tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 29, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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maher, will be an entertaining hour. tonight, the nsa phone tapping scandal deepens and what the president knew about the operation. also tonight, a year after sandy, people who need help rebuilding say they are being left high and dry. later look out for these two, they stepped into the shower and literally climbed out of jail. we'll update you on the remarkable escape and the ongoing manhunt. first up the spying scandal and the obama care mess. on many occasions and many subjects the president has tried to project an image of hands on leadership and personal accountability. >> the buck will stop with me.
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the buck will stop with me. >> the buck stops with me. i'm the president. and the buck stops with me. the buck stops with me. ultimately, the buck stops with me. >> tonight, though, where precisely the buck stops is somewhat less than clear. when it comes to the nsa phone spying on angela merkel and other world leaders, the "wall street journal" reports president claims not to have known about it until last summer. another official tells us he was briefed on the details of what the nsa was doing. and late today the democrat senator, dianne feinstein, weighed in with this. and i'm quoting now, "it is my understanding that president obama was not aware chancellor merkel's communications were being collected since 2002. that is a big problem." she also says she wasn't briefed
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either and is calling for a total review of all intelligence programs. others are being no less blunt and the white house is in deep damage control mode right now. our chief national security reporter and jim acosta is joining us now. jim, first to you, a tough statement from the chairman, dianne feinstein. what is the white house reaction? >> the white house reaction in part, wolf, is that the senator is correct that the president did not know about this foreign surveillance program aimed at world leaders. but they are taking issue, wolf, with one thing that the senator did say in that statement and that these collection activities aimed at foreign leaders will not continue. i talked to a senior administration official earlier this evening who says that part of the statement is inaccurate. they are being changed on that basis. and in large part these policies and programs are continuing for
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the time being while all of this is being reviewed. as you mentioned, wolf, the folks on capitol hill want to take a look at this. but the white house maintains they are conducting their own internal review right now. there may be changes by the end of the year. >> the white house is adamant that the president didn't know about the eavesdropping on the german chancellor. president obama didn't know about certain aspects of the program, right? >> that's right. what the administration says in effect is that the president set the priorities and another official telling us he would have been briefed on the frame work of the program including that it may target the leaders of friends abroad without being told of the specific targets. that is what the administration is trying to circle here. i spoke to a senior official
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the nsa was necessarily going rogue here but that the white house understands it needs better guidance on policy priorities so they don't go beyond what the president approved of or was aware of. >> how concerned are u.s. officials about the diplomatic repercussions of this? >> they are very concerned. you have a delegation from the eu speaking about these issues. i spoke to one member who said that people in european capitals are confused and fearful of this kind of spying so they want explanations. i spoke to a former u.s. official who told me the u.s. has listing posts in these countries and they are called diplomats. people to speak to their counterparts. and this is the kind of information those countries want to share. it's about fighting terrorism. that's the much better way that officials inside the administration say, going forward, to gather this kind of information. >> and, jim acosta, the white house has to contend with a disastrous rollout of the obama care website.
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the president apparently was totally unaway of that with the major problems with that until a few days after the launch. a major disturbance over the weekend, as you know. what can you tell us about this part of the story? >> the health and human services folks are saying that that data services hub at terremark, that is a subsidiary of verizon, that data services hub provides some of the capabilities to the website, that that data services hub is back up and running again. and they are continuing to work on the larger issues with the obama care website and that is all of the millions of people trying to get in there and file applications and get enrolled for coverage. meanwhile, wolf, a coming issue on the horizon. people who are starting to get notices letting them know that the insurance plans they have now are being cancelled or canceled or modified and that their rates are going up. people are starting to complain about this. the white house is starting to
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respond by saying, yes, this is going to happen because of the new requirements that are coming into effect next year. but i talked to an insurance industry source this evening who said this is going to be a problem for a lot of americans out there. they are going to see modifications made to their plans and in some cases cancellations are going to happen and a lot of americans are going to have to roll through the punches. why is this important? because the president has said already many times over if you like your plan you can change it but according to this insurance agency insider what is happening through the obama care program that the president should never have used those words. >> yeah. the president repeatedly said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and that is not necessarily happening across the board. thanks very much. let's get more on the raw politics. joining us is ross duffet and
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charles blow. charles, on the nsa eavesdropping program, it's surprising to me and a lot of folks the president would not know about a program that involves spying on top allies and listening in on the phone conversations of angela merkel, the chancellor. is there any reason for him not to know this kind of stuff? >> i think the bigger issue here is the kind of credible sprawl that should disturb most of us about the nsa. if they are doing it, they can do it. it's a hooveresque moment for collection of information on people. whether or not the president would know everything that they're doing, since they're doing so much, i'm not sure that is the proper expectation. but the basic kind of rule of management is never let the boss get caught off guard. the boss is caught off guard here. that is a problem for -- that is a management problem and they're going to have to figure that
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management problem out and wherever that broke down. but the idea the president would know everything, everyone who is wiretapped, i don't think anyone at this point knows. i think the fact that we are having reviews at this point of what exactly is happening with the nsa is important for this country, because i don't think we have a great handle on what's happening. >> absolutely right. we are learning a great deal every day. ross, you say the political calculation is understandable. what do you mean by that? >> i mean, the nsa is a particular case because we have had much furor recently over domestic intelligence gathering. but it is pretty normal when you are dealing with sort of intelligence issues for the president to maintain a certain level of plausible deniability about spying on allies, which is something that we do. it's something that our allies do. it's something that pretty much everybody does.
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and, obviously, in this specific case you are dealing with the nsa and a new kind of spy craft. but i think it's normal -- whether the president knew it's normal for them to say he didn't. it's unfortunate for the white house this is happening at the same moment as them having to say, oh, and also the president didn't know about these massive problems with the website that was essential to his central domestic priority policy. which is sort of what happened here. and then the question becomes why do the people who fail to keep him in the loop still have their jobs and this is obviously a question with kathleen sebelius. it is potentially more of a question with general alexander but the confluence of the two, i think makes this a bigger and more glaring issue for sort of the president's credibility. >> right. unfortunate, but also coincidental, right?
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i don't think we connect these two things and say this president wants to be in the dark about things. this president is so hands off. >> i'm just trying to imagine what charles would say about this confluence if george w. bush were in the white house. >> i think that these two things are actually, in fact, separate things. i think that -- first, they are completely different agencies and time lines. the nsa thing has been happening over a very long period of time. the website issues happen over a much shorter period of time when they were rolling it out, the government was shut down. the president was distracted by the idea of trying not letting the country going into default. >> oh, h -- >> come on, ross. but they are separate things but you are right you take your lumps. they do happen at the same time and people will make -- draw a straight line between the two even if i don't think they should. >> does it raise the broader
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question, though, charges charles, that the president is out of touch? >> that's what i was trying to get at. i don't get that sense but it's something that could be embarrassing, your underlings have to make sure that you understand things are happening and you're in the loop. that is a problem in these particular cases. there's no getting around that. it's an embarrassment. it happened at about the same time. that means that people will make connections even if they are not logical connections to make. i don't necessarily think this is a president that is out of the loop. >> as i said, i agree with charles in a sense that these are separate issues, that if they weren't happening at the same time, you would understand why the president wants to maintain deniability, but i want to stress in the case of the health care website if it is actually true that the president had no ideas there were problems
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before the launch, that is an indictment of the white house. this is not a case where the website, despite what some people have said, is separable from the policy. the website is the policy. the website doesn't work without the policy. and everyone in the white house knows that. so it's -- again, it's frankly unimaginable to me that he didn't have some sense. and if he really didn't, then people should be resigned. >> did you listen to the testimony the other day? it seems that no one in this entire chamber was taking control and taking responsibility. everyone was saying that their particular part of the thing was working and felt no responsibility to pass along the fact it wasn't working. i think that is a mess. and i think that's -- >> i have this dim memory of seeing the clips of the president saying the buck stops with me over and over again. >> ross and charles, guys, thanks very much. the conversation will continue. up next, the people who are still hurting one year and tens
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error a year ago tonight, one of the biggest storms ever. superstorm sandy, a tropical storm wrapped in a nor'easter, surrounded by a blizzard. high winds, heavy rain, snow, a storm surge, the likes of which east coast cities had not seen in modern memory or in some cases, ever. and as these then and now photos show, the damage lingers in so many places but is almost undetectible elsewhere. that jersey shore roller coaster surrounded by the atlantic has yet to be restored. just inland. the town of seaside heights turned into a grid, not of streets but canals. the rebuilding there still under way. in brooklyn, the iconic image of the battery tunnel, inundated,
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now just a memory. it is high and dry, but a lot of repairs are still being done on the new york subways, including the 8 train out to rockaway and just to the west of it, breezy point, where more than 100 homes burned. then there are the people of staten island. families like the camarads. a year ago as you can see were living in horrific conditions, no water, power, no heat, little hope. now as they struggle to rebuild their home and their lives, they find themselves in a different kind of nightmare. "ac360's" gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: from the outside, the house looks okay. they received money from fema to fix the exterior after hurricane sandy. >> you still have some mess out here, but let's go inside. >> reporter: inside is a whole different story. >> this was our foyer, we had pictures of the kids in different stages of their lives. the wall was all pictures. >> reporter: a year later, the lower level of the house is
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still devastated. >> this was a living room area. we had big -- >> big cabinet with the tv. >> the television, couch. >> all of my wife's crystal collection. >> crystal collection. >> the cabinets actually just flowed. and it fell over. everything was just destroyed. >> reporter: so why does it still look this way? sadly, their story is all too common after a disaster of this kind. to finance further repair to their home, the family requested a low-interest government loan. >> i worked my whole entire life. i paid my taxes. i'm you're typical middle class american. >> reporter: the family was told by the government they could get the loan, but only if they got flood insurance first. but the family says they can't afford flood insurance because the elevation of their home is so low, it drives the premiums up. so they're saying if you have flood insurance, we'll give you a loan, you can't afford the flood insurance. if you raise the house, it's cheaper but you can't afford to raise the house? right.
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>> reporter: a catch 22 that makes the cameradas different is they talked to president obama about it. you can see the meeting on this youtube clip on november 15, 2012. two weeks after the hurricane hit, the president came to staten island and met the camrada's. this is what he said. >> some of this will be tough. this is the commitment to you. i'll stay on it. i wouldn't be a stranger and forget all about it. >> reporter: the cameradas know the president is a busy guy, but don't believe he has stayed on it. >> you know, you hold the president to it. because that is the only hope you got. >> reporter: for now, the family and their four children continue to look for a solution they afford while remaining in their heavily damaged home. >> i don't have time to think about it, because just talking about it brings about raw emotions. sorry. >> reporter: it's okay. >> my wife is what is holding
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this family together. >> reporter: dianne made a plea to barack obama on that day. >> don't forget about us. >> that is my point, that is why i came. >> reporter: a plea the camerada's hope the president still remembers. >> and gary is joining us now from staten island. and gary, has the family considered selling their house and property and starting over somewhere else? >> the family would love to sell this house but nobody wants to buy a heavily damaged house. as far as the property goes in an area decimated by a super storm, the only people looking for property are people looking for fire sales. they can't afford to sell it because they can't get enough. but they also can't afford to keep it. it's a very difficult situation for them. >> as you say, a catch-22, gary, a very sad one. thanks for that report. one of the staunchest advocates for sandy survivors is congressman peter king, who joins us tonight. congressman, we hear from people a year later who are still stuck
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in terrible circumstances and unable to regain the financial footing and unable to rebuild their homes and businesses. they're stuck in this catch-22 situation when it comes to government loans and flood insurance. here is the question, why is there still such a huge problem a year after sandy helping these folks? >> well, my district was hit relief that has been appropriated has actually gone out the door. if you're aware of this, i assume that is a concern to you. >> it is, wolf, but let's keep in mind. if the money was spent too quickly those people would be yelling about that. the fact is every precaution is being built in to make sure the money is properly spent, that none of it is being wasted or going to fraudulent claims. also, a lot of that money is going to mitigate to have construction to prevent damage from future storms. and we're working with the local county and state governments, to make sure they don't just put good money after bad. so that is -- i think a lot of
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this really is because they're being very prudent as to how the money is spent. and also to make sure that if we have another sandy in four or five or six years that we don't have the same type of damage. again, when they're talking about the money not being spent fast enough, i would say you know, the other side of that, that means the money is being spent very carefully and prudently. >> congressman peter king, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. for more on this story, go to >> coming up, four inmates escape from an oklahoma jail. two have now been caught but two others are still on the loose. the latest on the manhunt and how they managed to escape, that's next. and later. a man who admitted to raping dozens of women is about to be released from a state mental hospital in california. and the residents of the community where he may be living after that are worried. we'll take you there when "ac360" continues.
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a manhunt is now under way in oklahoma after four inmates escaped from a county jail by prying open a hatch in the ceiling of the shower. two of the inmates were caught when they were spotted walking into a convenience store. two others are still at large. one was convicted on drug charges, waiting to be tried on a federal gun charge. george howell is joining us now, he has the latest. george, this escape sounds like it was ripped from a movie. how did they pull it off? >> reporter: well, you have to consider there were many different inmates in this detention center, many of them waiting to be shipped off to a state prison. but these four inmates had a different plan. their focus was on this maintenance hatch, just above the shower.
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they pushed that door forward and were able to get in the ceiling and followed a crawl space, where the plumbing and air-conditioning sit. and they pushed cement blocks to get into a room where there was an unlocked door and they walked right through. >> and then they were caught, at least two of them, while they were spotted at a convenience store. how did that happen? >> reporter: well, you know that is all due to a watchful eye of the investigator with the grady county attorney's office. he was close by in oklahoma, he spotted these two men, noticed their clothes, dirty, wet, and he followed them into a convenience store. that is when he also called chickasha police, they arrived, they chased the men and eventually caught them. but again, there is concern about these other two men and where they could be. >> are there any leads on where these other two inmates might be? they're obviously still on the run. >> reporter: right, you know, we talked to attorneys about that.
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given the first two were in chikasha, it could be that the other two, the final two still could be in that same area. keep in mind they are considered armed and dangerous. very dangerous men out there but investigators are doing their best, obviously, to search the area to find them and bring them back to where they escaped. >> if they find them, let us know, george. thank you very much, george howell. on the scene, there is much more happening, isha sesay has the 360 bullet. a federal judge threw out key portions of the texas abortion law. it is set to kick in tomorrow. the law was the subject of angry debate. the judge struck down requirements about doctor-admitting privileges at hospitals and partially blocked new restrictions on pregnancy-ending drugs. u.s. officials confirm that a military drone strike in somalia has killed two suspected members of the terror group al shabab, suspected of the deadly attack on the mall in kenya. chinese state media reports
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that at least five people were killed, a dozen injured. the cause was unknown. and check this out wolf, this is one of three newly discovered species found living in the remote part of northern australia. i want to show you some others. and scientists also discovered this fellow. it hunts for insects in daylight. and also this to show you, this creature, which is hard to make out due to camouflage, called the leaf-tailed gecko, it hides in boulders during the day and hunts at night. pretty cool. >> very cool. impressed. the gecko and the other is a skink. i don't even know what that is. isha, thank you very much. up next, the residents of one california town say they do not want this man, known as the pillow case rapist, to move into their community. we will examine their rights
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sometime in the next few months, 62-year-old christopher hubbard could be released from the state mental hospital where he was held for nearly 20 years. california prosecutors say he sexually assaulted at least 40 women. on friday they announced he could move to the town of lake los angeles when he gets out of prison. the residents are not only furious, they are fearful. they say there are a lot of children in the neighborhood and they don't want him anywhere near their community. kyung lah has more. >> reporter: here in the dusty part of a place that is two hours from downtown l.a. is the place where one of california's most infamous rapists will soon call home. can you see the house from your driveway? >> yeah, it is actually over there. >> reporter: just two doors down from nicole stone. this is the house? >> yes. i wouldn't want to come home if he moved in. i wouldn't even want to risk being here. and how is that fair to me, to be forced not to come home out of fear from him. >> reporter: fear, and stone was not even alive during
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christopher's reign of terror. it was the '70s and '80s when he was known as the pillowcase rapist, after his practice of covering his victims' heads with a pillow case. the serial rapist was convicted of assaulting dozens of women. he was first arrested in the early '70s, he later admitted to raping almost two dozen women throughout the state over a three-year period. he admitted in court he drove around neighborhoods looking for open garage doors. indicating that husbands had left for work. he looked for toys believing that mothers would protect their children and fight less. he served six years behind bars and was released in 1979. prosecutors say he then raped another 23 women. after serving two more prison sentences for rain and burglary, hubbard was paroled in 1993. part of that parole included a psychological evaluation which resulted in his parole being
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revoked. he was sent to a state mental hospital. his psychiatrists testified he had a mental condition, with a high risk of reoffending. early year this year, hubbard petitioned for his provisional release. >> it sent a shock of fear throughout the community. >> reporter: the l.a. county board supervisor remembers the pillowcase rapist, and was stunned to hear that a judge was releasing him to his very own county. will this community be protected from this man? >> there is no way you can protect the community. you don't have 24/7 protection, he's not living in a cage. he's going to be roaming around. that's the problem. that's how rapists attack. that's how he attacked in the past. >> reporter: so how can hubbard be released here in the neighborhood of young families? there is a school, but far enough away required by california law. there's also a park where children play two minutes away but, again, just slight farther than 2,000 feet. this is, as the judge said in the state of california, an
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appropriate place for a man who has done his time. >> i don't think it is fair or right. >> reporter: the residents of neighboring palmdale are outraged, disagreeing with the judge saying that hubbard has never lived here. if you have served your time, shouldn't you be allowed to live? >> yes, but why in a community you have no relationship or ties with? >> reporter: as required by law, he will have an electronic monitor. he has other limits including a curfew and no access to driving a car and weekly psychtrist visits. but that is not enough for his new neighbors. how does that make you feel as a young woman living a couple doors from him? >> not safe, not for me or for my community. not for anybody. >> kyung lah is joining us, is this all over? can the residents do anything about this? >> reporter: it is not quite over, there is a brief period of time until november 29th where the residents can write in phone in and e-mail in their
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complaints. and there will actually be a public hearing in december as to whether or not he actually should move in here. and wolf, i can tell from you the facebook page, what i hear from local leaders, so far the response has been overwhelming. >> what about the owner of the home where he will be living. what does he have to say? >> reporter: you know, this is where it gets a little interesting. i spoke to the owner's son, he said he had no idea this was the sort of person who would be moving into their neighborhood. he said that they love their neighbors. he doesn't want to do this to their neighborhood, but he is not sure that there is anything they can do. they are exploring their options. >> thank you, kyung lah. lets dig a little bit deeper on this. we are joined by sonny hostin, who brought sexual predators to trial as a prosecutor. and danny cevallos. thank you very much. guys, obviously, the residents are very upset. you can't blame them. do they have a legal recourse? >> you know, i don't think they have any legal recourse.
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i think certainly the government has almost exhausted all legal recourse. but as kyung lah said, certainly they can wage their complaints. they have about 45 days to do that. there will be a public hearing december 4th. and perhaps the judge will reconsider his decision. but i have to tell you what is so shocking to me, especially as someone who has tried these types of case, these violent sexual predators. in today's legal system they would be put away for life. because we know they cannot be rehabilitated. they cannot be put back into society. there is just such a high rate of recidivism they have to be kept in prison or a mental hospital. they can't be reintroduced into society. so this predator just falls into this really weird space where you have psychologists saying he has done his time and is ready to be reintroduced into society. i can tell you he will re-offend again. he cannot be reintroduced into society. >> danny hubbard was the first offender convicted under the
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california sexual predator law and committed to a state hospital. and you say is it a very unique area of the law, how so? >> it is, and here is why. what people need to understand is that the svpa, the sexually violent predator act, in all of the state, what they do is they take somebody who is nearing the end of their sentence, the end of serving their obligation to society and essentially adding on potentially indefinitely an additional term of incarceration, although it is really called a civil commitment. so in essence, hubbard and others like him are effectively sentenced after they're done serving their sentence. and it is interesting, only because in society this is a unique kind of crime. we're willing to say with this kind of crime there is such a high rate of recidivism, because we are going to commit him because we have this fear of a future crime we're going to re-commit him. you really wouldn't see it if somebody was a three-time bank
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robber or assault -- we wouldn't commit them indefinitely. but as a society, we say this kind of crime, incredibly high rate of recidivism. for that reason we have special rules for special offenders. >> sonny, as you eluded, this guy commit to raping two dozen women and was released in '79 after serving only six years in jail. he then committed dozens more rapes, was sent back to jail. that first sentence, it seems it was extremely light. you admit raping all of these women, you get six years in jail? doesn't that seem like a pretty light sentence? >> it is, wolf, it is outrageous, but i think again in terms of law enforcement and prosecutors we understand these types of criminals much better now. there have been a lot of studies. and we know they re-offend, we know it is extremely difficult if not impossible to rehabilitate them. so had these crimes happened post '94 or '96, he would be in prison for the rest of his life. because today, violent sexual
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offenders are put away for life. unfortunately, for this community, that is just not the case. we just didn't, i think, know enough about these types of criminals back then. >> danny, there is very much a not in my own back yard attitude about these kinds of cases, understandably. so is the law clear when it comes to balances people's rights to protect themselves and their families from a predator with ensuring that a person who has been released is treated equitably? >> yeah, it is interesting you bring that up, wolf, because as a society we have decided that these offenders, we'll post the government will post their names on a website and their addresses are known for to the public. and yet, we act surprised when neighborhoods are up in arms over it. we essentially put the information out there and the resulting reaction is predictable. >> it is pretty shocking to the folks who are living in that neighborhood knowing that a guy like this is going to be living there. it's totally understandable they
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want to change it if they can. we will see what happens. we will update our viewers as we know more. thank you, guys, very much. just ahead, the widow and brother of a former navy s.e.a.l. sniper, chris kyle. they are now speaking out about the man they love and miss, and his tragic death. what they told anderson about the troubled vet accused of murdering kyle. that is next. ews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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without a prescription. cardioviva. a former marine awaiting trial in texas says he suffers from ptsd. he said he was trying to help -- and gunning them down. eddy ray roth is accused of murdering two fellow veterans who were trying to help him, gunning them down at a shooting range. one of the alleged victims, former navy seal sniper chris kyle, a legend among the seals. he served five tours in iraq, earning the reputation as the most lethal sniper in the u.s. military. after leaving the navy he wrote a best-selling autobiography "an american sniper." the memorial edition was just released. kyle also started a foundation to help vets struggling with ptsd. he had reached out to ralph after learning about his troubles. recently, anderson spoke to kyle's widow and his brother, jeff kyle. >> your husband left the navy in 2009, was that a tough decision
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for him. >> incredibly difficult. it was difficult for both of us, but incredibly difficult for him because he knew he was serving a purpose. he knew he was saving lives. and he really truly felt no matter what he had done, he was letting his country down when he got out. >> do you wear his dog tags? >> i do, all the time. i'm usually not very sentimental about things, but i put them on one day and it just does something for me. >> jeff, what kind of a guy was chris? >> he was a hell of a guy. he was a mountain of a man, his heart was even bigger than he was. he was a protector, always has been, from the time we were little. >> you were in the marine recon, did he give you grief about being a marine? >> every day. every day. >> and you served also in iraq, a number of times but never at the same time as your brother. >> correct.
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>> was the fact that you were both in the same theater of operations, although at difficult times, were you able to at times to get together and talk about what you had seen and what you had been through? >> we tried to make it a point after every deployment to get together. he was probably the only person i could talk to about certain things, and i would assume likewise, same thing with me. >> and he would take veterans out, just shooting, hunting, shooting at targets. and i think for people who don't maybe shoot in their lives, they may not understand it. but in a way, he found that gun could help heal people in the process of healing. >> i think he learned from people he talked to that were in the hospitals who didn't heal as quickly in that cold, sterile environment, even though it is great, they just didn't heal as quickly. you get them in the outdoors, breathing fresh air, talking with other veterans, just like jeff said it's nice to have somebody you can relate to.
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>> the incident in which he was killed, did you know this person he was going out with? did he really know much about the person? >> he certainly did not have the information about this guy. he was given limited information. he should have been given more, in my opinion. but in his eyes, it is somebody from his community. he is not going to question it a whole lot. >> my understanding is that this person has blamed ptsd. does that anger you? >> i wouldn't say it angers me as much -- >> it does me. >> i think it makes me feel very, very protective for people who genuinely have ptsd. because we know a lot of them are wonderful people, serve in justice-related fields. they have huge hearts, so if something dramatic happens, they can recover from it. it doesn't change their character, they carry guns, they love their families. they may be moody. they might lose some sleep. but it does not, absolutely not, 100%, does not turn you into a cold-blooded killer. >> and it increases the stigma
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of somebody who has ptsd? >> everybody who comes back either from iraq or afghanistan, any kind of combat situation is pretty much labelled with ptsd. if you have been in any kind of action or even heard of the guys going out there, getting some action, oh, no, i have got ptsd now. and that is the problem that the government is getting into, is labelling everybody with ptsd. and it has just become an excuse. >> sometimes when somebody dies in a horrific and tragic way, it is hard to remember, to focus on how they lived their lives, you end up focusing on how their life ended. jeff, do you find yourself thinking about how chris' life ended? >> it definitely stays with me. but i don't dwell on it, you know, because i was fortunate enough to know him for 35 years. i can remember a lot more than just that one day.
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>> you, obviously, as well? >> there -- i don't think often about the way that he died. i actually think a whole lot about the way that he lived. i feel him with me. my kids feel him with us. i certainly miss him like crazy. and yet, there was such a magnetism and such a strength about his being, his love, his laughter, his humility, all of it wrapped up in this package, it doesn't leave you. i don't think i'll ever live a day that i don't feel the strength of him and the foundation he left us with. i don't think you could live a more full life, a life full of gusto. i just don't think it is possible. i think he did an amazing job. he lives on in so many people. what a gift. >> well, thank you so much for talking about chris. i appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. appreciate it. >> and you can learn more about chris kyle's legacy at the family's website,
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other stories, isha sesay joining us once again with a "ac360" bulletin. wolf, penn state will pay nearly $60 million to 26 sexual abuse victims of former assistant football coach and serial rapist jerry sandusky. the school announced the settlement today. and chris brown, with a fight outside his hotel got him charged with felony assault. a judge reduced the charge and to a misdemeanor and ordered brown to see his probation officer in california within 48 hours, he is also ordered to stay 148 yards from the alleged victim. >> a catch like this would be a catch and would be the end of the story unless a sneaky sea lion is lurking off camera. you see that? he or she stole the show, as well as the fish. the cameras were filming the cooking show "chef on the water." >> thanks. that does it for this edition of "ac360." thanks for watching. "early start" begins right now.
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spying on america's friends. what did the president nen what is he going to do about it? the new plans this morning that could dramatically change u.s. intelligence operations.the new could dramatically change u.s. intelligence operationis he goi? the new plans this morning that could dramatically change u.s. intelligence operations. a frantic manhunt. two inmates who broke out of a oklahoma jail back behind bars but two more on the loose this morning as we learn more how they made their daring escape. >> that is a community very concerned. a major miles
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