tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 21, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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did for her. i love it. >> that's why it's the better stuff. isn't that great? you know how that story comes a lot of the good stuff comes remember the eyre shallman told me about the pot of the gold at the end of the rainbow, there is he right over there, see. that's john griffin. >> does not look like that everyone. >> he's not in as good as shape as he is in this picture. >> this is chris' fabulous producer, does not dress like that out of work. we are out of time. we get in to john berman and michaela pereira in for carol costello. >> when you talk about leprechauns it's time for the next hour of the show. great to see you. "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning. thank you so much for joining us. i'm michaela pereira. >> and i'm john berman. carol costello is off today, and this morning president obama steps in front of the cameras
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and takes the heat for the obama website glitches. the website has sputtered and crashed leaving thousands of insurance shoppers frustrated and angry. this comes as americans are fed up in washington and the dysfunction that led to the shutdown and near default on its debt. according to the new cnn/orc poll only 12% approve of the way congress is handling its job, 12%. 86% disapprove. let's get the view from the white house right now and cnn's jim acosta. jim, what do you have this morning? >> reporter: good morning, john. the same cnn/orc poll finds a majority of americans are not happy with republican control of the house of representatives but the gop may have caught a big political break as the president just as you mentioned later on this morning will be addressing the glitches in obama care. the shutdown ended days ago but
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the hangover is lingering and it's bad news for republicans. new cnn/orc poll finds 38% of americans believe gop control of the house of representatives is good for the country. more than half say it's a bad thing. but it gets worse for house speaker john boehner, the sizeable majority of americans say he should be replaced, only 30% say he should stay. the numbers are slightly better for president obama, 44% have confidence in the president versus 31% in republicans in congress. gop leaders say it's blowback. >> a number of us were saying back in july this strategy could not and would not work and of course, it didn't. so they'll not be another government shutdown. you can count on that. >> reporter: but in the end the budget brinksmanship shifted the spotlight where republicans wanted it on obama care. later today, aides say the president will acknowledge the website's infamous glitches and lay out solutions for fixing them. the pressure is on. while the program has seen nearly a half million
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applications and 19 mill visitors to the obama administration admits the website experience has been frustrating for many americans. >> it's been a fiasco. send air force one to silicon valley, load it up with smart people and bring them back to washington and fix this problem. it's ridiculous. everybody knows that. >> conservatives are calling for the resignation of health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius, saying she is resisting requests to testify on capitol hill, even though she has time to go on "the daily show." >> absolutely she should resign. why? because the program she implemented, obama care, is a disaster. >> ridiculous but nonetheless i think what has happened is unacceptable and has to be fixed, and that's what will happen. >> reporter: over the weekend the administration said it was bringing in "the best and the brightest" to fix those glitches. if you go to
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there is a new link that directs people to the phone call to call in and sign up for health insurance through these exchanges. at the same time the white house is making the case that this program is much more than a website, that it's offering consumer protections that did not exist pre-obama care. you can expect the president to repeat that message later on this morning. >> we will of course take a look at the president as that happens, that's after 11:00 eastern time this morning. jim acosta at the white house, thanks so much for joining us. one man who has come to embody both divisions in congress and the public anger at the dysfunction is senator ted cruz. first a sampling of his fans, fellow republican conservatives who welcomed him back to texas this weekend. >> standing ovation went on and on and on and the tea party favorite may take almost as much joy in boasting that his bare
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knuckle tactics left him reviled by both democrats and some long time republicans that he calls party bosses. colorful, defiant, and blunt, ted cruz sat down for a one on one interview with our very own dana bash. >> reporter: are you planning on doing this again january 15th, when the current bill that was just passed to reopen the government when it finishes? >> there will be time enough to talk about specific strategies, specific tactics. what i can tell you is that i think we need to keep as the top priority providing meaningful relief for all the millions of people that are -- >> reporter: you're not ruling it out? >> what i'm saying is the top priority, there are a lot of politicians in washington who want to put obama care behind us, say okay, fine, no more. no more discussing obama care and you know what? the american people are not satisfied with that. >> reporter: but on a practical level what is frustrating many
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of your colleagues is that they think you are turning your eyre on them instead of helping to try to elect more republicans to do what you want to do and i know you say that you're not endorsing any primary candidates but your tactics are being used as fund-raising tools for the very groups that do fund those primary candidates. >> reporter: look my ire is focused on obama care because it's not working and hurting the american people and i don't think it's acceptable. i'm not willing to go to the texans who elected me and say, well, you're hurting because of obama care but i wash my hands. there's nothing i can do about it. i'm not going to stand up and fight. i'm not willing to tell that to my constituents and i am encouraging senate republicans to stand together for principle. >> reporter: to those who say you tarnished the republican brand, that you set the republican party back in efforts to maybe retake the senate, maybe get in the position where a republican can win the white house in 2016? >> the single most damaging
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thing that happened to republicans for 2014 is all of the senate republicans coming out attacking the house republicans, attacking those, pushing the effort to defund obama care and lining themselves up opposite the american people. i'm hopeful that will change. i'm hopeful there will be some times, some reflection and senator republicans will come back to the principles they believed and campaigned on, i'm hoping they'll put action behind the campaign promises. >> cruz told dana bash the efforts to repeal obama care failed because senate republicans refused to unite with their house counterparts and also said the media is seizing on all of that sniping among fellow republicans and covering the infighting like a hollywood gossip column. two convicted killers back behind bars and more arrests might be on the way. u.s. marshals hunted down joseph jenkins and carl walker in panama city. this was the capture caught on cell phone video, forged documents are blamed for their
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mistaken release from prison weeks ago. authorities later classified the inmates as escapees and say the pair likely had "a lot of help." family members denied any knowledge of their escape plan. the nsa under fire again amid reports the agency intercepted more than 70 million phone calls made in france during just a 30-day period, the claims made by a french newspaper "le monde" which cited documents leaked by former nsa contractor edward snowden a day after a german magazine alleged they eaves dropped on the mexican government. mexico for its part vowing to investigate, calling the actions "unacceptable." cnn's senior international correspondent jim bitterman joins us now. jim? >> reporter: that was exactly the words that the french prime minister used as well, "unacceptable" that allies would be spying on each other in this sort of way.
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i think really what's bothered the french most about the report and by the way they've known since june that in fact the nsa was spying when the first reports came out of the edward snowden leaks, that what bothers them most about the "le monde" report the volume, 70 million in a month's time, between december and january of this year, 70 million intercepts, not only of telephone conversations but also text messages and e-mails, and as well the people that were being spied on were not just terrorist suspects according to "le monde" anyway but also government officials and administration officials here, which i think has really irritated them the most. they've protested. they called in the american ambassador, charles rifkin, this morning, to have a chat with him. john kerry, the secretary of state who just happened to be coming to town for an arab summit meeting that's taking place here in paris this afternoon, his timing wasn't so good in the sense this story
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broke this morning. he now is going to be meeting with the foreign minister tomorrow morning to talk about this subject. michaela? >> i'm sure there will be terse and tense conversations to be had. jim bittermann thanks so much. >> the secretary speaks good french so he'll understand all the mean things the french leaders are saying to him. new jersey makes it legal becoming the 15th state to okay same-sex marriage. we're going to speak with one lawmaker who performed those ceremonies already today. and was this little girl adopted or abducted? the couple that was found with little maria go to court while the search goes on for her birth parents. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels.
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but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment.
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welcome back everyone. cause for celebration for many couples in new jersey. >> i now by the power vested in me, thank god by the state of new jersey, it's about time, i declare joseph and orville to be lawful spouses in the state of new jersey. [ cheers and applause ] >> the state becoming the 14th in the nation to allow same-sex marriages, that was newark mayor and senator-elect cory booker he marked the occasion, married same-sex and heterosexual couples after refusing to perform all weddings until marriage equality was a reality. >> joining us now is steven philip, mayor of jersey city and he has been a busy man since just shortly after midnight a busy day ahead of him. welcome to "newsroom." >> thank you. >> you've done eight already
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today. we have about 20 more to do today. we have one of the largest lgbt communities in the state of new jersey and people are excited and people are coming in to city hall filling out applications and moving forward. it's a great day for jersey city and a great day for new jersey. >> now this is not over yet, the state governor christie is still appealing this to the supreme court. they did not stay it so the marriages can happen until the case gets before the court. how do you think governor christie's decision has affected him politically? obviously he's still way ahead in the polls there. >> i think his position is more politically motivated as it relates to his ambition beyond new jersey so at the end of the day, we have the court ruling, marriage equality is here to stay in new jersey, and we're excited about that. i don't think any of the rhetoric you hear from the governor at this point is going to have any implications at the end of the day for marriage equality staying. >> you're saying he's looking nationally. do you think he's ingenuous about his feelings?
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he's always held this position. >> i think he heightened his dialogue because of the conservative side of the republican party and i think he has to endear himself there. had that not been his motivation long-term i don't think you'd see him speaking in the way that he is today. look the reality of the situation is new jersey is a progressive state and he's the governor of a progressive state so he represents all of those people and the rhetoric today i think is looking a little bit beyond. >> as john was mentioning it is not over, at peel is scheduled for some time in january. how are you feeling about it? are signs pointing to it being overturned? >> no. i think it's here to stay and i don't think anything is going to change it. i think the courts have ruled that they're not going to have a stay, it's gone through several cycles of that up 'til now. it's in man and by that point there will be hundreds if not thousands of couples married and i don't think anything will change inspect state of new jersey. marriage equality is a good thing. >> couples married between now and january they stay married no matter what the courts decide?
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>> i'm not on the court so i don't know but i wouldn't expect the court to intervene. i wouldn't. >> the big question is how do you keep each and every one of the ceremonies as personal as it was for the 20 others you did earlier in the day. >> i think today, tomorrow, i'm going to be doing them and eventually it will back to the deputy mayors and the clerks because i have to govern a city but this is one of the fun things about the job and it's enjoyable. >> you really enjoy it in. >> yes, it's great. you see the families just excited and it really is terrific, some of them coming with children, really excited to fill out the applications to see it happening is really a momentous occasion for new jersey. >> getting the support of heterosexual couples saying we want to get married to support what you are able to now do. mayor fulop from jersey city a delight to have you here. you have a busy day ahead. >> and thank you for joining us. still to come for us, serious threat to the safety of anyone who flies, more people aiming laser, at airplanes and blinding the pilots during takeoffs and landings. we're going to have the troubling details coming up next. l.
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welcome back everyone. checking our top story, attorney general eric holder reportedly wants to change the way that local police respond to active shootings like the recent mass killing at the navy yard in washington. sources say the new emphasis would be on taking out the shooter before waiting for highly trained backup teams to arrive, waiting for backup has been the policy in many areas until now. new fears this morning in australia, where brush fires have already scorched an area
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larger than new york city and damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes. officials are warning the three large fires converged into a megafire, a total fire ban is in place for the entire sydney region already choking on smoke from the fires. a disturbing discovery at new york's kennedy airport. look at this, knives, blades, matches, scissors, just some of the many possibly destructive items that security found on one man, one man's carry-on luggage this weekend. 29-year-old timothy schiavo jr. admitted to owning that bag. police charged him with criminal owe session of a weapon. laser pens pose a serious threat to anyone who travels and an alarming number of people are aiming these cheap handheld gadgets at airplanes, blinding and startling pilots during crucial moments of takeoffs and landings, a trend so serious the fbi's joint terrorism task force
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is getting involved. rene marsh is live in washington. we've heard numerous incidents of this happening. >> it's becoming more common than people may actually realize. startling flash of light targeting kcockpits and pilots and a dangerous distraction midair and has federal investigators extremely concerned. this video from the faa shows the blinding glare of a laser aimed at an airplane's cockpit a scenario that replayed itself thousands of times throughout the country. listen as a plane is coming in for landing at new york's jfk airport last year. >> we just got lasered up here, two green flashes into the cockpit. it caught the first officer's eye. >> reporter: in new york city the fbi says incidents targeting planes have jumped 17%. >> we don't have an idea as to why the increase but there has been a 17% increase over last year regarding these incidents so they are concerning to us.
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>> laser is not going to physically hurt the airplane but the layser can blind the pilot, can temporarily blind the pilot and also just the effect of this startling burst of light into the airplane cockpit. >> reporter: a dangerous distraction for pilots according to the faa the number of laser incidents is 13 times higher now than previous years. compare more than 350 incidents in 2006 to more than 3,400 incidents in 2012 and while the lasers have never caused a crash the blinding light often appears during takeoff and touchdown. >> in the critical phase of flight if a pilot loses control of an airplane potentially a tragic accident. >> reporter: the most recent incidents happening last week a commercial plane was coming in for landing at new york's laguardia airport, when a blinding green laser light illuminated the cockpit. later that night a private plane reported a laser two miles
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southwest of laguardia. no injuries reported in either case, but earlier this year several commercial pilots suffered significant injuries, including a burnt retina, according to the fbi, which is leading the investigation. >> we need to train pilots better how to cope with them, we need to train the public in the hazard that these things can represent. >> experts say part of the reason we may be seeing an increase in incidents is because they're inexpensive and available online. the faa is exploring potential laser eye protection for pilots like special glasses, military pilots already wear laser protection. right now there's no evidence of terrorism, but the fbi is investigating because pointing a laser at a plane is a federal crime. michaela? >> it's a federal crime but also doesn't seem like the easiest thing to pinpoint who is the offender when it's happening.
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>> yes, this is a tough one and the fbi, they know the general area where the plane was flying over when the pilot experienced this flash of light coming into the cockpit, but in that press release that the fbi put out, they are clearly asking the public for their help if you've seen anything. so not an easy thing to investigate, but taking it very seriously, because the consequences could potentially be very tragic. michaela? >> lives are at stake. all right, rene marsh, thank you so much. >> that is one of the most criminally idiotic things i can imagine doing. let's hope the fbi can catch some of the people doing it. still to come the obama care website boggs down and the president is stepping up going to talk about it this morning. elizabeth cohen shows how vast these glitches are. d"
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at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. get up to $140 in mail-in rebates when you buy four select tires with the ford service credit card. where'd you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer.
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[ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. good morning everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm john berman. >> i'm michaela pereira. carol costello has the day off. >> time for a look at the top stories now. if you're still having trouble signing up for obama care online you are not alone. the website experienced glitches since day one. later this morning president
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obama will step in front of cameras to address these problems. this is expected to happen at about 11:25 eastern, you can see that live right here on cnn. new allegations against the nsa, this time over accusations that the agency intercepted more than 70 million phone calls in france. that's according to a french newspaper that cites documents leaked by former contractor edward snowden. in mexico officials are lashing out against a report that the agency hacked into the public e-mail of former president felipe calderon. mexican officials say the allegations are "unacceptable" and they've called for an investigation. on wall street, investors are hoping for more gains after last week's temporary debt ceiling deal. the s&p 500 is opening up at record highs this morning, and we are waiting for the monthly report on existing home sales due out next hour. cnn's alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange. how do things look so far? >> looking like a flat start to
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monday. there's not much holding the market back when you look at the big picture because with the default averted, also in the middle of the fourth quarter, so it's historically a strong one so you're going to be looking at the trend really to be higher. of course how long that will last is anyone's guess, as i said we are seeing some caution not expecting huge gains today but even just one measly point on the s&p 500 would be a new record and what a fantastic run it's been for the s&p 500, up 22% this year, historically a more normal gain on the s&p is 8%. dow is not too bad either, only 2% below its record high the nasdaq is at its highest level since 2000. it really is amazing considering everything that's happened this year, we have the shutdown, the possible default in the summer, all those concerns about the fed pulling back its stimulus. bad hit stocks, all the while economic growth to be honest isn't that spectacular. these are major events but the market is proving to be resilient. those default fears are still
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there, they're bubbling underneath the surface, because now what's going to happen is wall street is going to see us coming up against a february deadline. john? >> an epic year on wall street for investors, the problem is it's not trickling down to people at home, especially those who lost their jobs. alison kosik at the exchange thanks so much. great to he so yto see you this morning. the obamaca care website plagued by problems but the facebook page is working flawlessly recording all of the complaints about those glitches. site visitor mary holter says "i have tried every day since october 1st to enroll. my initial id and password were wiped out after the first week. this is a complete disaster" she says and kelly bishop says i've called the help center, done the live chat, no one can seem to help me. according to the "new york times" the problems are so vast the site may not operate smoothly until after the december 15th deadline to have coverage, because as many as 5.
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lines of software code may need to be rewritten, 5 million lines. >> 5 million. >> you can handle about 1 million lines of code. for perspective imagine this, consider that "the times" says that's about five times the size of a computer system of a giant bank like a large bank,' incredible. elizabeth cohen is in atlanta with a closer look. we know that you had success and you tried repeatedly and you finally had success. >> i had success with the first part. i had success actually getting a login, and we can talk more about what happened after that but this has been a rocky road for over the weekend they did fixes but haven't gotten it completely right and they're not saying when they will. if you've tried buying health insurance on, you've probably had trouble using the website. it's plagued with glitches and the administrations had yet to figure them all out. i'm putting in my county for i
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think the fifth time. it took me two weeks trying all times of day and night until i finally was able to logon and start filling out my application but the glitches continue. every time i logon, for example -- it keeps putting me back up here. i have to fill out this same page again and again. >> it's been a fiasco. send air force one out to silicon valley, load it up with some smart people, bring them back to washington and fix this problem. it's ridiculous and everybody knows that. >> reporter: the department of health and human services does seem to be trying. on sunday the agency wrote "our team is bringing in some of the best and brightest from both inside and outside government to scrub in with the team and help improve" the administration released one key figure showing people filed nearly half a million applications for health insurance so far but by cnn's own calculation, more than half of that total comes from the 14 states running their own
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websites, not in fact, just one state, new york, accounts for more than a quarter of all applications, and yes, they have their own website, too. now on the new home page that went live last night there's a button that says "apply by phone" so they're pointing out to people you can call, you can apply by phone. when i called they answered quickly and been very helpful. >> sometimes it's nice to have an actual person to talk to. we're hearing kentucky is a success story. >> i spoke to the folks from kentucky and also new york, where they've been able to get it right and they said that they did a lot of things differently from the federal government, so for example the federal government it took them a while to get this started because they were so busy trying to get other states to do it on their own, so that they sort of got a slow start. the other thing and i think this is crucial, is that experts tell me that those states like kentucky and new york, they
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didn't have much bureaucracy. they were very sort of finely tuned, everyone knew where the answers were coming from, federal government they said not so much. >> bureaucracy slows things down? my goodness. this is breaking news. elizabeth cohen thanks for watching this for us. the haunting image of a young girl named maria generated thousands as authorities in greece search for her birth parents. we could learn more as the couple charged with abducting her is in court today. cnn's cnn's erin mclaughlin joins us. so many captivated by the image of the little girl. who is she, how did she get there and what happens to her now? >> hi, john. the couple that are the suspect are kidnapping her are currently being deposed in court. it's not clear if the family planz on making any statements out of the hearing. as you say there are more
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questions than answers when it comes to this little girl. she's known only as maria, the little girl at the center of an international mystery. just who are her parents and why was she found living in a gypsy campsite in greece? investigators were carrying out a routine inspection of a row ma encampment near the town of larissa when they noticed maria, her blond hair and blue eyes were striking, she looked nothing like the 39-year-old man and the 40-year-old woman claiming to be her parents. dna tests later confirmed the investigator's suspicions. >> there was bad living conditions, poor hygiene, so the girl was found under, in state of neglect both physically and psychologically. >> reporter: the man and woman were arrested on suspicion of abducting a minor, and the campsite is now under investigation. the couple's lawyer denies the charges.
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>> our clients' claim is that we never abduct this child, we just adopted. with, in a way non-legal, that's where we can confess. >> reporter: police launched a public appeal, and have asked interpol to help locate her real parents. when maria's story broke it reminded many of the disappearance of madeleine mccann in portugal six years ago. no trace of her has ever been found. >> i hope that something like this would give the mccanns enough hope and encouragement that they renew their strength for the fight. >> the lawyer for the couple says that a bulgarian woman gave them maria because she could not care for her, so lots of questions here, john, not clear exactly what is going on. >> we hope that little girl gets the care she needs now. erin mclaughlin in london,
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thanks so much. still to come, did pop star rihanna disrespect a mosque in abu dhabi by striking a pose for photographs? we have that story, next. [ woman ] if you have the audacity to believe your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ]
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pop star rihanna making headlines. >> what's she up to? instead of pushing the limit on stage and on screen she made a visit to a mosque while on tour in the united arab emirates and struck a pose. >> a move that some people now calling disrespectful and inappropriate. cnn entertainment correspondent and terrific all-around reporter nischelle turner joins us. >> i need to keep the two of you apart because apparently you're cheering for opposite teams in the playoffs. >> she roots for a team called
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the cardinals, i don't know why. >> you just stay over there john berman while i give you the information. >> what is going on with rihanna. >> this incident says more about the mosque than rihanna. she's in the uae for a concert, and in the courtyard she posed for some pictures and sent them out on instagram, they are beautiful, not revealing. she was having some fun, she captioned one of the photos laying on her back, "no tan lines." she is covered from head to toe though you look in the burqa looks more like a look but she looks beautiful. before she was able to enter the mosque she was asked to leave and the mosque officials told cnn they thought the pictures she was taking were inappropriate and said "the photos did not fit within the rules and regulations set out to preserve the sacredness of the center." now the issue here, they're not
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really saying what they have an issue with in the pictures because like we said she's not revealed or anything, and the poses didn't seem suggestive, so we're not really sure why there was an issue but she left and she hasn't said much about it. >> did she get clearance before going in? >> that's something that hasn't been clarified if she got clearance or went to the courtyard or if you have to get cleern clearance to go to the courtyard. she posted the pictures and rihanna usually says what she says and means what she says but in this case she's been silent. >> they don't look happenstance, they look very posed, staged, like there was some thinking into it. >> a professional photo shoot. and in that situation she may have thought it may have just been best to back up, go ahead and leave and just be done with it. >> with can he get you to back off of it? can you shake hands at least?
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entertainment correspondent nischelle turner? >> not until after the world series. >> they'll be friends again one day. >>? the red sox win. >> speaking of controversy, good and bad news for the infamous street artist banksy. mayor michael bloomberg has enough of his guerrilla art exhibits calling it a "sign of decay and loss of control." really? but despite suggesting banksy is breaking law with the graffiti the police are not actively searching for him. he's been tagging the city for three weeks. spokesperson called it a month-long residency. >> i like the fact he calls it a residency. >> an artist in reserve in the entire city of new york. >> we're in residency. this week is the cnn premiere of "black fish" a document takes aim at the controversial issue of killer whales in captivity. we'll speak to the director of that film next hour on "cnn newsroom." we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd.
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did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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all right. let's check our top stories. are you frustrated with the new obama care website? if you haven't been able to sign up, you're not alone. later this morning president obama will address the technical glitches that have plagued the website. maybe sure to watch cnn and we'll bring you his remarks live. governor chris christie dropping his appeal on the same-sex marriages in his state. new york mayor cory booker conducted several of the ceremonies. they're the 14th state to recognize civil unions. in money, if you have an ipad. you might want to think about trading it in. there's a new one being unveiled tomorrow. experts say, this one is thinner, sleeker, and once it
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hits the shelves, prices are expected to drop. a florida walmart had quite a visit from that. enough said. police in orange county called to the store after an alligator was seen wandering, cruising, really, outside the entrance after midnight. they blocked off the doors for about an hour. good news for the gator, he was able to sneak off into the woods before the officers came on to the scene. >> and even they like the low prices. a14 hours, that's how long two men spent clinging to a boat off the coast of massachusetts as after capsized over the weekend. >> they had one life vest and it
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floated away. they had no radio to call for help. they had to cling on tight and fight for their lives. they are able to live to tell the story. >> and they really are counting their blessings. lucky to be alive. it was supposed to be a peaceful day at sea for these two then. but it turned into a scary overnight ordeal and a brutal lesson. it was supposed to be a leash you areally day at sea. but not long after taking sail from salem, massachusetts, en route to boston, their trip took a terrifying turn. the men say a strong gust of the wind caused their boat to cap size friday, leaving them clinging for life to a wooden plank. >> we now our best chance was to stay with the boat and not to
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panic. >> officials say the men had no radio to call for help. and the one life jacket they had between them drifted away. as the hours passed in the dark of night, the two men turned to their faith. >> we prayed together. >> and encouraging each other. because we knew, i'll tell you what, that's a life or death struggle out there in the water. >> their prayers were answered 14 hours later when a fishing crew spotted their capsized post tied to a buoy only half a mile away from land and called for help. >> they were very cold and thankful that we found them and that we took them? >> the men were brought back to dry land safely. cold, wet, and a little shaken up from their ordeal. >> i cannot imagine being out there for 14 hours the way they were. they were very brave. >> and the men refused medical care once they made it back to
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land. officials say this serves as an important reminder to wear a life jacket at all-times and have emergency equipment like a radio readily available. they were lucky in many ways, it was relatively warm. in the 60s, the water, when they were stranded. and their boat happened to capsized near a busy waterway. >> it's amazing that they were able to walk away and drive off under their own power. what an incredible tale. >> we're getting news in just in to cnn. the bali's casino in los angeles, there's been a shooting at the casino just a short while ago there. three people shot at the casino. our affiliate there. kveu, says one man, one mail suspect is in custody. three patients have been transported to the university medical center there. we do not know the condition they're in. you're looking at pictures of the casino. there was a shooting just a
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short while ago. three people hurt, now confirmed at the hospital. conditions unknown. one mail suspect in custody. well continue to follow this and get you the latest when they come back. [ male announcer ] when you have sinus pressure and pain, you feel...congested. beat down. crushed. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. so you feel free. powerful sinus relief. sudafed. open up.
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delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. welcome back everyone. peyton manning received a warm welcome from his fans in his return to indianapolis. that was just before the colts pummelled him. andrew luck flad inspired football. >> and joe carter has more for us in in morning's "bleacher
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report." >> how hard it is to be the guy replacing the man. he outplayed peyton manning last night. and before the game, it was a love fest before manning and the colt fans. he played there for 14 seasons. and he really turned that basketball town into a football town. and he was told during all of those years never to come within five feet of that practice. but last night he absolutely tear rised peyton manning. and indianapolis is officially andrew luck's city now. he passed for three touchdowns. ran in another. and it may have been peyton manning's week, but it was the colt' night. >> i truly appreciate way the great reception from the fans. i truly appreciated that as well. >> you got the next story, guys? turning this morning to bleacher, the jets lost to the
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patriots because the jets beat the patriots because a never before called penalty. this happened in overtime. the patriots' chris jones as flag for using a teammate as a ram. you can't push your teammate into the opponent's formation. it's a 15 dash yard penalty. and that gave them a second chance at a field goal. and he got a 4 2-yarder that was good. and they beat the patriots for the first time since 2011. look at this hit by the kicker on broncos tren don holiday. he gets laid out. how often do you see that. it looks like mcafee leads with with his helmet. and that will be the first time that a kicker or punter will get fined for a hit like that. you don't see that from a kicker very often.
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but that looked like the textbook definition of helmet to helmet contact. >> thanks so much for being with us. thank you all for watching the last hour. but fret not, because the next hour of "newsroom" begins right now. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm john berman. >> i'm michaela pereira. carol costello has the day off. next hour, president obama steps in front of the cameras and takes the heat for the obama care glitches. the glochlt health care website has crashed leaving thousands frustrated and angry. we asked folks to weigh in on the problems, and here is what we have heard from cnn chief complaint. can't even log opposite. number two. information is not correct. insurers say they're getting applications that are duplicates or missing key info.
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some website visitors say the cost are just too high. they say not only are premiums more expensive, but higher deduct i believes put the plans out of reach. and some folks are saying the higher prices are being passed on to them from their employers. republicans are taking their shots and demanding fixes. >> it's been a fiasco. send air force one out to silicon valley, load it up with smart people, bring them back to washington and fix this problem. it's rick dus and everybody knows that. >> strong language from john mccain. let's get a view from the white house. what are we expecting the president to say? he's going to have to take some of the blame, but not all of it. >> reporter: well, we'll see michaela. in about 90 minutes from now. white house officials say that president obama will talk about what they're calling technical problems with technical problems that the
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president says are unacceptable. and they say they're already working on correcting the glitches in the system. they say they've brought in the best and brightest. and already this morning, they've started to make changes to if you go to the main site as we speak it shows a like for how you can connect online and buy the insurance for for the exchanges. it has a button now where you can pick up the phone and buy it the old-fashioned way. in the meantime, a lot of democrats are starting to scratch their heads and wondering what's happening over at the white house, why is this not working, including house minority leader nancy pelosi. >> i do think it's unacceptable and has to be fixed. and i believe when the president comes forward, he will have what the fix is -- how it has been
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fixed and what the process is from here forward. >> reporter: now, the millions of visitors to, the obama administration, says only about 500,000 people have applied or filled out applications for insurance. but one number urngs one metric the white house will not put out, how many people have enrolled. the white house says that number is coming in mid-november. but they're not willing to disclose it just yet. >> we know that the obama care problems and glitches and frustration, all of this comes as many americans fed up with what's going on in washington, all the dysfunction that led to the shutdown and near defaults on its debts, talk about the latest polling, what are you seeing? >> reporter: in the runup to the shutdown and after the shutdown occurred, poll after poll showed that americans thought republicans were responsible for the dysfunction by and large. some thought democrats. but a majority of the republicans. take a look at this, a brand new
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cnn orc poll, 38%, only 38% of americans believe that the gop controlled houses of representatives is good for the country. but 54%, that's a solid majority, say that's bad for the country. that's not good news heading into the mid term elections. and take a look at this number, this is really surprising or perhaps not so much depending on your viewpoint, should john boehner be replaced as speaker of the house, yes, 63%, no, 30%. those are troubling numbers. at the same time, the president's numbers have not changed very much. 44% say they approve and 30% they do not approve. >> and just ahead, the man on the mission to kill obama care. republican senator ted cruz goes one on one with dana bash and
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he's not backing down in this fig fight. >> first let's take a look at the top stories. new jersey the 14th state recognizing same-sex marriages. the ceremonies began at midnight. over the weekend both couples and lawmakers spoke out on this historic moment. >> we lewised to live in california and we didn't get married there. and this is especially exciting for us, because we live in jersey city. >> it's great to see families having the opportunity to formally be recognized. >> and we have just learned that governor chris christie withdrew his appeal of this ruling. his office saying that even though he strongly disagrees with the court making the decision, instead of jersey voters or other elected officials, the governor will ensure that the law is enforced.
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and not changing in new jersey. >> new allegations at the nsa. they intercepted over 70 million phone calls in france. that's according to a french newspaper. and in mexico officials there lashing out against a report that the agency hacked into a former e-mail of felipe calderon. and they are now calling for an investigation. >> investigators looking into the death after they were struck by a bay area rapid transit train outside san francisco. officials say one of the men was a union member to chose to go to work. both men had experience working around moving trains. this just in. we're getting the numbers, new numbers for last month's existing home sales. they fell nearly 2% in
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september. >> jpmorgan and the justice department has tentatively agreed to a settlement and could mean more money in your pocket. christine romans, it's got my attention. break it down. >> tentative, still on the table. let me show you what they're talking about here. a $13 billion fine overall. $9 billion is in fines and penalties, and $4 billion is what they're calling a customer consumer relief. a bit on that in a moment. but this has been a very painful year for jamie diamond. he was hermded for steering this massive bank through the financial crisis relatively unscathed. in the 11th hour, he picked up bear sterns and washington
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mutual at the request of the united states government, he points out. and many of the problems he's facing now are because of those two acquisitions. this is about settling theism charges and a littles that some of the shenanigans at the bank really hurt taxpayers, really hurt fannie mae and freddie mac. >> what about the $4 billion? how does that get into our pockets. >> that's what's key here. in terms of first time home buyers or home buyers keeping them in their home, most of the money has gone for short sales and gone for other second mortgages and the like. so it will be key to see how much of this $4 billion goes into your pocket. principal reductions, help for underwater homeowners and for closure payments. this is the framework. but $4 billion has been ear marked to help the homeowners.
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>> there are still so many people underwater. >> and this settles the civil issues and not the -- >> that's very important to note. they wanted to get the criminal thing off the table. not off the table. $13 billion would not end necessarily the problems for jpmorgan. >> still to come for us, a nationwide manhunt for two escaped killers over. stay with us for dramatic video of this arrest. and news on what is next for the two convicts who allegedly walked right how the prison thanks to some forged documents. waffle bars... fancy robes... seems every hotel has something to love... so join the loyalty program that lets you earn free nights in any of them. plus, for a limited time, members can win a free night every day. only at but i didn't want her towait see my psoriasis. no matter how many ways i try to cover up, my psoriasis keeps showing up.
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two convicted killers back behind pars this morning. and more arrests might be on the way. u.s. marshals hunted down joseph jenkins and charles walker in weekend in panama city. forged documents are blamed for their mistaken will he r lease from prison. they later classified them as escapees and say they likely had a lot of help. we're outside the jail in panama city, where the inmates are right now. a lot of help. sounds suspicious. >> reporter: this is where charles walker and joseph jenkins woke up this morning. they're trying to figure out who helped them get their handed on the forged documents and who helped them with this brazen escape. >> oh, my god. those are u.s. marshals. >> are for the two convicted
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killers, this krol phone video shows the moment their manhunt ended. hand cuffed and shackled, they said little. >> we got information that they were here at the coconut grove motor inn. >> they were detained without incident. at a press conference on sunday, florida officials artdsed the bureaucratic blunder. they were accidentally released after showing forged paperwork. and apparently, this had happened twice before. only the inmates were caught before he this got out. >> it is embarrassing. but my concentration at this point is, i think, everyone else here is making sure we come up with a process and procedure that prohibits this from happening in the future. >> reporter: law enforcement has launched an investigation to figure out how they duped the
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system and obtained the documents. >> there is an underlying speculation that there was a source for a certain sum of money that these documents could be constructed for $8,000. whether that is true or not, will be determined. >> reporter: cnn legal analyst mark o'mara says they must have had help. >> there has to be somebody on the inside. somebody in the clerk's office, courthouse, maybe even in the state attorney's office position, a secretary who can actually get that paperwork done. >> reporter: state officials say as a result of this incident, they're going for now require a judge to verify an inmates early release. as far as walker appear jenkins are concerned, they and in court this past weekend and have another court date on friday where they will be transferred over to the department of corrections. it's still unclear if they're going to be headed back to the
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same jail where they escaped. >> it seems like a good idea to double-check the early release notices. as you said, officials saying more arrests are likely on the way. >> still to come, defiant and determined. senator ted cruz talks like a man on a mission. >> i think what we're trying to do is bigger than the economy, the budget, and bigger than obama care. what we're trying to do is really change you how washington operates. >> big plans but not a hint of a backing down. ted cruz, one on one, with our dana bash. life could be hectic. as a working mom of two young boys angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money.
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plus, for a limited time, members can win a free night every day. only at ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, ubenefit to the environmentergye as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ in just about an hour, president obama will face the cameras and confront some of the computer glitches that have dogged the launch the parts of obama care. >> and quick to season those problems, obama care's leading
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critic, ted cruz. it makes him a hero of fellow republican conservatives back in texas. [ cheers and applause ] >> colorful, defiant and blunt. cruz sat down for one on one interview with our dana bash. >> are you planning on doing this again january 15th when the current bill that was just passed to re-open the government, when it finishes? >> there will be time enough to talk about specific strategies and tactics. what i can tell you is that i think we need to keep as the top priority, providing meaningful relief -- >> but you're very deliberately not ruling it out. >> what i'm saying it the top priority. there are a lot of politicians in washington that want to put it behind us.
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okay, fine. no more discussing obama care. but the american people are not satisfied with that. >> but on a practical level, what is frustrating some many of your colleagues is they think you're turning your ire on them instead of trying to electric more republicans to do what you want to do. your tactics are being used for fundraising tools for the very groups that do fund them. >> my ire is focused on obama care because it's not working and not helping american people. i'm not willing to go to the texans who elected me and say, you're hurting because of obama care but i've washed my hands. i'm not willing to tell that to my constituents. and i are encurving -- >> and to those who say you've tarnished the republican brand and set them back in efforts to retake the senate, maybe get in
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a position where a republican with win the white house in 2016. >> the single most damaging thing that happened to republicans for 2014 is all of the republicans attacking the republicans attacking them for trying to defund obama care. i'm hopeful that will change. i'm hopeful will be be some time and reflection and they'll come back to the principles that they believe and campaigned on. i'm hoping we'll put action behind the campaign promises. >> he is not backing down from well-known members of his own party and accused him of damaging the party's image. >> i think the best way to repeal obama care is to have an alternative. we never hear the alternative. we could do this with a much lower cost and improved quality,
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based on our principles, free market principles. and two, show how obama care flawed to its core doesn't work. have a little bit of self-restraint. it might actually be politicly better approach to see the massive dysfunction. we don't hear about that because we've stepped on that message. and i think republicans need to take a step back and allow, show a little self-restraint and let this happen a little more organically. >> do you blame ted cruz for that? >> i blame the whole effort. >> well, he led it. >> the whole effort, which as i said -- >> john mccain says he's all for owe abolishing obama care. >> still to come. the nsa back in the headlines after being accused of spying. once again, the new revelations that have some of america's closest allies outraged.
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to investigate reports that they hacked into the e-mail of felipe calendar ron. they're calling it against international law. we're at the state department this morning. good morning. >> hey. well the timing of this is extremely bad as far as the united states is concerned. because the secretary of state john kerry just arrived in paris for a previously scheduled visit. you can imagine that he's going to have to address this. in fact, we're expecting, according to a senior administration official, something coming from the embassy today. and also there will be plenty of opportunities to ask secretary kerry what his opinion about all of this is. in the meantime, the foreign minister summoned the american ambassador to speak about this. he showed up. they've had that discussion. and here is what a quite angry
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foreign minister said. >> translator: these kind of practices that violate policy are totally unacceptablement we must quickly assure that these aren't repeated. so the ambassador will be received this morning. >> so, we have a really bad situation with france now, at least publicly. and as we've been reporting, just yesterday there was a report about spying, alleged spying by the nsa on the public e-mail of the former president of mexico, felipe calderon. as well as gathering, systematically gathering intelligence and eaves dropping on the mexican government. we did get a statement from the nsa just a few minutes ago saying that they're not going to comment publicly on every single allegation. but they say, as a matter of policy we've made clear that the
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u.s. gathers foreign intelligence of the type gathered by all nations. then they also say that president obama ordered. they're looking into this on how all of this is gathered. and they want to balance, and i think this is really the key, at least as they look at it, balancing legitimate security concerns, not only of the united states, but of its allies with the privacy concerns that people have. michaela, john. >> well, more damage control to be done there. thanks so much for that. >> checking other top stories. just about an hour from now, barack obama will confront the computer glitches that have tainted the rollout of parts of obama care. he's due to speak with the rose garden at 11:25 eastern. we will carry that live. this comes with the fed up american americans. according to a new cnn orc poll,
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only 12% prove of the way the congress is hamming its job. a whopping 86% disprovide. police say a man tried to board a flight with a bag full of knives, assisters, and matches. 29-year-old tim schiavo is in custody. look at all of that. there was a blade more than 4 inches long. police say he told them that he was a knife collector. >> if he is, he has quite a collection. >> trying to board a airplane. >> all right. they are believed to be among the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom. we're talking killer whales. a new cnn documentary takes a close-up look at killer whales in captivity. >> they live in these big families and they have life spans very similar to human life
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spans. females can live to about 100, maybe more. males to about 50 or 60. but the adult offspring never leave their mother's side. each community has a completely set of different behaviors. each has a complete repra toir of volumizations of no overlap. you can call them languages. the scientific community is reluctant to say any other animal except humans uses languages, but there's every indication that they use languages. >> the film is title "blackfish." and it's director joins us this morning. great to have you here with us. this documentary traces events involving killer whales all the way up to a tragic death of a handler at sea world in florida
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and shines the light, really, on how these animals are raised and kept. what were you trying to do in telling this story? >> it's interesting. i'm a mother who took her kids to sea world. i thought i was going to be telling a documentary about a trainer at sea world and this tragic death. so i sort of starting peeling back the onion from there. these animals are not suitable for captivity. they're supposed to be swimming up to 100 miles a day and they're doing these circles. they're slit from their families, they fight all the time vying for dominance. in captivity, they vie for dominance. but the subdominant animal who loses the fight flees. but in captivity they never can leave. >> and one of the main characters is the whale that killed that handler in florida. but this wasn't the first time there was an insurance department with this whale. explain the dark, be troubled
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history. >> i know. that was one of the most shocking things i learned is that he had killed twice before. the first time was at sea land. it was up in canada, and he killed a trainer there as well. and then killed once he was -- sea world purchased him after that and brought him over to orlando. and a gentleman, apparently who had stayed after at the park at sea world, was apparently killed by him. he was found dead the next morning. nobody ever heard anything apparently or saw anything. but he was also, you know. and then there's this recent one. >> we reached out to sea world and they made this statement to cnn about the film. it reads in part, "blackfish" is build as a document terry. but instead of a fair and balanced treatment of a complex subject, the film is inaccurate and misleading and regrettably exploits a tragedy that remains
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a deep pain. and it fails to mention sea world's commitment to the safety of its team members and guests and care and welfare of its animals. goes on to say as demonstrate the to the company's kwinl reminement and improvements to its killer whale facilities. i know that you have strong feeling in reaction to that. how do you respond to them saying it was inaccurate and misleading. >> it's interesting. the facts in film are indisputable. you can look them up online. what's interesting i tried very hard to interview sea world for about six months. we went back and forth. and i gave them my list of questions, which is something you never do. and i was looking forward to having their voice in the documentary. when they found out i was interviewing folks who worked at sea world and reveeming truths that nobody had heard, they were clearly not going to weigh in on
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that. >> and have you found out from other sea world, past sea world employees, some of them have been vocal about treatment of these beautiful animals and other animals in the past. >> they are. in fact, people have come out since viewing the movie. a lot of the employees who currently work there have viewed it. and sort of say, not only are the facts indisputable in the film, but you only scratch the surface with "blackfish" they tell me. >> thank you for joining us. the film again is "blackfish." it is right here on cnn. you can see it, i believe, thursday night is the premiere here. still to come, we will continue to look at the film "blackfish" with the other side of the argument. our next guest is a 35-year veteran. and does feel that this film may be slanted. you'll want to hear the other side. stay with us. >> they blamed her.
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this is the worst thing i've ever done. >> he was attacked viciously. there's no record of an orca doing harm in the wild. [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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went to talk more about the controversial documentary "blackfish." which takes a look at the 40-year history of killer whales in captivity. >> joining us now is ken ramirez. and he has done consulting for facilities that do have killer whales. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> we understand that you've seen "blackfish" and i understand that you feel the film, in your words are slanted. but you have feelings about who you the whale was treated. >> it's a compelling film. and there's no question when i
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saw it i was saddened by what i saw. but i came away recognizing that it was very one-sided. i heard her talk about the fact that it was factualment and certainly the fact that dawn tragically died is true. but so much of it is supposition and opinion. and there isn't the opportunity for those who work in the zoolg cal profession get to explain what is so important. that's what's absent from the film. >> they again call the film miss lieding and inaccurate. and to promote its bias that the killer whale should not be maintained in a set zoo logical setting. and among them, the that sea world rescues, rehabilitates and returns to the wild hundreds of wild animals every year and they commit millions of dollars
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annually to scientific research. one of the big questions is this, can any facility, no matter how great it is, can any facility fairly cage or keep these animals anywhere but the wild? >> i think there's no question that caring for a large animal like a killer whale is a difficult proposition. it requires a certain level of expertise. and that's something i think sea world does possess. i think that a well run zoo logical corporation can do a great job caring for these animals. and most importantly, we connect our visitors and guest and get them to care. and that's what zoos and aquariums do. >> i want to ask you about one specific thing. i think it was a headline that
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we were shocked by. there's no record of killer whale attacks in nature. what do you say to that? and it is factual? and do you know that these animals are much more violent in captivity than they would be out in nature? >> that's a good question. and i think that's one of the misrepresentations that sea world are talking about. killer whales are the top predator in the wild. they are an aggressive animal that kills sharks, sales and other animals. there are not a lot of human attacks in the wild because people don't interact with them in the wild. i also think the number of accidents that have skurd k urd in zoos and aquariums is really minimal. when you think about the tens of thousands of interactions that we have with our animals every single week, the number of incidents is really small. i think those of us who work with these animals go into it knowing that we're working with large and exotic animals.
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but we go into it with a passion and caring because we know they can provide excellent care and help the public learn more about these animals. that's what we're passionate about. >> gabrielle made clear to us that she thinks the people who deal with these, the handlers, do a fantastic job and care deeply about the whales. i should point out that the shed aquarium doesn't keep killer whales. but do you worry that this film can create a backlash? >> that's probably one of my biggest concerns. as you listen to some of the extremist groups talk, they're using this as a rallying cry that zoos don't really exist. and i think that's wrong. and they misunderstand that real role and goal that the zoos play. and think safety is our number
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one priority. and one of the reasons that we exist is to help our guests understand the impact that we have on the environment. and i think we can make a huge impact on promoting education in the wild. and that's why its so important to get our message out as well. >> kenra meerz is the executive vice president of animal care. and you can watch "blackfish" and make e make your own decision on where you stand right here at cnn this thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. in today's american journey, it has been six months since the boston marathon bombings. here is one of the survivors. the professional dance instructor lost her left leg below the knee. she has vowed to dance again.
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she told cnn she didn't want to sugar coat her story. a warning, some of the video might be hard for you to watch. you might need to turn away. >> i'm on my way to a prosthetic appointment -- still working on that word -- and they are going to fit me for my leg. yay. so exciting. oh, my gosh. hi. >> there's your foot. >> oh. >> look at the other side. >> this is like seeing my child walk for the first time again. it's pretty emotional and it's pretty exciting. but she's a storm. she's amazing. >> stand up for me.
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>> does it hurt? >> no. >> so what you feel, what i need you to differentiate -- you okay? >> doing good. at your own speed. >> okay. okay. >> one. >> it feels really good just to stand up right now. i haven't stood up in a really long time. i almost forgot what it felt like. it reminds me of dancing. and i just so desperately want that again. and i am so close. it feels really good. ♪ >> seven. eight. >> i think i'm further than i thought i would be in six months. i remember just getting my prosthetic and thinking it would take forever and also in the
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same time thinking, you know, i've got to do this. i had made a very strong point to not dwell on the people that did this. i insist on being called a survivor and not a victim. victim gives them ownership on me. i am not having that. that means that i somehow belong to somebody or i'm suffering because of him. i'm not suffering. i'm thriving. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people.
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checking our top stories now. it is a cold top story in minnesota where they're expecting more snow this week. look at that. >> it's so early. >> and that snowstorm has dumped about 3 inches of snow in parts of minnesota. roads very icy and slushy. >> we send you a big warm hug. went to bring you an update now on a remarkable young man. he captured the hearts of millions in their nation. a 15-year-old boy made national headlines because of a powerful request he made when he stood up in his church. here is his story. >> reporter: this courageous teenager has become a national sensation. after making a heart felt plea ast. petersburg church. my name is dave yon and i've been in foster care since i was born. i know god hasn't given up on me, so i'm not giving up either.
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he spent his entire life in foster care, asked for something that so many of us take for granted. a family. his mother gave birth to him when he was in jail. this simple request has tugged on heart strings body online and on tv. >> it's ridiculous. we need to step up and do the right thing. invest in our children. they are our future. this kid just wanted to be loved. >> reporter: leanne tui speaks from experience. she's the mother whose real life story of domt was turned into the oscar winning movie "the blind side". >> how do we know that he would not become the next greatest teacher or airplane pilot or police officer. all he needs is a chance. >> reporter: and some 400,000 children across the united states live in foster care. his story is raising awareness for other foster kids just like
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him. as for him, his dream might come true. so far over 10,000 people reached out asking if they might be the family he so desperately wants. >> it is going to take a while to go through all of the requests and applications. they think it will be about six months. he's willing to wait for that. 400,000 kids in foster care, a lot of the times it's older kids in foster care, but the teens, they need a home as well. >> so many kids need a chance. home come games are annual even thes at colleges a high schools across the country. but last night marked a rare indication at the nfl level. >> can you see a smile on his face. peyton manning returning to indianapolis for his first game. colts' fan gafz him a standing ovation. and the new face of the franchise led the colts to
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victory. it wasn't a win for his team. but rachel nichols is here. first of all, so great to see you. >> thank you. >> and what a great night for him even though they didn't win. >> it was an emotional night. everyone knows that the feeling of going back for the school reunion. you want to show everyone how great you're doing. and then you get there and there's a wave of nostalgia. he got there on a full head of steam and wanted to show how great he was with the problbron. the security guard who used to greet him when he walked into the stadium. and they held a video tribute for him with 60,000 people in the stands cheering and giving him a standing ovation. and he acknowledge sd afterward it got to him and made him emotional. >> no question, that was emotional during that tribute. i thought i came back pretty quickly. and i was ready to play for
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kickoff. you know, i felt a little -- probably a little tired coming into this week. i'm kind of in some ways somewhat relieved this game is over. and i feel like hopefully, you know, i'll have a chance to play these guys again. that would mean we made the playoffs. >> and, you know, you see peyton manning so often being almost machine-like on the field. now this was a human side of him. >> he left there in a classy way. and he'll always be welcomed back. >> the four sacks. your show "unguarded" premieres this friday. 10:30 p.m. eastern time. we will all be watching. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> thanks for watching cnn "newsroom." that's all for us right now. >> we'll hand it over to ashleigh. she is standing by. it will start after a quick break.
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