tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 25, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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writing on that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back, 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." in the meantime, "newsroom" continues right now with brooke baldwin. wolf blitzer, thank you so much. happy friday to all of you. i'm brooke baldwin. we begin the hour with new revelations in one of the most sensational crimes really of the late 20th century. it has been nearly 17 years and still no one has been charged in the murder of 6-year-old jonbenet ramsey. but today, for the first time in this case, we have these four pages of grand jury documents that have now been released. the bombshell, the grand jury wanted to indict the little beauty queen's parents, john and patsy ramsey, on charges of child abuse resulting in death, and being an accessory to the crime. district attorney said, quote, can't do it. not enough evidence. that was back in 1999. but you know, years and years passed. jonbenet's parents were suspected in her killing only to
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later be exonerated. jonbenet ramsey was found strangled in her upscale boulder, colorado, home, the day after christmas. this is back in 1996. her body dumped in the basement. there was a ransom note demanding specifically $118,000. and so back to the news today. some of these documents released are about patsy ramsey, the mother, who died of cancer back in 2006. the others, about john, who did not want the documents to come out. >> there has always been the dispute, was this an inside job by the ramseys or was there an outside intruder? it appears the boulder grand jury believes it was done by the ramseys. that's quite a revelation. >> we think it was a pedophile, a male. >> john ramsey's attorney protested today's release. this is what he said, quote,
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public release of the allegations of an unprosecuted indictment only served to further defame him and his late wife. so what exactly is in these documents? these grand jury documents? they accuse the ramseys of, quote, unlawfully, knowingly, recklessly, and feloniously permitting a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child's life or health. this case is still open, so why release these documents now? let me bring in cnn legal analyst danny cevalos and jeffrey toobin. jeffrey, i want to begin with you, because you know, i have read, i have reread what has been released today. maybe i'm missing something here, but i'm not seeing any kind of smoking gun, still. >> not at all. no. this is simply a charge that the grand jury wanted to bring in 1999. which the district attorney,
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alex hunter said, i'm not going to bring because i don't see the evidence that we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these parents committed these crimes. i think history has vindicated alex hunter's decision because later dna tests show that some other person apparently was responsible for this crime. the parents have been exonerated, but we still don't know who did it. >> we do know that originally there were these 18 pages, danny, to be unsealed. and shortly after the release, long time ramsey family attorney lynn wood called for the release of the full grand jury record, not just these, you know, their term historical footnotes. so why only release four pages. >> a huge difference and a public policy difference. why release the four pages to begin with? but releasing grand jury testimony is a very dangerous thing to do. public policy is grand jury
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proceedings are held in secret. they're held in secret for a reason. maybe people might fear reprisal. they have always been secret. it's safeguarding the process. you cannot release the grand jury documents, even though in this case the suspect, ramsey, may have wanted them to be released or the attorney wanted them released. the other thing, of course, he said is that he mentioned today it might be a defamation, but the reality is every day, essentially, a grand jury proceeding is a probable cause type hearing. every day these probable cause hearings go on in the form of preliminary hears, defendants are set free, and yes, is it defamatory in a sense they were brought to a court and held to answer? yes, but that's the way our criminal justice system works. you get accused. you get cleared. and there's not a whole lot you can do to wipe your record clean. >> so in addition to just the few pages released today, we know that the boulder d.a. has decided to issue, quoting, to issue a statement in the form of an op-ed piece to be published in this sunday's edition of the
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boulder local newspaper. to either of you, jeff toobin, first, what do we think he might rig write? what might he say? >> i don't know what he'll say, but i think the public position of the boulder d.a. has been that this case is still open. we are looking for clues. if there is evidence that ties to any specific individual, we will prosecute. but the parents have been exonerated. that's the position of the d.a., and anything other than that will be a significant change of a position. and i don't think there's any reason to suspect there will be one. >> danny, do you agree? where really can this, does this go? >> the d.a. has already taken a positionering as jeff said, that this is -- there wasn't anything more. although the grand jury concluded there's probable cause, that is not anywhere close to the same standard as beyond a reasonable doubt, and the d.a. in colorado, like
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almost every other jurisdiction, has complete discretion ultimately in deciding whether or not to bring or not bring a case. >> it's just important to point out -- >> yeah. >> that the dna evidence that led to the exoneration in 2008 was not available to the grand jury in 1999. so they didn't -- those tests had not been done yet. so that puts, i think, the decision by the grand jury in a somewhat different light. they might have come out with a different decision if they had had the evidence that came out later. >> still a mystery all these years later. jeffrey toobin, danny cevalos, thank you. so many of you follow every bit and piece of the story. you can read the documents. go to for more on the case and what's been released and watch ac 360 tonight, 8:00 p.m. eastern. now this, breaking news. a 7.5 magnitude earthquake has hit the eastern coast of japan and now tsunami advisories in
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effect for the coast, including the area near that fukushima nuclear power plant where that tremendous accident happened back in 2011. chad myers joining me now. what do you know? >> the tsunami alert is for a wave of about three feet. considering what they had in the same area a couple years ago, a three-foot wave isn't going to affect too many people. not many people rebuilt right next to the coast. what the problem is is the shape. the shape is about 300 or show miles from tokyo. here's tokyo itself. a couple hundred miles from the power plant. this is crippled, schatzkered, fragile. water is leaking all over the place. they don't need anything there to be shaking again. this is likely a 7.3 to 7.5. numbers are shifting back and forth as they always do with a large quake. this is likely an aftershock of the much bigger, initial quake. how could it be an aftershock? that was years ago. to a person, that's a long time, but to the earth, two years is not a long time.
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the same fault, same fault system. likely the same shake. there's no alert for a tsunami for alaska, for hawaii, for the united states at all. they don't believe any waves went this direction at all. all the waves went this direction, as the last time it did as well, but probably only a 1 meter or less wave there and they could have that. >> let me go to paula hancock, joining me on the phone. 7.3 magnitude. did you feel this? >> brooke, yes, i did. this certainly was strong enough to wake me up. it was 2:10 in the morning when it hit, and i'm sure it would have woken a fair few people up. it was a sizable quake down here. about 300 miles away from the epicenter here in tokyo, but it definitely was strong enough to wake people from their sleep. at this point, just watching japanese media as well, obviously, the television stations have been warning of
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this tsunami warning and showing the different areas along the eastern coast of japan where this possible tsunami may have hit. they're now saying that the time of that possible tsunami, the expected time has passed. and as far as i can see from details from the fukushima area, of course, remember, this is where the crippled nuclear power plant is. it doesn't appear at this point as though there is any damage. at least we're not hearing from the operators there's habeen any damage there. >> we're going to keep in close contact with you because to use your word, crippling. that earthquake, and ensuing tsunami, crippled that town. many towns in and around these certain areas of japan. paula hancock in tokyo, chad myers, thank you very much. we'll come back to you as soon as news warrants. >> coming u, cnn speaks with an american who pushed the button in deadly drone strikes and as a result, he says he's coping with ptsd. you'll hear straight from him
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and his chilling confessions up next. plus, a doctor is accused of drugging and drowning his wife. today, the mistress in the center of it all is expected to take the stand. stay right here. this is cnn. it's estimated that 30% of the traffic in a city is caused by people looking for parking. that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. streetline has looked at the problem of parking, which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years, we wanted to rethink that whole industry, so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then there's a mesh network that takes this information sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are. the collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start-up to go provide a service to municipalities. citi has been an incredible source of advice, how to engage with municipalities, how to structure deals, and as we think about internationally,
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he was part of a team whose missioned killed some 1,600 people, and one of those killed, he believes, was a small child. >> it is like a really open my eyes to how what the war was about. that it's not clean. like, we were told this was a clean, everything was precise, and you can -- we're not a scalpel, we're a missile and mistakes happen. there's a lot less mistakes than an f-16, but it made me feel like, i just ended a human life, you know? how is anyone supposed to deal with that? >> wow. hala gorani. you conducted this interview. it's saddening, fascinating, because so often we're hearing from men and women from the battlefield, diagnosed with pts drk, but this is the first i have seen of someone sitting far, far away, pushing a button
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and suffering in the same way. >> especially when the drone program has been in the news so much because you had amnesty international and human rights watch and now the united nations discussing the drone program and how often it does kill civilians, according to amnesty's 30 civilians were killed in four attacks between may 2012 and july 2013. other critics of the program say essentially this fuels terrorism. because it creates so much resentment on the ground that it might be the best recruiting tactic for al qaeda. then again, you have others who say no, this is more precise than a combat operation. more precise than an f-16, but brandon bryant is a fascinating example. he essentially was one of the earliest recruits in the drone program. he sits in a windowless bunker. he's given an order and target, and he pressed a button, and half a world away, there's a kill. and in some cases, as you said, he thought he had killed a child. this is something he had a very hard time with. he cried, he said it made him
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feel like a sociopath, divorced from humanity. that being said, his superiors have insists they don't think a child was killed. they think it was a dog, but i ask him, how do you deal with that, on the drive home when you have pushed the button and know you have taken a human life? >> we were consistently told when i was going through training that our job was to kill people and break things. and that's like one of those mant r mantras that people say to get themselves to be ready to do stuff like that. and i don't think that i could have ever been ready. i wasn't prepared, and it's largely my fault. but it's also the fault of the people that initiated the training. we were told to shut up and color. and we couldn't talk to a psychologist and couldn't do this. if we talked to anyone, we would lose our clearance. so it affected a lot of people. it, like, it would have been a
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lot better for us if we would have been able to sit down and talk with someone, to rationalize what has happened. the effect isn't physical at all. it's completely psychological. you hear the hum of a computer, you don't feel the missile coming off the rail. you watch it. and that disconnect right there, i think, affects a lot of people. the reality is that nothing is clean. it can't ever be clean, like, there is a reason why war is hell and it's dirty and gross and no one wants to participate in it, because if it was clean, everyone would want to be a part of it. >> so also just to be clear, we're talking as we're listening to him, the picture we saw next to him speaking to you, that's what he sees half a world away from his bunker. >> like worse than a video game. less resolution, but what he sees and he knows what he's seeing are human beings there, and in one case, he mentioned the child. in other cases, he saw somebody with a leg bleeding out. other people killed. >> i wanted to point this out. we put these numbers on the
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screen because the drone program, you can see the numbers. very popular among americans. this is a wall street journal/nbc news poll. 66% of americans favor the u.s. drone program. but i'm curious, you have talked to someone just recently who says the drone strikes are down. civilian deaths are down. >> i would be interested in knowing what the results of an opinion poll would be if americans had more information about the drone program. the government does not release targets. >> people are calling for tra e transparen transparency. >> we don't know the number of people who were killed. we don't know how the target lists are drawn up. there's so much we don't know about a very, very secret program. i did speak with ben emerson, who is right now essentially leading a panel at the u.n. on the drone strikes across the world, and one thing to note is it appears as if the u.s. is moving away from as many drone strikes as it conducted a few years ago. fewer drone strikes and fewer civilians killed as a result. but again, those numbers are
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very hard to confirm because the government won't release specific information about it. and if you'll remember the raids we saw in somalia targeting an al shabaab leader. the capture in libya of a suspected al qaeda operative. all these things appear to suggest that the u.s. is moving a little away from drone strikes and more towards the targeted raids. >> an incredible interview given the perspective we haven't heard. >> he said he's speaking out because he wants americans to hear directly from people who were responsible for being the operatives in this case. >> thank you for allowing him do that. coming u, a new ad slamming the tactics of the nsa and the folks in the ad, celebrities. we'll share their message with you. plus, things are getting more twisted here. the twists and turns in this trial of a doctor in utah accused of murdering his wife, and today, his mistress and young daughter are expected to take the stand and describe the
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moment she found her mother's body in the bathtub. that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] no success is overnight. ♪ it's about working harder... ♪ and smarter. ♪ it's the culmination of a million decisions... it's where you see yourself going... and how you choose to get there. the 2013 gs. our boldest response ever. there's no going back. ♪
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the mistress in the murder trial in utah, the doctor -- the mistress of the doctor expected to take the stand very shortly. lawyers for martin macneill say his wife died of natural causes, but prosecutors say he killed his wife in 2007 in order to be with this mistress turned nanny, gypsy willis. and macneill has proven he will break the law for this woman. he served four years in a federal prison for stealing his adopted daughter's identity and giving it to willis. he had that child sent back overseas and in the latest developments here, macneill's youngest child will focus on a ruling the judge gave today. aida, who is now 12, so keep in mind she was just 6 years of
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age, and she was the one who found her mother's body in that bathtub. i'm going to turn now to jane velez-mitchell. forgive me, jane. i thought there was sound happening. and we're going to come straight to you, live television. we're awaiting, we believe, gypsy willis will be taking the stand any minute now. what are we supposed to be h hearing from her? sbl we're on pins and needles because this is the blockbuster testimony. this is, according to prosecutors, the motive for murder. this is the woman that dr. macneill wanted to be with, and that's why prosecutors say he wanted his wife out of the way. gone. bye-bye. now, gypsy willis has said in the past under oath, we had an affair. big deal. he was happily married, and this was something that was fun and exciting on the side. nothing to see here. now, the prosecutor says, look, this woman is now angel. you talked about that identity
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fraud. she was also convicted for identity fraud for stealing the identity along with dr. macneill of the macneill's adopted daughter. and there is a witness who is expected to testify that gypsy has said some really, really creepy things to her that this other witness who is expected to testify interpreted as gypsy wanting michele, the wife, out of the way. now, jimsy has a rock solid alibi. she's not accused of murder. want to make that absolutely clear. she was in a car with somebody driving somewhere at the time that all of this went down, but the prosecution wants to show that dr. macneill was so obsessed with this woman, he had put her up, but he wasn't satisfied with that. he wanted her in the house, and that's why just a few days after his wife dies under very suspicious circumstances. he moves her in as the nanny, and of course, you heard rachel yesterday, the adult daughter, saying she didn't do nanny work. she was making goo goo eyes at
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him. >> she knee what was going on. this is one storyline we are following. we wait for the mistress to take the stand. on the other hand, they had these eight children. little bitty aide was 6 when she found her mom in the tub. she's now 12. the judge made this ruling. when might be see her? >> this is strange and complicated. essentially this little girl who is now 12, soon after her mommy's death, her adoptive mommy, it turns out, it was her biological grandmother, but that's a whole other story, but she goes to live with alexis. dr. macneill and the dead woman's dead daughter. alexis is the one who led the charge to have her dad prosecuted for murder. so living with her, is her mind poisoned by alexis? the judge kind of agreed. he said, look, her memory gets sharper and sharper the longer she lives with alexis. i'm not going to allow her to take the stand on direct.
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i'm going to play a tape she made about a year or so after her mom died where she described what she saw when she went into the bathroom and saw mommy in the tub, and then we're going to allow her to be cross-examined in person as the 12-year-old girl she is now and questioned on redirect by the prosecution. so that's very odd. kind of a cobbled together way of having her testify, but he felt that that was the fairest way for the defendant. >> got it. wow. there is a lot going on with this trial. we appreciate jane velez-mitchell, you keeping up with the twists and turns and subplots and testimony. we will be waiting to see if this mistress testifies. jane velez-mitchell, we watch each and every night on hln, 7:00 p.m. eastern. thank you. thanks, brooke. >> every american is at risk for getting caught in the nsa dragnet. >> including average citizens from suspected of a crime. >> recognize these people? celebrities attacking the ns ark. we're asking you to fight back. we'll debate an issue that affects your privacy. >> plus, the most inspiring
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moment you will ever see on the field. need i say more? that story behind this video is next. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? (dad) just feather it out. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break
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our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs.
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common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional
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you have these 35 world leaders. they are demanding answers over u.s. intelligence activities on their turf. and now spain is summoning the u.s. ambassador to do some explaining. as reports are surfacing that germany's chancellor angela merkel had her private cell phone tapped. today, european leaders met in brussels, unanimous in their condemnation saying the allegations, and i'm quoting, have severely shaken diplomatic relations, and now the new layer today, these celebrities joining the chorus in these ads, telling the nsa, get out of our business. >> revelations that have emerged in the past few months from whistle blower edward snowden and others -- >> have painted a disturbing picture of widespread suspicion of surveillance of american citizens. >> including audio, video, photographs, documents, chat logs, and e-mails. >> every american is at risk for getting caught up in the nsa dragnet. >> including average citizens
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not suspected of a crime. >> we also learned of the large scale collaboration with telecom giants, internet companies and service providers. >> nixon's crimes predated widespread internet use by decades. >> the tools for surveillance have never been more powerful and the threat to our civil liberties has never been greater. >> it's everything you use the internet for. >> history tells us we need to watch watchdogs. >> in a surveillance state, democracy itself is dead. >> we need to end mass suspicionless surveillance. >> so they're ticked, but not everyone is. take a listen to senator marco rubio. he was on cnn today. >> everyone spies on everybody. i mean, that's just a fact. i mean, and whether they want to acknowledge that publicly or not, and every country has different capabilities, but at the end of the day, if you are a
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u.s. government official traveling abroad, you're aware that anything you have on your cell phone, your ipad, could be monitored by foreign intelligence agencies. >> let's debate this, david, radio host and contributor for and huffington post and julie meyers wood, former assistant secretary of homeland security. welcome to both of you. so we just played the two sides here. you heard the celebrities and then you heard senator rubio. david, you get first at-bat here. tell me why senator rubio says, hey, spying is spying. everyone is spying. why is he wrong? >> well, i think he's not wrong that there is obviously foreign intelligence and there's obviously domestic intelligence and the united states. what he's wrong about is to pretend nats not a big deal, what he's wrong about is to pretend this should be able to happen completely in secret with very little small "d" democratic oversight by the legislative branch. we have a situation where we have had leaked that have come
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out showing not only is this surveillance happening in a broader way than congress even knew but is happening domestically. is being aimed at part in american citizens. i think these ads bring forward an important message, which is nis has gotten completely out of control and legislators in congress saying, hey, there's nothing to see here, no big deal, they're complicit in creating a surveillance state that violates every tenet of our constitution. >> it got me thinking and talking to folks. we're supposed to be the most technologically advanced nation, yet it too two yetwo years to f the twitter figure was who was spewing this hate in 140 characters or less. i digress. do you agree or disagree with david that this is a big deal? >> the video raises important points. it's time to have a serious and intelligent debate. there are questions about whether technology has gotten
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ahead of us and our technology and laws. we should look at this. if secelebrities can create interest and tell people to look at what lawmakers and whistle blowers have said, that's important. but we can't remember that this technology is responsible for stopping more than 12 terror plots. this is important, we just have to think about the right sort of protections. sbl shaging yo shaking your head, david. go ahead. >> propublica, the investigative journalism site investigated the concern of terrorism plots. there's absolutely no evidence offered to the public or members of congress that this kind of mass surveillance has stopped terrorist attacks. it's a ruse. it's a talking point that cuts against the facts that we know, and that is designed to perpetuate a sense of fear that then serves the national security surveillance state. >> this is -- hang on, that's one issue. i really want to get to the
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other, which is what we're hearing from the european leaders basically saying all of this spying has severely shaken diplomatic relations and the world's perception of the united states. how does the administration, julie, really just rebuild trust with other nations and these leaders? >> i think it's going to be very difficult. we would hope that our ambassadors have spoken to the world leaders ahead of these announcements and the president has spoken to them, and we have thought about how we can move forward. it's very difficult to think about how some of these world leaders can have complete trust in the united states with some of these allegations. so i do think that's going to be a diplomatic challenge. but let me say, we have to move beyond talking points and think about what are we doing to protect our country and are we going to have a full and frank discussion about what the best things are? i think that's what the senate is looking at doing now in this new bill that they're proposing. >> got to wrap it there. julie and david, thank you both very much. thank you. and have to wonder what an
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old-school linebacker, you know, dick butkus comes to mind, got to wonder what a guy like dick butkus might say if he found himself flagged for unnecessary roughness from a referee wearing a bra, because that's where we're headed here. here is andy with today's bleacher report. >> hey, brooke. it was a historic night in alabama thursday as four women referees took the field for the miles college football game. the female refs had worked plenty of games, but before tonight, there had never been this many in one game. they have been a part of the program for a while, and david coleman, director of officiating, said it won't be long before a female is working in the nfl. >> trending right now, brett favre says he's not coming out of retirement to play in the nfl again, and concussion-related symptoms are one of the reasons why. in a radio interview yesterday, he said while he has a good memory, he doesn't remember his daughter playing youth soccer
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one summerer. not remembering that is very scary for him. he also said god only knows the toll concussions have put on his health. >> here's one of the most touching touchdowns you'll ever see. tyler buff was born with club feet and a brain fall function that left him unable to speak. he's had several surgeries just to make walking possible, and his dream was to score a touchdown for his middle school over their rival. this week, both schools got together and made that dream come true. >> i told him, hey. you have to go. you know, don't go down. you get all the way to the end zone. >> when things like this come out of the tough times, it makes it easier to get through them. because you see the light at the end of the tunnel. >> he scored a 40-yard touchdown and spiked the ball. he was so excited, he forgot to do his happy dance in the end zone. that will do it for your bleacher report, brooke, back to you. >> happy dance. andy, thank you very much wroorb. coming up next, have you heard rapper, businessman jay-z
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so this boutique is accused of profiling some of it black customers, allegedly siccing police on them because they suspected they bought merchandise with fake credit cards. so "showbiz tonight" anchor aj hammer joins me here first as cnn commentator mark lamont hill, but aj, what is going on? >> barney's, of course, is a staple for the rich and maims, but now they're facing a lawsuit from a 19-year-old who said he was racially profiled and detained by police after buying a belt at the store. he said he was handcuffed and taken into police custody while the police verified his card was legitimate, and at a separate press conference that wrapped in new york city, another customer says she was discriminated against after she purchased a $2,500 purse. she said she was also accused of credit card fraud although she was not taken into police custody. barney's has released a
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statement saying they reviewed the first statement, and it's clear that no employee was involved in pursuit of action with the individual other than the steal. they also say they have no tolerance for discrimination. they have a history of supporting human rights, and there's pressure building against the store. it has been for years a favorite of celebrities. one of our affiliates caught model tyson beckford walking out of barney's new york and asked him about the story. i want to play for you what he said. >> because i mean, you might have a black president, but you're still going to be followed by security. it happens in macy's. you can't single out barney's. even walmart, it will happen to you. it's just -- i don't know. when you're looking at us, the other guy is getting away doing the bad stuff, and it's sad, it really is. >> so sad to know this may still go on. as the story gets more traction, especially being a favorite shopping spot of celebrities, you can expect more people to be
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speaking out. >> and then, mark let me bring you in for this. the story pivots to jay-z, has a big line coming out. critics coming forward. going to launch a line at barney's. will blue ivy be profiled when she purchased her first designer bag. do you think jay-z should yank the line? >> i'm not sure he should yank the line just yet. what he should do is leverage his star power and influence to make barney's be responsible on this. of course, he has the option of doing nothing, and many celebrities do nothing in the face of social injustice. jay-z has been a silent but strong contributor to social justice movements for a long time. sometimes he gets crit kzed, like harry belafonte said he doesn't do enough. right now, he has the opportunity to do something positive. i think he should say i will pull the line if there's not a public apology, training for the staff, and an acknowledgment that racial profiling is not okay, and obviously, treating the people who are mistreated
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appropriately by indemnifying them in whatever way makes sense. ultimately, he has to do something. >> that's the message, if he doesn't yank the line and maintains what he plans to do around the holiday season, and you say barney's meantime, should definitely do a public mea culpa? >> they should do a public mea culpa, regardless, but again, kormshzs don't have feelings, they have interests. they tend to do things when it's in their interest to do something, and their interests are often pushed by celebrities, by consumers who decide they're not going toshop there, by picket lines. al sharpton said he hopes new york city hasn't replaced stop and frisk with shop and frisk. now they're in trouble, so they're going to have to do something. i hope jay-z pushes them by saying if you don't play ball correctly, i'm leaving. >> we'll see what he does. thanks very much. coming up next here in the united states, one person dies every 19 minutes from a
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prescription drug overdose. so what is the government doing? they want to tighten control over some of the most commonly used meds. bob forrest is going to weigh in on whether this will work at all. next. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. back hurt. how your doctor prescribes common pain killers like vicodin may change. the fda wants to clamp down on drugs that include hide rucodone with other ingredients. every 19 minutes, think about this, one person in the u.s. dies from prescription drug overdose. the fda may soon now reclassify vicodin, lohr atab, putting them in the same category as morphine and adderall so patients would have to get written prescriptions from doctors and refills would be banned. i want to go to bob forrest in
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los angeles. bob, you're a recovering addict. we were just chatting about this in the commercial break because you say theo opioids create thi whole other addict. why is this particular drug so tough to kick? >> i always say in the '80s, the whole population of addicts treelted in chemical dependency clinics knew what they were doing was wrong. we were buying illicit drugs off the street, using it dangerously. it was hard enough to get us the message across that abstinence and sobriety is the only answer. with the prescription drug tsunami we have been dealing with the last 10 or 15 years, the addict doesn't even think what they're doing is wrong. they think they need this medicine. a doctor is telling them they need this medicine. so it throws a monkey wrench into our process of trying to help them get off. >> what do you think of this monkey wrench in what the fda may be doing? i know you're saying this could
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be a turning point for prescription drug abuse. but with the tsunami of prescription drug abuse, when there's a will, there's a way. people are addicts for a reason. do you think this will help? >> i think it's a beginning of help and a beginning of waking up to this problem that's been creating in the last 10 or 15 years with particularly with the overprescribing of opiates. what needs to be looked at is how we look at pain and measure pain. everybody has been to the hospital and they, you know, have a little puckture of what's your pain level. that's inevitably where this needs to go, how do you address pain in america? >> interesting -- >> because we're not doing a good job of it. >> it's interesting you brought it up, i read something that our own sanjay gupta wrote in a 2012 editorial. it's easier for a doctor to write a prescription than to explore other effective options to combat pain. and it is easier for patients to take those prescription pills than to search for alternatives themselves. both of those things must
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absolutely change. so where do the changes begin in addition to what the fda is now proposing? >> well, it has to start with federal guidelines and it has to start with the medical professional itself. this is the beginning. i'm excited about this. i think this is the beginning of the beginning. mary bono is a big proponent of all this, too, and she's a hero in washington. bringing this to the public attention, the government attention. and so inevitably, we're going to solve this problem like we always do. the question is, you know, how to do it, and who is involved in doing it. >> it's interesting what you're saying. it is sort of a different m mentality. you get them from your doctor and take them and don't think what you're taking is necessarily wrong, and that needs to change. bob forrest, always a pleasure. thank you so much, sir. >> thanks for having me. coming up next, a woman stabbed 32 times by her boyfriend. she lives to tell about it.
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woman 32 times, she showed her healing has gone way beyond her wounds. she told the court she forgives her high school sweetheart after he did this to her. he left her bleeding in the middle of a street, this was last year in clearwater, florida. you see her here in the hospital. this week, robert burton received life in prison without parole for that knife attack. she described to the judge how she could hear her teeth crack and felt each and every one of the 32 stab wounds from this ex-boyfriend of hers who also talkedt at this sentencing. >> 28 stab said through my face, my neck, my arms and hands.
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29, 30, 31, and finally, the vicious attack was coming to an end as robert's hand came down with the blade with a final stab wound, number 32. robert left me lying in the road. the horrific fight was over and he drove away, leaving me alone to die. i didn't get the chance to walk away with 10 or 20 stabs, but only until he believed i was finally dead and that my life was taken. it took 32 stabs for him to stop. >> i'm here. i destroyed the trust and love of those i care about deeply due to my depression and alcoholism. i ask and pray for forgiveness from both ms. dohme and her family as well as from my family and friends. i hope that i can move forward and i know that there is no forgiving what happened here, and i can't even imagine what i put her through. and i will have to live with
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that forever. >> robert, i forgive you for coming to my house and attempting to murder me. forgiveness is a sign of letting go. today, i'm letting go of any memories, pain, hatred. i'll never forget all i have been through, but i'll never look back and be upset. i'll always have these physical scars to remind me forever what happened, but i'm beautiful and it will never take away my happiness. >> pretty powerful here. part of that happiness involved one of the paramedics who helped save dohme. we can tell you the two are now dating. >> top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. some grand jury documents in a highly publicized child murder mystery now a matter of public record. nearly 17 years after six-year-old jonbenet ramsey was found strangled in the basement of her boulder, colorado, home on the day after christmas, the grand jury papers in the case
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have just now been released. what they show is this panel voted to indict jonbenet ramsey's parents, john and patsy, but that indictment never happened. some of these documents released today are about patsy ramsey, the mother here, who died of cancer back in 2006. the others, about her husband john, who did not at all want these documents to come out. so let's go to boulder, colorado, to cnn's ana cabrera. really, the biggest question i have is do these documents reveal anything new? >> i think they just lead to more questions, brooke. we only got a look at four pages from that 1999 grand jury indictment. again, those pages just unsealed by a colorado judge today. and essentially, it tells us that the grand jury at the time in 1999 believed john and patsy ramsey did indeed have something to do with their 6-year-old daughter's death. it does not exactly say that they believed that they killed
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jonbenet ramsey. essentially, they wanted to indict the parents on child abuse resulting in death as well as being an accessory to the murder. so in short, they believe that they may have helped her killer and that impeded the investigation. important to note that there was some dna evidence that came out years after this grand jury, thanks to dna testing technology advancements that ultimately exonerated the family and pointed to an unidentified, unrelated male as the little girl's killer. i wanted to read a statement from the family's attorney following the release of these documents. this is from lynn wood. it says, quote, the documents validate john ramsey's position that the boulder d.a. should release the entire grand jury record and not just four pages from an 18-month investigation. they reveal nothing about the evidence reviewed by the grand jury and are clearly the result of a confused and compromised process, end quote. and again, that attorney points out that the grand jury at that
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time in 1999 did not have access to that crucial dna evidence that ultimately is the biggest clue into who may have committed this crime. now, the question still remains, though, who did it? at this point, the boulder police department remains the lead on this investigation. and i'm told that they consider it an open investigation, but it's a cold case, so that does not mean it's an active investigation. they continue to get tips, but i'm also told they have not received a credible tip for a very long time. so at this point, brooke, they have no solid leads. >> i think you said it perfectly off the top, just leads to so many other questions, but i know, ana cabrera, so many of you follow eed all the twists a turns of the story. if you would like to read the document, you can, go to coming up, nancy grace wants to weigh in on the document release. she'll join me in just about half an hour from now. more breaking news here. the 7.1 magnitude earthquake has
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hit off the eastern coast of japan, and with the earthquake there, now you have the tsunami advisories in effect for the coast, including that area near the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant where that horrendous accident happened in 2011. chad myers, i'm bringing you in because first we're talking 7.3, so at least it's been downgraded just a tad. >> that happened. when you get a big shake, they have to look at it from a number of angle said, down to a 7.1, but they felt it 300 miles away in tokyo, and they felt it 200 miles away at the daiichi power plant. the problem is not so much that we had a tsunami, because we did, 1-foot, a 30 centimeter tsunami, but it shook the ground this power plant is still standing on. let me show you what this looks like because google has done a great job building a 3-d model
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of what fukushima looks like. it's broken, fragile. not going to get better anytime soon. inside these buildings that sustained so much damage, there are pools of water. in those pools of water are these spent fuel rods sitting there in water. if this breaks, if this pool breaks up here, not even on the ground, about 60 feet above the ground. if that water comes out, then these rods get a chance to melt. we need to not shake this anymore. the people here are very concerned. this is what it looks like right now. i have a lot shot for you. can't see very much. i guess it's still standing, at least part of it is. no immediate threats of new damage from the 7.1, but obviously still in the middle of the night there. >> 3:00 in the morning there, but we talked a lot about the spent fuel rods a couple years ago and the damage endured. we'll watch them closely. i'm sure everyone will be in japan. chad, thank you. coming up, the former head of the cia, talk, talk, talking on the train. that consaugz he was having off
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the record, but the guy sitting in front of him on the train, yeah, he was listening. he live tweeted that conversation. wait until you hear this story. plus, the mistress of the doctor accused of drugging and drowning his wife is about to take the stand. we'll talk about that, take you to utah. and president obama will be speaking this hour on education, and of all things here, technology. this as we get word when the obama care website will be fixed. we will be right back. you're watching cnn. [ male announcer ] every inch. every minute. every second --
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control, promising to review surveillance procedures at the nsa as the number of countries looking into allegations of u.s. spying grows each and every day. here's the list, mexico, brazil, france, germany. 35 world leaders demanding answers over u.s. intelligence activities on their turf. and now here spain summoning the u.s. ambassador to do some explaining. all of this as reports surface that angela merkel had her private cell phone tapped. today, european leaders met in brussels, unanimous in their condemnation. ray mcgovern, former cia analyst, joins me now. welcome to you. we heard from senator marco rubio on cnn earlier today. he was saying everyone knows that everyone spies. you were in the cia. from what you can tell me, i mean, is this a big deal? >> actually, it is. >> yeah? >> not everyone knew that the
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technology would drive all this. that because the technology allows us to monitor everything about everybody without adult supervision, and without any extra thinking, all manner of things have happened with respect to west european leaders, our closest allies, and they're angry and one can understand. angela merkel, her cell phone. so i have spent some years. fooif years all together in germany, is for example, today, i checked the best newspaper in europe, much less germany. a million people read it in germany. they had 12, 12, count them, 12 articles on this issue. >> wow. >> and they refer to the president, who -- the american president used to be just short of a saint, and they use the word -- >> i don't speak german. what does that mean?
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>> you can be put in jail for calling someone that. if you go like this on the highway, there's a law against it, it means crazy, worse than crazy. to see that adjective applies to the united states president -- >> that's not a good thing. >> that's troublesome. >> that is troublesome. so you know there are the people who are saying, though, this is chancellor merkel. perhaps feigning anger, feigning outrage. she knows what's going on. she's putting up a front. would you disagree with those people? >> well, if you watch her interview, she's always very careful to say we have joint interests. we're in afghanistan together. we have so many things to cooperate on. so it's a reasonable inference that she's sort of putting up a front here. but the others and especially the french prime minister, the spanish, the brazilians, the mexicans, you know, is all so
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unnecessary. what some of the commentators in germany are saying, using another adjective dumb. why? just because they had the technology that allows them to do this. so what needs to happen is that people in congress who are supposed to be exercising oversight but are actually overlooking all this business, they need to write her and the intelligence agencies which really, as one german common tarlt commented this morning, they're out of control. >> the question is why one would have to wonder that the information should be pretty valuable, from whatever one could get from an angela merkel private cell phone. >> but it's already admitted by the u.s. government that nothing substantial came fraugom that. there are other ways to collect this information. you know, my major concern, since as an army officer, i took a solemn oath to protect and defend the constitution of the
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united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, is that our fourth amendment has been shredded. the one that bans unreasonable surfaces and seizures. if you look at that amendment, probable cause is necessary. a warrant is necessary. it's necessary to define the particulars of the person or place to be searched or seized. all of that is trashed. >> i hear many people, i hear you bringing up the fourth amendment. part of the rallying cry. we see the celebrities here rallying cry against the nsa, ray mcgovern, former cia analyst, i appreciate your perspective today. thank you so much. and now, have you ever been on a train, you know the guy talking a little too loudly there? one who barks into his phone so the whole compartment can hear? well, that guy turns out to be this geise, general michael hayden. recognize him as a former head of the cia. you would think perhaps this man would be a bit more discreet about being overheard. maybe not.
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on the train. i don't know how loudly he was speaken, but someone heard. jake tapper, hoh of "the lead," this is quite the story. we should mention michael hayden, contributor to so thestoriy is he's riding this amdraak amtrak, and he's talking and someone tweets it. >> tom used to be with, a very liberal grassroots group, and he was sitting near general hayden. i'm not sure hue loudly he was speaking, but loud lay enouly e be heard, and he started to live tweet the conversation, which was apparently a background conversation with a reporter in which general hayden wanted to be identified as a former administration official, not by his own name. according to matsy, he was being critical of the administration. he spoke to our own brian todd earlier today.
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>> he was making political commentary about u.s. intelligence and u.s. foreign policy, and not -- using all of his credibility to play a political game. that's what matzzie had to say. general hayden seemed to have a sense of humor about it. he was contacted by his office in the middle of this ride, this train ride from washington to newark, is where he got off. general hayden. and then approached matzzie, took a picture with him, which he posted, and when asked for comment, he told us, i had a nice chat with my fellow pittsburgher. not sure what he thinks bashing the administration means. i didn't criticize the president. i said these are difficult issues. i had political guidance that limited what i did as director of the nsa. now it's going to be more robust. it wasn't a criticism. we have had general hayden on my show, "the lead," and he has been on the record somewhat
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critical of president obama, while also arguing he was happy that president obama embraced a lot of the nsa operations after he became president. so there you have it. >> you can't go anywhere these days. you can't go anywhere, right? >> you have to be careful if you're talking off the record or on background or on a train from washington, d.c. to new york city. >> yes, you do. jake tapper, thank you. congratulations, paperbook being released this week. congratulations. we'll be watching you at the top of the hour on "the lead." >> coming up next, candid comments from brett favre. >> years of football probably has taken its toll. >> has taken some big hits, and for the first time, we're hearing about his fears about how his memory has been affected by that. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything.
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there's a deep, rich, enduring color for everything, including love and happiness. benjamin moore. for everything that matters. some frightening moments at this state fair in north carolina. five people hurt on a carnival ride. they were getting off of what's called the vortex when all of a sudden, it started to back up again, and an emergency worker said the five victims were all initially knocked unconscious. we have learned at li two of them are out of the hospital as of today. >> it just sounded like a bunch of stuff hitting metal. and that was it. and then there was no screaming. i didn't hear any screaming. nothing out of the normal on that end, but then all of a sudden, we had all of the
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ambulance and security activity after that. >> the operator was one of the people hurt. the vortex will remain closed as investigators try to find out what went wrong. >> another former player from the nfl has gone public with an account of apparent memory lost. and believe me, this is a player you know. brett favre, this guy, no doubt one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, also considered one of the toughest. he once said he couldn't even guess how many concussions he may have suffered. i want you to listen to brett favre. his radio interview from just yesterday. >> i don't remember my daughter playing soccer, youth soccer one summer. i don't remember that. now, i got a pretty good memory, and i have a tendency like we all do, you forget, where are my glasses, and they're on your head. i have that. but this was a little shocking to me. >> we need to talk about this a little more with my colleague, rachel nichols, host of the new
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show "unguarded" prepremieres tonight on cnn, but brett favre, a pretty strange story line because you had this surge of speculation early on. maybe he would be making another comeback, and all of a sudden, here he is talking memory loss. >> every day, you get a speculation about brett favre making a comeback. that's old hat, but this is certainly new. it's something that took a lot of people by surprise, but it shouldn't. you mentioned brett favre, known as one of the toughest guys in the game. he was the ironman of football, played more than 300 consecutive games. and that work ethic, that idea of whatever is wrong, slap a band aid on it, get back on the field, it's the reason people want him to make a comeback. it's a reason that led to the records, the way he played the game. the way he played the game may cost him now. that bill may be coming due as we're finding out with so many other elite players, and it's leading to these crisis of
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conscience. you had these guys who thrilled us for so long. >> now he's like, i don't remember where my glasses. where it's scary a little bit for him. but let's talk about you. my friend, because honestly, congratulations. rachel nichols, the big show "unguarded" debuts tonight, 10:30. give me a tease, a preview. >> you know, we have great stuff on the show. one of the main themes here is how sports related to the rest of your life, and you were in boston yesterday at the world series. great example. right? you have a sporting event, championship. amazing moments, and also a way for a community that was ripped apart by the marathon bombings earlier this year, a way to come back together and the way that team has been interwoven with the rest of the town really speaks to the power of sports. we'll be talking about all kinds of things like that. we're also going to be bringing you some of the biggest names in sports. let's face t athletes now are some of our biggest celebrities
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period. we'll sit down with them, talk to them. we have lebron james on the show. traveled with him to china. it was an amazing trip to get that human side of lebron james. some of it was spectacular and crazy and thousands of people everywhere, and some of it, you'll see. there are great moments where he's a dad away on a business trip halfway around the world, and you know, doesn't remember the time difference and gets his wife annoyed by calling at 2:00 in the morning and all the things we would do. isn't sure about the food and everything else. >> how does he fit in the airplane seats? that's what i want to know? >> a big, big, big airline. we get these athletes in these unguarded moments, which is, you know, shameless plug. back to the title. >> unguarded. set your dvrs. 10:30 on cnn to watch rachel nichols. congratulations. thank you so much. coming u next, documents that jonbenet ramsey's parents did not want you to see today are revealed. and nancy grace joins me live. she has a lot to say about that
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indictment against the little girl's parents that never was. plus, a guy takes a camera, actors and a crew to shoot a movie inside disney world without permission. now disney knows. hear how he got away with it and what happened next. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back,
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new revelations, 17 yearsarve little jonbenet ramsey's death. the 6-year-old beauty queen was killed in her home in 1996. remember? she was found strangled, for a murder that is still to this day a mystery. no one has ever been charged in this case. but today, court documents just released show a grand jury voted to indict her parents on abuse charges. nancy, here's the thing, because i read what was released, these
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four pages, and i didn't see a whole heck of a lot in the four pages. no smoking gun. am i missing something? >> what you're sieeing is very simply only the documents the grand jury foreperson signed. this judge ruled and this is a state law there. that official actions by the grand jury cannot be kept secret. now, all of the documents, i mean, this grand jury investigation of the ramseys and the death of jonbenet cost over $2 million back in the 1990s. that's a lot of money. it went on for months. their ultimate action was they chose to indict the parents, john and patsy ramsey. not for murder. but for basically aiding and abetting or creating a situation where jonbenet could be killed. it's basically child abuse leading up to the time of the death. now, here's the kicker.
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all of the witnesses, all of the testimony, all of the exhibits, we don't have any of that because that is not deemed under the law an official action by the grand jury. the only reason we're getting these four pages is because the foreperson actually signed them. so we don't know what went before the grand jury to support these indictments. >> these are the four pages out of 18, 19. i know patsy ramsey passed away a couple years ago of cancer. john ramsey said i don't want these released, but if you're going to release any of them, release the entire file. why? >> i'm speaking now for john ramsey, which of course i'm not equipped to do, but i believe that john ramsey thinks that if the public saw what was put in front of the grand jury, it would work to his benefit in exonerating him and patsy. but he doesn't have a say over what the judge releases. so he did send a letter to the
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judge stating this, but i don't see that that's going to be released anytime soon. we do know what a grand jury thought. >> so where do we go from here? doesn't the bits and pieces released today lead to more questions? however many years later, this is still a mystery. >> get a glass of water because you're going to need one. it's a bitter pill to swallow. where do we go from here? nowhere, it's over. we're never going to know what happened to jonbenet ramsey. the case was bungled from the get-go, from the very beginning by the police there. we're never going to have an answer. think about it, if they did find the right person, the first thing defense would say and opening statements, guess what, the prosecution, they thought santa claus did it, too. remember they thought santa claus did it. then they thought john mark karr did it, then they thought this, then they thought that. practically speaking, you're never going to get a verdict, a guilty verdict. there's never going to be
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justice in this case. that's why you cannot bungle the case at the get-go. you've got to handle it correctly. they did not. >> nancy grace, watch nancy grace, 8:00 p.m. eastern on our sister network, hln. thank you very much. the new film escape from tomorrow is about a family on vacation to disney world that takes a dark turn. the movie is twisted and undecidedly undisney like plot. how the heck did this cast and crew make this movie inside the happiest place on earth? two words for you "guerilla filmmaking." cnn's entertainment correspondent nischelle turner has the story. >> it's billed at the happiest place on earth, but disney world is anything but in a daring new feature film. >> bad things happen everywhere. >> the magic kingdom has turned
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into a black and white nightmare in escape from tomorrow, the story of a man who comes unglued during a family vacation to the orlando theme park. amazingly, first-time director randy moore shot his movie on the sly inside disney world and disneyland over a period of weeks without disney ever catching on. it's one of the most brazen acts in recent cinematic history. >> there was high anxiety the entire time. i lost a ton of weight. >> how could disney not notice a film crew and more than half a dozen actors had infiltrated their parks? well, it had a lot to do with the camera moore used. one that looks like the kind any tourist might carry. >> it was when i learned about the canon 5-d mark 2 camera that i realized that this is possible i could make this film. >> moore added he's not out to
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promote canon and got no money to use the product. and he certainly is not out to praise disney. in fact, his film slams everything the parks represent. >> it's manufactured happiness, that you know, people save their whole year's salary to come and basically pay other people to smile and make them happy. >> even the post er, a blood y mitt that looks like it belongs to mickey mouse, but surprisingly, despite every opportunity to respond, disney hasn't lifted a finger against the filmmaker. >> there's something going on here. >> when cnn asked disney for a comment, a spokesman replied only, we are aware of the film. perhaps it's decided making a fuss would only attract more attention. >> we still had no response from disney. >> on the film's website, a clock is ticking, labeled number
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of hours since release that we haven't been sued. moore briefiously told us he is surprised he hasn't heard from disney's attorneys. >> if you're asking if i'm happy i'm not being sued and dragged over the coals, absolutely. >> he's vowing his next film, whatever that becomes, will be a whole lot easier to shoot. nischelle turner. cnn, anaheim, california. coming up, her look of disgust says it all. rachel mcneiacneill tells a jur about her father's mistress, a mistress by the name of gypsy. >> it was just obvious she was goo goo eyes at my dad and wasn't doing anything. a nanny would do. >> today, this mistress, gypsy, here she is. she's supposed to take the stand about this affair, the family, and how she met this doctor from utah.
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we are watching this trial out of utah very, very closely because any minute now, this mistress here in this utah doctor trial is about to take the stand. this is a murder trial playing out in provo, utah. prosecutors say this woman by the name of gypsy willis is the reason martin macneill murdered his wife, so he could be with his lover. but the defense says the mother of his eight children, michele macneill, died of natural causes. keep in mind, this happened six years ago, back in 2007. macneill has already proven he will break the law for his mistress, and the doctor served four years, we should tell you, in a federal prison for stealing his adopted daughter's identity and giving it to his mistress. he then sent that child overseas. a lot of moving parts in the
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trial. good thing we have ryan smith to walk us through what's happening. again, we're watching this stand, watch for jimsy willis, this mistress to testify. what do we expect her to say? >> she could be the biggest wince in the trial because she's the motef, what this is all about. the prosecution says dr. macneill got rid of his wife in order to be with his mistress. so she's going to talk ability the relationship, how it developed around 2005-2006. how they got together, how it intensified and what happened around the time of michele's death. in the preliminary hearing, she talked about how their relationship was casual. we knew we were hanging out, having a good time, but the doctor tried to move her in under the guise she was going to be the kids' nanny, and the identity theft, which by the way, i have to tell you, the jury is not supposed to hear about that part. that's something we know that they might not know. >> interesting. >> so all this plays out, this will come to a head because if the jury believed dr. macneill loved this woman and wanted to
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be with her instead of the wife, that could hit on the defensepusc cadefense's case. >> and just to be clear, gypsy willis has an alibi so she's -- >> not at all. >> we heard the daughter on the stand talking about the googly eyes, then you have this 6-year-old, now 12 aida. the judge made a pretty key ruling on her potential testimony. what happened with that? >> this is decided, she had given an interview about three or four years ago in a child services office about what she said she saw in the bathroom. when she came home, she went to look for her mom and she's the first person to see her mom in the bathtub. 6 years old. shot she saw is critical because it differs from what dr. macneill says. the judge has decided to let in her interview from a couple years ago. the defense can examine her and the prosecution can cross-examine. they want a chance to get her on
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the stand, humanize her, but the judge said she was improperly influenced by her sister alexis who she now lives with. alexis was coloring her testimony, i think our dad did it. i think this is what happened, and that might have influenced her. so the prosecution doesn't get the chance to build her up, yet the defense will have a chance to get her on the stand and hear her story. she was 6 years old. she's going to have -- maybe she won't have inconsistencies, but it's tough to stand up against cross-examination. >> we're watching right along with you. >> oh, yeah. going to be a big day in this case. >> big day, as you mentioned the motive with gypsy willis. ryan smith, thank you. now you're looking at a live picture. we're awaiting the president of the united states. live picture from brooklyn where the president will be speaking any moment. we'll bring this to you live. we'll be right back.
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fix the president's health care site now says late november. late november to get the bugs worked out or enough of the bugs in the word of jeffrey zions to serve the vast muyoert ajority people who want obama care. he pult the success rate at 90% for creating new accounts but only 30% for creating applications. big, big deadline looming, december 15th. that's the enrollment date for coverage effective the first of next year. >> question, should the government help jpmorgan chase pay a $13 billion, that is billium with a "b" settlement? that question is being debated as lawyers are trying to figure out how to handle huge settlement costs and fines in the wake of what we saw in 2008, the massive financial crisis. evan perez joins me now from washington. so i guess the question is, why would the government, evan, why would the government be on the hook for something like that? >> well, brooke, this is a big deal, going back to 2008. this is when washington mutual
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was a bank that was in trouble, and the government needed someone to buy it. jpmorgan stepped in and bought it. and there were some liabilities that the government assumed that the fdic which assures deposits and banks kept as part of the deal. jpmorgan is negotiating a $13 billion settlement with the justice department. this is over mortgage securities activities. and what is happening is lawyers are arguing over whether or not jpmorgan can go back to the fdic and have them pay for some of -- essentially reimburse jpmorgan for some of the costs. in essence, it would be taking from one pocket of the government and putting it in the other. >> jpmorgan said it bought washington mutual as a favor to the government. is that part of the discussions, the debate happening right now? >> right, well, jamie dimon, the
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ceo of jpmorgan has repeatedly said one of things he did was try to rescue the financial system in 2008. if you remember, there was a big crisis at the time and this was something done as a favor to the country. well, what's at issue here is there's also mortgage securities jpmorgan itself was selling. so the government says, look, we're trying to cut a deal whereby you can get out of these legal problems, and they don't want that jpmorgan should be able to go back to the fdic and have them be reimbursed for evan perez, thank you. each and every week, we take a closer look at one of the top ten cnn heroes of 2013. so this week, we meet robin emmons who created a unique solution for people in her north carolina community to get access to fresh produce.
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>> there's magic in gardening that you can drop a seed into the earth and from that, there's an amazing fruit that is delicious and so good for your body. that's a miracle. here in charlotte, 73,000 people live in low income neighborhoods that don't have access to this fresh fruit. you can call this the miracle mile. pretty desolate in the way of healthy food options. there are barely any supermarkets. once they get there by bus or a neighbor's car or on foot, they are paying a very high price for the food. i'm robin emmons. i believe everyone should have access to fresh fruit so i grow up and bring it to communities in need. we have about 200 volunteers that come out and help us harvesting the food. these are heirloom tomatoes over here. bringing the food to the community and cutting the cost in half compared to what they would pay in a grocery store.
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six months ago, i was diagnosed with diabetes. >> let's see if we can find something a little better. >> i am unemployed right now so sometimes you have to buy the cheaper things. >> these are beautiful. >> i couldn't believe all the fresh vegetables and the price was phenomenal. it's making me and my family healthier. >> i started growing food in my backyard. today i grow on nine acres of land. since 2008, we have grown 26,000 pounds of food. >> thank you. >> i feel like i am giving them a gift, a healthier, longer, more delicious life. >> one of our top ten cnn heroes will of course be chosen by you this year. i want you to help in that decision process. here's the website. hop online, hop on your mobile device, vote once a day every day for the most inspirational hero and the winner receives
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$250,000 to then further their work and of course, all ten of these heroes will be part of the star tribute with anderson cooper on december 1st. coming up next, i am fresh off a plane from boston here and want to talk about boston strong. do you recognize this man? it's become an iconic photograph. he's the man in the cowboy hat and is one of those who is recognized for his heroism in those crucial moments after the blast went off on boylston street. as i was in town last night, for world series game two, i found him and we caught up. we talked about how his life has changed over the last six months since the bombings. that's next. (dad) just feather it out. that's right. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car!
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(dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. but i didn't want her towait see my psoriasis. no matter how many ways i try to cover up, my psoriasis keeps showing up. all her focus is on me. but with these dry, cracked, red, flaky patches, i'm not sure if i want it to be. this is more than uncomfortable, it's unacceptable. visit where you can get refusing to hide, a free guide filled with simple strategies for living well with psoriasis. learn more at and talk to your dermatologist.
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humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy?
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i'm, like, totally not down with change. but i had to change to bounce dryer bars. one bar freshens more loads than these two bottles. i am so gonna tell everyone. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] time for change! a florida case involving a 12-year-old girl's suicide may be a tipping point for bullying cases really across the nation. it was just last month that rebecca went to an abandoned cement plant, climbed a tower and jumped. authorities say before her suicide, she was cyberbullied relentlessly and today, one of two girls accused of felony stalking in this case appeared in court. 12-year-old katelin roman did not enter a plea because the state of florida did not formally charge her with anything. high profile florida lawyer jose
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baez is defending her and says his client, she's the one being bullied. >> she was an a and b student from kindergarten all the way up to seventh grade and this is not -- she is not what her mug shot or what the headlines are portraying her to be. she is a child, and i'm not going to allow her to be bullied and i'm not going to allow her -- the system to bully her. >> roman is due back in court next week. jose baez represented casey anthony who was acquitted of murder charges in her young daughter's death. before i go in these last couple minutes i wanted to share something special with you. he is known as the man in the cowboy hat. he rushed in to help when those two homemade bombs exploded on boylston street at the boston marathon finish line. this is carlos aridondo. he was wheeling a young man who in the blast lost both of his legs past the finish line, straight to help, moments before
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carlos tied a tourniquet around the man's gaping wounds to stop the bleeding. the victim is jeff bowman. he survived. the man in the cowboy hat helped so many people on that tragic day. here's my interview. >> it's been very supporting months to all of us in our grieving process. many people have been participating in many, many ways. it's been unbelievable. >> it's been unbelievable, all the supportive months and we all know you with the picture with jeff. how is jeff doing? >> jeff's doing much better. yeah, he's moving on with his life. he's looking for his future, you know, and little by little like the other survivors as well. >> we go from tragedy six months ago to now. a lot of smiles on people's faces around fenway park because the boston red sox are in the
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world series. what do you think this team, i mean, you're wearing the jersey, what has this team done for this city? >> well, you know, after what particaray, you know, peoplethat was getting together at the finish line and since then, it's been a united community and unbelievable, grateful people who still send thank you to first responders, police officers, with the survivors for doing what they're doing now, which is giving us a beautiful example about moving on with their life, being boston strong, like all of us are now. boston strong. this organization, the red sox, have been amazing for all of us, the survivors, the first responders and the city itself, you know. >> his story is incredible. you can watch the entire
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interview if you go to the brooke blog, i asked how has your life changed in the last six months. it was six months ago just about when the two blasts went off on boylston street. thank you so much for being with me on this friday. we go to washington now. "the lead" starts right now. what's a little espionage between friends or against friends, for that matter? i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." the national lead. now that dozens of world leaders suspect the nsa is spying on them, the obama administration turns to the op-ed page for damage control, but how will allies react to essentially being told hey, everybody does it. the world lead. panic after a massive earthquake off the coast of japan rattled the ground beneath the fukushima power plant which is still crippled after suffering the worst nuclear disaster since chernobyl. also in national news, this young teacher was murdered and they are tasked with putting a teed
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