tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 16, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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all the american people got is further erosion of the people they put in office and a gigantic price tag. the shutdown took $24 billion out of the american economy. $24 billion so far and the senate deal is not the end of the story by any stretch of the imagination. it only funds the government through the middle of january and extends the debt ceiling through the middle of february, so see you back here in winter possibly having the same situation, we hope not. john boehner said we fought the good fight, we just didn't win. kept the reck rick fiery calling the senate agreement quote a terrible deal, prizing the hard line repub cabs in the house as they profile encourage and getting in another slam at obama care. >> imagine after the house republicans stood together with the american people, if all 46 senate republicans have stood together and said we are united
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against the train wreck that is obama care. we are united with the american people, that if president obama is going to give an exception for big business for members of congress, that the american people deserve that very same exception. i want you to imagine, mr. president, if senate republicans have stood together and simply supported house republicans and the american people. >> chief congressional correspondent dana bash joins me live. what is happening now? what's the latest? >> the senate is voting on the second and final vote to formally send this deal, this bill to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling over to the house. the vote -- the initial vote was huge, hugely bipartisan approved overwhelmingly 83-16. so only 16 republicans voted no on this, and some of the people who voted no, in fact, most of them you probably wouldn't be shocked at, obviously ted cruz
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is one of them and several republicans who have some primary challenger whose have already announced they want to take their senate seats but as -- they are challenging from the right, from their own party. so that's not surprising they voted no. again, onto the house. we do expect them to vote tonight, anderson, and then it will got to the president's desk. so as you said, after all of this, after the roller coaster ride, after the twist and turns and the real split within the republican party, this is passing overwhelmingly in the senate and it is leaving a lot of scars here on capitol hill. >> all right. dana, thanks very much. a lot going on. lindsey graham is venting frustration with the little leverage after the deal and where they are heading. the senator wrote quote we could have done much, much better by the time we got to this point we were playing poker with only twos.
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to say we as republicans left a lot on the table would be one of the biggest understatements in american history. senator lindsey gram joins me now, quite a tweet there. >> it's true. we could repeal a medical device tax. we could have done a lot of things that were good for the country but by the time we made a deal at 75% disapproval. not a lot of leverage when 75% of the people don't like. >> of course they have. >> 20 or 30 polls. >> of course they had an impact and to the people on my side that think this turned out to be a good idea, i think that's not reality. >> john boehner said we fought the good fought. >> i like john boehner. what i like about john is he is trying to bring sanity at the end. it hurt me to see him not be able to get something out of the house to -- that would have been a lot better than this, but 60% of the american people want to fire every incumbent. the president is not doing very well, the democrats moved the
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goalpost twice. i can understand in general discuss with everybody and i can understand why we suffered the most. >> so when senator cruz said not only did we fight the good fight, we established stuff. was anything accomplished? >> the debt wasn't affected at all. obama care wasn't changed in any real measure. out numbers went down, and if you think the polls are wrong you're kidding yourself. the president was a-wall i thought during a time of national crisis. harry reid kept trying to move the goalpost when we got a deal. everybody lost. i just don't see -- if you like this movie, maybe a sequel is in the making for january. name one thing in this deal that changed the underlying faults in obama care that we in a bipartisan agreement agree with? this is the best mitch could do because we over played our hands so badly, by the end we had just
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a pair of twos. it's not about us winning or losing or the democrats win or losing, it's about the country suffering under a dysfunctional system. our system up here is completely broken, and you get second chances in life very seldom. we'll have a second chance between now and january to prove to the american people, the republican party can govern and the congress can address the problems that face us all. >> did those who said to constituents we'll defund obama care, we'll delay it, and we're fundraising off it, were they lying? >> no, i don't know if they were lying. i'm not going to question their motives but i know it wasn't possible. there are a lot of people sincerely upset with obama care. think it's bad for their business, bad for the economy, bad for the american health care system. there are a lot of people afraid about what is going on in washington and to stoke their fear and create unreasonable expectations what you can do is not the way to go. it was never possible to get
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president obama to repeal, defaund defund ordeal lay a signature issue. we have a minority senate and in obama care, the guy the bill is named after still in the white house, i never understood how this could end well for us. >> so what happens now? i mean, the deadlines are pushed back, the government reopens, there is supposed to be now negotiations. do you think without this threat of catastrophe, there will be negotiations? >> i think there is a wakeup call. there has been a wakeup call for us, i hope it has been. i see people in my party talking in a more conservative form. democrats know they didn't shine, either. maybe we could come up with a deal to entitlements and flatten out the tax code and take small steps but significant steps toward changing america and find a way to deal with obama care where there is a bipartisan agreement that the plan is not working. for two weeks it's been a
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disaster and you haven't talked much about obama care as failures because we got in the way of that story. we've done more to elevate obama care in the last two weeks than any democrat could have hoped of. >> it's actually gone up in the polls, despite this roll out which is obviously -- >> this is a debacle for us but the good news obama care will be a debacle and democrats will come to us and say help us change it, if we'll get out of the way. >> lindsey graham, appreciate you being with us. i'll go to dana bash, what is going on? >> we're waiting for the vote to end. we have senators that haven't voted, maybe one is standing with you now and going into the building to cast a vote, so we're waiting for the final number. one other thing i wanted to tell you, maybe there is optimism. i know i said to lindsey gramam there is light at the end of the tunnel and he said no, that's a
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train coming toward you. i thought this is interesting, tomorrow morning paul ryan, the senate budget chair, a democrat patty murray will meet and have breakfast and let the cameras in to see it, we believe, but the first meeting to start to look ahead at trying to wok out the nation's fiscal problems or at least at the very minimum, get a budget for next year. so what we're going through right now doesn't happen. so that is a positive sign. we have not seen that kind of meeting at all this year or the year before and both parties absolutely can be blamed for that. >> dana bash, appreciate it. thanks very much. we're joined by john king, gloria borger and david gurrigan. >> what should people know? >> looks like the government will be open and the debt ceiling will be extended until february, take a sigh of relief, breath for a day or two and
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start this all over again. >> does that mean museums open again tomorrow -- >> as soon as the president signs it. you'll get that official word out of the administration when the president knows it's coming his way. officially he has to sign it before you can do that but you've seen what workers have brought in. museum ps will wait until he signs it. in terms of the politics, this is going to be fascinating to watch on the house side, to see how many house republicans actually vote yes because the safe vote for them is no. >> still know. >> that makes probably no sense to a lot of people watching. >> safe because they don't get a primary challenge and can say we fought the good fight. >> the overwhelming majority of house districts are drawn in a way that the only test for a lawmaker. so if you're republican especially if the tea party doesn't like the deal, the safe vote is no. speaker john boehner will be weakened by this. this will pass in the house. he'll be weakened. there is no threat of immediate challenge. anderson, you'll be back.
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i know you love washington. this extends the debt ceiling until early february, government funding until early january. it would be nice if the president met with them, too, instead of waiting until the deadline but there is no indication given the policy divide and they kicked the can interest an election year. you'll ask democrats to vote medicare in an election year and republicans to raise taxes in an election year? good luck with that. >> we're hearing from house republicans about defunding ordeal laying obama care. >> of course you are. there is the group, the hello caucus they believe that is what they were elected to do, defund obama care. there is another group that's just afraid of their right flank and they will tonight vote no, but i think they -- you're going to see some of them holding back to see, you know, if their votes are needed. >> dana is getting new information. dana, what are you hearing? >> this just passed the senate. the vote was 81-18. so this compromise, this bill to reopen the government and raise
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the debt ceiling is now on its way over to the house and we're going to see how that plays out as the night goes on. but this is a very big bipartisan vote. 81-18, and i don't have the exact names of the 18 nas but i would be surprised if there were democrats on that. >> in terms of the timing of the house vote, i mean, what's the expectation? >> well, they are trying to expedite it as much as possible. the house has the ability to move faster than the senate because majority really does rule with regard to procedure there, but they do have to go through some important processes to get it on the floor -- >> right. >> we do expect it to happen before midnight. >> i hear harry reid is speaking. let's listen in. >> alexander reached out to senator schumer and being the peacemaker that he is, al ander suggested they that start doing what they could to engage senator mcconnell and i and as a result of that, i think we're
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able to talk and hopefully develop really a strong relationship. we -- senator mcconnell and i worked together for many years, the last little bit is no surprise it hasn't been too good. so anyway, appreciate the work that senator alexander and senator schumer did. i'm grateful for prior and the gang of senators that they did some things that helped us. so i would hope that in the future the work that was done by senator prior and collins will be able to get together to create some separation from all this shrill voice, these shrill voices here over that are not helpful. this crisis is historic. let's be honest, this is pain
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inflii inflicted on the nation for no great reason and cannot make, cannot, cannot make the same mistake again. so as we move into the next round of negotiations, i'm depending on stable, hard working, always available patty murray. she's the stereo type of what i believe a senator should be. i'm very, very grateful to her for being willing to take the leadership of trying to work something out, to page sure that we don't have another one of these crisis, man pack toured crisis. she worked so hard and we were so close but as you know from all the experiences the president had and i had with speaker boehner, he was never
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able to take that step to accomplish this. i want to express here, probably the right place would be on the senate floor for the support of my three leaders. everyone knows my caucus has been locked strong together. we've worked with the president. we've been a real team, but one way we've been able to be a team is my team made the bigger team work. so i'm really grateful to them. no one will ever know -- >> harry reid and back with john king, gloria borger and david gurrigan. david was this all -- boehner saying we fought the good fight. >> nothing good came out of it. a lot came out of it. it caused damage to an awful lot of people, dampened the economy, cost us jobs, embarrassed us in front of the world. other than that -- >> i just learned the president is expected to speak, president
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obama is expected to speak in about 10 minutes, about 8:25. we'll carry that live. >> the next question is what happens in the next round of budget negotiations. i remember the super committee which didn't do too well and agreed to disagree. my big question going into this is what has changed that would allow them to kind of reach a deal of some kind -- >> and would be on the table. >> there could be plenty of things on the table. the sequester is important. the level of spending every year is important to the democrats in particular but there is a question of entitlement reform and tax reform, a lot of work has been done on the hill with the democrat and david camp the republican in the house. >> establishment guys. >> yeah. >> locals don't like entitlements and conservatives think dave camp won't go far enough on spending cuts and raises taxes. the most important thing going
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forward from my perspective is the divide in the republican party is not healing, it growing. the distrust is growing. the president said on an interview with the local tv station when this is over he wants to move on to immigration. really? if you go back to the state f union address, immigration, jobs bill, infrastructure bank, preschool for every child, the president is winning but if you go back to the state of union and realize it's october, there is a last year -- >> there are republicans like lindsey graham that say do we want to be a republican party or stay -- >> the conservatives in the house who have been attacking boehner, looked like they might want to over throw him at one point gave him a standing ovation today and rallied around him and blamed moderates in the republican party for -- >> i talked to a tea party group that said look essentially it was the moderates in the senate.
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senate republicans who didn't stand with the house republicans. >> right. >> who caught -- who were the reason this thing didn't work. >> they are about the only people in washington that believe that -- the cruz thing was a fally. >> there is a poll out tonight that asked republicans what you think of the tea party. half of republican voters thing the tea party is separate from them. i don't think john boehner can control them anymore after this. they will go home and define. ted cruz will be very warmly received back in texas. >> raised a lot of money in this. >> the question is can there be a circuit breaker. when the president speaks tonight, we only have one president. whether he's a democrat or republican, he has a chance if you can throw a circuit breaker here, it has to come from the president. >> what can the president do in terms on reaching out -- >> take. >> see them more of the and don't let these things go to the
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deadline. the president can get out -- if the senate and the house -- the senate and the house hate each other like democrats and republicans. all the house members hate the senate. the president can get them to do their work before you get up against the ticking clock. >> he needs to get liberal democrats angry. that's the question for president obama, can he forget -- not forget about them but be willing to anger them a bit. >> he would be willing -- >> not on obama care. we've moved onto the budget. we've moved on to entitle pmentes and taxes. >> the best thing you can do is send them home for ten days and soak their heads and cool off and get the heck out of here. they are so poisonous right now. there is such a weight on this capitol right now. there are so many people that aren't angry and protesting but discouraged about the state of the democracdemocracy. >> you talked to lindsey gram that voted yes. we'll see the strength of the tea party.
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mitch mcconnell who more than nip else got this deal to the finish line working with harry reid, without joe biden in the room. he has a challenger back home. i was back there a few weeks ago and didn't seem like much. does it go? >> or not. >> and dana bash has more information. dana, what are you hearing from sources? >> republican leadership sources in the house are simply stunned and really scratching their heads about why the president is coming out to speak before the house votes. the president says all the time he gets that his presence, his name attached to anything is toxic in many republican circles and at a time when john boehner went into a private republican caucus earlier today, yes, as david said he got a standing ovation but he really tried to get republicans to vote for this. it could have the opposite effect. yes, of course, there are 200 democrats, many of whom will vote yes so i'm not sure this
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would put the outcome of the vote in jeopardy but a lot of republicans are thinking -- ai' saying to myself, this is political moment. they are not sure why he's not waiting until after the house vote except that it could be midnight. >> let's check with the senator white house correspondent brianna. what are they saying about why president obama is coming out now? >> they aren't saying but i think they want to highlight the progress in the senate and officially they aren't going to say this is a political move. even in the negotiations we've seen going on really in the senate where, obviously, the white house has had, you know, has been in concert with senate democrats, even though it's the senate democratic leadership doing the majority of the negotiating or all of the negotiating, i think there has been a message and that has been that the president or the white
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house through senate democrats is willing to negotiate with republicans, remember, he did give a small conpitlation on obama care and verification but he's not willing to negotiate with tea party republicans or really any republicans who are being very much swayed by the tea party. i think that may have something to do with why we're seeing him come out now, but the other issue may be one of logistics as well, the white house will remind you, and they haven't said this, but earlier we were talking about timing if the president were going to come out. they will remind you it takes awhile sometimes for the bill to get over here, even after the house passes it, assuming they do, it has to be enrolled and go through a process and take time and i think the president wants to get on the record as all of this has gone down throughout the day, anderson. >> has the white house been commenting on the idea this could happen again in a pfew
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months? >> yeah, that's a fascinating point. you can imagine it happening again. what white house officials will tell you is the way they conducted themselves in this process saying they will not negotiate and really in the end pretty much getting for this way, they feel that that will discourage tea party republicans, house republicans from taking a similar track come middle of january. now, whether that's going to happen, that's to be debated but what they are saying is this discourages them and also, they are sort of betting on the fact closer to an election when the polls show and you just heard lindsey graham telling you that the polls which showed republicans were very much blamed for this compared to democrats and certainly compared to the white house, i think the white house feels that closer to the election that republicans aren't going to want to go through this all over again, of course, that's sort of i think a standard that you wouldn't necessarily see some house republicans standing by. so i think we're not going to
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know if this really works until we get to mid january. you can really imagine it happening all over again. >> brianna, we'll again, bring the president's comments live and of course, as soon as they happen a few minutes from now. back with our panel. does it surprise you the president would come out to speak before the house votes? >> yes and no. yes, if they would call up to john boehner and say when should the president speak? if they gave him the courtesy he would say please not now. they clearly didn't do that. the president wants to get into the news cycle and celebrate, if you will, this deal but it's risky. it will cost them votes -- >> you're saying -- >> i think it will cost them votes or people will stand back and wait and it will cost goodwill going forward which is there is none in this town to begin with. if the white house thinks this is going to scar away tea party republica republicans, they are not talking to enough tea party republicans. that's the problem in this town. these guys live in districts where mitt romney got 55, 65%.
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they got unopposed in the general election. they are not afraid of this president. that doesn't mean it hasn't hurt the republican party. they don't care. >> i don't think the president is going out there to gloat, because that's not sort of his style. he may be doing this because of foreign markets. he may be doing it to give the signal things are going to be okay. we're not going to blow by the debt ceiling and he's probably going to point out the bipartisan margin that he got in the senate that he surely -- >> is it smart to do this? >> a lot depends what he says. if he comes out and attacks republicans in the house it would be dumb and drive voters away. if he comes out and says i was serious about negotiations, i'm willing to sit down and appointment my team tomorrow that could help him. but i think -- i was on to something. it was -- he wants to be in the news cycle. it looks like he's been really removed from what is going on
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and wants to get his fingerprints on it and has justification for arguing that by standing tough, by not being willing to compromise, he actually won and the republicans say it. he came out of this better than he might have. >> and we are a minute or so away. you certainly don't expect him to say, though, i won? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> the american people are about to web. >> right, this is a victory for the american people, one would assume he'd say. >> to david's point, david's been in the white house at points. the question is can he get anything done in the long term. the first year of the second term is so important. go back to the wish list from february and look what happened, it would be nothing. >> again, on theish shu of obama care -- issue of obama care, is there wiggle room? are there things the president
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would be willing to change on it? >> the tax on medical devices, bipartisan support, they will fix that. they may remove it. they have to find revenue to replace it with. they will do that, but not on this particular bill and that was the president's kind of line in the sand and he stuck to it, and i think, by the way, a lot of republicans were surprised, absolutely shocked he did. >> a lot depends on obama care. if the glitches continue, if the rollout is seen as a disaster, it will give republicans a lot of leverage. >> to call them glitches is an understatement. a lot of people are saying look, these are real inher rent problems, the website, the way it's created. >> there is a reporting today, there were people inside the ad minute stati -- administration saying they should postpone it. >> they stepped on their own message. government has grown more popular and republicans have
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gone down in the polls. >> i got to say it was actually refreshing to hear lindsey graham saying the polls actually matter because every democrat, republican you talk to say we don't pay attention to polls. >> except they eat them for breakfast. >> the president is coming, let's listen. good evening everybody. tonight the republicans and democrats in congress came together around an agreement that will reopen the government and remove the threat of default from our economy. the senate has now voted to approve this agreement, and democrats and republicans in the house still have an important vote to take, but i want to thank the leaders of both parties for getting us to this point. once this agreement arrives on my desk, i will sign it immediately. we'll begin reopening our government immediately. and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty and unease from our businesses and from the american people. i'll have more to say about this
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tomorrow, and i've got some thoughts about how we can move forward in the remainder of the year, stay focused on the job at hand. because there is a lot of work ahead of us, including our need to earn back the trust of the american people that's been lost over the last few weeks. and we can begin to do that by addressing the real issues that they care about. i've said it before, i'll say it again. i'm willing to work with anybody. i'm eager to work with anybody, democrat or republican, house or senate members on any idea that will grow the economy, create new jobs, strengthen the middle class and get the fiscal house in order for the long term. i've never believed that democrats have a monopoly on good ideas and despite the differences over the issue of shutting down our government, i'm convinced that democrats and republicans can work together to make progress for america. in fact, there are things that
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we know will help strengthen our economy that we could get done before this year is out. we still need to pass a law to fix our broken immigration system. we still need to pass a farm bill, and with the shutdown behind us and budget committees forming, we now have an opportunity to focus on a sensible budget that is responsible, that is fair and that helps hard working people all across this country, and we could get all these things done even this year, if everybody comes together in a spirit of how are we going to move this country forward and put the last three weeks behind us. that's what i believe the american people are looking for, not a focus on politics, not a focus on elections, but a focus on the concrete steps that can improve their lives. that's going to be my focus. i'm looking forward to congress doing the same but once again, e want to thank the leadership for
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coming together and getting this done. hopefully next time it won't be in the 11th hour. one of the things that i said throughout this process is we've got to get out of the habit of governing by crisis, and my hope and expectation is everybody has learned that there is no reason why we can't work on the issues at hand, why we can't disagree between the parties while still being agreeable and make sure that we're not inflicting harm on the american people when we do have disagreements. so hopefully, that's a lesson that will be internalized and not just by me but also by democrats and republicans, not only the leaders but everybody. >> president obama speaking at the white house, obviously not taking questions. back with the panel david, gloria and john king. do you think the president is right this is a lesson in
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internaliz internalized. i talked to john king and he said he believes it's less likely to happen again at the 11th hour, there maybe has been less sons learned. >> we'll see. we'll see. it's -- i don't know why we need people with training wheels around here to run the government. nonetheless, i am not at all convinced, to john's point, i think gloria would make the same argument, the tea party learned that lesson out of this. they didn't tice hard enough. we surrendered and had guys too weak and squishing on the team and we need better people. >> if they fizzle and fail in this year primary changes maybe you won't see as much next year. the heritage foundation that came up with the original massachusetts model and disputed and had the health care that mitt romney barred, that used to be the heritage foundation. vote no on this and we'll help you raise money for your primary opponent ifs you don't. if you vote yes on this we'll
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primary you. does john mccain, mitch mcconnell, lindsey gram, peter king in the house, do they want to sit down and work with democrats and cut the best deal they can based on the available math that day? sure. does the tea party and ted cruz want that? i think not. >> who is leading the republican party right now? is it chris christie that might want to be president? is it john boehner? is it ted cruz? there isn't any voice for the republican forty. that generally happens with a presidential nominee. at this point they got to sort and try to sort it out because they are heading into this fiscal negotiation and that's a problem. >> can't you imagine democrats will come out of this feeling like they won, their muscles are bigger and they will be less willing to compromise and these negotiations, they will want to hang tough on a lot? >> that's where the president may have to take on his own party. >> john mccain was saying and warning democrats don't get
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too -- >> don't get too cauocky. >> dana, you sent me e-mails you were getting from republican sources saying, you know, why is the president doing this? stop, stop, stop. >> that's right. i can even read you one, it did say omg, stop, stop, stop, why would you do this to the vote count pods, meaning president of the united states. that is from one republican source. >> i love republican sources are using omg -- >> [ laughter ] >> it has come to that. it has come to that. but in a more serious note, the question is whether or not that is going to lower the vote count among republicans. another source says to me it's too early to tell but it's further poisoning of the well. the other thing after he was finished speaking, this same republican source said really, he's coming out right now and saying let's talk about
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immigration reform after everything is so stridant? the president wants to come out and be part of this and look, he did, as you-all were saying, he put his stake in the ground and said no negotiations, but it is not done yet, and he does have democratic votes, but it is not done yet and we have seen this movie before when things change and they don't end up the way we think they will end up. so -- >> right. >> certainly in the category of not helpful as republicans are concerned. >> breanna keeler at the white house. the president was asked a question and answered it. did you hear what it was? >> i asked it. i said how is this not going to happen all over again in a few months, i said is it going to happen and he turned around leaving through the door and said no, simply no. the white house feels that this whole process should have discouraged republicans.
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they think that republicans should be doing a little soul searching, realize they got so much of the blame that even though you'll hear the white house say everyone lost in this, republicans lost so much more particularly some of the more moderate republicans who followed the lead of tea party republicans. you talk, though, to -- for instance republicans on the hill and we heard yesterday president obama said i'm ready day one after this is done to talk about immigration reform but republicans will tell you there is no way to really in any substantive way plow through that when we had one issue here in washington we can't move on to another one. >> right. >> you talk to this white house and they say look, this has been a waste of time. we don't want to let it slow us down but they look the chances like immigration reform going through -- >> which is -- >> they say not this year. >> there is the point you made earlier. >> the tea party guys lost on obama care. do you think they want to sign
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on to a path of citizenship? that would be an interesting conversation to watch. i've been talking about watching to see what happens to mitch mcconnell of lindsey graham. there are two governor races in new jersey, blue state where it looks like chris christie will win in a blueoowout and a tea py guy that could send a bit of a message to the party if that happens. >> we got to take a break. thank you, let us know what you think. follow me on twitter. the president said he'll same the bill to reopen the government imminently once it reaches his desk. the senate passed a bill 81-18 and goes to the house. i'll speak with democrat and republican next. i'm on expert on softball.
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congressman steve. when did you anticipate it getting to the house? is the procedure? >> it could be as soon as the next half hour. if there are gyrations it could be the next two hours. they will get it passed, reopen the government, stop default and get to the president's desk and that will happen by midnight. >> you have no doubt it will get to the house? >> it will pass because democrat wills do the right thing. we'll do our job and get it passed and provide the votes to get it passed. >> there were some critical of the president coming out and speaking now before the vote. >> no, if you listen to the president's speech which you did and many americans did he used the word immediately several times. he was signaling the markets this isn't going to go on longer than it needs to. he'll reopen the government. the markets can be calm. does anybody believe there were 218 republican votes ready to go for this and pass it and the president's speech will bring it down to 217? no. >> can actual negotiations occur
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or are we kicking the can down the road? >> anderson, we're kicking the can but better to kick than stomp the can. >> where is the room to negotiate? issues do you see? >> we said we're willing to negotiate anything and everything but has to be negotiated with the government open and without default. so we look forward to a debate with republicans on things like medicare and jobs and on immigration, on balancing the budgets responsible and that's what the next several weeks and months will be about. >> how concerned are you about the roleout of obama care, just the -- i mean, beyond glitches, just the -- i mean, it's been pretty pathetic the way it's rolled out, i mean, a huge number of people trying to get onto the website unable to actually create -- >> i know in my home state new york there is enormous demand, unprecedented demand for access to the affordable care act because in new york the exchanges are going to reduce premiums in half. they got to get this right.
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there is no question about it. i want the affordable care act to be accessible and they got to make improvements to the computer systems. >> do you know the problem? administration said look, it's a problem of the sheer volume but it seems to be far more than that and seems like people within involved in this were sending warning signals months a ago to the administration. >> i'm not a computer expert. i expect the computer experts to fix this and when republicans passed medicare part d it was riddled with problems and democrats didn't use it to sab taj, we worked to get it fissioned. we need it on the issues confront thing country. >> when republicans are saying i want to defund and we can do it and fund raise on it, are they being dishonest? >> look, i think there is an unquenchable thirst. they had it with defunding and delays and repealing and moving
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backwards. the election will be a referendum if you want people with common sense solutions and willing to find middle ground or have these cliffs, shutdowns, showdowns and obsession to defund -- >> this could be a referendum on the tea party. >> i think so. there is buyer's remorse setting in. this place washington is like the old cartoon the road runner, another cliff. i think the american people want us to get beyond that, find that middle ground, learn how to cooperate and move forward. >> paul last night described it as mobidishu. >> the american people disapprove of it. frankly, democrats rnl doing so great and half american haves a negative view of the tea party, even gop lawmakers are less than thrilled how the party operated
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during the negotiations, listen. >> we allowed 35, 40 people to threaten to bring the house down and we're in this position. >> we see the end of this agonizing odyssey this has been put through and the american people have been put through. it's one of the more shameful chapters that i have seen in the years that i spent here in the senate. >> it's never going to happen. >> not a winning strategy. >> conservatives know how to count. you have to be here to conserve something. when you tell constituents we'll shut the government down to get rid of obama care, that's crazy. >> good to have you on the show. >> thanks a lot. john mccain that i spoke to said this is a shapeful chapter for this body. do you agree with that? >> you know, i think all the way around, the american public has really lost through this whole process, but honestly, i think any time people stand up for what they believe, i think that's a good thing.
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>> do you think anything positive was accomplished? >> yeah, i actually do. i heard some of the talking heads talking about how folks that don't agree with boehner are now going to do something to hasten his demise. i didn't feel that way. i didn't agree. they are still the good guys. i got no problem with them. my beef is with the way the government is running and right now we're borrowing $52,000 a second. right now, obama care rollout has been a miserable failure and one of these four folk haves in common, alan combs, wolf blitzer and joe mansion and the chicago tribune, every one of them said the individual mandate of obama care should be postponed for a year -- >> wolf blitzer said that's not actually what he said -- >> but -- but what has been accomplished, john boehner said we fought the good fight. there was never any hope of actually delaying or defunding
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obama care. the votes were not there. >> but you still got to try. i mean, that -- it's not always about winning. sometimes it's about trying. >> even if it costs the economy $28 billion -- >> you know, something, anderson, when i just mentioned we're borrowing $52,000 a second, i think that's a lot more than any kind of pain that was caused during the shutdown and was the shut down a good thing? no, i don't think it was. but do i believe ultimately we'll advance the ball? president obama during the course of the shutdown made repeated promises as soon as the government is open and the debt ceiling is passed, i'll be willing to sit down and work with republicans to fix obama care and be willing to sit down and work with republicans on getting fiscal sanity back into the budget. i'll take him on his word on that. >> there is a difference between fixing obama care and defunding
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it. >> i'll predict president obama will delay more for tparts of o care before this is done because it doesn't work and it's hurting people and because i believe that he sees that the more this rolls out, one of the things that's going to happen over the next few weeks, anderson, the focus will shift from a government shutdown to the octobobama care itself. the most happy person about the government opening up is kathleen. >> she did a terrible interview on the daily show. >> exactly. exactly. >> in terms of what happens next, you say you will hold the president to the promise he's willing to negotiate. do you actually see, do you have faith this won't happen again, we're not kicking the can down the road? >> it's hard not to be scenical when we seen the can kicked down the road so many times but i think the voters sent us here to do the level best we can to fight for the things they sejt us here to fight for. a lot of people, you know, when they talk about leadership, they
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talk about them being our bosses. anderson, you know that's not the case. they aren't our bosses. the people that sent us to washington are our bosses. especially in the house, that's the people's house. wee representatives of the people that sent us and that's what we answer to. i don't think that standing on principle and fighting for what you believe is ever something that's wrong. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. our political panel weighs in on the expect vote in the house. are republicans surrenderinsurr? we'll get their take ahead. ome', i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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tonight 16 days and the government shutdown, the senator approved a deal to reopen the government, avoid default goes to the house and a vote expected tonight and the to the president who said he'll sign it immediately. joining me now is paul, republican strategist rich gayland and matt. lets start with you, is your belief when you look at what happened that what went wrong is that the moderate republicans in the senate and house did not back up hard line consecutives in the house and if they had, they could have gotten what they wanted? >> well, it's not clear that the republican leadership had a clear strategy on how to deal with the budget and debt ceiling. there was all sorts of different opinions and it was only when
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ted cruz and mike lee stepped in with a strategy that we started having the conversation about what the strike that he was and instead of partnering with cruz and lee, they started shooting at each other and i think we probably lost this thing along time ago because they were never willing to stand firm and you're either going to stand firm or you're going to give everything to the president, and there wasn't really a middle ground there. >> paul, is that how you see it? >> i really think senator cruz mislead follow lores. there are a lot of good people that want to repeal obama care. they also misunder estimated harry reid. the senate democratic leader has incredibly diverse caucus from a socialist to joe mansion, very, very conservative west virginiaen reid held them together and firm and strong and never blinked and that's why the democrats won this thing and why the republicans fractured. >> rich, was ted cruz being
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misleading -- >> no, i think he was leading the way he wanted to but i do a lot of work with pickens and he said if you want to make a deal, you have to decide how far you're willing to do and how far you think the other guy is willing to go and if they don't cross, you ain't getting a deal. i think what cruz and the other tea party members, they didn't -- they misunderstood what the president was willing to do. they were never going to get to a deal and should have realized that before they ever got to the table. >> so matt, you're watching obviously this vote that will take place in the house. what is your message to those house republicans who vote yes on this, who vote -- who approve the senate deal? >> well, i think they are making a bad vote and just kicking the can down the road and we're telling them they are on the wrong side of history here because for all out theater and tactical arguments about what we should have done going into this very short-term budget deal, that the real stuff still matters. obama care is still being implemented. we are increasing the debt one more time.
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we haven't done anything about the real factors that are driving the economy and under performance. that's what is going to happen the next time we have a budget fight. obama care is still going to be a train wreck. people are still going to be facing higher premiums. people are still going to be kicked out of their current health care plans. >> but this is the wrong place to fight that. there was a time and place, probably right after the 2010 election when the republicans took control of the house and the country was behind a new direction and that was about obama care. and that's when they should have fought this, not two weeks before -- >> but wasn't the presidential election largely about obama care? didn't president obama win twice on obama care? >> well the republicans ran mitt romney who you guys pointed out was an architect of that model, so it was never a credible alternative. voters didn't get a choice -- >> who was your guy ten years ago? >> a bad field. >> who were you for? >> we'll fix the problem next
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time. >> who were you for, though? >> who i was for? >> yeah. >> i was actually hoping someone like paul ryan or chris christie would get in. >> okay. >> as much as you say, you know, mitt romney created obama care or romney care, wasn't the election a referendum on obama care in many ways? not as if the american people didn't know president obama was going to do this? >> i think aught then 'tisty matters and to have a republican say something doesn't mean that the people view it as a credible promise. >> here is what is so deliciously ironic, support for obama care went up during this shutdown, despite the fact that the obama care rollout was to put it, a little troubled. that's amazing. it moved up eight points in eight days. >> what does that tell you? >> actually, you don't know what you got until it's gone. people don't want to do away with obama care, they want to change it or fix it. they don't want to throw it out and start over again and when
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the threat came it might go away, even though the rollout had a lot of glitches, people supported it more. >> do you buy that? >> we should talk in a few months. it's one thing to have a dysfunctional website and another thing to get hit with a huge increase in premiums and co-pays. >> so months when people see the reality in their own lives, you think there will be a lot of people opposed to it? >> yeah, this time next year democrats will be hoping for at least a delay in the individual mandate because it will be a mess. >> we got to leave it there. great to have you on again, rich, paul, we'll be right back.
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we heard from president obama a short time ago that does it for this edition of 360. we'll be back an hour from now, live edition of 360 later live on capitol hill. on capitol hill. "piers morgan live" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the quite and around the world. tonight breaking news, the frantic last-minute deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling with the deadline less than three hours ago, the senate voted to avoid a default and get federal agencies back running and back to work. the senate floor there says yes but will the gop controlled house say yes. if the house does approve it brings a temporary end to the crushing and bitter partisan battle that's taking a heavy toll across america. president obama spoke just a short time ago. listen. >> i want to thank the leaders of both parties for getting us to this point. once thi
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