tv The Situation Room CNN October 26, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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the previous was 36. she managed an incredible 44 of them. that's pretty cool. congratulations, michaela. hello, everyone. 6:00 on the nose here in the east. it is a beautiful evening in new york city. i'm don lemon. you are in the cnn news room. we start with new allegations in the past few hours. could be a new test with u.s. relations with the closest allies. a german magazine said the nsa has been spying on angela america l's cell phone going back to 2002. they say it was even going on when president obama was visiting berlin. in washington, today, hundreds of americans sick and tired of the nsa spying scandal made a
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show of force at the capitol. they had a message, no more ease dropping. aaron has more on the protest and the guest who was there in spirit, if not in person. >> reporter: don, organizers say this rally is significant because it's the largest one protesting massive surveillance by the nsa and edward snowden, the whistleblower that opened up the controversy. he made a contribution that a representative read during the programming. >> the fourth amendment in our bill of rights prohibits government not only from sear searching personal affects without a warrant, but from seizing them in the first place and doing so in secret. holding to the principle, we declare that mass surveillance has no place in this country.
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it is time for reform. elections are coming and we are watching you. >> don, it's important to note the protesters were engaging over the domestic piece of this, the data collection from personal devices of private citizens in the united states. hillary clinton said in remarks friday night, she understands the frustration of this intrusion. she thinks there ought to be a bigger conversation about why the united states practices these kind of techniques. on a broader scale, the white house is facing heat from other countries, especially the allies over the surveillance of foreign leaders. they have been trying to calm tensions over that. they understand it's been a problem for our allies. don? >> erin in washington. thank you. candy crowley is going to talk to mike rogers about the latest developments on nsa surveillance. he's chairman of the house
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select committee on intelligence. that's at 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern. sources say that he used a box cutter. colleen ritzer's algebra student has been charged with her murder, which took place tuesday in danvers, massachusetts. his family has been silent, now a statement from his mother. we have the latest. >> reporter: there are a lot of questions about who the 14-year-old is. now, for the first time his mother is breaking her silence. she issued a statement with the help of her attorney. it reads two families were changed forever. her heart is broken for the ritzer family and loss of their
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daughter and sister colleen. her son was born in love and dear to her. she is struggling to understand this and asks for time to process this. the statement wraps up saying she cares for the world's hurt over this and hopes for your prayers for the ritzer family, the community andal those affected by the tragedy. diana chism issuing that statement. they are working to learn more about the 14-year-old who transferred from a school in tennessee. don? >> thank you. president obama defeinted obama care and its enrollment his own people admitted since the launch, 70% of users couldn't even create an account. he has people working to get the site functional. he went after republican critics
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who say kathleen sebelius should lose her job. ted cruz renewed that call speaking in iowa. he defended his part in the government shutdown. he and some house republicans showed against obama care in particular. he referenced his marathon filibuster in the senate. >> if the house hadn't led, this all would have stopped in its tracks. that was extraordinary and it demonstrated the power of the grass roots. it also elevated the national debate. it elevated the case so the harms from obama care are penetrating all over this country as people are realizing, this thing ain't working. let me be clear, 21 hours is a long time. i mean, that's almost as long as it takes to sign up on the obama care website. >> that's why it's interesting to see republicans in congress expressing so much concern that
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people are having trouble buying health insurance through the new website considering they spent the last few years so obsessed with denying those people access to health insurance they shut down the government and threatened default over it. >> the next round in the obama care battle will take place next week with kathleen sebelius when she testifies in front of congress. it is far from the final round. joe johns has a look ahead. joe? >> reporter: the president's management guru who has been brought in to help says the website is fixable and promised would be fixed by the end of november. a company known as quality services or qssi, a division of united health care group will manage the project. they continue their calls for the secretary of health and
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human services to step down. she said she didn't foresee the problems but told a panel discussion in san antonio to sign up, check out obama care and not to belief what they have heard. sebelius is expected to testify on capitol hill. it won't be the end of the investigation. darrel issa, the republicans top investigators on capitol hill threatened to issue subpoenas if they don't turn over documents related to the website on monday. they plan to comply, but need more time. as for the party, a total of ten democratic senators calling for an extension of the open enrollment date past the end of next march. senator dianne feinstein and kay hagen join gene shaheen, leading the effort to give those who don't have health insurance more time to get it. joe johns, cnn, washington.
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>> thank you. sanjay gupta spoke to a family. you will hear his chat with kathleen sebelius coming up. students make an incredible escape from a bus engolfed in flames. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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what's your policy? at afraud could meanuld blower credit scores. and higher interest rates when you apply for a credit card. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report at so, crank up the machine for election 2016. i don't think it's a hint machine especially for cants with the last name with the letter c." we are talking hillary clinton and ted cruz. microphones, cameras and audiences and sounding off. former secretary of state, hillary clinton, had harsh words for some washington politicians yesterday when she spoke at colegate university. >> recently in washington, we have seen what happens when politicians choose scorched
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earth over common ground. when they operate in what i like to call an evidence-free zone, with ideology trumping everything else. it's not only how that makes us feel here at home. the entire world watches. how we make our decisions surprisingly closely. >> neither clinton nor cruz declared as candidates. cruz is talking election strategy on his world wind tour of iowa. take a listen. >> you guys pushing for a stand on obama care, that's risky. no, no, no. just keep your head down and we'll win races. that's not how you win races. by the way, it's driven by the old nixon adage, in the primary you run to the right in the general you run to the left. what complete poppycock.
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>> i just turned to princeton historian julian. you have been here before. i said did he just say poppycock? i haven't heard that in a long time. i think ted cruz is obviously running for president right now. hillary clinton is obviously running for president. i think they are running. >> hillary clinton, obviously, is everything other than announcing. she's been pretty clear on this. she's waiting to make the final calculations. ted cruz, it certainly seems like it. he's used the budget battles, the health care battles as a platform to launch himself in little time into a national, political celebrity. >> the interesting thing, we all knew that hillary clinton was running for president.
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i think what many people find disengeneralious with cruz is with shutting the government down was to elevate his profile so he can elevate the profile to run for president. >> hillary clinton can use her experience as a way to promote what she's about. what she's done in government is a reason to be excited about her. many people feel with senator cruz, what he's done in government might be why he shouldn't be president. that he's kind of used the process as a way to make a name for himself. >> yeah. let's move on and talk about sarah palin now. she is on the comeback trail after keeping a low profile for months. the recent government shutdown energized her. there was a battle between tea party groups. that battle is in her wheelhouse. she will launch a book tour. palin may get involved in campaigns to unseat mitch
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mcconnell and lindsey graham. again, do you think she still has political juice, the impact she had years back? >> certainly not. her clout has diminished. the tea party is suffering. we have to remember that. even though they are energized, they are not a popular part of the party. she's in the political mix, but fallen from when she ran for vice president. it's unclear how much her endorsement counts. i don't think we are thinking of her as a national figure for president at this point. >> do you think she can be influential? the tea party's national brand took a big hit during this stalemate. i wonder if her sway with republicans are limited because of that. >> they are. i mean, i think right now, all national tea party figures are a little suspect for national republican leaders. palin is not just ted cruz
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recent person. she's someone who historically now has had a lot of trouble nationally. a lot of republicans are nervous about her as someone who could deliver votes and deliver a national ticket. >> with her -- a lot of people liked her, even if you didn't like her politically, but her tell it as it is style. you think it's run its course? >> i think it's run its course. she needs to establish herself to have the national persona. >> how? >> she has to endorse people in terms of winning. and raise money. >> or have a political job as governor. >> at this point, she's on tv a lot. she's not really doing much in the political field. >> she's a good pundit. >> she is. >> stand by. we are going to talk more. next, the conversation we promised you between dr. sanjay gupta and kathleen sebelius
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talking about obama care or the affordable care act, as many of you like to call it. a tragedy in new york leaves three children dead. commitmento the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you?
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sanjay gupta sat down with sebeli sebelius. i want to get your reaction to this. let's listen to it. >> the concern is, if there's this idea people have a hard time signing up, they didn't get signed up for whatever reason on time, can they still be penalized? can you penalize them if it was so cumbersome to get signed up in the first place? >> the reality is, people can sign up any of three ways. more are being able to do it every day. >> does that mean the website is not that important, then? >> it is certainly a tool. it can be a decent tool for people that are tech savvy and want to use a website. it would be easier than it is now. what i know is lots of people and people i talk to every day are not tech savvy, want a live human being to sit and answer questions, want to talk to someone over the phone, want to
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talk to friends and neighbors about health care providers in the network then go back and ask questions. we anticipated everyone would never use the website. that needs to be part of the opportunity. the market is, at the end of the day, what it is. this isn't the website. itis about health care and about affordable plans. >> yes or no, is there any way the individual mandate would be delayed? >> well, i don't think that really is the question right now. >> did you try signing on the site yourself? >> i have created an account on the site. i have not tried signing up because i have insurance. >> did you find it challenging? what did you think of it? >> there are challenges. it could be smoother and easier to access. that is what we are working on. nobody says the site is working the way we want it to. certainly, the president acknowledged that yesterday. no one could be more frustrated than i am and the president that this isn't smooth. people are signing up every day.
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people have available coverage. no one is losing coverage now. the earliest the plans start is january 1st. if you sign up by the 15th of december, you will have coverage on day one. >> so republicans are calling for her job. did she help or hurt her case in the interview? >> i don't think she's helped her case. the answer is to fix this and the administration has to be very aggressive in showing they are fixing the website. it is an important delivery mechanism. i think it's the wrong time to say, well, not a lot of people are going to use it anyway. that posture is not what works. >> not a lot of people are going to use the internet to sign up? i do most of my stuff on the internet. bill, mortgage, i bought my car on the internet. >> they have compared it to travel sites and everything like that. at this point, you don't back off. >> it's interesting you said that. the last car i bought, i saw it on the internet.
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i ccon tacted the internet. i want to talk more about this troubled plague, obama care website. it got slammed on capitol hill this week. house lawmakers quiz on what they knew about testing the website before it went live. >> so, you knew at that time there was no end to end testing as of that date? >> it was not our area of responsibility for end to end testing. >> do you believe you have a responsibility to tell the subcommittee, at that time there was no end to end testing? >> i don't believe that question came up, sir. >> so, there was a lot of passing the buck. the contractor to contractor to contractor for the website's performance. i didn't hear anybody -- i listened to a lot of it, i was on breaking news last week. i listened to a lot of it. i didn't hear anybody say i'm sorry, the site is not working
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like it should. >> in some ways, it's simple. the contractors, the administration is defensive. they feel the political attacks. they are up. they are trying to find a scandal where it's about incompetence. >> listen, just say hey, it's not working like we want it to work. sorry, we really screwed up. we are going to try to make it work. i heard someone last night, i think it was politically correct. reverend al sharpton made a good point. it was to have affordable health care. that's what it's called. that's the goal of it. the website, yes, they should take personal responsibility. it's terrible. >> yes. >> correct? >> absolutely. this is one of the portals to get the promised health care for younger people. >> the thing is, it is dependent upon young people. for them to say hey, listen, not a lot of people are going to do it this way.
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itis how young people do it, correct? >> exactly. the key is to get it repaired and get the conversation back to what the health care program is going to do before it runs into problems. they still have time. >> let's talk about the political price of the less than perfect obama care launch, right? this is his signature achievement for the administration so far. what is the political fallout and legacy? if this doesn't work out, if enough people don't sign up, it falls apart. >> if they fix it and the subsidies, the costs and premiums are going down and people are insured. it won't be a story we talk about 50 years from now. if it has a domino effect and creates less support for the program, it could be part of a broader program that never came together. >> i think both sides have a point here. here is the thing then i'll let you react. i have often been told, don't give your enemies ammunition,
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correct? they gave the republicans ammunition. this doesn't talk about how -- republicans are saying this doesn't work then obama care doesn't work. it's not necessarily true. but there are a few months until you have to -- you are mandated to have this. this is time. >> i think you are right on both points. if someone is attacking you, you don't give them the ammunition. at the same time, they need to do this. they have a couple months to repair it and entice people. they need to do it. >> they better get to working. >> yes. >> it does not look good. perception can be reality sometimes. two big retailers, barney's and macy's hit by racial disputes. one involves a hollywood star. look at that fire there. students escape a bus engulfed in flames.
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apartment started with a lit candle and ended in death, the deaths of three young children. they were brothers, the oldest just five. the youngest 4 months old. it started after conned cut power from the apartment. a neighbor says she could hear them screaming. >> i fell back. the fire came out. all i could hear is them hollering. i tried to go in. i couldn't go in. so much smoke and fire. the kitchen and everything was on fire. i couldn't get them. i couldn't get the kids out. i heard them crying and i couldn't get them. i couldn't get them out. i tried. >> the boys mother and their two sisters were taken to the hospital along with three other people. a close call for a group of high school students from kentucky. this video really tells the story. students got out of this bus before it was engulfed in flames on i-75 in tennessee.
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they were on a field trip to the great smokey mountains when someone noticed smoke at the back of the bus. first, barney's new york now macy's, the target of a racial discrimination suit. this involved a hollywood actor. >> this card isn't fake. it's my card. i have so much id on me. this is my card. it's not a fake card. i just bought the watch. all i was hearing is it's a fake card, you are going to jail. >> hbo series star, rob brown says he was racially profiled last june. he was buying his mother's graduation gift, a $1,000 watch when undercover police officers arrested him and accused him of credit card fraud. he announced he is suing macy's and the new york city police department. macy's says it is investigating the allegations. the nypd says they are investigating the incident as well as recent complaints at
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barneys. two shoppers there said they were accused of buying expensive items with fake credit cards. we will keep you updated on that. the nigerian navy coming up empty in the search for two americans kidnapped off the coast. pirates attacked the ship capturing the captain and chief engineer. the u.s. citizens were taken from an oil supply ship like this one. american officials aren't giving a motive for the attack. it's not uncommon for pirates to take crew members for ransom. an effort to help women get a common privilege here in the united states. the ability to drive a car. at least 25 saudi women protested by getting behind the wheel. it was a small outcry. the defiance sends a big message to the government. they have been tracking the protest. >> it's not about driving.
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it's about control. we are controlling. >> reporter: women like this aren't just emboldened lately, they are more driven than ever to change their society. even though they still aren't allowed to drive in their country. >> there's nothing wrong with women driving. >> reporter: a simple statement the world over, but a rallying cry in saudi arabia. the last country on earth where females are prohibited from getting behind the wheel. it's why this journalist moved to lebanon. this morning, she takes us along as she drops her son off at school. she could be arrested for this. a new movement, the october 26th driving campaign aims to change that urging women to defie the driving ban. it's supported by a growing number of female and male voices. >> there is a group of
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ultraconservatives here who will try to do anything and everything to prevent women from exercising their rights, be it driving, going to school, working, many, many men that i know, we feel that it is crucial for us to support woman who do this. >> reporter: despite the pressure, the government has not indicated it is going to review the position. numerous women have taken to the streets and posted videos of themselves driving. some, even receiving signs of support from men in cars. in 2011, she was jailed for more than a week for doing the same. she's as determined now as she was then. >> for me, i wouldn't stop until the first driver's license is issued. >> reporter: she lives in the united emirates now. she insists things are getting
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better. >> when i shipped my car, i didn't change the plates. i'm planning to take this car and drive it myself back home to saudi arabia. >> reporter: it would be a fitting end to a long journey, but one that has to wait awhile longer. this road trip isn't over just yet. >> they tell cnn five woman were spotted driving today. they were not arrested, but sent home with their male guardians after signing a pledge not to drive again. the author of a new book argues that abraham lincoln's killer was not killed in a rage. john wilks booth lived for 40 more years and he has a letter written by booth to prove it. that's next.
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secret assassins, even aliens. we have a man who wrote a back about conspiracies and he knows a lot about them. he is a character. >> he was phenomenal. talk about conspiracies. when you talk about brad, you know him as the host of the "decoded" on the history channel. he just released this book about the world's biggest conspiracy theories. there are new details in the book about these conspiracies, i asked him what makes this book different. take a listen. >> i want to countdown the top ten conspiracies. a number of years ago, i got contacted by john wilkes booth family through their lawyer. he killed abraham lincoln. they tell me he didn't die. we have a story to tell you. it's a family secret.
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he didn't die. he's not buried in the coffin. do you want to hear the story? >> yes, i want to hear the story. when you get to that chapter, it's really important to see how the book works. when you get to that chapter, you open it. every chapter has a secret come partment. this is the letter john wilkes booth wrote after he shot abraham lincoln. you get to see the evidence and examine it yourself. >> there's a thrill to that. >> the goal is to make history come alive to people. it's not a bunch of dates and facts. it's a select process. it chooses every single one of us. the question is, do you hear the call. >> before we get into the conspiracies, i have to ask you what's going on today. we are living history. in washington, so many things going on with the shutdown and the debt ceiling. >> listen, when you have crazy, you are going to have a conspiracy theory. they go hand in hand.
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there's nothing crazier than the government. conspiracies come about when we are scared at a people. when america gets scared, we start pointing fingers, we start fighting. it's when they are born. >> you want an answer. >> we want an answer. you feel like the world is about to end. wouldn't it be easier to blame it on something. >> let's start with the kennedy assassination. for some reason, that fascinates everybody. >> you know why it fascinates us? john f. kennedy isn't the only thing that died that day. we lost the american dream that day. a part of the american dream died. here is a man with the perfect life, the perfect wife and family and the big, beautiful white house gone in one day by a high school drop out. it lingers. if you want to know who killed kennedy, it's interesting. historically in the 1960s, you know who we thought killed kennedy, a communist, the russians, the enemy of the cold
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war. look in the '70s, watergate, vietnam. now it was the government. the cia. in the '80s, who killed kennedy, now the mafia, the mob. decade by decade, who killed jfk, it's who america feared at that time. it's this president who showed so many of us high hopes. >> we move on to d.b. cooper, jumped from an airplane over the pacific northwest with bags of stolen cash. what are we going to find in your book? >> the only american unsolved sky jacking in history. he gets on a plane, says he has a bomb. give me money and power chuts. they give him the money. when they think he's going for the get away, he jumps out, disappears in thin air. the perfect crime.
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you tell me they commit the perfect crime. we have the theory of who we think he is. we find a northwest pilot that matches the description of cooper and used to wear a toupee. he was bald, wearing a toupee. when you see side by side pictur pictures, we show you the pictures and bank accounts. he's digging ditches and somehow, magically, over $150,000 is in his bank account. >> reports of someone who confessed on his death bed? >> i don't believe many confessions. i don't believe most people when they say, you know, people will always lie about certain things. i believe death bed confessions. very few people on their death bed, when they are leaving this planet say i'm going to tell a lie now. it's when the truth comes out. his brother says kenny christ n christianson, the person in the book, he said i think my brother was d.b. cooper. we went to his house and did
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thermal imaging. what we found above his bedroom, we found a secret hiding spot that could hold a case. i don't know about your bedroom, but mine does not have secret come partments above it. it is fitting together. you will see the theory. >> have there always been conspiracy theories like in the roman times? >> listen, there's a group that thinks -- i mean forget roman times, go biblical. they will say, there's one group we found that is neonazi. they think god is the bad guy and the devil is the good one. as far as i'm concerned, that's a good conspiracy theory. as long as we tell stories you always have people who want to tell a different story. >> different perspective. >> my favorite was when i asked about what was going on in washington. he said when you have crazy, you
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have a good conspiracy theory. >> it came out tuesday z. brad is always fun. thank you. a big attraction at seaworld has a dark secret, next. max and penny kept our bookstore exciting and would always come to my rescue. but as time passed, i started to notice max just wasn't himself. and i knew he'd feel better if he lost a little weight. so i switched to purina cat chow healthy weight formula.
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considered a serial killer chlgt at seaworld, he's a big attraction. we are talking tilikum, the orca hiding a dark history. this whale is responsible for three deaths. here is martin. >> reporter: collin grew up in vancouver island. he started working as a local marine park called sealand of the pacific. >> would go after school, weekends growing up. just thought that's how everybody grew up. >> reporter: sealand of the pacific used to be here where this marina is now. there's nothing left of the old place. it was an aquarium built in the ocean. there were nets that separated the seals, the sea lions and the stars, the killer whales. he became a trainer working with the killer whales. his favorite, a small whale named tilikum. >> he was easy to work with and
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learned well. >> a biology student, february 20th, 1991, she just finished a show with the killer whales when she slipped and fell into their enclosure. >> the three orcas were surprised one of the trainers jumped into the pool, although fallen. they were sort of excited about that. it was something completely out of the norm. >> reporter: witnesses say the whales, including tilikum kept her from reaching the sides, pulling her under the frigid water. >> they couldn't get her. finally, she -- she didn't come up anymore. >> reporter: the trained diver volunteered to go retrieve her body. >> she drown in some way related to the animals in the tank you are about to go in with. >> yeah. this wasn't a malicious attack.
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>> reporter: the coroner saying a drowning due to or consequence of a forced submersion of orca or killer whales. she was the first trainer ever killed. >> oh, my goodness. it was awful. it was awful for everybody. people in general couldn't believe what had happened right here in our own backyard. >> reporter: not long after, sealand shut down. tilikum was sold to seaworld in orlando. residents would hear from him again. >> a 27-year-old man found dead in a killer whale's tank. >> reporter: how the man got there, seaworld couldn't say. in 2010, tilikum pulled dawn brancheau to her death. he has no problem with captivity and killer whales. now, three decades and three deaths later, he definitely
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does. do you blame him? >> i don't blame him, no. this would -- these never would have happened if he was left in the north atlantic. >> reporter: martin savidge, victoria british columbia. >> cnn follows the history of killer whales leading up to the death of killer whales. black fish, see it tomorrow, 9:00 eastern on cnn. it is really incredible. one of the best films i have seen us do. the mystery surrounding who this little greek girl is has been solved. that story is next. oals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven.
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her. now, we know where she is from. >> reporter: thanks to positive dna match. the birth parents come from this village in central bulgaria. in fact, at this one-room home is the house where sasha and her husband live. they have nine other children. we came to the door today and found it padlocked. we have since learned that the mother has been offered a paid interview in the capital sofia and left the village for now. that being said, we also know that we have seen two of her children that have been left to run wild here in the village. in the course of the afternoon, police and child protective services have come here to try to take those children into care. although we have a positive dna
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match, what hasn't been cleared up is why blue-eyed, blond maria was left in a roma camp in greece. the mother, who was a roma herself said she was in greece at the time and was too poor to raise maria. police and child protection services are not buying that idea. they think a crime may have been committed. they believe the birth mother may have sold her own baby for profit. those issues are still under investigation. of course, we'll be right babac have the greek roma couple in custody accused of kidnapping. they believe finding the birth mother is going to be key and he believes his clients in greece may be free over the next few days. cnn, bulgaria. >> carl, thank you. darrel crossed the finish line at a race today in martinsville
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speedway and put his name in the record books. the first african-american to win a race in nearly 50 years. in a statement, joe gibbs says he has tremendous talent and we believe he can have a huge impact on our sport. last black nascar winner was wendall scott, back in 1963. finally, with halloween around the corner, ellen degeneres sent two of her staffers to a haunted house. watch. >> okay. all right. we are going. [ bleep ]. >> are you [ bleep ] kidding me? [ bleep ]. >> stop it! stop it! let's just go. let's just go.
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>> the man is hiding behind the woman. that poor woman was left fending for herself. very funny. i'm don lemon in new york. thanks for watching. cnn films, "blackfish" begins right now. orange county fire rescue? >> 6600 sea harbor drive, sea world stadium. >> okay. >> we actually have a trainer in the water with one of our whales, the whale they aren't supposed to be in the water with.
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