tv Around the World CNN October 25, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks, so be it. >> stow don yelton has resigned his position as the executive gop republican committee chairman for his county thursday. he was interviewed about carolina's new law after the supreme court struck down part of the 1965 voting rights act. he responded on the radio saying he's not a racist, that "the daily show" tried to create an illusion about him. have a look. >> i've talked with the state chairman who said the state was going to put out a statement asking me to step down. >> why do you think that is? >> because they're a bunch of chickens. >> maybe it's because they're embarrassed. >> no, look, look. >> maybe it's because they're embarrassed by what you said. >> let them get embarrassed. i'm embarrassed by the fact they don't stand up and fight for what's right. >> okay, mrs. yelton, i'm going to stand up and fight for what's right. in september on your facebook page, you called me a loud
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mouthed bitch, can we please as politicians, as human beings tone it down? come on. thanks for watching, everybody. stay tuned. "around the world" is coming up next. next. have yourself a lovely weekend. -- captions by vitac -- three big stories we're following right now. reports the u.s. spied on our allies is infuriating europe. germany's chancellor says it is severely shaken the trust and fueling calls for legal limits how espionage is carried out. and a man on a train overhears the former head of the nsa giving background information and then tweets it out. and confessions of a former drone operator. a young man who has killed hundreds of people using drones tells us that war was never meant to be carried out this way. welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. this is a diplomatic nightmare
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for the obama administration. it is intensifying right now. america's european allies are now furious over reports that the u.s. has been spying on them extensively. the growing scandal has dominated a european union summit. firms are expressing outrage at washington. they say the scandal could disrupt counter-terrorism collaboration between the united states and the european union. but a popular republican senator, marco rubio tells cnn, hey, european leaders can't be surprised by all this. >> everyone spies on everybody. that's just a fact. i mean, and whether they want to acknowledge than publicly or not and every country has different capabilities but at the end of the day, if you are a u.s. government official traveling abroad you are aware anything you have on your cell phone on your ipad could be monitored by foreign intelligence agencies. >> so that's probably right. that might be so, but german chancellor angela merkel is insisting there's got to be
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trust between allies and their partners and the white house certainly in a position now where they have to do some damage control. jim acosta has all the angles. >> this morning they all emerged unanimous. saying that reports of u.s. spying on their leaders jeopardizes u.s.-europe relations and even the fight against terrorism. germ's chancellor angela merkel who spoke with obama on wednesday after reports her personal cell phone was tap the joined her french counterpart to call for talks with the u.s. to renegotiate their countries' intelligence sharing protocols. it's the latest in a string of embarrassing revelations that started with ed yard snowden. this morning the white house is calling for review of its san francisco programs. lisa mon na ca writing an op-ed saying that's why the president directed us to re-examine our
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surveillance. she adds these have created significant challenges with some of our closest foreign parents. she told reporters thursday that is trust between the u.s. and germany needs to be rebuilt. in fact, "the washington post" reports this morning that the u.s. is quietly telling many foreign intelligence services that snowden may hold details about their secret cooperation with the u.s. and "the guardian" newpaper which broke the snowden story reports that 35 world leaders may have had their conversations monitored by the u.s. each new revelation straining u.s. ties further. fran's press francois hollande said this morning, a rule of good conduct is you don't bug the portable phones of people you meet regularly at international summits. >> jim acosta is joining us an the white house. first of all, the president himself is offereding review of the nsa policies. you've got to ask why because there is this tacit understanding, even president obama suggested it before the u.s. is not really doing anything you all that different
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than what other country do, using resources to get intelligence whether or not that means listening in on other world leaders. >> well, you know, it is an interesting question, suzanne. i think it is possible there are governments around theorld that are not spying on the leaders of 35 different countries as was reported in the guardian newspaper in terms of what the united states is up to. so thereighte some foreign governments around the world that might take issue with what the white house is saying, but what we can also point out is that administration officials are pointing us back to what president obama said on the phone with angela merkel earlier this week. that is he is open to dialogue between the united states and european leader in terms of how to work out some of these issues over these surveillance policies. that is acknowledgement they have some things to work on here. at the same time, yes, are you hearing from white house press secretary jay carney saying wait a minute, all governments do this. i asked him yesterday, is the
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nsa perhaps being told by the president to sort of cut some of the stuff out. here's how jay carney answered that question. >> again, i would never get into specific either allegations or operational matters of foreign intelligence gathering except to say we gather foreign intelligence much as other countries do. to say we are reviewing our foreign intelligence operations with a mind to the need to strike that balance between our security needs and the security needs of our allies and the privacy concerns we all share. >> so interesting to note there, you heard carney saying we do basically what otheroreign governments do. but at the same time, you know, we should also point out that the head of the nsa, general keith alexander, is sort of pushing back on this notion that the u.s. might start looking at curtailing some of these activities. he said in an interview with the defense department blog that perhaps the united states needs to look hoob at maybe youa a li
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disclosing these revelations that perhaps something can be done through laws or through the courts. and he also pointed out if we start lookingt stopping ks at the polic b the president he wants a review, suzanne. >> and it certainly sounds like the cat's alreadybag. people essentially know what the united states is doing and whether or not they curtail that seems to be thele all uyou. > a man whose job it is to keep america's secrets secret. well, he was overheard on the train this week, a passenger who was not far from him but actually heard the conversation started live tweeting the conversation that he had heard from the former nsa chief michael hayden. quoting here he says former nsa spy boss michael hayden just ended last of handful of interviews bashing the administration. and this one, listening to former nsa spy boss hayden give
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off the record interviews. i feel like i'm in the nsa except i'm in public. brian todd live for us in washington. so you know, i've got to ask this because first of all, you would think he would know better. besides the need to use common sense, are there protocas for officials of this type who have the clearance and access that he did, what they should be saying publicly? >> i'm not sure if there are protocols because these are new release being written in the twitter sphere kind of as we go. michael hayden didn't appear to know that anyone was listening to him but tom matcy who fweeted all that will says michael was being the laud guy on the train. matsy said he thought about it for a while, wasn't necessarily out to get him. he was listening to hayden being fairly loud in these conversations and matsy saying he is a partisan democrat.
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he supports the president. after an hour and a half he didn't like what he was saying about the president, what hayden was saying about the president. so he said he was a little bit fed up and started tweeting. hayden pushed back saying he wasn't criticizing the president but matsy in an interview just a short time ago said this about that. >> there was a very direct criticism he made which is he joked about the president insisting on using a blackberry after he came into office. he was implying that the administration should have known we're eavesdropping on all these foreign leaders because we told him this blackberry device is not secure. we're going to try to protect your communications. so the comments about the black berrill were the most clear thing to me. >> and matzzie said to me that he felt hayden's comments were undignified and inappropriate. those were the words he used. he believes hayden was borrow aring on decades of his own credibility in order to bash the
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president of the united states, suzanne. >> and there seems to be some back and forth whether or not he was actually criticizing the preds. how is hayden responding to all of this? how does he explain his behavior. >> hayden did issue a statement on this and i'll read it to you "had a nice chat with my fellow perjure. not sure what he thinks bashing the administration means. i didn't criticize the president. i actually said these are very difficult issues. i said i had political guidance that limited the things i did when i was director of nsa. now that political guidance will be more robust. it wasn't a criticism." one man saying it was a criticism and one saying it was not. but clearly, these are issues that we have to worry about i guess when we're on trains in public. you don't have the expectation of privacy. you're never alone. got to be mindful of what you're saying on your cell phone and where you are at the time. >> we've all been on that assess la train. he should have been in the quiet car. i don't know. >> they were not in the quiet
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car according to mazzie. he said that would have been worse. >> they would have told him to be quiet. >> absolutely. >> if you talk, that heal tell you to be quiet in the quiet car. appreciate it. we'll look closer at both stories. the story about hayden and the nsa spy scandal. let's bringing in robert bare, and he joins us via skype. good to see you as always. let's talk about hayden's, you know, this conversation that he said was on background with reportersen op a train in public. i mean, why could he think that's acceptable here? was he just being sloppy here? what do you think was behind this? >> well, the problem is hayden now is a political player. and there's a certain arrogance that goes was that role. and people like this will talk in public show off what they know. but the nsa director, former nsa director absolutely shouldn't be yelling about this stuff, any comments. the national security agency, we shouldn't be seeing any of this stuff in the press nor a remain
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toer director talking about it about policy or the president. it is unacceptable. >> you're in that community. you were in that community. what do you suppose is happening behind the scenes now? is somebody talking to him? is somebody essentially from the administration saying look, you know what, this can't happen again? >> no, they won't automatic talk to him. he should know by now the mistake he made. this is egregious mistake. he doesn't understand what twitter is? doesn't he understand that cell phones can pick up any conversation next to him? that could have been recorded and sent out, as well. this is a whole problem with washington, people talk too much. they talk about intelligence, they talk about politics. you were talking about the blackberry. they are easily hackable for foreign governments. you look around washington. all the antennas on foreign embassies are picking up blackberry conversations. >> let's turn the corner here talking about the spying scandal. you've got all of the eavesdropping going on, the nsa
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listening in to these phone calls and really, you've got angela merkel very upset with president obama, with the administration. a problem across the board with european allies. how appropriate is it the behavior? is this something that's pretty typical? >> it's typical and merkel knew that there was a possibility the national security agency was listening to her phone as are the russians and the chinese and the rest of it. but the problem is, this has been exposed and the public with documents from snowden. this is -- i got to say this is a catastrophe. it's going to cost lives because so many of these national security agency facilities are located in europe. what would happen if they closed them down? we'd be in trouble. >> bob finally here, some of the information we got about these leaks, it dates back to 2006 when they actually say that is when you had the situation where the u.s. potentially was listening in on the phone calls of allies, 35 world leaders back in 2006.
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you had president bush and angela merkel as a g-8 summit and he had the awkward moment when he did the massage and startled her. they were just getting to know each other at the time. this was the same time that they were listening in on phone calls. is this how people learn about other leaders? is this pat of the deal? >> yes, we did learn about them. it's interesting and the information is often titillating. was it worth the risk listening in to her phone? no, this is what we're seeing now. it was unnecessary. germany was going along with everything we wanted and to listen to her phone was nice but not crucial to american security. >> all right. bob baire, thank you for your insights. there is damage that needs to be repaired between the world lieders and their relationships. here's more of what we're working on. 17 years after the death of beauty child queen jonbenet ramsey, unsealed documents
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voted to indict her parents on child abuse charges. want to bring in senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin from morning to talk about this. jeffrey, we were all covering this back in colorado in the '90s. remember the case very, very well as a matter of fact. you have new documents. what do they reveal? >> well, in 1999, the grand jury in boulder, colorado, voted to indict jonbenet's parents on child abuse charges. it is not precisely clear what they thought they did. it is simply the charge is simply failing to prevent the death of jonbenet ramsey. it doesn't precisely say that the grand jury thought they killed jonbenet. but most importantly, the district attorney at the time, alex hunter, refused to sign the indictment. and said he thought there hfs insufficient evidence to bring the charge. so no charges were ever brought. it's very important to add that
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years later in 2008, a subsequent district attorney, did more tests of the evidence, and showed that dna not linked to the parents was on jonbenet's body. so she exonerated the parents. and the parents today stand exonerated. patsy ramsey unfortunately died of cancer several years ago, but this case remains unsolved. >> so does this remain a cold case? does this reopen in some way? what happens next? >> nothing happens now. i mean, this is a cold case. if the dna evidence that was found leads to a new suspect, then perhaps there be a prosecution. you may even remember there was a lunatic in thailand a few years ago, this guy john mark karr who suddenly confessed to the crime pep turned out just to be a crazy person. there are a lot of people still very interested in this case, but the evidence has not lady to
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the arrest of anyone. i think people should be careful in hearing this news and somehow thinking that the parents are now more suspects than they used to be. they're not. this evidence does not establish that. >> yeah, but explain to us, what do you think the mind set was of the grand jury if they were willing to indict on child abuse, what do you think they were thinking about these parents? >> well, i think they -- what this means in legal terms is that a majority of the grand jury thought there was probable cause to believe that the parents committed this crime. probable cause is, of course, a much lesser standard than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. this grand jury did not have that dna evidence available to it. it did not exist in 1999. those test results. so based on the other evidence, you know, people may remember some of the evidence in this case. jonbenet was strangled with
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something from an art kit from patsy ramsey's collection. there was a note written on a pad in the house that made references to the ramsey family finances in a rather detailed way. and there was, of course, a lot of evidence leading to suspect the parents, but no proof and in fact, they have since been exonerated. >> all right. jeff, thank you. a cold case that remains cold. thank you. appreciate it. the parents of missing children everywhere had hopeded that this little girl might be theirs. well, now investigators have discovered who her true parents are. 1ñp
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she has been called the mystery girl, the blonde blue eyed child taken from a couple in greece after police became suspicious she was kidnapped. the couple are roma. it's an ethnic group commonly known as gypsies and they don't look anything like this little girl. well, today, some of the mystery surrounding the child ha has been solved. we now know who her biological parents are. dna tests confirm they are a couple in bulgaria. karl penhaul joins us on the phone live from bulgaria. first of all, explain for us, was this an exchange of some sort, a mutually agreed exchange between these biological parents and the other parents who had
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custody of this child? >> reporter: certainly we hear from the version from the couple in greece and the birth parents in bulgaria, we understand that it was a mutual agreement that the baby that is now known as maria was left by the bulgarian birth parents with the greek reasonable ma couple because the bulgarians were simply too poor to raise the child. they had been in greece at the time working on the orange harvest. that's where the mother who has been named sasha ruseva gave birth. the bulgarians -- from a gypsy community and they felt there was enough trust and confidence to leave it with their counterparts in greece. but the authorities think differently. they think that the bulgarian birth mother sold her own baby for profit. and this evening, they have announced they have opened a criminal investigation into the mother to eif a crime has in
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fact been committed here, suzanne. >> okay. so with the biological mother in bulgaria and with this investigation open now, where is the biological mother and the biological father in bulgaria? has anybody charged them? is anybody going to arrest them? where are they now? >> the biological mother and father were taken in for questioning by bulgarian police yesterday afternoon. they were released without charge and came back to the village of where we are now, but when we turned up today, both birth parents will had left. we then were talking to neighbors and were checking with other contacts to find out where they went. we have found out that both real parents and baby maria have gone to the capital sophia. they've been hired by a tv company to do a paid for interview on sunday and so they have left to go there.
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but what they forgot to do before they went off to the bulgarian capital was to gather together all of their other children because they're parents of nine other children and at least two of their children were left to run wild in this tum bed down village in central but impairia, and now as night has fallen here, we have the child protection services backed by police trying to round up those two children and take them off into care suzanne. >> carl, very quickly, where is this little girl, the picture we're seeing now? is she protected? whose custody is she in? >> reporter: yes, baby maria, since she was discovered in that greek roma camp during a police raid, she was taken off and handed over for care to the greek charity known as smile for a child. they're a charity with a good reputation and they're looking after maria until this whole investigation is cleared up,
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suzanne. >> carl, thank you. we should note the other couple, the roma couple in greece that they have been charged with abducting little baby maria. they are in custody now. so it is a very complicated situation and opened up a number of investigations looking at adoptions and how they are done in greece. a drone operator who dropped bombs from behind a computer in the u.s. says fighting wars like this is wrong. >> all the drone operators, they get a bad rap and they need someone to talk how it's not a video game, how it is real life. >> you're going to hear more confessions of this former drone operator who killed hundreds of enemies. with drones. [ male announcer ] this is jim,
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see your lexus dealer. breaking news here. perhaps potentially some good news. we've all been following the obama health care website. now we are getting an update on that website. it is expected to be almost fully functioning by the end of november. now, this is something that is being predicted by jeffrey zients, appointed by the president to help lead in fixing this site, the site we know there have been a lot of delays and problems in registering for various plans and at some point, just wasn't
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able to get through. they've been trying to deal with this. there have been hearings on the hill. kathleen sebelius has been under fire because of all this. zients spoke to reporters for the first time and today he actually said they're being brought on board and that the vast majority of those who want to get through will be able to get all elements of that site, they're going to be able to use it and it's going to be functioning well most of it by the end of november. he also says they're appointing a contractor qssi to lead in the effort to fix that site. so you know, we hope it all, would out in the end. at this very moment, the u.n. has now learned that there's a hearing over the civilian deaths from u.s. drone strikes. that drone program very controversial because innocent people, innocent people have died in attacks that are intended to target terrorists. now, human rights reports that a highlight, the highlight of this
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is that it has taken a toll. amnesty international tells a story of a grandmother who was killed by a strike in front of her own grandchildren. the group also says attacks like these might even constitute war crimes. well, today, a u.s. us air mann, part of a team that killed more than 1600 peopleing in drone strikes spoke to cnn, talks about his experience and the memories that he just can't get out of his head. >> it's like a really opened my eyes to how what the war was about. that it's not clean like we were told that this was a clean, everything was precise and you can -- we're not a scalpel. we're still a missile and there are still mistakes that happen. there's a lot less mistakes than an f-16 but it still made me feel like i just ended a human
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life. >> cnn international anchor hala gorani joins us in the studio. a very, very powerful interview you did. we've been watching this and trying to dissect it. he's emotional. clearly he's been impacted but what he's done. is he rare? is this unusual that you have somebody who's been pressing buttons, looks at a video and really feels the emotion of what he's done and understands how he's can ied? >> i can't answer that question and there's one good reason for it. they rarely speak out, those individual who's operate the drones and push the buttons in windowless bunkers like in the case of brandon bryant. he was in nevada, in new mexico. however, what he said was extremely interesting because he was saying look, you think that you're watch essentially pimmal hated black and white video and therefore, this is not going to affect you. but there were times when he would go home cry he said in other interviews that he felt like a sociopath, disconnected
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from humanity. he knew the button he was pushing was ending the life of a human being. therefore, he wanted to tell americans in particular don't think this is a clean war. there is no such thing as a clean war. if you wasn't anti-septic, you don't get it with drones because on the other end and halfway around the world, you have individuals who die. i asked him what he would tell americans about this because as you know and most viewers know, most americans when asked support the drone program to target non-united states citizen suspected militants. this is what he said. >> there's a little intimacy that goes with every action in war and while we're not as close as someone who's knifing someone on the ground or shooting their rifle or their weapon at someone, we still have this level of intimacy where we see what we do and we see the actions that happen. we see the immediate effect. and the effect isn't physical at
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all. it's completely psychological. you hear the hum of a computer. you don't feel the missile coming off the rail. you watch it, and that disconnect right there i think affects a lot of peep because there's no physiological effect on people. >> and what was the worst -- when you look back at your years doing this, operating drones from afar, were some of the most shocking video you saw that really to this day stays with you? >> the most shocking i think was when we were following someone and the guy stopped and pulled out two kids and executed hem in the middle of the street and he knew that he wasn't -- that he had no consequences and the crew that got hem later, it was like vengeance almost. these are bad people. like you have to understand that there are bad people over there,
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and we do our best to get them. and -- but like you said earlier, america wants an anti-septic war. we want a clean war. the reality is that nothing is clean. >> and brandon bryant also said that at one point, he thought he had killed a child in one of those attacks. his superiors, however, insist that it was not a child that it might have been a dog. he however and this is part of the reason he says he has ptsd, something he hasn't been able to shake. you mentioned amnesty and human rights watch. this is very important because all these groups including u.n. are saying look, out of the several thousand that possibly have been killed and these are all secret numbers, the u.s. government is not releasing them, potentially you're looking at a third to sometimes half according to human rights watch in six attacks it documented in yemen might be civilians. those who look at these programs say here's the problem, even if it is eeb, it breeds so much
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resentment maybe it's counterproductive. in other words, it helps recruitment for groups like al qaeda. >> is he getting medical help? >> part of the reason he's speaking out, by the way, he said is so that he tells american and people all around the world what this drone program is about. and also to explain that drone operators and these people who are in charge of pushing the button, if you will, quote unquote, they get a bad rap, that they too are exposed to the type of violence that people in battlefield situations are exposed to. you can see it with him there. >> excellent interview. thank you so much. we're following this, as well. imagine that you're told that you're not allowed to drive. that's the case, of course, for all women in saudi arabia. well, now they're fighting back. we're going to hear directly from a woman leading a protest this weekend.
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we're running errands, carral poohing kids, driving to, would, all these activities carried out every day, every country around the world with one glaring exception, women in saudi arabia are not allowed to drive. this prevents a certain sense of freedom, as well. tomorrow, women across the kingdom are going to defy that unofficial ban. they're going to get behind the wheel and they are going to carry out a united protest to pressure the saudi government to grant women the right to drive. many are already doing it, posting these videos on youtube. they were inspired by this woman. a prominent woman's right activist. back in 2011, she shot vidio of herself driving, then posted it on youtube and paid for that with a jail sentence. she's joining us now from dubai and the united arab emirates.
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she's on skype. great to see you out of jail. you did this two years ago, and what was the impetus here, what was the motivation? because you knew that you could potentially face arrest and you had to do jail time. >> okay. i think there's been misunderstanding. most of the news channels they call and think it's a demonstration over a massive protest which the same thing they thought, but it's not. it's a symbolic day. just to tell them we're serious. and i'm not even a leader in this movement. i'm a big supporter of these women in saudi arabia because i don't live there anymore. >> sure. you're very modest. i understand, but tell us why you did what you did because it took a lot of courage what you did by getting behind the wheel and posting that on youtube. why was that important to you? >> it was because they told us
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when we were encouraging women 0 go out and drive, they told us there will be men in the street to the harass you, rape you and kill you. i was just trying to show women it's okay. you can go out and drive. i drove twice. once to show that it's safe and other times to pass by a police car and see what the authorities' response or what's the action when they arrest or when had he stop a woman driver. so tomorrow -- it will be another normal day in saudi arabia. you will see a lot of police cars, as i said authorities will be cooperating to stop any demonstrations in the country. for us, it was good the statement that they issued yesterday because this is the first time in three years we've been shaking them to give us the officials did not want to respond to all these tries. for the first time in three years, they respond.
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and they said it's bad. now great, for us it's a victory because now we know what we are facing. it's banned by law. and they've been keeping, telling a it's a society issue, not a political issue and it's not up to the authorities. >> and tell us why is this important to be able to drive here? i mean, this is about human rights. it's about women's rights. you say it's not political. there's an economic cost. you know, in terms of just being able to move and have to higher drivers and all that. . but are you part of something that is very important, very big. what do you think this will do? >> it's more of a civil rights movement. this is what's going on in saudi arabia and women are part of that. women are the prominent part of that because they are the ones who speak up in saudi arabia. for me, driving is more of a -- there are a lot of reasons
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because it's a daily hassle and a daily agony that women in saudi arabia have to go through without public transportation and without being able to walk in the street. we don't have -- the most important thing is shining the light on the guardianship system in saudi arabia. i'm a minor until the day and this movement, just the first nail i would say in the coffin to just bury that thing or the casket, to bury that thing that is called male guardianship over women in saudi arabia. it's more of -- yes? >> i'm sorry i have to leave it there. we've run out of time. really appreciate it. we'll have you back. please tell us how this goes tomorrow. how this, would out over the weekend, if people are arrested, if there are many people who come out to drive, if it is more of a symbolic gesture as you suggest and certainly where movement is going because i know this is about really equal
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ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. we've got breaking news. want to go to the white house. correspondent athena jones has the latest on that federal health care site we are learning expected to be almost fully functioning by the end of november. what do we know? >> hi, suzanne. that's the big news that we have heard today from jeff zients heading up this whole effort to fix, c with the contractors to trying to make sure the site is working. he told reporters on a call not too long ago they expect the site to be fully functioning by the end of november. that is an answer to a question we've been asking all along here when it emerged there were so many problems with he said by the end of november, the vast majority of folks
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trying to sign up for health insurance will be able to do so. he also said they're appointing one of the contractors, qssi to lead up this effort to fix the site. you'll remember one of the big criticisms of all of this, there there was no one person in charge leading the entire effort to get the site up and running with pointing jeffrey zients who ted up the effort and qssi to lead the fix, they've tried to answer some of those concerns. the end of november, if it takes till then, that's still about two months since the launch of the website. suzanne? >> accountability, it's all about accountability. we'll see how it goes in the next couple weeks. appreciate it. and this is a solution, 100 years in the making. a town surrounded by mountains in norway doesn't get sun light for seven months out of the year. well, now, it is getting much needed light, thanks to technology. we're going to show you how. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol?
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where you don't see the sun light for more than half a year. that is pretty tough. well, that's what more than 3,000 people who live in a nor we thinken town endure every winter. thanks to some technology 100 years in the making, light is flooding in. erin mclaughlin explains. >> like the little town in norway is about to get some much needed lights. the surrounding mountains are so tall, the entire town is in the shade for seven months out of the year. residents take a cable car up the mountain to get some much needed vitamin d. now, thanks to three giant mirrors and a local artists it looks like that's all about to change. the plan is to use the mirrors to reflect light down onto the town. what a bright idea. >> and several stories caught our attention today.
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photos, as well. take a look at this, the british royal family unveiled the official photos of prince george's christening. one photo includes a shot of baby george smiling with his hands in the air. a cutie. another photo is history in the making. the newest heir to the throne joined for the first time with queen elizabeth, prichbs william and prince charles. the group shot including the middleton family. over in germany, lady gaga making her latest fashion statement. it's hard to even understand what that is. but she stepped out in berlin. this is a bizarre bird-like mask covered in fur and a featured golden beak. the pop star had to be assisted by her bodyguard. so it's a headpiece blocked her vision "she wasn't able to see with that thing on. she's in the country to promote her new album "art pop." weird. weird. "cnn newsroom" continues.
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-- captions by vitac -- hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting today from washington. let's begin with new information how long it will take potentially to fix all the problems with the obama care website. jeffrey zients was brought in to help lead the trouble shooting for the website. he's updating reporters on efforts to get the site fixed. athena jones jones joining us from the white house. this time line, not encouraging, the end of february at the earliest they might be able to have everything working properly. is that right? >> it's the end of november. this is what jeff zients told reporters on this .
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