. so if you need money now to get by i don't have a problem with you taking a loan from a roth 401(k) to get the gap. biggest mistake people make is they stop contributing money or stop paying money into their 401(k). or the biggest problem, if they have time before they retire will be the biggest monica they ever make at this point. >> what can america do about its funding problem, 7 trillion, still part of the problem, what can america do as a nation to tackle those two issues dominating the landscape? >> truthfully, if i had an answer for that right now i
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probably would be president of the united states. so i'm not so sure there is an answer, because we were so over-spending for so many years, now they're really going to have to make cuts and cuts always hurt the people that need it the most. but people every day -- there are things that they can do. so you should at least try a one-month emergency fund is better than no emergency fund. three months is better than one month. have money somewhere that you can access it. now, a roth ira, that money you can take out any time without taxes or penalties. the real question, the question becomes when you're in trouble, what do you do? where do you get money from first and what bills do you pay and what bills do you not pay? and if people understand that, then at least they would have a
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little bit of a game plan to get themselves by. so if you're really in trouble and you don't have any money and you have credit card debt because you have been using your credit cards to get by, that would be the first bill that i did not pay if i really had no money at all, because of the furlough or what was happening right now. >> what is your message to the politicians in washington? you know, it looks like there may be a deal tomorrow. almost certainly there will be by wednesday, because they're not going to take the debt ceiling i'm sure past that deadline. so what is your message to them going forward? >> you have a few months to get your act together. you have a few months to really take to heart that you have been elected to represent every single person in the united states of america, whether they have money or they don't have a penny to their name. and you have need to understand that if you don't help those that have nothing, you are also hurting those that have something. and you yourself, by your own actions, are bringing down the
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greatest country in the world. and it is on your shoulders. so you have a few months, everybody, to get your acts together. you better not come back in january and february and say oh, we're waiting until the last minute again. use this time to take care of the country that you have been elected to take care of. >> suze orman, good to see you, very wise words for the politicians and the american people. coming up, the first person to call the sandy hook massacre "gun saves lives" day. at university of phoenix, we know you can't afford wrong turns on the road to your future. that's why we build tools like our career guidance system. it's kind of like gps, you know, for your career. it walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you.
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still utterly shocking, that 26 people, 20 of them first graders were mowed down by the disturbed shooter, adam lanza. and in the event they're calling this "gun saves lives day," he is a key sponsor of the event. welcome to you, i know that you just moved the day now for your plan of action to the day after december the 14th, after huge pressure, not least from the families in newtown who were outraged. but let me go back to your decision to announce, proclaiming saturday the 14th, the first anniversary of sandy hook massacre, called gun saves lives days, that all freedom-loving organizations are
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going to be a part of. we're going to show america that there is a good side to guns, why did you think that the 14th would be a good day to show that? >> well, we picked that day, the gun prohibition lobby, they were celebrating and launching new attacks on 80 million farm owners and civil rights. we were planning to start the event off with a moment of silence and a prayer, we decided to move it to the 15th so that our message would be loud and clear. and december 15th happens to be bill of rights day. we moved it one day in the hopes that the anti-gun rights movement in the united states would back off as well. >> let's just go to what the reaction was from the newtown families. the daughter of murdered newtown principal dawn hock spring, and
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said this should not be a disgusting stunt. these people will be trampling on the graves of the people that were murdered that day. why are you laughing? >> because that was not our intent -- >> you planned a campaign -- >> piers, wait a minute -- >> wait a minute. you plan a campaign to promote the good side of guns on the first anniversary of the worst mass shooting at a school in american history. and you have the gall to laugh when i read out a quote from one of the victim's families, how dare you? >> piers, how dare the anti-gun movement use this tragedy all year long -- and plan -- wait, and they planned to do it -- >> of the school who was killed. how dare you? >> my heart goes out to them. i have children and
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grandchildren myself. that doesn't allow them to use that day either to attack my rights. we're going back to the bill of rights the next day, now, will they back off? how many times will you back off -- i bet you use december 14th to use your anti-gun agenda? >> you're damn right, to promote gun safety in america, i'll do it on behalf of these families. let me read you -- >> self defense. >> if you may give me a word, let me read you what neal heslin, whose son jesse was killed. let me -- your heart doesn't go out to them. >> the person that did it. >> you laugh as you did a minute ago. >> piers you don't know about my heart, that is probably why you don't have as many viewers as others do, people have turned you off.
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>> let me read you a comment here from neal heslin, whose son was killed at sandy hook. he said i would hope everybody would give it the respect it deserves, i want politics to stay out of newtown and sandy hook that day, but you wouldn't allow them, would you, mr. gottlieb. >> piers, you just said you wouldn't back off, that you're going to use that day on your show to promote your agenda, so if you're able to -- >> you're misquoting me. >> no, i'm not misquoting you, play your own tape back. >> i want to see if you challenge what i'm about to say. i said i will use that day to promote gun safety on behalf of those families, which part of that sentence do you find offensive? >> because your position of gun safety is banning guns, and confiscating guns, your position is banning -- do you support
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people owning assault weapons? >> where have i ever said i wanted to confiscate a single gun. >> in britain, they banned guns, you think it is great. >> how many gun murders do we have a year, mr. gottlieb? >> well, actually if you read the report today. >> how many gun -- >> well, i don't know the answer because the data would not help me -- >> let me help you, mr. gottlieb. >> read today's story, today's news, accurate data, 35 people on average. >> but they just admitted it is not accurate. >> give me some time, please. >> we don't have accurate data. >> 35 people a year on average are killed by guns in britain. right? my america, it is 11 to 12,000. and you know the reason that so
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many people get killed by guns in america is because idiots like you -- >> thank you for your name calling. >> think it is funny to laugh in the middle of me reading out a statement from the victim's families, at sandy hook. >> all of your emotional rhetoric doesn't solve any problems, all it does is polarize the situation and make it toxic so that we can't get good answers, it is people who politicalize it -- >> i want less americans to die from guns. >> you want american people to own less guns. >> thank you, you proved my point. >> i think you have too many gun s in the country. >> and there is -- you just invented that statistic. >> i didn't invent that, that is a national --
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>> the last time you came on my show, do you remember the last time you came on my show? >> yes, i do. >> what day was it? >> it was most enjoyable. >> it was right after -- >> right before or right after newtown. >> you can't even remember, december the 12th, before newtown. >> two days before. >> yeah, you were laughing then, as well. >> piers, i'm laughing at you, piers. >> you find it all terribly funny, i don't. on that day. >> no, i don't find it funny either. you can keep talking over me. >> people in newtown shouldn't be a victim, people tomorrow should not be a victim. >> to remind you, you spent a long day on that day, september the 12th, telling me i was exaggerating the dangers of the ar-15 assault rifle. and two days later, adam lanza went to sandy hook and shot those people.
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>> he also had a rifle, a shotgun, a handgun, the bottom line is he could have used any gun, piers, the problem is if somebody had been on the school grounds armed to protect the children so their lives would have been saved we all would have been happy and it would have been a blessing. >> let me leave with a final word from shannon, gun sense in america -- >> another gun control group. >> gun safety is a better phrase, isn't it? >> it is a misnomer, these people have never even shot a gun or been trained for safety. go to a gun range. >> america mothers will not allow a depraved vocal minority to smear the names of the victims of sandy hook. >> nobody is smearing the names, my heart goes out to them. >> what you did, mr. gottlieb in launching the campaign on the first anniversary of sandy hook
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is one of the most disgusting things i have ever witnessed. >> but your 50 shows on gun rights and politicalizing it. >> gabrielle giffords survived a near fatal shooting nearly two years ago, i'll ask her husband, mark kelly, what he thinks. frome but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. houston, houston, this is explorer we have been hit by debris and need immediate experience do. you copy? >> houston? >> do you read? >> houston, come in, houston. >> "saturday night live" take on the movie "gravity" and the government shutdown. joining me now, captain mark kelly. great to see you again. i want to ask you one question about the interview about the situation involving the sandy hook anniversary. i had a tweet while that was going on from the woman i quoted who was the daughter of the principal at newtown and she said what about my mother's right to live which i thought was a powerful way of
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crystallizing this debate. how do we get through this, mark? you and gabby are second amendment supporters and understand both sides of the debate. how do we get past the notion that we have to celebration the anniversary with pro gun campaigns? >> i don't think a lot of people want to do that, piers. i think your interview demonstrates the issue. the interview with mr. gottlieb that people talk past each other. that's why gabby and i have been trying to engage with other gun owners like us and ask them directly. just yesterday we were at a gun show in new york with the attorney general where they have come up with model procedures about how to do background checks at gun shows. when you travel around the gun show and speak to folks who are selling or buying, when you explain what the procedure is, nobody seems to have much of a problem with it. >> let's move on.
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you and i have talked about guns many times. i'm sure we will have to again. but let's turn to the shutdown. interesting your twin brother scott, who is also an astronaut has been furloughed, i understand. >> you know, not only has he been furloughed but he applied for unemployment. he has flown three space missions and nasa put out information on how nasa employees like my brother, like astronauts could file for unemployment. not a good day in america. >> this is ridiculous, isn't it? >> it is ridiculous. and you know -- you know, as we saw with the gun issue and so many other issues in this country even when americans like 92% of people who support background checks and more than that who would like to see the government reopened and the debt
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ceiling raised, congress is not capable of doing that. it struggles with coming up with bipartisan solutions to this country's problems. >> how do we get through that? it comes down to the same thing. it comes down to the paralysis in washington, the most powerful political center in the world seemingly unable to make any positive decision about anything. >> well, we've done this to ourselves, piers. we gerrymandered the districts into a point where you have folks on either side of the aisle who have to be incredibly conservative or liberal to avoid losing their jobs in a primary. gabby was a person in the middle and could reach across the isle to work with republicans to solve the problems. but gerrymandering has made that difficult to do.
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>> let's come back and talk about "gravity" this block buster movie that everyone is going crazy for. i want to know whether you have seen it and whether it's accurate. you should know, you have been up there. : help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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realistic and what the outside of the space station or the shuttle for that matter. it felt like being back in space until the bad stuff started happening. >> mark what about the authenticity? >> so here's the thing, piers. the real physics of space flight doesn't make a great movie. but the look and the feel of the movie was outstanding and entertaining. there are some things that just aren't reality. for instance. there isn't an extra spacecraft as a rescue vehicle just left at the space station with no crew to occupy it. so we don't have spares of those, usually. >> mark, kelly. it's great to talk to you as always.
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and send my very best to gabby. >> thank you, piers. thank you very much. good evening, everyone, we begin with the very latest on talks to end the government shutdown heading off a debt ceiling breach. it has been a fast-moving day on wall street, the debt ceiling just three days away. the shutdown entering its third week. after working over the weekend, the senate lawmakers were back at it today, mitch mcconnell and harry reid talking about it on the floor. the key meeting between the congressional leaders at the white house was supposed to happen this week. that was postponed. the question, is the senate actually close to a deal, chief congressional correspondent dana bash and senior white house correspondent brianna keiler.
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