tv Your Money CNN October 27, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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4:00 eastern time. "your money" starts right now. what the tech is going on? i'm christine romans. this is "your money." twitter stock for sale. what will it cost you to buy in? facebook stock finally soaring. zuckerberg and friends hemming and humming. and when it comes to stock prices, everyone is playing follow the leader with google. google shares crossed $1,000 a share this week. meanwhile residents of blackberry's home town vows to survive even though the half the workforce will be laid off. and all of this on a week top competitors are trying to steal apple's ipad thunder. in the 1990s bill gates said microsoft was committed to putting a computer on every desk
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and in every home. today the battle is for this space, and it's getting ugly. >> this isn't going end well for me, is it? definitely not ending well. do you still think i'm pretty? >> ouch. sales of desk tops and laptops are falling. tablet sales are taking off. expected to jump 53% this year. here to explain what the tech is going on in tech, samuel, the ipad may be the founding father of tablets, but will it be the last device standing? >> well, it's still the one to beat. they just came out with a new one. it's lighter. it's faster. it still has the $499 price tag. it's heavy for some folks. but there's also the ipad mini which is also now the ipad. it's not called the ipad mini anymore. it has a better screen. but it's $399. so it's still a lot of cash. >> it is still an awful lot of cash. >> a lot of people think it has to compete with this thing. the nexus. you look at that. it's pretty small. you can hold it in your hand.
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that's from google. it's $229. a lot less expensive than the ipad mini. it's a big question. should i use ios or should i use android. so i use my mom and dad as the example. my mom already knows the iphone. i tell her just get an ipad. it's hard to relearn a new system. my dad has fat fingers. one thing about android is it has customizable keyboards. maybe it's time for my dad to get an android. >> right now with this fight for supremacy are they going to stay the forever? >> android has more market share when it comes to tablets. but android has 62% of market share when it comes to systems. apple only has 32%. but a lot of people already have apps on apple. you may want to stick with apple.
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you may want to stick with an android tablet. if you already purchased the apps, you can do that. then there's also this thing. the microsoft surface two came out. 499 bucks. it doesn't have nearly as many applications as apple or android. but people like it because of the keyboard. you can get a keyboard for a tablet like with apple. people like that keyboard. a year and a half after facebook's ipo face plant, twitter is ready to go public now. the company says shares will cost between 17 and $20. that's the price for big institutional investors. not for you and me. that can change before the stock launches, of course. the question is should you buy in? matt is here to play our game, buy or sell. nice to see you, matt. >> nice to see you. >> what a crazy week in tech. you were wary of facebook's ipo. how concerned are you about twitter. >> well, you know, i'm kind of
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torn on twitter because it's pricing between $17 and $20 a share. you and i not getting that share. that's for big institutional investors. probably will open at $30 or higher. as the big institutional investor i don't go buy out. it will typically fall out if first few weeks. we saw that with facebook. it fell 50% before it bottomed out. >> you could buy it. you could sell it. let it sell back. the most expensive ipad air. what you will not get this is this. $1,000 for google shares. what do you think about google? >> i look at the chart. i'm overwhelmed. >> for a lot of people, that looks like a sell. >> i'm going to override you. i'm going to jump in and say i still think this is a buy. i may not buy monday morning. at some point you'll have a week that you cool back. >> why? a ratio below 20.
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and google is everything. they have self-driving cars. they are the company that controls the world in my mind. i want a piece of google in my portfolio. >> where are you on the record for apple? you look at this one. people are counting down apple. this is becoming one of the reasons the stock is coming up. also, they've had good product launches lately. >> where we were from the start of the year, we're unchanged. when you have microsoft, this is unchanged. this is extremely bullish pattern. it's coming back up. i see this level up there and hold that buy. >> he gives apple a buy. netflix, even the ceo is saying don't get excited about my stock. what do you think? >> if the ceo is telling me not to be excited, i'm not excited either. it's up over 230%. one best looking charts.
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right now, if i'm owning it, i'm selling it. i'm taking a profit. >> we can't all look like movie stars. that doesn't mean we can't invest like movie stars. we caught up with jake gyllenhaal. we asked him about the best investing advice he ever got. >> i've seen the financial ups and downs of the business and never had much security. i think creating your own security is the best part. being able to put something aside, even if it's in small increments. and we also caught up with curtis jackson. aka 50 cent. he created an album called "get rich or die trying." >> be careful. hold onto your money. a lot of times your ideas are enough. >> all right. coming up. he's back. he should have put a penny in to realize it ain't going to
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[ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today.
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gridlock, dysfunction. intransigence. aren't you tired of hearing about the washington problems? let's talk solutions. the u.s. needs a long term fix. and it may require something no one in d.c. has thought about yet. so on this show we are giving lawmakers new perspectives, since they clearly don't have any.
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today we have the most hardcore solution yet. les gold is the star of "hardcore pawn." it's part of the time warner family along with cnn. he's also the author of the book "for what's it's worth". he not only deals with people every day, he makes deals with them. watch. >> my shoes are cleaner than this couch. >> then don't buy it. >> i've got cash in my pocket. >> 800 bucks all together. >> sounds good. >> that reminds us of washington's bickering. it can get nasty. >> you have the "wall street journal" out. it says we don't care how long this lasts because we're winning. this isn't some damn game. >> i read that modern day anarchists in the house are celebrating the shutdown. >> it's pretty unfathomable to me to see the democrats are voting against the veterans. >> i urge our colleagues to see
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this for what it is. it's pathetic. it's not responsible. >> oh my. one of the most important lessons you learned in the pawn business is close the deal in matter what. how do they get the focus back on closing the deal? >> i wish i could answer the question. that's something that's going to be in the arena for a long time. there's so many issues with this medical issue. there's so many things going on in washington right now. they're so caught up in this emotional involvement. they need to get the emotion out of it and understand what do they really want to accomplish? i don't think anybody knows what that is yet. that's why it will never be resolved. >> how do you break down a stubborn customer? somebody walks through the doors of your store. how do you break down a stubborn customer who will not move from
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their position? >> that's one of the issues that we're dealing with. nobody knows what that will take. when i'm selling a ring or when we were on the streets of new york we knew there was an item. we knew it had value. we knew we didn't want to pay too much. in the political arena right now, i don't think anybody knows what they want and that's the problem. once they figure that out, that's when a deal is going to be made. once they figure out what their bottom line is going to be. >> we talked to a hostage negotiator. he says ultimately the authority lies in the president. the president has to put the leadership. that's the ultimate deal maker. even though other people are making deals. you, and in the end, your place, you are the ultimate dealmaker. you decide whether it's going to happen. is it the case that there are too many people involved in the deal? >> well, you know, the president already made the deal, you either agree with it or you don't. i don't think there's a variable when it comes to that. so the bottom line is what does the president think?
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what does he think it is. that's what it is. you have both sides bickering. but there's no resolution. you have the republicans, you have the democrats. who is going to win? hopefully the people of the united states will win. that's the ultimate goal. how we get there, i wish i could answer. >> me too. i love hearing your perspectives. pawnshop politics. >> pawnshops are easy. politics are tough. >> thanks so much. love that you're doing business in detroit. we wish the best for detroit and everybody doing business there. thanks, les. >> thanks so much. >> for more stories that matter to your money. give me 60 seconds on the clock. it's money time. more young people are just saying no to work. in 2000, 83% of 20 to 34-year-olds had jobs or were looking.
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today it's less than 78%. men are doing more grocery shopping and food makers are taking notice. darker packaging. buzz words like ultimate and commercials like this are designed to snag male customers. from singles in a search bar, according to a new survey, 38% of americans who are single and ready to mingle have used online dating. 38% of singles say it's a good way to meet people. a is a% jump from 2005. good news for gas prices. they could fall to three air lows. watch out for air fares. you can expect to pay 9% more for thanksgiving travel. tax season will be delayed thanks to the government shutdown. the irs will start processing returns around the end of january. a week or two later than planned. that won't push back the april 15th deadline to file.
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"stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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washington can't stop talking about obama care. and both sides are frustrated for different reasons. nobody is madder than me about the fact that the website isn't working as well as it should, which means it's going to get fixed. >> i intend to speak in support of defunding obama care until i am no longer able to stand. >> so what are they really saying? i want to show you something. it's called a word cloud. this is where we take the text of these speeches into a visual representation. the words said the most appear the largest in the cloud. this is a word cloud for president obama's statement on monday. i want to show you what really strikes me here.
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he wants to get people insurance. the president apologizing for the website. the message that jumps out right there in the middle. the president wants to get people insurance. now here's another word cloud from ted cruz's 21 hour pseudo-filibuster. during that speech on the senate floor. he said a lot of things, it came up over and over again obama care. a dirty word among his contingent and protecting the american people from obama care. each side clearly has a message. what word isn't nearly big enough in either of these? the word money. we know the government is pouring millions into health care. help us follow the money. who is making the money. if the shutdown was no way to run a business, this rollout is no way to run a tech business. who is making the money here? >> federal contractors pretty much walked away with hundreds
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of millions of dollars in taxpayer money for a website that barely even works. we're talking about 55 contractors. 36 states. 4,500 insurance plans. this has to be one of the most complex websites ever created. for all that money what did we get? we got problems online. lengthy wait times. error messages. the big question as you asked us who got paid. let's talk about cgi federal. a lead contractor that is responsible for enrollment process. they landed the heftiest contract. we're talking $200 million total. and optum will gain a possible 85 million. the problem is nobody wants to admit fault. at the congressional hearing this thursday, listen to how contractors washed their hands of any blame. >> we have no role in the development of the website. we have no role in the determination of eligibility and
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no role in health plan selection. >> our role is limited. >> first set of issues on the exchange concenred another enterprise. >> cgi was not the only one raking in cash. as of march $55 was paid to quality software services to set up a data port. $31 million was paid to national government services for consumer call center and the mutual corporation got $22 million for project management and i.t. security. so for all the dollars spent, why the big flop? should the administration start from scratch? senator john mccain has his own ideas on a possible quick fix. >> it's been a fiasco. send air force one out to silicon valley and load it up with smart people and send them back to washington to fix this problem. it's ridiculous and everyone knows that. >> a lot of confusion.
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more questions than answers. the old adage that you get what you pay for certainly did not apply in this case. >> it's just so frustrating. everybody is just so frustrated by it. especially if you are trying to get insurance for the first time. thank you. >> remember profound ways technology is changing lives. you probably know a parent or child affected by autism. those with the disorder are nonverbal and struggle to communicate. finding a voice. there's an app for that. >> they helped us to understand how technology has changed his life. take a look. ordering a sandwich has been tough for joe.
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he's 18 years old and has autism. >> joe doesn't talk. he's never sfoins. >> for his entire life joe expressed himself by pointing. >> yogurt or grapes >> that's what he could eat and where he could go. teen bathroom. he could get a ggitated at time. >> he was biting himself. it comes out of frustration from not being able to communicate. >> a year ago his communication skills improved. for the first time he was able to get through to his mother. he's using an ipad app auld autismate. >> his interactions are less frustrating. he's using technology. autismeat shows a child in those
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surroundings. >> joe in the pictures. other things are symbols. joe doesn't have an imagination. so trying to figure out what the picture meant just made things more complicated. >> he's learning and much, much calmer. >> when joe came to us at 15, really the extent of his communication was he was pushing us away if we were stopping him from stopping or grabbing what he wanted. no attempts at verbal language. >> autismate is a common teaching mate for kids in school. >> nice work, bud. that's the putty. you drink with that? cup. nice job, bud. >> show me something that goes with seat belts. car goes with seat belts. you're so good. >> we're trying to give him where joe this magazine or this is represented by this picture right here. literally what you're seeing in front of you. if you want it touch what you
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want. >> he can order on his own. >> italian bmt. provolone cheese. pickles and chips please. >> to watch a video of my son go into a subway and order lunch and use a credit card and pay for it, i mean can you imagine? >> the progress he's made really unbelievable. i should mention, christine, autismate is not cheap. $150 in the app store. but comparable to a lot of therapy apps out there and a lot less than the other tech out there which costs thousands of dollars. when it comes down to it it's an investment a lot of families are willing to make and also a reminder that technology can change lives. >> really finding his voice for the first time. what a wonderful story. coming up -- the s&p 500 at record highs.
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with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. the stock market is up but you're feeling down, i'm christine romans, this is "your money." >> the s&p 500 at record highs, the nasdaq up 30% this year. but much of america isn't feeling any richer. >> corporations, businesses
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doing very well in this country and a large segment of the population is not riding along with it. >> only half of americans invest in the market. for everyone else, it's about a job and jobs aren't coming fast enough. 148,000 jobs added in september, 45,000 fewer than august. >> that pace of job creation is below what we can be fully satisfied with. >> too many people are being left behind. that is undeniable. >> also undeniable, america's cratering confidence. just 29% of americans say the economy is good. that's the lowest level of the year and a four-point drop since before the shutdown. but still, congress snipes. >> we've got the whole threat of obama care continuing to hang over our economy like a wet blanket. >> republican budget priorities that will cost jobs and even put more of a burden on the middle class. >> as we lurch from one manufactured crisis to the next, 11 million americans are still out of work. the country with the best workforce and the best
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infrastructure will lead the 21st century. hello, is anybody listening? >> jake tappeer is our anchor of the league. gentlemen, nice to see you, jake, let me start with you. americans have a real confidence problem here. everyone asks me if the problem right now is obama care or the lack of jobs or washington politics. and the answer is yes. there's just overwhelming negativity right now. how does the white house move forward, jake? >> well, it's going to be difficult for them. and we saw that with the recent events and the government shutdown and, of course, the debate over the debt ceiling. i think there are a couple of areas of opportunity for the white house to work with congress. one is some sort of budget deal. i don't think that a large scale budget deal is in the cards because republicans seem dead set against any new revenue. and i don't think the white house will go along with any deal that reduces the deficit that doesn't also increase taxes in some way, even if it's
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closing loopholes. so i do think a smaller deal is possible, maybe some modest trims to social safety net programs when it comes to wealthier recipients and also spending cuts and also, of course, immigration reform which i think is an area where there can be serious movement. there is momentum for it in the senate and among the establishment republicans in the house. the big question is, will the conservatives, the tea party coalition in the house block it the way they did with so much having to do with the government funding bill and the debt ceiling debate? >> you know, greg, you heard jake's analysis. i want to know your analysis and the president and his ability to take on his own party on entitlements. maybe you'll be able to scale back the safety net for wealthier americans. will you get real entitlement reforms? can the president take that on? >> that's tough. two things i say, christine. number one, i think you can't get a big entitlement deal without revenues and the republicans are not going to raise taxes, end of that
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discussion. number two, i think people probably have to get off this debate about maybe doing something to the social security c.o.l.a., the cost of living adjustment. that's not is going to happen. there are other entitlement savings. maybe some means testing that could be part of this deal that jake talked about. >> even a small deal could be ugly, guys. we're talking about things that have been real and tractable problems for several years now. has the tone shifted? i mean the president changing the subject to immigration reform, maybe that's, you know, a good sign, but has the tone shifted? >> it's kind of like if you're in a bad relationship and you stay in that bad relationship hoping that it will get better and five years later all you have is five years worth of nasty memories and things to bring up. that's kind of the relationship of president obama. >> love advice from jake tapper on the program. >> i'm talking about previous girlfriends not my current wife or only wife. but the idea that -- for
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instance, i've asked republican congressmen what about a deal? what about new revenues? and the answer almost to a republican is president obama already got that. look at the bush tax cuts and the deal at the end of 2012 and the fact that taxes did go up on individuals earning more than, i think it landed at somewhere around $450,000 a year. >> right. >> they say there it is. that's the obama tax increase. he already got it and they don't want to talk about anything beyond that. if you ask democrats, some of them say, well, the republicans already got their spending cut, look at the sequester cut, the built-in budget cuts. they already got their spending cuts. so right now there's a lot of baggage that i think is impeding any sort of attempt to come to the table and start dealing anew with new revenues or new changes to safety net programs and spending cuts. >> thanks. . coming up mcdonald's advising employees to apply for food
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as if the "do you want fries with that" economy was bad enough, now workers are left to ask, "do you want food stamps with that?" this week an advocacy group is not okay posted a recording of a mcdonald's employee calling the mcresource help line. during the call the operator advises the worker to apply for medicaid. >> do you have kids? >> yeah. two kids. >> you would most likely be eligible for s.n.a.p. benefits. >> also this week, walmart's ceo revealed the majority of the workers make less than $25,000 a year. both companies say the headlines have been taken out of context.
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mcdonald's says the video is not an accurate portrayal of the resource line and walmart says many of the employees are part-time by choice which helps explain low annual salaries. but the bottom line here is not about the he said/she said of the details, it's the glaring fact these are people with jobs struggling to get by in this economy. the question, is it time again to start talking about a $15 minimum wage? mid-wage jobs were hit the hardest during the recession. what's coming back? low-wage positions like those in fast food and retail. now, these used to be thought of as a gateway job for young people. but for many today, these are careers. the median age of a fast food worker is 29 years old. and more than half of those workers get government assistance. that cost taxpayers an estimated $7 billion a year. in an era of endless stalemates between the right and left, no one can be happy here. conservatives decry the exploding government entitlement programs that fill the gap.
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liberals express outrage that profitable billion dollar companies have employees forced to make decisions like this. >> sometimes my husband eat and i don't and sometimes i eat and my husband don't. we have to alternate like that because we can't eat every day and still supply for our children three meals per day. >> look a $15 minimum wage may not be the answer, but it's hard to deny this economy is not working for everyone. meantime, workers demanding higher wages not the only issue for mcdonald's these days. between controversies and sluggish sales, is the shine off the golden arches? >> seen the hamburgler lately? it might be time for mcdonald's to bring back the burger bandit. slow sales, menu flops, reaching beyond the brand. and now the end of the dollar menu as we know it. starting in november, get ready for the dollar menu and more with new items up to $5. mcdonald's ceo says it promotes value at different price points.
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it's the latest attempt to bring in business and bank more bucks. and burger king is trying to play the fitness first game with low fat fries. but are customers satisfried? it's too early to tell. wendy's is getting a makeover. revamping the image and the stock price has doubled in the last year. the sizzling new menu item a pretzel bacon cheese burger. >> wendy's has gotten back to the core foundation. it's quality, freshness, burgers, fries, cokes. what people go to a wendy's for. and mcdonald's is, you know, trying to do all things to all people. >> does mcdonald's need to keep its eyes on the fries? to grow again they need to shrink. if they take their menu and eliminate those items not selling, then people will gravitate to the items more popular. >> tell that to starbucks.
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after conquering coffee, the seattle house of high priced hot liquids is opening tea houses. >> the acquisition of juice, the acquisition of food, all of that is enhancing the experience of starbucks, creating different need states for our customers and recognizing these things are about creating complementary experiences for our coffee customer. >> but customers would rather keep it simple. >> mcdonald's is the biggest restaurant company on the planet for a reason. it's done one thing well for 50 years, sells burgers, fries and coke. >> mess with the menu and you may get grimaced. >> you have to appeal to a younger audience too. a lot of work ahead for mcdonald's. >> up next -- housing market hot or cold? i'm going to show you the only three numbers that matter in housing. plus, imagine your home ravaged by hurricane katrina, you rebuild and now your house is taken away from you again eight years later. >> you could die just tragedy from mother nature.
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and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. life with crohn's disease ois a daily game of "what if's".
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all right. i have the real story of what's going on in the housing market in three simple numbers to explain. first, falling mortgage rates, 4.13%, the average for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, that is the lowest now in four months. and those rates are likely to drop even more. why? because of this little number, the yield on a ten-year treasury note dipped below 2.5% this week. a jobs report likely means ben bernanke and his fed will keep the extraordinary bond buying for a while longer, at least until janet yellen takes over next year. the fed's bond buying keeps rates low. and that's great news for first-time home buyers or anyone looking to refinance. but my third number shows that low interest rates often don't matter in housing. cash, baby, cash. 49% of all home purchases in
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september were 100% cash. no mortgage, more evidence people with money are still making money. and then there's this, it's been more than eight years since an act of nature devastated new orleans. rosa flores here with more. families that live to tell the tale now victimized again. >> believe it or not, christine, many of them homeless again due to a perfect storm they didn't see coming that left middle class families like the one you're about to meet in foreclosure. ♪ >> reporter: they celebrated when they finished repairing their home after it was destroyed by hurricane katrina. >> you had to do what you had to do. >> yeah. it was survival. >> they look forward to sewing these suits in their family home, a tradition for four generations among members of the black feather mardi gras indian tribe.
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>> this actually was the living room area. >> but today they're without their historic home once again. lost not to a hurricane but to foreclosure. >> after losing your home during katrina, you weren't expecting something like this to happen again. >> you could die just tragedy from mother nature. i can't, me personally, but when you have this kind of storm to take place, i can't digest that. >> their troubles began when their son became very ill. all while they were rebuilding after another hurricane. fearful of falling behind on their mortgage, they asked their bank to renegotiate their loan. >> notice date is july 11th, 2009. we are pleased to advise you your loan modification has been approved. >> yet each month, bank of america kept billing them the higher amount from the old mortgage. he kept paying on time as bank reps assured him it was just a mistake.
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>> and did you make all of those payments? >> made all of those payments. >> on time. >> on time. >> a year later, the bank foreclosed anyway, taking the home where he grew up, where his son was born. >> theback bank sold off their home for 48,000 clars. less than half of what they owed. >> these are some of the files that we held. >> james perry leads an organization that fights foreclosures. >> they're so proud of what they've accomplished because they worked so hard to get there. it didn't matter how many hurricanes came, it didn't matter what happened. those families rebuilt because they were there to stay. >> in a statement, bank of america says we apologize for the events that clearly should not have happened the way they did. while we did not provide the service they expected from us, we're confident this is a unique case.
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>> the federal government accused 13 banks with unsound foreclosure practice. they paid $3.6 billion in settlement money. the serena's cut? $2,000. >> now hear this, bank of america made the serena's a verbal offer of $100,000 to make things right in a fair way. but they tell cnn that $100,000 is not a fair settlement. here's the majority of their wish list, a mortgage-free 5 bedroom, 3 bath home and also a monetary stiepen of $750,000 for the five members of their household. >> sounds to me like bank of america to get out of a very bad and sticky situation. we'll keep up to date with what they're doing and what happens
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in the very end. thank you so much. coming up, a $6 ticket to the red sox game. why was this lucky fan at the game we've got the story next. my mantra? always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer.
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women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations,
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tickets. one fan got into fenway for less than the cost of a beer. here's the score. eric jabs bought a $6 ticket to game 1. it was a faud ewe lent sale. after 40 minutes on the phone with the web site, they offered a $50 credit. he pushed back and so did a few media outlets. he sent us these photos from game 1. nice seats. breaking with the world size tradition, st. louis mayor said he won't be participating in a bet. he says the bets take time away from his work for the city. you hear that, washington? the mayor is promoting a fund raising effort between churches in the two cities. the governors, they're betting all right. if st. louis winds, clam chowder will head west.
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cream soda will come east. plus goodies from the local bakeries near both of their offices. don't tell that to the woman smiling on the home page. how many times have you seen her? who is she? our own jean moez sent out to find the moe that lisa of our tame. >> have you seen the mystery girl? she's not missing, but she's almost impossible to miss. she's been floating across our tv screen, smiling out at us from our computers. this stnt the face of obama care? this is. critics are having a field day. congrats,, you're now the most despised face on earth.
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how would you like your face associated with problem-plagued. she's behind you. screen left takes the heat for the obama web site glitches. >> screen right. when we asked about her identity, the company responsible for building much of the web site didn't call us back. nor did health and human services. we checked stock files, but couldn't find her. does she have obama care? obama care girl isn't getting the love the original obama girl got back in the 2008. some are comparing her to joey on "friends."
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but joey's dream modelling job became a nightmare when he saw his photo plasted offerere plas york. obama care is the treatment, not the disease. and while the original obama girl sang of health care reform ♪ >> poor obama care girl gets the cold shoulder. and all she does is smile. if inenigmatic call to health care. >> check out our blog. you can find a full video of less gold and me in new york. that's it for "your money."
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i'm going to take you through everything you need to know about jp morgan's record $13 billion tentive settlement and what it means for a man known as america's banker. we're here every saturday at 930 a.m. eastern, sunday at 2:00 p.m. eastern. have a great day, everyone. >> in just a few hours, the cardinals and the red sox face-off after a wild game last night. here why boston frans are calling it an obstruction of justice. now, we're learning new information about the man accused of this horrifying crime.
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