tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 2, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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like alzheimer's disease, go ahead, chase life. actually enjoy that extra hour sleep. that will wrap it up for "sg md," and let's keep the conversation going on twitter @dr.sanjaygupta, but time now to get you back into the "cnn newsroom" with don lemon. hello, everyone, don lemon here in the "newsroom." back now with our live coverage. we're going to learn a lot of new things about what happened in los angeles including a new photograph of the victim. we hope to have that for you within the next hour. we'll begin, of course, in los angeles where we have just learned beefed-up security teams are monitoring l.a.x. airport police are getting lots of help one day after a gunman opened fire killing a tsa officer and bringing chaos to one of the world's busiest airports. >> today in our enhanced deployment for los angeles world
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airport, los angeles police department has committed additional resources. this morning i met with the federal air marshals and they're providing additional resources for us. obviously today and for the foreseeable future we'll continue our very high profile at the curbs and anywhere in those ticketing areas and anywhere on our campuses. >> we're also learning some new troubling clues emerging about the suspect 23-year-old paul ciancia. a source tells cnn the suspect had a note with an anti-tsa rant. the note also reflected his fear of an ominous new world order. our affiliates kcal and kcbs got the exclusive video and it appears to show the suspect handcuffed to the stretcher. cnn cannot independently confirm who it is. we also have video of the chaos inside the airport moments after shots were fired, and you can hear police screaming for people to get down. >> on the floor!
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on the floor now! on the floor! >> chill, chill, chill, chill. >> go, go, go. >> can you imagine being caught up in that? now stranded passengers are reclaiming bags abandoned in the panic. we're covering every angle of the story for you. kyung lah is live at l.a.x. barbara starr is in washington. so, we're going to get to both of them, but i'm going to start with my colleague kyung lah at l.a.x. right now tsa chief john pistol is headed to los angeles to meet with the fbi and the grieving family of tsa officer gerardo hernandez. so, tell me how l.a.x. is honoring this fallen tsa officer. >> reporter: well, it's just like the high security that we just heard about in the news conference, don, there is also going to be visible signs of mourning here at the united states sixth busiest airport. when you first drive in, there
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are these 100-foot pylons at the entrance of l.a.x. they are going to be lit blue, and that's going to be for the tsa. the tsa color up until thursday. and then once you get past the entrance and you start to check in, you'll see that the tsa officers here have on their badges a black band, and that is for their fallen officer, their fellow co-worker, mr. hernandez. what we're seeing here not just visible signs of security but also visible signs of grief, don. >> and what are investigators looking for at the airport today? we had a brief conversation about it, you know, just a couple minutes ago, but what exactly are they looking for today? >> reporter: well, the terminal has just reopened fully. we know that was a key thing, that they wanted to wrap up collecting evidence in the terminal as quickly as possible, trying to retrace what this suspect did in order to try to get this place open. because the backlog here at l.a.x. is immense. so, what they are looking for
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here, it's bifurcated in one way. they want to make sure they collect all the evidence. figure out what he did inside the terminal, but then also look at motive. why did he move to los angeles. why did this young man seemingly have this anti-tsa bent, try to talk to friends, colleagues, anyone he knew in los angeles to try to figure out and piece together this young man's mindset, don. >> and what about the stranded passengers, kyung? >> reporter: the state of passengers here, i mean, let's just look at this one number, don. 167,000 people who were affected by the closure last night, yesterday, into last night. the -- trying to gear up and get all those people back in the air, try to figure out where the planes are in the western region because of the shutdown here in los angeles, planes were completely out of whack here on the west coast. and so a lot of travel was disrupted yesterday. it's all about trying to get that back into place. it is going to be several more
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hours, don, before you really start to see everything moving very smoothly here at l.a.x. >> unfortunately so. okay, thank you very much, kyung. we appreciate your reporting there. an eyewitness told cnn when he came across the l.a.x. shooter that the gunman asked one question -- >> he saw me cowering there. he had a gun, and he looked at me and he said tsa? and i just shook my head. he kept going. if i had a tsa uniform, i wouldn't be here talking to you, sir. >> i have no doubt about that. >> i'm convinced. >> but some experts believe the shooter's motivations may go beyond the tsa. cnn's barbara starr has been digging in to that side of the story for us. so, barbara, you spoke with a former fbi profiler. what did he say to you? >> we started chatting about the fact that law enforcement is telling us they found material, anti-tsa, anti-government, this
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concept of the new world order, which is a conspiracy theory that is out there that some people believe that elites are going to form a new kind of one world government if you will. so, we talked to some fbi profilers who have served in the past who say, wait a minute. yes, maybe. but there may be something much deeper here, much more indicative of basic anti-social behavior. i want you to listen to maryellen o'toole, a former senior fbi profiler. >> my sense would be that he got into this through the internet as opposed to personal interactions with government agencies where he was treated impolitely or treated badly. and, again, the thought process for someone who decides my life's not going well, i'm angry at everybody, i blame everybody for what's happened to me, that
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thinking process takes a long time to develop. it doesn't just happen two weeks before the incident. >> so, clearly this was someone that had some very anti-government feelings, anti-tsa feelings. he went after the tsa personnel. then he moved further into the terminal asking people if they were tsa, but he goes on into the terminal. so, they're going to want to look at that whole -- the whole timeline, the whole incident, trying to figure out what was going on in his mind, what he thought he was doing, you know, as he moved down that long passageway and also looking, of course, at those security measures, how did he get so far in there, so close to an airplane, and maybe able to wreak such havoc and tragedy before he was stopped. >> that is unbelievable, barbara, i mean, he really got a long ways into that airport. and, again, as you said, he
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wreaked so much havoc there. police officers, barbara, were at security checkpoints at l.a.x. why is that no longer the case? and is that being revisited? >> well, it may well be revisited. it turns out our dan simon in los angeles has learned that armed police officers were -- used to be right at the tsa checkpoint. now after some back-and-forth between the police officers groups and the tsa, they were allowed to go a little bit further, to patrol a little bit, to move around inside the terminal as long as they were two minutes away from being able to get right back to that checkpoint if there was a situation they needed to deal with. so, i think that will be looked at. but, look, we've all gone through these checkpoints. you know, somebody -- an officer could be standing at one part of a checkpoint and a bad guy, if you will, could be on the other side, you know, end of the checkpoint and start some incident. so, it will all be looked at. but whether it does require a
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fundamental change in the security posture, still, i think, is something that remains to be determined. investigators really, don, trying to figure out what really happened here. >> yeah. and barbara starr will be on top of every angle. barbara, we appreciate that. let's get more answers, see if we can, from mary sciavo, do you think that this incident will trigger some changes how the tsa is setting up at airports, going off what barbara has just reported? >> well, it will. but as a country we seem to be a little schizophrenic about airport security. just last week the tsa was trying to make their checkpoints kinder, gentler, friendlier, it was an article in "the wall street journal" talking about mood lighting in the checkpoints, et cetera. we know we need airport security and we know we need professional law enforcement, and we have politicians one from florida in particular still screaming to
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reprivatize it and give it back to the airlines and the private security companies. what we have to do is face up to the fact that aviation is the target of choice for crazies, for terrorists. there have been over 1,000 attacks on aviation since the 1930s. and we have to have this professional police force including with armed guards. the two-minute rule usually works. they wanted to get them away from the checkpoints to get the tempers, you know, from overheating. and, remember, this year the tsa took more guns off of passengers than at any time in history. so the checkpoint has a lot of guns. mostly those guns are guns that people forgot. >> i want to -- i want to ask you this because you mentioned armed guards. and i want you to talk more about it. do you think tsa officers should be armed? do you think there should be some other guards there? police officers, maybe members of the military? >> and it's already different airport by airport. some airports have armed police officers. they have airport police right at each checkpoint.
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los angeles is really tough. as a former los angeles resident myself, you know, i know each of those terminals well, but there are so many. so, los angeles a very tough place because they have so many portals into the airport. but, yes, i do think you need an armed guard, an armed personnel, law enforcement at the gates and i do think it has to be law enforcement for many reasons. but you cannot arm all the tsa. because when you arm a federal officer, it puts them in a different rank. you have to requalify on the firearms. a lot of my employees were armed. you have to requalify every 30 days. it's very expensive. it's very difficult, but the tsa needs to be protected with armed personnel and i think it has to be officers. i think it has to be police. >> can i ask you something real quickly. because what about the actual physicality of the airports? i notice los angeles, it's not a long distance between the curb and when you get to security. same thing at laguardia, it's, like, security is right there. but there are other bigger airports where you have to go a longer way, there are more steps, more layers.
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is that something that may possibly we should be looking in to? >> yes. but it's very difficult, because the airports that are newer like hartsfield, like denver, they're set up with many barriers to entry and you have a few main portals and they're easier to secure and less expensive to secure, airports like dallas, los angeles, kansas city, it was built for passenger convenience, you could just pull up to the gate and unload and off you go to your gate. but now in the modern world of terrorist attacking airlines, that doesn't make sense. so, some airports are going to be much more able to have a secondary barrier where you can go through one area. where you can be looked at. and not necessarily searched but have personnel, armed personnel, law enforcement, and then go through the tsa checkpoint. los angeles is tough, but, lord, we love it, but it's a tough one to secure. >> it really is. thank you very much. hey, listen, will you hang with me for just a minute here?
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>> sure. >> i want to put up this picture, this is a picture -- can we put this up. this is new that we just got in here to cnn. this is the young man who died yesterday in that shooting. his name is gerardo hernandez. gerardo hernandez. and this is a picture of him. this is from his family. our chris lawrence is out there in new jersey, with the family. the family, obviously shocked the community shocked -- i'm sorry, he's out there with the family of the suspect, i'm sorry. but obviously the family of this young man shocked as well as the country about this. mary, this is sad time for the tsa, the first tsa officer killed in the line of duty, i'm sure you will agree. >> absolutely. the tsa they get so much criticism, but there's no comparison to how security was on september 11th, 2001, and how it is now. the tsa dramatically improved things and we just have to make sure that they're protected, but we need the tsa desperately.
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>> thank you, mary. always great information. if we can just put that picture up as we go to break because we want to hoenn honor those who k safe at the airport. there's gerardo hernandez, the tsa officer that died in the incident at l.a.x. yesterday. we'll be right back. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. exciting and would always come max and pto my rescue. bookstore but as time passed, i started to notice max just wasn't himself. and i knew he'd feel better if he lost a little weight. so i switched to purina cat chow healthy weight formula.
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barnard goetz, remember that name, that was one of the most notorious names in the country in the mid-1980s. the new york media called him the subway vigilante after he shot four black teenagers he claimed were trying to rob him. the attempted murder trial was huge national news and he went to jail for a few months. today after many years of keeping a low profile, he's back in the news now. cnn's rosa flores is here. tell us why we are talking about him today. >> today he allegedly sold $30 worth of marijuana to an undercover police officer in new york and now faces various drug charges. this time he was arrested following the incident, don, but
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back in the '80s you probably remember, like you said, shot four black teenagers and he walked away. he walked off of the subway and he said that he was tired of being a victim. and so, don, what we did is we dug up some video, an interview with nancy grace on "larry king live." take a listen. >> i was mugged and got a rather brutal beating about a year, a year and a half prior to that. i thought i was a pretty good physical specimen. but there was a teenager from brooklyn who basically wiped the floor with me on the street. he -- he -- he gave -- he gave me a punch that i didn't even feel. all i knew is i was looking up at the sky and i tried to fight him and i got a number of injuries after that. >> now, we've got to take you back to 1984 new york. crime and racial tensions were very high. the trust in the system was very low, and i even believe, i think we have some old video, some
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footage from the scene, if you can roll that, so you can really see kind of how the subway is different from the one, the subway that we see now, but goetz was saying, i felt like a victim. i had been mugged many, many times. and you're seeing the video now. this is the file footage. look at it, don. >> the graffiti. >> you really don't recognize what the subway looks like. one question that you usually ask someone who has pulled the trigger, do you regret pulling the trigger. here's what he said -- >> no, i don't regret pulling the trigger. i regret -- i should have been more careful with many of the things i said afterwards. >> yeah. >> now, they asked him a couple of other questions, nancy grace did, that were very interesting. first of all, do you carry a gun now. he didn't answer. he didn't want to answer that. do you use the subway. he lives in new york, so, of course, that answer was yes. and then they also asked him have you been mugged again. take a listen --
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>> twice. guys came to try to shoot me and i will not say what happened in those incidents. however, that was many years ago, once just some stranger tried to surprise me with a gun, but someone pointed out, hey, this guy's going to try to draw a gun on you. and i just stared him down. i said, let him go. >> we should add that goetz was acquitted of murder and assault charges in this case, but he was convicted of illegal possession of a weapon and served less than nine months in jail. as for the alleged sale of marijuana to an undercover police officer, he was just arraigned in criminal court. his next court date is december 18th and that's according to the manhattan district attorney's office. don? >> yeah, apparently he sold $30 of -- >> allegedly sold. >> allegedly sold $30 worth of marijuana to this undercover woman police officer. she bought it. walked away, and then the guys swooped in and arrested him.
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2:24 pm website will be down again tonight. but in this case the outage is a deliberate one. at least this time. but department of health and human services says starting at 9:00 eastern the website will be offline to work on making enhancements to the system. the outage will last 12 hours. you can still use the toll-free number to sign up for health insurance. so, it will be down a little bit tonight. new jersey governor chris christie looks like he's headed for an easy re-election victory on tuesday adding to speculation
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about a possible christie run for the white house. if he were to be the gop nominee in 2016 he could face hillary clinton or maybe vice president joe biden, a new book claims it could have been hillary clinton instead of joe biden as vp right now. let's talk about with it -- about christie with hillary and the vice president -- let's say this again. let's talk about christie and hillary as vice president with two of cnn's political commentators, joining me are maria cardona and kevin madden. i feel like it's "cross fire." thanks for joining us, kevin and maria. >> thanks, don, good to see you. >> polls show chris christie cruising towards re-election. new jersey is a democratic state and he's apparently making inroads among women, among hispanics and other minorities. >> right. >> is he rewriting the republican playbook for winning traditionally democratic voters? >> yeah, i think it's an important sort of case study for how republicans can do a better job of winning not only the
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middle but constituencies that are not traditionally within the republican party. so, i think the reason -- one of the ways he's done that is he's put aside a lot of the ideology which washington tends to be really focused. all of the debates we have in wood paneled rooms up on capitol hill, many of the folks are focused on can be the most pure ideologic ideological. and here you have a chief executive in a very blue state who is focused on solving problems, who is focused on making government work. and when you do that, that's something that's oftentimes rewarded by not only republicans but by many of those independent voters and democrats and that's the key to winning nationally. >> yeah. i'm just looking at a picture on twitter that our pete hamby has just tweeted out and it's chris christie at a rally with his wife mary pat whom he often talks about. i'll get to you, maria, but i want to ask kevin this. >> yeah. >> he's arguing with a teacher in this picture. i mean, love him or hate him, do you think people -- do you think
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this is going to have any effect on his re-election bid or if he decides to run for president, how will this play, this particular part of his personality, this in-your-face kind of personality? >> it's helped him in his re-election bid. that style in new jersey works with new jersey voters. the big problem -- the big challenge, i will call it, going ahead for someone like chris christie is does that abrasive style, that take-charge style, does it work with voters in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. >> right. >> florida and beyond. many of those voters out there, they ask tough questions, they like to test their candidates. and if you're going to blow up at a town hall in iowa, it's not going to be received the way on youtube that it is received in trenton, new jersey. >> yeah. and, listen, new york, new jerseyans, philadelphians are a little bit different than people across -- everyone is sort of in your face here. >> uh-huh. >> and that's just how it is, right? >> yeah. >> maria, as a democratic strategist, are you worried that chris christie could attract a
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big chunk of minority voters on tuesday and then do the same thing in a bid for the white house in 2016? >> i would be, except for i don't think he's going to get the nomination because while everything that kevin just stated is true, i absolutely agree with him, he is going to get re-elected quite easily this week. and he's going to do that with democrats, with women, with hispanics, with african-americans, with frankly what looks very much like the coalition that got president obama elected. but the problem with that, don, is that that is absolutely not going to help him get through the republican primary. the republican primary is full of exactly the folks that kevin talked about that are focused on pure ideology here in washington. >> he's not republican enough? >> he's not -- he is not conserve -- he is not tea party enough, let's put it that way. and he's going up against rand paul, and we saw already the division within the republican party itself when rand paul and chris christie went at each
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other. and there's a pew poll very interesting pew poll that says right now at least the momentum of the republican base and republican voters leans toward the civil libertarianism that rand paul represents. that does not bode well for somebody like chris christie to make it to the nomination. >> there's a new book out on tuesday, it's called "double down, game change, 2012." it says that mitt romney considered chris christie as his running mate but that his background was, quote, littered with potential land mines, kevin, we just talked about that a little bit. you were a top romney adviser back then. do you care to break a little news and tell us exactly why mitt romney did not choose chris christie as his running mate? >> the gossip is always about who they didn't pick and why. but the reality is if i could take you inside the campaign, governor -- governor romney chose the person that he thought would help him govern best, the person who he had the strongest rapport with. oftentimes we put a lot of
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formulaic reasons for why somebody wasn't picked or should be picked, but when it comes down to it the candidate themselves have to know they have a really strong relationship with the person who could be their vp and that they can help them govern. and i think -- to tell you the truth, i think governor romney had his heart set on paul ryan from the very beginning. he went through a very detailed process of considering all of his options but he was very focused on paul ryan from the beginning. >> kevin, you're very good at what you do, and that was a nice pivot. but that was my question. i said why didn't he pick chris christie? >> i honestly think it had to do with picking paul ryan. i think there were a number of challenges with chris christie. namely, i think the book talks a lot about his weight and the book talks a lot about a vetting record. but i think namely, chris christie is not somebody who would be comfortable in the role of being a number two. and when you're going to be president, you have to have confidence that the person who is going to be your number two is going to be focused on your agenda and someone like chris
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christie with a strong personality and fixed ideas about what he wants to do don't necessarily fit very role well in the role of being a vice president. >> he's the alpha. >> he's used to being number one. going back to when governor romney was considered a vice presidential candidate in 2008 as a potential running mate for john mccain. i made the same argument. i said mitt romney is used to being number one. he's not someone who will fit very well inside the box of the vice presidential candidate. >> maria, the same book "double down" also sels the obama campaign explored dumping joe biden, i hate to say that dumping joe biden -- >> so harsh. >> replacing joe biden with hillary clinton. how do you think joe biden is feeling right now having read that? and should they have changed? >> you know, i think joe biden understands the talk that goes on and the gossip that goes on here in washington, you know, he's -- he's a grown-up. and i think he knows washington better than almost anybody. so, i don't think --
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>> come on, maria. >> i don't think it bothers him at all. i really don't. and i think he also realizes and the white house is good at pushing back, this was never really a consideration. did they do focus groups, did they do polls? sure, if you remember obama was going through a really tough time. a lot of democrats were wondering if it would be a very good move. but at the end of the day and if you remember at the point where it was the biden vice presidential debate, it was joe biden who actually brought obama back from the brink. and i don't think obama ever really considered this, and according to the book and to people that i've talked to, it was never brought to him. so, i think joe biden should be feeling a-ok because i think he understands that this president really has a lot of respect for him, never considered dumping him as the book says and that it's all just a bunch of fun, washington chatter. >> and -- go ahead, kevin.
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>> joe biden is very human. he's even more than human, you could even say, right? so i bet you there's probably -- >> what do you mean by that? what do you mean by that! >> there's going to be a lot of awkward silences in their weekly lunch. but i will agree with maria. having been on the side of the aisle here i never, ever thought that they would replace joe biden. there was so much chatter about it, but it would have been such a sign of weakness to get rid of your sitting vice president -- >> yeah. >> -- to bring on another vice president even if it was hillary clinton. >> and, kevin, because of obama has this perception of being aloof, right, president obama, i should say, be respectful -- >> right. >> -- has this perception of being aloof, hillary clinton sort of as being sort of an elitist, right, joe biden is joe six-pack, the average guy. takes the acela and takes the amtrak train home and the "tell it like it is" guy, that would i think have been disastrous if they had even changed. i think you guys might agree. >> yeah, absolutely. >> i completely agree. i agree. and it ended up working out for
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him, right? >> yeah. i'll steal from "cross fire." we'll cease-fire now. everybody agrees at least on this last subject. thank you, kevin. thank you, maria, appreciate it. >> great to be with you, don. >> you as well. i'll bring in my next guest in just a moment. but a new study says you can't believe a word they say. why? we've got that next. we've been bringing people together. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions
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okay. a harvard study -- this is a very interesting story, so please listen. a harvard study said people are more likely to lie or cheat in the afternoon. could this be true? could this be you? well, we're going to try to get the truth about this from psychologist wendy walsh and criminal defense attorney holly hughes. okay. wendy, we're going to start with you. this study says that we get tired near the end of the day and we lose some of the capacity for self-control. so, we lie more. >> well, the study -- well, the
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study doesn't actually talk about why this happens as much as it clearly does. and believe it or not, the people who are most moral in the morning, i like to think well rested, fresh brain, the higher parts of our personality are functioning, those people took the bigger dive in the afternoon. so they showed people the green dots on a right or left screen and they asked them to estimate which were more dots, it was pretty obvious, but they only paid them if they choose the right side of the screen, which meant they could only make money at a certain point if they started to lie. if they were tested in the afternoon, they didn't do so well. >> oh, man, this segment could go on. i'm telling you the truth here. so, holly, you work in a courtroom, right? as a courtroom attorney dealing with people on the stand. do you think witnesses or your clients seem to lie more in the afternoon? >> no. i think when you consider the enormity of what's at stake, let's put it that way, it's a very different setting than just your average, hey, you know, no,
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i didn't take that $5 out of your purse, mom, no, i didn't say that bad thing to you to your friend. when you consider what's at stake in my world as a criminal defense attorney, you know, they all lie, don, because they are scared and they could lose their liberty. so, what you do is you develop trust. so, it doesn't get into so much timing as it is what's at stake for my folks. >> god, i want to say a whole bunch here but -- >> come on, let's have it. >> no, i just think -- >> because you work at night. >> if you have a policy that you're always truthful with people even when they don't want to hear it, they'll always be fine. people get mad at me but i always tell the truth. i never lie. i swear to you. >> but we are trapped in our biology, don, and there are all kinds of circumstances when we're overtired, when we're hungry. one study i read showed that people are altruistic and they will give help to someone suffering on the street if
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they're not being rushed to an appointment. but no matter how moral and good you are, if you're on your way to an appointment and you know someone is waiting for you, you don't stop to help. so, there are all kinds of cultural and realistic influences whether we're honest or not or helpful or not. >> and that's no lie. okay, thank you. good to see you guys. >> you too, don. new news from cnn from the sports world, the head coach of the denver broncos have been taken to a north carolina hospital. the details on this street ahead. a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪
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of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include:
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swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans.
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medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare hello, everyone, welcome back. this news just coming in to cnn, it's from the sports world, it's about the head coach of nfl coach from the denver broncos. they say that joe fox felt lightheaded while playing golf today and a team spokesman said he did not have a heart attack. he's being held at a charlotte hospital for further testing. the broncos do not play tomorrow. they have an off week.
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we'll keep you updated on that one. in the meantime students and staff at a college campus in southwest missouri are in shock and mourning this weekend. one of their assistant football coaches was shot dead in the parking lot of a movie theater. it happened late last night. police have a man in custody who they suspect shot 37-year-old derrick moore. moore was a first-year offensive line coach at missouri southern state university. no word yet from police on why that happened, on a motive. a brief moment of panic at a denver nuggets game. they introduced a mascot, dropped him down on a wire. but he wasn't moving. we'll tell you what happened next. corporal michael voucher will never forget june 12th, 2011, the day his whole life changed. >> we were in afghanistan, an an ied was set off, it was a blessing i was conscious because i didn't have to wake up later and realize both my legs were
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missing. >> he was 22 years old. >> i was trying to figure out what i could do and what i wasn't. >> voucher always liked to hunt and fish. not an all-terrain wheelchair is helping him get back to doing what he loves the most. >> it turns your disability into an ability. >> with tracks like a mini tank, it will go almost anywhere, through mud, sand, snow, even up and down hills. tim swenson created the action track chair after his own son was paralyzed in a car accident. >> i always thought about how can i get jeff to be back outdoors and get off the hard surface. >> so he used his background in motorsports to design an off-road electric chair that could help more than just his son. >> we started using some of the things i knew about snowmobiles and the atvs and we started building. >> swenson sold his first one in 2009 and offers different sizes for both kids and adults. and he designed a second model that allows paralyzed people to
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stand up. but the chairs aren't cheap. they start at 10,0$10,000 and a not yet covered by insurance. >> it's made a huge difference, and it's added that independence back to my life. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything.
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i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there.
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friday was a rough night for rocky the denver nuggets mascot. in the pregame stunt, he was supposed to repel from the rafters, but the crowd could see something was wrong. by the time he got to the court, staffers were ready to drag him away. as he was lowers, he got the wind knocked out of him. rocky is doing fine now. better than the nuggets who are 0-2. maybe it was altitude sickness or something. remember tonight is the end of daylight saving time. there's no "s" on the end. daylight saving time. you fall back this time of year, setting your clock back an hour. that officially starts 2:00 a.m.
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eastern. 2:00 a.m. eastern, the end of daylight saving time. there have been a lot of issues with the website. sex workers are pleased with it. yes, sex workers. that's next. i grew up in segregated south. i started picking beans at age 6. my father, i used to hear him say, if you get a good education, you can get a good job. he knew that education was important. in today's time, many of our children don't have computers at home and low income families don't have transportation to get to where the computers are. kids who don't have access to computers after school will be left behind. at age 71, i took my retirement
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savings to create a classroom to bring high-tech learning to communities in need. all right, let's get on board. the bus is a mobile learning center. are you ready to get on the computers? >> yes! >> we want to do what we can do to make things better for all, adults as well. i see the bus as being able to bridge that gap between technology and the lack of it. >> she helps me by having one-on-one attention. i look forward to it a lot. how we doing here? it's not just a bus, it's a movement. we going to go from neighborhood to neighborhood and keep making a difference. when our little girl was born,
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there's a lot of grumbling at the site. a number of women are excited about getting insurance. we'll explain. >> reporter: each one of these women run as small business with no access to health care. despite the risks they take with their bodies, this woman is a sex worker. she goes by the name maxine
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holloway. believe it or not, this isn't a bachelor party. a berlesque act is the entertainment at an obama registration event called the healthy hose party. the people signing up are sex workers and supporters. for them, this truly feels like something to celebrate. >> for me, as an in-person escort, my health is more at risk than someone who doesn't have contact with their jobs. >> they printed out paper applications. many haven't been covered in years and are high risk. woe wanted to see how much a sex worker in the bay area, how much they would pay for obama care. they said they make between $30,000 and $40,000 a year. >> under this act, we have hope. >> reporter: we selected the
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state, average income of the women in this area. >> under the affordable care act -- >> reporter: they will pay $3500 a year, that's about $300 a month. >> i would say three time as year i would try to explore my options and come up empty handed. >> reporter: if they wanted private health care before obama care, plans to cover them were between $400 and $500 a month. now, they will pay $200 a month or less. >> it's so exciting to see that number with a one in front of it. >> reporter: they will get a subsidy. monthly premiums may not be cheaper for everyone. individuals may end up paying more if they don't cover the afortable care act. those who qualify for a subsidy will pay less because the government will front some of the bill. not every taxpayer is going to
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like the idea of subsidizing the cost of health care for sex workers. >> as a society, we are paying for it anyway. we are just paying for it at the end instead of the beginning and paying in a way where people still get sick and die. >> reporter: regardless of the politics, nut sg stopping their party. >> laurie is here. it's an amazing story. they were celebrating, but this has to be a bit controversial, right? >> absolutely. many folks don't want tax dollars going to this kind of thing. they say, it's their human right. as maxine said in that piece, people are paying for it. in the end, not the beginning. >> a healthy hose party? >> a healthy hose party. >> it's part of the population who couldn't get health care. >> high risk, as well. >> all right. your stories are always quite
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interesting. >> thank you, don. >> thank you. we appreciate that. let's get to the top of the hour and the top story now. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon, you are in the cnn news room. it is 6:00 straight up here in the east. we are going to begin in los angeles. you need to watch this story. the widow of the tsa officer killed in the brutal attack at l.a.x. speaking out. listen. >> hello, everybody. thank you for coming out. i know you have been waiting for a statement from the family. thank you for respecting the fact we are hurting. my husband passed away. here is a statement. he was born and moved to the united states at the age of 15. he
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