tv Early Start CNN November 6, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PST
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is nuclear energy good for the planet? a passionate debate between two men who couldn't disagree more. that's it for us. ♪ landslide victory. the new jersey and new york. plus a nail biting finish in a major swing state. what last night's election results mean for you. and president obama's approval rating is nearing an all-time low. is it obama care or the spying scandal? what's behind the 52-week plunge? new jersey's newest mall will reopen its doors after the gunman opened fire monday night. new details on the note that authorities say the gunman left behind. >> good morning, miguel marquez.
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>> very nice to have you. i'm zoraida sambolin. it's 4:00 a.m. in the east. welcome to this election day edition of "early start." one very tight race if a critical swing state topping the headlines this morning. in new jersey, a possible, possible preview of 2016. republican chris christie sweeping the victory for a second term. and democrat terry mcauliffe is the next governor, surviving a stiff challenge from republican ken cuccinelli. and the bloomberg era is over in new york. for the first time in 20 years, the big apple has a democrat in charge. liberal bill deblasio easily becoming the city's 109th mayor. let's bring in political director mark pressen who has been up and watching this all night long. what's your take on last night's
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results? >> the big win, stability, in many ways because they won a big contest in alabama. a huge win for chris christie the fact of the matter is, today begins his run for the white house, even though he won't say he's actually doing it. and a big win for the democrats in the state of virginia. terry mcauliffe taking back the governorship from a state trending blue. a lot to portend in the election for certainly 2016. >> let's start with new york city. deblasio won. he's much more liberal than any mayor the city has seen for a long time. do you believe he's going to have the same national influence as bloomberg? >> he'll be certainly with influence because he'll be the mayor of the city that one would argue of new york, and bloomberg pushed his pet causes such as gun control and other issues. bill deblasio certainly walking
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into gracy mansion. you heard miguel talking about his son's hair. we see that prominently displayed there. let's go to virginia now. a so-called purple state voted for a democratic governor but the state also swung toward obama in the last two elections. is this a trend and has virginia become a blue state? >> well, it's certainly trending blue. we saw bob mcdonald, the occur governor, there were two democrats in the governor's mansion. but where i live across the river in washington, d.c. very influential part of the state. and most democratic part of the state. and that's why terry mcauliffe was able to eke out a victory here in virginia. it is trending that way. it will take a few more election cycles but certainly, republicans have concerns. >> there was no surprise in new jersey. chris christie won. he's a republican.
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can he carry this national race to 2016? i want to read the exit polls. it says christie took 56% of the african-american vote and 45% of the latino vote. what do you think this means? >> it all means that he's trying to trap the populous message. i followed his campaign in 2009 when he first ran, he was not a good candidate. the national republican party did not like him. they thought he was going to lose. he surprised everyone. right now, it's very hard to argue that he's not the front-runner for the republican presidential nomination at this moment in time. that will change. there will be others as they come along. chris christie in his speech last night gave all the clues that he's looking to run for president. and he's going to reach out to voters beyond the republican party. >> it's really nice to have you with us, mark. we'll check back again. in the much-awaited obama
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care enrollment numbers are coming, medicare chief marilyn tavenner overseeing the plagued website say the figures will be released next week testifying before a senate panel tuesday. she said the end of november is 800,000 signups. and president obama is nearing an all-time low in his approval numbers. according to the latest gallup poll, 39% of americans approve of the job that he's doing. the majority, 53%, disapprove. the president's lowest rating was 38%, and that was in 2011. problems with the obama care rollout are likely to blame for these plunging numbers. >> as for obama care, chris christie has some advice for the president, speaking exclusively with cnn's jake tapper aboard his campaign bus. the new jersey governor offered a suggestion to the president about backtracking on a promise that americans who like their health insurance would be able to keep it. >> here's what my suggestion would be to him, don't be so cute. and when you make a mistake,
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admit it. now, listen, if it was a mistake in 2009, if he was mistaken in 2009, 2010 on his understanding on how it would operate, then just admit it to people. say you know what, i said it, i was wrong. i'm sorry, we're going to try to fix it and make it better. i think people would give any leader in that circumstance for owning up for it. don't lawyer it. people don't like lawyers. i'm a lawyer. they don't like them. >> people don't like lawyers. good advice for a political candidate. christie went on to say that americans are forgiving people. and if the president would just admit he was wrong, americans might say, okay, just fix it. let's get an early look at our weather with meteorologist chad myers. good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. d.c., metro, some fog. pittsburgh, same story. we're going to see some winds in st. louis and detroit. really windy across parts of florida, dallas, seattle, gusty
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winds, low clouds and seattle and portland. i know this looks like a mess, really short delays there. not a real big trouble ugly day. warm air across parts of the east coast. rain showers all the way from canada, texas, ontario, quebec, get wet again. the cold air is kind of coming into the west, warming air in the east. 70 for atlanta today. 51 in denver. it doesn't make to-t to 40 degrees in minneapolis today. back to you. >> all right, thank you very much, chad. new jersey's largest mall is set to reopen this morning. it's been shuttered since a gunman opened fire there monday night. police now it say the 20-year-old was not out to harm anyone else except himself. richard shoop committed suicide in the corner of the massive mall this morning. we're learning new details about the incident and what may have sparked it. cnn's jason carroll has the story. >> reporter: a picture of happier time, richard shoop with
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his brother kevin but now kevin is trying to explain what went so terribly wrong with his brother. why he went to the plaza state mall armed. why he fired at least six shots with a modified rifle. why he took his own life. >> my brother intended to harm nobody else but himself. he just sadly decided to make an act of -- an act of self-indulgence by taking his own life publicly, and it's a tragedy to us all. >> shoop called authorities last night after hearing about the shooting, concerned his brother might be the one responsible. >> my brother, this was a sporadic act, this was something none of us saw coming. we're not sure exactly what caused him to do this. we're always devastated. >> reporter: the bergen county prosecutor said a note from shoop was found inside the family home where he lived in new jersey. it was a note that you could
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definitely interpret as such. it made reference to the fact that the end was coming. that could mean going to jail, getting arrested. or it could mean suicide. >> reporter: shoop worked here at victor's pizza in teaneck. robert gaga shoops manager and strend said th friend said that the last time he showed up for work was last saturday. >> i tried call him 50 times. >> reporter: he believes something or someone set off shoop the weekend after halloween. were there any signs that he was troubled to you? >> no, lately. i mean, the past two weeks, he was a little bit quiet. but we thought just tired because working together. >> reporter: in the four years shoop worked at the pizza place, shoop had developed a reputation for cleanness. >> really sweet guy.
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always helpful, went out of his way with our 5-year-old. >> reporter: but police say they were wear that shoop had a history of drug abuse, specifically mdma, ecstasy. >> he was going through a difficult time, family members tell us, perhaps that would be the reason why he did what he did last night. >> reporter: while he did not shoot anyone, some say they were hurt in another way, so say sheri maddox who saw shoop last night just before she ran for safety. >> i think that's always going to play in the back of my head for the rest of my life. i don't think that's something i can forget. >> reporter: jason carroll, cnn, param paramus, new jersey. new u.s. intelligence suggests that u.s. could not fully prepare for massive destruction of weapons. u.s. officials say the intelligence is not definitive, but they claim syria's recent
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actions indicate the government's not ready to get rid of its entire chemical arsenal. and coming up, a miami dolphin star suspended. this amazing story, for bullying a teammate, now richie incognito is making his first statement since the scandal broke. and it is a stunning admission from the mayor of toronto. he said he did smoke crack. and wait until you hear his excuse for it. ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ [ male announcer ] the beautifully practical and practically beautiful cadillac srx. get the best offers of the season now. lease this 2014 srx for around $369 a month with premium care maintenance included. ♪
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welcome back to "early start." those alleged racist taunts by a miami dolphins player suspended this week weren't this first, according to new reports. richie incognito was sidelined sunday. some say that abuse was part of a behavior going back years. tuesday, incognito addressed the scandal for the first time. here's cnn's john zarrella.
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>> reporter: leaving a doctor's office, richie incognito had little to say over the firestorm of allegations that he bullied a teammate. >> i'm trying to weather the storm. >> reporter: in his first comment about the controversy, he was calm, even-temper -- [ bleep ]. >> reporter: a far cry from the shirtless richie incognito screaming racial slurs and profanities at a south florida bar. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he prances around the table. at once point he hugs mike pouncey who seems unfazed by the slurs. representatives would not comment. but what you see here is an example of former dolphin channing crowder of what likely happened in the team locker room. >> there's nobody there to tell him what's too far. there's no other alpha males to stop him. and he's running crazy. >> reporter: crowder now a radio talk show host in miami. played with incognito.
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crowder says strong personalities on those dolphin teams kept him under control until now. the nfl is investigating whether incognito bullied another player, jonathan mart. into leaving the team. incognito's reputation goes all the way back to his college days a decade ago. he was dismissed the oregon. tony dungy who was then the coach of the indianapolis colts says incognito was not on his draft board in 2005. >> we had the category dnc. do not draft because of character. richie incognito was in that category for us. >> reporter: last year on a radio show he talked about getting rookie quarterback ryan tannehill to get him and pouncey jet skis. >> this is how it works, he's going to buy us a gift because we protect his butt. >> reporter: here's the reality if either he or martin ever play
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again, crowder believe it's martin who will be shunned. >> if he goes to a team, the word snitch will be thrown around. you made a fellow frat member lose his job. >> you reported a twist here. >> the sun-sentinel reporting that the coaches, the coaches instructed incognito to toughen up martin and that may have led to some of this behavior, at least in this particular case. >> you know, i was wondering why it was that the coach came out, he said, listen, if this is anybody's fault, it's my fault. maybe that explains. >> it could be a fascinating story. 17 minutes past the hour here. it's a tragic end to a missing family in mississippi. the body of atira hugues smith and her 7-year-old son jaidon hill and his stepfather latery smith found shot to death in their home.
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42-year-old jesse burns was taken in connection with the case. he led police to the bodies. there's no word yet on the motive here. and coming up, prime time pop, featuring the best moments of the victory speeches when "early start" continues. >> love that. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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victory speeches, starting with the landslide in new jersey. >> governor chris christie romping to re-election with more than 20 points, taking aim at washington in his victory speech. >> we don't always agree with each other, new jersey. some folks don't agree with some of the things i do. certainly, they don't adisagree with some of the things i say sometimes. but they know, they know they never have to wonder. they never have to wonder, when they walked into the voting booth today, they didn't say hey, i wonder who this guy is. and what he stands for. what he's willing to fight for. what he's willing to do when the chips are down. you can agree with me, you can disagree with me. but i will never stop leading the state i love. leadership is much less about talking than it is about listening. about bringing people around the table, listening to each other, showing them respect. doing what needed to be done. to be able to bring people
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together and to achieve what we needed to achieve to move our state forward. now, listen, i know that if we can do this in trenton, new jersey, maybe the folks in washington, d.c. should tune in their tvs right now, see how it's done. >> a subtle little -- >> subtle. >> just a little bit maybe. in virginia, a squeaker in the race for governor. democrat terry mcauliffe scratching out a narrow win over tea party favorite ken cuccinelli. mcauliffe used his victory speech to all for unity. >> one confronted after the presidential election in 1800. instead of relishing his victory or governing only for his supporters thomas jefferson devoted much of his first inaugural address to bridging
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partisan divides. he said, quote, but every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. we have called by different names brethren of the same principle. 213 years later, the truth is, is that our differences of opinion are still often not a difference of principle or goal. >> and in new york, the first democrat elected mayor in over two decades. bill deblasio absolutely routing his opponent. deblasio challenged income and equality throughout his campaign. he kept that up last night. >> the best and the brightest are born in every neighborhood. we all have a shared responsibility and a shared state. in making sure their destiny is defined by how hard they work and how big they dream. and by their zip code.
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so when we call on the wealthiest among us to pay just a little more in taxes to fund universal pre-x and after school progra programs, we aren't threatening anyone's success. we are asking those who have done very well to ensure that every child has the same opportunity to do just as well as they have. that's how we all rise together. >> interesting to see if this famously liberal city is ready for a liberal mayor. fascinating. to commemorate election night, late night funnyman david
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letterman invited nancy pelosi to deliver the top ten list. the top ten things you don't know about the house of representatives. >> every month, we're tested for steroids. [ laughter ] >> tax dollars. number 2? >> we have the power to impeach talk show hosts. [ laughter ] >> really. for god's sake, what are you waiting for? and the number 1 thing you never knew about the house of representatives -- >> the tea party isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds. >> well, yeah. >> that makes sense, i think. particularly for her, i'm sure. coming up, more results from election day 2013. including the first east coast city to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. and the mayor of toronto, finally admitting that he smoked crack cocaine. so will he be stepping down?
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you know the answer to this one, don't you? if you've been following the story. >> it's our drug corner of the day, i guess. >> our drug corner of the day. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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well, election 2013 results are in. landslide wins nail biting finishes and unexpected upsets. we have all the results. >> and now that chris christie has secured a second term as governor of new jersey, will his focus now shift to the white house? and toronto's embattled mayor finally coming clean, admitting he smoked crack turn a
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drunken stupor. that doesn't mean he's about to step down. amazing. >> it is the talker. this saul we've been talking about this morning. welcome back to "early start." we're really glad you're with us this morning. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> and i'm miguel marquez in for the lovely and talented john berman. >> lovely? >> he is lovely and talented. >> i agree. it's a shock you're saying it. all right. election day 2013 is in the books. let's look at some of the key races and initiatives on the ballots across the country, martin wall, narrowly edged out john conley to take over your the boston outgoing mayor thomas minute nito. 6 of 11 county voting down a proposal to secede from the state. results are still being tallied. and portland, maine voted legalizing marijuana, making it the first east coast city to do
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so. very interesting. we go to cnn political direct mark preston live in washington. mark, what does last night's election of ballots say about what's going on out there? >> well, it says thatteresting across the country not just new jersey and new york city. but let's start with the republican party, miguel, down in alabama. we were looking the a congressional runoff race between a tea partier versus an stabber republican. this was a race down there, we're looking the it because there was such a battle with gop with the tea party and the influence the tea aparty has over it. the establishment republican won. and for many republicans here in washington they're very happy. because had the tea partier won this runoff, he would have likely won the general election. he's a birther. can you imagine that, having somebody say that president obama was not born in the united
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states, miguel. >> well, that win in alabama, combined with cuccinelli's loss in virginia seems to indicate that the tea party may be on the ropes, is that the right way to read that? >> you know, you can look at it like a seesaw, sometimes, they're up, sometimes, down they're. certainly with the government shutdown, the rise of ted cruz and how he was able to shut the government down for 16 days over his opposition to obama care. i don't think they're dead yet. and i do think they'll continue to rise yet. certainly if you're an establishment republican you're very happy with results in mobile, alabama. >> did the establishment really go after these campaigns? do they really want the establishment candidate in alabama to win? was there a pretty tough inter-republican fight down there? >> there was, miguel. in fact, we saw a lot of money come out of washington, d.c., certainly from business interests that went into helping the establishment candidate win
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a former state senator who had run for governor. to win that race, that money was influential in helping defeat the tea party candidate dean young down there. >> ballot issues across the country. colorado has an interesting one. it kind of went two ways. they voted to tax marijuana. but not to raise taxes for schools. what did all that mean? >> well, it shows that we're certainly in a whole new world order, miguel. where you live in california, marijuana, while it is for medical purposes, it very much is just legal. you get a license and it's accepted. in colorado, of course, we've seen the explosion of legalized marijuana out there. what we saw that voters out there decided to put a 25% tax on the sale of marijuana. and that money is going to raise about $70 million. that $70 million is going to go to school construction. in many ways kind of reminds you of what the lottery was established for in many states. to help school construction. marijuana has certainly gone into the mainstream.
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>> i was fascinated that portland, maine, is the first east coast city to approve use. if it's successful, are we going to see a lot more legalization of marijuana across the country? >> i can't imagine that we don't see it. as you said, portland passing the referendum to decriminalize the possession of 2.5 ounces or less of marijuana certainly is say big victory for advocates of it. what they hope to do, it seems now with the city passing the ordinance, they're going to try to pass is it within the state. certainly, we'll see that continue to build until maine and i'm sure you'll see it in other states. and colorado, that famously purple state getting bluer and bluer by the day it seems. several counties wants to accede from the state. it doesn't look like it's going well. that comes as a price for folks there, yeah? >> yeah, is this one of those silly things. the fact is we're not going to have a 51st state. the last state to secede from
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the union 1863. i certainly wasn't born there. i know you an zoraida were not. you can imagine. what this shows, there's a lot of anger across the country and the country is very much divided. we are a divided country. what we've seen in colorado, they're angry over gun rights, they think that colorado is certainly becoming a little more liberal. and they're upset over the cost of energy. so a very local issue, but certainly an angry sentiment across the country. >> from the silly to the serious, mark preston, thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. let's stay on politics, shall we? it was never in doubt. governor chris christie cruised to re-election tuesday in new jersey routing his little known opponent by 20 points. the win vaults him to the front ranks of contenders for 2016. and exit polls reveal a strong showing over sovereignly leaning demographics. such as women, young people, african-americans and hispanics. and in an about-face for
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toronto mayor rob ford. he said he didn't smoke crack but now he's admitting for the first time that he did. he said it happened about a year ago when he was in a drunken stupor and of course, he's apologizing. >> i embarrassed everyone in the city. and i will be forever sorry. >> well, despite growing pressure on ford to resign, he said he was elected to do the job. and that's what he's going to continue to do. and his poll numbers seem to be going up. >> interesting. 37 minutes past the hour. admission of guilt from senator rand paul this morning over accusations of plagiarism. the kentucky republican took personal responsibility for failing to properly source material. in speeches and some of his published writings. he said that the oversights were caused by staff providing him with background materials that were not properly footnoted. and lawmakers in illinois
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giving the green light to gay marriage after a year of intense lobbying by both sides. the state is now the 15th in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage. president obama applauded the move in his home state saying our journey in the nation is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are not treated like anyone else under lot. for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we hit to one another must be equal as well. pat quinn will sign the bill to take effect june 1st. if you happen to be travel oeg. >> back to lovely l.a. >> i'm going to miss you. let's check the weather, chad. >> d.c. metro, fog, pittsburgh, same story. some winds in st. louis and detroit. really windy in dallas and low clouds seattle and portland. aftershowers. i know this looks like a mess. really short delays almost
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everywhere. not a real big travel ugly day. warm air across parts of the east coast. rain showers from canada, texas, ontario, quebec get wet again. the cold air coming into the west. warm air up in the east. 71 in atlanta, 51 in denver. it doesn't make it to 40 degrees in minneapolis today. back to you. >> senor myers, thank you very much. utah prosecutors are wrapping up their case against dr. martin macneill who is accused of murdering his wife to be with his mistress. among the witnesses three inmates who said the doctor revealed details of his wife's death but stopped short of admitting he killed her. jean casarez is covering the trial. >> did he have a nickname? >> doc. >> do you know why he had that nickname? >> because he was a doctor. >> reporter: in shackles understand heavy guard, three inmates who served time with martin macneill told the court
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he confessed to killing his wife without actually saying it. >> doc, they say you murdered your wife. he was like, no, i didn't murder my wife. if i did, they don't have any evidence so, you know, you know, it's like, doc, they said you murder -- he's like, naa. >> they told me that you killed your wife. and he said, if they could prove that, do you think i'd be sitting here talking with you? i said, did you do it? he said best trial. >> reporter: macneil was helped with medical issues and regularly worked out with them in the yard. >> and i was like, whoa, doc, you're talking ill of the dead, you know what i'm saying. he got this look on his face like he didn't want to talk
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about it anymore and walked off. >> i don't want to be crude but when you say "b" of his life, what do you mean? >> he called her a bitch. >> reporter: he said he was scared because snitches fear retribution when they go to prison. >> in the 14 years i've seen snitches get killed. i've seen snitches get stabbed. i've seen snitches get isolated. i've seen snitches get raped, you know, all type of stuff. >> reporter: prosecutors say dr. mcneiacneill killed his wif drowning her in a bathtub. on cross-examination, the defense argued that they were making up their story, lying for the purposes of having their sentences reduced. >> mr. macneill never told you that he killed his wife,
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correct? >> he never told me he killed his wife. >> reporter: the prisoners said they took a liking to the doctor during his time in prison and had no animosity toward him. >> i never had a problem with doc. >> do you have any problem with him now? >> i don't have a problem with him now. i really hope he didn't do it, to be honest. >> reporter: jean casarez, utah. we're hearing more alarming story from michelle knight about the 11-year ordeal at the hands of ariel castro. she said she was treated like an animal by her abductor, constantly chained to a pole. >> you just laid on the concrete floor in the dark? >> well, it was kind of like being like this, because i couldn't lay down. because the pole would hold me up. >> because of the chain around your neck? >> yes. >> were you able to sleep some?
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>> no, i just mainly passed out from the chain being around my neck. >> this really just takes your breath away, doesn't it? more from that interview coming up in the next half our of "early start." an emotional apology from the parents of jose reyes, he's the seventh grader in nevada who shot two people before turning the gun on himself. they say they did not know their 12-year-old son was upset about conditions at the school. >> my wife and i want to express our sincere condolence to will lansbury's wife and family. we want to express our sympathy for the injured boys and the families. we are sorry for all of this happening and grief, that this incident has caused. >> so sad. services for michael lansbury, the teacher killed were hold
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over the weekend. both students hurt in the shooting have been released from the hospital. thinking of buying a house, you can't come up with a big enough down payment? you just got a break. why you may not need that cash after all, miguel. ♪ stacy's mm has got it goin' on ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ [ male announcer ] the beautifully practical and practically beautiful cadillac srx. get the best offers of the season now. lease this 2014 srx for around $369 a month with premium care maintenance included. ♪
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♪ welcome back to "early start." it is money time. and mary belle able is here with us. marybel. >> i like talking about holidays. >> you shop in advance? >> yes. let's talk about what got folks upset. kmart shoppers are not pleased with the thanksgiving and black friday schedule. kmart announced it will stay open for 41 hours straight starting at 6:00 a.m. on thanksgiving day. no gobble, gobble, gobble.
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100 kmart customers took to social media and threatened to boycott the store if they didn't change the decision. they want kmart employees to be able to spend time with their families. >> that's nice. >> people called it greedy, shameful and disgusting. >> any word from kmart on that one? >> no. good news for home buyers who don't have a whole lot of cash on hand. banks are offering loans with down payments of 5%. t.d. bank and wells fargo have moved away from much higher down payments. after the housing bubble burst, buyers needs as much as 20% down or they had to turn to the federal housing administration for a low down payment loan. >> that's great news. finally here, i love to talk food. we're talking brownies and snacks, right? >> did you bring some? >> not this time. next time for sure. let's talk burger. the burger wars are heating up again. burger king says its big king will become a permanent part of
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its menu. the big king competes head to head by mcdonald's big mac. it was introduced briefly in 1997, but now it looks and tastes a lot more like a big mac. according to "the wall street journal" the two burgers are similar in calorie count. the big king has 510 calories. the big mac has 550. mcdonald's reacted to the new burger by saying we're focused on our business and customers. i'm sad that miguel is not here right now because we have this east coast/west coast things going on here. we have those shake shack burgers here. on our side, they have, in and out? we got do do a taste test. >> i'm in on that. he's back. miguel, can you come and join us, we're going to have a conversation about burgers. >> in and out wins. fat burger, we have them all in los angeles, california. the burger capital of the world. >> i would think you'd have a
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healthier version of the burger. 550. that's a lot. >> i was at in and out, and burger and fries was -- and a shake 1500 calories or something. >> and not worth it. >> yes. thank you for chiming in. coming with have the "bleacher report." rapper jay z in hot water. why major league baseball is now investigating the rapper turns sports agent. [ pilot ] weather conditions aren't nearly as nice
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as where we came from. with the wind chill, it's 10 below. flight attendants, prepare for landing. [ attendant ] we have record lows out there so bundle up, and thank you for flying with us. [ engine turns over ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now, with mybuick remote start, the new buick enclave makes sure you're ready for anything. ♪ just one more way the new enclave is smart made beautiful.
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so for the first time since being suspended by the miami dolphins for allegedly bullying a teammate, richie incognito addressed the scandal. >> we want to hear that. >> yes, we do. andy scholes has more on this morning's "bleacher report." we're dieing to hear what he says. >> good morning, incognito remains away from the dolphins while the nfl investigating allegations of harassment and
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misconduct. teammate jonathan martin has remained quiet on the allegations against him. wsb in california caught up with incognito in a parking lot and got his first comments on the scandal. >> richie, how are you? >> doing well. i'm just trying to weather the storm right now, and this will pass. >> and many were wondering why incognito had not been cut by the dolphins, well, this may be part of the reason. according to the sun-sentinel, incognito was asked by dolphins coaches to toughen up martin last spring after martin missed a voluntary workout. according to a source, incognito took it too far. and the dolphins have not regarded to cnn regarding a claim. one of the top stories on, jay z may be in hot quarter with major league baseball and for being a little too generous. the players association is investigating whether jay z
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violated a rule by giving his client yankee second baseman robinson cano a $34,000 gold watch on his birthday. cano posted a picture of the watch on instagram. agents are allowed only to give gifts up to $500 to their clients. the boston red sox took out an ad in the sluice dispatch to thank the cardinals organization and fan base for the warm midwestern welcome they received during the world series. a classy move. the red sox endeded ad by saying they look forward to seeing the cardinals again in the world series next october. our, guys, this next story is why i have my bodyguards keep my fans at arm's length. according to "usa today," ryan lockny suffered a sprained acl and torn acl after a teenager ramp from the street it's and attempted to jump into his arms. lochte hurt his knee. he is expected to make a full
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slightly more welcoming committee today, detailed progress to has been made to get up and running again normally. governor chris christie revealed on cnn tuesday that mitt romney apologized for leaked information that made its way into a tell-all book about the 2012 campaign. christie slammed the romney team for a complete violation of trust, much like someone leaving their cell phone on. >> i'm terribly sorry! >> the book "double down" reveals romney's team didn't pick him as running mate because his background was littered with political land mines. >> i have to till why phone is on silent. "early start" continues right now. landslide victories in new jersey and new york. nail
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