tv Piers Morgan Live CNN October 25, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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we knew nothing, in fact less than nothing what the public had was superstition and fear. >> a sight to the death. between the two most dangerous animals on earth. >> these were the vicious killer whales that, you know, had 48 sharp teeth that would rip you to shreds if they got a chance. >> what we learned is that they are amazingly friendly, and understanding and intuitively want to be your companion. >> are you recording this? [ laughter ] >> and to this day there is no record of an orca doing any harm to any human in the wild. ♪ >> they live in these big
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families, and they have life spans very similar to human life spans. the females can live to about 100, maybe more. males to about 50 or 60, but the adult offspring never leave their mother's side. each community has a completely different set of behaviors. each has a complete rep vocalizations with no over lap. you can call them languages, the scientific community is reluctant to say any other animal other than humans uses languages than humans but there is every indication they use languages. >> the orca brain just screams out intelligence, awareness. we took this tremendous brain and put it in a magnetic residence imaging scanner. what we found was just astounding. they have a part of the brain that humans don't have, a part
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of their brain has extended out right adjacent to their system that processes emotions. the safest inference would be these are animals that have highly elaborated emotional lives. it's becoming clear that dolphins and whales have a sense of self, a sense of social bonding they have taken to another level, much stronger, much more complex than another -- other mammals, including humans. we look at mass strapd -- strandings the fact they stand by each other. everything about them is social, everything. it's been suggested that their whole sense of self is distributed among the individuals in their group. >> five of them. these orca are going to attack this sea lion. they have been breaking the ice off and swimming around and --
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oh, here they come two of them look. you can see them underneath. they made a big wave. look at that. big wave. oh, yeah. >> oh, god, no, no, no. >> if you can't watch the bullfight, you better leave. >> here they go, look at this, three of them. >> oh, god, oh, no, oh, god. >> it's all over. >> no, not yet. >> yeah, it's all over. it's all over. ♪ >> the old fishermen on the coast, they call them blackfish. they are an animal that possesses great spiritual power, and not to be mettled with.
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i've spent a lot of time around killer whales, and they are always in charge. i never get out of the boat. i never mess with them. the speed and the power is quite amazing. rules are the same as the pool hall. keep one foot on the floor at all times. you can actually see them thousands of times. you see them and you still, you know, wake up.
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goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ it guides you to a number it guides you to a number that will change your life: your sleep number setting. it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with the sleep number bed's dualair technology. at the touch of a button, the sleep number bed
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repeatedly by katina and others. in the wild it's a very mate society. males whales are kept in the perimeter. in captivity, animals are squeezed into very close proximity. tilikum, the poor guy is so large he couldn't get away because he just is not as mobile, relative to the smaller and more agile females. >> he spent time in isolation. seaworld claims he's always with the females but from what i saw he was mostly put with the females for breeding purposes and he didn't spend a lot of time with the other whales. >> it's for his own protection, you know, he gets beat up, and so by segregating him, it provides a physical barrier so the females can't kick his butt. >> tilikum is pretty much kept in the back, and then brought out at the very end as like the
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big splash. he was always happy to see you in the morning. >> hi. >> there we go. >> good boy. >> look at his choppers. >> because because he was alone. maybe because he was hungry. maybe because he liked you. who knows what was going on in his head. >> want to whistle? >> yes? >> that was really loud. >> come on. >> he seemed to like to work. he seemed to be interested. he seemed to want to learn new things. he seemed to be enjoying, you know, working with the trainers. >> he, for me, was a joy. he really responded to me, and i, you know, every day i went to work, i was happy to see tili. >> that's cute. [ laughter ]
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>> you're being too cute. >> i never got the impression of him, while i was there, that, you know, oh my god, he's the scary whale, not at all. >> maybe some of its just our naivety or whatever. because we weren't given the full details of keltie's situation. >> i was under the impression that tilikum had nothing to do with her death, specifically, that it was the female whales responsible for her death. what i found odd at first was the way they were acting around this whale and what they told us seemed to be two different things. the first day he arrived, i remember a senior trainer, tilikum was in a pool and she was walking over a gate and had her wet suit unzipped tied around her waist and making cooing noises and going hey tilikum, what a cute whale and play talking at him and one of the supervisors said get her out of there and just screamed at her like get her away from there
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like they were so worried something would happen and i remember thinking, why are you guys making such a big deal out of this when he didn't actually kill her? well, clearly management thought there was some reason to exercise caution around him. clearly, they knew more than they were telling us. >> ladies and gentlemen, the next to be scene, you can only see right here at seaworld. >> jeff was out in the audience filming one of the shamu shows. it was a perfect shoe. all the hot dog sequences, water sequences went off great. >> i was really excited just to be capturing this because it was kind of turning out to be a great show. a show that's kind of complete. it doesn't -- it probably only only happens a few times a week. >> at the very end of the show, liz was working tilikum and apparently tilikum lunged out of the water at her. >> and i had captured tilikum coming out of the water kind of
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turning sideways and appeared to me to try to grab liz and at that moment, the tape became unusable. i was just kind of basically instructed to get rid of the tape. wanting to kind of preserve the tape, i actually used the editing equipment and snipped that out and stitched it back together so it looked like a glitch in the tape and like look at this and like no, this is no longer usable, you know, so we had to destroy the tape. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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it's pretty outrageous sea world claimed there was no tilikum would come out of the water and it's writ in a his profile. he lunges at trainers. >> shamu is a safe and comfortable habitat. >> natural behavior. >> i spewed out the party line during shows. i'm totally mortified now there is like something like, look at namu, namu isn't doing that because she has to. nam us doing this because she really wants to. >> oh my gosh. some of the things i'm embarrassed by, so embarrassed by. at the time i think i could have convinced myselves that the
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relationships we had were built on something stronger than the fact that i'm giving them fish. you know, i like to think that, but i don't know that that's the truth. i had within there awhile and i had seen it a few other things along the way that made me question why i was there, and what we were doing with these animals. >> on november 4th, 19 88 a killer whale at sea world gave the performance of a lifetime. don't miss this small miracle. come see our new baby shamu. >> i knew it was naive of me but i thought that it was our responsibility to do as much as we could to keep their family units together since we knew
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that in the wild that's what happens. ♪ yes, sir, that's our baby >> kalina was the first baby shamu. she had been quite disruptive and challenging her mom a little bit and disrupting some shows and that kind of thing. ♪ she's got the whole police jumping, shamu, she's that baby whale ♪ >> it was decided by the higher ups she would be moved to another park at four or five years old and that was news to us trainers working with her. to me it never crossed my mind that they would be moving the baby from her mom. the supervisors basically was kind of mocking me like, oh you're saying poor kalina? you know, what she's going to do without her mommy? that of course, shut me up. so the night of the move we had to deploy the nets to separate
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them and get kalina into the pool and she was generally a quiet well, not overly vocal. after kalina was taken from the scene and put on the truck and taken to the airport and her mom was put in the pool. she stayed in the corner of the pool just literally shaking and screaming, screeching, crying, like i had never seen her do anything like that and the other females in the pool, maybe once or twice during the night they would come out and check on her and she would screech and cry and they would run back. there was nothing that you could call that watching it, besides grief. >> those are not your whales. you know, you love them, and you think i'm the one that touches them, feeds them, keeps them alive, gives them the care that
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nay need. they are not your whales. they own them. they were very close, kasaka was the mother, takara was the chasm. takara was special to me. they were inacceptable. when they separated them, it was to take takara to florida. once takara was stretchered out of the pool, put on the truck, driven to the airport, kasaka continued to make vocals that had never been heard before. they brought in the senior research scientist to analyze the vocals. they were long-range vocals. she was trying something that no one had even heard before looking for takara. that's heart breaking. how can anyone look at that and
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where dan is joining us for a sneak peek. hi, dean. tell us about the new show. >> good afternoon, richard. the new show is whale and dolphin discovery. what it does is it shows the relationship that we have with all of our animals here. >> there's so many things that were told to us. they tell you so many times that you start believing it, you know. >> all the animals here get along very well. it's just like training your dog really. >> i was blind really. i was a kid. i didn't know what i was doing really. >> nice. good job. you did a real good job. ♪ >> this is david from maryland. go ahead and wave at everyone, david. >> i just really bought into what they told us. i learned to say what they told us to the audience. >> hello out there. children are some of shamu's biggest fans. >> i thought i knew everything about killer whales when i worked there and everything about the animals. i really know nothing about
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killer whales. i know a lot about being a killer whale trainer, but i don't know anything about these animal's natural history or their behavior. i really in some ways believed a lot of what i was learning from them because why would they lie? >> because the whales in their pools die young, they like to say that all orcas die at 25 to 35 years. >> 25 to 35 years. >> they're documented in the wild living to be about 35, mid 30s. it's longer in this environment because they have all the veterinary care. >> and of course that's false. we knew by 1980 after half a dozen years of research that they live equivalent to human life spans. and every other potentially embarrassing fact is twisted and turned and denied one way or another. >> so in the wild they live less. >> like the floppy dorsal fins. >> 25% of whales have a fin that
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turns over like that as they get older. >> dorsal collapse happens in less than 1% of wild killer whales. we know this. all the captive males, 100% have collapsed dorsal fins, and they say that they're a family. that the whales are in their family. they have their pods, but that's just, you know an artificial a semblance of their collection, however management decides they should mix them and whichever ones happen to be born or bought or brought in. that's not a family. you know. come on. >> you've got animals from different cultural subsets that have been brought in from various parks. these are different nations. these aren't two different killer whales. these animals have different genes. these different languages. >> well, what can happen as a result of them being thrown in with other whales that they haven't grown up with, that are not part of their culture is there's hyperaggression.
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a lot of violence, a lot of killing in captivity that you don't ever see in the wild. >> for the health and safety of the animals, please do not put your hands in the water. >> there's always this backdrop. this underpinning of tension between animals. whale-on-whale aggression was just part of your -- you know, the daily existence. >> we ask that you use the stairs and aisle ways as you exit. please do not step on the seats. these areas may become wet, and therefore slippery to some footwear. thank you. ♪ >> in the wild when there's tension they have thousands of square miles to exit the scene and they can get away. you don't have that in captivity. could you imagine being a small concrete enclosure for your life when you're used to swimming 100 miles a day?
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>> sometimes this aggression became very severe, and in fact whales have died in captivity because of this aggression. >> i think it was 1988, one rammed corky. it fractured her jaw, which cut an artery in her head, and then she bled out. that's got to be a hard way to go down. i saw there was just a lot of things that weren't right. and there was a lot of misinformation and something was amiss. and i sort of compartmentalized that part of it and did the best i could with the knowledge that i had. to take care of the animals that were there >> and i think all the trainers there have the same thing in their heart. they're trying to make a difference in the lives of the animals. they think if i leave, who is going to take care of tilikum? that's why i stayed. i felt sorry for tilikum. i mean, if you want to get down to the nuts and bolts of it, i
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stayed because i felt sorry for tilikum, and i couldn't bring myself to stop coming and trying to take care of him. ♪ >> gosh, do i love coming out here every day and having the audience just love what we're doing with the animals. how do i make the audience know how beautiful the animal is? and they're touched and moved. and i feel like i made a difference, too. >> i left in january of 2010, a month before dawn passed away. she was like a safety guru. i mean, she was always double checking and making sure that everyone was doing the right thing. so i remember she would record every show that she did and she would watch it and critique herself. and she was constantly trying to be better. when i found out it was dawn, i
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was shocked. that could have been me. i could have been the spotter. what if i was there and i could have saved her? you know, all these things go through your mind. >> john selig is the guy who was in 1987 crushed between two whales at seaworld in san diego. now even though i had been working at seaworld for six months, i had no idea that had even happened. i never heard the story. and the seaworld party line would say it was a trainer error. >> it was john's fault. john's fault. it was supposed to get off that whale. and for years i believed that. i told people that. i actually started seaworld like five days after that event occurred, and we weren't told
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much about it, other than it was trainer error, and, you know, especially when you're new into the program, you don't really question a whole lot. well, you know, years later when you actually look at the footage, you go, you know what, he didn't do anything wrong. that whale went to the wrong spot. it could have been aggression. who knows. but it was not the trainer's fault at all watching that video. >> when i saw the video of the killer whale landing on john, i mean, it just absolutely took my breath away. i gasped. i watched it two or three times. every time i gasped. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. what kept his body together is his wet suit held him together. but i know he's had multiple surgeries and he's got tons of hardware in his body and it's hard for me to believe i didn't see that when i was actually an animal trainer. it seems to me every person who works with killer whales should have to watch that video.
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tamary. you know, tamary made mistakes. the most important was reacting with whales without a spotter. so she's putting her foot on orchid. she's taking it off. she's putting her foot on orchid, she's taking it off. watching the video and knowing orchid, your stomach drops. because you probably know what's going to happen. she grabbed her foot. tamary whips around and she grabs the gate. you see her just ripped from the gate. at this point tamary knows that she's in trouble. she's under the water. splash and orchid both have her. she's totally out of view. no other trainer knows this is happening. people start to scream, you know, as the park guest that was filming it. you hear. you don't see her. but you hear tamary surface. you hear her just scream out
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"somebody help me", and the way she screamed it, it was just such a blood curdling like, she knew she was going to die. robin, when he ran over, he made a brilliant decision he told the trainer to run and take the chain off kasatka's gate. by taking that chain off it would give the precursor to orchid that kasatka is coming in. kasatka is more dominant than orchid, so orchid let her go. her arm, it was u-shaped. it was compound fractured. she's very lucky to be alive, that's for sure. i believe it's 70 plus, maybe even more, just killer whale trainer accidents.
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maybe 30 of them happened prior to me actually being hired at seaworld. and i knew about none of them. >> i've seen animals come out at trainers. >> something is wrong. >> i've seen people get slammed. the whales are just playing or they're upset for a second. it was just something that happened, you know. >> it's culture of you get back on the horse and you dive back in the water, and if you're hurt, well, then we've got other people that will replace you, and you came a long way.
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you sure you want that? >> a seaworld trainer is recovering after a terrifying ordeal in front of a horrified audience. >> for some reason, the whale just took a different approach to what it was going to do with a very senior, very experienced trainer, ken peters and drug him to the bottom of the pool and held him at the bottom, let him go. picked him up, took him down again.
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and these periods he was taken down were pretty close to the mark. you know. a minute. a minute 20. when he was at the surface, he didn't panic. he didn't thrash. he didn't scream. maybe he's just built that way, but he stroked the whale. and the whale let go of one foot and grabbed the other. that's a pretty deep pool. and he took him right down. i think that's to two
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atmospheres pressure. apparently mr. peters isn't an experienced scuba diver. i think that knowledge contributed to how he was able to be hauled down there that early and stay calm and know what to do. he knew what he was doing because when you can see him in the film, you can see him ventilating. you can see him ventilating really hard. he knows about swimming and diving and being underwater. he may have been assuming he was going underwater again. i did not walk away unimpressed by his calm demeanor during that whole affair. i would be scared shitless. ♪ >> he was near to the end.
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presumably ken peters had a relationship with this whale. maybe he did. maybe that's what saved him, but peters got the whale to let him go. and they strung a net across, and ken peters pulled himself over the float line, and swam like a demon to a slide out because the whale was coming right behind him. the whale jumped over it and kept right after him. he tried to stand up and run but his feet were damaged. he scrambled. and they take this as a prime example of their training working. and they say stand back and stay calm. and that did work. they claim this is a victory of how they do business.
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and maybe so. but it can also be interpreted as a hair's thread away from another fatality. need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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it's one of our favorite places. >> yeah, i like when shamu gets everybody wet. >> when the whales get up close to the glass, whammo, you're a goner. >> orange county sheriff deputies have identified the 27-year-old man found dead in a killer whale's tank at seaworld. the victim is daniel p. dukes from south carolina. he was found draped over the back of tilikum, the largest orca whale in captivity. >> all i know is he was a young man that had been arrested not long before he snuck into seaworld. maybe he climbed the barbed wire fence and stayed after hours. >> perfect story line. a mentally disturb guy hides in the park after hours and strips
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his clothes off and decides he wants to have a magical experience with an orca and drowns because he became hypothermic. right. that the the story line and none of us know the difference. >> he was not detected by the night watch trainers who were presumably at the station. >> there are cameras all over seaworld. there are cameras all over the back of shamu stadium pointed every which way. there are underwater cameras. i find it hard to believe that nobody knew until the morning that there was a body in there. they have a night watch trainer. that person didn't hear any slashing or screaming? i just find that really suspicious. >> one of the employees, i don't know if it was a physical therapist or somebody was coming in the morning and there was tilikum with a dead naked guy on his back, kind of parading him around the back pool. the public relation spin on this is he was a drifter and died of hypothermia, but the medical
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examiner reports were more graphic than that. for example, tilikum stripped him, bit off his genitals. there was bite marks all over his body. >> now whether that was post death or predeath, i don't know, but all i can comment on is the guy definitely jumped in the wrong pool. ♪ so why keep tilikum there? this guy has a proven track record of killing people. he's clearly a liability to the institution. why keep him around? well, it's quite simple to answer, and that is that his s, seamon is worth quite a lot of money. >> over the years tilikum has been one of the main breeding whales at seaworld.
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which is brilliant because they can inseminate way more female whales because they can get his sperm and freeze it and he's basically operating as a sperm bank. in a reputable breeding program, rule number one is you certainly would not breed an animal that has shown a history of imagine if you had a pit bull who had killed -- that animal would have likely been put down in the entire seaworld collection it's like 54% of the whales in seaworld's collection now have tilikum's genes. >> the fall is to assume that all killer whales are like tilikum. you have to look at their learning history from birth, understand why tilikum was a hazard to anybody in the water.
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you have to understand that none of the other killer whales at seaworld in that system are that way. >> what about the incident at laurel park? >> first of all, i can't speak with specificity about laurel park. i wasn't there. i in fact i know very little about it. probably about as much as the general public knows. ♪ [ speaking in foreign language ]
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>> loro parque is in the canary islands near spain. it's a big tourist attraction. when seaworld sense the or cass there, everybody was always questioning like how did they make that leap to send four young orcas to a park off the west coast of africa with trainers who a lot of them had never been around orcas before? nothing was ready. the venue wasn't ready.
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it wasn't ready for the orcas or a show. the owner of the park didn't want to lose revenue by shutting down the pools and repairing them. for three years the animals ate in the pools and the animals had problems with their teeth, with their stomachs. that's the reason why these animals are enduring these procedures. those are still seaworld's animals. they are responsible for those animals. >> loro parque doesn't have a good reputation. people in the business know the reputation of places, and loro parque doesn't have a great reputation. they didn't go through the same regimen that the seaworld trainers went through. alexis really was their best
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trainer. i said you're the only trainer there that can hold its own with the seaworld trainers. i said, you need to be careful. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> anywhere along the line it could have been stopped. because everyone knew it was a tragedy waiting to go happen. but no one ever did anything about it. and in the end, it was their best trainer who lost his life. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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>> those were seaworld's whales. they were trained using seaworld's techniques. and their training was being supervised at the time of the fatal accident by one other seaworld trainers from san diego. >> to get up and say in a court of law they had no knowledge of the linkages between seaworld and this park, well, either she
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